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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  June 8, 2013 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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twitter. have a great weekend and i will see you on "the five." two world leaders who don't trust each other now navigating through what president obama calls uncharted waters. president obama once again meeting with miss counterpart over cyber security. the timing is interesting. he says he is being forced to defend our government's secret spying on millions of americans. >> you can't have100 percent security and also then have 100 percent privacy and zero inconvenience. >> all this amid new developments this week in another white house scandal. the irs still under fire for targeting conservatives. now growing concern over news that higher ups in washington
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knew it was happening all along. it all begs this question, should attorney general eric holder go? we will ask. hello, everybody. "america's news headquarters" live from the nation's capital starts right now. >> in moments president obama will be hosting a bi-lateral meeting with chinese president. it may be a tense meeting as the trust between both countries deteriorating amid accusations of cyberattacks. our correspondent ed henry is joining us from california. ed, how much is it pushing the chinese president over cyber security. >> even before these talks white house officials said they would be pushing the chinese president hard on cyberattacks. it is a major issue not just for the u.s. government, but u.s. businesses who are seeing their intellectual property stolen not just from the
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chinese, but others around the world, through these cyberattacks. as you suggest it can get awkward, these conversations because of the revelations about american surveillance. what president obama was saying in his talks with the chinese leaders -- with the chee niece leader when he -- chinese leader when he spoke late last night is he said these are separate issues, apples and oranges. chinese cyber cyberattacks are about stealing this property whereas for the american surveillance it is about protecting lives and fighting terrorism. listen to what the president said. >> in someways these are uncharted waters and you don't have the protocols that have governed military issues, for example, and arms issues. it is critical as two of the largest economies and military powers in the world that china and the united states arise at a firm understanding of how we
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work together on these issues. >> now, beyond these important policy issues it is trying to have a reset of u.s.-chinese relations, a little color behind the scenes. i just bumped into the famous american chef who said he cooked for these two leaders last night. nobody learned that. we are giving you a little scoop and he cooked lobster tamale and porter house steak and cherry pie. they wanted an all-american menu to show the relatively new chinese president. i am told that the president said it was so good he should open some in china. meab it will lead to trade and economic development. >> who better to serve? and let's talk about this issue of secrets on spying on millions of americans. the president is still being hit hard by these revelations that americans have been secretly taped for their e-mails and there phone records.
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and their phone records. >> he has been hit hard for several days. the important point to make is the president pushed out and spoke out in a session with reporters before these talks with the chinese leader. what he basically said was this surveillance is limited, legal and it helped save american lives. there is a tough balance here between privacy and safety and security. republicans, one of the architects of the patriot act says when you look at the wide scope in terms of phone records and e-mails that are under surveillance, he thinks it is going too far. take a lessen. >> this is a dragnet. it is an overreach, and we have to find out why this is justified simply because the nsa wants to do some data mining. >> the bottom line is that the push back from the president is made harder for him because these revelations are not happening in a vacuum. it is happening after the irs scandal, happening after the
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justice department and the monitoring of james rosen. the bottom line is the president is under a lot of pressure. it suggests the american people are skeptical of government overreach. >> great to see you. thank you very much. >> great to see you. have a good day. >> you too. questions about whether it is time for joarn general eric holder's future to come to an end are coming from democrats. they say holder should consider stepping down. mansion stopped short of saying holder should resign, but said any official regardless of party should resign when they become ineffective. and keep it here. later in the show i will ask former attorney general alberto gonzalez for his thoughts on holder's effectiveness. and he will share his insights on the government's data grab. the questions continuement
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number one, will washington be involve in the irs -- was washington involved in the irs targeting looking for tax exempt status? it hasn't been proven, but more agents are coming out. molly has more. >> at least two irs employees in cinncinati are pushing back against accounts of higher ups in washington that rogue, low-level agents were responsible for targeting conservative groups for extra scrutiny. as lois lerner said -- you may remember she is on paid administrative leave now, but she was in charge of the tax exempt division and blaming the targeting on agents in cinncinati. one of the sense since employees told house investigators that she was, quote,enen fiewr -- enfuriated that lerner blamed them. she says it doesn't work that way. they said the managers have tight inventory control systems. they ged -- they get prints of the inventory so they know exactly what cases we had, how
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old they are, how long we have them and stuff like that. so these two rogue agents running a muck for three years or even three months, it would never happen. fofacre said her boss in washington, irs lawyer, carter hall, asked for extra paperwork on the conservative groups. there are reports now that hall may be retiring. and you may remember that former acting irs director steven miller also was allowed to retire early after the scandal started breaking. legal experts say it is tough to get fired in the government job for a reason. >> that would be a disincentive for people to want to devote their careers to government. it would make things unstable and unpredictable. there is some value to having protections in place so that you can't have wholesale mass firing of hundreds of thousands of government employees all at once. but there is clearly a balance you have to strike here. >> dupreist says the goal is to make sure hundreds of thousands of those employees
