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tv   Hannity  FOX News  June 26, 2013 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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website. laura thank you for watching tonight. i'm laura ingraham in for bill o'reily. and the spin stops right here. we're looking out for you. welcome to "hannity" tonight, the united states senate is moving closer to pass controversial immigration reform bill. vice presidential nominee, wisconsin congressman paul ryan joins us live from washington with reaction. here is the very latest. earlier today on the senate floor, $38 billion so-called border surge amendment approved in a 69-29 votes. 53 sided with the majority to sign the plan this promises to add 20,000 border patrol agents, construct a 700 mile fence. and we'll see if promises will be kept.
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take a look. >> what happened is that 19,000 border patrol agents are never deployed? the people here have been raised to rpi status, they won't be removed. and border security, well, you're going no have border security under this amendment ten years down the road. not today. the grand compromise makes false promises, makes more money at the border, no accountability to get the job done. >> senator grassley later returned to the floor and blocked harry reid from rushing the bill to a final vote tomorrow. let's watch this. >> i feel a bit used and abused in this process for 2 1/2 weeks, we've been pushing to get votes on amendments, we've had a measly ten votes on amendments, remind you there are 550 files.
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that's pretty embarrassing for the majority after they promised a fair and open debate. >> and now appears that the legislation won't be voted on by friday, but senator harry reid said earlier, he hopes he can get an agreement with republicans, move the vote up to tomorrow. either way, it's expected to pass in the senate. likely to hit a few roadblocks when it arrives in the house of representatives. here is chair of the house budget committee, wisconsin congressman, former vice presidential candidate, paul ryan. how are you? >> i'm doing great, sean. how are you? >> i'm sure you are aware, a lot of conservatives are angry, myself included. no border security first. >> we're not going to bring up the senate bill. we'll do it our own way, on our own time, because we want to make sure we get this right. the things in the amendment were improvements, brought it closer to the house position, but we want to get it right. real triggers on the border,
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real triggers on e-verify. basically another way of saying if you are not here legally, you can't get a job. we want to get those things right. we want immigration reform that works for our country, national security, good for our economy, and don't want to be in the same boat ten years down the road. we want immigration reform that lasts. we don't want the same problem ten years from now. >> is securing the border first top priority for you? >> it is a top priority for me. important for the trigger as well. but hear what i say. what we're talking about the house is we're saying people who are here undocumented, because we realize we cannot deport 11 million people and find them and deport them, we want to put them on probationary statusing the kind of thinking we have here and they can't get out of the probationary status, can't get legal permanent residence, what chuck grassley was talking about there, until these border efforts are made, until the
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burdener is secure and e-verify set up. we don't want to leave it to the executive branch to make that decision, we want objective metrics, congress' arm of the general accountability office to tell us if the metrics have been met, if the worder is security, if the verification system is up and running. until after that occurs can a person of this status change this status from bro bags to something other than that. >> my sources are telling me that you guys are considering a five-year temporary legal status, and the border security measure is not met in five years that would be revoked. >> that's right. >> i don't believe that would ever happen. >> well, look, they can't get -- what a person would want to have, they would come out of shadows, put on probation, pay taxes, learn civics. if they break the terms of probation, they can be deported.
