tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News June 7, 2013 1:00am-2:01am PDT
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irst place. we've surcome a long way. ♪ [ le announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. bill is on a tear. >> bill: o'reilly factor is on. >> this is type of program that put orwell to shame. >> bill: another shocking investigation. every verizon telephone customer is under surveillance. >> you personally signed the documents with the dollars on it before the conference. >> i initialed the routing slip. >> what does that mean to you? do you have any responsibility for that? >> bill: talk about an out of control situation, irs spending $50 million on conferences and parties even while they were unfairly scrutinizing conservatives.
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laura ingraham has some thoughts. also open warfare in great britain between muslim jihadists and angry citizens. we'll tell you all about that. >> caution you are about to the enter the no-spin zone. factor begins right now! ♪ ♪ >> bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly. federal government out of control. that is the subject. seen every night i'm sitting here telling you about another horror story in washington. today we learned that americans that have verizon telephone services are being spied upon by the national security agency,
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nsa, intelligence gathering group that monitors communications abroad. just a few moments megyn kelly will tell us about the spying program. headline is this -- the nsa and verizon have all your calls, they know who you called and how long you stayed on the phone and apparently they are not listening to your calls just cataloging them. obama administration says this is necessary to fight the war on terror. even liberal americans are openly criticizing the president. >> every week we discover that they have strengthened the bush state when it comes to going after whistleblowers, when it comes to criminalizing investigations. >> bill: this is the type of program i think would put orwell to shame and more trouble than the bush administration wiretapping program.
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>> bill: talking points usually supports war on terror strategies but this one, is dangerous to us. also today the irs hearing. now, we're learning the agency spent about 50 million taxpayer dollars on parties and conferences that were totally unnecessary. >> we understand what we have is the swag bag from the event. this is leading into the future and then we have a portfolio that says teamwork in action. these items like 3,000 of them were given to all the participants, over $60,000 of these. we know in the footnotes what was in these swag bags, also included -- i'm confused by saying this, a plastic squirting fish. >> bill: of course, it does. this irs embarrassment comes on the heels of the admission that unfairly
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targeted conservative americans. the irs people in cincinnati originally blamed, say they were ordered by their superiors in washington to do what they did. no surprise except the koolade drinkers that refuse to acknowledge the federal government is out of control. why is that? well it's president obama's management style. she simply not interested in many of the mundane things that go on in washington. unlike bill clinton, president obama tell gates but does not oversee. so ideological federal employees and corrupt people working for the government know they can do pretty much what they want to do because there is little oversight from the top. even when, even when screw-ups map like the justice department snooping on reporters, nothing happened to those that are accountable like attorney general holder. >> to be clear you are not stepping down? >> no intention of doing so
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now. >> bill: no. why would he? so it's clear there is just chaos in washington. i wonder what i'll be telling you tomorrow. that is memo. now, the top story, reaction joining us from wx washington, laura ingraham. a snooping on reporters and now snooping on americans in general which do you think is most important? >> this is swag bag of scandals. it's hard to pick. lots of disturbing stuff from nsa story, but i will have to go with door number three which is the irs scandal. it goes to the heart of what we're supposed to be able to believe about our federal government. it doesn't operate with concern for what you believe or with a god you worship to. it operates with concern for the regular people, law abiding citizens. in fact it turns out that
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wasn't the case. the hrings today -- i'm glad you played that clip -- the hearings today was more examples of lack of accountability. there was one guy a deputy commissioner of the irs, his name is ferris fink. sounds like something out of a cartoon. he had no idea as deputy commissioner how much these conferences were going to cost. >> bill: let me stop you there. we are looking at fink and he is dressed up like, i guess that is mr. spock of star wars because in one of their little parties the theme was star wars and he was playing spock. none of them know anything. they don't know anything. >> it's just our money. >> bill: yeah, lois lerner. >> it's other peoples money. >> bill: this is what
