tv Red Eye FOX News June 28, 2013 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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welcome to "red eye." it is like america's got talent if by america you mean greg and talent you mean picking up a drifter and throwing him in the hudson or go home and have dinner. fun either way. let's go to andy levy for a pre game report. stop shaking your head and tell us what is coming up on the show. >> the senate passes a senate reform bill. some say hooray and others say boo. and president obama said he will no after snowden. where does he think she? benghazi? and would you like fries with that corpse? one funeral home with a drive through option. >> would you like frys with
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that corpse? were you in a hurry today and didn't have time to put effort into this? would you like fries with that corpse? >> i think it is a lovely joke. >> would you like fries with that blank is probably a lead you would see on any kind of on-line blog. >> or a little show i like to call "red eye." >> more like a big show i call "red eye" with greg gutfeld. >> go away. >> you go away first. she is so cute kittens watch videos of her while they are at work. kittens have jobs. thanks, owe obama. it is michelle fields. and he is so sharp that sword swallowers consider him their biggest challenge. it is kurt loder. in portugal he is considered a bucket, bill schulz. and if thoughtful commentary were a large jigsaw puzzle, it would teak me several days to -- it would take me several days to do him on the living
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room floor with my family. daily beast cultural news editor, michael moynihan. i don't have a family. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. i guess any a-hole can get a show, right, greg? >> all right. the big is passed, but will the border last? on thursday, the senate passed a sweeping immigration overhaul. it is said to exstepped -- extend legal status to immigrants while claiming to ram up border security. it now faces a cooler reception in the republican-lead house. the bill includes a number of steps and offering a chance at citizenship to the 11 million immigrants now living here unlawfully. here is senator lyndsay graham. >> to those who believe the borders are broken, i agree. this exceeded every expectation i have for border security. we have particularly mill tar rised the border. 40,000 border patrol agents
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and one every thousand feet, $4 billion of technology backing them up and several hundred miles of fence completed. >> soothing voice there. what happens next? let's go now to dog scared of his own forts. dwash dash farts. >> who filmed that 1234. >> who cares about the whole immigration bill. a dog afraid of his own wind. >> i can't tell if he is dumb or doing on purpose. >> what did you do? >> you know what that is? that is like discovering things for the first time. like we just saw a dog that
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has never encountered that before and will become used to it and in months and years no one will care. it is like discovering -- >> did you -- do you remember the first time you were on a leash? >> it was last monday. >> it was. >> do you remember what you were scared of? >> as long as we had a safe word and lou dabbs was cracking the whip. >> he was yelling at you in spanish too. >> you have to keep the safe word simple. do pasamaquadi. and you are on the leash for too long. >> this story has gone -- >> what is this story. it is about immigration bills. >> there are smart people on one side and smart people on the other side. >> which are smart and which are sexy? >> why did you start with lyndsay graham?
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she is like a talking turtle and then a farting dog. >> but, you see -- smart minds minds -- smart conservatives are on opposite sides. >> this is not the way to do cable news. everybody has a great opinion. >> there are evil people and good people. people make the point that they shouldn't be here and they should get in line. they make the point because they don't understand the complex immigrations. you can't wait in lines to come to the united states. i mean, look, there are problems with the bill and you know, by the way, lyndsay graham was saying that like it was awesome. it is scary, actually. >> i thought he was criticizing it. >> you remember berlin? it is like that. >> critics like my cousin, sal offering amnesty without any other law enforcement measures.
