tv The Five FOX News June 20, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am PDT
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down to 45% in a year and a half. but he's not letting it get him down. he's bound to found out whose approval he's lost using their e mail and phone records. hello, everyone. bob beckel, dana perino, and greg, it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." we have a jam-packed shows today. the autopsy results for james gandolfini should be released at any moment. we'll have the latest ton tragic death of the legendary sopranos star. and michael bloomberg's anti-gun group apologizes after calling the dead boston bomber, muslim terrorists, a quote, victim. gutfeld has them and him in their crosshairs. and who's the worst celebrity role model for your kids? is it the biebs, lohan? we've got the list. but first, let's kick things off
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with a little bit of politics. president obama mired in scandal. but that's not stopping him. he's moving full speed ahead on immigration, climate change, and obama care is looming. the stock market's crashing, iran's still pursuing nukes, msnbc's ratings are in free fall, and what does the president think of the single biggest threat to america? ladies and gentlemen, the commander in chief. >> the efforts of small climate change requires bold action. this is the global threat of our time. and for the sake of future generations, our generation must move toward a global compact to confront a changing climate before it is too late. that is our job. that is our task. we have to get to work. >> the, quote, global threat of our time, climate change. >> if there was a symbol for catastrophe on the periodic table, it would be obama's face. because this climate change thing has become his -- you know how a child has a favorite blanket and it just gets dirtier
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and dirtier and it needs to be thrown out? andrea still has hers. it's time for him to let go of his dirty blanket called climate change, because it is being systemically debunked by science. looking at 33 years actualed measured increase in temperature is 0.2 degrees. the climate models that were used by these hysterics predicted up to 8.5. that's how far off it is. that's catastrophic. but the best evidence is the satellite data, which shows that the temperature has not changed in 16 years. and this strategy is incredibly dangerous, because it's false, and it's preventing america from breaking away from oil-rich psychos who have us under their thumbs. it prevents our economy from growing by fracking and it leads to corruption in green energy, which is nothing more than the mafia with hemp. >> david, seriously, he was in berlin and he wants to talk about climate change? >> this is called governmenting by fox checking. nuclear disarmament, check.
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climate change, so important that this speech was given in the fifth year of his two terms. these are all things that he's talking about in europe that are never going to get done here. what he could do that would be an amazing thing for america would be the keystone pipeline. and also a universal rule for natural gas fracking, which would allow us to actually not just change our economic position in the world, but our socioeconomic position and the power. bob isng so miserable. >> but i do think that it was, it really was just, okay, i've got to get this off my plait, hollywood's breathing down my neck, i'm going to talk about climate change so everybody here in berlin will give me a high fall. >> i'm going to call my producer out for a second, porter. i actually wrote a script that said our lame-duck president isn't going to get any of this done. dana touched on that for a second during her comment. what do you think -- what is he doing? why climate change?
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why not the important things? why not jobs? >> why do you keep hitting me? >> try to wake up. >> it's not just a check mark for obama. the people who join him in the g-8 all agree that climate change is a fundamental problem. i'm not going to convince you guys differently about it, but it is, in my view, it is not only the greatest threat, it is the most imminent great threat. and the one thing he can do that you can't stop him from doing is using epa regulations to enforce it. and i think that's what he wants to do. >> i hope he does. >> all of those leaders have agreed on this since 1992. in every meeting since 1992, and the kyoto protocol was to get the united states to reduce their emissions to below 1992 levels. well, guess what, because of technology, efficiency, and a bad economy, we're there. we're at below 1992 levels. so i don't really know what they want. >> not only that, robert -- >> i want to bring ang in here. he called it not a global threat, he called it the global threat of our time. >> but we're not at war with
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radical islam. this is the most important issue. if you look at any poll, left, right, the most important issues are not climate change. they do not top the list. >> ever. >> and in all these polls, if you ask them specifically about climate change, i will acknowledge, people do think that something is happening because of the propaganda campaign, but nobody believes, overwhelmingly in polls, that, one, it's a crisis, and that, two, that federal money should be spent on it. when you talk about european leaders, that's just not true. ange angela merkel has spent millions of dollars. germany was on the forefront of green energy and climate change legislation. eric, they spent millions and millions of dollars in europe, in germany, in denmark, in spain, in italy and they have since backed off all of these. i see this as a different tactic. i see this as a change the topic, give a speech on something besides anything like the malfeasance that's happening in the alphabet soup of scandal back home. >> we've got to change the topic, bob. >> do you really think you can put 7 billion people on this
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planet and not have any change? >> that is perfect science. perfect science! >> you know that it was warmer before there was industrialization. >> yes, i do. >> all right. >> we've got to move on. on immigration, the border battle is still bubbling. one says border first, the other says legalization first. who's going to prevail? we went this way. let's go back this way. close the border first, that would be the rand paul/ted cruz idea. marco rubio on the other hand says, go ahead, let's get legalization first. we'll work on the border after. where are you? >> i think they have to do the border first. and i think that's the only way you're going to get a bill to come out of the house is border first. look, i know, this issue, it's amazing when we talk about it. if you don't say, i am for immigration reform, you get killed. if you say you're against it, you get killed. it's a bit more complicated than that. and i've said time and time again, i'm the child of an immigrant, something has to be done. but rooking at this bill in its current form, eric, it's a disaster. it's become a christmas tree of carveouts for lobbyists.
