tv FOX and Friends FOX News June 11, 2013 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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amendment. thanks so much to everyone who responded. >> we always appreciate it. and "fox & friends" starts right now. see you back here tomorrow. have a great afternoon. bye. >>gretchen: good morning. it is june 11. i'm gretchen carlson. last time you saw me was in a posh hotel room exposing american secrets. now that guy edward snowden is on the run. should he be charged as a criminal? >>steve: the obama administration is scrapping age restreugss on birth -- age restrictions on birth control. why the white house says it's okay for women and girls of any age to buy the morning-after pill. straight ahead. >>brian: tim tebow gets another shot at an nfl team. what team is taking a chance on tebow? "fox & friends" starts right now.
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>>steve: it's good that tim tebow has got a job. he didn't do anything last year. >>gretchen: brian wanted him to go to the canadian league for the last month, where a lot of quarterbacks have gone and then come back and had successful careers in the nfl. >>brian: not the canadian lingerie league. that would be bad. but i would just think, the big question is where and where do you tackle? here's the thing with tim tebow. last year he didn't get a chance to play. it's his third year in the league, it didn't happen. the jets destroyed his career. they made him unhirable except for bill bell a check? >>gretchen: was it bill
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or his old quarterback? that might be the connection. >>brian: that might be the tease to save the story. >>steve: it might be fantastic if this coming season he actually plays. >>brian: and he plays the jets. that would be fascinating. >>gretchen: now we're going to do other headlines. while you were sleeping riots have been raging in turkey. hundreds of police using tear gas and rubber bullets as antigovernment riots rage on. you can see protesters throwing molotov cocktails at armed vehicles. police sprayed a man with a water cannon. for more than a week protesters have been camping out in a park trying to stop a development project. >> last night the obama administration announced girls of all ages can buy the morning-after pill without a prescription. the administration, department of justice, had been fighting the over the counteraccess to plan b for
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certain age groups but gave up after setbacks in court. until recently it was only available to women without a prescription to women 17 and older. another limo has caught fire in california, but this time everyone got out alive. ten people were inside the car. many of them in their 90's. they were celebrating one of the birthdays for the people in the car. some of the women who relied on walkers and canes had to be pulled out when the car started smoking. >> there was smoke and then ladies were coming out of the back of the car. and i was telling them hurry up, hurry up. and all of a sudden flames from that same area -- huge flames burst out of the car. i'm 90 years old. now i have all this business to remember. >> they all escaped. the owner of the limo company blames it on mechanical error.
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>>brian: they went to the party any way? >>gretchen: why not? tim tebow born again this morning? there are multiple reports the patriots are about to sign him. he is expected to compete for the backup quarterback spot. the jets released tebow in april, patriots offensive coordinator josh mcdaniels was the broncos head coach when tebow was originally drafted. he's going to be the third string quarterback actually. >>steve: the leaker is on the loose. where is he? we're talking about edward snowden. yesterday checked out of his five-star hotel where that videotape was made, five-star hotel in hong kong. why? perhaps it had something to do with the fact that the director of national intelligence, james clapper, jed filed a crime report with the department of justice. now officials are pursuing an investigation. of course this is the same james clapper who was
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talking to senator wyden in march where wyden said is the n.s.a. keeping records on millions of americans, and he flatout lied. he said no. >>gretchen: i think he had -- i'm not suggesting that people lie, but i do think now we're finding out maybe the government does need to have an n.s.a. and does need to have a couple of secrets. >>steve: otherwise tell us the truth. >>gretchen: i don't know if you can expose that when you're under oath to tell the entire world how you're fighting terrorism because then you're not fighting terrorism anymore. it is a double edge. in the meantime, what kind of criminal charges will be filed now against edward snowden. here's an international criminal defense attorney, douglas mcfab. >> the u.s. government will do two things, one, send over by diplomatic channels or law enforcement a provisional arrest warrant which is a temporary arrest warrant provided for in the
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extradition treaty between hong kong and the united states. they would be sneaking to have mr. snowden arrested and detained up to 60 days. that would give the u.s. government time to file a full-blown petition for extradition. once he's in extradition proceedings, he has two choices. he can waive extradition and return to the u.s. and stand trial or he can challenge. he can fight that extradition. that's the first thing the government could do. the second thing is that the government could go to interpol in d.c., request interpol out of france to request a red notice. that red notice is sent to 190 countries. >>brian: a lot of people say this guy is a hero and everyone is being spied on and he wanted to take a personal risk and throw his life in the street for the american people. i don't feel that way. i believe for the good of other secrets we need in our best interest, which include this, it is in our best interest for the terrorists not to know everything exposed in such detail. that is just my.
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i know most of you do not agree from the radio to the e-mail yesterday, and that's fine. here's the problem. if a 29-year-old can get away with it, expect a 33-year-old, a 39-year-old, everybody in the private sector as well as those in government say i want to be a hero, i want my 15 minutes of fame. i'm not sure i can agree with this program again. and look for the bottom to fall out. when it comes to snowden in particular, it seems as though his personal life is being somewhat exposed as they try to find out who he is and where he's going. >>gretchen: the latest poll shows 56% of americans believe it would be okay to do these types of program. >>brian: but they said the wiretapping they're for but when it came to the prism program, 52% is against what the prism program brings -- >>steve: the government -- >>brian: just a little bit about his background. his girlfriend, a ballerina /pole dancer was looking at him as the man
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of mystery, a lot of mysterious elements to their relationship including him saying we're not going to get married, in fact i've got to go. he leaves, ends up in hong kong, a place they at one time visited together. there's her in her tutu. >>gretchen: i knew you wanted to get to those pictures. she was devastated. she moved to hawaii for this man. she called him "e" as her secret mystery man. he takes off. he told his boss he has epilepsy and seizures and now has to leave his position. i'm on the same argument with you, brian, that i believe we need to keep this nation safe first and foremost. do i like the fact that the government may be looking at e-mails and phone calls and all that? not especially. but i really don't like the fact that a 29-year-old guy or millions of other people out there can have access like this to our top secrets. i just don't think -- there's too many people that have access to that and i agree with you more people will come out to potentially be heroes.
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>>steve: you start with a little, the next thing you give away a lot. two f.b.i. agents went to edward snowden's father's home. the father told the local paper i'm processing the news of what my son has done. the step mother very upset, worried she's never going to see him again. the congressional representative for that district, a republican, he said snowden should face prosecution. the question of all these people who know so much now about our security and how many people, something like close to a million people have security clearance, it all got ramped up after 9/11. that's obvious. but given the fact that in the years since 9/11, what the intelligence community tried to do is tried to tear down all the walls between the security agencies. you've got, in these rooms you've got all these analysts like snowden sitting there. you can't tell if it's a private contractor or if
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it's somebody working for the government. 1.2 million americans hold top secret clearances this morning all across the world. >>brian: 1.2 million overall and 38% of them are private contractors. ralph peters writes people believe and the military believes and most believe the private sector can do things more efficiently than the government. in this case he always thought there was a problem with the way we have been using private contractors to fight the war and to get intelligence while protecting us against the war. i'm fascinated on this entire situation because first you hear lawmakers weren't briefed. then i read dana mill bank say lawmakers were alerted. all 535 members of congress had authorization. they were called in. in 2011 we want to tell you about this program. almost nobody showed up. >>steve: the lawmakers had no idea how large the program has gotten. when george bush started it, it had to do with
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foreign international people. now it has come to the point where they're spying on all of us. >>brian: they're not necessarily spying on all of us. >>steve: they're collecting data on all of us. >>gretchen: it's not like they're reading my e-mail to brian that i wrote yesterday. i don't think they're that interested. th*efr looking for buzz -- they're looking for buzzwords. >>steve: they've got on record all the e-mails in the united states. >>gretchen: they have a list to my husband, with honey dos. >>steve: let's hope you don't use the wrong language. >>gretchen: hopefully we haven't gotten to that point. what kind of psychological tests are performing on these people? does the government have different protocol when it gives employees classified status compared to these federal contractors or do they have the same types of programs? or are they giving it to anybody? edward snowden dropped out of high school -- nothing
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wrong with that -- he was a computer genius. that's how he got into his position. what are the roadblocks people have to go through to be able to get this kind of clearance? >>steve: the fellow who cofounded home depot said yesterday on the neil cavuto we should throw snowden a party. >>brian: next, google and the president, ties between the two. many wonder if it's open season on their personal data because he is a big democratic support. we'll look at that. >>gretchen: when do men finally grow up? is it at 30? 40? 50? i do a lot of research on angie's list
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before i do any projects on my own. at angie's list, you'll find reviews written by people just like you. i love my contractor, and i am so thankful to angie's list for bringing us together. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. there's a new way to fight litter box odor. introducing tidy cats with glade tough odor solutions. two trusted names, one amazing product.
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we all have one. that perfect spot. a special place we go to smooth out the ripples of the day. it might be off a dock or on a boat. upstre or in the middle of nowhere. wherever it may be, casting a line in the clear, fresh waters of michigan lets us leave anything weighing us down back on shore. our perfect spot is calling. our perfect spot is pure michigan. your trip begins at >>steve: google is one of nine internet companies tied to a secret program allegedly allowing the government to collect our private information. if true, the security breach feels a bit suspicious. in 2012 google was one of the top contributors to the white house reelection campaign of obama. here's what the google c.e.o. had to say in 2009.
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>> if you have something you don't want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn't be doing it in the first place. but if you need that kind of privacy, the reality is that search engines, including google, do retain this information for some time. >>steve: what do they do with that stuff? how long does google store your information and can its white house ties be affecting internet privacy? joshua green is a senior national correspondent for bloomberg business week. he joins us live from boston. good morning to you, sir. >> good morning. >>steve: what do you think about google? it is curious because so many people rely on it. eric schmitt, clearly ties to the democratic party, and in fact he pretty much put together the data team that helped barack obama win back in 2012, what do you think about all this? >> well, a couple things. schmitt is a big democratic donor. but he also gives a lot of
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money to republicans. he gave $32,000 to the national republican senatorial committee in april. he's one of these business guys who i think realizes you need to have access to both parties if you want to succeed in business. >>steve: sure. how do we know, joshua, that google won't leak -- google keeps track of every key stroke that we make when we're part of the google family. how do we know that google won't leak what we have done, our browsing history, to somebody like a political party much like what the i.r.s. did to political parties before the election? >> well, i think that's probably a question for google. but i think the answer from an outside standpoint would be, look, if a company can't be trusted with data, if people think there's some kind of a partisan agenda behind how they run their business, they'll lose customers. what google seems to be about is being the biggest dominant, most kind of all-inclusive search engine there is. it seems doubtful they
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would do anything to intentionally risk their market share. but on the other hand, we've seen companies like facebook have problems with privacy. and that's something i think all tech companies need to be aware of. >>steve: i was looking on-line a little while ago. there is a fellow named dr. robert ep stein, a senior research economist at the behavioral institute for technology. he says the way a search engine stacks their results can impact an election. he cited it could give a favored candidate up to a 15% advantage. do you believe that? >> i think it's certainly possible in theory. i don't think that's just true with politicians. i think that's true with businesses. that is why there's so much competition with s.e.o. and the like to appear in the first pages of google's results. you certainly see that in politics, not just in campaigns buying different google search words, but in spreading blanket ads
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across websites on election day. that's something we're seeing more and more and i'd expect to see in the future for both parties. >>steve: do you worry about how much information google has on you or any of us? >> well, you know, it's a concern. on the other hand, like most americans, i'm sort of willing to trade some level of privacy for convenience. so far that hasn't caught up with me in a bad way, and i hope it doesn't. but this is a tough trade-off for all of us who are on our phones all day or g-mail or what have you. >>steve: joshua green joining us today from boston, thank you for your perspective, sir. 20 minutes after the top of the hour. next up on the rundown, take a look at this. what left a huge mark on the nose of that plane? was it a drone? details straight ahead. superstar turned superhero, country singer craig morgan jumped off his tour bus to save lives.
