tv Hannity FOX News June 6, 2013 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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prurient when writing to the factor. remember that the spin stops right here because we are definitely looking out for you. >> sean: tonight there are a number of developing stories out of washington including a report that the obama administration is secretly seizing on a daily basis the phone records of over 100 million americans. we will have more on that coming up in our next segment tonight. first, lawmakers held dueling hearings today on the many scandals that are plaguing the administration. latinoer in the program you will see our comprehensive "hannity" highlight reel of the attorney general holder disasterrous appearance before the senate appropriations committee. begin with an update on this morning highly contentious house oversight committee hearing. several top officials at the irs were grilled not only about the agency enemy list but also
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about the reckless use of our tax dollars. this was all in conjunction with the release of a scathing report by the treasury department's inspector general. his investigation revealed that between the years 2010 and 2012 the tax agency spent $50 million on 225 conferences for irs employees. now, event planners were awarded well over six figures to help the planning of these lavish affairs. $60,000 used to make videos. be the way, including the infamous star trek spoof. a single guest speaker handed nearly 30 grand. an artist was paid $17,000 for creating a drawing designed to help our brave civil servants "find their creative solutions to challenges" and the list goes on which is why things got so heated today on capitol hill. >> today more than any other hearing we revisit the kind of waste and the kind of failure
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to secure taxpayers' hard-earned money than i can remember in history. >> you cannot take the money of american workers and waste it. >> the irs effectively was guilty of tax evasion. >> mr. george, according to your report the irs conference in anaheim in 2010 cost more than $000,000 is that correct? >> yes, it is, sir. >> you could have saved a million dollars by holding this conference in orlando? >> mr. fink, are you familiar with this guy? >> this is the gsa official in the hot tub. have you ever seen that picture? >> i have seen that picture, yes, jury mr. george, in your report you have squirting fish as part of $64,000. is any one -- has any one seen a squirting fish. did you see one at the
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conference? >> no, sir,, i did not. >> mr. fink, we have what we understand is the swag from the event. it also included i'm kind of confused by saying this, a plastic squirting fish. why would people get a plastic squirting fish? >> congressman, as i mentioned, i honestly have no idea what the plastic squirting fish was. >> when did you think that something was wrong here? did you ever think something was wrong here? you are in charge. this is what is so infuriating. you are in charge. >> while your fellow he americans are losing their jobs and their health insurance and their homes you do not spend $4 million at a conference for which there is no accountability. >> i'm in the wrong business. i never got a plastic squirting fish ever. joining me with reaction, former speaker of the house newt gingrich. did you ever get a plastic
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squirting fish? i never got one. >> i think that big government is reaching new levels of really absurdity and the whole internal revenue is service scandal is one example of why big bureaucratic government doesn't work, can't work is not going to be held accountable in the end and has to be pro fundly changed. >> sean: and we will have 6,000 new irs agents overseeing healthcare? help me out. >> if you look at every scandal that is underway right now it is a genuine repudiation of the potential of effective accountable competent bureaucratic big government. you see this in the internal revenue service, you see it in the environmental protection agent icy scandal. you see it in the justice department. in health and human services. i hope that the congress will continue to hold hearings and just calmly and steadily bring out more and more examples of how impossible it is to run this government effectively.
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>> sean: the one irs official, part of this is funny except when you look into the way that that he have been treating conservative tea party members. the guy that played spock in the star trek spoof was asked what were you thinking. watch this? >> were you thinking this will never be seen or were you thinking what will it look like when it is seen? >> those video he were an attempt to in a well intentioned way to use humor a star trek video to open the conference. the fact of the matter is it is embarrassing and i apologize. >> sean: that was your reaction to that? >> -- what was your reaction to that? >> typical of the whole lack of accountability. can you imagine if you made a major mistake with the irs and said look, i want to apologize? >> sean: is that a question?