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maybe sal has a point. >> they want it to be contingent on the fact that border is going to be secure. but i am going to be a debbie downer. i don't see the excitement. there is no way it will pass the house. it will be a different bill and nothing will be accomplished. >> and the republicans will be on the wilderness side for 20 years. >> maybe if somebody can read it they can tell us and there is a 1200-page bill that is thrown out there and let's vote on it right away. there is a whole garden of consequences getting ready to bloom. >> it goes back to my problem with anything that is comprehensive. why do things have to be comprehensive? >> why can't they break it down and pass it in small parts? >> you don't want to take a big poop. you want to take a little poop. speaking of, bill, rumor has it the reason the bill got
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passed was due to a last minute amendment that you be disked in a vat of cheese wizz and in a cage with hungry tigers. >> pasamaquadi. >> help me out here. >> in 2000 we had a million six hundred thousand people coming across the border. it has dwindled to 300,000. the border is secure. >> that's because the economy sucks. >> the economy was sucking in 2008 and it was down to 850,000. >> that's a good plan for immigration restriction is to scriewp the economy. -- screw up the economy. i now how to keep them out. let's screw everything up. and there is a little overlap with obama and the economy. i just made a good point. >> it is leak if you want folks from mexico to stop coming here, make our economy
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like mexico. >> we should just give money to mexico to make their economy awesome. >> and then we go to where, canada? >> canada is awful. >> i wanted the whole naturalization thing and the problem i couldn't get my head around was the fact it enveloped so many. i have to tell you it was unprintable. i can't repeat it. >> how dare you? i said this before. politicians want body for votes and americans want borders. until we get that figured out, i don't have an answer for anybody. >> and we all like cheap products. from borders to brides, will the marriage of gays and -- end ma monogamy days? it strikes down the defense of marriage act. it says it will make plural marriage more accepted.
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on buzz, our existence is classified as criminal and the government needs to recognize that we have a right to live free as much as anyone else. and a polygamist activist ad says we are not a fortune teller. we didn't say you were. but it seems if more people are accepting of gay marriage it would follow that polygamist marriage and not be crist sized as -- not be paw lit sized as much. there is a newlied with couple on their honeymoon. >> physics. >> i have been saying this now for, what, two years. first gay marriage, and now you will have people with birds. and now you will have -- it is all a slippery slope.
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it is not even physically possible to conssumate the relationship. nobody thinks of those things. will americans accept polygamy as a lifestyle choice? >> i don't think so. i don't think they will. but i am totally okay with polygamy, only for the fact that i could have 40 husbands and claim them as dependents and get some tax breaks. i feel like that is the reason government wouldn't approve of it. >> it is a good point. one would argue a woman would be okay with one fifth of me versus 100% of bill. one fifth of me, i would take you places and go to exotic locations. 100% of bill is under a bridge. but a man would like to have one-fifth of michelle fields versus 100% of some average whatever. maybe that is the argument is that one-fifth of something is
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better than 100% of something else. >> that's not an argument. >> i don't even know where i am. >> that was just a bunch of words. >> that was a tirade? that is the name of my next child. why is my argument not making sense? it is better to have one-fifth of something successful than 100% of something not successful is. successful. >> i lost the thread a longtime ago. no, the polygamy thing is nonsense and you can see that guy, brian fisher who is like the ultimate troll who has a religious -- you know, next it is cats and squirrels and stuff and the slippery slope there and he doesn't make sense. there are lots of gay people that want to get married. i know lots of gay people who want to get married. i don't know any polygamists. maybe i am living in the wrong state, and yes i am thinking of one in particular. incidentally michelle is
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wrong. it is always one man and 600 women. there has never been one woman and a bunch of men. >> i feel like there is a negative connotation to it. it is not out of love. it is almost like property. i don't think that is something people are willing to accept. >> try to be sensible with me. i know you have 14 wives. don't you think it is ironic that polygamists are saying the same thing conservatives are saying. >> they are not taking into consideration the number of prenups are going to cost. 17 would cost a fortune. this would be a great time to stop and consider and ask ourselves why government is in the marriage business and why do we have the government defining what marriage is. once the government defines marriage of the same race. they should give out certificates and if you want to marry, marry whatever you want. >> it is a fair point. >> people say it is like gay marriage, but it was never --