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if the border is not secure, the verification system not set up, they can't get legal permanent residence. people who didn't do the things the right way, acknowledge they didn't follow the law, but get in the back of the line so people who did things right, came here legally in the first place, who waited in line, paid the fees that they get through the system first, and the point we're trying to make is if you want to get this population, the undocumented population in legal permanent residency, get a green hard, then these other things have to happen first, border has to be secured, e-verify up and running. that's the kind of system we're talking about here in the house. we think the senate border bill brings it closer to our position, but we won't take up the bill, we'll do it our way. this is what we're talking about. >> they are still giving them legal status first, albeit temporary. i speak for a lot of people, congressman. most people see when we are
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promised spending cuts, we get the tax increase, never the spending cut. we get the amnesty but not the board every security. why wouldn't you expedite the security measures. we sent men to the moon, couldn't we do that in 12 months, 18 months? >> sean, look at the system we have right now. we don't have any control of the bord border. people are using other people's ids to work in this country. we want those undocumented to come out of the shadows, give us their real name, real ifity, get them in a situation where they aren't taking someone's identity. we need to secure the border, do it this way. this is not giving anybody amnesty, not giving everybody a break, pay a fine, pay your taxes, learn english and oh, by the way, you have to actually use a real social security number and your real identity, we think that helps secure
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national security. we think that's good to do and that's important while we secure the border. the point is people are here in the country. they may not be in the country using their identity, or in the country using their legitimate social security number. we want them to do that, that's important as part of it. hardly an amnesty. getting people right with the law, making amends with the fact that they didn't do things right and putting them at the back of the line. we don't think that's amnesty, that's smart and good rule of policy. >> this temporary legal status, do you blame me for being suspicious? >> not at all. >> that it would never be revoked, whether or not the border was ever secure and that's why myself and a lot of conservatives are saying don't we have a right to have sovereign borders and that done first? why not do that first? >> sean, i'm suspicious as well. you know why? none of the past reforms ever worked.
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'86 didn't work, '96 didn't work. of course we're suspicious. but based on the experts we hear from the border, among the best ways to secure the border is get economic immigrant to come to the front gate with a guest worker card to better interdict the criminals, terrorists, and if we have the economic immigrant to come through the front gate with a guest work every card, that helps stop those who don't want in the country, those seeking to do us harm. legal immigration that works and viable is a wide gate, high-fence approach and we want to make sure people coming here aren't taking jobs from those already in the country and sectors of the economy like agriculture that need work. these high-tech people come here to create jobs, so we need workable legal immigrant system,
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while we get the border under control and have employment verification system, and illegal immigration and identity are sort of one in the same thing. >> you know, i'm listening to you, and obviously, you put a lot of thought into this. i talked to a lot of conservatives, writing me right now on twitter, and i can predict what the answer is going to be. if you don't trust the government and i don't trust the government and if we can send a man to the moon, why don't we e it immediately. make it a national security priority and then deal with other issues? why is that not an option for you? >> because in order to secure the border, you have to have a workable legal immigration system that people who are trying to come to this country to work have a way of coming here legally. you can't just seal it off, you need to make sure people can come here legally and we have to remember, we've got 11 million people in the country
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undocumented who either overstayed visa or crossed the border illegally. what are we going to do? we can't find them and deport them. we have to find a way of dealing with the population, we want to do it in a way that respects the rule of law, puts them at the back of the line, so everybody who did things right -- >> can't you do that after the border is secure, though? >> we think it goes with the border. best way to secure the boarder is having this workable legal immigration system beside it. we don't trust the executive branch, we want congress to verify this. >> are you at all worried about a divide and revolt in the republican party? >> of course i'm worried about that. i want to make sure that we're not having the same problem ten years ago. i want immigration that protect our economy and national security. >> we'll take the temperature of everybody. leavely audience here. we appreciate the time for you to be here.
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>> thank you. two major decisions involving same-sex marriage today. we'll explain what rulings were and reaction from the legal panel. the man everybody is talking about, nik wallenda, who tightroped across the grand canyon without a safety harness. he will join me in studio to talk about his death-defying stunt. that is my pick for video of the day. here you go, honey. thank you. [ male announcer ] see your authorized dealer for an incredible offeon the exhilarati c250 sport n. ♪
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welcome back to "hannity." highest court in the land handed down two major rulings involving same-sex marriage. part of the defense of marriage act was struck down in 5-4 decision. same sex couples eligible to receive federal benefits. justice anthony kennedy wrote that doma places same-sex couples in a inferior position. and antonin scalia says there are two parts to the majority's opinion, the first explaining why this court has jurisdiction to decide it, and the other is a ruling on it. both of them are wrong. and the error in both springs from the same diseased root.