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he will be here live to tell us what happened right tell us what happened right there on that road. how can you get back pain relief that lasts up to 16 hours? with thermacare heatwraps. the only wrap with patented heat cells that penetrate deep to relax, soothe, and unlock tight muscles. and now, introducing reusable thermacare cold wraps. pain relief without the shock of ice.
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has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. of all t the placess i wawanted to vivisit. i'm m still not t going to make e it to marsrs, i cacan affd to crossss more t thins off my lisi. thisis year alonone, we wenent to the t top of t the statuee of libiberty... and ststill sasaved enoughgh to go o to texas to a a real dude ranchch. hotwirire checks the compmpetition's s rates
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>>brian: two big stories unfolding today. a judge will rule on nidal hasan's request to delay his trial. he says he needs it to prepare his own defense. many are outraged he's collecting more than $200,000 in pay. new york mayor bloomberg will ask an appeals court to reinstate his soda ban. it outlawed the sale of sugary drinks more than 16 ounces in march. i'll follow that story while gretchen does this.
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>>gretchen: thank you, brian. it was supposed to create thousands of jobs. remember? instead the government backed green company solyndra went bust leaving taxpayers on the hook for $527 million. former energy secretary chu now claims solyndra's style was more successful than wall street. he's the ex-energy chief but he's still believing in green programs taxpayers are shaking their heads on saying we lost a lot of money on this. >> frankly secretary chu is wrong. they did not do better than wall street. they did not do that. there is a long list of failures where the government put in money, taxpayers lost the money. it is a long list. what secretary chu is doing
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here is he is defending the whole idea that government should intervene in the marketplace on what are politically attractive industries. he's defending that position, defending that record and frankly he is wrong. >>gretchen: anybody in a former post would probably want to think they did a great job in their former job. the problem is if you are doing an interview with somebody who doesn't ask a follow-up question, that's the kind of headline you get with no other questions asked. you talked about a laundry list, let's look at it. >> what you're going to see here is a portion list. it starts with solyndra which was the flatout lost of more than a half billion dollars. it goes on and on and on. enter one, you name it. we're going to get that list. beacon powers, ever green solar, fisher coast works. this is a long list. what we just read out there is very much a partial list. then move on to the half billion dollars which the government put in to
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training green energy workers. they wanted to produce 125,000 green energy jobs, train them for those positions. they ended up with less than 10,000 full-time green energy jobs trained for. it is a long list of failure. but i think the reason why secretary chu is doing this is because he wants to lay the groundwork for continued subsidies of wind and solar industries. and president obama will not retreat. he will go forward with those subsidies. >>gretchen: here's the interesting thing. we have a new energy secretary now, and you and i were talking in the break, you believe that they are not trying to push forward these loans at a pace under secretary chu but they're still attempting to do it? >> the bulk of these loans were made in 2009-2010 when we just rolled in with the stimulus program. all together the taxpayer has put in $100 billion. some of it's been lost. going forward, they're rolling back those loans. they're not putting fresh loans into solar companies
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but what they are doing is tax break subsidies for solar and wind companies going forward. the president will not retreat. he's under attack with these scandals. he's got to shore up his base. his base is the environmental movement and he will shore up that base with continued subsidies. >>gretchen: you're going to shore up your show at 9:20 a.m. on the business network. stuart varney. don't miss it "varney and company." >> big drop coming for stocks at the opening bell. >>gretchen: will children under the anal of 12 now -- under the age of 12 now be able to get organs met for adults? adults? the ruling just in. [ male announcer ] you know what happens when we take away the late fees and penalty rate? no one misses them.
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>> president obama said of all being watched, he said no one in the government is listening to your phone call. you know, i believe the president. ever call a government agency? [laughter] >> the person on the other end is never listening. you can talk till you're blue in the face, they're never listening to what you say. >>steve: they're busy doing something.
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>>brian: the big debate yesterday was how much did congress know? how much didn't they know? ed henry and major garrett had the same question. jay carney could not shake them because he had no answer. >>steve: we've been having briefings with them for a long time. why didn't anybody know they should go? >>brian: keith he ellison said i have no idea. >>steve: on this tuesday we have headlines for you. a woman accused of stabbing her boyfriend to death with a stiletto, today she faces a judge. she called police in houston, texas, said she was being attacked. but when police arrived at the apartment they found the 59-year-old man dead. cops say the university of houston professor was stabbed several times in the head with a high heel. >>gretchen: a panel voting to allow organ
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transplant cases to allow on a case by case to receive organs from adult donors. this rule is effective until july 2014. >>brian: a mid air mystery. what happened to the nose of this plane? the air china jet was 26,000 feet in the air when there was a large bang. the pilot made an emergency landing and found the nose completely dented. no one was hurt. some people are guessing the damage was caused by a bird. others think it was a drone. chinese authorities are not saying. it be be superman, had i movie is -- his movie is out. he's trying to get publicity. >>gretchen: at what age do men finally grow up? if you're anything like these guys, the answer is probably never. >> can we turn that off? >> why are you guys so sweaty? >> the beds match up
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perfectly. it will give us so much extra space in our room. please say yes. >> you don't need permission from us to build bunk beds. you are adults. >>gretchen: according to a new study, both sexes agree guys stay immature at least into their late 30's and often as old as 43. a quarter of men questioned didn't deny it, but a third of women say they ended relationships because their partners wouldn't grow up. i think it's called commitment. things that drive women crazy: childish jokes, video games and racing on the road. by the way, the average age for a woman to mature is the very young age of 32. i didn't do the study, guys. i'm just reading the report. i'm not going to comment. >>steve: good to finally know. >>gretchen: brian, take it away. >>steve: we all qualify now as grownups. >>brian: i hope so. i'm going to try to act my age. chad johnson should try to act differently. he got 30 days behind bars for his slap of his male lawyer's behind. the former nfl star was
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pleading guilty do domestic violence. a plea deal would have avoided him jail time but the judge rejected it after a slap. you see him give his lawyer a slap on the butt. johnson has no one to blame but himself. >> you are in jail. you are incarcerated. you are a prisoner. you are a number because why? you didn't know to take a court case on domestic violence seriously enough in front of a female judge? if that ain't the height of idiocy, i don't know what is. >>brian: the judge says are you happy with your lawyer? and he turned around and slapped him on the butt like they do in games. the judge said are you kidding me? everyone laughed and the judge said you're not taking this seriously and that's why he's going to jail. he was on probation for
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head butting his then-wife. >>steve: you know what this probably has to do with, the story gretchen read about guys not maturing. >>brian: unless you score, you should not slap another man on the butt. jason kidd may not be away for too long. "the new york post" says he's emerged as a favorite to coach the brooklyn nets. the -- we're told the nets could make a decision by the end of the week. >>steve: another rainy day here in new york city. maria molina, i have to now mow my grass twice a week. >> at least you're getting water. in new york city we're talking about, i think, about six inches above what's average for this time of the year for this month. looking at a lot of moisture in the area. look at the radar picture across sections of new england. heavy rain across parts of upstate new york, srerpl, new
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srerpl, -- vermont and massachusetts. we're talking about another two to three even four inches of rain expected out here. we could be looking at isolated flooding concerns. we do have a severe weather threat across parts of the plains into the midwest. chicago, you're included. damaging winds, large hail and an isolated tornado will be a concern. >>brian: in 2005 an air force special opposite aircraft crashed this albania killing nine members aboard. to commemorate their memory, air force members formed the seven summit challenge becoming the first military team to climb the highest peak on each continent. it took eight years and culminated with the highest challenge of all: mount everest. joining us are three members to confirm this. major rob marshal, captain colin marin and rob disney. in between the summits you're fighting a couple of wars.
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where did it start? >> it started in albania. the first time in my life when that crash happened, i realized i was not indestructible. i kind of thought i was at the time. >>brian: what happened? >> good friends of mine were helping train local people there on a special operations training mission and didn't make it over a mountaintop. i tried to help out on the rescue and felt helpless so i decided i would do something to commemorate their lives. >>brian: captain, you decided for a similar reason? >> yeah. i heard about this team for a few years now and i wanted to get involved and support the team because i liked what they represent and it sound a really positive message. >>brian: then you have senior master sergeant rob disney. you served in war zones. in fact, you were actually shot in the face? >> that is correct. >>brian: what was that like? >> like getting hit with a sledgehammer. >>brian: you look great. you've recovered? >> so far so good. >>brian: how did it change your life? >> it really made me think about what i want out of my
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life, what kind of person i want to be and to try to reach my own personal heights every day. >>brian: seven summits. what are the mountains you went over? >> we started with mount everest in russia, we went to mount kilimanjaro in africa, mount mckinley in north america. mount vincent in antarctica. >>brian: where is this? >> the summit of mount everest. >>brian: who's holding the camera? >> pro-go cameras. >>brian: you guys are tied together. is that as perilous as it looks? >> 7,000 feet drop. >>brian: what is the trick? >> kind of focus and keep going up or down if you're on your way down. >>brian: is there a way to describe the feeling once you're on the top? >> i didn't go on top. major marshal opened up the trip to wounded warriors. he to bring
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wounded warriors with him because he understands the recuperative power of the mountains. >>brian: how do you get the word out? >> we started a website called climbing for all it is is a place for airmen that maybe are depressed or have ptsd or life problems and they want to go in the mountains with us. >>brian: gretchen, if you would come here real quick. we got a lot of bragging in the green room. major marshal said he can do 30 push-ups in 30 seconds. i said gretchen can do that too. why don't we square off with this. kick it off. let's go. one, two, three. come on, gretchen. five, six, this is great. eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
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20. and that is another great accomplishment for all involved. >> that's pretty good. >> good job, guys. good job, gretchen. you got to go find her a mountain. being that we're winded out here, tell us what's coming up next. good job, guys. >> thank you. >>steve: a top democrat says the n.s.a. whistle-blower committed treason but judge napolitano says edward snowden is an american hero. here comes the judge. he's next. vo: traveling you definitely end up meeting a lot more people but a friend under water is something completely different.
