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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  June 20, 2013 8:00am-10:01am PDT

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martha: what's cooking on capitol hill is immigration today. bill: don't stop believing. martha: don't stop believing. have a great day, everybody. martha: "happening now" starts right now. jenna: breaking news out of the state of massachusetts. what you're taking a look at there on your screen is the home of aaron hernandez the current tight end for the new england patriots. you might have heard earlier this week there was a bit of a mysterious death that some had questions about his involvement. a body was found on the side of the road, not far from his home by a jogger, and there were some questions about his whereabouts, because the car near the scene was apparently rented by aaron her her. w hernandez. we are getting reports out of boston. according to and the senior sports producer there, a law enforcement source is telling them that aaron
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hernandez will be arrested in connection with what the police are now calling a homicide of another young man. apparently four young men were at a bar, aaron hernandez was one of them, they all left together, three came home, one did not, that man was later found dead. what you're seeing right now are-images in massachusetts outside of aaron hernandez' home where a search warrant was issued earlier this week. we are getting word according to one hr*eufplted sourc limited source that he will be arrested in connection with that homicide. we'll keep you posted as we hear more. brand-new stories and breaking news. >> attorney general eric holder defending the justice department's secret search of james rosen phone records. the latest on that. >> the shocking death of james gandolfini who suddenly dies at the age of 51 while on vacation with his 13-year-old, son. new details ahead. >> jodi arias back in court today for the first time in he
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her retrial, this after a jury couldn't decide on whether to sentence her to life in prison or give her the death penalty. why this time prosecutors could take the death penalty off the table, it's all "happening now." and good thursday morning to you, "happening now" new information on whether the head of the justice department lied to congress. i'm jon scott. jenna: a big topic to start off with. jon: yes it is. jenna: glad you're with us, everybody, i'm jenna lee. attorney general eric holder is defending himself and his department in writing sending a letter to the house judiciary committee chairman, this is in response to a series of questions about the warrant issued for fox news correspondent james rosen in connection with the justice department's investigation of a classified leak. there is a big question of whether or not they are even going to get a response to some of these questions. we have the response and doug abg elway is live with more on
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this eufrpblgt. >> reporter: holder's letter came in johns to a communication that bob lett gave him. here is what holder said at that time. >> with regard to the potential prosecution of the press for the disclosure of material, that is not something that i've ever been involved or heard of, or would think would be a wise policy, in fact, my view is quite the opposite. >> reporter: in his letter of last night holder said approval for the rosen warrant came on may 28th, 2010. he said he was the one who approved the government's issuance of the subpoena. and he said he does, quote, not agree that characterizations establishing probable cause for a search warrant for materials from a member of of the news media during an ongoing investigation constitute an intent to prosecute that member. holder defended the way they handled the leak saying it was necessary and appropriate. he also says that obtaining relevant evidence from a member of the news media is not
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equivalent to the prosecution of a member of the news media. we have asked representative goodlatt chairman of the judiciary committee a response to the letter. we are waiting on that. jenna: one of the things that we did learn is that the date that the attorney general approved that warrant from james rosen was may 28th, 2010. why is that a significant date? >> reporter: well it's significant, it's important because on the day before that, may 27th of 2010 michael isacoff of the "daily beast" wrote that doj had begun a full scale investigation of who leaked north korea's intentions to james rosen. they said the investigation would soon go public. he said and i'm quoting now. if that happens it will inevitably fuel allegations in the blogs fear that the obama white house is waging a war against fox news. the case is only the latest
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example of a wide ranging obama administration kraeubg dow kraeubg down against leakers. that is an article written a day before the attorney general signed off on the warrant. it raises a lot of suspicions about his testimony in may of this year when he safed he had never been involved in the potential prosecution of reporters. jenna. jenna: a story we'll continue to follow. thank you. jon: the justice department's seizure of journalists phone records is one of the scandals plaguing the white house now. there is the i.r.s. targeting of conservative and tea party groups and a spending scandal involving lavish conferences. and an investigation into the benghazi attack that killed four persons. and tracking the phone records of millions of americans. karl rove writes how does this all reflect on the obama presidency? the nsa surveillance debate while contentious is just one of the president's problems.
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the administration's aimlessness combined with a trio of scandals and the spread of unrest in the middle east and elsewhere is taking its toll. young voters, traditional supporters of the president, one poll shows a 17 point drop in mr. obama's job approval rating. joining us now karl rove the former senior adviser and deputy chief of staff to george w. bush and a fox news court reporter. according to the polls the drop among young voters has been particularly precipitous. why do you think that is? one cautionary note, this is a sample of 18 to 30 years old in a blood der sample of a poll conducted by cnn/ocr. we have a sample size that could be less than 17, more than 17, but it stood out. this was an eight-point drop over the last month in the president's job approval and the
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group that dropped the most was the millenniums. they say it might have to do with the nsa controversy. i'm not certain that is all of it. the president's approval rating on the economy in this poll is 42 approve, 57 disapprove, and as you know a lot of young people are getting out of school and not being able to find a job, and a large number of kids who get out of college are moving back in with their families. i think this is more than just nsa, it may be the economy, it may be the overall perception of the president. the other interesting note in the poll was that for the first time he was viewed by the american people as not honest and trustworthy. 49% said that phrase applies to him. 50% says it does not a my to him. that could be another thing, because young people had such -- he was such an aspirational figure to younger voters and younger americans and if there is agreeing perception that he's not shooting straight with him, that he's not honest and trustworthy that could be very close not only among young people but among all voters. jon: isn't that perhaps the
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bigger problem i mean for him? because it's one thing to have your job approval rating kind of bounce up and down, but once you are perceived as not necessarily trustful how do you capture that back? >> well it's hard. once it turns south on you, particularly in a second term, it's difficult to get back. you don't have the re-election coming up at the end of your first term to sort of help give momentum to turning around your numbers, as happened to president obama's job approval, it reached a low point in late 2011 but he was able to drive those numbers back up with the re-election campaign. you don't have that kind of of activity that allows you to do it. now, look, the president -- i talked about the cnn/ocr poll if you take the "real clear politics" average this shows what the depth of the president's problem. he hit his high point in the aftermath of being sworn in in late january, he hit the high point for this year in late february where his job approval and the average of polls in
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"real clear politics" was a 51-42. by april it was 49.3 to 47.2. and as of today. 46-49. the president has been in a slide dropping five points in the average of all these polls on the positive side and growing an average of 6.8 on the negative side. and that is going to be tough to turn around absent some big agenda item that allows him to rally the american people to his side. jon: maybe that's why he was talking about nuclear weapons the other day in germany. we'll continue to keep an eye on the polls and see how it goes forward as the second term rolls along. karl rove, thank you. >> thank you, jon. jenna: now overseas news, a new offer from the taliban to free a u.s. soldier held since 2009 in exchange for five detainees health at gitmo. this is ahead of some of the so-called peace talks that are supposed to take place in the coming weeks. in the meantime afghanistan's
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president, who at first was very hesitant about these peace talks says he's now willing to join in after getting a promise from secretary of state john kerry. breaking this all down is our national security correspondent jennifer griffin live at the benghazi. >> just to illustrate how difficult it will be to end the afghan war the state department will have to balance afghan president's hamid karzai's demands while trying to negotiate with the taliban. here is the latest example. we've just heard that a spokesman nor the taliban in qatar spoke to the ap's katie began on and said willing to trade sergeant bowe berdahl the 27-year-old army sergeant from idaho captured back in 2009 for five taliban leaders currently held at guantanamo bay. that offer has reportedly been on the table for a year and a half but was stymied by president karzai who insisted that the taliban prisoners are sent to afghanistan first. the taliban wanted them to
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remain outside of the country. on tuesday of this week the taliban further angered karzai by opening an office in qatar calling is the political office of the him right of afghanistan, suggesting they are the real afghan government in exile. >> we had extensive conversations with president karzai both before and after the cal louisiana ban opened th the taliban opened the office. as i think has been reported there were some concerns in the manner that the taliban opened it,. >> he threatened to halt talks with the u.s. about a security agreement for american troops that would have given the troops protection if they stay after 2014. a status of forces agreement that was not achieved in iraq when u.s. forces left that country forcing all u.s. troops to leave at that time. secretary of state john kerry is heading to cu kutar for talks.