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it actually funnels money. this according to betsey mccoy, right? she says that she funnels money to groups like la raza, community organizing groups, takes the authority away from the dhs, and lets them handle the amnesty process. that's just one example in here. also, criminals, if you get arrested twice but not three times, you can get legalized. twice but three times identity theft, twice but lee times be beating your wife. all of this stuff does not belong in this bill. >> bob, here's the question. can i ask you this? >> sure. >> what's the obama immigration reform bill? >> he's staying back for a good reason, because the democrats want him to stay back, because it won't help to get it passed through. but if there's anything that's an splut lock this year, there will be an immigration reform bill, they will find a way to cut a deal about border security and immigration and it will get done. there's too much pressure and i've seen this for too many deals. this deal is done. >> dana, so if he -- if bob's right and there's a bill that
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passes and obama ends up signing on the dotted line, is that part of his legacy? >> well, sure. look at welfare reform. that was actually a republican initiative, spearheaded by newt gingrich. who gets the credit for the initial 1996 welfare reform or 1994. it was bill clinton. he was the welfare reform guy. whatever happens on your watch, that's your thing. whether it's good or bad. >> talk to me about this now. which side would you fall on? >> i think it's actually -- i think the way that people are defining it is too stark. and i don't believe that marco rubio wants an open border where everybody can come in and just get legalized immediately. i actually think the people that are claiming that should give him a little bit more credit. he is trying to get something done here that i think would be good for the country. i also think that, unfortunately, the economic argument of this, on both sides, have lost, and it's an extremely important one. plus, everybody that doesn't want to deal with the reality of
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however many millions of illegal immigrants are living here now, they'll just say, i don't want to deal with that. no, that's why we're having this discussion. we actually, everybody should come to the table havand have a discussion, make it rational. but the surest way to get front page "new york times" coverage -- >> i spoke to marco rubio and he did have a plan for closing the border as a legalization process, he did take it away from dhs. he said, take it out of dhs' hands, and he had a plan for that as well. greg? >> well, i think for most americans, we're wondering, how hard can this be? i mean, if you're going to have an outdoor concert, you build a fence so everybody goes through the front door. it's common sense. and why not just hire disneyland to do it? because you cannot sneak into disneyland. a private company would know how to do this. but i think there's another concern. people are worried, not about immigration, but about the nature of citizenship, exceptionalism and patriotism.
