tv America Live FOX News June 11, 2013 10:00am-12:01pm PDT
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now. fox's alert a global manhunt on the way for the high school dropout who orchestrated one of the biggest intel leaks in american history. welcome to "america live," i'm megyn kelly. he's checked out of his hotel in hong kong and we are waiting to hear from the state department on what it knows about snowden's whereabouts. this as we're learning more about his background. despite never finishing high school and dropping out of the army, he had access to some of the country's deepest secrets at the nsa where he originally worked as a security guard before moving to the cia in a series of career moves that would land him diplomatic cover and a high security clearance. while we wait for state, we want to bring in our host of power play on chris, many are asking the question whatever you think of edward snowden, how is it that
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we are granting the kind of access we apparently granted this man to people with that resume and that background. and now we learn he'd only been at booz allen, the contracting firm from which he orchestrated these leaks, for three months. he's there for three months and he's got enough access to get this kind of information? how does it happen? >> you know, jack bower he ain't. the situation -- you know, i was talking to a guy who was a former high up at the nsa. i said how did it come to pass that we are farming out functions that relate to the vital information about all of america? our entire digital presence to contracting firms? why isn't this in the hands of government employees? you know, people who can get shot if they're doing the wrong things. why is this in the hands of a contractor? and, you know, basically the shorthand for the answer was, well, it's cheaper, and you can fire a contractor. you can't fire these people. but i think as the picture grows
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about mr. snowden, the information he had access to and the vastness of this organization, the fact that this was being conducted in secret and the fact we knew so little about it becomes more and more alarming. >> listen -- all right. so he's 29. he never graduated from high school. i think he got his g.e.d. he did some time at community college. he does three months at booz allen after a stint at the cia, a security guard stint at the nsa, three months into his tenure at booz allen. listen to what he told glen greenwald he had access to. >> anybody in position and access with the technical capabilities i had could suck out secrets and pass them on the open market to russia. they always have an open door, as we do. i had access to, you know, the full rosters of everyone working at the nsa, the entire
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intelligence community and undercover assets all around the world, the locations of every station we have, what their missions are and so forth. >> if that's true, we're in a lot of trouble. >> well, not only are we in a lot of trouble, but how likely -- you know, i had a discussion with our friend, brett hoom today and i think it's unlikely that this was the first abuse that has occurred. mr. snowden referred to it there. bret said he had more confidence than i do or was expressing in the ability to control leaks and contabuses. but his very presence, the very existence of mr. snowden and his ability to ripoff all this information and make it not just to anywhere but to the people's republic of china, my goodness. >> right. >> you wonder what is possible. what in the world is possible? >> that's the irony. he wanted to turn in this
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information in. so where does he flee? china? really? i mean, hong kong, you know, it's not quite as bad, but still. i mean, you're in the same neighborhood. you got the same sort of leadership. >> when you're waiting for the bureau to decide what your fate will be, those are not exactly the most heartwarming words in history. now, of course at the same time there's something rational in it because who wants u.s. secrets more than anyone else? china. so perhaps he figures that he would be better protected by the communist regime there than he would some place else. but whatever the case, you know, i guess we should count ourselves lucky that when something like this happens to somebody who styles himself as a whistleblower, not as somebody as he said who wants to sell it to the russians. >> the other thing is he's a young guy. he's 29 years old. it's a great deal if you can get it, i guess.
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he's 29, pad in hawaii and now he's making -- the number revised downward $122,000 a year. still a good chunk of change. a beautiful girlfriend. and, you know, now it's all gone because he's decided to, you know, leak, be a whistleblower, however you want to phrase it. the question is though, chris, in modern day america, in cyber warfare and the way things work in the world right now with respect to the internet and computers, a lot of these whiz kids are young. they're young and being recruited to help our spy agencies because the old guys, they may not know as much as the young guys when it comes to -- it's just like our kids. they're going to be able to out compute us by the time they're 10. is anybody going to have this perfect polished resume? and what are our security agencies likely to do in the wake of edward snowden? >> you know what the best thing about edward snowden for the nsa was? cheap. he was cheap to get because the
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$122,000, his girlfriend self-described ballerina with a pension for pole dancing it seems, whatever lavish lifestyle he seemed to be doing, he's cheap at the price compared to somebody that's a lifelong, somebody you pay and sign up and have a pension because he's a career officer. he was cheap. this is a symptom of being done on the cheap. this is a system of a giant system that's based on lobbying, government contractors and all this stuff. the problem is now we know that it's our stuff that they're sifting through. >> yeah. the pension for pole dancing, that's the thing. we saw her -- we thought she was a ballerina because we saw a tutu and we read further and realized she's using that term very loosely. very loosely. >> it's complicated. >> right. thanks, chris. >> yes, ma'am. well, a photograph published in "the guardian" article published about edward snowden is making a lot of noise online. in the scene with the laptop
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showing stickers for support for two online privacy groups. the first one called the electronic frontier foundation is a long standing civil liberties group that advocates for digital privacy. the second one is in the business of helping people bypass internet controls so they're able to send and receive digital information anonymously. both groups say they've never worked with or had any contact with snowden. so what exactly was going on with this man? were there any signs or clues that he was about to do what he did? and what do his actions reveal about his true motivations? criminal profilers have been studying this man's interview and his behavior since the leak. and wait until you hear the theories on him. one of them joins us live. former fbi profiler 145 today. stay with us. for breaking details on the maker of a crude internet video
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who's been locked up for a probation violation since that video was wrongly blamed by the white house among others for inspiring last year's deadly attack on our consulate in benghazi. with just weeks left until his release from jail for his probation violation, the man has given an exclusive jailhouse phone interview to vowing to finish his project and saying his film "innocence of muslims" has been widely misunderstood. trace gallagher has the story from our west coast newsroom, trace. >> in fact, it was joshua miller that sat down for 40 minutes with that phone interview from his prison here in california. and it's interesting to listen to the entire 40 minutes because despite the fact that the obama administration used his film as a scapegoat for the attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi, he refuses to criticize the administration. listen here.