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i met a turtle friend today so, you don't get that very often. it seemed like it was more than happy to have us in his home. so beautiful. avo: more travel. more options. more personal. whatever you're looking for expedia has more ways to help you find yours. a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis,
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>>gretchen: welcome back. he outed himself as the source behind government leaks now edward snowden is on the run in hong kong. >>steve: how serious are the risks he faces and what are the chances of prosecution? >>brian: let's ask fox news senior judicial analyst judge andrew napolitano. you think this guy is a hero? .i think he is a hero for exposing one of the more massive violations of the constitution in united states history. obviously the justice department won't think that and obviously the
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intelligence community won't think that. in fact, i am certain the f.b.i. has begun an investigation of him already in order to gather as much information about him that they can. >>brian: that goes against the other side of your brain because you're about truth and justice, and yet you're saying that -- >> as you know, there's two sides to me. there's that judicial act because i took an oath to uphold the law even though i don't sit as a judge anymore. but there's my view that the government has gone way too far. and when people learn about what government does in secrecy, will tend to make government transparency accountable. >>gretchen: do you believe he has broken laws? >> yes. >>gretchen: do you believe he should be prosecuted? >> i think the justice department will prosecute him and i think a judge will not let him tell a jury i did this because i needed to know it because under the law that is not a defense. he has a moral defense, but as far as i know from what he said the other day in the interview he saw he doesn't have a legal defense. >>steve: you feel the
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n.s.a. program is unconstitutional because it is so broad and the fourth amendment and things like that. we're not going to go into that not. but you feel since he was able to leak to the guardian newspaper one of those fisa documents, he must have had help? >> i don't know if he gave that fisa order to lundregan -- to glenn greenwald but it is not a document to which he would have had access. judges of the fisa court don't have access to those documents once they read them and sign them. i have never seen a document like that in all the years following this -- >>gretchen: should we be concerned about the millions of people who have access to this highly classified information? >> nose numbers are misleading -- those numbers are misleading. the numbers you showed are the number of people who have classified security clearances. they don't all have document access to this program and to these documents. but the document we saw, an order signed by a federal
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judge authorizing and directing the n.s.a. to get all this information, it's highly unlikely that he at his level would have had that. what does that mean? somebody else gave the document to mr. greenwald. >>steve: judge napolitano, thank you very much. glenn snowden is a hero? e-mail us on that stores now charging $25 just to try on their clothes? details straight ahead. >>brian: superstar turned super hero, country sin tkpwer -- singer craig morgan jumped off his tour bus to save lives. he'll be here to tell us [ male announcer ] everyday thousands of people are choosing advil. here's one story. my name is taho and i'm a fish guy. it's a labor of love. it's a lot of labor and it's a lot of love. i don't need to go to the gym. my job is my workout.
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you're shoveling ice all day long. it's rough on the back. it's rough on the shoulders. i get muscle aches all over. advil is great. pain and soreness is just out of the picture. [ male announcer ] make the switch. take action. take advil. and if pain keeps you up, sleep better with advil pm. mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle. these are sandra's "homemade" yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one.
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>> gretchen: quick headlines now. in a few hours action jury selection will resume in george zimmerman trial. yesterday's four potential jurors were questioned about marathon of the case. lawyers must narrow down the pool. erin brockovich's mug shot revealed. she was arrested for boating under the influence. her blood alcohol was twice the legal limit as she struggled to dock a boat in nevada. she has since apologized. >> brian: he's a country star and fox friends friends all star performer. but now craig morgan is proving yet again that he's a true american hero. >> gretchen: three a three truck collision on a tennessee highway, it stalled his tour bus. morgan and his crew ran to the we can, tapping his experience as an emf. >> steve: and he joins us now live from st. louis. good morning to you, sir. >> good morning. >> steve: i remember when you were here. we talked a little bit about how
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the fact back in the day when you were, what, 18, 19, you were an emt. tell us what happened sunday morning when you were riding home after a concert in texas and you're in tennessee and what happened? >> we were on interstate 40, almost home and coming up on a wreck. unbeknownst to us, there was another wreck two miles ahead which caused this accident. there were three tractor-trailers involved. we didn't see the accident happen, but we seen the smoke immediately from the accident. we were about a quarter mile back from the accident. so i jumped off the bus and grabbed a couple of my guys, jerry and joey, who are a lot like me and asked them to come with me to make sure -- to see if there was anything we could do. we realized we were some of the first people to get up on the scene. my big concern when i got there was that there is a giant tanker. i didn't have -- i mean, you don't know what was in it.
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so we were concerned about the combustible product. so by the time i got there and tried to evaluate the situation, some of the volunteer firemen started arriving as well. >> gretchen: you knew from your experience that there were letters you were look for on the tanker to know whether or not it was combustible, right? >> oh, yeah. every tanker has a plaquard on it. and that dictates the product inside. so we started immediately scrambling for a -- every trucker that a tanker has one. i couldn't find the one in that particular tanker. honestly, at that point, we had a couple of people severely injured. fortunately, there was a doctor. nobody talked about him. he kind of showed up. he got out and come up to help. one of the truckers had a severe laceration on his head. he started tending to him as well did the first responders. started working on them. i found the book and i realized we had a product that were it
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leaking, it could be an issue. we started taking precautionary action to try to contain it. >> brian: i also know you rescued two young girls from a burning house in charlotte. all your work in iraq. why does this keep happening to you? >> i don't know. you know what? any time there's a situation like this, i think it's important that we as citizens, especially those of us who had that training. i was in law enforcement a long time. i think it's important we utilize the skills we've been educated with and do what we can to help others. i think everybody should. even if you don't have those skills, your basic need to help others. >> steve: sure. you were in the right place at the right time. i'm sure a couple of those people you saved said, hey, isn't that famous guy? thank you very much. you did the right thing. >> brian: great person and great mewization. congratulations. >> thank you. >> gretchen: we all have the
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>> gretchen: good morning, everybody. it's tuesday, june 11. i'm gretchen carlson. i hope you're gonna have a great day. new develops in the nsa whistle blower question. snowden vanished. the breaking details moments away. >> brian: then, a clown on a field and in a courtroom? chad johnson slaps his lawyer on a butt in court and it gets his deal rescinded and puts his butt in jail. >> if that ain't the height of i idiocy, i don't know what is. >> brian: more from steven a. smith. >> steve: she's just 12 years old, but she sure has pipes like a pro. ♪ o'er the ramparts we watched
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♪ were so gallantly streaming >> steve: that little girl, the heat's lucky charm, here to perform live on "fox & friends" hour two for tuesday starts right now. >> gretchen: good morning, everybody. >> brian: the 12-year-old? you had david stern talking about her. she outshined the heat in a game they had to win in the nba final. >> steve: we're hoping it's dry outside so that we can have her outside as we raise the flag in front of our world headquarters. but it is a little rainy. so it might happen inside. >> gretchen: she's an amazing good luck charm for the heat. apparently they're 18-2 when she sings the national anthem. >> brian: it also helps they have lebron james on their team.
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>> gretchen: let's talk about that leaker, ed snowden. guess what? he's no longer holed up in the hotel in hong kong. he's on the run. where has he gone and what is next? how will the u.s. actually find him and what will they potentially charge him with? here is an international criminal defense attorney. when you listen to this, you know why he went to school for a lot of here. here are a lot of options. >> the government is going to do two things. one, if he would send over either by diplomatic channels or law enforcement, a provisional arrest warrant, which is a temporary arrest warrant provided for in the extradition treaty between hong kong and the united states. they would be seeking to have mr. snowden arrested and detained up to 60 days. that would give the u.s. government time to file a full blown petition for extradition. once he's in extradition proceedings, then he has two choices. he can either waive extradition and return to the united states and stand trial, or he can challenge, he can fight that extradition. so that's the first thing that
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the government could do. the second thing is that the government could go to interpol, request them to request interpol out of france. the detail an international fugitive red notice. that's sent to 190 countries. >> steve: right. and it is presumed he's still in hong kong, but who knows where he is? yesterday this guy still has not been charged yet, but james clapper, the director of national intelligence yesterday, filed a crimes report with the department of justice and now officials are pursuing an investigation and that could be why f.b.i. agents showed up yesterday at his father's home in the lehigh valley of pennsylvania. they asked him some questions. the father told the local newspaper that he's digesting and processing the news of what his son has done. he's going to issue a public statement shortly. his stepmother feels very badly because she's worried that she may never see edward again. in fact, edward told glenn greenwald that he does not expect to ever go home. >> brian: he also said the
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reporters coming out saying they got more information to come that's supposed to blow us away. even more than the other stuff did. so his crimes keep on growing. they went and saw his father yesterday, ed. now they're going to look into his girlfriend, lindsey mills, who evidently is a ballerina, hence the picture. she's flexible and she's a pole dancer. they're in hawaii and he decides they're not going to get married. he's going to go to hong kong and much to her surprise, exposed these secrets and jeopardizeing their future together. >> gretchen: she would refer to him in her blog postings and such, she just called him e, her mystery man. >> brian: some people didn't think he existed, such as the manti te'o situation. >> gretchen: and when they finally did meet him, they're like oh, that's the mystery man. but none the less, he left may 1 from hawaii and went to hong kong and he stayed in that hotel until he started giving the
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secrets to that reporter at the guardian. where is he now? we're not quite sure. >> brian: he bought her gifts like a star trek advisor and dozens of pictures of her in her blog. she puts them up of those two. >> steve: brian, you referred to her as a pole dancer. >> brian: right. >> steve: you're right, she's a former ballerina, but they say she has performed pole dancing. i think she probably worked for the ballet and not for dollars. >> brian: how many days can you see high ballerina needed? >> gretchen: she worked for an be a battic company issue -- acrow battic company. she is very sad because obviously she's never going to see him again and the relationship she thought was moving in the right direction when she moved to hawaii suddenly has gone bull yes up. >> steve: be -- belly up. >> steve: what about him? he'll never see his pole dancing person again. >> brian: right. a lot of pictures we're able to piece together his life before he left and took america's
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secrets. >> steve: the great thing about this story, we'll have more tomorrow. you watch. >> gretchen: and later on probably in the next two hours. let's do some other headlines. fox news alert. live look now in istanbul, turkey, where riots erupted overnight. it looks like calm has been restored now. but overnight, hundreds of police using tear gas and rubber bullets during antigovernment riots. at one point you can see a protester throwing a molatov cocktail. police sprayed him with a water cannon. for more than a weekers they have been camping out trying to stop a development project there. three deaths in the same motel room in a matter of weeks. this morning brand-new dails about what may have killed the people in that room. we just learned emergency crews found high levels of carbon monoxide there. an elderly couple and 11-year-old boy were the victims. that's a horrible, horrible story. just one month after a new bride and four other women were
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killed in a limo fire, another one caught fire in california, but this time they all got out alive. many in their 90s, they were celebrating one of the birthdays of the women in the car. some of the women who relied on walkers and canes were pulled out when the car started smoking. >> there was smoke and then ladies were coming out of the back of the car and i was telling they will, hurry up and all of a sudden, flames from the same area, huge flames burst out of the car. >> a memorable birthday. bad enough i'm 90 years old, now i have all this to remember. >> gretchen: they all escaped and they actually still made it to the party. the owner of the limo company blames it on a mechanical error. tim tebow born again. multiple reports the patriots are about to sign him. he's expected to compete fort back up quarterback spot to tom brady. the jets released him in april. josh mcdaniels was the broncos
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head coach when tebow was drafted. >> brian: and brought the broncos to the playoffs and the jets destroyed his career last year. let's talk about somebody else who had a bad year last year, wide receiver chad johnson of the he got cut. you saw this on hard knocks on hbo. he was going to join the dolphins, they cut him. after one day of marriage, he had a domestic abuse charge against him. when he evidently head butted his wife. in response, he was cut. his life has been in a tail spin ever since. he seemed to be going in a positive direction when a teal was cut in his direction, when the judge says all right. probation. and some community service and we'll let you go. but listen what happened next. >> do you have any questions of me? >> i didn't do it as a joke. >> everybody in the courtroom was laughing. >> steve: what happened was the judge had said, you know, chad
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ocho cinco, you happy with your attorney? he slaps his butt like that. the judge didn't think it was very funny. he did try to apologize. but instead, she has thrown him in jail for 30 days. >> brian: don't you think that's an overstep? >> gretchen: no. >> brian: she studied the case. >> gretchen: he had already violated his probation. >> brian: but he got whatever he did, she said you got probation and you have community service. whatever went into the case, i don't know. but i know roughly what the charges were. and that's what guys do in locker rooms. >> steve: 30 days in jail seems harsh. >> brian: can a judge do that? >> gretchen: she can do whatever she wants basted on the fact he was in a domestic violence situation and he was violating his probation and now you have in front of a judge, slapping the butt, thinking it's all fun and games? you're supposed to be turning your life around. >> brian: you have a solid point, except for you have to understand, when guys do something good, that's the way guys do it.
