tv FOX and Friends Saturday FOX News June 29, 2013 3:00am-7:01am PDT
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disinvestment from south africa of the investment that had been made in the history by the united states. we are pleased to be working with you you today with a common goal of expanding relations between our two countries. we are, in essence, shifting from disinvestment to reinvestment. in the era of freedom and democracy. mr. president, you are visiting africa at the right time. africa is rising. it is the second fastest growing region after asia and has become a market for
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investment. that's the united states strategy -- africa. that you launched last year is well-timed to take advantage of this growing market. we already see immense value in our strategic partnerships, such as -- and look forward to strengthening the u.s./africa partnership. we're pleased to which the growing bilateral trade and investment that 600 u.s. companies in south africa, which have created in excess of 150,000 jobs. the u.s. is also a major
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export market for south african product. south africa -- is biggest market in africa. accounting for more than 7 billion u.s. dollars next ports. the need for the extension of the african clothes and opportunity act which expires in 2015, our mutual trade has reached the levels preceding the session largely due to the act. arising out of this visit, we would like to see increased investment in the south african economy for
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mutual benefit. we have placed on the table bankable projects which range from -- development to skilled development for the use and also across a number of sectors like information and communication technologies, agriculture and the green economy. obtaining these investments should be the drive for regional integration, industrialization and ization of supply and manufacture. mr. president, youth development is a key area for south africa given that a third of our population is under the age of 15.
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this is a key feature of national development plan. therefore we welcome the education school capacity and innovation program, as well as investment in family education and teacher training. it is also our wish to extend cooperation on vocational training to develop further education and training colleges. we acknowledge the ongoing cooperation in the area of defense and under the auspices of the south africa u.s. defense committee and obtaining of the services in crime fighting we have loaded the
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successful health corporation under the u.s. president's plan for aide relief family to address h.i.v. and aids and other infectious diseases which has contributed to the successes and increase in life expectancy. on promoting the african agenda, we reaffirm our common commitment to strengthening democratic governance and advancing the protection of human rights on the continent. we would like to cooperate with the u.s. in enhancing peace-building and post conflict reconstruction and development corporation. under the umbrella of the
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united nations and the african union. we are concerned about the mushrooming of rebel movement in some countries in the continent at the time when the au is -- policy of zero tolerance to people who come unconstitutional means. this is is a threat hard won peace to many countries in the continent mr. president, we're incouraged by the sanctions on zimbabwe by the u.s. government and add further steps in this regard as it
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will strengthen the economy of zimbabwe. we are hopeful that the african union, with the support of the international community will find solutions to the challenges we face in democratic congo. and republic and somalia. solutions that africa -- that are african led will be able to yield -- problems in the sahara region arise primarily from the manner in which the u.n. secretary council handled the libyan situation. they there are lessons to be learned in the episode. we have talked about this in our meeting the
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president. mr. president, south africa remains concerned at the lack of progress in the middle east peace process. we unequivocallably support the palestinian for understood and believe in the principle of a two state solution. we have noted your latest attempts to revive the stalled negotiations and you have our support in that this regard. at the same time, we are of the view that the lasting peace in the middle east would not be possible without addressing the other ongoing conflict in the region which are a source of much -- and instability.
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we are encouraged by the positive steps you have taken, mr. president, to long standing restrictions on cuba. i further urge you, mr. president, in light of the economic and financial challenges in the u.s. and in the eurozone tone courage our additional supporters. not to abandon their pledges to africa. let me also add that the reform of the united nations security council is long overdue and remains the high priority to south africa, the african continent and the developing world as a whole. finally, mr. president, i wish to reiterate south
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africa's commitment to the relationship with the u.s.a. i'm happy that you will visit robin island during your visit which was home to many freedom fighters in our country for decades. i wish you plenty and productive stay in south africa for the remainder of your visit we are truly honored to host you, mr. president and i thank you. i now invite you, mr. president, to address. you have the floor. >> thank you so much, mr. president, for your generous words and your kind welcome. it is wonderful to be back in south africa. as you mentioned, i had the pleasure of visiting south africa before when i was a
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u.s. senator. michelle and our daughters were here just two years ago and we're now thrilled to be back as a family. and i know that the press corps by the way is happy to be here because this is much more elegant than the white house pressroom. [ laughter ] it's a big improvement. i have to begin, of course, by saying that our thoughts and those of americans and people all around the world are with nelson mandela and his family and all of south africans. the struggle here against apartheid for freedom, the moral courage this country's historic transition to a free and democratic nation has been a personal inspiration to me. it has been an inspiration to the world and it continues to be.
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in so many regions that are divided by con flick, sectarian disputes. religious or ethnic wars to see what happened in south africa, the power of principle and people standing up for what's right, i think, continues to shine as a beacon. so the outpouring of love that we have seen in recent days shows that the triumph of nelson mandela and this nation speaks to something very deep in the human spirit. the yearning for justice and dignity that transcends boundaries of race and class and faith and country. that's what nelson mandela represents. that's what south africa at its best can represent to the world, and that's what brings me back here on what
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will be a two day trip in which i have opportunity to meet with a whole range of leaders here in south africa the president and i have enjoyed our company quite a bit in the g-20 and in various multilateral forms. usually, unfortunately when we are meeting, there is some crisis going on around the world. we had a more leisurely conversation today. we both agree that the stated bilateral relations between the united states and south africa are extraordinarily strong. as one of the bricks south africa's growth reflects the realities of a global economy. we welcome that we don't simply recognize it that's one of the reasons why i
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institutionalized the g-20 because it reflects the reality of today's world and today's economy and the need for this continent to be represented in any discussions about the direction of the world economy. so, the united states views south africa as a critical partner. and mr. president, i very much appreciate our personal friendship and partnership. as you have noted, africa is on the rise and south africa is always at the forefront of friends in africa. i see south africa as critical as one of my top priorities on this trip. that is to promote trade and investment that helps unleash economic growth here in africa and ultimately will benefit the united states of america. we export more products to south africa than any other nation. here in africa hundreds of
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companies as you noted operated here in south africa. south african companies are investing back in the united states like cetsel millions of dollars of investment in u.s. energy. including my home state of illinois. as the largest economy in the region, growth here can drive growth all south africa. i wanted our countries to be doing more business together. one of the things that i have said to our press corps during this trip is that all too often attention is only paid to africa when there is a crisis. but, in fact, six of the 10 largest economies in the world or six of the 10 fastest growing economies in the world are in africa. there is enormous progress being made and enormous potential to be made. but on or aboutously we have a lot more work to do. i think we can do it together. today almost all of all of south africa's exports to the united states, 98%
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already enter our markets duty free. i told president zoom that i want to remore trade and more jobs. i have got to show american companies that are operating on a level playing field when they invest or trying to export into south africa. we're going to make sure that our trade negotiators have a serious conversation about how we get a win-win formula that delivers jobs and opportunity for people here in south africa and also in the united states our commitment to progress and human dignity extends to our shared efforts to combat h.i.v./aids. since i took office, we have continued the good work of pep far and we have built on it so here in south africa we are delivering anti-retroviral treatments to 1.6 million
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people, which along with our prevention efforts is helping to save millions of lives. i want to commend south africa for its standing leadership on their. within a few years, south africa will become the first country in south africa to manage h.i.v. care and treatment program and the united states will increasingly focus on prevention and strengthening public health systems. this is an example of how how rather than a one-way street of aid to africa. this is a partnership of equals working together to solve common challenges. that's what we need to see in all areas of endeavor. we're working together to advance the dignity of all of our citizens. since opportunities for women and girls means greater prosperity for everybody, i'm hopeful that we will be able to welcome
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south africa to our future partnership. make sure every company is committed to developing for women and for girls. some people know that my mother was involved in international development. she taught me when i was very young, you can measure how well a country does by how well it treats its women. if it's educating its women and giving them opportunity that country does well. if not that country does not advance. i believe that so, i also want to commend your parliament for passing a landmark law to combat the modern slavery that is human trafficking. something that is still a crisis around the world. this afternoon i will be in swedo to announce a major expansion to invest in young africans that will shape this country and continent for decades to
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many cop. regionally i want to thank south africa from promoting peace between sudan and south sudan tone couraging economic cooperation across the continent. as the president mentioned, we discussed the situation in taksim back way assume back way. zimbabwe. we also discussed the congo where i have assigned a new envoy to the region. russ feingold a former senator and chairman of the africa committee he is going to lead our efforts in support of the framework for peace. and the united states and south africa agree that all nations should implement the commitments under that framework quickly to bring the tragedy of the con go
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to an end. finally as president zuma mentioned we discussed a range of global challenges. our governments don't agree on every issue. no two countries do. we have seen the progress we can make together on nuclear security, on climate change, given south africa's history and given what it represents to the world and given the interest we share as democracies that believe in constitutions and rule of law and human rights and the dignities of all people, i believe that we can stand soldier to soldier -- shoulder to shoulder for issues of security and justice. and human rights i believe when the united states and south africa stand together on an issue in multilateral forum it's hard to resist. to so president zoom marks i want to thank you for welcoming me here today. i want to thank you for the work that we have done together.
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it is a great joy for me to be visiting and spending time here in south africa. i have had occasion to visit robin island myself but for me to be able to bring my daughters there and teach them the history of that place and this country and help them to understand not only how those lessons apply to their own lives but also to their responsibilities in the future as citizens of the world. that's a great privilege and a great honor. so i thank you and to it all the people of south africa, there is enormous affection and admiration for you in the united states. and i hope that i adequately expressed that during my visit. >> thank you very much. we will now take questions.
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>> one question to both presidents. maybe starting with president obama. you have come to africa, to south africa of course to boost and strengthen trade. so, perhaps, someone saying well, the united states is somehow threatened because there are other players who are coming to africa, especially china. china is not only coming here in waves but also indeed. so perhaps president obama threatened -- is in danger and the other quick question president obama, south africa -- come will the united states support it, u.n. to president zuma. you as the voice indicated
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south africa -- we have seen some pockets of rebels as you indicated in congo and maly and elsewhere. what other stance have you -- america is one of the advanced countries that can help in many areas. thank you. >> well, first of all, i'm here in africa because i think the united states needs to engage in a continent full of promise and possibility. i think it's good for the united states regardless of what others do: i actually welcome the attention that africa is receiving from countries like china and brazil and india and
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turkey. because, number one, the more interest they show in africa, the more tools we have and mechanisms we have to further incorporate africa into the global economy which had the potential of creating jobs and businesses and opportunity. so i don't feel threatened by it i think it's a good thing. now, i do think it's important for africans to make sure that these interactions are good for africa. because -- let me just take the example of natural resources. i think there has been a long history of extracting resources from africa. you take raw materials, you send them to some place elsewhere they get used, processed, sometimes sold back to africa. the profits stay there, the jobs stay there, and not much stays in africa. and there is a long history
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of that. well, the truth is, the united states at this point on issues of energy, for example, frankly, we don't need energy from africa. because of advances that have been made, we're seeing oil production and natural gas production as well as clean energy production all growing at a rapid rate in the united states. so, our primary interest when it comes to working with africa on energy issues has to do with how do we power africa so that it can be an effective market creating jobs and opportunity in africa but then we also then have somebody to trade with with and sell ipods to and airplanes all kinds of good stuff. [ laughter ]
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so, when we look at what other countries are doing in africa, i think our only -- our only advice is to make sure it's a good deal for africa. somebody says they want to come build something here, are they hiring african workers? somebody says that they want to help i develop your natural resources? how much of the money is staying in africa? if they say that they are very interested in a certain industry, is the manufacturing and value added done in africa? are they tolerating corruption that's not beflting the people but just benefiting a few at
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the top in their interactions with african countries? those are the questions africa should be asking. and hopefully one of the things that we can do is in our interactions, as a country that doesn't is v. a colonial history here. a as a country that has made large investments in development on issues like h.i.v., aids, hopefully we can garner some trust when people ask us, you know, what are the kinds of development strategies that are going to be sustaining over the long term? but, as i said, i want everybody playing in africa. the more the merrier. that is good. that gives africans leverage which i think is useful. but, again, ask those questions. don't just assume that folks come here and they
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are automatically benefiting africans. and that includes the united states, you know. ask questions in terms of what we do. with respect to the united nations, president zuma and i discussed the fact that just as i wanted to institutionalize the g-20 because it's more reflective of the world, i think the united nations structure which was created post world war ii is going to have to be updated. how we do that, in what fashion is complicated. it's difficult. and it involves all kinds of politics. i will say this, that that an expansion of, let's say the security council, that in which the continent of africa had no
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representation would be up. but how that moves forward is something that i think will involve a lot of negotiations and a lot of discussions. and the one thing that i shared with president zuma is everybody wants a seat at the table, but when it comes time to step up and show responsibility, sometimes people want to be free riders. they love sitting around the table deciding what to toexcept when it comes bearing the burdens, bearing the costs and sometimes sharing the blame for difficult decisions that have to be made then suddenly, well, i'm neutral. i'm not alive. don't ask me to -- i'm not referring to south africa particularly. i'm just saying countries
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generally like the idea of being part of -- one of the things the united states has done and obviously we are not perfect, but us coming to the table comes by virtue of the fact that we bear a lot of responsibility. if there is a crisis in the world, people ask us what are you doing about it? they ask why haven't you intervened militarily you are letting people die. if you intervene militarily they ask why did you intervene militarily? they ask us to foot the bill. the expectation is why aren't you footing the bill? if there is poverty or crisis or humanitarian disaster, the natural expectation immediately is what's the united states doing? now, we shoulder that burden gladly. we think that's part of our
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responsibility. we have been incredibly blessed. but, the simple point i make and i say this everywhere i go is with rights come responsibilities. and burdens, and it's not always comfortable and you can't always make everybody happy. it's like being president of a country. [ laughter ] thank you. >> thank you very much. effectively the question of africa and its history and the development globally, i think they should be taken what they are without assumptions. today we are talking about the globalized world. if the world is global blizzing. why should there be a question about africa that africa must remain some way
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i think since the end of the cold war the world is working together. there is no country that is isolated. china has a lot of relations with uk, u.s.a., africa is a region why singled out for some views so to speak. i don't think in my understandable. why is it fair to africa. told who africa can have relations with or this one or that one. i don't think that talks to our acceptance of globalization. we are globalizing. africa must be part of globalization. to say we aren't globalizing relations with
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certain regions and not other regions. if we have relations with other regions, question. now, do i think countries that come to interact with africa should be questioned why are you doing it? i think it is in the nature of globalization that, in fact, africa is saying it can no longer be bypassed by events that change the world. we're part of it. that's why we relate to the bigger economies. we want the relationship that president obama say that benefits both because historical. the kind of relation what's with other regions were one-sided. president is saying that we want localization be teen into account. whoever is trying to make relations with us.
