tv Americas News Headquarters FOX News June 8, 2013 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT
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in there to make it effective. >> jon: helps to be able to draw. that is a wrap this week. thanks to our panelists. we'll see you again next week of another edition of fox news watch. >> gregg: fox news alert. we are right now awaiting a police news conference out of southern california. we do expect to get new details about that shooting rampage near santa monica college that left five people dead including the gunman. hello, i'm gregg jarrett. welcome to america's news headquarters. >> jamie: i'm jamie colby. the gunman reportedly killed his father and brother what begin as apparent domestic dispute and hijacked a car with a woman inside before shooting at random before running into the college library. dominic, what can you tell us?
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>> reporter: they delayed the press conference to name the suspect. what they want to do is bring out some of the evidence that that they picked up yesterday. they are going to display in front of the camera crews so the media can see it up close and we don't know quite what that is going to be but we do believe it will be a 25-year-old male that was living on santa monica boulevard as he was shot as he entered the community college yesterday after killing four people. what we are learning from a neighbor he had a troubled past. she described how he is used to bang on the walls and howl like a dog and he was constantly playing death metal music. >> when they divorced what i understand it, he got the older son and she got the younger son. she tried to get the husband help her with
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chris. he was not that willing from everything i understand. >> reporter: she said she wasn't surprised at all when she heard that it was the suspect. she often wondered whether he had a drug problems or mental problems and she couldn't work out which ones they were. she described he lived with his mother and she tried to be a good mom to him. more details will come out in the next 40 minutes or so as the police start to exhibit that evidence and talk to the media and explain precisely what they have learned sings then. >> jamie: thanks so much. we'll be back with you. >> gregg: president obama is reportedly preparing for the possibility of war in cyberspace by ordering his national security team now
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to compile a list of potential targets. this according to a top secret government document. a team by a british newspaper, the timing of the target list coming obviously at a very awkward moment during a high stakes summit between president obama and his chinese counter parted. contentious issue of cyber security is squarely on their agenda. both leaders stopping short of accusing the other of spying as they try to warm up a relationship which is often been quite chilly. ed henry is live in palm springs, california with the president. ed, what is the latest? >> reporter: this thing is wrapping up and mini summit, they have been doing it sunny land a retreat that leaders have used since the eisenhower days, rather than the state visit in washington you see from a chinese visit black tie dinner or jackets th is jackets with no ties trying
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to reset u.s.-chinese relations. not just cyber attacks and other agencies but on u.s. businesses that could really be hurting them the global economy. the president was supposed to have a strong hand coming into these meetings but with all these revelations about u.s. surveillance programs it overshadowed some of that. the president has been trying to separate the two issues out. stealing intellectual property is different from the u.s. what he believes is legitimate surveillance to prevent terrorist attacks. some of his critics disagree. >> we have to find ways to deal with this big data in ways that are consistent with our values, in ways that protect people's privacy, that ensures oversight and strike a right balance. >> he is doing the most that he could possibly could in terms of
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surveillance and more than what civil libertarians believe he can do. i don't know where the balance can be found. there seems to be done seriously to protect privacy. >> reporter: here is the big challenge for the president as he the rights to defend the surveillance programs here in the united states is they are not happening in the vacuum. it happened in the revelations about the irs scandal targeting conservative groups, the attorney general, eric holder doing media leak investigations and classifying james rosen as co-conspirator, tracking his phone records. the administration dealt with a whole series of these controversies, these revelations about potential spying here in the u.s. which they deny is spying, it's just the latest in a long string that have made american people more skeptical. >> gregg: the president came out yesterday and made a deliberate point of defending these two intelligence operations
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trying to sort of appease people, we're really not intruding in the way you may think we are. he called it -- do they feel satisfied they may have diffused the situation a bit? >> they feel somewhat satisfied when you talk to officials in tot fact they believe when they explained to the american people, president did yesterday, this helps prevent terror attacks. there were specific attacks that were planned for the new york subways where you are. that was foiled because the u.s. was able to surveil email that foiled that plot. as the bush administration made a similar case, they can make the same case to the american people. one of the challenges for this president, back in 2007, 2008, he really hammered the bush administration for overreach on executive power. he was going to clean a lot of this up. that is big challenge for
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this president when it appears he is expanded the program. >> gregg: thanks, ed. >> jamie: he is always work even in hawaii. take a look at cyber security is becoming even more important. experts estimate that cyber attacks cost our economy $400 billion a year. and attempted cyber attacks on the federal government are up 200%. just last month the "new york times" reported a wave of attacks targeting u.s. energy companies hoping to seize control of the operations. the source of the attacks reportedly somewhere in the middle east. >> gregg: there are new questions about washington's involvement in the irs political targeting scandal, agents from the cincinnati office who singled out tea party and other conservative groups seeking tax exempt status. they are now speaking out.
