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tv   Hannity  FOX News  June 10, 2013 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT

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and if you find any there is going to be there's for watching us tonight. i'm bill o'reilly. the spin s we're definitely looking out. welcome to hannity tonight for the very first time we are hearing from the source of the bombshell leaks regarding the unprecedented ability to spy on you, the american people. he is 29-year-old edward snowden, a former resident of hawaii, who worked as a contactor for the national security agency and the cia. he is currently hiding in hong kong. in a moment you will hear directly from the man who some consider to be a hero and others are calling a traitor. first, it's important to understand exactly what top secret information whistle-blower revealed to the
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public. it falls in two categories. he told the uk guardian newspaper about this court order, the one you see there. it permits the u.s. government to collect the phone records of 100 million verizon customers, including what numbers you dialed and when and where you dialed them. and the second highly sensitive program to be outed is prism that allows the nsa to tap into nine leading internet companies. this is one of several classified slides obtained by the "washington post" explaining how it all works. on the left you can see a list of service providers and web sites that are being targeted, including microsoft, yahoo! facebook and some others. and on the right is all the personal information that can be extracted, e-mails, photos, video and special requests. in other words, big brother is monitoring your everywhere, whether it be online or on the
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definitely telephone. the individual responsible for leaking the two of these spy programs has now come forward and he spoke to the guardian newspaper yesterday. >> they specifically targets the communication of everyone. it ingests by default. it collects them in a system and filters them, analyzes them, measures and stores them. any analyst can target anyone. i sitting at my desk had the authority to wiretap you, to act account, federal judge or the president if ordered. it is dangerous to democracy. >> pretty chilling. let's talk about why is this important to you? number one, this is america. as law abiding american citizens you have a right to privacy. number two, these actions by the
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obama administration are very clear violation of the fourth amendment, which prohibits unreasonable search and seizure. number three, the institution. it is our rule of law. if we do not respect and honor the constitution, anarchy and tyranny will follow. kentucky senator rand paul. welcome back, sir. >> good to be with you. if you see the president, can you give him a message? >> what is it? i'll see him later. yeah. >> here's the message for the president. i'm in philadelphia. he doesn't need to look at my phone records. i'll let him know where i am tonight in case he's looking for. >> the only place they won't be able to find you is on msnbc. all right. let me ask you -- let me see if i've got this write. the government is snooping on every american. they've been resistant to say ft. hood is a word on terror.
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apparently they're looking up t for tea party. i think these are connected inasmuch as they say a lot. what are your thoughts? >> the first objection is obviously the bill of rights, as you said. really you had a bright to privacy. they shouldn't be loud to look at your records unless they thought you skpheutcommitted a . the boston marathon bomber, we knew he was a potential problem. but then somebody forgot to look and found out he had tphraoepb back to chechnya. we can't keep up with the people we've been told about. the underwear bomber called him out. he still got on a plane. i think really we have to step back and say it is good police work.
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but also isn't our right to privacy more important than this? >> would you say it's broad sweeping, the least effective method possible and the most intrusive on our rights? >> yeah. and i think the thing is really this is what our finding fathers fought the revolution over. they objected to general warrants. these were warrants that didn't specify who was going to be searched so the british soldiers could go house to house. now we're going to computer to computer, of every american. they're going through a billion phone calls a day. from your phone records they can track your movements. that's why i was joking about saying i was in philadelphia. i called my wife and they can ping that and they will know i'm in philadelphia tonight. do we really want them tracking our whereabouts. >> that's funny. but honestly, it's not that funny. the president as a candidate had a lot of things to say about
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this. that he wouldn't do this. let's remind the people of the things he promised. >> if someone wants to know why their own government goes on a fishing expedition through a library books you read, the phone calls that you've made, the e-mails that you've sent, this legislation gives people no right to appeal for such a search in a court of law. >> as president, a the first thing i'm going to do is call my attorney general and say review every executive order reviewed by george bush whether it comes to reading e-mails, detaining people. go through every single one of them. and if they are unconstitutional. if they're encroaching on civil liberties unnecessarily, we are going to overturn them. >> i will provide them with the tools they need to track without undermining our institution and our dread only. we need to find a way forward to
