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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  June 27, 2013 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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mean little kitty. >> shoving him down the stairs. >> everybody have a great day. "fox & friends" -- while she laughs i'll say goodbye -- starts right now. >> good morning. today is thursday, june 27. i'm alison camerota in for gretchen. prosecutors say it was a well-planned execution. nfl star aaron hernandez charged with murder in the death of his friend. >>steve: another i.r.s. official stonewalling the american people by taking the fifth in front of congress. he's also got a $500 million reason perhaps for staying silent. wait till you hear this. >> does this look like a weapon of mass destruction to you? it's a push to ban sparklers from your 4th of
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july -- no more sparklers on the 4th of july because terrorists might use them. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪ >>steve: forget about the mission impossible movie. i remember the actual tv show. >> i'm an old soul. i do know that show but didn't grow up with it. >>alisyn: how come you're the odd man out. >> how does it feel to be outnumbered? >>steve: gretchen and brian are off. >>alisyn: while you have you wee sleeping an f-16 went down during routine training in arizona. the student pilot and his
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instructor on board managed to eject. this photo shows the men walking away from the scene minutes after the crash. no word on why the jet went down but witnesses say they heard the engine sputtering before the crash. airline food is known known -- isn't known for being very good and now is being blamed for making 16 people very ill. passengers started throwing up on a flight from istanbul to new york city. investigators are looking into whether the chicken they ate is the culprit. after six days of being held hostage by his own employees, an american executive is finally free. this is brand-new video at chip starnes leaves his factory in china. his workers held him captive until they gave him severance packages like the ones he laid off.
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those employees are not being fired. >> it is not right but i don't know what else to do at this point in time. >>alisyn: starnes on a flight out of china bound for the united states. governor rick perry announced a second special session of the texas legislature. this is set for monday after a 13-hour filibuster by a democratic lawmaker, republicans were able to pass the abortion bill but it was later declared dead because some votes came after the midnight deadline. the measure would ban abortions after the 20th week of pregnancy. those are your headlines. >>steve: big news on the cover of the new york post today. deadly play. patriot star arrested for pal's murder. nfl star hernandez charged with murder. they call him a hit man. he was arrested yesterday and charged with first-degree murder, also illegal possession of a firearm. he had a large-capacity firearm. >> you said former nfl star.
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the new england patriots were waiting for this to unfold. they didn't wait for roger goodell to suspend him. they cut him after about two hours after he had been formerly charged with murder. he's done. >>alisyn: prosecutors establish a motive or what they believe is a motive. they say two days before odin lloyd, the victim, was shot to death, he and hernandez went to a boston bar and apparently hernandez was angry that his friend lloyd was talking to some of his enemies. he didn't like the group of guys that odin lloyd was talking to, and so two days later, according to prosecutors, he called in some hit men basically from connecticut to drive to boston, and they at 3 a.m. picked up odin lloyd and drove around with him. he was so nervous -- the victim -- in the car, he knew something terrible or suspicious at least was going to happen that he sent some a large text messages to his sister. >>steve: the text
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messages said, among other things, justice so you know, i'm with hernandez right now. then a little while later according to the prosecution, mr. hernandez and confederates stood over this guy and shot him to death. the cops asked him for his cell phone and tapes from his alarm system but he tried to destroy it. the day they found this guy's body, he called in the maids to clean up all the evidence. >> clean up the evidence at his house or anything around the home. the family of course outraged of this slain individual who says that his body was just tossed in a garbage dump like a piece of trash and that they hope he gets what's coming to hip. >>alisyn: he's also being sued by another former friend who says he was shot. this former friend lost an eye in a shooting incident, and he says that it was intentional at the hands of aaron hernandez.
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he's had some trouble in the past with the law. he's had a history of violence. now he's in custody. >> and he just signed a contract extension. $40 million contract extension with the new england patriots. just absolutely -- yeah. what a turn for him. >>steve: and a $12.5 million signing bonus. crazy. speaking of a lot of money, the i.r.s. handles a lot of hours. the mess just got greater. that guy is greg roseman, an i.r.s. deputy director. he took the fifth yesterday a number of times. this was not regarding the targeting of conservatives. instead this was a hearing into questionable contracting practices at the i.r.s. the reason this guy would not answer the questions was because apparently this seemed as if he steered the largest contracts in the history of the i.r.s. to somebody who is a friend of his. a fellow by the name of castillo, president of
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strong castle inc. one of the ways mr. cast mr. castillo got half a million dollars worth of contracts was he claimed a minority program which gave disabled vets contracting, this guy claimed etches -- disabled and said he had an injury back in the day. turns out the injury was he twisted his ankle at the u.s. prep academy. that was it. he went on to play football in high school and in college. and when tammy duckworth, who is a double amputee from the iraq war who sat across the table from mr. castillo, she is sitting there with no legs and she is angry that he is using the fact that he twisted his angle in high school to get this half a billion dollars. here's an exchange. it's so powerful. >> did you injure that same
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foot again subsequently in the years since you twisted it in prep school? >> not to my recollection. >> do you view the 30% rating that the pain and scars is accurate to the pain pain, that the v.a. is accurate? >> yes, i do. >> my right arm was essentially blown off and reattached. i spent a year with over a dozen surgeries over that time period. in fact, we thought we would lose my arm and i'm still in danger of possibly losing my arm. i can't feel it. i can't feel three fingers. my disability rating for that arm is 20%. shame on you, mr. castillo. you may not have broken any law. we're not sure yet. you did represent to the s.b.a. but you broke the trust to the v.a. and broke the trust of veterans.
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veterans are waiting for an average of 230 day for initial disability rating. it is because of people like you who are gaming system so young men and women who are suffering from post traumatic stress cannot get the help they need. twisting your ankle in high school is not defending this nation. >> gaming the system is what it is to try to gain some sort of monetary advantage so you're awarded a special contract. she went on to say i'm sorry twisting your ankle in high school has come to hurt you in such a painful way. 20-some odd years later they file to get this preferential treatment. >> she was so even keeled. she wasn't yelling. she was saying my arm after i sacrificed for this country gives me a 20% rating. that is some sort of
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tax-exempt category. and your twisted ankle which you played football on later throughout college is 30%. the crazy -- you know, it shows our system, these strange tax exemptions you can get for false claims. >>steve: in addition to the fact that he said that he, you know, was using that system with the disabled vets, also apparently what he did was he claimed that his company was in a disadvantaged area when in fact the top two executives for the company -- he and his wife -- live in the wealthy virginia suburbs. what he did was he rented an office in china town which was within the designated area that would be qualified for that, and what did he do? he hired a bunch of kids from catholic university because that was also within the designated area. and if they would not live in that area, he would fire them. so he was able to claim that particular thing.
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>>alisyn: he's crafty at getting some of these strange loopholes that he can take advantage of. >> the i.r.s. is crafty for coming up with these lavish conferences. i didn't think they could top themselves with the crazy videos, the star trek video, the gilligan's island retreat, the dancing competition. now we're getting another lavish conference from the i.r.s. >>alisyn: they're spending lots of money at a very high-end hotel in atlanta. this is from a 2008 conference. this is before the obama administration. in other words, this sort of abuse has been going on for a long time at the i.r.s. they went to the marriott hotel in atlanta. they didn't have to go to such a fancy hotel. they had $140 dinners, fancy wine wolfgang puck catered it. fancy hors d'oeuvres, open bar. it cost -- it was
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incredibly expensive. now that we look back at this, it's funny, michele bachmann said i don't recall having these sorts of perks and lavish atmosphere when i was at the i.r.s. listen to what she had to say. >> let me tell you about one conference i went to when i was an i.r.s. lawyer. it was in florida and it was in august. it was in cinder block buildings. there was no air conditioning. there were no frills. my, how times have changed. it's a very different culture obviously over there now. >> employees are taking a government credit card and they know what they're doing and they're putting purchases on a government credit card for wine, for pornography? anybody knows that's wrong. that's why, yes, we are under the realm of criminal. remember, these are the enforcers of the law. when it comes to the i.r.s., the taxpayer is guilty until they prove themselves innocent. >>steve: such a good point, because the i.r.s. has unquestioned authority
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over us, and yet who has had authority and oversight over them? nobody. until now apparently. >> let us know what you think about this. friends at fox you bailed them out. now general motors is taking the fifth south of the border creating jobs in mexico of all place. stuart varney is coming. watch out. >>alisyn: the push to ban sparklers on the 4th of july because terrorists might use them. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy.
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when you experience something great, you want to share it. with everyone. that's why more customers recommend verizon, america's largest 4g lte network.
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do not drive,perate machinery or do unsafe tasks until you ow how toviaz affects you. the most common side effects are dry mouth and constipation. talk to your doctor about toviaz. >> you haven't heard much about this. you bailed out general motors but instead creating jobs in the united states, it's ramping up operations in all places -- mexico, spending $691 million on factories south of the border. stuart varney is not happy about this. what's going on here? >> taxpayers will not be happy. we still have got $20 billion in general motors. the union is not happy. they're seeing jobs exported outside the united states. what's going on here? if general motors wants to slit the leash, wants to get away from government control.
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it wants to be more efficient. it wants to make money. and the way to do that, it thinks, is head south of the border, gets away from union pay scales, get away from union work rules. get down to mexico, expand cheaply and put the jobs down there, not here. there's a lot of outrage about this. >>clayton: we bailed them out. taxpayers, if we want jobs if the united states, still suffering through this slow period in recovery. we're seeing construction jobs ticking back up, other sectors picking up a little bit but not seeing the robust growth we need. wouldn't a new plant, new jobs, new factory in this country be what we need? >> of course. you can go to mexico. that's what they've done. you could have built in a union state. could have done that. or third option, you could have gone to a right-to-work state. north carolina. do you think president obama would like to see government motors, a company he bailed out, take jobs to a right-to-work state? >>clayton: we saw that with boeing.
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not going to happen. what recourse do we have as taxpayers? >> you have none. here's the recourse. if general motors makes money, becomes more efficient, becomes more profitable, the stock price should rise. it should rise, or may rise to the point where we get our money back. maybe taxpayers should be cheering this on if they get their money back some years down the road. >>clayton: instead of opening factories and pouring money outside this country, it would be nice to start paying off your debt. you don't go buy more things before you pay off your credit card. >> the way to do that is to get the stock price up. the way to get the stock price up is to get more efficient and make more money. then you can start paying people back. >>clayton: all right. >> not all right. thank you for the promo. 9:15 till 12:00 noon. we'll take it. >>clayton: coming up, they are the most wanted terrorists in the world but you won't be seeing their faces on these billboards anymore because it's
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racist. we report, you decide. our wounded warriors back in the game because of this awesome wheelchair. we'll test it out when we come back. ♪ there's a new way to fight litter box odor. introducing tidy cats with glade tough odor solutions. two trusted names, one amazing product.
