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tv   The Five  FOX News  June 15, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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>> hello, everyone. i'm kimberly guilfoyle, with bob beckel, eric bolling, andrea tan tear rose and greg gutfeld fold. it's 5:00 o'clock in new york city and this is the five. >> we're going to kick off the showow with a little faith book free for all.we w we're answering some of your questions knit smithed on our facebook page. there are lots offsu hot topics with the scandals in washington, including the nsa leak and snowden, irs targeting benghazia the department of justice reporter probe and much more. huge response. almost 4,000 posts.e. so thanks to everyone formost participating and i hope those of you that didn't feel bad
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right now. i've got the questions rightfeel here. vanna, the envelope. all right. i mean, somebody needs to give him a b-12 shot. come on.b let's participate. this question, first question goes to everyone. we'll start with greg 'cause he looks to apathetic. question, does anyone thinkooks edward snowden might have been a spy for china the whole time? it actual israeli a good bobowed question. >> he's not sexy enough to be am spy. you don't have thatwh kindo of facial hair and be a spy at the time. he's not a spy. s he's a traitor. >> for the he' record, for evero i say he's a hero. i say he is -- he saw the government overreach and he said, look, someone's got togove stop this. he clearly -- >> why was this the firsttop question? >> by the way, no. he's not a bradley manning. >> he certainly ain't james bond.
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before i get into my part of the question, i didn't realize this was father's day weekend. my kids, there is two of you, dd have i gotten a thing? have i gotten a note? >> it's not 'til sunday. >> oh, okay. you said there is two of youou t there? there may be more. is that what you're saying?t th this is a fox news daddy alert. >> i don't think he's a spy. no. and i don't think frankly what d he gave up were big secrets.s. >> i love how we all operate on half the information. i don't think he l gaveo up that much. >> i would have fun friday. go ahead. >> i would hardly call him ald hero. die think he prompted a national discussion? t yes. but i don't think we should be lauding praise on this guy. i don't think he worked for the chinese. however, now, i definitely think they are not going to let him out of that country without grilling the heck out of him.thu >> why wouldn't they?of >> the china official today says president obama says he'll let him come back free and clear. they would be more than willingd to let him go. >> by the way, that question was from sarah p.wi
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not sure if that was sarah palin.ure but welcome to the fox news channel. >> i would agree if snowden was a hero if you actually viewed a america as something like eastat germany, totalarian state. if that's how you think americaa is. but i don't think america is. i'm going to keep talking. >> or if you t don't want ameria to become a totalar irrigation an. >> moving on, bob, do you ever get tired of carrying the water for obama?? that's from bradford m. >> bradford, let me say this. i've said this before many times, let me repeat myself. there are some days defending obama i feel like the only -- what is it? l >> fire hydrant westminster dog show. >> do i get tired? sure, i do. there are times when i just -- it gets very hard. >> then you have to take a sick day. >> he's my president and he's a democrat and i'm a total
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partisan. >> at least you admitocr it. that's why bob is great, because you've been consistent int's everything you say since day one. you were against patriot act then under bush and you're against they patriot act now ant you say you're partisan and that's why i respect you because you say what you are. >> that was warm and fuzzy.y. this one is going to andrea. i'm starting with her. do you think snowden will be found alive, dead or torturedu h for his knowledge?nd that is from linda g. >> found dead -- i think he'll be alive. i don't think they're going toto killkn fo him. i think they're going to get as much information as possible. >> how much time do you think it will take to locatete >> i think they're working on it right now. the question is how quickly can they get him and bring him back. i think we know exactly where he is. >> i think we know exactly where it's going to be lot of walls to get over to get thea guy back because extraditingack somebody is difficult in any event. >> we're out of >> we know where he is, why don't we stop him from going in
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the first place? >> no, no.>> we know where he is now. >> no, the present location. this one is for greg. >> i know where hee is. he's with valerie jarrett. >> with the president, you mean? >> yes. >> for greg, what would you say to obama if you had the chance to sit down and talk to him? wo this is from amy s. >> let me think. that's a good question. i guess i would say why can't i keep what i earn? that's the thingwoul that gets t and do you really believe in redistribution, because i thinku he does.liev >> julia thinks so as well.>> andrea, i'm going to ask you this question -- if you were to have president obama on your radio show, what would you can him? >> i would ask him where he wash the night of september 11, 2012. nightere you doing the that our -- >> i want o your question. can i have her question? i want hererc answer.
