tv Red Eye FOX News June 6, 2013 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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me hash tag -- just kidding. it is yours if you can identify what is in the inside of the ring i will send it welcome to "red eye. let's go to tv's andy levy for a pre game report. andy, what is coming up on tonight's show? >> our top story, secret man caves found in an epa warehouse. secret man caves found in an epa warehouse. sorry, i just like saying that. secret man caves found in an epa warehouse. and who has been having trouble locating receipts to see how they spent their money? yes, that one. and finally, some female israeli soldiers in hot water after posing nearly naked on facebook. the story so shocking there is a decent chance we will get to it tonight.
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>> thanks, andy. >> you becha. >> isn't secret man cave the name of your anti--perspirant. >> no. >> i thought it would be cute to ask. >> it was dumb and stupid and dumb. >> that's two dumbs and one stupid. >> that describes you perfectly. >> perfectly. >> let's welcome our guest. she is so stunning that cops use her picture to tas criminals. i am here with the first time guest, god help her. she is former criminal prosecutor faith jenkins. and his lips just landed the role of the life boat in the titanic musical. it is comedian paul mccurio. you can join the dozens of fans and check out the pod cast on itunes. and you know what is -- what, it is called the paul mccurio show. in nashville he is a throw pillow. my repulsive sidekick bill schulz. if insightful commentary was a
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bugel i would blow him at the crack of dawn. daily beast cultural news editor michael moyn hi an. >> a block, the lede. that's the first story. now let's get this over with already. >> wow. even the guy who is doing the secret voice is mailing it in tonight. i guess that happens when you have mccurio. they just want to get home. were taxpayers screwed by dudes being dudes? according to an audit, secret man caves were found in a water house and maintained by contractors for the environmental protection agency. government, whatever that sreports that the rooms were full of exercise equipment,tv's couches and hidden by cameras. the epa has cut the contractor off, but since 2007 they paid
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epec logistics over $5 million. in lay men's terms that is 5 million $1 bills. the warehouse contained hidden personal spaces created by the workers that included tv's refrigerators, radios, couches, chair, couches. how much do they need? it continues. it contained personal items, photos, pin up calendars and books and magazines and videos, but no paul mccuro's cd's. the man cave had a strict no panda policy. >> tragic how that turned out. there were enough steaks for everyone. moynihan, i would like to say
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is this your taxpayer money at work? >> i think i said it six times already. >> comments? >> that's an interesting angle. i love that i didn't sigh -- see that it said pin ups. it was a portal of the 70s, pin up calendarsment it is funny that the it raises questions about the charges. it actually raises questions about the epa's oversight. it took five years to discover this. it tends to be what happens with the government agencies. you have about a five-year period to rip them off because they don't notice. we see this in other places >>- q. i it is a five--- >> it is a five-year gap. faith, welcome to the show. >> thank you. >> thank you for joining the table despite hearing the horrible things that happen here and the unfortunate death last night. it was by bill's body odor. faith, should we condemn people for the man caves? >> i understand guys want man
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caves at home, but why do you need one at work? you are going to work. i understand a break room because you need a break, but a man cave? that is what is so outrageous here. you are take willing -- taking it to an entirely different level. >> it makes you think, perhaps they are not working there. >> they are lifting weights. >> they will say, you know what, maybe we are not going home. we are staying over so we can get up early. i tried to get a couch in my office for that reason. i do a bunch of shows, put the couch in my office. they knew what i wanted it for because they saw the last couch. you have a man cave where you quietly weep in the dark. it is more of a sad cave. are you jealous they are having more fun on your money? >> it doesn't shock me. what shocks me is there are multiple man caves. one man chafe is a man cave. 10 man caves is like a gold's gym. the other thing is you have
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pin ups. what do contractors with the epa have in pin ups? christie todd in a thong doing mold cleaning? the whole thing doesn't surprise me, but on some level it surprises me how far they went with it. one man cave is okay. >> the government continues to grow if you don't stop it. it is a cave in a sewer in an uh uh -- aqua duct. >> we are joking around. we all joke. don't listen to any of that. this man cave was created because these guys needed to get away from the boss and have some dude time. the phrase man cave comes from guy being away from their wives where they can have some dude time. it is that one small tiny windowless hole where they can put their stuff after they got married. i don't have a man cave.