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u.s. officials are standing by there to talk to the taliban. there is little guarantee that the talks won't alienate karzai further. the taliban says as long as any u.s. troops remain in afghanistan they will keep fighting. >> 4 kt mcfarland is coming up next hour. we will talk to her about all of this. what it means for our national security as well. thank you. jon: new details to bring you on a homicide investigation involving nfl player aaron hernandez. family members speaking out, plus there is word an arrest could be made soon. we'll have the latest. and hollywood and fans alike in shock and saddened by the passing of james gandolfini. a look back at his signature role as tony soprano, that is coming up in a live report.
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>> i was involved with that? >> you two had north jersey. >> we did? >> yeah. >> hum. that's nice. >> we are awaiting an autopsy in the death of james gandolfini, the emmy-winning actor best known for that role you just saw as tony soprano in the hbo hit series "the sopranos." band banjulie banderas. >> according to italian law they have to wait 24 hours before performing an autopsy. they say he suffered cardiac arrest and arrived at the hospital 10:20 local times. resuscitation efforts failed and he was pronounced dead at
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11:00pm. hollywood and fans alike are in shock upon hearing the news, this 51-year-old gifted and beloved actor is gone. >> i'm really saddened to hear that. that is awful, awful news. such a terrible loss. >> i guess he nailed it, he was just right on. i don't know if anybody could have played that part any better. >> david chase who developed the "the sopranos" says he was a genius, anyone who saw him even in the smallest of his performances knows that. he is one of the greatest actors of this or any time, a great deal of that genius resided in those sad eyes. gandolfini won three emmy's for the role of tony soprano a struggled crime boss struggling to balance his family life and career in the mafia. it would become the most watched show ever to air on hbo and its finale six years ago one of the most memorable. >> focus on the good times. >> don't be sarcastic. >> isn't that what you said one
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time? try and remember the time that were good? >> i did? >> yes. >> well it's true i guess. >> in real life the good times began in new jersey began's home state and last night fans gathered at the ice cream parlor where they should the famous final scene of the show. a sign says reserved on the table while fans are stunned at the news of his passing. >> i was completely shocked. i grew up in the area around here, so i have a lot of sentimental feeling about it. i was a huge fan of the show, and i just felt the urge to come out here and take in the moment, you know. he was a great actor. >> a lot of moments to take in. gandolfini is survived by his wife debra and two-year-old daughter. he is also survived by a son michael from another marriage who was with him on that trip to italy, jon. jon: it is just so sad all the way around. julie banderas thank you. >> reporter: sure. jenna: the fbi says it uncovered
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a deadly and bizarre plot to build an employ a weapon of mass destruction aimed at killing muslims. we'll tell you more about that coming up. and the battle over immigration reform is definitely heating up on capitol hill. today is a very important day. we'll tell you about the latest changes and what it will take to move the bill forward and who is trying to stop it dead in its tracks. we'll break it all down for you coming up next. hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios
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has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy.
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jenna: welcome back. as promised we wanted to get to the big news out of dc today, a major showdown is happening over immigration as lawmakers battle for changes in the bill that are trying to be hammered out by this pie partisan gang of
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eight. the whole senate are looking at amendments and everything else. house republicans are taking aim at speaker john boehner after his meeting with members of the mostly democratic, hispanic caucus. a lot going on on capitol hill. our chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel is watching it all for us. >> conservatives have been demanding more security as part of immigration reform, and today could be a critical day. senators john hogan from north dakota and bob corker from tennessee, both republicans are set to rollout their border surge amendment. it would fully implement e~verify and an entry exit tracking system, complete 700 miles of border fence, add new technology on the border and double the size of the border patrol, all would have to happen before illegals can apply for green cards. a gang of eight republican called it a dramatic improvement. >> as long as we have this crisis on the southern border it's going to require a surge of resources like the one that this amendment outlines. i've been saying that for weeks
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that the entire effort of immigration reform hinges on whether or not we get the border security parts of the bill right and if you look at what is being proposed here this is a dramatic expansion and improvement in border security that i hope will allow finally for this legislation to have the support it needs. >> the latest fox news poll reveals 81% favor more border security and 74% of those surveyed favor a path to citizenship. the senate majority leader says he will take a look at the new border surge amendment. >> i expect and i hope that a group of republican senators working with the gang of eight will come forward with a bill so we can move forward on the bill dealing with the border. as i've said all along i'm willing to look at any reasonable amendment. i think we all are. >> that is in the senate. over in the he mentioned john boehner. he is due to do a press
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conference later this hour talking about the issue of immigration reform. jenna. jenna: we'll see what he has to say when he steps to the microphone. mike thank you. jon: all kinds of different groups are pushing for a place at the table on immigration reform including the tea party. let's talk about the political prospects here with angela mcglowan a fox news political analyst. and there are so many cross currents swirling on capitol hill right now over this whole thing. marco rubio who has been a tea party darling has got even all kinds of heat over this immigration proposal. >> immigration reform, this debate has been kabuki theatre at its best. as you mentioned marco rubio, tea party sweetheart, now the marty is definitely dived heed from the moderate republicans to the conservative republicans. steve king from iowa, a republican house member held a six-hour press conference yesterday where groups came out in droves in support of the tea
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party killing the senate bill. no this bill might pass the senate dealing with border security, but in the house it could die. >> is it the drubbin that republicans took the a the polls the last name around that is really driving this bill do you think? >> tkhasee why i'm talkinthat's why i'm talking about the policy of race. the republicans want the his haste vote. hispanic went to the democrat particular party in droves. doing this little stroke of immigration reform is not going to bring hispanics to the party. if people are doing this for political reasons, this is not going to work. jon: because a fox news poll asked how important is it for congress to pass immigration reform. only 44% of voters said it's very important. 32% said somewhat. 2r 22 perfected22% said not important at all. i just wonder whether the
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politicians are getting out ahead of the feelings of the people. >> it is important that the immigration bill as the gang of eight presented it would cut the federal deficit. people here illegally will be here legally and pay more in taxes. right now we don't know who they are or where they are and they are getting cash under the table. jon: i remember that 86 bill and the proclamation at the time was we are going to solve this problem once and for all and once we do this in the reagan years there won't be another problem with illegal immigration. and lo and behold here what 30 years later we have what 13 million people here illegally. >> right and that's why border security policy is very important. if the gang of eight gets their stance right on border security they can bring the 70 votes up front to pass the senate. but john boehner is having problems in the house and i'm so happy he met with the hispanic caucus. this is a very liberal caucus but that's what it's going to
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take, republicans need to reach across the aisle to bring people of color to our party. jon: is anybody in opposition to the idea of more border security? i mean that's when this corker-hogan amendment seems to be about in the senate. >> not on the senate side as much as on the house side. you are going to have problems dealing with liberals in border security. as marco rubio said we need border security to be able to block. 90% of the illegals who come here come out of mexico. jon: all right. again, it's a thorny issue like i said all kind of cross currents in washington. it's good to to have you here to sort of sort it out for us. >> thank you for having me. jenna: you talked a little bit about the tea party movement and how it figures into immigration. weee talk about how it figures into another debate, the massive tea party rally on capitol hrkia polish the i.r.s. is that even possible? we'll take a look and hear from someone backing that idea next. >> we have to abolish the i.r.s. and replace the current tax code
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with a simple flat tax that takes away that discretionary power. every day we're working to be an even better company - and to keep our commitments. and we've made a big commitment to america. bp supports nearly 250,000 jobs here. through all of our energy operations, we invest more in the u.s. than any other place in the world. in fact, we've invested over $55 billion here in the last five years - making bp america's largest energy investor. our commitment has never been stronger.
