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tv   Huckabee  FOX News  June 8, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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that's how fox reports this saturday, june 8th. my saturday night is just getting started. see you halfway through "huckabee" which starts in about six seconds. tonight on "huckabee" -- >> i'm extraordinarily proud to announce my new national security adviser susan rice. >> screw-up, cover-up, move up. the obama administration rewarding good soldiers who toe the company line while treating those who call out corruption like enemies of the state. >> not only are they losing their job and their livelihood and their income, they are actually facing jail time. >> government whistleblowers on why they risked everything to reveal the truth. >> i could not stand by and simply be eyewitness to the subversion of our own constitution.
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>> ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee. >> thank you. thank you very much. and welcome to "huckabee" from the fox news studios in new york city. so what is happening to america? dishonesty is being rewarded while those who are truthful and do the right thing are being punished. now, i want to introduce you to cole witrow. he's a high school senior from north carolina who was in school when he realized that he had forgotten his unloaded shotguns in his truck after he went skeet shooting the previous weekend. nobody else knew about it, but he wanted to could the right thing, so he called his mother, drive to the school, take the shotguns home. now, when someone overheard his phone call, cole was arrested, charged with a felony. that was later dropped to a misdemeanor. cole joins me now. cole, it's great having you
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here, but i'm just stunned. how shocked were you that you got in trouble for trying to do the right thing? >> governor, it was -- i just don't understand what i would have done to not get in trouble. i mean, the situation that i was in, there was nothing that running through my mind that i could do to not get in trouble. >> now, i understand that this kept you from actually being able to graduate with your classmates. you were prevented from that. has anyone from the school apologized for what happened? >> i mean, the principal and the superintendent, they said it was an unfortunate situation and that they hated it happened but they really haven't apologized and they don't know of anything they could have done differently. >> do you regret telling the truth? do you regret trying to do the right thing? because you got in a lot of
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trouble. you got suspended from school, you got charged with a crime that could follow you the rest of your life. you didn't get to graduate with your fellow students. they can never give that back to you. you sometimes say boy, i was a chump for being honest. >> well, people told me i should have just went to my truck straight when i found out and left and not told a soul. but when i think about it, i don't regret telling the truth and trying to do the right thing because it got me a scholarship from dr. falwell at liberty behind me, and it's amazing how far i've come. >> cole, congratulations on your future. i think all of us are shocked at what happened and we hope that other people will do the right thing, hopefully the long-term effect turns out quite well. thanks for joining us today. >> thank you. >> okay. so let me make sure that i've got this right. a young man, who has never
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in any trouble, accidentally forgets that his shotgun is locked away in his car. and when he thinks about it, he doesn't just keep his mouth shut because nobody ever would have known. no, he calls his mother to come and retrieve it from his car. just so he can fulfill both the letter and the spirit of the law, that's why he did it. and for that he's severely punished. heck, i think he ought to be rewarded just for having that good of a relationship with his parents. but maybe i shouldn't be surprised. you see, i don't even recognize my country any more. we punish that for which we should honor and we honor that which we should avoid. the irs -- the irs has acted criminally in its persecution of conservative pro life, pro-israel or tea party groups, but the lady in charge of seeing their applications gets a promotion to oversee obamacare. the president ha praise for
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occupy groups that trashed streets, defecated in public and shut down small businesses, but he's had contempt for tea party groups that clean up after their own rallies and use rest rooms like civilized human beings. eric the withholder spies on the a.p. and james rosen for supposedly receiving leaked information, but does nothing when the cia director leaks classified information to the producer of the movie "zero dark thirty." the president was willing to send in s.e.a.l.s who risked their lives to kill osama bin laden but never gave the order to answer the cries for help of americans being murdered in benghazi. we saw photos of him the night of the bin laden raid, but no one can find out where he was the night of benghazi. didn't anybody have an iphone who could just snap a picture of the president's concern? then there was the family from germany that were granted asylum in our country -- well until eric holder appealed it, and he wants them deported because they want to home school their
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children in a christian setting. but that same attorney general sees nothing wrong with 11 million illegal immigrants being given a path to citizenship. the government refuses to call nadal hasan a terrorist even when he screamed allah akbar and murdered soldiers in a cafeteria, but it treats me like a terrorist by spying on my phone calls and electronically strip searching me every time i get on an airplane. president obama thinks that a 12-year-old is adult enough to get morning-after birth control pills without her parents' knowledge, but a 26-year-old is child enough to need obamacare. the president thinks we ought to take away second amendment rights of people who have never broken a law, but is yet to answer for why he thought it was a good idea to give thousands of guns to mexican drug dealers who used them to kill hundreds of mexicans and a u.s. border agent. the president wants to close gitmo because the conditions aren't nice enough, but he orders drones to vaporize
