tv Red Eye FOX News June 29, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am PDT
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>> welcome to "red eye" it's like how i met your mother, and if met meant that i kidnapped her. let's go to tv's andy levy for the pregame report. andy, what is coming up on tonight's show? >> thanks, our top story, alec baldwin goes on a twitter tear, and the shocking story that everyone knew would happen some day. and a new app tells you where your friends are so you can avoid them, sign me up. and finally what happens when we send bill out to interview andrew wk after he drums for 24 straight hours? hopefully the rock star has
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enough strength to pick him up by the throat and disembowel bill. wrap it around his throat and choke the life out of him, greg? >> just one corrections. >> what? >> 24 feet. >> i think you are wrong there. >> well, we will -- why don't we cut bill open and find out? >> capital idea. >> exactly. a human piniata, let's welcome, our fox news contributor -- do not do that to the people. and if comedy was a piece of dough, italians would pound him black and blue. in kansas, he is a dart board
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and i would ride him with a friend in the park, sitting next to me tucker ca eer carlson, anr and chief of the -- the lede, that's the first story. i think i speak for america when i say, what else is on? >> wow. >> whoa. >> wow, was his fit legitimate? well, alec baldwin was miffed when his wife was accused of tweeting during james gandolfini's funeral. >> and he said i'm go -- if put my foot up your blooep, george
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stark, but you would enjoy it too much. >> he claims that his comic comments tweeted during the funeral services, saying she posted the messages after and while they were visiting sick children in the hospital. that is even worse. meanwhile, "red eye," obtained tape of baldwin arriving home after the funeral. >> it's a joke, because he is hairy. but it's amazing that bears can open and close doors. michael, good to see you as always, lying, when you are famous and angry, the best thing to do is to tart tweeting. >> of course, that is what it was invented for and it's why
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celebrities such as myself can get in these wars. i will start something with tucker before the show is over. >> you have like over a million followers, don't you? >> it's more like two million. tucker, you bow tie wearing piece of crap. >> i will never see it, because i never, ever check twitter. that is why i'm a happy person. >> that is an interesting point. this thing could all be avoided if you just walk away from it, you do not use this kind of social network. when you are defending your wife, doesn't it, everything that you do go out the window. it depends who you are. >> in the case of alec baldwin, i like him. he has been exposed as a bigot, and he is a homophobe,
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everything about him is repulsive, but he is appealing. he will not be diminished in america, he is a train wreck, that is why we like him. >> i am unappealing so i cannot do what he does. >> trust me, i cannot either. >> and in fairness, neither of you will have endorsement deals. >> no, no, i was offered a weight loss endorsement deal that i had to turn down because my contract does not allow it, so there. >> your contract does not a allow weight loss? >> no. >> you better stay fat. >> they want me to stay fat. >> we want greg pudgy. >> they like the baby features, it's gruesome. >> jedediah, is that your real name. baldwin is an out spoken supporter of gay marriage, is that why his homo perfophobic c okay? >> that is what some people were saying.
