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tv   The Five  FOX News  June 21, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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this is a fox news alert, i am kimberly guilfoyle. the food network announced testimony nthey will not renew paula deen's contract. it is following admission that she used a racial slur in the past. she's being sued for racial discrimination, and admitted to using the slur. she apologized today and is asking for forgiveness. >> i want to apologize to everybody for the wrong that i've done. i want to learn and grow from this inappropriate, hurtful language is totally, totally
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unacceptable. i've made plenty of mistakes along the way, but i beg you, my children, my team, my fans, my partners, i beg for your forgiveness. >> okay. we're going to go through some of the facts of this. bring it around the table. this is something she admitted to doing in the past, not something she said she has done currently or anything she specifically said to an employee. this lawsuit is based on family members, et cetera, employees of her business, and during the legal deposition she was asked if she ever used some racial slurs, and she spoke truthfully and said she has, but it was quite some time ago. so is this apology enough, greg? should she be forgiven? and what do you think about the fact that the food network has now let her go, cancelled? >> i looked at her cookbook. she has some unusual meals in there. she has a cheeseburger with a cheese patty in between two
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donuts. so i don't know how she could be racist if she's trying to kill so many white people. but it does make you wonder what she called blackened chicken when she's alone. >> wow. >> what i love about she claims she's a victim of prejudice. when you look at that tape, apparently it is because everyone thinks she's an oompah loompa. aren't we a forgiving country? >> can someone remind me why i went to you first on that? can i get a mulligan? is this mulligan friday? >> i am not irish! >> give you a chance to speak up, you have not done enough television today. >> nice lady, great family, sons are fantastic, you just don't make a mistake, you don't use that language and say it was a mistake. there's a reason. look, i think food america did what they had to do, and -- >> she didn't do it on the show.
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>> doesn't matter. >> she's saying i'm sorry for things i have said privately. she's referring to the fact she used a racial slur in a private conversation hold on, a private conversation with her husband. >> have you ever used an f bomb with your husband in the bedroom? do they have the right to ask you that question? >> right to ask me or anyone? >> anyone. >> my point is it's got to be where there's smoke there's fire. >> she's being sued by -- because she said it in the past, it is not relevant to the case she's being sued for, she is not the one alleged to commit the racial discrimination, but she's head of the company and the deep pocket, and the woman that's claiming the racial discrimination is a caucasian female. >> that can be racist, too. >> the facts of it to hash it out, have a meaningful
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discussion. >> clearly she feels she did something wrong or she wouldn't have done that weird video with the tammy fay baker makeup on. it was an insincere apology. i have met her son, i don't think i met her. you can like somebody and still think what they're doing is wrong. she's also accused of allowing this type of racist joke, racial slurs. >> what else. >> and allowing pornography in the workplace. she built herself as a major leader, a brand, she's responsible for this type of behavior. sounds to me like at least she thought she needed to say an apology on a youtube video. >> bob, is she responsible to allow this conduct, culture to go on at her company? >> let me say that she also said, stated she made jokes about jews, black people, red next. that covers the territory. >> no short people. >> didn't get in short people.
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>> oh, my gosh. >> i think it is probably a bad rap personally, but the rest of this, she should have been gone a long time ago. i tell you one thing, if she can hear this, she should give me a call, she may want to go with me to a couple of places. >> meetings. >> meetings. yes. i got to be honest with you. never heard of this woman before, i don't watch food channels. the whole thing bores me to death. >> your definition of a food channel is your throat. >> i have to defend, again, i am not defending the idea of pornography in the workplace. >> you kind of are. >> if everybody who condemns this is honest, pornography in the workplace is a huge issue in every workplace. >> but if she's allowing the pornography -- >> it is gross they're cooking while watching it, that kind of grosses me out. >> also one of her employees at one of the restaurants said he heard her use some of this language as well.