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the second ruling handed down was on proposition 8. they decided that the petitioners didn't have standing. your take on both of these, stir. >> not shocked with either one, actually. i think in the defense of marriage act case, important to realize what was at stake was just the one provision, which is if a state allows the same-sex marriage, same-sex couples to marry, they are to be given benefi benefits under federal benefits rules. a federalist argument, it should be up to the states in the first place. section two of doma says if there is a same-sex marriage performed in new york state, it doesn't have to be recognized in texas. not a real shock there, and the federalist approach, justice
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scalia's defense, the first part, really says the court shouldn't have heard the case. the courts aren't to be the final arbiters of these decisions. proposition 8 case is a punt. the court said there is no standing, so merit decision here, sent back down not to the court of appeals, but district court in the southern district of california, they would allow same-sex marriage to take place, maybe the state of california doesn't go broader than that. no holding there was a constitutional right to same-sex marriage, so, again, not surprised at that one either. i thought the standing issue was significant in that case, and apparently a split majority, conservative and liberal justices joining together. it didn't fall on ideological lines. >> your reaction? >> this ruling will be state wide in california, the district court, the ninth district, won't overrule itself if the issue is can you get married in southern
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california, but not in northern california. today is a great day. a great day for equality this has been going on for 13 years, started with the knight initiative in the year 2000, with prop 22. this is not a new issue, the wheels of justice grind slowly. 13 years to decide this issue and thank god it's been decided. and even though it was an issue of standing and the united states supreme court decided the case on standing, the issue has been resolved. they have resolved it by saying that prop 8 violates the equal protection clause and it serves no purpose, other than to violate -- >> that's not what the supreme court said. >> that's exactly what supreme court said. >> they said there was no standing. >> and sent it back down to the ninth district court and you go back to the ninth district court. >> the ninth circuit court of appeals decision was vacated it wasn't back to the district
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court. >> that's the law of the land as of today. it says that it violates the equal protection -- >> jay, explain your thought. >> that's not what the -- look, let's talk about what the supreme court actually did. david boise says he did not get a nationwide decision. no matter what side of the debate you are on, you have to deal with the reality of what the supreme court decided. it does not go back to the ninth circuit district court. it vacated the ninth circuit court of appeals decision and david boise said one day this was the step on the road to maybe a constitutional right, but they would have to be finning it, it doesn't exist on the face of the constitution, more than that the court did not address liberal members of the court. >> jay, let me ask you a question. let me --
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>> look at the mistakes the court made. >> i thought scal scalia's dissent. he said hate your neighbor or come along with us, the truth is more complicated with that, and hard to admit one's political opponents are not monsters, really taking a hard line his fellow jurists. >> well, there is no question -- >> he did, and he did because the court is overstepping its authority to address the issue, period. >> take a look at one of the cases that justice roberts cited in the opinion. he says that they had to put aside their natural urge to settle the issue. they wanted to resolve this issue. ith my personal opinion they wanted to resolve this issue once and for all. >> all right. we'll run it from there. >> it won't address an issue,
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not just conservative justices, liberal and conservative saying we're not going to decide that issue because it's not properly before the court. >> according to the law and by law it says, and ruling today, law of the land, highest court of the lan said d said it vifole law. thank you, sean. like your tie. >> tonight, nik wallenda, my special guest. right here in studio. we'll show you that if you missed it. first, move over lois lerner. another irs official stonewalling congress himself and investigators. what is the administration hiding? we'll get to the bottom. michelle malkin, up next. trust calcium plus vitamin d to support strong bones. and the brand most recommended by... my doctor. my gynecologist.