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>> -- that's why i can say nothing against that. he saw more than me. he know more than me. who am i to criticize the commander in chief? >> he even went onto thank the u.s. government for actually protecting him. his 14-minute movie trailer of course called "the innocence of muslims," was filled with poor dialogue, bad costumes, low budget editing but depicted the prophet as a womanizer, child molester and it did generate outrage among muslims. but he says the film was badly misunderstood. here he is again. >> it's not a religion movie. i'm not insulting that religion. i have friends -- muslim friends, i have a lot of muslim friends. and not all the muslims believe in the terrorism culture. not all of them. some of them believe in this culture. that's why we need to fight with the culture, not with the
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muslims. >> he was arrested and thrown in prison for violating his probation for using an alias to make the film and for using the internet without permission. he is set to be released in september and says he's got two hours of films still in the can and he wants to continue making the movie, finish it to clarify its meaning. megyn. >> oh, boy. trace, thank you. check out the entire interview on our website. log onto for this story and much more. the nsa leaker claims that with a single e-mail address, if he knows your e-mail address, he can wiretap you. he can wiretap anyone anywhere with just his laptop. not only that but now there are claims that they can spy on you through your dishwasher? through your microwave? up next after this break we will ask a former nsa deputy director whether that's true. do you really need to worry not just about burning microwave popcorn but also about the
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machine listening to you? we are actually going to ask that question next. and we're also hearing questions today about whether the state department is engaged in a cover-up for political purposes after reports from internal state department investigators that higher-ups within the department killed investigations into claims of pedophilia, prostitution, sexual assaults and other misconduct involving staffers. this is said to have been done under secretary of state hillary clinton. why would she do that? and did she? plus, one woman is facing murder charges over a pair of apparently killer high heels. >> on the officer's initial arrival proceeded to the 18th floor to unit number b, 18b, where they found an individual inside deceased with significant injuries to the -- to their body. dog food have? 30? 20? new purina one beyond has 9.
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fox alert moments ago the white house refused to comment on the investigation saying "the investigation is ongoing." but there are concerns about mr. snowden's claims about how the government is able to spy on us and capable of spying on us. officials say they can wiretap anyone, even a guy like him 29 years old working for a contractor for three months with just a single e-mail address and a laptop. listen. >> i sitting at my desk certainly had the authorities to wiretap anyone from you or your accountant to a federal judge to even the president if i had a personal e-mail. and then they can use the system to go back in time and scrutinize every decision you've ever made, every friend you've ever discussed something with and attack you on that basis. absolutely. anybody in position with access of the technical capabilities
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that i had could suck out secrets and pass them on the open market to russia. if i had just wanted to harm the u.s., you know, you could shut down the surveillance system in an afternoon. >> a former deputy director at the nsa, cedric, great to see you here. do you think that's true? >> i can tell you, megyn, for a fact, that is not true. here's why. nsa does not allow its people to do those kinds of things as he describes them. and especially someone in his employ, his level of employment doing the things that i believe he did in terms of his employment history based on the news reports that we've seen there is no way that he would be able to do that from one e-mail address to get in and, you know, perpetrate a spying regimen and database mining. >> but what about they wouldn't allow it, but do you believe he would have been capable of it, if he wanted to do it illicitly? >> if he wanted to do it
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illicitly, there are certain things he could have done, but there's still no way even if he were technically proficient and he may very well be fairly technically proficient, there's no way he could go into an e-mail address and based solely on that e-mail address go out and actually find all the data that pertains to an e-mail, to include the internal contents of it. quite frankly, given his position there is no way that he would have had access to all of the data within that system because the data is segregated within that system. and nobody has complete access to everything that's there. so to say the least, i think, megyn, his statements are overblown. >> overblown. okay. so if they want to do it. i'll expand this beyond the nsa to hackers and the tech types who look into these things, if they want to do it, if they get your e-mail address or my e-mail address, can they tap right into it and as this guy claimed in his interview literally see your thoughts forming as you type them? monitor you realtime? >> it takes some other techniques to do that.
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a lot of hackers have been able to do things like go into microphones, for example, a lot of laptops now have embedded microphones within them, your iphone or android is basically a microphone/radio. so you can go in and actually open those up. people have demonstrated these at hacker conferences, techniques where they go in and actually listen to conversations and also ambient conversations within a room. so let's say i bring my cell phone in and i turn it -- even turn it off, it is possible to remotely turn the cell phone back on and then record the conversations that are going on in a room. so that is technically possible. >> that's incredible. so you're telling me just sitting right here if they wanted to, they could tap into this iphone, even if i have it powered down, entirely powered down, not just, you know, silent but powered off, and they can use it as a microphone to listen to what i'm saying? >> it is possible to do that. doesn't mean it is happening, but it is certainly possible to do that. >> okay.
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let me move on to the next question. i want to confirm that is possible. >> uh-huh. >> is my dishwasher spying on me? >> not yet. >> can it? >> you probably don't have, megyn, what i would call a smart dishwash dishwasher. i'm sure it's very intelligent. >> you know it well. you've seen it work. it's clear. >> but the type of dishwasher that, you know, we'd be talking about is one that is wired to the rest of the home. so if you're talking about a smartphone kind of like what something bill gates would have, he has reportedly a house that does all kinds of nifty technological things. >> these are all the rage right now. people are getting it so that you can control your security system and your lighting system if you're on vacation, oh, forgot to turn the lights down. you can do it from your iphone and turn it down. it's not just gates and company, more and more people are getting this smart home technology. >> right. but the basic thing, megyn, is, yes, you can hack into these systems. because they're connected to the internet and because they're connected to your network, they can go in and they can
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manipulate things. they can turn off dish washers, turn them on. they can turn on alarm systems. they can turn them off if they want to break into your house. >> i don't care if they're turning on and off my dishwasher, but i do care if they're listening to my conversation through my microwave or fridge or dishwasher and sounds like you're telling me that is potentially possible if i hook them up to the internet. >> it is if those devices have microphones embedded in them. some of them come with things where they go with voice commands for example. so in those cases it's technically possible you could do something like that. >> how about your tv if you connect to like netflix, if you connect your tv to the internet, does that make your tv a vehicle through which people can spy on you? >> potentially. put it this way, netflix and others do that right now. they determine what kinds of programs you're watching and they give you your favorite list. so in the cable systems do the same thing where they go in and figure out what your preferences are so they know, you know, what you're watching. >> well, i know, but that's not from eavesdropping on me and my
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husband saying, god, we love "game of thrones," that's by looking at what we select or tivo. but it's different if you're telling me bad guys can actually somehow pop in there and listen. by the way, is it possible for them to also see me and my viewers at home? >> only if they have a camera embedded in them. if there's a camera embedded in the device or somebody puts a camera in there illicitly, yes, it is possible to do that. but that goes into surveillance techniques that are, you know, ones that nsa itself would not do. but there are entities out there to include foreign intelligence services that are pretty well practiced at doing things like this. so, yes, it is possible that this can happen. and as long as systems remain unencrypted, it's more likely that in the future we'll see these kinds of things. >> i'm going to have to start n. i don't know how -- i can't even figure it out from my e-mail to remind my fridge. cedric, it's been eye opening. thank you. >> my pleasure, megyn, thanks
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one houston woman is facing murder charges of a pair of apparently killer heels she claims she was forced to use her shoes to defend herself from an attacker, who just happened to be her boyfriend. trace gallagher live with an update in our west coast newsroom. trace. >> megyn, it happened at a luxury condominium complex in the museum district of houston. a neighbor called 9-1-1 saying someone in the next unit over was being assaulted. police arrived and that woman, 44-year-old anna truhio.
