tv Hannity FOX News June 29, 2013 2:00am-3:01am PDT
2:00 am bill back on monday. thank you for watching tonight. i'm laura ingraham in for bill o'reilly and please remember, the spin stops here, because we're always looking out for you. have a great weekend welcome to hannity. tonight, full coverage of the george zimmerman murder trial. throughout the program, highlights from day five and legal and law enforcement experts to break it down for you. first, the most shocking revelation from the day's testimony. a neighbor who witnessed the "tussle" between george zimmerman and trayvon martin. john good saw martin on top of zimmerman. watch this. >> at that point, could you tell there was one individual there at least or two people? >> i could tell there were two when they were still vertical. >> all right. and you could -- could you tell at that time in terms of describing who was on top and who was on the bottom? >> i could only see colors of
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clothing. >> the color of clothing on top, what could you see? >> it was dark. >> how about the color of clothing at the bottom. >> i believe it was a light white or red color. >> and are you going from memory, sincit was only a matter of seconds, right? >> i don't understand your question. >> my question is, you are not making notes as you are doing this, taking photographs or anything as you are doing this, right? >> no. >> so you -- positions changed. how
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not faulting him for doing it, however, he clearly scared this kid, the kid ran to get away. doesn't stop. i don't believe he goes back to the car at all. >> you just made an assumption. jump in. >> she made an assumption, and also we have an officer who appeared on the scene, witness number 21 today, who said clearly zimmerman was dazed, confused. was out of it. he did. confirmed the lacerations and contusions to his head. his nose bloodied, clothes wet. yes, i killed this man, here is my gun this was not a situation where he was running. he was not in -- >> he is a want to be cop. of course he wants to be
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embraced by the police. >> look at those injuries. >> those are not bad injuries. >> my god. look at his most nose. >> i don't say that is a good thing, but you know what? he caused this to come about. followed this young man in the dark. >> wait, if you are following someone, that doesn't justify someone turning around and arguably according to the witnesses, jumping on top of him. >> no witness told you thousand started. >> let's go to the law. you two are lawyers. this seems to be classic self-defense, and zimmerman's stories and injuries are -- are buttressed together now with the eyewitness. does he not have a right, if he's getting ground and pound, mma style, straddled and thinks his life is in jeopardy, does he not legally to defend himself? >> he has the right to defend himself with the amount of force placed on him. if the gun is there, maybe
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trayvon went for the gun, he has the gun. this is the situation he's in in a split-second decision in a human being being pound upon. a tremendous amount of witness testimony now that this was the situation. >> real quick. one frustrated prosecutor here. >> just waiting my turn. the justification in florida, stand your ground, does not apply. out the window if you provoke the attack. and to me as a lawyer, i'm telling the jury that he prov e provoked the attack. i'll give you the justification at first or right to defend yourself, but a question of degree and you have to do everything you have to retreat and then you can only use like force. he did not say this guy was about to kill me, i thought i was going to die. when he got up, he said i thought i was being beaten up. >> wait a minute, that was the first ten seconds. >> extremely crucial ten seconds. >> i'm defending myself. that's exactly what he said. >> from being beaten up.
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>> said it to a witness, to a police officer as the police officer arrived on the scene. what was his state of mind? i'm getting beat up. >> we have to take a break. very i think it was devastating today. you agree? >> absolutely. >> devastating. coming up next, day five of the murder trial continues with this and more. >> you took it upon yourself to take the picture? >> yes. >> he didn't ask you to take the picture? >> no. >> thankfully you did, but that was your decision? >> you will hear tonight from the man himself, george zimmerman, how he may or may not take the stand. we already know his version of events. tonight, we'll play my exclusive interview i had with him. you are saying he's beating and you pounding your head into the cement. was he talking to you during that time? >> yes. >> and he was saying? >> and he was saying? >> cursing, telling me to [ male announcer ] erica had a rough day.
