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tv   Cavuto on Business  FOX News  June 8, 2013 1:00pm-1:31pm PDT

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♪ >> neil: have you ever wondered, who can you trust? for most americans it's not the white house. i'm neil cavuto. government could be watching you, there, everywhere. reports that it is monitoring millions of verizon customers in america and getting a help from a host of internet companies to gather online information overseas. all of this coming out after a poll shows nearly half of americans do not think the president is being truthful with the country on this irs scandal. even the "new york times," great lady herself losing faith writing this about the phone monitoring scandal. this was updated. administration has now lost all credibility on this issue.
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that is billing deal. so is the administration and country in real trouble? to ben stein, charles payne, dagen mcdowell and charlie gasparino. >> the country has been in trouble. is the president in trouble? absolutely. when the "new york times" says he has lost all credibility, this is an issue. the headline is still the headline and i think it underscores what is going on this. >> whole thing about the patriot act. if the patriot act on steroids and internet companies. people have to feel like they have nothing. the president talks about when he is not president he wants to protect his own privacy that is why he cares about this now -- give me a break. that is so lame. >> neil: i'm sure he does. >> right now, everything i search on google to what i
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say on the telephone. >> neil: there is something. dagen, what do you make of it? >> i don't have any problem with the national security agency program at all because i don't have any expectation of privacy. i freely set step up for a pat down and i find that a bigger invasion of privacy. the issue is, what they are doing is collecting. >> neil: you are used to it. what does that say? >> we live in a police state. we have after 9/11 increasingly, i don't think this purely president obama's issue. this has been in effect for a long time. i'm with dagen, everything i'm doing is monitored, but i will say this, what is interesting that the alleged civil libertarians would go nuts if george bush did this, are saying,
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well, we need national security. there is hypocrisy. >> neil: senator obama was very much intruce that the then president bush with the patriot act that allowed the stuff we are seeing going on now, but again, on steroids. it seems weird? >> there is a big difference. under the bush administration they didn't get court orders. under the obama administration they are getting a court order. there is a big difference there. there is a big difference whether you have a judicial supervision. i'm with dagen, i don't think this is big scandal. you are not talking about the government eavesdropping on your conversations. >> neil: how do you know? that, indeed, that is what is happening. >> that is not what we know. what we know is a program.
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>> neil: we didn't know this a few days. >> if you let me answer i'll try to explain. >> go ahead. >> we know it allows meta data, originating and terminating phone numbers so they can prevent 9/11. in another case the government is following the law in every single instance. none the complaints begin to allege that the government is other than following the law laws that were passed on a bipartisan basis. >> neil: were you for the patriot act? >> yes. >> neil: ben, what do you think? >> before you came on i watched president obama talk and say there is no problem. we're if nobody phones is being listened to, what is the whole point. if they are not listening to us and monitoring our emails what is the point of the whole thing?
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>> there is a very easy answer to that. >> what you are forgetting this the first step to getting the probable cause to listen to your phone. >> that the way they work. >> it's never, zero. >> which is the position that the republicans have always taken. look, here is the thing. if you got a suspected terrorist in a place like yemen speaking to somebody inside the united states, i want to know the phone number of that person. i want to be able to have the court and go authorize them to listen to it. that is not what the president said. secondly what we're talking about here is preventing another 9/11 attack. i don't understand.... [ talking over each other ] >> neil: we're combining events. here is what i think, the fact of the matter this is not an isolated incident. this collecting the phone
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records on millions of americans is one thing. saying at first you are going after a few conservative groups and then it's a lot more than a few and then a lot more than individuals, groups. and then a few a.p. reporters and then to justify that to go after fox, but my point is stead pattern of invading people's privacy and uig the full weight and power of the united states government to be a real pain in the ass. >> there is a lot of arrogance that goes along with it. monitoring phone calls from here to yemen, 160 million customers are calling yemen? [ laughter ] >> right after the boston terror event and you are getting this from verizon and cross-referenced, that is one thing. now you have all those
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documents. what are you going to do? >> that is how you typically gather information. there is a sort of contempt and arrogance at play here at all levels have government that routinely dismisses references to president's press conference. routinely dismisses concerns about this stuff. >> neil: senator obama himself had huge issues on this. he a creep and going forward. look at this way, you have to be crazy they are not monitoring the phone calls of average americans, people in tea party who they believe.... >> neil: we don't know that. >> going for a court order for james rosen email account, they will get court orders for people looking at cellphones. >> i have been sitting here quietly which i usually don't do. if this had come out by
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itself. >> neil: that is exactly right. >> do we trust the obama administration and white house to protect us and the information that the nsa is getting. look what happened with the irs, with what has happened with criminalizing investigating reporting and not protecting the first amendment in this country. people are in doubt whether the white house is looking out for our best interests. >> neil: it's creepy. i guess what i want to ask you what part of custer you don't understand where you are surrounded and it all comes back to the same basic issue, privacy is invade ordinary potentially invaded, institutions of all sorts doing pretty much the same thing. there is a pattern. >> if you want to conflate and combine these issues with all these issues, you can do that. i don't think it's
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thoughtful approach. i don't see -- i don't connect the dots. >> neil: i'm telling you, drop the liberal thing and focus on the reality thing. you have one entity after another going after the american people. you have one system of government, one agency, one department after another essentially doing the same thing. you call that conflating, there is a pattern but i guarantee you if george bush was doing it you would be all over it. >> you want me to respond? look, you can't conflate all these issues. you have to separate them because they are different. in the case of the irs. there was never connection to white house. in the case of a.p. case, no one was criminalizing investigative reporting and nobody talked about prosecuting rosen.