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not in our halls. not at fox news, but on the field, hey, way to go. keep it up. meet you in the huddle. >> steve: steven a. smith, the famous sports commentator rips ocho cinco. watch. >> a female judge is presiding over a case in which you allegedly head butted a female, which happens to be your wife and you don't have the common sense to know that you do not need to be in court playful about anything? it doesn't occur to you? this is three days removed from you going on national television before you went into court telling everybody, i'm going to be all right. what is wrong with him? what is wrong with him? i don't get it. i don't understand it. it doesn't make sense to me. but all i know is this: you are officially a statistic for the next 30 days. you are in jail.
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you are incarcerated. you are a prisoner. you are a number because why? you didn't know to take a court case on domestic violence seriously enough in front of a female judge! if that ain't the height of idiocy, i don't know what is. >> steve: nobody said he was smart. >> gretchen: but what's wrong is, i think a lot of times these players or celebrities, they get into this position where they feel like they can do anything they want and nobody tells them no. nobody tells them no. finally he finds himself in a very sticky situation in front of a judge. i don't really care if it's male or female judge. i think a male might have done the same thing. it's not fun and games. you agree with me? >> steve: i think 30 days is extreme. >> gretchen: i'm saying the gender of the judge is immaterial in this. although he probably should have had an extra antenna up. >> brian: the judge agrees with you, i will say this, that guy beat the heck out of rihanna and
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what did he get? a bunch of probation which he never showed up for, community service. >> gretchen: i'm not saying that's right either. domestic violence is a very serious issue in this country. >> steve: what do you think? 30 days just fine or over the line? >> brian: could the judge go okay, i scared you straight, i'll let you out now? >> steve: i'll tell you what, he won't do it again. coming up, stores charging $25 just to try on their clothes. would you pay for the privilege to try on somebody's clothes? you might or might not buy, details straight ahead. >> gretchen: president lincoln warned against class warfare, net president obama thinks the of two them a lot alike. the man who wrote a book about obama here to set the record straight. >> brian: rich lowery, straighten up [ male announcer ] ok, here's the way the system works. let's say you pay your guy around 2% to manage your money. that's not much you think. except it's 2% every year. does that make a difference? search "cost of financial advisors"
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ouch. over time it really adds up. then go to e-trade and find out how much our advice costs. spoiler alert: it's low. really? yes, really. e-trade offers investment advice and guidance from dedicated, professional financial consultants. it's guidance on your terms, not ours. that's how our system works. e-trade. less for us. more for you.
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and you smiled. and threw it. and i decided i would never, ever leave it anywhere. because that wonderful, bouncy, roll-arod thing... had made you play. and that... had made you smile. [ announcer ] beneful. play. it's good for you. ♪ right. but the most important feature of all is... the capital one purchase eraser. i can redeem the double miles i earned with my venture card
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to erase recent travel purchases. d with a few clicks, this mission never happened. uh, what's this button do? [ electricity zaps ] ♪ you requested backup? yes. yes i did. what's in your wallet? >> gretchen: 16 minutes after the top of the hour. despite national security leaks, jay carney and the obama administration staying relatively quiet now, fail to go comment on nsa whistle blower snowden. how should they handle the revelations? let's bring in author, rich lowery is my guest. >> aren't even going to try the sub title. >> gretchen: it's a good one. people should check out the book. i want to get to the lincoln stuff in a moment. first let's tackle nsa and the white house response. jay carney was taken to task yesterday by at least two reporters saying what is your
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response and back and forth. what do you make of it? >> well, he apparently had to walk back the president's claim that all members of congress knew about this and usually the way it works is just the intelligence committees that are briefed about this. and i think when you have such a massive program that's ongoing for years as a matter of routine should be a matter of public debate. i don't like what edward s did. i don't think he should take upon himself to decide what should be secret and shouldn't be. i think some member of congress who is concerned about this and there were some of them, should just have gone to the floor every single day and said, i think i'm alarmed by this. i think most americans will be alarm. i want the president to discuss it. >> gretchen: apparently there is a report this morning that members of congress were told about this and they were asked to come and listen to a briefing and hardly anybody or nobody showed up. is that typical because there are so many things that congress has on their plate? >> it doesn't surprise me. it's only when something becomes hot and controversial that everyone focuses on it.
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otherwise these members of congress aren't necessarily all the most diligent and conscientious. >> gretchen: they're too busy reading the 2,000 page bills nobody gets through. let's move on it lincoln. much has been made about president obama linking himself to the former president. let's listen. >> what is it that makes lincoln such a seminal figure in our story. our first republican president knew better than anybody what it meant to pull yourself up by your boot straps. during the civil war, lincoln had the foresight to set up a system of land grant colleges. where i draw inspiration from is the writings of lincoln. >> gretchen: president obama kicks off his candidacy in illinois talking about lincoln. he's talked about him over 230 times. why? >> this has been part of the project of progressives, going back to ted yews vellet and fdr
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where they really want to lay claim to this beloved figure in american history for their program. i just don't think it really works. abraham lincoln, to the core of his being, was in favor of economic dynamism and change of the he was a great advocate of individual responsibility. his wigs and the republicans back then were attacked for being the tools of the rich. he hated that. he hated class warfare. there is a delegation of working men we want to him to the white house during the civil war and he famously said, let not him who is houseless tear down the house of another. build your own. >> gretchen: none of that sounds like president obama's policies really. so what's up with the link? >> what he will argue is lincoln did support the railroads with subsidies and various other transportation improvements with subsidies. but to me, that does not equal the massive welfare state we have now that is involved fundamentally and transferring money from some people to other people.
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lincoln favored supporting those sort of transportation improvements because we had very infantile financial markets at the time. there were no big industrialists to fund these and he wanted government to to knit together the country so it could have active markets. >> gretchen: you can find all in rich's new book. check out the subtitle also. thanks. >> thank you very much. >> gretchen: we all have the same number of minutes in a day. why do some people accomplish so much and others so little? coming up, a sure fire way to beat clock. then she's just 12 years old, but she sings like a pro. ♪ o'er the ramparts we watched ♪ were so gallantly streaming >> gretchen: julia dale here next. ♪ the bombs bursting in air
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lets you connect up to 25 devices on one easy to manage plan. that means your smartphone, her blackberry, his laptop, mark's smartphone... but i'm still on vacation... ...stilln the plan. nice! so is his tablet, that guy's hotspot, thentern's tablet. the intern gets a tablet? everyone's devices. his, hers, oh sorry... all easier to manage on the share everything plan for small business. connecting more so you can do more. that's powerful. verizon. get the blackberry q10 for $199.99. mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle.
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>> steve: news by the numbers. first, 40. that's the percentage of designated drivers who drink before getting hyped the -- behind the wheel. a new study finds one in five of those had blood alcohol levels high enough to impair their driving. maybe they shouldn't do that. next, 25 bucks. that's how much some retailers are charging customers to try on clothes. the pricey policy to stop shoppers from wasting employees' time. oh, man. finally, $3.1 million. that's how much the world's most expensive motor home cost. the 430 square foot vehicle has a huge master bedroom, a fireplace and a roof top terrace. sweet ride. brian, over to you.
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>> brian: good job. 24 minutes after the hour. do you ever feel like the day flies by and you haven't really accomplished anything or everything you wanted to? there are other things knocking off your things to do list in a matter of seconds. there is a way to go through your things to do list and be effective every day. this guy mastered it. harvey mckay, one of america's best selling authors and outstanding business people. he's got a new book out in paper book out. he says how we can get through this segment in three minutes to show you we can beat the clock and be effective. fiction, welcome back. >> thank you. always nice to be here. >> brian: we wasted 7 seconds saying hello, so why is everyone a salesperson? >> first of all, killing time is not murder. it's suicide. >> brian: okay. >> we all start out life with one thing in common, we all have the same amount of time. it's a matter of what we do with it. why do i say all the viewers are salespeople? they don't want to admitted it, most of them, because from the
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moment they get up in the morning, the moment they go to bed, what are they doing? communicating. negotiating. they're persuading. they're influencing. they're selling ideas. so therefore, i believe everyone can become a better salesperson and one more thing, two seconds. biggest room in the world, brian, is the room for improvement. >> brian: also you say getting a job is a job. >> correct. figure unemployment, 7.5%. we're doing great. just the opposite. real unemployment is at 15% when you count the people who stopped looking for work, people that quit. 65 years we're at the worst of all time in all-time unemployment. african-american teens, 53%. one in three americans are look for work or want a different job. therefore, what do i say? dog eat dog out there. eat rat. it's shark eat shark in the marketplace for finding jobs and
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to all the people out there that are looking, graduates right now, you can do a better job if you become a better salesperson. >> brian: right. you also say to manage your time. is that a matter of writing it down and categorizing? >> no, it's a matter of you call me and leave on my phone. harvey, call brian. not good enough. call between 2 and 3. 7 and 8 central time. eastern time. you have to be specific. you don't want to be playing telephone tag. anybody calls me for volunteer work, even my kids, my wife, call back at 4:30 to 5 'cause i take the calls at the end of the day because interruptions, once again, are just monumentally bad to get something done. >> brian: this book is full of things that are going to give you an advantage in the workplace and life. as somebody that's seen the economy go up and down, good times and bad, do you feel good about where our economy is today? >> no, because when you're coming out of a recession, they're supposed to get a big, big push.