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american citizens abroad who haven't even been charged with a crime. he calls an nba player and congratulates him for announcing he's a homosexual, but he's never called tim tebow and thanked him for announcing that he's a christian. he tells israel to stop building bedrooms for its families but is missing in action while iran builds nuclear bomb ps and they sent in s.w.a. tm teams and treated people at gibson guitars because they use the same wood as martin guitars. the difference is that gibson ceo gave money to republicans and martin's ceo gave money to president obama. now, is it just me or do you feel like something has gone horribly wrong in america? i think it's time to stand up, speak up and say, we won't put up with this any more. and if you agree, i hope you'll let me know.
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this week the president picked susan rice, the face of the administration's benghazi scandal, to be his national security adviser, but is she the right pick for such a critical position? maybe it's time for me to take the hot seat. all right, challenging me today is former adviser to hillary clinton's 2008 presidential campaign and fox news contributor greene and the host of xm sirius radio show "stand up," pete dominic. let's start by talking about the susan rice appointment. good choice for the president to make? >> of course. she's a good choice because i think primarily she's one of his closest, most trusted advisers. now, governor huckabee, you were almost president of the united states. let's go back and imagine a huckabee administration -- >> oh, i've tried.
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>> and we all have. when you would have been making this decision, you would have looked for someone with deep national security credentials, someone who was a skilled diplomat -- >> you almost said democrat. >> you probably would have been looking for a democrat, but for someone you had a close and trusted relationship with like he has for six years with ambassador rice. that is what his choice was in this woman. and i think when we get past all of the conspiracy surrounding benghazi, the american people will see the role that she's played, her accomplishments at the u.n. and this is an incredible, incredible selection for the president to have made. >> you know, one thing that you might be surprised to know -- and i've said this publicly -- i don't necessarily blame susan rice for the talking points and all of the talk show appearances after benghazi because she was the one person who really didn't know anything. they gave her a script and she went and read it. the people who should have gone would have been hillary clinton, david petraeus, leon panetta,
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there were a number of people who could have, should have gone. they did not. in fact it turned out that she was trotted out there. pete, susan rice, good appointment? >> yeah, i think so. i mean, it's hard to know exactly what makes the best national security adviser. but as jehmu said, when you look at some of the past people who held this position including condoleezza rice, a lot of that relationship is about trust. the president has to have someone he can really trust and obviously who has a lot of qualifications. she worked in the nsa as a staffer in the clinton administration, so she certainly has the qualification. she's got a ph.d. she's really, really intelligent. most people and probably many in your audience didn't hear of susan rice until this benghazi thing which you just admit yourself you don't blame her for. i'd have to throw it back to you and say why isn't she qualified and how important it is, as jehmu said, this position that he chooses at the pleasure of the president, this isn't senate confirmation, should be someone that you really trust, that you
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know. >> no, you need somebody that you trust, i get that. let's talk about trust. can we trust the government now knowing that they have access to all of our phone records and computer records and everything? i want to play a little clip. this is senator obama 2005. >> if someone wants to know why their own government has decided to go on a fishing expedition through every personal record or private document through the library books that you read, the phone calls that you've made, the e-mails that you've sent, this legislation gives people no rights to appeal the need for such a search in a court of law. no judge will hear your plea. no jury will hear your case. this is just plain wrong. >> if it's wrong in 2005, is it still wrong today, jehmu? >> certainly he stepped in it with those remark because he didn't know what he knows now. we have to keep in mind that back in the '70s -- back in the
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'70s the supreme court in smith versus maryland said that we don't have a right to privacy for our phone records. so this is not -- this is not something new. i feel like a lot of this stuff that's bubld up this past week isn't necessarily new and at the end of the day, the government is responsible for protecting something we should be concerned about? absolutely. but when it's checked by the other branchs of government -- >> you're okay with all this or not? >> not at all. i don't find this a liberal/conservative divide. >> i don't either. >> this to me is a privacy/security divide. they just admitted that using this ability helped them thwart a terrorist attack. what are you more concerned about, a terrorist attack or your privacy and your freedom? that's what americans have to ask themselves. polls show that -- and it matters, it is not so easy there. it's wiretapping, your e-mails. >> everything.