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they found the body of her boyfriend in the hallway, who is a very well-known biochemistry professor at university of houston. he had multiple stab wounds in the head, neck and chest. some of the stab wounds were an inch and a half deep. now, she claims he was attacking her and she fought back by using her high heel, her stiletto. it's unclear whether she was wearing it or holding it because she has stopped talking to police. >> initially she was cooperative with the responding patrol officers, but upon our arrival at that point in time began to refuse to cooperate. >> the professor is the one who owned the condominium she was visiting. she has been charged with murder, but even the county d.a. acknowledges that he's still trying to figure out exactly what happened. a man who knows the woman says she once threatened to use a stiletto before. was she holding it? was it on her foot?
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that's the bigamist ri in this murder. or alleged murder. >> thank you, trace. we are hearing questions today about whether the state department engaged in a cover-up of potential criminal activity. under then-secretary hillary clinton. we will tell you what a whistleblower -- self-described whistleblower, who is connected with the inspector general looking into those claims is now alleging happened on mrs. clinton's watch. that's next. and an unsettling mystery unfolding at one u.s. hotel after not one, not two, but three different people check into the same room over the course of two months but never check out. we'll explain. and a former football star finds himself heading to jail. look at this. just moments after a judge nearly grants him his freedom when he decides to display his
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fox news alert, the state department briefing is just getting underway. less than 24 hours after some serious questions were raised about whether state is engaged in a political cover-up. this comes as reports surface now that internal investigations within the state department performed by the inspector general's office in the claims of sex crimes involving employees and other possible criminal behavior have been shut down by higher-ups at the state department. the alleged stonewalling took place they say during the tenure of former secretary of state hillary clinton. some of the accusations involve her personal security detail along with accusations about a u.s. ambassador, and that's not all. joining me now, leslie marshal, syndicated video fox host and larz larson. so cbs news first breaks this and now it's confirmed by our own james rosen. and the headline at cbs was they uncovered documents showing that state department may have covered up alleges of illegal and inappropriate behavior
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within their ranks. investigations influence, manipulated or simply called off at the direction of the higher-ups within the state department while hillary clinton was in charge. i mean, if this is true and this is not just cbs from a leaker, this is cbs looking into inspector general reports within the state department thrks , ths is not good, larz. >> it's not good at all. hillary clinton would like to be president of the united states. she's the odds-on favorite to be the nominee in 2016. and it looks like she couldn't even run the state department. i guess there are two ways to interpret it. you could look at it and say she knew what was going on and people below her ordered that the investigations be quashed. that wouldn't be a big surprise in the obama administration since they seem to have a scandal every other day popping up. and since the cover-up machine works pretty well at least until the rest of us start looking into it. or she didn't know what was going on in her own state department immediately under her
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involving both as you said diplomatic personnel and security personnel and that people below her were carrying out orders she never gave. either interpretation does not seem to really vet her well or fit her well as a potential presidential candidate for this country. >> a former member of the i.g., inspector general's team within state spoke out to cbs news, leslie, and said this is not the full screen for our control room by the way and said to cbs news we were very upset. she went on the record, that's a tough one. she said we were very upsit. we expect to see influence, but the degree to which that influence existed and how high up it went was very disturbing. i mean, shutting down investigations into a man -- one of our ambassadors accused of soliciting prostitutes and possible pedophilia, something he denies. >> yes, but this ambassador also had been spoken to by washington. and, you know, whether we have -- we don't have any criminal charges against these individuals.
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and i think it's propostrous for our state department to do that. you know nobody's going to beat hillary in 2016. you're just getting worried in advance. there's no proof that any of these individuals in the world we're living in right now the transparency, i would expect one of these prostitutes to have their own talk show by now. we would have video. we would have some evidence. could an ambassador -- hey, get away, i want some time in the park or maybe even have an affair, yes. is that criminal behavior or is that behavior he was slapped on the wrist for? >> leslie. >> you can't rectify -- >> -- perhaps these people are innocent. >> you can't rectify alleged pedophilia by a talk with the boss. he denies it. >> no, you can't. >> it's alleged. >> that's right. what you do when there's an allegation is you have to investigate it. you have to investigate it, a, with the police, but, b, lars, they were saying they were
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looking into it and it was called off. >> yeah. exactly. and that's what leslie is missing. if she wants proof that it either did happen or assurance that it did not happen, you have to investigate it. that's the offense. leslie, i agree with you, if somebody's going to be accused of a crime like child abuse, raping a child, child prostitute even, that you're going to have to have proof. but if the people at the top shut the investigation down, you're never going to get the proof. and that seems to be exactly what's going on. just remember this is the same secretary of state who helped try to cover-up the benghazi murders last september. so she's well-suited to that kind of activity. plus, she has decades of experience of trying to shut down sexual escapades by her husband while he was candidate for -- >> oh, boy. >> any woman would try to shut down sexual escapades by her husband. so that's not so controversial. you're talking about media coverage -- in any event. i understand. okay. let me move on though, leslie.
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>> she sent her brother on the campaign trail with him. >> let's move on. i want to show the polls as it comes to hillary clinton today. this is gallup. today a 19% favorability -- 58% favorable, 39% unfavorable. look where it was just in april. she's had a significant drop where she used to have a 64% approval. and then look at the bloomberg poll. worse. in december 70% said she was doing a favorable job or had a favorable opinion and now it's 58%. it's been a significant swing. and 47% say they disapprove of the way she did handle benghazi. so she's taken some hits in the polls. this is all under her watch. and i want to give you the question this way. there was a draft inspector general report generated from within state, and it was ultimately scrubbed of the reference i am about to read you. this is what that draft oig report concluded. "the oig team heard of instances
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where high-level department officials may have once or twice a year brought pressure to bear to improperly halt or influence investigations including into allegations of serious criminal misconduct." leslie. >> first of all, one thing about the clintons is they know how to win. and mrs. clinton, former secretary of state, senator and first lady, doesn't want to lose it. this is her last shot. let's look at her age and be realistic. she is also for decades when you talk decades, larss, spoken out against the treatment and mistreatment of women. she is a strong feminist. she's also an attorney. i do not believe in -- that there will ever be any proof showing that this woman had any knowledge of anything like this or would try -- get off your grassy knoll, my love, i missed you. >> even if she didn't know about it, lars. >> approval ratings were still
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low for obama and he won. >> even if she didn't know that's going to be a problem too. >> yeah, it is. she can't run the state department, she can't run the country. if you want the ultimate poll on the mistreatment of women, ask juanita broderick about get some ice on that lip and those comments and whether or not mrs. clinton has been a strong feminist. she gives nice speeches, but the fact is in her own life and her own conduct, i don't think she lives up to it. and if you're telling me that she can't detect things that are going on below her or she allows her sbord nans shut down so she won't have a talking problem or later on in 2016, that doesn't speak well of her either, does it? >> charges can be dropped before people are thoroughly being investigated or were investigated, the department continues to take action says jen psaki. some are in the process, but the department would never condone any undo influence on any investigation. we will see. >> oh, of course not.