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[ laughter ] >> if he say i'm sorry five times can i go home? the imbalance, you know, i'm writing a newsletter at gingrich productions .com that is going to come out in which i just ask a simple question. what does it mean to be illegal when you go through the various scandals you are told this was illegal. that was illegal. the next thing is illegal. nobody gets held accountable. nobody gets fired. nobody goes to jail. so what does it mean to say these things are illegal? and i think it is just part of the decay of bureaucrat eck big government that it is across-the-board just beginning to fall apart. >> sean: what did you make of the transcripts because the narrative has been that the people responsible were in cincinnati. rogue agents. but the transcripts they said they were directed by washington. what do you think of that? >> i believe that the obama administration has been even
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more dishonest about the internal revenue scandal than it has been about benghazi and it has been almost completely dishonest about benghazi. when you learn for example that the commissioner of internal revenue visited the white house 157 times, more than the attorney general, more than the secretary of state, more than any cabinet officer. 157 times. you have to ask yourself what were they talking about? what were they meeting on? his answer was tells you the contempt he has for the congress. was well one of them was is going to the white house easter egg roll. that is the kind of contempt for the american people that should not exist in somebody who holds public he office. >> sean: that was a poll that came out this week that showed the american people do not believe the president, personally he has taken a hit. if they lied more here and they didn't tell the truth in benghazi and didn't tell the truth on the irs and eric
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holder didn't tell the truth it is a relates to james rosen how should people interpret that. in. >> look, i think we need to fundamentally shake up the entire big government system. i think it is much bigger than president obama. some of the problems go back for decades. back as early as 1991 there was a survey of the internal revenue service and a majority of the irs agents surveyed said they thought it was okay to lie to congress. there has been a deep, deep decay of the bureaucracy in this country. it is out of control. unaccountable. nobody manages it. axel rod who president obama's chief strategist said that government is now to big the president doesn't know what is going on. then who is in charge? if the government is that big maybe we ought to shrink the government dramatically. >> sean: we will come back and perhaps what might end up being even a bigger scandal we will have speaker gingrich weigh in
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on that after the break. the new york times saying even the president has "lost all credibility." this after it was revealed that the administration is secretly seizing the phone records of more than 1 million americans. tonight, breaking news about the government tapping into your internet use. join us tomorrow night, a 9:00 p.m. special studio audience adegrees of "hannity" featuring average americans targeted by the u.s. pick the video of the day. the winner will be picked at the beginning of the program. a sneak peek. this is the first of the three choices. >> he says he doesn't want to leave. he is going to put his arms back across his legs and sit down like he is going to work on a sun tan on the infield. so♪ ♪ even if it's so wrong ♪ i wanna scream out loud ♪ boy, but i just bite my tongue ♪ ♪ this one's for the girls messin' with boys ♪
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>> sean: another day another scandal rocks the obama white house. it is the latest power grab by thed a hen station and it has to do with -- administration and has to do with your personal phone records. ' cording to the guardian newspaper the federal government under a secret court order has been gathering the phone records of millions of verizon customers rearing the company to hand -- requiring the company to hand over to the national security agency callsation on telephone calls in its system. in typical fashion the president's allies ran out immediately to come to his defense and that included the chair woman of the senate finance and senate intelligence committee democrat dean
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feinstein who said this is carried out under the business records of the patriot act and it is lawful and briefed to congress. unfortunately, for senator feinstein many lawmakers on both sides of the ail refute the claim and even the left leaning "new york times" are starting to distance themselves from the administration. the editorial board of the times posted an article about the latest scandal and wrote "the administration has now lost all credibility and then in a stocking twist and a bit of a reversal hours later the paper of record seem to back track a bit. they updated the editorial to read "the administration has now lost all credibility and then add on this issue." pretty unbelievable. that is not all. also breaking tonight, fox news confirmed that the nsa and fbi since 2007 have been tapping into various internet companies and the washington post first broke this story just hours ago and according to the report it
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includes pictures, videos and e-mails. we continue with form err of the house newt gingrich. before i ask you your thoughts on this. i want to answer what you think about it through the prism of then candidate obama in 2007. >> when i'm president one of the first things i'm going to do is call in my attorney general and say to him or her i want you to you review he every executive order issue youd by george bush whether it relates to wireless taps or retaining people or reading e-mails and go through every single one of them if they are encroaching on civil lebrontys unnecessarily we are going to overturn them. >> your reaction? >> i think the gap between president obama's rhetoric and reality is so massive that i am never surprised that what he says has no relationship to reality. this is a man after all who just two weeks ago told us the war on terror was over and we
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are now learning that the war on terror is so real that we are basically looking at virtually every american now one or the other has to be true. and i think it is just one more example that the president i think has an enormous gap between what he says and the real world. and so i don't pay a lot of attention to the fact that there is in enormous gap. i take it as a fact of every day life. he promised an open transparent administration. virtually every member of his cabinet has a secret e-mail account which is illegal. just go down the list of things he promised that he failed on. and it is nice to notice that the "new york times" actually founding is on which they have lost faith in him. >> sean: what do you think about the vast, the sheer numbers in the verizon case and then, of course, we have the prism issue which literally they are monitoring the servers of microsoft, yahoo, facebook, you tube, apple. the scope seems massive.