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some are claiming that higher ups from washington were micromanaging all their work and telling them exactly what to do. molly henneberg is live in washington with more on that story. >> molly: one of those cincinnati agents says she was appalled and infuriated when irs officials in washington blamed rogue agents in the cincinnati irs office saying they were targeting conservative groups. she says it just could not have happened that way. hofacre said it's
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lois lerner was the head of the tax exempt division and now on paid administrative leave from the irs after a refusing to resign. some house republicans say this scandal is not going away. >> getting to the bottom of these things, these agencies don't police themselves on their own. even if we become aware of abuses within them. without congressional action to find out what happened and to hold people accountable, many people will go without consequences. we will make certain there are consequences. >> molly: you may remember stephen miller was allowed to retire early after the scandal started breaking. legal experts say it's tough to get fired in a government job for a reason. >> that would be a different incentive to divert their careers to government and make it unstable and unpredictable. there is some value to
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having protections in place so you can't have wholesale, mass firing of hundreds of thousands of government employees all at once. there is clearly a balance you have to strike here. >> molly: the goal is to make sure that the hundreds of thousands people don't lose their jobs each time a new political party comes into power in washington. >> gregg: molly henneberg, thanks. >> does the nsa collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of americans? >> no, sir. it does not, not wittingly. there are cases where they could inadvertently perhaps collect, but not wittingly. >> jamie: the director of the national intelligence denying under oath the existence of a domestic spying program. that was just last month.
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mr. clapper has reversed those comments in the data gathering bombshell. his reversal is raising questions in a series of credibility challenges including attorney general eric holder and douglas shulman and jay carney who also provided information that we now have learned was false. listen to all of them. >> potential prosecution of the press have to disclosure of material that is nothing something i've been involved in or would think would be a wise policy. >> what has been happening is the normal back and forth that happens with the irs. there is absolutely no targeting. this is the kind of back and forth when people apply for 501c4 status. >> the white house and state department has made clear the single adjustment that was made by either of these two institutions were
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changing the word conflict to diplomatic facility. >> jamie: jamie weinstein is senior editor of the daily caller. great to have you with us. let me add more context, eric holder signed off at least in the james rosen case even though he said it didn't exist. we learned from the irs they were targeting extensively conservative groups, evennizations and other. then when it comes to benghazi, there wasn't a single change in the talking points, there was as many as a dozen. how does all of this -- then the nsa being the latest bombshell -- affect the credibility of this administration domestically and overseas? >> you have the officials that are under this administration, some very close to the president like eric holder and mr. clapper director of intelligence lying, but you -- or at least misleading. then you also have the
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president himself who tried to frame himself as open and transparent administration, built himself up as a new kind of president. one who is going to restore balance. then we find out he was doing some of the same things that president bush was doing. you can agree or disagree with some of the intelligence operations under president bush and whether they should continue but president obama very clearly during thinks campaign this is a false choice between freedom and security. we don't need to do a lot of these things that the bush administration is doing. also, recently saying the tide of war is receding saying al-qaeda is decimated leading one to believe that extraordinary measures in time of war that you may need to compromise a little bit of freedom for security weren't necessary anymore. now, we find out they have been doing much more than president bush was doing. >> jamie: and average americans could have been
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impacted by the latest nsa releases of whose information was being tracked. benghazi it was blamed on a video and protests that we don't even though where the president was that night still. nothing has been released. what do the american people have a right to demand? >> to me the irs scandal is still very strong. i think there has to be in my mind an independent counsel to investigate. there tha is an instance we don't know who was behind telling the irs to coordinator whether it was someone in the irs telling them to target tea party groups and conservative groups. there is also other allegations of donors to mitt romney's campaign being targeted. one donor that i talked to was targeted three times in four months after being impacted by the campaign. >> jamie: you are bringing up these individual
