tv Red Eye FOX News June 21, 2013 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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at 5:00 on tv? >> i'm taking the heat. >> seventh and final game. >> i'm with the spurs. >> "special report with bret >> "special report with bret welcome to "red eye." it is like the last of moheekans if by moheekans you mean percocet. what is coming up on tonight's show? >> will we be up loading our minds to computers in the year 2045? the shocking story that will crash your hard drive and fry your motherboard. and does a new view from pew show the few? and finally, do unattractive employees suffer in the workplace? some say no, but bill schulz says yes. greg? >> thanks, andy. >> you becha. >> that was a tough shot at bill there. >> you becha. >> i would only expect such a thing.
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go away. let's welcome our guest. she is so british her monical wears a top hat. i am here with author and political commentator imogen lloyd webber, that's three names. her latest book "the twitter diaries." you know what, it is like the dating game when you are on. gavin mcguinness. author of street it now has a new cover. thank god. that was a terrible cover. it is now available in paperback on july 16th. buy it for everyone. and in portland he is considered a bike rack. my repulsive sidekick, bill schulz. and if intelligence was the macarena wedding guests would have done him in the late 90s. the governor of new mexico gary johnson. yes. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. good luck watching this mess, america. i'm going to get a burger.
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>> that's nice. our minds will be on-line until the end of time. a futurist from google, whatever that is, says by 2045ad humans will be able to up load their brains to computers and like my tweets about the bachelorette become digitally immortal. he also claims by the turn of the century parts of our body will be replaced by mechanical ones and basically humans will become immortal. it states the power of computing doubles every two years stating, quote, based on the amount of computation you need to simulate a human brain we can span the scope of our intelligence a billion fold. bottom line? i can bench press 250 pounds so who cares? how will our robotic cells pass the rest of eternity? here is a preview.
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see, i can do that forever and ever. i could. i love air hockey, governor. i have a feeling you do too. would you be okay with living as a talking laptop? >> i have difficulty maybe not so much with the brain part, about you the feck part. but about the physical part. i don't know. being nonexistent. short toilet paper manufacturers if this comes out. they will not do so well. >> what if you are facing being underground for the rest of your life and being ahead on a plate. what would you do? >> i think i would opt for the cyber alternative. when -- what the heck? >> if you don't like it you can go to the other side. gavin, you are a believer in
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the afterlife. if humans live forever won't we get board and wonder what we are missing on the other side? >> i have heard that said a lot. if we live to 900 you have learned every language and every instrument, but you would be dumber so they would be harder to learn as you get older. i think the sex joke though is relevant. this whole philosophy of becoming perfect computers wreaks of a sexual puritanism. there is something about not liking the dirtiness of humanity. i am a gnaw poll yen guy. i like the zits. i don't want a world that is perfect. i like farts. they are funny. i like the dirt and the grime. i like that we are disgusting. >> that was a sylvester stallone and sandra bullock movie where they can have sex in the future. >> yes. "demolition man." 1kwr50*eu it was good. >> greg's ending, a question
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to you. opting for that or "six feet under"? >> i would take any kind of life. guy that's the point. >> my dad said if i can't wipe my own ass, kill me. i said i don't care if i am just this. please turn the page. >> you think, okay, if hell is you constantly falling, leak you are falling, that's all you do for eternity, like within 500 years you are used to it. you are just falling and doing other things, but constantly falling and then you meet somebody while you are falling and then you get married and you have kids while you are falling because human beings adapt to everything. in fact, when we were born and made on this earth probably we thought it was horrifying and then we got used to it. >> where are we right now? >> we are very philosophical. if you are getting philosophical i will be with j.k. rowling. harry should be pitching the
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living and not the dead. i don't think i want to be immortal. apparently this google guy, he was made director of engineering and it was on-line how he is brilliant and he came up with ways for the blind to read, but he is also a nutter. he has things like in 2033 virtual prostitution will be legalized. he is a bit strange. >> i can actually see that happening. >> but why 2033. >> isn't that porn? >> then it already exists. >> it really exists at my place. >> i wouldn't want to be immortal. it is like sleeping with girls like you. i don't like girls like that. i like fat chicks. >> of course you gave her that preview and she is absolutely sleeping with you right now. >> i don't want to ly. no thanks. >> you really have charmed
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imogen. that was one of the best come on-lines we have had on "red eye." while everybody else's brains will be hooked up to a super computer, yours will be jerry rigged to a slinky. i >>- q. i would -- >> i would like to meet mr. rig before i spend eternity with him. the latest superman movie was prophetic about this. i am not spoiling anything when i tell you that he downloaded his brain into superman's ship's computer and helps him throughout the adventure. and he did what everyone in the future should also do. he did not download mrs. superman. something to think about, everyone. from immortals to illegals. is it wise to compromise? a bipartisan group of senators announcing the immigration reform that would increase man power. i love that word and resources along the mexican border. the new plan calls for
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twenty,000 more border patrol agents. 7 shuz miles of additional fencing and new high-tech surveillance tools including drones, radar and giant fire breathing lizards named rick. they are always named rick. south carolina senator lindh regraham said it would require the department of homeland security to certify that these new measures were in place before undocumented immigrants could receive green cards. meanwhile, fox news poll finds that american voters stepped to to -- tend to agree on immigration reform. 73% want a real border and to stop additional illegal entry. some want illegals to find a way to become permanent citizens if they can pay taxes and watch "red eye." and on thursday, senators released tape showing how the new border security would work. >> we are going to use that tape a lot this week.