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jenna: "happening now," while the i.r.s. is getting ready to handout $70 million in bonuses some are asking why no one has been fired in light of the targeting scandal. yesterday on the mall down in d.c. "happening now" specifically our great producer
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extraordinary christina robbins was walking along and ran into members of the tea party movement who gathered to bro test the political targeting of the agency. here is some of what they had to say. martha showalter covering her face with a sane says we need to get rid of of the i.r.s. she wants a flat tax. david has strong words for the i.r.s. as well. he says what the i.r.s. is doing is extortion and adds we didn't always have the federal tax agency. david is right on that last point. the first i.r.s. commissioner was appointed during the civil war. president lincoln named the position to collect taxes to fund the war efforts but the income tax was deemed unconstitutional years later and that proceedings went away. back in 1913 the constitution was amended and the tph-bgts w income tax was made legal and gave birth to the modern day i.r.s. many questions are surfacing,
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many were asking yesterday and many probably are asking around april 15th every year all things considered do we actually need the i.r.s., do we need them? joining us now senior economics writer of the "wall street journal" steve moore and president and ceo of the freedom works. matt. 4 matt the tea party is a relatively new movement and steve i'll bring you back to some of your writing in 1998 it was a good year. you get to start first. you wrote an article titled abolish the tax code not the i.r.s. do you still feel that way? >> well, by the way, i'm impressed with your history lesson you gave on the i.r.s., jenna, that was really good stuff. you're right, we've survived as a country for almost 130 years without an income tax at all and i think what matt and i would like to he some is to go back to those days where we actually got rid of the income tax either entirely, or why not a flat tax, jenna. the flat tax would not abolish the i.r.s., but one of the things that it would do is it
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would so sum blah tpaoeu our 20,000 page tax code it would get us down to about 200 pages that you wouldn't need this enormous enforcement mechanism and the most abusive agency of government. we talked about the nsa knowing so much about you. you know the i.r.s. has the power to garnish our wages, it can go into your bank account and take money out. it can go into your home. it has the information about where you went to dinner last night, jenna, what kind of car you drive. it's an incredibly abusive agency and intrusive. jenna: where i went to dips last night wasn't very good. if the i.r.s. is looking into that they shouldn't go there. matt let's drill into this a little bit more. is the issue really the i.r.s. as an agency and the potential abuses the agency can participate in, like we're seeing with the targeting of certain groups or is the true problem really the tax code which is so vague in some ways it almost feeds into that -- the agency potentially doing wrong?
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what is really the priority here, the i.r.s. or the tax code? >> well it's probably both, and it's kind of a chicken and egg situation because i think all of these discretionary social engineering provisions in the i.r.s. code has created an incredibly corrupt culture at the i.r.s., but i do think that we need to acknowledge that the behavior at the i.r.s. which was institution wide, it wasn't a few bad apples, it was everybody exploiting that discretionary authority they have, choosing winners and losers driving their personal political agendas, that is enough to say we have to pull it out by the roots and replace it with a new revenue collection agency that implements the simpler tax provisions under a flat tax. jenna: it's interesting, steve, one of the things that you wrote about and i'm going to have you talk a little bit about what matt just said, you said that the i.r.s -- again this is back in 1998 the i.r.s. has more employees than the epa, osha, the fbi, the dea, the fta and
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the atf. and i fact checked that, steve, just to be sure it is still true. it is still true, the i.r.s. as a single agency is bigger than all those agencies combined. you worked on a government commission once where people wrote and said they felt bullied and intimidated by this agency, and so it's been happening for years. so what is to say if we replace it with another agency even if it's smaller that the same thing doesn't start happening again? >> that is a great question. by the which just to add what you were saying there are also morris r- moreno i.r.s. agents than border patrol agents. we even have more people snooping into your income records. one of the thins i'd like to suggest to you 0, i agree with matt we should get rid of the i.r.s. and the tax code. if we a pol abolish the income tax, think about this it would no longer be the business of government how much money you make, jenna, because you just
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pay your taxes when you go to the store and consume things. like you pay your sales tacts. i've always liked that idea because then the government wouldn't have to know how much money you make you wouldn't have to keep all your records for the i.r.s. and april 15th would just be another spring day. jenna: that would be amazing. matt, what do you think about that option, and also the fact that we've talked about tax reform just so much that when you look at actually who is trying to do it, for example, senator baucus one of the reasons he says he can do it or one of the reasons people have been saying that he's going for it is he's going to retire so he doesn't have any mythical consequence. what do we do about not only having new ideas like the one steve mentioned or having lawmakers that are really, really willing to fight for it? sph i thin >> i think you're in the middle of a paradigm shift in washington d.c. we have legislators like ted cruise who are willing to do it. we are literally repopulating washington. when it comes to this cozy relationship between the i.r.s.
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and all of the politician has want to use the the handouts in the tax code we have to do this from the outside. literally the person people are the only people that can get this done. it's not going to happen inside the beltway. i think yesterday's protest was part of that, but with the transparency and all of the strength we get through the internet we have an ability to impose an accountability on washington we've never had before. jenna: that is interesting . >> you're so right about that, matt. because the whole central power, the central power system of the federal government really comes out of the tax system. matt is right, if we're going to do this it's washington versus america and america has to rise up against it. jenna: matt i want to give you the last thought on this. is it simply by voting in new lawmakers and this is a transition that happens over the next several decades or is it something that can happen quicker? >>i i this it has to happen quicker. i'd like to make this a mandate for 2014, it's literally us versus them now. we have to do it for ourselves. jenna: steve, matt, great conversations. i'm glad you liked the history
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lesson. thanks, gentlemen. >> thank you. jon: your 401k is not looking as good right now as it was yesterday. the dow down about 210 points, apparently more worries over ben bernanke's thoughts. more ahead.