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benefits our resources so that they benefit us. we ourselves as another kind of area, we have said we needed to do trade among ourselves. intertrade in the continent of africa. we are putting our five economy regions together so that we work as a continent together. we are having massive program in terms of the infrastructure to i understand great what you are talking about. to create that necessary platform. so whoever comes and invest, we don't ask are you an american? are you a chinese? no we enter into the relationship that must benefit both. and i'm happy that the united states shares that view as well. so, that is how these interactions are interpreted. as far as the african continent is concerned. speaking with one voice. we are not speaking as one voice as a continent. that's why we look at those
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who try to one country that this side and the other. that's why the relations we have with other regions we try to do them as a unit, as entity as a nation rather than as individual country. that is what is happening. coming here because of other reasons that we don't know. we take them genuinely that they are establishing relations that must benefit us, who must also appreciate the history of the continent where we come from. why we are lagging behind. what could do to help news terms of the relationships that we have to move forward as well. with regard to the issue of the united nations security council, i, again agree with the president that the institution was done in the mid 40s. when many countries did not exist.
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they did not participate in observing rules and regulations. things have changed. the world is different today. we can't continue with those kind of conditions. it does not reflect what is happening today. that's why we believe each and every region must be represented at all levels. so that can be part of decision-making in this international important body. the process is important that it is looked at but also should be realistic because, again, why we say we need that as a president we saying we don't want people that are justing going to come and sit there and enjoy status. countries must be looked at or regions. why should countries be members of this important body that take final decision? do they have a contribution to make? watch is it that is going to be used as a criteria country, let alone the
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regions as to why this particular country must be a member? those are matters i think those were in the national -- u.n. security council or u.n. security council, rather. they must begin to discuss those matters. what is it that you are going to say are important criteria to say this country can come so that we help the process? if the countries are not talking about it, you then allow the process to stay there and people saying also some things. if in the smallest country right to say something but then expecting to be there and they may have no contribution to make. i'm not saying other countries can't. they can. but we are talking about an institution that takes very decisive decisions about the life of the globe. i am just saying, i would be happy if this matter is pushed quicker so that final decisions are taken. on question regarding
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whether we discussed what the united states could do to help africa in the processes that it is trying to help itself, economically, security situation, et cetera, we discussed that and we have agreed and i'm very happy, the agreement is very clear that africa has said we need the african-led kind of processes, and that other should help support the process and we are at one with president obama on that one and absolutely correct so that we should be supported we are looking at very specific thing, new trend of in the continent. we need to do want to nip it in the bud. ask countries to volunteer
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who could be part of if by force ask act immediately to deal with it and would want big countries like the united states to support us in those kind of friction. i think we are in agreement with our talk. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> >> from the associated press, julie pace. >> thank you, mr. president. i wanted to first see if you could comment on the situation in egypt and the u.s. concern about protests there and also, politics in kenya appear to have affected your ability to travel there despite your family ties. can you reflect personally on not being able to go to the country where your father was born and what does the situation in kenya and in places like zimbabwe say about the difficulties of fulfilling nelson mandela's vision for on the continent. president zuma given your country's high unemployment
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and challenges is the anc in current form living up to mandela's legacy. thank you? >> on egypt. obviously we are all looking at the situation there with concern. the -- it has been challenging given that there is not a tradition of democracy in egypt. and the egyptian people have been finding their way. our most immediate concern with respect to protests this weekend have to do with our embassies and consulates. we have been' in direct contact with the egyptian government and we have done a whole range of planning to make sure that we're doing everything we can to keep our ambassadors and con solutes protected. and and diplomats and personnel there safe. more broadly.
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what we have said publicly and what we have said privately is that we support peaceful process, peaceful protests and peaceful methods of bringing about change in egypt. i think every party has to denounce violence why would like to see the opposition and president morsey engaged in a proper constructive conversation about how they move their country forward because nobody is benefiting from the current stalemate that exists there. and, you know, we do not take sides in terms of who should be elected by the egyptian people. we do take sides in terms of observing a process for democracy and rule of law
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and that all the players there engage in the necessary tough compromises so that they can start focusing on the things that probably matter most to the ordinary egyptian, which is jobs, energy costs, food costs, housing, schooling for their kids, creating economic opportunity, and egypt i think for the last year and a half two years has had great difficulty focusing on those vital issues. so, again, top priority, making sure that our embassies and consulates are prepared for this wave of protests. number two, we are supportive of freedom of speech and freedom of assembly inside of egypt. but we would urge all parties to make sure that they are not engaging in violence and that police and military are showing appropriate restraint and, number three, how do we make sure that we get this
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political process back on track? and that's a difficult and challenging situation. but egypt is the largest country in the arab world and i think the entire region is concerned that if egypt continues with this constant instability, that that has adverse effects more broadly. your second question, kenya. you know, there had just been an election in kenya that thankfully, did not see the same kind of violence as the previous election. a newly installed president but let's be honest a situation in which this new government was still working out issues with the international community in part daghtsd back to the previous election. and the timing was not
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right for me as the president of the united states to be visiting kenya when those issues are still being worked on and hopefully at some point resolved. we believe kenya needs to abide by various international commitments that it's made. having said that kenya can is one of our oldest partners in the country we have outstanding bilateral relations. people-to-people contacts remain extraordinarily strong. we work with them on all sorts of issues. economic, security, youth exchanges, you name it it and that will continue. my personal ties to the people of kenya, you know, by definition are going to be strong. land stay strong. i have been to kenya multiple times in the past
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and i suspect i will be to kenya multiple times in the future and will continue to be deeply concerned with the progress that's made in that country. i think it has enormous potential. kenya is like south africa. there is a country blessed with incredible resources incredible beauty. brilliant people there have been times in the past where government held back progress and sometimes ethnic conflict held back progress. and obviously prior to that, colonialism and racism sometimes held back progress but the future for kenya like the future of the continent is potentially bright and the united states wants to be a partner in that process. did you have a third question for me? >> were [inaudible] kenya zimbabwe. >> absolutely.
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look, nelson mandela showed what is possible and the people of south africa have shown what's possible when a priority is placed on constitutions and rule of law and respect for human dignity and that all people are treated equally. and that we will rise above our parochial concerns. and what nelson mandela also stood for is the recognition inned that the well being of a country is more important than the interest of any one person. the reason that george washington is our most admired president is because after two terms he said enough, i'm going back to being a citizen.
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and if you look at u.s. history, there was no rule at the time in the constitution, there was no term limits and he was so popular, he could have easily been president of the united states for life. he said i'm a citizen. i have served my time. i have engaged my service and then it's time for the next person beast because that's what a democracy is about. nelson mandela similarly i think was able to recognize despite how reveereds he was part of this transition process was to able to recognize bigger than just one person. even one of the greatest people in history. what an incredible lesson that is so i think for the entire continent, for every leader not just in africa. for every leader around the world to think about those
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principles, that governs for the people have to be based on constitutions and rules in which every -- every person is treated equally and nobody is above the law, and this we as leaders, you know, we occupy these spaces temporarily. we don't get to so diluted that we start thinking that the fate of our country depends on how long we stay in office when you have that as a foundation and you start building in transparency and accountability and good governance and delivering services for people then you have a recipe for dises success. the economy starts booming and the private sector effective.
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my hope would be that every country in the -- around the world but certainly in africa can benefit from those lessons. if you look at zimbabwe, it used to be -- >> alisyn: good morning, everyone. been listening to a joit joint press conference with president obama and president zuma of south africa. they are appearing in prey prey tore i can't south africa. -- pretoria, south africa. we will keep an ear out and more news. >> overshadowing the whole press conference is the legacy of nelson mandela and what will happen after nelson mandela. much more of "fox & friends" in just two minutes. we'll be right back. ♪
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>> alisyn: good morning, again, everybody. thanks so much for joining us. allison camerota here with tucker and clayton. >> good morning. >> alisyn: getting a slightly later start to our show because we have been watching the joint press conference. >> clayton: you have had a lot of time to read the headlines. >> tucker: practicing for 53 pins. good luck alli. >> new overnight former major league pitcher justin miller has died. his agent confirms that his body was found wednesday but he is not yet saying what the cause was during his seven-year career miller pitched for four teams, the blew jays, marlins, giants and dodgers, he appeared in more than 200 games and had 24 career wins. miller was just 35 years old. and while you were sleeping american college student killed violent streets 21-year-old andrew of chevy
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chase, maryland was reportedly shot or stabbed while taking pictures of the protest in alexandria. his family says he was in the country teaching english to children they released this statement quote he went to he auto i didn't want because he cared profoundly about the middle east and planned to live and work there in pursuit of peace and understanding. andrew was a wonderful young man looking for new experiences in the world and finding ways to share his talents while he learned. and there are new developments in the aaron hernandez murder case. a third suspect is now in custody in connection with the killing of odin lloyd. earnest wallace turned himself in to police in florida. charged with acting as accessory as lloyd's murder. execution style killing. meanwhile investigators toed a silver suv from the home of hernandez' uncle yesterday in connecticut. it is reportedly connected to a 2012 double murder that hernandez may have been involved in. all right. those are your headlines. >> well done. >> tucker: oh, yes. well, this morning you remember lois lerner.
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>> alisyn: i do. >> tucker: from the irs. she had a very drama infused moment in front of the house of representatives. you may remember it during the hearing. there is congressman trey gowdy of south carolina. she was asked account for yourself? and she got up and gave an incredibly self-righteous belligerent statement how she had done nothing wrong and refused to say anything. >> clayton: the question is then she tried to plead the fifth. >> tucker: yeah, successfully. >> clayton: she pled it if you have come out and already talked about it and already made this entire statement then how you can possibly then pleaded fifth. trey gowdy says we need to bring her back because she violated all of this. take a listen. nine separate factual assertions including, mr. chairman i have done nothing wrong, i have blown no laws. i have provided no false information to. i have violate nod irs rules. i have violated no irs regulations.
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then she self-authenticate add document. all of this, mr. chairman, after she invoked her right to remain silent. yes, she has a fifth amendment right to remain silent. she sat there and could have said nothing. he is saying she violated the fifth amendment when she got up and gave that sill question how she had done nothing wrong so it no longer applies, the fifth amendment. furthermore as you probably know, she was the woman in charge of the tax exempt division and she is currently still on paid leave. we now know making about $3,400 a week still while not helping congressional investigators get to the bottom of what happened in that division. >> pretty good job if you can get it. do nothing, get paid. >> alisyn: say nothing, get paid. >> clayton: this scandal hitting the administration pretty hard. new polls out how this is effecting the president's job performance numbers. >> 31%. down significantly from last year at the same time. we'll have much more on this and more this morning
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on "fox & friends." thank you so much for waking up with us. we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] erica had a rough day. there was this and this. she got a parking ticket... ♪ and she forgot to pay her credit card bill on time. good thing she's got the citi simplicity card. it doesn't charge late fees or a penalty rate. ever. as in never ever. now about that parking ticket. [ grunting ] [ male announcer ] the citi simplicity card is the only card that never has late fees, a penalty rate, or an annual fee, ever. go to to apply.