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happens in a banana republic. in a banana republic where leadership is non-existent the government does what it wants. every department does what it wants to do. the head of accountability guy, eric holder is too busy tapping phones and doing this stuff. can't be bothered with stuff like that. >> the idea that they have these team buildings conferences where a bunch of bureaucrats from field offices in washington, i guess they go to other cities like anaheim or las vegas. they are away from the families and whoop it up for several days and do stupid videos. they build the star wars bridge -- did you see that the bridge from star wars, cost $50,000 just to make the video and build the set for the video. -- star trek. meanwhile, americans in
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2010 are struggling to take a vacation. >> bill: everybody knows the irs abused conservative americans but wasted our money. to be fair on the surveillance deal which i said megyn kelly is coming up with details, it started under the bush administration apparently. it has continued and expanded under president obama with a 121 million americans being a part of verizon deal. all our records are in the hands of the government. as we see in the irs, anything can be leaked out to anybody. so maybe they didn't listen to the calls, but they know who you called and how long you were on the phone with that person. that could be put out to any website any time they want. >> we know that the obama administration is really good at data mining. they were so good at data mining. you are right. it started courtesy of the
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patriot act which they raised red flags. i didn't focus that much to tell you the truth about patriot act. i wish i had. >> bill: i supported the patriot act but i never thought it could cover every single american. >> the key is the fisa court is the foreign intelligence. >> bill: you can get the records of everybody. here. that i never even thought could be possible. >> there was no specific reason. that is different from they are saying. i think that is different how the bush administration posed it. we'll see. >> bill: and we ask will eric holder resign. about 20,000 of you voted. 53% say yes, he will, 47% say no, he will not. megyn kelly goes on the phone snooping scandal.
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jesse watters asking who do they admire. >> one of mine is lady gaga, making music. >> it's racy stuff. >> bill: excellent. we're coming right back. alec, for this mission i upgraded your smart phone. ♪ right. but the most important feature of all is... the capital one purchase eraser. i can redeem the double miles i earned with my venture card to erase recent travel purchases. d with a few clicks, this mission never happened. uh, what's this button do? [ electricity zaps ] ♪ you requested backup? yes. yes i did. what's in your wallet?
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♪ ♪ >> bill: kelly files, millions of americans have had their phone records analyzed by the nsa. they now know your calling habits and explain what the heck is going on. megyn kelly -- before we get to specifics. what is the headline of this story for you? >> that it is happening. i don't think it's any more nuanced than that. the senators have known for a long time, but we have not known. our phone records are being collected and thinks not
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just verizon. >> bill: republican lindsey graham, if you are not taking to a terrorist why should you be worried. >> here is why he said that. we haven't known it and all of us is trying to find out what they have been doing. what the senators have been revealed it's been going on 2006. nsa has been getting phone records from phone companies. we know verizon but i'm sure others, as well. they collect the records of numbers we called, where we were when we made the calls and how long the calls lasted. sort of basically like a phone bill almost. whatever information can be gleaned from that. they subpoena the information or get the information through the fisa court, this secret court that helps with national security issues. they get it at nsa.
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now, the question -- that is what came out. >> bill: judge signed off. three or four months. >> it's a renewing thing. >> bill: federal judge says, it's okay. go ahead and do it. >> yes, but what i'm being told by o background, the reason the feds are doing this, i'm not justifying it -- the phone companies purge the records. so if the feds have an interest on getting phone records on a basis they need to get them from verizon and other companies otherwise they will be eliminated. i'm not justifying but explaining. they hold them at the nsa and according to the senator dianne feinstein, a democrat on the senate intel committee, they can only use the information gathered if there is a reasonable suspicion that
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it relates to terrorist activity. its data collection thing and then to review them you need to show a higher standard. >> bill: here is why it's all b.s. -- did you hear about the irs scandal? did you hear about the irs taking personal information and feeding it out to left wing websites? you tell me it can't happen here? absolutely. so for example, some conservatives conservative senator calls trixie at the hot licks massage parlor, guess who knows it? guess who put it out any time they want. >> is it knowable. >> bill: i know the answer to it.umber. senator has a number, he goes whoa, gives it out to website that can hurt the senator. >> that is possible.