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>> a memorial service is taking place right now for famous moon walker and nasa astronaut neil armstrong. he died last year at the age of 82. casey stegall joins us live with the latest on that. >> reporter: yeah, john the man at the podium there is jerry griffin the lead flight director for the apollo 12, 15 and 17 missions. he is among many you'll lo you'll skwraoeuzing neil armstrong today. it was july 21st, 1969 when neil armstrong stepped out of the apollo 111 mad you'll onto the moon, th1111 module onto the moon. he said the famous words, that is one small step foreman, one giant leap foreman kinked. buzz aldrin was with him, they tooled around for two and a half hours exploring the lunar surface like it had never been
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explored before collecting moon rocks. aldrin was among those who took the podium you'll louisiana skwraoeuzing his friend today and following the service at johnson space center they will be planting a tree there on the ground where neil armstrong spent so much time in his career, jon. a big day for nasa as his family and friend are there remembering a true space legend. jon: and his family said when you go out and see the moon, give it a wink and think of neil, great line. jenna: we'll move onto other news now. jodi arias is expected back in court any moment for the first time since jurors deadlocked on whether to sentence her to life in prison or to death. she was found guilty of first-degree murder last month of her ex-boyfriend travis alexander. today attorneys in the case will discuss the retrial of the penalty phase. the defense wants to delay that phase until next year. the prosecution wants to start in late july. or there is potentially a third
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option they could reach a deal that spares taxpayers the expense of another trial by taking the death sentence off the table. what is the most likely outcome in the pursuit of justice, fred tecce is a former presented ra federal prosecutor. and ashley is also with us. you said the judge should grant the defense's request, why? >> you have to think about the attorneys they have given their life over to the case for the last six months. their practices are probably in shambles, they have families they need to go back with. in death penalty cases, they are all consuming. the fact they want a six-month time out to regather is not unreasonable and the judge should grant it. >> what his six months, fred? >> they want six months to find some witness to testify on jodi arias' behalf. they've had five years since this guy was killed, a half a decade. they've burned through a million dollars putting together her
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defense. to ask for another six months, th until july 30th for personal reasons, i have no problem with that whatsoever. unless they are going to issue a subpoena to nasa and find that the mars rover has found somebody on mars to testify in front of this woman no one on this planet is going to do it. as a former prosecutor, if i was martinez the prosecutor i'd actually be sitting down with the alex ap and der alabama exapbalabama exapbd der family judge would you consider that now after everything the family has been through. >> i'm not a huge fan of this woman i'd love to see her executed. that is my personal feelings. sometimes you need to put that aside. i heard the alexander family wants to see her executed and i don't blame them. it's a lot of money to be spent and these jurors really -- jenna: and it's not likely. >> at this point it's not likely
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because if you couldn't get a death sentence with that first jury it's se unlikely that you're going to get one with the next jury. the holdout jurors had valid reasons for holding out. so it's very unlikely that this retrial is going to actually result in an execution and a death sentence and so why spend the taxpayer's money, why put the family through this again. i would really be sitting down and having a heart to heart with the family and deciding if that is the best -- >> i agree. jenna: just real quick one more variable. jodi arias' movie on lifetime comes out this weekend, saturday, fred i know you'll be tuning in. jodi arias dirty little liar. >> i'm going to dvr it. jenna: i don't mean to make light of the situation, this is obviously a s sr-r serious serious crime. you have to wonder how you even get a jury. >> i have a young intern with me from villa nova law school and when i brought him here to the studio i told him about jodi
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arias, and he said who? put her in a cave where she can never get to a tv camera ever again. jenna: i'll be looking forward to see how the intern does in the next few weeks or months. >> he has a future. i like him. jenna: we'll have him on next time as well. good to see you. jon: the latest on a very strange case out of massachusetts. new england patriot's tight end aaron hernandez he is reportedly facing arrest. helicopters followed him from his home today in his white car. ironically 19 years after the oj simpson white bronco case. they followed him in his white suv, there was some reporting that he might be turning himself in to police. but it turns out he drove to foxboro, to the day pre at's practice facility and that's where he is right now at work. word is there are police cars also arriving there. what does it all mean? we'll get you the latest just as soon as we can.
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jon: fast breaking developments now in a homicide investigation linked to a player for the new england patriots. tight end aaron hernandez has been linked to the victim as well and directly tied to the investigation. police have been searching his home. we are getting reports he might be facing arrest. right now hernandez is apparently at gillette stadium where the patriots practice and play. joining us on the phone reporter wesley laurie covering the story for the boss boston globe. this all started monday night. the victim is 27-year-old oden lloyd. >> he was a semi-professional football player, a known friend
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and associate of aaron hernandez and according to neighbors and family members hung out with footballs, hung out with hernandez and who was in remarkably good shape playing himself professionally for a semi pro team here in boston. jon: no word yet on how he wound up dead? >> none whatsoever. police and the district attorney's office have been tightlipped on this. it wasn't until last night well after deadline that they even confirmed this was a homicide. they have yet to say whether he was shot, stabbed, we really don't even know what type of murder we are dealing with. we just know that oden lloyd a friend of aaron hernandez was found dead near his home. jon: and they are looking, police are for part of a side view mirror from a car. can you explain what that is all about? >> yes, they are looking for -- the theory is potentially there was some type of transportation happening, either prior to the murder or right after the murder between tkoer chester and north at he willboro. dorchester the area of boston
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where oden lloyd lives and attleboro is where aaron hernandez lives. they are looking for a piece of a mirror that may have been knocked off during that drive. most likely they are looking to see who was driving that vehicle, who was in that vehicle, and that vehicle was probably likely linked to this murder. jon: we had a shot a moment ago of hernandez's house. helicopters were hovering overhead today because there was word that he might be leaving the house to turn himself in. instead he drove to foxboro and i guess he's at practice today or getting ready for it. >> the helicopters followed them. again it's unclear. it's very early in the day, it's nearing noon right now. it's unclear. we'll see what happens. this is developing. there are yet to be any charges, yet to be -- hernandez has not been named specifically a person of interest in this. again, we don't even really know how odon lloyd was murdered much
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less who was involved. that could change momentarily, in hours or in days. we are still waiting. jon: a strange case that started monday night. it's good to have you on. thank you. >> thanks so much. jenna: great perspective from wesley. what a story, right. jon: it seems to be heating up for him. jenna: we'll keep you posted as we hear more. also two hearings today on the nsa scandal one focusing on the agency's controversial surveillance program itself the other digging into how contractors like leaker edward snowden get security clearance. live in washington on that. law enforcement facing new challenges after the legalization of marijuana in states like washington. what is next for drug-sniffing dogs?