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not 1.8, two 2 gdp. supposed to get 3, 4, 5%. just unemployment, it will take five to seven years to get back to where we were in 2009 at this current rate. so no, i'm not a happy camper and i don't want to be that negative, but you have to understand that there is some problems in the marketplace. >> brian: thanks so much. congratulations on your new book now out on paperback. thanks so much. >> always nice to be with you. >> brian: and you did beat the clock. two minutes before the bottom of the hour. breaking news, plan b now available to girls at any age. we have the new details. then have you heard this little girl sing? o'er the ramparts we watched ♪ ♪ were so gallantly streaming >> brian: that little girl, julia dale, is here next. ♪ the bombs bursting in air
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♪ gave proof through the night ♪ ones i've made. ones we've all made. about marriage. children. money. about tomorrow. here's to good decisions. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. ready to plan for your family's future? we'll help you get there. new honey bunches of oats greek yohere we go.ole grain. honey cornflakes and chunks of greek yogurt. i'm tasting both the yogurt and the honey at the same time. i'm like digging this yogurt thing. i feel healthy. new honey bunches of oats greek. water, we take our showers with it. we make our coffee with it.
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a tick tt isn't repeed or killed may attach and make a meal of us. get veterinarian recommended k9 advantix ii! because it saves things. [ cellphone beeps ] like your marriage. [ boys laughing ] sanity. [ sighs ] [ male announcer ] and time. oh, and money. technology saves lots of money. take esurance for example. they were born online and built to save people money on car insurance. [ boys laughing ] yep. technology can do some amazing things. but it can't unhurt feelings. esurance. insurance for the modern world. now backed by allstate. click or call. >> steve: fox news alert for you. late last night the obama administration announced girls of any age can buy the morning after pill without a prescription. so what changed? joining us live is new york's wnyw, theresa. any eight-year-olds this morning
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can go out and buy it, can't they? >> any five-year-old. eight, five, ten, whatever age a female may be, they can walk into any drugstore anywhere in the country and purchase plan b one step, which is an emergency contraceptive, no questions asked. they don't need a parent or doctor issues nothing. this stunning reversal by the obama administration comes just about a month after they lowered the buying age from 17 to 15 for plan b one step. federal judge basically said if you don't eliminate all age restrictions, we will do it for you. and so late last night, we heard of the f.d.a. announcing no age restrictions whatsoever. as far as the government is concerned, the age restrictions are gone, but the president still opposes it, saying there should be age restrictions and that will make it more easy for girls to understand exactly what they are doing to their own bodies when they put this pill in it. that's the latest from yonkers, back to you in the studio. >> steve: no age restriction and no parental consent. that's crazy.
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>> brian: but if you're 26, you need to be up to 26 before you're old enough to get your own insurance. >> steve: that's right. >> brian: so that's okay. just grow up whenever you want. >> steve: apples and oranges. >> gretchen: now another breaking story. richmond international airport being evacuateed. dozens of passengers and employees forced out of the terminal. right now we do not know what the threat was. officials saying it was serious enough to take action. we'll keep an eye on this story and bring you more details as they become available. >> brian: a woman accused of stabbing her boyfriend to death with a city little toe? she faces a judge. she called police in houston, texas and said she was being attacked. when police arrived at the apartment, they found anderson dead. cops say the university of houston professor was stabbed several times in the head with the high heel. >> steve: meanwhile, a hero emt worker who wrestled a cop's gun away from a crazed guy who shot and wounded an officer at a new
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york hospital. now it may help him score his dream job. that hero bit. >> we understand that emt demonstrated that he has what it takes to do the job. >> steve: he does have what it takes. brendan hernandez says that he passed an nypd test in 2007, but didn't get the job. commissioner ray kelly says he will look into the situation and see where he fits in on the eligibility list. i got a fe getting a phone call. >> gretchen: you already know titus ashby, the trick shot toddler that we introduced you to. the two-year-old just held his own with major competition. titus just went one on one with kobe bryant and jimmy kimmel.
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kimmel made four shots. the two-year-old ties an nba superstar beat shaq last night. he probably sleet in those shoes. very cute. >> brian: kobe always has to outdo shaq. that will never stop. >> gretchen: singing the national anthem is no easy feat for many experienced performers. but for 12-year-old julie dale seems to have no trouble hitting the high notes. she's an internet sensation after belting it out during the nba finals. ♪ o say does that star spangled banner yet wave ♪ ♪ o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave ♪
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>> steve: joining us live in our studio, julia dale. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> steve: if you were watching -- if a person was watching that with their eyes closed, so just listening to it, you would have thought it was a 25, 30-year-old woman singing. >> thank you so much. >> steve: in particular, we just played a part where you hit the word free. free is your favorite part of that song because what happened? >> well, it's the feeling that i get. i actually -- a lot of people belt that part of the song and iago into my head voice and i made that up when i was five. i still do it today. the crowd responds so positively to that part of the song. it's so rewarding for me. i can't believe they appreciate what i'm doing. >> steve: that's where you shift into the high voice. >> right. >> brian: you say the high voice or head voice? >> head voice. you just go into your head
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voice. >> steve: brian, this is different. >> brian: you don't do that in karaoke. >> steve: this is different than the head voice we have. >> brian: right. that's the voice in our head that says how we're going over time. >> gretchen: julia, this is something that has been a love of your life since you were a little girl. >> definitely. >> gretchen: growing up, you really loved to dress up, right? >> yes. when i was two, instead of watching cartoons, i actually used to love to watch musical the, like "my fair lady." after i watched the movie, i used to dress up and sing the songs and that's what i loved to do when i was two. >> brian: what i would like to do now is turn you over to maria because maria is a heat fan. the heat are 18-2 when you sing? >> yes. i'm so honored. that's crazy. >> steve: you're their lucky harm. >> i can't take any of the credit for that. >> steve: i would! >> the sheet an amazing team. but i'm definitely honored that people call me that and appreciate what i'm doing. >> gretchen: so you sang 20 times for the miami heat and did
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you grow up in south florida? >> i did, yes. >> so you're a big miami heat fan? >> definitely. >> what other events have you sang for? >> i have sang for the marlins, miami baseball team. i've sang for nascar. definitely a lot of sporting events. >> steve: where are you there? >> at the marlins game, probably like seven or eight there. >> steve: you were a kid! >> yeah. >> so if you were seven or eight, that was at the old stadium. >> yes. >> steve: very impresssive, maria. >> brian: what about the interaction with the players? lebron james? >> yeah. lebron james, he fist pumped me, especially last season. he said i love your voice. i never thought that would happen. i'm so lucky. i bet a lot of kids would love to have that experience. so you don't even know how lucky i feel to do what i love and be able to have that opportunity as welcoming from a player. >> steve: because they do so well when you sing the national anthem. have you thought about giving up
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school and just living there with the heat as the official mascot? >> i mean, i love the heat so much, but i mean, i do love school, so i do love school. >> steve: you can do both. >> but i mean, i love the heat and definitely, i mean, i love them so much. i'm so lucky to be able to do this. >> brian: yet the spurs are going to win. how do you feel about that? [ laughter ] >> gretchen: have you ever thought about doing one of the singing competitions? >> i definitely have thought about it. that is definitely an option, yeah. >> gretchen: oh, wow. all right. >> brian: will you stick around for us? >> yes, of course. >> brian: we want you to belt out a tune. >> okay, yeah. of course. >> steve: the famous tune so we can see you live. >> yes. >> brian: and because you missed school, we set up a teacher. >> steve: she's out of school. >> brian: i want to talk to her mom. >> steve: i talked to her mom. >> gretchen: she'll sing the national anthem coming up in the 8:00 o'clock hour. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> gretchen: coming up, do you want to move but you're stuck in
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>> gretchen: 45 minutes after the top of the hour. quick headlines. in just over an hour, jury selection will resume in the george zimmerman trial. yesterday four potential jurors were questioned about their knowledge of the case. lawyers must narrow down the pool to a panel of six. and from beverly hills to chip 'n' dale's, actor making his debut in vegas. the 49-year-old father said he dieted and lost 25 pounds to get himself into that shape. he's a chippen dale. >> steve: he played one of the most recognized super heros. we're talking about the incredible hulk. lou ferrigno's transformation put a face on the character, leaving viewers wondering if he was a hero oregon if he was an evil villain. >> brian: should i wear lou
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shirts? the emergence of the nsa leaker edward snowden wondering if this disclosure of government surveillance programs make him a patriot or traitor. >> gretchen: how does the incredible hulk see it? or how does lou see it. joining us is lou ferrigno. good morning to you. >> how are you? >> gretchen: just fine. do you follow the news? >> yes, all the time. >> gretchen: what do you make of edward snowden? >> first of all, i would say it's a flip coin. i made a movie where i played a government agent that was from the government and i started to blow the whistle blower to write the book. it's a flip coin because being a police officer myself, being a deputy sheriff, i think leaking information was wrong. i think talking about the situation, but i think if you commit a -- he commit a crime. >> steve: he has revealed national secrets and he's going to be held accountable. you're right. he's starting the dialogue.
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has the government gotten so big that big brother is watching all the time? you're in the public eye. but a lot of the people watching right now, they're not and yet the government is keeping records on them. >> part of me feels that he's like big brother. the thing is that the constitution, we got the freedom of speech. he feels the freedom of speech, but i think running and leaking all this information, an ex-c.i.a. agent, people see him as a hero or traitor. like i said, the flip coin. a lot of controversy. >> brian: you were one of the premiere body builders in history. you burst on the scene with pumping iron and with arnold schwarzenegger. are you friends with arnold today and do you see a political career for yourself like arnold made the transition? >> well, i see arnold all the time. as a matter of fact, my career, besides show business, i've been a deputy sheriff in l.a. for the last eight years. i see the other side of what's going on because that's my career because my father was a lieutenant for new york city. >> brian: i remember your dad in the movie as well. >> gretchen: that's why you have
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all your pins. >> these are from other sheriffs in california. i have like 50 of them. >> steve: that's great. we were talking about the nsa situation with the leaking. aside from that, a lot of people are absolutely frustrated with their computers and you have a new solution on how to speed up your computer. how? >> a company that provides memory upgrade. any computer. a lot of times we go to a hotel, you want to go on-line with the computer and you can't make the connection because you're out of memory. but this company can provide any memory upgrade to speed up the memory. >> gretchen: it's you have a contest. >> yeah. called tough on whoever makes -- you send your video in of the loudest war. $5,000. could you imagine that? >> steve: that's great. >> brian: could you explain to them what's it like to flex and
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then rip your clothes off? we both had that experience. >> steve: ash followed? >> brian: i'm sorry, lou. what is that like? can you explain to them? >> steve: they were both in the same movie. >> brian, you're fired. [ laughter ] >> brian: you loved it? >> every time i did a scene on "the hulk," everybody would be talking. >> brian: how tight are the clothes? >> tight. >> gretchen: let's see how it happened. >> steve: here it is. man issues the wardrobe budget. >> i've done 90 episodes. we're talking about maybe ripping 500 shirts. >> brian: take it from the top. we didn't get that one, lou. >> still today, the show holds its own. the human heart. like star trek. the chemistry. >> brian: absolutely. >> steve: lou, thank you very much. if people would like more information about the computer program, go to our web site. >> perfect. >> gretchen: coming up, if you're one of the 11 million
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americans out of work, you won't want to miss this one. cheryl casone here with the top companies hires right now. look, she's doing her own move. woo! >> i like that. >> brian: lou likes that. first on this day in history, 1983, flashdance, "what a feeling," irene cara was the number one song. did issue dance as a body double? >> gretchen: jennifer beals look what mommy is having. mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle.