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make sure we can stop terrorists while protecting privacy and liberty of innocent americans. as for our common defense, we reject as fault the choice between your safety and our ideals. >> senator, did he fulfill those promises in. >> well, see, this is why the public has such a low regard for politicians. it's upper, frank, hypocrisy. this is also the same president who made all the grand promises who signed legislation that said an american citizen can be arrested without charge and sent to guantanamo bay. but he said i won't ever do it. i didn't intent to do it. so he says a lot of good things. and he sounds good. but he doesn't really seem to mean anything that he says. and that is why americans are so fed up with washington. >> senator, the director of
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national intelligence back in march told the senate intelligence committee did not collect data of millions of americans. i want to air this and see if you think this is true. >> does the nsa collect any type of data at all, a million or hundreds of millions of americans. >> no, sir. >> it does not? >> not wittingly. there are cases where they could inadvertently perhaps collect, but not wittingly. >> senator, did he tell the truth there? >> you know what, he may be parsing the truth. maybe they say they're not collecting it or keeping it. but they're certainly looking at it. the court order says that all the records from a three-month period from people who have phones with verizon were looked at. maybe hes we're not collecting it, but we're sure the heck
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looking at it. but i think ultimately american people have to decide. and i started a lawsuit. we're asking tens of millions of americans to join our lawsuit. we want you on our lawsuit, shawn. they're probably looking at your phone records for certain. we want tens of millions of americans to sign up and say to the president, we don't want you looking at our phone records unless we're accused of a crime. >> senator, i have a thought today. i want to run it by you. i was thinking, if this was -- they keep saying this was done in the name of national security. and this is so general and broad sweeping and in efficient, as we stated. if they really cared about security, wouldn't they secure the border first before they would spy on all these americans. >> there's all kinds of things. even back to 9/11. the 20th hijacker he had we had,
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the fbi had them for a movement they wrote 70 letters asking for a warrant and they never came. we're overly broadly looking at everyone's records. the wrong way to go. >> senator, keep up the good work. >> thank you. and next, tonight on hannity, we were never told we were able to find out the information has been revealed this week. i think it's fiction. i think it's a fiction that everyone in congress knows. >> rank and file democrats calling out the obama administration saying they were never briefed about the controversial program. by the way, time for you to vote on tonight's video. there are three options. the new cell phone video of trayvon martin. we will explain why lawyers think it's important for their case. logon to hannity live or twitter. alec, for this mission i upgraded your smart phone.
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uh-oguess what day it is!is?? huh...anybody? julie! hey...guess what day it is?? ah come on, i know you can hear me. mike mike mike mike mike... what day is it mike? ha ha ha ha ha ha! leslie, guess what today is? it's hump day. whoot whoot! ronny, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? i'd say happier than a camel on wednesday. hump day!!! yay!! get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. welcome back to hand any. president obama's own words coming back to haunt him as he pounced on the bush administration owe how they handled the war on terror. jay carney insisted lawmakers
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informed. watch in. >> in these cases there has been substantial provision of information to congress depend on the section we're talking about of the patriot act to all members and leadership. >> fortunately for this administration, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are disputing that claim. here's what keith ellison said over the weekend. >> are you allowed to see everything? >> i don't think i am. i'm allowed to see certain things. it's available if you make certain times and places to go see it. but i am not aware of this program that was revealed today. i have no idea. checked our e-mails and notices. we were never told we were able to find out the information that's been revealed this week. >> why is this story? why should it be important to you? americans need to make sure
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presidential candidates, in this case president barack obama. we need to trust our elected representatives are not being kept in the dark about programs. we need to provide checks and balances. third, the situation makes us wonder what else are they hiding? fox news contributor leslie national. you and i are friends even though we have a lot of political disagreements. >> we're not going to call each other anymore. >> obama made very specific promises on this specific issue. one after the other. we just played it in the last second. as a liberal who voted for him. he didn't keep his promise.