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>>alisyn: back to quick headlines. texas executed its 500th inmate last night since reinstating the death penalty in 1982. he was convicted in the 1997 murder of her elderly neighbor. she is the first woman put to death in the united states in three years. two more companies cutting ties with paula deen after she admitted using a racial slur. wal-mart will stop selling
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her products and caesar's entertainment stripped her name from its buffet restaurant. let's go outside to steve. >>steve: thank you, aly. just because they can't walk doesn't mean they can't hunt. our next guests figured out a way to get our wounded warriors back in the hunting game. clark osborne created this custom wheelchair and sergeant first class jay roberts is the first one to ride in it. they both join us live. good morning to both of you. sergeant, when you were injured, you felt what about your mobility? >> you're stuck. you're stuck to hard surfaces, you know, level surfaces mostly. and i got to the point where i was comfortable with that. then i saw a track chair and i knew i had to have one. it's a game changer. >>steve: clark, your organization sponsored hunts with wounded warriors in the past. you were having some problems with the mobility until you saw one of these things? >> these guys, they've got
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such heart. you've got ramps on concrete but when you get out in grass, mud or dirt, there's so many mobility issues that there had to be something better. >>steve: when you first realized that this was perfect to go hunting in? hunting was something you had done your whole life. you missed it, and now you can do it again? >> absolutely. i bought the chair out of pocket about a year and a half ago and just -- it got me back into the game fully, more than i was before. i was still hunting but it was getting dropped off somewhere. with a track chair you can go in the soft -- that's the big thing -- soft ground. >>steve: we're looking at video now. i think that's from the episode that airs tonight? >> tonight 9:30 eastern on the sportsman channel. american outdoor adventures. >>steve: a lot of people are familiar with the track chair through bill o'reilly talking about it. the independent fund tries to get together the money to buy these chairs. they are expensive but they can change your life.
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could you give us a test ride and show us what a track chair can do. these things cost about how much? >> anywhere -- right now on the market, $12,000 to $15,000. that's what we're working on to get that cost down so we can get more people in chairs for the same amount of money. >>steve: unlike a regular wheelchair, this stuff can do all sorts of stuff over all sorts of terrain. >> exactly. we were three quarters of a mile through waist high grass. you couldn't do that in a regular chair. there is no way. >>steve: jay, the feeling of independence, the feeling of freedom with this chair is something you felt helpless without for awhile until you got one? >> it's not just helpless. you're confined to a certain, a certain type of terrain. this just opens everything back up to whatever you'd like to do. you can go to the beach. you can't go to the beach in a manual wheelchair. you'd sink.
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>> go on hiking trails or whatever. go fishing. >> try to get a wheelchair by a pond. >>steve: it is changing some lives. you're a good man for doing that and you're a good man for joining us. thank you very much. next up on the rundown for the very first time we're getting a look at the n.s.a. leaker's hideout. we're going to take you inside his moscow airport home. then it's time to wake up and workout. anna is going to show you how to get a better body by hangin' ten. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] it's simple physics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day
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or trouble breathing. tell your doctor your medical history. and find an arthritis treatment for you. visit and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion.
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[music playing] >>clayton: shot of the morning. it's washington's running of the intern. here they are making a mad dash to deliver the doma decision to reporters. it's the intern's responsibility to rush paper rulings from the steps of the supreme court to the press some 300 feet away. here's the problem. they race these decisions out to the live reporters on the street. it's not like the front page says okay, this is the ruling. they got to read through it. it's very complicated. so the running to it could
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actually be the shortest part of figuring out what the decision was. >>steve: don't they know about e-mail. >>clayton: run for coffee this morning. >>steve: splash! >>alisyn: let's get to your headlines. it might not be the ritz but better than a jail cell. for the first time we take you inside n.s.a. leaker edward snowden's hideout at moscow's airport. he left hong kong last weekend to seek asylum in ecuador but officials there say it could take months to process his request. snowden is reportedly living in a transit zone hotel room similar to the one pictured here. according to russian president vladimir putin, he is out of reach of russian law. >>steve: chilling new information about the situation in benghazi from the diary entries of
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ambassador chris stevens. he reportedly warned of never-ending security threats in his final entry in his diary on september 11, the same day that he and three other americans were murdered. stevens allegedly wrote about him being the target of an eus slammist hit list -- islamist hit list but he was hopeful for the people of libya. the diary published by a special operations website despite his family's request not to do it. but they did it. >>clayton: sorry, kids, your 4th of july celebration losing its spark thanks to new york city mayor michael bloomberg. he wants to ban the sale of sparklers because terrorists can use them. bloomberg pushing a veto around the 4th of july and christmas saying they can get into the hands of the enemy. in 2010 a terrorist used a firecracker in his failed attempt to blow up his car.
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firecrackers contain gun powder. sparklers do not. >>alisyn: racist or reality? the f.b.i. pulling a terror ad in seattle buses and billboards, the faces of global terrorism. this ad shows pictures of 16 men on the f.b.i.'s most wanted terrorist list. it drew fire for stereotyping muslims. the f.b.i. agreed saying they could increase the risk of muslim hate crimes. ew weeks and taken down reportedly be replaced with ads for rewarding the state department's reward for justice program. >>steve: 26 minutes before the top of the hour. maria molina is outside today. she's got a special guest. >> a very special guest. joe mcamee. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. good to be here. >> you're the winner of the community food bank of new jersey charity contest. it was basically the prize was to be able to be here with us on fox news and be
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on "fox & friends"; correct? >> that is correct. >> you're a fox news fan. who is your favorite anchor? >> a tough one. i'd probably have to say bill o'reilly. >> that's a popular one. sorry, guys. [buzzer sounding] >> sorry, guys. bill o'reilly. >> a tough choice. >> how old are you? >> 21. >> where do you go to school? >> western michigan university. >> what are you studying? >> premed to be a physician. >> you're going to med school. that's very, very impressive. you're going to be doing the weather with us. i want to point out that the reason why you decided to join this contest, this charity contest, was because of superstorm sandy; right? >> yes. >> you wanted to volunteer but you weren't able to travel? >> yeah. at the time the people in the sandy area did not want us to come. it was too chaotic. i thought the best way to help would be by raising
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charity money. >> here we are full circle and now you're going to be doing the weather report on fox news channel. you wanted to start out with your hometown of monroe, michigan. you can see the graphic over this. you can see showers and thunderstorms. go ahead. >> yes. so we have 50%, 60% chance of rainstorms with high temperatures all around, about 81 on thursday -- 83 on thursday. 81 on friday and 77 sa*fplt >> what are the low temperatures going to be? >> 66 on thursday, 64 on friday and 63 on saturday. >> people should have their umbrellas handy; right? >> definitely. >> over in monroe, michigan, where you'll be seeing showers and storms. joe, thank you so much. you did great. now head over to anna. how are you doing? >> surf's up, everybody. we're doing a new workout called surf set. i'm here now with the
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creator. how are you? we can do some squats? >> we're squatting on this surf board, for the core. i'll show you three moves. >> i've got to introduce my girl lacy peterson, this 18-year-old professional surfer, u.s. open world champion from last year. this is a great workout for you to do. we've got amazing video of her. she's in a movie called zero to one hundred. let's show some of that. what are the different kinds of classes you do for surf set? >> balance, build, burn and legs. let's do the first move. we're going to start with a blend. we're going to come all the way down. we're going to do a popup. like a surfer going to catch a wave, start with our arms out reaching forward. we're going to pop up and ride the wave. three, two, one, go. pop up.
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[screaming] >> perfect. >> how awesome are these moves? can we do it again? >> this is probably the closest you're going to get to it. >> there's maria molina working it too. >> this is great. you say the classes are between $25 and $30 at your studios and you can burn between 400 and 900 calories? >> depending on the class. i'll show you a cardio move that will be a little bit faster. you want to come all the way down. this is how we're going to torc that, get that six-pack. bring the knees in. and we're running, a wave runner. we're using the core here, the board dropping side to side, breathing. right from here, a strength move that we can go to is a push-up. bring it all the way down.
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this is from our build class, building lean muscles. one more. >> what's next? >> let's try a hard one. come all the way up. surfing is a lot about balance. balance is important as you get older. >> clearly i don't have a lot of that. >> we're going to try to put our left foot in the middle of the board and we're going to try to walk through the water. we call these water walkers. are you ready? >> ready as i'll ever be. there we go. >> it's a lot of about the core, maintaining your balance. >> do you do some of this? because a lot of our viewers are in landlocked states and they can't surf like you do. is this something that true surfers do? >> yeah. again, it's hard to get the exact surf feeling but this is about as close as you can get while being on land, i think. i actually have a piece of surf deck at my house so i
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get to use it a lot. it's a great opportunity. >> coming up you're headed to friends? >> next week. >> then you're the 2012 u.s. open world champion but in a couple of weeks you've got that coming up again. how are you feeling about that? are you good? >> it's good. we have the u.s. open coming up end of july in huntington beach which should be super fun. >> good luck. i love your story. you didn't start until you were about 12 years old. congratulations to you. check her out on i-tunes. her movie is on d.v.d., "zero to 100." where can we find out more information about surf deck? >> [applause] >>alisyn: you look great. >>steve: she is showing off. >>alisyn: that is not easy but it's easier on
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land. >>steve: standing crouched is harder on land than wobbling on a surf board? >>alisyn: i think so. >>steve: we're going to stay on the couch. straight ahead, country star ronnie dunn forced to outrun the tornado down in moore, oklahoma, in his tour bus. now he's teaming up with other country stars to help the victims. he is going to be joining us live in just a couple of minutes. >>alisyn: we just told you about another i.r.s. official pleading the fifth. will we ever get answers? and what happens next? the judge is standing by. ♪ ♪ ♪
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to benefit cancer research i rode across the atlantic. crossing an ocean with your body as the motor, it hurts. so i brought advil to help me stay strong during the toughest journey of my life. [ male announcer ] paul ridley had a choice of pain relievers, but he chose advil. because nothing is stronger on tough pain. nothing. not tylenol. not aleve. [ paul ] when people are counting on me to come through, my answer is advil. [ male announcer ] real people. real pain. real relief. advil. relief in action.