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to the governor first. he is the governor. being in new mexico was -- >> a border state. >> it is a border state. it is a concern. is throwing mormon pow -- throwing more man power at the border a concern? >> no, this is much a do about nothing. this will not affect the situation. we have to make it as easy as possible for somebody who wants to come in and get a work visa. you build a fence that is 20 feet high and it is not 20 feet high, but if you do it is a 22 foot ladder. so much of this border violence has to do with prohibition of drugs. it legalizes marijuana and arguably 75% of the border violence goes away. let's make it easy. you can't get a work visa. that's why there are so many illegal immigrants in this country. what we are concerned about is criminals. background check and a social security card so that applicable taxes would get
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paid i think we should do away with income tax and corporate tax and replace it with a consumption stacks. i -- tax. i just solved the border thing for you. it doesn't involve anymore border security agents, and it doesn't involve building a fence. that's crazy. building a fence is crazy. >> ambassador bolden is president of "red eye" but it is time for an election. i think i have my new president of "head red eye." >> i have a feeling gavin and imogen will disagree. they were both born in a different country. let's start with you, gavin. >> i followed the rules and the system punishes those who follow the rules. i agree drugs should be legalized and there should be background checks. they have all of that. it is called legal immigration. we let more people in legally than all other countries combined. why do we try to come up with new laws when we don't enforce the old ones? how about stigma toward legal
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immigrants. >> just shedding light to the fact that when you talk about decades ago, at a different time you had people that were coming over, but they didn't realize it. these are community leaders that are illegal immigrants whose kids have had kids. >> but you want to talk the whole swath of all 15 million. that's not exactly the cream of the crop. >> we have a basis on immigration. and then so much nor -- >> not me. not me. >> i have a compromised solution here. >> you stood in line and went through the whole process. >> and i had help from two people from around this table. thank you, greg and thank you bill for writing lovely letters for me. >> i didn't write it. >> i had mike write mine. >> i understand if you were brought here as a child illegally you should have a path to citizenship.
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however, i do not understand how if you came here illegally, dishonorably you should have the honor of being an american citizen. give them residency. i am not saying don't give them residency, but a million people managed to come here legally and it is really hard and it is really, really tough. >> i think we need to separate the discussion between citizenship and work visa. i am talking about work visa here. make it as easy to come here and work. >> the fox news poll says there should be a path to citizenship. >> and comprehensive immigration reform. >> they sneak out the backdoor though. how many illegals does britain have from student visas. >> if you came here illegally you should not be able to be an american citizen. you dishonored the process. there are a million people who bother to honor the process. they should be given the path to citizenship. >> are you talking about people who are after the
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american dream. we are talking about cream of the crop workers from mexico. border state governor, and they are the cream of the crop and hard-working individuals in pursuit of the american dreams and doing jobs the americans -- -- >> the cream of the crop? come on. the drunk driving charges and all of these hidden charges about murder and pedophelia. >> first of all, everything you are saying these things do happen. but relative to the united states, a citizen of the united states population, much less than citizens of the united states. crime, much less than citizens of the united states. >> look what you have done to him. >> come on maybe in south chicago or detroit. >> he is right about the statistics though. >> less crime. a lot less crime. >> they are walking on egg shells. >> how do you gauge their crimes though when they are not registered. >> gavin, the point he is
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making is because they are so scared of being deported they actually don't commit crimes. >> they are not scared of being deported. they go to city hall with signs saying this is bs. i don't care if you know i am illegal. i am shameless. >> we are not getting anywhere. >> you can't say all of that on one sign. i am crying foul on that. >> bill, part of the new bill that i read is for every illegal immigrants made legal, you get punched in the face which is why it is getting passed. >> it has taken six years, but i see a theme in your questions. they are directed ready to me. in 2000 a million people crossed the border and were apprehended illegally. at 2012 it is 356. i think border control is not an issue. we are controlling the border. i saw what you went through. it is terrible. we have to make it easier for those who want to come here legally to do so. having said that, i feel this should be attractive.