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there's no longer a necessity for people when they're coming over here. and that is our fault, because we've made it no longer a necessity to be a patriot or to be exceptional. we've lost the exceptionalism belief in america. wave lost our national nerve, so we think that those who are coming here, they don't really care. >> let's make one point. this fence is being built by capitalists, by corporations that have been hired by the government to do that. and it's also 2,000 miles of fencing. >> the point needs to be made, it's still going to be administered by the border patrol, by the feds. i contend, let's give the land away and privatize the whole border. president obama is going to fork over $54 million of your tax dollars to planned parenthood alone to teach people how to use health care. go ahead idea or colossal waste of money. dana, what do you think of this one? >> i think that obama care, from start to finish, is not the best way for america to move forward for -- to have competitive, really good health care for as many citizens as we can get that
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have the health care. they already have a bad enough problem, pr wise, but when you add planned parenthood in there, it makes it worse. i would also say, this past week, a shocking poll to me. i think it was the pew poll. it said 4 in 10 people in america that they polled, actually think that the law has already been repealed. and they're going to get a rude awakening when they get their bill. >> inflation will continue to be inflation. it will be fine, and the $54 million planned parenthood, what bothered me was $50 billion to halliburton to run -- >> let's stay on obama care. >> let's stay on obama care. >> i love that. >> by the way, to administer this, they're called navigators. the feds are looking to hire up to 100,000 navigators, 48 bucks an hour. that number could -- >> $48 an hour? >> up to $48 an hour. that number could approach -- >> up to $48? >> let's take $36 an hour. california alone would spend $1.5 billion.
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i think it makes sense for planned parenthood to get involved, because for most small businesses, obama care is an abortion. >> gee, that's good. >> policy wise, it's not up for debate, right? obama care was supposed to do all these things, it didn't. >> it hasn't even gone in place, yet. >> bob, it's late. premiums have already gone up $2,500. those are the facts. that's absolutely factual. just like the other two topics we've discussed. this is a way to funnel money to his base. give money in the form of government subsidies, like he's doing to planned parenthood. however, on the political front, eric, i think that he is doubling down on the same playbook, the old banana in the tailpipe, like he did for 2012, right? women's issues. he wants every republican to attack this, to jump up and say, this is bad, you don't like women, you hate women. it's the same place they rolled in 2012. i would say, republicans, be very careful not to take the bait. >> can i make a point? >> don't take the bait! >> most of you sat here and
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said, businesses over 50, were going to start dumping employees out. massachusetts is exactly like obama care -- >> i looked into this actually, bob. i've looked into this, and you've used that several times, that's actually not the case. and if you look at every other study that has come out, the companies that are either dumping their employees or they're not hiring, we have a stagnant economy and one of the reasons is the uncertainty about obama care. >> your timing is impeccable. it's either pew or gallop, one of the two released a poll today, saying the exact opposite. saying that people were laying -- businesses were laying people off. >> they are! >> businesses were -- >> you got something better -- >> because of obama care. it's either gallup or pew. >> do you have something better than a left-wing blogger to cite -- coming up next, james gandolfini left us way too soon. we're waiting for his autopsy to find out exactly how it happened. and why did michael bloomberg's anti-gun control group honor the boston terrorists? their explanation when we come back. [ larry ] younow throughout history,
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on tuesday, there was a gun control rally in new hampshire, held by michael bloomberg's mayor's against illegal guns group. they organization read names of people killed by guns by sandy hook. one of the names, a worthless dirt bag i won't name. yeah, he was a victim. reporter tim buckland caught it, which forced bloomberg's office to apologize. how did that name get there? well, organizers pulled a list
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from called, quote, a pure accounting of death, regardless of the circumstances. it's not a bad description for the effect throughout history. what does it tell you about a group includes a murderous terrorist alongside kids. it shows you they'll do anything to score political points, and how the media and government are hand in hand in shaping their own political narrative, even if their strategy is stomach turning. which is why i actually cheer the anti-gun group for using the terrorist's real name, because it pulls back the curtain, showing you how this relativism fuels anti-gun rhetoric, and it makes you wonder, how many gun stats are used to include perpetrators and criminals as victims, by publicly naming the bomber, this sleazy tactic of blending good and bad shootings has now been exposed. so we should be thankful. because when you're playing politics, facts are secondary to facade. and toxic ideology refuses to distinguish between a heroic cop and a murderer.