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it was an extra legal thing with gay marriage. it is actually a felony in a majority of the states to be in a polygamist marriage. it is a very, very different thing. >> in wednesday's ruling the supreme court specifically said you are not allowed to marry or pro create -- this is the first time the court has sing -- singled out a person like that. >> i am a part of history then. i actually great with mr. loder with this about as much as his review of "man steel." can't believe you didn't stop me from seeing that one. the government shouldn't be involved in marriage. i don't understand how religion got involved in marriage. i know jesus was crying after thursday happened, but the institution that is marriage existed a thousand years before baby jesus entered the world. and even then it was a division of property. turn it back to that. matter of fact, i would like to marry property. i love my lay-z-boy. >> we are also missing a huge
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thing about this. brian whatever his name is, fisher, there is polygamy in the old -testament, a lot of polygamy. if you are making a biblical argument, polygamy is awesome. >> ideally, yes, i would want the government out of the business of marriage. why is it there in the first place. there is no way we are going down that road at this point. >> the problem is contracts. let's say i run a jiffy-lube and michael comes in and i offer health insurance, but you have five wives. i have to offer health insurance to all of your wives. >> what if you want to add my argument and say you want to marry your jiffy-lube. you should be able to do that. >> i had a legitimate question and you ruined it with a stupid one. >> there was nothing legitimate. >> they will cover it. not the jiffy-lube. >> i feel like the 1% would have all of the women. the top 1% -- like you all
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would not have the women. the really, really, really wealthy 1%. >> that's a good point. >> i think michelle is being very pre sum shoe us with about my qelt. my wealth. >> it would be like bill gates with all of the women. >> isn't that why polygamy was -- because there was only a certain group of people who could afford to do that and not enough women for men. >> women just want to be taken care of. >> there are academic studies -- there has been polygamy in a lot of cultures in history. it is never democratic cultures and it ends in disaster because it screws up the balance of men to women. there is a demographic disaster from polygamy. >> what if the balance is already screwed up. there are no chicks in china. >> there are really no chicks in china. >> you have to treat everyone equally. >> that's the name of my band. >> we have to move on. can we do the next story? oh we are going to a tease. this is the second day in a
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is he too nonshaw lant about the guy we want? president obama if that is his real name, seems less than concerned about edward snowden who still camped out in a russian airport. on thursday during a press conference from senegal, which is near brazil, the president was asked about the on the lamb secret leaker. well, i don't know about you, but i sure hope he will be scrambling jets to get a 29-year-old hacker. >> no, i am not going to be scrambling jets to get a
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29-year-old hackerment i get -- hacker. i get why it is a fascinating story from a press perspective. i'm sure there will be a made for tv movie somewhere down the line. >> beta male against beta male and a jab at the lifetime channel. it reminds me of this. again, do i need to keep elaborating on the consequences of the ruling. cats and bunnies, where is that going to lead? the cat will just move on because that's what a cat does. but the bunny will be stuck with bunny broken heart. michelle, is this leadership we can believe in or not leadership we shouldn't believe in? >> snowden is stuck in an airport. how much more can you torture him? he is stuck in a russian
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airport. i don't believe it. he is saying he is not going to send all of these around looking for him. the guy has a kill list. he has a drone out there going for him right now. >> that is a good point. >> this case doesn't have to be a tv show. it is already a great reality series. it is on going and i hope it never stops. >> do you think snowden will be back here soon? >> that's hard to say. obama could call around, but he continue do that because i don't think the chinese and russian leaders would take his call. >> it seems like obama keeps getting smaller and smaller. >> the scandal is getting bigger and bigger. >> it is very interesting. doesn't this sound like two brooklyn hipsters facing off and pretending not to care and then shooting pool in williamsburg and becoming best friends as they bond over the new death grips album? >> i'm sorry, what?