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tmz called him out and said this is worse than paula deen, you are more of a big ot, it's so interesting. he has had so many instances of this, that people have to call him out. and finally you say, help us help you out here, alec. >> glad gave him a platform to explain himself, which they would never do to, remember roland martin, who did the tweets about the soccer player. >> roland martin is really unimpressive. >> he is the guy from -- >> tmz would think it's offensive. look at the head of tmz, harvey, who is a jew -- >> think about it. >> geez. >> oh, man. >> thank you for saying what everyone was thinking. >> thank you, thank you! >> thank you for helping the budget cuts next month be even
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easier. we will not have as much of a debate now. bill schultz or this molting goat that we found in the woods. the molting goat would stay. >> the goat could not wear this jacket. >> are we all now babies that twitter is like crank calling? >> i think we are babies because of the way we react to these things. >> okay. >> if somebody reacts emotionally because someone took a shot at your wife,and you say things that you regret. i agree with everything that everyone is saying. alec baldwin is clearly a train wreck emotionally. but i think he is sincere. he is pro gay rights and i do not believe in his heart, he is a racist. but you say the things in the heat of the moment, he has not learned his lesson. the things that are generated whenou do these things, including with paula deen is its own thing. >> he is a celebrity and he is
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endorsing products. and i think it's endorsinendors it's all happening i'm watching capital one commercial. why don't they care? when paula deen does it, it matters. >> because she crossed a much bigger line. >> she did this years ago though. >> i agree. >> she did it years ago, bad thing, not for givable by me, he does it now. why is there a huge difference. >> because paula deen blew herself up, there's a sensitivity that her apologies did not help, her video did not help. there was something insincere about it. >> how do you judge if someone is sincere? >> that is what i do, tucker. i judge! >> if you say one stupid thing and it's somehow a window into your true soul is ridiculous. it's a witch hunt quality. far beit from me to defend alec
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baldwin, who is a bafoon and i do not agree with his politics, and paula deen, i do not know, but we -- this indicate you are a racist, it's unfair. >> it's unfair, but we can expect them to think for a minute before they speak. the same way we do. >> i don't. >> you do, you do. i feel confident you would not say that. >> i may say is n word too. >> go ahead, say it. >> we will edit it out. >> you know hillaria, it's the name of a drug for laughter that is not appropriate. it would be hilarious. it's the name of a drug, right? take it before a funeral. >> yeah, so, it's hillaria is what you take to keep from laughing in a serious moment. >> all drugs have a fake greek
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name. >> they do. >> hillaria sounds like something when you cough, you get blood your tissue paper. that people would die from. >> why take it to a dark place? >> she conattracted malaria. >> i was trying keep it light hearted. >> where is the colonel, he is struggling with hmpillaria. >> we are going to let him go, over a big pool of sharks. >> i love sharks. all right, from an angry rant, they wrote a letter because they know better. some academics and others are call lg on the president of equador to grants snowden's request for asylum. there was signatures on a website from many celebratities.
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they write charging someone with espionage who did not commit it is strong, these are actions of political repression and you would be right no grant snowden political asylum. and meanwhile, snowden's father has sent a letter to the attorney general saying if his son could pick the venue for the trial and would not be jailed and would not be subject to a gag order he would return. you know who fled the country and not coming back? >> train tracks. >> that is dang are russ. >> it is dangerous. >> everything is nice and you
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put the dog on the train track, what kind of monster are you. >> tucker, you could immediately guess who's name is going to be on a list like this. commie stinkos. >> they support snowden because they hate america. on the other hand, i wrote down what they said. the obama administration seeks to silence those that have brought the abuses to light. i wish john boehner was as clear in his defense of freedom as these guys are. there's no denying this is true. this administration is spending all their energy trying get this guy. and i'm not defending him, but the rest of us are being treated as suspects. being spied on by our government, that is a big deal. >> i do not agree with them, but they are right and i'm willing to say that. >> this whole story splits ideology, i agree with you on that part, and everything you said and your fashion sense.
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michael, i'm surprised you did not sign this letter being an american hating pinko. >> i was asked to sign the letter, i should rephrase that. i asked to sign the letter. and they did not know who i was. >> tucker is spot on again. you know, i'm of mixed mind about this. i agree with you, greg, there are certain secrets we need to keep. but also i agree with snowden, i don't feel he brought anything to light that hurt anybody. i like him. i like anybody that stek that so the man. >> what if david is bad and goliath is good in this
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situation? snowden's dad is looking at the people surrounding his kid and he is worried, he is saying this could be a bad crowd, could he have a point? >> yeah, he is being a dad, he wants his kid to come home safely. that does not surprise me. what hollywood loves about this story is that american is being painted as the bad guy, the bully, they are concerned with the aspect of the story of what we are doing in china. of what we are doing to other countries. they are not concerned about the aspect that involves american's privacy rights generally. they are concerned about how we are treating other people, now we are the bully, the bad guy who sometimes deserves what we get. that is what they are focusing on. >> i know you were himming and hawing, the david and goliath narrative -- >> does anybody think that amber herd is hollywood? >> that sounds like a made for tv movie. >> she was one of the reindeer?