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welcome back to"hannity." new developments with the irs. gregory roseman invoked the fifth amendment, refusing to answer questions during a house oversight committee hearing. >> on the advice of counsel, i invoke my fifth amendment privilege to remain silent. >> are you currently employed by the irs? >> mr. chairman, on the advice of counsel, i invoke my fifth amendment privilege to remain silent. >> flash back to lois lerner, but roseman questioned about helping a friend secure $500 million worth of irs contracts. this less than 48 hours before
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the same committee will vote on whether learn every waived constitutional protections before invoking her fifth amendment in may. these new claims by progressive groups that they were targeted by the irs are, in fact, false. if you were paying attention to the scandal, the inspector general report outlined very clearly the distinct ideological imbalance. the outsted irs commissioner admitted to targeting conservatives. michelle malkinus. number two fifth amendment, reaction? >> all it takes is one crack for a stonewall to crumble, and as farther as these obstructists, irs bureaucrats are working to keep the truth from the public,
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it won't pan out for them. the pressing and pressure that darrell issa and the house oversight and government reform economy are only a piece of it. we need continued vigilance and voices from the american people, the american taxpayers, not just people who are persecuted and those sympathetic to him -- to these groups, but anyone with a sense of decency or fairness. we need to get back to that. a couple months ago, before there were a lot of distractions and lies from progressives about what really happened, seems there was a break through in the american mainstream and a shared collective outrage on the part of larger american public about this witch hunting going on your honor the obama administration. >> and we also have in spite of the claim these were rogue agents in cincinnati, we've identified 12 straight areas
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where this was happening. doesn't that suggest it was institutionalized? >> of course. and all roads lead to washington, d.c. and all fingers at some point will lead straight to 1600 pennsylvania avenue. and the thing i know, and i'll address them directly, because i know they are out there. many rank and file irs agents, people who worked in enforcement, people who have worked and put years and years and decades into trying to do a good job, and it has to be done by somebody, people who have that sense of fairness that i talked about, who still may be very fearful about blowing the whistle, but are this close, and i would urge them to continue to come forward and seek out many of these nonprofit legal organizations that are providing protection, safe harbors, and representation for them to come forward and blow the whistle.
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>> what did you make -- we have this money-spending scandal, star trek, the dancing, money spent on wine, porn, baby clothes, diet pills. a good gig, $70 million in bonuses. >> yeah. when it rains, it pours, and i think the sense of justice within the organization, within the bowels. i know there are people who have witnessed so much of this fraud and so much of this political persecution and disgusted with what their bosses are doing. that's the hidden story here, the story that will be told, will come out about how many of these regional officers were forceded, oecoerced and orderedo do things they absolutely abhor. >> explain this through the prism what we learned this week. 76% of americans are living
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paycheck to paycheck. when you see that spending through that prism. does that make you mad? it makes me mad. >> it does and this is why those spin masters in d.c. and in obama's house, really ought to be trembling right now, because if the majority of americans can understand the basic abuses of government that have been going on on their dime, it shakes the core of this whole progressive nanny state and the blind trust that so many have had in government it goes beyond partisan lines. >> all right. michelle malkin, good to see you, thank you so much. >> you bet. >> there we go. still ahead, the man who dared to walk on a tightrope across the grand canyon without a safety harness joins me in studio. what death-defying stunt is next for the ined credible man? i will ask him, next.
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she was purported by prosecutors to be the star witness, but the highlights prove otherwise. our legal panel breaks it down. join us on honi most nights you get to vote for the video of the night, but not tonight. straight ahead. i use daily market commentary to improve my strategy. and my local scottrade office guides my learning every step of the way. because they know i don't trade like everybody. i trade like me. i'm with scottrade. (announcer) scottrade... ranked "highest in customer loyalty for brokerage and investment companies."
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day three of the george zimmerman murder trial. when the prosecution called their star witness to the stand, her testimony turned out to be less than impressive. rachele jentell, the last person to talk about trayvon the night of the shooting, talked about the cell phone conversation and even admits she lies. we had to bleep out several racial slurs and profanities. >> did you say anything back to
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him, or did he say anything back to you. >> yes. i asked him what the man looked like. and he said the man looked creepy white. a few of my neighbors [ bleep ]. >> and what did you say? >> okay. they are having trouble hearing you. take your time. >> creepy [ bleep ]. and then he said [ bleep ] and he's following me now, that plooep is still following me now. >> when you say the word oh, [ bleep ], pardon my language, who said that? >> trayvon. >> he said it to you? >> yes. >> and he said, pardon my language, [ bleep ], he said what? >> he said that [ bleep ] is behind me. >> did you end up lying about not going -- why you didn't go to the wake, the funeral?
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>> yes. >> all right. reaction from lapd detective mark fuhrman. the thing we can say, the "n" word, that trayvon was using that to describe george zimmerman, a creepy white cracker, all of these terms. did this help the prosecution today? >> i don't think this witness helped the prosecution, quite frankly. mumbling, bumbling, rolling her eyes, sighed, annoying, sitting in her seat. i don't think they prepped her in a way to be respectful to the court. >> she said at one point she wanted to leave. >> not a great witness for the state by any stretch of the imagination. she was there to say one thing. i heard his voice. that's his voice on the phone. it's martin's voice screaming for help. >> wait a minute, wait a minute, she said in the deposition it could be his voice screaming and today she changed the story it was his voice. >> that's right.