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when you experience something great, you want to share it. with everyone. that's why more customers recommend verizon, america's largest 4g lte network. >>steve: dramatic moments yesterday during the murder trial of george zimmerman as trayvon martin's friend, a key witness, described the final moments of his life. we're live outside the court in sanford, florida. good morning. >> rachel, 19 years old, she's considered the star witness for the prosecution. she was the last person on the phone with trayvon martin just moments before he was shot and killed that february night. yesterday she took the stand with emotional
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testimony, starting off very strong. she told jurors that she actually heard martin describe zimmerman as a creepy man. she said she heard the two confront one another with words before the shooting took place and that she heard martin scream "get off! get off! " moments before the shooting took place. it was during defense cross-examination that she started to falter a little bit. the defense was trying to poke holes in her story and label her as a noncredible witness. they say she's been inconsistent throughout. initially she said she was 16. she is actually 19 years old. she initially lied about why she did not attend martin's funeral. they are trying to use this to label her as a noncredible witness. she is back on the stand this morning at 9 a.m. >>steve: thank you. now this. >> i respectfully decline to answer any questions and invoke my fifth amendment privilege to remain silent. >>alisyn: another i.r.s. official, greg roseman,
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refusing to answer questions about allegedly helping a friend win $500 million in agency contracts. so is there any way to make employees tell us what they know? let's ask fox news senior judicial analyst judge andrew napolitano. hi, judge. >> good morning. >>alisyn: can people just plead the fifth in front of a congressional panel forever? >> generally, yes, but this is an employee-employer relationship. let's say our boss mr. ailes wants to ask you questions about what you did here and you attempt to plead the fifth. that doesn't work. he can fire you because he and fox news are not regulated or controlled by the fifth amendment. the fifth amendment only controls the government. it controls the government as government but also as employer. >>alisyn: in other words, everything greg roseman and lois lerner have done so far is legal? >> they cannot be fired for refusing to answer questions put to them by their employer, whether it
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is somebody who runs the i.r.s. or whether it is an investigator from the congress because she's protected as an employee by the fifth amendment. >>alisyn: how do congressional investigators ever get to the bottom? >> they have to get the congress to vote her, lois lerner, or this fellow we just showed, or whoever they believe has the most information that can lead them to others that can tell them what happened, vote that person immunity. once you are voted immunity, you don't have the right to claim the fifth amendment and then you are required to answer. if you don't answer, a judge will put you in jail until you do answer. you can be fired for not answering. >>alisyn: if you give that person immunity in order to get more information, you can't prosecute that person? >> you can't prosecute that person on the basis of the information that person gives you. you can prosecute that person on any other independent evidence you generate about that person. alisyn, as a lot of people watching know, law enforcement does this all the time.
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there's ten people involved in a bank robbery. they catch one of them. they cut a deal with that person, he squeals on the other nine. basically that's what you're going to have to do here with the i.r.s. otherwise we're going to be watching all summer while the people we have given the power to take our property away from us in order to fund the government refused to tell us how they did it. >>alisyn: that's a different soap opera than the one i like. it's called "as the stomach turns." >> you look as if you've been spending more time in the sun at the beach than watching soap operas. >>alisyn: thank you, judge. kicked out by a deranged man but this canine dog still honored to take down this man. now he's being honored as no dog has been honored before. that awesome story ahead. the twister was headed for his tour bus. ronnie dunn managed to outrun the tornado, but so many others were not that lucky. up next, what the country star is doing to help those folks out. ♪ ♪ hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios ♪
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has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. there's a new way to fight litter box odor. what's the rush? introducing tidy cats with glade tough odor solutions. two trusted names, one amazing product.
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>> clayton: it has been less than a month since some of the strongest tornadoes on record tore through central oklahoma, killing dozenses of people and wiping out homes. >> steve: while the state tries to get back on its feet, hundreds have reached out to help. many in the music industry are play ago concert for next week. country music icon ronnie dunn is one of those people and joinses from nashville. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> steve: let's take you back to the day of the tornado. you just woke up in your tour bus behind a cracker barrel restaurant and what was the news? >> it was a rare occasion for my wife and i. we had a place to stay.
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we were traveling from there back to nashville. just jumped on the bus because the weather looked sketchy on the planes. a lot of times you get delayed in different places. just by happenstance, woke up in shawnee, oklahoma. that's where the tornado had hit the sunday, actually the day before the one that hit moore. and we were waiting fort driver to rest and the sky got really dark and i kind of looked outside and people were standing in parking lots look at the sky. in oklahoma, that's a bad sign. i had my phone synced up to my maps. i put it in the window to see, first of all, where i was. i didn't know i was in oklahoma. it showed i was in shawnee and showing it was south of moore. i turned on the weather channel and it was saying that you have like 15 minutes to take shelter. so i kind of real quickly ran
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back and woke my driver up. it's hitting moore now, which is north of us. he looked at my phone and he said, no, your phone is upside down. it's headed our way. >> clayton: you drove almost a parallel path to the storm. we see these pictures of devastation now. within a few minute, you started seeing on facebook and twitter, the ceo of verizon wanted to do something about this. >> he's a friend of mine through other friends and he saw one of the post. i keep my computers and stuff on in the bus all the time to have something to do. he fired back real quick and said, hey, get kicks from brooks & dunn and let's go fix this thing, get in the middle of it. that kind of started the ball rolling. it probably wasn't five minutes after that that i got a call from some of the people associated with wal-mart asking me to do a concert. i said, i'm not worth 100
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tickets right now, let me make some phone calls to some friends. >> alisyn: you got sort of all star studded line - up. we have the pictures here of some of the friends you just happened to call. tell us what you put together for the relief concert. >> it was a hail mary. i called garth and he said, i'm in. that's toby keith's hometown, moore. he said let's follow toby's lead. so i called toby. said, hey, garth is in to do this. he said cool. i'll give him a call. we started calling other people and bringing people in to underwrite and help with the expenses. we went to the oklahoma football stadium. i think we sold out in a couple of hours. at this stage, we're a month afterwards and it's more about morale at this point. there is still people in tents outside their homes. >> steve: it's a great thing what you're doing and the concert is july 6. you're going to raise a lot of
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money and we thank you very much for joining us to tell your story. >> alisyn: thanks so much. >> thanks for the time. thank you. >> clayton: more "fox & friends" in two minutes. we'll be right back. what a night, huh? but, um, can the test drive be over now? head back to the dealership? oh, yeah. [ malannouncer ] it's practically yours. [ wife ] sorry. [ male announcer ] but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a passat. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down, $0 due at signing, $0 deposit, and $0 first month's payment on any new volkswagen. visit today. ♪ right. but the most important feature of all is... the capital one purchase eraser. i can redeem the double miles i earned with my venture card to erase recent travel purchases. d with a few clicks, this mission never happened. uh, what's this button do?
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>> alisyn: today is thursday, june 27. i'm alisyn camerota in for gretchen this morning. prosecutors call it a coordinated execution. nfl star aaron hernandez charged with murder. the disturbing new details moments away. >> clayton: another irs official stone walling the american people by pleading the fifth. his $500 million reason for staying quiet. >> steve: and want a keep your job? then don't dress like this. >> melissa, i need you to come in here and go to a meeting for me this morning. never mind. i'll go. >> steve: don't stand like that. we've got the dos and dewpoints of office attire.
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"fox & friends" hour two for this thursday starts right now. she threw me. ♪ dream on ♪ dream on ♪ >> alisyn: good morning, everyone. we have your dream bed on set this morning. you are looking at the world's most expensive bed. >> clayton: you were very kind to bring it and donate it this morning. very nice of you. >> steve: the royal bed came from an exhibit celebrating the 16th and 17th centuries. it honors the 60th anniversary of queen elizabeth. it cost $175,000. but the way they figure it out is it's going to last for 25 years and when you do the math, it comes down to $20 a night. is it worth a good night's sleep? we're going to take it for a
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test drive, such as you can on a morning show coming up. >> alisyn: all three of us? >> steve: a picture. >> clayton: if i had a picture of your bedroom, that's what it would look like. >> alisyn: i wish that were my bed. you know, the security guard isn't looking, i might be able to wheel that down fifth avenue home. stay tuned for that. let's get to your headlines. a lot of news, including this breaking news. these photos were snapped moments after the crash. the student pilot and his instructor ejected moments before. this shows the men walking away from the scene minutes after the crash. no word on why the jet went down, but witnesses say they heard the engine sputtering before the crash. airline food is being eyed for making 15 people sick to their stomach.
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the passengers started throwing up on a delta flight from istanbul to new york city. health inspectors are investigating whether the chicken was the culprit. the passengers all declined to be taken to the hospital afterwards. late last night, texas executed its 500th inmate since reinstating the death penalty in 1982. kimberly mccarthy was convicted in the 1997 murder of her elderly neighbor. she is the first woman put to death in the u.s. in three years. texas has executed 40% of all death row inmates since 1976. it's the first of its kind. nypd police dog injured in the line of duty returning to a hero's welcome. getting a standing ovation. a deranged woman kicked out his teeth, but the heroic german shepherd was able to still chomp down on the suspect's foot and hold on until she was cuffed. he's expected to be back on the crime beat in about two weeks. those are your headlines.
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>> steve: that's great. right now a live look in africa where president obama's joint press conference has just begun. we had a live shot just a moment ago. but of course, the president has a very busy couple of days. famously, we know the trip is costing about $100 million. >> clayton: we'll try to get that satellite in. we have it now. it is live. it's back up. >> steve: wendell goler is following it from the white house. >> the president and the african president making statements before taking a couple of questions. the first step on mr. obama's week long trip which is also scheduled to take into south africa and tanzania. trade and investment is the main topic. but nelson mandela's health is likely to have an impact. it's likely to affect the schedule. the two planned a meeting. now officials say that's uncertain. it will be up to mandela's
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family to decide whether it happens. the fight not guilty syria and the political fight in washington over how to respond to it appear to have poisoned mr. obama's foreign policy poll numbers. in a fox news poll, 66% disagree with his decision to send weapons to syrian rebels. he had been under pressure for more than a year from leading republicans to do that. he hasn't decided yet what weapons to send. 50% now disagree with his handling of foreign policy. that's almost the reversal of the 49% who approved back in october of last year. in qatar, mr. obama wants to showcase democracy and the rule of law, in addition to trade. president tou ousted his predecessor. president obama will visit the house of slaves from which many africans were shipped to the u.s. as slaves. he's like lie lee to be asked -- likely to be asked questions about edward snowden.