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examples. when you add them up, it's a lot. democrats are saying that republicans are just looking for talking points in these situations. how about what democrats are saying right now? left leaning liberals are saying it's close to fascism or al gore wanted to put out, he tweeted it out in digital era privacy must be a priority. is it just me or secret surveillance seems outrageous. what do you think? >> it's insane. fascism, i don't agree with that but recent revelations with the nsa is going to upset the president obama's base. that was his base of support. they thought he was going to be a new kind of president that won't engage in these tactics. huffington post putting up
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a photo calling them george w. obama. the times coming out in an editorial they have lost total confidence in this administration. these were bases of support for the president. people thought this president would be a new kind of champion of civil liberties and new kind of champ yon for transparency in government. they seem to have given up any hope of that. that is severe problem for the president especially as he tries to push his agenda going forward. >> jamie: jobs, healthcare, lots of other things. jamie, we appreciate it. >> gregg: over to weather, the remnants of andrea, first tropical storm of the atlantic hurricane season is causing dangerous flooding along the east coast. this was the scene along long island, crews rescuing drivers from inside their
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cars. take a listen. >> i'm glad i have a jeep but that is not good enough. >> we're trying to get through and we saw the cones. then all of a sudden it got flooded and car shut off. >> gregg: there is new threat of severe weather right now. meteorologist janice dean is live in the fox weather center. >> we are watching this storm move offshore. that is good news. still have some leftover moisture but not the deluge we saw yesterday. we are watching a new storm out of the rockies as gregg mentioned that could bring hail, damaging winds and heavy rains and rick of more tornadoes over areas that have seen many tornadoes including oklahoma. as we go through the afternoon and evening, texas, panhandle, up towards nebraska and iowa, we could see the potential for heavy rain. this is going shift eastward for sunday across
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the mid mississippi river valley. it is hot, so hot across the midwest for all of these big cities including las vegas. look at this, we're dealing with temperatures well above hundred degrees. we're going to set records with temperatures like these and into mid-week. you want to be indoors where it's air-conditioning conditioned, maybe a little gambling. >> gregg: it's funny how they air-condition the casinos. >> i'm sure a lot of people will be heading inside. >> gregg: thanks so much. >> new details in on former south african president nelson mandela's health. he was rushed to the hospital early this morning. >> gregg: growing unrest inside the borders of a critical ally turkey's prime minister is trying to get the situation under control.
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mandela is back in a hospital and official statement released today saying the 94-year-old apart tied leader has been battling a lung infection for several days. he was rushed to the hospital in serious condition but doctors now say he is breathing on his own. his respiratory problems date back when he was political prisoner. this is the fourth time he last been hospitalized in less than a year. >> and turkish prime minister rallying leaders to discuss the ongoing unrest that is going on in his country as anti-government protests go on ninth day. there was deadly violence that marked previous events and prime minister says the protests must end immediately. conor powell has more on this. >> jamie: thousands of people continue to occupy istanbul historic square defying government's
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requests and orders to go home. now people begin arriving early this morning carrying tents and blankets and food and water suggesting they are in the long haul. the atmosphere there is more festive than anything else. mainly young and urban protestors are trying to organize large scale rallies against the turkish government. nationwide violence that rocked turkey last weekend when police cracked down on environmentalists protesting the destruction of a historic park, he defended the handling of the anti-government protests while meeting with his political supporters today. he rejected a call to hold early elections. now while other turk usual politicians have offered to meet with opposition groups, he is opposed to the open six. he is not wanted anything to do with them and basically said they need to go home and clear out and stop their complaining.
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everyone seems to be fairly popular across all of conduct turkey but whether it continues is how he handles the opposition in the coming weeks. >> jamie: conor powell, thanks so much. >> gregg: new developments in that infamous cleveland kidnapping case. man accused of holding three women for a deck aide. we'll have the details next. >> jamie: dwindling support for eric holder as calls for him to resign are growing even louder. we're cracking down on medicare fraud.