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don't lose their jobs each time a new political party comes into power in washington. >> molly, thank you very much. a former irs commissioner is urging congress to set up a joint congressional committee to investigate the irs' targeting of tea party and other conservative groups. mark everson says it is upsetting and underscores the deepening distrust many americans have for their government. i spoke with him earlier about his concerns. >> this is really just disgraceful. there is no excuse for videos and parties and sweets and people who are happiness experts or innovation experts. i find it very disturbing. it is an out right waste of money. i think it was part of a misguided effort to curry favor with employees. this is a pure management problem. it is not the employees. the employees have been criticized for the cruel tour
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perhaps and some of the locations like cinncinati. this was just out right bad management. >> i live in a block where most people don't even make $50,000 a year. but yet still we can produce a video that has no redeeming value, none, and spend taxpayers' hard-earned dollars for that. and then there was that line dance. couldn't see any there either. >> you know, there are lawmakers that are characterizing what happened as, quote, maliciously self-indulgent particularly at a time when the country was in the midst of major economic challenges. the fact that $50 million of our tax taxpayer money was being spent on upgraded presidential suites and these crazy videos and, you know, all kinds of unnecessary expenses as for party favors,
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et-cetera. how could this happen? >> what is really sad it is not just the country, you say, but the service is chronicley short of money. always needing more money hire people. the fact they diverted money from hiring to do this lavish conference makes no sense. it is disgraceful. >> it speaks to a level of intense arrogance, doesn't it? >> it is interesting. i was in pennsylvania and speaking with a group of people in the middle of the state in lancaster. this is exactly one of the questions i got from the audience was, jeez the arrogance of the people, the testimony of commissioner shulman when he said, oh well, i was at the white house for the a easter egg roll. this is a disturbing series of events that has taken place. >> i know you have talked about the fact that contrasting your time at irs against that of mr. shulman, he has apparently been to the white house as has been
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reported 157 times and you were only up there once. have you been able to figure out what possible reason he might have had for that many trips to the white house? >> i was there more than once. i used to go beg for money. what i said was i was only there one time for a policy meeting, and that was actually on immigrationish you as. look, there are legitimate reasons for him to be at the white house. >> apparently he was there more than any other cabinet official in the white house. it does raise major questions. now we have the news that the folks in ohio are saying that it was washington that directed the targeting of these conservative groups. what's your reaction to this? >> it is a little complicated. initial revelations talked about the screening criteria in the c4 applications process. and that is to say they flagged certain applications for additional work using
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really what were outrageous selection criteria, tea party and words like that and nothing from more liberal leaning groups. >> it does appear they didn't want to be thrown under the bus. they felt they were being used as a scapegoat as so-called rogue agents were doing their own thing and targeting these different groups, and now they are coming out saying, no, wait a minute. it wasn't just about us. we were getting our marching orders from washington. >> look, i think there were failures at three levels. one in that cinncinati office they can't shirk responsibility for what they did. then the exempt organization's leadership, lois lerner, and then in the front office, the commissioner should have done more to learn about these problems, if you will and when he testified in march of 2012, his testimony should have been different. and then finally when he learned what he said was incorrect he should have gone
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back and corrected the record. he didn't. that's three levels of failure, if you will. >> stepping back and wrapping up for a moment, you as an american citizen and you as someone who once ran this agency, doesn't it make you angry over the revelations that have come forward so far about the excesses and the fact that groups have been targeted? and this is something that just goes against the principals and the values that we stand for as americans? >> i know the service can do better, and it does anger me that it has been undermined. many americans are further in road space. that's horrible. >> and with recent are revelations stemming from a host of political scandals in washington and now the news that our government is mining data of millions of americans we want to know, are we headed down a dangerous path? and can you now trust the government? treat your answers to us at
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anhdc and we will read your responses later in this our. and this news breaking today new york mayor cory booker just officially announced he will run for a u.s. senate seat. booker is hoping to fill the seat vacated by the recent death of new jersey's frank lautenberg. booker started raising money for a possible run last september. palone has thrown his hat in the race and governor chris christie announcing there will be party primaries in august followed by general elections in october. the defense department confirming to fox news that two u.s. soldiers and a u.s. civilian were killed in eastern afghanistan overnight. someone wearing an afghan national army uniform reportedly turned his weapon against service members stationed in that area. if the shooter was in fact a member of the afghan national army, this would be the seventh green on blue attack this year.