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>> exactly like that. i was like, wow, did you see my notes? he is not coming home. i want to sell his super hot girlfriend that he is not coming home. look, i understand that he says i shouldn't have to do this which was his comment to putin. that's hill lace yous. hilarious. and then i am going to start wheeling and dealing. what are you talking about? that's your job. >> i shouldn't have to wear under wear to work, but i wear underwear to work. >> they made me put pants on in the green room. all right, hitler. i have to. >> it is almost like he is saying saying saying that there are certain elements of the job every president has done and he doesn't have to do. >> in fairness, bush wouldn't have gotten anywhere with this either. it is an intractable problem with moscow. but there is something special here. when they gave the reset button that had reset wrong in
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russian, it was like chicken or something. i can't remember the name. but when you make a big fuss about how i am going to reset how these guys screw it up and screw it up and then this happens. now what? i am stealing super bowl rings. get away from me. >> should the government spend less time on snow den and more time trying to crush you like the pointless bug you are? >> pasamaquadie. >> there are no safe words. >> i think that sounds like a guy who knows this guy is going to reveal all he will reveal. it sounded like obama is aware of the fact he will get all he will get. and i think if he is a disaffected hipster, he is super happy in the russian airport. you know he can smoke there. that is the one area left on earth where it is clouds of tobacco. >> have i been to that airport. -- i have been to that airport. it is kind of gloomy.
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>> have you been to the eastern european airport? >> you go from hawaii with this beautiful girl to month a moscow airport. >> but there are beautiful people in moscow. there are a lot of people. >> and no doubt waiting to have sex with him in bathrooms. >> i get the feeling that obama realizes -- >> he is the larry craig of moscow. >> president obama does -- does president want to be the bad guy. if he gets into a faceoff with snowden it will be david versus goliath. >> and he may also be afraid of losing. >> bill's point, but he is right. he already lost, "the daily beast" the place i work did a story that he distributedden crypted files. if anything happens to him, that stuff is done. you can't put that back. in a sense beyond punishing him and making an example, you can't do anything. it is over. rather than losing to putin he can say back off and make a lifetime joke like a real
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revealed the irs workers used their agency-issued credit cards to buy jigsaw puzzles and thomas the tank engine party favors. it was for team building exercises. wait a second. i thought for a second it was government waste. that was me being car was steek. sarcastic. >> snarky. >> i learned that from jim norton. other things flagged as improper are novelty decorations and items like kazus and bathtub toys. and also nerf balls purchased for team building exercises, but never used and currently stored in a filing cabinet, like my cuss -- like my cousin rick. recently the "red eye" staff went on a retreat and i filmed it. >> we didn't build anything. in fact, we broke a lot of things if you want the real truth.
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don't have any memory of it, kurt, probably for the wiser. what is with the irs and toys? isn't that creepy? >> it is, but everything about the irs is creepy. it is an ideal time to consider seriously disbanding the irs and downsizing it to an industrial park and striping the tax code and the loopholes and the corporate welfare and all of this stuff. get into some kind of reasonable tax. this is the best opportunity in a longtime. >> what is going on here? >> i don't know. >> he just lost it. >> i don't know what happened. i'm in the dark. >> me too. >> don't look at me. it all fell apart. >> kurt is right. america cannot squander this opportunity they have. but also, let's talk about team building exercises, michael. nothing good comes from them.
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>> it is the biggest caw loss sal pile of nonsense ever. the itemized list they have, they had like lincoln hats. >> it was a stove top hat. >> that's what lincoln wore. >> they have stove top hats. that's what you wear when you are eating stuffing. >> after you eat the stuffing and you put the box top on. >> when you are traveling and you are carrying the turkey, the stove top hat carries the stuffing. >> michelle, i don't know what happened to this segment. what should americans do? >> i completely agree with him.g at the itemized list of the stuff they got. the credit card was used to buy porn. who buys porn? come on, who buys porn? even i know how to not buy porn.