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>> cameras everywhere. in your studio you have five cameras filming us, but everybody in the audience has a camera, too, governor. we have to decide what kind of a society we want to be and whether or not we think that we're going to be protected by these methods or not? >> here's my problem. we say we want to be safe, but what are we protecting against? we're protecting against terrorists who, what, threaten our freedom. if we give up our freedom to be protected for it, i'm not sure that makes sense to me. real quickly. we've got to go. >> if you think you're going to die in a terrorist attack versus a heart attack, you've been duped. >> exactly. so my point being does the government need this much information on us? is it even constitutionally appropriate for the government to invade this level of our privacy? we've got to leave it there because our time is gone. got to go. well, they are patriots that refuse to be silenced. they risked everything to tell the truth. former government workers who have had enough of corruption and incompetence in the
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government they became whistleblowers. we'll talk to them when we return. you do not want to miss this. i'd like the hear from you. go to my website, tell me what you think on the leave feedback section or sign up for my facebook page and follow me on twitter. you can find a link to that and more at what are you doing? oh, hey. using night-vision goggles to keep an eye on my spicy buffalo wheat thins to make sure nobody touches them. who's gonna take your wheat thins? um, i don't know. an intruder, the dog, bigfoot, ted from next door.
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during his transition into the oval office after being elected as president in 2008, barack obama's website spelled out his agenda on the whistleblowers. often the best source of information about waste, fraud and abuse in government is an existing government employee committed to public integrity and willing to speak out. such acts of courage and patriotism, which can sometimes save lives and often save taxpayer dollar, should be encouraged rather thfaneuithan . my next guests were not
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encouraged when they tried to expose abuse in government. they got fired, treated as criminals. thomas drake a former executive at the national security agency. he was charged under the espionage act after he blew the whistle on waste and illegal activity. a former ethics adviser to the department of justice, she's also a whistleblower. now the national security and human rights director at the government accountability project. a leading whistleblower organization. thanks both of you for being here. thomas, let me start with you. when the news broke that the agency you used to work for, the nsa, was spying on its own citizens and collecting massive amounts of data, everything from our phone calls and photos that we take on our iphone, everything, how surprised were you? >> not at all. >> you were not surprised. >> no. it's become routine. we now have a systemic institutionalized surveillance system on an industrial scale. >> so this massive collection of
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data, we're told, don't worry about it, nobody's actually looking at all that stuff. how confident are you that nobody is looking? or let me ask you this, can they look at it if they just wanted to one day? >> yes. because they've collected it. >> so it's collected, it's stored. if somebody wants to say, wonder what old mike huckabee's been googling one day, they can find out? >> it's extremely tempting to do so especially when you have everything about you in your entire life. an index of your digital life. >> who can keep someone from going in and looking at those files? >> right now there's no controls at all to speak of because it's all in secret. any of the controls they talk br all in secret. they're not available for public review or debate. >> you blew the whistle on things you saw in the nsa that you thought were going haywire. you were charged now with espionage. the president said that you should be a hero. you should be rewarded for that. >> he said that in 2008 as a
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campaign platform. four years later his campaign platform, touted about the number of whistleblowers he had gone after more so than any other administration combined. >> how has it affected you? obviously, you lost your job. what's it done to your career? >> turned it upside down, inside out. >> how long were you with the nsa. >> 2001, first day on the job was noo9/11. i resigned in 2008. >> what are the job prospects? a tough economy. but for a guy that ought to be a hero and the president said we ought to reward you, tell me your reward. >> persona non grata, you're blacklisted. you can't find a job in the government because they charged you with espionage. >> you advised the justice department in the john walker lynn taliban case. you thought his rights were being abused. did that get you applause from your superiors? >> it didn't get any reaction at first they agreed with my analysis, initially. obviously, any american who's