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>> i'm laura inl, and we are in the "happening now" control room with a brand new hour and all the stories we're working on up here on the wall. take a look. from government snooping, to the irs overreach, an overview of the political corruption in 2016. afraid of heights? three daredevils certainly aren't. three people broke into chicago's second largest skyscraper which is 92 stories tall and jumped off the roof opening parachutes and be running off. the search is on. and what could be the problem with drug-sniffing dogs doing their job? we'll tell you why man's best friend and police's greatest tool are having to be retrained
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for fear they will ruin prosecutions in one u.s. state. these stories and breaking news as the second hour of "happening now" starts right now. ♪ ♪ jon: and we're waiting for some new action in the nsa leak scandal. hello, i'm jon scott. jenna: hi, everybody, welcome to the second hour of "happening now," i'm jenna lee, and we're going to take you live right now to capitol hill as the senate homeland security committee gets ready to hear how contractors like leaker edward snowden get their security clearance. snowden disclosed classified information some two weeks ago and that, of course, set off a firestorm of controversy over not only word that the feds track the phone calls and e-mails of average americans, but also of the dangers to our national security because a single contractor revealed that once-top secret program. another hearing will feature a closed door briefing on the nsa's surveillance programs
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themselves. republican congressman paul ryan highlighting the controversy over the programs on "fox & friends" earlier this morning. take a listen. >> in this 21st century, gretchen, we're going to see some tension between our civil liberties and national security, and when that tension arises, in my opinion, you always have to err on the side of civil liberties. that what the nsa surveillance debate's all about. jenna: catherine herridge has been following this story from the beginning and has the latest now. >> reporter: thank you, jenna, and good morning. according to testimony obtained by fox news, falsified reports are not unusual with investigators logging interviews that never happen when it comes to these security background checks for the clearances, and on credit reports used to determine whether bad credit makes a candidate high risk for blackmail. the investigators made that up too. the testimony reads in part, quote:
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>> r eporter: on tuesday the head of the nsa testified that there are at least a thousand government employees like nsa leaker edward snowden who have broad access to the networks containing these highly classified documents. >> how many people were in the same position as snowden was as a systems manager to have access to this information that could be damaging if released? >> there is on the order of a thousand system administrators. the majority are contractors. >> reporter: we don't know this morning whether there were any background check problems with snowden's security clearance, though there's a special investigative focus on his time at the cia, why he left and how he kept his clearance allowing him to go onto the nsa. jenna: one of the other things we're hearing about are these plots that everyone's talking
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about shock of which, we're -- some of which, we're being told, have been interrupted. what about those? >> reporter: the list of 50 alleged terrorist plots disrupted with the help of the data collection from the nsa programs was not provided to the house intelligence committee as it was promised wednesday as there are new questions about one of those alleged plots that was described by fbi director zone joyce to -- sean joyce to justify the sweeping data collections programs. >> this was the plot that was in the very initial stages of planning the bomb the new york stock exchange. >> would you say their intention to blow up the new york stock exchange was a serious plot, or is this something that they kind of dreamed about, you know, talking among their buddies? >> i think the jury considered it serious, since they were all convicted. >> reporter: and within the last hour we've had a response from the fbi about this alleged new york stock exchange plot. what they confirmed to us is that deputy director sean joyce
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did misspeak at the congressional testimony. there was never a jury trial in this case, and the suspects pled guilty to lesser charges that were not connected to the specific plot that was cited, jenna. jenna: interesting context for us, as always, catherine. thank you. >> reporter:e. jon: well, the nsa leak controversy just one of the growing number of scandals rocking the white house from benghazi to the irs targeting story to the nsa. it might all be taking a toll on the president and leading to an early case of second term doldrums. "the hill" writing today: jon: a.b. stoddard even naming names, writing, quote.
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jon: well, the author of those words, a.b. stoddard, associate editor and columnist at "the hill," joins us now along with juan williams, fox news political analyst. so, hillary -- [laughter] a.b., is it hillary only in 2016 for the democratic power structure in washington? >> yes. that's basically how i finish my column, that everyone is getting ready for hillary, and hillary ready be ready -- better be ready for the democratic fight. andrew cuomo, the governor of new york, is not ready to win a national election for the white house. i don't think that kirsten gillibrand, senator from new york, could win in 2016. perhaps later. and i also don't think that governor martin o'malley, another known potential for 2016, governor of maryland, is going to be able to pull that off. so you look at hillary and biden, and it's clear that the choice has been made, and everyone is rushing to embrace
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her, to urge her to run and to create the sort of campaign in waiting with this super pac ready for hillary. and i think joe wide biden only would be able to step in hillary stepped out, and it would be hard for him to move the party after it chose hillary over him and get enough strength to, as an incumbent, of course, to win the presidency in 2016. jon: and she also has her own twitter account, newly opened. juan, what do you think about a.b.'s reasoning? >> i think that's right on the money. there's little doubt if you look at the poll numbers, jon, right now hillary clinton is the strongest potential candidate for the democrats. she can easily right now outpace someone like a marco rubio or a jeb bush according to the polls. i'm not sure there's any other democrat who could do that right now. now, i would say this, that there are some people out there that are perspective candidates. remember, this is an early, early core nation for hillary clinton on the part of the democrats.
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not only has she not declared she's going to run, but it's potential her bubble could be burst. you have people like elizabeth warren, the senator from massachusetts, who may have disagreements with the obama/clinton ticket. remember, the assumption here is that president obama is tacitly supporting hillary clinton, not joe biden. but remember, also, that republicans are already going after the early clinton bubble with all their talks about her responsibility in terms of the benghazi scandal and now this sex scandal that took place during her tenure as secretary of state. jon: yeah, a.b., history can repeat itself, and a few years ago it was hillary clinton who was going to be the guaranteed, surefire democratic nominee, and all of a sudden something happened. >> oh, i understand that. but the, when you look around at, like i said, the potential prospects, i don't know if there's barack obama who's going to appear out of nowhere for the democratic party. i don't think elizabeth warren could survive a primary fight against hillary clinton if she is in the race.
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and as i said, if she flirts with this long enough and everyone gets on the bandwagon to, quote-unquote, urge her to run, it's very hard for joe biden to pick up the pieces. he's the only second choice. and if hillary is anointed so early as juan mention with the the tacit support and endorsement of president obama and it's not really good for joe biden to sort of step in later and say, okay, i'm going to run to represent the party that basically wanted hillary to run more than me. i don't think those other players have a chance against her in the primary cycle. jon: but, juan, take a look at the two-family political dynasty that we had occupying the white house starting in '88. it was bush-clinton-bush, and at the end of bush 43's second term, people were saying, you know, there was a significant number of people who were saying, oh, not another clinton. >> right. now i think things have changed. clearly the focus then, jon, was on president clinton's excesses. he'd been impeached, don't
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forget. he's now back to being a folk hero. he's a very popular former president, and hillary clinton's actually the most popular politician in america although all the talk about her culpability in terms of benghazi has brought her numbers down, her approval numbers down slightly. she's still the most popular politician in america and by far the most popular democrat. jon: one thing about all this, though, a.b., she hasn't said she's running. >> good point. >> no. but she -- you know, if you talk to people who have been with the clintons, they're all getting ready, and they're all laying all the groundwork. people get ready for hillary. this is not a bunch of breathless groupies, women in their 60s who are, you know, going to avenge 2008. these are all people who work for the clintons, all loyalists and veterans of their campaigns and their strongest supporters. this is literally a campaign in waiting so that she is prepared to say yes. i'm not saying that she's definitely going to. but it looks like she wants to run. people around her believe that she will, and i'm not saying
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either if she's the nominee, jon, that she beats a republican. i'm just saying i can't see a democrat who would beat her. jon: and the first line in emily gooden's piece in the hill says democrats in washington are starting to shift from the obamas to the clintons. interesting cop sent. a.b. stoddard, juan williams, thank you. >> you're welcome. jenna: this goes with our theme, talking about elections even though they are far away, some of them, more groups are claiming the irs unfairly singled them out. this time it's organizations that advocate for stricter voting laws. our senior correspondent eric shawn is taking a look at this. >> reporter: hi, jenna. yeah, there are two more groups that deal with election issues, and they are telling fox news that, yes, they were singled out too. in minnesota the group minnesota majority says it's been operating for seven years without any problem. they tackle voting issues. but its head dem graph says this past march the irs sent a compliance letter asking for in-depth questions, for example,
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about what the group does, if it supports candidates or tries to influence public policy. >> if you look at the documents that we originally filed with the internal revenue service when we founded the organization in our 990 forms, they use a lot of the words that have been trigger words for the internal revenue service's past targeting. it's like traditional values, it's upholding the constitution, freedom, you know, those kind of things that were trigger words for the irs agents in the past. >> reporter: the minnesota majority became known for claiming 1,000 felons may have illegally voted in the state's 2008 senate election, and that could have been the difference that put democrat al franken over the top against republican incumbent senator norm coleman, though election officials in minnesota have denied that. franken, of course, won that contest and is up for re-election next year. meanwhile, another group that teals with voter fraud and voter issues says that, well, for the irs, they think your name may
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make the difference. that group is media trackers. they're in wisconsin, and they claim that's exactly what happened. ceo drew ryan says when they applied for nonprofit status in june of 2011, 15 months went by without an approval. so look at this graphic, they applied under that name. in september 2012 as greenhouse solutions instead, and guess what? mr. ryan says that the irs said yes to that name in only three weeks. >> it's apparent that the cincinnati office was not operate toking by itself -- operating by itself, that these rogue agents were not rogue, they were simply following orders. and i think the question that remains, how far up the food chain does this go? >> reporter: we have tried repeatedly to obtain comment from the irs, but the agency has not given us an explanation. jenna? jenna: we'll be interested to hear what they have to say, eric, so pass it along. very interesting report, thank you.