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they're just two guys holding guns. it's grotesque, but as instead of see it, let it sneak past in the dead of night. angie, doesn't this kind of, it makes you wonder, because you always wondered about the gun stats, how they do that. and this is what they do. they group them together, as though the evil gun and all these victims are, when there are people involved that are bad guys that got shot. >> well, of course they're not going to pick them apart, because they want to make this really strong argument that guns are bad. by the way, you said before you hate lift, i see why. but this group should be called mayors against guns. not illegal guns. why can't -- right? why can't they just -- that's what it should be gun. and this is really embarrassing for mayor bloomberg. as you said, if you read the list that was on, it specifies that this has no consequence, they don't specify who died from what. and it's really embarrassing for bloomberg, because this is a guy
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who has an army of people working for him, like 3,000 people and no one caught that. but it's upsetting that this group can't reach out to groups like the nra, who's also against gun violence. but just like picking out the stats that don't work, why would day do that? then they won't get on the front page. then it's not a good enough argument for them. they miss a lot of opportunities, i think, with this, just fudging the numbers. >> that wasn't -- that wasn't a mistake. it's what the left does. it's what "the daily show" does, what msnbc does, when they selective edit stuff. they put it in there, it makes their point seem more frothy, more relevant, and they go, yeah, um, hopefully no one catches this. once in a while, they'll say, what do you mean, jdzhokhar tsarnaev, he's a victim -- no, no, thouno. >> they apologized. it was a mistake. but what do you say to the young people on that list who died, do you go to their funerals is and say, this is the left trying to
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make a big deal out of guns. >> that's not my point. >> you took one name out of a list of -- >> no, they left the name in -- >> i once that, but that was one name out of a list of hundreds of name of people, some legitimately shot. >> we're not talking about the list. we're talking about the fact that dzhokhar tsarnaev was listed -- >> but the idea was to show the number of people being killed by gun. >> right. including a terrorist. >> including one people. >> and named hundreds of people at one of the most patriotic events in america. >> and god bless guns for killing him. >> what about the people who were killed -- >> we are not -- see, this is relativi relativism. you're saying, this guy is evil, was what about this? i'm focusing on evil. >> i see. >> one guy, one name. >> no one even recognized the name? nobody caught it, even as they're reading it? >> if it wasn't for this, what's his name, tim buckland, thank you, producer in my ear, trying to make me sound smart, tim buckland, who would have reported it? >> when this story first broke,
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you and i both saw it on twitter and e-mailed it to each other saying, this can't possibly be true, thought it was a ruse. then you track it down, and it didn't get much attention, but now it has. >> it's too bad it got as much attention as it has, for all the people on the list that have -- >> but this is a group that doesn't want any guns. they want super soakers. just admit -- they say they don't want illegal guns -- >> reading a list of dead people from guns. >> this would be like at the world trade center on 9/11 if they read the names of everyone to include zacarias moussaoui in the ms. and it's our fault because we're not sympathizing for the people who died in the plane crash. >> if you listed a person, it wouldn't diminish the other 3,000 or some who got killed. >> ask the 3,000 or so who got killed if they want the terrorists listed alongside them. >> of course they don't. >> it's the same thing. >> they want their names read,
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the family's victims. >> and it insulted the families, i think. it reminds me, william f. buckley said, it's like taking a man who pushes a woman in front of a bus and a man who pushes a woman out of the way of a bus and labeling them guys who push women around. that's what they're doing. >> one more analogy, nadal hissan defending himself, meaning he gets to question the people he shot. >> i love lists. i'll make a list of why i don't like you in the commercial break. >> thank you! >> i don't think she has enough paper. >> what's the first one on the list? >> that she doesn't like lists. >> ahead on "the five," who are the worst celebrity role models for children today? miley cyrus, chris brown, what about kim kardashian? i think america can agree, it's dana perino. she's a terrible -- she eats kittens, people. anyway, we'll tell you what we think. but first, go to our facebook
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a shocking story out of colorado tonight. universities in colorado may be on the verge of eliminating discrimination against conservatives on campus. the board of regents is voting right now on a resolution that would prohibit discrimination based on political affiliation or political philosophy. basically, they're looking for
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more intellectual diversity, but there's some resistance from some faculty members who think quotas could get in the way of attracting top talent. i would like to read a quote from one of the university people. can i pull it up there. where is it? okay. the university should be trying to hire the best faculty, and that should be the only criterion. if you start trying to interject other criteria, you're not going to get the best candidates and you may even drive some of them way. huh. where have we heard that argument before? in the affirmative action debate. saying the opposite. so what do you think? you've been complaining about the academia on college campuses and the whole left. >> being a conservative on campus is like being a goat among the taliban. you are never safe. but being a leftist on campus, it's the easiest, lamest thing to do. sorry, bob, but it's true. that's how you get along, that's how you get your invites to cocktail parties. the campus operates from a single point of view.