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>> do you want her answer? >> i want herer answer. >> that's actually we do actually know where he was. >> i've got another one. >> what was he doing. >> this is a serious question because what it gets down to about redistribution of all of our wealth, that's -- you may not agree with it.weal i happen to believe there is a chunk we ought to take and give, to those that don't have. th but so it's a legitimate discussion and it's one where we're -- i'm not going to convince you and you're not going to convince me. i think it's very, very good way to put it. >> okay. so this next one, i'm going to toss to boling. open to everyone. i'm very good at this game showt thing. recession proof. now that we know that sheryl atkinson's computer was breached, do you fear for your privacy. any breaches at fox news channel besides rowsen? >> we don't know -- by the way,
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cbs confirmed her computer being hacked, breached, by some highly sophisticated equipment,equi technology. do i fear it?tech yes. i fear it tremendously. i fear it on my phone and computer. i don't know what they're going to do with it. i'm only concerned about the government knowing who i calleda and who called me, i'm concerned about the government listening w to my calls andho as we know noa they have the technology to be able to do it. >> i'm scared of the fact that> somebody can get into the phone line -- i mean, if it's going on -- >> you're kind off transparent.e very dramatic. >> i just>> signed my e-mail signatures with the fox news channel. i don't like you, mr. obama, and leave james rosen alone. 'cause if they're reading them, there you go. >> we're going to be moving on with that. i don't make it up. now, here is the next one. kimberly, why was lois lerner allowed to plead the fifth? because that is her?
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>> constitutional right. >> where is it? >> right here. he doesn't leave home without it. that's her constitutional rightt although she should's have been given limited use immunity andat answered some of the question. h this one is for everyone. do any of you think that the irs will actually be abolished after this scandal? that's from lesley l. >> use the laugh track. >> you can wish. >> anyone? >> no, it's going to be around. it will be the last thingl be living. death and taxes, it's true. it unless we decide to go to fair or flate a tax and as a liberal, i'm in favor of it because i'm tired of all these loopholes and everybody complaining about it. >> fantastic. greg, you have a thought on that? >> it's up to the americanasti people to actually wake up to this scandal. it's the t biggest scandal, the irs thing. amscan i done? >> oh, no.
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i'm justge talkingst to myself. >> i thought you were i talking> me. go ahead.'m j >> yeah, i think we're neverou going to be able to get w rid of them. >> something greg said is really important. the american people complain in polls and stuff all the time. but do they participate? no. do they vote? hardly at all.? this is not an engaged communitl we're living inl. here. >> but they vote. they just elect the wrong leaders. elections have consequences. you have to elect somebody that's not going to abuse the irs, >> this is good. >> half the team are voting. a little over half who are eligible. >> let's get some quick answers. i want to get all these in 'cause they're really, really good. eric, do you think the administration will ever answer for those killed in benghazi?lla >> no, if they haven't done it now, there is no way we're going to get it out of them unless, unless, we get a special prosecutor to investigate. >> and andrea? >> no. >> you don't think so. anybody think differently? okay. >> i think so if they're going to find out who gave the order to stand down. >> or who pushedng the video. t everyone, which of the scandals