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>> from what? >> there's dancer and amber. >> it's interesting you bring her up, i too was outraged by every single of the celebrities and i started to do research, because a, i'm a journalist and i wanted to see what made their marxist minds tick and i found in that amber, in 2008, she was in a straight to dvd movie called the informers where in three scenes she shows her breast, her butt and a full frontal movie scene. thank you. you can find both the video clips and screen grabs on various sites. >> wow, that is compelling. >> this is kind of a serious topic, and i understand that, the factory mains, these people hate america. >> shut up! >> i hate that they hate
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america. >> who is they? >> no they don't. >> they love america. >> dimension that amber plays a stripper with a heart of gold. stop ignoring the facts guys. >> really good point. >> thank you! >> all right. >> are there screen grabs of noah chaunsky? >> does it boktbother you -- do bother you that you are in bed with people that hate you and america? >> it's weird to find yourself on the same side. i was in western canada recently. and we started to go on how the free market and good? and i'm like, am i agreeing with canada, and they are right. i have not done anything, i should not be treated as a suspect. >> this is where -- what is spying in what is spying? >> i will tell you, it's collecting my e-mail, and my google searches. >> they are not. >> they are. they are.
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>> you have foreigners contacts americans. >> which is great. >> right. and you have verizon phone records that they are two different things. >> those people from nsa that said every key stroke is collected and held by the u.s. federal government, they do not access it necessarily, but they can. and your financial data not secure. how do you think the spitzer got busted with they were looking at his bank accounts. >> tucker, there's a difference in what they are doing to us and snowden disclosing what we are doing in china. >> i think we should be smpying on the rest of the world, but not me. i'm not a suspect. >> what are the people talking about? they are talking about the angle of america as bullies.
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what america is doing wrong.>> d some hate the u.s. and he does. doesn't mean that john boehner ought to defend a program where you are being spied on. >> i agree. >> if you are the party of freedom, why are you defending this? >> i do not have the information that apparently you do. what i'm working from is two separate programs. they are phone records that you do not know who they are and you do not read the content. i am okay with that, that is like a road map for a police officer to find a crime that committed. they need a map. that is what the phone records are and then you have prism, they have said that they collected all kinds of information inadvertently,
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but -- to morning show, fox and friends. i worked at nsa for 30 years, they are collecting every bit of data. >> i trust you. i trust you. >> isn't that scary. >> i used to think i was a bit paranoid, black helicopters. >> you guys are missing the big point, amber herd is bi sexual. are you a wear of that? she date rs gis girls. >> coming up, is walking for losers. we will discuss her new book, i strap turtles to my knees and walk. it's a bunch of orange and green dots. must be a story about orange and green dots. i like to thank
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near in well, an experimental new app is, whatever that is, is turning social media on its head, and yes, tucker it has a head. >> i was just thinking of that. >> by helping users steer clear of other peers. on the avoidance map, orange dots indicate your buddies and green ones represent optimally accident sa distant safe zones a student that as social anxiety got the idea from four square. what about the students who don't want to party all the time and don't want to go to bars all the time? i understand we have an update on the two dogs fleeing the country.
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and you know, we are probably paying for all of that. is this the greatest invention since the automobile or with water? >> i'm not sure who i'm talking about. which greg is this? >> this is the grumpy greg. we had to stomp down our show so another show could put a lower third in the bottom, to talk about a story that was not important. >> really? what show. >> i'm not saying. >> it was the rachel maddow show, come on guys, we should be hurting them, not helping them. >> so we had to stop for ten minutes to put a little thing in about celebrities and that bothers me -- >> thank you, rachel.
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>> we had momentum in the show, the show was going great and we had to sit here awkwardly while tucker showed us his tie. i did not mean to impune your tie, but someone needs impuning. >> don't take it out on us. >> i know, there's no diet coke in the green room. >> and do not take it out on me bass i look like rachel. >> this app, you use it to avoid people you do not like. where do i start? >> should have used it for this show tonight, greg. >> i'm still mad. >> all right, jedidiah, you are an attractive woman in a big city, would you use it to avoid bill or people you know? >> i use stuff like this anyway. i am mad that andy levy or myself did not invent it, we could have collaborated, andy if
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you are listening? who doesn't want to their friends? >> i don't know, i have seen your friends, i would to. can we disconnect? >> i men, this is no different from the rest of social media. the whole point is to drive people further apart and limit actually contact between people. this is more of the same, it was developed by someone with social anxiety, everyone online has social anxiety, except for gay hook up sites push people away. >> like how you brought that up. >> i like how you know it's called grinder. >> write it down for me. >> there's no "e". >> no matter i cannot find it.