3:58 am
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>> alisyn: good morning, erch. it's saturday, june 28th. i'm allege sin camerota. you have more than just independence day to celebrate next week. you also have obama care. is that how the voters feel? we have the numbers for you. >> tucker: bring lois lerner back. the house said she waived her 50 amendment right. will we finally get to the bottom why the groups are targeted by the irs. louie goal member joins us coming up. >> a how does ben franklin feel about what's going on outside? they are arguing with each other. weird. "fox & friends" hour two, i
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guess, something like that, starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> alisyn: good morning again, everyone. >> good morning. top of the morning to you. [ laughter ] >> clayton: a lot of viewers what in the world is going on watching this live feed from south africa this morning. >> tucker: that was interesting as south african president jacob zuma who we are all of the sudden supposed to take seriously. wish alex pappas one of the great reporters in washington he has method his match in nancy and i'm going to weep at their wedding. >> alisyn: that's so nice of you to say. last night i went to it a wedding and was crying at the wedding of a beautiful couple jono and stefanie colleagues of my husband's. weddings will do that to you. >> tucker: weddings are wonderful. i go to weddings whether
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i'm invited or not. >> clayton: last night i had a chicken pot pie. >> alisyn: thank you for sharing that let's move on, shall we? get to your headlines. tell you what else is happening at this hour. a man wanted in a brutal home invasion in new jersey. it was caught on a nanny cam is behind bars this morning. 42-year-old sean curtis was arrested yesterday in manhattan, police say he beat the young mom while her 3-year-old daughter watched. >> we're all ecstatic that they got the guy. it was a heinous crime. he needs to be punished and the first step is to catch him and they caught him. >> alisyn: the neighborhood is starting a watch group in an effort to prevent future crime. this weekend marks four years since sergeant bo berg doll was taken prisoner by the taliban in afghanistan. it's believed he is being held in northern pakistan. now a group of veterans on motorcycles called rolling thunder have taken up his cause. they are holding rallies to raise awareness of
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bergdahl's situation. >> we know what happened to this young man. he is he still out there. he is still alive. some people aren't even aware of that fact. we're trying to make people aware that bo bergdahl is still out there and we want him home. we want him home now. >> alisyn: last week the taliban offered to release bergdahl in exchange for five taliban prisoners in guantanamo bay. one high school putting a ban on tebowing. students say they have a tradition of kneeling in prayer after a big game but that tradition is no more. they say school administrators are preventing them from doing it because a parent complained to the aclu that there is no separation of church and state when they do this. where to b. two hours the spulings space shuttle thrits will go on tour. the at atlantis is being tilted on display at a slight angle of 43.21 degrees as in 4, 3,
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2, 1, liftoff. the famed shuttle made 33 missions to space spending 307 days in orbit. >> clayton: you can fly. [ laughter ] fourth of july coming up. i'm sure you are all excited about the barbecues celebrate our nation's independence. get out there the in town square. watch parades. >> tucker: what should we celebrate. >> clayton: declaration of independence. morning when they read that allowed for the very first time. put that declaration aside this time around. nancy pelosi thinks you should instead be celebrating obama care, the one year anniversary of the supreme court decision that made it stand. listen to her. >> soon we will all be leaving for the fourth of jewelry says next week, when we celebrate independence day.
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we also will be observing health independence. this week marks one year since the supreme court upheld the affordable care act, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. affordable care act offers just that, a healthier life, liberty pursue a person's happiness to be free of constraint, the job lock because they are policy locked and so if you wanted to be a cameraman, a writer, you want to be self-employed, if you want to be a -- start a business, if you want to change jobs, whatever it is you want to do you are free. >> tucker: that's scary. that's someone -- that's a true believer. that is someone who believes that politics is the most important thing in the world. >> alisyn: it feels a tad tone deaf. >> tucker: you think? >> alisyn: american public often says that they are
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confused about the affordable care act and obama care and what it really is going to mean to them personally or to their family or their business. they are confused. those people who do think they understand what it means aren't sold on it and they are worried about the future. here are the latest fox news polls taken here, 39% now want to repeal obama care entirely. 19% say they want repeal just parts of it exact same amount 19% say they want to leave it as is and 17% say they want to expand it. >> tucker: here is what i thought was the most interest of all the polls. how does obama care make you feel about your healthcare in the future? so, in july of 2012, a year ago, 51 percent said they were worried while he thinking about obama care. now that number is 66%. >> clayton: so much so the white house is taking on celebrities to go out there advertising campaign. we have heard about this story bringing in celebrities to try to get pr campaign around it we know small business groups
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are having to get educated about exactly how they are going to implement it in their business? are they going to have to lay off employees how this will effect them. we have had a couple of years. we still don't know all the details and how it's going to effect them. >> alisyn: it's hard to get your arms around the thing. people appear to be getting more nervous as the date comes when more of it is fully implemented. >> clayton: celebrate celebrate it. july 4th take a moment of silence. >> tucker: it's grotesque. >> alisyn: what are the colors of freedom from health independence? >> tucker: what kind of fireworks do i set off? congress bernstein took to the house floor and asked the other day what does tyranny look like in america? this is a pretty provocative statement. look at. this in america we are either moving more towards liberty or more towards tyranny. ask ourselves what does tyranny look like. executive branch picks and chooses which laws it wants
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to enforce. judicial branch allow it to do so on grounds that the executive branch did not defend the laws in court. the legislative branch would have very limited power because they turned it all over to the president and the people would feel like they had no representation. the president told us he was going to fundamentally transform america and i think that is exactly what he is doing. >> clayton: certainly on the heels of the nsa scandals. four programs out there monitoring every email communication of every american in some big data log. >> tucker: and your financial transactions. >> clayton: what does tyranny look like? >> tucker: it looks like that. >> clayton: find us on ff weekend. rick reichmuth has been standing by patiently all morning. >> alisyn: patiently? >> clayton: patiently. >> tucker: good morning, rick. >> talk about how hot it is. >> clayton: phoenix is like on fire. >> 118 in phoenix.
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highest temperature ever was 122. i was there that day in 1990. that's incredibly hot. 118 very hot as well. right now 94 degrees in areas all across the river valley here. lake havasu city. vegas may be breaking an all-time record. highest temperature ever is 117. but death valley, that's a place where the highest temperature ever on earth was recorded. and it's 100 years ago it happened on july 10th in not 2013. it should say 1913. we will be getting very very close to this. 128, 129. typically 114. hot place. all time world temperature getting very very close to it over the weekend. >> alisyn: oh my gosh. incredible. >> tucker: 100 years ago. >> clayton: bring lois lerner back. houses she waived her fifth amendment right. will we get to the why targeted by the u.s. louie gohmert is here next.
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>> tucker: looking at more than $500,000 worth of trouble. why this lamborghini is headed to the impound lot. is it yours? details ahead. i want to make things more secure. [ whirring ] [ dog barks ] i want to treat mo dogs. ♪ our business needs more cases. [ male announcer ] where do you want to take your business?
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>> yes, she has a fifth amendment right to remain silent. she sat there and could have said nothing. we had a witness this week who did that we had a witness this week who said nothing. she didn't. >> the records will show from the very beginning when she was summoned to this committee she resisted and she invoked her fifth amendment right. she came here under subpoena, a partisan issued subpoena, i might add, not supported by our side. against her will. and she made a statement and then refused to answer any questions and was dismissed by the chairman properly so. >> tucker: members of a house committee hashed it out whether irs official lois lerner waived her fifth amendment right to remain silent during a hearing. even though there was a disagreement a majority of members thought she had, in fact, waived that right. here to weigh in now is congressman louie gohmert of texas. we are always honored to have you. >> always love being here. thank you.
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>> so did she? >> it sure sounded like it to me now as a judge handling all kinds of felony cases, i would advise people you have the right to remain silent, but, if you waive that right. if you begin to testify at all, you have waived that right, you cannot claim the fifth amendment at that point. and at that point, if you decide not to answer questions, i will put you in jail until you finish answering questions. it's that serious. you don't start talking unless you intend to waive your fifth amendment right. >> tucker: lois lerner showed up and said i'm going to tell my i side of the story which i did nothing wrong. >> she said all the exculpatory things. yes, i did nothing wrong. i'm totally innocent. everything i did was proper and now i'm taking the fifth. oh, no you are not. you just testified before this committee. did you nothing wrong. now you will answer questions. >> tucker: the committee
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allowed her to do that i watched it. >> of course. i would allow people to do that as a judge. but they are not in a criminal setting they are under no legal obligation to read her rights. no obligation to cut her off. when she starts saying did i nothing wrong, i'm totally innocent, i believe she has waived it. i believe that trey, i believe the committee is right. you had a good example on wednesday, our friend mr. roseman, the deputy irs director who was throwing the biggest contract in u.s. history to gee crony capitalism comes to mind. to his good buddy tat had the military disability because he turned his ankle in a prep school getting ready to go to military school. and as a result he is going to get a 500-million-dollar contract. well, roseman came in, he didn't say i'm not guilty, i didn't do anything wrong.
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he knew better than that he had a better lawyer. so he came in and said i'm taking the fifth. i'm not talking. that's how you do that. >> tucker: is there a chance that lois lerner will be hauled back before the committee? >> oh, yeah. now that they have said she waived her fifth amendment right, the next step is to subpoena her, to have her come back and then at that point, if she refuses, not a criminal court, then they will have to find her in contempt. there will be a vote on whether or not she is in contempt. and then if she is, then it goes to the u.s. attorney for the district of columbia. and gee, aren't they always helpful to us in. >> not always. i want to get your reaction because i can't resist. these are some items purchased with irs credit cards. >> isn't that unbelievable? >> tucker: put this up on the screen. nerf footballs. thomas the tank engine rubber wrist bands. the world's largest cross word puzzle. stove top hats.
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kazoos. the irs is asking for extra billion dollars from congress this year. in light of this, should they get it. >> sean, i'm a big fan. nerf footballs. in law school i purchased 50 kazoos we passed them out at football games. we were our own band. we were extraordinary kazoo band, but not the irs. that's not their job. if they want to go buy kazoos, buy them with their own money. you know. it is absurd what the irs has been doing and, tucker, it is time as arthur laugher says, as steve forbes says, so many have been saying for years. get rid of the irs. let's go to a flat tax. some say a fair tax. but as arthur was telling me a couple weeks ago, look, you can have a flat tax. get rid of the irs and not have an agency that has all the authority and the scary ability of the irs have an auditing agency without the teeth that the irs has.
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>> tucker: raise more money and do it more fairly. >> i will tell you what though, in the old days you take a chance if you confront the irs about anything, even if you are in congress. so it's bold what's going on but it has to go on. we have got to clean this mess up. >> tucker: congressman gohmert thanks for being with us. >> thank you. >> tucker: woman gave her kidney to save her boss' life. what did she get in turn? she got fired. it's a flying dry cleaning? meet the business that's using drones to deliver. coming up. ♪ when you experience something great, you want to share it.
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fox movie from director paul who did brides maids. at this point selling 50% more tickets than bride made did. coming in number two as of last night. let's be clear r rated raunchy. >> how raunchy? >> little raunch. buying into the chemistry between these two. sat with them last week and asked how they got along on the set. >> i think it was wildly fun that we got along so well the second we met. that doesn't always happen. >> we are freakishly similar on every single level. >> i don't know if the world needs two of us. >> at least we now found the other one, so our oddities are things that we find -- >> -- we find charming. >> compete with each other are you telling me. >> she had me at [bleep] >> that's pretty much how the whole interview went.
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believe it or not, it's the first buddy cop movie. first buddy movie with two women in over 20 years. tuck. >> clayton: what was last one. >> thelma and least. >> how did that end? >> very well. fox has ordered a sequel. >> tucker: they didn't drive off a cliff. not a spoil letter. >> alisyn: did you find it funny. >> funny and raunchy two of them doing what they do best. a lot of improv. timing is great. ms. mccarthy is so funny on this. on a roll between brides maids, identity thief and now. this. >> clayton: catchall of michael it's stuff. >> follow me on twitter at fox light michael. >> alisyn: outstanding. thank you. >> clayton: this guy picking the wrong house to break into. how one homeowner stopped him in his tracks. >> tucker: make your fourth of july menu smoking hot.
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grrrr ahhh let's leave the deals to perfect! yep, and no angry bears. up to 30% off. only at wellso ready.o go look? lots of options, huh? i can help you narrow it down. ok thanks. this one's smudge free. smudge-free. really? and this one beeps when you leave the door open. upgrade your laundry room and kitchen appliances during red white and blue savings. thank you! more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. your choice, maytag or ge washer, now just $399 each. folks have suffered from frequent heartburn but now, thanks to treating with prilosec otc, we don't have to suffer like they used to.