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porn, nerf balls. >> i like where that is going. >> it is like a thing run -- >> top hats, porn. >> what is going on with you over there? >> it was a combination of the video and craig being like, i don't remember anything. it is probably for the wiser. it just hit me the wrong way. >> bill, we have team building exercises alt fnc. one is setting you on fire and leaving you to die. >> i don't know how that builds anything, greg. we had a better time before. i was angry to find out the government per diem for lunch was $18 and $36 for dinner. mine is a stale bagel in the afternoon and a staler bagel at night in the same green room. thanks for nothing, cafe
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metro. >> why is it called per diem? >> it is per day, right? >> yes, just call it per day. i'm tired of per diem. >> you are saying it is pretentious? >> yes. >> it is. you are right. >> a funeral home in virginia is offering drive-thru viewing. the owner notes that, quote, you can stay in your car and ride by this window and see your loved one. that's how drive-thrus work. it may be useful if the weather is bad or if you are lazy just like me. you really have to feel ambivalent about a dead person not to pull over and park just to see them. you know what, i can't. i am just going to stair at them. >> that's 70% of the funeral i have been to. you at home who know me can figure out which is which. i didn't think that was real. that's actually real. you showed a video. it is a vegas version of the
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mossly yum. of the moselium. >> all right, we have to get the show back into some kind of consistent pattern of professionalism. michelle, do you think this will catch on? >> no. this is the most disrespectful way to pay your respects to someone. you obviously don't like them if you will pull up. the article said the reason they are doing is because some people are ill and can't walk out of the car. it is a way to pull up and look at the person. >> it is. that's a good point. there are elderly people who can get out. i am thinking of changing my mind. you know in the old days, in the 1800's which is considered the old days by people like me, the dead were put in carriages and you were taken through town and you can look at them that way. >> and have your picture
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taken. >> which is disgusting. maybe this isn't that weird. >> board teenagers gett a six pack and it is the new drive in. and it cuts out the bad 80s, the tribute band. let me back up. >> that is a different thing, i think. >> i think we should use this for weddings. it would be great for a drive-thru wedding and no other stuff. >> that's a great idea. >> i like that. >> i feel like weddings are fun so long as you are not in them or getting married. like the after party and the free drinks and the food. >> mine was a nightmare. >> that's because you regret it. >> i didn't even know i was involved in it. >> last question, bill, you booked your viewing for next tuesday. what are your plans for your final weekend on earth? >> if this is something that was kind of done in the 1800's
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then they should bring back post mortum family photos. th was a real thing at the turn of the century where someone would die and they wheel them out to the family and they put their arms around them and they have one or two last family photos and sometimes they would wait awhile. if you look up some of the photos on-line they are disgusting. when i die, i want to be on "red eye" for a week just sitting here. >> how is that different from the last couple years you have been on "red eye"? you are particularly propped up here and you make no sense and you smell awful. poor michelle is ready to retch all over you. >> i wore cologne for her. >> that is not cologne. when you take it from an animal it is not cologne. >> it is perfume, but when a guy puts it on, it is cologne. >> we have to take a break. what happened? the show started off great and thingts are moving along and then it just fell apart like a cheap ikea dresser. >> we were just working on that account. more on that coming up. the joy of hate,,
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would we be more lean with attacks on jimmy dean? the attacks on sausages would help cure obesity. according to the national bureau of economic research or nber, raising the price of a calorie a 10th would lower the percentage of body fat among young people about 8 or 9%. just where i like them. they reached their conclusion by looking at measures of body fat and the fast-food meals and the typical grocery items. discuss. >> lightning roooouuuunnnnnnndd. lightning round. >> kurt, is this just another excuse to tax humans more?
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>> this is a brilliant idea. this will be the final blow for the war on poverty. you raise food prices enough and the whole problem dies off. >> michelle, what do you make of it? he is making a good point. this will only hurt poor people. >> get to the point and star of us and we will get thinner. i don't understand the point. where have we seen people being taxed and then seeing their behavior change ever? >> maybe smoking, but you have to tax them $15 a pack to see any snik. >> so you do that with food? >> that's the logic. they are turning food into a sin, a syntax. assuming you were listening to this, what do you make of it? >> smoking by the way, the numbers are going down before the taxes. people are smoking. they won't stop. you understand these people never stop until they modify all of our behavior. they just had this in denmark. they love taxing 1k3* forcing people -- and they scraped it. it is absolutely horrible.