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i have an apartment because i am single. this is exactly what happens to a man once he turns into a castrated rat after the ring is on his finger. >> wow. >> wow, you held back. but you made reference to having -- everybody brings creature comforts to work, right? >> so when you do your stand up comedy, what do you bring? do you stand on the stage and have a picture of your family? >> there a little lava lamp. >> there are thicks about an -- things about andy i would like to get to. you bring the coat shepherd smith left for goodwill to work with you every day. >> these are the jokes you wanted to get to? >> interrupted for that? >> i don't need it. you are a cultural editor. >> there aren't been any yet.
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there haven't been any yet. >> were you the network -- >> i was going to give him some advice. >> i enjoy this. i have to ask -- >> sitting next to a guy who wanted to be a stand up but didn't have the [bleep] to try it. >> are you talking about bill? >> faith, that's weird how they are acting over there. i would never talk to you like that. >> all right, all right, all right. i'm an old guy. i remember the -- there was a big controversy over the pentagon and expensive toilets. remember this, you guys? everybody gets mad, but then it is forgotten. is this one of those things where everybody will get outraged and then we move on and it happens again? >> i don't think so. with so many people being out of work and people actually needing money and the economy being what it is today, people look at this and they are like, you know, we are in
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need. people are actually in horrible situations in this country. on a serious note they look at this and they say look at what is going on in our government. it is like the epa is now in competition with the irs. >> exactly. and the doj. >> but that's the problem. there is no competition. there is no oversight. in regular companies in the real world, you can't do nothing and build man caves for five years. >> you don't think this is wasting corporate america, really? >> it doesn't matter. you are not paying for it. >> exactly. >> of course you are paying for it in the prices of the product. >> no, you don't have a choice. you have to pay for it. you have to pay taxes. >> it is built into the price. >> but have i to buy the product. >> that's not the issue. >> the issue is you have lost this argument. >> you can't say somebody lost the argument. >> i don't have a choice when i pay my taxes. if i do not pay my taxes, if i do not adhere to obamacare, i go to jail. if i don't buy right guard i don't go to jail. i just stink.
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>> if you have a contractor as the epa did, the epa said they hadn't been to the facility for five years. if you have a distribution point and you are selling widgetts you check it out. >> that's why there were multiple man caves. after they built one they were like, this is great. they kept adding and adding to it. >> i want to go back to you about this idea there is waste in corporate america. you are a comedian. you go out and do 15, 20 minutes of material in a competitiv environment it pays no the to have waste. the competition says if you have waste and your product costs more, your product isn't as good, you lose. there is none of that standard in government. there is no punishment for waste. >> i agree with you. >> so you admit i was right and you were wrong? >> no, i greaty with you that there is waste in government and it is much more difficult for there to be ramifications. but to say that corporate america is the symbol by which
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we -- there is waste this corporate america and it filters down to your pocket book and the costs of the products are higher than they need to be or should be if there weren't wastes. >> like what? >> whether or not you want to buy the product or not buy the product, that's a different issue. >> if in corporate america there is waste and it is inflating the price of a product, another company comes in and slims it down and has a lower price on the product. what you have here, they are making $70,000 star trek videos. this is like the internet boom of the 90s when everybody was wasting money on chefs. but then there was belt tightening. they never have a time of belt tightening. >> i love teaching the idea of competition. i like watching it dawn on your face. >> i don't even know what you are talking about. >> if it is not a joke, i don't understand it. >> you must be very confused
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with this material. i have to stop insulting paul. there is so much to do. well, you know the 2010irs conference where they spend taxpayer money on things like the stupid star trek video, we almost covered this. it turns out we will never know how much the event cost u.s. -- costs us because the irs can't find its receipts. talk about a ready made leno joke. cnn reports the agency's inspector general's report said irs could not provide documents showing how this was spent and because of this the ig can't say what the total cost was. some things we do know? according to the nbc news, the anaheim conference cost $135,000 worth of outside speakers including a guy who explained how to use a painting as a learning tool and a 90-minute workshop lead by a happiness expert. apparently happiness is wasting other people's money, am i right? somebody? for more let's go live to "red
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eye as' happiness expert, tap dancing seagull. everybody at home had to get up off their couch and get close to see the tap dancing. i apologize for that. >> do you have to talk and explain everything to everybody? can't people take things in without you blathering on? >> this is a table that is just rotting. i for one feel like i have to take faith on a date to keep you away from it. >> if only we had a happiness expert here. >> can we just move on and try to do a good show here? i talked to the happiness expert, paul, and he told me the key is not to be around you. anyway, i have a question for you.
