tv Happening Now FOX News June 4, 2013 8:00am-10:01am PDT
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they've been through and copies, after copies after copies and application after application after application. we're hearing it play out. we'll see it throughout the day here. martha: "happening now" starts right now. see you tomorrow. jon: continuing the coverage as political targets who say they were singled out for scrutiny by the i.r.s. are getting their kay on capitol hill. good morning i'm jon scott. jenna: i'm jenna lee. new details in the i.r.s. scandal being revealed right nowwadia hearing before the house ways and means committee. they are every day americans who want to add their voices now to this big political conversation. they say they were targeted by the i.r.s. for the wrong reasons. today they are sharing stories of intimidation, and they say discrimination, as lawmakers attempt to uncover the truth about why they were singled out and who exactly gave those orders. one witness voicing grave concern about all i.r.s. requests for intrusive
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information. >> i was asked to identify those whom i train, and that i inform the federal government in detail what i am teaching my students. considering that the mission of my organization is devoted to mentoring young people some of whom are miners can you imagine the reaction of the students' parents were i to turn over the names of their children to the i.r.s.? jenna: back now to a live look at the hearings. the question-and-answer session just getting underway now. here is one of the witnesses today, let's take a listen. >> now that i think about it i was looking back through, i mean this is the paperwork, my file, and when i look back through all the information that's been sent into the i.r.s. and i've heard about these, you know, 157 visits i believe it was between the head of the i.r.s. and president obama, and i'm very concerned, it just makes me very nervous about was my group being discussed? was our political activities
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being discussed and are we somehow targeted for this? and it's very chilling. >> mr. kevin kookogey. >> most disturbing to lyn to linchpins. we work with 7th graders that the i.r.s. would ask to know the identity of the students is unbelievably, unco uncon shopb plea chilling. >> at the same hearing on may 17th then acting commissioner steve miller summed up the i.r.s.'s action as horrible customer service. now i know that i certainly take a different view of that, as i'm sure many members of this committee do, as his quote was, i will ald mit that, we did, we did horrible customer service. whether it was politically motivated or not is a different question. i would say, dr. eastman if you had a bank and you disclosed confidential customer information would you call that horrible customer service or would you call that something else? >> i would call it a felony as
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the federal law calls this a felony and i would hold to the home who committed the felonies accountable, i would bring indictments. ofp civil liability for the tax mayors effective. the damages to our donor base are inch cal cue label and i would prosecute the people responsible. >> mr. levin is recognized. >> thank you very much. let me just say a few things in response to your testimony. i do think it's our obligation to get the facts and not deal in conjecture. indeed i think the more we deal with conjecture the less likely we are to get the facts. so, let me just say to you, miss martinque, i think we very much disagree about the work of planned parenthood, that's my
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guess. but i must say that the question about whether you were picketing or protesting before a planned parenthood was totally worse than inappropriate. you should not have been asked that. and as personnel of the i.r.s. are inquired of i would think that may be looked into. mr. eastman let me just say to you, this issue was raised at the hearing with the inspector general and he indicated, mr. miller indicated in response to a question -- jon: we are going to keep an eye on the hearings as they proceed today. for a little proceed specht any of now let's bring in nina
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easton, senior editor for fortune magazine and a fox news contributor. sometimes these hearings can be dry but this was powerful testimony this morning from ordinary americans in some respect putting members of congress in their place. >> powerful, and jon, shocking. i mean some of what these witnesses brought forward is truly shocking. there is sort of -- through all of the testimony there is this thread of the i.r.s. demanding huge amounts of information, 90 pieces in the case of one tea party group, and then putting a short timeline on it. so almost like you would just give up, that it would block you from even starting your organization. then we have these other amazing stories, which democratic congressman levyn just referred to, for example which was a pro-life group being told they better not be picketing in front of planned parenthood. then we have another tea party
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organization, this one from the san fernando valley in california which was supposed to submit anything that says that their members might have violated ordinances while they were protesting, as if by the way they were occupy wall street or some one of these leftist groups that actually has violated some of these ordinances. some of this stuff is really, really deeply troubling, and i think the fact that it puts a face on these charges that people read about makes it really damaging for the i.r.s. and raises lots of questions about the i.r.s.'s behavior in targeting. the other thing that this drives home, the i.r.s. and these letters, the threat of being accused of perjury, which is a crime, hangs over these groups. so you really see in detail this agency using the threat of a prosecution, even, when they are looking an examining these documents that these groups are supposed to be submitting.
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jon: i thought becky garrettson put it particularly well in that phrase when she essentially said, look, you know, i am an ordinary, free american, your jobs exist to maintain my freedom here in the u.s. congress, and that has been abused essentially by this agency of government. it just takes you back to the founding fathers, and what this country and what this government was set up to do. >> keep in mind, again we go back to this ridiculous comment that it was bad customer service. jon: yeah. >> the i.r.s. is an organization, is a federal agency that can bring the power of the law down on you. you hear from the i.r.s., the words come in your mind, right, audit, fines, potential prosecution. i mean these are dangerous hammers that this agency has at its disposal, and i think that is what is really coming through in all of this testimony is both
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the seriousness of this -- what this agency has at its disposal, but also it's ability to keep you from organizing, just by demanding 90 pieces of information within a couple of months, or a couple of weeks. i mean, the short timeframes, these are -- a lot of these are small, mostly i think they are small organizations, they don't have the time or the resources to be providing all this information, and some of this information basically goes beyond the bound. i mean email communications, the names of young volunteers, even to say do some of your volunteers plan to run for office in the foreseeable future? imagine if you answer that wrong and then, you know, it's perjury in your case. i mean, these are no win situations for these organizations trying to deal with the i.r.s. jon: some unbelievable demands for information from this very powerful organization that -- well its people know how to line
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dance we do know that. thank you. we'll continue to keep an eye on the hearing as they go along. jenna: sometimes when the hearings happen the haw makers take time that they are supposed to use or can use to question the folks in front of them and died to give their own opinion or take that time to make their own statement. that is what we're seeing a little bit of in d.c. that's why we'll go away from it and come back to it when we see more engagement with the folks that are there to testify and share their experiences. we'll be back to d.c. when it reengages again. right now statements are being given. in the meantime new calls for the obama administration to expa tkaoeult the release of more documents retrieved in the raid that killed osama bin laden, just 17 documents out of thousands seized that night have been released. and now some lawmakers are suggesting that the obama administration cherry picked which documents would be released, and that a broader collection would show a far more organized picture of al-qaida than has been depicted by the obama administration. chief intelligence correspondent
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catherine herridge is live in washington with more on this top story. >> thank you. the head of the house intelligence committee republican mike rogers is calling on the obama administration to declassify more documents recovered by navy seals in 2011 from osama bin laden's compound in pakistan. the congressman who is regularly briefed on intelligence and threats to u.s. national security says his committee will be reviewing more of the documents from the al-qaida leader's hideout this week adding the evidence suggests the obama administration has only released documents consistent with the view that al-qaida is in retreat, quote, i think we ought to give -- seriously give consideration to allowing more than the 17 documents that were selectively picked by the administration to be made public. i think that doesn't probably tell the whole story. after osama bin laden's death administration officials portrayed him as isolated, adrift, disconnected from the network and not in control. theee merge generals of al-qaida affiliates in yemen as well as north and east africa with were not by design but a reflection
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of al-qaida's deterioration. that seems to be in stark contrast with vee sent congressional testimony that the osama bin laden documents have generated hundreds of intelligence reports and beyond the initial review by the cia osama bin laden's writings are to this day being analyzed and shared within the american intelligence community. >> there were at least over 400 intelligence reports issued in the initial aftermath, immediately after the raid. i do -pbt know what thadon't know what that number is since then. >> one of the things i can assure everybody is that the secondary exploitation if you will, sort of the second-phase of what we're doing to take this exploited information, that is being shared around certainly in our military channels. >> reporter: a spokesperson nor the national security counsel says the documents are helping to refine the administration's understanding of al-qaida and the findings are factored into policy decisions of.