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>> there are two things that people ought to ask themselves about this. the first is and this is where the internal revenue you service scandal is so devastating. why would you trust this government with any private information? this is a government which we clearly now know with the irs was asking christian conservative groups what were you saying in your prayers? they were asking an 83-year-old woman what she was saying at her coffee club on friday mornings. i think this is a huge problem that people have to really ask themselves is do you really trust this government with that kind of information? flu is a second problem -- but there is a second problem, sean. when you gather all this data you don't when what you are looking for. why couldn't they figure out there were two that had bombs in boston. why couldn't they figure out there was a pakistani creating a car bomb in times square. in the fact that they relentlessly refuse to profile
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and be accurate and focus on people likely to kill us and so instead they gather mounds of data about everybody. actually i think weakens our ability to find out the people who are the most dangerous. >> sean: it seems like if you hired millions of people you wouldn't be able to is sift through all that, would you? >> they do it all by computer and code word and looking for is specific things. ask yourself the question. if they had the data how come they didn't find the pakistani car bomber in new york or the bombers in boston? how come they couldn't find major hassan who by the way is still getting paid his salary. what is it they are missing when they have all this information on innocent people and can't figure out who the guilty are? >> sean: also a little bit odd to me that the president was against this and now i guess he is for it. he was against enhanced
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interrogationnd but is all for drone strikes and gitmo is still open. after he lost the presidential election al gore went off the rails. he sent out a tweet today you know things are really bad when i start agreeing with al gore which nobody thought would ever happen. he wrote in the digital era privacy has to be a priority. is it just me or is a secret blanket surveillance obscenely outrageous? he has come back to his senses. >> i'm surprised al gore didn't suggest this was one more example of global warming, so you may be right. >> sean: i may be right. i'm thinking do i have to rethink where i am in this? all right, mr. speaker, good to see you. thanks for being with us. >> good to be with you. >> sean: when we come back, ann colter is here to react. we have all of the highlights. haulmakers hit eric holder with questions about every single scandal he is involved in. we will show it to you come up next. here is your second option.
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>> sean: welcome back to "hannity." the attorney general of the united states eric holder faced a grilling on capitol hill today during a senate appropriations committee hearing and while this was scheduled to discuss the justice department budget let's just say lawmakers did no the stick to that topic. they took every opportunity to ask about the growing scandals sur rounding the nation's top cop. the administration use of drones and gitmo.
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>> the controversy called into question its ability i believe to fairly administer law indigos justice. further, the questionable actions i believe of the attorney general have tarnished the integrity, impartialallity and efficacy of the position of attorney general. >> the department has not prosecuted and as long as i have the privilege serving as attorney general of the united states will not prosecute any reporter for doing his or her job. >> it troubles me un reviewable, unfettered authority to order the killing of any american citizens overseas who is suspected of terrorist activity without any kind of charge or trial or ju diction review.