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a freight deal of focus placed on george zimmerman's condition. the prosecution attempted to dismiss the notion that he had been assaulted by trayvon martin. and the defense tried to demonstrate that zimmerman asked in self-defense. take a look. >> mr. zimmerman squatted down to collect himself, you took the picture. >> yes. >> he didn't ask you to take the picture? >> no. >> thankfully you did, but that was your decision? >> yes. >> and you asked him what happened? >> yes. >> and he said this guy was beating me up, and i shot him. >> i had to defend myself and i shot him. >> pardon me? >> i was defending myself and i shot him. >> this guy was beating me up, i was defending myself, and i shot him is what he told you? >> yes. >> fobill wheeler and bill stann join us. >> sure, sean. >> when you go to the earlier
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testimony, ground and pound, straddle, mma style, and what we just played for you there, within 15 seconds of the shooting, he told this other witness that he was defending himself. coupled with the other eyewitness that saw it, what do you think of what happened today? >> well, i think it was very important. the information we learned today will be very critical. let me remind you and viewers that we're only into week one of a expected four- to six-week trial. a lot more evidence will come out. the other thing very important that i have not heard today is the fact that when this witness said that trayvon was straddling zimmerman and mma style. mma stands for mixed martial arts, and that means that the person that is straddling you has total control of your arms and your legs. that's what that means, now if that's the case, sean, then the
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question becomes how was it that zimmerman was able to pull his weapon if he was -- if trayvon was actually using mma style tactics? >> mr. stanton? i'm asking you. >> well, i am a fan of mma, sean. and anybody that's watched mma knows you can move around from the bottom position, and i would tell you, sean, based on the facts presented, along with what we know versus what we think we know, alongside the testimony of mr. zimmerman when he said to you in an interview what we know, i can't see how a jury at this point could convict beyond a reasonable doubt. i just don't see it unless there is some new-found evidence that none of us have heard or know about. >> i agree with you. we will play tonight, if what he said, rod, to me, and then coupled with today's evidence of an eyewitness, that he was
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screaming and that he -- that this person was on top of him, and the injuries, it seems to all corroborate each other. the prosecution is going to need something big. wasn't this supposed to be their wig witnesses? >> i agree. i definitely agree with you, sean. i think the prosecution is doing a horrible job, if you just want my opinion. look, i've been involved in multiple homicide investigations and prosecution, and i can tell you this so far -- this case has definitely been blundered by the prosecution. now, real quickly, two other individuals that we definitely need to hear from. this isn't the time to jump to conclusions, we need to hear, sean, from the lead homicide investigator from the city of sanford. that is very critical, because that's the guy and the viewers wanted to charge zimmerman initially with criminal homicide based on what he saw. that's very important. the other person that's very important is the medical examiner, you have to look at autopsy report that will tell us
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a lot. all i'm saying at this point, not time to convict nor is it time to acquit. >> i agree, but we do know certain forensic issues. we know that there was grass, that his back was wet. confirms that he was on his back, and that also corroborates part of his story, but even the lead detective, bill, tell me what he can say that would -- i guess contradict the testimony of the eyewitness? >> i don't know, again, respectfully disagree with rod, i don't know that the prosecution is doing such a horrible job. moreover, the best they can with the slim facts that they have. you know, they are trying to prevent a case that in my opinion just isn't there yet. i mean, you have a defendant that has apparently a broken nose, a bloody head, whose head was definitely striking the concrete, so, you know, how do you present the fact that this man was not in fear? how do you prove he was not in fear of his life?
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>> you know, bill, if i could say this real quick. you know like i do. i think this case was rushed. they should not have taken this case to trial yet, it wasn't ready, bill. have you seen that happen in cases before. >> we are in agreement, sir. absolutely. absolutely. >> coming up next on "hannity." >> let's be clear about this. very clear. this family does not want race as part of this process, and does not believe it should be part of this process. >> trayvon's family, and more than a year, liberals have injected race into this case and we have the tape to prove it. >> trayvon was hunted a rabid dog. he was shot in the street. he was racially profiled. >> plus, we don't yet know if george zimmerman will take the stabbed. we do know what he will say tonight. george zimmerman, we'll play part of our exclusive interview.
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let's be clear about this. very clear. this family doesn't want race as part of this process, and doesn't believe it should be part of the process. >> that was the attorney for the parents of trayvon martin, speaking to reporters yesterday. race has injected to the tragedy. take a look. >> trayvon martin represent the vulnerability of all of us that have to live being suspects, rather than citizens. that you can actually lose your life, because of a preconceived
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notion. >> trayvon was hunted down like a rabid dog. he was shot in the streets. he was racially profiled. >> just because someone wears a hoody does not make them a hoodlum. >> i really personally believe this is a hate crime. >> by next week, we're looking forward to getting $1 million for the catch of george zimmerman. >> jed bush helped pave the way for this senseless tragedy. >> this investigation is laced with racial profiling, lies, and murder. >> he was executed for wwb in agc. walking while black in a gated community. >> the president got involved. if i had a son, he would look like trayvon he said.