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the key take away is whether this week there will be a consistent push to release more of the documents after they've been reviewed by members of of the house. jenna: we'll wait and see, wait and see what happens next. catherine, thank you. jon: there is new tension right now between the u.s. and israel after the u.s. reportedly discloses information about what was supposed to be a top secret israeli military base. one israeli military official calling it an easy how to guide for our enemies. we'll talk with former israeli ambassador to the u.n. dan gillerman about this new report. new developments in the maxim model mutter trial, the verdict reaching the verdict in the dramatic case but the judge steps in and takes some unusual action. a live report coming up
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that is not what we're about. we are about education, and praying for an end to abortion. some of our members when they are praying at planned parenthood do like to take to sign but that is very small in ours. still we didn't want to give up the right that we had to be able to do that. wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy.
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jenna: back now live to the hearing with the house ways and means committee, and the panel includes every day americans who say they were targeted and discriminated against by the i.r.s. we just received a question and it continues from congressman mcdermott from washington state. let's go ahead and take a
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listen. >> republican colleagues just don't believe, or believe you should be free from political targeting, but that you should be free from any scrutiny at all. the purpose of a 501(c)(4) or 501(c)(3) is to enable easier promotion of public good, not political work. it is the responsibility of the i.r.s. to determine which groups are choosing the correct exempt status, and which are trying to manipulate the system to avoid taxes, and hide political organizations and campaign donors. without oversight a status meant for charities becomes a machine for political money laundering. do you think that is far-fetched? you ought to talk to speaker gingrich. speaker gingrich in 1997 was fined $300,000 by the ethics committee of the house of representatives for funneling
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money from the alf, the americ american -- into an organization of which he was chairman to promote the take over of the house and arouse republican activists. now that's what happens when you don't ask questions. each of your groups is highly political from opposing the president always healthcare reform to abortion restrictions, to gay marriage you are all entrenched in some of the most controversial political issues in the country. and with your applications you are asking the american public to pay for that work. many of you host and endorse candidates, the line between permitted political activities and nonpermitted political activity can be very fine. and it's important that the taxpayers, the taxpayers know which side you fall on. if there were an organization
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promoting taxpayer funding for abortions wouldn't you want to know what they were using that political money for, or for what candidates they were backing? what about a group that wanted to promote voting without id? or what if in the midst of a few years ago there was an increase of communist candidates in this country, new communist clubs wanted to be tax exempt, wouldn't you want to be sure that the selfdeclared tax-free classification of those groups was correct? the mistake here was that the staff organizing the organizations used the names of the organizations rather than the work they do, and asked improper questions to figure that out. it's clearly wrong. 'twas an inept, stupid and a whole lot of other things. but let's not get lost during the bush administration liberal groups were targeted without any concern by mr. issa or anyone else on this committee. the republicans were looking for
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a conspiracy where there isn't than. mr. issa says he can feel it in his gut that someone has broke even thbroken the law. just ask yourself what is more likely that midlevel employees overwhelmed by as many as four times as many applications than before made stupid irresponsible short cuts or there is a nationwide plot to take down community organizers. this happened under an i.r.s. commissioner appointed by george bush and was investigated by a republican inspector general. what happened to you was unfair, it was unfair, and incredibly invent but it was a mistake. our job is to make sure it never happens again, i haven't heard a single word here about what questions you think we ought to be able to ask you about your tax exempt requests. anything else like the circus that is happening in the oversight committee or here is
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simply political theater. it is diverting attention from what we ought to be doing on this committee is rewriting the law if it's wrong. >> all right, thank you. time has expired. mr. ryan is recognized. >> i'm going to deviate from my original question in response to what i just heard. [applause] >> mr. chairman, mr. chairman. >> welcome to washington. >> the committee will be in order. ryan has the time >> we heard gingrich, we heard bush. we had the former i.r.s. commissioner shulman who knew when the political targeting long before congress is told implying that the organizes were responsible for the targeting because they shows to apply for tax exempt status. you're to blame i guess is the message here. do you think that you were targeted based upon your political beliefs? your religious beliefs? or just because you chose to
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apply? >> our belief, our views. >> we had the acting commissioner miller here a couple of weeks ago, and we asked him, did groups with the word organizing or progressive in their name, were they targeted? the answer waup was no. we do know for -- this is one of the facts we now know, people were singled out because of their beliefs. back to my original line here, mr. kevin kookogey. 29 months,. >> 29 months and counting. >> and counting you haven't been approved yet. >> i have not been approved. >> one of your inquiries you've been asked 90 questions asking to you provide a list of your members and donor, the political affiliation of your mentors, and your political position on virtually every issue important to you. >> yes, sir. >> you're teaching money ta
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excuse, cicero. augustine, washington and it's 29 months and waiting. >> ess why. >> mr. eastman, i just want to get this one nailed down. dr. eastman, excuse me. you have proof that the i.r.s. an individual or a group of individuals at the i.r.s. committed a felony, you have proof to this. and nothing has occurred to seek or find justice, is that correct? >> that's correct. the federal law requires that we be notified if there is an indictment brought. we have not been. federal law allows us to request information about -- the status of the investigation, whether it's been productive or unproductive and any action taken. we were refused any answer to that request as well. we have identified that this document came from within the i.r.s. >> so, your donors are confidential, that is protected
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by law. you have proof that the i.r.s. leaked your confidential donor information to a group that opposes your point of view, and your donors were harassed as a result of that, is that correct? >> yes. >> all right. miss martingu quirks right next door in iowa i work with groups very similar to what you do in iowa. your board members -- the i.r.s. told you that if your board signed a letter saying that they would no longer picket or protest on behalf of the pro-life movement at planned parenthood then they could receive their tax exempt status, is that correct. >> that's correct. >> surrender your first amendment rights and then remight approve your application. everything was in order. and as soon as they received that letter, the application would go through. >> we have not heard any testimony that this is
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happening to groups that have the opposite views. so to suggest that these citizens are to blame for applying, i don't understand how anyone that can make that conclusion. i yield. >> thank you, mr. lewis is recognized. >> thank you, mr. chairman. thank each of you for being here. i noticed the makeup of the panel is, from the south and other parts of the country. i grew up in alabama. went to school in tennessee. and i live in georgia. but i'm happy to see people from other parts of the country. no organization or individual whether progressive or conservative, deserved the type of treatment that you received or experienced. to target groups applying
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for tax-exempt status based solely on political views is completely unacceptable. it is a disservice to the american people. but let me be clear. it is also disservice to apply a partisan lean to an issue that concerns all americans. since the days of the bush administration, groups with very political leanings have been scrutinized. every single person in this room knows this. we must be honest with ourselves and with each other. this has nothing to do with red versus blue. in fact, for the past 10 years all of the irs commissioners have an republican appointees, appointed by president george bush. between 2004 and 2006, many liberal groups, including the nacp, a progressive church and an environmental group were targeted by the bush administration.