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jon: there's word today of a prison swap offer from the taliban in afghanistan. the news the family of one american soldier has been waiting for for four years. can we get him back? jon: plus, an amazing break-in and jump from one of america's tallest buildings. what police are saying now as they hunt for these base jumpers. okay team!
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jenna: well, "happening now," police in chicagoing are looking for a trio of daredevils. they broke into the highest point of a chicago high-rise, the trump international hotel and tower, before parachuting down to the streets below. we can confirm that mike tobin from our chicago bureau was not among them, or can we? mike, what happened here? [laughter] >> reporter: well, you know, jenna somewhere here in america a group of people are huddled around a bunch of parachute gear and probably a bong, and they're
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saying things like, huh, that was really cool. trump tower, third highest structure in north america. pretty standard base jumping. a group of bandits got in with an unidentified cutting tool, they got through the locks, they gained access to the roof and let it rip right about 12:30 at night, then disappeared into the night. there's not a trace of them, not much in the way of leads unless they post something to youtube, and they just might. misdemeanor charges, criminal destruction of property, criminal trespass, so the greatest risk they faced was that 92-floor drop. jenna: we're just seeing footage of some other folks, mike. they didn't take anything from -- they weren't, like, burglars like you see in the movies, for example. >> no, can you see my disappointment? the initial bad information we got was a much better story. but, alas, it was just young knuckleheads with parachutes who went off the building. the biggest structure the is the
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freedom tower there in new york, 1776 feet, second is the willis tower here in chicago, used to be the sears tower, third is trump, and that's where they jumped last night. jenna: we'll see if they strike again tonight, and we'll talk again tomorrow. mike, thank you. >> reporter: bye. jon: right now the world's first moonwalker remembered. hundreds of mourners gathering at the johnson space center in texas for a memorial service for neil armstrong. some of the astronaut names you might remember including apollo 11 crew mates buzz aldrin and michael collins. >> mr. i will be eternally grate withful to be -- grateful to be so fortunate that my opportunity to knew to the moon and land was under the command of neil armstrong. perhaps the best test pilot
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america has ever seen. and the epitome of a spaceman. jon: armstrong passed away last august at the age of 82 after suffering heart problems. he made history back on july 20, 1969, when he left mankind's first footprints on the lunar surface. jenna: nice to remember him again today. well, there are big developments in the murder trial of george zimmerman. lawyers are narrowing down the pool of potential jurors for the first time zimmerman's defense team is grilling a select team of member and women who could decide their client's fate. plus, a special look at the first 100 days of pope francis and what's being called the francis effect. we'll explain, ahead.
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jon: right now the new u.s. ambassador to libya is settling into her new post. deborah jones arriving in tripoli today where she met with the libyan general congress members. jones takes over for u.s. ambassador chris stevens who, as you know, was killed during the benghazi terror attack last september. three other americans also died in that attack. ♪ ♪ jenna: well, some word today of a potential prison swap offer from the taliban in afghanistan. a senior spokesman from the group telling the associated press the taliban now stands ready to free sergeant bowe bergdahl, the american soldier who disappeared in 2009 and has apparently been held hostage all this time. there is a condition, though, for his release. it will only happen if the u.s. frees five of the taliban's senior operatives now being held at guantanamo. this offer comes amid
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conflicting reports about whether afghan president hamid karzai will join the peace talks which, of course, we also have a role in. kt mcfarlane joining us, former deputy assistant secretary of defense during the reagan administration, has been to afghanistan in part-times. let's start -- many times. let's start first with this potential swap. what should we do? >> it wreaks your heart. i think it's probably one of the most difficult decisions any leader makes because if you do the prisoner swap, what happens next? well, the taliban realizes, let's go snag a couple more americans. it'll give us the kind of leverage we need, the currency we need. i know in the reagan administration one of the men i worked with, a marine lieutenant colonel, rich higgins, was taken prisoner, kidnapped by hezbollah in lebanon. he ultimately was tortured and died, but it's the greatest tragedy you have because you bleed for those families. you want that person back, but you know if you make the trade, all you're doing is setting yourself up for more kidnappings. jenna: but if we don't negotiate
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with terrorists, then why are we sitting down for peace talks -- [laughter] >> jenna, you are so right. this is exactly what we're doing. why are we doing it? because we're on our way out. there's nothing to say -- jenna: then let's take the kid with us. >> we could fight our way out, that's the other question, are we sitting down with the taliban because we want to make sure we don't shoot our way out? jenna: what is the goal? we've talked about this for years, potentially talking to known terrorists. what is the goal now? >> i don't think there is a very good goal here. i'm not sure we get anything out of this negotiation at all. the taliban may get something out of it, they probably want us to leaf behind -- leave behind a lot of infrastructure. karzai is the interesting one because he's not going to be part of the talks, he's going to be part of the talks, he's playing this. he's deciding if he's going to sit down with the taliban and the united states. he wants something from the united states, and if he doesn't sit down, he's been the time-honored afghanistan tradition, he's hedging his bets.