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>> that's a fair point. the only thing she admitted to legally under oath is that she used a derogatory racial slur. >> a lot of smoke, have to assume there's fire. >> after she was robbed and told her husband what happened. they may have more information. we are going with the news as we know it now, what's been confirmed and we could say she has been like us. >> she has a point that's one that bob could probably relate to, that she says, quote, i can't myself determine what offends another person. remember a time you had to apologize for things in a commercial break, why do i have to apologize for that, why is that offensive. some of the stuff is obviously offensive. >> like the "n" word? that's one thing -- >> that's one of the accusations, she was using the "n" word. >> my point, i'm saying how is it then, tell me, dana, maybe you know, is it relevant for her
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to be fired from the food channel today for something she claims she said and didn't say any more 20 years ago. >> just imagine if lois lerner was on the food network. she wouldn't be placed on leave, have access to the computer. the food network says you're out of here. the government is different. if you're in the government, you can do all sorts of terrible things, target people for their beliefs or content of their thoughts with regards to the tea party, because it is the government, you're safe. but a corporation, they fire her. >> do you honestly believe like eric said, do you think she stopped using it 20 years ago? or the rest of the stuff? honestly -- >> we haven't even brought up what she wanted as an ideal wedding, the plantation style wedding, which is probably the most offensive part, which was using black men, waiters.
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>> in white suits, black bow ties. >> every one of them holding a lantern up front. >> bob, as somebody who has a lot of experience in begging and begging and begging for forgiveness, do you think she should be forgiven. do you think this apology was sufficient? >> no, because she -- i would have said that's true about most of the other things she said. when it comes to a racist joke, using racist comments, that's where i draw the line. i think everybody should be gone. >> meaning regardless she used it in the past in a personal conversation, are you being more specific about her workplace and the fact she was allowing this type of thing to go on? >> i would forgive her for the pornography thing. i am the last person to get in a glass house and all of that. i just think you can't cross that line, and i don't believe it was 20 years ago. people i know who do use that are constantly doing it. they're not -- >> bob, how about this. she's under oath. she admits to that. if she was going to lie about other times she used it, why did
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she admit to it from 20 years ago? why didn't she say no, i find it offensive and i don't use that. >> nobody followed that up and said would you do it ten years ago, last year, have you ever done it since the 20 years? i don't buy it. >> the food network, they're not worried about paula deen. they have -- they're a profit making organization. she was going to bring down their reputation. so do you really need that headache when you can find a celebrity chef on any corner that can rise up and create a new star. >> there are historically people in america that are senators that probably use the "n" word many times, later in the kkk. >> at different times. >> yeah, that's true. >> what about robert burns, a democrat? >> there's my point. >> maybe you forgot the name. >> can we be nice to the dead. >> can we point out two discussions, should we hold
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paula deen accountable on a personal level, and did the food network have the right to do what they did. my contention is they have had the ride thing to do, they have to make sure viewers aren't offended by what she said. free market, capitalism, fire her. whether you want to hold her personally accountable, that's another discussion. >> there's two separate issues about her personal responsibility. >> i think every person deserves forgiveness for all manner of things, except major crimes against people. >> and dogs. >> dogs, do not touch the dogs. i would be willing to forgive. she has other problems though. remember when she was diagnosed with type two diabetes, and one of the questions from a lot of fans or viewers and critics in the media was okay, if you have had this disease, why have you not done something about it and you're pushing the type of food on people, on the same day, she got endorsed by a big diabetes
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drug. then the question was did you do it for the money. i think the food network, maybe it was the straw that broke the camel's back. >> didn't she put her sons on a diet, healthier living? >> i had to ask forgiveness, and my faith is about forgiveness as well. but in this situation it is intolerable to allow that to go forward. i think food network has every reason in the world. why do you have to put up with this, they're going to hear about it after the case is over, it will carry her around. ought to get with tammy fay baker and start an amusement park. >> keep in mind a second this isn't somebody that had marginal popularity. she's hugely popular, a tremendous following, been a very successful business woman. is there going to be fallout for the food network? >> if you're a christian, you'll forgive her, move on. if she's sincere, forgive her. but food network is completely in the right doing what they did. >> the bigger they are, the harder they fall.