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where was the outrage then? where was this sense of righteous indignation? as members of this committee, we must exercise our oversight role and honesty and fairness the american people expect and deserve. as we sit here today, let us also remember, that the irs has many good, hard-working employees who do a great job enforcing the tax code. we must not let the actions of misguided few hurt the reputation of the entire agency. if anything we must come together and find a bipartisan solution to a bipartisan problem. again, i want to thank each of you for taking the time, coming here, especially coming from wetumpka, alabama ba, not too far from montgomery where i grew up.
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it is a great distance. thank you for being here and thank you, mr. chairman, i yield back the time. >> mr. nunez is recognized. >> thank you, mr. chairman. mr. kookogey, among the irs agents who demanded answer --. jon: the hearing goes on. we have to take a quick break, pay some bills. we'll be back with more coverage on "happening now."
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panelists who say they were targeted by the irs. the questioning will go on for about an another hour, hour and a half. so we'll continue to watch what happens in d.c. the responses to the questions from lawmakers and bring you back there as we hear more from d.c. meantime we're going to move onto a few other stories happening today. jon: a fascinating murder trial underway and, perhaps just about at its end but jurors appear deadlocked in the case of an aspiring actress and former maxim model, julianna redding. redding was found strangled inside her home in 2008. prosecutors believe her death was a murder-for-hire plot. they say this woman, kelly soo park, was highered by a doctor, the doctor angry because julianna's father broke off a business negotiation. prosecutors say park's dna and fingerprints were found at the murder scene. yesterday the judge refused to accept the jury's verdict and ordered jurors to go back to deliberating. let's bring in our legal
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panel. fox news legal analyst lis wiehl and former federal prosecutor and criminal defense attorney doug burns. so here's what we know. the jury foreman came out and said to the judge, we've got two jurors who are essentially saying i don't care what the instructions are, i'm not going to follow the court's instructions. >> so the judge tossed it back saying you can't do that. you can't come up with a verdict if two of the jurors on this panel are not following my instructions. what will be critical is, whether there was really actually a verdict with two jurors saying no, i'm not following what you're going to say. jon: give us a hypothetical example of what these two jurors might be saying? >> i had this in a case. a juror, the marshal at the front door said to me, doug you will probably want to go see the judge. one of the jurors made comments. i won't get into what they were. we went into chambers. look, on many levels i can't follow certain of the legal instructions given me. we hashed it out and he was excused. the point is what makes this situation fascinating if
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there is a verdict sheet and says not guilty on a particular charge, that is going to be really tricky on appeal because the theory is they reached a verdict. i don't know what the crow noll is -- >> exactly. verdict on what? was it just first-degree murder? did they ever get to second-degree murder? one of the things they were talking about or asking the judge about the difference in legality between first degree premeditated murder and second degree which is not premeditated. the judge said they might let both lawyers from both sides talk about that to the jury. i never heard of that ever. >> the note saying two people won't follow instructions from before or after they reached a verdict? that is what i'm not clear on. >> i think it is after which makes a big difference. if they came to a verdict, whatever that verdict was and we haven't seen the paper it is written on, if they came to the verdict and jury foreperson said really, not really we didn't because two jurors are not following your instructions. >> strange situation. really unusual. >> you're right in the sense it has to be acquittal on at
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least first-degree murder. if they're not following instructions that would mean aquit tall. jon: her lawyers said clearly the jury rejected the first-degree murder charge. what they're stuck on whether it is second degree or perhaps manslaughter. >> that is why the judge is leaning in towards bringing in lawyers. basically make a final closing argument about this legality between first and second-degree murder. >> but the judge is not really supposed to invade the jury province for lack of a better word. >> but, doug, if they have questions, as you know, if they have questions during deliberation the judge usually gets it on a piece of paper and writes it back on a piece of paper. this is unusual to allow lawyers to pontificate. jon: what if, 10 jurors said she's guilty of first-degree murder and two jurors are saying, you know, i believe she was hired to do this murder around, but i just can't i just can't, i know this woman is going to prison for life and i can't do that. >> then it is not a first-degree murder conviction. it is a deadlock on
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first-degree murder. >> jury nullification. the jury nullifies. here is the law. the jury backs off i don't care what the law is i'm -- >> jon's point if two can't agree it is a deadlock. >> if i have me my point, doug, please. i'm prosecuting this one. jon: well it's a very strange case. >> it is. jon: it seemed to me that you've got the dna of the accused on the dead person. >> right. jon: two women who arguably should not have met. >> -- were acquitted. >> and a big financial payment by the way to this person. >> 100,000. >> which would create motive. you don't have to prove it but it is there. >> never have to make motive but always great to have it. jon: yet it seems to be ending this way. it will be fascinate to see what happens, when this jury is finally dismissed whatever they come up with. >> i agree. jon: we'll keep an eye on it, let you know. lis wiehl, doug burns. jenna. jenna: shocking revelation,
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a potential mistake by the u.s. government some say could help the enemies of israel. here is the way the report goes. the construction plans for a top secret missile base to be built west of jerusalem. some detailed specifications for the state of the art facility were apparently published online by the u.s. government. so contractors could bid on the project. understandably, because of some of the details, again apparently released in this, in this online post, the israelis are quite upset about this. one israeli military officials says, quote, if an enemy of israel wanted to launch an attack against this facility this would give him an easy how-to guide. this information is closely guarded and its release could jeopardize the entire facility. ambassador dan gillerman, former israeli ambassador to the united nations and fox news contributor. ambassador gillerman in all your earns sps in public service have you seen anything like this happen before?