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will be the most damaging to the obama presidency? give me a quick answer.ich beginning with mr. gutfeld. >> my might say the nsa, although it should be the irs. >> andrea? >> now i want to steal greg's answer. i actually think it's the irs, but the nsa is probably something that's very shocking. >> i think you're right about that. >> when wewe find out who gave e order to target conservative groups, could be the irs, unless they don't. i think it was a lot more. >> bob? irs affects everybody's lives every day. clearly will be the one. i don't think people sit up at night worrying about the nsa. >> i'm going to go with theheth. i think they need to pay for a their misdeed and that line t dancing video. okay. andrea, who in the republicang i party do we have to make it coop again to get more voters to vote? republican. that's from geoff. >> you know what? i think we probably don't know their name yet.>>
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>> yesterday they said it was marco rubio. >> he's very cool. i have know people don't think he's cool now for immigration, but i still think he can motivate the masses. c he's very enjet hispanic cool.nw >> i think he's the real deal. reason, cool and the republican party don't match.ty. >> it's a tough answer to give. >> greg? >> i think it's dangerous to actively try to be cool ornk search for but they doer have to find some young blood. that's another way of saying cool, i guess. and they have to get onto thehey campuses and engage students because the students are right now, they're basically an academic version of the taliban. >> we got to take a step -- >> wait a second. every one of these have taught communism. i remember when i was in college, there used to be an active republican student groups. but they don't seem toto active. >> do you know how hard it is to come out on a college campus as a republican of the it's much easy to come out as gay. you come out as a
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conservative -- >> you're a young republican, you're in hiding and have ten aliases. >> i like scottre walker and rad paul and ted cruz. >> very exciting. >> shaking the tree a little bit. >> this is the last question. everyone can participate. we call this a free for all.l. please jump in. for everyone, if the five ranfre the country, who would get what job? that's from zachary o. starting with greg. >> i'd be social chairman. >> you are so perky! okay. chipper. andrea? >> you would be you attorney general.amaz amazing. >> department of commerce.un or treasury, eric. >> bob? >> i like you as social chairman. >> i think i'd be good at >> bob? >> department of redistributio. >> bob would be valerie jarrett. >> you'd be a great political director. or you could be head of the white house kitchen 'cause you pick our snacks in the green room.
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our senior producer could be jay carney. >> you definitely have to be running the secret service, bob. [ laughter ] >> that's true. >> there are no secrets, let me tell you something. with the stuff i see on that phone, woo, what would i do? >> what would you do? >> you'd be secretary of state. >> that's good. >> you'd be good. having a greek do something good today. >> i speak a couple of languages, i guess i should use them. >> and clearly, 'cause i get the last word, i will make myself presidente. >> oh, i like that. >> that means we don't have to get up and go to work. >> turns that white house into a spanish soap opera. >> doesn't it sound good? >> you speak spanish? >> have we met? >> at's right. you're puerto rican, aren't you? >> yes. please don't disparage my people. >> we're going to go to a break. >> what's wrong with that? you're fun. they're a lot of fun.
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>> double down, stepp away. >> up next, some interesting developments in the irs scandal. president obamaeres and eric hor promise to get to the bottom of the what happens, but we're now learning that's not quite the case. eric's got ahead. nothing in the monitor. full screen. ♪
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>> my pal bob beckel thinks the irs scandal may be the worst of all of them for team obama. when the story broke, the president claims he was angry. ericim holder said he would investigate and people would be held at can be.