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>> it is like hardly anything. >> completely unnecessary. we're having a serious discussion about race and culture and you focus on me. i don't know. i am out of here. >> short joke. didn't make fun of short people. >> i bet she did. >> let's not sandbag her. i am moderating the a block, trying to keep it going. >> since this started, you agreed with her point! that was shocking, shocking! >> disaster! pull the rip cord, run the boflex commercial. see what happens here? a prominent democratic lawmaker is slamming the anti-terror act, calling it racist and quote, offensive to muslims. what? since when did we become concerned about offending terrorists. and greg will break it down. later, thousands of gorgeous
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women flocked times square. see bob beckel leading yet a celebration of the summer solstice, baby! >> learn how to breathe, okay? watch this very carefully. all right. go ahead. you guys scare me! >> oh, boy. okay. it is must see tv and i'm not kidding, shorts with suspenders and downward dogs? it is ahead on "the five." ♪
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let's see what you got. rv -- covered. why would you pay for a hotel? i never do. motorcycles -- check. atv. i ride those. do you? no. boat. house. hello, dear.
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hello. hello. oh! check it -- [ loud r&b on car radio ] i'm going on break! the more you bundle, the more you save. now, that's progressive.
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congressman jim mcdermott wrote a letter to fbi director robert mueller claiming an anti-terror ad is racist. it shows mug shots of 16 real terrorists, and mcder mott thinks the ad is not only offensive to muslims and ethnic minorities but encourages racial and religious profiling. don't you think we should make fake bombers, make them sweet? this is a hate fact, something true folks hate to believe because it causes discomfort in our culture. what can we go by? can't reference our radical beliefs, even our president won't do that. now we can't say what they look like. how about astrological signs. welcome back. we learned a terrorist is on the loose. here is what we know so far. he is a virgo. approach with caution, like a
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typical virgo he can't be fussy with interfering. if you're a taurus, approach with caution, may find him irresistible, dana. this is so big, it can't fit on the side of a bus. safety is secondary to sensitivity. any threat to air brush the face of terror makes it easier to succeed. how funny this is the same congressman said the tea party deserved getting targeted by the irs. maybe because the only only thing the tea party blows up are balloons? >> yeah. >> eric, should was no longer show faces of suspects? >> we have to show faces of suspects, those are the actual suspects. therein lies the difference. the bus, by the way, that's on the side of a bus. it didn't say find people that look like this. it says find these exact people! it is not racist. if there were four guys in the middle of that, they would be on
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that, too. it is the actual people, it is not racist. by the way, are you a virgo, are you a taurus? >> yes. >> wow. >> by the way, this ad is beardist, all of them have beards. >> even the ones that don't. >> even the ones that just shaved them clearly. >> decode the monologue. >> beckel? what do you make of this? >> beckel? shut up, bob. i think i have to be a fan of jim mcdermott, but this goes way over the line. i don't know how much longer we will tolerate this idea of protecting muslim terrorists that are in this country. you go to mosques, they're all upset about profiling around mosques, well, that's where this stuff gets generated! i want to wait to see the first muslim to stand up and say these people deserve to go to jail. has anybody heard a cleric or
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anybody else apologize, head of a muslim country for what's gone on here? meantime, they're taking christians out of our churches, catholic church in egypt, bringing them out and killing them. fair is fair. you want to get fair? ask yourself what the prophet would have done with this. >> good point. >> you don't hear about sleeper cell synagogues, do you. >> no, you don't. should there have been a more diverse ad? >> this i think is dangerous and irresponsible. i am sick of this pc, that we have had no good or important foreign policy advancement, have we? so worried about what you say, can't profile, can't go on a suspect description, you make a joke, but it is true. you can say they're a virgo, have a pink shirt on, that's about it. it is making us less safe by the day and i think it is grossly irresponsible. and 70% of people surveyed still feel the biggest threat to the united states is terror. wake up! >> i was thinking i had a