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being subject to that -- >> let's make it clear. you had advised that because he had counsel -- >> mm-hmm. >> that any interrogation had to require that his counsel be present. >> exactly. >> i learned that in civics class in the ninth grade. that's what you said. was his counsel present when he was interrogated? >> no. i had advised that on friday, and i came in on monday and the criminal section told me, oops, the fbi interrogated him anyway, what should we do now? and at that point i advised that the interrogation information needed to be sealed and they were welcome to use it for national security and intelligence gathering but not for criminal prosecution. of course, they went ahead and used it for criminal prosecution. >> you objected to that. and what happened? >> i discovered inadvertently discovered that there was a court order for all justice department correspondence related to his interrogation.
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when i went to check the file of all the e-mails i wrote, it had been purged. >> so evidence, in essence -- it would be evidence -- was destroyed. >> yes, that would be evidence. and it had eared. i resurrected it from my computer archives and i wrote a memo to my boss and i attached it and i said, i have no idea why this was not around. i took home -- i gave it to my boss. i resigned. i said, i don't know what's going on. i'm not going to be a part of it. i took home a copy in case it disappeared again, which evidently it did. >> when we come back, the washington culture of rewarding those who are helping cover up the scandals. you won't believe it. stay with us. we'll be right back. want to mas more secure. [ whirring ] [ dog barks ] i want to treat mo dogs. ♪ our business needs more cases. [ male announcer ] where do you want to take your business? i need help selling art. [ male announcer ] from broadband to web hosting to mobile apps, small business solutions from at&t
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the federal government has ruined the lives of those who blew the whistle and rewards those who are trying to cover it up. vincent sefalu was a special agent with the bureau of tobacco, firearms and explosives. he was the one that fought the fast and furious operation. the former number two boss todd jones allegedly helped cover up the scandal. he's been nominated by the president to direct the agency and he's got a confirmation hearing scheduled for later this month. joining me now, vincent, this is just a remarkable, stunning story. you blew the whistle on fast and furious when it happened. what was the result of that? were you thanked for telling the truth and coming forward and explaining what a horrible fiasco this was? >> there was many that came forward in concert with my actions hoping to change the culture in the bureau and stop
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the culture of fear an intimidation and right along the lines every one of them have been punished, suffered great personal and professional damages and it continues to this day. >> vincent, you've been a career guy with the atf. the interesting thing is you're still on the payroll, is that correct? >> that is correct, sir. >> they haven't actually got rid of you, but what do they have you doing for them now? >> they haven't gotten rid of me, not for lack of trying. currently i'm assigned as a senior operations officer for the san francisco field division performing the duties from my residence while the government fights the government over the outcome of the proposed actions they've tried to take against me. >> now, they did fire you at one time and then realized they really didn't have any basis, so they reinstated you, but they have you doing basically
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nothing, is that correct? >> that is absolutely correct. i'm sitting waiting for the lawyers to figure out how they're going to back out of this situation. >> vincent, i think about this. taxpayers are paying your salary. the atf doesn't want you to do anything. they obviously probably don't want you talking to me either on national television, but i appreciate your willing tons come forward. you've riskd your career. you had a good career. i've read things about you from your peers who say you're one of the best, toughest, most fearless agents atf had. what's this done to your career, your life? what's happened to you? >> well, it's devastated, obviously, me personally. my family. that's the point i want to make. it's not just the agents or the people who step forward to try to correct or right the wrongs. the families suffer, friends.