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the russians don't want to turn him over to the u.s., but they also made clear they'd like to get rid of him. steve? >> steve: we thank you very much for the live report and we'll be following the president and bring you stuff when we need to. >> alisyn: let's talk about another chapter in the irs scandal. you remember when lois lerner took the fifth in front of the congressional panel. now another irs official there, greg roseman has done the same. obviously congressional congress people want to know what was going on at the irs these past several years when they were taking lavish conferences and targeting conservative groups, but greg roseman is not giving any information until neither are some -- >> clayton: neither are other individuals taking the stand, how they were awarded special treatment as a result of having these contracts. in fact, this one is so outrageous, his name is --
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brulio cass see i don't. -- castro i don't. it's alleged he used an injury sustained in a military prepare school to qualify for veterans disability payments, something that happened 27 years ago when he twisted his ankle. after that he was able to play football a number of times and he was fined. he got grilled yesterday. >> steve: he did. here is the thing, mr. roseman apparently is friends and it sounds like mr. roseman, who took the fifth, feared the business to this guy. this guy got close to half a billion dollars for his i.t. company, by among other things, claiming veterans disability. in fact, when a v.a. examiner talked to him about it, he said that his injuries were, quote, crosses that i bear due to my service to our great country. i would do it again to protect this great country. as clayton said, his injury was when he was in prep school, he twisted his ankle. he has absolutely no connection to the military. and this infuriated illinois
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congresswoman tammy duckworth because she has served this nation. she lost both of her legs and here is this guy who she is grilling who said that he was disabled, got a half a billion dollars. this is gripping. watch. >> did you injure that same foot again subsequently in the year since you twisted it in prep school? >> not to my recollection. >> do you fear that the 30% rating you have for the scars and the pain in your foot is accurate to the sacrifices that you made for this nation? that the decision is accurate in your case? >> yes, ma'am, i do. >> you know, my right arm was essentially blown off and reattached. i spent a year with over a dozen surgeries over that time period. and in fact, we thought we would lose my arm and i'm still in danger of possibly losing my arm. i can't feel it. i can't feel my three fingers. my disability rating for that
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arm is 20%. shaman, mr. ca trio. shaman. you may not have broken any law. you did misrepresent to the sba, but you certainly broke the trust of this great nation. you broke the trust of veterans. iraq and afghanistan veterans are waiting an average of 237 days for an initial disability rating and it is because people like you who are gaming the system are adding to that back log so that young men and women who are suffering from posttraumatic stress, missing limbs, cannot get the compensation and the help that they need. twisting your ankle in prep school is not defending or serving this nation. >> alisyn: good for her. it is despicable what he had claimed when you compare his injury to hers, a real war veteran who was injured in the line of duty. >> steve: and he used that to get close to half a billion dollars worth of business for his company. >> alisyn: right. which speaks to the larger issue
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of these irs contracts being completely capricious. you can game the system -- >> steve: if you have a friends. >> alisyn: if you have a business and you want to secure these potentially very lucrative contracts, you can possibly come up with a way that you fit into a category and they should look at redoing the system. >> clayton: they should also look at redoing the system and they have. they tried to make adjustments on all these lavish conferences that the irs was holding. we saw the videos they were producing. when, by the way, they said they didn't have the resources to go after a lot of the fraud that was taking place and sending 23,000 individuals, illegal immigrants, all kinds of refunds when they said they didn't have the resources to go after them. if you stop these lavish conferences, we know of a new one that took place. >> steve: that was in 2008. they spent $2.4 million at the
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marriott. it apparently was really fancy. and we're just finding out about it now. we're horrified. but you know what? brand-new fox news poll out shows that a lot of us feel that something has to be done with the irs. 22% of you say that they should abolish it or build a new agency. 44% say major reorganization. so between the two of those, you got close to two-thirds of the country saying either blow it up or fix it big time. only 30% say yeah, tweak it a little bit or it's perfect. clayton: who are those 5%? >> steve: they work there! [ laughter ] >> alisyn: exactly. they work there. obviously congress is trying to figure out what to do about the irs moving forward. >> steve: one other thing about the irs, tomorrow the house committee, darrell issa's house committee is going to vote on whether or not lois lerner waived her fifth amendment rights by saying, i take the fifth and then proclaimed her innocence right there. so they're going to try to
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figure out tomorrow if she broke the law. she could be back in the hot seat and actually then forced to say something other than sorry, can't talk. >> alisyn: by the way, even today members of congress, including congressman baucus and hatch are trying to figure out if it's time to do away with some of these loop holes and change the system. >> clayton: loopholes and tax exemptions. those could be on the chopping block. coming up, aaron hernandez charged with the execution-style murder of his friend. this morning we're getting brand-new information about the evidence. peter johnson, jr. is here with that next. >> steve: and the empire state building here in the empire up for sale. and a mysterious buyer from the middle east. what we know straight ahead hey, it's michelle bernstein.
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here to take your lettuce from drab to fab with new lean cuisine salad additions. just byol. first, thaw your dressing. next, steam your grilled chicken and veggies. then, dress it. add your crunchy toppings. and voila. enjoy. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] if you can't stand the heat, get off the test track. get the mercedes-benz you've been burning for at the summer event, going on now at your authorized mercedes-benz dealer. hurry, before this opportunity cools off.
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>> clayton: he was gone from nfl starter to murder suspect. aaron hernandez was arrested in connection with the shooting death of semi pro football player odin lloyd. hernandez, who is also facing weapons charges, is being held without bail this morning. fox news legal analyst peter johnson, jr. is going to take a closer look at the case. >> good morning. this is interesting. they've been looking at it in a
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very short time period. we saw the video of police going to his house time and time again taking things out. they put together a murder charge based upon cell phone records, triangles lating cell phone records to see where a person was. his own video surveillance. surveillance at an industrial park, and bit pieces of evidence like a shell casing, another gun that was found that allegedly had his fingerprints on, and bubbleicious bubble gum tied to a car rental and allegedly involving mr. hernandez and two accomplices who he allegedly sent to kill odin lloyd, a semi pro football player. >> clayton: that's a fascinating part. prosecutors seem like they've got this locked up. they're out there talking about this was an execution-style, premeditated. he called these guys in from connecticut and said, quote, you can't trust anyone. i need your help to come down. >> yeah.
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absolutely. and then there is a text message that was sent by the victim, mr. lloyd, giving indication saying, nfl. >> clayton: around 3:00 o'clock in the morning when he was picked up. he texted his sister to say, i don't know if you saw who i left with. >> at this point, the murder weapon has not been found. that's an important part of the case. at this point the accomplices allegedly have not been found. we're not aware that they're giving testimony against mr. hernandez. and it becomes a race to the courthouse who testifies against who. these alleged accomplices be caught? will they finger hernandez? will hernandez try and finger them? i'm not the shooter, they're the shooter. they're the people that had the gun. he's had a kind of strange history. he allegedly shot a friend of his earlier this year. the friend to the police said no, he didn't do it. but then turned around and sued him while this investigation was
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going on. problems with marijuana in the past, allegedly problems with violence. a young man, 23 years old with a $40 million contract, allegedly killing the guy who is dating his fiance's sister because he had been speaking to the wrong people. >> clayton: at a bar. >> at a club. what's involved? drugs involved? is other criminal behavior involved? his football career is over. >> clayton: and the patriots came out two hours later and said we are done with him. we washed our hands. >> this is a fascinating case. >> clayton: yeah. it's going to get crazier, too. peter johnson, jr., always great to see you. >> thank you. >> clayton: coming up, disturbing message from beyond the grave. the diary belonging to ambassador chris stevens revealed. what he wrote about benghazi is chilling. then want to keep your job or impress at the next interview? then you probably don't want to dress like this. cheryl casone is here with the
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biggest fashion faux pas my name is paul ridley. to benefit cancer research i rode across the atlantic. crossing an ocean with your body as the motor, it hurts. so i brought advil to help me stay strong during the toughest journey of my life. [ male announcer ] paul ridley had a choice of pain relievers, but he chose advil. because nothing is stronger on tough pain. nothing. not tylenol. not aleve. [ paul ] when people are counting on me to come through, my answer is advil. [ male announcer ] real people. real pain. real relief. advil. relief in action. when you experience something great, you want to share it. with everyone.
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that's why more customers recommend verizon, america's largest 4g lte network.
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>> steve: time for news by the numbers. six days, an american businessman held by his workers. he was released after he gave his workers more money. next, $2.1 million in cash, that's how much a mystery bidder bid for -- i think that's billion, isn't it -- for the empire state building. >> alisyn: that's a great deal you know what? absolutely. stuart varney has that in his pocket. $750,000. that's how much the government fined delta airlines for bumping passengers without offering a compensation or trying to find
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volunteers first. that's your news by the numbers. >> alisyn: so if you get the job, you have to have a lot of qualifications, but you also have to dress to impress. what should you remove from your wardrobe for that all-important interview? cheryl casone joins us with two young unemployed volunteers who have brought clothing electric their own -- from their own closet to show us what not to wear in a job interview. >> this is going to be fun. allison, 65% of bosses surveyed say what is on your body could either get you the job or not get you that job. i'm joined by two young job seekers and they're both very gracious to cop. this is alex and we're joined by michelle. you're both looking for work right now. you just got out of the university. do you know what you want to do right now? >> i'm not sure exactly what i want to focus on in my career. but short-term i'm looking for any sort of project management job or something that will allow
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me to use my skills. >> so we're going to have to get you a professional attire. first we'll go through what not to wear. what about you, alex? what type of job are you looking for right now? >> anything in media entertainment, production side. i would like to be at least in tv at some point. >> to be that tv professional, what i'll have you do is move here and we'll start over here with you. we're gog look at what you -- going to look at what you brought in. we're going to show what not to wear. t-shirts, this is great for your personal wardrobe and you have it signed from someone? >> a wrestler. >> this is wonderful. i would never wear this on a job interview. first up, now, this is great for like maybe your golf outing. is that what you wear this for? >> i could. >> yeah. don't wear this on a job interview. you've got a lot of jeans here. have you ever worn jeans to a job interview? >> i have not. >> i would definitely not go that route. also i want to show you flip flops. never wear flip flops to an
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interview. i want to pan the camera down and show the tennis shoes. these are very stylish. never wear those on an interview. next victim, let's look at michelle's wardrobe. what is this? >> a corset. >> that's something i would never wear under a suit jacket. also, baseball hats, you never want to wear one of those. this again, you look liar you're a golfer as well. >> fun time out with my friends. >> you definitely don't want to wear that. low cut shirts like this, anything that's like lacey with silk, you certainly don't want to wear this. i want to point that out. you as well have a lot of jeans and a short skirt. hold on a second. yeah, i don't think that's going to work out. i'm going to go not with the short skirt. really quick, i want to show you, this is your jewelry. you've got bracelets and pearls. none of this is anything you'll want to we're on the job interview. i want to point that out.
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what we're going to do with both of you, now we've shown what you don't want to wear. we're going to come back and we'll show you what you do want to wear. alisyn, clayton, we're going to dress them up. we're going to show you exactly what they need to be wearing and exactly how you can look to get the job and to get you hired. we'll come back in about 20 minutes and you'll see two all new job candidates with alex and michelle here. >> steve: would either one of them be wearing that corset going forward? >> that's a special request. we'll have to discuss that later. >> steve: it all depends where you're looking for work, i guess. >> alisyn: good point. we can't wait for the dos coming up. >> steve: indeed. next up, for the very first time we're getting a look at the nsa leaker's moscow airport hideout. we're going to take you inside and see where snowden has been for the last week or so. >> alisyn: and with friends like these, who needs enemies? a cat caught on camera giving his curious buddy a push down the stairs.
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>> steve: catastrophe the great outdoors... ...and a great deal. thanks to dad. (gasp) nope. aw! guys! grrrr let's leave the deals to (nice bear!) ooo! that one! nice! got it!