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>> with all due respect i would say that it is incorrect to say that it is only in the -- it is in the -- that the president has unlimited authority in this regard. i also want to assure the american people and you as well that i am fully engaged in that regard. sure,gy through a self-evaluation process almost on a daily basis. i have not done a perfect job. i think i have gone a good job. >> joining we me with reaction, col upist ann coulter. good to see you. >> thank you. good to be here. >> sean: when said as the attorney general he was not prosecute any reporter for doing his job. can you tell me why he signed that affidavit going after james rosen? does that fit? >> well, yeah, i mean i don't think he should have said that if the journalist -- well, i suppose he would defend himself by saying that breaking the law you isn't part of your job. but i mean if this were julian
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aah assaunge trying to propel bradley manning to turn over actual national security to throw it up on the internet that would be an unindicted coconspirator, that would be a crime and the fact that julian assaunge calls himself a journalist would be of no interest to us. the fact that the ap listening to their phone lines a case or tapping to see where they were call and that is that the national security justification was nonsense. was bunk. particularly in light of the revealations about the verizon phone calls which again in the abstract if they are just looking for patterns in phone numbers called, not looking at the content of the phone call and submitting every phone call made in america into a computer to look for patterns and look for terrorism then under an
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honorable administration and even an honorable democratic administration if you can think of one you would say fine that is fantastic we want to be protected from a terrorist attack. the problem with this administration and eric holder is we can't trust them and in point of facts what we have learned particularly not the last few weeks is they don't care about terrorism, they want to spy on their political enemies. makes it a problem for the verizon case, for the prism case and for the james rosen case. >> sean: doesn't that make it a problem because they kind of thought the war on terror was over and spoke out against it? >> exactly. and you will recall during the bush administration when they were getting court warrants to follow and listen in on phone calls made to terrorist phone numbers, to numbers found on terrorist computers every once in awhile they would cited an actual says it was helpful in
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stop a terrorist attack. how about the administration gave us that. no, as speaker gingrich just said they didn't have to listen to anybody's phone line to find major hassan at fort hood. he is paid hundreds of thousands of dollars until he is convicted here. this is not an administration that teaks terrorism seriously. what they take seriously is harassing political opponents whether they are journalists or not. i think we should not go too far to say that the powers should not ever be used by aned administration. i think they should go after someone like julian assaunge even if he is a journalist. >> sean: there is a 1979 case, smith versus maryland in a decision there and the issue of telephone record information is very he different from content.
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and they held in that case that in fact the content of conversations is very different. so that they weren't getting content. >> that is protected by right. >> that is protected. >> the content is protected by the fourth amendment. the fact that you made a phone call is not. that doesn't mean that congress can't legislate and say no we are not going to give you this power. just means the constitution doesn't require it. i must say after all of the scandals from this unbelievably corrupt administration unbelievable how they harass their political oh opponents as we found out just in the last few weeks particularly out of the irs i think congress ought to pass a law suspending the mower to even look at the phone numbers until late january 2017 because you cannot trust this administration. >> sean: i have a legal question then as it relates to prism where they were looking at yahoo, google, facebook, aol, skype. they were extracting audio,
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video, photographs. that sounds to me that this is content. does that cross the line in your view; >> yes. i must say i think we need to know more. i could be wrong but at this moment i'm suspecting that the washington post is wrong because that would be a fourth amendment violation. >> sean: a good assumption. >> and i also notice in the article it said that the one of the big, you know, internet social media to absolutely not cooperate with the government on this is twitter. which is funny because i tweet so that more people will read it. i will actually kind of wish they were following me on at this time iter. >> sean: interesting. the new york times for a few hours tonight actually had it reit. they said the president has lost all credibility. and then they couldn't leave it. just haded to add "on this issue" hours later. >> and the opposite is the truth it. >> sean: that is true. >> and that is a big problem for what ought to be actually
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important methods of gathering national security and protecting america from a terrorist attack. this administration cannot be trusted. i mean way beyond i can't imagine and as you know i wrote he should be impeached. i can't imagine president clinton surrounding himself with people who would engage in -- to this degree. paula jones was audited. probably the irs was used to harass political enemies for a few years under clinton. but the journalists and now if the washington post is telling the truth,. >> sean: that is such a fishing ex-pa degrees. like going after grandma and little babies at the tsa going through security. >> right. >> sean: all right are. >> this administration has lost the ability to be trusted and this is why the framers said and they didn't say this about congress men or senators. you need a virtuous man in the presidency so choose wisely next time, america.