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the healthcare law gives us powerful tools to fight it... to investigate it... ...prosecute it... and stop criminals. our senior medicare patrol volunteers... are teaching seniors across the country... stop, spot, and report fraud. you can help. guard your medicare card. don't give out your card number over the phone. call to report any suspected fraud. we're cracking down on medicare fraud. let's make medicare stronger for all of us.
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rocket launch in december. and shooting in southern california, suspect killed his father and brother before shooting those other people at random. >> a cleveland manned indicted on more than 300 counts in a complex kidnapping case. ariel castro accused of holding these three women for a decade and set to be arraigned next week. >> gregg: now to one of the many scandals plaguing the white house. lawmakers calling eric holder back to the hill to explain himself. the judiciary committee investigating the attorney general after he testified under oath that he never had heard of any potential prosecution of journalists. of course we now know he had signed off on a search warrant naming fox news reporter as a criminal
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co-conspirator. i should point out he spent a great deal of time on judge on the bench and state court level and, of course, i believe it was the 12th court of appeals, as well. congressman, good to see you. your committee says holder is being evasive and unresponsive if he fails to appear voluntarily to answer questions about whether he lied. will you seek to subpoena him and if he defies that, will you move to vote for contempt? >> yes, we have already found the attorney general in contempt once. i think that if the congress or house of representatives were to find that he was evasive, refused to comply with the subpoena, if he doesn't appear voluntarily, i think two subpoenas that were ignored would be time not only to find him in contempt but to defund the justice department until we
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get justice. a justice department where they are as interested in radical islam terrorists as they are the american public as a whole is particularly a fox news reporter. they wanted more news about james rosen than they did about the fast and furious whole debacle that got guns to mexican drug cartels. we need a justice department that believes in justice and i it's time if he does not appear to answer what appears to be either a lie to congress or a fraud upon the court. >> gregg: let me ask you about that. are you convinced that eric holder lied under oath on may 15th? >> well, the way it appears from reading his testimony -- i was in the hearing. from reviewing the testimony he gave to our committee and reviewing the facts and the search warrant, application for warrant he signed off on,
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either he was committing a fraud upon the court because he had no intention of prosecuting james rosen. he did not believe james rosen should be prosecuted and did not believe he was a flight risk. did not believe he was a co-conspirator that should be prosecuted or he did believe those things and he lied to congress. in either event, it sounds like when he said he never heard of such a thing that it was not being honest. >> gregg: let me have you put your judge hat on. holder's position seems to be this. that he never actually went through went through prosecuting james rosen. therefore, his testimony, holder's testimony in front of congress must be true. doesn't that mean, congressman, that his affidavit laying out a purported criminal case against rosen a false statement by holder under
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oath to a judge and isn't that a crime? >> yeah, it is. you can't go from committing a fraud upon the court, lying to court. if he was not interested, if he was really not prosecuting james rosen, he could have gotten a subpoena. we had probable cause to believe if there is evidence we need, a crime being committed and there may be evidence here, he didn't do that. he didn't say there was evidence of a crime being committed and laying those facts out. they said this man committed a crime. obviously -- they set out the statute he violated in their opinion. that is the beginning of a prosecution. >> gregg: i got to ask you this question. holder now claims he has got religion and remorse going after reporters and so forth. well, congressman, it may
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happen again. fox news is just confirming that the government is likely to open a criminal probe into the nsa leaks. that means one of the ways they are going to find out who leaked this stuff, some career intel official is try to go after the reporters. so when holder says he is not going to do this anymore, do you believe him? >> his credibility has been severely hurt. here again with rosen and with the a.p., they knew there were a handful of people in the administration that knew the evidence that got leaked. instead of going after records they didn't need a subpoena for, they went after the a.p. and all the numbers. james rosen and even his parents' emails. it doesn't look good for the press in the future. i think it's time for a new
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attorney general. >> gregg: on the nsa leaks they are going after, one would assume if past history is present, they are going after the "washington post", two reporters and the reporter for the guardian. congressman -- >> fast and furious, they didn't go after the guys that did it. they went after the guy that might have received the leak. that is serious stuff. we have got to put an end. we need a change. >> gregg: thanks so much. >> jamie: a bizarre twist in a poison laced letter, one sent to president obama and another to new york city mayor michael bloomberg. wait until you hear how an actress and mother of five may have been involved. look what mommy is having.
