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tv   FOX Report  FOX News  June 22, 2013 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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>> this is the fox report. tonight police spending much of the day at the home of an nfl star connected to the murder of another man. and new pressure on hong kong to turn on the nfa leaker. the u.s. labels edward snowden a spy and theif, yet the feds can't get their hands on him. can that change? the international she down on the man considered to be a traitor by some and heroes by others. >> this is a disaster, we are
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freezing the video and we'll remind you what is coming. horror at an air she. and she inspired so many of us with her fight to live, both before and since getting a lung transplant. tonight an update on sarah. i am harris faulkner. the obama administration turning the might and focus on the nsa leaker eric snowden. fox news conif i weres that our government is asking authorities in hong kong to extradite snowden, the man who opened up the world and shed us how the feds are watching us. hong kong's failure to act will complicate its relations to the u.s. snowden admitted he leaked details on the secret monitoring. he was a lonely voice revealing
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wrongdoing. official charges against him now of espionage and the theft of public property. he is believed to be in hong kong. hong kong while enjoying a utonome in legal matters refers to china in others. molly is live in washington, is hong kong going to fight the obama administration's request to bring back snowden? >> the government of hong kong hasn't said. the u.s. made the extradition request and waiting to see how hong kong responds. they have a exradition treaty and hong kong has been a historically good partner and we expect them to comply with the treaty in this case. >> snowden was staying in a hong kong hotel and checked out on
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john 10th. it is assumed he is in hong kong but not clear. >> molly, i mentioned the administrative connection between china and hong kong. do we expect china to stop the extradition. >> chinese intelligence would like to talk to snowden and see the materials he has if they haven't done so already. here is what one east asia analyst said about that. >> china gets the information one way or another. that will occur. am concerned a being, because snowden may have been working for them in the first instance, but even if he isn't. that information will end up in peginning sooner or later. nicelandic businessman connected to the wiki leaks anti- secrecy group has said he will send a private plane to get snowden
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and presumably the foil would end up on the web site. the government ofoise land has not said if they will offer a sillum to snowden >> secretary of state john kerry is in qatar tonight meeting with the world leaders to begin efforts to start peace talks with the taliban. they are preparing to window down the war next year. we expect the next steps in the raging civil war inside of syria and the role that the united states is playing by helping the rebel in the fight against president bashar assad. conner is in the mideast newsroom with this. >> the throw year long syrian
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civil war is entering another stage as the united states and other countries are agreeing on a plan to provide support to the forces battling assad. secretary of state john kerry said today that the u.s. wants to pursue a diplomatic solution to the bloody conflict that killed more than noint thousand people but the assad crossed the redline with the use of chemical weapons. >> what is clear, every country agreed to step up what they are doing in direct response on the ground. kerry blamed iran and hesbollah for stoking the violence. >> the white white insists that all military support would be channel back. >> with a growing number of islamic extremist pouring in syria, insuring that all u.s.
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military aid goes to the good rebels will be difficult if not impossible, harris? >> conner, thank you. new developments in the murder investigation around new now tight end aaron hernandez. police returned to the home again. they removed some items can they searched his suv. they have been in his house several times this past week as they try to figure out who killed odin lloyd. his death was ruled a homicide. the two men knew each other and were together the night odin lloyd died. we have a reporter outside of the home. nicole, we have watched a lot of activity, what have they done all day? >> they shed up here at 2:20, a swarm of investigators came to the home and they went inside of the home and searched outside.
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and in the backyard and they also as you mentioned searched his vehicle, that white a udi suv that we have seen him come and go in several times this week. in the end after four hours, they came out with a dozen bags of evidence. it is unclear what might have been in the bags. they piled them in the vehicles and they left the scone, harris. >> do you know where hernandez is right now? >> we believe he is in his home. we will have a photographer to push in quickly to his vehicle. that white audi was there since yesterday afternoon when he arrived here at four time time 40 in the afternoon. that's the last time we saw aaron hernandez. he shed up with his attorneys. we have not seen him leave today. we believe he is inside of his home, harris.
