tv FOX and Friends Sunday FOX News June 9, 2013 3:00am-7:01am PDT
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>> well, there you are, good morning to you. today is sunday, the 9th of june, 2013. i'm anna kooiman in for alisyn camerota. the top dog at the nsa trying to defend snooping tactics by declassifying secret information. all of this while the white house probes the leakers. what is the cost of freedom? we take a closer look. >> and then it's your money and it's all gone. the federal government paid out millions to green car companies and it turns out more than half of their investments went out of business more details in a minute. >> smart investment. he is his high school valedictorian headed to the naval academy on a full ride. why did his microphone get
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cut during a graduation speech. they cut it when he went off script. "fox & friends" hour one starts right now. good sunday morning, everyone. welcome in to "fox & friends." this is the lovely anna kooiman in for alisyn camerota and tucker carlson. >> the single most -- that i have ever met. anna kooiman was here i'm going to be in a good mood because you are here. >> she elevates us. >> i was watching you guys yesterday outside. so cool. you were making out with dogs. >> yes, i was. i'm not ashamed i will kiss any dog. >> following for you the big story out of washington. there are new developments this morning on the big snooping scandal. the director of national intelligence, that man, james clapper coming out and getting pretty specific
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yesterday or inspecific i suppose. any way you want to look at it and trying to lay out this entire prim program saying basically that we are not working with internet companies and we are not snooping through your email. we are not grabbing all of this information in one big place. it's a central computer system and that's how we are running this thing. >> he described it as and i'm quoting internal government computer system that's what it is says james clapper. he reserved most of his outrage not for the fact that the u.s. government has totally violated your privacy on every single level from your bank account to your your email and google searches. is he mad at the people who leaked this situation who made it possible for us to know about it. he said there is a criminal investigation into leakers. one of many so far in the obama administration. here is james clapper. >> while we are having this debate, discussion, and all this media explosion which, of course, supports
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transparency which is a great thing in this country. that same trans (sir has a double edge sword. our adversaries whether state adversaries or nefarious group benefit from that same transparency. as we speak, they are going to school and learning how we do this. that's why it potentially has -- can render great damage to our intelligence capabilities. >> obama administration has touted transparency from the very beginning. that's what senator obama even campaigned on, but this same transparency, if it's so transparent why did it have to be leaked to the "the washington post" and the guardian? why did this just not come about to say hey, american, this is what's going on? >> it's a pretty good system, if you are hoping to keep information secret from the public you supposedly served, it's a good any time you are questioned about it shut up, it's in your national
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security not to sigh anything about it. >> in the patriot act, too. this is the patriot act on steroids. >> or when questioned about it deny it as james clapper did. nsa collects these massive data troves. >> lie about it. >> get into the interesting words that they are using recently to describe things or misdirecting individuals. he came out and flatly lied about it and then he also, of course we know james clapper and some of his history didn't know when key terrorist attacks were unfolding. remember this? take a listen. >> does the nsa collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of americans? >> no, sir. >> it does not? >> not witnessingly. -- whitingly. there are cases where they could perhaps collect but not whitingly. >> london, how serious is it? any indication that it was
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coming here any of the things that they have seen were coming here? >> no answer. >> he had no idea what diane sawyer was asking about. that was a terror attack that happened -- any time a witness in a hearing goes >> rubbing hair where he doesn't have hair? >> you don't need to be a bill o'reilly body language expert to know that's not a good sign. >> if you ask me a question on the show and i start doing rubbing my bald spot for a couple of minutes you know i don't know what i'm talking about. >> or not telling the truth. if you nfcket, this is the question the question the president was asked at his briefing on friday asked point blank by a reporter does the u.s. government have a database with our personal information in it the president refused to answer it because the answer is yes. >> all of these emails and the billions of dollars they spent, we saw that big
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data facility yesterday we showed you on the show yesterday in utah where all this data will be stored. >> if this is keeping us safe you understand why some precautions do have to be taken and to defend him just for a second, too. maybe he just didn't want to answer the question in that venue. maybe that wasn't the proper place to do it. >> but he is required to because the congress has the oversight over the executive branch. when a congressional committee asks you a question you have to answer. a lot of people have to answer. >> for everybody to see? >> for everybody so seenchts like a james borne movie when asked about that black ops program that was closed we're not going to discuss that that's what happens in hollywood not what is supposed to happen in washington. >> take a closer look at where your tax dollars are going. it turns out you remember the green car phenomenon fad at the beginning of the
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obama administration, of course, people looking for greener car technology, 56% of the car makers who asked for government green loans according to a daily caller piece now out of business. >> $8 billion given out to five different car companies. two of them look like -- well, they have quit production and they look like they are heading towards bankruptcy as well. and, also, there hasn't been given any more money out since 2011 ever since the failure of solyndra, create a bunch of new jobs. >> $8 billion in government cash for failed green cars. tesla, fisker, vehicle production group and nissan and ford. you have this great new car in the ford energy comes out and gets all sorts of electric mileage first before it ends up kicking into the gas motor. and it seemed like they were doing it on their own. i don't understand why they would even need this government money. >> if i run a venture
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capital firm, i have limited money from my partners, four years 56 of the companies that i invest your money in go bankrupt and then it turns out that i took money on the side from those companies because, of course, the obama campaign did take contributions from all these companies i would be in deep trouble. i would be looking at investor lawsuits and criminal charges. that's a criminal record. >> that's like bernie madoff. >> totally. 56 are out of business? come on. the government should not be in the venture capital business. they are not good at it? >> move on to sunday headlines now. we start with a fox news alert. former massachusetts government paul lost his long battle with lieu gehrig's disease. known for strong bipartisanship and working with democrats to pass laws in his state. his death so significant it sparked this statement from two former presidents george h.w. bush and george
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w. bush. we were deeply saddened to learn of paul cellucci. he was a close and loyal friend. a superb public servant and family man. cellucci was 55 years old. 23-year-old john swarhi went into the santa monica college library and prepared for battle. one of his victims spoke from the hospital. >> he seemed like a person on a mission. and he just turned and looked at me and the next thing i knew, glass was shattering. >> we are told he carried over 1300 rounds of ammunition, an assault rifle and combat gear. he is accused killing four people including his father and brother and injuring several others. cops say he was upset over his parent's divorce.
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he died in a shootout with police. >> brand new video of paris jackson being transferred to clay medical center. that's the same center where her father michael jackson died four years ago. the move comes after the teen was put on 72 hour psychiatric hold after attempting suicide on wednesday. paris cut her wrist with a kitchen knife and swallowed nearly two dozen ibuprofen pills. the judge has ordered investigation into her welfare as well as her two brothers. those are your sunday morning headlines. >> thanks, anna. get it over to rick reichmuth for sunday morning first alert forecast. >> not looking that bad. calmer day especially after the calmer storm we had yesterday. looking at better temps. not that bad though and especially out across the west. take a look at areas along long island. melville, what happened 4 to 6 inches of rain that fell from tropical storm andrea out across long
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island. a lot of rescuers had to get out there. people who maybe the first responders couldn't get out there. take a look at that you love to see people helped out like that. dry conditions across the east coast again today. still showers across areas of south florida. the northeast you are looking great. we have the next system though is going to be bringing more severe weather across areas of the central plains from missouri over towards chicago and back down around areas of that central mississippi river valley. this morning also some big storms moving in towards the dallas-fort worth area. be careful on the roads. still clear and incredibly warm. all right, guys, back to you. >> clear and incredibly warm. coming up on the show we saw the "new york times" condemn the obama administration for collecting private phone data. now the paper trying to take it back. would the same thing happen if this was president george w. bush? >> take a look at this. ♪ ♪
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>> well, president obama has strongly railed against government surveillance on americans. remember this? >> i will provide our intelligence and law enforcement agencies with the tools they need to track and take out the terrorists without undermining our constitution and our freedom. as for our common 70s, we reject as false the joyce between our safety and our ideal. >> seems like a long time ago. now the president says he fully supports the nsa's techniques that has some in the press confused the. the "new york times" wrote this the administration has now lost all credibility. mr. obama is proving the truism that the executive will use any power it is given and very likely abuse it hours later the paper softened that attack. they revised the article to read the administration has now lost all credibility on this issue. so will the rest of the
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mainstream media stand with the president they love, adore and worship? mine can mine can manager the n hall. someone decided to tell the truth about the president and immediately had to walk it back. what do you think happened here? >> if you are the "new york times," you have to get this right the first time because broad strong statements are the first thing you question in the editorial process. because, fur don't, frankly it's inaccurate and it's misleading and it really undermines your initial policy point because everyone ends up talking about what a sloppy job did you editorially. it does open a can of worms as you mentioned. i want to know who decided to make this change? was it internal pressure or external pressure? you create a lot of fog around initial strong policy point that you were trirring to make. >> they at the "new york times" but also really an arrest of certainly the white house press corps have sucked up to this president, have carried his
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water and allowed him to get elected twice. really they have been on his team though i don't think they are getting paid directly. can they continue to support him now that he has basically come out of the closet as an enemy of basic civil liberties. >> they liked to call them flip-flops. when you start to affect your own industry colleague coconspirator. i might have been a verizon customer back in april and that makes you stand up and take note. the will it last much longer? i don't know. probably the next time the administration can hold another shiny object they will be distracted again. at least for right now i think their eyes have been open and they are more alert and sensitive to these kind of things. >> how long will it about before your average political standards for the god like standards i set for him. evil i'm back on obama side. how long is the window of dissatisfaction with obama, do you think? >> again, i don't think it will last too long. as we all know, the
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politics they change fast in washington, d.c. it's very easy to get distracted by the next scandal. i think as long as the administration is on their toes and can put out some distracters here and there, i don't think it will be too long before the press goes back to what they used to be until they are the ones that get the call and realize oh it was my phone records that were looked at. >> that's exactly right. that's why i think everybody ought to frame that "new york times" editorial obama lost all credibility and just to refer to it it when they start editorializing on behalf of the barack obama monument on the national mall. it will not be long. elizabeth, thanks for joining us. i really appreciate it it my pleasure. >> you know the saying money can't buy you happiness. next guest says that's totally untrue. he will explain. stick around. battle you have ever seen chewbacca vs. the t.s.a. more coming up. >> i had no choice.
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they arrived right before you did. before her passat had passed over 30 different inspection tests... and before several thousand tennesseans discovered new jobs on volkswagen drive, a cfo and a banker met for lunch. together, we worked with a team that helped finance construction of the world's first leed platinum auto manufacturing plant. that's the impact of global connections. that's bank of america. backflips and cartwheels.mile? love, warmth. here, try this. backflips and camm, ok!s.mile? ching! i like the fact that there's lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i'm very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching.
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>> some quick headlines, new overnight a church van accident sends 14 people, including an infant to the hospital in chicago. none of those injuries appear to be life-threatening. the van was from wisconsin. one of six vehicles involved in an accident on the kennedy expressway. ne-time bengals cheerleader turned teacher then cradle robber is getting married. who is the lucky guy? the student show was convicted of having underaged sex with sarah jones and cody york announced the news on facebook. jones avoided jail time by pleading guilty to having sex with the then 17-year-old. york is now 19. >> have you ever heard the expression moby can't buy
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happiness next guest says it can. happy money. the smarter science is michael norton. nice to see you this morning. there is the book. have you written the book about something i have long believed that money can't bring us happiness. >> absolutely. had arguments with people who disagree with you. yeah. >> broken it down in the book interestingly, first tip is buy experiences. you can get happiness through simple buying. >> that's right. when we think about buying happiness we think about buying the wrong things in some sense. so if you won the lottery right now you would probably buy stuff. most people think about. >> a boat or something. >> turns out houses and boats and cars are not bad for happiness but don't make you happier in the long run. what does is experiences actually. rather than buy a thing buy an experience not just a six week vacation but a little lunch with a friend. even those little small experiences that don't cost much. much more happiness than buying stuff.
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>> those are the things that i tend to remember than the garbage that's on a shelf. you say make it a treat as another happiness what do you mean. >> whatever the things are that you like the best in the world, give them up for a little while. so if you love coffee every single day or if you love watching a tv show every day, take a break for a week. when you come back it's going to be way better. because you will miss it missing things is hard for us but it actually makes you more excited to get back to it in the end. >> you are right about that you say invest in others. how can investing in others bring us happiness? spending men on people. >> this is funny. you think the best way to get happy with your money is be selfish and buy all the things you want. we do research. we give people money actually make them spend it on yourself or other people. >> when you spend it on yourself doesn't bring happiness. give it away charity, buy a drink for a friend make you
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happier than buying for yourself. >> buying a round of drinks in town for people during fleet week. i have heard of people doing that in the city. they don't even tell people that they bought it. buy time. how do you buy time? we all need more of that. >> time is hard because we can't get anymore. we only have 24 hours. we have to think about what can we do to make our time better. sometimes it's things like products that help us. so vacuum to -- someone to vac keim your house can can be a better use than buying yourself stuff. it's not going to make you happier to buy a boat. think what you can too to make your time better instead of the thing isn't going to do anything better. >> buy yourself a roomba the vacuum cleaning robot that will clean the house for you. >> pay now consume later. what do you mean? >> credit cards are fantastic thing and we all love them because they let us pay letter later and
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they let us get everything we want right now. if i want music poor a book right now can i go on itunes and get tim immediately. send me the bill later. that seems fantastic it's exactly wrong for happiness. what we should be doing and paying for things upfront and waiting for a while to consume them. when you are in debt. debt is a really, real live negative predictor of happiness. credit cards feel right in the moment because we put it off. in fact they will make us unhappy in the end. better to spend less and wait for the thing to get to you and you will be excited when did comes. >> author of the book "money can buy happiness. requests supporting my lock held theory. thank you for joining us this morning. >> he is his high school's valedictorian headed to the naval academy on a full ride. why did the high school cut his mike during graduation speech? a teen football sensation shows why is he a top 2013 recruit. we will talk to him coming up.
