tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News June 17, 2013 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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africa asking if it matters if other presidents also took expensive trips. go to see you tomorrow night at 10:00 p.m. eastern right here on the record. >> bill: the o'reilly factor is on. tonight: >> i think he is a traitor. i think he has committed crimes. nfrkts, by violating agreement. >> bill: the u.s. closing in on nsa whistleblower edward snowden who is still on the run and still talking about national security issues. we will have the very latest. >> did you do anything personally to make sure that this insidious, discriminatory practice was stopped? yes or no? >> the most aggressive interrogator about the irs abuse is congressman trey gowdy from south carolina. what does he think is really going on? the congressman will be here. also tonight, carl rove, bernie goldberg, juan and
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mary catherine and adam carolla all on the factor. caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone, the factor begins right now. >> hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. does the obama administration really want to solve all the controversies in washington? that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. the answer seems to be no. the obama administration does not want to tell us, we the people what happened in benghazi libya. how the irs got so far out of control, and what exactly the feds are doing snooping around private communications. we are being stonewalled. here is some facts to support my assertion. director of national intelligence james clapper mislead us when he said this on march 12th.
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>> does the nsa collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of americans? >> no, sir. >> it does not? >> not witnessingly. >> i was asked when are you going to stop beating your wife kind of question which is meaning not answerable necessarily by a simple yes or no. so, i responded in what i thought was the most truthful or leasttruthful manng no. >> the least untruthful manner, mr. clapper? is that what you think your duty is to tell us the least untruth? clapper knew the nsa was collecting all kinds of data, he knew that and purposefully did not tell the truth. then we have fbi director robert mueller, is he in charge of finding out why the irs targeted conservative groups and individuals. >> you can tell me some basics? can you tell me how many
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agents investigators you have assigned to the case. >> i may be able to do that but i would have to get back to you. >> you can tell me hot lead investigator is. >> off the top of my head, no. >> this is the most important issue in front of the country last six weeks you don't know who is leading up the case, hot lead investigator is. >> at this juncture no, i don't know. >> bill: multi-cultural doesn't know? are you kidding me? surely he knew i would be asked about the irs investigation in front of the judiciary committee. surely he knew that. if multi-cultural doesn't know, specifics about the irs investigation, it's because he doesn't want to know. it's the old deniability deal. gee, i don't know anything about it. even though i'm in charge. so where have we heard that before? >> and it's also been reported that the associated press refrained from releasing in story for a week until the department confirmed that doing so would not jeopardize national security interests. that indicates that the a.p. was amenable to
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working with you on this matter. if that was the case, why was it necessary to subpoena the telephone records? did you seek the a. p.'s assistance in the first place and if not why not? >> again, mr. chairman i don't know what happened they're with the interaction between the a.p. and justice department. i was recused from the case. holder is multi-cultural's boss yet, he doesn't know anything about snooping on reporters he hasn't heard anything about it this is an insult to the intelligence of all measures. so, it's clear the obama administration is not going to aggressively investigate the controversies. not going to do it. therefore, congress must do it. we can't rely on the fbi, the cia, the irs, or anybody else in the federal bureaucracy to tell us the truth. sadly, there will have to be special prosecutors appointed appointed in almost all of the cases. of course, that will be slow going. by the time we know what really happened, president
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obama will be finishing up his second term. so you can see the strategy here. is this the way the united states government should be running? you make the call. and that's the memo. now for the top story tonight. perhaps the most aggressive interrogator in congress these days is trey gowdy from south carolina. is he former federal prosecutor and serves on the house judiciary committee as well as on the oversight committee. here is mr. gowdy grilling former irs commissioner douglas shulman. >> did you do anything to verify that the practice as insidious as it was was stopped? >> the inspector general was going to be looking into it. >> is it that you can't say yes or no or you are just choosing not to say yes or no? >> you can answer the question? did you do anything personally to make sure in this insidious discriminatory practice was stopped? yes or no? >> bill: shulman had no
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meaningful answer. joining us now from washington is congressman gody. you sounded like me. i didn't sound that good, thank you. >> bill: do you think this was orchestrated by the democratic party or the white house? >> well, i don't have any evidence to support that, but i can tell you this. one place we ought to be looking is the obama/biden reelect. not just the white house but their re-election team. i like to deal in evidence. i can't prove to you that it goes to the white house. can i tell it you, this i don't think two rogue agents in cincinnati concocted this scheme on their own. >> bill: somebody concocted what you called the scheme to target the tea party and other conservatives and criminally leak out some