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oh my gosh this is so cool! awesome! perfect! yep, and no angry bears. on sale now. up to 30% off. only at has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy.
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car insurance companies say they'll save you by switching, you'd have like, a ton of dollars. but how're they saving you those dollars? a lot of companies might answer "um" or "no comment." then there's esurance. born online, raised by technology and majors in efficiency. so whatever they save, you save.
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hassle, time, paperwork, hair-tearing out, and yes, especially dollars. esurance. now backed by allstate. click or call. there's a new way to fight nowlitter box odor.ate. introducing tidy cats with glade tough odor solutions. two trusted names, one amazing product. it's like going from this... this [ ding sound ] see what i did there? [ ding sound ] [ deep inhale ] [ male announcer ] head & shoulders with old spice. ♪ >> steve: what is the matter with this? >> alisyn: if you have $175,000, we're sitting in the world's most expensive bed. but why?
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>> clayton: this is the ceo of the company that made this bed. >> alisyn: what makes this bed $175,000? >> it's the materials, the cost of shipping, and creating this fantastic thing which uses techniques going back to the 16th and 1700s. the cost has fallen by four of you being in it. [ laughter ] >> is the $175,000 that includes everything? >> everything. >> alisyn: linens? >> absolutely. you're not on linen, but the silk cover, canopy and the mattress, the box screen. >> steve: in reading about it, i understand there is a lot of horse tale in that. explain why people should be sleeping on horse tail. >> essentially long strand, you curl it and that makes a fantastic spring. like a micro spring. but better than that, it breathes. it whisks moisture away. in new york, you have a problem
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with bed bugs. by keeping a bed which is not moist, not too hot, you're less likely to attract them. it also improves the quality of your sleep. >> i really feel a difference. this is very soft, very comfortable. and actually has two pillow tops? >> it does. that's really going back to -- >> steve: you want to pull it up? show it 'cause we were looking at that time earlier. >> what we have here is two pillow tops, two toppers. the top one has lots and lats of cashmere and the horse tail. the bottom with lamb's wool, and the bottom with the mattress. in the 16 and 1700s, the beds had no springs at all. that's when there were a series of pillow tops. that's what they had. and the reason we created this thing is because we thought we wanted to make the bedroom a center of things. in the 16 and 1700s, if you wanted to see the king, you came to the royal bedroom. >> alisyn: let's get back to that. i like that idea. i think this bed feels really
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great. but it's more crowded than other beds. do these guys all come with this or could i be in it alone? >> steve: lower your voice, he's sleeping. >> alisyn: yeah. but you can be in this alone? >> absolutely. you really want to be. why would you want to be? >> steve: you're only making 60. have you sold any to any celebrity the? >> we've only sold one so far. we just launched it. the first one is actually gone to chinese client. everything will be bespoke about it. the chinese market likes red, for example. >> steve: they're lovely. if people want to buy it, how do they find it? >> find it in downtown new york. we got a store in soho. >> steve: very nice. a real pleasure. thank you very much for bringing the world's most expensive bed buy. >> alisyn: this is a morning show. i think we should do the whole show from beds. >> can we have breakfast in bed? >> steve: we can do anything we want to.
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>> you should have champagne. >> steve: bring it on. >> alisyn: i'm going to attempt to do the headlines -- >> steve: no, no, no. call -- call them the bed lines. [ laughter ] >> alisyn: let's try it. let's see how it goes. you can let us know. it might not be the rich, but it's better than a jail cell. i think it's going well so far. for the first time we take you inside nsa leaker edward snowden's hideout at the moscow airport. he left hong kong last week, but officials in cost scow say it could -- moscow. >> steve: i doubt that he's got horse tail in his bed. >> alisyn: i doubt he does. according to russian president putin, that puts him out of reach of russian law. chilling new information about the situation in benghazi from the diary entries of ambassador chris stevens. he was reportedly warned of never ending security threats in
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his final entry on september 11. he warned of them, i should say. the same day, he and three other americans were killed. he also allegedly wrote about his being the target of a, quote, islamist hit list and eager to be back and hopeful for the people of libya. the diary was published by a special operations web site, despite his family's request not to publish that. governor rick perry not giving up on tough new abortion rules. he announced a second special session of the texas legislature set for next monday. republicans were able to pass the bill earlier this week despite a 13-hour democratic filibuster that was ultimately overturned because some of the votes came in after the midnight deadline. it would ban abortions after the 20th week of pregnancy. talk about catty. watch this. [ laughter ] check out this cat fight. a frisky feline sees his buddy
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poking around at the top of steps and decides to push him down. his friend took a hard fall. good thing cats have nine lives. i like that you haven't left the bed. >> no. i'm just so cozy next to you. >> alisyn: i know. >> you did excellent reading those bed lines. >> alisyn: thank you. can you do the weather from the bed? do we have that technology? >> let's try it out. let's look at the weather conditions across the country because we're actually talking about a very hot day in store for parts of the plains. stop laughing. >> alisyn: sorry. >> we're talk being a very hot day across parts of the plains and the southwest with temperatures exceeding the triple digits. look at phoenix, arizona, you're expecting 112 degrees. 107 in el paso. 103 in dallas. and 100 degrees in san antonio. so we are looking at some very hot temperatures out there. there is also a chance for severe storms across sections of the midwest, northeast, southeast, even back into the plains. so very scattered, widespread areas of severe weather, damaging winds, large hail and
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isolated tornadoes being the main concerns in the areas highlighted in yellow. we do have a flooding concern across parts of the northeast. a number of flood watches in effect across parts of new england, even upstate new york and even parts of northeastern pennsylvania. i want to show you tomorrow. tomorrow, phoenix, arizona, you'll be up to 118 degrees. 104 in dallas. 105 in el paso, texas. a very hot day in store for those people. and now let's head over to clayton, ali and steve. >> alisyn: take a nap. >> steve: we can dim the lights. >> i'll see you next hour. >> clayton: it is really comfortable. snails are not known for being quick. but sometimes even a snail just feels the need for speed. check out the new movie. >> wish i was fast. oh, no.
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>> alisyn: we're stepping into the fox light. michael got back from spain. >> tough life. nice thing to do to a guy who is completely jack webb. put a bed on the set. we have the world premiere for the new fox movie "turbo." about a snail who wants to win the indianapolis 500. we caught up with the stars on the red carpet, samuel l. jackson, snoop dogg and ryan reynolds, asked them if there was ever a point in their life that they felt like an underdog. >> exactly. we always feel like the underdog. you always feel like you don't know where your next job is coming from or how are you going to get there. or are you going to continue to be a viable product of this
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world? >> underdog the wonder dog. >> i always feel a little like the underdog. you can't help it. in this industry, as much as we perceive these people being successful, also a lot of rejection still. >> it arrives july 17. you can catch the interviews in the fox and follow me on twitter for the latest celebrity buzz. >> alisyn: is it kid friendly? >> absolutely. >> steve: kids love snails. >> alisyn: it's hard to see somebody as cute as ryan reynolds as the underdog. >> it is, isn't it? samuel l. jackson is the highest grossing actor in hollywood history. >> steve: it opens? >> july 17. >> steve: thank you. >> clayton: we're send you to paris. next up, he was four years old when he said he took an unbelievable journey to heaven and back. you'll never guess who he met. oy and his father join us next. >> steve: then we just showed you the worst wardrobes for your
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next job interview. what about the best things to wear? cheryl casone and that young man and that young woman have advice on what you should wear to your next job interview. >> alisyn: not a corset. >> steve: of course it not [ male announcer ] this is kevin. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for him, he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills. ♪ yup. another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve. ♪ [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap.
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from capital one... boris earns unlimited rewards for his small business. can i get the smith contract, ease? thank you. that's three new paper shredders. [ boris ] put 'em on my spark card. [ garth ] boris' small business earns 2% cash back on every pchase every day. great businesses deserve unlimited rewards. read back the chicken's testimony, please. "buk, buk, bukka!" [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase every day. told you i'd get half. what's in your walle
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>> clayton: welcome back. quick headlines. could mass hysteria be responsible for dozens of high schoolers unexplained hiccups? some health experts say yeah. they all live in danvers, massachusetts. it was once known as salem village, site of witch hunts. talk about a bombshell. a mine is found on a beach in new jersey. you might want to swim by that. navy officials say they had to detonate the fully functional mine that dates back to world war ii and probably washed onshore after super storm sandy. >> alisyn: we showed you what not to wear on that job interview. now we have the right thing to wear. cheryl casone joins us with alex and michelle to reveal their brand-new outfits that they'll
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wear. >> one third of bosses say it's about the clothes. they can decide whether or not they're going to hire you. we have taken alex and michelle out of the studio. we have dressed them up. now we've got them ready for the interview. alex, how do you feel? >> like a million bucks. >> this is a men's warehouse suit. he's got a nice red tie. not much of a design. it's not too loud, unlike the dollar tie that we had earlier. and this is a conservative color. you want to have more either a black, navy or a dark gray suit. this is a navy blue, correct? >> yes. >> and the shoes as well. if we could pan down. this is something else that's very important. forget casual friday, casual monday. you've got to look the part. you always want to dress up, at least two levels. are you comfortable right now? >> i am very comfortable in this, yes. >> what kind of job do you think you would go interview in this suit right now? >> i would probably wear it -- even if i wanted a tv job, i would wear it anyway. >> wear it to every job
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interview. this is from -- we're going to let you keep this. wear it to every job interview. >> i will. >> michelle, this suit, this is a jones new york suit. couple key points, first off, you do have a pearl necklace on, but it's very small and her hair is down. earlier she had a ponytail on. we took the hair down. it's still conservative. you always want a conservative hair style. she's got a suit jacket on now and also a skirt. you can do pants or you can do suit. do you have a preference? >> i feel more comfortable in skirts. >> okay. she's got pantyhose on. i know it's summer, ladies, but you'll want to put them on. the shoes as well. you always want to have closed toed shoes. these are conservative, but it's all about making sure that when you walk in that you're at least dressing two levels up for the job that you want to do. i want to thank you, michelle and alex. good luck. >> thank you.
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>> we're going to have our fingers crossed for you. alisyn, we ditched the corset. there is no flip flops. there is no baseball hats. these guys look good. what do you think? >> alisyn: they look terrific. no signed concert t-shirts. that's a no. >> clayton: yeah. you don't want to wash that either. >> steve: now go throughout and get some jobs, kids. report back to us. >> alisyn: thanks so much. he was four years old when he says he took a journey and he says he went to heaven and back and this boy and his father join us next. >> clayton: first on this day in history in 1970, the song "the love you stay" by the jackson five was the number one hit look what mommy is having. mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ]
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[ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle. when you experience something great, you want to share it. with everyone. that's why more customers recommend verizon, america's largest 4g lte network.