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investment products. they serve the military. they got 3500 jobs coming over the next three years. 1,000 will be in san antonio, texas. 1,000 in phoenix, arizona. those are military heavy areas of the country. underwriters, reps for claims, financial analysts, and they give benefits obviously. like health insurance. >> steve: and hire a lot of vets. >> yep. they also serve military veterans and their families as well. they're very recognized. >> steve: huntington ingall industry. >> say that ten times fast. they maintain nuclear, nonnuclear ships for the navy and coast guard. they've got several thousand jobs opening. i.t., electricians, machinist. 15 to $24 per hour. they will building a nuclear aircraft carrier, the gerald formed. they're paying people where they got their yards to build the ships. she maintain or decertify older
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ships. >> steve: cirrus makes the five passenger airplane that makes a parachute. >> it's always good to be wearing a parachute when you're flying. single engine airplane manufacturer. they've got 105 jobs open this year. they need engineers, people that can help with design of aircraft. they also, if you work for the company, you can get your private pilot's license while working for the company, which is an expensive certification. they're also working on this single engine jet. it would be the first of its kind if it comes to market. $2 million, seven passengers on it. you can have your own $2 million private personal jet because i know you want your own. >> steve: i do, but i'd have to have somebody else fly it. a buyer's choice home inspector. >> housing market is booming. we know this. but there is a big need for home inspectors because all of these sales that are happening across the country, you got to get the inspection and they need customer service reps and inspectors, you can make, depend
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ing on how many homes you inspect. these can be jobs in some of the hardest hit areas, florida, california, arizona, nevada. that's where all the activity is right now for housing. >> steve: we're living longer, we need help at home. caring senior service comes in here. >> this is nonmedical care for seniors. they've got from 480 to 720 more positions that are opening up throughout the year. people don't want to go to nursing homes. there is a nursing home shortage now. we're seeing a lot of these types of jobs that are popping up. obviously you've got to go through a screening process, but it's minimum wage. you can make up to 38 grand per year. >> steve: if people would like more information about the job? >> go to we'll throw up all the web sites. e-mail us if you got a job through this or a company that needs employees. >> steve: meanwhile, when do guys grow up?
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>> gretchen: good morning, everybody. today is tuesday, june 11, 2013. i'm gretchen carlson. i hope you have a fantastic day. brand-new developments overnight in the nsa whistle blower story. edward snowden just disappeared. where did he go? can the justice department catch up to him? the breaking details moments away. >> steve: and brand-new this morning, the obama administration is scrapping age restrictions on birth control. the white house says it's okay for a five-year-old to buy the morning after pill. what do you think about that? we're going to talk to laura ingraham in moments. >> brian: a clown on the field and now seemingly in the courtroom. chad johnson slaps his lawyer on the butt after getting good news about probation and community service instead of jail. but that butt slap earned him
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jail. >> if that ain't the height of idiocy, i don't know what is! >> brian: more from fired up steven a. smith straight ahead. "fox & friends'" third hour starts... oh, o say does that star spangled banner yet wave ♪ >> steve: the voice of an angel. julia dale, the lucky charm for the miami heat is going to be performing that song live here on "fox & friends" this hour. >> brian: you mean the star spangled banner? >> gretchen: we look forward to that, getting the patriot -- get in the patriotic mood. she's fantastic.
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let's start off with some headlines. fox news alert. live look from turkey where the riots started raging this morning. police used tear gas and rubber bullets during the antigovernment protest. at one point you can see a protester throwing molotov cocktails at armored vehicles. police sprayed the man with a water cannon. for more than a weeks they've been camping out in a park trying to stop a development project there in the park. in under an hour, jury selection will resume in the george zimmerman trial. yesterday the judge denied another request from the defense to delay the trial. his lawyer argued he needed more time to prepare because prosecutors were slow in turning over evidence. four potential jurors were questioned about their knowledge of the case. >> there is no doubt in your mind that you can be objective and fair to both the defendant and to the state of florida?
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you can keep an open mind? you have not formed an opinion? >> i have not. >> gretchen: lawyers must narrow the pool down to a panel of six. late last night, the obama administration announced girls of all ages can now buy the morning after pill without a prescription. the administration had been fighting the over-the-counter access to plan b, but the department of justice gave up after multiple setbacks in court. until recently the pill was only available without a prescription to women 17 and older. here is one of the stories of the day, chad johnson just got 30 days hyped bars for this -- behind bars for this slap on his male lawyer's behind in the courtroom. the former nfl star was pleading guilty to a probation violation in a domestic violence case involving his former wife. a plea deal would have spared him jail time if he only have behaved. the judge rejected it after that slap. steven a. johnson says he has no one to blame but himself. >> you are no jail. you are incarcerated. you are a prisoner.
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you are a number because why? you didn't know to take a court case on domestic violence seriously enough in front of a female judge! if that ain't the height of idiocy, i don't know what is! >> gretchen: all right. steven. we asked you what you thought. duane says men do act that way on the field and in the locker room. however, as a veteran law enforcement officer of over 22 years, i find his actions to be disrespectful and ignorant in this situation. touche'. deborah says, i'm 58-year-old mom and grandma and past victim of domestic violence, but even i think the judge got angry and used her power punish to excess. another says thank you, judge. 30 days for being stupid, you got to love it. i want to get laura ingraham's opinion on this to even out the playing field here. >> brian: i think the judge went over the top. >> gretchen: i think we're only talking about it because it is a female judge. what do you think?
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>> well, i don't know. brian and doocy do this to each other all the time. i've seen it. >> steve: after a touchdown, please. it's not like after a big segment. >> that curvy couch has seen a lot of stuff happening. guys, obviously when you walk into a courtroom, you know the rules of the judge are the rules of the road. they seem arbitrary, that people have to stand up when the judge walks in. yeah. get used to it. the judge has enormous amount of power. it seems to us sitting here it's kind of ridiculous. if i were a judge, would i have done it? no. that's just the way it goes. >> gretchen: he head butted his wife after one day of marriage. he then -- >> right. what does that have to do -- >> gretchen: he had a deal in the works and he totally screwed it up. in my essence of this, a lot of times celebrities, players, whatever, they sort of get this sense in society that they never have to answer to anybody. >> those are great questions.
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i would agree with you on the issue of the domestic violence. we're talking about a discreet issue, though, which is a slight tap. i think you guys ran the video five times in 20 seconds. i think i saw it. it wasn't like he did the dance like this or like did a back flip. it's kind of a small thing. i agree with you, the domestic violence thing, obviously incredibly serious. but i mean, i'm just saying, would i have given him that? no. but he's stupid not to know that he's in a courtroom. >> brian: you know what his response was, were you happy with your representation? he said yeah. slaps him on the butt. that's how guys express their happiness. >> it was a thank you, i guess. look, i don't think you're going to see him in any mensa meetings. >> steve: you're right about that. let's talk about edward snowden, the nsa leaker is now on the loose. last we saw him he was in hong kong. now he's out. the big question is, is he a traitor or a hero? interestingly enough, the guy
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who co-founded home depot yesterday said on the neil cavuto show, we ought to throw him a party and thank him for protecting america's privacy rights. >> i like ken a lot. i think in this case, we have to learn a little bit more. i'm not trying to evade the question. but a loft unanswered questions out there. first of all, how did he get this information? at his level at this analyst level in hawaii, in this satellite office, it's unclear how he got this information. number one. number two, i for one am glad we have this information, but at the same time, he could have indeed, and it looks like he violated the terms of his agreement to work in this contractor capacity with the nsa. so he could both be liable criminally and civilly and give us information that we're glad as americans who still believe in this constitution, we're glad that we have. so both things could be in effect here. >> brian: laura, we can never have top secret programs if the whole country knows about them.
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that's just the nature of it. we hire representatives to go to the intelligence committee and they are supposed to be looking out for our best interests. that's the way our system works. now everybody wants to have an open discussion about our top surveillance methods. it makes no sense! >> i think one of the problems here, dana millbank wrote about this in the "washington post" today. one of the problems is we don't have informed oversight on capitol hill, with the exception of ron widen and mark udall, including eric cantor, were too willing to give the government total cart blanch on this. and not ask the questions that need to be asked. so in the absence of informed oversight, where you actually go the extra mile to get the briefings and to learn more about these programs, the people's liberties can be imperilled and i think in this case, they could have been. again, we need to learn more about this. i'm not comfortable with aggressiveness at all. >> gretchen: do you think this case is similar to the story about the irs?
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because a lot of people are linking the two together and i think i see a difference where the irs was actually targeting specific people. in this case, we were all being watched. >> well, again, we're all being watched until in the future, you're accused of some wrongdoing, which may or may not be valid, gretchen, and then the government says, well you know something? we have this meta data that is actually very valuable. i learned that yesterday on my radio show from an nsa whistle blower who was with the nsa for 30 years, who said people don't understand how valuable this meta data is. what great information this gives us as analysts at the nsa. so retrotively, information can be used that was collected in this dragnet fashion by the u.s. government, that is not the way the u.s. justice system and our constitution is supposed to operate. and i wish we had people on capitol hill, more of them, who are more informed and more curious about the abuse of federal power. they're supposed to be working for us and not the other way
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around. >> steve: they'll have hearings later today behind closed doors where they'll explained how they've been eyeballing all of us. we want to get your opinion on this as well, the obama administration now extraordinarily has said that girls of any age, actually i would imagine men as well -- could have access to the morning after pill. for a while it was like 17, you had to be at least 17. but no parental consent as well. what do you think about this? >> it's a good deal for pedophiles, good deal for people who commit statutory rape against young girls. and if mothers and fathers across this country hear this and they think, well, my daughter or her boyfriend or her rapist can go out to a pharmacy and get a bunch of hormone pills to give a little girl, we don't really know the long-term effect of spiking or dropping a little girl's -- in many cases, a young woman's or little girl's
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hormonal levels. it's outrageous. we say it all the time, they can't get their ears pierced or take an advil at school without parental permission, yet they can go into a pharmacy in this brave new world of women's equality and, quote, reproductive health, and get a morning after pill. i mean, i think it empowers men who want to abuse women. >> gretchen: you industrial to sign and show a driver's license for sudafed, so go figure. have a great rest of the week. >> see you. >> steve: 11 minutes ever the top of the hour. the patriots looking to resurrect tim tebow. the new details live from gillette stadium coming up. >> brian: that's huge news. and you wnt to move? or stuck on a lease? what can do you? call real estate expert bob massi. he'll be in the studio. he's here right now. >> gretchen: he's here in studio
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the great outdoors... ...and a great deal. thanks to dad. (gasp) nope. aw! guys! grrrr let's leave the deals to (nice bear!) ooo! that one! nice! got it! oh my gosh this is so cool! awesome! perfect! yep, and no angry bears. the perfect place is on sale now. up to 30% off. only at lets you connect up to 25 devices on one easy to manage plan. that means your smartphone, her blackberry, his laptop, mark's smartphone... but i'm still on vacation... ...stilln the plan. nice! so is his tablet, that guy's hotspot, thentern's tablet. the intern gets a tablet? everyone's devices. his, hers, oh sorry... all easier to manage on the share everything plan for small business. connecting more so you can do more. that's powerful. verizon. get the blackberry q10 for $199.99.