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irs private information. two enemies of people that's a criminal offense. where do you go from here as you just heard and do you agree with me the obama administration is not going to get to the bottom? they don't want to know what happened? do you agree with me on that? >> i do. they are not going to get to the bottom because they don't have to get to the bottom there are a couple of groups that provide oversight in our system. one is congress, one is the voters, and one is the media and with the exception of a couple of media outlets. >> bill: no, they are not going to go after it. so somebody is going to have to advance the story. i'm wondering where that is going to come. >> from prosecutors. >> bill: how are you going to find out who concocted the scheme as you call it? how are you going to do that? >> prosecutors. use a grand jury use all the investigator arrows and quiver if you will. congress is limited in their ability to cob screen a grand jury offer immunity or consent testimony. you need special prosecutors. i hate to say that but that's the way the system
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is set up and they are better at it. >> bill: explain to the kno-ho-cos how that is going to happen? who is going to call for the special prosecutor. who going to call for the federal grand jury? >> therein lies the problem. we do not have an independent counsel statute anymore it expired. under our system the attorney general at whatever differences i have with him and they are legion but the attorney general selects a special prosecutor like patrick fitzgerald and gives him access to a grand jury. >> bill: do you really think eric holder is going to do that when he he is in the crosshairs of some of this stuff? >> if we put enough pressure on the white house, the answer is maybe. but congress, no matter how much i miss my old job, i cannot prosecute people. i can't sentence them. i can't but the them in front of 12 jurors. we can cult funding. bill, one thing we should have done weeks ago is cut the funding to the irs. not just because of this but also because of implementing obama care. why my colleagues and me
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throw me in it too have been slow to cut the funding for irs is tough for me to explain as well. >> bill: i think lots of americans around tax time would like that. i don't know if that's going to get you anywhere. lois lerner, the one who took the fifth amendment. she seems to be somebody who would really be able to advance the story are you guys going to give her immunity to testify thereby forcing her to ain't questions? >> not until we have exhausted every other avenue. you start as low as you can you don't get john gody to testify against his driver. you get the driver to testify against john gaudy. start as low as you can whatever deals you have to. keep in mind that people have to tell the truth and whole truth. use the grand jury, use your ininvestigative tools. congress is not set up to do that but prosecutors are. >> bill: all right. but i don't have any realistic expectation that the attorney general is going to do what you want the attorney general to do. the bottom line is, this is going to be in limbo and
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going to be slugging around and nothing is going to happen. i will give you the last word. >> i think the bottom line is you are going to see guys like jimmy jordan and jason chaffets and others asking the questions the prosecutors would ask and hopefully, hopefully our fellow citizens will be so disgusted that regardless of political persuasion they will demand criminal accountability for these actions. >> bill: all right, congressman, we will follow the story. we appreciate your time tonight. next on the rundown, juan and mary katharine will ♪
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i'm glad you know that because that's foreign for you to know. multi-cultural doesn't know. juan, multi-cultural, the fbi doesn't know the lead investigator is on the irs thing. do you buy that. >> yes. i buy it of course i buy it. >> bill: why are you buying it? >> political. >> bill: big story for the fbi. huge headline. and he doesn't know who is in charge of the investigation. >> gee, let me just tell you, republicans and democrats in this town think the world of fbi director muller. his credibility and legacy for barack obama. >> bill: i don't care about his legacy. i'm sure is he a patriot. he walks in and tells congress i don't know hot lead investigator -- that would be like me juan saying you know what? i don't know hot factor tonight. >> that's not true. >> bill: somebody has to
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be. don't ask me. who. >> fbi is a massive organization but let me. >> bill: massive? this is huge and he doesn't know who the lead investigator is, juan. >> he doesn't know. i don't think that's so incredible. let me just say your interview with trey gowdy, what you just saw there was, again, more evidence of why americans give a 10% rating, approval rating to congress. he doesn't have any evidence linking anybodied in the white house, the administration, anybody political anything and then he says again innuendo, rumor and innuendo look at the reflection committee that's the reason barack obama got reelected? how weak is that, bill o'reilly? >> bill: juan, that's what you do in an investigation. you ask people you. >> slander people. slander people. >> bill: it's not slander. it goes to motive. >> what motive does the man have does he have one iota. >> you ask questions. >> bill: get -- juan, just watch a few law and order
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episodes. mary catherine, all right. muel lfrmt er are you buying that. >> it doesn't have to be malice he doesn't know. indication of how seriously they are taking the investigation. when you look at that and go gee, it seems like he should know and this should be moving forward. the bottom line is politically advantageous for the administration not to talk about this stuff for a long period of time. they would like to slow walk it and say hey we have got an investigation underway and by the way, juan, this is how investigations work. you continue to ask questions until you get the answers to what happened. and in the end, wait, juan, and in the end what we want is assurance that this is not going to happen again. none of the back stuff. none of the failed none of the people in charge worked to make this not happen. >> bill: mary katharine, i want far than that i want people to go to prison.