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>> sean: well, said. ann coulter. gooded to see you. >> sean: congress woman michele bachmann. sits down tore her first interview you since she announced she will not seek reehe election in 2013. coming up next, we will give a former top obama aide the opportunity. a hannity classic shootout coming out. log on to the special cam panon site to cast your vote for the video of the day. winner of the three videos will air in its entirety. the one you choose at the end of the show. here is a look at choice number three. >> as for how many tax she is going to have to pay on the $590 million, the irs said it is is too soon to tell because they don't know whether she is a republican or democrat. it will take awhile to figure that out. and i honestly didn'tk i would ever quit. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it reduces the urge to smoke. it put me at ease that you could smoke on the first week.
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verizon customers, of course, the irs enemies list, the attorney general's involvement in investigating reporters and organization the massive national security coverup following the attack in benghazi in spite of all of that here to try and defend his old boss, professor of economics, university of chicago, he loves this job, chicago school of business, former economic advisor austen goolsbee. how are you? >> you said it will be a shootout. tonight i'm going fire the gun shooter's sker's creedo? don't pick seven fights if you only have a six-shooter. >> sean: if you are in new york you are only allowed to have seven bull lets otherwise you are breaking the law. i will give you a minute uninterrupted to is respond to the charge because it is important. there was a treasury department investigation never released but completed in which it' peered that you -- it appear
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tad you' peered to possess confidential tax information on coke industries. i will not interrupt you. go ahead. >> i appreciate you doing that. that is totally inaccurate. that was then true at all. what happened in 2010 is there was a call about the economic recovery advisory board's tax reform report that had 58 different proposals in it. one of them was about the fact that our corporate tax system treats big private companies differently than public corporations. and i mistakenly used on a background call as an example of that korch industries. they were the percent to say that is incorrect. i apologized and is will apologize again. they were only an example. it was incorrect. it wasn't based on any private information at all. this was debunked at the time and the washington post fact
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checker who looked it a four weeks guy save it four pinocchios. it was completely in passing and meaningless. it wasn't based on any secret information. >> sean: some of us when we look at benghazi and the failure before the attack and during the attack the standdown order, the talking points that went from the truth to a lie, people like me look at that and say that is a coverup. why am i wrong? >> well, as i have said before, i don't know a ton about benghazi. this this case that we are talking about with the phone records, the first thing i noted is he thought wow, everybody is going to switch from verizon now. >> sean: they he might. >> they have been tracking this on all of the phone companies. it was a three he month period in 2012 where they were just getting the numbers of who was calling whom outside the country. i think the culture that has developed of great suspicion of the government and i got to say it kind of creeps me out if
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people are tracking my phone, what is going on. but if they could figure out there are five suspicious folks in the u.s. all calling some number in a compound outside of abadabad, i think there is potential information that is useful and thus far i thought they are saying that is what they are using it for. i noted the members of the intelligence committee have been not very critical. they foe about it and they were saying no, this was actually important. >> sean: seems like a broad net but i he don't want to get into a long lengthy debate to you. i played a tape earlier in the show. in 2007, obama was against this. critical of george bush. against enhanced interrogation but all for killing list, kill lists. still said he wante wanted to e gitmo. hasn't done it. you are are one of his biggest is supporters.