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suggestion to replace some of the suspects on the ad to make it more diverse. i think i have it here. there you go. see that coming? >> guard dog. >> thought it would be me. >> you know what, what's his sign? >> not defending jim mcdermott, but i can understand why people would have reaction to this ad. that is a very stark ad. that is not a pc ad. it is amazing our government put that out. i think we should be applauding them. however, i think in some ways if you were to get an ad award, you walk by 100 million ads a day, nothing catches your eye. this would catch your eye. that actually might help you identify somebody that could help prevent a terror attack. >> i love this ad. >> you're right. what eric said, these people really are terrorists and we really are looking for them. >> this isn't a joke. go to a post office, look who is on the wall. i was on the wall once. >> could have been more pc putting all 31 of the top
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terrorists there, would have been one nonmuslim there. >> we have to move on, we want bob's yoga. it is huge. coming up on "the five," trash talking and sports seem to go hand in hand. a new law could land high school athletes in hot water, running their mouths on the basketball court and football field. is this a legitimate problem? i don't know because i don't follow sports. that's next. ♪ [ male announcer ] with free package pickup
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from the united states postal service a small design firm can ship like a big business. just go online to pay, print and have your packages picked up for free. we'll do the rest. ♪
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♪ welcome to the c block where men are men, unless you're from the new new jersey where the woosification is in full force. trash talking has been a huge part of sports, most of it like little league, or basketball, air ball, air ball, when the other guy tosses up a brick. now the new jersey attorney general wants to eliminate trash talking because it might hurt the other team's feelings. folks, can we leave sports alone? bob? sports should be -- >> when i read this, i couldn't believe it. look, when i played football and would sack a quarterback, you
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can't believe what i said when i got him down about his mother, his sister. it is the point of the sport. you don't like it, some don't like it. but on the field particularly, you're going to find yourself saying trash talk. and sometimes that's the difference between winning and losing if you get the other guy mad enough. >> some say you throw like a girl is derogatory. if you say it to you, it is not, because you can throw? >> throw a punch like a man. >> i am the one that decked bob last year. >> with your guns, the guns of navarone. >> if garbage men can talk sports, they can talk trash. i don't think on friday. sports used to be about sportsmanship, modesty, grace, that's over. i think it is cowardess to focus on athletes and what they do. it is lack of civility on the
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street and everywhere else that's the problem. you talk about bullying in sports, but try and go out on the street and tell kids that are assaulting people working in 7-eleven, they go up and punch strangers, people are scared to talk to the kids that are committing crimes. that's worse than any trash talking here. >> i just was curious, what sport is it you needed a brick? >> football. >> you're not going very far. >> what is trash talking? >> you have a woosification course. you called me neen neener. >> did you think throwing a brick was actually a brick? >> i was just making fun of it.
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>> is this about the basketball coach that was fired? >> i have no idea. go ahead. >> it also happens at work, though, you see this trash talking. dana, what you said to the intern in the hallway about her dress, she literally crumbled to tears, you said -- she said she's got to learn sometime. then you laughed and threw your hot scalding coffee on her back. >> you don't like my mentoring program. >> how are they going to enforce this? >> that's what i said. >> tom ford for men, a line of male targeted beauty products, bronzing gel, bob, will you be using cosmetic products for men? >> oh, sure. you could use all the cosmetics in the world on me, i'd still be
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ugly. if i get to the makeup room before you, otherwise it is a two hour wait. >> i have the lashes and -- >> do you really? >> sometimes. >> you go to bed with makeup on? just sometimes the eyes. >> you know what, i would like to have phony eyelashes. >> they're called false, not phony. how about a blowout every day. >> i come in, i was waiting, three minutes before the show, there's like four people. it was like a nascar pit stop. >> it is what you can do in six minutes. six minutes of magic. how about you? >> i tom ford should be more entrepreneurial and create a line that would beunisex
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products. >> when i was married, there were more bottles of crap in the shower. i mean, everywhere, plastic here and there. never mind. >> what a bummer, bob. >> we have to save time for the last segment. don't want to miss that. directly ahead, are you addicted to your digital gadgets? all great tools, they may cause too much stress. dana has tips how to give yourself a tech break. and later, how do you get thousands of beautiful women to come to times square to do yoga. mr. beckel, downward facing dog. all that coming up. ♪ i'm a careful investor.