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the people who leaked out stuff against individuals like that idaho businessman we have had on here a couple times whose business got hammered. he got threatened. i want those people in prison, mary katharine. all right? and that's where the fbi comes in. >> i'm fine with that. >> bill: we don't know who is in charge. we just don't know. >> that's why it's ludicrous to say we should stop asking questions now and move on and listen to obama give another awesome speech. >> no, i didn't say that anybody should stop asking questions. the two of you would like to somehow mock my argument but the fact is what i say is if you have some evidence, bring it forth. these guys have no evidence and you know what? >> bill: if you have evidence bring it forth, you can't get evidence unless you investigate. it's not like these people are running up give me the evidence. >> let me say there was inspector general in the irs case. we have lengthy investigation of benghazi. >> bill: we uncovered it. >> what. >> bill: they uncovered it and thought criminal guys take over. >> i was just saying a minute ago they said you don't want to bring tout. these people are in fact
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engaged in investigations and one last point before you interrupt. if you look at the poll numbers right now, barack obama's numbers in terms of trust, especially in the aftermath of the. >> bill: going down. >> national security scandal going down. >> bill: big time. >> young people, the people you always make fun of on this show, young people are the ones buying off of obama because of the nsa scandal. bill. >> bill: i make fun of everybody. not just young people. mary katharine, last word. i don't have a lot of optimism that we are going to find out what happened here ever. go, mary katharine. >> well, and i would just add that as juan said trust in obama going down but trust in government going down across the board. independents, democrats and republicans. part of the reason is that none of the back stops and none of the oversighted is working. i would add to your list in the state department it was reported that they are covering up inspector general reports on abuses. >> bill: your head will blow off. we have got to deal with the president first and then deal with the former secretary of state.
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mary katharine and juan thank you. dick cheney calling the nsa whistle blower a traitor. does that mean mr. cheney wants to execute him? karl rove will weigh in. and later bernie goldberg on a number of power couples who may be too powerful. those reports after these those reports after these mess woman: everyone in the nicu -- all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days. everything that you thought was important to you changes in light of having a child that needs you every moment.