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what does it mean when does things that are the opposite of what he promised? >> in some of those cases i think it is a little different. on gitmo he attempted to do something which was opposed by congress and had to back down. that seems a little different circumstance than saying i want to do a and then deciding i want to do the opposite. i don't think that is an accurate description. on this wires taps, i don't know what is going on. i know the intelligence committee folks seem to be saying even some of the democrats saying they thought this was vital for the defense of the country. so i can't tell. i know back when it was happening under the bush administration there were a lot of people who were supportive of it who now are saying well, they don't think that obama should be doing this. so i think that is a little weird. we ought to have one standard on that kind of thing. >> sean: what do you think about the irs? they admitted targeting conservative groups the way
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they have. you are pretty left of center. i bet you would be upset if they are targeting liberal groups. >> i would say i'm pretty center. >> sean: i think you are pretty left. i think you are falling off the cliff. but go ahead. >> look, when we talked about this before, to the extent that they are targeting in a partisan way i think that is a big problem. i think the irs is required by law to get into whether a group is political but if they are doing that in a partisan way. >> sean: they are. they admitted to that. >> that must be stopped. that is unfair. >> they admitted this they searched on the tea party, i agree. i agree. but -- >> sean: the people in cincinnati that their transcripts said it was d.c. that gave us the order. that is the on set of what d.c. told us. >> i did see that. i did see that. but it was d.c. some irs official. now, they are are treeing to figure it out. all i highlight is some of the
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evidence absolutely feels to me like -- it feels very party season directed and i think that is a big problem. >> sean: from the irs workers. >> two thirds for example of the groups that got approved for nonprofit status were conservatives. and the only ones that were actually blocked and had the nonprofit status taken away were the liberal groups. >> sean: that is irdevelop rant because they admit they targeted conservative group g. if they targeted liberal groups also i think it would be different. >> sean: they didn't. unless there is a liberal group that had the tea party game. austen, you are a nice liberal. i kind of like you. thanks for being with us. >> we get along. what can i say? >> sean: coming up next, a "hannity" ex-clue i exclusive. michelewn with michele bachmann for her first
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interview since announcing she will not seek reelection. and you pick the "hannity" video of the day. tony used priceline to book this 4 star hotel. tell 'em why. free breakfast with express deals, you can save big and find a hotel with free breakfast without bidding. don't you just love those little cereal boxes? priceline savings without the bidding. if you're suffering from constipation, miralax or metamucil may take days to work. or faster relief, try dulcolax laxative tablets. dulcolax provides gentle relief overnight unlike miralax and metamucil that can take up to 3 days. for predictable relief try dulcolax. yeah? then how'd i get this... [ voice of dennis ] driving bonus check? every six months without an accident, allstate sends a check. silence. are you in good hands?
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the pain level was so high, it became unbearable. >> sean: welcome back to "hannity." so after serving nearly eight years in washington representing the constituents of the 6th district of minnesota congress woman michele bachmann announced she will not seek reelection in 2014. joining me for her first interview sense making the announcement, welcome back to the program. how are you? >> good to be with you. thank you, sean. >> sean: it took me by surprise and a lot of other people by surprise. what was the reasoning going into that? >> well, i'm serving about the same amount of time as the president would serve which is two terms that is 8 years and i think this is a body that needs to have tennual turnover. on the other hand it really is up to the individual how long they want to serve. i feel like i have done a lot in the eight years that i have been there.