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america is not a source of greatness, but ill will, and they sacrifice our security in exchange for popularity. if america was a tooth, the academics would root for the cavity. >> oh, very nice! >> i've used that many times. >> somebody should hire you as a professor. >> well, thank you. >> let me ask you, eric, don't you think if some schools were to say that they have the best conservative professor, maybe he or she the only one, that could be good for recruitment. >> this story, it is only for faculty and employees. >> it has nothing to do with discriminating on who can use the campus -- >> they already have a hundred rules about that. >> so, listen, i thought that -- i can't imagine that they were doing it in the past. they need a rule to say you can't discriminate based on political ideology. they need to actually state that. >> bob, you taught university. did you know any conservatives that taught there? sure, but in the whole system,
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there probably is not as many. i would assume this is being tasked because there are specific examples of conservative professors who were turned down for getting a job. is that correct? >> well, yes. there are people who are claiming that. >> they are claiming that. so do they come up with any names of people who were denied that? >> i do not have them here. we remember the liberal guy that we talked about, campus reform, leadership institute, campus reform. they taped that secret video of the whole left and what they were saying. on the conservative side of thing, there are universities, andrew, where you can see a more conservative-leaning school. but that, also, is, doesn't have as much diversity of thought in the professors. when you were at college, did you know you were a conservative then, or did it happen later? >> i knew i was a conservative and so did my professors. and they did not like it one wit. i actually had one professor, though, she was a card-carrying member of the aclu, kathy olson,
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i think she's still at lehie university, and she was so fair. dana, she knew i was a conservative, she was a liberal, she treated me fairly. she made the classroom a market place of diversity, of different ideas. so why can't professors be like that? they don't have to be conservative. they don't have to be liberal. just be fair. i mean, i don't like affirmative action -- >> they don't think you deserve that. >> they don't. i don't like affirmative action. i know universities love it. but this should be covered under section 1983 under federal law under discrimination. i don't know why they would need to do that. >> from a recruitment standpoint, it would be good. greg, what was life like at you for berkeley? >> i don't remember the first two years, because i was drunk, but then i sobered up when i realized i had a creative future for myself. we didn't do a story yesterday, it was about a government-funded university study that said conservatives are racist. that, to me, shows you how the
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academic media government nexus joins together to create an agenda of coercion. so to shut people up like andrea. and this is basically a rallying cry to students on campus. you've got to put down the sign and pick up a sign. it's time to radicalize. conservatives have to radicalize and fight against this stuff. >> why don't conservatives go to academia? there's nothing to stop them? >> bob, they try. they try. >> that's why i ask. they refuse to allow you on the faculty -- >> bob, it's pretty hard to be a conservative professor at most universities. >> that's a different story. the question is -- >> and students are crying out for help. dana, i'm sure you get e-mails from college kids on college campuses. they come up to me, they go, i'm being discriminated against, i'm scared. it's easier to come out of the closet with your sexuality than political affiliation. what do i do. i say, do not sit down. stand up. >> get conservative professors. >> where?! where do you get one? >> there's plenty of them.
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>> and then go into academia. for example, i saw neil ferguson last night, he teaches at harvard, he's got a great new book out, and i cannot remember the title of it. >> that was a great plug. >> i would take his class at harvard in a second if i was -- if i was younger. oh, bad. when we come back, much of america mourning the sudden death of james gandolfini at 51. he had a sense of humor when asked about death just a few years ago. >> finally, jim, if heaven exists, what would you like to hear god say when you arrive at the pearly gates. >> take over for a while, i'll be right back. no, no, no, no. >> that's it! >> no, no, no. dare not change it. it's too good. it's too good. >> our tribute to tony soprano. that's next on "the five."