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>> pretty damning, no? >> that is damning. i think the defense attorneys did a good job. they stepped back, didn't go after her too much. she was digging her own grave, if you will. she lied about having gone to the hospital instead of the funeral. they have a lot of issues they can raise about credibility. and if the jury doesn't believe her, the state will have difficulty convicting zimmerman. >> mark fuhrman, the fact that she said in the deposition it could be his voice, then was called out on that, and they went through this whole rigmarole today, a readback of the deposition, and totally contradicted today what she said then. is she credible? >> well, she's obviously lost credibility as far as that statement is concerned, and look at other things she's lied about. i can understand the hospital situation, but the -- the lying about her age, the change in
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this statement. >> age, funeral? >> the age is beneficial to the prosecution now. it's more beneficial and it fits more into their case, and if this is their star witness, it's a long way down off the mountain. >> all right. this question of whether or not she said it is his voice today, but earlier she said it could be his voice. i interviewed george zimmerman, and i asked him, who is screaming on that recording? the neighbor recording that, and hear the screams in the background. this is his answer. >> we heard the screams on the one recording from a neighbor calling the police, and there's been some dispute whose voice that is. was that your voice screaming, or trayvon martin's voice screaming? >> that was my voice screaming. >> that was your voice? >> absolutely. >> his voice is a high voice, and one of the neighbors were saying i am not so sure which voice it was, it was a high
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voice. and the defense will come back and say that was zimmerman's voice. his voice is high. they will have a clear dance on this, sean. the witness today did not support the prosecution enough to refute are. reasonable doubt. >> the lacerations in the back of the head, the busted up most nose. >> zimmerman has a solid defense which is why he's going to trial. he wouldn't be in the courtroom at this point. we haven't seen all of the state's evidence either. other witnesses will say -- >> this is the star witness supposedly. >> anyone who tries case will tell you you don't know what will happen until are you in the courtroom. >> mark fuhrman, you have seen a lot of injuries. the injuries george zimmerman has with his nose, lacerations in the back of the head. you don't get lacerations by falling down on the cement.
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his head was pounded on the back of the commeement. >> i disagree. you do get lacerations to the back of your head when you fullback on concrete. it's happened to me. >> what about the nose? >> this has to do with his experience and what he believed was happening to him and how grave it was. but i want to say something about the yelling. in a court of law, the reasonable man test is what the jury is actually presented with. so you have contradictory testimony that actually gives you let's say equal amount of testimony. george zimmerman will get up and say i was yelling, that was me. but reasonably, is the guy on top delivering the blows yelling help, or is the guy on the bottom, receiving the blows yelling help? they've already established today trayvon martin was on top,
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the best witness today for the prosecution did one thing. put trayvon mart you knin of ge zimmerman. >> can they prove beyond a reasonable doubt that his life wasn't in jeopardy? >> it will be a difficult burden for the state to meet. >> i agree with you. i don't see them meeting that burr, without any witnesses, yeah, all right. >> and this case is about zimmerman's testimony. >> overcharged from the beginning as prosecutors always do. when we come back, you will love this. 13 million people saw this man walk across that tightrope, around the grand canyon, we'll show him next and you'll meet him next. ♪
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welcome back to "hannity." over 13 million people tubed in to watch nik wallenda do a death-defying on walk across the fwrand c grand canyon. deall of this without a safety harness. take a look. >> that's a view there, buddy. praise god, this is awesome. praise you, god. praise you, jesus. oh! >> all right. just incredible.