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>> panel, thank you both. fox news alert, we've breaking news out of turkey where we're getting video moments ago of riot police driving protesters from the main square in the capital of istanbul. authorities fired round after round of tear gas and water cannons on what is now day ten of anti-government protests that have grown into a challenge for the turkish prime minister. the prime minister's calling for the protesters -- or calling the protesters terrorists. and the obama administration has said it is watching the situation with some concern. when asked about using riot police and water cannons, the prime minister was unapologetic. we'll continue watching this. we'll have updates as the story unfolds. and as the world waits to learn more about the nsa leaker edward snowden, we are seeing very different theories emerge about what kind of a man would perpetrate such a massive leak. we've literally had criminal profilers studying this man and his public statements since he
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effected this leak. and up next we will speak with one of them about what is really likely motivating this man behind the biggest intel leak in history -- or one of them. plus, new controversy over one child's position to turn a pastry into an imaginary pistol. as we learn an 8-year-old boy will now have a permanent record for what began as a harmless prank. >> heck no, i ain't doing that. i know i'm going to get suspended again for that. >> it's not something you should have been suspended for in the first place. i started a week ago going pro with crest pro-health.
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fox news alert, moments ago president secretary jay carney asked if he would describe edward snowden as a traitor. he declined to comment. this as new questions are being raised to what motivated snowden. here's one of his motives. >> you can get up every day, you can go to work, you can collect your large paycheck for relatively little work against the public interest and go to sleep at night after watching your shows. but if you realize that that's the world that you helped create, i don't have special skills. i'm just another guy who sits there day-to-day in the office watches what happens. and you live a privileged life. you're living in hawaii in paradise and making a ton of
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money, what would it take to make you leave everything behind? the greatest fear that i have regarding the outcome for america of these disclosures is that nothing will change. >> a former fbi criminal profiler, mary ellen, when you hear that explanation, what jumps out at you? >> well, several things jump out at me. one of the first things is he almost sounds like he was bored at his job. i understand what he's saying also i hear the altruistic reasons that he's given for why he's done what he's done. but then you look at the behavior and what he's created here took a lot of time. he didn't just wake up one morning and snap and do this. it's a very flamboyant plan.
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it appears to getting the attention and notoriety. >> he says, however in his interview with "the guardian," that he wants to avoid the media spotlight. "i don't want public attention because i don't want the story to be about me. i want it to be about what the u.s. government is doing." your thoughts on that. >> well, the story's all about him now. it's all about, you know, what he did and what happened. but he's the one that brought it to the attention originally of the journalist and then has them release his name. so his words are not matching up with his behavior because he is the one that's brought it to the attention of the media. and i think we have to keep in mind that there were other ways that he could have handled it that would not have put him in the kind of limelight that now puts him on center stage with the president of the united states. it's actually an international stage. so his words don't match his behavior. >> we've had a few security experts come on in the past couple of days, not just on this broadcast but on many other broadcasts, suggesting that mr.
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snowden may be overstating the extent of his capabilities when it comes to spying on americans. and overstating the extent of any nsa employee's ability to wiretap us and so on. why would he do that? >> well, he's someone, again, who has kind of a sense of arrogance about himself. he sees himself as superior. in other words, he's the resolution seeker here. there is an appearance of being more superior, more moral than anybody else. so i can -- it makes sense to me that people are seeing that aspect to him. he's not -- he didn't finish high school. he didn't finish community college. he didn't make it through special forces. so you have a litany of things that he failed at. and now he claims he has all of these abilities that put him on the forefront of an international stage.
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it certainly does beg the question, really? do you really have those kinds of skills? at least to the extent you say you do? there are so many contradictions in this case. it makes total sense people are asking the questions they were asking. >> if they were calling you in at the nsa tomorrow to say, mary ellen, help us do a profile of the people we now have on staff so we don't wind up with another leaker, is there anything you've seen about this guy that would have raised a red flag for you? like you need to be a little worried about edward? >> the one question i had as i was going through the media counts of this case was the amount of time that he seems -- at least from his own statements that he's spending on the computer for his own personal reasons. i would expect that once the investigation is finished that he was using that computer and his skills and his position to not just figure out that we have
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a problem here, america, but also to use his position to look up other people. to be almost -- on the computer -- >> i want to get this in. the girlfriend sounds like an l interesting character. enjoys walking around naked when she can, takes circus classes and bo medieheihemian ec sen tra pole blogging superhero. does that tell you anything about him? >> that certainly suggests to me is against what i would have thought. i wouldn't expect him to pick a woman like that. so there's more to him than him saying i did all this for ail truistic reasons. we need to peel that onion back far deeper than we do right now. >> i don't know if we want to. mary ellen, thank you, always interesting talking to you. >> you're welcome. up next, the unsettling
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fox news alert. the chaos is getting worse in turkey as the confrontation between riot police and protesters is getting more violent. this is the main square in istanbul where they're protesting the turkish minister they feel has been getting more authoritari authoritarian. the two sides are supposed to be meeting today. we'll see it as we get it. a chilling hotel mystery unfolding in north carolina, as three different people check into the same room but never check out.