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>> announcer: introducing the redesigned jitterbug plus, our smartest, easiest cell phone yet. >> when i heard about the jitterbug, i went online and ordered one for my mom. now my mom has a cell phone she actually enjoys using. >> announcer: the jitterbug plus is easy to use, easy to see, and it has the longest-lasting battery on the market. for father's day, get $20 off and a free car charger. to locate a store near you, visit greatcall-- people you can count on. ♪ ♪ >> jamie: police have made an arrest and the woman that has been charged
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sending ricin laced letters tried to frame her husband. after they arrested the 35-year-old actress shannon richardson, f.b.i. said she called them to blame her estranged sprained husband nathaniel. she failed a polygraph and she faces up to ten years in prison. she is pregnant right now and already a mother of five and had small television roles in vampire diaries and walking dead. strange story. >> gregg: speaking of strange, scuffling revelations in an update book detailing and alleged secret deal between president obama and hillary and bill clinton. according to this book there was an arrangement made between the former rivals regarding the 2016 presidential election. book "the amateur," is getting a load of attention. it's author edward cline
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joins me live. let me begin with a quote. here is what you write in the updated version of your book. quote, a deal was struck, clinton would give the key nominating speech at the convention and a full throat endorsement of obama and in exchange obama would endorse hillary clinton as his successor. was this purported deal struck by them personally and was their surrogates and what about the accuracy in the sourcing? >> the deal it was struck on the golf course of andrews air force base in september 2011 leilgd up to the 2012 election campaign. >> gregg: by whom? >> by both barack obama and bill clinton. >> gregg: personally? >> personally, four hours on the golf course chatting about everything including this deal. >> gregg: how did you find out about it? >> there were several other people there that day. i spoke to a couple of them.
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>> gregg: so you have two sources but anonymous? >> can you imagine blowing the whistle on the president of the united states? >> gregg: i get it. so after bill clinton's convention speech which many believe helped turn around his campaign, help him get obama get re-elected, you write that president obama begin having second thoughts about keeping his end of the bargain. so what happened? >> bill clinton was waiting for the phone call from barack obama which never came. so he called the white house and he called not once, not twice but three times and he couldn't get through to the president. he started suspecting that something might be going wrong. finally when he did talk to the president, obama told him, you know, bill, i'm having second thoughts about this. i'm not sure i can endorse hillary. >> gregg: then what happened? >> this happened when bill clinton was in chapaqua,
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according to my sources, hillary was concerned that bill was reacting so violently to this news he might be having a heart attack. that is how badly he took it. >> gregg: in the end, there was this love fest on "60 minutes" with steve kroft. is that how things ended up? >> that is how barack obama tried to smooth things over the clintons by doing a love test t on "60 minutes". even after that a dinner in the white house in the family quarters between the clintons and obamas, they deal did not stick. the clinton people tell me they don't expect obama to come out for hillary in 2016. >> gregg: really? breaking the deal? >> that's right. >> gregg: look, in truth this really isn't a surprise. these quid pro quos and
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secret deals are sadly endemic in washington, d.c.? >> that is true. bill clinton is an old style politician who believes in a handshake deal is a deal. wherever as barack obama -- i've spent years reporting on barack obama -- he has a pattern of agreeing to a deal say with john boehner and whoever and not following that through. >> gregg: you are a former editor of newsweek and "new york times" magazine and you are best selling author of many books and your critics are excited and they are cause particular in their criticism of you. what is your response to that? some of them are calling you a chronic liar and discredited journalist. what is your response to that? >> my response is when the book first came out a year ago, i called barack obama an amateur, there was a
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response you just described. a year later with the paperback, i see the word amateur by even people on the liberal left side. so this criticism seen to have gone by the way and people are endorsing this view. here is the guy, president of the united states who is really not suited for executive office. >> gregg: the updated version of the book, "the amateur," by ed cline, thanks for being with us. >> jamie: personal privacy versus national security. this is a question of trust. as we learn new information about the nsa's controversial surveillance programs. we'll have a closer look at that next. [ female announcer ] a classic macaroni & cheese from stouffer's