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>> bill: that is why you can't do this. >> how is it being held at nsa, who controls the records. what do they have to go through if they wanted to review the numbers. they don't have to go through anything. >> bill: they can play all day long with them. >> dianne feinstein, they have to go through additional layers. >> bill: kelly, you shall telling me that dianne feinstein is protecting my privacy? is that what you are telling me? dianne feinstein protecting my privacy. does that make you feel good. dianne feinstein protecting my privacy? >> you are raising a point. you are on point tonight. we had a poll that president obama's trust has fallen 20 net points. >> bill: let's leak that out. >> he had a 20-point
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favorite now it's neck and neck. >> bill: he hasn't called anybody he shouldn't call. >> and erosion of trust in our government. maybe years ago we would have thought the nsa wouldn't have looked for that but now there will be questions. >> bill: i like having you on the program because you make me feel good. dianne feinstein protecting my privilege privacy and i feel better for it. worst states when it comes to protecting children. and mcguirk will weigh in on the phone snooping situation as
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states in protecting arena is washington state, california, hawaii, vermont, oregon and new york. and now new york governor wants to make abortion laws even more liberal in the empire state. 41 states restrict late term abortions and new york does as well saying you can't destroy a fetus after 21 weeks. cuomo wants to change that making a threat to the mother's health the law. that could be anything as we saw in philadelphia with the monstrous dr. gosnell. why is cuomo doing this? >> he is trying to reach out to female voters. his platform goes beyond abortion rights and talks about other items. in terms of the abortion issue -- dr. gosnell were performing illegal third term abortions. i don't know he is the best
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person to compare it to. these guys changed law to say you can get a third term abortion in new york state if it is to preserve the mother's health. >> bill: bart of gosnell's defense and you interviewed his defense lawyers, women's health was impacted. she walks in and give birth two days hence. she has anxiety. that is impacting the health. a health exemption can mean anything. it's not defined. am i correct? >> in most states it's true. >> bill: it's a federal level. >> i'm getting there, in planned parenthood, 1992 it came after rowe, they said you can't abort a viable baby. they sustained that piece of federal law you can't abort a child if it is viable. if the mother is going to die even though she is carrying a viable child,
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she can still have an abortion. as far as the health exception, you have to have a health exception but states can define it very narrowly. >> bill: here in new york there is no definition in the bill. if you have a sprained thumb and you want to abort that baby two days before it is born, if this bill passes you can. had 1 states have restricted late term abortions. >> they also have health exceptions. >> one of my god children was birthed at 26 weeks. he is now a brilliant kid and championship tennis player. so everybody knows what we are talking about here. 41 states said you know what, we're going to make it hard to abort after 21 weeks. federal law could override that, correct? >> federal law has the bare
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minimum standard. again, it comes down to viability. if the child in utero is viable then it has certain rights. >> bill: it wouldn't have any rights realistically because any problems with the mother -- >> there has to be standards built in. there has to be standards built in. >> bill: tell me what health standards exactly are specifically into the new york law? >> i don't know how they are going to define it. >> bill: there aren't any? >> that is the problem. one thing they have banned, remember when they banned partial birth abortion. the feds banned that and there can never be a health exception to allow you to do that. supreme court upheld that. they didn't say you can't have a health exception of the third trimester for a
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different abortion procedure that is not a partial birth abortion. it's still legal at the federal level. >> bill: this law in the new york state would be a horrific brutal law. >> it puts a lot of discretion of doctors. >> bill: some of whom will do anything. >> as we saw in pennsylvania. >> bill: as the factor moves along, war in great britain between muslims and the folks. and gutfeld and mcguirk making appearances on the factor. factor. stay tuned. if you're suffering from constipation, miralax or metamucil may take days to work. or faster relief, try dulcolax laxative tablets. dulcolax provides gentle relief overnight unlike miralax and metamucil that can take up to 3 days. for predictable relief try dulcolax.
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♪ ♪ >> bill: segment tonight, ten days ago a 25-year-old british soldier murdered in the streets of london. muslim jihadists killed the in an broad daylight and then went in front of the camera to rant about it. ten other muslims raids in the case. it led to anti-muslim demonstrations. >> bill: that man you just saw leading the anti-muslim movement is tommy robinson who heads up militant english defense league. i spoke with him a few days ago.