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>> no, jenna, i haven't. i have not seen anything happen to this magnitude and with such drama as this report. i think that usually these things are handled much more discretely, much more responsibly. i know that some things have to be issued. i believe what happened this time is indeed unprecedented and, i hope some of the draws some conclusions from that. but at the same time as you very well know i don't think anyone knows that better than fox news that today it is very difficult in today's world to keep secrets. everything is out in the open with satellites and the internet and it's very, very difficult to keep secrets. however i think the details in this case are far too precise and, at the same time, i hope that the message to the rest of the world and especially to the
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enemies of israel is, a, that the corporation, especially the security and defense and intelligence cooperation between israel and the united states is deep and very, very, very close and at the same time that israel will do everything in its power to defend itself and will be able to defend itself, especially in this very, very volatile and cruel and unpredictable neighborhood we live in. jenna: we're searching for more answers about why so much of the details of this facility were published online. they include for our viewers, ambassador about a thousand pages of details. it is a $25 million project. what do you think is the consequence of this being released now? do you think that means the plans can not move forward to build such a facility at this time and place? >> no, i believe the plans to build the facility and to
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have this anti-missile twins will continue. there may be some changes. maybe changes in locations or changes in exact specifications. i'm not sure and i'm sure talks about that are ongoing as we speak. both within the israeli defense community and between israel and the united states but i am sure that the project itself, which is a very successful, very innovative and ingenius project, which was developed in israel with american help will continue. it will be there in order to safeguard israel especially against iran but against any enemies. you know when you look around where we are, if you just look at the map and see where israel is and see turkey up in flames, syria in civil war, egypt is destablized, and iran threatening to wipe israel off the face of the map, we need all the capabilities we can have and we will have
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all the capabilities, both to defend ourselves and to strike if necessary anybody who threatens israel. jenna: ambassador gillerman, always nice to have you on the program. thank you very much. this is a story we'll continue to follow here. this facility was supposed to be completed by 2015. it was previously announced we knew it was going to be built but the details that were released online have raised questions. we're working on that. talking to the pentagon, department of defense and house committees, is this really an anomaly or is this the way we ask for the bidding projects for overseas. if that is the case why do we do that? jon: a little too much information out there. jenna: a thousand pages right? jon: yeah. attorney general eric holder still very much on the defensive facing accusations he lied to congress. why one lawmaker accusing him of having something to hide. we'll show you new numbers out from the auto industry. what this means for the economy at large.
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helps him deposit his checks. jay also like it when mother nature helps him wash his car. mother nature's cool like that. citibank mobile check deposit. easier banking. standard at citibank. jenna: a look at the economy. good news for homeowners. prices in april jumping more than 5% from a year earlier, the biggest gain we've seen in seven years. prices are rising because apparently more people are looking to purchase homes. fewer homes are on the market so there is more competition. there is a little bit of a supply shortage and that is helping prices go up as well and that could help sustain the market's recovery. we'll see. that is the big question about housing. is it sustainable, the recovery? big questions left for the months ahead. jon: and some questions about the u.s. auto industry as new numbers suggest consumer demand is picking
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up. adam shapiro joins us live from the fox business network. so, is there a light at the end of the automotive tunnel? >> reporter: depends how you look at this. the seasonally adjusted rate for automobiles is expected to about 15.3 million units. that would be much better than roughly the 10 million units sold at the bottom of the recession but as you look at some of the auto manufacturing production, we have video of course being made, may was very good for some of the carmakers but not so good for other carmakers. that has analysts worried there may be a slowdown coming. let's a look at numbers. for instance, may 2013 sales, nissan sales up ford up may over april, 14%. chrysler up 11%. general motors up 3.1%. toyota, 2.5%. hyundai, 2.0%. not too great for gm, toyota, and hyundai. this was pickup driven analysis. the reason they're worried about a slowdown, nissan cut
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the prices on its all at this ma by 580 bucks. another reason they're worried about as we go further into the year. the dealers are offering -- manufacturers are offering dealer incentives. some cases they're selling cars at a loss in order to get money from the manufacturer. increasing subprime loan lending for people to buy cars is back at levels we haven't seen before the recession. used cars prices are dropping. why there might be light at the end of the tunnel. i spoke with a senior economist over at ihs automotive. someone a lot of people know. he said it is all likelihood we'll see a sideways, back and forth, jon, over the rest of the year. towards the end of the year we'll see a pickup. he expects, ihs expects sales to be about 15.3 million. next year, 15.7 million. they're not as concerned about the potential slowdown, despite those new incentives from the manufacturers for the dealers and these kind
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of red flag warnings that analysts sometimes have. jon: adam shapiro, fox business network. thank you. >> reporter: you got it. jenna: from wall street back down to washington, d.c. where a fascinating hear something taking place. the house ways and means committee is having this hearing with organizations targeted by the irs. there is a slew of different panelists. you're taking a look at congressman richert. he is asking questions and there are more questions to come. we'll continue to watch this hearing and as well as monitoring answers from everyday americans saying they were targeted by the irs. next hour of "happening now" is coming up and with more on the hearing and much more news. we'll be right back with more. i woke up to a blistering on my shoulder.
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the blisters were oozing, and painful to touch. i spent 23 years as a deputy united states marshal and i've been pretty well banged up but the worst pain i've expernced was when i had shingles. when i went to the clinic, the nurse told me that it was a result of having had chickenpox. i wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
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from the conservative groups who were targeted by the tax agency. >> in order to raise money i filed an application with the i.r.s. in january of 2011 seeking to obtain 501(c)(3) as an educational organization. as of today i have been waiting for 29 months without status. in the interim i lost a $30,000 launch grant from a reputable nonprofit whose executive directer advised me that he has never seen such treatment of a 501(c)(3) applicant in his 25 years of making grants. i also lost and continue to lose multiple thousands of my own money. >> we are patriotic americans, we peacefully assemble. we petition our government, we exercise the rights of free speech, and we don't understand why the government tried to stop us. >> i'm not begging my lords for mercy. i'm a born-free american woman, wife, mother and citizen, and
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i'm telling my government that you have forgotten your place. jon: well the i.r.s. already had its say when this man, the agency's acting commissioner got a grilling yesterday. he talked about his priorities going forward. >> do you feel like the i.r.s. has betrayed the trust of the american people? >> i do, mr. chairman. i think that's why thinking about in in terms of my primary mission is to restore that trust. and i'm hopeful that by the end of this hearing today for the various questions that you ask, that i can layout our approach. but i think it has to start with a recognition that the trust has been violated, and it has to start with a recognition that we have to get all the facts out. jon: all this comes as new details emerge about the i.r.s. and its $50 million spending spree, with money going to fund stuff like this.