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it's this whole failure of accountability that's just mind boggling, and how the attorneys and the government supports this kind of conduct. i don't know how they expect to change the era of fear of reprisal when they continue doing it. >> todd jones was a supervisor at atf. he's up to be the head of atf. the hearing will be happening soon. the president has a lot of confidence in him. should we be concerned that here's a guy that knew about fast and furious and helped cover it up, now he's going to lead the agency? >> well, it's not just that issue. i mean, he came in at the end of it. clearly, he was handed a mess, but more important what he's done since he's been our acting director, and the amplified air of fear and retaliation and that the issues that have continued to this day, the attacks on
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agents, jay dobbins who is going to trial in his case on monday. they have more than ample evidence of corruption, unethical conduct and there's no failsafe. to people, the government attorneys who are supposed to be that failsafe or that second set of eyes are continuing to protect corruption and mismanagement, and it's not going to change as long as these managers don't ever face accountability. >> jessica, you were an attorney in the department of justice. how shocked are you when you hear what vince has to say about his own situation in atf? >> since i've been a whistleblower attorney, i'm not shocked at all. it's actually quite typical that you are forced from your job, your security clearance is pulled. often you're referred for a mental examination. then you're no longer pulling in income, and the same time you're racking up legal fees because
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you've probably gotten a lawyer. or some people like vince are put in -- transferred to what we call the paper cup stacking position in your office where you're doing nothing. and still on the government payroll. i've represented people who have been in that situation for years. but it really it does ruin your life and does completely derail your career. for example, most people in his position need a security clearance in order to work for the government. >> sure. >> well, stay with us because, look, the widespread infection of corruption, it's not limited to the federal government. coming up, we'll talk to a local public executive who speaks out on being admonished for hiring white people. that's next. ♪
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manslaughter in connection with the deadly building collapse in philadelphia. toxicology reports show the man was high on marijuana when he was working to demolish a four-story building on wednesday. part of the building then fell on a salvation army thrift store killing six and injuring 13 others. former south african president nelson mandela is in serious but stable condition in a hospital in pretoria. he's being treated for a lung infection. the late nest the series of health scares he's faced in the last few months. he's now 94 years old. and palace malice has won the belmont stakes in long island, new york. preakness champ oxbow came in second and kentucky derby winner orb took third. "huckabee" is now. andre harris is a former department of justice civil rights attorney, and he recently was the executive director of the public employees relations
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board of the district of columbia. he resigned just last week in protest, he says, because board members repeatedly urged that white and right of center applicants not be hired. andre, i'm delighted to have you here. you quit because you thought some things were happening that just weren't right. tell me what happened at the agency that you just decided was more than you wanted to be a part of. >> well, on november the 8th, 2012, in a meeting at the agency, several board members said things that i found offensive. one of the things was that i should refrain from hiring white attorneys in the office to fill the attorney adviser positions and that i should refrain from
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hiring a person who they deemed right of center or conservative, a female, erin wilcox, and that i should not hire her. i told them that that was illegal and unconstitutional. and that i would not do that and i tendered my resignation at that time. >> ondray, it's shocking. i want to give you an opportunity to respond. the board has issued a state. the current board action has alwaysen focused on mr. harris' refusal to comply with the law. at no time has the board communicated any interest, notice or agenda to the contrary. notwithstanding as a result of mr. harris' unproven allegations of discrimination against the board, we are now required to this matter for investigation. they said you were the one doing illegal things. >> right. governor, what's important here is what they don't say. they never denied that the statements were made. and i provided you with the
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smoking gun. the december 19th, 2012 memo written by agency's counsel. keep in mind agency counsel represents the board. i was the head of the agency, but she didn't represent me. and in her memo, she advised the board that what they were doing was illegal and they had to cease and desist. if you look at one portion of the memo, she says, it's patently impermissible to discriminate against people because of their political affiliations and that the board could not retaliate against me for refusing to oppose their discriminatory practices or directives of not hiring white males. >> ondray, this sort of goes in sync with what we've been hearing coming out of the irs, that there was targeted efforts toward people who maybe had a political viewpoint, that some of the irs folks didn't like.