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jenna: and so then what happens? >> i think he's got karzai, front and center in his mind, is what happened the last time that'll the taliban got rid of a president. that's thaty bull la. he was hung on a lamp post upside down. karzai's got to have that in his mind, and when i was there four years ago, i met with one of karzai's top deputies, and he said, you know, if the americans leave, we'll all be slaughtered. and i think that what's in karzai's mind. he's trying to cut the can -- cut the deal he can for he and his cronies. jenna: i can't help but think of the servicemen and women who are in afghanistan right now for another year and deploying as we speak -- >> oh, absolutely. jenna: -- and yet they're supposed to be taking more of a backseat role. what that means on the ground, though, we have to ask the combat troops themself, and they're not here to speak for themselves. what about the families, the troops that are out there watching this play out and
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knowing that the men that are trying to kill them, their government is sitting down with? >> look, this whole -- to me, the afghanistan surge never made a lot of sense in the very beginning because we immediately sate we're going in, but we're on our way out. that signals we're not going to stick around, so as far as the taliban guys, they used to say in afghanistan when they tap their empty wrist, you've got the watches, we've got the time. jenna: now seeing the plans after the surge might be another one. let me just ask you something really quick because a story was on the front page of "the wall street journal", and it's slightly connected. there's a country, the country of georgia, that that has given troops to also help in afghanistan. but now we're learning according to "the wall street journal" that georgia is actually serving as a proxy market for the iranians to get around their sanctions. and they're making a lot of money. and a lot of the companies set up in georgia apparently belong to the terrorist organizations, the terrorist arm of the iranian government, the revolutionary guard. >> right. what's happened is that the
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sanctions we've had on iran to try to get iran to stop its nuclear program, they have actually within very effective in kind of enclosing iran and caselating it from the world k34eubg community. they haven't been successful in stopping the program, and, in fact, there's a lot of indication they're speeding up on that. what's happened is for the people of iran who went to the polls this week and elected the most reformist-minded of the candidates, one of the reasons i think they voted for him was because he said i'm going to fix the economy. jenna: we help georgia. russia was trying to invade georgia, and now they're not helping us. what do we do? >> those countries most affected by american withdrawal from the region are looking around and saying we've got to cut our own separate deal. you may have helped us before in georgia, in afghanistan, but you know what? you're on your way out, so we've got to cut our own deal. we have to live in this neighborhood long after you've lived. jenna: a really interesting point to end op. kt, thank you so much. jon? jon: well, the man behind the
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city sandwich company says the government is taking a bite out of his small business. why he says he's drowning in federal, state and local regulations. plus, vital tools in catching illegal drugs, so why is one state having to completely retrain its k-9 sleuths? the answers, ahead. ♪ ♪ this day calls you. to fight chronic osteoarthritis pain. to fight chronic low back pain. to take action. to take the next step. today, y will know you did something for your pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is a pain reliever fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one non-narcotic pill a day, every day, can helpeduce this pain.
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jon: well, "happening now," major was in the markets worldwide after new signals from the fed. federal reserve chairman ben bernanke is indicating the most specific timetable yet on starting to pull back the stimulus that his agency is using to prop up the u.s. economy, and the markets are reacting. the dow down 187 points right now. fox business network's peter barnes is live in washington. we're back under 15,000, peter. >> reporter: yeah, jon. the markets are reeling after bernanke signaled the beginning of the end of the easy money policies the fed has been using since the financial crisis five years ago. for starters, bernanke said the fed could start to slow its bond-buying program known as quantitative easing later this year as long as the economy keeps growing and unemployment falls. so far the fed has bought $2.5
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trillion in bonds to help push down interest rates. in a note to clients today, renaissance macro research said, quote: we suspect markets are significantly overreacting to the prospect of backing away from these bond purchases, so-called tapering. they've been convinced they need the fed's training wheels, so they're nervous about losing them. rbc capital markets said today, quote: one of the big surprises in the bernanke press conference was that the chairman did not attempt to walk back the recent rise in interest rates we've seen in the credit markets. bernanke said yesterday that this so-called tapering was really not that bad, kind of like taking your foot off the gas pedal in your car at a nice cruising speed. not hitting the brakes. one analyst took the car analogy a bit further. >> what he's doing is a lot like monetary drunk driving. i think he's jerking the wheel back and forth, and the market
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doesn't know what to make of it. >> reporter: some analysts now think the fed could start pulling back on stimulus at its next policy meeting at the end of july. jon? jon: all right. we will keep an eye on the markets until then and beyond. peter barnes in washington, thank you. jenna: well, from monetary drunk driving, as that analyst put it, to brand new numbers on the jobs front. 354,000 americans filed for unemployment in the latest week, that's up slightly from the week earlier but overall, you know, that's sort of around the number that we want to see. in the meantime, some businesses are managing to survive in this tough business environment, and for some it's about to get even harder when it comes to some of the new regulations, so we wanted to talk a little bit about that with the ceo and chef at city sandwich here in new york city. it's great to talk to small business owner, mike, but i've got to ask you the most pressing question, which is of anything in the entire world, why sandwiches? >> i think it's one of those items that's affordable, and i think if you put the right
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ingredients, that you can have a full meal without needing a knife and fork. jenna: and your sandwiches are big, i checked them out online. they look like a complete male. >> well l, we scoop the inside of the bread out. [laughter] jenna: a lot of the women out there like that, a low-carb sandwich option. you went into business in 2010, an interesting time coming out of the recession. what's been the biggest challenge so far? >> 2010, also, it was very difficult to go to banks, get loans as you can imagine. everybody spoke yes, and at the end of the day, you really weren't left with anything. so if you didn't save, it was very hard to get started, you know? you kind of depend on these banks to help you a little bit to get started -- jenna: the financing. >> the financing. jenna: so what about the financing now? >> it's not easy to get financing. you could have a good record, you could have an impeck be bl record of paying all your bills and etc., it looks good, but at the end of the day it's always the same situation. rejection. it's a no.
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you don't -- they're not supportive, you know? jenna: what do you attribute that to? because, you know, they could have a great partner, and they could help a company build. obviously, there's some nervousness about the credit bubbles we've been in in the past. how do you navigate that? >> well, i mean, we need them. without them you can't, you can't take risks. without them you don't inspire the younger generations to come up and want to go out there and build their own businesses on their own. these younger generations also see the difficulties when they're working at the workplace, and they hear the banks are not helping you. well, yeah, i'm just going to stick around and work for somebody. this whole downfall -- jenna: to your point, though, it's been a couple years about the message to businesses, right? you have occupy wall street, people are angry at the banks, but we also see some of the different regulations going into effect for small businesses as well. you have about ten employees. so when we talk about health care, often times people say, oh, if you have, you know, less than 50 employees is not really that big of a deal.
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what's the reality for you, is it a big deal? is it not? >> it's a very big deal for me. i would love to be able to generate enough business in my small business to be able to one day look at my employees and say, listen, we're going to have health care today. the expenses that come in, there's too many hidden costs here. we don't exact answers to how this could benefit the employer and the employees. it has to be a win/win, so to speak. so, yes, a lot of people are also using that as an excuse to say, well, if we have health care, it's a bigger security. i don't believe in having security with somebody who's just coming to work for the health care. again, it's like a food cycle. so you're not going to have that environment of work that you should normally have under good circumstances. jenna: so you're saying you would prefer to have employees that are low -- loyal to the business, not just to the items they might be getting for being employed. >> when they're loyal to the business, employers are happy to give back. jenna: sure. >> enough has to enter for us to play with. jenna: so what do you think, what do you see in the year
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ahead? >> well, i wish that we would have a little bit more of clarification. i support any political leader that is for the people. i do believe that it's sort of like building an apartment, you know? you estimate $50,000, and at the end of the day, there's $70,000. jenna: sure. >> where do you get that extra 20,000? the formula's the same. unless that gets concentrated on, it could be disastrous. jenna: congratulations for having the company open for three years now, and we wish you a lot of luck and success. it's good to have your perspective. >> thank you very much. jenna: jon? jon: "happening now," what is being called the francis effect. catholic leaders say pope francis is bringing the faithful back to the pews as the pontiff marks his first 100 days at the seat of st. peter. amy kellogg live from london. >> reporter: hi, jon. well, everything at this point is anecdotal, but everyone does seem to be talking about the francis effect. and, jon, it's not just people
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going back to church, it's things like more people going to confessions for some reason and even reports of lots of little italian babies being named francisco, which is italian for francis. now, from the very beginning the new pope was widely admired for his outreach to the poor and his desire to help the poor. but it really has been his mingling style, his personal touch that has capped his popularity. now, this image really says a lot about the style of pope francis. this was easter sunday when he reached out of his jeep and cradled and hugged an american boy with very ball palsy -- cerebral palsy. he's been known to pluck from the crowds and give them a spin which he did just yesterday. >> it's very rare to see a pope do that and go kiss people who aren't able to see him. so i do think he's reaching tout the group of people that need him the most. >> reporter: on good friday,
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pope francis washed the feet of prisons including women and muslims, but a message of inclusion and an indication that this pope is trying to bless a large cross section of people. >> i would like all of us priests to be like francis, reaching out, reaching out to people. there's a lot of people out there, catholics, who don't feel there's a place more them in the church anymore. that's their perception. there is a place for them, but their perception is that there's not. francis is reaching out to say, come home, and i think we all priests, we need to do the same. >> reporter: now, of course, jon, there's a papal audience every wednesday at the vatican, and pope francis has been drawing crowds of 100,000 people which is a big deal because prior to his installation those audiences used to draw 30,000 people or so. and this is exciting news to catholics who would like to see more people coming back to the church, because there was a pew
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research poll done last year that showed that catholic church attendance in the united states was at a low, a decades-long low of just 24% going once a week. so i think a lot of people are hoping that at some point we will have some statistics to show that francis is, in fact, bringing people back to church on sundays. john? jon: amy kellogg joining us from london, thank you. jenna: well, a new company is now flexing its muscle in the billion dollar fitness industry. why its workout to method is catching on bigtime. jon will be doing burr pees in the studio during commercial to show us why. jon: yes. jenna: plus, david beckham is swarmed. what happened to the fans and to the soccer superstar, next. i want to make things more secure. [ whirring ] [ dog barks ] i want to treat mo dogs. ♪ our business needs more cases.