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>> to the left. three, four. jon: yes the now infamous line dance thanking video with i.r.s. workers showing off their moves. this recording cost about 1600 bucks to make, your hard earned tax dollars paid for it, but that is not all you shelled out for it. cbs news reportingth i.r.s. employee conference in anaheim, california cost $4 million with some managers staying in suites at $1,500 a night. the agency also brought in a happy necessary expert for more than $11,000 to lead some workshops. and it paid another speaker $17,000 for a presentation on leadership through art. for a look at the political impact of all of this let's bring in joe trippi, former howard dean campaign pherg, al manager, also a contributing contribute. have you had your happy
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necessary coach today, joe? >> no, but i could use one. jon: what about the political impact? we just heard congressman jim mcdermott from washington state in the hearing suggesting that there have been abuses directed at democrats in the past as well. is there going to be trouble for the administration because of all of this? >> look, i think it's clear that there will be. and, look, there may well have been some progressive groups that were hit like this. but that is no defense of an any of it. you have to be appalled what they were telling the stories about the i.r.s.'s abuses of them. that is unreasonable defense. i thought the acting director made the better case yesterday that you have to admit that there was abuse and a failure, and that we have to get all the facts out. i think that is what the
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hearings are going to do. and they are going -- i think there will be implications, with all of these things combined, particularly the situation withhold r-r thwith with eric holder the attorney general. the increasing calls on both the left and the right for him to resign, whether he does or not, all these things will impact moving forward politically both parties, and i think in 2014, you know, obviously i think the republican party will make the case using these scandals against the administration and democrats, and democrats will be saying, look they are overreaching, they are not doing the country's business, instead they are just trying to get the white house. and that debate is going to effect and impact the 2014 election. how yet is not clear. but right now i'd rather -- i think the administration should just get all the facts out and try to put this -- as many of these things behind them as they
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can by addressing them, not by pushing them under the rug. jon: the history here, joe, obviously the tea party arose after president obama what's elected and their seemed to be a backlash to much of what he was trying to accomplish in his first term, so the tea party sprang up. if then the tea party is singled out are, or tea party groups are singled out for special scrutiny from the i.r.s. at the time that that administration was in power it just raises all kinds of questions about who is really doing the scrutiny here and who is ordering it. >> and i think that is what the investigation, i mean the committee hearings, you know, are going to try to get to. i think that's right. where does this stop, and that is going to be information. if it goes much higher than lois
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lerner -- and i don't know the answer to any of that. the one thing i'm convinced of from both the democratic side on that committee, congressman levyn and the republicans, they are going to get to the bottom, or to the top of where this goes, and that's going to be -- and we need to, because this has to get fixed, it can't happen again. jon: but you're a political adviser, i mean if you were to get on the horn with president obama this afternoon and start talking to him about what he should do as a result of all this. i mean these ordinary americans getting up there in front of congress and telling some hard rendering stories, frankly, and pleading their cases very well, what would you tell the president about the political impact here? >> well one of the things i think that congressman levyn did today was apologize to the groups that were abused. i mean, they deserve an apology, you know, something really wrong
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happened here, and i think you need to state that, apologize for it, and then get to the bottom of it and change it, and -- one of the things i think that this may have some impact too is tax reform. all of the complicated stuff that groups have to do -- and i don't mean just these groups, i mean all americans have to do to get through the tax morass of the i.r.s. may be a real reform of the i.r.s. and the tax code is warranted beyond just this issue. jon: congressman dave camp the head of this committee supposedly wants to make that one of the big priorities of the committee going forward, tax reform. the question is whether the rest of washington will buy into it. joe trippi always good to talk to you. thank you. jonthanksgiving you. jenna: the i.r.s. is not the only federal agency accused of
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political by as. it turns out the obama administration's environmental protection agency is facing criticism as well. >> reporter: the congressional hearings today that we've been showing you focus on the i.r.s., targeting conservatives, now the second agency the epa, the the vine mental protection agency is also accused of political by as. research by the competitive enterprise institute says the epa routinely tries to charge conservative groups for documents obtained through the freedom of information act that it's willing to give liberal groups for free. for example, the institute says out of 20 of its requests the epa refused to waive the fees for 18 of them. by contrast it says out of 82 requests from liberal groups the epa agreed not to charge 75 times. >> earth justice was bathing 17 out of 19.
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sierra club was the worst at 70% granted, 11 out of 15. you add up some other groups and we had 75 out of 82 granted like that, because of course these are the groups that the epa has decided are the favored groups. >> that's chris tere for horner who authored the research. he accused the agencies trying to throw hurdles in front of the conservative groups but largely plot the liberal ones. the acting administrator told congress two weeks ago that the agency policy is to treat everybody the same and that it's inspector general may investigate. the agency told us, quote, the office of inspector general received from the environmental protection agency the official request to look into this matter just over a week ago. the request is currently under review at the oig at this early stage. congressman tim murphy, republican of pennsylvania who is a member of the house, energy and commerce committee that is investigating all this. he says treating conservative and liberal groups differently is just not right.
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>> similar with the people with the i.r.s. who testified, well some of these things may not be illegal but they can still be wrong. and that is what people expect their government to not be acting in these ways, but to be fair and just and truthful in these informational quests and in their investigations. >> reporter: these thing fees are mostly for document preparation. they can actually cost sometimes more than a hundred thousand dollars so you're talking about a lot of money. jenna: more on the story as we get it. thank you. jon: the fort hood massacre the latest developments in the trial of major my tka midal hasan has outraged many of the families. >> the promising new treatment for high blood pressure for millions of sufferers who don't respond to common drug treatments. you don't want to miss this. it's out newjon: a massive wildg thousands of folks from their homes in los angeles. william la jeunesse is there. >> ao 50 scare miles burned to
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jon: floodwaters are rising in missouri. take a look alternate the scene in west alton where the mississippi river is creeping closer to neighborhoods. authorities there announced evacuation orders after a levee breach. the flood also forcing police to close highways as crews work to secure other levees. over the weekend at least two people in missouri drowned in all the flooding. jenna: back to california now where firefighters are gaining the upper hand on a massive wildfire north of los angeles. we've been watching this one and the winds that spread this powerhouse fire are now slowing down, but some living in the fire zone are just returning to their neighborhoods and finding their homes destroyed. junwilliam la jeunesse is live in palmdale, california. william a lot has happened in the last 12 hours.