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so how is the investigation going? listen closely to this sound from the administration over the last couple of weeks, especially the last part. >> i will not tolerate this kind of behavior in any agency, buti. especially in the irs, given the power that it has and the reach that it has in all of our lives. we're going to hold the responsible parties accountable. >> anybody who has broken thepos law will be held accountable. >> you don't know who is heading up the case? >> at this juncture, no. >> turns out some of the kn tea party groups who were targeted haven't even been contacted by law enforcement. so should we really believe they want tobee get to the bottom ofw what happened? bob beckel, here we are at least a couple weeks after theyg started this thing. they don't even know who is af investigating. answer, to me, at thehe end there was unbelievable. you're asking the head of the f.b.i. who is responsible for investigating this and they say they're investigating it actively and he doesn't the head of the investigation is? hell, veiled made up a name -- i
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would have made up a name. >> that's what you do, bob. >> okay. but at least i got away with it. >> hey, i would have put my best guy on this case. this is what the american people need answers to. >> why do you think there is distrust in the government? >> they captain be not doing t anything. it would be crazy. >> imagine if somebody from the bush administration said that.t. >> here we>> go. >> to be honest with you, itushd a fair analysis and question because there is such a double standard here. this is outrageous. even you think it's ridiculous that he can't answer. >> i agree with that.hat >> it's not fair. >> it's not a bush, obama thing. >> it's not even that he didn't make up a name. he didn't even try to know the t answer to a question that he in all likelihood had in advance. bob, you know they get the in questions in advance and even if he didn't get the question in advance, shouldn't he know that's the topic? he didn't know who was leading the investigation. he didn't know how many investigators were assigned to it. he didn't knowdidn if tea partyn groups had been contacted. it's not like they brought them
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to capitol hill to ask him if kanye west cheated on kardashian. >> you think that really happened? >> this is a bad, bad black eye for the administration. do they really need to get -- president, the white house, they're acting like parents trying to exhaust a kid so they'll sleep at night.yi they're counting onng us to jusp pass out from all these scandals. it's antin disaster. where is fema? where is fema? why aren't they at the white house declaring the disaster? i think the irs probe is rehigh on the list of priorities for obama things to do. it's right under congratulatinga the first dyslexic transgendered hockey player. he's going to visit a solar farm run by vegans. then after that, maybe they'll get to the irs. >> greg, welcome to the program. >> the irs targeting of
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conservative groups, just a mistake or intentional operation? check it out. int 66% say it was intentional. one more. obama administration involved in irs targeting of conservative groups. he knewwth it, but he didn't did initiate it. 24% say had no involvement. >> what's even worse if they have this mess on their hands, so they try and bring in th somebody to fix it, the new economicser, danny werfel, the worst, who is appointed to lead the investigation was on the hill last week. he didn't't know anything about bonuses that were given to the woman that supposedly led the targeting and his excuse was, i don't have the right staff. theretar is 90,000 people workig at the irs now and he doesn't have the right staff or enough staff? lois lerner busy logging on tost her account still with a paid hr vacation. they cover up more imcompetence with more imcompetence. >> go ahead. >> i was just going toom say tht if you're mueller and you're going up there, the first thing your staff is going to give you,
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anybody that's done this before knows, look, in the first or second question you're going to get some question about what's the status of the investigation, which means you have to have somebody in charge ofut it. if that's the first thing i read and get briefed, i turn around and the f.b.i. and say, bill, tr you're in charge. and just then he can get away with it. but to not know? >> guess what? because heca deliberately wanted to be evasive, not answer any wn questions and shield themselvese 'cause he wants to exit quietly he's not going in there andto spill the beans. but they should be filing, tea party, requests to get the information and finding out if there is any link or nexus between what was going on at the nsa and groups that were being targeted by the irs 'cause they think these people are terrorist, they probably thought, well, we have justification -- >> he at least could come up with a procedures of how they'rt doing. i don't know. >> i don't know why they're so s heldd of being accountable, because every single person so far that's beel held accountable has been
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promoted. [ laughter ] look atd it.mote susan rice, look at the original irs lady. >> path to success. >> if you are incompetent, you get a promotion. if you're really incompetent, you can be president. the interesting thing here is -p >> community organizer. >> very t good.h the lesson is the only way to get rid of big government is through big government. sooner or later, through its own gluttony, it explodes. o in ar weird way, statism is like herpes. it's incurable and comes back and remember how bad it is, we get rid of it. you try to eliminate it. >> ain't that the truth, man? ain't that thee truth. >> you know what? i figured out what you would do if i had an administration. >> director of women's outreach. >> i think that's very appropriate. >> coming up, a bird, a plane, it's superman. the highly anticipated summerer flickit "man of steel" is flying high and smashing records on its very first day of release. first, hbo's drama" the news
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room" is back. spot lights, among other things, the failed occupy wall streettlg movement. what's up withg hollywood'sot obsession?ywoo that's next. the little commie freaks the boys used double miles from their capital one venture card to fly home for the big family reunion. you must be garth's father? hello. mother. mother! traveling is easy with the venture card because you can fly airline anytime. two words. double miles! this guy can act. wanna play dodge rock?