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morning. this is amazing. this is a high school senior long snapper. these tricks are so good they are hard to believe. >> it's unbelievable. joining us now is that snap shooter zach smith and his cameraman matt parker. you guys are unbelievable. how do you do this and actually i'm going to go to the videographer first. how many takes does this require? how many snaps do you have to watch until this amazing thing happens? >> it really depends on the difficulty of the shot. you see in the video some of the shots, hitting bottles off tables. hitting trash cans from 10, 15 yards, we actually got a lot of those on the first try if not on the first try the first three or five. definitely so. more difficult ones, the basketball shot. the shot from the balcony. those were up more in the 50 or 60 try range for sure. >> zach, whenever i see somebody like has a skill like sword swallowing how
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did you get good at this? did you start as a little kid and annoy your parentsen by doing this all over the house. >> my mom claims it's from our summer trips to lake tahoe. they rocks in the water my mom claims it's from that. actually it all started my sophomore year my first year playing football. my friends said that i was kind of good with it when i was long snapping. i should do it because they didn't want to have the job they didn't like it. i took it over sophomore year and did what i could and not until junior year did i start to take it seriously. >> now you are going to be a long snapper preferred walk on at usc in the fall. congratulations on that. that's big time. you talk about rocks as a kid i used to do similar things i mean a friend used to do similar things with water balloons. you never used this gift of precision for anything naughty, did you? >> no, no, no. i can't say that i have. it's all been for good stuff. >> i think you are lying.
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even in some of the video we see the ball bouncing off people's head. like a kid in a car at one point that you as long as snap through the window of a car. it looks like there is a driver sitting in the car. what poor sap said i will sit there whiz it by my face. >> that was me sitting in the car. [ laughter ] >> we thought iwould be really cool to get the shot and no one wanted to volunteer their car. so, i volunteered my car for it and for the first couple tries i actually sat in front of the car and zach repeated live would hit the door and hit different parts of the car. i wasn't so sure that i was happy that i volunteered no my car. >> you are sitting in a car at this moment? >> yeah. i'm sitting in the drivers seat all the way tilted back. >> that's just incredible. >> most of the beating. the kid on the other side of the car got all beating in that video. >> i don't know what can you use this skill for in later life, i would be shocked in you didn't make
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millions somehow. >> other than a brilliant nfl career. >> this is the kind of thing you could do into your 70s, i bet. it's really impressive. >> i imagine the two of you are a hit with the ladies, huh? [ laughter ] >> think you are funny and talented? >> yeah. i mean, as we were filming the trick shot video, like after we would make a shot, people that were outside would always kind of scream and yell. people would come up to us after like their class year saying they knew we made a shot because they could hear the uproar. people knew what we were doing around school and enjoyed seeing us on the internet. >> long snapping is the key. >> admit it if you were walking around campus on the way to the quad. >> who is that guy. >> did i just get hit in the head with a football? i want to go on a date with that guy. >> thanks, guys. we know it's early. we appreciate it. >> thanks, guys.
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>> that's amazing. >> everyone can rally around. you saw when they were on the basketball court and it goes through the swish and everybody goes nuts. >> this is a lesson to all parents out there and rick jump in on this. get the kid started on a skill like this early whether it's fire eating or fly fishing. >> don't put fly fishing in the same category. come on. >> skill level hit a branch from hundred of yards away and get them in professional. and then make money and that way you can take care of your parents as they get old. >> practice early. >> i wonder what his aim is like if he is upright not upside down. >> terrible. >> good question. >> maybe is he dyslexic sees things upside down. clayton we always talk about how hot it is in places like phoenix. take a look at the weather map. yesterday, these were all record temperatures. a lot of these places blue blue -- blew your records
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out of the water. ukiaa, california 111. fresno 108. yesterday was a beautiful day after andrea moved out. today, you are looking nice as well. we will see a few showers move in by tomorrow. it's all part of that that you see on the map all that blue, those are spotty thunderstorms across much of the southeast and areas of texas today. that will move to the northeast tomorrow. for today more storms across the plains. see some of those move toward the chicago area certainly down toward st. louis and out across the west. another hoft day. break a few more records as far as heat goes today. send it back to you inside. >> thanks a lot, rick. >> we have to get to headlines to you 37 minutes after the hour. cleveland man accused of kidnapping and holding three women captive over a decade will appear in court this week. aerial castro will plead not guilty to 329 charges, including rape and kidnapping for the imprisonment of amanda
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bear. gina dejesus and michigan shrill night. he michelle knight. he could face the death penalty if convicted. the philadelphia crane operator accused of causing that deadly building collapsed has surrendered to police he faces six counts of involuntary manslaughter and recklessly endangering another person and one count of risking catastrophe in connection with with wednesday's tragedy. the operator was high when he knocked down a wall that collapsed on to a thrift store and killed six people. the t.s.a. getting chewed out by chewy? peter may who playing chewbacca in the star wars movies. had his light saber in the airport. the 7'2" actor explained he needed the cane to walk. the tsa didn't back down. he harnessed the power of social media and posted his
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frustrations on twitter. only then did the@l=ssy÷s=cpuuz return the cane, learning star wars lesson number one is not wise to upset a rookie. >> huge fan of "fox & friends." i had a chance to meet chewbacca himself. the sweetest, nicest man. take away his cane t.s.a.? [chewbacca growl] >> turn our attention to texas this morning. season for speeches. and high school graduation, college graduation. and valedictorian getting up, forced to give their big speeches as well. at a texas high school yesterday, the valedictorian had a preapproved script. he he had written out what he was going to say. preapproved he was going to talk about god in there and they were fine with that and all was good. and they warned him, high school warned any other speakers anyone goes off
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script your microphone will be cut. that's exactly what remington did. >> yeah, well only in a school could this happen. i mean only -- if i can say it i'm not attacking all educators. the truth is schools are really the last holdout of humorless aauthor terrorism in this country. turn off a microphone about a guy giving a speech about free speech. you have to live in a eye rope any world. almost sounds made up. >> he starts to talk about the constitution and freedom of speech. and suddenly that person there with the button we have to cut his microphone he is off script. we warned him. just common sense. wouldn't common sense prevail here? >> if you were in the audience watching all of this happen? what are you thinking? cheering for the kid. that's what the school had to say. student speechers were told speeches deviated from the prior review. microphone would be turned off regardless of the content. >> one size fits all those
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are the rules. i mean, how dumb. how inflex cybil these are the people teaching kids? i mean, is that really the lesson that if someone violates the rules then you just crash them no matter what. that's dumb. >> tim cooke the ceo of apple and steve jobs has said the same thing he gave a speech recently. tim cook gave husband commencement speech and he said "break the rules." don't pay attention to authority. break the rules. the people that break the rules are the ones that win and actually give back and do well for society. look what the company apple has done, right? breaking the rules. he then continued his speech. even though they cut his microphone he didn't stop he had to yell. >> he got the last laugh because is he going to annapolis. >> another valedictorian stopping and saying our father which art in heaven. lord's prayer. school's top brals saying we can't do anything to this kid because he has already graduated.
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not like we is suspend. >> dangerous words. >> what happens when a truck carrying fireworks crashes? the whole thing goes boom like dynamite. >> forget eating in bed in a motel, the food and other luxuries you love. why and let you you know if others are going to follow. the kyocera torque lets you hear and be heard
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>> welcome back to "fox & friends." quick headlines for you. here is what happens when a truck carrying fireworks ignites. [explosions] moose on a canadian highway. no one was hurt. do we know if the moose made it by the way. shooting up the night sky with fireworks. >> want a happy marriage? try looking online. a new study finds 1/3 of marriages now start on the internet. not only were those couples more satisfied but they were also less likely to get a divorce than those who met in more traditional settings. something tells me also couples -- online too. >> relationship status gets changed apparently. happy wife, happy life. there you go. 46 minutes after the hour. is it the end of breakfast in bed? that's one some of the
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nation's largest luxurious hotel by trading place for profits. while hotel extras aren't going under airline soaring to new heights. mark murphy it, does seem excessive two eggs and toast in a hotel room it ends up being $40 bill. comes down to profit. they can't take money off of that they have to staff the kitchen. 5:00 a.m. i had breakfast delivered, bowl of berries, toast, coffee, guess how much? $46. >> a can of nuts 18 bucks too. >> mini bar. >> it does seem excessive for somebody like you and me who is on the go and needs it there and then. with the hilton in midtown, manhattan, a lot of families this is a big experience for them and they want to have that. >> they are wig to do that at the end of the day the hilton can't make money. they are trying to squeeze squeeze out profit. you have got competition. the price has gone up to
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try to make a profit. at some point in time you push the customer out the door and they walk across the street to starbucks and cup of coffee for six bucks instead of 26 bucks. >> at lot of these places are saying why don't you go to starbucks or mini-mart downstairs. >> staff a handful of people down there, do it 24/7, still get access to coffee and other items to eat. at the end of the day make money and some level of service. not the white table cloth and all of that. >> when it comes comes down to competition. it's lack of cmp tuition that's allowing airlines to be able to survive more and more. >> in terms of fees. what happens is the airlines really four airlines control the vast majority of all traffic in the u.s. what happens is just after the u.s. air, american airlines merger, what did they do? burned the domestic change fee to $200. that stuff sticks. what are you going to do. the airlines and resort fees because of transparent pricing on the internet.
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can you see everything. they try to back end a lot of the fees and put their best face forward but it's more difficult for the consumer to try to figure out what is my actual cost to flying and staying in a hotel. show up $99. get there resort fees $129. it's hard to comparison shop. talk to a travel agent they know those fees. >> united airlines saying you can have extra leg room as much as you want for $499, get an extra baggage fee for $349. if you are not traveling all the time it's not worth it. >> as much as you want? >> all that extra leg room. >> not a lot. it's more comfortable as a frequent traveler if i flew a lot on united i would probably step up and do that for the annual fee. if i'm below a u.s. air free chairman status free upgrade. those types of things people will pay for. checked bags if i'm going to fly every week i want to check my bags. people who get hit are
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frequent travelers frequent fleur program. >> not on the room service. thank you so much, mark. 49 minutes after the hour now. army veteran claims his christian faith and conservative believes have made him a target in the military. why he says he is being discriminated against and what he is doing now to fight back. and it's wedding season. folks can come with a hefty price tag for marrying couples? how about the guests? what you should expect to pay when you attend someone else's big day. [ lisa ] my name's lisa, and chantix helped me quit. i honestly loved smoking, and i honestly didn't think i would ever quit. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it reduces the urge to smoke. it put me at ease that you could smoke on the first week. [ male announcer ] some people had changes in behavior,
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thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depresd mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chanti if you notice any of these stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of depression or otr mental health proems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these stop taking chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, or if you develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. with chantix and with the support system it worked for me. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you.
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with chantix and with the support system it worked for me. it was very painful situation. the rash was on my right hip, going all the way down my leg. i'm very athletic and i swim in the ocean. shingles forced me out of the water. the doctor asked me "did you have chickenpox when you were a child?" the pain level was so high, it became unbearable.
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>> sun soldier under fire for political beliefs but also for bumper stickers. he started facing punishment from the military for quote conservative views. after superior officer told him to remove his conservative bumper stickers from privately owned car. that soldier could be facing judicial action. joining us is u.s. navy veteran john wells. thank you for joining us. >>. >> political dissent is not racism. that is objectively true statement. there is no right to put that in your car in the u.s. military? when did that happen? >> actually there is a right. department of defense regulations are very clear that you can put political bumper stickers on your car. in his case there was one which his sergeant major don't like that one he took it off. the others came off after the election.
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he did what he is supposed to do. the military district of washington friday night put out a statement saying he was never chastised reprimanded or otherwise counseled because of his placing burden of proofer stickers on his vehicle. i have got the counseling sheet right here. in fact he was they specifically took umbrage with bumper stickers. >> three great religions, have opposed homosexual conduct is it allowed for enlisted soldiers to have those beliefs in other words, it for religious reasons believe that homosexual conduct is wrong? are you allowed to have that view in the u.s. military? >> well, on the books you can, according to all the directives, people's religious beliefs are protect the practice is a different thing. the problem is they don't come after you for necessarily saying i have religious beliefs they will find things or invent things. gee, you showed up late,
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maybe you had a medical appointment or good reason for showing up late, it doesn't matter, they will document it, write you up problem we have is they are permeating fear in the christian unit. master sergeant summers has been selected out as an easy person to make an example of. it could have been anybody else. didn't have to be him just so happens it was him. and so what he they are trying to do and i -- i have spent 22 years in the navy. i wasn't a jag. i was a regular officer. i seen it happen before. i have stopped it from happening before. what they're going to do is try to build a case on this guy and railroad him out and force him out of the military and then unofficially below the radar say see, this is what happens. >> that's really frightening. and i hope you can stop that from happening. thanks a lot for joining us. i appreciate it? >> thank you, sir. intend to stop it. >> amen. national security agency
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spying leaks to major newspapers. nsa whistleblower with a perspective you won't hear from anyone else. we'll be right back. f is a thing of the past. block the acid with prilosec otc, and don't get heartburn in the first place. [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. because it saves things. [ cellphone beeps ] like your marriage. [ boys laughing ] sanity. [ sighs ] [ male announcer ] and time. oh, and money. technology saves lots of money. take esurance for example. they were born online and built to save people money on car insurance. [ boys laughing ] yep. technology can do some amazing things.