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do we need to be worried as american citizens that in all levels local and even federal levels the rights and concerns of people are being stomped all over? >> we think of this as being a local problem, but article one, section eight of the constitution gives congress complete authority over washington, d.c. it's a federal territory. it's not a state. so your federal tax dollars are going to washington, d.c., via congress and those tax dollars are being wasted on discriminatory practices. >> ondray, stay with us, we'll keep you and jesselyn, thomas and vince all together. when we come back, we'll talk about just how big this is. why you ought to be concerned about it and what you can do about it. ♪ ♪
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espionage charge, as have been my clients like tom drake. >> tom, when you spoke out at nsa, you did so, obviously, that cost you your job, now an indictment. obviously somebody in nsa were the ones who let go this information. "the washington post" and the "uk guardian" didn't get it on their own. somebody gave it to hem. did that tell you that there are other people, your former colleagues, who have will enough? >> yes. >> so what can we expect? will more people stand up and say this is out of control? we can't let this happen? >> i would hope so. we need maximum exposure in the government that the constitution it's bounds to protect. it will not long endure if we have a government that's out of control and is actually hammering people for simply telling the truth and standing upright for the law. >> i agree with you, thomas. our audience obviously does, too. vince, one of the thins that become very apparent, it's not just what you said and what you
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have told but why. and i want to get to that. why did you go public? why did you tell the story and expose things that you thought were wrong? >> primarily because it had gotten out of control, become institutional, widespread and become a practice rather than the exception of the rule. it became the way of doing business. jesselyn, i want to know where you got the atf playbook because everything she stated occurred in her situation or her clients' situation has happened to me. standard practice, attack those make the allegations. the actual people involved in the fast and furious oversight, they've all prospered. not one of them -- they're all going home to their families. brian will never go home to his family. not one point of accountability. >> the important point that you make, the other people, the ones
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who went along, who didn't blow the whistle, who didn't even corroborate the evidence, they've all been promoted. they've all moved up the ladder, not down the ladder. the only people punished were the ones who said something is going wrong here. and i think that's very important for us to point out. ondray, you left your position. you walked away from a good job. tell me what's going to happen, your future. i mean, what are your job prospects in light of taking this action and speaking out so boldly? >> well, we'll see what happens. i'm less concerned about my job prospects and more concerned about offering protection to my former employeys who i hired and who are really good workers and great americans and they shouldn't be discriminated against because they're white or right of center or happen to be conservative. i'm an officer of the court, i'm a lawyer, that doesn't sit well with me.