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>> bill: impacted segment tonight. over the weekend former vice president dick cheney defended the nsa snooping and said this about whistleblower edward snowden. >> i think he is a traitor. i think he has committed crimes in effect by violating the agreements given the position he had. well, i'm deeply suspicious, obviously because he went to china. that's not a place where you ordinarily want to go if you are interested in freedom and liberty and so
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forth. so it raises questions whether or not he had had that kind of connection before he did this. >> bill: joining us now from austin, texas karl rove who knows mr. cheney very well. do you think the former vice president wants to execute snowden? >> well, there are two definitions of traitor. you are a word guy, bill. one is that it's someone who betrays another's trust or is fault to a duty or another definition is one hough is guilty of treason. i think we can all agree mr. snowden has betrayed the trust of the american people whether or not he is guilty of treason which is punishable by death we will leave that up to the lawyers. more likely he is going to be charged with violations of the espionage act which could -- i saw one analysis today that suggested given how many multiple counts of documents that he has given to the guardian and others, that it could be as many as 100 years in jail if found guilty, if charged with all of them and found guilty. >> bill: snowden and his supporters say he is not a traitor, that he is doing
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what is necessary to protect the constitution of the united states. so there are two sides to this story. correct? >> well, look, if he was -- if he really truly was protecting the constitution of the united states then he ought to go to members of congress that might be sympathetic to his viewpoint like senator why den of oregon. i'm a whistleblower. i'm blowing the whistle on bad behavior at the nsa. he did not do that he was in hawaii. deserted his girlfriend. left his apartment, showed up in hong kong, showed up and gave a bunch of interviews to publications and living the high life in a territory of the people's republic of china. this guy had many other alternatives to this. >> bill: i agree to the former vice president that you flee to china and hong kong of course under the control of mainland china now. if you want freedom and everything, you may be -- as i told david letterman tonight you flee to anguila or some place like that. you don't go to a totalitarian country. we don't have any evidence that he is tied into the
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chinese in that he is sympathetic and giving them stuff. >> we do know from his behavior though that he had alternatives if he was an honorable person. >> bill: we did that on thursday. absolutely. we brought in a whistle blower attorney. he could have gone through and protected himself on that way if he he wanted to. he chose to do what he did. and he has to take what the american law is. >> consequences. bottom line. >> bill: you heard the first two segments. i am concerned that because the obama administration is fairly insular that we're not going to get to the bottom of any of this stuff. that they are going to be able to rope-a-dope it and, you know, the american public being distracted and all of that, i don't see anybody crusading to solve benghazi, the irs, the the nsa. i don't see anybody crusading with any power to do that. >> you may be right. i'm a little bit more hopeful than that on the irs scandal the ways and means committee. the government oversight
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committee and senate finance committee all patiently interviewing people. that information is going to come out and i believe it is going to be at some point simply impossible for anybody to turn a blind eye to this and some actions will have to be taken against those who were responsible for this. benghazi -- >> bill: let me stop you there you think it's going to come out. we did a study of when the conservatives testified in front of the house committee and told heart wrenching stories about how their lives have turned upside down by illegal activity by the irs. and very few of the network news our cable competitors covered it. they ignored it. >> i know. but take a look at the polls. the public reaction against the irs scandal is overwhelmingly negative. and the more they hear about this, the more law enforcement is not going to be able to ignore it. look, there are also going to be civil lawsuits. a number of these groups are going to be seeking civil remedies against theist and against individuals. i suspect at some point that's going to reach critical mass and it's going to be impossible for the administration even if it wants to and i suspect in its intercore it doesn't
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want to engage in this. it's going to be impossible for it to not do anything about it it law enforcement, u.s. attorneys, somebody is going to be forced to act on it ultimately. may take a while a lot longer than we like. this one i feel pretty good about. benghazi, benghazi, victoria nuland, the press statewoman at the department during the time of the 9/11 attack on the benghazi embassy has been nominated for a position that requires senate confirmation. and if the republican members of the senate foreign relations committee do not ask the tough questions like who is responsible for the lie. if they don't use her nomination as a chance to get to the bottom of this. then. >> bill: they will. it's interesting that they even put her up for that. >> yeah. >> as mr. rove as always, we appreciate it adam carolla on president obama's trip to africa. which could cost $100 million. whoa. and bernie goldberg on some husbands and wives who may be too powerful. also ahead, a stunning and
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pain and soreness is just out of the picture. [ male announcer ] make the switch. take action. take advil. and if pain keeps you up, sleep better with advil pm. >> bill: personal tore segment tonight it. sharyl attkisson's computer was hacked into late last year. this combined with the james rosen situation here at fox news and the a.p. snooping, causing a lot of
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concern. with us now in a factor cable exclusive is ms. atkinson. when did you know he that somebody was messing with your computer. >> there was signs probably around 2011 but i don't think i recognized exactly what was going on until perhaps the fall of last year when so many things were happening in the at kissson household. so many strange electronic related things. >> give me an example because i don't know anything about computers. >> i know very little too. computers coming on by themselves at night. personal apple desktop. >> bill: disappearing. you weren't even there just popped on. >> right. i was sleeping. they would come on in the middle of the night. sometimes one right after the other. by the time last fall came around they would sometimes both be starting up kind of a computer music at night in the middle of the night. >> bill: had you a personal and business computer and they both came on. sounds bike polster geist. what were you working on that might have interested somebody to try to intrude on your computer what were you working on.