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hello, good morning to you it is sunday june 9th, 2013. i'm al-anna kooiman in for alisyn camerota. trying to track down the government employee who revealed the latest scandal. spying on the american people's emails. >> white house. how about the other way around, how the former staffers are raking in the cash. >> he has been bashing bad singer ares for years, it finally came back to haunt him ♪ ♪ the impossible dream ♪ the woman came out of nowhere to egg simon cowell
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on live television. >> so bad but so good. >> i hope that doesn't happen in here. >> any produce in any weird vegetables? >> let's alert security. >> please. "fox & friends" begins right now. ♪ your love is lifting me higher ♪ than i have ever been lifted before. >> sit okay the dock of the bay is another one. and beautiful morning here in midtown manhattan as you look like at 48th street. out on the pladz we will be out there later. hope you have a wonderful morning. thank you for joining "fox & friends" on this sunday. >> good morning to you. we do need to get to your headlines this sunday morning. start with a fox news alert. former massachusetts
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governor is he luchey lost his long battle with lieu gehrig's disease. he led bush 41 massachusetts campaign one of the first to back bush 43. in 2001 bush made him ambassador to canada in a joint statement bush 41 and 43 said this: >> we were deeply saddened to learn of paul is he cellucci's passing. he was a close and loyal friend, a superb public servant and devoted family man. cellucci was 65 years old. police have identified the gunman in friday's santa monica shooting spree that left five people dead. john was prepared for battle. one of his victims spoke from the hospital. >> he seemed like a, you know, a person on a mission and he just turned and looked at me and the next thing i knew glass was shattering.
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>> he was caring over 1300 rounds of ammunition we are told. assault rifle and combat gear as well. he is acould you seed of killing four people including his father and brother before being shot and killed by police. cops say he was upset over his parents' divorce. brand new video this morning of paris jackson being transferred to ucla medical center. the 15-year-old was put on 72-year-old psychiatric hold after attempting suicide on wednesday. she apparently cut her wrist with a kitchen knife and swallowed nearly two dozen ibuprofen pills. california judge ordered investigation into her welfare as well as her two brothers. and a heart warming surprise for an ohio girl at her high school graduation. >> [ applause ] >> airman first class michael was not seen or had not seen his daughter --
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his sister alayna, his sister. just returned from overseas deployment and been hiding out for a week just so he could surprise her at graduation. >> saw the uniform, saw the face but didn't click that it was my brother. >> she is 19 and she is all grown up. it's taking me back. >> he said he was so happy to be back with his family for this special occasion. and those are your headlines. >> thanks so much, anna. headed outside to rick reichmuth or inside because he needs. >> where is waldo? >> barely. all right. guys, here are your temps as you are waking up this morning. denver 49 degrees. take a look at this video yesterday denver area. windy conditions. front moved through there and a number of hot air balloons went down on the same day. this was yesterday morning. they started off and things were fine and then the winds picked up and it's
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not uncommon for winds to catch one of these hot air balloons. different hot air balloon companies yesterday numerous of these hot air balloons going down. won't see much wind. the system that brought the winds yesterday has moved farther off towards the east. a rough morning yesterday. here is your east coast picture right now. looking pretty good. little bit of rain down across areas of south florida. throw up the maps guys, see areas south florida today and throughout much of the southeast. this is the weather maker that brought the wind yesterday across the denver area. now these storms are moving farther off towards the east. some of it a little bit severe later on. west coast looking high and dry again more heat builds and we will see plenty of clear skies. this right here is our threat for severe weather. mostly today some strong winds. we could see isolated tornado if we do. don't think it's going to be large tornado but areas across that mid mississippi river valley need to be on the watch out as the move
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across the area. 109 in phoenix and warming up back across much of texas into the 90's. back to you. thank you, rick. joining us now former whistle blower and crip toe mathematician at the nsa. we have talked a lot about the nsa he joins us now. he knows it from the inside. >> bill, nice to see you this morning. we want you to help educate us this morning on the ins and outs, a the lo of double speak come out of washington in the last few days and when we heard from clapper. previously leaked documents pointed internet companies. facebook and google where all of this information is being mind. you heard from google last week. larry page said we knew nothing about this program. apple says we don't know anything about this. we have never heard of this. is all of our information that we send through google, facebook, being then trapped and used by the nsa? >> i would suggest that it is, yes. as well as any number of other companies.
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tell comes and so on. >> phone calls through verizon. phone logs all being kept by the nsa. >> right. >> you say you actually left the nsa after emails stopped being encrypted. at this point what you are telling us is that any email can be viewed by anybody who has access is, right? i mean, without the inscription? it's all there? >> yes, there is two ways to do it. one is the mark klein documented this in the courts where they put devices in the san francisco at&t facility. they ran the fiberoptic lines inside the united states into the devices for nsa in this nsa room. now, what that does is gives them the entire, whatever is sent on that line, that device can sectionize and send to nsa as a certain output.
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they are getting a certain percentage of the internet and realtime that way. to get the whole picture of everything sent, they have to go to the service providers who have the complete picture and say give me all your data. they can fill in the gapsz from the lack that they have of complete dlection. >> just to make this it totally clear to our viewers. u.s. government keeps a database of all of our email and messages. this is what mr. clamp and the presidents have denied. apparently they are lying. why not track the email of foreign tastes? isn't that the whole point? why is our email being gathered up by the u.s. government. >> that's a very good question. i always said they never had to do that from the very beginning to catch terrorists or anybody else doing bad things in the world. but they really decided to do that they went to the dark side, real dark side which is spying on americans. that's why i left nsa.
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when they started that back in october of 2001, i could not be associated with that >> i'm curious about these companies that we all rely on. all right. we have some level of understanding that when we send emails through google or g mail or something like that that we are signing up for that was is. public company, signing up to use that service. they have come out and denied any government involvement. but you have the head of the electronic frontier foundation, mr. hour d-backs bok finds it unhappens that google, apple, facebook had no knowledge of this. do you buy that they had no knowledge that the government was collecting this information. >> no. it's hard to believe that they wouldn't know it after all the government pays them to produce that data for them. argument so few people at google or at youtube or at apple would know that's why we are hearing this
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statement. >> when you have larry page, the ceo coming out and saying. >> they have to approve it. >> we have also heard that this prism program is what it is being called has thwarted at least one terror attack. is that the case to your knowledge, sir? >> well, i would say very simply that they ought to say what terrorist attack it was and what that program contributed to get it. i mean, they are not -- the fact that we are monitoring communications of all types is not unknown to the terrorists. they know this. so, who are we hiding this from? i mean, we are hiding it from any discussion with the american people because of all the material we are collecting on americans. >> some of the outrage from the obama administration yesterday james clapper pointing the finger at those who leaked this information. they want to get to the bottom of it. the first step the administration is taking on this is go after the people who leaked it. first of all, why do you think this information was leaked?
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and, do you think this was the first right step for the obama administration to make after the scandal erupted? i think there are a lot of people in the intelligence community upset about spying on u.s. citizens. i think that's part of the reaction of people internally working in nsa. what they are going to do now is have the fbi go in and interrogate a lot of people in the intelligence community. those that knew about the program or were associated one way or another. so what that will do is terrorize the workforce. then they will get around the workforce that everybody is being interrogated. it's just going to be a no-win situation. >> very quickly, bill, is there any way i as a u.s. citizen not committing any crime or planning on doing so can communicate without being spayed upon? is there any way to send email, do google severance without having the u.s. government doing? >> yeah, if you walk next
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door and hand it to your neighbor. you have to physically do it. if you do it electronically, i mean, after all, tim clement e exfbi agent said no digital communications are safe. that's why they have to build storage facilities like utah because they are collecting so much data they have to store it somewhere. >> that's unbelievable. who knows what that data will be used for in the future which is really scary. thanks a lot. >> this is the real fear i had. they could use that to map out the tea party and then target them using the irs. i mean, this is really a danger to our democracy. >> we have learned they are willing to do things like that. thanks a lot for that inside view of the nsa. that was really interesting and chilling. >> thank you for having me. >> 12 minutes after the hour now. will the mother of a second child in desperate need of a lung transplant coming forward with their story. what she has to say about the new policy that could cost her child his life.
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>> and the president tells his staff no lobbyists in this white house but how about the other way around? how his former staffers are now getting rich from their connections to the obama administration. details ahead. look what mommy is having. mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle. wthto fight chronic.aily vosteoarthritis pain. to fight chronic low back pain. to take action. to take the next step. today, y will know you did something for your pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is a pain reliever fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain.
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president obama assured and reassured and reassured again that lobbyists and special interest groups will not influence what's what goes on in washington slodges is he in charge. yet several of the former aides are cashing in big time on their obama connections and getting hired as very highly paid consultants, speakers and media advisors. what will they have. what sort of impacted will they have on the white house. joining us is matthew washington free beacon. who is cashing in on obama connection? >> a lot of people. a lot of former obama aides. we are talking people who worked hun his campaign such as his former campaign chairman manager jim masena. >> former communication director stefanie cutter. robert gibbs former spokesman and david plouffe another former aide traveled to give a highly compensated speech there.
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not the beacon of democracy that some may think. these are people with close ties to the white house, tucker. being hired to run media and pr campaigns precisely ties. >> we should say for those who doesn't live in washington. just because someone doesn't have a hard pass doesn't mean is he not working for the president advising in informal way. are any of these former advisors still advising, do you know? >> it's hard to say. i don't know for certain, of course. we also don't know about many of the email accounts of administration members either. we are just learning about secret email accounts week by week. who is to say? the bottom line though is with these whys such as cutter or that seenna, plouffe, gibbs, other spokesman who just got a contract to lobby, you know, to help work with the
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e.p.a. these are people who are gate keepers. they know how to connect people, they are netted workers, it these type of being hired by interests. keystone pipeline which president obama still not approved. former aides working on both sides of the issue here. several aids working against it and then the communication firm of one of his former communication directors is working for the interests who are for it. so so far the only jobs that keystone has created are for former obama officials has the president come out probably with an outrage statement demanding that his former aides stop cashing in on connections to him? >> believe it or not, tucker, he hasn't. despite rhetoric not much has changed at all. when that happens i hope you will bring us that breaking news nunk for
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joining us: wedding season hefty price tag for marrying couples, of course, what about the guests? what should you expect to pay when you attend someone else's wedding? and this mother's shocking admission about her toddler's caffeine intake. >> coffee and tinker tea. >> put it in my cup. >> i will put it in your cup. tinker tea is soda, sweet tea and pixie sticks all together. >> pixie sticks, yum. why some psychiatrists say she could be setting her daughter up for a mental disorder. details ahead. [ male announcer ] with free package pickup
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>> now look at your news by the numbers. first, 38. that's the number of innings for just two separate marathon baseball games that were played saturday. the blue jays defeated the rangers in 18 innings. while the marlins beat the mets in a stunning 20 innings. second, $539. that's how much you can expect to pay to attend a wedding this year. not yours. somebody else's. that's according to american express. spending and savings tracker that price includes things like travel, new clothes, and, of course, the gift. finally, four and a half years. that's how long it took the dog in this yearbook photo to get his diploma. prince is now retiring as a therapy dog. graduate with the rest of the class complete with a custom made canine cap and gown. congratulations. >> i love that that he is in there with all of the
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other thinner and don't have a different place. funny. if you ever feel you might go crazy without that cup of coffee in the morning. turns out you might not be that far off. psychiatrists are now classifying caffeine withdrawal as a mental disorder. here to explain this natalie azar physician at the medical center. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> tucker treated to us coffee so we are participating in the problem as well. it seems bizarre. is anybody really going to go postal from not having caffeine? >> no. i think you have to keep it in perspective. the point of the inclusion of caffeine withdrawal in the dsm is not to label someone who is or having caffeine withdrawal as having a mental illness. just sort of to bring some uniformity to a constellation of symptoms that can happen if you abruptly stop your intake of caffeine. >> we all know what those are. if we don't we know somebody who does. caffeine withdrawal systems are headache, fatigue, difficulty concentrating. depressed mood and hard
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time interacting even in your daily life. it can cause problems? that's how you know it really is an issue? >> for someone who misses their mild cup of coffee and has a headache that's not what they're talking about. something that would qualify as a syndrome. imaking your daily life. and just as alcohol withdraw and tobacco withdrawals. those disorders and abuse related issues are also in the dsm. this is not just about psychiatric illness such as depression and psychosis and things like that. >> what's the best way to kick the habit? could you go cold turkey or wean yourself off. >> taper like you would taper off of steroids. how much is actually too much. we can talk about that. that you taper. you go from a vin at a to a a grande to a tall. >> how young is too young this is the most appalling. 2-year-old recently on toddlers and tiaras
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drinking so-called tinker tea. check it out. >> alexa has coffee tinker tea. >> put it in my cup. >> i will put it in your cup. soda, sweet tea and pixie sticks all together. >> sweet tea, mountain dew and pixie sticks. if you ask me borders on child abuse there says she has been doing it since 9 months old. how old is too young. >> children and adolescents. no exceptions to that american academy of pediatrics does not recommend any caffeine for children or adolescents. ironically as we get older we become more sensitive to caffeine. youngsters actually has the ability to metabolize it faster. however, not only do you have to think about the audio sink that she is feeding her child other things such as the caffeine in energy drinks. very common among add doe says adolescents and teenagers. >> go go juice. >> not only is it bad for
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their development neurologically, cardiovascularly and dental erosion and cavities and diabetes and weight problems with the sugary drinks. there is nothing good about it caffeine for children and adolescents is not recommended. >> do you have to even try to keep the chocolate away because there is a little bit of caffeine in that too. >> i brought a few things to show to get an idea what we're talking about in terms of caffeine content. the amount of in n. one star bucks vinte 200 to 300 million grams of caffeine. what the recommended daily allowance is anything above that you may have a risk of caffeine intoxication withdrawal. >> we have to go. the last three the diet soda the red bull. >> roughly 50 milligrams of caffeine. this chocolate bar only has 10. if you give your kid a lot of them it, it will add up. >> thank you so much, doctor. >> thank you. >> 7:28 is the time on the clock. if you are still wondering what to give dad -- oh, there is a fly here.