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>> you claim to have a smartphone, but it's a empty box that is for a deck of cards. why are you here? >> it's not what smartphones look like. i too do not like to -- of course, this was made by someone from new york. because new york is the smallest big city in america. you cannot walk a block without bumping into someone you do not want to butch into. but for people like me who don't and can't afford smartphones. i have another way, it's calls dressing in women's clothing. i do it to be incognito, and so i wax my body and put on blush. >> you are scaring everyone away now. and cinch myself up a bit and give them a little something. >> get the camera off of him so he will shut up. there's not a name for this, there is. it's called hell is for other people, i call it the paul mccurio app, i would use it just
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to avoid him. i think everyone in america -- >> i like him. >> it's not about liking or disliking. it's just avoiding him, you can like someone and want to avoid them. paul is somebody that you can like but avoid. >> when he does it with me, he is paul mccurio. >> you are an idiot. >> we laugh at this. he will sell it for $20 million and then who will be laughing now? that is what i was saying. >> that is not what you were saying. >> i was saying andy and i should make it. >> we are not doing that story. did andrew wk just drum for a with the spark miles card from capital one, bjorn earns unlimited rewas for his small business take theseags to room 12 please. [ garth ] bjors small busiss earns double miles
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on every purchase every day. produce delivery. [ bjorn ] just put it on my spark card. [ garth why settle for less? ahh, oh! [ garth ] great businesses deserve limited reward here's your wake up call. [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase every day. what's in your wallet? [ crows ] now where's the snooze button?
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>> could a sun shock turn back the clock. i can't believe you said what you said. usa today reports that a massive solar flare like this one, we caught earlier today, could obliterate our communications and electric grid sending us back to the 1950s. if it were to happen, a cloud of charred particles would strike the earth. imagine this is the earth and this is thing. frying cell phones and cars in
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parts of the world like north america, could be without electricity for a year. to mitigate the damage, lawmakers created a bill that could cause back up surge protectors. discuss! >> lightening round! >> michael, an event like this could kill a lot of people and you said that is a good thing. you make me sick. >> well, greg, we have a lot of people and a lot of them are connect on their twitter and phones like we have been talking about. the surge comes and they get zapped, good riddance to badd r bum ubbish i say. >> in all of the centuries
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leading up to that, we do not have have these things either. so i don't know why we go back to the 19th century. >> and you do not really see numbers. >> that is true. >> numbers are just nothing but values that are ascribed to things that do not need judgment. this is a panic for nothing or is it a real threat. and if it was a real threat, who would you grab to run off and sleep with? >> gingrich. say gingrich. >> wow, that guy noah from the notebook but only if he is in character. >> that's a tall order. and or dylan mckay, from 90210, i have a crush. >> bald now, very bald. >> i can handle bald, as long as he has a leather jacket. >> what about a green one? >> you just distracted me, bill. >> kill him. >> i think it's -- i think this happened already once before. so it could happen again and i
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think that look, if we had no electricity for a year, i would not be able to survive that, even the people that did not get zapped, do you think we are fit to survive without what we consider basic necessities? >> that is a good question i zoned out on. tucker, would it be bad if we went back to the 19th century? it looks fun in movies. >> right. >> no -- >> are you kidding? >> say we turn back the clock for a year. >> it's what the global warming people want. the bad news is millions would die as life support systems were off line and planes fell from the sky. and the kids would talk to you of course because they would be awake. >> and they would need to know how to do things without electricity. so they would call their grandparents. >> they would shout at them. >> you would learn that the only thing that separates us is cheap
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energy. >> what is that? >> it's a poor country in africa. but the point is, like cheap energy makes the difference between comfort and suffering. >> i was trying to find my wife's upper volta the other day mad at me. >> it's in back. >> bill, i'm afraid to ask about this topic. >> you have not had running water or electricity for moss. so every day for you is the 19th century or the sixth for that matter. >> not living like that. it's the plot line to an nbc show called revolution where not everyone has electricity and they have to live by their wits and greg, i have to tell you, you cannot just take nbc pr e-mail and say it's a story and we should put it in our lineup. you are welcome for the free publicity, nbc and i'm sorry, america. >> do you remember that time -- >> wouldn't it be funny if he got zapped right now? >> or you got zapped with the