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if you don't look like you, you don't bring things to the table. if you are ugly, stay there. if you try to come here, we are not letting you in. >> some ugly people who came here are wonderful people. just because they look like a turtle with aids or a worm with a beard, doesn't mean they don't have the right to come here. >> a worm with a beard? that's adorable. >> it is quality and not quantity. >> a worm with a beard sounds adorable. >> that's a rich and scary book. i read that when i was a kid. kind the worm with the beard. >> i am with the governor with the idealistic and i believe from my experience in new york the hardest working people i know, and i know that gavin will laugh at me, but the hardest working people i know are probably not here legally. they want to be here. but i look at the world as an outdoor rock concert. if you want people to get through the front door you have to make it so they pay and get in. and make it a simplified
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process. >> of course they want to come here. everybody wants to come here. that's why we built a nice place. >> gwenyth paltrow does not. >> you have a work visa expru to feed your family and you know if you can get across the border even even illegally and get a job that's the problem. make it easy to document the workers and for a background check. >> do you like to be verified? >> e verify has a margin of error that you and i get spit out sometimes as being illegal and so there is enough of a margin of error that all of us at this table might get adversely affected by it. >> i think attrition is the key to these people. you just have to make it a little more uncomfortable to employ illegals and they will go home with their tails between their legs. >> if you lay it on employers, it is grossly unfair. for the most part they present documentation that is false documentation. the employers are stuck with this -- >> the only documentation that
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happened to stand at the 7-11. >> another pho phenomenon, they present false documentations so they pay taxes they never lay claim to. >> we have to take a break. we have to move on. we have other things to talk about. coming up, one large order of salt and pepper pork chops and one order of bone less ribs. not a story. just telling my wife what i want for dinner when i get home and i am not joking. first, is this the world's largest underground bunker. sorry world's second largest underground bunker.
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they are still arguing. amazing. all right, when the situation is grave, should you head for a cave? well a california businessman is creating the world's largest underground bunker buried within a series of lime stone caves in kansas. he purchased a former u.s. army storage facility for a $510,000 and plans on every foot their motor homes will take up. and another 1500 for food and the dungeon can hold more than a thousand rv's. not sure what that stands for and up to 5,000 people, don't you know? interested armageddon enthusiasts are asked to pay up front. quote, i have heard people say i will show up at the door. our response is great. where is the door? at our secret shelters, you don't know where to go, and your cash will be worthless at that time.
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as for robert's prepaid flock he ergs them to pray for the coming end of days. >> pray. pray baby. >> and the apocalypse. that will be stu. i will go to you, imogen. do they have this mentality in great england where are you from? >> i can't think of anything worse than being stuck with a bunch of survivalists in these tunnels. i would definitely rather be in a nuclear holocaust. apparently in this town they want more tour revel. tourism. they said it was the most taunted town and now they want tourism. why would you want to be stuck down there? >> it looks to me -- i was looking at it, governor, and i said that looks like a giant parking lot for a mall that hasn't been built yet. why not just -- what?
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do you have an idea? >> i think this is a smaller part of a bigger story. that is government assets going unused. they could be sold and we can utilize these. why isn't that a mall? why isn't it a shopping center? there are all sorts of those assets laying around that the government has that could come off of the free toll and somebody who owns it could have it taken care of. >> in britain they put wine in them. they put wine they put huge amounts of wine in them. >> when i moved to london i did a conference in a bombshelter. terrible food because it is england. it was awful. but it was a bombshelter.