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oh, you guys! and with double miles you can actuay use, you never miss the fun. beard growing conte and go! ♪ win! what's in your wallet? [ crowd cheering ] [ male announcer ] for sensitive skin, there's fusion proglide. our micro thin blades are thinner than a surgeon's scalpel for our gentlest shave. switch to fusion proglide. gillte. the best a man can get.
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since i've been using crest pro-health, i've noticed a huge improvement. [ male announcer ] go pro for a clean that's up to four times better, try these crest pro-health products together. the toothpaste is really awesome. it cleans a lot. [ male announcer ] crest pro-health protects not just some, but all these areas dentists check most. this is gonna be a very good checkup. i feel it. [ male announcer ] go pro with crest pro-health. my dentist was so proud of my teeth today. after using crest pro-health for a few weeks, i just feel brighter, fresher, cleaner. so i just saw the trailer for that hbo left wing loon bin and they're covering somethingar evil called the tea party.
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>> you went on the air and called the tea party the american taliban. >> i did. >> what happenedtea then? >> a lot.eric >> three, two, roll it. >> good evening, this is news network. >> they're going to be officially condemned on the house floor tomorrow. that's good use of time. >> seems like when we calley thm the american taliban, they mindi it. >> wait, so a news anchor gets hassled for going after the tea party? please, you would get a promotion at the white house for that. what of occupy wall street? >> i believe america is on the verge of stopping its own arab spring. >> what was it called? et? wall street. >> when was this series written? before the rapes, the murders? before ows disappeared? hollywood gets everything wrong again. if news room covered roman polanski's crimes, they would change the 13-year-old girl to 13-year-old scotch. but you got to love how the show has the tea party sympathizers targeting free speech when inld real life it's the tea party targeted. that's the great thing about tv.
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whatever fails in real life succeeds on tv. i can't wait until kermitord gosnell becomes a kind, elderly doctor helping the underclass. and ariel castro is a compassionate teen counselor. no wonder left wing teachers are heroic while earnest activists are hygienic and no sympathetic conservative characters on tv. maybe one day they will have a prominent right winger featured in a show. it will be a biography on hitler. >> bob, what's your take -- when i watch the news room, i always think it's a liberal fantasy. do you watch it and go oh, that would be my perfect world? >> you know, i watch it and, you know, a lot of it i like. but here is one of the problems with liberal entertainment, if i could just offer up my view as a liberal. when you start choosing words like callingd o the tea party
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taliban, that's when we get c ourselves in trouble. disagree with them,et o which i do. you can find them to be outrageous, which i do. i was in t supporto of occupy l street, but i didn't fall in love with them. particularly when they did thatp to the cop car. you've got to be careful about how you portray yourselves, which is what you're doing, you'reu portraying you're self which the rest of us have to get into greg's everybody is like that. i think they're setting themselves up. >> eric, do you think the tea party will ever get a fair shake from anyone in hollywood? >> no. they villainize the tea party and put the whole occupy wall street communist freaks on a pedestal. >> this is the sequel.l. >> what do you think?>> >> i think that aaron sorkin is. a talented writer, but he would be more if he actually portrayed
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things as they were. >> accurately. >> opposite dew on his program. i have two questions, too. why does everybody talk like this in his television shows?es why is the lighting so dark? >> yes. >> why are the lights alwaysthis off, greg? >> i don't know. it was he i like social network. that was that movie. i he can be good. >> hand to ows? >> it went down the toilet. >> they wish they had a toilet. >> exactly. the only thing occupy wallll street has in common with the arab spring is the violent attitudes towards women andin rapes that happened. >> lack of hygiene. >> it's ridiculous the way theye glorified it. exactly, what is the tea party guilty of? free speech? wanting smaller government? notot wanting an out of control irs? >> could i just jump in here? bad news for jim carey fans.d n "dumb and dumber 2" has been