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nnicole, watching it for the fox affiliate there. >> big developments in the george zimmerman murder trial. he admitted to killing an unarmed teenageener self defense. today the judge in that case released an important pretrial ruling. finally judge nelson saying, audio experts for the prosecutions will not be allowed to testify about screams heard in the background of a key noin 11 car. >> do you need police fire and medical in nmaybe both i am not sure. there is someone screaming outside. >> yeah, difficult to tell who was screaming in the background. that is the point. that was made the night 19-year-old trayvon martin died. the jury of sex will decide zimmerman's fate. they could still hear the tape
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in open court. they will not hear the opinion of the audio expert. the defense expert rowelled there was not enough audio to decide who was screaming on the tape. >> right now, investigators are looking for answers in the cause of a horrendous crash. the crowd gathered to watch an air she. we are freezing the image and want to give you more time to prepare, we'll play the rest of the video on the other side of the break. we are learning now about the victim. >> also border security, it is considered a make or break issue that could decide whether a sweeping immigration reform law passes in the senate. that legislation faces a critical test come monday, stay put. i want to make things more secure.
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>> an air she disaster caught on tape. for that reason, we want to warn you that the following images may not be suitable for viewers. we'll give you a moment now. the scene near dayton, ohio, a stunt plane carrying a wing walker went down in front of the crowd. the announcer what the person was doing before the crash. >> still on the far side. keep an eye on it. sitting on top of the world. oh, on on that crash killed the pilot and the wing walker jane. she was also working as an ffa
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budget analyst. no spectateors were hurt. it is scheduled to resume tomorrow with the ntsb investigating the accident now. >> the senate immigration reform bill. days after sweeping legislation with a border surge plan. as you have following this, reaching a deal on border security is considered pivotal. elizabeth has more from washington. >> harris, the immigration reform bill starting to take shape in the senate. republicans in the house continue to form a solution, this as the president said a pathway to provide citizenship for folks who want to come here and stay here legally and bringing relief to the struggling economy. >> this will help the middle-class grow our economy and shrink our deficits and making sure every one pays taxes like everyone else.
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>> senators introducing a proposal to bolster security. border surge includes 700 miles of fencing with the addition of tens of thousands border agents and enforces a nationwide e- verify system and needs to be in place before illegal immigrants can apply for green cards. there is no indication whether it will fly before the july 4th recess. >> the current bill is a mess. it is repeating the same failed pattern we saw in 1986. >> instead of throw million we are dealing with len million. and congress is saying the same deal, legalization first and then promising maybe some day in the future the border will be secowered. >> senate leaders have a test on monday. and bring it close to cent votes, that's the target number they say will pressure the
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republican house to act as well. harris, back to you. >> elizabeth, thank you. >> we are on sarah watch. the family of a little girl who had an adult lung transplant is asking for your prayers. doctors have put her in a medically induced coma. these are probably not the images that brazil wants broadcast to the world. that country is preparing to host youth day. and soccer cup and olympicses. brazil's president breaking her silencement will her words make it better or worse? .
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>> an update now on a 10-year-old girl who received an adult lung transplant to live. the mother posting on the facebook page. it is stressful here. she is a wake but confused and on heavy narcotics. pray she makes the next hurdle. we have followed sharia's story who has sis tick if i brosis. the law had said she was too young to be on the list. she the operation last week. doctors put her in the medically induced coma. she has awakened but can't speak
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because she is on a ventilator but sarah is responsive and able to nod yes or no to questions. wow. >> the president of brazil is breaking her silence following weeks of widespread protest. tens of thousands back on the streets tonight. in rio, last night demonstrators turned violent as crowds clashed with the police. the marchers paralyzed track and here is a look at the map where protest have taken place, pretty much all over the country, demonstrators denouncing transportation price hikes and billions spent preparing for the next year's soccer tournament and that country is world youth day in the 2016 world olympics. why the the brazilian president speaking out now? >> one of the reasons, the
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government is short of ideas and another she didn't expect the problems to go on as long as they have and get as violent. on top of that, she never guessed that anger over higher bus fares would translate to resentment of the poor services and dpft. she held an emergency meeting in the day and she came out last night in a short speech. she offered to meet with the leaders of the demonstrators. it is not sure who they are. she made sweeping promises to make government to be more transparent and fix the transport problems and gave a plan to put owl of the oil royalties on education. there was not much depth to what she was saying. and that is why a million protestors returned to the streets and why they swarmed central sa o pa olo.