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>> gavin, i am interested in what you have to say about this. i have a feeling it might be something powerful. >> it is very intense. >> 10 years ago you didn't hear about survivalists. they were nut bars in camouflage and they were weird. they thought jews lived in their sand witches. now it is commonplace. there are regular reality shows, one in every town. that's a test as to how bad the government is. if you came down from mars and said how is it going with the citizens here? do they like the planet? they built a bunker 50 feet down. there is no war going on. they are just ready for when the government totally screws up and tries to steel their stuff. that's where we are at. >> your argument is they are making the reality shows about it. >> that's how bad obama is. that's how crappy the
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administration is. people are hiding in the ground. >> interestingly enough, a number of animals consider bill's body as a bunker. you know what my strategy is? if there is an apocalypse why be on the underground? be the ma rodder. i will not run in fear of radio active freaks. you can be the bad guy. remember beneath the planet of the apes? scare the innocent people. why be the innocent? >> that's a self-help book. >> huge how human oid under ground dwellers. >> you won't hear that on o'reilly. >> mainstream media won't talk about it. >> he is doing a book. >> coming up what is the secret to great gespacho. she talks about her new book, fresh panda blood. first, is victoria secret
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what happened. >> i was saying during the commercial break that was on forever, the problem with all of these bombshelters is you seal it up and you finally get the last bolt in and you get downstairs and you are safe and then you look next to you and i guy goes, that was intense. oh my god. what do we have here? crackers, spam, what do you want to do for the next seven years? >> can you get ahead if you have an ugly one? a new study has found unattractive people have -- are more likely intimidated at work. although we like to think we are mature in the workplace it can be like high school in many ways. unfriendly employees like homely ones were treated more harshly. discuss must we in the -- >> lightning roooooouuuunnnndd. lightning round. >> imogen, you won't even talk
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to unattractive people. is this something that happens like you are almost like by logically because you look like you do you can't be around anything hideous? >> we are human beings. >> i would be happy to give you the leg chair and i can sit there. it is much more comfortable. >> you have great legs. i hate when you do that. >> it is annoying and boring and that's why so many people on american television, that's why nicole kidman did what she did to her face. what can you do about it? >> it is great. governor, -- >> good for you. >> i am taking a stand. >> it is about time. >> god bless you nicole kidman and your face whatever that is. >> when you were governor did you ask candidates to submit head shots? >> no and i am afraid there are politicians or aspiring
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politicians watching this right now who are thinking about legislation to not discriminate against the ugly in the workplace. i think we may have started something tonight that may have no -- the genie out of the box. it won't get back in. >> who is genie? is she cute? >> it could be bad news. i'm ugly and i didn't get a promotion. >> i don't think you are that bad looking, governor. >> i think you are gorgeous. >> i always said my looks -- they are just good enough to open the door. here i am on "red eye." >> this is better than being cool. >> wow. way better. >> the greatest governor ever. gavin, why do you think they are treated poorly? shouldn't we take pity on them? >> we live in a world called normal where attractive people
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are found to be attractive and ugly people like myself turn you off. i am a 6. >> i like how -- you are a 6? >> with money i am a 7.4. just raw face, 6. first of all, they don't deserve any sympathy. sorry, that's life. if you are fat you are not as thin as a thin person. it is true that it is the only ism that i think is kind of not worthy of any kind of change, but just -- it does exist. racism, yes it is terrible and i am crying, but who doesn't want to live next to denzel washington? or does anyone not want to listen to imogen say anything? even the most hideous in the world at wal-mart has three kids and a man who cries on her boobs every night, i love you. and then these fatsos complain they are victims of sizes. you made yourself fat. you can't put on a black face and says racism. ugly people are born like this
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, and it is true. we gross people out. >> i see where this is headed. funding for plastic surgery. i am ugly. the government needs to provide equality. >> it is hollywood for ugly people, right? >> i have to say that this is -- i kind of agree with gavin in that it is one thing we can't -- you can't talk about it. >> it is the only ism that does provide quantifiable hardships. >> ugly people are screwed. >> class, gender, race, we are all screwed. we don't deserve anything, but we do suffer. >> and also ugly people will never protest because then you have to are ugly in public. you are not going to make a sign saying i am homely. i deserve rights. people will say, look at that homely person, bill? you are routinely bullied by co-workers. especially by lou. it is hard to sense how ugly you are because your personality is equally repulsive.