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we have gadget ideas for you. clayton got those and one of the best pit masters turns our plaza into a huge barbecue block party. oh, it's a whole pig. [ band playing, crowd cheering ] ♪ come fly with me... before the new mr. and mrs. nowak were soaring 500 feet above the wild savanna of san diego, and before acacia leaves became ykeke's favorite afternoon snack, we helped the san diego zoo safari park finance a tram system that's boosting attendance, conservation awareness, and the protection of endangered species. that's the power of resoueful connections. that's bank of america.
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new honey bunches of oats greek yohere we go.ole grain. honey cornflakes and chunks of greek yogurt. i'm tasting both the yogurt and the honey at the same time. i'm like digging this yogurt thing. i feel healthy. new honey bunches of oats greek. lets you connect up to 25 devices on one easy to manage plan. that means your smartphone, her blackberry, his laptop, mark's smartphone but i'm still on vacation. still on the plan. nice! the intern gets a tablet? everyone's devices. his, hers-- oh, sorry. all easier to manage on the share everything plan for small business. connecting more so you can do more. that's powerful. verizon. get the blackberry z10 for $199.99.
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and we help them find a policy that works for them. huh? also... we've been working on something very special. [ minions gasp, chuckle ] ohhh! ohhh! one day the world... no, the universe will have the pricing power they deserve. mouhahaha! mouhahaha! mouhahaha! ooh-hee-hee-hee! blaaaah! we'll work on it. wah-hah-hah! stopping at nothing to help you save.
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>> welcome back. what do you get when you take the best pit masters in america and put them in new york city? the ultimate block party barbecue. it's happening all weekend. we have some the best barbecuers to share their grilling secrets with us. rodney scott pit master and owner of scott's barbecue is memoingway, south carolina. he is about to show us pork fections. >> i heard it was going to be a whole pig and normally you see it flipped over to the other side might be more appealing. >> usually 12 hours. this pig has been cooking yesterday since 12:00 p.m. 12 hours total. came off 5:00 a.m. this morning and flip it over. this is where we usually add our seasons, everything from our salt to secret rubs to our mop sauce. we flavor everything after it's flipped over. >> different stakes have different things that they are famous more in
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barbecues. south carolina makes it famous for barbecue what makes it south carolina barbecue. >> vinegar and pepper race. usually a vinegar pepper base which is what i use here. red pepper, white appear sider not apple cider. cayenne, black and more love. >> how do you doctor this up? >> take some salt and run down the spine here. and then we will hit the thicker areas the hams the shoulders, and then we go gently in the ribs there. because there is not at much meat in the ribs be a shoulder and ham. >> this is a big mop. >> you promised this mop wasn't used on the floor. this mop only goes on pigs only. >> may mop it? >> family blend we put together it. most use a rub prior to
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cooking. and we put ours on after you cook it and then you put it on that and then this mop? >> that mop goes on there. >> you just dab it on. you dab it on. >> where is the bacon? >> the bacon is right in this area right in here. right there. >> if people come down to the event today the barbecue, what are they getting? today if they come down to the big apple block party they will get what we that traditionally do in hemingway, we take bread, lay it out. take a little pulled pork, put it on there. and then we like to finish it off with some little crunchy stuff pork rinds. >> pork rinds, awesome. this is good. you guys do good stuff. once a year you do a big party for your community in hemingway which is awesome. right now it's a party for
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new york city right now. >> yes. >> rodney scott thank you very much. we're going to bring you some inside, i promise, i tasted this before. it's really good. >> thank you. >> thanks, rick. wow. >> quite a pig. >> 36 minutes after the hour. we have to give this fox news alert. a look at governor's island in new york city. any moment now that building will be blown it up to make way for a new park. >> less huh? >> the countdown is on. the 11-story bring apartment building formerly housed. >> there it goes. >> we weren't lying. right on cue. these things are never on time. >> they aren't. that is so cool. been vacant since 1996 and they had to get rid of it to make way. >> watching this live. this is happening right now. that is just the best. >> there you have it. >> implosions on this he show. >> building 877 is no more. >> and. >> i will tell you what, it was a little bit louder. >> i have a sant since
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1996. it doesn't meet the current building codes and wanted to make way for this park. first structure to be imploded in the city for more than a decade. >> they should implode more. >> good morning. all right, and tomorrow the transplant network is going to be meeting to review their age policy. last week a judge ordered 10-year-old sarah and 11-year-old javier accosta to be added to the adult transplant list. we have been following this for weeks. both have cystic fibrosis and need lungs to survive. mother spoke out saying javier's older brother also died of cystic fibrosis. she just wants this son to have a fighting chance. >> he will die. basically. it's the end of his life at 11, you know. i feel that's unfair because of a policy. it shouldn't be that way. >> his brother was 11 and passed away waiting. so i think he would definitely benefit from receiving a transplant right now. >> our fingers are
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definitely crossed for both of these kids. coming up our own peter johnson junior met with sarah who you see here and her family. joining us in a bit to talk to us about the very latest on her condition and how she is doing while she waits. well, he has been bashing performers for years. and now it finally came right back at him. ♪ ♪ dream the impossible dream. >> excuse me, simon cowell getting pelted by eggs by a woman who ran on stage during britain's got talent. security kick quickly dragged her away while the singers continued with her song. she turned out to be a former contestant who had a bad experience on the show. the woman has since released a statement apologizing calling her actions silly. just silly. >> it's not criminal. thank you, anna.
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growing irs scandal. we already knew that doug shulman visited white house former commissioner of the irs. after a closer look the logs revealed sarah hull ingraham overseeing obama care has racked up more than 150 visits herself. what exactly were they doing there? here now is president of the franklin center for government and public integrity jason stirrack. thank you for being with us. >> my pleasure. thank you so much. >> farfetched to think that something possibly could have been going on with this mrs. ingraham as far as targeting people speaking out against obama care. >> i don't think it is farfetched whether you have day after day of another government agency targeting, spying on american citizens, you have to have that question raised. when you have a head of the implementation of obama care as well as the head of the tax exempt part of the irs, in over 160 meetings at the irs, which is almost three times as many as the attorney general of the united states met with at the white house, you have
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to have those questions. >> wild. >> incredibly wild. >> as compared to in the previous administration last few years of the bush administration, the irs commissioner made a total of one visit to the white house as compared to over 150. the white house response as you know is well, actually, we don't know that these visits took place because our record keeping is so sloppy that he we can't say that with certain city. >> i guess that's scary, too. if you don't know who is in the president's home, then those are questions you have to ask. i think they do doo know. they know those people in the white house at meetings were invited there to discuss not only the implementation with obama care but what was happening with the issue. >> what does this mean for americans? are we to think that if you are not pushing the obama narrative then you are going to be targeted? >> i think you have to look at what's happening. you have sarah ingraham in 2009 speaking at georgetown law center where she talks about there is not going to be a one size fits all governance policy for nonprofit agencies. you are starting to see that happening with the
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targeting of the conservative tea party groups across this country. the proof is in the pudding. you have seen it happen day in and day out, congressional hearings about the irs. well there is a rogue employee in cincinnati or targeted directly from d.c. the targeting of specific americans and their organizations for their personal beliefs. >> now, i want to put up on the screen a list of three other people who also went to these meetings at the white house. the first is richard krohnic 214 members. second catherine livingston 217 meetings. health care counsel irs office. and kenneth khoe 214 meetings. hhs deputy general counsel. hard to get a meeting at the white house. wife were these people encouraged to come 200 times apiece. >> why were these individuals having some meetings at the white house. what happened at these meetings with commissioner shulman and sarah ingraham. what was talked about.
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what notes were being taken. what can the american people know about these meetings. you have to have openness. transparency. is no trust. most feared organization in this country. when you get a letter or phone call saying i'm from the irs. they have your financial information. now they are going to have your medical information. that is a scary thought for many americans across this country. >> insulting when the answer is what were you doing there? oh going to the east egg egg roll, come on. thank you so much for your time. >> thank you so much for your time. >> navy vet fighting cancer finds himself in a battle with his community board over a tree house. why the city is standing in the way of him building a special gift for his 11-year-old daughter. with our "name your price" tool, people pick a price and we help them find a policy that works for them. huh? also... we've been working on something very special. [ minions gasp, chuckle ] ohhh! ohhh!
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welcome back, 53 minutes past the hour. little girl in small pennsylvania town saved up money for three years. when she turned 11, her only birthday wish is for her father to build her a tree house. >> but the local zoning board had a different gift in mind. they sent two pages of code violations, and a 30 day notice to tear it down. joining us now is jc and his daughter 11-year-old samantha carlson. thank you for joining us jc and samantha. >> thank you for the invitation. >> did you know this is a shocking story first off. did you know that this was going to be a violation and have they forced you to tear down what looks like a house? >> no, actually it was a big surprise. i thought that in america you could build whatever you wanted to build on your own property. i pay my own taxes and pay my own mortgage. i have five individuals that tell me what i can and can't do. >> samantha, tell us your story here. take us through.
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you wanted to save up your money and have your dad build this for you? tell us about that. >> >> when i was seven, i started saving up because well, seven or 8, it was kind of in the middle. and i started saving up for a tree house because i have always really wanted one, you know, to hang out with friends and have a lot of fun in manipulate any house of ours. if it has to come down, i guess it has to come down. >> does it have to come down? that's the question i guess. are you fighting this? i hope. >> we are planning to fight for it until the end and make sure what is right is done. the justice. >> jc i understand you are building this in the front yard. a stump that you could actually build the trees. others are saying why didn't you build it in the backyard, right? but you don't have any trees back there, right? >> well, here is the thing.
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because of the zoning ordinance, i live on a corner lot. i have no front yard. i have two side yards. but because of the way the ordnance is written i have two front yards and no backyard. so if you can figure that out, you let me know because it doesn't make any sense to me. >> what are the neighbors saying? i understand they went to the hearing with you and they are standing by you, right? >> 14 of my neighbors stood up and raised their right hand and gave porch testimony to the board saying that they wanted to see it done. my neighbor carol said it would be like a mark twain. something that would be nice for the children of the neighborhood to play in. she believes that it would not be an eyesore and she has the confidence that we would make it look nyeste and build it correctly and safely. >> we have that confidence too. jc carlson spent 22 years serving this country and fighting a battle at home. thank you, samantha thank
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you investment. >> well spoken little girl. >> that's the future. >> carlson. articulate. more "fox & friends" in two minutes. twenty-five thousand mornings, give or take, is all we humans get. we spend them on treadmills. we spend them in traffic. and if we get lucky, really lucky, it dawns on us to go spend them in a world where a simple sunrise can still be magic. twenty-five thousand mornings.
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actually, more like insurance for the modern world. thank you! esurance. now backed by allstate. click or call. anna kooiman in for alisyn camerota. obama administration doing damage control today defending tactics for snooping into america's private lives. looking to punish the person who leaked the secret in the first place. >> chances are you remember when nancy pelosi said this? we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it. >> but the former speaker might not remember. she doesn't remember her past promises on healthcare. we will tell you more in a minute. >> he got an invitation to the oval office. this foreign president took it to a whole new level. funny or dead wrong? we report, you decide.