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well, james gandolfini's autopsy results haven't come back yet, but doctors in rome say he died of cardiac arrest yesterday while on vacation in italy. now, the tributes are pouring in today. his former soprano's co-star, edie falco, says james had a kindness and generosity that was beyond words. and show creator david chase says he was a genius. he played a mobster, but a lot of his fans also saw tony soprano as a family guy. >> you're going to have families of your own. and if you're lucky, you'll
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remember the little moments, like this. that were good. cheers. >> boy, were we robbed of real talent. greg, he was a really talented actor, one of the best, and greatest, i think, of our times when you look back on him. he also set the stage for the anti-hero. you know for characters like don draper to come, and these dark characters that people actually sympathized with in a way. >> i think, but you have to distinguish, though, what tony soprano was versus other anti-heroes. he was an awful person. that's what made the show fantastic. and what made the show so honest, was that he was not a good person. he did horrible things. he beat the hell out of people. he was just wrult abrutal. and what he did was what "the
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godfather" didn't do and the sco scorsesese films didn't do, the didn't make him into a rock star. >> did you watch "the sopranos"? >> i did. one of the things i really liked was how he handled his kids. and you saw it, because the show was on for so many years, you saw how the kids grew up and if they acted out or needed help. and that complicated nature of him being not a good person, not anybody that you could support, but actually kind of liked him and then you were pulling him, especially for me, i really liked how he dealt with his daughter. >> and i think, eric, "the sopranos" really set the stage. they opened the floodgate for shows like "rescue me," "the shield," "game of thrones,thron "breaking bad." because what we were getting before this would be stayed, predictable cop dramas or family
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sitso sitcoms that were stale. >> he probably did what was the best series of all time. i go back, and that probably was the best series of all time. it ran for eight or nine years. you know how you know it's good, when you heard he die, your gut just sank, wow, he died. and when you found out it ended in 2007. six years ago, it felt like it ended last week, i was so engrained in the story lines. he was a fantastic actor, i just wished there would be a final conclusion to that last episode that never finished. >> one thing i can say about this, here's a guy who's known as tony soprano, but it takes away from the body of work he did outside of that, which was enormous. he was recently the cia director in "0 dark 30." he did a number of movies, and as good as he was in this, this is a man of enormous acting capability that spread across from theater to movies to television.
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>> and he changed the television landscape not just from network to cable and opened the way up for all of these shows, but for paying for tv. no one ever wanted to pay for tv before. but the cult following, people were willing to do it. now actors, tv used to be the place that nobody wanted to go, they just wanted to do film. now people want to do tv because of tony soprano. i think he led the way. he was also bear in "get shorty." >> naked? >> let's not think about that. don't go anywhere. back in a moment. james gandolfini. rest in peace. >> focus on the good times. >> isn't that what you said one time? try to remember the times that were good? >> i did? >> yeah. >> well, it's true, i guess.
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was miley cyrus, kim kardashian, there's a surprise, and lindsay lohan. for boys, it was chris brown, kanye west, and justin bieber. >> so earlier, they asked me who i picked, i said amanda bynes, and who else did i say? >> and lil' wayne. >> lil' wayne. >> who's amanda bynes? >> lil' wayne was the guy who stomped on the flag. we just played that yesterday. and amanda bynes is the one who was caught in her hotel room smoking pot, threw the bong over the side and claimed she wasn't doing it and then showed up in this wacky wig. i think our facebook people were on the same page. >> dana, what about you? >> well, i don't care. no, i'm kidding. i talked to a few friends today who are parents of pre-teens, tweens, and they don't like these people anyway so they don't think of them as role models. i think they think more of the
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reality tv stars and the singers on those programs are the once they're paying more attention to now. >> greg, you're a role model, i'm sure, for a lot of people. >> i'm a role model for a lot of people. i don't want to get into but i don't know who did this poll, but it's really easy to rag on, like, young celebrities because they're young, they get power and money and that turns them into monsters and they fall into the same pattern of phony rebellion and they're idiots. it's braver for people who do these polls to say the best role model is your dad and your mother and let's condemn a culture that splits them up but no one will ever do to that because that's too judgmental. it ease easier to make fun of miley cyrus than say the culture sucks. they'd rather say the performer sucks rather than the culture that creates it. >> or the culture makes fun of the dad and people think he's a doofus so they look to li'l wayne or kanye west. someone asked me is there one child star that made it that isn't a total mess?