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>> the bus fare hike is a moment of awakening. we are fighting for are better health care and security and education. >> the people are doing the right thing. the first phase has begun. >> the people are right to demand their right. when it is breaking in shops and lotting and stealing things. that has nothing to do with a protest movement. >> plenty more unrest still to come. it is buzzing for a calls of a general strike next week n. a west left wing country in brazil could grinned the nation to a halt. it is unstable especially as the police are struggling with the high crime and normally copes them tied down. they have to contain the defiance against the unprepared government, harris. >> even before this, there were concerns about how tourist would fare with the crime and the
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president waiting so long. this is just phase one, a mill yen protestors. >> yeah, absolutely. and tourist are getting worried about what is going on with the federation soccer cup. major soccer teams preparing to pull out and that would scare away the tourist that would visit brazil for that and the world cup. >> and a big announcement from former president george bush and laura bush that will take them half a world away to save lives and something special happening in the sky that will make it marvelous for a moon dance. ♪ ♪ hey, look! a shooting star!
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>> we want to go to an issue affecting our men and women in the armed forces. it is part of the war story we following on the fox report. they are struggling with the invisible scars of war and contronting a new set of health problems. here is douglas kennedy. >> it is taking meds all at the
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same time, what was the result in >> i gained 100 pounds. now i have diabetes. >> and in november 2004, charles perkins returned from iraq, and like many veterans is not to a psychiatrist from the department of veterans affair to treat post taumatic stress disorder. >> you saw 13 different va psychiatrist and many of them dpiefing you different diagnosis. >> it is hard to go from doctor to doctor. >> and most giving him more and more prescription. perkins ended up with 25 different prescriptions for 25 different drugs. all preskroibed by the va doctors. >> you ended up to deputy to see your own doctor and he told you you were lucky to be a live? >> he said i was on a cocktail of poison.
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nperkins is not alone receiving mood altering medication from the military and va. they have spent over $2 billion medicating the men and women with anti- zoi zie and anti- psyche cottic medication. it is a huge expenditure that they defend. >> we have made great strikes in care and decreasing stigma and getting that care. >> a stance psychiatrist said seems compassionate but is in reality irresponsible. >> you are producing so many chronic mental patients. >> most site medications alter brain chemistry and often create a lifelong dependence. >> it is horrific to come off of the drugs and many times patients simply can't get off of
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them. >> many doctors say once you start the medications, it is almost impossible to get off, what does that mean for you? >> if i stop taking the medication i will have nightmares and sleepless nights. >> he is then years old and knows he will be on drugs for the rest of his life and a consequence of trusting his va care givers. >> i am harris faulkner, this is the fox report. if you are just joining us this hour, fox news can confirm that united states is asking hong kong to extradite eic snowden. he is considered a hero by some. if he hadn't talked we would not know about verizon and other
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companies handing over records to the feds. our government is charging him fr with espionage. >> in florida, the judge in the george zimmerman murder trial made a ruling on the 911 tape. she will not allow prosecution to allow audio experts to testify. prosecutor wanted to talk about the screams heard the night trayvon martin was killed. the key fbi expert for the state said no one can say whose voice was on the call. now they can play the tape in court, but the jurorors cannot hear from the experts on either side. zimmerman said he shot the teenager in self defense. opening arguments are set for monday. >> president bush and his wife laura travelling to africa and planning to renovate a clinic in
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zambiia. >> and wildfires ripping thru the southwest for weeks now and one is creeping close tore a major tourist town. it is south fork hundreds of homes and rv parks are evacuated and fire officials say it could be days until people can return. in arizona prescott national forest 11 square miles are destroyed since being sparked on tuesday. hot, driveway windy weather that fuels these kinds of things and hoping to make that worse there. and west is dealing with all of the growing wildfires, brutal storms and bringing rain and hail and twisters that we have seen to america's mid-section. janice dean is watching it for us tis extreme in the middle, janice. >> starting off with wildfires danger, much of the west is on fire. we have two dozen fires burning and you mentioned the ones in colorado and arizona.