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>> steve: to heaven and back. more and more people are seeing it happen to them and this week we're bringing you their stories. today the story of colton. he says he went to heaven at the age of four during a surgery. it was there he met for the first time his great grandfather and a sister he never knew existed. he and his father, todd, wrote the best selling book "heaven is for real" and a daily devotional. they join us live in our new york studio. good morning to you. you joined us back when the book first came out and now it's been at the top of the "new york times" best seller list for over a year. how has your life changed since you told the world that you went to heaven? >> well, my schedule has been a lot more crowded. >> steve: i bet. the way it all got started was back in 2002, you went on a
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family vacation. they misdiagnosed your illness. they thought you had the flu. it turns out your appendix broke, right? and you were on the operating table and that's when you say what happened? >> well, during the first operation, that's when i got my trip to heaven. >> steve: that's what the book is about, what heaven is like, right? >> well, heaven is for real. it talks about what my parents were going through and how they figured out about my story, but the kids' book, that talks about -- it focuses mainly on my experience in heaven. >> steve: sure. let's talk a little bit about what you saw. you saw jesus, didn't you? >> yes, i did. >> steve: what's he like? >> well, jesus, you know, you have a best friend and you love to be around them? jesus is a lot like that because you want to be with him and you don't want to leave. >> steve: in addition to that, you saw great grandfather you
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had never met before that died 30 years earlier? >> yes. >> steve: in heaven, is everybody -- at what age is everybody? are they young or old? >> well, if you leave earth as an old man or old woman, then you appear in heaven in your young body, like late 20s, early 30s. so you'll be young in heaven. if a kid -- if they died young or they were miscarriaged, they actually do age in heaven 'til they get to that age. >> steve: todd, one of the things that -- when he woke up and he started telling you the story, i'm sure the first thing you thought was, well, it was some sort of a dream or fantasy. but there was one part where he talked about a sister he had never met who you had never told him about. >> yeah. he was only three years old and ten months in that first surgery. so you never talk to kids that young about babies dying in their mommy's tummy. i remember he said i have two sisters and he said, mom, you
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had a baby die in your tummy, didn't you? and i met her. when he talks about her, not only can he describe her and tell us what she looks like, but she knows us and she sees us and she couldn't wait for him to get to heaven. she was at the gates meeting had imwhen he got there. >> steve: why do you think, colton, you got to go to heaven and then come back? >> well, i don't know why god chose me and i'm still trying to figure out why he chose our family. but now that we've been doing all this, i'm still not sure why. >> steve: and you traveled all across the country. you told the story. what's the one thing that people take away from it? i mean, it's very uplifting and affirming to know there is a heaven. you've seen it with your own soul, such as it is. >> i think people need hope and the hope that god can really fix things in the end, i think everyone goes through terrible things down here, terrible questions, terrible loss. to know that not only god's word
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is true, but here is a little child, a four-year-old that can sit there and say, i saw this. i think most people realize a child as a witness is probably your most honest and reliable witness. >> steve: sure. and the big development is, it's now a movie. >> it's going to be a movie. they started shooting this tuesday of this week. hopefully by easter of this next year, sony will produce a movie based on this. >> steve: fantastic. they did a nationwide search and found somebody who looked a lot like you, didn't they? >> well, they went across the u.s., but they also went into canada. >> steve: very good. we'll look for the movie coming out when? >> easter of next year, 2014. >> steve: fantastic. all right. todd and colton, author of "heaven is for real," we thank you very much. >> thank you for having us. >> steve: coming up, stacy dash under attack for saying only god can judge paula deen. what do you think about that? we're going to talk about that with michelle malkin top of the morning. good morning to you
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>> alisyn: good morning, everyone. today is thursday, june 27. i'm alisyn camerota in for gretchen. from football star to accused killer, brand-new details out about aaron hernandez who is now charged with an execution-style murder. >> steve: and don't tell the truth. just plead the fifth. another irs official stone walling the american people. his $500 million reason perhaps for clamming up. >> clayton: actress stacy dash under attack for saying only god can judge paula deen. what do you think? michelle malkin shares her opinion on that moments away. "fox & friends" hour three starts right now.
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♪ accomplish splash i was taking a dash ♪ ♪ long about a saturday night >> steve: that would be clayton singing because he's going to be taking a bath in a little while. >> clayton: that's why i didn't shower. >> alisyn: i know him well enough to know he's getting nervous because he knows he will probably be going in the drink if somebody is a good shot. you do have to hit that bull's eye and it's very possible we could miss it. >> clayton: all for a good cause. i will sit up in that dunk tank and steve will attempt to hit the target. >> steve: yep. >> clayton: ali will attempt to and maria will try to hit the target. chances are i'll walk away dry. >> steve: not really, because john franco, former mets relief pitcher will be joining us as well. >> clayton: notice, former. >> steve: yes indeed, formerly dry clayton. >> alisyn: that's right. >> steve: also outside -- >> clayton: brian goes away and that's what i get stuck with.
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thanks. >> steve: in addition to the water, we got a surf workout. maria was doing a little while ago. there is anna kooiman, that's a good workout, isn't it? >> alisyn: we'll get out to that soon. let's get to your headlines. we have a lot to tell you about. he went from a rising star in the nfl to an accused killer. aaron hernandez waking up behind bars this morning. the former new england patriot showed no emotion in court. prosecutors say he was the mastermind behind the execution-style murder of his friends, odin lloyd. >> after picking him up, he brought up the subject that he was mad about that incident in boston. he then drove the victim to the remote spot and then he orchestrated his ex accusation. that's what it was. >> alisyn: prosecutors allege it stemmed from an incident at a nightclub in boston. hernandez was tourious lloyd struck up a conversation with men that hernandez had had a fight with. prosecutors also say hernandez is seen on surveillance video
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returning home after the shooting carrying a gun and a shell casing was found under a rental car in his name. also while you were sleeping, an f-16 goes down during a routine training mission in arizona. these pictures were snapped moments after the crash. the student pilot and his instructor on board managed to eject into a field near luke air force base. this photo shows the men walking away from the scene minutes after the crash. no word on why that jet went down. but witnesses say they did hear the engine sputtering before the crash. after six days of being held hostage by his own employees, an american executive is finally free. this is new video into "fox & friends" as he leaves his factory in china. his workers held him captive until he gave them a severance package like he gave to the ones laid offment but those employees were not being fired. >> it's terrible and it's not
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right, but i don't know what else to do at this point in time. >> alisyn: he's now on a flight out of china. he is bound for the united states. it pays to be the queen. moments ago we learned queen elizabeth is getting a 5% pay raise next year. her annual income will go from 55 million to $58 million. the queen celebrated 60 years on the throne earlier this months. position. >> clayton: it has a few perks. >> steve: congratulations. good for her. now all rise, michelle malkin joins us from colorado springs. good morning to you. >> good morning to you. >> steve: hey, later today senators hatch and baucus will start the ball rolling to overhaul the tax system and the tax code in this country and a lot of americans would like to see that. doesn't come a minute too soon. yesterday another irs official took the fifth. we're talking about a guy named greg roseman. sounds like he clammed up
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because it sounds like he steered about half a billion dollars worth of small business. of course, it points out to just how massive the tax code and all of the enforcement rules are and how it is ripe for this kind of abuse and fraud that is now being highlighted. anything that gives momentum to the effort to make our tax code
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fairer flatter and our government smaller, i'm all for. three cheers for that. >> steve: the thing about this particular guy who got the half a billion dollars, it sounds like he was -- he had applied for a special government program that was available to veterans who had a disability. as it turns out, this guy had no connection aside from his friend, at the irs. no connection to the military other than the fact that he played at the u.s. military academy in prep school and twisted his ankle 27 years ago and he's absolutely fine and yet he said i should get the money because of my -- what i've given to my country. >> yes, that's right. a real hero there. and it's exactly those kind of yarns that are being told to get these kind of benies. fortunately, there was a rival company that shed light on this and there is also good whistle blowing going on. i'm sure there are other
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companies that have similar stories to tell and the flood gates have broken up. >> alisyn: i don't know if you had a chance to see the exchange between congresswoman tammy duckworth who was -- is an injured veteran, a double amputee and how she dressed him down. i mean, in a very sort of even keeled, calm, yet compelling way. >> yeah. i think it was a fairly devastating deconstruction of this fakeer story. i think that's part of the huge outrage here is the abuse of something that was really intended to help people who were bonafide veterans and war heros and people who served our country. >> clayton: it's outrageous. here is something else that's worrying a lot of americans. what's going to happen with their health care? let's throw up this new poll. how does obamacare make you feel about your current health care in this country? 66% of folks say they're worried now. that's a huge tick up from 2012 when they weren't as much
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worried. 51%, that's still a high number. now we're learning that the white house is basically recruiting some celebrities to go out and make sort of the pr pitch for obamacare. i don't know, television commercials, print advertisements, getting celebrities to go out there. what do you make of this? >> yeah. this is just the latest in the no obamacare program left behind at the white house. what you have is a recruitment strategy to get every last celebrity, now there is sports authority, the nfl, nba has been dragged into this by kathleen sebelius at hhs. of course, i think the biggest outrage is one you didn't mention, but which has gotten out there because of conservative journalists and reporters. there is a blogger. lauryn hill that talked about this. even school children in los angeles being recruited to lie about the great success of
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obamacare. really, who is surprised? we knew that this entire enterprise was going to be a massive effort to justify bigger government and so, of course, now they're spending hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars to pay people to flak for something that is an obvious failure, which those poll numbers underscore. the truth is finally getting out there and sunlight is the best disinfectant. >> steve: it only god can judge your heart. by the way, my daughter loves
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your show. only way to get me to cook. after she tweeted that, she was, as you detailed on your web site, she was absolutely ravaged. >> yes. this is a great example. and savaged. this is a great example of just how two-faced and hypocritical so many of these members of the tolerance mob are because at the same time they condemn paula deen for bigotry and prejudice and the crimes of racism in public, they then turn around and sling the worst kind of racial things at a woman, stacy dash, who had the audacity to be kind and compassionate towards somebody who has been under attack. is it not true that yes, god is the ultimate judge of her heart? of course it is. but for simply sending that message, you should see the
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filth and vile that's come her way. one of the reasons that i started twitchy in the first place and we've got a great team, that monitors a lot of the reaction from the far left that has gotten away with these double standards when it comes to racism. and liberal racists are the absolute worst. >> steve: she joins us every week at this time. >> alisyn: thanks, michelle. >> steve: yeah. check out her web site. it is i just got a text message from my wife. what does that say? >> alisyn: i had the weirdest dream. you were in bed with your co-host. >> steve: so weird. [ laughter ] any wife woke up moments ago and there clayton and i were in bed with maria molina and you, ali, in the world's most expensive bed. that bed, $170,000. >> clayton: is it comfortable? it is. >> alisyn: it is. you passed right out. like a remake of bill, ted,
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carol and alice. >> steve: given that picture, how could you possibly fall asleep? >> clayton: well, i've got kids at home. [ laughter ] >> alisyn: yes. >> steve: and a wife who is watching. >> alisyn: i'm there next to maria. i'm the envy of men across the country this morning. i know. >> clayton: actually before that, i was laying next to steve. >> alisyn: right. and you were wide awake for that. >> clayton: i was wide awake, oddly enough. he kept possibling me. -- poking me. he had the twitchy leg. coming up on the show, say your home is under water and you don't know what to do next? is a short sale the best option? real estate guru bob massi is dipping into his mail bag to answer your questions about that. >> steve: then, does this look like a weapon of mass destruction? the push to ban sparklers on the fourth of july because terrorists might get their hands on them. it's true so... [ gasps ]
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these are sandra's "homemade" yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one.