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even in stupid loud places. to prove it, we set up our call center right here... [ chirp ] all good? [ chirp ] getty up. seriously, this is really happening! [ cellphone rings ] hello? it's a giant helicopter ma'am. [ male announcer ] get it done [ chirp ] with the ultraugged ocera torque, only from sprint direct conct. buy one get four free for your business. let's see what you got. rv -- covered. why would you pay for a hotel? i never do. motorcycles -- check. atv. i ride those. do you? no. boat. house. hello, dear. hello. hello. oh! check it --
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[ loud r&b on car radio ] i'm going on break! the more you bundle, the more you save. now, that's progressive. >> good morning. apparently a bus from philadelphia has come into new york city with a bunch of people named ben. ben franklin here in new york city. why are you here today? >> we are here to enjoy your fine city and to let you know about a brand new deal. >> i why won't you tell. >> if you sign up from virgin mobile you get one of us, a portrait of benjamin franklin in your wallet. >> who could want want anything more? a shot of the morning that could be a shot in your pocket, also. hash tag benjamin. all right, guys. there is your shot of the morning. over to you. >> alisyn: no, rick. we want more of your interview. go on. [ laughter ]
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>> alisyn: they have forgot than rick is there. >> tucker: so awesome. >> alisyn: that was really funny. a lot of benjamins out here on the plaza. >> tucker: why? there is a reason. this coming week is independence day. the fourth of july. that raises the obvious question, what would our founding fathers think of the country which he rate created if they could see it now? tuck. >> clayton: i love polls like this. hard to know. framing the constitution, framing the declaration of independence and you see all of these sandals we are going through right now. how would they actually feel about all of this? right now they say 13% would approve of the direction of our country right now. >> alisyn: 82% would disapprove. and the next question was would they trust the federal government? 35% say yes. 62% say no. and obviously that's down from july and october i think it's fascinating to
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imagine benjamin franklin coming back. he was an innovator. can you imagine what he he would think of high tech gadgets and inconvenience conventions that have happened in 200 years. mind blowing. >> the library system. he created the first libraries in the country. be mad about aren't people going to libraries anymore? just order a book online? what is with these kindles that everyone is reading these days. >> the fact that you could pull up a million different type faces fonts as a printer he would have been blown away. they would have been concerned about the level of social control exercised by the government. fact that washington is tell you what kind of toilet you could have in your house. the fact that toilets existed. >> alisyn: surveillance might stun them. >> clayton: i was in philadelphia this week i used to work and live there and gray up there at ben franklin's house sits behind the first post office in the united states. i wonder what he would think about the post office and the budgetary problem
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that the post office has these days. still go into the post office and get an authentic like benjamin franklin stamp at that post office. >> alisyn: go over and talk to the 12 benjamin franklins and ask them these questions. get to your headlines. another blow to prosecutors in the george zimmerman trial. a state witness says trayvon martin was on top of zimmerman during this fatal struggle. >> the person who you now know to be trayvon martin was on top, correct? >> correct. >> he was the one who was raining blows down on the person on the bottom george zimmerman, right? >> that's what it looked like. >> alisyn: john good was the only witness outside when martin was shot. his testimony contradicted another neighbor who said zimmerman was on top but corroborates zimmerman's claims that he shot the 17-year-old in self-defense because he was being pummeled. are you on a do not call list that you still receive those annoying telemarketer calls? this next story is for you. mortgage company has just been hit with a record fine.
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a 7.5-million-dollar by the federal trade commission nor making more than 5 million unwanted calls. to companies home lending for military. they were accuse of duping members for believing that low interest rates were available no cost. denied any wrongdoing but did agree to pay the fine. and a burglar picked the wrong house because the burglar came home in the middle of the crime and caught the suspect red handed he knew something was wrong as soon as he pulled into his driveway. >> my intuition said something is not right. i went back in my car. i pulled out a pistol that i carry through a cracked window i see the intruder in the living room. at that point i cocked my gun and pointed it at him and told him not to move. i ordered him to the ground. >> alisyn: after that the man was able to call 911 and hold the suspect at gunpoint until police
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arrived. all right, is it a bird? plane? no, it's your dry cleaning they call it fly cleaning. drone delivery is the latest gimmick from a philadelphia laundromat it plans to use it on one lucky customer per month. the owner says it's a way to standout and change the game. people on the street gave mixed reviews. >> pretty cool. that would be very fun and easier than having to go get it. >> i think it's really cool. i'm wondering how far it would go. >> i think i would just have it picked up. >> the old fashioned way? >> yeah, the old fashioned way. >> the owner says it will launch the high flying idea next month. those are your headlines. should we go back over to rick to see. >> is he okay? rick, where are you? >> i have a feeling that's how your clothes get dried. did you hear me? >> i like that also. as they are flying through the air. take a look at weather maps this morning. picture came in to me from tucson, arizona. this is a picture actually, the super moon from last week. but right over the senoran
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desert. get ready paul, 92 degrees and the sun has not risen yet. today getting up to 112 incredible heat there send us your pictures today. let he is now how you are beating the heat. send them to my twitter, rick reichmuth, put them on my facebook page or email them to us at the heat is on. going to continuous. excessive heat advisories, watches and warnings across the desert southwest. much of california and nevada where the temperatures today are dangerously hot, getting close certainly breaking daily records but in some cases flirting with your all-time record ever. las vegas today 116. phoenix, 118. and death valley 128. tomorrow death valley climbing to 129. lake -- las vegas 117. that would be your all-time record. when you get to it monday 115 and 129 toward death valley. all you want to do is
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barbecue, right? >> clayton: if you are not in death valley. >> who is going to go out with arthur? >> who is talking? please pipe down over there. >> got to be ben. >> clayton: john mac lamore. doggone that's good two is out. if you are planning your fourth of july is out. smoking meat than john. >> it's always about new york. i love coming to boston. all about sharing and good stands for gather your upily and friends, open your home and kitchen original recipes. don't be intimidated. master built solves all of that. great fourth of july. let the smoker do all the work. >> rick: these are legit machinery here. >> clayton: master built smoker. >> 40-inch model. and that --
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>> clayton: smell that. >> that is the smell of goodness. >> clayton: can you smell that at home? can you see that at home? we're going to show new our second segment some stuffed burgers but this right here is about the ribs. can you see that? that's what it is all about. >> clayton: the baby back ribs? how long do those cook in there, john? >> a total of four and a half hours. here is your progression, guys. >> clayton: show us how to break it counsel. >> it's this simple. season up your raw rib on both sides. whatever your gavery seasoning. pepper. jane's crazy sauce. >> clayton: you took the membrane off first. >> take the membrane off the back. season your rib, put it on the smoker for two hours. take it off the smoker, wrap it, put it back on the smoker, crank up the temperature to about 275. another two hours. take them off the smoker, and, folks, this is your end result. this is the rib that has
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been on the smoker basting with that barbecue sauce. i'm going to put my glove back on, and guys, take you through why the ribs are so good. that's why. >> break apart like that. >> they fall apart. i'm going to put that rib on there, again, four and a half total hours for the baby back rib. >> rick: john, while i'm going to be eating some of these ribs tell us about the pork slider. >> we have had the boston -- you can get a shot of that. we have had that on for about seven to eight hours in the smoker on the rack raw. okay? pulled pork is when you can take it and just literally pull it apart. the key to that is you have got to get the internal temperature to 195 to 200 degrees to have your pulled pork sliders come out. that's why it pulls apart. 7 to 8 hours on the master grill smoker. rewrapped it evey in aluminum foil like we did
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the ribs. put it back on 2 to 3 hours. gets the internal temperature up. so you can have your pulled pork pullen off the bone. >> i heard some as and awes. can i can pull it apart. >> this would be my family and friends from columbus, georgia back here. [cheers] >> that explains the sound of the infomercial they practiced that ahead of time. >> clayton: doing some smoky pay pimento. >> dad gum that's good too. >> clayton: we love john. he will be back later for us. toss it in to tuck iter and alli. guys, do you want anything? >> honestly we are starving. so, please. >> clayton: i will bring you a plate. >> alisyn: we love when john mclemore is here. >> tucker: one baby, three different d.n.a.s. it's about to happen. but should it? >> alisyn: this crazy story.
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a woman gave her kidney to save her boss' life and she was fired. she is suing but does she have a case? arthur aidala seems to need a veteran franklin wig. that would be a great look right after the break. [ male announcer ] if you had a dollar, for every dollar car insurance companies say they'll save you by switching, you'd have like, a ton of dollars. but how're they saving you those dollars? a lot of companies might answer "um" or "no comment." then there's esurance. born online, raised by technology and majors in efficiency. so whatever they save, you save.
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hassle, time, paperwork, hair-tearing out, and yes, especially dollars. esurance. now backed by allstate. click or call. and so too is the summer event. now get an incredible offer on the powerful c250 sport sedan. but hurry before this opportunity...disappears. the mercedes-benz summer event ends soon. the mercedes-benz summer event every day we're working to and to keep our commitments. and we've made a big commitment to america.
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bp supports nearly 250,000 jobs here. through all of our energy operations, we invest more in the u.s. than any other place in the world. in fact, we've invested over $55 billion here in the last five years - making bp america's largest energy investor. our commitment has never been stronger. backflips and cartwheels.mile? love, warmth. here, try this. backflips and camm, ok!s.mile? ching! i like the fact that there's lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i'm very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching.
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>> alisyn: 44 minutes past the hour. time for quick headlines. the iowa dental assistant fired for being too irresistible is getting a second chance at pursuing legal action. melissa nelson's employer let her go because he was worried he would be tempted to cheat on his wife with her. she lost the lawsuit in december but the state supreme court has now withdrawn that ruling. and he promised we would see him again. >> i'll be back. >> alisyn: paramount about to. new film scheduled for june 2015. the grik will be the start of a new trilogy. no word whether arnold schwarzenegger will reprise his roll as tucker. >> guys go in and they think -- >> tucker: no good deed goes unpunished. that's true as one long island woman can an attest. one woman was fired as she
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donated her kidney to help her boss get one. the claims her employer was not sensitive to her needs. she is suing for discrimination. does she have a case? joining us now for a fair and balanced debate arthur aidala fox news legal analyst and jonna spilbore, the great defense attorney. >> i echo the great part. john, this woman gave her talk about going the extra mile. >> thank you. >> now she gets canned? >> hang on eakd is she does not have a case. let's be clear. she didn't give her kidney to her boss. she gave a kidney and her boss got bumped up the list. >> to the kidney bank. >> she didn't get fired because she was disabled. she got fired because she was doing a crappy job. >> she had a bad attitude. she had a bad attitude. so, tucker, somebody gives you -- gives someone else a part of their body. right? i mean, open me up, cut me up, take a piece of me out
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so that you get help and you fire me because i have a bad attitude? >> i want to go to the men's bathroom without asking for permission. sweet mother of pearl? >> isn't the whole point of doing a good deed to do it for its own sake? if i gave a lot of money to charity last year should i not have to go to work anymore. >> she had complications from the procedure that needed to be taken into account. >> even if you have complications if you are not doing your job, it doesn't trump the 88 doesn't trump your job performance they have worked for me 18 years and 14 years a if they start giving me organs so can i move up on the list they can do whatever they want. sit back and like. kid pal, i'm glad i'm alive. >> because they gave you a really good christmas present. i don't think so. she does not. if she were doing a great job, then she might have a
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lawsuit. >> the legal part. >> we are. >> the disabilities acted. i'm talking about the moral part, doing the right thing. i'm talking about being a good american. >> tucker: people who give kidneys to kidney banks have lifetime employment. >> she needed two things. to go to the bathroom without permission and not to lift. >> doesn't need permission to go to the bathroom. >> lift more than 10 pounds. we can't accommodate that blah blah blah blah blah. >> tucker: those are pretty minor accommodations. >> thank you. >> minor accommodations she is not telling the truth here. nobody has an employer that they have to ask to go to the restroom. >> is she kidney donating liar. is that what you are going to call her enough to? oh my god i have seen it all. >> tucker: i don't know where i stand but thank you both very much. >> you are actually sitting, you are not standing just so you know tucker. good morning to you, too. >> tucker: thank you. a 29-year-old is making a mockery of the u.s. hiding in foreign countries. president obama says is he
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it involves three different people's embryos and raising ethical questions. the uk may soon get the green light to allow such a procedure. here with the details on how this works is a physician over at columbia university medical center. dr. cheatham, great to see you. >> hi, good morning. >> alisyn: very hard to know how to feel about. this it feels very brave new world. they take the -- well, you explain. how does it work? >> okay. so what we do. we have a number of diseases called mitochondrial diseases that effect the child when the child is born. 4,000 people in the u.s. are affected by this disorder. the problem comes from the might co-con dry i can't, the energy cells inside of the embryo. the problem here is that if we do not deal with this might crow chron dry i can't it results in new disease. the technique is taking the healthy d.n.a. but taking away the faulty energy. if you were affected potentially had you a
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family history disease or risk passing them on. we would take your healthy d.n.a. from the embryo but remove the faulty mitrochrondrial and as donor i would provide that. >> alisyn: provide the healthy energy source. >> the d.n.a. still belongs to you, the energy source from the egg is coming from the donor. >> alisyn: then does the baby have traits from a father and two different mothers. >> no, they don't. 25,000 of our genes are from the nucleau d.n.a. only 37 are coming from the energy source. so really all you are doing is providing a healthy food source for the embryo. but obviously being made very sensational by talking about three parent families. three parent babies. designer baby. we are not looking at the nuclear d.n.a. we are looking at the mitochondria. be able to get rid of
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mental retardation. pushing the envelope of playing god, no. >> you are absolutely right. some people are very concerned this may be a slippery slope. we already have the technology to take this one step further. we can take it into the nucleau d.n.a. at the moment this is under very strict regulations in the united kingdom. >> alisyn: if it weren't regulated and it will were to go down slippery slope designer traits from whichever parent you chose. >> in theory. nucleau d.n.a. this is very strictly regulated. the human fertilization controlling it they have put forward draft regulation this hopefully will go through parliament in 2014. >> alisyn: we think this could be coming to the u.k. is it on the horizon in the u.s. as well? >> absolutely. we already have this research going on. we have to get it past parliamentary. very exciting. very interesting when medical technology makes a huge leap like this.