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>> the first time i thought of were my personal accounts pass words and so on. but nobody has intruded upon my finances although they had access to that material. no one stole my identity or got into my bank accounts which they could have. i assume the reason they were in the cbs computer was something related to what i was working on. >> bill: what big stories were you working on? >> at the time i was doing fast and furious. green energy debacle sort of stimulus spending stories. and then later on the benghazi story. >> they were all not complimentary to the administration. you weren't working on why is barack obama so brilliant and obama is the best thing in the word? >> whichever administration is in office. >> bill: i'm not saying you were partisan but the stuff you were going after if the information came forth might hurt the obama administration; is that accurate? >> true. >> bill: okay. so then, cbs then, you tell cbs news that you think somebody is hacking you because your computers are coming on by themselves.
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they send in their techs? >> not exactly. i mean, i had more information than just my suspicion by the time i went to cbs. i had some help that i can't go into detail about. >> bill: you got some computer geeks to help you find out if, indeed, you were being hacked. >> i got some help. then in january, this is about january of this past year. i informed cbs once i knew because this is cbs-issued equipment and they were in the cbs system and cbs hired an independent forensic firm that came and looked at the cbs computer. >> bill: they found out that you indeed were being hacked and made the announcement on friday. so where does it go from here? i guess cbs could sue somebody bus you have got to have somebody who is under suspicion, right? do you have somebody who is under suspicion? >> well, we're being cautioned, you know, what to say and what not to say at this point. >> bill: by whom? >> i have attorneys at cbs who are helping us. i also have personal counsel. >> bill: personal counsel is saying don't say anything. do you have the same counsel that the attorney general has and that muerller has?
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bad joke. all of your counsel is saying don't accuse anybody right now. >> they are just telling us what we can say more than anything right now which is what you basically heard that there has been an intrusion of the computer, this is not phishing. this is not malware. this is not ordinary as someone asked me old boyfriend trying to look through my files. >> bill: this is big? >> yeah. >> bill: in order to go after somebody, you have got to have a suspicion. i assume you have a suspicion you don't have to tell me. i don't want to get your lawyers mad but i assume you have a suspicion? >> i think i know. but i am just not prepared to go into that. so, we're continuing our investigation. they are multi-facetted looks at what to do next. >> bill: sharyl break it on this show. >> i have to break it on my own network first. >> bill: big story with rosen and everything it's a big story. if it's organized if it's from the federal government sthoopg on your computer we have got to nonchts let me
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say whoever did it to come into a private citizen's home whether i'm a journalist or not and look in my family's computer and look in my work computer and go through it like they did. >> bill: you sue their butt off. >> it's outrageous. >> thanks for coming. in we appreciate it you will keep us posted you promise because i know you are a lady of your word. >> i am. >> bill: very powerful married couples in america who could be too powerful. bernie is next. ♪ roundup ♪ i'm a loving husband and a real good dad ♪
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>> bill: thanks for staying with us, i'm bill o'reilly in the weekdays with bernie segment tonight, husbands and wives, brothers and sisters who may be too powerful. listen to this. abc news president ben sherwood is the brother of elizabeth sherwood randal, a top national security advisor to president obama. cbs news president david rhodes a brother of benjamin rhodes, another national security advisor to president obama. cnn, deputy washington bureau chief virginia mosley married to tom nites a former deputy secretary of state under hillary clinton. white house press secretary jay carney married to claire shipman an abc news correspondent. and vice president biden's communication director shayla murray married to neil king one of the "wall street journal's" top political reporters. joining us now from north carolina to sort it all out bernie goldberg. does this trouble you at
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all, bernie? >> not in and of itself, bill. it's complicated so let me explain. first, you know, there are a lot of critic hogs have been saying that too many reporters are in bed with this administration. based on what you just said, it's literally true. i mean, if you are a reporter and your wife works at the white house, you are in bed with this administration. second, reporters are always lecturing politicians and just about everybody else about how they have to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest. apparently these rules apply to everybody but not to journalists themselves because this certainly sounds -- it certainly appears. >> bill: let me stop threw because i want to be fair now. a guy like sherwood and a guy like rhodes, they work their way up. you just don't get appointed at abc news president or cbs news president. you start a journalistic career you work your way up. along the way you get married to somebody who is in politics. you don't know where they are going to wind up.