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that was a method of getting a subpoena. >> that is called targeting. >> i want to talk fast. >> neil: julian you are saying nothing and it's offensive. >> why don't we speak specifically. >> neil: why don't you call us back and obnoxious on reality. you play the same game -- you are playing. >> excuse me. [ talking over each other ] >> you are not backing up the facts. >> neil: i want to be clear on this. cut his damn mic. ben is in pattern of behavior you see here, i want to see politics out of it, nuances out of it. i want to address the pattern that does or does not worry you? >> i'm telling you and gasparino was right, its police state.
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it's getting works and worse all the time. obama campaigned against it is extremely unfortunate and now defending it. over a hundred million phone calls are being married to terrorist groups in yemen or all over the middle east is comical. of course they are listening to the conversations. >> how do you know? >> neil: i'm not going to get into a he said or she said. i think its stupid pointed. i'm not going to do it. i'm sorry for a lot of people at home. but we are too deep into this nonsense to be dismissive about it. up a notch." [ male announcer ] try crest pro-health clinical together to keep your teeth 97% as clean as a dental cleaning. i mean, there's a difference right from the beginning. my mouth felt cleaner. i could really feel it changing something for the better. [ male announcer ] go pro with crest pro-health clinical. ahh, look who's not an amateur anymore!
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my mouth is so clean my dentist almost didn't know what to do. i was like "that's it?" he was like "yeah, that's it!" [ chuckles ]
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♪ ♪ i'm rick folbaum. police in california are investigating a shoot rampage near santa monica college. gunman killed his dad and brother in an apparent domestic dispute before
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hijacking ka car with a woman inside. he shot people and random before entering the college library where police killed him. overseas it's happened again, afghan soldier opened fire on american trainers killing three of them. it happened in the eastern part of the country, two were u.s. service members. third an american civilian. local officials say the afghan soldier is not part of the insurge en si. this the seventh attack like that this year alone. now back to cavu on to on business. -- "cavuto on business". >> neil: there is going to have you at a loss literally. government selling 30 million shares of general motors pulling away from the investment. taxpayers that would be us. expected to lose ten billion dollars on that
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investment. charles payne. >> what dagen said last time. $10 billion is lot. we learned about it the wrong way. free markets, they should have gone bankrupt. the whole thing was to benefit the unions. we paid a pretty big price as americans. >> it's kind of ironic bailed out banks are underwriting an ipo or secondary offering. the former ceo put it best. they should have done it all at once. they could have sold out all at once. if they did it the first time they could have sold out as a profit. former ceo the federal government, tim geithner would not do it all at once. >> neil: a lot of folks on main street we're too focused on the wall street side of this and lots of jobs were saved and company was saved and that is far
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more lucrative gain in the long run than any stock. what do you think of that? >> i was in favorite of the bailout. i'm glad that general motors is still around but you are in a tricky situation trying to time a stock sale and gm wants the government out of company. you have to eat the loss. gm is doing very well. high sales last month since 2008. >> neil: that's right. ben, what do you make of this? >> i love the fact they rescued gm. it's an american institution. what is good for america is good for general motors or vice versa. fact about jobs, it doesn't bother me union jobs, $10 billion is a small price to pay of a company of that magnitude. >> we are presupposing this was the only way to save them.