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it is a regress sigh -- regress sigh attacks on the poor and it is bad for the economy. they said they would reduce farm subsidees. >> bill lives on corn syrup. >> and fructose. >> and that is the name of your ferret. you have been on a hunger strike for 30 years. you have unique insight into this i would believe. >> you would believe. >> not for the wiser. >> i get how it is attacks on the poor and all of that. all of those stupid kids are going to waddle up to me and they are like bill, why don't you raise your voice and support us. you stayed silent when my smokes were taxed the $15. i know you can't quit eating. you quit eating so much you
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are tubs of lard. >> what was the safe word to end your contract? >> pasamaquadie. a man wants to organize 50,000 bees who were found dead at a target parking lot. they buzz there last buzz after the landscaping firm plants trees around the store. the largest documented bee death in the western u.s., but you already knew that, michelle. writes one lady on the facebook page, we will memorialize the life forms and their bees and the importance to life on earth. those who can't make it would like to send a perm note. a personal note. >> what about the cheers and the fire ants? >> they are part of the rich pageant. >> there is a serious issue here. i think are you not going to get anybody to take it seriously.
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are they going to be small coffins? >> you mentioned lady bugs. i am okay with funerals for lady bugs. they are so cute. compared to a bee, what values do bees provide? >> honey. >> a lot. >> that is a sandwich at least. >> could you argue, mike, that 50,000 bees is equivalent to one person. >> it is. that is the measure in science that i found out in science. >> can i pull this back to the people of portland? i kind of suspect that nobody is watching. they are getting star tattoos on their elbows. it is a bike with one gear. >> we have tons of gears because it makes it easier to go uphills. they are different up there. they will have a funeral. >> the sad thing is people care more about bees than they do about you jie. and i don't sting people, not that anyone
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can prove. i realize bees need to poll nate things or we will die as a species. >> i hate bees. >> thank you. i can't get on board. i have hated bees all my life. i don't like things that hurt me. >> you can't get on board with the pro bee lobby? >> i can't get on board. >> you are a menace. >> you don't even open the letters you get. >> how many times do i have to tell you? i don't like them. i would rather there be anthrax in the letter than a horrible bee in there coming out and sting me maybe in the eyeball. coming um, the post game report from andy levy.miss he is our bee and always buzzing.
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>> a brand-new "red eye" airs on saturday at 8:00 p.m. pacific and 11:00 p.m. eastern time. scwee wee have jedediah bila and michael ian black. what a mix. >> we have a good lineup comparatively to some of the stuff we have had this week. i'm kidding, of course. andy? >> yes. >> post game. >> cool. >> that was smooth. >> we are at the top of our
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game tonight. this is a wagon with three wheels. >> the senate passes immigration bill slash dog is scared when it passes gas. somehow this was a joint story. not sure what was going there. >> one brought us great pleasure. >> moynihan, the people who say the people who are here illegally should have to get in line and don't understand immigration because there is no line. there is a proper way to become a citizen. millions of people here who chose not to go that way, isn't it understandable that the people who did jump through the hoops and go through the proper procedures wouldn't be that happy about saying, oh, it is cool. >> ya, i guess. well they should have gotten in line like the rest of us as if there was a line. yes, there are people who do come here legally, but it is very, very, very small number of people. if you are mexican it is impossible to get to the u.s.