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all right? so therefore, you get a powerful position and your spouse gets a powerful position. but it's not that way from the beginning. so it's almost happenstance. >> hey, bill. why do you think i wasn't going to go there? i mean, let me answer your question and i will get to that. i thought of that. so, it appears to be a conflict of interest. we could agree on that. but, just because it appears to be doesn't mean it is. there are rules that the news organizations set up to avoid any real conflict of interest. let's use an easy example. jay carney is the president's spokesperson. spokesman. he is married to claire shipman, an abc news correspondent. there is no way abc news is letting her anywhere near the white house. okay? so these things, that's not what troubles me. here is what does trouble me though. if you're working for the president of the united states and in this case barack obama, you like him
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and you like his politics. and if you are married to somebody who works for barack obama, there is a better than 50/50 chance. much better than 50/50 chance that you also like him and you also like his politics, so you have the media -- you have the bubble that is filled with media people that is filled with political operatives, sometimes they are brother and sister. sometimes they are brother and brother. sometimes he they are husband and wife. but the people who are journalists pretty much think the same way about president obama as the people who work for him. that's the problem. >> bill: generally speaking, that's true. all right. i want to ask you one question about sheryl attkisson because we had her. very good reporter and correspondent. very tough. if it is somebody attached to the government that hacked into her, that's gonna be page one all over the world, correct? >> well, let me put it this way, that's going to be a big story but i'm not wig
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to go out on a limb and say what newspaper is going to put it on page 1. it ought to be on page 1. >> bill: i think everybody would have to. they would have to based on the rosen and a.p. stuff. the dam is just going to break right there if it's proven to be true. >> probably. >> and i am going to have to take it very, very -- from my interview with her i think she knows who did it. did you get that sense? >> absolutely. i don't know if she is right but i think she believes she knows. >> bill: with certainty, yeah. she is certain she knows who did it she knows and her attorneys know and you know how attorneys are are. bernie, as always, thank you. upcoming an amazing i mean it literally amazing factor tip of the day involving the five living american presidents. you want to see this. on deck, adam carolla on should president obama be spending $100 million of taxpayer money going to africa? carolla moments away.
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>> bill: back of the book segment tonight, rolling with carolla. we have three scorching topics this evening, including a study out of pepperdine university that says attorneys working for the irs gave political donations to president obama by 20 to 1 over mitt romney. 20 to 1. also president obama's upcoming africa trip is estimated to cost between 60 and $100 million. joining us from l.a. is adam carolla. is he up in pepperdine, what do you think of that study. >> could you imagine by the way going to college in malibu? it would be like going to boot camp in montico. >> bill: tuition is 300,000
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a year. >> spicoli teaching english lit. my god. what do you expect, of course, it's job security for these guys. they love big government. they want bigger government. they want more irs. they want more taxes so though are they going to vote for? how many vegetarians work at a slaughter house? >> bill: all right. so logically, does it mean anything to you politically that so many irs people are democrats? does that matter to adam carolla? >> yes, it does. because these are the people who take our money and then decide whether to decide whether adam is a charitable foundation or not just because i'm trying to raise money for my kids and not other kids. what's the matter with that for a change? yeah, you don't want anybody who has their finger on any switches or triggers being politically hard one way or the other because obviously you have
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seen it in the news, you have seen it in television. you have seen it in entertainment, it's going to bleed into their job eventually. >> bill: some. some can discipline themselves can discipline them and some can't. president obama coming up. ever been to africa? >> last weekend. >> oh, yeah. >> over to botswana. a quick jaunt? >> have you been to africa seriously? >> no,er in be er inno, never b. remote, hard to get to. 1$100 million it could cost the president to go over there. >> yeah. well, it's ironic we're still under the sequestration, right? we don't have enough money to take a tour of the white house, but we have $100 million to put a bunch of armor plate limousines on a c-130 and bring