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good to see you. >> thank you so much. >> alisyn: one year ago, obama care was approved by the supreme court. this morning the nfl is giving it the boot. we will explain that story at the top of the hour. then, is he supposed to be setting a good example. why was this police officer texting and riding [ male announcer ] erica had a rough day. good thing she's got the citi simplicity card. it doesn't charge late fees or a penalty rate, ever. because she's got other things to stress about. ♪ go to to apply. ♪ still doesn't feel real. our time together was... so short. well, since you had progressive's total loss coverage, we were able to replace your totaled bike with a brand-new one. the tank, the exhaust... well, she looks just like roxy!
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neighborhood. we would love to have you a lot of food on the plaza. >> tucker: a lot of food. please come soon. lay clay it is hot though, i don't know that there is any place hotter in the world than death valley. let's check in with like rikers mouth. hot. >> a lot of the country is hot this weekend. the worst of it is all across parts of the southwest. you said at death valley, california, it is the hottest place ever on earth. hottest temperature ever recorded. doesn't mean there wasn't another hotter spot at some point. 134 degrees all time record. take a look at the weather maps and see what's going on. this morning parts of the southwest already this morning still or again hot 91 in phoenix. 91 in las vegas and across the colorado river valley today things are going to heat up into the mid 120s. death valley borders nevada there all time record
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134 degrees. happened 1913; few klees degree that i don't think that 134 is going to happen a lot of people there to excious this heat. people that like to experience that kind of thick. 126 in lake havasu. flagstaff, arizona 90. that's hot for 7,000 feet elevation. death valley monday building. that heat moves towards the pacific northwest later on. got to quickly tell you the west just have a few showers there across areas of the northeast there has been incredible flooding the last few days, see some more of those downpours and some spotty, very dangerous flooding. we will continue to track that as well. all right, guys, send it back to you. >> alisyn: thanks so much for that weather update. while you were sleeping get to news that was happening. american college student killed during violent clashes on the street of egypt. andrew of maryland reportedly died after taking pictures of the protests in alexandria. the family says he was in the country teaching english to children. they released this
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statement, quote: he went to he egypt because he cared profoundly about the middle east and he planned to live and work there in the pursuit of peace and understanding. andrew was a wonderful young man looking for new experiences in the world and finding ways to share his talents while he learned. and also new this morning, a man wanted in a brutal home invasion in new jersey that was caught on a nanny cam is now behind bars. 42-year-old sean was found hiding out at his girlfriend's apartment in manhattan. police say he beat the young mom while her 3-year-old daughter watched. we are all he is stated particular that they got the guy. it was a heinous crime. he needs to be punished. the first step was to catch him and they caught him: >> alisyn: neighborhood is starting a watch group in order to prevent future crimes. new developments in the aaron hernandez murder case today. a third suspect is now in custody in connection with with the killing of odin lloyd. he turned himself into
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police in florida. acting as accessory. accused of orchestrating the execution-style killing. meanwhile investigators towed a silver suv from the home of hernandez' uncle in connecticut. reportedly connected to a 2012 double murder that menders may also have been involved in. and just one year ago yesterday, the supreme court said obama care could stand this morning the nfl says they would rather ride the bench than promote the healthcare law. the league not willing to help the obama administration get the word out about the law's sweeping changes. the administration wanted pro-sports leagues to promote enrollment in the president's plan but congress told them to stick to the sidelines. those are your headlines. >> clayton: thanks alli. let's bring in governor mike huckabee host of the huckabee on fox news channel. >> i came for the food'. >> looking right past you. >> tucker: we just had congressman louie gohmert on talking about lois
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lerner, called before issa's committee in the house. she gave a long self-serving statement and said i'm not answering your question because it against my fifth amendment right to not incriminate myself. can she be hauled back forced to be asked questions on pain and punishment, should she be. >> absolutely she should be. in any court proceeding you can't make a statement and then invoke the fifth after you have given your side of the story. i mean, i have been in depositions before, because when i was governor i got sued all the time. and it's one of the things. if somebody comes in and wants to make an accusation and says i'm not going to answer any of your questions the lawyers laugh out loud and say i'm sorry it doesn't work like that once you start sipping you can't quit until the. >> done nothing wrong. though admitted they did something wrong. lois lerner bar association. they even admitted that they contrived that we found out they did something wrong. they finally admitted what
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a the lo of people had been suggesting. they even apologized for it now she goes and sells i didn't do anything wrong. you said you did. now you can't say you didn't. >> just as we found out more specifics about just how they targeted conservative groupings, we now know the numbers. 292 conservative tea party groups, with that name in it, were targeted for extra scrutiny and denied tax exempt status. >> clayton: don't forget about all the progressive groups. >> six of them out of 30. they weren't totally slow walked to the point of extension. -- extinction. they got attention. how do we know they got extinction to sleight accelerate them. they didn't get denied. the irs has such systemic failure it is virtually a criminal enterprise. >> there is obviously some debate about how the president should be handling edward snowden. is he hold up, we understand, in the moscow airport. i can't imagine a worse
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purgatory personally. getting his just deserts. >> you don't want to be there more than an hour. >> alisyn: particularly hellish. some people have said the president should pick up the phone and call putin directly. but the president's point is there we have an extradition respect generally historically speaking and it should happen. there is protocol that should happen without the president's having to get involved in that level. if you were president, would you pick up the phone and call putin and beg for snowden back. >> no. the big mistake. allen dershowitz made this very clear a week before the charges were filed if the government is smarted they won't charge him with espionage. charge him with simple theft. no basis for him to deny the extradition. of course now we know. the government isn't smart. what do they charge him with? espionage. now it becomes an international asylum and political issue. they are not necessarily going to get him back. i thought it was interesting the president said i'm not going to scramble for 29-year-old acting like dismissive, no
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big deal. two weeks ago the biggest security leak in the world. >> exactly, by the way. considering the many phone calls he has made for lesser causes, calling sandra fluke after limbaugh was mean to her. calling collins balls is he gay? great. calling michael vick's new boss on congratulating him on hiring a dog torturing creep? come on. >> he has a habit of calling people while they are on nbc doing live interviews as he did some the prop 8, you know, plaintiffs. it's interesting. i keep my phone with me at all times just in case she should ever want to spread the love around and give me a call. >> clayton: back to your point sort of down playing. let's listen to the president's -- if you missed it this past week. here is the president talking about edward snowden and not scrambling the jets because he said something interesting here. listen. >> i have not called president personally or president putin personally. and the reason is because, number one, i shouldn't
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have to. >> i shouldn't have to but then he goes on to say i'm not going to scramble jess for some hacker. is he down playing it? i thought it was a breach of national security? >> it can't be both. can't be the greatest security leak we have ever had. this guy has released massive secrets and turn around and say it's not that big of deal. he a 29-year-old hacker and i'm not going to scramble a jet for him. this the fact remains this is an administration that's lost the respect of the rest of the world and he came into office with all the expectation that when he, just smiled at the cram are camera, the rest of the world will say that's wonderful we will do exactly what you would like for us to do. >> alisyn: what should we do with edward snowden now in limbo what's the answer. >> the has been is to first be honest with the american people what secrets are being kept about it bigger issue, edward snowden is not the issue. everybody is talking about edward snowden. he is not the issue. the issue is our government. and what are they keeping records of? how much information are
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they you and you and you and maybe even me. >> clayton: learned friday four new programs at the nsa. not just the prism program that we talked so much about. other programs of spying. we learned this week that they were recording every email exchange of every american. any skype call that any american made to a loved one overseas that says to me that maybe even they were recording skype calls of soldiers talking to their kids back home. >> tucker: we know they were in fact doing just that everything. >> wait until these records start getting subpoenaed in divorce proceedings the. wait until somebody finds a way to legally demand that these records are either part of a criminal investigation or worse a civil action and then you are going to see all kinds of people screaming over it. >> tucker: speaking of divorce proceedings, the most interesting story i have read today in the daily mail and it concerns something i think a lot of men do. you are in an argument with your spouse. >> not that i ever have one. edneedless to say. the rest of us do.
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>> you are absolutely right. you are right. >> alisyn: guess what, governor? women know when they are being humored and they find it condescending. >> women are so good at detecting. >> upsetting. >> such a meter going on in terms of our dishonesty. >> it turns out in this study, i love that they did a study on, this right? 68% of men say yes dear to temper their better halves. to end a fight. it turns out of it actually makes the fight worse. does it make the fight worse, ladies? >> so don't do that. >> i have only been married 39 years. what do i know? if yes dear doesn't work and saying no dear, that doesn't work either. alli, you explain to us because lord knows i have given up trying to figure out. >> alisyn: my husband tricks me with this every time. he repeats back to me what i have been saying he says to me so you say i'm an inconsiderate jerk who is not listening to you? i'm like yes, you are listening to me.
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yes. brilliant. men use it very effectively. >> tucker: i'm going to use that governor huckabee sticks around for. this the obama administration openly admitting and defending they sat down with this guy. a muslim cleric whose boss is so far out that is he banned from entering the united states. how does this guy get a white house pass? >> clayton: drinking on the job now being encouraged. more offices serving up booze. is this really a good idea? >> alisyn: yes. >> clayton: bring it on here at "fox & friends." have aood night. here you go. you, too. 'm going to dream about that steak. i'm going to dream about that tiramisu. what a night, huh? but, um, can the test drive be over now? head back to the dealership? oh, yeah. [ malannouncer ] it's practically yours. [ wife ] sorry. [ male announcer ] but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back.
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>> tucker: obama administration confirmed to fox news that members of the national security met with this man abdelah ben byad vice president of the muslim collars a group that openly supports hamas and calls for the deaths of jews and americans. >> clayton: why does the white house have such a policy open door policy. we can't figure out othe records of white house entrance to figure out how many times irs guys have about been there for meetings but we have this guy. how did he pass the muster. >> ann interesting that the white house ought to give answer for.
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why did this guy get a white house meeting at all. i don't care if is he meeting with the cleaning staff in the ivan power building in the hallway for five minutes. this is a person whose views have an typical to everything that near and dear to american hearts. this is a president i don't know that he has ever had meetings with what i would call extremist christians. people who are really really strong believers. have meetings with american point of view. >> tucker: school kids still can't go to the white house? >> >> the tours are cut off. >> tucker: that's what i'm saying. >> alisyn: the white house says that this guy, this cleric has denounced extremism, islamic extremism in the past and i think that they have said that they wanted to meet with him because he can represent the thinking of al qaeda or the taliban and give them a window into their thought process. >> let me sum this up. their think something real simple. we live, they die.
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if we don't understand that. we are kidding ourselves. >> clayton: pulling out of afghanistan now. we should have met with the taliban 10 years ago. real little? we should have met with the taliban 10 years ago? but, if they are going to have some regional sharing in afghanistan, wouldn't it behoove us to have some sort of dialogue? that is their argument. >> alisyn: and know your enemy. >> know your enemy is fine. you can know your enemy without bringing over the hershey bars and gram crackers and say let's make s'mores. this is ridiculous. american soldiers coming back in body bags because of radical islam. 14 dead people at fort hood because of radical islam. dead soldier in little rock. 3,000 people killed in new york on 9/11. how many times do we have to get it that there is a movement in this world. it is a global movement, and the intention is to i understand the lives of all of house are infidels. it's pretty simple, really. >> tucker: it that would include you. >> it would include you. >> tucker: governor
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huckabee thanks for being here. >> clayton: what's coming up on your show tonight. >> we are going to have kelly wright one of our fox anchors will be doing music with the cotton club band. >> alisyn: is he a great singer. >> is he a great singer. we have a lot of fun. >> alisyn: we'll be watching. thank you. >> coming up on the show a major battle is in full bloom and d.c. cops cracking down on flower planting. even threatening to arrest one man. that story straight ahead. it's an epidemic. you remember joey, of course you do. a dog tossed from the car and left to die. he is back. he is teaching pet owners how to keep their dog safe during the long hot days of summer. there he is what a good dog he is we'll be right back. ♪
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dog the rescued pit bull pup who was thrown out of a moving vehicle at three months old. he was so badly injured that doctors didn't know if he would survive. he did. joey is back to teach us how your pet can make it through summer and stay safe. >> tucker: joey joins us. one of our favorite guests. he joins us with his owner linda. what a great dog. >> thank you for having us. >> tucker: what can tell us about how to keep your pet safe in the summertime? >> the first thing is to make sure that you keep them cool. you know. if you are hot, they are going to be hot. >> alisyn: how do you know if it's too hot to take your dog out? >> if it's too hot for you, it's too hot for your dog. and take them out in the early morning hours if you want to go for a walk or after the sun goes down. and if you do keep them out with you, make sure that you keep them cool. there is shade, there is plenty of water.
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remember, that the dogs with the pushed in noses like bulldogs, french pull dogs and pugs they are more susceptible to heat and heat stroke because of their compromised airways. >> alisyn: want to bring your dog to the barbecue or picnic. lots of dangerous foods. >> there that's one of the biggest emergencies i see either dogs eating ingesting foods that cause obstructions like corn cobs or a big one. or they are eating toxic foods, grapes, raisins, not everyone knows. >> in larger quantities, yes, onions, chocolate, and we also see. >> chocolate or raisins. >> can cause kidney failure. >> tucker: what quantity. >> we don't know the exact amount. that's why it's even more dangerous. >> alisyn: if your dog happens to eat something at a barbecue and you are unsure, what should do you? >> call your veterinarian.