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in parks across the country, families are coming together to play, stay active, and enjoy the outdoors. and for the last four summers, coca-cola has asked america to choose its favorite park through our coca-cola parks contest. winning parks can receive a grant of up to $100,000. part of our goal to inspire more than three million people to rediscover the joy of being active this summer. see the difference all of us can make... together. >> gretchen: foxist fox news alert. a large explosion reported near the u.s. embassy in kabul, afghanistan. a police source saying the attack was a homicide bomber. the explosion, about 600 feet away from our embassy. there are no immediate reports of any casualties. we will bring you more information as it comes in to us. in the meantime, let's go over to brian and bob. >> brian: all right. you want to buy a house, but
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you're stuck in a lease. bob massi is a housing expert and wants to talk to you about what to do here. you're getting this a lot, aren't you? >> a lot of questions. what's happened is a lot of people who lost their home a few years ago by foreclosure short sale, they're now eligible to possibly get into a new home because of the guidelines have been set up. but they signed a lease. some say bob, i'm in this lease. i want to walk away. what should i do. >> brian: the time period lapsed and they can try to buy a new house. but they're in a lease. so what happens? can you walk away? you really shouldn't. >> no. a keel is a deal. you sign a contract. if you're in a lease, then the bottom line is the fact, if you walk away or breach that lease, you basically set, i'm not going to honor that. the consequences are the landlord has the right to go out and release that property. let's say you have a 12-month lease. you get approved for a loan, there is eight months left. they lease it after two months. they could come after you for those two months. i want our viewers to understand you are responsible for the
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contract you signed. just because you do not get approved for a loan, does not mean you can walk away. >> brian: go up to the person and say let's work out a deal. >> that's the other thing. you can go to any landlord and you could say, i got ten months left on a lease. i've been approved for a loan on a home. can i buy the lease out? can i just say i'll give you three months. >> brian: give me a number. >> most landlords get it. most landlords know there is a lot of people, brian, that still are able -- not able to qualify for a loan. so don't be afraid, don't put your head in the ground and just walk away from this. understand there is consequences. >> brian: got you. what about the most common losses for tenants when they breach a lease? >> a few years ago when this happened, a lot of the landlords put these very, very large security deposit requirements. they want three, four, five months security deposit because they knew people had money because they had -- hadn't made payments in two years. they put in there if you breach the lease, it's none refundable.
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most people didn't read the lease. i get people sending me copies of the lease. i say, read paragraph 5. you gave them $10,000, almost like a lease option. it's nonrefundable. you're stuck. that's a contract. so there were some things put in these leases that almost sometimes violate public policy, but it's a contract. so that's one thing. the other thing is wear and tear. i tell people whether you lease a home, whether you rent an apartment, if you're going to walk on this or your lease term -- take pictures. do a walk through with somebody. make sure somebody that's a manager there is looking at the premises so you don't get stuck with a big tab after you leave. >> brian: i got news for you, you'll be joining us in studio fort next two days. >> i do know that. >> brian: bob send bob your questions by logging on to our web site and you'll see his link. great to see you. meanwhile, 20 minutes after the top of the hour. three deaths in the same hotel room in a matter of weeks. what's going on?
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coming up, brand-new details about what may have killed all three. plus, do you know her from the hit show "24". but she says jack bower made the mission impossible. she'll explain bacon?! gotta get that bacon! bacon?! bacooon! smokey bacon, meaty bacon, tasty bacon! bacon? ohh la laa. i say, is that bacon? oh! good heavens! bacon! bacon! who wants a beggin' strip?? me! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs!! mmm mmm mmm mmm mmmm it's beggin! mmm i love you... (announcer) beggin' strips...made with real bacon. there's no time like beggin' time! to take a centrum silver multivitamin every day.
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i told him, sure. can't hurt, right? and now today, i see this in the news. once again, centrum silver was chosen by researchers for another landmark study. this time looking at eye health. my doctor! he knows his stuff. [ male announcer ] centrum. the most studied. the most recommended. and the most preferred multivitamin brand. the choice is clear. and the most preferred multivitamin brand. i'my body doesn't work the way it used to. past mprime? i'm a victim of a slowing metabolism? i don't think so. new great grains protein blend. protein from natural ingredients like seeds and nuts. it helps support a healthy metabolism. new great grains protein blend.
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no official statement coming from bill belichick about whether or not tebow is in fact going to be part of the patriots. however, league sources have confirmed to many media outlets here in town that that is going to be the case. in fact, today is the first day of mini camp here at gillette stadium. we're told he should be arriving here for that. one of the big questions is in what capacity would he be a part of the patriots? we have much celebrated quarterback tom brady here already. so what position would tebow be playing? would he be a quarterback? nobody knows. it hasn't been confirmed he is coming to the pats. this is something we're hoping it find out today. bill belichick scheduled to give a news conference at 10:45. we'll keep an ear out for any confirmation. back to you. >> steve: you'll see it first right here on fox. thank you. >> gretchen: she may be best known for her role as a terrorist mom on "24", but she has cemented her place in hollywood, starting over -- star not guilty over 20 american films. >> steve: not bad for a woman born and raised in a country
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where at one point, people weren't even allowed to act. the oscar nominated and emmy award winning actress talks about her journey from tehran to hollywood and more in her new memoir. one of the revelations made, she joins us live. nice to see you again. >> thank you so much. thanks for having me. so nice to see you. >> gretchen: you were on "24". >> that's right. >> gretchen: i watched the show diligently. you did receive backlash from iranians because you played the role of a terrorist. >> i'm afraid yes. that's right. some iranians were unhappy with the role, although the producers of the show was never to reveal the nationality of these people. but i guess some people put the dots together and decided that the terrorist is going to be iranian. i kept telling them the reason i accepted the role wasn't political at all. it was because this role was so chummy and so -- i could put my teeth into this. >> brian: right.
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do people in iran watch "24"? >> they do. it's been dogged now. >> steve: i remember about the same time, the guy who played the terrorist in another year, he was actually shopping, i want to say in los angeles, at a k-mart and somebody said, that guy is a terrorist. i recognize him from television. they called the cops. they came. he was an actor. >> i had a similar problem. as soon as i got in, the guard at the door shouted, that woman is a terrorist on "24". people would really think i'm a terrorist. i'm just a actor. >> gretchen: to think you left iran to america to find freedom. tell us about your freedom. >> i went to england, got my b.a. in international relations and moved to the u.s. i came here on a theatrical tour and loved it.
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it was like i had found my safe haven, like all the other iranians who may grated to -- migrated to u.s. since 1979. there was a revolution then. i fell in love with it and decided this is the country i want to live in. >> steve: you and became famous. you were in "24" with keifer sutherland. there is some talk there may be a movie. >> that's right. >> steve: who knows? was he an easy guy to work with? >> i'm afraid working with him proved to be hard. >> steve: really? >> he was pretty angry. i guess it wasn't just me. he was angry with others, too. and at the end of the day, i thought he must be angry with himself. and that's how he protects it. >> gretchen: we did see him take down a christmas tree once. do you believe that had a -- here it is. do you believe that had a role in you being killed off or that was part of the plot line? >> no, i'm afraid it wasn't part of the plot. >> gretchen: you think he had a role in that? >> i have a feeling he did have. >> brian: why? did you have an individual
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clash? >> not really, no. but as soon as i got on the set, somebody whispered into my ear that try not to shine too much. >> steve: and you did and next thing you know, they're writing you out. >> that's my feeling. >> steve: tell us about your book of poetry. >> the idea of love -- alley of love. once i was asked when i close my eyes what is it that i miss the most about my country. and i did and all i could remember were these little tiny alleys that you've seen i'm sure in italy and egypt. >> brian: you got the same one. >> exactly. two people presumely can walk hand in hand. >> steve: what's that? >> that's exactly, that's the love alley. in the spring, the walls are filled with yellow jasmines, goes into your nostrils and stays there forever. and that's why i decided to call it the alley of love and the yellow jasmines.