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you do a pre-bankruptcy where you cram down the unions. i'm a union guy but these unions extorted so many benefits. >> neil: are you in a union now? >> no. >> neil: your dad was in union. so the ro reason why you call yourself a union guy, your dad was in the union, so was my dad and i'm not a union man. >> we moved from a crummy apartment to a crummy little house because my old man was in the union. >> neil: is that why you moved to that house because your dad was in the union? >> unions helped my father to provide with benefits. i'm telling you, one thing that unions did, they did extort tremendous benefits out of gm. what should have been done, i'm not saying i'm not opposed to them being bailing out is something with the unions.... >> neil: we know contract law was turned upside-down. my only point, ben stein
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would say, that was not a realistic option. if you would have pitched those rescues and bealtsd saying you are going to have shut down factories, lay off workers and endure a lot of pain they never would have approved in the first place. what we got was taxpayer financed bailouts. >> and reckless behavior. we also know any time this comes up again, people will say the last one worked. >> with you'll due respect we were in a panic situation. >> neil: i understand. >> and they had to step in something. put the full weight behind the rescue. >> neil: i wouldn't bail out anyone. that is me. that is food for thought. one of the biggest hotels in america checking out at room service. the boys used double miles from their capital one venture card
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to fly home for the big family reunion. you must be garth's father? hello. mother. mother! traveling is easy with the venture card because you can fly airline anytime. two words. double miles! this guy can act. wanna play dodge rock? oh, you guys! and with double miles you can actuay use, you never miss the fun. beard growing conte and go! ♪ win! what's in your wallet?
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>> neil: coming up, forget about packing a bag on the next trip. how about packing your lunch. one major hotel is getting rid of
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midtown manhattan, biggest hotel, 2,000 rooms, turns out the expensive burgers are not giving them a lot of beef. they are cutting back on
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food. >> what is going on here? >> its disaster. people that arrive exhausted late at night need to go to speeches and need room service. we are suffering terribly. it's almost unspeakable. [ laughter ] >> neil: when i hear the pain of america screaming. first thing comes to mind whetherly get chicken wings at 1:00 in the morning in my room. those wings are outrageously priced by about the way. average on room service order is about $3 a person. >> unless they had a tray charge, $15 for the tray. overall, i feel like technology. >> neil: where did they put you up that had that? at doubletree they give you cookies to shut up on.
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>> we're moving towards the jetsons world, you go to the supermarket, several checkout. what the heck happened. pretty soon you will change your linen and have the same towels during checkout. >> neil: maybe the paperservice. >> it's going to be brown bag delivery. they won't have room service. >> neil: five-star ready must have room service? >> you are not staying in the right places. if you want room service from a hilton, no offense, it's food out of a box, bag, a jar, it all tastes the same. >> you know, when i was hungry before dinner, my mom would say eat a banana. >> neil: that is very good point. that is very good point. >> room service in the night room service is bad
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for you. >> let's be honest, she health maniac. >> neil: i indulge every now and then. >> he does more miles than i drive. >> neil: we got a lot more coming up. i love you, too. another week for the markets, charles and ben have couple steady stocks to get you through the ups and downs. [ larry ] younow throughout history, folks have suffered from frequent heartburn but now, thanks to treating with prilosec otc,
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we don't have to suffer like they used to. [ bell dings ] ♪ [ horse whinnies ] getting heartburn and then treating day after day is a thing of the past. block the acid with prilosec otc, and don't get heartburn in the first place. we've surcome a long way. ♪ [ le announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn.
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>>. >> neil: to help you weather the market. >> love lincoln, remarkable company. it could be a volatile stock but $250 stock ultimately. >> neil: dan? >> i don't know but any time you can get warren buff tote do your vesting join in with him. he is a greatest genius,
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his salary is hundred thousand dollars a year. one of the biggest companies in the world. let's be his partner. >> neil: way to go, charles. >> finally got it. ready for anaheim! >> eric: irs employees dance is go the night away. all the while tax officials were targeting conservative groups. let's just say you will be dancing -- you won't be dancing with joy. and holder, the government is dialing up even more controversy this time uncle sam getting info from major companies, google, facebook and apple and seeds go your phone records too. is your personal information at risk


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