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those incidents threaten to shake the confidence and trust of the two sides as the 2014 withdrawal of international troops approaches. and there are new developments in the u.s. military sexual scandals -- sexual assault scandal. the commander of the u.s. army forces in japan has been suspended after allegedly failing to report or properly investigate an allegation of sexual assault. major general michael t harrison, a 33-year army veteran, was set to become deputy commander of the army come pone inept. component. those plans are on hold as the army conducts an investigation. this comes amid increased political pressure to crackdown on sexual abuse in the military. the pentagon estimates 26,000 members of the military may have been sexually assaulted just last year. tragedy in california. with at least five people dead including the killer, after a shooting rampage on the santa monica college campus.
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the gunman carrying a semiautomatic rifle shot dead on the scene by police. let's go live to santa monica where dominic is standing by live with more on the story. dominic? >> morning. just before 12:00 yesterday, lunchtime, there was reports of a house fire in the neighborhood surrounding santa monica community college. very shortly by phone calls to police of a carjacking by an armed gunman. and then further reports there were multiple shootings throughout the neighborhood as the gunman made his way to santa monica community college. he was shot by police on campus. he was entering the library there. police saying this happened extremely fast. take a listen. >> this subject happened within a matter of minutes there was an on going gunbattle with law enforcement officers officers from santa monica police department and santa monica college police
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department with this subject. the whole event was probably over in 10 minutes or less, but i can't confirm that until i go back and look at time line. >> at the time president obama was holding a fundraiser just three miles away, a 10-minute drive from where the gun plan -- the gunman was on his shooting spree. witnesses on the site say it was absolutely terrifying. we spoke to actually one witness who came face-to-face and was confronted by the gunman. >> saw him about 30 feet away. we spotted each other at the same time and he turned his gun on me and shot at me, but i just jumped out of the way as quick as possible. >> the gunman hasn't been identified at this time. we are expecting details about him to come out in a press conference that is due to take place at 12 noon local time, 3:00 p.m. eastern. reports say he was a troubled man and may have been related -- this is not
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confirmed, but may have been related to two males killed in the house fire. back to you. >> thank you very much. there has been a bizarre twist in the ricin incident when ricin-laced letters were sent to president obama and michael bloomburg. authorities have arrested shannon richardson who was allegedly trying to frame her estranged husband. the fbi said she sent the letters because she said that her husband made her do it. her confession comes after she failed a polygraph test. richardson is pregnant and could face up to 10 years behind bars. just ahead, attorney general eric holder's uncertain future. more and more people, liberals and conservatives, are suggesting holder is not up to the task. at 12:45, we will hear from former bush attorney general alberto gonzalez who will join us live with his take. but first, a lecture on liberty from one wife and mother to capitol hill.
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>> i am a born free american woman. i am a wife, mother and citizen and i am telling my government that you have forgotten your place h. >> becky garrison is joining us with what she says is the obama administration's persecution of her tea party group and many others. stay with us.
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this fox news alert for you, south african officials say former president nelson mandela is in serious, but stable condition after he has been hospitalized with a lung infection. 94-year-old mandela has been treated several times in recent months of bouts of lung infections. man -- mandela's lung infection is said to be associated to infection he received in prison. >> were disclosed as donors
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and businesses were boycotted and if there was an employee at a business, the business was boycotted. >> seventh graders and the irs would ask for the identity of those students is unbelievably , uncon -- uncon sheen uh blee chilling. >> what were you thinking? >> fascinating. >> were you looking how will this be seen? >> the fact is it is embarrassing. >> i swear to god i looked at that video over and over again and i swear i do not see the redeeming value. >> there you have it. more hearings on capitol hill regarding lavish spending from the irs and targeting of the groups. not only are people angry about the disregard for your tax dollars, some of those targeted by the group say they are very upset with their government. and making news this week after she broke down while testifying, an emotional becky garrett son is joining us.