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what is uglier, your personality or your looks? >> i think we are going to need to vote on-line. we will need to leave this to the viewers. he is such a lech. there is a flip side to this and not to be kept in glass half full, yes the attractive people get further in work and are probably getting certain benefits, but it is the ugly people that get away with more. you are always focused on the attractive one. you are looking at what she and he does all day so they can't do anything. the ugly people are left to their own devices. they can screw around and steal money from the company because the spotlight isn't on them. >> what i can say is because of that. >> what an original idea, greg. >> i took it from you. >> you were going chime in before he started yelling at me? >> i forgot what i was going to say. >> he is a natural "red eye" guest. he realizes, you know what, he
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will come around. >> we should smoke after the show. >> exactly. >> i am starting to think this shouldn't be legalized. i can't even show my hands. >> wait. are the walls bleeding right now? is that happening? >> oh my goodness. >> it is bleeding your name. >> is blood even getting to them? >> we are going. >> it is time to take a break. don't think of leaving now. that will hurt my feelings. there is so much more substance. look at that book. if you haven't purchased this book you are going to hell in a hate basket. "the joy of hate" autographed copy if you want one. go to g how is that for selling?
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favorite kind, from good in where i get all of my news, by the way, only one in five people would break off a relationship, that's 20%, if they caught their significant other sexting with someone else. and a third of those surveyed which is something like 50% say they wouldn't bother confronting their partner. their relaxed attitude doesn't extend on the workplace. 35% say they would go straight to hr. not sure who that is. if their boss sexted them. i don't even know what that joke meant. imogen, does this surprise you? and what would you do if you found out your boyfriend, sven -- congratulations, by the way. >> i hate him. >> just because he is in a wheelchair, bill. >> i put him there. >> sexting and an offense. it is stupid.
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something always goes wrong with sexting. men lose their phone and it is embarrassing and it is always a drama. second of all, it is infidelity and it is cheating. >> it is cheating. >> so i am surprised by this survey. i am one of the 25%. >> governor, is it cheating if there is no physical contact? and why don't you return my messages? >> who is that? her name is imogen. >> it is the name of a laser printer. >> would you forget somebody? >> i might, but like i said it is probably the tip of the iceberg and things are worse. >> if people are doing that and they are that cavalier chances are they are doing other things you don't know about. >> slippery slope. >> i would want to be held accountable if that were -- if
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those were my actions. >> gavin -- >> i would expect to be dumped. >> you would, wouldn't you? >> i would too. i am too old for that. that's a young man's game. >> that is a very effective way to court a lady. i am married so i don't do that. if i caught my wife sexting i would not be mad at her nor the guy she was sexting. >> why? >> what are you going to be mad at two people at the bottom of the east river? what do i get on a scuba suit and say oh i hate you. >> uncanny. >> i hate cadavers. they are jerks. >> you know, that's -- i have to say. that is surprisingly open minded about you that you would not be angry. >> you don't let that burden
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you. as soon as you put the feet in the cinder blocks and you go like that, you push the memory away and move on. and then you start sexting someone. >> and you forgive them. it is great. >> don't let it burn you. kaploosh out of my soul. >> bill, you ever sext your imaginary girlfriend with yorl imaginary phone? >> yes. turns out i have yet to get caught. if the phone doesn't exist, no evidence. at this point i can't get the image of gavin shoving his wife off a bridge and then immediately taking a picture of his penis with his phone when she is at the bottom of the east river. and now you can't get it out of your head either, america. >> that is awful. awful! >> with one hand she goes in and then click. send. imogen wakes up on, oh my word! >> i just remembered i left my phone in the green room.
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>> we have to take a break. i think we have learned that we are very old-fashioned when it comes to sexting. you never answered the question. >> i am pro sexting. it is like porn. no one gets hurt. unless you want it to hurt. do you have a comment on the show? e-mail us, red eye at fox have a video of your animal doing something interesting, fun, exciting? perhaps a little dance? i don't want you to prod it into dancing. fox eye. click on submit a video and we might use it. coming up, the post game report from andy levy. >> tonight's post game wrap up is sponsored by the beach. the stretch of sand or pebbles where land meets a large body of water. thanks, beach.