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trace gallagher live in our west coast newsroom with an update. >> it's room 225 in the best western in boone, north carolina, the baffling thing about this is why they would let anybody else check into this room. it was just in april an eldserly couple checked in and the next morning were found unresponsive. toxicology results were so long in coming the exact cause of death was unknown. this weekend, jeanne williams and her 11-year-old son check into the same room and they are then found unresponsive. listen to the front desk calling 911. >> it's a woman and young child. the child is in the bed. ma'am -- >> i understand. i'm here with you, okay? do you think -- >> no, you don't understand, we just went through this. >> do you think they're beyond any help? >> they are beyond help, i think, yes. >> remember, she said we just
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went through that. the 11-year-old died and the mom just came out of a coma. the primary culprit was thought to be carbon monoxide and nobody could prove it until now. the results are back and the victims in the room show high level of carbon monoxide and still don't know the source in between those deaths and other people were also staying in room 225. >> so bizarre. trace, thank you. starting to seem like there's a new crisis coming out of washington almost every day. five political controversies making headlines now. and what it could mean for this seasons of scandal and the next three years. a football star in trouble after he pats the bottom of his lawyer in court. to help minimize blood sugar spikes. [ male announcer ] glucerna. helping people with diabetes find balance.
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fox news alert as we await two closed door briefings for members of congress on the nsa controversial surveillance programs. welcome to america live. i'm megyn kelly. moments ago a senior official from the nsa will brief the senior intel committee before joining the house chamber where they will attempt to answer some questions over the government's collection over u.s. phone and internet data. this is the reporter who helped edward snowden publish one of the biggest intellingintelling leaks in history and warns more
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is coming. here is white house jay carney a few moments ago. >> what steps is the u.s. justice department taking to ensure defense contractors who work on intelligence issues there is adequate safeguards against rogue insiders. >> in terms of procedures that are in place, i think i would refer you to the various agencies that have contractors that deal with classified information, the department of defense and nsa and the like. and procedures that they may be engaged in now in the wake of these leaks. but, again, i think it's important to note that individuals who take an oath to protect classified information are bound by it whether they are government employees or contracted employees. >> our chief intelligence correspondent, kathryn heritage.
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>> the damage assessment from leaks is ongoing and mr. obama didn't know about nsa leaker, edward snowden or hiding out in communist controlled hong kong at the time, roughing efforts on the investigation and to extradite snowden to the justice department. at this hour, we're disclosing two classified briefings on capitol hill. you see the deputy directors of the justice department, fbi and national security agency itself. the white house spokesman saying a short time ago while the president welcomes a debate on security versus privacy, he also believes the right safe guards are already in place. >> the oversight structures that are in place to ensure that is there is the proper review of the kinds of programs we have pin place, authorized by congress, through the patriot
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a act, and fisa, do strike there at balance. >> there's also growing evidence that the rollout of links, posting of the snowden video you see there by 3 british newspaper, "the guardian" is carefully choreographed and the journalist at the heart of these leaks says more are coming. >> how fast we get the next one out is something we're deciding now. there are dozens of stories generated by 3 documents that he provided. and we intend to pursue every last one of them. >> former attorney general michael mukasey told fox based on his experience he does not believe the focus right now is primarily on the leak investigation because snowden has implicated himself already but the focus is getting to snowden before he can leak again and before chinese authorities can get to him and question him themselves. >> thank you.
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you're welcome. while we await these nsa briefings, it seems like a new crisis emerges almost every day. the irs, justice department, now the state department. fox news' own bill o'reilly was asked to weigh in on this. >> all i know is it is chaos, scandal de jour. it's tuesday, now, we have hillary clinton running around with a belgium ambassador not doing what he should do. everyday it's something else. >> chaos and scandal du jour is how bill puts it. does he have a point? >> there have been a lot of revelations not helpful to this administration and do paint a picture to a government not under good management or control and one that seems to be engaging in a lot of snooping on americans and private lives and private communications. that's this picture emerging. i think some are not part of the pattern but close enough that they look like it. if you think of the meaning of the word "scandal," megyn, it's
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the uproar that follows. the uproar is following. >> the interesting thing about the nsa scandal as with the justice department spying on reporters like james rosen, our own and ap seems to divided the president's flank on the left and was a group lot of media are in and things have changed in the past six weeks or so. >> in this nsa matter lies at the intersection between left and right. if you go far enough on the spectrum on either side, they kind of meet on some issues. they're there for different reasons. the people on the left don't like this nsa business because they don't trust the defense establishment of which the nsa is a part. the people on the right don't like it because they don't trust the obama administration. you put the two things together and there they are together, as we were talking about last night. you have dennis kucinich and rand paul basically side by side on this issue. >> speaking of --
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>> a rare combination. >> it's made for the strangest bedfellows, this case, speaking of distrusting administration officials and distrusting the national security institution, our directors of national intelligence, james clapper, represents both, right? he's the head of the intel community, basically? >> he is. >> he's coming under fire in the weeks since the nsa scandal broke for testimony he gave to congress at best appears misleading. he was asked in march by democratic senator, ron wyden, the following. listen to his answer and i want to tell you what he said since then. here it is. >> does the nsa collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of americans? >> no, sir. >> it does not? >> not wittingly. there are cases where they could inadverte inadvertently perhaps collect but not wittingly.
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>> that's clearly not consistent. >> the question couldn't have been more perfectly designed to elicit an answer, based on this program. that wasn't misleading. it was flatout false. this guy, clapper, has a history of unfortunately public statements. this is just one more of them. remember he said the muslim brotherhood was largely secular. remember that? >> he was forced to come out hours later and try to dial that back. listen as he tries to clarify this statement. do we do it? no, we don't. we don't do it wittingly, we do not. he comes out and speaks to the "national journal" and stands by what he told, what i said was the nsa does not voyeuristically pour through u.s. citizens e-mails. i stand by that. that's not what he said. >> he doesn't. there is a claim on the analysts gathering that the word "collection" has a certain meaning.
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that collection he was asked by wid wyden was provided to him a day in advance. he wasn't being asked by somebody who knows necessarily all the lingo intelligence community. he was asked by a senator in a public hearing. you'd have to be brain dead to look at that question and say, he's referring to this narrow meaning we sometimes use has to do with spying or particular people or whatever. it's ridiculous. it's an absurd answer. clapper may be for a fine man. for all i've heard he is. he may be a publicly spirited guy. he says all kinds of dumb things and this is dumb and untrue. >> that's a problem when you're in charge of any national intelligence agency. and speaking to the committee responsible for overseeing you. they came out and said not only did i tell him in advance i would ask him that but gave him a chance to clarify it after the hearing and a good chance for him to say, i can't really.
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>> and give him a chance to answer in closed session. it happens all the time. sometimes say, i need to speak to you later. anything like that would have let the cat out of the bag to some extent. when he had the answer later away from the lights of the hearing, he should have done that. remember he said in an interview with diane sawyer some time back. on that day there had been a big arrest of suspected terrorists in britain, he didn't know about it. >> he didn't know. listen to this. i think it's clear to any fair-minded person that director clapper was misleading at best, i'll put it chair ritbly. >> at best. speaking to the senate. now, any white house gets asked about it. director clapper has a problem because right now, keep in mind the administration is asking us to trust them. trust them. we would like to trust them because they're responsible for the safety of our security and loved ones. they're asking us to trust them in the wake of this nsa story.