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[ male announcer ] where do you want to take your business? i need help selling art. [ male announcer ] from broadband to web hosting to mobile apps, small business solutions from at&t have the security you need to get you there. call us. we can show you how at&t solutions can help you do what you do... even better. ♪ yeah... try new alka seltzer fruit chews. they work fast on heartburn and taste awesome. these are good. told ya! i'm feeling better already. [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer fruits chews. enjoy the relief!
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jon: well, there's a new problem popping up in states like washington where marijuana is legal, and it centers on drug-sniffing dogs. dan springer has that live from seattle for us. dan? >> reporter: yeah, dan, it's happening in washington state and in colorado where cops are trying to teach old dogs to unlearn those old tricks, and not everyone is happy. some agencies are giving their k-9 units early retirement, others are going to phase out their current k-9s and replace them with dogs that have been
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trained to not react to marijuana. that's what the washington state patrol is doing. the concern they have is that if dogs hit on what is now a legal amount of marijuana to possess, they could face lawsuits or worse, lose all the evidence of other crimes found during later searches. >> we'll have to look for other indicators. people who transport drugs have certain habits, we know what those habits are, and we'll have to develop those cases other ways. >> reporter: ah, but some agencies are calling that a knee jerk reaction that will only give comfort to drug traffickers, local dealers and young potheads. it's still illegal for minors to smoke marijuana or for anyone to possess more than an ounce, and no one really believes the big traffickers in mexico and british columbia will just go away completely. we interviewed one k-9 handler who thinks it's a big mistake to get rid of drug dogs or try to retrain them. >> i've talked to individuals that i've arrested numerous times, and they told me that
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without the dog, we wouldn't have got anything out of it, period. >> reporter: and there are about 70 drug dogs working in washington state right now, and they are, these four-legged cops are now sniffing in uncharted territory, jon. jon: dan springer, thank you. jenna: on the opposite end of the country in florida, new developments in a critical phase of the george zimmerman murder trial. for the very first time, zimmerman's defense team is zeroing in on a select group of men and women who could decide whether their client is convicted of murder. dry mouth definitely affected my self confidence. it's debilitating when you try to talk, when you're trying to eat, when you're trying to sleep. i'm constantly licking my lips. water would address the symptoms for just a few minutes. the hygienist recommended biotene. it's clean and refreshing, i feel like i have plenty of fluid in my mouth. i brush with the biotene toothpaste and i use the mouthwash every morning.
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it's changed my life. it is the last thing i do before i walk out the door. biotene gives me that fresh confident feeling. i don't know. how did you get here? it is the last thing i do before i walk out the door. [ speaking in russian ] look, look, look... you probably want to get away as much as we do. ... ... i like fun. well, that went exactly i as planned.. really?
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jon: this is where trials are won or lost, and right now big developments in the critical jury selection phase of the george zimmerman/trayvon martin
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murder trial. for the first time, zimmerman's defense attorney grilling potential jurors who have made it to the second round of the process. laura ingle is live in our new york city newsroom with more on that. >> reporter: the defense now getting a crack at asking questions of the pool of men and women. defense attorney mark o'mara kicked off his line of questioning asking questions like what does defendant mean to you and digging deep canner or, he messed them to -- he pressed them to say what they would do right now if they would give a verdict right now. zimmerman, a former florida neighborhood watch captain, is accused of murder in the shooting death of 17-year-old trayvon martin, as we know, during a neighborhood confrontation last year. o'mara also asking potential jurors if they watch the tv shows csi crime seen television or law and order saying it's important to know the difference between real and make believe. we've got jury selection online on
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join us this afternoon. back to you. jon: laura ingle, thanks. jenna: -- [inaudible] $75 billion fitness industry by storm. the founder of crossfit gyms says the options for people looking to have fun and stay healthy have grown stale and ineffective, and his new fitness concept has exploded worldwide. steve harrigan is streaming live from miami beach with more. steve? >> reporter: jenna, crossfit's a real mix of old school gear like kettle bells and modern workouts that are posted and scored online. from remote military outposts -- >> nice and tight. >> reporter: -- to suburban corporate america, the crossfit business has grown during a recession. >> go down-up strong, three reps. >> reporter: crossfit in miami has expanded three times. >> it's been amazing to watch it grow from this small thing no one knew about to this huge,
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snowballing beast that now everybody knows about. >> reporter: crossfit offers a no frills challenge to conventional fitness wisdom. >> i think the traditional fitness industry is motto is get people in the door, sign them up for the longest possible contract you can and hope to never see them again. >> julie, what was your push-press max? 98? way to go. >> reporter: of the ten million practitioners, 60% are women. >> learning how to push your body to a whole new place, that's really exciting to people, especially moms because you can get so caught up in what your kids are doing and juggling and planning their activities that you need an activity. >> reporter: the workouts are high intensity, often under 30 minutes. intensity that can sometimes lead to injury, which has nourished a secondary boom for chiropractors. >> i'd say about 25% of my practice is probably crossfit. >> reporter: the class size here is capped at 15 to try to reduce the chance of any injury. jenna in. jenna: i'm on that crossfit web
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site daily. it's free for everybody if you want to check it out. thursday, today, is a rest day which explains why both steve and jon are not working out at this very moment. jon: right. but with -- can we read your scores online? jenna: our viewers should check it out. steve, it's a great story, thank you. and we'll be right back with more "happening now." with diabetes, it's tough to keep life balanced.
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when a soccer star shedum. david beckam, more than a thousand people came to see him and rushed the police bar kid. seven people were hurt. >> what you see every day. thanks for joining us. america live starts right now. >> fox news alert on live pictures from what is looking weirdly reminiscent of the white bronco chase. welcome to america live. i am megyn kelly. these are live pictures from the news chopper outside of boston. they are following a dark suv. it is a football player who may soon be a murder suspect. law officials say that the patriots tight end appears to be tied to the murder of


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