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roughly the length of four football fields in length, again, without a net. joining me is the author of "balance: the story of faith, family, and life on the line." nik wallenda, nice to meet you. i get sick at the thought of this. congratulations. >> thank you so much. >> do you ever get nervous? >> i respect what i do deeply. i get butterflies, i think any great enter taber gets butterflies. it's important to get that level of respect. >> you have that edge. you trained how old were you? >> 2 years old. by 4 i was on my own. >> so this was obviously an amazing task that you were able to complete here, when you are up there, do you look down? >> i do. absolutely. >> i would get seasick looking
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down. >> the clip you just showeded, walking over the edge, what an amazing view. completely breath taking. i love that part of my job. the sights that i see that no one has ever been there. >> you lost family members, including your great grandfather. >> my great grandfather and several other family members. my great grandfather is the only one who lost his life in a walk similar to this. 73 years old. a double hernia, and an injured collar bone and honestly, shouldn't have been on the wire. if he was in the right physical condition, he wouldn't have lost his life. >> you think he was doing it when he was too old. >> no matter what we're doing, if we're over new york city or the grand canyon, that doesn't matter, that wire is always there for me to reach down and grab. >> explain that to me. even in the worst-case scenario, gust of wind, what happens?
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>> i would go down to the safety of the wire, the balance pole, we walk on sidewalks all the time. 60-mile-an-hour winds won't knock you down. the pole gives me a lower center of gravity, i can adjust, give me plenty of time. anything i couldn't control, i would go down to the safety of the wire. if the wire moving too much your honor the feet that's what i do. >> i fell 3 1/2 stories off a roof. when i look down, i want to pull back. why do so many have a fear of heights. >> you call it fear, i call it respect. and i go on top of a skyscraper, and i look and say i don't want to go down there, but i've trained my whole life not to come off that wire, and people really don't understand, no matter the height. the height always the same. >> a lot of people wrought up the issue, you brought up your faith, not only in the book but
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the walk over the grand canyon. a lot of national attention. more about that. and your kids do that too? >> they all walk the wire, not professionally. >> think they might go professional? >> i doubt it. not looking that way. >> walk across new york, chrysler building to the empire state building? >> that's the dream. >> that's your dream? >> it is. >> more with the incredible nik wallenda, when we return on "hannity." a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. celebrex can be taken with or without food. and it's not a narcotic.
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with whatever they do. they are definitely not mentally ready to do something like this. >> i love e ed eval knievel. they are watching to see if you will fall. >> no question. and if i were on the other side a very faithful person. write about it in the work. the book "balance: a story of faith, family, and life on the line."
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now having met you i feel differently. you feel you have your safety net, and that's grabbing the wire. >> that's correct. that's my safe haven. >> didn't realize that. a lot of people say god gave you this life and you put it on the line. >> god has given me a very unique talent, and i use it to give glory to him. i don't believe god holds me on the wire. it's not like i'm saying, god, hold me up here so i don't fall. god gave me the talent, it's up to me to prepare for it. >> one comment, jesus, god, thank you for getting me through a wind moment. i forget exactly. >> thank you for calming the winds. absolutely. in my belief, god created this universe and he's in control of those winds. >> for a short period of time peter did walk on the water and his faith sunk him quick. >> don't turn your eyes from
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jesus and you will stay on top of the water. >> is that the platform, that you want to get your message of faith out? >> it comes out sort of naturally to be honest. if that mike wasn't on me, nothing would change. they just happened to mike me and that's why the world knows about it. that's where i find my peace is the bible. people can't understand i slept in the car as i was driving out to the canyon, i wasn't the one driving, i was sleeping the whole way there. my wife woke me up, are you on in 45 minutes. >> if you had fear, you wouldn't be able to do it. >> fear makes it extremely dangerous. some people on the wire that are fearful of it. and their day comes real quick. they are so scare, they overreact, and they can't control themselves on the wire. >> that's fascinating. i guess people, we will always love that person that takes it right to the very edge and i'm glad you made it, good luck to you get to walk the empire state building to the chrysler
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building. thank you for being us with. all the time left this eek. as always, thanks for being with us. let not your heart be troubled. greta next to go on the record. we'll see balk here tomorrow morning. tonight, trayvon martin's friend says she heard this. >> kin of heard trayvon saying, get off, get off. >> then what did you hear? >> suddenly the phone hung up. shut off. >> a live report from the florida measure trial, but, first, absolutely staggering news. another irs official plead the fifth. >> the committee will come to order. >> our report, we believe shows a cozy relationship between strong castle's president and the irs deputy director for information technology acquisitions, gregg roseman,


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