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jay carney gets asked about clapper and that sound bite. >> he certainly believes director clapper has been straight and direct in the answers he's given and actively engaged in an effort to provide more information about the programs that have been revealed through the leak of classified information. >> straight and direct. >> you know, this is a peculiar habit of this administration. it often happens in the course of scandals and uproars officials say things that turn out not to be true. this administration is in the habit of saying things we already know is not true. it's a peculiar way to proceed with a scandal. i think the nasa program is vald and i don't think anything this whistle-blower points us to abuses at any time. the safeguards are built in.
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i don't understand why this administration can't seem to shake hands with the truth. it's maddening when people ask straightforward questions and get answers like this and jay carney says this is up and up and it's not! >> straight and direct. the same way they did not touch the benghazi talking points and only changed one word. >> it's inexplicable. >> i know politicians do this and administrations sometimes do this. seems like everyday we get a new story, don't believe your lying eyes, just believe what we say today and say trust us. we had barack obama come out last week, if you don't trust your government, we will have a problem, and we do. >> we don't trust the government and we do have a problem. trust in government is an essential ingredient in the proper functioning of a democratic society. we have had too many examples lately of the government proving itself untrustworthy. the list grows. i don't think this program itself is an example of that. the answers given by james clapper certainly are.
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>> brit hume, good to see you, sir. >> you bet. if you're just joining us, we have breaking news out of turkey. we've been watching these violent clashes in the heart of istanbul. we have live pictures of a vehicle on fire in the distance. looks like it might be a television truck in the center of the main square in turkey's capital. there are a lot of protesters throwing rocks and firebombs. they are not happy because they feel the turkish leader has become more and more authoritarian. these protesters have hung in there despite scenes like this, riot police are using water blasters to clear the square. this is day 10 of the protests, no word they will end it soon. the prime minister said he will meet with some of these protesters. a moment ago i said today and it's actually wednesday. we'll see what happens between now and then as the situation in istanbul and turmoil in turkey
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right now. coming up, edward snowden the leaker we're discussing now facing serious charges in the nsa leak investigation. do his actions rise to the level of treason, a crime still punishable by death. judge napolitano weighs in next. my gynecologist. my pharmacist. citracal. citracal. [ female announcer ] you trust your doctor. doctors trust citracal. humans. we are beautifully imperfect creatures living in an imperfect world. that's why liberty mutual insurance has your back, offering exclusive products like optional better car replacement, where if your car is totaled, we give you the money to buy one a model year newer. call... and ask an insurance expert about all our benefits today, like our 24/7 support and service,
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back to one of our top stories, the white house refusing comment when asked about edward snowden and whether he is a traitor. house speaker john boehner earlier was much reluctant to weigh in on that matter. >> he is a traitor. the disclosure of that information puts americans at risk. shows our adversaries what our capabilities are and it's a giant violation of the law. >> joining me now, judge andrew napolitano, senior judicial analyst. not just a violation of the law, a giant violation of the law. can understand he is upset and wants to make a political
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point. i do not think it is treason. it certainly is a violation of his commitment to his employer and government to retain a secret to which he was entrusted. he has moral arguments and some of us applaud those arguments. i don't know a judge would let him make those moral arguments in court. i don't know i did it because the government needed to be exposed, i did it because the government was hiding an important secret is a defense to the violation of the oath to keep something secret. >> that's something you use to persuade somebody like eric holder not to come after you in the first place. >> correct. his lawyers may be making that argument as we speak or shortly will be making it. treason is the only crime the government can seek a death penalty the person hasn't caused a death in his own hands. there's only been seven successful in the united states of america and usually in involve treason at the height of war-time which supplements in the frustration of movement of
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troops. a classic example is tokyo rose eventually pardoned by president ford years later, terrifying troops in the pacific thinking japanese were behind every tree. >> you have john boehner suggesting he's guilty of treason and senator dianne feinstein. strange bedfellows in this case. this is a bipartisan use of that word now. >> treason is the only crime defined in the constitution. the framers defined it in the constitution because it was the favorite of british kings to eliminate their opponents by accusing them of treason. thomas moore was accused of treason because of being a king on earth. and wage iing war in the united states of america or providing aid to their enemies, not in there but usually read in there during war-time, in an act of violence. treason requires the testimony
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of two independent witnesses to the same overt act or a confession by the defendant in the courtroom, not in another forum. that's one of the reasons so few people have been prosecuted. >> a high bar. >> it's very difficult to prove. >> what could they charge him with. you like what he did, support the leak. >> you talk about strange bedfellows. you have dennis kucinich and hand wall. you have dianne feinstein and john boehner. bill o'reilly and judge p napolitano calling this guy, snowden an american hero. here is what he will probably be charged with espionage, giving information to the enemy that falls short of treason. >> doesn't it have to show harm to the united states? >> and i think they will charge him with it because you know and i know from our days in the courtroom. the government always overcharges. it charges for more than it thinks it can prove so a guilty
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plea or jury verdict will be where they want it. >> how does it play, 58% of the people according to the rasmussen poll are against what this man did but leaves a healthy portion in favor and certainly don't want to see him go to jail the rest of his life. >> i don't think public opinion would be taken into account by the justice department. i also don't think this justice department will be doing the prosecution. this is not something that will happen tomorrow. it will probably be on the watch of whoever succeeds barack obama. >> really? it will take that long? >> yes, i think so. >> right now, we don't know where he is. fled the hong kong hotel. >> you will have international treaty implications and political implication, especially if he's somewhere in china or country that wishes us ill. >> i can't help but ask you because you commented on my discussion with brit and amazed by that clapper sound bite, where he has the hand up. let's watch it again. >> does the nsa collect any type
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of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of americans? >> no, sir. >> it does not? >> not wittingly. there are cases where they could inadvertently perhaps collect but not not wittingly. >> now, lawyers and judges are trained to look for deception. having tried 150 jury trials and thousands of non-jury trials, i'm always looking for deception. classic sign offers deception. the relatively to make eye contact, the rubbing of the hands, the couching of the te terms, not wittingly, and perhaps trying to go back and rework his answer. >> and then not just the couching of the words, like, could he get -- what? no. >> if hollywood had approached him as to how to appear deceptive, this was a better job than they would have coached him. >> and the oscar goes to the judge.