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>> jodie foster. >> justin timberlake, as well. he's one of the very few. >> dana porino. >> child stars, i should say, they never grow up. and we have this fascination with, you know, being a kid and what they do and how they behave. >> what was she? >> she sang. >> oh, really? >> melissa francis. >> dana was a professional wrestler. you were little dana. >> tiny "d." >> yeah. >> i don't understand this about kim kardashian because actually, if you want your kid to be successful for not having a lot of c-students, she is extremely smart, a great entrepreneur, apparently very savvy. >> do you remember what she got famous for? >> i know why she got famous. >> let me turn to -- >> or i don't care, actually. >> as far as i'm concerned, lindsay lohan goes down in my book as the worst role model, not necessarily because of her addiction. it's because the people around her keep pushing her out. they send her to rehab, she gets
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out, goes back, gets out, then becomes somebody talking about how important it is to get into rehab. i mean, give me a break. this girl is in serious trouble and i don't think she'll be alive five years from now. >> a lot of these reality star girls 16 on mtv, 16 and pregn t pregnant, she's made a sex tape so to she can be like kim kardashian. >> what about michael j. fox? child star. right? >> why are you asking, bob? >> i don't know. it's true. >> i'm thinking more like rob.
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to capture anywhere between 3 and 15 seconds of video. since we here at "the five" are so cool and on the cutting edge of mediatek nothing, we decided to try it out. take a look. >> go. >> ready? >> you can't lean over like that! that's cheating. you're leaning like this. your whole body. >> whatever. >> and because we aren't that savvy we couldn't put any of the cool little things they have. >> why does your hair look so funny? >> this new app is great news for jasper. >> the arm wrestling. ang, you're up. >> this is a very, very complex visual, but bear with me. it's to show you how complex the coming privacy nightmare is of obama care. a lot of you were worried about the nsa? this is going to be the worst. eric bolling let me use the bolling strator. take a look at this. this is what's going to happen with obama care. over here, you're going to enter
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all of your data into one of the exchanges. right? you're going to have to enter tax information, income, employment, social security, welfare -- >> tmi. >> then you put it int area. it goes into a federal data services hub. >> looks like my brain. >> goes into all of these different government agencies, department of justice, homeland security, social security administration, health and human services. gets all of your data. they cross-check all of your data, send it back to the portal. the portal decides whether or not you are eligible for obama care. but by that time they already have all of your information. quickly, "usa today" says e this is the largest consolidation of personal data in the history of the republic. >> that's the bad news. the good news is you get health care. this is something andrea gave me, brought to my attention. reginald griffin, a man in prison in missouri, the missouri supreme court reversed his conviction for murder two years ago. he was convicted on -- because a
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snitch in the prison said that he stabbed another inmate. and he got continue viktded of it and went on for 25 years fighting his way through death row. he turned out to be exonerated and another reason why i'm opposed to the death penalty, because there are more of these people than you think out there being put to death who did not do what they say they did. >> catch me on o'reilly tonight with bernie. if you have any stories of a liberal professor that you find interesting, send it to us and we'll talk about it. >> dana, you're up. >> i want to use the balance of my time to discuss something i've been worried about. i've been reading a lot about this health problem spreading like wildfire across the nation. it's called the miami heat spur. it sounds very painful. there's no cure. and hopefully it will be over soon. >> it will be over tonight. >> that's good. if you guys would just hold on through tonight. >> by the way, take the heat and lay the wood. >> is that, like, allowed to say
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at 5:00 on tv? >> i'm taking the heat. >> seventh and final game. >> i'm with the spurs. >> "special report with bret >> "special report with bret welcome to "red eye." it is like the last of moheekans if by moheekans you mean percocet. what is coming up on tonight's show? >> will we be up loading our minds to computers in the year 2045? the shocking story that will crash your hard drive and fry your motherboard. and does a new view from pew show the few? and finally, do unattractive employees suffer in the workplace? some say no, but bill schulz says yes. greg? >> thanks, andy. >> you becha. >> that was a tough shot at bill there. >> you becha. >> i would only expect such a
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