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♪ ♪ >> jamie: fox news alert. confirmed that the obama administration is likely to open a criminal investigation into the leaks that revealed widespread government surveillance of millions of americans phone calls, their internet activity and more. steven yates a former deputy assistant to vice president cheney, ceo of d.c. international and he spent the first five years of his esteemed career at the nsa. great to see you. what about this news that there will be like lay criminal investigation? >> it doesn't surprise me that much because the programs involved that were disclosed are highly classified. i would expect an aggressive investigation. the problem is general notion of trust with all things currently in fashion about selective application of the law, selective
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prosecution of leaks. this one doesn't surprise me. this is a big disclosure. >> jamie: where do you draw the line as the president says, we have to give up privacy to have national security? where do you draw the line? >> to me, that is something that can never be fixed. it's always variable. it depends on circumstances on which we live. public's tolerance for forsaking privacy changes under emergency conditions. a lot of tools and applications that were put in place after 9/11, those were emergency conditions. those were extraordinary measures. they may not be appropriate to today's world. >> jamie: national security sources tell me and explaining this in context, you know to a great extent we've dismantled al-qaeda. as you've just said we're not in the immediate post-9/11 era, so what do you make of all this and information about the leaks, what information was obtained and was it worth the risk of privacy to
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average americans? >> well, i don't think the president has done an adequate job in explaining people why they should be subjected to more sacrifices of civil liberties because he has declared the war on terror over. he also has gone very far in another extreme to apply civil liberties to terrorists who are arrested and given miranda rights. on one hand we seem to give reverence liberties to the unlawful and at the same time little regards to the civil liberties to the broad public. that is out of balance. >> jamie: given a potential criminal investigation that now we are reporting and have confirmed that appears likely, how many people do you think would be involved? how high up would it go to criminal investigation and possible penalties? >> my experience, when you are dealing with something so sensitive as a broad
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exception to the laws that govern what a foreign intelligence gathering agency in gathering information on domestic citizens, that would have to be very high in the leadership. it one of the exceptions that goes all the way to the top, secretary of defense and president of the united states. >> jamie: at the same time understandably the president would take credit for getting ubl, and there is some reporting that the information obtained may have thwarted a subway attack? >> i think that is important. it's also important for all of us to recognize just because many in our country want to declare a war over, the enemy gets to vote on in that. the terrorist war continues. we do need some of these tougher measures. it's incumbent upon the administration to craw a more consistent line for what kind of threat environment do we have. allow the public to make a judgment. there needs to be checks and balances.
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post vietnam environment and post-9/11 environment. >> jamie: are we safer today since we get this information. you have been in this industry your whole career? >> i have no doubt there have been plots that were thwarted, i have no doubt some of these expanded measures in past times did protect the safety of americans. at the same time technology has exploded in ways that could couldn't have been comprehended ten years ago and it's time for congress what is allowed and appropriate. >> jamie: very interesting. we learn so much when you join us. thank you. >> thank you very much jamie. >> gregg: we're continuing to follow the events in southern california. police news conference where we are getting new details about shooting rampage near santa monica college that left five people dead including the gunman. we're going to continue to update you as we get
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further details. stay tuned for that. that is going to do it for us. >> jamie: goo to be with you. i'm jamie colby. "cavuto on business" is straight ahead. take care. on one easy to manage plan. that means your smartphone, her blackberry, his laptop, mark's smartphone but i'm still on vacation. still on the plan. nice! the intern gets a tablet? everyone's devices. his, hers-- oh, sorry. all easier to manage on the share everything plan for small business. connecting more so you can do more. that's powerful. verizon. get the blackberry z10 for $199.99. ♪ the middle of this special moment and i need to run off to the bathroom. ♪ i'm fed up with always having to put my bladder's needs ahead of my daughter. ♪ so today, i'm finally talking to my doctor
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♪ >> neil: have you ever wondered, who can you trust? for most americans it's not the white house. i'm neil cavuto. government could be watching you, there, everywhere. reports that it is monitoring millions of verizon customers in america and getting a help from a host of internet companies to gather online information overseas. all of this coming out after a poll shows nearly half of americans do not think the president is being truthful with the country on this irs scandal. even the "new york times," great lady herself losing faith writing this about the phone monitoring scandal. this was updated. administration has now lost all credibility on this
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