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truth. >> let it wash over you. >> could that explain the weird story we did last year about the american veteran that came back and was secretly part of islam. >> yes, and every time we show pictures of -- >> i thought it was real. sometimes, but you know, remember -- >> what did the story you did about the african-american family, that every african-american family that lives in a nice brownstone home, he wears crazy sweaters. i was not a -- aware that was a news story. >> i could never get a interview with him. >> and then the story with the guy that was living with his cousin a you were like, he seemed to be perfect strangers and i guess it is. still puzzled as why this was a story. >> the thing is, nobody at the table as watched nbc in 30
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years. >> true. >> it's true. >> but next week, i hope to make it up, because i'm doing a whole thing on a group of friends living in a new york apartment. >> what do they do for a living? do they sit around? >> one is a struggling actor and one is waiting tables. you learn a lot from them and i think they will come on the show and talk about their troubles. vy not contacted them -- i have have not contacted them yet, but i see them on tv. it's either called pals, friendly people. co-horts. >> i think it's co-horts. >> yes. >> i don't think anybody in america has continued watching this show. >> no. >> i think right now it's just us. >> it's us. >> it's us in a lifeboat called "red eye." more when we return, i think i got bit, right there. mosquito bit me. yeah, i did, i got bit.
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>> is it hard to repeat the same old thing. during something called the o-music awards, wk set is up camp at the store in times square and spent the next day and night slapping the skins in front of an ever changing array of on-lookers. watch. >> thanks greg, andrew wk, guiness book of world records, drums, times square and power bars. you are welcome, america. he has been doing this for nearly 24 hours straight. what could you do for 24 hours straight? >> i could breathe. >> drink beer. >> maybe complain. >> that sounds about right. >> i'm good at that. the correct answer was [ bleep
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]. >> on a scale of 1 to oh, my god he is hot, how turned on are you by what he is doing? >> not at all. sorry. >> that makes only one of us, because i'm feeling it. any words of advice for an dlu? >> i don't think he needs words of advice, he will make it. he will rock it out. >> he does need a couple of bumps of crow contaocaine? >> no. >> i could use some, are you holding? >> turn the camera down. are you holding? >> what do you think he is doing as far as staying awake. meth? >> 5-hour energy. >> that camouflage is works, you are blending into the background. no, too much? too much? too much? you like the other one better. >> what he is doing here is he is one of the must follow twitter nominees for o-music and this is how he is trying gain traction. some of the other people, bruno
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mars. >> i like his music. >> that was the wrong answer, you are supposed to say he sucks. kerry brown steen. >> who is that? >> she is cool. >> she looks like andrew wk if you take off her make up. >> no. >> richard marx. >> i will be right there waiting for you, richard at the finish line. i'm fulling for you and frank ocean. >> oh, i love frank. >> and the great thing about frank, he would probably love both of us. yeah, we could both have fun with him. call us frank. does not like. not a fan. >> 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! >> i'm so proud of you, i know you feel terrible right now, and we are only allowed one question, what was the worst
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part? >> um, i will make it easier for you. were you disappointed there was sklar brother there? >> i thought there were two. >> no you were just seeing things. what do you advise the kids to do these things? >> be better at drumming, all the drummers that contributed, they gave me energy and assisted me. >> and the impressive thing is, he smells fine. >> bill i have time for one question, when you had the signs made, you went to fox news graphics. were they happy to do the signs or were they like, why did we bother to do something for red eye, when whatever you do is meaningless. >> i know we have to send the e-mails three weeks in advance. >> the drumming made me deaf. it's called sacrificing for your
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report. >> thanks. >> tucker was asking me if i had ever been to your apartment? anyway. >> it's private. >> what's that? >> nope. >> why don't you have people over, andy? >> because i choose not to. >> a good answer. >> it's like a safe house for me. >> is it a phobia? >> alec baldwin twitter's rant. tucker you said you like baldwin. he won't lose his endorsements. friday night they accepted baldwin's apology. put out a statement baldwin is making it clear intent behind his tweets. >> so by using the slurs you raise awareness of using the slurs.