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joining me now democratic strategist basil is with us. i feel story for the parents. i think this was a tragic misunderstanding, trayvon wanted out of the rain, george zimmerman, a neighborhood with a lot of crime, wanted to keep his neighborhood safe. >> it is a horrible tragedy. my heart goes out to the parents. i do applaud them for not making this about race. that's the last thing our country needs, depending on how this turns out. despite racial tension in our country this could be another rodney king moment. on twitter, some of the comments are really deplorable. i can't believe it. >> yes, they are not going to inject race into this, but you cannot escape the race issues involved. >> but they are minority. >> trayvon wearing a hoody, being a young black man, presumed not to be in the right
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place at the right time. and will never get the benefit of the doubt. >> we have individuals coming out before the facts were made and making about race, saying it was this crime because he was black, when, in fact, we have two minorities. >> if you look at the statistics across the country, in urban areas, suburban areas, take young african-americans and older ones for that matter, and in a place where it's presumed they should not be. >> you know what? this has been made political. president obama. fredricka wilson. politicians have weighed in before facts were raiseded. that has not helped the situation at all. i fault them totally for doing that. >> as a politician, political leader, have you every responsibility to go out and address what i think has been the predominant feeling of the country. >> before the evidence -- >> i mean --
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>> let me ask a question. could it be the suspension was not about race, but a crime-ridden neighborhood that needs a community watch group and trayvon, because it's raining, wasn't walking on the sidewalk, but near the home. would that lead to suspicion? >> it should not lead to suspicion, and that's the point. should not lead to suspicion, just because he's a young african-american. >> it could be because he's walking next to the house. >> none of that should matter. he is unarmed. he is unarmed. in a neighborhood where he has every right to be in. >> here is the question. why is this making national news when we have murders taking place all the time in places like chicago? >> because he's a young unarmed black man. >> same thing in chicago and other big cities and urban environments. >> and i think we should be paying attention in chicago, what's happening in new york. >> but whatever the outcome is, our country is at risk for racial tension. >> guys, we have to run. and i agree with both of you.
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i think this was a tragic misunderstanding. >> horrible. >> but also classic self-defense based on testimony. all right, good to see up. when we come back, you will hear george zimmerman in his own words. >> i may die. you said you felt you feared for your life. you remember the exact moment when you felt that? >> in hindsight, i would say when he was slamming my head into the concrete and i thought i would lose consciousness. >>
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was. >> expletive problem? >> yes, sir. and i was wearing a rain jacket, and i had put my cell phone in my jacket pocket as opposed to my jeans pocket, where i normally keep it. and i immediately went to grab my phone, but this time to call 911 instead of nonemergency, and when i reached into my pants pocket, that's where i keep it out of habit, it wasn't there, and i was shocked. i looked up, and he punched me and broke my nose. >> one shot? >> yes, sir. >> so he said to you, you have expletive -- you have a problem. those were the exact words he used? >> do you have a problem? what's your problem? >> what's your problem? and you said to him i don't have a problem? >> yes, sir. >> you reached for your phone? >> i reached for it as i said i don't have a problem. >> and at that point you got hit? >> he was within arm's length
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from me. >> that was the punch in the nose that broke your nose? >> yes, sir. >> and you went immediately down to the ground? >> i don't remember if i went immediately to the ground or if he pushed me to the ground, but i ended up on the ground. >> what do you remember happening from there? the police reports and descriptions that you gave, and that you were a little bit dazed, obviously, and one point you said you wanted him -- you wanted to get -- stop him from hitting your head on the cement. >> yes, sir. >> that's what you told the police? >> yes, sir. >> so after that first hit, what happened next? >> he started bashing my head into the concrete sidewalk. i was -- as soon as he broke my nose, i started yelling for help. i was disoriented. and he started slamming my head into the concrete. >> which is where lacerations came from? >> yes, sir.
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>> you said it was like your head was going to explode. a comment you gave to the police. >> yes, sir. continued to punch me in the head. >> how many times would you estimate that he pump epunched ? >> several. more than a dozen. >> and hitting you hard. at what moment did you -- you said you feared for your life. at what moment do you remember when you literally -- do you remember when you thought that i may die. you said you feared for your life. do you remember the exact moment when you felt that? >> in hindsight, i would say when he was slamming my head into the concrete, and i thought i would lose consciousness. i didn't know what would happen at this point. >> how close was the concrete to the grass? a big issue is the grass straits had you on the clothes. and you wanted to get to the
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grass. to protect your head from getting banged on the cement again? >> yes, sir. >> how close in proximity? >> very close to the concrete. >> were you able to get to the grass? >> yes, sir. >> how did you do that? >> i guess you would say shimmy. he was straddled with full weight. i would sit up and push myself down. when i would sit up, he would take the opportunity to slam my head back down, punch me in the head and continue to hit my nose. >> was he faulki intalking to y during this fight? when he was beating you. you say he's beating you, pounding you into the cement. was he talking to you during that time? >> yes, sir. >> and he was saying? >> cursing, telling me to finally saying he was going to kill me. >> and he said those words. when did he first see your gun?