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we have talked about this before, but what do we do here? what do we do as a citizen? >> the irs has a happiness expert when they are the ones who specialize in making our lives miserable. we are the ones who need a happiness expert. but there is no oversight for these conference. all of the money is spent and then you find out after the fact. and then the irs losing receipts? that's crazy. the next thing you will tell me is the epa has man caves in the facility. >> everything is coming back to me. look at my chest. i don't mean to be showing this much chest. >> or the popping veins that signify frustration and bridled intensity. >> and lack of accomplishment. >> money -- moynihan, should we give them the benefit of the doubt as they do with us taxpayers ? >> no. i don't understand why it is
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needed at an irs conference. i get why they are at certain other sort of corporate retreats, but they have like an innovation expert? is it new ways to confiscate people's income? diversity and inclusion expert? i'm glad there is multiple ethnicities and genders and -- >> taking your money. >> taking my money. why is this necessary? and there is a guy referred to as an artist because he is not an artist. he was painting pictures of michael jordan and abraham lincoln at an irs conference. apparently they were going to sell them off to make the money back and they lost one of them. they are incompetent idiots. >> do you think it would have been better if they hired you? a little warm up act. >> $1100 and that's what you get me for and i will vacuum your room. >> with your lips. go ahead. >> first of all, the only thing that frightens me more
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than -- more is a badly run ir s. i would rather be making videos, but if you can let me send a planted of weed to the irs i will send them that. maybe it will distract them. and what planet are you living on that there are not two sets of rules for the people in charge and the rest of us? the president doesn't tell you when he is flying drones. the irs doesn't need receipts. and you don't tell people where you buy your flashlights. >> i don't buy them. people send them. >> and he makes me clean them. >> is it that shocking that the irs isn't following rules? >> yes, but this is leading to the bigger question and i ask you a sear yeses one because i am out of the insulting ones i have given to paul. isn't it time that getting rid of the -- the get rid of the irs plank is like the right wing version of the obamacare
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plank? obamacare created a new branch of government and clinton has tried and failed. isn't it time for the right version, the right wing version of that which is getting rid of the irs. he added one thing and let's take away another. >> i almost understand getting rid of fed than the irs. what is the alternative? we hate paying taxes. fair taxes across the board and maybe there is something to be said about that. it has to be a version to see that through. what i do know is if you want the actual specifics of it, go to my website. how to abolish the irs. i explain it all there. >> you have no answer. >> you know what i just realized there is something to be said for that. that is a great phrase. >> he said there is something to be said of that. >> that could become -- at the end of the day it could become an over used term. >> what you do is you say at
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the beginning of the night. >> i think that's a phil collins song. >> it was the b side to susudeo. >> remember that song he did called "the legal alien." >> that was sting. >> they should hire you for the "red eye" christmas party for stand up. >> we have had five "red eye" christmas parties and not invited you. >> we have it in july to make sure you don't show up. >> one of our most frequent greatests and we said, hey -- we can have a hundred people there and they say you only have 75 people on the list and you can have 100. mccurio and i still say no. you can have 25 mccurios. >> he always comes with an empty bag and leaves with it full of shrimp. i keep telling him they are not good the next day. you have to eat them that night. >> he sleeps on it like a pillow. >> most people like cold
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pillows and he likes them slime me. >> i cannot win. i feel like i am in a relationship with my father. >> is he alive? >> no. >> he is probably grateful. >> man. >> wow. >> now that's funny you funny devil man. >> my father is saving you from a well. we have to take a break. what makes a great father's day? paul mccurio discusses a new book, my son calls his karate instructor dad. but first, should disney introduce its first gay character? don't ask me. i am a busch gardens kind of guy.
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they put war on paws to show off their bras. some israeli soldiers have been disciplined after posing in underwear and posting them on facebook. sadly we can only show you one because they are quite attractive, and they are heros. the young women are reportedly new recruits carrying out their national service rvetion which they should be which is great and mandatory for most israelis when they turn 18. it said they acted in a manner that was unbecoming for israeli soldiers. for more let's go to the" red eye" senior correspondent. >> it looked like so normally newsy.