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canceled. it was originally supposed to be the next sequel. but because of carey's lagging career, perhaps because he inhe assaulted half of america withre an antigun owner video and danced all over charlton heston's grave, they decided to kill the movie. is that a tragedy for america or a success? >> i bet it must be breaking your heart. >> i know. areis you reigniting your fight with them? >> you took on jim carey and he shot back. i thought the original "dumb an dumber" was >> it was. >> would i like to see aio sequ? >> not when you deal with it in real life. >> let me saye a one thing, occt wall street, what you say and the rapes and the rest of the>> stuff that was bad thatnd happened, they have as much right to protest their th government -- >> peacefully and nonviolently and not committing crimes against women. where are the tea party rights? >> they were trying to route fog the little guy and it turned out
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the little guy, the cop, wasuy a cleaning up their poop and their messes down there. they have no respect. they had no real up message. by the way, the arab spring hash been a complete disaster. occupy wall street didn't last long enough to be a completelo disaster. >> that's a whole differenth. story. >> ahead, is charm dead? some writer thinks so. we're going to discuss it next on "the five". [ female announcer ] research suggests cell health
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welcome back. okay, guys. it's time for us to have a little heart to heart. have you lost your ability to bk charming with the ladies? one magazine, the atlantic, thinks so.ou they say few men these days have it and few want to. they allege men are too self-absorbed and mono focused or more commonly guarded, distracted and disengaged, andoe that they consistently fail to meet the sort of obvious standards set by guides to etiquette and the art of conversation common 50 years h ago. now, i know that's not the case with bob, eric and greg. >> yeah, right. >> but have most men given up or the charm factor? what do you think, kimberly?n hard to find a truly charming man? tr >> oh, god! >> you're sitting right next to
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one. >> what did you just askext me? >> if my tongue split? >> i'm like bob, what are you asking me?why >> you're sitting next to me and you can see it. >> you said it's my most important organ. >> support speaking. >> anyway. most men i know haven't lost their charm. there is a few that need a little charm tuneup, i think. tu so perhaps in terms of beingk. positive we should give them some advice, right, about what they can do gi to be more charmt >> okay what, can they do? >> buy me ice lattes? >> bob, when people associate charm, this magazine article looked back at the men of thele past, specifically old hollywood. so take a look att are known for being charming. carey grants, paul newman, robert wagner, very charming. robert redford, warren beaty, and the ultimate charmer, my favorite, jfk, junior. charming men, but men of a past
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era. is that erafavo gone? >> is there reasons you're posing me this question? >> no. >> oh, okay. i think -- charm to me is being engaged enough in people's live -- charm doesn't have to be men or women.'s it's do you care about people? are you interested in people? are you willing to go out of your way to help people? there are certain things people exude charm. there is too much narcissism inp america. i agree with that. i think people just live in. their own world and don't much think about other people. >> you can be very charming. i know the viewers might not believe it. you can be very generous and kind and a good listener, which is very charming.s boling, do you think maybe women feel this be their fault. they demanded men, don't open the door for me. men so guys are scared to open the door ande be charming. feminism caused this. >> very fair legitimate argument. i try and open the door all the time and sometimes you get a look like, don't do that for me. >> it's the women's bathroom,
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eric. [ laughterer ] >> there is a difference here. we talked about -- i talk about the woosification of america. it's when every kid gets an he trophy and pc nonsense. >> i think generally speaking,g, you charming. they want to take care of women. they>> love women.o be the relationships i've had in my life, you know -- >> i want to get greg in greg, you're an expert because you were an editor of men's an health and stuff, right, magazine. did men ever write in and asknd how to be charming or did you ever do a piece on maybe tips for men? >> this story kind of stinks to me because it has all the elements of a trend piece thate magazine editors run when theyst can't think of anything. they always go, let's get old pictures of hollywood men. what happened to class? we already did that. what happened toctur charm? okay. and they show guys that arerm?