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also, pancreatitis is something and gastritis is something we see because they are eating these fatty foods. we have had dogs that are licking the barbecue or even the barbecue cleaners brurve. >> tucker: i do that. >> it's not good for you. >> tucker: thank you, doctor. i get most of my medical advice from beth. >> alisyn: disturbing. last, they should be careful of fireworks that can upset a dog. really loud. >> things can you do to calm them. keep them in the most soundproof room. your vet, if it's really bad can prescribe a sedative for them. >> alisyn: tell us the latest on the people who tried to hurt joey. >> tried to bring attention and awareness back to the fact that we haven't found this person. he is still in our community, him or her. we don't know if it's one or more people. >> tucker: it's a him for sure. >> we need to bring attention. there is $27,000 reward is still there from the spca. please, if anyone has any
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tips, please come forward and get this person or persons out of our community. >> healing haven animal if you know who did this to joey, please, speak up. >> alisyn: make a donation to help other animals. dr. linda lou den thank you very much have a great fourth. >> tucker: all right. coming up. busting into the register was just too difficult for this burglar, he busted a move instead. the story behind this video. much busting. >> alisyn: drinking on the job now being encouraged. more offices serving up booze. is this really a good idea? plus, we're firing up the grill for fourth of july. guest john mclemore is back after the break. what's he cooking now? [ male announcer ] the mercedes-benz
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aren't always the most obvious. for a few weeks, take the humble stevia plant, with a surprising secret to share: sweetness. truvia sweetener. zero-calorie sweetness, born from the stevia leaf. from nature, for sweetness. >> the irs credit card were being used to buy alcohol and pornography. finally, a government agency that isn't wasting our money. finally at least i can see the benefits. they are putting it to good use. yeah.
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>> alisyn: he makes a good point. so we have some news you can use right now. that is more and more work places offering booze on the job. >> really happening a lot of these co-op buildings in mid-atlantic. i have interviewed tech companies in their offices by the way we have a keg over here. do you want a beer? i'm like i'm on the job and afterany right now. after hours from 5:00 p.m. a lot of these companies they would get together, around happy hour time and rather than rolling off to a bar, they kind of continue doing work. >> tucker: i have got to say it works. i don't drink. i don't like drinking. the company that i run the daily caller has boozed in the office. a keg. people can drink from it. i don't think it detracts from activity. people stay longer. they are pretty moderate. they are not bing drinking. not drunk in the office. it's worked for us for the last three and a half years. >> alisyn: that's what all of the companies say
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instead of co-workers heading out away from the office to go and have a beer. if you just stay in the office you would end up talking about work. >> i think that's right. >> alisyn: you might get more done. >> clayton: if they are going to get drunk, go home. that doesn't happen. if that happens, you are going to get drunk, go home. other companies saying look this is a great way for us to socialize have a beer and discussion about projects. very often google has 20% rule. sort of side projects and fun. a lot of some the biggest products came out of them just playing pool in the gally. g mail for instance was a project of someone thinking on the side playing pool and having food. >> with journalists you know you are going to be drinking anyway. so that nike kel by their nature. doing it secretly in the men's room or let them do it in public so you can keep track. >> flask in the coat. >> clayton: a little irish coffee. >> alisyn: that's why i'm so productive. let us know what you think
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about drinking on the job and whether it enhances productivity. >> clayton: let's ask. drinking on the job a good idea? >> yeah. the women are all for it. >> tucker: this is not for school bus drivers or airline pilots. journalists people with nonessential jobs. we. >> alisyn: we don't operate any type of machinery. >> clayton: ff weekend on twitter is how you can find us. >> alisyn: -- book and movie into the wild. >> is there anybody here? guess not. the three hikers signaled a military helicopter with a mirror from the depths of the alaska wilderness. the group said they ran out of food and could not cross the high river. the bus had become a tourist in the world denali natural park and preserve. a battle blooming in d.c. police are cracking down on flower planting. this spring henry doctor
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planted 1,000 bulbs in flour boxes at do you post circle that had been abandoned by the city. police are threatening to arrest him if he does not stop caring for the plants. they claim it's a safety issue because the boxes are on a steep incline. the dock its tore has offered to sign a waiver and wear harness. signed online petition so he can keep caring for the flowers. look at this. feeling the need to boogie while is he robbing a gas station. good song on. the man broke into the georgia gas station at night and started searching for money. tried prying each the cash register. maybe it's a doctor. when he can't get in he starts busting a move. his bizarre move could be from drugs. >> clayton: you think. >> alisyn: i do. >> tucker: just a guess. >> if you see a dancing surgeon, call the authorities one of the most successful rock singers
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another career might have given him more satisfaction ♪ i can't get no satisfaction. >> alisyn: 69-year-old told bbc radio friday that music has not been intellectually challenging and teaching might have been more gratifying but the british rocker says he is very pleased with how things have turned out. >> alcohol at work. alcohol in school if you were inspect that class. >> at least alcohol. >> i'm going to keep these to take a little sip of something, kids. >> rick: exactly. >> rick: while you were
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talking something very interesting happened. colorado you are visiting. >> from columbus, ohio. >> visiting daughter and son who just moved here. i think we just made a match for their daughter and their son it's all worked out and he they want to visit their place in colorado once this is all done. kids i hope you are watching and they are going to arrange it all. take a look at weather maps as you are waking up this morning. things hot out across the west. excessive heat warnings in effect all across areas of the southwest because of temperatures like these. 118 today in phoenix. your all time record is 122. it's hot. lake havasu along the colorado river getting to 126. death valley 128. tomorrow las vegas 117. that would tie your all-time highest temperature. death valley 129. highest temperature anywhere on the planet recorded was in death valley 134. be at 12 the and same goes for monday. incredible heat. dangerous heat. you need to stay inside if you can and you need to take care of your neighbors and relatives it and especially the elderly who
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maybe don't have their a.c. turned on as much. a little rain again in areas of the northeast. few spots heavy downpours and some spots over the last couple of days have seen some incredible rain fall totals, 3 and 4, 5 inches have fallen very quickly. massive flooding across upstate new york. be careful, more of that coming today. tucker and alisyn, your turn to smell like smoke. >> fantastic. are you planning your fourth of july cookout but you are not sure what you should put on the menu? >> we have the answer. john mclemore has the answer he is the author of dag gum that's good too. >> john, what have you got in there? >> this is all of the recipes in the dad gum recipe cookbook. we did ribs earlier this morning now we will show you something to do a little bit different with burgers and dogs for this fourth of july. instead of putting them on the grill, put them on the smoker, the question is have you ever had a stuffed smoked hamburger?
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>> alisyn: no, i have not. >> tucker: i have thought about it. >> we will show you how to do a very simple recipe. it is you take your burger. okay. >> all right. tucker going to make this? >> you want to make it? >> done, sure. >> i will get you some tongs out here. we have got our hamburger out here. mixed in steak sauce. saute a few mushrooms and onions. stuff them in the middle of the burger. you weld that up. now, we're going to -- i will swap papers with you. he is going to work with the burger right there. >> welding it i want to show you the results from that. now,. >> alisyn: check this out, everybody. is opening up the burger. oh my goodness. >> there is your stuffed burger. >> goodness. i love that word goodness. >> i love what you say dog.
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you say we're going to cook up some burgers and dogs. >> burgers and dogs. i thought you were going to say it's going to gone good. >> alisyn: i like doggone good too. >> we're going to put him over there in quarantine. so we have got our burgers here. that's how good it is. earlier we did the mac and cheese. have you ever had smoked pimento cheese? >> i can't say that i ever have. >> we smoke some pimento cheese. that's the start of the great recipe. put the cheese on a cracker. put a smoked can i sausage on there i will make one for you. notice how this is good and hot and cheesy. >> this is not complicated. >> top it off with sauces. i have got the biggest jalapeño. the question is are you going to eat one with me? >> well, there is always the lip gloss problem. so do you just eat that in one bite. >> one bite. one bite.
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okay. so,. >> boy you are a rugged chick. i'm impressed. >> one bite. >> whoa. and we're going to get all these recipes at? master"fox & friends." >> alisyn: what he said. that's good. >> it's dad gum good. i love this lady. >> it's unbelievable. >> i love you too. >> tucker: i love you too. more than i ever have. [ laughter ] i have got to read the tease. putting marriage and success on the back burner. why the expert discovers this trend next. and lose sleep? gain weight. how your lack of rest is making you fat. we have got all the caloric details coming up. every day we're working to be an even better company -
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and to keep our commitments. and we've made a big commitment to america. bp supports nearly 250,000 jobs here. through all of our energy operations, we invest more in the u.s. than any other place in the world. . . . ve years - ve years - making bp america's largest energy investor. our commitment has never been stronger. you know it even after all these years. but your erectile dysfunction - you know,that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needingo go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity.
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do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or if you have any allergic reactions such as rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a 30-tablet free trial. wellso ready.o go look? lots of options, huh? i can help you narrow it down. ok thanks. this one's smudge free. smudge-free. really? and this one beeps when you leave the door open. get those brand name bells and whistles, even on a budget, with red white and blue savings. thank you! more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. buy now and save $300 on this stainless steel samsung refrigerator.
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folks have suffered from frequent heartburn but now, thanks to treating with prilosec otc, we don't have to suffer like they used to. [ bell dings ] ♪ [ horse whinnies ] getting heartburn and then treating day after day is a thing of the past. block the acid with prilosec otc, and don't get heartburn in the first place. we've surcome a long way. ♪ [ le announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. >> tucker: here are the top stories on our web site for your health. new study finding babies as young as 5 months old can read one another's mood. they knew infants could understand emotion when they smashed gering ling
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motions with facial. they are able to detect adult moods at 7 months old. would you like to lose weight? of course you would. sleep more. a new report out says the more sleep you get the better chance you have of preventing weight gain. the reason for that. the more time we spend under the covers the last time we have to snack on healthy foods. especially late at night. handcuffs also work for that. for more information visit >> clayton: tucker has been reading 50 shades of grey. >> alisyn: women always ask where is mr. right? men are going on strike boycotting marriage among other things. >> clayton: according to a recent study the importance of marriage has gone up for women 37% down to men to 29%. here to explain the trend is forensic psychologist and author of the controversial book "men on strike." dr. helen smith is here this morning. doctor. nice to see you this,. >> nice to see you.
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thanks for having me on. >> we were have a bit of a discussion last week on the show. >> i saw that. >> clayton: the argument is, what, men are simply giving up hope on marriage because they are beaten counsel? >> no, i don't think they are giving up hope on marriage. what they're doing look at cost eboard. the penalties for marriage are so high and rewards are so low. there is legal cost of marriage. so many men just saying it's not worth it to me. i'm going to be stuck paying the alimony and stuck paying the child support. it's not just legal reasons. it's also psychological ones where men feel that basically they don't really have rights in marriage. women hold all the cards now reproduction and men don't. >> that's all true. i agree with that completely. it doesn't doesn't absolve men of the responsibility about stop complaining how the cards are against them and man up. you don't become a man until you assume responsibility. >> what man would take such a raw deal. i don't consider that a man. >> tucker: not a raw deal. you derive deep
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satisfaction. that's the only place you get deep satisfaction. >> men are supposed to it take a bad deal and sign their rights away and you call that a good deal you? don't understand economic reward. >> tucker: i did. >> that's good and maybe you have a really good wife but a lot of men don't feel that way. >> alisyn: here is where i get confused. forgive me i just went to a wedding last night. i am feeling all loved up. >> clayton: euphoric. >> alisyn: beautiful. any time you do see a wedding the hope is renewed and does remind you what's great about marriage. you act as though marriage is such a raw deal for men but you do get companionship and you get love and you get a family and i see men enjoying all of that and embracing all of that. >> that's a different topic. those are things you can also get about wfp a relationship. i'm talking about the political and legal ramifications of marriage. men aren't getting such a good deal. thousands of men across the country that i have spoken to and will tell you differently. the statistics are bearing that out. you think men need to man up to. man up you have to be getting something out of that relationship. what you are say something
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that men are getting something just by having a woman. >> tucker: they are allowed. the one thing i agree with you men are getting away with having children without marrying the woman. >> they are not getting away with it. a lot of women -- 40% of the women bread winner a lot of those lower women making $17,000. the government use the government to pay they don't want a man. >> tucker: that's -- >> clayton: why hasn't a man written this book. >> men can't speak up. i'm here to speak up. because women will listen to it am woman of achievement i want the next man i'm hoping by this that next man is out there. >> clayton: i want to say something as a man. this always is frustrating when i see commercials when men speak and acting like men and all these commercials are out there where the man like the lazy guy on the couch is a tool. >> look what the culture is doing to the man. culture is telling men you are no good in marriage. even you are here are saying man up. that's a negative message to be sending to men. >> alisyn: what do you
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think the solution. >> the solution is for us to have fair laws for men. also these commercials. we need to look at the culture and say you know what? quit treating them like trash, seriously. we treat men very poorly in this society all the way from men who don't w way from o don't want to go to college anymore because there are many things that go in college. it's a female-dominated place where men are not treated in a way that's fair. it's easy to sit here and say it's high-level men and women that things are going well for you but i see many men who are average, lower, and even high-average that aren't having a good time. >> the book is called "men on strike," and i think you make a compelling argument. >> a lot of people are reading your book, by the way. >> we'd love to hear what you have to say. dr. helen smith. thanks a lot. what does this mean for the case? arthur is going to join us next. and hitting the road or taking a family vacation, we'll
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tell you,000 get the best bang for your buck. we have summer-saving tips. those are coming up after the break. i'll just press this, and you'll save on both. ding! ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, llllet's get ready to bundlllllle... [ holding final syllable ] oh, yeah, sorry! let's get ready to bundle and save. now, that's progressive. oh, i think i broke my spleen! home insurance provided and serviced by third party insurers. when you experience something great, you want to share it.