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i was a very strong voice taking on my own party. pushed back on bailout. i was the champion of repealing obamacare and also dealing with this issue of the irs i have been involved in that as a former irs attorney. on issue after issue dealing with the rise of islam eck jihad, i have been there. but i think there is a time when you served and then it is time to move on. i'm not retiring. i'm not the going silent. i'm not the quitting my public involvement. in fact, i may run for another public office. that could happen. but for right now i think i'm going to find a different perch in order to be able to weigh in on the matters. sometimes you be more effective on the outside than on the inside. i have done everything i possibly could on the inside and but i still intend to be in the fight. >> sean: but you don't have any definitive plans? >> no defensative plan right now -- no definitive plan right now but wide open and looking and another year and a half to
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do a lot of work in congress. i work 100 hour weeks, sean. i will do that for the next year and a half and then after that i will continue to be a very strong voice. people won't see me go away. it is just where will i be weighing in from and that is what i'm looking at right now. >> sean: i know that nancy pelosi targeted you, you i think are number one target in the last election and it was a little closer probably than you would have liked. why do you think that you became such a lightning rod? >> i think because i was fearless in exposing what not only nancy pelosi was doing but also what barack obama was doing. and i thought it was important to get to the very nub and the premises that they were trying to bring forth and establish and that is why i was ringing the bell on obamacare and now we are ringing the bell on the perpetual amnesty that they are proprosing and that is what it was was actually exposing what they were doing and then motivating and inspiring american people to respond. i was the chair of the tea
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party caucus and continue to be here in congress and i think nothing was more feared by the radical left than the rise of normal americans asserting their constitutional rights. it was extremely powerful. and that allowed american voice as one that they want silenced. they certainly don't want to see conservative women be able to articulate our views to the american people and they he want to silence the african americans who are conservative, latinas who are conservative, conservative women, they certainly want to silence our voice and so i think that is a big part of it. >> sean: what do you make as now you head into your final year and a half in washington and all of these scandals with the new news today that are just engulfing all of d.c., what are your thoughts about all that? >> well, elections matter. that is the first thing that i thought this morning how crucial it is that we pay attention to these elections. it is not just a flip thing about who is in and it is not a
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game like we are keeping score or like there is a particular team we are a part of. this is about america and who we will be and what we are becoming and we are seeing serial lawlessness out of the obama administration. and that is why i think again as a former irs attorney and also chair of the tea party caucus to watch the irs abuse in the way that it is the political machinery of government directed as an attack machine against americans based upon their political beliefs that is a anag ma to who we are. a clear violation of not only the god given and constitutional rights babassic denial of human liberty. this isn't who we are. it is not our signature. again, i'm not going aweigh. i'm not leaving washington. i'm not leaving the national scene. just bringing a positive solution from a different perch. >> sean: last question, think
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about 2016 maybe be running for president again? >> i'm not taking anything off the table but i'm certainly oking at right nowmber one item either. i'm in the game for the long haul. >> sean: appreciate you being with us and look forward to have you you on in the days, weeks, months and years ahead. thanks for being with us. >> thank you, sean. >> sean: up next. the video of the day. find out what you the viewers choose as today's winner. three great choices tonight, too. oh, he's a fighter alright. since aflac is helping with his expenses while he can't work, he can focus on his recovery. he doesn't have to worry so much about his mortgage, groceries, or even gas bills. kick! kick... feel it! feel it! feel it! nice work! ♪ you got it! you got it! yes! aflac's gonna help take care of his expenses. and us...we're gonna get him back in fighting shape. ♪
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>> sean: welcome back to "hannity." time to reveal the video of the day. that means the video that you chose as the video of the day. now, the south carolina high school valedictorian that ripped up h his speech and in a stunning display of fea faith d fearlessness decided to recite the lord's prayer in spite of
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the school district recent banning of prayers at school. watch the reaction. >> which she somehow came to refer to, obviously i didn't do my job well enough to we have to use a different one. he think most of you will understand what i'm saying. our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. thy kingdom come. [ applause ] >> as we forgive those who trespass against us, lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever and ever. amen. [ applause ] >> look at the reaction. standing up to the speech police and political correctness. good for him. and that is all of the time we
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have left this evening. thank you for being with us. let not your heart be troubled. greta is next to go "on the record." see you here tomorrow night. greta, take it away. >> greta: tonight, it goes all the way to the top. even the new york times is calling it president obama's dragnet. >> the committee will come to order. >> i'm afraid that a wealth of skilled leaders is spreading across the planet like a virus. >> mr. america, were you mr. spock in the video? >> that's correct. >> overall we found that the irs spent an estimated $49 million for 225 conferences during the three year period of our review. >> in hindsight many of the expenses that were incurred in the 2010 conference should have been more closely scrutinized or not incurred at all and
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