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catch us up. >> well, jenna, the fire blew through here yesterday and i want to basically tell you the cause is still unknown, the damage we do know six homes burned to the ground, 50 square miles, cost about $8 million. i want to use this scene to show you why fighting a fire in southern california is so expensive. number one, most fires start as a brush fire which is what this was, a lot of native grasses, a lot of dead under growth, and the fire burns very fast and is very unpredictable and moves quickly with the wind. then the fire will jump into the tree of these lower branches, then it will go on the oaks and pines and evergreens and get in the canopy. when the wind come in they will drive those embers a mile maybe two miles to the front. head of the fire. that is very difficult to contain. finally you have structure protection like this. here we have a house here this was saved of course. but you've got 600,000 people moving into california every year, more homes going into the rural areas. let's take a look at some video from last night, where
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firefighters again tried to contain the fire as best they could with bulldozers, aerial firefights and handcrews. you have had double the manpower doing the structure protection, putting people on the homes, clearing brush and so forth. here is an assessment of operations last night from the incident commander. >> what a difference a day makes, as we were here yesterday granted we are still faced with the winds, however, as we mentioned yesterday the increased humidities helped the incident overall to keep the fire in check for the most part, aside from what chief walker just mentioned, a couple of areas of concern. eufrpblts so what they ar >> reporter: what they are doing right now there are handcrews in this area going through here looking for hotspots. this is still a little warm because you've got dozens and dozens of hopes right there. if the winds pick up they don't want the embers to reignite if you will. jenna: it looks like a beautiful day as you're showing us around
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there. what conditions are they facing today and how is that effecting some of what you just talked about? >> reporter: well, weather is friend or foe and today it's ideal virtually. you've got 80 degrees. winds, gentle winds coming off of the pacific, cool air, a lot of moisture, humidity about 35%. this is a window of tupt, they aropportunity. they are doing their best to knock this down for good. weather is expected to get worse later in the week. they want to try to conserve resources as much as they can. as you know when it comes september or august when the santa anas pick up you want your crews as fresh as possible. so, for the most part things here are kind of up in a mop-up phase if you will. jenna: fingers crossed, william thank you very much. appreciate that. this year 2013 has already been a very busy year for firefighters in california and it's not the must see time like william just mentioned, august and september. there have been many wildfires up a 58% last year.
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the area the size of seattle has burned and that is much larger than the average california fire. six times as large as the average fire out in the state of california. the u.s. fire service says the rest of of the country is actually below average for wild fires this year, bad for my native californians, jon, maybe a good sign for the other folks when it comes to wildfires. jon: a little bit of rain out there would be welcome, wouldn't it. jenna: sure would. jon: you cannot leave home without it, the growing threats targeting the cellphone that you hold in your hands just about every day and what is being done to try to thro protect to protect you. a judge accepts a plea of not guilty by reason of insanity in the colorado movie massacre case. the key piece of evidence that could come into play. our legal panel takes up the case. constipation, miralax or metamucil may take days to work. or faster relief, try dulcolax laxative tablets. dulcolax provides gentle relief overnight unlike miralax and metamucil that can take up to 3 days.
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>> fox news alert a judge in colorado in a colorado courtroom allowing accused mass murderer james holmes to change his not guilty plea to not guilty by reason of insanity. this just breaking this hour. he is facing more than 160 counts of murder and attempted murder in the shooting agent that aurora movie theater last july. alicia ac u.n. a is live. what can you tell us about what just happened? >> reporter: hi, jenna. i can tell you it was all very simple and it was expected. now that the judge has accepted this new plea from the public's perspective things will slow down in this case, because now that the judge has accepted this plea by james homes of not guilty by reason of insanity the judge will now be expected to follow colorado law which calls for an insanity defendant to undergo a state administered mental health evaluation.
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this also means holmes waived his right to medical and psychological privacy. as part of this he could be forced to take what amounts to a truth serum. for the families of the victims it's another delay in the process. >> for the have hims to put up with all the delays, it's like torture. it seems like cruel and unusual punishment for the victims and their families. >> now today, jenna there is a camera in the courtroom, the judge did allow that, he did not allow an audio feed so we will have new video of james holmes later today. jenna. jenna: we'll watch for that. there has been a lot made about this notebook, this supposed notebook that james sent to a doctor, that may be tell graveled the crime. how could this. or this piece of evidence -- telegraphed the crime. how could this piece of evidence be effected by the judge's ruling today? >> reporter: this is very important and something that the judge indicated he wants to get taken care of and it is sothing they are discussing
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today. you'll remember james holmes sent a package to his university psychiatrist, dr. lynn fenton, that according to court testimony contained a notebook by james holmes. holmes defense team is argument is that that is protected by patient-doctor confidentiality. the prosecution claims once he claimed insanity he gave up the privilege. the judge will rule whether the notebook will be admitted as evidence. separately the defense team filed a number of motions today, getting business taken care of. for example requesting the jury be sequestered, that they not carry electronics and that ho*eplts be allowed to wear civilian clothes at trial. also, jenna holmes' team is also arguing to have a limited number of graphic images shown to the jury of the victims who were shot last july 20th. jenna: interesting request. thank you very much. we have more on this now. jon: let's bring in our legal panel, lis wiehl is a fox news legal am list. doug burns defense attorney and former federal prosecutor.
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let's take up the last thing, a limited number of graphic images to be shown to the jury. the defense team is essentially saying our client is accused of causing horrific injuries. >> we say not guilty by reason of insanity is what they are pleaing now. we are going to say to the judge and the prosecution, we get it, we get it that all these horrible things happen. you don't have to show it to the jury. it's a common defense ploy it will to the work. >> if you're at the edge of the ocean in january and you say the water is really cold, that is exonly pell one. example two is you grab them and throw them in, the image images are so graphic, that is defense 101. >> the jury should see the actual picture of what happened on that horrific day. what the judge has got to look at is the relevance outweighed by the prejudicial value, that is going to be the test. >> the balancing test, right. jon: you know, i guess i
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wouldn't want to be the judge making that call but you know there were little kids who were savagely murdered here. >> the why will let that in. jon: and to be able to push that aside and say it would be prejudicial to my client. >> the counter argument, not with standing i'm on the defense side this is such an overwhelming case in any event. >> but doug -- >> you don't even need it. >> you do need it. you have jurors in there, it's going to be way after the fact now. they need to be able to see exactly what happened on that day. >> if the jury hears in cold blood he killed all these people it's not going to matter. >> you need to see the pictures. >> what about the note book sent to dr. fenton. just sending this thing in advance. >> premeditation. jon: yes, and that suggests there is no insanity here. >> it sets up an ironic box for the defense and you're so right. the ironic box is if you want to raise insanity then what is going to happen is it's going to be opening the doors for that to
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go before the jury, which makes your exact point, jon, which is that is going to show premeditation. but they have nothing else to do. >> exactly nothing else to do. he is in that box now because to prove not guilty by reason of insanity you have to prove it wasn't premeditated and you wave the right to doctor-client -- doctor-patient privilege. but they had nothing else to do. jon: have you have the apartment wired with tripwires and all kinds of thuf. there is all kinds of premeditation that. co. >> he told the cops don't go in. that tells me he knew th right from wrong. >> insanity is i have no idea what is going on, i can't see what is route or wrong. iif there is planning there is cognitive appreciation.