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>> define your group for us and why you became involved with it? >> we are a pressure movement o to put pressure on our politicians. we started four years ago to tackle radical islam. our soldiers were abused. that was the final straw basically. in this country and everyone has watched as it goes down the pan. quite frankly --. >> bill: in britain muslim population has doubled in ten years, 2001 to 2011. why is that? why are so many muslims coming to great britain? >> it doubles every ten years. they are not just coming here it's the birthrate. they are having average 5.6 children and average brit is having 1.3.
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they are not assimilating. if we bury our heads in the sand we are sleepwalking. >> bill: what does the government want to do with the muslim population? >> their goal is they are terrified of them and they pander to them. david cameron he is the boy being bullied and he is too scared to stand up to them. they are pandering to islam and what the islamic community will do and how they will react to anything and fearful of muslims where british public are offend order daily basis. >> bill: cameron says, it's not enough to target to go after violent extremists. we have to drain the swamp which they inhabit. looks like the prime minister is getting tough on them, no? >> not a no. every time he said that blair and brown, in reality
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to what they actually do. action speaks louder than words. we are scared. we are in the trenches and front lines fight for christianity and fight for our country's identity that is under attack. >> bill: i lived in london for a year and i don't understand why you say the prime minister and powers that be in the parliament are afraid of muslims. what are they afraid of if certain muslim groups are causing trouble, as you assert they are, you would think the english people would want a crackdown. why would be the government be afraid of that? >> they are afraid of them because every shopping centers are owned by saudi arabia. they got on our government like that. they may have fooled our government but they won't buy the people. and they are paralyzed with
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fear. >> bill: if you got a violent group, look we have the same problem to a much lesser extent. if they step out of line they get smacked here. nobody objects to that, but in your country what you are asserting that the establishment is afraid of these people and therefore doesn't move against them. >> they are terrified. they have done nothing. they have radicalized so many muslims, so many ex-members of this group, our government has done nothing to stop them. they haven't identified the enemy. david cameron was on tv and he wants to combat groups -- all we do is facts and truth. we don't hate muslims.
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the fact there ner has been a peace and there will be. >> bill: you say you wanted to protect great britain as a christian nation you said earlier in this interview. then you come across as somebody who has anti-muslim agenda and you will know that you've been called a fascist and racist and your group has been described by the british press as that. >> we discard the far right. we have a division, jewish division, we even have a gay division. by calling us a racist or fascist, they will have to address the points we are bringing up. what is happening in this country we are gaining so much support from so many people they will have to address these points. >> bill: all right, we appreciate you coming on. >> when we come right back,
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♪ ♪ >> bill: i'm bill o'riley in what happened segment. we have a hot topic on a woman on united airlines gets coffee spilled on her and she is suing. and of course the nsa phone snooping story, gutfeld and mcgirg, have your phone records. >> i don't think they, most of my phone calls is late night calls to teen crisis centers. i like to help young people. >> bill: you are calling them. it's supposed to be the other way around.