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good job, glaad. >> the lessons are they are fascist and popular people can do whatever they want and unpopular people can't do anything. >> you're popular at this table. >> barely. >> not really. >> maybe one person here likes me. >> you mentioned that tmz called out baldwin. they called out glaad saying quote the same organization -- this is quote, the same organization that crushed people for making far less harmful and threatening statements said glaad doesn't have the balls to go after a self-proclaimed hollywood liberal. >> good for them. good job. >> michael, first of all that joke where you refer to yourself as a celebrity. that was great. >> andy, do you think, is your home a safe-haven or i question whether it's really a haven.
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>> if i say it's a safe place then you come back do you think it's a safe-haven all you're doing is substituting a synonym for a place. >> i've never been invited over. >> wasn't aware he had a place. >> you work with these guys every single day. >> you just answered your own question. >> even people that i don't care for have been to my home like my wife, for example. she has also been to my home. >> i feel a twitter war tonight. >> excellent. >> what were we talking about? >> you having sex. >> we gave up stories around b block. >> much earlier than that. why don't we get back to baldwin. why was this a story in the
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first place? who cares if she was tweeting at a funeral, which i think she wasn't. the daily mail screwed it up. even if she was who cares? >> well, i guess you care because it's, it's not, i guess nice. >> the wife of an actor was tweeting at another actor's funeral. >> this exists in the cloud of crap you shouldn't think about. >> you started your show with it. what your talking about. this exists in the cloud of crap. >> okay. >> alec baldwin -- >> this is the in the a block. >> alec baldwin made it a story. it's alec baldwin's fault. i forgot to bring this up. this happened to me daily mail attributed a tweet to me about a certain celebrity that i called her a horrible name and it wasn't me. it took forever to try to get that thing off. >> what did you call her?
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>> it was something about her weight or something. it was somebody that we know and i never said it. >> daily mail said i was trying to get meth on 8th avenue. >> daily mail -- >> they are not always wrong. >> yes. >> by the way that daily mail is a different daily mail. >> oliver stone want ecuadoto g letter. you said you claimed you were a celebrity? >> irony. >> does that mean lying? >> i don't know. you know, the great thing about -- the great thing about my level of celebrities, i can play it both ways. i'm like frank, i'm a-list, i can play d-list. both are true. >> wouldn't that make you more like c-plus >> i don't do math.
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i'm a hollywood liberal. >> is ecuador's president sitting there thinking about giving him an asylum. >> loved him in "holes." >> he sucked in everything else. he has. greg i can confirm bill's research into amber herd. >> at least you did something while we were here. >> you asked tucker if it bothers him that he's in bed with people who hate him. sometimes it's more fun that way. >> there's a name for that. >> i'm noticing a trend in andy's commentary. >> you guys didn't give me anything to talk about. >> he's lonely. he has nobody over to his house. >> let's talk about his app for avoiding people. you said you're mad you didn't come up for an app.
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i have an app it's called sitting on my couch. i'm not anti-social, i just don't hang out with you nerds. >> that was mean. >> but a fair point. >> andy, who do you hang out with? >> nobody you know. no that's not true. actually some people you do know. >> let's drop some names. >> won't drop some names because i believe it's called a private life for a reason. >> private. >> the private life. >> chew on that. >> yeah. i wish. i'm hungry. >> solar flares. >> who cares. >> seriously. can we talk about something else? >> you know what? we can talk about plans for tonight after the show. we're all going out. what your doing? >> i'm going home. >> going to have a little cat rodeo? lasso up the dental floss.
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here is my friend, the governor. tonight on huckabee, edward snowden is charged with espionage and called a traitor and now the russians are playing hard ball it is not that big of a deal. >> i am not scrambling jets to get a 29-year-old hacker. >> why is the rest of the world defying the leader of the free world? >> our enemies have no respect for us. >> and the senate passes immigration reform. >> is offy, i border agents and technology backing them up and the 700 mile fence completed. ice agents are not satisfied and their union leaders
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