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thank you for being here. >> thank you for having me. >> talk about your emotional plea before the lawmakers. i know that you obviously take this very seriously. do you feel like you were really heard by those lawmakers on capitol hill? >> well, i guess we'll find out. as i was speaking i coobt -- i cooperate tell the reaction from those listening. when i was finished representative camp went into questions. i could not tell if it hit a nerve or if it struck anyone. i was just saying my heart so i didn't know if it would fall on deaf ears. we will find out as time goes on. i hope it made a difference. >> i want to let our viewers hear from you as you testified on capitol hill this week. let's listen to some of the sound that made news this week. >> i am not interested in scoring political points.
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i want to protect and preserve the america that i grew up in, the america that people cross oceans and risk their lives to become a part of. and i am terrified it is slipping away. >> based on what you have been saying and the revelations that continue to come out about the lavish spending and the blatant disregard of spending our tax dollars, do you think more and more americans like yourself are losing faith in government? >> oh, absolutely. i think there is a real displeasure with what's happening with the growth of government as there has been for years. this didn't just happen last year when we were targeted. government has been growing bigger and bigger and more oppressive. i think what was so chilling is we are seeing a blatant disregard for citizens. they are being singled out, not just tea party groups, but
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religious groups, christian groups, jewish groups, are being targeted for their beliefs and that is so unamerican. >> becky, i want to thank you. i know it was an emotional time for you on capitol hill, and i know you will keep us posted on what develops over the next few weeks and months as we continue to investigate the irs and the impact it has been having on groups like yours. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. and i will be very happy to keep you informed as things progress with our lawsuit. >> we appreciate it. >> thank you. there has been another late friday document dumped from the obama administration. the state department has given house oversight chairman darrell issa almost 100 pages of information regarding the benghazi talking points. it was a response to issa's june 7th deadline for more information. the state department spokesperson says -- is saying there won't be any new revelation in the documents that will protect americans overseas.
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we shall see what lies ahead. still ahead, one military family's medical dilemma. they say they are denying their daughter and other children the therapy they desperately need. her mother shares her emotional story next. and later coming up at 12:45, a live, exclusive interview with former attorney general alberto gonzalez. i will ask him if he thinks e should step down. stay with us.
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welcome back. let's take a quick look at some of the stories making headlines at this hour. a florida judge listens to a third day of testimony to help decide whether voice recognition experts will be allowed in george zimmerman's upcoming trial. jury selection is set to begin on monday. zimmerman is on trial for
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second-degree murder for fatally shooting 17-year-old trayvon martin in february of last year. zimmerman is pleading not guilty and claiming self-defense. an ohio man accused of holding three women captive foreclose to 10 years at home has been indicted on more than 300 charges including aggravated murder, rape and kidnapping. the indictment also offers more details of what went on in ariel castro's home. his attorneys say he will plead not guilty. and they say the man operating an excavator when a downtown building collapsed killing six people was actually high on marijuana. they are looking for sean who is being charged with six involuntary manslaughter and they are now suing the demolition contractor and has filed for bankruptcy twice. and that is a quick look at some of the stories making news right now.
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bauer row crate particular red tape is keeping families from getting the health care coverage they need. in this spes feck case, military -- specific case military insurance is not covering life saving horse riding therapy for a young girl in texas. the therapy may see indulgent, but it is the only therapy that works for her and is the cheapest. jennifer samuels, the girl's mother, has gone to court to fight for her daughter and others like her. she is joining us now from dallas. welcome. it is nice to have you here. i'm sorry you are going through a tough situation given the fact your daughter needs this therapy desperately. talk to us about why this therapy is so important. >> first of all, thank you so much for having me. the their me is so important for caitlin and many children like her because it is the only tool tool -- the horse is used merely as a tool, the same way a therapist might use a ball or bench.