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>> greg: but that is what authorities are telling me because i care. you are lucky because this scandal validates your choices for holding on to that rotary phone. >> bill: that's right. >> mickey mouse town. >> bill: this is serious situation. the irs has released all over the place illegally, all right and now dianne feinstein tells me, don't worry, bill. don't worry, bernard, i'm going protect you guys. >> it is tough to protect this particular government after revelations in the recent week. it was probably an effort to thwart or investigate a terror attack. judge submitted this order ten days after the boston bombing. a lot of the outrage, al gore is outraged but he has a soft button for america haters. >> bill: you know i'm the
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biggest terror warrior in town but you don't violate the privacy of every single american. that is not what we're about n business to do. >> if you haven't spoken to terrorists after april 15th. >> bill: no, you are not. they have been doing this for eight years. nsa, they are bunch of gnomes and all they do is looking at this stuff. they can find out who you call and where you work and all of this. that is not what we want. >> we trust the government. >> bill: no, i don't. >> you should more the most part. >> i trust our security officials, nsa, it's the justice department, it's nsa, trust them? >> post boston bombing. remember the mentality afterwards. why did they together
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guardian. >> bill: somebody leaked it out. you are not for this, are you? >> you got the doj, nsa, i can't keep track. >> bill: its mass accumulation have information? >> i am on the fence where i like to be. i'll tell you why. >> bill: you can't decide whether you are for or against, at leers mcguirk is man. >> if you believe in the patriot act you can't be hypocritical. >> bill: you are a hypocrite. >> democrats were outraged at the patriot act and now dianne feinstein is developing it. >> i supported the patriot act because it was specific information not a general to pick anybody's information. >> bill: i want everybody to know he weaseled out of
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this. >> a woman is suing united airlines for $170,000 because some hot coffee was spilled on her on the flight which is owned by united now. she says she needs $170,000 because coffee was spilled on her. >> it's clearly frivolous and outrageous this is how sleaze boats like john edwards got rich. >> bill: she lawyer and gets a settlement. >> somebody spills a coffee on your lap and you have to leave the plane looking like -- what i'm saying they could give a free ticket. let her sit in the economy. >> bill: no, this is $170,000, that is as much as your house is worth. >> that was cheap shot. >> doesn't mean i'm poor. i'm rich in spirit.
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what happens to whoops. you kind of go whoops. now anything that an accident you sue for. it could be more coffee on flights and not be able to recline because reclining causes dangerous. it's over a missile and you are suing over hot coffee. there are worse things that could happen to you 35,000 feet in the air. >> this is something that people have to worry about. us little folks. >> if it comes down -- >> i have more commercial flights than you two combined. i flew and el salvadoran airlines and sat next to a duck. >> bill: let's get rid of these two. jesse watters on deck. we'll find out in a few
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♪ >> bill: segment tonight. watters world concentrating on younger americans. sequestration, who do you admire -- the question is simple. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> what are you going to be when you grow up? >> to make makeup. >> is that what you are looking to make? >> what? >> what is the matter with you? >> i want to be a cop. >> you are pretty young for that. >> professional hockey player. >> f.b.i. agent. >> lacrosse player.
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>> i love sports i can do something in sports. >> be a personal shopper. >> does your parents know that you are want to be a persol shopper. >> my dad is kind of like be a doctor. >> you have the nose ring. do you think that might turn off potential employers? >> possibly but i think for art stuff, art people are very weird. >> i want to be a professional ballerina. >> what is that called clia? >> posse. >> so close. >> i want to be a psychologist. >> to analyze him. >> you have a gift, my friend. >> what do you want to be when i grow up. >> i want to be a gangst. >> i don't know who this person is but he is annoying us. >> do you look up to anybody specifically? >> andy warhol. the stuff he does is great. >> soup cans and bananas for christsakes. >> i kind of look up to derek sweet. do you like a-rod? >> no. >> one of my role models is
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lady gaga. >> do o your parents know lady gaga is your role model. >> i don't care. >> i would say tyler perry. >> do you understand the words coming out of your mouth? >> i want to be an actor as well. >> are the there shoes in there? >> no. >> is that what you want to wear? >> what are you guys talking about in current events? >> we learn about the economy and the stock market. >> how is the economy doing right now? >> i think it is up. >> you learned about the boston bombings. >> yes. >> what did you learn about that? >> they say it is because they were linked to somebody in al-qaeda. >> right now we are talking about the u.s. and their effect on other countries. >> how does the u.s. affect other countries. >> just taking over other countries that are smaller and can't defend themselves. >> what does the teacher say about president obama? >> he doesn't think that the rich should pay more taxes is than the poor. >> so your teacher is glen