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there was this and this. she got a parking ticket... ♪ and she forgot to pay her credit card bill on time. good thing she's got the citi simplicity card. it doesn't charge late fees or a penalty rate. ever. as in never ever. now about that parking ticket. [ grunting ] [ male announcer ] the citi simplicity card is the only card that never has late fees, a penalty rate, or an annual fee, ever. go to to apply.
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we're so choosy about the cuts of beef that meet our higher kosher standards that only a slow-motion bite can capture all that kosher delight. and when your hot dog's kosher, that's a hot dog you can trust. hebrew national. >> steve: from homes to contracts, bob massi is back to answer your e-mail for another week. he was live in the studio last week. today he's in the most beautiful city in america some say, san diego. good morning to you. >> that's true. good morning. >> steve: all right.
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first question from don in winchester, california. we filed a chapter 7 bankruptcy. we were told to move out of the house since foreclosure was going to happen within six months. the servicer wants to do aided in lieu of forecsure with a second mall -- small second that was included in the bankruptcy. can we do this? also we want to move back until something happens. i am a disabled marine veteran. can you help him? >> yeah. lot of issues on this. first of all, so our viewers understand, the service is the person you make the payments to every month that pays the learned involved. so in this case, what they basically, one of the largest servicers, threaded in lieu says the home are deeding my property back to you, the servicer. the reason they want that, since there has been a foreclosure, and the debt hag discharged, they want to get title back without going through a formal foreclosure to sell the house. so before you do anything, sir, please, get legal advice.
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make sure that the document you signed is the proper document and you're released from any and all liability and future responsibilities. >> steve: absolutely. gout to have good legal advice and documentation. next up, stacy from michigan asks, my home is $40,000 under water. we need a larger house because our family is growing. we were approved nor a new home and -- for a new home and we have to decide about our current home and doing a short sale. what other options do we have without affecting our credit? that's a big question. >> it is because what you could do is you could lease the property to somebody and become a landlord. sometimes that really becomes difficult because being aliunde lard means you're in -- landlord means you're in charge of the home. you could short sale it. be very careful, whenever you get approved for another loan, you have to disclose if you're moving out of the home that you previously owned. there is a thing out there called buy and bail. the lender, they don't like that. they don't like that you're
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buying something else and bailing on the other home. so make sure that there is disclosure here so you don't get yourself in trouble when you bail on the other home by a short sale. so very, very important. again, get good advice to how you technically can do it. but you can always lease it for purposes of saving your credit. >> steve: good advice. final question. tony says i recently went to mexico and got hustled for a vacation club. i want to cancel the contract. i sent a certified letter. the company refuses and turned it over to legal. how do i get my money back? >> on these time share things, there is usually nonrefundable money. they have recourse against you under the terms of the contract. these places, many times, hustle people that are on vacations. put them in a room, drill them for many hours and force them into a contract. if you get a letter from a lawyer saying you owe x amount of dollars, get a lawyer as soon as possible to respond. most likely you're going to lose the money you put into it and
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hopefully you're not going to be bound by the entire contract. generally what they do is they sell it to somebody else. they mitigate their damage and you walk away from it. get good legal advice. >> steve: it's not all time shares. we have owned a time share for 20 years and it's been fantastic. >> there is good ones out there. be careful. if it's high pressure sales, that's what happens many times. they work on the excitement and sometimes they're scams. but there are many good ones out there. >> steve: it could be that maitai. >> it could be. >> steve: thank you very much for joining us from san diego. >> take care. >> steve: straight ahead, can the spoon you use to eat your breakfast make your food taste better? the spoon, the answer is yes and the yummy reason why coming up. then the nsa spying on you is just the tip of the iceberg, folks. john stossel has the long list straight from george orwell's playbook as he walks into the studio with alisyn camerota ♪
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when you experience something great, you want to share it. with everyone. that's why more customers recommend verizon, america's largest 4g lte network. backflips and cartwheels.mile? love, warmth. here, try this. backflips and camm, ok!s.mile?
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ching! i like the fact that there's lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i'm very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching.
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>> clayton: quick headlines. texas executed its 500th inmate last night since reinstating the death penalty in 1982. kimberly mccarthy was convicted in the 1997 murder of her elderly neighbor. she's the first woman put to death in the u.s. in three years was it something i ate? airline food being blamed for making 15 people sick on a flight. health inspectors are looking at the chicken. stay away from the chicken. >> alisyn: will do. thank you. in the novel "1984", george orwell suggested the government
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would be watching our every move and most people think the recent nsa revelations about data mining mean that has come true. >> if this administration and if this broad federal government can track every phone call, if they can track every internet activity you have, if they can track your credit card, if they can track your cell phone, this big brother has got a lot creepier than george orwell thought. >> alisyn: john stossel says this is not the worst thing the government is doing to us. let's bring in john. hi. >> maybe it will turn out to be. but the jury is still out. there are two sides to this one. and that's why i made up this list of 100 things where there is not two sides. i already -- >> alisyn: you think these things you made up are worst. give us an example of some of them. >> the fact that we have a $17 trillion debt. the fact that government employs 22 million people who have the power of force over us. from ethanol subsidies, the drug
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war, bans on gambling. these are all bans. nsa spy not guilty this form -- spying may be less invasive than having a cop search our houses and the jury is out. >> alisyn: why has this one captured the public's anxiety more than the ones you've listed? >> one is that we always focus on the new threat, we just discovered it and the totality of it. the fact it's all our e-mails and phone calls that might be accessible, though just the data as far as we can tell threatens people. >> alisyn: can i see your list? you're only touching on it. >> i'm up to 150. boudin this in a couple of hours. >> alisyn: five-year-old punished for bringing guns to school. >> government choosing where your kid must go to school. >> alisyn: abuse of eminent domain rules. arbitrary jail sentences. those are bad. mandatory minimum laws. those are bad. that's the judge's discretion. >> right. you get 17-year-olds who are punished for sleeping with their
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16-year-old girlfriend. >> steve: you say the pentagon's brownie recipe. what's bad about that? >> 30 pages. an example of waste in the military. they have a 30-page brownie recipe. >> alisyn: how can they have that many ingredients? what is on that brownie recipe? wow. >> fine government details about how big each nut must be. >> alisyn: you've really done the work here. this is great. people can watch -- >> find this on my web page and i'll have a show about this tonight. nsa spying. >> alisyn: check out john's web page. watch tonight. >> give me my chart back. >> alisyn: i kind of love it. a fox business alert. we are waiting on weekly jobless numbers due out at any moment. we will have those for you after the break. a lot going on outside of our studio. anna is hanging ten with the hottest new workouts. and clayton is getting ready to
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cool down by getting into that dunk tank there. we're going to try to dunk him look what mommy is having.
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mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle. it's hard to describe, because you have a numbness, but yet you have the pain like thousands of needles sticking in your foot. it was progressively getting worse, and at that point i knew i had to do something. once i started taking the lyrica the pain started subsiding. [ male announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet.
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>> steve: we have got a fox business alert. labor department releasing brand-new weekly jobless numbers, 346,000 first time unemployment claims were filed last week. that is a few thousand less than
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the week before and more than expected. so 346 is the number. we'll talk to nicole petallides about that in a little while. >> alisyn: president obama is speaking out about the nsa leaker what he will do in a showdown with russia. wendell goler has that breaking news from the white house. >> hi. the president says he won't elevate snowden to the top of u.s. russian or u.s.-chinese relations, even though snowden's leaks are described as dangerous. mr. obama said even though the u.s. and russia don't have an extradition policy, moscow could send him home under an international law. he spoke during a q and a session with the president and defended his decision not to personally appeal to the leaders of russia and china. >> i have not called them personally or president personally personally and the reason is because number one, i
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shouldn't have to. this is something that routinely is dealt with between law enforcement officials and various countries and this is not exceptional from a legal perspective. >> the president said the damage is already done by revealing the national security agency can obtain phone and internet records. but he conceded snowden still has classified documents that he still hasn't released, suggesting there could be other leaks. mr. obama said that's why he wants snowden in custody. says the case shows significant vulnerabilities at the national security agency that need to be solved. snowden reportedly took his job at an nsa contractor with the goal of getting classified operation to leak. the president said the country needs a healthy debate about how to balance national security with privacy concerns. snowden is still at the transit hotel in international section of moscow's airport which allows the russians to say technically that he's not in the country.
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at some point snowden will take a flight out. the russians have made clear they would like that sooner rather than later. mr. obama said he won't scramble fighter jets to force the passenger plane that snowden is on to land. alisyn? >> alisyn: all right. thank you so much for that update. love to hear what all of you have to think about that. the president's position that he shouldn't have to talk to the presidents of russia or china because we have a policy in place, an extradition policy where they should turn him over. but it might help if he picked up the phone and called them. >> steve: why not? last time he was with mr. putin, mr. putin was pouting. we saw that picture where the two of them have very strained relations. still, if mr. snowden is so important to the national security and justice in this country, pick up the phone, say hey, help us out. come on of the we've had cooperation in the past with the boston bombers. let's get some of this stuff going right here. but no. i shouldn't have to call him. >> clayton: i'm glad you brought
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up the boston thing. this is, going forward, we'll have more cooperation with the russian government. wouldn't this be an opportunity of goodwill? vladimir saying we don't have to deal with it. here is the foreign policy question this morning in a poll, how do you think the president is handling foreign policy? 41% approval rating right now. >> alisyn: that's down from a year ago, or i should say i guess -- from 49% to 41% and disapprove has gone up from october. it was 44% to now 50%. >> clayton: more on the snowden case right now. for the first time we'll see inside the hideout at the moscow airport. he left hong kong last week to seek asylum in ecuador. but it could take months to process his request. he's living in a hotel room like this in a transit zone hotel, similar to these pictures. according to russian president putin, that puts him out of reach of russian law.