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the horse is just a tool that we see results and helps caitlin. the goal is to keep her scoliosis under control so he shea wouldn't be life altering. she is not like a typical child. several orthopedist surgeons said it would be life altering and we don't want to go down that road. >> what is the reason being given over and over for denying you the coverage? >> tri-care told us from the beginning that it started being denied because they said it is hippo-therapy. we don't cover hippo-therapy. it is nonproven. we were never billing for hippo-therapy -- >> for those who don't know what that is can you explain it? >> sure. it is an umbrella term. that's the problem. technically really if you talk to a physical therapist it is a treatment strategy. it is an approach that
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therapists use and the horse is merely a tool. the therapists are doing exactly what they would do in a clinic with another type of tool. they are just using horse as a tool. it is a dynamic surface to put the patient on to reach their goals. >> and you have documented this with -- to the military, and you said that the doctors say and the therapists say this is making a difference in your child's life? >> oh yes. our pediatric neurologist from cook children's at forth worth, the -- fort worth, the treating physical therapist testified at our hearing, which we won. the government judge that tri-care provided agreed with us that her therapy should be cost shared. we had to hire our own attorney. they paid for everything else, and then they came back and said we are still not going to cover it. >> wow. i know you are filing suit.
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what do you hope to come away with here? do you see this taking a longtime step by step? do you expect resolution? >> well, we are extremely blessed that we were offered assistance by marcella burke from the law firm representing us. they #r* -- they are helping us -- basically what we want to do, this therapy is covered under the law. tri-care is mistaken and dod is mistaken. it is you ever cked under the law and we are trying to clarify that. we are getting a lot of support from congressional help to clarify that. it is covered. our goal is we want this to be available for all of the children who need it and not just our child. there are so many wounded warriors and children that need this. >> jennifer, i hope that you will continue to update us on this story. i wish you all the best. give our best and good wishes to your daughter, please. thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you so much for o%ving me.
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>> we have an update on the heartbreaking story of a 10-year-old pennsylvania girl who is fighting for her life as she awaits a lung transplant. and later in the show, former u.s. attorney general alberto gonzalez reacts to the troubles in the white house. his thoughts on a possible justice department shake up.
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and now this update on a story that fox news has been following very closely. 10-year-old sara myrnahan's condition is getting worse. she has stage and cystic fibrosis and waiting for a lung tran plant. because of her age she is only on a list for pediatric lung which are not often donated. they ordered for the age limit
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to be dropped and for her to be place owed the list for adult lungs. that's something health and human services secretary is refusing to do. the judge stepped in because she doesn't want to intervene. peter johnson, junior recently spent time with the family in the hospital. >> there is this arbitrary age and somehow we are asking for an exception, when we are asking her to be treated on the severity of her illness get the lung her doctors deem appropriate. they are acting like we are asking for this special treatment and we are not. we are asking for them to do what her doctor say is appropriate and best for her. it is like the government deciding what is best for her when they have never seen her. >> what does sara dream about? what does she talk about? we were talking earlier about when she gets out of the hospital. >> so she wants these mini tea cup peggies -- piggies as a
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pet. she has been trying to talk her daddy into it all morning. >> she is just like all of the other kids. she went to school and she did all of the things kids did before her lungs deteriorated to the po fly t she needed a new one. i want to go back to being like another kid and doing everything that kids it do. >> all the best for little sara. remanence of tropical storm andrea are slamming the northeast with massive flooding. you are looking at scenes from massachusetts, rhode island where heavy rains dumped on a region weary from last year's superstorm sandy. our meteorologist joins us at the fox weather center with more on what we can expect to see over the weekend. janice? >> hi, uma.
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fortunately andrea is out of the way, but look at these storm totals. over a foot of rain in north miami beach and even parts of virginia and florida with over six inches of rainfall. new york central park set a record, a daily record of 4.77 inches. that storm is offshore which is great news. however we are tracking more storms across areas that are weary from tornadoes over the last couple weeks. so anywhere from the texas pan ham all the way up to -- the texas panhandle up to omaha, nebraska and there is a potential for flooding in this area. we could see some hail and isolated winds and it will spread eastward. we will keep you posted on the flood watches and warnings and the severe storms as well throughout the afternoon and the evening. back to you. >> as always, janice, we thank you very much for the update. appreciate it. next up, the former u.s. attorney general alberto gonzalez on government surveillance and why he says the government should use all available technology to keep us safe. he is going to be joining us live next. stay with us.