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>> and the notebook is key to that. jon: we'll have months to talk about the case. now that the judge has accepted this plea it's going to take many months nor this psychological evaluation to take place. in the meantime we do want to talk with the team about this. there is new outrage in president fort hood massacre, a military judge says that the suspect major nidal hasan can represent himself at his murder trial. that means he can question the people he's accused of shooting when they take the stand. so, what about that? i mean i can just see the potential circus that is going to erupt when this guy gets up there and starts asking questions. >> it's a very strange form laying. what they do is they use the third person. it's almost comical. he gets up as the defense lawyer representing himself and he's like, and let me ask you this. when mr. hasan approached you, even though he's doing the speaking, we've discussed this before and the point is maybe the judge with respect to confronting victims might want to let the trial adviser do it, because you know he's representing himself, jon but
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they appointed some lawyers to be advisers, which is the normal procedure in these sitd i trieda prosecutor against defendants in tax cases who represented themselves. so i know where of i speak. >> and i have done this too. the judge really had no other way to go on this because once a defendant asks for that, says i can represent myself, and i'm competent to represent myself, then the judge really has to give them that. >> he has ha constitutional right to represent himself, believe it or not. it's really right in the original documents. but it becomes a little bit of a circus. here though since it's million tear rear it won't be as bad, because it's not a regular jury. >> and i think that's right in the sense that when you get victims on the stand that the judge can intercede and say okay for the victims here i want the trial advisers. >> i agree with that. >> to do the cross-examination. >> they should do it that way. jon: and he gets up and shouts alah akbar -- >> he wants to create a platform for rhetoric, there is no doubt. jon: a couple of ugly cases. thanks for helping us get to the
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bottom of some of of these issues. jenna: a new high-tech treatment for a life threatening condition effecting so many of us. millions and millions of americans suffering from high blood pressure, how doctors hope to bring blood pressure under control without drugs. we'll tell you how coming up. and a new push for answers in the justice department's snooping of journalists records, why lawmakers say eric holder may need to head back to capitol hill for more testimony. hill for more testimony. gap i turned 65 last week.
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jenna: lawmakers are threatening to call attorney general eric holder back before congress. they want him to answer more questions about the search of email and phone records of journalists including fox news correspondent james rosen. the chairman of the committee slammed a letter trying to clarify the attorney general's remarks on the scandal. sorting through it all is doug mcelway in washington. >> reporter: calls for attorney general eric holder to step down have escalated after a spoons to the request from the house jew judiciary asking him to explain his may 5th testimony. he told congress he had not been involved with potential prosecution of the press. in fact we now know he was instrumental in naming fox news' james rosen as a coul co-conspirator and flight risk in a leak investigation. the response to the committee infuriated republicans. eufpt said in part quote at no time during the pen dancee
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pendency of this matter have prosecute erred sought approval to bring charges against the reporter. they called the letter unresponsive. it was written by a staffer not holder. the committee wants to hear from him himself. >> the response of anyone else who cares to respond in the justice department is certainly fine for them to do, but it does not do what we requested the attorney general to do and that is to respond himself to his own sworn testimony which seems to be contradicted by the facts in the rosen case. >> reporter: in the meantime there are no indications that holder plans to step down. a bloomberg report this morning says quote u.s. attorney general eric holder gathered his top aids last week to deliver a message he was fine. and they all needed to stay focused and get their work done. the white house jed stood by the embattled attorney general. >> the president and his team at the white house believe that the attorney general has the
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intellect, experience, and integrity to efficiently run the department of justice and not get distracted by the partisans. >> reporter: today's bloomberg report which quoted holder aides says he has no immediate plans to depart, and plans to continue to push a set of second term initiatives that he laid out earlier this year. jenna: live in d.c., doug, thank you. jon: well, cyber threats going mobile targeting your smartphone, and a major effort to protect your cell and everything you do with it from hackers and viruses. beater barnes with fox business network is live in washington with more on that. >> reporter: with the explosion of hand-held devices and smart phones we've seen an explosion in mobile security threats, and we users are making it easy for the cyber crooks, according to "consumer reports" nearly 40% of customers did not taken minimal steps to protect their devices. cyber security firm
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microtracking the growth of malware and high-risk apps showing 350,000 of them for android alone by the end of last year. it's found fake versions of skype, laur gram instagram and even angry birds in space. in some cases app designers are to blame. >> the start ups, they are in a rush to get their applications out, they are not security specialists, it's the proverbial two people in a garage, they want to get it out the door, they don't go through the design, testing review cycles that the big players do. it tends to make them more vulnerable especially at first. >> reporter: what can you do to protect yours and your device? first start by backing up your smartphone data regularly. 69% of users do not do this. according to "consumer reports." then use screen locks with
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passwords, 64% of people don't do this. you can also download special antivirus apps, and there are a*fp apps for device locaters in case you loose your devic lose your device or is stolen. and there are apps that will wipe the contents of your device if lost or stolen. jon: downloading a copy of some version of angry birds could let all kinds of bad stuff into your phone, for instance? >> it did for me. no, i'm kidding. yes, it can. jon: peter barnes in washington, some good advice there. thank you. >> reporter: okay, thanks, jon. jenna: right now the news on your health. high blood pressure is staggering in this country, one in three americans, about 78 million of us suffer from it. but out today doctors are revealing more about a promising new treatment. it doesn't involve any drugs, so no pills involved, we decided to talk to a cardiologist about this. dr. kevin sam bell is with us, also an assistant professor of medicine at the university of south carolina. a private company is putting out
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a new study, trials that will begin in the united states, nothing to do with medication. what does it have to do with? >> so, blood pressure kills tons of people in the u.s. today. it causes heart disease, strokes, kidney disease. a lot of americans are not adequately treated, and as you said one in three have high blood pressure. in the patients that are not adequately treated we can take a catheter that actually burns the nerves in the kidney artery and that can lower blood pressure by 30 points. jenna: so why the kidney artery? when it has something to do, you think automatically, high blood pressure with your heart. >> blood pressure regulation is very, very interesting. the kidneys release certain substances and hormones and chemicals that can cause blood pressure to rise or to fall, and by removing the nerves from the kidney artery we stop that process. jenna: how exactly do you remove them? is there any sort of side effect of that that could be damaging