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>> i don't know why this made you laugh so much. >> the credit. it was credited to balls. >> now we are covering the credits. >> don't you review anything in your man cave? >> i have to go to faith. do you think they did anything wrong? >> here is the thing. i actually feel bad for these young women. we have all had our years when we did stupid things growing up as young people. now the rules have changed and the times have changed because of social media. it used to be 10 years ago you would do something stupid and your 10 friends knew about it. now the entire world knows about it because everyone posts on social media. the level of scrutiny has increased so much because of that. i feel bad for them. i don't think they should be scrutinized and thrown under the bus so much for doing stupid things that people -- young people do. >> i agree with you. they definitely need to be scriewt niecessed. -- scrutinized, but not thrown
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under a bus. i am not that kinky. michael, we did this story because it involves sexy, israeli soldiers. >> he is the hero, but is it right that this is more about -- people need to be educated. there needs to be classes on social networks to save people's careers. >> what are you talking about? you need to be told to not put naked pictures of yourself on the internet? you keep sending them to me and it is creepy. i think the women are amazing and 24e are heros and it changed my mind on the women in the military. and until hamas does that, i know whose side i am on. it is fantastic for israel. >> what do you make of this and try to keep your answer under six words. >> before this -- >> go ahead. >> i don't even want to do it. >> go. >> i can't even look at you.
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you make me laugh. i never thought about the israeli army and now i think about it all the time. look, they are 18-year-old girls. if they can go into battle and put their lives on the line -- they are essentially running around in something they would wear on a beach anyway. if this were an ad for the israeli army i would go and serve. i scr -- i have never seen anyone on the beach dressed like that. >> what beach do you go to? >> if that were an ad for the israeli army, but the problem 1* service is mandatory. i don't know what the end game is there. >> bill, you googled to see if there were israeli men soldiers. i told you not to do that much research on the story. >> i pretended they were men. i got there, greg. i got there. facebook is interesting because it started trends and now you can see new trends as the old ones go away. what was the trend in posing
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for pictures, duck face. everyone would look at the camera and go like that. >> that was a trend? >> are you kidding me? >> ducks were doing it. >> guys were doing it. 1k3* now the trend is -- this is bad to say because once we did the show they are all like this. the trend now is to present yourself. what used to be confined to the back of videos of porns, now everyone is doing it and doing this. it is like that. where they try to get their head and their butt in the same picture at the same time. and every single one of them was looking at it. the more you know you can enter the psa song now. >> that give us no information. >> that was new info. >> paul mccurio's lips will develop their own secret language so they can join in ridiculing paul without their own knowledge. great job.
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character come out two years ago. the problem she says is most disney films like "little mermaid,"" lion king" and "die hard" revolve around a romance. it is often eluded to in the context of a joke. for example -- i don't have any. >> lightning rooooouuuunnnnnddd. lightning round. >> mike, should disney have a gay character? >> sure. >> yes? >> yes. i am fine with that. i don't know. she didn't specify -- i read this article and i am pissed off that you made me read it. it was the dumbest thing i read in my life. i don't care if disney has gay charkts -- characters, but she does president set an age. they make a lot of movies. it is for teens teens and stuff like that and i don't care. my daughter loves the logo channel. >> logo is the national gay channel for our viewers.
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>> but they have google and they can look it up. >> there are a lot of gay viewers so thanks for explaining and ruining everything. so annoying. >> he is not done. i am on your side now. >> rut school of broadcasting worst host ever. >> so they haven't had a gay character -- >> faith is the best person. faith is like, i am not on a show right now. i don't know what this is, but this is not tv. i will just interject and take over. well done. >> love her. >> i was just going to say, they are not anti-gay. they have gay days at the park and things like that. they are anti-controversy. they may be a little behind the times in terms of introducing a gay character. eventually it will happen.
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times are changing. you will see them develop more characters. remember a few years ago they introduced the first african-american disney princess. that was just a few years ago. you are seeing the trend change. >> they are like 40 years behind. >> the problem is it is baby steps. disney is the company whose image of women is still a princess. >> oh my god, paul. terrible. continue. >> do i have to sit next to andrea dorkin the whole night? by the way, greg is going to explain to you who that is in two minutes. >> feminist. >> can i finish my point? >> you are finished. finish your point. >> here is the point i am trying to make. maybe they should start small and at least have women wear pants and just start there.