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beck. >> i don't know through one works. >> do very talk about president obama ever in class. >> she trees to tell us that obama's ideas are bad. >> i think this is fox news, right? so? >> have watch bill o'reilly on fox news channel. >> my dad loves him. >> loves him? >> loves him. >> what about bill o'reilly. >> no idea who that is. >> we love you, bill. >> is that a question. >> anything you want to say to bill right now? >> give me a chance. that's all. >> you think we are going to hire you, don't you? >> maybe. that would be nice. >> if you want a job you are going about it the wrong way. >> i'm a gangsa! >> no you're not. >> one of the kids he asked said tyler perry. an interesting choice. and entrepreneur. i like his entertainment. i think he does good stuff. lady gaga. how old was that girl? >> i think a 9th grader and
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loves lady gaga. >> bill: 9 itth grade you can love lady gaga that is all right. >> i loved michael jackson. >> you still like him. >> i used to moon walk. didn't turn out so well. >> bill: you are entitled before you are 16 to like whoever you want. they all looked like nice kids. >> reit. >> bill: did you run into any hey. >> the acian kid was cutting class and he wanted to be a gangsta. he was dropping a lot of profanities. a lot of the kids were really sophisticated. i tried to stop a kid for an interview. he had a tie on and had his au pair with them and looks down at his watch that costs about 4-$ and says sorry i'm going to be late to a meeting i got to run. >> bill: new york city. and they liked you. >> they he always like me. >> bill: not the always. but most of the time. factor tip of the day. checking rochecking out your el
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>> bill: factor tip of the day. checking out your enemies in a moment. first, close to breaking records on bill oh rely .com. hats and shirts flying out of here. great father's day gifts. couple those with one or more of my best selling books and dad will be overjoyed a week from this sunday. if you become a premium member you get killing kennedy or killing lincoln free of charge. michael tonight. you w repeated a lie. it has been proven that the majority of the business were in other buildings for obama dear. nothing has been proven because the white house records of mr. shul man's visits have not been released.
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est was cleared in the white house 157 times. is a fact. steven, grove oklahoma. bill, susan rice knew she was going to say a lie when she appeared on the talk shows. the certainty fascinates me, steve? how do you know he that? you don't provide backup to your statement. in you had backup i will lead the program with your next letter. beckel is wrong with benghazi. i and many americans care about what happened there. larry caldwell, new jersey. some celebrities say they want to be bradley manning. i didn't hear any of them say i want to be james rosen. nice point, larry. todd park. charlotte, north carolina. manning should be found guilty of leaking classified information. there is a chain of command and wekileaks is not in it. brewster new york. if jesse ventura is suing the widow of chris kyle because you
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he thinks it would restore his reputation he should know that wagon has already rolled out of town. i agree. sharon brown, junction city, oregon. bill, you are my hero. thanks for standing up for kyle. pat, indiana. i'm reading keeping pinhy. it's good. how do you come up with these ideas. your brain must always be on overload. >> i'm often in a fog, pat. but it is a good fog. thanks for being a premium member, by the way. and debbie olson. about pembroke pines florida. the tip of the day always arrives with perfect timing. i watch it with my teenagers and the empact is invaluable. i appreciate that, debbie, very p. trying to make the tip relevant toive's lives. here is another one. seek out your enemies. even the best human beings have them. while researching my upcoming book killing jesus i was amazed
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that so many people hated that food man his enemies as you know succeeded in eventually murdering him. i'm an irish guy who does not shy away from confrontation but in my present position here on the factor almost any confrontation will hurt me so if i hit somebody, that is a couple of h hundred thousand dollars to them. see what i mean. i stay away. i ignore most of the slings and arrows but not all. as you may know we are attacked here on a daily basis mostly by people failing in the marketplace and by idelogical zee lots from both sides. once in awhile i check out the smear merchant to see what the agenda really is. almost always a waste of time. a tip. ignore your enemies if you can. don't try to reason with them and if they he do you harm,
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protect yourself legal le. don't go vigilante. never works out. factor tip of the day. that is it for us today. check out the fox news factor website which is different from billoreilli .com. spout off about the factor. name and town if you wish to oh pine. word of the day, do not be prurient when writing to the factor. remember that the spin stops right here because we are definitely looking out for you.
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a >> good morning everyone. i am patti ann browne. >> i am heather nauert. it is friday june the 7th. thank you for getting up with us and watching "fox friends first. overnight a medical chopper going down killing all three people on board. this happened in eastern kentucky. as we understand it right now the chopper was on its way back to its base after transporting a patient to a hospital when it crashed. the company confirming that a pilot, a paramedic and a nurse were among those who died. no word on what caused this to go down. we will keep you
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