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>> absolutely. however, i do know something. i think when one is elected to the presidency, whether they're on the left or right, i think it's the reality. and i think this is a reality. i think the president came in and he saw some of the things ta former president bush did that i didn't like. i was very uncomfortable. i thought it was overreaching. as he spoke in the state of union, terrorism is not just about bombs, marathons and buildings coming down. as we see with china, it's cyber attacks on the internet. as commander in chief his first priority is to keep americans safe. not only here but abroad. and national security is essential. polls show americans want their privacy but they want security for the privacy. and they're not uncomfortable with phone records being
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gathered. >> the i.t. kill list, yes. we have gitmo remains open. now he was against warrantless searches and the broadest possible definition mi americans looked into. what are your thoughts. >> the president doesn't like to use the word trifle. he doesn't want to acknowledge we're in a war on terrorism but doesn't mind using the war powers as commander in chief to protect the homeland. so the idea that we are not in a war. we won't call it a war. but he exercises these activities, shows this is a political move not a legal one. i said early on when barack obama was running for president in 2008 he was making all this heavy criticism of president bush. i said he's not the one that's going to the 7:00 in the morning briefing that john ashcroft and
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director mueller used to do with president bush when you listen to what's really going on and finding out the nature of the attack. the left is saying he's now president so he should have the right to do this. when you look at what happened in the bush administration and to plain about the patriot act, when this president is doing what he's doing, give me a break. you said in your earlier statement with senator paul, the idea -- and i don't think it's the same tier. but you have this problem with the irs with disclosure issues, overstepping bounds and targeting people and the leaks here. ask yourself, who is running this government? and do you really trust, in the irs case, they will be enforcing obama care. do you trust them? you don't think that can be leaked? they had a 29-year-old who leaked this information. imagine what the irs can do with your information. >> leslie, respond to that. >> jay, there was a gentleman on
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fox who used to work for the nsa. he said we're not super human. we're human. everybody who works in there, when president, republican, they are human beings. they always err. there's always going to be somebody with their hand out. >> these aren't errors. you act as if this is unintentional. >> years ago when we had people giving information to other countries they were called traitors or conspirators. we even had a husband and wife hanged. >> i don't consider rosen a traitor or conspirator. >> you don't think that information -- >> let him finish, leslie. go ahead. >> you're acting, leslie, as if this is unforced errors and people make mistakes. this was an intentional leak. you have an intentional targeting. and the irs simply says, we
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apologize for doing this. when you file air false tax return you don't get to say i'm sorry. it's all connected. it's lack of government control. >> i have to watch -- i understand it's somebody's birthday and anniversary. >> share it with my mom, who is watching. >> thank you. >> happy birthday. happy anniversary. widespread coverups. liz cheney is here in studio. and elijah cummings claims that the irs scandal has been solved. interesting development. two republican lawmakers join me later to explain how that statement could not be further from the truth. don't forget, you get to pick the video of the day. hannity live. here is a tense moment at this
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it appears a brand-new scandal is about to rock the obama administration involving coverups at the state department. according to the report "several recent investigations were influenced, manipulated or simply called off. the memo abstained by cbs news cited eight specific examples. among them, allegations that a state security official in
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beirut engaged in sexual assaults on foreign nationals hired as embassy guards and the charge and that members of former secretary of state hillary clinton engaged prostitutes while on official trips in foreign countries. and underground drug ring that was operating near the u.s. embassy in baghdad. pretty unbelievable. the question is, why is this story important to you? first, the state department won't comment about specific allegations in the report. that begs the question, why not? what is so dangerous with the truth? state department employees are being paid for by you, the american taxpayer. they need to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner, consistent with american principles. third, respects the rule of law. the crimes outlined in these memos, then justice needs to be
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served. pretty shocking. >> amazing. i would add a fourth, national security. one of the allegations in this report that ambassador currently serving in a european country that fox isn't naming, that he was called back to washington and reprimanded. when you have a situation with foreign intelligence services no one of our ambassadors may be engaging in that activity might be a threat. >> it may cause them to not like us and want to attack us. if they're committing sexual assaults, would that be a case? >> the fact that the assertion has been made that this stuff is being covered up. and i punt to the involvement of cheryl mills, the chief of staff, very clearly directed and
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was implicated in the benghazi coverup, now this coverup, she is somebody who really needs subpoenaed and answer directly, what role was she playing. >> why do you think the investigations always stop? >> well, it looks to be this administration, if you look at the relationship with the inspector general in this case, the relationship with the irs. the normal boundaries that previous administrations have respected. you have the head of the irs that the white house wants during the bush administration. they simply don't mean anything to this president. and at the same time that you see him engaging and his people engaging in these kind of coverups, they have absolutely no concern about doing things like the story a couple of weeks ago now where they have released the names, e-mail, the gps coordinates of 80,000 farmers and ranchers to environmental
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groups. here is exactly where they live. and they have absolutely no concern about giving out personal information, putting people at risk, putting their business at risk, maybe their lives at risk. >> i've been using the term chasing rabbits. it seems that the administration will do anything to get off the scandal they are now facing. >> you have to think the pace at which this stuff is coming out, this administration has been for the most part very skilled politically. they are facing very real scandals. for example, the irs. like we may not have seen since watergate. they used the irs to target political enemies. >> you follow national security very closely. when the server systems operated
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by microsoft, google, yahoo! skype, apple, et cetera, they were looking at people's e-mails, the transfers, live chats, file transfers. i mean, is that necessary? >> you know, i'm a supporter of the nsa program. and i believe the admiral, if it had been in place before 9/11 we may have very well prevented that attack. if we have a program under way where they are using it to say, okay, who else in this country have they talked to, i would be much more hesitant to say immediately, look, this is a problem with this program. i think our national security depends on it. >> the least sufficient thing we want to do. because i agree with you. i would support it to an extent.