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time. what a lineup. look at that. we have tucker carlson. she a delightful chap. and ann coulter, a wonderful woman. and back, it has been a longtime actor and comedian michael mcdonald. a very funny guy. very funny person. i was thinking of a joke in my head. it is time to go back to andy levy for the post game report. hi, andy. >> hi, greg. >> how are you? >> i'm doing great. >> let's see if i can change that. we will be up loading our computers. you apparently think more is law named after dudley moore? >> yes. >> mary tyler moore? >> sir roger moore. >> our best fling. >> and third best bond. it was actually the co founder
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of intel. you said you have a problem because of the lack of sex. are you sure you are a politician? are you a former politician at this point? >> am i a former -- yes, yes. >> you are not running anymore. the only running you are doing is up a mountain. >> i sensorred myself. >> he is running after -- >> ladies. >> he is an actual runner. >> but he likes the ladies clearly. he likes to kiss them on the mouth. >> i am in a wonderful relationship. >> you said he is brilliant, but a bit of a nutter. >> that's fair. the number of things this guy has invented is amazing and he is one of the smartest human beings alive. but he has made a bunch of predictions that haven't come true. >> exactly that. and it was fascinating
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googling him on-line. or maybe i am sad. they are on-line talking about his crazy ideas. what he did for the blind was extraordinary. >> the key is you make as many wild claims as possible and then when a couple come to pass you say, see. >> who is old enough to remember the 1970s which is nothing but -- like alvin topler, and everybody was like, oh my god. >> i should have completed that thought. >> it predicted we would be in flying cars right now and we are not. >> 2014 is not here yet jie. as bill will at the time you, -- as bill will tell you, back to the future is an overrated movie. >> go back to whatever rock you crawled out of. >> he just does president like michael j fox. you are just an awful man.
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>> can't be true. >> i know it is true. >> i like him now. >> bill, speaking of movies you said this is what he did in "man of steel" and he did not also download mrs. superman. >> mrs. l. >> not superman's wife. it is superman's mother. >> sometimes i talk quickly and i am not thinking when i am talking. >> sometimes? >> all the time. >> immigration reform. gavin you said how about a little stigma toward immigrants. >> why the hell not? >> i don't know. i would think if you imigrated here illegally it would be an immigrant. >> they can't come across the border until it is a burden on the welfare state and clearly we reached that point.
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>> i am pro immigration, but my attitude is if you are here illegally or if you are not a citizen no welfare benefits. >> how about no nothing, get out of here? >> just don't be a drain on the taxpayers. >> i am not fine with them working. we have people to do those jobs. they are called teens. >> they are fantastic. >> i like when they have free time. >> you said border security won't work and we should make it as easy as possible to work. the congressional budget office says the big growth area for illegal immigration -- and gavin touched on this. people who come here and then they don't leave. and the cbo says because of the guest worker provisions in the immigration reform bill, this will actually increase the number of unauthorized residents in the country. >> i think that is true. the way to deal with it is
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reform taxation so that everybody is paying taxes and as governor of new mexico i ask for a cost benefit analysis. is there more money coming in the door than going out the door ? illegal immigration? more money coming in the door. that was my administration. that was law enforcement. that was education. and that was health and human services. >> all right. >> the good news in all of this is the senator from he high has filed an amendment to the immigration bill that would let people who have come to the u.s. because they have been displaced by climate change apply for legal status. >> oh my goodness. that's the we thing. >> yes. imogen, you can't think of anything worse than being disuk in a cabin with survivalists. my dream is to buy that for myself. >> there is no annual cap. >> i want to live there with my computer which i i will up load my mind into.
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>> really? >> you know what will happen? that's what death is, i believe. >> it sounds like hell to me. >> for some, maybe, but for others it is glorious life. >> andy will move in there and they will both run in opposite directions directions and he won't be able to find them, but he will be able to hear them. >> and who are you going on-line with and chat about ""game of thrones""? >> have i noise can selling -- i have money cancelling headphones. i will create identities and chat with myself. unattractive employees suffering in the workplace. governor you said you are afraid the politicians are aspiring politicians watching. there aren't. don't worry about it. gavin if i understood you correctly racism doesn't exist because anybody would want to live next to denzel washington. >> yes. >> okay, i guess i did understand.
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the thing about this the study showed a link between attractiveness and cruelty in the workplace. my pledge is to be nicer. >> this is one of the studies people are offended by. these are the studies. these are the facts. people don't like ugly people around. sorry. >> it is 114 people. >> it is the population of america. >> was it caesar that said surround yourself with fat people and not thin people because thin people are m ambition and they will take over? >> no, caesar was -- >> how did that work out for him in the long run? >> caesar said ahhh! stop with the knives. >> that's why he liked salads. >> what are you doing with the knife? are you crazy? >> all right. he is waving. that means this show is over. imogen lloyd web, three names,
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b and then the fox report right before. >> the riley factor is on tonight. much to do more to secure the border. that's what we are offering here today. >> tough new sanction against the illegal aliens. it will be enough to convince the republicans to support the immigration bill. we'll tell you what is going on. new england patriots catcher aaron hernandez under suspicion in a murder case. megyn kelly is following the investigation. >> i loved that kid like i loved my son. but he's got a drug problem and
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