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really handsome and rich. of course that's charming. the other thing is what if did you this about women?ming what if you wrote an article and said, why are women such trash? you would be fired because that's what you basically said. but i will say there is an -- missaroundry, which is antimale. women.s talking about >> i was talking about men. can i finish?c >> no. >> i haven't weighed in on myfi advice. go ahead.even >> oh, yeah. do guys have to try? you talk to they feel like they have to lower their standards in the dating world, that they're nota expecting men who open doors anymore. sometimes they don't even expect men to pay for the dinnerxpec because men are so ambivalent. this is the real issue, i think, is men are preoccupied with things that have taken the placs of real human being contact, which is pornography, casualcupi sex, basically.aphy men don't really need to try anymore and women are stuck with guys who are like if you're not going to give it to me now, i'mn
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gog find somebody or somethingvi that will. >> that's a really good point. >> something that will? >> women have lowered the standards. they don't demand enough fromg t men. a couple wo piece of advice, bea gentleman, of course. he want doors, always poor a woman's wine. this goes for women, too. don't be afraid -- i'm just saying to men, don't be afraid to be a man. women likee it. if they don't, guess what? probably not a good partner down the road. don't be selfish. don't just talk about yourself. be a good listener. bob is very good at that. greg is very funny.y. that's how to be charming. be generous. polling is very generous. always pay the bill unless she offers. bebea kind, be complimentary any favorite, if a woman looks tired or frazzled, ask her if you cann help. >> i've got a great guy, he'sr f very charming. up next, superman is back and the buzz is this summer's blockbuster super hero is bettex than ever.and here is a peek. >> what's the s stand for? >> it's not an s. in my world it means hope. >> here an s, how about --
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>> excuse me. >> well, bob's got more on the new man of steel movie that you can't miss. that's after the break don't go anywhere. e! both maxwell and ted have hail damage to their cars. ted trying to get a hold of his insurance agent. maxwell is not. he's on setting up an appointment with an adjuster. ted is now on hold with his insurance company. maxwell is not and just confirmed a 5:30 time for tuesday. ted, is still waiting. yes! maxwell is out and about... with ted's now ex-girlfriend. wheeeee! whoo! later ted! online claims appointments. just a click away on
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♪ >> welcome back. "man of steel," the latest edition in the superman franchise is soaring into the box office record books. it'sng reportedly set to break records for global ticket sales. here is a sneak peek at thete super hero in action. >> decide what kind of man youid want to be, clark. whoever that man is. it's going to change the world. >> okay. i'm used to superman when i was a kid. it came out of the phone booth,
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clark kent.t. i've didn't understand a damn thing aboututhe it.ll t but you want to go -- your father's day deal is see superman with your kid and barbecue? >> i requested that for father'o day. we go see it and barbecue after that. the movie looks fantastic. >> batman? >> batman and another big film, kevin costner, russell crowe and a lot of christianity references in this film. i'm really looking forward. it will break a lot of records. i heard between cross promotion when i had sold, it earned over $100 million globally sopro far. >> have you interested in seeing it? >> i am. i think it'sllio getting not so great ratings because of the christianity undertones. because the original superman was heavenly father sends his one son to earth. which is similar. >> remember the first superman the argument was he was jewish because he was moses being senty and all that stuff. greg, i'm sure you're going to
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wait this line to see this. i >> yeah. i went through my superine hero phase when i was 13. i have no desire to see these de super hero movies. i run around new york city in my underoos and cape. >> kimberly, do you find this charming, this movie? >> i totally do. and hot. >> what's hot about it? >> superman. >> you don't find me necessaril, hot. >> you're super for a different reason. >> i see. >> you're a freak. >> as usual, it's my segment, so i'm out of here. one more thing is up next [ male announcer ] need help keeping your digestive balance in sync?