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if you have no family here, probably someone who came here legally and then was legalized when regan was here. >> you understand the line is metaphor cal? >> i don't even know what that means. >> i think getting andy's point, even though there is a small number they do it right and we know people who have had to go through the line. >> then shut up. >> you married the russian. >> marying people from juajaca? getting cheap strawberries? >> yes. >> michelle, i completely agree. there is no way a bill that looks like this is getting out of the house. it may be no immigration gets out of the house. speaker boehner says he 1* envoking the rule that means the only way he will let a bill get to the floor is if a majority of republicans are in support of it. >> they will put it through a bill -- they don't want to seem as though they don't care about latinos and the immigration problem. they are going to put forth a
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bill, but it is not going to be anything the senate wants. >> and then they will agree with the senate bill and give in, right? >> that's the thing. boehner doesn't want the bill to get to conference that a majority of republicans don't like. he may not let one get to the fort. to the floor. pawpolygamist gay ruling, michelle, you highly doubt gay marriage will lead to polygamy being accepted. americans will be worried that it means women being forced into it. could you use a prostitution legalization argument and say if you de criminalize it you make it safe either? >> i am for de criminalizing prostitution. >> can you use it for polygamy? >> what do you mean? >> you would make it safer. >> no, i don't think so. i feel like they are -- i just feel that there shouldn't be polygamy in the sense of marriage. i believe there should be
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contracts. will it be safer? no. in the realm of religion sometimes people are forced into it. >> you pointed out that polygamy is a felony. one of the interesting points, she said polygamists don't want the marriage to be recognized, but they don't want it to be against the law. >> i don't mind that. if they actually believe that, then why do i keep seeing so many stories about polygamists saying, see, we are on our way. some of them do. they want this to be a start of a national conversation. >> she is saying yes. it is de criminalizing the behavior and not giving recognition with benefits. >> i don't think it should be criminalized. if people have a polygamous relationship, and if they are forced into it, there is other legal things at issue there. it is not the marriage itself. >> obama says he will not scramble jets to go after a
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29-year-old hacker which is cool since snowden is a 29-year-old hacker. >> they don't care about that. irs credit card abuses. michelle, you said you were looking at the itemized list of the stuff that was charged. it is ridiculous, yes. but as usa today points out the inspector general's report says there was inproprieties in 1% of the transactions. >> people are buying romantic books or porn with tax dollars that is not okay. >> it is just a little bit. >> i don't care. they hospital use the money, period. >> but still we should point out it is just a little bit. >> can we argue that we wish it was higher? meaning we wish there was less time chasing us around? >> you could argue that, but
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you would be a dam fool. >> i have never shied away there taking that risk. but i am doing it now. if being wrong means you can call me a fool, then i'm a fool. >> drive-thru funeral homes. i i couldn't understand the discussion because people were talking too loud. i had to tell them to be quiet. i think it was probably for the wiser. >> who were they? >> we don't need to name names. >> were they doing group building exercises 1234*. >> there were a lot of stove top hats. taxing calories. you said the one good thing about this is it reduces farm sud saudis. it is a separate proposal for obesity because it would make food more expensive. >> and it happens to be the only one i support. it is not about -- i mean, yes, i support it for different reasons to be
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clear. >> absolutely. and also i don't think it would reduce -- nothing is ever -- >> people should look this up. there was a great map in reason magazine where kurt writes and i used to write that says localization of forms, people think of willy nelson like farm aide a huge percentage are in manhattan because the guys who own it were like big corporations and they get a huge amount. >> i should read "reason" more often. >> i think everyone should. >> everybody send an e-mail to kurt loder and he will get outcome p list. >> i guess that was unnecessary to say it was in portland. i just want to po nie t out it was well established that most bees are of alien origin from a planet and the reason they are dying and leaving earth that they know the earth will be stolen by davros. >> and it is the reason you don't have a girlfriend. back to you, greg.
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for shepard smith. i'm going to stop talking, because that's better. >> the o'reilly "factor" is on. tonight -- > -- tensions rising atthe georn martin murder trial. >> you don't think that creepy ass cracker is a racial comment? >> is the prosecution's star witness helping or hurting its case? >> i'm not going to be scrambling jets to get a 29-year-old hacker. >> president obama dismissive of nsa leaker edward snowden who remains on the run, but some top administration officials say the leaker could cost american lives. >> people may die as a canadiens consequence of what this man
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