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but we don't control our borders? >> i don't think you and i know exactly how this program works. my anger, frankly is directed at that young man who revealed the details of this program and then fled to china. imagine that. he revealed the details of this program. -- >> i understand. >> but revealed the details and then fled. but the president can't have it both ways. he can't stand up and say the war is over. then he has a credibility problem when undertaking something like this which is clearly something you do when you are at war. >> what we do know, though, concerns me. it is so broad sweeping it seems the least in efficient way, accumulating all this data they could never sift through anyway. they won't control our borders. >> well, and i think that's the problem with barack obama. when you have a problem who has completely lost his credibility,
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the american people cannot depend or rely on him to tell us the truth about very simple things like what's happening at the state department when you have something as significant. >> beautiful location you have here, shawn. >> congratulations. your daughter is doing great in her barrel racing. >> thank you. coming up next tonight on hannity. >> based on everything i have seen, if it were me, i would wrap this case up and move on. >> oh, really? coming up next, two republican lawmakers who serve on the same committee. the scandal is nowhere near being over. you get to vote on the video of the day. logon to our special companion site, hannity live. cast your vote for today. here is option number 3.
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part of our goal to inspire more than three million people to rediscover the joy of being active this summer. see the difference all of us can make... together. americans are still asking who was involved. this scandal has been, quote, foul. here's what congressman elijah cummings said just yesterday. >> based on everything i have seen the case is solved. i would wrap this case up and move on, to be frank with you. the irs, by the way, they made recommendations. those recommendations are being adopted by the irs. we've got a new commissioner in, acting commissioner. >> right. >> he is doing a great job. i think he's in great job. >> not surprise leg, republicans
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immediately said that is irresponsible and reckless. why did the ranking member say that after it was said they would conduct a thorough review. here's what jay carney said just last month. >> what our focus is and has been is the need to find out all the inappropriate activity that occurred, made sure the president insists those who were responsible be held accountable. that is why he has instructed new leadership conduct the review. we are interested in congressional oversight. >> why is this story important to you? number one, we still don't know how high up the scandal goes. we don't know who knew what, when or where. the irs is still harassing
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conservatives. all of this is far from being solved. if a small tea party group from alabama can be targeted from the administration, so can you. here's the reaction. ohio congressman jim jordan and michael turner. congressman, jordan, is it solved, the mystery? can you answer these questions? i didn't hear about the answers. >> if it was solved we would know who these two rogue agents in cincinnati are. they wouldn't bleed to bleed the fifth. and never, ever, ever forget this is the same agency that's going to be charged with enforcing obama care. that's why it is so critical we get to the bottom of it and why it is so critical we try to stop the legislation altogether. every string you pull on this string unravels something new.
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>> rogue agents, cincinnati. we have the transcripts. they said, no, we were under orders from d.c. center we resolved that? >> absolutely not. someone initiated this. someone approved it. others knew. this was a stamm attic targeting of the american public based on their political beliefs. it's not one agent or one person. the investigation is not over. you can't hold people accountable and make sure it doesn't happen again. if you say this was done by one person. it certainly wasn't. >> the cincinnati irs workers contradicted that alibi. they said it was washington. what do we know about? >> the lawyer in washington was involved in this based on what they told staff on the oversight committee in depositions. we still don't know why doug shul man went to the white house 157 times.
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mike is exactly right. for an administration to use an agency as a weapon against a political opponent is as wrong as things can be in this country. that is exactly why we've got to get to the bottom of this. and it will take some time. it took eight months to break through on benghazi. it will take a while to see who organized it, who choreographed it. >> what are the top three, four things you want answers to? >> i want to know the people at washington who made this happen. if it went to the white house, who in fact, did this. you don't discover it until you interview folks, sit them down both in cincinnati and washington. we sent out for 15 additional people. that's how you get to the bottom of this. it took a long time. it took a long time before greg was willing to come forward and give us some answers on benghazi.
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it's going to take some time to figure out who the individuals are and tell us where this started. that's the key thing. >> your top 3. what are the top three questions you want answered. >> well, to hold people accountable you have to know who and see how it unfolds and how do we make certain that the laws are established. and, third, i believe there are laws on the books now that were probably violated. we need to find out how this applied and hold people accountable. >> i think it's pretty basic. do you connect the two stories? the nsa targeting all americans with these broad spaoweding, go after phone records. >> well, i certainly think when you view it all in context you go back to the drone question that senator paul asked. then you looked at the coverup
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of the benghazi. the irs targeting of political opponents. and now this. that has people so concerned. when you view it in context, it's a scary, scary picture. that's why i look at it. we're going to have to look at the law. >> we'll go after tea party patriot but not the terrorist. none of this makes sense. beam me up, scotty. no intelligent life here now. >> good to see you. appreciate it. >> a member of the armed forces facing a backlash. for dare to go read a book authored by me or mark levin or david limbaugh.