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sat in his chair? pull that off. "fox & friends" hour three starts right now. ♪ got the remedy ♪ ♪ >> a live look down sixth avenue here in downtown manhattan on a beautiful sunday morning barbecue kickoff in a few short hours. traffic will come to stand still in this city. >> fifth avenue not open. >> puerto rican parade. >> delicious food. that's anna kooiman right here. >> good morning. >> that's tucker carlson and i'm clayton morris. >> get right to your head lions this sunday morning. police have identified the gunman in friday's santa monica shooting that left five people dead. they say 23-year-old went on a shooting spree seen her going into santa monica college library and was,
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quote, prepared for battle. one of his victims spoke out from the hospital. >> he seemed like a, you know, a person on a mission and he just turned and looked at me and the next thing i knew, glass was shattering. >> and we are told he was carrying over 1300 rounds of ammunition, assault rifle and combat gear. accused of killing four people including father and brother before being shot and killed by police. cops say he was upset over his parents' divorce. former massachusetts governor paul cellucci has lost long battle with lou gehrig's disease. a republican was known for strong bipartisanship. he led bush 41 massachusetts campaign and one of the very first to back bush 43. in 2001 bush made him ambassador to canada. bush 41 and 43 said this:
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he was 65 years old. you saw moments ago on "fox & friends." a new york city building comes crashing down. >> 3, 2, 1. [explosions] >> there she goes, clearly all of this was planned 200 pounds of dynamite being used to bring down the old apartment building. it was on governor's island. all to make room for a new park. very first structure to it be imploded in the city in more than a decade. inthe first president of chile making a bold move to first visit to the white house. breaking the white house's political protocol. sebastian chuckling as he
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sits down behind the desk in the oval office and president obama looks a bit surprised there. he says he was allowed to it sit there because his daughter was born in the united states. >> those are the rules, anna. >> it's the people's desk, right? >> i have a daughter born in the united states. could you pull that off? >> do you think they would let you in. >> probably could. >> have a cocktail. >> check in with rick reichmuth now with a look at the first alert forecast. hey, rick. >> hey, guys. nice day. east coast looking good. take a look what happened on friday across areas of long island. so much rain from tropical storm andrea. this video will show you all of the flooding that moved in there. cars trying to drive through water. that is not a good idea at all. you have no idea what's in the road. no idea if it's going to get deeper and warn away. a lot of rescue he is. some by first responders and some by neighbors. good people helping people out there. water is gone from this storm. we're going to see the very nice day here down across the southeast. we have some rain.
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biggest rain we have today is going to be areas of the mid section of the country. areas of missouri and kansas. spreading down towards texas. you will notice right here the western side of this picture. we are not getting much rain there we have been talking about so much rain across the plains. it hasn't really been in the high plains here. we have extreme drought going on. bad news for the crops there go just off towards the east. way too much rain and a lot of flooding. kind of an agricultural problem going on across the central part of the country. today more severe weather. it's going to be where you see that yellow across the mid mississippi river valley. some of the storms severe. mostly just strong winds. a little bit of hail. maybe a tornado or two as well. send it back to you. >> all right. thanks so much, rick. well, of course, the story of the moment, the story of the month. maybe the defining story of the second term of this president's administration is, of course, the nsa spying story that we have learned that the nsa is collecting information on every american. james clapper has been forced to declassify
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details of the prison program. and he is angry he had to do that. >> a little defiant, too. really, basically saying look, we were not snooping on your internet and your emails and your communications, that this is a computer system that is internal. it's inside the united states government. so therefore it should be okay. an internal government computer system described as it. >> yeah. that sounds like it should be fine. nothing to see here. look away. he is actually a little bit more angry about the people who leaked this information. >> here he is. >> well, while we are having this debate, discussion, and all this media explosion, which of course, supports transparency which is a great thing in this country, but that same transparency has a double edge sword in that our adversaries or nefarious groups benefit from that same transparency. as we speak, they are going to school and learning how
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we do this and so that's why it poo he tenelly has can render great damage to our intelligence capabilities. >> but the problem here is that it was spying on united states citizens. that is every -- 309 million americans. email communications, phone logs, records of all of us. it is not about the terrorists. and furthermore this argument that it was used to stop this terrorist attack on new york city subway by azazi. we already know they were monitoring the communication from the other side. this prism program likely had nothing to do with stopping that terrorist attack. >> and if transparency is so important to this administration, how's come this is something that had to be leaked to the "the washington post" and to the guardian. speaking on transparency there. it doesn't make sense. the american people, if we knew this was working for sure and it had been proven to us, we might be a little bit more willing to give up some of our civil liberties similar to what we had to do at the airport take off
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shoes and walk through security scanners. when you think about the boston bomber, how did we find him? the fbi? >> private camera. >> a guy who went out to have a cigarette and he happened to seat blood on the tarp and found dzhokhar tsarnaev right there. >> the white house position has been everything is fine, america, go back to sleep. what is especially interesting when you speak to people that actually worked at the nsa we just interviewed no, don't go back to sleep. you should worry. every piece of data is being collected by the u.s. government. former executive of the u.s.a. on hannity said the federal government is out of control and unchained from constitution. >> right now no controls to speak of because it's all in secret. any of the controls they talk about all in secret. they are not available for public review or debate. we need maximum. the very constitution it is bound to protect.
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that constitution not long endure if we have a government that is out of control and hammering people for simply telling the truth and standing up for what's right and the law. >> none of this is available for public review or debate. white house has said congress has had 13 briefings on this they have signed off again and again. the truth is, members of congress didn't know any of the details. a tiny handful of committee chair men may have been read into some of this. the average member, 435 members had no clue. >> furthermore the courts. we keep hearing about fisa court everything is fine now. president obama said he reviewed it because it now fall falls under a legal umbrella he was confident it was following the constitution. these 11 fisa judges that americans will never see orders or warrants or information. so therefore when the judges then sign off on it, we don't know if they have ever rejected, you know, if they come to them and say hey, we want you to look at these guys, we need this information. will you guys accept this?
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has there ever been a fisa judge that's rejected it? no. this violates the constitution. >> our judge andrew napolitano, i saw him last night, too. this violates the fourth amendment against unlawful searches and seizures because there is no probable cause against you or me for them to come and take this information from us. >> yeah. so, the president asked very clearly is there a database of america's information? he would not respond. but we got that answer earlier today on "fox & friends." you remember nancy pelosi was asked about obama care and she said we'll know what's in it when we pass it then she promised very explicitly that obama care will lower premiums for everybody. she doesn't quite remember saying that. watch. >> they will bring it up and when they bring it up, they will ask for repeal. repeal of all the things i said that helped children, help young adults, help scenier, help men or women who may have prostate cancer, breast cancer, whatever it is, any precondition.
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and everybody will have lower rates, better quality care, and better access, so that's what they want to repeal. we're happy to have that debate. >> it will, you heard her words there, specifically that was on meet the press back in 2012. she said it will lower rates for everybody. now on thursday when asked about that particular conversation, she had this to say. >> i don't remember saying that everybody in the country would have a lower premium because everybody in the country doesn't have health insurance so how could it be lower? but the fact is the value of what you get for the cost that you pay is a reduction in cost to you. and if you don't have insurance, you're going to pay something that you didn't pay before, but if you can't afford it, you can have a subsidy on a sliding scale within the exchange. but, for everybody, it is going to be, again, a
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liberation, a freedom. >> that is a complete flip flop. thursday opposite day something like we used to play as kids? >> like normed. it's d day. a liberation of freedom. who even knows what that means? nancy pelosi clearly does not know what that means. look, let me just remind you two key promises of obama care. everyone will have health insurance when this is over as you just heard the former speaker say. >> not true. >> second, it will become cheaper. health care will cost less. that's just demonstrablably false. >> small businesses struggling how they are going to pay for it having to lay off employees or some other loophole. >> let us know what you think about this fox news at >> always love to hear from you. >> another scandal in washington, d.c. r chrisong do to respond. wallace joins us with that. >> chewbacca takes on the tsa. security dust up that
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involves the star wars light saber. feds vs. a rookie. we will tell you who won. oh this is lame, investors could lose tens of thousands of dollars on their 401(k) to hidden fees. is that what you're looking for, like a hidden fee in your giant mom bag? maybe i have them... oh that's right i don't because i rolled my account over to e-trade where... woah. okay... they don't have hidden fees... hey fern. the junkrawer? why would they... is that my gerbil? you said he moved to a tiny farm. that's it, i'm running away. no, no you can't come! [ male announcer ] e-trade. less for us. more for you.
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irs, now the nsa. another week, another scandal for the obama administration. >> so who will it be this week? will congress take action to eased minds of the american people? joining us now is the host of "fox news sunday" chris wallace. chris, nice to see you this morning. good to be with you guys. >> do you think congress will take action on this or are they to blame as the obama administration seems to say hey they signed off on all of this. >> hey, bob, i'm actually on television. >> is the nsa. >> our director just walked in not paying any attention. anyway, i don't think that they are going to act and here is why. first of all, the last time that this came up for a vote, it got 73 votes in the senate, secondly, john boehner the house speaker and harry reid, the senate majority leader agree on nothing and they have both agreed in defending. this these surveillance programs have been started under george w. bush. they have been approved by congress ever since 9/11
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and repeatedly approved. they have supreme court sanction look from a political point of view. push surveillance and terrorist network was able to effectuate a plot against the united states, you want to be responsible for that? i don't think so. >> well, on the other hand, we just interviewed a former nsa mathematician and said every measure's total production of online activity, all your data, all your email, everything is being captured by the u.s. government. that doesn't seem like overreach. where is the frank church of this generation who will hold hearings, start a commission, reign in a little bit? clearly there is going to be some public support for reigning in this a bit, no? >> i think there would be some public support. maybe at the margins, i don't think you will see a major cut back in these programs. we are going to be talking about this today. we will have rand paul and certainly not to compare him to frank church but if
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there is somebody of this generation who has really been leading the call against big, intrusive government, it has been rand paul, of course, he took to the floor for 13 hours on the issue of drones. and you have him on the one hand on the other hand we will be talking to michael hayden the former head of the nsa. also the head of the cia. he is the guy who used to do this for a living you will see we will also have ron johnson, a fellow senate republican and it will be interesting to hear from general hayden what he thinks about these programs and what he thinks about any possible restrictions to them. >> all right, chris wallace, looking forward to your program today, thank you so much. >> check your local listing. thanks, chris. >> thanks, chris. we told you about the 10-year-old girl sarah from philadelphia awaiting lung transplant. well, may have suffered a serious set back with her health. peter johnson jr. sat down with the family. is he going to join us next to tell us about that. >> then, if you want more time off from work, who doesn't, the new perk that gives workers more flexibility in managing
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their time off. that beach is looking good right now, isn't it? we'll be right back. ♪ you hurt my feelings, todd. i did? when visa signature asked everybody what upgraded experiences really mattered... you suggested luxury car service instd of "strength training with patrick willis." come on todd! flap them chicken wings. [ grunts ] well, i travel a lot and umm... [ male announcer ] at visa signature, every upgradedxperience comes from listening to our cardholders. visa signature. your idea of what a card should be.
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>> quick headlines for you. brand new video this morning of paris jackson being transferred to ucla medical center, that's the very same hospital where her father michael jackson died almost four years ago. the 15-year-old tried to commit suicide last wednesday. and want more time to hang out at the beach this summer? of course you do. for the right price, you can. some companies are now letting employees buy or even sell their vacation time. a new survey finds that 9% of employers let workers cash out of unused vacation
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anna? >> >> all right, thanks. 23 minutes after the hour. the family of 10-year-old sara asking for america's prayers this morning. the 10-year-old philadelphia girl fighting to get new lungs took a turn for the worse yesterday as her doctors put her on a respirator to help her breathe. just 24 hours before our own peter johnson junior spent the afternoon with sarah and her family in her hospital room. here is -- he has a glimpse here of her courageous effort. >> hi, anna. most incredible family i have ever seen. i went with my young producer blanch johnson and we shot this video and it's incredible view of an incredible american family fighting for their daughter. let's look together. >> >> what's your dream for sarah at this point? what do you think about -- what do you hope her life to be once hopefully we get this transplant? >> just that she goes back
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to school she just like all the other kids. i mean, before it got decline of lung function, she went to school. she did everything other kids did before her lungs deteriorated to the point where she needed new ones. i just want to go back to being like another kid and doing everything that kids do. >> that's all i want. >> when you think about your daughter, sarah, what do you think about? what do you most associate with her in terms of her qualities? i see her as a very strong but very every effervescent. >> she is strong and put new view on my life how i view things. all the silly stuff you see in a corporation dealing with things throughout the globe and everything, with her and how she reacts to how strong she is kind of puts everything in a new light and sees what's really important and how you can really handle things.
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i'm a father of two girls much older than your kids, i can't imagine being in the position that you are in. >> sure. >> what do you do to stay strong for sarah? >> a lot of people ask us that all the time. and even years. i mean obviously she has had this condition forever. but as parents, you just -- you adapt. you adapt and you just do it we never saw any of this asking for option. take care of your children. as parents do you it you adapt and you just become whatever you need to become for your children. >> do you have any doubts at all that sarah is going to make it? >> now that we have the opportunity to get lungs, it's exciting. because a week ago, we questioned it. if we would get the opportunity to get lungs. now that we have a much better opportunity, i think she can do anything.