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it's mostly about my life in iran, in england and now in this country. >> steve: it's great to have you back on the show. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> steve: good luck. >> thank you. >> gretchen: while you were sleeping, the nsa whistle blower has taken off. where is he now and what did he leave behind? bill o'reilly live with the details. and. >> steve: she may be little. >> brian: but she has one big voice. ♪ o say does that star spangled banner yet wave ♪ >> steve: all right. julia dale here to perform the national anthem live on "fox & friends." stick around, folks. ♪ and the home of the brave
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>> gretchen: welcome back. developing story, fox news alert. dozens of airline passengers and employees evacuated from richmond international airport this morning. evacuated because of an unspecified but serious threat that was called in. we just learned the parking decks have been cleared as well. passengers being allowed to return to their cars. canine crews conducting
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searches. right now all outgoing flights have been grounded. brian? >> brian: three deaths in the same hotel room in a matter of weeks. this morning brand-new details about what may have killed them. we just learned emergency crews that responded to the hotel found high levels of carbon monoxide there. an elderly couple and 11-year-old boy all victims. >> steve: meanwhile, country star and fox news friend fan and performer craig morgan proving he's a true american hero again after three trucks crashed on a highway in tennessee. morgan was on his tour bus, along with his posse, they hopped out, sprung into action. he tapped into his experience. once upon a time he was an army vet and emt and help the drivers out and helped put out the flames. this morning he was on the program to explain what made him run toward the wreck. >> any time there is a situation like this, i think it's important that we as citizens, especially those of us who have had that training. i worked in law enforcement for
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a long time. i think it's important that we utilize those skills we've been educated with and do what we can to help others. i think everybody should. >> steve: everybody sadly doesn't. this is not the first time morgan has saved lives. two years ago, he rescued two young girls from a burning house. he's fantastic. >> gretchen: here i go again. i'm a little nervous 'cause o'reilley is on the couch. at what age do men finally grow up? if you're anything like these guys, the answer is probably never. >> i think it's prudent. >> can we turn that off? >> yes. >> why are you guys so sweaty? >> we figured out how to do this. the beds match up perfectly. it will give us so much extra space in our room to do activities. >> you don't need permission from us to build bunk beds. you're adults. >> gretchen: except for the new study says guys don't mature until the ripe old age of 43. and women aren't happy about that. so things that drive us crazy? childish jokes, video games,
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racing on the road. see, i can think of a couple other things. by the way, the average age for a woman to mature, 32. 11 years earlier than men. >> steve: bill o'reilly joins us live now. bill, at what age did you officially become mature? >> brian: when did you feel like a man? >> i haven't really reached that. [ laughter ] i'm not really there yet. i'm 43. i still have five years to go. >> brian: that's true. you remind me of a guy that grew up right away. taking charge immediately. we don't need toys here. get me books, i want books! >> school of hard knocks, you know. i think i'm immature industrial. i'm serious. >> gretchen: i think that study has to do with commitment. i think men sometimes have a harder time committing, especially to marriage until a little bit of a later age. >> especially if they're dating. that makes it very hard. >> steve: absolutely. let's talk to you about what was your lead story last night, regarding the nsa surveillance program. we're learning a lot. the government has been spying
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on us. you said that it's unconstitutional. it should be shut down if the government is actually collecting and saving our actual words. >> yeah. as usual we don't know what's going on. i mean, what's today? tuesday. scandal did you jour is hillary clinton. this is great for ratings, great for us. but bad for the country because we never know what's happening. if the national security agency, the nsa, is bundling and accumulating e-mails, that's blatantly unconstitutional. you can't do it. and so it has to stop, if that's the case. do we know it's the case in this guy in hong kong says it's the case. but he hasn't really provided any proof yet. so we don't really know. now, theoretically, phone calls, time and place, that's not unconstitutional. the federal government -- >> steve: you get that on your phone bill. >> the federal government has the power to do that. if they feel they can trace back calls we doing it, i don't really have a beef with it. but e-mails, actual words on a
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page that you do with an expectation of privacy? that's unconstitutional. they're doing it? somebody's got to be prosecuted. >> gretchen: you see this as the same thing as these other scandals that have been unfolding over the last couple of weeks? the irs scandal, do you see it as the same thing? >> there is a threat. >> gretchen: the irs was targeting specific people, conservative people, specific words. >> they admit it, by the way. so there is no allegation. they admit they did it. >> gretchen: but the nsa appears to be targeting everyday americans. >> they don't admit they did it. so we don't really know. the thread of benghazi, james rosen, of irs, of this listening deal now, there is one threat, who is in charge? there is nobody in charge. the federal government is like all over the place. why is holder still in his job? i mean, once he signed that paper that said fox news correspondent james rosen was a possible co-conspirator and a flight risk, once the attorney general of the united states signed his name on a paper that said that, he's out. he's gone.
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that's stupid. that's corrupt. you're through. but he's not through. and this is what i mean. the irs people who targeted these things and leaked information out about these groups, why are they not arrested? why are they not charged. >> brian: i it will you, up until then, the answer has been, i'm just learn being this. >> we got to get to the bottom of it. but we'll get to the bottom of it won't be 'til 2025, but we'll get to the bottom of it. >> brian: but with elijah cummings says the investigation is over when it comes to the irs. >> elijah cumming, hallelujah. >> brian: with the nsa, how do you get to the bottom of something and still keep the program when weather it has to be secret? bill o'reilly -- n it doesn't have to be secret in general terms. >> brian: make it legal. >> we can't comment, the investigation is legal. that's a lie. they can comment any way they want. the only thing the president can't do is say this one is guilty or this one is innocent. can't do that. but he can comment. he can send people out to explain. did you bundle e-mails? yes or no?
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this isn't violating any national security. yes or no? did you do it or not? >> gretchen: to me, it gets to sort of contradictory for what obama's policies have been about the war on terror. >> that's all politics. >> gretchen: my question is important. so do you think that they were getting the information on american people for a different purpose then, or to fight the war on terror? >> how would i possibly know? i don't do that. all i know is that you now have five scandals in the space of a -- benghazi has been going on and no explanations on any of them. nothing. so the american people really got to get teed off and start saying, enough. >> brian: up wrote keep it pithy before you could put these scandals in. >> that means i have to write another book. >> steve: called "keep it legal." >> i like it. >> brian: "keep it pithy" is doing well. >> much better than i thought it would do. it was a book basically that came to me and said finally, we've been doing this almost 18
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years. they said we want to bundle up all of the wisdom that you did. easy, that's only eight pages. [ laughter ] so we put it together. it's a good father's day play. it's very succinct and here is why i believe what i believe and it's fun. >> brian: i had a chance to see one of your live shows. >> you didn't pay. kilmeade got in free. >> gretchen: what? >> brian: i got behind the scenes, a rare pass. i got my own access pass. i saw bill o'reilly live on stage in, introducing emcee and then interactive guy on stage. >> yeah, miller and me, we do these bolder, fresher shows. they sell out everywhere. they're a lot of fun. i guess you're going to show it next monday. right? >> brian: rare look. we're told to destroy this after the show. >> this is the first time. >> steve: this video has been leaked to us from the nsa. also "ken gee's last days" is
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out today. >> i'm dizzy. >> brian: i'm dizzy saying it! >> "kennedy's last days" is a good book for kids. we're trying to get them involved in history and a lot of great pictures. you got to arrest their visual interest. but we're really many with the way that book came out. beautiful book. >> gretchen: thanks so much for coming in. lots to talk about tonight. people will catch it. coming up, a big update on the girl in need of a lung transplant. we'll talk to sarah's aunt coming up next k9 aantix ii not only kills fleas and ticks,
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>> steve: the story we've been following, a victory for young children in dire need of transplants. yesterday the national transplant panel ruled that the current donor policy will be under review for one year. in the meantime, kids like ten-year-old sarah who desperately waiting for a lung transplant can be looked at on a case by case basis. fox news legal analyst peter johnson, jr. joins us along with sarah's aunt, sharon. >> good morning, sharon. how are you? >> great. good morning, peter. >> is this good news today even though sarah is seriously and critically ill on respiration this morning. tell us about what you think the government did and why it's good for sarah. >> i think they made an important step forward. they recognized kids are dying at an increased rate, that they
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weren't getting transplants at the same rate as adults, and that there wasn't really much difference between a ten-year-old with cs and a 12-year-old with cs. so they took the important step of deciding to allow this to be evaluated case by case. and in the last few weeks, we've met many of these little kids, these ten and 11-year-olds that are in desperate straights like sarah. we're really, really happy this is going to give them the chance to get lungs as well. >> steve: absolutely. it's part of your family's legacy, sharon. i understand you told one of the producers that you really have to tip your hat to peter johnson, though, because he really did hold the feet of those responsible to the fire. >> he really did. he was one of the first to realize the importance of this story. he was one of the first to pick it up and really understand it and not think it was just a case about one child, but the ramifications of this and the arbitrariness of the ruling and really to drive it forward. >> my whole family, we've been enriched by an association with
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the families. i've never met people and our audience at home that are so strong and so wonderful. sharon lost a child recently. both sharon and january net had -- janet had adopted children. what a service you've done for all the children and speaking up and standing up to government and saying this is wrong. this is unfair. let's make something better for everybody. how do you feel today? unfortunately, sarah is so critically ill still. based on her sickness, she's number one in the region to get a lung and should have been for the last 18 months. what are the prospects today? what are you and your sister and whole family feeling today? >> we are relieved. we are nervous. it is challenging. she's intubated. she's struggling. it's very, very dangerous and difficult place to be.
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but she is top of the list. she is the sickest person in the region by far. so we are very hopeful she will get lungs very shortly. it's going to be hard to keep up for her, to keep doing this much longer. so it is critical that we get lungs soon. but now with this ruling, we feel like we'll get a fair shot, a fair, equitable shot at lungs. >> steve: sharon, you must wake up every morning thinking, and telling your family, i got a feeling, today could be the day. today could be the day. >> it could be, any minute could be. it's an interesting place to live. any minute we could dependent the call and it happens fast when you get the call, so five hours, six hours later, you're in surgery. so we just are waiting for that call and really we're waiting for someone to give that amazing gift of life. at the end of the day, we hope sarah's story is also about putting an adorable face to a tragic problem and motivating and inspiring people to give. >> we're all waiting for the call. good thoughts and strong prayers. we love sarah and your family
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and america does. >> thank you, peter. really, really grateful for your help and "fox & friends"'s help here. >> steve: thank you very much. we know you got a busy day ahead of you. peter, well done. >> thank you for your help. >> steve: straight ahead, she's just 12 years old, but she has pipes like a pro. ♪ o'er the land of the free >> steve: julia dale here to sing the star spangled banner like that live. but first let's check in with martha mccallum of what happens on the channel in ten minutes. >> hello, steve. coming up, the nsa leaker is on the run and the reporter who broke his story says there is much more to his story to come. and tornado outbreaks expected today. we'll tell you where and plan b, the administration plans to make it available to all ages. dr. manny, very fired up about that. he will join us. and five scandals and no explanations from the white house, says bill o'reilly.
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>> brian: two big stories to tell you about. a judge will rule on nidal malik hasan's request for a three-month delay in his trial. the suspected fort hood shooter says he needs it to prepare his own defense. many are outraged he's still collecting his salary of $278,000, while the people he shot can't get benefits they deserve. today new york mayor michael bloomberg will ask an appeals court to reinstate his soda ban. the ban would outlaw the sale of sugary drinks larger than 16 ounces. back in march a judge stopped the ban because people need their sugar. >> gretchen: earlier in the show we introduced you to 12-year-old julia dale. the miami heat's singing weapon. when she opens their games with her rendition of the national
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anthem, they almost never lose. and she's back with us now to perform. they're 18-2 when you sing. more wins than losses. >> steve: you're ready to sing. you've got a microphone and an iphone. >> yes, i do listen to my first note before i go on and the games as well since i do it acappella. >> steve: you do it and we'll get out of your way. here she is. ♪ o say can you see by the dawn's early light ♪ ♪ what so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming ♪ ♪ whose broad stripes and bright stars ♪ ♪ through the perilous fight
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the home of the brave ♪ [ applause ] >> steve: very nice! how was that? >> that was great. >> steve: that was great. very nice. >> thank you. >> brian: can you do one more thing for us, can you look at the camera and say we'll be right back? >> we'll be right back. >> steve: we will be [ female announcer ] doctors trust calcium plus vitamin d to support strong bones. and the brand most recommended by... my doctor. my gynecologist. my pharmacist. citracal. citracal. [ female announcer ] you trust your doctor. doctors trust citracal.
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>> steve: we had a busy morning today. tomorrow we got three more hours already lined up. >> brian: we got bob massi back here, different outfit and he'll shower. keith ablow went to college to be a psychiatrist. he'll prove it. >> gretchen: we'll have lion cubs, which is always fearful when brian is the studio with any animal, specifically cobras.
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>> brian: i might adopt one. >> steve: also in the after the show show, julia dale is going to be performing live if we can talk her into something. >> brian: yes. >> gretchen: log on. see you tomorrow. bill: fox news alert. the nsa whistleblower reportedly dishe pearing from his hotel in hong kong. good morning. another day of this. i'm bill hemmer. welcome to america's newsroom. this 29-year-old computer whiz, considered an enemy of the state and the subject of an international manhunt.
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