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welcome back to hannity. but remember the u.s. army band is facing article 15 charges after saying he was reprimanded for having anti obama bumper stickers on his car. and reading david limbaugh, mark levin and little old me, shawn hannity. they use nathan summers of giving the wrong date for an appointment and failing to carry out an order. my next guest said the timing seems strange and thinks this could be an attempt to build a case against his client because of a his conservative beliefs. number one, whether the bin
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administration likes it or not, it protects free speech. we're talking about an who is vo serve our military more than two decades. this man deserves better. number three this is another fwla glaring example of the administration's efforts to target and punish conservatives. joining me now, retired navy commander john wells and the reporter who broke the story, colleague and friend, fox news radio star. >> good to see you. >> and let's talk about your client for a bit hire. explain the circumstances and timing of the charges they leveled against him? >> the original charges or problem came up when he displayed pro-republican, anti-obama bumper stickers on his car, prior to the election, which he was allowed to do.
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he served chick-fil-a. quite a problem with it. and reading books by you and levin and limbaugh, and basically incurred the wrath and displeasure of the command. >> yew. >> the interesting thing, i have seen this before. i was a regular officer, not j.a.g. they target somebody and build a case. the day todd started asking questions about his initial story, that very afternoon, the article 15 came out. now, maybe that's a coincidence, but the military i learned really probably isn't a coincidence. >> i'll tell you, todd, the bumper sticker was no-bama. >> fairly innocuous. but when he was brought in for questioning, he was told that bumper sticker created a hostile
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work environment, even though on his personal car, in the parking lot of the military base. and from there, it went through -- to the chick-fil-a incident, where he served chick-fil-a at his promotion party. who would have thought that eating chick-fil-a would get him in trouble with superior officers. >> you broke the story and that very same day, or the next day, is when they went after him with this article 15 charge? >> that's right, sean. and one of the things that it called the military to verify information that we were getting and we alerted them we were doing the story. the very next day, when we got word from mr. wells his client being brought up on article 15 charges. >> article 15 doesn't mean he has any chance of being kicked out of the military, but, still, i would assume he wants a clean record, and can you prove that
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they are connected? >> well, actually, it does mean he could be kicked out of the military, can't do that at an article 15, but basis for quality review board, which can put him out of military. the timing of it just seems very, very suspicious, sean. it's -- you know, you just -- like said, first thing is coincidence. >> reading obama's book, is that a problem? communist manifesto? >> i think it probably would be okay. thinking about bringing one of your books in, but military police might take it away from me. >> an autograph copy and a football to match. >> it seems to be targeted. >> todd, what is the status? >> we have to make a decision as to whether or not we'll refuse the article 15 or take a court martial. my concern, i don't believe that he gets a fair article 15 from the colonel in command.
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and one of the things we have to consider, one of the things perhaps, maybe the military district of washington will come down and take it away. another -- >> sean, big picture a disturbing pattern developing, under the obama administration, attacks on evangelical christians and on conservatives and a mountain of evidence. people sending information to my website. and you are not going to believe what they are doing to us, and just last week, sean, an air force chaplain told to remove a video because it had the word god in the video, they were concerned it might offend muslims. >> unbelievable. all right. we'll continue to follow the footballs and books from levin, limbaugh, and myself, coming to this guy's way. thank you very much. coming up next, your pick for the video of the day. that is next. i'm a careful investor.
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welcome back to "hannity." time to reveal your choice of the video of the day. the video of the day. >> a new video, claims to haver to be from vatron martin's cell phone shows two men fighting. some experts have disputed whose voice is on the tape, where the 911 tape, where someone in the background can be heard yelling for help. according to reports, martin's family says the new cell phone video doesn't belong in court. i disagree. we will follow that as news
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warrants. that's all the time we have left. thank you for being with us. greta van susteren is standing by to go plief "on the record." we'll see you back here tomorrow night. take it away. >> we should be concerned about what the government is doing under the guise of keeping us safe. >> if people can't trust the executive branch and don't trust federal judges to make sure that we are abiding by the constitution, due process and rule of law, then we are going to have some problems here. >> there is a role for congress here. we need to have these checks and balances. we want to protect our civil liberties, we want to protect our nation from a terrorist attack. but there is a fine line of greater accountability


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