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she has proven it. how long, how strong she has been through this entire process. she continually surprises us how strong she is. >> what you have learned about people in philadelphia and pennsylvania and people from across the country. would you like to say anything to the people? >> yeah, what's been amaze something how many people who all the folks we know and all the folks we have gotten to know, how strong people come out and support politicians that come out and support. everyone that we know has come out to support. people we have never known. not just in this country. in the job on in, i work with people across the globe. so, it was amazing that when the ruling came down, literally two hours after that, i had a colleague from singapore who had seen the news in singapore. so i have been getting folks from across the globe who have been supporting us. it's been really amazing. >> so much of what you have
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done is a matter of will and that you are going to pull your daughter through. >> yep. >> and a lot of people have taken a lot of hope -- a lot of other sick people and people of sick children have said look what the murnahan daughter is doing for the family is doing here. >> keep going. she is never giving up and neither are we. >> neither are you. it's great that you are following the story for us so closely. on a crusade not just for sarah but to get the law changed. >> that's the point. they think it's absolutely unfair. and so do i to say if you are a healthier adult that you beat the sicker child out for a lung, that seems animalistic to me on this sunday morning. and so this family is fighting for fairness. not only for sarah, for a little boy javier cass that down the hall who is in the same position. he has gone to court. judge has given them an
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injunction as well to tell the federal government, stop, show cause, tell us what you are doing and they can't really explain. >> our hearts are with both of them and we are praying for them as well. 10 days they are on this list right now unless what happens? >> there is another hearing this week. the federal government and kathleen sebelius' lawyers are going to come and say why they want to do what they're doing. they couldn't explain to me the doctors on the federal government why they are doing it but it will be interesting to see. we are praying for sarah. >> even sarah's little brother is on his own crusade. he would like to be a doctor one day? >> sean, a little boy. let's watch sean. the whole family is in this now. >> when you grow up, what do you want to be? >> be a doctor that gives people new lungs. >> and why do you want toad[o be a cf doctor? >> so i can take care of sarah. >> that poor family has been through so much. >> we pray and take sarah today. >> coming up on "fox &
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friends." it's a whole new way to watch your favorite game. are you ready for the ref cam and the bear that plays the trumpet? is this real life right now? we'll be back with a whole lot more. [ male announcer ] with free package pickup from the united states postal service a small design firm can ship like a big business. just go online to pay, print and have your packages picked up for free. we'll do the rest. ♪ y, we'll do the rest. your day to unplug. with centurylink as your technology partner, our visionary cloud infrastructure, and dedicated support, free you to focus on what matters. centurylink. your link to what's next. chalky... not chalky. temporary... 24 hour. lots of tablets... one pill.
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>> shot of the morning in fact shot of the lifetime. >> almost sounds like a duck. >> can barely believe a russian man has trained a brown bear to play the trumpet. sit in a chair and sit up and cheer. even hula hoop very important developments. >> this is either the world's most gifted bear or incredible realistic costume. >> he is making vulgar gestures. >> is he flipping the bird? >> he did. >> he has over 100 hits on youtube. he is hula hoop, also? >> how long until he eats that guy. >> guy out in montana doing the same thing. he is out in oprah. i'm trying to get interview with him. >> is he a bear? >> no, he has a best friend who is a bear. this bear, i'm not kidding you was the best man at his wedding. he gets invited in for thanksgiving dinner and gets his own turkey pictures of him. >> eats with him in montana. >> just a matter of time. >> here is a question. would you rather pay more for your food and
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guaranteed good service or tip your waiter based on his or her service? this is a real question. a sushi restaurant in new york has now decided they are not allowing tipping anymore. they are just going to charge you more at the outset. >> i like this idea. yachuta sushi restaurant here in new york city. highest end siewshy. delicious. perfectly seasoned rice. we want to get rid of it. we want to guarantee great service. so when you look at your bill now you are going to be paying more for it paying more for overall meal. does it bother you go into a restaurant you are not going to tip at all. pay more walking through the door. >> it works in other countries. the reason they are doing in this is in line with japanese practices and it's working there. you know what? if you are definitely going to get good service and they are, you know, basing their product control, the quality control on that then sure i would love to
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know what i'm paying for. >> there is a lot different there you have seen their toilets? different culture. this is a performance based culture it. teacher tenure. just guarantee everybody a job and i'm sure they will do a great job. no. >> it may not be worth it some places. >> it assures promptness. >> difference here as opposed to teacher unions they can get fired. >> that's a good point. these people not doing a good job and the head of the sushi restaurant like why is janine such a terrible waitress and people are complaining, she is out. she won't get that higher salary other time tourists come into this portion of manhattan, right there near times square you you know what? my bill is high enough, i don't want to spend extra money on the tip, too. so it's really not fair for the people there working. >> don't ever ever short change a waiter if he has done a good job. everyone ought to be required to work in a restaurant for a summer. >> use a coupon tip on top
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of what it would have been. >> making like $2 an hour. they make below minimum wage. find us on twitter at ff weekend. >> more headlines we have got to get to on your sunday morning. sad end to the 97 day search for the missing louisiana teacher. yesterday police pulled her car from a bayou with a body in the driver's seat. investigators are 100% sure it is money net. 26-year-old was last seen march 2nd, leaving the bar after a night out with her friends. a cleveland man accused of kidnapping and holding three women captive for over a decade will appear in court this weekend. aerial castro will plead not guilty to 329 charges, including rape and kidnapping. for the imprisonment of amanda berry, gina dejesus and michelle knight. he also faces a murder charge for causing one of the women who have a miss carriage and could face the death penalty if convicted. the tsa learning the hard way you don't mess with
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chewy. >> screaming about it. >> not wise. [chewbacca growling] >> don't pull people's arms out of their sockets when they lose. >> yikes, peter mayhew who plays chew back could you in the moses had his cane airport. the 7'2" ache core needed the cane to walk. the tsa didn't back down. so mayhew harnessed the power of social media and posted frustrations up there on twitter only then did the agents return his cane: 100,000 years our faces will look like this. >> oh. >> oh, boy. why are all eyes all different shapes? that's crazy. >> this is a rendering. it's based on a british researcher's predictions. he says the head will be bigger to make room for a larger brain. that's good news at least. we will also have giant eyeballs and wider
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nostrils. >> i don't know if you can fit a bigger brain in this head. >> i think you look great. >> i love that all right. it's time for pit masters on the plaza. rick is outside. rick escaped that artist rendering graphic. lucky for you. >> clayton, i tell you that was a big improvement. you better hope that 100 years gets here too. >> much thinner with longer head. chris is the executive chef from the world famous big bob gibson barbecue in decay temperature, alabama. world championship pork. have you been at the big apple barbecue festival for all 11 years. >> one of the highlights of my years. we travel from alabama every year to cook whole pulled pork shoulder on our grill. >> these are legit competitions. barbecue competitions is a big thing. you are a winner. >> yeah, we won several world barbecue championships for pulled pork and other barbecue items. we are really well known
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for that it's our signature item. we have been in business decay1925 in deat a temperature, alabama. >> let's get to that point so we can talk about it. what kind of meat is that. >> pork butt top of the shoulder. we are cooking about 4,000 pounds of in this weekend at the big apple barbecue block party. over 400 pork butts. >> hold on. so pork butt the obvious question isn't the back -- >> -- that's the ham. ham, shoulder, that's the butt of the shoulder. the pork butt right here. >> i like it better already. >> we want to do a nice injection all the way through. we want our flavor all the way through to the bone. this is apple juice prime. very simple apple juice. worcestershire sharier, salt, garlic. all the way through and dry rub, brown sugar, white sugar, could you minute, core and der, salt, garlic,
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pap rica and cover it nicely. >> can people get this at home. >> you can get it anywhere. anywhere. any just discount store has a really cheap meat injector, put the flavors into it, put it on the grill. i cook with kingsford charcoal. charcoal on one side. put your meat to the other side of the fire. >> break this open. >> let's do it. let's do it. >> explode on me with all that stuff you injected on that. >> oh, no, no. it's fine. >> break it open. >> i can't put a glove on but we can do it this way right here. first pull the bone and ban bam, look at that. that's what i'm talking about right there. this is awesome. >> chris lily thank very much. i'm not sure imbringing this back to you inside. >> oh. >> oh, man. >> yeah, you are. >> i'm starting to drool. >> please, i want some of
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that. >> i want some of that. the pentagon ban ago tribute to our soldiers because it mentioned the word god. father jonathan morris and how our military is being forced to abandon any reference to faith. >> fancy new gadget brings fans closer than ever before it is the referee cam. before tori was taking her kids to lunch in her new volkswag... before her passat had passed over 30 different inspection tests... and before several thousand tennesseans discovered new jobs on volkswagen drive, a cfo and a banker met for lunch. together, we worked with a team that helped finance construction of the world's first leed platinum auto manufacturing plant. that's the impact of global connections.
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that's bank of america. might not get you off your couch, but there's not a creature on earth that can resist this. mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle.
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boat protection people love. now, that's progressive. call or click today. test. test. a video tribute to first sergeants in the air force has been banned because it mentions the word god. >> on the 8th day god looked down on his creation and said i need someone who will take care of the airmen so god created a first sergeant. >> military top brass said that video could offend atheists and muslims but is this just a pc police going too far? fox news religion contributor father jonathan morris joins us now to talk about it. >> good morning. >> father, offensive? how is this offensive? >> it's certainly not offensive to most atheists or most gnostics. most are, i would say, tremendously respectful to the fact that some people do have belief. many people, most people do. and want to express that publicly. what happens in cases like this, is that there is a small group of activists,
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atheists, whose mission it is, whose goal it is to wipe out the face, the name, the voils of god from any public expression on our country. so then they go to the air force and the air force, the military gets scared and says oh my gosh, maybe this is the establishment of religion. it's absolutely not. but they are afraid of having to go through and to litigate cases like this and so they say it's better just and it's under discussion right now. it's under review -- >> -- it's not even a religious question so much as it's a speech question. i mean, you could not believe in god or be uncertainty of his existence and still recognize the right of people who use the word god in public? >> you know, you are exactly right. you know what? there are people who would say not in the case of religion. let me read you -- this is a comment from someone on my facebook after our discussion last week. this person, i believe, is representative of what the goal of this very small group of activists atheists. he said everyone can pray to whomever they like, sounds good, sounds like an
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american value. do it privately. the rest of us don't need to know about it. that's where they are going. >> it's really interesting too this came off of -- it was based on anyway an ad that was super popular at the super bowl which is basically the world's biggest stage. it was based on i am a farmer. god created a farmer, the commercial there. what do you think though about having this? does it really have a place in the military? does religion have a place? >> let me show you. i think we have a full screen of this. this is a picture of a letter by fdr. and then i'm going to read a little quote of it as commander and chief. this have from fdr. i take pleasure in commending the reading of the bible to all who serve in the armed forces of the united states. he goes on to say in this letter and i put it up on my twitter and facebook as well. if anyone wants to see the whole letter. goes on to say this is not just the christians, the bible is an inspiring source for us all. not just the bible there
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are other inspiring sources. this is how far we have come. it's very important that we speak out and that the military has the courage to say we are going to honor our tradition that's made our country great. there going to allow ability to speak freely even, i would say especially when it's about religion and spirituality. thank you very much. more "fox & friends" coming up next. ccent] safe driver, multi-car, paid in full -- a most fulsome bounty indeed, lord jamie. thou cometh and we thy saveth! what are you doing? we doth offer so many discounts, we have some to spare. oh, you have any of those homeowners discounts? here we go. thank you. he took my shield, my lady. these are troubling times in the kingdom. more discounts than we knoweth what to do with. now that's progressive.
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>> welcome back. were you wondering what to do with your kids this summer? what about heading back to nature? a new campaign by toyota is asking americans to exit the highway and discover hidden naturalze wonders, including autobahn conservatories. joining me now with some of his animals this morning is patrick
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commons, the director of bird conservation at audubon connecticut. tell me about this program that kicked off this summer with the audubon society and toyota. >> sure. we're encouraging americans to spend time outdoors this summerç to get off the highway and enjoy the scenic route. >> and get away from your computer, right? >> exactly. >> i read in a survey, 85% of us wish we could get outside. >> it's restorative to get outside. you canç discover something new you haven't seen before. >> i grew up outside philadelphia near the audubon society, and there's great treasures to see. you brought an oil you can2> yes.
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this is a bardimíis owl, much throughout much of north america.q2ywzlpzs you hear them more than you see them, because they're nocturnal, but you might see one perched in a tree. >> do you have interactive programs that kids can be a of as well? >>ç yes. we have a festival that's a great way to get off the highway. >> another bird, we're bring this one over as well. they won't fit each other? >> no. this is a type of falcon, a bird you can find in new york city. >> a falcon, like a trained falcon, you can send it up and have it hunt for things? >> no. people do use them for falconry, but this bird was taken illegally from the wild, ended up at the audubon center, imprinted as a human, so it cannot be released into the wild. audubon is trying to keep the species common. >> let's bring this bird in. this is an.=eé giantç[óo turke
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here. >> this is theç nature sanitatn department. >> you'll see them on the sides of road after road kill, right? >> yes. they are carry-on eaters, but they areu! graceful and beautifl animals. they're one of the most graceful flyers you can find in north america. you can find them throughout the united states. they glide on their wings.ç they hardly ever flap their wings. they're spectacular. you can see the nice golden color on the back of them. they're not full black. >> also turtles, when you're out there hiking in the new england area, you're lucky enough, i've come across these. i used to have one of these as a pet in my backyard. >> this is an eastern box turtle. it's a species found in the northeastern u.s. they're one we have a lot of concern for, one that our audubon centers provide important habitat for. >> how long can these guys live? >> oh, they can live many
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decades. they're extremely long-lived. they lay a lot of eggs each year in hopes a few will survive to adulthood and live a long time. if they have problems with adults dying, it can impact their population. >> why can people learn more about getting off the highway and visiting one of the audubon conservatories across the country? >> we have a website called,san interactive website. you can share your experiences outdoors, recommend places for people to go, and enter to win a toyota prius. >> wow. that's a nice bonus on the side. check out the website and get off the highway this summer. thanks, patrick. >> thank you very much. >> coming up, the housing market making a rebound. you can cash in even if you're not in the market for a new home. we'll show you how. and why is this dog in a high school yearbook? looks like my high school photo. the awesome reason man's best friend has a special place right next to all the other students when we come back. come here, boy.