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that hasn't stopped putin before, by the way, pushing the law a bit for his needs, right? >> steve: meanwhile, is it racist or a reality? the f.b.i. put these ads on seattle buses and billboards. the faces of global terrorism shows pictures of 16 men on the f.b.i.'s most wanted terror list. all of the men are muslim. and that upsets some people who say it stereotypes muslims. the f.b.i. now taking the ads down over the next couple of weeks. >> alisyn: sorry, kids. your fourth of july celebration looking its spark thanks to michael bloomberg. he wants to ban the sale of sparklers because it's possible terrorists could use them. bloomberg push to go veto a bill allowing the sale saying they could get into the hands of the enemy. in 2010, the times square bomber used one, but fire crackers contain gun powder. sparklers do not.
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>> steve: one sparkler can't hurt you, but if you put a bunch together, it could make a hot fire. >> alisyn: that makes sense. >> clayton: so can lincoln logs. are you going to ban those next? can spoons make your food taste better? yes. according to a new study. a brand-new report finds that a thin plastic spoon makes yogurt taste creamier and more expensive than a heavier spoon. they find yogurt tastes sweeter when eaten off of a light colored spoon. researchers think we could use these factors to help us lose weight. >> alisyn: how does it make yogurt taste more expensive? what does expensive taste like? >> clayton: what thank is what we're spending money on research lately. >> steve: of course, ice cream would be great on a hot day like today, or just cooling off in a dunk tank where maria molina is right now. >> yes. i'm keeping the seat warm for clayton. >> clayton: thank you. >> he's going to be here later on this morning where we'll try to dunk him. what i'm also doing to help you out is putting ice in the water to make sure the temperature is just right for you when you get
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dunked in. >> clayton: how very nice. >> steve: was it last year we did something where we made a giant margarita? >> clayton: right. >> steve: put cuervo in it? >> alisyn: yeah, he dove into that one. >> we didn't need to actually aim at the target for that one. >> alisyn: right. >> yeah. let's look at the weather conditions across the country because if you live across parts of the plains, you're going to be wishing you were dunked because it is going to be a hot day. triple digits across texas, dallas, 103. 107 in el paso. in phoenix, arizona, 112 degrees. tomorrow it's going to be 118 degrees in the city of phoenix. we have those excessive heat warnings in effect because we're looking at dangerous levels of heat. otherwise, showers and storms scattered about and widespread across the eastern half of the country with severe weather possible and even flooding a concern across sections of the northeast. let's head back inside to steve, ali and clayton. >> alisyn: thanks so much. >> clayton: thanks. >> alisyn: they wowed the judges on "shark tank" with a line of
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surfing equipment that didn't require water. combining standard surf moves with exercises like lungs and squats, but we want to know can a real surfer do it? we brought in the best of the best, 2012 u.s. open pro surfing champion laky peter -- laci peterson is here. she's here outside with anna. what's going on out there? >> the one and only laky peterson, the 2012 u.s. open world champion. good morning! >> good morning! >> how are you? >> i'm good. how are you? >> fantastic. so you've got this new movies. zero to 100". it's on dvd and also on itunes. >> it is. it's on dvd and itunes, film festivals. check it out. it's my story and watching through the world of surfing and the ups and downs. >> you went on "shark tank" with these creators and sarah, i want you to go ahead and -- can do
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you it? let's do the pop-up. one, two, three. >> good work. you guys charge between 25 and $30 per class. >> yes. >> you can burn up to 1,000 calories? we have a lot of high intensity intervals in the classes. you can take them for free at some gyms and some you have to pay extra for private classes. >> i want to show everybody one more. >> paddle. >> a lot of strength and cardioand balance. >> let's do it. pop it up! lean back. grab that board. there you go. look up at the wave. hold it. >> i can see it coming. congratulations to you guys and all of your success. you and your boyfriend and your dog here. coming up to $5 million in sales. so congratulations. >> thank you. >> for helping us burn calories.
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back to you on the curvy couch. >> steve: it's easy for a dog. he's got four legs. >> clayton: yeah, he can hang. >> steve: and he has quite a core. >> alisyn: that's great. >> clayton: actually a cute idea. i had an idea to have a two by four and try to lose weight. >> alisyn: just stand there? >> clayton: just stand there. didn't work. >> alisyn: that doesn't work as well. keep thinking. >> clayton: i'm going to work on that. >> steve: we got a lot going on outside our studio, anna hanging ten with the hottest new workout. clayton getting ready to cool down by getting into that dunk tank. we are going to try to soak him. >> clayton: yeah. if your aim is on, we'll see if we can do that. nicole petallides will analyze those job numbers for us. hey, nicole. we'll be right back the boys used double miles from their capital one venture card
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to fly home for the big family reunion. you must be garth's father? hello. mother. mother! traveling is easy with the venture card because you can fly airline anytime. two words. double miles! this guy can act. wanna play dodge rock? oh, you guys! and with double miles you can actuay use, you never miss the fun. beard growing conte and go! ♪ win! what's in your wallet? >> alisyn: listen up, there are three things you need to know before heading out today. in about an hour, family and friends will say their final farewell to james gandolfini. the funeral will be a star studded tribute to the actor, produced and filmed by hbo. in 15 minutes, the star witness in george zimmerman's murder trial will be back on the stand for cross-examination. she's a friend of trayvon martin who was on the phone with him
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before he was shot. governor rick perry not giving up on tough new abortion rules. he just announced a second special session in the texas legislature that is set for monday. >> steve: meanwhile, 15 minutes ago labor department releasing brand-new weekly jobless numbers, 346,000 people filing for unemployment this past week. >> alisyn: so what do these numbers mean? joining us live from the new york stock exchange is in this case nick. hey, nicole. >> good morning, guys. we just got in those weekly jobless numbers. the jobless claims from our labor department 6789 they claim in slightly higher than expected. the prior week was revised. one thing we look at also is the four-week moving average, which is a little less volatile. that showed some improvement as well. overall, the jobless picture is improving at least going in the right direction. also when i looked through the report, the labor department said there was nothing unusual in this report. overall, it seems to be a little bit better and that's good news
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ultimately for americans who want jobs. not great, but a little better. >> steve: it's a step in the right direction. meanwhile, speaking of money, somebody may bid close to $100,000 to have lunch not with you, although i'm sure the price would be high, but for that woman, marissa myer, the ceo of yahoo. how is this working out? >> you're too kind. maybe for "fox & friends" they'd be willing to pay up. we're looking at when you talk about the ceo, marissa myer, they are now bidding on charity buzz. it ends today, this afternoon. the current bid is at 90,000. the next is 95,000. this is for one person to go to california and sit with this executive. don't forget, warren buffet is notorious for doing this. he fetched a million dollars this year. 3 1/2 million last year. he has lunched at a steak house. you're allowed to bring seven friends. cook from apple did the same thing. of that a $610,000 coffee.
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so this is like the theme. you get to meet with the executive. marissa myer, came in, she helped yahoo. fourteen dollars stock. now it's in the 20s. she forgot -- remember everybody was working for home. she said no more working from home. you either come in or forget about it. she played some hard ball. >> steve: she did indeed. all right. interesting stuff from the floor of the new york stock exchange. thank you very much for joining us live. >> alisyn: thanks. up next, clayton is going in the dunk tank. so how can we sink him? we're getting some help from former pitcher john franco to show us how to sink clayton. >> steve: first let's check in with bill hem who are is going to take over the channel here in 12 minutes. >> lefty will take clayton down for sure. i will stay tuned for that. good morning to both of you. big morning in the news here. darrell issa is here on that irs mess. there is plenty of that again today. republican senator says he will not vote for immigration. the senate will ask him why. the latest on zimmerman in florida. that case is getting hot.
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hernandez in massachusetts. what is the condition of nelson mandela? we'll see you in ten minutes on "america's newsroom" [ female announcer ] caltrate's doneven more to move us. because vitamin d3 helps bones absorb calcium, caltrate has the highest level of vitamin d3. more than any other brand, to help maximize calcium absorption. so caltrate women can move the world.
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♪ >> alisyn: clayton looks so happy, doesn't he? >> steve: that's right. it's summer in new york city and we'd all like to cool off. good humor is giving away free ice cream down the street at bryant park. but we have a better idea to get things started. >> alisyn: we will give a sweet reward to anyone who can dunk clayton. so all these guys watching are possibly going to get free ice cream if we can get clayton. here to help out is gong franco. hi. >> thanks for having me. >> alisyn: our pleasure. we all love free ice cream.
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you're going to give us some tips. >> some tips to dunk him. we're going to have maria follow through and have you follow through. come up here, stay square to the target. follow through and finish. >> by the way, we have our own cheering sections. team maria, team anna. >> alisyn: how are you feeling? >> clayton: this water is cold. >> steve: of course it's cold. which ever one of us winds up sinking him, our team winds up with free ice cream? >> absolutely. come out to bryant park today. giving out free ice cream. >> steve: so you're going to be the good humor man? >> absolutely. >> alisyn: let's get you guys some free ice cream. who goes first? >> first one up. maria is first. ladies first.
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get ready. >> alisyn: no hanging on, clayton. >> miss, miss! >> each team gets three tries. oh! >> steve: down goes clayton! >> alisyn: wow! >> steve: congratulations, team maria! >> that happened fast. how are you feeling? >> i think we can use you on the mets. >> thank you. >> alisyn: so you're saying the water is cold? >> clayton: the water is freezing. >> alisyn: you didn't see that one coming. we looked at the instant replay. it looks refreshing to us. here is a towel. >> my dad will be proud. >> alisyn: we're going to do this again right after the commercial break and all you
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guys, team maria, you're getting some ice cream! [ cheering ] >> steve: somebody new will be in the dunk tank. who is it going to be? stick around. we'll be right back. good job. very nice !
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>> steve: today to help you cool down, good humor is giving out free ice cream at bryant park. john franco, we just saw maria sink clayton in the dunk tank. >> alisyn: look how happy he is. >> clayton: yeah. feel like a wet dog. >> steve: would you show us how it's done? >> stand square to the target and follow through. >> steve: just like that! >> yeah. >> steve: fantastic. >> who is next? >> steve: anna, hop in.
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you're next. >> ali? >> alisyn: i'll try. i never hit a target in my life. follow through. >> steve: your whole team wants ice cream. >> clayton: very close. >> aim a little higher. >> clayton: keep going. >> steve: where did it go? >> take as many throws as you want. >> alisyn: i'm not anywhere near the target. i need another pointer. >> steve: john franco, it's your turn. >> steve: very nice.
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>> we're handing out ice cream, 11:00 o'clock. bryant party perfect, thank you for the dunk tank. +++ fox news alert. watching sanford, florida. did the star with it northeast pass or fail for the jury. rachel jeantel is back on the stand for another day of testimony. back for more punishment. heat require was a bizarre day yesterday. rachel jeantel is said to be the last person to talk to martin. she said he complained that he was being followed by a guy s


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