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pleasure to see you. new controversy over an 8-year-old boy and what happened after he had the nerve to chew his poptart into the shape of an imaginary pistol. think he deserve as break? you might be the only one. stay tuned. huh...anybody? julie! hey...guess what day it is?? ah come on, i know you can hear me. mike mike mike mike mike... what day is it mike? ha ha ha ha ha ha! leslie, guess what today is? it's hump day. whoot whoot! ronny, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? i'd say happier than a camel on wednesday. hump day!!! yay!! get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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fox news alert. a big moment in washington for the landmark bill that would overhaul the nation's immigration system. the u.s. senate starting its first vote on the bipartisan legislation right now. this is a procedural vote, effort to end debate before considering the bill later this afternoon. the measure would create a path to citizenship for many of the nation's 11 million illegal immigrants. it is unclear however if the votes are there in both the senate and the house. stay tuned.
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now to the case of a first grader who made national headlines, for good reason. he was suspended, as you might imagine, because he chewed his poptart into the shape of a gun. these kids are evil and they must be stopped. this one was, this little 8-year-old josh welch, chewing and chewing his pastry until everybody was terrified around him. now, it will be reflected on his permanent record! because that school district doesn't put up with any bs on poptart, trace gallagher. >> no. josh was actually 7 years old when he nibbled that poptart into the shape of a gun. josh said he was trying to nibble it into the shape of a mountain he had just drawn in art class. the vice principal says josh pointed that pastry at a classmate. josh says he pointed it at the ceiling. either way, he was kicked out of school, suspended for two days. republican groups came to his
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defense. the nra gave him a lifetime membership. josh said he didn't care about that, wanted to play video games. the 23578 family hired a lawyer appeal because they did not want this on his record. listen to his dad. >> he goes for a job and they require clearance and they say, you threatened to shoot somebody in the second grade or something crazy? >> reporter: the superintendent has now ruled and the ruling is the appeal is denied. the suspension stands. in his presentation, i have to show you, because the lawyer put these up to the superintendent and said, what's next? do we get rid of this? because this looks more like a gun than that poptart. this is this state of florida. what about the state of idaho. can kids point the state of idaho and get suspended. things like that. he's now appealing to the board of supervisors to see if they can get this thing- >> you know what's next, you just think about a gun, you're suspended, out, you terrified
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people and you need to be stopped. good for the superintendent for exhausting the efforts where we really need them in america's school systems. i applaud him. >> in fairness, some of the strawberry jelly did leak out as he was holding that poptart. >> is that right? you never know, he pointed it at the ceiling so maybe there was another classroom up there. thank you, trace. >> who knows. >> in some of our stories these days, either laugh or cry? you think a school will hold that against your child? it wouldn't be a school i want my kid to go to. coming up, the whirlwind of scandals revolving around the white house and the question whether they are impacting the public trust. and carney what he just said about clapper being direct and honest. really? is that where the white house is going to go with this? we will pick up that debate with our panel. an unfortunately star just
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night has fallen and the violent clashes in the heart of a country considered a u.s. ally continue. these are live pictures out of istanbul, turkey, just moments ago. live pictures. this has been going on some time as the riot police use water cannons and tear gas to drive out protesters, said to number in the thousands now. the main square in the turkey capital looks like a full-on melee, it has been going on a week and they feel the government has become too authoritarian there and this is day 10 of these protests. no word if it will end soon. there is supposed to be a prime minister and some protesters tomorrow. we will continue to update you. a fox news alert at capitol hill now, where the question of thru trust is again taking center stage. the director of intelligence, claims clapper has come under
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increasing fire this past week as it emerged he told congress back in march the government was not doing surveillance or checkicheck i -- collecting data on millions of america directly contradicted by what he admitted they are doing this week. jay carney was just asked about that contradictions and mr. clapper, moments ago, here's what he said. >> well, he certainly believes director clapper has been straight and direct in the answers he's given and has actively engaged in an effort to provide more information about the programs that have been revealed through the leak of classified information. >> joining me former chairman of the republican party of virginia, and richard, a former specialist assistant to president clinton and democratic specialist. straight and direct, really?
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>> we can't get into mr. carney's mind but i'm sure he was referring to mr. clapper's performance overall. i'll bet mr. clapper will explain when giving that congressional testimony it has to do with what he's allowed to say. >> you will lose that bet, he's already spoken out about it, clapper has, to the ""national journal"," quoting clapper now. what i said was the nsa does not voyeuristic voyeuristically pour through americans' e-mails. i stand by that. that is not what clapper said and not what senator widyden asd him. >> i agree it is not a good situation we find ourselves in the secret program, the government is entitled to have secrets. when a secret program is revealed it's rather unusual. i think the government has to figure out what exactly it wants
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to share and do this. >> that's a little off point. but on point is the question of whether clapper should have been asked that, mr. clapper should have been asked that. john bolton came on this program yesterday and not a big defender of this administration saying senator wyden had no business asking him that in open session about a clandestine program. now, senator wyden's office comes out today and says we told him in advance he testified we were going to asked him and i asked him at the testimony and gave him a chance to clarify and after the fact, sent a written follow-up, are you sure you want to stand by that answer? i'm on the oversight committee for intel. and the president is saying trust your representative with oversight over this program. i tried to exercise that oversight and i was lied to! >> right. there is an alternative to telling a bold faced lie under oath. you can say, i can't answer that question because of security concerns, say something. but the problem is, this is a
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pattern. you have bob asking eric holder for clarification for statements he said, the former director of the irs making questionable comments. megyn, this all goes to whether or not the american people can trust and administration that will send its folks out, send somebody autofive morning talk shows to tell bold faced lies about what happened in benghazi. this is an administration counting on really the idiocy of the american people. they're not idiots. that's why we're seeing this massive dropoff in trust of the american people in trust towards the president. >> when they need it the most. right now in the emergence of this nsa domestic surveillance whatever you want to call it government program they need to trust it more than ever. we need that for this program to work. the president came out on friday and said if the people can't trust not only the executive branch but also don't trust
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congress or the federal judges to make sure we're abiding by the constitution, we're going to have some problems. there, you see congress trying to exercise its oversight responsibility over director clapper and the intel community and they were misled, richard. >> well, i will say again, i think it is a very difficult situation when, in an open hearing, the director of national intelligence is asked about a secret program. >> what should he have done? >> i don't know what he should have done. >> lied? >> i don't know if -- >> when ron wyden said i gave his office a chance to amend the answer after the hearing was over. what should he have done then. >> i don't know what ron wyden is doing asking the director of intelligence about a program he knows is top secret. one could ask the same question about mr. widen. why is he asking a question about a top secret program in this middle of an open hearing. let's go to the suggestion of trust. i think the polling suggest
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american people on big issues do continue to trust president obama. on the issue of national security, the issue of keeping us safe, the issue of relating to whether or not the economy is getting better. i think the president retains strong favorability rating. the polling suggests around this, his favorability ratings overall are unchanged. i think the point your other guest was making is nonsense. >> his favorability is pretty good, but trust numbers are plummeting. you have seen a 20 point drop just over the past couple of weeks. go ahead, kate. >> a lot of polls are actually showing the president dipping below 50%. in terms of favorability among the american people. the broader problem here when it comes to the trust factor, do people trust the deposit, not just how it will impact the next mid-terms or presidential election, goes to president obama's entire agenda, broadening the power of the federal government, diminishing the power of the individual.