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>> grab a cup of coffee, keep the pjs on and stay a while. it's sunday, june 9th, 2013. the top dog at the nsa trying to defend their snooping tax by declassifying certain information, all this while the white house probes the leakers. what is the cost of freedom? we'll take a closer look. >> great question. then it's your money and it's all gone. the government picking winners and losers on electric cars. turns out most of them were losers. more than half that money disappeared into bankrupt companies. we'll give you details coming up. >> and he's been bashing bad singers for years. finally came back to haunt him. simon cowell we're talking about. >> ♪ >> a woman who came out of nowhere to egg simon cowell live
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on television. she had a whole thing of them, too. >> they came prepared. >> "fox and friends" hour four starts right now. ♪ >> manhattan on a beautiful summer day. >> a little lenny kravitz to wake you up today. hope you're having a wonderful sunday. thank you for joining us on this beautiful sunday in midtown manhattan. that's a look at 48th street, outside doing some barbecue this morning. it's the big puerto rican day parade here in manhattan, if you're wondering why the streets are closed. we're open for you. tha.we start this morning with ç big story that continues to evolve. yesterday the director of national intelligence james clapper has come toot answer
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criticism, of course, about this big nsa snooping scandal, the prism program as it was called internally. we learned about it because whistleblowers were worried that spying was happening on americans. he showed more anger toward the whistleblower than -- >> there's criminal prosecution of them in the works. mr. clapper made a simple point, which is, relax, america, go back to sleep, all is well. this isn't data mining, it's a computer government system. this we know to be entirely untrue from people who worked at the nsa gathering the information, including a guy we just last hour who worked there for hours. everything you do online is being collected by the u.s. government. here's the question. where are the safeguards to prevent the obama administration to use that information against its political enemies? we know the irs took personal information and used it to crush
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the president's political opponents? how are we to be certain that this data, a rouge trove about everybody person in america won't be for similar purposes? >> see if these words are comforting to you. take a listen. >> while we're having this debate, discussion, all this media explosion, which, of course, supports transparency, a great thing in this country, but that same transparency has a double-edged sword, in that our adversaries benefit from that same transparency. so as we speaks they're going to school and learning how we do this. it can render great damage to our intelligence capabilities. >> does that make sense? >> no. cluelessç clapper. he's speaking out both sides of his mouth.
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doesn't make sense. >> what do we know about james clapper? one thing for certain. he lied. he claimedç the u.s. government was not doing what it was in fact at that moment doing. we also know that in a pretty revealing interview on abc news last year, he had no idea about a terror attack that had just happened. take a look at these. >> does the nsa collect any type of data at all on millions or of data at all on millio÷ú or americans? >> no, sir. >> it does not? >> not wittingly. there are cases where they could inadvertently perhaps collect, but not wittingly. >> london. how serious is it? any implication it was coming here? any of the things that they have seen were coming here? dr. clapper?
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>> is that a joke? really? he's trying to remember, similar to lois lerner, who decided to who said he was at the easter egg roll, that's jeff that's wht the white house so many times, targeting conservative americans. who's to say the government for political values. >> no digital communications are safe. i mean, that's why we have to build storage facilities like utah because they're collecting so much data they have to store it somewhere. this is the fear i have, they could use it to map out the tea party, target them using the uáy this is really a danger to ourç democracy. >> this is not a crazy american. this is a mathematician employed
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for years by the nsa. if you think this hasn'tç alrey happened, think again. the obama administration took private information, the contribution histories of guys who ran against obama, mitt romney, and made it public,ç leaked it to left wing publications in an effort to hurt mitt romney in the middle of a presidential campaign. you don't think they would misuse your data? think again. >> and his argument that terrorists are watching this discussion happening, taking down notes. what would the notes look like? that we need to become a u.s. citizen, therefore we'll be tracked. don't be a u.s. citizen, because at the end of theç day, 309 million americans were being watched, it wasn't about terrorists being watched, it was about u.s. citizens being watched. emails, calls through verizon network. how does that protect us from terrorism? >> it's what the obama administration wanted us to think. >> yeah, the war on terror is over.
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>> and then we saw the boston bombing happen. is this working for national security? if you thought who caught dzhokhar tsarnaev, it was a guy having a cigarette. >> the question is, what happens to the information once it's been gathered? so there's a huge database of everything personal about yk you, me, everyone watching this program. be sure that once the u.s. government, the obama administration has control of u be misused? their position is, shut up, we're not talking to you,df4(oe can't tell you, it's classified. even to have this information is to risk death. the truth is congress needs to press the administration, set up a bulwark against -- >> tucker, you decided to speak
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out against the administration, and they take a look at your tax records. >> exactly. >> that's what we've seen them do. oh, you said you were in seattle, but we have your flight information, some phone records, that say the opposite of that. >> would our founding fathers even recognize what's going on right now? >> no, not at all. >> freedom of the press, the fourth amendment against illegal searches and seizures. wow. we have a lot of headlines to get to on this sunday morning. first this. police have identified the gunman in friday's santa monica shooting spree that left five people dead. they say this 25-year-old seen here going into the santa monica library was prepared for battle. >> he seemed like a person on a mission. he just turned and looked at me, and the next thing i knew glass was shattering. >> he was carrying over 1300 rounds of ammunition we're told,
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and assault rifle and combat gear. he's accused of killing five people, including his father and brother, before being shot and killed by police. cops say he was upset over his parents' divorce. a tragic end overnightç toa group search for a missing boy evada in the scorchingç desert. ? 69-year-old man found dead. another man and four boys sent to the hospital for heat-related illnesses. the group was hiking in the lake mead recreational area near the arizona border as temperatures hit 110 degrees when they got lost. and former massachusetts governor paul salucchi, a republican, has lost his life to parkinson's disease. in 2001, he was made ambassador to canada. in a joint statement bush 41 and 43 said, we're deeply saddened
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to hear of paul cellucci's passing. he was 65 years old. here's a fun one. he's a teen football snapping sensation. zach smith can snap the ball with pinpoint accuracy. a friend helped him put together a highlight reel. he was on "fox and friends" earlier today talking about it. >> it all started my sophomore year. my first year playing football. my friends said i was good at it when i was fooling around long snapping. and they said i should do it, because they didn't want to have the job. >> he made the most of it, and will be a preferred walk-on at the university of southern california. he had a couple of people being good sports. >> we need you to stand out there, i'll hit you in the head with a football. >> the kid is talented, though. for real. >> parents are saying, son, you going to go to class anytime?
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just hanging?fzv out in the qu, hitting people with footballs. >> clayton, let's do that later. you can be the as i understand . >> okay, guys. lake mead, very hot conditions. las vegas getting to 112, breaking a record. death valley, 106. winslow, arizona, 103. the heat on today. we'll see one more day, a lot o: areas breaking records once again. 116 in lake half student city. phoenix, 109. over the next four days in phoenix, in that eric around 109, 110. should be around 102 this year. the monsoon season generally comes around the fourth of july, a big break for them. in the southeast, scattered showers, humid conditions. iowa, a little bit of flooding in some of the northern sections, but the threat of
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severe weather today from just to the north of st. louis down to around greenville, mississippi, that's where the threat is. mostly strong winds. not a big tornado day. very small hail, but some winds could be damaging at some point throughout the afternoon. temperature-wise, the heat is on across parts of the west, but remaining cool across the great lakes. 69 today in minneapolis. guys, back to you. >> coming up on the show, could cash-strapped california be literally sitting on a goldmine of gas? wait until you hear what's buried beneath one ofç americas broken states. >> and no more tipping?ç restaurants eliminating gratuities and guaranteeing food service. will itç actually work? more on that coming up. i'm over the hill. my body doesn't work the way it used to.
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>> while california may be drowning this more than a trillion dollars of public debt, it's also sitting on a goldmine, lucrative oil fields accessible by fracking, but environmentalists are calling for a ban on this technology. will personal ideology trump the opportunity to create new jobs and energy for a state that desperately needs them both?
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johnç hoffmeister, the former president oflu shell oil, joinss from houston. thanks a lot for joining us. >> you're welcome. >> california has profound energy needs, does it not? tell us what california needs and what fracking could provide. >> well, the oil industry in california has a very long history. in fact, it's more than 100 years old. and california is where massive quantities of oil in the l.a. basin, around that area, helped the u.s. protect itself from tyranny in world war i and world war ii. we have always known that there's this very large formation called the monterey shale, but technology prevented us from getting at it. now it's modern fracking and horizontal drilling, we can get at it in an affordable way. so california faces the prospect of significant newç generationf
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natural resource production which could run another 30, 40, 50 years into the future, but unfortunately california also faces some i'ding logic people.r california has a big choice here, whether to pursue pragmatism or pursue ideology. >> seems like there might be a shift even among democrats in california, saying enough is enough on these environmental bands. >> there was an important vote this past week in the state senate in california where about a dozen or so democrats joined with republicans to prevent a ban on fracking. about 18 democrats chose not to vote rather than to go against the democratic leadership. and as a consequence, a bill to
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ban fracking did not pass in the state senate. that's a very big deal in california. and so we'll see what happens in the next round of whatever the discussions take. >> just to be clear, there are a lot of people, environmentalists in california, afraid of fracking, but the truth is that state uses more fossil fuels than any other state, correct? >> no question, no question. there are more cars in california than any other state in the nation. it is more dependent on hydrocarbons than any other state in the nation,ç and it'sa big tourist state. tourists don't walk to california, nor do they walk through the state as they're touring it. >>k]s>w no one walks in california, by the way. >> right. there's a silliness about this notion that we're inç a post-hydrocarbon era when in fact we're not. >>ç self-indulgence, rich peop. no working class person is against this.
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thank you so much. >> thank you. >> coming up on the show, the housing market ist5p-%9 rebound. you can cash in even if you're you can cash in even if you're not in the ma2çí home. we'll show you how next. >> and he's been bashing bad singers for years. it finally came back to haunt him. this woman came out of nowhere to egg simon cowell on live television. did she speak for you when she did it? we'll have more coming up. ♪ ♪
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if you have high cholesterol, here's some information that may be worth looking into. in a clinical trial versus lipitor, crestor got more high-risk patients' bad cholesterol to a goal of under 100. getting to goal is important, especially if you have high cholesterol plus any of these risk factors because you could be
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at increased risk for plaque buildup in your arteries over time. and that's why when diet and exercise alone aren't enough to lower cholesterol i prescribe crestor. [ female announcer ] crestor is not right for everyone. like people with liver disease or women who are nursing, pregnant or may become pregnant. tell your doctor about other medicines you're taking. call your doctor right away if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired, have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. these could be signs of rare but serious side effects. is your cholesterol at goal? ask your doctor about crestor. [ female announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. >> here we go. we've got some headlines for you.ç 23 minutes after the hour now. we have brand-new video this morning of paris jackson being transferred to ucla medical center. that's the same hospital where her father michael jackson died
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almost four years ago. the 15-year-old tried to commit suicide last wednesday. and years of bashing contestants has finally come back to haunt mr. simon cowell. a woman pelted eggs+ during "britain's got talent." security dragged her away. turns out she was a former contestant who had a bad experience on the show, and since apologized calling her actions, quote, silly. all right. here we go. the real estate market is making a comeback. what if we told you you could cash in on that comeback without buying a house. joining me now is real estate expert morgan brennan. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> interest ratesç up over 4% now, but not slowing the market, you don't think? >> i don't think the interest rates will have a huge effect. if anything, people will be trying to lock in on the low rates. >> house hunter hunting, what is that exactly?
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>> so if you didn't bet on the housing recovery, where the stock market was concerned, buy home depot stock, the homebuilders in the last two years, still places you can make money and get creative. some of those!$5e are stock new offerings. they operate more like tech companies, so they trade at higher70guñr multiples. they're a little bit expensive compared to other other housing-related stocks, but they've had a greatç run, and analysts expect they'll keep running. goldman sachs just upgraded. >> how about pigment producers? this is wild. a lot of people are starting to paint the outside and the inside of their homes as they're fixing them up. you can cash in on that too. >> we've seen homes, and paint companies like sherwin and williams, performing well on the stock market. these are the chemical-makers that produce the pigments thaté go into paints like from
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sherwin-williams. they represent good buys with goodúo& dividends. >> and how about insurance? people who buy new homes have to have insurance. >> exactly. prices have surged in the last couple of months. you need title insurance. companies like first american financial, companies that you can play the financial side of housing on. >> as far as more homes being built, people improving their own homes, they have to have some way to haul the 2x4s, so the pickup truck sales, too. >> automakers, obviously this is a play on the auto industry that's seen good sales, but pickup truck sales specifically have surged by -- they've seen double-digit growth since the beginning of theç year. this is tied to housing construction. homes)úx construction is coming back, but still has a long way to go. as the numbers grow, pickup sailsales will grow.