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i couldn't accept that. >> you know, i want to say to all of you, i think you're heroes. there are a lot of ways to be heroeses in this country. sometimes it's taking up arms and wearing a uniform, and god knows i appreciate our military, but if you're willing to stand up against your own government when you think your government is wrong, you become a hero because it's not an easy thing to do. obviously, if you had stayed just quiet, gone along, you could have gotten along and probably have been promoted. and you wouldn't have been sitting here today enjoying a nice weekend with your families at an increased salaries for shutting up. but if people like you don't speak up and instead shut up, we're not talking about the loss of jobs. i think we need to be very clear. we're talking about the loss of this great republic and everything we hold dear and that for which we send soldiers to fight. and if they're not fighting for freedom and fighting for a government that treat us all the same, then why are we sending them? it's that serious. and i want to thank you for
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being here and god knows we need more like you to come forward and tell the truth. >> thank you, governor. >> thank you. jesselyn, thomas, ondray and vince, we all say thank you. coming up, israeli singer dudu fisher. he'll be singing a medley from "fiddler on the roof." [ whirring ] [ dog barks ] i want to treat mo dogs. ♪ our business needs more cases. [ male announcer ] where do you want to take your business? i need help selling art. [ male announcer ] from broadband to web hosting to mobile apps, small business solutions from at&t have the security you need to get you there. call us. we can show you how at&t solutions can help you do what you do... even better. ♪
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>> mike: all right. well, he has performed for former president bill clinton and the queen of england and at some of the world's most famous concert halls including sidney's opera house and new york madison square garden. he was memorable as the lead in
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les miserables on broadway. the obvious when i have to ask, how did you get the name do to? >> i was once walking in jerusalem with my grandfather. jerusalem has 1 70 names. city of david, city of gold. i asked my grandfather, how come jerusalem has some names so he sass says to me when you love somebody you give it a nickname and god loves jerusalem so god gave jerusalem 70 names. your grandmother and i love you so much so we gave you the name do do instead of david which is my real name. they didn't know what it was going to mean in america, of course, but i loved the name and i kept the name and it is a name to remember. >> mike: definitely a name to remember. you have the distinctionion of being the only person ever given permission to be he off on the friday evening and saturday night performances on
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broadway through many many years of playing at les miserables. how come your faith was is so important you were willing to rave risk your career. >> even though show business and religion don't go hand in hand together still for me my religion more than we kept the sabbath the sabbath kept the jewish people together. i thought it would wouldn't be right to do it and, of course, o i did sacrifice a lot. i'm fine with myself and i feel very, very good about it. >> you will do a medley from fiddler on the roof for us. we'll let you do it. >> thank you so much. >> mike: do do fisher are from fiddler on the roof. ♪ if i were a rich man ♪ all day long i'll he fiddle
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diddle dumb ♪ ♪ i wouldn't have to work ♪ all day long i'll fiddle fiddle dum ♪ ♪ if i were a little biddle rich ♪ ♪ walking just as noisily as they can ♪ ♪ and all as if to say here lives a wealthy man ♪ ♪ just a little girl like mary ♪ ♪ is this the little boy at play ♪ ♪ i don't remember growing
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older ♪ sunrise sunset ♪ ♪ seed lings turn overnight to sunflowers, blossoming even as we gaze ♪ ♪ sunrise, sunset one season following another ♪ ♪ laden with happiness and tears ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ how much more can we be joyful even when there is nothing to be joyful for ♪ ♪ to life to life ♪ to life ♪ it gives you something to think about ♪ ♪ something to drink about ♪ to life >> mike: thanks to do do fisher. hoped you enjoyed him as much as i have. i know youle want to get his music. if you had been in the audience tonight you would be going home he with it because all of the studio audience will be leaving with a copy of the cd. thanks for joining us.
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glad to have you here. look forward to seeing you next week. until then, from new york, this mike huckabee. good night and god bless. this day calls you. to fight chronic osteoarthritis pain. to fight chronic low back pain. to take action. to take the next step. today, y will know you did something for your pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is a pain reliever fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain.
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>> judge jeanine: they come here to kill us and we worry about what they he think of us. and america should protect you? your sons killed us. why would you give the criminals an advantage over an unarmed citizenry? get the hell out of your elitist egg head tower, put on your big boy pants. >> judge jeanine: maybe it is because of my legal training or my experience as a prosecutor judge and d.a., but to me the united states constitution is like a rock. the very foundation upon which our country is built. but america is changing. it is changing before our very eyes. our founding fathers wouldn't even recognize the america of


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