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>> after we were on the ground, i shimmied with him on top of me and made my jacket rise up, and he being on top of me, saw it on my right side. >> what happened after that? >> i saw him take -- he had after -- after he couldn't hit my head on the concrete anymore, he started to try to suffocate me, and i continued to take -- push his hands off my mouth and nose, particularly because it was excruciating, having a broken nose and him putting his weight on it. and that's the point in time he told me to shut up, shut up, shouldn't. >> why did he tell you to shut up? >> i don't know. >> we heard the screams on the one recording from the neighbor calling the police, and there's been some dispute whose voice that is. was that your voice screaming or trayvon martin's voice
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screaming. >> that was my voice, absolutely. >> your voice? >> yes, sir. >> and the police heard 14 screams, you were screaming that loud? >> yes, sir. >> and you sawyou said to the p that he put his hand over your mouth. you think to silence you from screaming? >> yes, sir. i believe he -- from what the investigators told me, he knew that i was talking to the police, and i was yelling so that i -- i believe that the police officer was there, and they just couldn't find me, so i was yelling in the hopes that they were in the vicinity and would come when they heard me yelling. >> do you remember when you yourself reached for your weapon? do you remember that moment? >> yes, sir. >> tell us about that. >> at that point, i realized that it wasn't my gun, it wasn't
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his gun, it was the gun. >> did he say anything? you said he was talking a lot about the gun. did he notice the gun? >> he said you're going to die tonight [ bleep ]. and took one hand off of my mouth, and i felt it going down my chest toward my belt and my holster and that's when i -- i didn't have anymore time. >> do you think he acted more out of a conscious thought? i know these events happen very quick quickly. do you remember consciously thinking i have to grab my gun, or did you just do it? was there a conscious thought that went through your head, that you thought you were going to die and you had to get your weapon and fire? >> i'd love to give you an answer. >> you don't know? >> it just happened so quickly. >> there was an eyewitness out from the very beginning that, in fact, did tell the police the night of the shooting that he saw trayvon on top of you and
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did see the beating. there is no witness to the actual shooting itself. right? >> correct. >> besides yourself? >> correct. >> and we are joined by peter johnson jr. and mercedes cohen and preview what you can expect to come out of zimmerman trial next week. stay with us, tonight on "hannity." [ male announcer ] the mercedes-benz summer event is here. now get the unmistakable thrill and the incredible rush of the mercedes-benz you've always wanted. ♪ [ tires screech ] but you better get here fast. [ girl ] hey, daddy's here. here you go, honey. thank you. [ male announcer ] because a good thing like this won't last forever. mmm. [ male announcer ] see your authorized dealefor an incredible offeon the exhilarating c250 sport sedan. but hurry. offers end soon. chantix... it's a non-nicotine pill.
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good to see up. >> good to see you, sean. interview, very specific answers, not sure that george zimmerman will take the stand. >> i thought the interview the great. the questions were great. real critical issues, that he danced a little around. the conscious thought he had before he pulled the gun. when you said to him, what were you thinking? did you feel had you consciously felt your life was in danger and you pulled the gun? >> and he admitted he was dazed. just had his cement beaten into the cement. broken nose, deep pain. >> that's very true. one question. if it ever sees the light of day in court that prosecutor will zero in and say, of course, i thought i was in danger. of course, sean. >> who says your prosecution will play the interview in court. they took statements from him that night. i don't know how many.