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try align. it's the number one ge recommended probiotic that helps maintain digestive balance. ♪ stay in the groove with align. ♪ need help keeping your digesve balance in sync? try align. it's a probiotic that fortifies your digestive system with healthy bacteria 24/7. because your insides set the tone. stay in the groove with align. because your insides set the tone. [ dog ] we found it together.upbeat ] on a walk, walk, walk. love to walk. yeah, we found that wonderful thing. and you smiled. and threw it. and i decided i would never, ever leave it anywhere. because that wonderful, bouncy, roll-arod thing...
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had made you play. and that... had made you smile. [ announcer ] beneful. play. it's good for you.
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>> hi. time for one more thing. >> happy father's day to alt fathers out there. like bob and eric. as we celebrate this weekend,er we've been's talking a lot abou. charming men and good fathers on this show.
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my father was charming and a great provider and protector. he cameme poor and taught his kids to be good to others, the true meaning of hard work, never apologize success, especially when you earned it, and the true meaning of loyalty and a good friend. he was tough, but he was strong and very good. a good dad. a real man and wonderful father in every sense of the word. though he passed in 2009, i miss him every day. the best advice heul ever gave , people ask, he says, people aren't mind readers, andrea. you got to ask for what you wano in life. what's the worse that can happen? you're not going to die. he was right. i didn't die. in fact, theat opposite.what i get to live out his spirith every day. thank you,ou a daddy. i miss you. >> that's nice. >> bob? >> yeah. the other night on o'reilley, that other the show, he asked me would i have voted for obama knowing the nsa thing was going on? i said probably not. i as mean, i wouldn't have voted for anybody who would oversee something like that. then the facebook lit up with a bunch of comments about this. i don't knowfor if we got -- bs
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a closet conservative. wrong. ghing bob, will you finally seen the light? no. glad to have you wakethe up, bo. god bless you, bob. s i'll take theta last one.a thank you very much.vewake i'm still a liberal, will die a liberal. givedoesn't mean i have to up my constitutional rights.iber >> you go, bob. bob is back. greg? >> doesn't mean he wasal goingo vote for mitt romney. he would vote for ralph nader.od okay. yesterday i came up with this awesome bumper sticker about obamacare and i think we have it here. bend over. i am such a genius. this is amazing. not really.uch since about a year earlier, somebody else came up with themi same thing.ea it'srl these guys have actually put out something that looks exactly like this. so i'm notout really a genius. or maybe we both are. i don't but you have to give credit to these guys for coming up with it first. but i did make a newave one basr on a bumper sticker for obamacare. baby on board, until 20 --
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>> that was interesting. >> all right. so mine is fun because there is a lot of proposals on facebook and one in particular -- >> are you? >> i never posted onon facebook. one in particular has a chicken sandwich with a ring in it and apparently she said yes. it was a wendy's chicken sandwich. i've had them, they're prettysa tasty. so he had thendth wring in it. gave it toey her. she ate the sandwich and kept the ring. i don't know. i mean, there is a lot of this. my first proposal was in ice cream cake. >> are you kidding me? >> yes. you know me, right? i almost- ate it. numero uno. eric? >> 64th flag day. display your flag from sunrise
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to sunset. raise it quickly and lower it ceremonyiously. >> that's it, everybody. have a greatt weekend. happy father's day to all you dads out there. see you monday. call me, kids. hello. i'm gregg jarrett in for rick folbaum. welcome to a brand-new hour inside america's news headquarters. >> i'm heather childers in for arthel neville. topping the news for you this hour, attorney general eric holder ready to talk? agreeing to answer lawmakers' questions about whether he lied to them about efforts to spy on a fox news correspondent. >> and a majority of americans now believe the obama administration knew about the irs targeting of conservative groups and they feel congress should continue to investigate the case. so what does the white house stand to gain or lose by cooperating with investi


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