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those are great stocks to check out. >> morgan brennan, thank you very much. 27 minutes after the hour now. no more tipping. restaurants eliminating gratuity and guaranteeing good service instead. do you think that will work? we want you to weigh in on that one. and how did this dog end up in a high school yearbook? the awesome reason man's best friend has a place next to the students. that's coming up next. ♪ hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios
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has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. twenty-five thousand mornings, give or take, is all we humans get. we spend them on treadmills. we spend them in traffic. and if we get lucky, really lucky,
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>> ♪ these boots are made for walking ♪ >> is that just cool? >> yeah. >> check out this adorable pup's reaction to getting a new pair of shoes to match her little raincoat. little chihuahua's over-the-top response is going viral this morning. does a chihuahua need a raincoat? >> if you go to my facebook page, twitter page, you'll see my labrador baxter wearing purple shoes like this. these a manly dog and -- >> he's a little lesso3f manlyh purple shoes. >> a girlfriend and i mine were
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out on one of my escapades for "fox and friends" was watching him, and theye i had to put them on. >> dogs have been surviving for thousands of years without shoes on them. now they need shoes? another new trend. coming to new york city, this is a water cooler stories we're talking about this morning, would you pay more upfront in a restaurant if you knew you were going to get great service? that i guess to say, no more tipping at a restaurant. you go in, the bill is more, but you know the service is going to be fantastic. >> sure. as long as it's built into the price, built into the quality control, it's clearly marked you know what you're getting for the price, you don't accidentally tip on top of that -- >> so carmax for restaurants, no negotiations? >> it's like tenure for
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teachers. it's takes out incentive. excellence ought to be rewarded. there ought to be a way to say, to someone work on your behalf, you're doing an extra great job and i'm going to reward you. >> how is any different than let getting low from your job, any other job, form of employment? if you're not doing a good job, they'll let you go. >> that's why waiters are more polite than dmv clerks, because there's a tip at the end. >> this restaurant that's doing is a sushi restaurant. >> here in new york, yeah. >> it's japanese culture, because -- >> japanese culture quite different than ours. >> certainly is, but may work here. this restaurant is near midtown manhattan, times square, so many tourists here, and they think, manhattan is so expensive, the waiters don't need the extra tip, i'm saving my money. >> there ought to be some kind of -- we should put up pictures of people who stiff waiters, i think. if the waiter is decent, tipç well. >> like the "sinfeld" episode
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where they put the bounced checks on the front counter. >> reward excellence. >>ç removing tipping removes te incentive for providing exceptional service. >> andlin says, i'm not a big fan of tipping. why is it based on the price of your food? doesn't it take as much effort for a server to bring a $10 hamburger as it does a $30 steak? >> i agree with that, lynn. because they always say tipç a morning waiter or waitress more money, because. because your breakfast is a lot less expensive -- j(cjhx f coffee. >> in europe, tips are included and the service isç lousy. they don't make any effort for service knowing the tip is included. you make a really good point. good for you. >> only reason you're saying it's a good point because it agrees with you. >> and if you do, you're brilliant. >> excellent point. >> what do you think about this,
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rick? >> you know what, i think it's not a good idea. i like to pay for service. >> and you like to stiff them as well. >> and i like to get out without paying. that's it. or the bill. >> oh, the bill is coming? i have to use the restroom. >> split it among yourselves. we've had barbecue all morning, about 15 feet away. i was trying get the crowd to come behind me. you didn't believe you'd get food if you came behind me here. >> exactly how i felt. i wanted the barbecue. >> i promised you, 15 feet away. he promises you'll get some. the weather maps, excessive heat warnings around the colorado river valley, from las vegas toward lake havasu city, barstow and death valley. the lower elevations of the grand canyon, incredible hot conditions, well over 115-120 for some folks.ç across the northeast, a beautiful day after the rainy
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friday. saturday turned out great. sunday will be a nice day as well. a few rain showers move inç tomorrow. that's all part of what you see down there across the southeast. scattered showers, scattered thunderstorms, across areas of texas and much of the southeast. some severe weather throughout the afternoon across areas of eastern missouri toward illinois and some more heavy rain across parts of minnesota into easternw iowa today. across the west, it's all sunshine all the way up and down the coast. seattle, you're looking great. portland you're looking great. it's incredibly hot across areas of the desert southwest today. phoenix getting toward 109. all right, everybody here, now move back over here. you can be the backdrop for the barbecuing that's going on with tucker and clayton. get your ribs. >> kenny callahan from blue smoke, probability best barbecue restaurant in new york. >> absolutely the best barbecue restaurant in new york. if you're coming here -- that's hard for new york city to see great barbecue, but you managed to do it, kenny. we have the big apple barbecue
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block party happening this weekend. tell us about blue smoke, what people can expect at the blockç party. >> well, blue smoke, we've been around 11 years. this is the 11th anniversaries of the big apple barbecue block party. it's a fundraising event where we bring in 18 pitmasters from around the country, and converge on madison square park, take the whole park over. it's yesterday from 11:00 to 6:00, today from 11:00 to 6:00. it's the best barbecue in the country is undoubtedly being cooked in new york city this weekend. >> let's say people at home want to barbecue along in solidarity with you at blue smoke, tell me very quick tips for improving the quality of your barbecue. what do you recommend? >> well, this type of barbecue i'm doing it low and steady. it takes time. you got to put a lot of love into it. just, you know, use quality cuts of meat and take your time. >> take your time. >> some of the tips, like if i bought these at home, i'm an
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idiot, i'd throw them on the grill, put a little ribbo rub o. what else? >> i take the knife, in between the bones, cut through like that, just go up. >> you take off the membrane. >> take off the backç membrane. here i have one, the membrane is removed already. you can have your butcher do this. myç rub, it's simple ingredien. cracked black pepper, a little spanish paprika, light-brown sugar and kosher salt. very simple. in texas, they don't do sauce. there's a big controversy. it's either sauce or no sauce. this is a no sauce dry rub. i want to mix it around just because the brown sugar will clump up a little bit. >> what does the rub do to the meat? >> the rub actually introduces
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the flavorings into it, seasons the meat up. >> now do you actually rub it in hard? >> rub it like you love love it. >> rub it like you love it. there's a lot of love in this barbecue. >> a lot of love. i'll put these on my weber grill over here. do it up to probably 24 to 36 hours just to let all the seasonings sink in. >> tell me, how slow does it -- >> i usually cook these0suçmy or here for seven hours on the off side side of the grill, over hickory wood at 200 degrees. >> seven hours? >> seven hours. >> it's worth it. if you've ever eaten at the restaurant, you know it's worth it. thank you, kenny. >> go down toç the big apple barbecue block party. kenny, thanks. >> thanks a lot, guys. >> rub it like you love it. you better save me some.
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9:39 is the time. sunday morning headlines, the family of this 10-year-old asking for prayers this morning. the 10-year-old philadelphia girl fighting to get new lungs took a turn for the worse yesterday as her doctors put her on a respirator to help her breathe. our very own peter johnson jr. met with sarah and her family and had her dad explain what's keeping her strong. >> you adapt. you adapt and just do it. we never saw this as we had any other option. you take care of your children. as parents you do it. you adapt and you become whatever you need to become for your children. >> well, last week sarah and her 11-year-old -- and then a 11-year-old were both added to the adult transplant list. the judge will revisit the order later this week. maybe the government should have been watching where your tax dollars have gone, because 56% of carmakers who asked for government green loans are now
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dead. $8 billion were doled out to just five carmakers. two of those are not even producing cars anymore. of the 18 existing would-be carmakers who applied for the loans 10 have gone bankrupt or ceased operations. this is not a yearbook prank, guys. the dog pictured here, you're about to see, actually going to graduate today in indiana. prince is retiring after more than four years of service as a therapy dog at the high school. the dog will walk across the stage today in a custom-made canine cap and gown. we're told prince will spend his golden years with his trainer and owner and do part-time therapy work. i love that. the nsa under fire this morning forç collecting millios of americans' personal information. wait till you see this. the $2 billion building where they plan to store all to data. all that at the top-secret facility is coming up next. and he got an invite to the oval office, but this foreign president took it to a new
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level. funny or dead wrong? we report. you decide. [ male announcer ] with free package pickup from the united states postal service a small design firm can ship like a big business. just go online to pay, print and have your packages picked up for free. we'll do the rest. ♪ mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle. ♪ the middle of this special moment and i need to run off to the bathroom. ♪ i'm fed up with always having to put my bladder's needs ahead of my daughter. ♪ so today, i'm finally talking to my doctor about overactive bladder symptoms. [ female announcer ] know that gotta go feeling?
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>> all right. welcome back. the nsa secretly collecting phone and internet records for millions of american citizens. where would it save that massive amount of data? it could be right here in a brand-new $2 billion facility in utah. what do we know about this mysterious building in the middle of the mountains?$<
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connor, what's going on in this massive $2 billion building? >> anyone's best guess, of course, right? the nsa is quite secretive. they announced its creation about four years ago. it's set to -- scheduled to be complete in september of this year. we interviewed this week william binniy, a 30-year veteran of the nsa, now a whistleblower, and estimates there will be yata bytes of data, a million billion gigabytes. it's mags amount massive amount. >> what's to stop the nsa from targeting political groups? this could probably never happen, right? certainly on the heels of the doj investigation and irs scandal going after conservative
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groups. >> right. >> what's to stop the nsa from using this information? >> quite literally nothing. i chatted with a u.s. senator, saying trying to get data from the nsa what they're doing with this information is trying to pull a tooth from a dragon. very frustrated that a sitting u.s. senator is enable to find out what the nsa is doing. now that the government is put on the defensive, they say the court is reviewing this, congress is reviewing this. that's quite untrue. in fact, the court established to review all of this is rubber stamping everything. >> whose government is this exactly? i thought it was ours. you know, the white house keeps saying that congress knew about this, briefed 13 times. >> uh-huh. >> the truth is, apart from a very few senior committeeeá chairmen, for example, nobody knew the details of this because the details are classified. >> not only that, but the american public is being lied to. we say we have a representative government, and yet you have james calgary, the director of national intelligence, as recently as march saying we're
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not doing this, it's absolutely untrue. the nsa spokeswoman said the exact same thing, and yet now we learn this week of course that those are bald face lies. many congressmen are in the dark about this as well. it's extremely troubling. >> a dragon is a good analogy, a mythical creature that may not exist. connor, thank you so much. >> thanks for havingç he. >> he got on invite to the oval office, but this foreign president took it to a new level. is it funny or offensive? we report. you decide. >> and nascar continues to salute the u.s. military this weekend at the pocono 400. we'll head right there after the break. [ band playing, crowd cheering ] ♪ come fly with me... before the new mr. and mrs. nowak were soaring 500 feet above the wild savanna of san diego, and before acacia leaves became
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quick headlines, new york city building comes crashing down. >> tucker: 200 pound of dynamite was used to bring down the apartment building to make room for a new park. >> taking a big chill visiting the white house. he broke with protocol. chuckling as he sits behind the desk of the oval office. he says he allowed to sit there because his daughter was born in the u.s.. >> anna: nascar is saluting with a party in the poconos zbluiy century shoemaker, thank you for your service to our country. >> clayton: what will you
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be doing in the big pocono 400. you will be driving the pace car? >> yes, sir. i will be driving the pace car and i did the training this morning and it was an amazing experience. i'm really honored to have nascar bring us out here. it's a part of the experience. >> clayton: and part of the program to reach one million salutes to military members. this track,. >> anna: it's a triangle. >> it's difficult. but did you have trouble out there in the pace car? >> no, trouble at all. it's not like a regular track. >> anna: and leading 43 cars around there and another piece you being honored for years of service. coming up with these things for children and assembling
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them together helps them to deal with unique issues. talk about that. >> i have two children right now. i had support from organizations. it's a great feeling knowing that your children are taking care of while you are deployed to afghanistan or iraq. and people from the public were honoring them while giving us support. >> clayton: we are looking at pictures of you during your service. tell us about your service to our country so our jurors can familiarize themselves with you a little bit. >> i joined in 2003. i went to basic training in missouri. i was first stationed in dmz and then i went to texas and deployed to iraq in 2006. then i came back from
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deployment and went to alaska and deployed from there in 2011. came from deployment at west point. >> anna: we thank you so much for your service. >> i'm not too sure. it's a great turn out for the event. >> clayton: good luck to you. driving the pace car and have a great weekend and thanks again for your service to the country. thanks so much, sergeant. >> more "fox and friends" three minutes away. greek yogurt. here we go. honey cornflakes and chunks of greek yogurt. i'm tasting both the yogurt and the honey at the same time. i'm like digging this yogurt thing. i feel healthy. new honey bunches of oats greek.
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ignites. it collided with a most but the fuel tanks caught on fire. no word on how the most is doing. and immortalized in a movie. she was arrested for boating under the influence. twice the legal limit. boating, wow! that is drunk boater. d.u.i.,. >> limit for boating the same as driving. >> clayton: i don't think are suppose be to lit at all. >> should you tip on service or rolled into the bill. one sushi restaurant says control should be in the hands of consumer. all right. not everyone gets the
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trophy. thanks to anna for filling in. "fox and friends" tomorrow morning. >> anna: go to fox alert this morning, it will be an extraordinary event. last minute reaction to the important questions about the government collecting our private information. phone records, email accounts and other data. fox news learning that a special closed door on the surveillance programs will take place on capitol hill this week for every member of congress. this as new details revealed about the internet dragnet giving the ns have a unprecedented access to emails and more. white house defending it in advance of tuesday meeting by every member of the house that is extraordinary
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