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welcome back, everybody. the outrage for many americans is growing after revelations the government has been secretly mining data of millions of americans. it is also sparking renewed debate on the sank tau tee and the privacy of liberty when it comes to national security. is the government going now
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big brother gone wild? alberto gonzalez shares his reaction. welcome and did thank you for joining us on a saturday. we appreciate it. >> it is good to be with you. >> i want to ask you first about our current situation with our attorney general. the growing scandal and controversies tied in the department of justice and eric holder, is he becoming more of a liability to the president and can he even continue to do his job without the distraction of the spotlight? that is not going uh -- going away anytime soon? would it be best for him to step aside? >> that is the challenge for the attorney general is to stay focused on the job. the department of justice is more than one individual. it is more than the attorney general. they perform an important function. you have 105,000 people that work there. and one of the primary objectives is to ensure the morale is high and that people are doing their job.
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i take no pleasure in seeing what i am seeing with respect to the allegations against attorney general holder. i know how difficult this is on him. i know how difficult this is for his family. as to whether or not it is time for his resignation, that's a decision that is in the hands of the president and general holder himself. can he still be effective? i think he can be effective. it will require effort and rehabilitation of character. the main question is whether or not is his department being affected? are the people doing their job on behalf of the american people? >> it is a slippery slope when the attorney general has been asked and many say the monitoring of leaks and e-mails against reporters like our own james rosen needs to be handled by an independent council. do you agree? >> i am not a big fan of independent councils. first of all, they are not independent per say.
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the statute out expired was not renewed by congress because of perceived problems with it. it is extremely expensive and oftentimes the independent council would go off on different tangents and would cover a wide range of subjects. if we are talking about a special council, again, i don't know whether or not we are there yet and whether or not that is particularly necessary. i believe the president has asked into the policies to see whether the right policies are in place in dealing with the media while they investigate damaging leaks against our national security. since it is a policy of the department of justice it is quite appropriate for the attorney general of the united states to head up that review. are the policies in place, the right policies for the department of justice and policies that allow us to pursue wrongdoing, but respect the traditional role of the media in our government. >> now there is news that the
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nsa has been secretly mining data on millions of americans from internet e-mails to personal phone records. is this fast becoming big brother in your view? do you think that's what is going on? >> you know what we realize after the attacks of 9/11 is not only could we not connect the dots, but we are good at collecting the dots. we understand -- we understood quickly that we have the capability to gather more information. we worked with the congress in order to provide additional tools to the government to collect information. our enemy has demonstrated its willingness to use any advantage and any tool to hurt us. i am all in favor of using any lawful technology in order to protect america. we need checks and balances in place to ensure those tools are not abused by our government. having served in the white house during 9/11 and feeling the pain of the loss of life that day, i am all in favor of programs that are lawful and
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that are effective in protecting america. >> just really quickly in a couple of seconds, do you think though there is the possibility of abuse from collecting all of this data? >> there is always a possibility of abuse when you are talking about the government collection of information. sometimes law enforcement officials abuse the parameters of a search warrant. but it doesn't mean we disallow the use of search warrants by law enforcement throughout the united states. you throw out the evidence collected under the search warrant. you might reprimand the law enforcement official. of course, unfortunately when you deal with human beings abuses sometimes happen. hopefully we have checks and balances in place and hopefully we have the procedures in place to minimize the danger of that occurring. >> alberto gonzalez, thank you so much for joining us with your insight today. we really do appreciate it, sir. all best. >> thanks for having me. we will have much more after this. don't go away after the for break.
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we have an avalanche of responses to our twitter question, but we ran out of time. more next time. make it a great day. reports of more national security secrets come together surface. the obama administration apparently putting together a plan of attack in case of cyber warfare. hello, everyone. i'm kelly wright. >> i'm jaime colby. welcome to "america's news headquarters." the president is reportedly issuing a top secret directive to his national security team. and what he did in it is he asked them to make a list of potential overseas targets for cyberattacks. the leak then coming to light as the president meets with his chinese counterpart with talks over the contentious issue. we go now live to


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