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that's why the president is so desperate for the american people to continue to trust despite the loves and obviouscation, and despite targeting groups that disagree with him philosophically, he needs us to continue to trust this massive expansion of the federal government or else his entire eight years in office is really for not. >> i don't know why they're not calling for public hearings saying we need those to address the recent disclosures and says the american people have a right to expect straight answers from the intel leadership. i'll give you last word. >> kate's efforts to blame all the dysfunction in washington on president obama is ridiculous. >> he said it would be the most transpare transparent administration in history. hope and change. 95 to go. back to riots in istanbul. the fires are growing. list fen for a minute.
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look at this situation. the crowds are growing as well, after efforts to drive the protesters from the main scaqua have fouled. leland is there and joins us by phone. >> reporter: the prime minister of turkey said this is over referring to the protesters and the protesters said, oh, no, it is not. we've been watching the hitched battles. the large cracks are rubber bullets and tear gas volleys coming out. that has not pushed the protesters out that responded with rocks and molotov cocktails. you can hear the chaos going there right now inside the main square there in istanbul. this started as an environmental protest 12 days ago and the violent police crackdown has brought thousands of more people out to the street protesting against the prime minister.
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prime minist prime ministerer prime ministerered erein turkey there 12 years but many say he is turning the secular state of turkey into an islamic state. that's what the protest is about. angry and violent and police is responding in the very same way. about 2 1/2 years ago, you and i talked when there were similar pictu pictures coming out of egypt and now we have the battle in istanbul. only time will tell if we say, here we go again with another u.s. ally being threatened in the middle east. megyn. >> what specifically is their beef? whatever it began as, it emerged into this rebellion what they describe as increasingly authoritarian leadership. you say he's turning turkey into a more islamic state. what specifically are they alleging? >> he has been elected three times and ruled 12 years and moved from a largely secular
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state to religious one. there are religious classes in primary school and high school and restricted placed on the sale of alcohol and these kinds of things people say the prime minister is trying to align himself with the syrian rebels, the stand turkey took in the early stages. he had a lot of success growing the economy in turkey and poured cold water with these protests and a lot of anger he's doing things by decree, rather than allowing people to protest he's sending police out with rubber bullets we're hearing right now. >> the protesters want certain government officials to resign, want certain people detained in the protest to be released. and the prime minister to resign himself and all that refused and are supposed to be meeting to talk. you can see maybe it's the storm before the calm, but we're not sure. we will continue to watch this and continue to keep leland, his feed open and take a quick
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would not be forcing the crowds out. the prime minister of turkey taking a very different tact and saying we will not show any more tolerance for these protests, vowing this end the demonstrations. you can see the clashes on your screen now that have emerged in the wake of the fulfillment of that promise, going on for hours. the crowds are growing as the government tries to drive these protesters from the main square. those efforts have failed so far. our own ralph peters joins us by phone. this is breaking news out of turkey, as we see a clash that involved the turkish prime minister, the key ally of the united states and protesters who seem to be complaining about growing authoritarianism, growing islamism, and your thoughts on their complaints and how they're being handled right now. >> reporter: megyn, turkey is a country i have been visiting for many years, my wife and i have a
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great deal of affection for it and my wife and i had our honeymoon there. i wish them well but been troubled the last 15 years watching this growing isl islamtization and split in society from the rural side and slums of the city and becoming a voting block only the islamist party under prime minister erdogan. there are people rioting and people asking to be heard are secularist, moderates, the ones who want turkey to remain under a version of thed ed gan turkey constitution, a secular constitution that didn't see turkey as a religious state. the prime minister has been moving smartly towards the implementation of turkey and his wife even wear as hijab. the park was a local catalyst. he's been cut back more and more
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of the secular rights. megyn, more important, even as president obama snuggles up to president obama snuggles up to prime minister0gzx> erring tur more prisoners than anyone, and when itd he passed am/o law restricting alcohol sales.iv7 well, they@j make good=o theym.d saw the secular turks, e young people overwhelmingly, thñ educated saw --iko slowly becomg saudi arabia, and he is close to the muslim brother hood so you're.i violent fight is the struggle between those whoh7 want a modern turkey and those who want to take añ back. a struggleuñ between those who a struggleuñ between those who want0gña
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11:54 am
>> megyn: fox news alert and chaos inside of a key u.s. ally, turkey. ralph peeler is with us by phone and is watching this. this is a complicated situation, not totally unlike what we saw with mubarak in egypt because it was a close u.s. ally, someone who we -- our president was close with, politically, and yet when we saw the protests unfold there, we wound up getting behind them. will we do the same here?
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this guy was just meeting with president obama and puts the white house in a difficult position. >> president obama has been very anyway eve about the prime minister, who is an islamist. and his freedom and justice party, there's been a split between hardliners like erdogan and soft core islamists who saying, let's talk to the students, the protesters. the prime minister won't do that. and of the last dozen years he ixwp=á;ft army by court-martials admirals and generals on trumped up charges, and put his key people in positions of power and authority within the police and
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ground. he has become a dictator. >> megyn: the.president behindded to turkey as a model for other islamic nations pursuing democracy. i have 20 seconds seconds to th. >> well, president obama doesn't do his homework and he sees everything through a political lens and this is about geostrategy the highest level. a nato ally turning into an amateur saudi arabia. >> ralph, thank you. shepard willç have continuing coverage. [ male announcer ] this is kevin.
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to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for him, he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills. ♪ yup. another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet?
11:58 am
12:00 pm
>> there is breaking news now. we're continuing to watch developments in turkey, and at this hour, about 10:00 at nightç there, the scenes are disturbing at best. let's take a live look. tear gas and fireworks in the streets of istanbul. riot police fired back at protesters. the 12th straight day of demonstrations in a nation that is the key ally to the united states, police fired rubber bullets. water cannons in the street, tear gas to break up the crowds. just asç they clear the square, repeatedly, the demon -- demonstrators return. and move back
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