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you ever seen a woman in a pant suit and a disney show? >> never. thank you for the end of that elaborate point. >> bill, is this where you start outing characters at disney? >> i don't have to. what is disney? people come every day and go on standing tea coasters that go around and around. and then people dressed in beautiful gowns parade through the place dancing and after that a light show. that is the most fabulous place on earth. when is disney going to go straight. >> good point. in the most brilliant idea since the cotton gin, they started mailing dog crap back to their owner if they do not pick up after their pet. they approached the lady pet owners -- the lazy pet owners
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and not the lady pet owners. >> you stupid, lady, pet owners. >> obtained the dog's name in casual conversation which is then stored in a city database with the owner's address. 150 deliveries were made in one week and the town has seen a drop in dog defecation in the street. paul, do people go to your shows and look at your material? >> stop loofing, matt. stop, laughing, matt. >> take the pl ic off. >> it is gross, but he effective? >> where do you get the volunteers for this? when i volunteer i want to -- how do they find people who say i want to do this job. this is the one for me. >> ?ig is better than this. >> this is what they do. it is pretty intense.
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>> wouldn't it be easier to just find them or is this more fun? >> it is more fun and it is great it is in spain. it is like spain, france and greece. at the end of the story they had drones. they were picking up the stuff and flying drones after people and harassing them with feces was the word i was looking for. >> the little bleep of course. you volunteered to pick up dog poop, and then you never send it anywhere. >> i am part of the problem. you had an excellent show. >> i have a couple of talking points. there aren't volunteers. the only people you would get to do this really like it. they are freaks. keep them away from any parks. >> we have to take a break on that disturbing note.
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is it an on going spat or a placeful chat? a philly news anchor and the meteorologists don't like each other, or do they? or don't they? the website two buck compiled the best of the bitter back and forths. take it away. >>- q. i after that we -- >> after that we have a couple of shower chances on wednesday, thursday, friday. and thank you for that hard to get applause nicole and kevin. >> how is that, carol? is that good enough for you? >> it is lack luster. >> i will try harder now for you. our time is 6:30.
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and now a check with carol erickson in the weather center. >> nicole, it is just perfect out there. pes breathtaking. >> lovely like you, carol is how i would describe it. >> you would. >> i can see you pulling that whole don't you know who i am, come on. >> i could see you doing it. >> you don't know me at all. you don't know who i -- yes, that was an interesting little exchange. i'm sure she regrets along with that last glass of whatever. >> awkward relationship on the news set. i wonder what that is like. >> maybe they are just acting, paul. it was a hit on-line and roll because we have been through that. a spokeswoman for the station has said it has been grossly edited and it is out of context and they are professional broadcasters who have great respect for each other.
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they happen to be the closest of colleagues both inside and outside of the office. apparently what they are saying, faith, is this is not genuine hatred. as a woman, did it look like they liked each other? >> no. it was pretty cat tee to me. do you remember the movie "the network"? it was big in the 70s. the anchor has a break down on the air and the executives won't take him off because it is good for ratings? clearly this is something that they are allowing to happen. the viewers are getting into it and it is even on this show now. so that's huge. >> paul knows this hate is real. but is theirs? >> absolutely which is great. it is not even a newscast. it is ""desperate housewives"." the thing that is striking is the aggressor was the news anchor. clearly there is hostility. she is reporting all morning on murderers and kidnappers and she somehow comes off as
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the most unlikeable person the whole morning. >> she is cute though. >> was she? >> she was miss pennsylvania. >> that's why i support her. she is clearly a total jerk, but she is really hot. >> if she watches "red eye" -- she doesn't watch" red eye." but if she did she should send me an e-mail or something. my wife doesn't watch "red eye." she is listening right now. bill, do you think this is made up or real? >> it is completely real. we are giving them too much credit to say they conspired to this. the great thing about this in watching it and discussing it with your colleagues you can find out exactly what type of person they are depending on who they are rooting for. i was talking about a person whose name will remain
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nameless. i felt bad for the weather girl. i felt bad. she said i felt bad for her too. the other girl is so pretty and she has her whole career and clearly she is going downhill and old. she has nothing to look forward to. i just learned exactly who you are by watching this whole thing. and then he took out his flag pin lapel. it was uncalled for. >> news spaces are very competitive. you don't see this stuff. here it is happening on hair. that's why people are so fascinated. it happens in every newsroom across the country. people are scat tee. >> people like that especially the idea of women fighting. they should replace the screen with a prison seen and let them go at it. >> the sophisticated mind of paul mccurio. >> he went from the feminist.