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somehow? >> it typically is done in patients who are already resistant to two or more drugs, and their blood pressure is still terrible. we take a catheter through the big artery in the leg and go up to the artery in the kidney, and deploy a basket that has four electrodes on it and we send heat through radio frequency energy to those electrodes, and that destroys the nerves. jenna: how long is the effect? when someone gets done with this procedure how long would it last? is it a short procedure? >> the procedure itself is new so there is a protocol involved so i would expect this would be a couple-hour procedure to get the job done. jenna: how long would the lasting effect be of lower blood pressure based on this? >> the data we have now shows that it is lasting more than a year, and i think these clinical trials will be very important to see, are there side effects, is there a downside and how long might this last. jenna: real quick final question because a lot of folks are on high blood pressure medication as a pre convenient ta fiv
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preventative measure. maybe they show signs of it, have a family history, sometimes they are on it very young. how do you think this type of trial can effect folks on blood pressure medication as a preventative measure more than something that is really a problem for them in the immediate? >> our hope is based on the early data where we've shown a 27 point lowering of blood pressure is that we may be able to get the patients off some of their medications. remember, high blood pressure is the silent killer, it doesn't kill you today, doesn't hurt you tomorrow, but down the line it can cause really long-lasting health effects. jenna: i bet this new study has a lot of drug companies paying attention. >> yes, ma'am. jenna: it's a big business we know that. dr. campbell great to see you. >> thank you so much for having me. jenna: jon. jon: fox news alert now there has been what appears to be a natural gas explosion on the campus of niac college in new york. 25 miles to the north of new york city right along the hudson river. if you've been to the new york area and driven across the
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tappin-zee bridge niac is the town on the west side of the bridge. that building that you see in the center of your screen on the ground floor, 177 south highland avenue there pay tears to have been a major natural gas explosion. you can see raine window frames lying on top of the two maroon cars at the bottom of your screen. 'twas a very powerful explosion. one person has been taken away by an ambulance. others are being evaluated on the scene for injuries. when we get more information about exactly what happened here as nyack college, 25 miles of new york city we will bring it to you "happening now." hey kevin...still eating chalk for heartburn?
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jon: a fox news alert, we have a verdict or at least a partial verdict in the case that we have been closely following, the so-called maximum model murder trial. juliana redding, a beautiful, aspiring young model who had already achieved some professional success, an appearance in maxim magazine, among them. to the left, kelly sue park, the woman who is accused of strangling her in a murder-for-hire case. we just got the verdict from the jury, not guilty on first-degree murder. she is also facing the possibility of second-degree murder or even manslaughter. not exactly clear yet what the jury has decided on those two charges. but kelly sue park not guilty of
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first-degree murder. that's interesting because the prosecution presented this as a murder-for-hire case in which a million dollars was transferred into her accounts by a business, a former business partner of the victim's father. so ifit's not guilty on first-degree murder, it suggests that the jury did not buy that this was a murder-for-hire case. again, the verdict just being read now. we'll get more information as it becomes available. jenna: and now to that college explosion right near the city of new york, and we're hearing a couple new things including seven injuries. here's a live -- this is not live, this is a picture that we have of the scene where you see someone being wheeled away. we understand there's approximately seven people injured. ron levine is on the phone, he's director of communications for the college. ron, what happened here? >> well, i'm the director of communications for the county executive for rockland county, but that being said, you know, sometime before noon today there was an explosion at nyack
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college at a two-story building. as of now we've learned that seven people were injured. we don't believe that their injuries appear to be life threatening. we're not certain of the cause of the explosion, but the local utilities company is on the scene as is our bomb squad. so we're going to make a determination probably in the near future what the actual cause was. we have a number of emergency first responders on the scene, and the building sustained serious damage. that's pretty much all we can say right now. there is an odor of gas, so there are a whole host of things that need to be determined at this point. jenna: certainly. a lot of questions yet to be answered, ron, and thanks for the correction about your title as well. >> that's okay. jenna: do you have any information as to, you know, we're taking a look at this building about, you know, what was housed -- was this classrooms? was it an office space?
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do you know anything about the building? >> i don't know who was in the building. we're making that assessment right now. we know that the building has been seriously damaged, and we're still in the assessment stage. i don't want to, you know, make any speck haitian as to what was going on in the building at the time. jenna: ron, we appreciate it. we know it's breaking news, and your insight is invaluable, ron. thank you very much for that. >> yep. jenna: nyacy, new york, right outside the city of new york city. right across the river. ron just told us there is the smell of gas, but we really don't know what caused it, who was in the building. we have heard of other injuries, but as ron also said, there's a bomb squad on the scene. apparently, we had initial reports of people trapped, according to our information that is not the case. and there is still, again, some questions about what exactly caused this. no signs of fire. here's some new video of it. nyack, new york. more information on this
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jon: a fox news alert and a little bit more on this explosion, natural gas explosion at nyack college. nyack sits on the hudson river about 25 miles north of midtown manhattan. as i mentioned earlier, if you've crossed the tappan zee bridge, you've landed on the western side or departed on the western side from the village of nyack. there has been some kind of a natural gas explosion at that building there on the nyack college campus. reports that one woman either was blown out or fell out a window. it appears to be, to have affected mostly the ground floor there. you can see window frames lying on top of those cars there in the parking lot. one person taken away with
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injuries, but how badly these folks are hurt we do not yet know. jenna: right now the number wep have is seven people injured at this time. again, a big question about what caused it. although the fire department is responding, we haven't seen a live fire at the scene, nor did we get any reports of that. we just know that it was some sort of blast and something big enough that it was able to blow the windows, and apparently the door -- according to one witness -- off of this building. still a big question about, youu know, what type of building, was it administrative, classrooms as well. this was a small christian college nearby new york city. still a lot of questions that need answers. jon: we will continue to keep our eye on this. more after a quick break. mine was earned in djibouti, africa. 2004.
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>> the woman on the left of the screen was found not get of first-degree murder of julianna redding. there is a question about a second degree murder charge. the jury is out of the room while there is arguing. the big headline first-degree murder, not guilty in this case. >> this fox news alert, the national weather service just determined that the tornado that hit el reno, oklahoma is the widest tornado ever on record.
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2.6 miles wide. no surprise it is an ef5 and enhanced power five tornado, most powerful there is. 296 miles per hour winds on that tornado. america live starts right now. the irs under attack. heated hearings raise new red flags in the agency's targeting of conservative groups. i am megyn kelly. we'll get right to it. an audit in the irs found unprens precedented the targeting of political of enemies like the nixon administration. who ordered it? why don't we know that yet? why did they do it? and how high u
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