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♪ welcome back. if you're like me, you're probably addicted to the iphone, blackberry, other digital devices. we love the gadgets and they help us, but it can make live more stressful. here are tips how to restore sanity to your life in the wireless age. the first one, respect the weekend. that's a good one, shouldn't be on the twitter on the weekend. exercise equals enlightenment, we will hear more of that from bob. plan your digital vacation breaks, which i need from greg once a week. sti
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ditch the phone during meetings. makes it not so annoying. >> good idea. as long as you're in a meeting with very important people, yeah, you don't need to look at your phone, because they're not looking for you, you're in front of them. i think it is respectful, good, people pay attention. as for a digital break, yeah, not going to happen. >> did you know, eric, people check their phone on average 150 times a day. >> that's all? >> at least every six minutes. >> greg is checking his now. >> i rebooted it because it was off. you had a great term when you have all of the e-mails piling up? >> declaring e-mail bankruptcy. >> i have done that since you said that. every two weeks, everything goes. everything. i don't care if i needed it, gone. >> what about you, bob? do you have addiction to your iphone? >> no, i don't own many of them. you guys talking about this now, at the break, folks -- >> i think we have a picture, bob. this is earlier this week on
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"the five." do we have that? yes. all of us on the commercial break, we were all on our phones, including you. >> it is very rare to do that. here is the point. you guys in break were going through tweets to figure out why these -- everyone was jumping on you about deen. >> howard dean? >> exactly. >> we are getting a lot of tweets. >> when i sit here, my thing is off, except if the bookie calls. it really is maddening, i think. >> are you an addict to the digital device? >> the whole topic to me is interesting, destress from your wired life. what kind of stresses would you prefer otherwise? malaria? arm hacked off in another country. you can turn off the laptop. you can't turn off cancer. this is an easy problem to solve. >> this is a first world problem. >> you also don't want to solve it because you cannot go without
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looking at your twitter, all that. >> it has ruined things like watching movies. that's the thing that bugs me. i look forward to watching a movie, instead i am like this. i lost track. >> i find every night i sit around, watch tv, i watch it with a laptop. >> what are you looking at when you're watching a movie? >> say you're watching "die hard." what's the name of that actor. >> how old is he? oh, that's a great guy. maybe give him a call. what's going on. >> he is your friend. >> that would drive me nuts. >> what about, eric, your son. i was curious. does he have as much addiction to that as we do? >> they're worse than we are, dana, like nonstop. you have a conversation, his text is blink blink blink all the way to school and home. >> does he hate the blackberry? >> he doesn't like it as much, he loves the ipad. >> does he get frustrated when you're on it? >> no, because he has an ipad he
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goes on -- >> we have to go. my son would text me one bedroom to the next. ridiculous. >> you have to do a blackberry timeout with friends. >> let's go to yoga. >> try not to look at the blackberrys when we go to break. when we come back, the moment we have all been waiting for. a yoga celebration with thousands of women in times square today. don't go away, namaste! ♪
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it was a beautiful day in new york city, for times square to be converted into one of the largest yoga studios. they decided to send me to the solstice event. i was able to join thousands rolling out yoga mats.
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this is something you don't get to see everyday, folks, and won't see it again. ♪ >> i'm here to physically get myself in better position, spiritually get in perfect position, to align myself with times square and all the people here, particularly the women. i'll talk to you after i'm done. we're good at this. ready? >> inhale, and exhale. >> man, i'm getting hot.
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going to do a lion's breath to learn to breathe. watch this very carefully. all right. go ahead. >> ahhh, you scare me. what is the dipping dog. >> the downward. >> can you show me the downward facing dog? let me try this. >> let's hear it. all right, bob, you did it. this gathering of yoga people, some really good-looking women. really good-looking women. anybody looking for a date or something, i would come down here and practice yoga obviously. nicest people in the world though. i tell you this. these people are peaceful. there may be something to this yoga stuff i have been missing. ♪ dana, i now understand the religious and physiological aspects of this.
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i started this early this morning and i pulled two muscles. eric? the women are unbelievable. greg, half the guys look like you, means there's not much competition. kimberly, you would be like -- this is made out for you, kimberly. if you're wearing your leotards, you would see. now i am at peace. >> i love it. >> okay. >> where are the other men? >> me. >> dana, since you're the one convinced me to do this more than anybody else because you do yoga every day, i must say, there's something about it that looks like it is good for your soul. >> what i love about this event. last summer i walked by, we were having a heat wave, 101 degrees, everybody was still out there. i think you said 16,000 showed up today. what i like about it, yes, you can get in shape and some of these people are amazing, there's a fitness aspect, but it is the hour you don't spend on
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the phone, everybody is equal, there's no competition, everybody gets along. i love it. >> you do evil. >> why? >> two reasons why it is evil. it is not exercise, glorified stretching, only makes you good at stretching. try pilates. in america, who is out in the street doing yoga? only new yorkers. >> young people without a job. >> this is sad. it is talking about how nobody is working. >> another reason it is evil. >> can you take a shot of that? this is what bloomberg has done. that used to be a street. you used to be able to drive on that street. he takes bike lanes, 9th avenue, you have to understand it, horrifying. 9th avenue. bloomberg put a parking lane in the middle of 9th avenue, in the second lane over. he has no idea. none of the people have cars. they don't care. >> did you have fun, bob?