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this is going to be an ongoing concern in the summer. you mentioned prescott, arizona. the temperatures are soaring and wind gusts in express of 30 miles per hour and no rain in the forecast. it will cause major problems in the area for fire fights. and the threat for severe weather including tornados this evening. tornado watch boxes and we could see hail and damaging winds and tornados, this is crossing over from wyoming to nebraska and south. and we'll watch that. and we'll watch the threat for hail and damaging winds and tornados and then in the midwest potential for flash flooding, back to you. >> on a lighter note, janice, we shed the viewers the super moon. i understand whether it is clear or cloudy tis a perfect night for it. >> it is. the fullest we'll see it is in
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the morning hours. we'll see the super moon. there is the moon's orbit. it is elliptical and sometimes the moon gets close tore earth. average distance is 238,000 miles. as it gets closer we'll be seven percent closer and the closest to earth will be six time time 30. we'll bring them here on fox report tomorrow night. >> you i will tweet you as we are up. we'll watch it over a la tte. >> i would love that. >> here is a bit of history for you on june 23rdrd. first time our nation heard the hallmark speech by dr. martin luther king junior. it was not in washington originally. the earlier version was in detroit. today in the motor city thousands of people held a freedom walk and commemorating
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the powerful words from dr. king. he cemented his place in history as a civil rights icon giving the i have a dream in front of a larger crowd. estimated over 100,000 people and then some on the front steps there. someone who was often alongside rev repped on on reverend jesse jackson. good to see you. >> tens of thousands marched in destroit if nonviolent disciplined protest, demanding jobs and justice. detroit like many have been a pandoned. we are freedom without equality and jobs. and so the events this year it is a continuation of the struggle. >> reverend, some people may not realize that detroit was a warm up for the big speech in
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washington. you are talking about the large crowd in detroit. it was the largest at his time and it was eclipsed by what happened in washington. why did dr. king go to detroit? >> detroit was an industrial city and african-american were second class citizens, we didn't have public accommodation. those who came north to work to the fact rows and could not stop in a holiday inn or buy icecream in howard johnson and didn't have the right to voice. they didn't have the rights as privileges. and we had a sting of second class citizen help and had to pay tax and military service but didn't have the right to vote. it was a common thing overcoming second class citizenship this was two years before the right to vote. blacks did not vote on the south or serve on jors and couldn't vote or go on college campuses.
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and many ways that was part of a thrust upward to change the course of our country. >> we fast forward and so much of your mission is broad eping from frek trek to every race and bottom line is poverty. 50 years later. reverend, you found yourself marching for what is failing in that city and i heard you argue president obama needs to do more personally to address the poverty that is hurting americans. >> not just suffering from a radical destaulation. we have closed plants and taking jobs to cheap labor markets and globalized human rights and women rights and environment. we closed textile plants and taken jobs to bangladesh. and they are building plants in china, for example. and now cutting public education and public transportation and close the units and take away
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jobs and people are trapped and can't pay their bills. detroit lost. we need a reindustrialization to make way for that transition that is takes place. >> i know you support the president and i heard you argue and you said direct words that you want him to get involved. what are they for president obama? >> it is appeal for the real focus on positive jobs. unemployment is 7.5. they are 21 percent unemployment in these cities and up to 35 percent. we need a war on poverty, you cut pel grants for summer school youth and they can't get a job and go to school. they can't educate children and houses are foreclosed and the system of abandonment and this is a gap to step into and the lineage of jobs to go a long way to healing theds from
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aplatchia to detroit. >> i don't want to put words in your mouth. this is not a president who got into office. he's been there a few years is there steps that the administration fell down on that you critize. >> there must be a greater focus on the issue of positive jobs. i am aware of the struggle against the odds and degrading comments and i am aware of congress that can't get its act together. in many ways, the president and congress must hear the gro ans of the common people. we bailed out the banks but not linked to lending and reinvestment. we bailed out insurance companies and they got away. and people are often uninsured. and must give the president credit we were 4 million and now 5 million and plus and moving forward. more americans do have health
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care. automobile industry came back. and out of the war in iraq. >> all right. mixed bag. look at the numbers and i know you can't see them. i will call them out. this is detroit's economy. this is not just for minoritties in the pockets of the neighborhoods. this is detroit, a major american city. reverend, we have seen it fall off a fiscal cliff. remember that language this year. unemployment 9.9. and national average 7.6. still stuck but not as bad as detroit. debt there is 17 plus billion. and population dropped off 250,000 between 2,000 and 2010. that is a loss of rev vow. >> hundred thousand homes are lost and banks engaging in
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subprime lending scheme and they closed the industrial base and took those plants to cheap labor markets and that took the guts out of detroit. that is a big deal. now you have a no chain stores and no grocery stores and it is abandonment. and these are americans and we need a plan for restaulization to offset the impact. long- term low interest loans and we cannot abandon these citizens. we can bail out iraq, we could bail out american cities and we must. >> a food chain desert. i had not put it that way. >> there is not one food chain there. and there's not one drug store chain there. only one car dealership in the motor city. the city is abandoned. and there must be some plan and
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we look at go to philadelphia, we are closing schools and building jails. and chicago closing schools and building a stadium. and where i am tonight. there seems to be a need for a urban policy and kind of war on policy vision and opportunity that johnson had put it so many years ago. we need a reinvest in america and deal with our basic internal infrastructure. >> it will be interesting to see how the white house responds. i know you called out the administration to do more and balanced it out where they have and haven't come forth. since 50 years ago, dr. king spoke in detroit. >> it is an a of mercy. >> reverend jackson, thank you for being with us. >> thank you. ntragedy in the start of a 24 hour road race la mans.