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full swing. with more time for you and your family to relax, there's also more time to spend some cash. without breaking the bank we're going to show you how to save some money. with us is jenny sapford. good morning. >> good morning, clayton. >> one of the first things you talk about is finding mobile apps. >> yes. i love mobile apps, especially in the summertime. one i like in particular is
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valpak mobile app. it's not only great when you're in your hometown but out and about as well. >> you might have a coupon on the road. >> it's great. >> also another app? >> yes. that's a really great one to check out. when you're shopping online, you want to make sure you're always using coupon codes. you never want to pay full prize for anything. hotels or flights, definitely check out for those savings. >> facebook and twitter, you use it all the time. >> yes. >> when you're out on the road and going on vacation, how can you get value from those sites going into restaurants or hotels? >> facebook, a lot of us are on it all the time anyway. what you want to do is make sure you're following your favorite brands. a lot of them will offer special coupon codes and you can pull them up on your phone. >> dunkin' donutses will do
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that. >> and old navy. >> starbucks will offer it to you. your third tip, you say buy at the right time. >> yes. it's really important not only to know where to shop and what coupon codes to use but you need to know when to buy. that can be a really important component to savings. starting next week is a great time to buy luggage and outdoor activity gear. >> i would have thought that was a great point because i would have thought it would have been a month or two ago. you're saying next week. >> next week. and after that, starting july 14th, swim gear and athletic apparel. and on my website bargain blessings has more. >> jennie sanford of coming up, we've got two women on deck to debate that.
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then, she's one of the hottest models around. brooklyn decker is honoring our troops. she's going to join us live. excuse me, sir i'm gonna have to ask you to power down your little word game. i think your friends will understand., it's actually my geico app...see? ...i just uh paid my bill. did you really? from the plane? yeah, i can manage my policy, get roadside assistance, pretty much access geico 24/7. sounds a little too good to be true sir. i'll believe that when pigs fly. ok, did she seriously just say that? geico. just a click away with our free mobile app. when i first felt the diabetic nerve pain, of course i had no idea what it was. i felt like my feet were going to sleep. it progressed from there to burning like i was walking on hot coals... to like 1,000 bees that were just stinging my feet.
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today is saturday, june 29th. i'm alisyn camerota. she thought she got it right but it looks like she got it wrong. >> i decided to follow my counsel's advice and not testify or answer any questions today. >> why the woman at the center of the irs scandal may be front and center again. and two big cases happening right now. the nfl shocker, aaron hernandez being investigating for not one but three murders. and the bombshell in the george zimmerman trial.
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and talk about a model citizen. she's one of the world's hottest women, and this fourth of july brooklyn decker is honoring our troops. she actually walks that slow in real life. >> she sure does. >> it works for her. >> she joins us live. coming up. fox news hour four starts right now. >> when you do it -- >> it looks awkward and weird like everything i do. >> it looks kinded of hilarious. >> i've got something wrong with me. >> there's something missing from this shift. >> a certain lawyer like arthel
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neville. >> you were walking very slowly. >> i'm from book lin. >> very similar. but we've called you in -- >> i know. serious stuff. >> because so much has been happening in the legal and criminal world this past week. >> i peeve been've been a littl >> aaron hernandez, we were shocked by the first murder. now there's a double homicide. >> he does not exactly fit the mold of a guy who would pull out a gun and kill someone. a guy with a $40 million contract. the new england patriots are always in the running for the super bowl. what are you thinking? if you learned anything from plaxico burress who caught the touchdown for the super bowl and gets two years in jail. come on, dude. you're enormous. you could snap anybodylike a twig. >> or hire a bodyguard. >> easily.
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so easily. look. this is what's going on right now. they're investigating. this is just an investigation whether the first person who was killed was killed because he knew about another homicide that hernandez may have been involved in. again, this is just the investigation. there's been no charges, to be clear. this homicide or this individual that night angered aaron hernandez. >> you mean odin lloyd. >> odin lloyd. he was talking to another group of individuals and he got furious that he was talking to -- >> it wasn't that night, clayton. that's the crazy part. it was the night before when they were in a nightclub and it was a conversation and lloyd was talking to a group of individuals and it was next day or the day afghanistan. >> two days later. so it was not a crime of passion. premeditated. i've been paying attention. >> but that conversation could have been discussing a previous homicide, that's why he was so angry. >> that's what's being
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investigated. also being investigated his affiliation with a real gang, the crypts and the blood. his affiliation with that. apparently he's got tattoos that indicate maybe he may be a member of one of these gangs which is just, you know, a whole other level. >> bring us up to date on the zimmerman trial. you had a prosecution witness, a witness for the prosecution this week called on the stand and forced to admit that she didn't write the letter. >> if i may, i want to move back one day before that to opening statements. the prosecutor stood up and gave as professional and as excellent an opening statement as you could imagine in this type of environmental with the amount of pressure and everything, the media scrutiny. the defense missed an opportunity. they have so much ammunition.
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the prosecution stood up there and won them other and the defense went on for two hours and 40 minutes. the average attention span of a jury is 12 minutes. when you get into the two hour and 40 minute zone, that's where you mess up. she wasn't prepared well enough. she wasn't prepared as well -- >> the witness. >> the witness was not as well prepared as i would have like her to have been prepared. with the witnesses, she may have said, look, i'll come to the trial, but i'm not going to come to your office or get involved with law enforcement. you bring me to court and put me on the stand and i'll say what i say. we don't know if they didn't have time to talk with her. this woman doesn't speak publicly for a living. she's on the stand speaking publicly probably for the first time in her life. that's not something that comes
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naturally. you know what i used to do, clayton? >> i used to take the witness into the empty courtroom and have them practice sitting there. did you see her answers? she was so introverted and then she wasn't prepped properly on how to answer the defense. you can't be all nice and answering with the prosecutor and then you're rolling your eyes. you're snubbing your nose at the system which then hurts her credibility. >> thank you, arthur. we should mention our own greta van susteren will be live from the courtroom monday and tuesday. you do not want to miss that. >> thank you. this is a real case and it's going to be fascinating to watch. >> it already is. we have a fox news alert for you right now. a convoy of nato troops has been attacked in western afghanistan by a suicide bomber. two civilians were killed and five more wounded.
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it's believed the attacker had ties to the taliban. and while you were sleeping an emergency college student was killed during violent clashes on the streets in egypt. andrew decatur was from boston. they say he planned to live and work there in pursuit of peace and understanding. he was a wonderful young man looking for new experiences in the world to find ways to share his talents while he learned. an update. sarah murnaghan. her first set of lungs started failing just hours after doctors carried out that surgery. and three dater later a second set of lungs became available but they were infected with pneumonia.
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still the young lungs were sa h sarah's only hope. >> frankly we were told in those three days that she was going to die, so we didn't feel like there was a lot of decisions to make there. it was all scary but it seemed very clear that we need god ahead and take this risk. she's a miracle that she's here. >> sarah continues to get stronger. we're told she has another surgery monday to help remove the breathing top. her parents hope to have her home by her birthday in august. those are your headlines. >> let's head out to rich reichmuth. governor cuomo toured the area and called a state of emergency. some areas continue to get dumped on with some very heavy rain, but it's tyspot.
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not everybody is getting rain. you can get an idea of jump how bad this flooding is. go to the weather maps. you can see how much more showers we're dealing. this pattern we're stuck in will continue to be here it's going be warm, it's going to be humid, and some of the storms are going to stall out in the air a ya and bring heavy rain. some of those spots are over four inches of rain falling in a short amount of time. be very careful and the folks across upstate certainly need our present thoughts right now. down across the southwest, this is where the heat is, all across the river valley. it is just hot. needles and blythe. death valley, that's where the hottest temperature has been recorded on earth. getting very close to it. in the upper 120s.
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129 tomorrow, guys, across death valley. very, very hot. >> it's a dry heat. dry 129. >> just a dry one. >> thanks, rich. let's talk about lois lerner and the irs scandal. when she got up there, she had planned to plead the fifth. but it turns out she kind of threw congress for a loop because she started to give a statement. she started to give her statement and theories about different things and about a grafr or so five minutes into it she decided she's going to plead the fifth. now it looks like she's going to pull back because she violated the law. >> she knew she was going to plead the fifth. she was still allowed to give this long self-serving pompous, i believe, false statement in her own defense and then just clam up after that. well, it looks like she may be going back to the committee. we talked with the governor a
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minute ago. here's what he said. >> it was lois lerner herself at the phony staged meeting. they finally admitted what a lot of people had been suggesting. now she goes and says i didn't do anything wrong. you said you did. now you can't say you did. >> congressman tray echoed those statements when he said she made nine separate assertion. before making fifth she had nine separate assertions and lack of wrongdoing and that's not the technical definition of pleading the fifth. >> still the irs is denying having done any wrongdoing as has lois. it shows the irs targeted 290
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different tea party groups and only six progressive groups, so we know those were the ones that were targeted. >> yeah. this is not a bipartisan deal. the president's political opponents got shafted and his political allies were helped. there was not a single tea party-related group to get tax exempt status over two years. case closed. coming up on the show, do you think school is there to help your student for the future? think again. it's helping your student to prepare for obama care. that's coming up. she's one of the hottest models around and brooklyn decker is honoring our troops. she's live. >> it's like looking in the mirror. >> alisyn, how did we get that video of you? >> i don't know. it's just what i do on the beach. every parent wants the safest and healthiest products
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for their family. that's why i created the honest company. i was just a concerned mom, with a crazy dream. a wish that there was a company that i could rely on, that did all of the hard work for me. i'm jessica alba, and the honest company was my dream. [ male announcer ] legalzoom has helped a million businesses successfully get started, including jessica's. launch your dream at legalzoom today. call us. we're here to help.
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columnist. as i understand it the state of california has received money. have i miss underthstood this? >> no. you hit it right on the head. here's the thing. he's off doing photo ons in africa but there's only 94 days until this train wreck. they're trying to get people to sell obama care, so the california exchange got $37 million taxpayer dollars to spendo get people to buy into obama care. they give a million of it to the l.a. school district. this is taxpayer money that's going to go to teachers who are already being paid. instead of teaching english they're going to teach the kids how to sell obama care to
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family, friends, and neighbors. it's a pilot program and if it works, they say they're going to use it to train kids to indoctrinate them for other government messages. >> this is kem ma ryu stuff. this is creepy. are people up in arms about this or do people even notice? >> nope. >> they didn't notice. >> it didn't get much press coverage. it's like asking a fish what water tastes like. it goes down here. it's pretty dangerous. indo indoctrination is suspect. when i was a kid it was anti-communism and sex education and as a young man i recall being more interested in one program than the other but they were very controversial and now we have this one. to me it's absolutely stunning that nobody says is this the
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right thing to be doing. >> well that's what happens when the media become complicit with a presidential administration, when your newspaper is so on board with the obama people and it takes you to bring attention to it. it's an outrage and i'm glad you wrote this piece. thanks for coming on. >> you bet. any time, tucker. next on the rundown, she says southern belles have the charm and attitude that women from the north cannot match. is that true? it's an age-old debate, but you'll see it staged. plus the keg is becoming the new water cool already say some. employers serving up booze to workers, is that really a good idea? your e-mails pouring in on this one. more puns ahead. ♪
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this appeared in "garden & gun" in 2011. it read southern women make northe other women feel pretty. southern women like men and allow them to stamen. southern women love babies. we love them so much we grab their chubby little thighs. what southern women know and jen singer, founder of and author. ladies, i don't know where to begin here. as a northern woman it's hard to take some of this seriously, but, rhonda, you are from the south. what do you make of are southern women really that much better than northern women, do you think? >> no. no one's better than anyone else and to say that would be ungracious and certainly unsouthern of me.
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there is a difference between the regions. i've lived outside the south, lived in cities that had very cold winter climates, and i think regions adapted personality based on the climate. >> you're saying northern women can be colder and southern women can be warmer. >> no, no, no. what i'm saying is people rush to get in and out of the cold and people in the south, we talk slower, we meander. this is what i have found out. people outside of the south tend to be self-reliant. they like to fix their own problems. they don't want to impose on other people. in the south, we are in each other's business all the time. you got a problem, we've got an answer. you got a sickness, we've got a casserole. you are a true southerner if you have 12 recipes that calls for cream of mushroom soup. >> okay. i think that sort of stereo type
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can be it. what do you think? >> i think you're comparing southern hospitality to yankee ingenuity. after hurricane sandy we certainly helped each other out but we certainly don't want to get into other's business because we want to assume you can take care of yourself unless you need help. we're very self-reliant and we're in a hurry. there's a lot of people around here. >> here's another thing to weigh in on. not caring is not something women do especially when it comes to our hair. is there something to southern women take care of themselves physically or their appearance? >> no, i don't think as a rule that's true at all. but i do know in the south we still have sunday clothes, clothes we consider dressier or church cloekthes in particular. but we have a lot of peer
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pressure. i have a friend whose aunt spent her entire life planning her funeral and she my friend the other day, put me in the pink dress for visitation, the red dress for the burial and she said no one changes dresses. she said i do because everyone who knows me knows i would not be out in the same dress two days in a row. >> she's doing an outfit change. that is fantastic. >> exactly. >> do you have a response to the appearance question? >> again, we're in a hurry. i came through the lincoln tunnel and someone with a virginia license plate got yelled at for not going fast enough. we don't have time for all of that. >> is that's why you see us with our hair in a ponytail. we don't have time. that's an excellent point. jen singer, ronda rich, thank you so much for the fun debate. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> have a great day.