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>> i had some fun, except for my muscle. kimberly, you would have bect. you would have stopped. >> i have some of those outfits, bob. >> this is going the wrong way. everybody was going the other way. >> that's okay. >> where is the lemon leotard. >> i had mine on today. >> see this thing they were doing here, i had to sit down, i was getting exhausted. they do this thing with their hands back and forth like that, kind of -- >> preparation for going to the bathroom. >> bob is sitting there staring at the girls doing the downward dog. >> i am exaggerating my dislike for them. i had a roommate that was a yoga instructor quite some time, i had to deal with it. >> kimberly, would you date a guy that went to that? >> no. >> why not?
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>> because. >> guys in the yoga are probably yoga instructor. >> i like masculine, real men. >> nothing in the frig. good for your intestines? >> is that a good way to meet women? i would imagine. >> i met a woman teaching my segment, i said how big is your waist. i said you can't know, you can't see it. it is like this. then she said i give private lessons. i said you got your card? she said i am going to mexico for two weeks. i asked the crew, could i get a ticket to mexico today? she was great. >> we could let you go to mexico. >> bob likes his odds with the numbers of ladies. >> i have to go. >> one more thing is up next. >> namaste! >> namaste!
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[old eovermany discounts to declarethine customers!brought [old engli accent] safe driver, multi-car, paid in full -- a most fulsome bounty indeed, lord jamie. thou cometh and we thy saveth! what are you doing? we doth offer so many discounts, we have some to spare. oh, you have any of those homeowners discounts? here we go. thank you. he took my shield, my lady. these are troubling times in the kingdom. more discounts than we knoweth what to do with.
2:54 pm
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2:57 pm
♪ all right. it is time for one more thing. i think he has yoga injury or some situation. >> dipping dog. they're making plans to relax rules on in flight use of electronics. an online source says they'll be cleared for gate to gate use. you can't use the cell phone, you still can't do that, but you can get your -- i don't know whether you can get e-mail and you can get your favorite sites. >> did you know there's a $50,000 fine for having iphone clicked to on, on an airplane, $50,000 fine. >> one more thing, folks.
2:58 pm
>> that was a bizarre end. eric. >> eastern china, group of mail carriers on break, heard a baby crying. look what happened. she's a two-year-old. they catch her, and she's fine. >> what happened? >> she jumped off i believe a fifth floor balcony, she survived, everything is fine. >> eric, the real story, the mail carriers were up there, there was a game called toss the baby off the roof. been doing it for years. >> okay. thanks for that. dana perino, please. >> i want to warm everyone's hearts with a story from birmingham, alabama. a friend of mine, jerry winesteen teamed up with a woman from birmingham, started a thing called break through birmingham for 7th grade students, they get to go rigorous math and science
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classes, and career day where people around the community open their businesses, allow the young people to have done their resumes, go to the company. a big thing for birmingham. jared and miho are good examples what to do with your time, instead of being like greg, who is giving me a dirty look. >> keep it together. >> red eye tomorrow, new tomorrow, tucker and colter and me. >> you cleaned up your act in that. >> yeah, no. >> i have some very important advice from mr. bob beckel, he was down there, delighted the ladies, namaste. i strongly consider you never go to india, even with eat, play love. any woman caught having sex, as long as one person files it, you're legally married. >> that's a great rule. is that unbelievable?
3:00 pm
>> you have to get out of here. >> that's it for us. have a great weekend. "special report" is next! bye. after a two day hemorrhage, wall street stops the bleeding. what have we learned about the obama economy? this is "special report." good evening, i am chris wallace in for bret baier. investors and traders on wall street are breathing a sigh of relief, thanks to a break from two rough selloff days in the financial markets. chief white house correspondent ed henry reports there's one man that remains on the hot seat, federal reserve chairman ben bernanke. >> reporter: after two days of market melt downs and high anxiety about 401(k)s plunging again, the last thing prede


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