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all right, i will be on the o'reilly factor thursday and hosting "the factor" on friday. a brand-new "red eye" returns tomorrow with mary katherine hamm. >> time to go back to andy levy for a post game wrap up. >> thanks, greg. epa warehouse has secret man caves. you were surprised they had pin ups in the man cave? i believe it was betty grable. >> she had pins on her. faith you asked why a man would need a man cave at work. i think it is because -- i double checked this. it turns out women are allowed to work now.
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>> really. >> i love this job because i learn new things. paul you were shocked there were multiple man caves. i think sometimes a man wants to be alone with a pin up. and paul why would i have an inflatable doll in my man cave? >> you have issues with women. >> andy if you want the real answer paul doesn't know the difference between a libertarian and an objective vies. somebody needs to keep proving they did well on their s.a.t.'s. >> somebody needs to keep showing they didn't. >> why not? i am a comedian. we don't know anything. >> stop calling yourself a comedian. it is insulting to funny people. >> that's funny. >> by the way, i am not going to sit here and bash man caves. you know who had a man cave?
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>> bruce wayne. and he did more to fight injustice than of you nerds. that was not a place of relaxation. >> that was his office. >> let me get to this. the warehouse includes weight to have exercise space. the area was well maintained. agency sten know pads were used for recording workouts. >> awesome. >> they were serious about lifting. if you ever looked at something personal on a computer at work and we have all -- you never looked at anything personal on your computer? >> no matter we can say different story. you can't do that on "o'reilly." faith you talk about the irs losing receipts for this conference. it is worse than that. according to the inspector general report they were not required to keep track of or report the cost of these conferences.
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they didn't even have to keep the receipts. that's unreal. >> that's unreal. greg, you said the get rid of the irs plapping is what obamas is to democrats. bill makes a good point, how do you get away from a tax agency if they are still collecting taxes. >> if they do a fair tax which is a sales tax, a consumption tax if you will and bill understands consumption quite well because he suffers from it. >> the 18th century to these or my drug addiction? >> i can't tell with that. it will be a fraction of the irs. it could be something else. you don't need to spend billions and billions of dollars collecting trillions of dollars. on the other end -- hand phil collins didn't have have a song "there is nothing in the
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night." >> he did do a song called "illegal aliens." >> that was genesis. >> he is all over you. >> he knows his prague. female israeli soldiers in trouble. first of all, i would like to direct as a former soldier. ii would like to say shame on you. and then i would like to address the soldiers directly and say thank you. >> faith you said you feel sorry for these girls because everything has changed with social media which is true. but they know that. >> they look like such nice girls. i think this issue is being blown out of proportion. that's all i am saying. >> i couldn't tell if they were nice girls. >> i find girls with that. >> if you dig enough you can find the unblurred pictures.
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>> i have a 30-minute ride home. >> and you said until hamas does this you are on the israel side. women showing skin who are armed and want to kill them. >> that would be great if there was bearded lune loonetics and i saw them charging. >> this is literally their worst name mate. >> you have to let people have their moment. >> what will that add? >> they don't think it is a show again. >> paul, asking people what it added doesn't add anything. >> i think it fits. someone has to stand up. >> now gay disney characters. faith you said they are not anti-gay, they are anti-continue verse see.
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i'm surprised nobody brought this up, but disney is not exactly up-to-date on the gender portrayals. >> do they really want gay character 1234*z we can go to bravo if we want a gave character 1234* the difference between the male and female version of the characters is one has longer eyelashes. they are not far off. >> i am fairly certain sneezy was gay. i think he was. >> spanish town mailing dog poop to owners who don't pick up of a their dogs. greg, you called it the most brilliant idea since the cotton gin. >> ah. >> you don't know? >> who invited one of them. they said there is a 70% drop of dog crap found in the street? what if this means people are not letting their dogs poop?
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raring and ready to go. >> the o'reilly factor is on. tonight. >> this was not a preplanned, precede meditated attack. >> bill: in a stunning announcement president obama is appointing former u.n. ambassador susan rice to be his top national security advisor. is this in your face or what? we'll have a full report. >> if you didn't come in and ask for this tax break, you ought to have never had a question asked of you. >> bill: far left guys like congressman jim mcdermott trying to defend the abuse of power by the irs. we will take a hard look at that. >> i don't care what you believe in, we don't -- wait, wait, wait. >> one of the things that i don't do well, is this:
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