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them to africa? what if obama sat in the oval office and skyped with some of these people. couldn't we save $100 million and open the white house up? we could open up the white house and people could see him skyping to africa. >> i think if they could cut that in half. >> by the way, let me say this. any country where we have to bring all the stuff to you, all the security, we don't need to go there. ith not the olympics, if you don't have a soccer stadium, your bid is lost. if you don't have one limo we're not coming to your crappy country. >> the president in ireland this week. and always costs money to send a chief executive anywhere. not the chaos and all of that. i don't have time to get into the merry christmas deal in texas. governor, rick perry, signed a law could you say merry christmas in any public building
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or school in texas. now it's official, we won the war on christmas. >> yes. and you'll be glad to know an hour ago, i got fingerprinted officially so i can coach my son's basketball team tonight. so what a victory. >> is that so? >> yes. >> adam carolla. "factor" business. latest of the billo' poll. do you support or oppose the data mining of e-mails by the federal government? just 7% support that. a whopping 93% oppose. good for you guys. getting a ton of mail. three more bolder, fresher shows. spokane, nashville, and jacksonville. las vegas, that's it. these shows will sell out. details on my website. up next, an amazing
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no time for mail tonight. we have an extraordinary "factor" tip. day." first, "kennedy's last days." aimed at kids 9 to 13. do your child favor, educate them or her about their country. get them interested. this book will do that. buy any one of my best-selling books on billo' $1 of your purchase goes to help the fisher house, and you get a tote bag. it helps the families of severely wounded warriors. check it out on factor tip of the day. tied into a military charity. if you watch us, we report modely on bmode mostly bad stuff. recently something excellent
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happened that demonstrates how good a country america really is. bush, the younger, presidential library opened in dallas and all five living american presidents attended the ceremony. watching that, i got an idea. what if all five presidents helped out the 1,700 american military people who are amputees or have been paralyzed in the iraq and afghan war? what if that happened? as you may know, we're trying to get those brave folks high-tech track wheelchairs so they can regain some control over their lives. these chairs are truly amazing, they go every where. and severely wounded can direct the chairs. it's an amazing thing to watch. after visiting walter reed hospital and talking to some of the amputees there, i decided to help them. because it's a heart-breaking situation. marine major richard burkett, he has four children under the age
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of 11 and has undergone 30 su y surgeries so far. >> early next month, get the right leg amputated. lot of wor trekker goes you everywhere you go. get to your tree stand, blind, fishing hole you need to. this is an amazing piece of gear. >> once again, our mandate here on "the factor" to get these track chairs to severely wounded. each chair costs $15,000. i asked all the presidents to sign pictures of themselves at the bush library, and pics donated to us by the associated press. president obama led the way. i spoke with him personally. he agreed immediately. his top adviser, valerie jarrett, expedited the signatures, quickly and efficiently. it was great. then i wrote to the other
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presidents. they all agreed. we have eight of these, an amazing piece of american history. we're awarding the pictures to the folks who make the biggest donations to the independence fund, getting track chairs to the vets. here's how it works. if you would like one of the eight pictures, simply make a proposed -- proposed donation to the independence fund. tax deductible, and you do that on and rigwrite us with your proposed donations. eight highest donations win a picture. those who don't get the pictures don't have to donate to the independence fund, not on the hook for the proposed donation. we're hoping that corporations and 1 percenters step up one time. for those of you who don't have a lot of money, you can get a facsimile of the picture if you
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donate $25 or more directly to independen everyone can help out the paralyzed and amputee veterans. people ask me why the va doesn't do this. i don't know, but i don't care. we will do it and get the chairs to the vets. as all patriotic americans understand, we are all in this together. those brave veterans deserve those track chairs. and we, the people, we're going to get it done. finally, congratulate the five presidents and i hope you help out the bravest among us. back to "tip of the day." please thek out the foxfactor website. different from and if you wish to opine.
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