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and in texas a officer sticks his hand in the window and he gets hurt when he pulls it back out. we'll tell you what was waiting for him. [ male aouncer ] it's 7am and steve is already thinking about tomorrow. which is why he's investing in his heart health by eating kellogg's raisin bran®.
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♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] for dad's first job as dad. nissan tests hundreds of child seats to give you a better fit and a safer trip. snug kids, only from nissan. ♪ >> a mini-van ends up in the san francisco bay with someone inside of it. it is our top story as we go across america. california. that vehicle sinking in minutes in front of horrified witnesses.
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>> we saw it starting to drift and the hood was smacked up with the windshield. rescued couldn't break the class. four fights arrived and it was after dark after they found the van and the body. >> a train and truck cloyeded in garfield. the train was approaching and the truck driver got out in the nick of time. the conductor and passenger were hurt and expected to be okay. florida, a small plane went down in a pachl no beach neighborhood. the pilot walked away with only a cut on his fenger. he took off and 60 feet and the plane clipped a wire. i can't imagine. it could have been a propellor. >> it came crashing down in somebody's backyard.
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no one on the ground was hurt. >> i believe in miracles. >> the pilot said a now feet more in any direction he would have hit a house. >> the texas forces the highway. horses escaping from their home and making a run for it in grand prairie. they were cornered in a gas station. that is fox watch in america. >> a catholic priest is helping a church youth group by raising monnea unique way. the goal to see the pope. migraines mean powerful pain, and when you have a migraine
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>> a 24 hour endurance race started off tragically when a driver was killed. danish racer allen simmonson was
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injured and killed in the le mans race. he was rushed to the hospital and died a short time later. we shed you the anti- ongoing protest in brazil. those demonstrations will be the back drop as catholics are preparing to travel to brazil for world youth day. lauren green has the story of the fund-raising effort that is interesting. snrgs father with the holy church in the bronx gives a phase to man of the clothe. he is giving for seeing pope francis and worth youth day. >> this fabric is his own invention and entrepreneurial expertis is seeing the pope.
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he created it out of cotton grown in guatamala and we'ved it and shipped it to the bronx where more sew garments. >> pope francis wants to get out into the streets. he wants us to meet people where they are thinking about their identity and fashion is all about identity. >> it caught the eye of a vogue editor and cameron diaz who wore a pair of the shorts. it is not just clothing, he produces honey and they make bore, featured item in a fundraiser. >> i can relate more to him and me being hispanic and so i think it will be amazing. >> the if i los foe is not just running a business but the
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parish and developing spiritualitty and buying and selling and making things. nfather andrew hopes that his business paradigm will be something that other churches will follow. >> police pull over a man for speeding, but it was not a routine traffic stop. what was wait negligent back seat as one officer stuck his hand in. more is more. abundant space, available leading-edge technology, impeccable design, and more than you've come to expect from a luxury vehicle. the lexus es350 and epa-estimated 40 mpg es hybrid. this is the pursuit of perfection.
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>> in texas a rookie police officer meets his match. something jumped to the defense of his owner. >> oh. did you see it. we'll slow it down for you. the two-point-year-old officer capturing the monkey bite on the cop cam and bitten and attacked. he has a monkey and it attacked my hand. >> a monkey? like a lejet mate monkey. >> yeah. okay. we are told that the monkey travels the carnival circuit and not facing legal trouble. the driver still got a speeding ticket. that is how fox reports on june 22nd. 2013. you can't make them up. i am harris falker.
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thank you for watching. tweet me the pictures of the super moon and put it in the big box and we will swoon together. here's huckabee. tonight on huckabee. rick san dhtitorium has a new job in the private sector. does that moan he is done with politics? >> you will be able to keep your doctor period. and you will be able to cope your health care plan period. doctors are coping their patients and dropping the his honor and eliminating the red tape of obama care can make it better. >> i will post my prices and give my patients what i promise to give them for that price. >> she's backed up elvis and frank and a rethia. darlene love takes center


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