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>> you too. throw everything you know about marriage out the window. saying "yes, diear, you're righ" is so wrong. and brook lip decker, the hottest model is going to join us live. she's honoring the troops. hi, i'm terry and i have diabetic nerve pain. i worked a patrol unit for 17 years in the city of baltimore. when i first started experiencing the pain, it's, it's hard to describe because you have a numbness... but yet you have the pain like thousands of needles sticking in your foot. it was progressively getting worse, and at that point i knew i had to do something. when i went back to my healthcare professional... that's when she suggested the lyrica. once i started taking the lyrica, the pain started subsiding. [ male announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages rves. lyrica is fda approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone.
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it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new, or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. to hear more of terry's story, visit
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hey, coming up in just a moment. what's the one thing you should never say to your wife or spouse in a fight. we will tell you. >> i've never seen you guys so excited that brooklyn decker is coming up. >> usually when she's here we're not excited? >> let me tell you what's happening. a man who is wanted for a home invasion in new jersey. he was caught on nanny cam. he was found hiding out. police say he beat the young mom while her 3-year-old daughter watched. >> we're all ecstatic that they got the guy. it's a heinous crime and he needs to be punished, the first step is to catch him and they caught him. >> the neighborhood is starting a watch group to prevent future
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fraud. they say they had a tradition of kneeling in prayer after the a big game but that is tradition no more. they're prevented from doing it because a patient complained to aclu that there is no separation of church and state when this happens. >> and special recognition to a north carolina boy who battled cancer and won. >> it's my honor to swear in mr. rivers malcolm as an honorary north carolina highway patrol. >> what are you going to do? ride and get hand cuffs? what are you doing? >> i'm doing all of that. >> in 2010 doctors found cancer in river malcolm's kidneys. he underwent stem cell surgery and he's now cancer-free. some bosses say providing alcohol at work not only keeps the workers happier but keeps them in the office longer. instead of rushing out for a
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beer, they stay on the job, get more done. they also say having booze at work helps workers socialize and bond. >> tom says it's a great idea. i know i'd be more mode vated to stat at work longer and get more done. >> amy disagrees. it's ineverybodiably people will take it too far. and there's nothing less productive than a drunk employee but possibly more amusing. >> just for the comedic effect. >> that's why we keep rick around. >> you know it's up there on the shelf. >> it's like a tgi friday or something. >> you're right. give me some wings. let's talk about the weather, guys. so much across the weekend. this picture was sent in to me from tucson, arizona. a spectacular shot of the super moon across the desert. see this cactus? thank you, paul, for sending that in.
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sun's come up. 88 degrees. you're getting to 112. keep sending me pictures two twitter @rickreichmuth. it is hot. we have three different states under heat advisories for areas under nevada, arizona, and california. get ready in places like idaho and montana. temperatures across the south looking like this. 118 in phoenix, 126 here and vegas, 117. that's the hottest temperature you've ever seen in recorded history and we're going to be pulling that kind of a record tomorrow. death valley, 129.same goes for. make sure you check in on all your neighbors, your relatives, and elderly, take care of your pets. we'll send it back to you. >> don't forget the pets, rick.
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good call. men, does this happen to you? >> make sure you call me right when you get to the hotel not like the conference in phoenix where i had to wait for two hours. >> i was a keynote speaker. i was late. i had to get to the podium. >> and? >> you're right. i'm sorry. >> turns out there's a reason he got treat thad way. >> research. >> yeah, research, research, research. arizona state has found out when a woman is fired up and mad at the man, the worst thing you can do to resolve the conflict is to say, yes, dear, okay, dear. 68% of the men say they can do that. it's wrong. do you know why? >> it's condescend. >> women know it's not true. >> if i say yes, dear, that's
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better than, yes, deerks i get it. of course that's going to elevate the conversation. >> think you should ban the phrase. we know it's condescending. you haven't really heard us. take a page from my husband. he repeats back what i said. i go, yes, yes, you understand me. thank you. >>ic lure your life experience but i'd really like to get the experience of one of the most beautiful women in the world and the "sports illustrated" swimsuit. and she's married to a tennis great andy roddick. >> how do you end an gaumt and try to get out of conflict. >> it depends. usually if he wants to be in my good graces, you know, you are right, i was wrong. it's definitely not yes, dear. it's so patronizing.
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don't say yes, dear. >> yes, dear, you were right, and i was wrong. >> and it has to be genuine. >> does your repeating back the complaint to you work? >> say what? >> would repeating back your complaint to you if you say stop doing this and he says, you're right. i was doing this. i was wrong to do that, would that be effective? >> that would probably be effective for a little while. yeah, i agree with you. i think that would work. it's not yes, dear. come on. >> that's the worst. >> so brooklyn, tell us what you're doing with the uso. >> so we're here at national field in d.c. with lowe's kicking off the fourth of july holiday and honoring our troops with a grill of honor, which is basically a big giant cook-off between all the military brap. s and they're competing for a $100,000 donation from lowe's to the ufo. >> that sounds like a lot of
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fun. there's going to be a lot of grilled meat. what do you look for in a good grill master so men out there know how to win over brooke? >> this is a good test for me. i live in austin so i'm a barbecue expert. i'm looking for the texture and seasoning. >> you don't want to go overseasoning. >> exactly. >> now, the regions of barbecue, some like it with the vinegar, some regions of the south like -- >> dry rub. >> where do you stand on that. >> oh, no. did we just lose her? >> i grew up in north carolina. it's a vinegar and mustard base. and i grew up in texas. growing up, i have to go with north carolina. i think they're the best. >> very true. >> we probably shouldn't take sides but in this case i'm going to reveal i complete with you
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co completely. >> wow. that seemed genuine. >> thank you so much for all the work you do? >> how can people donate? >> they can go to uso's website. if you want to come out, we have 750 men and women in the around forces. if you want to support them, you're welcome to come to national park here in d.c. >> activities include an all-american lunch, face painting and special tours of the ballpark. that sounds fun. >> yes. >> thank you, guys. >> yes, you are always right. >> don't say yes, dear. you are right. that's a good one. >> better. thanks so much. great to see you. coming up here on the show, at just 7 years old, these twin sisters are using a unique way to stop bullying.
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they were helping out a young clayton morris. we're going to meet the little girls with a big message. don't break without giving you one. on monday student loans will double. so what can you do to offset those increased costs. first let's check in with neil cuto. and think the nsa snooping on e-mails and phone calls is over the top. wait till you here what's up with the health care law. all that and morlt rates surging. what could have everyone smiling. the good news you're not hearing that could be the cost of freedom at the top of the hour f
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] all good? [ chirp ] ] getty up. all good? . seriously, this is really happening! [ cellphone rings ] hello? it's a giant helicopter ma'am. [ male announcer ] get it done [ chirp ] with the ultraugged ocera torque, only from sprint direct conct. buy one get four free for your business. these are sandra's "homemade" yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one. the house caught fire and we were out on the streets. [ whispering ] shhh. it's only a dream. and we have home insurance.
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but if we made a claim, our rate would go up... [ whispering ] shhh. you did it right. you have allstate claim rate guard so your rates won't go up just because of a claim. [ whispering ] are we still in a dream? no, you're in an allstate commercial. so get allstate home insurance with claim rate guard... [ whispering ] goodnight. there are so many people in our bedroom. [ dennis ] talk to an allstate agent... [ doorbell rings ] ...and let the good life in.
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parents, bad news for college kids waking up this morning. interest rates on their student stafford loans are set to double on monday. the u.s. senate left town without fixing this problem and now rates will go from 3.4% to 6.8% on july 1st. they knew this was coming. caroline may joins us. great to see you this morning. >> thanks for having me on. >> congress knew this was
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coming. they've been in battle over immigration and others. they knew that leaving for july 4th recess that these interest rates would double. any sign of they're actually going to come back from recess and try to fix this retroactively or is this done? >> on july 10th, they're actually going to be looking for it. democrats want to expend it for another year or two. but republicans and actually the president in his budget laid out that they want to tie those two treasury -- to the treasury, and that way it would sort of flex yat with the market rather than be held artificially low. >> and college students are really getting brunt of a lot of problems lately too. the rising cost of tuition, these interest rates going up, the inability for them to ever have to deal or file for bankruptcy. that loan gets saddled with them even if they file for bankruptcy. >> yeah. that is one thing. outside of the interest rates going up, the cost of tuition
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has skyrocketed in the last few decades. so when students are looking at enrolling in the college, they need to consider the cost benefit analysis. is their major going to be able to get them a job after college to pay back the loans? >> some 50% of college graduates -- this was in "the wall street journal" the other day -- are in a job that doesn't require a degree. students need to know what they're going to enroll in. >> there is one option. working for the federal government. >> you sign up and work for the federal government, they'll try to help you pay off your student loans. and then i know some players see a lack of degree as resume enhancers. i know at least one. federal government will help you pay off your loans.
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>> congress decided to take a vacation before they got some more work done. caroline may with "the daily caller," thank you so much. up next, two little girls with a big message about bullying. meet the twin sisters who are trying to stomp out bullying with their incredible singing. we'll meet them next. ♪ when you experience something great, you want to share it. with everyone. that's why more customers recommend verizon, america's largest 4g lte network.
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♪ >> they're eight-year-old pint-sized powerhouses for using their talents to put an end to bullying. we're talking about the ambrozio twins, and their single is called "let your light shine." welcome, you guys. which one is bianca? >> i am. >> and kiara? >> i am. >> i have twins just like you guys, but they haven't recorded a song yet. tell us why you wanted to record "let your light shine." >> there is a message, and why not put it to music. >> there is a message. what was your message? >> bullying. >> did you have an experience at bullying yourselves? >> actually, this one girl would pick on our artwork, she tells no one to play with us. it broke our heart and we felt so lonely.
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>> that's terrible. i think a lot of kids have that experience of feeling like the outsider or feeling lonely. so you guys are using your skills and talent to try to bring the message. obviously, it's getting a lot of play on youtube. how do you feel about that? >> i'm so proud of the song and i'm so proud of us, because we worked so hard. >> that's beautiful, you should. what do you guys want to be when you grow up? >> i want to be an actor, director, writer, singer. i want to do everything in the business, you know? >> same thing on your end? >> i just want to be an actor and singer. >> an underachiever. i got it. here are bianca and kiara with "let your light shine." take it away, girls. ♪ hey, little girl with the freckle face and coke bottle
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glasses ♪ ♪ can't you walk in your brother's big shoes ♪ ♪ people just laugh at you ♪ you find your friends disappear into make believe ♪ ♪ you think too much with your heart ♪ ♪ it's a gift and curse that sets you apart ♪ ♪ people say you're different because you're not like them ♪ ♪ all you ever wanted was to just fit in ♪ ♪ but that can't happen if they can't see what's inside ♪ ♪ so go on, let your light shine ♪ ♪ hey, little girl, with the fiery eyes ♪ ♪ and going again, walk to the edge till you're insane ♪
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♪ you would rather paint pictures than go to sleep ♪ ♪ it's the only time you feel at peace ♪ ♪ you wish someone could appreciate your passion and pain, but they can't relate ♪ ♪ people say you're different because you're not like them ♪ ♪ and all you ever wanted was to just fit in ♪ ♪ but that can't happen if they don't see what's inside ♪ ♪ so go on, let your light shine ♪ ♪ hey, you, four eyes, pencil teeth ♪ ♪ hey, pencil neck, shy and lonely, shy and lonely ♪ ♪ you're a precious one and only ♪ ♪ people say you're different cuz you're not like them ♪ ♪ and all you ever wanted was to just fit in ♪
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♪ let me tell you this will make it all worthwhile ♪ ♪ so go on, let your light shine ♪ >> whom scl bianca and kiara, these are great songs. thank you for sharing it with us. for everyone out there, you can also get a t-shirt with the anti-bullying message. go to the website and find out more information. more "fox & friends" just three minutes away. up isn't who you are. ♪ this is the age of knowing how to make things happen. so, why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision.
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we don't like it when it crashes. >> log on to fox& after the show. we're going to be eating more delicious food. >> what did you cut off? >> some sausage and burger, some ribs. . a new fight against global warming sparking worries about a new freeze on job creation. president obama launching his latest green initiative. this one clamping down on power companies. businesses and lawmakers are both sides of the aisle calling it a war on coal and on jobs. >> declaring a war on coal is tantamount to declaring a war on jobs. >> i should not have to be sitting here as a u.s. senator fighting my own president. it makes no sense to ruin our economy in the most delicate of times. >> the continuation of the war on coal will only make matters worse, putting thousands and
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