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we'll find out how many they took, and they will see inconsistent statements. they don't have much more. they really don't. every day i see some evidence come out in the form of a witness that prosecution called that turns out to be a defense witness by the time they are done. every one of them. >> compelling articulation of self-defense. textbook. couldn't be better in terms of zimmerman's case. suffocated, near unconsciousness. sucker punched. hit a dozen times on the head into the ground. according to zimmerman, trayvon martin reaching on his chest in order to take his weapon. >> here is the thing. he definitely lays out a self-defense. there are inconsistencies. for example, he says i'm being suffocated, covering my mouth and nose. after his nose is punched and broken. you anticipate there would be blood on trayvon's hands. >> actually, they dealt with that today with the medical
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testimony. the blood would go back. they brought up that today, very smart. >> that is true. you have to assume every drop of blood after he got punched. the prosecution is relying on those questions to kind of raise a doubt about -- >> we are getting into minutia. look at the testimony of the one eyewitness. straddling -- trayvon straddling zimmerman, the mma style, fists going down, screams coming from zimmerman. >> the key issue about that today. the witness said, hey, i heard those cries coming from the lighter-skinned individual on the ground. that is zimmerman. he's the one saying i yelled for help. i was scared, yelling for help. that's when i reached for my gun and -- >> i agree with pete. classic self-defense. >> classic self-defense. and mr. good gave this compelling testimony. ground and pound as if it were
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mixed martial arts. if you know anything about mixed martial arts or self-defense, the way to take somebody out quickly is smash them hard in the nose. disorient them and then take them down and ground them into submission. >> let me give you the point i was trying to make. mma, medical records, the nurse testified to indicate that george zimmerman was doing mma training. prosecution will highlight that. the blood on -- let me may my point. trayvon martin, not having blood on his hands. this was lying about him trying to be smothered. here is the thing. these are the types of things that rauz a potential doubt about the majority of the evidence. the majority of evidence is still clearly self-defense. john good said i could see the color red on the bottom, a white
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guy. guy dressed in dark clothes on the top. and white guy yelling. >> no skin in the game. he is a guy with nothing to do this. >> the prosecution is the one that has to proof it beyond every reasonable doubt. almost like the defense is proving it. >> i have no idea -- >> i will tell you why. under florida law, if the prosecution does not call a witness who has knowledge that they are aware of, with critical knowledge, the defense has to call them as a witness, the defense is entitled in closing to say we doan have a burr, but we had to call the witness was the prosecution was tailoring its evidence. >> i'll accept that evidence. counselor, counselor, counselor, more with the legal panel after the break, more here on the break, more here on "hannity." i'm tony siragusa
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test test. test test sweet. see depend shields and guards are made to fit guys. that's awesome. i trained that guy now it's your turn. go online for my tips to help guard your manhood. with new depend, shields and guards. we continue with our legal experts. here we are, devastating week for the prosecution. can we all agree on that? >> yes. >> can they recover? >> i think the witness, and even though there were some inconsistencies. >> some? her age. she's 19 years old, junior in high school, never testified before. she used the cracker, the race epitheth. and at the end, the whole
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testimony, the jury leaning over listening to every word she was saying, she was the last person that spoke to -- >> you are a defense attorney. what happened to you? >> i am a defense attorney. i am trying to give balance. >> i don't think they can recover. i think george zimmerman by florida law deserves an acquittal. this case never should have been brought. >> i don't know what it will show when they are showing inconsistencies or the medical examiner's testimony. i really don't know what happened. but the prosecution's evidence, what they have for a case up until now looks like a train wreck, and i don't know they can recover. >> it looks like a train wreck. and why, except for politics, would an indictment be brought in this case. and i think the girlfriend's testimony on balance is really bad for the prosecution. >> you know what, peter? you have a jury that will say 19
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years old, junior in high school, last person to talk to trayvon martin. and she heard help, help. >> what did she prove? >> an ear witness. hey, i'm being followed. trayvon, run out of there. >> creepy cracker ass. >> an interviewer picked her up and took her to trayvon's mom. >> creepy ass cracker. i had that backward. >> and this is like lloin the ld case, taking hernandez to lloyd's mother's house. >> she gave an insight into what he was thinking, and he was thinking -- >> he's a kid like she is. >> thinking "n" word, and that is not -- you know, the -- the is not -- you know, the -- the
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this is a fox news alert. attention this week on nelson mandela's attention. the former apartheid leader is in hospitalization but is said to be improving. mr. obama has been meeting with jacob zoom matchett the two of them are holding a joint press conference right now we're told to expect opening statements followed by two questions each from members of the american press and from the south african press. the room is full the leaders are there let's listen in. >> we are delighted to most let me also congratulate you on a reflection as
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president of the united states. our talks have taken place against the background of the ill health of our beloved former president nelson mandela. founding president of our democracy much loved by our people and the world. i know that he is your personal hero as well, mr. president. to a few are also bound by history as the first black presidents of your respective countries. that you both carry the dreams of millions of
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people in africa and in the -- who were previously oppressed. we continue to pray for mandela's good health and well-being. as we prepare to celebrate 20 years of freedom and democracy in april, next year, we extend our deepest gratitude to the movement in the united states for solidarity. mr. president, as a student, you also participated actively in campaigns against i would say especially promoting dismantlement and
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disinvestment from south africa of the investment that had been made in the history by the united states. we are pleased to be working with you you today with a common goal of expanding relations between our two countries. we are, in essence, shifting from disinvestment to reinvestment. in the era of freedom and democracy. mr. president, you are visiting africa at the right time. africa is rising. it is the second fastest growing region after asia and has become a
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