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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  July 1, 2013 6:00am-8:01am PDT

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>> alisyn: oh, my gosh. wow. >> brian: why not the diving board? why are they coddling that kid. >> alisyn: thanks so much. log on to the after the show show. bill: good morning, everybody. 19 firefighters are dead killed in the worst fire we have seen in decades. the fires took the lives of 19 elite firefighting unit. martha: this group was known as the hot shots and they are all but gone. they lost 19 of their 20 very close members. bill: it happened in a small town in arizona, population 600, 85 miles northeast of phoenix.
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for firefighters this is one of the deadliest we have seen in our country's history. >> reporter: if i think of nine were this is the most deaths of firefighters since 9/11. this is the worst death since 1933 when 35 firefighters are killed in los angeles. we have a picture of this group from 2008. it's unclear how many of these members are still in this unit. it's an elite unit. these are the guys who go to the front lines to fight these fires with their hands. they do this time and time again. they are the pros. that 19 died shows how quickly this fire got out of hand. bill: you wonder what changed in the weather conditions and
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fighting that fire, decisions made to go up one pass or another. any indication as to what went wrong? >> reporter: people are still trying to figure that out. one thing they know for sure are the conditions. take a listen. >> this fire was very radical in its behavior. the hills were very dry. the relative humidity was very low. the winds coming out of the south. it turned around on us because of the monsoon this afternoon. that's what caused the deaths. the change in the radical behavior of the burning field. they were caught up in a very bad situation. >> reporter: people on the ground keep asking how this could happen. obviously there are inherent dangers firefighters take on with the job. they go to fires careying fire shelters. they are kind of like inflated
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cacaos. if the fire jumps on them they inflate them and we are told they did that in this case. this community and the state of arizona has this tragedy on their minds. bill: they were trained but it was too for them. martha: the hotshots are called the best of the best and literally use fire to fight fire. there are more than 100 units of these hot shot groups in the united states. there are 13 of them where they battle fires for very long hours in extreme conditions. they like into the fire zone loaded with backpacks and chainsaws and most -- and build
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containment lines. bill: they were trapped. they were forced to dough ploy their emergency shelters. it's a tent-like structure meant to withstand extreme temperatures. oftentimes they will be taught to dig a hole in the ground beneath the dirt. but even when used properly there is only a 50% chance of survival. martha: we are waiting to found out what happened in this situation. it has been a deadly year for firefighters. there were 43 firefighter death reported through june 24, it does not include the 19 that were killed yesterday in arizona. compare that with the past three years with 11 deaths reported teach year. the deadliest wildfire was in
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silver ton, idaho in 1810 when 86 firefighters were lost. the second was in 1933 in los angeles when 29 firefighters were killed in that fire. this yarnell fire is the third deadliest in u.s. history. bill: we heard from the arizona governor jan brewer. nor john mccain says this is a reminder of the grave risks our firefighters take every dayton our behalf and in communities across the nation. their sacrifice will never be forgotten. martha: the deadly wildfire fueled by a record-breaking heat wave blistering the southwest. let's go to maria molina. she is live in the fox extream weather center. those numbers are incredible.
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>> i want to focus in on yarnell, arizona. this area was impacted throughout the morning hours about basically how they had the wildfire that killed those 19 firefighters. it's believed that that fire actually started by lightning. and we do have a chance to consider to see more thunderstorms in this i are area throughout this entire week. there is a 20% chance of a thunderstorm. anymore lightning from these storms any any strong wind the storms can produce -- i believe the fire is zero% contained. temperatures remaining in the 90s. it's not just arizona we are talking about. triple digit temperatures. it's about 6:00 a.m. local time out here across parts of nevada, california and arizona. currently it's 98 degree in
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las vegas. people in las vegas waking up and it's 98 degree in the early morning hours. the high temperatures today in phoenix, arizona, expected to be 113 degree. in seattle, washington, not a place you typically think of sunshine and hot temperatures. 99 in missoula. we of course have excessive heat warnings in effect and heat precautions we'll be talking about coming up. martha: you what to be inside in air-conditioning and checkingen your neighbors. bill: heat-related illnesses happen when your body temperature control system is overload. the body normally cools itself by sweating. but in some conditions per perration is not enough. high body temperatures can
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damage the brain or their vital organs. those most at risk are infants, children up to 4 years old and the elderly. those who are overweight, too, or ill or have certain medications, be aware of all that. martha: this is a fox news alert. we are expecting several key witnesses to take the stand today in george zimmerman's second degree murder trial. prosecutors shifting from the forensic and scientific evidence. phil keating joins us live outside the courthouse in sanford, florida. we have breaking develop --s that came from the courtroom early this morning. what happened. report rrp judge debra nelson has yet to make public what her rulings are. but the resumings on george zimmerman's prior bad acts that the prosecutors want the jurors
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to know about. also the privacy of the jurors after their verdict. on the stand is an fbi audio expert. this is a surprising call by the state. prior to the trial he was testifying on behalf of the defense that you cannot possibly determine who is the person screaming in the background in that 911 call. what the former fbi audio expert will be saying here is we are about to see. when the defense northern mark o'mara said zimmerman was not a hothead. in 2005 there was a battery of and the defense wants the judge
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not to make known the identities of these jurors until six months after the case. the defense attorney mark o'mara says the jurors need to be sureth are no pro prizals against them on what could be a controversial verdict. martha: it would be argued by aexpert who that was on the tape. what can we expect today? >> reporter: we are not sure you are about it seems reasonable prosecutors have some audio analysis pertinent to their case. but we expect to see the parents of trayvon martin take the stand this week likely to identify that scream on that call as that of their son. we also expect the lead detective as well as a dozen
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statement zimmerman gave in the days and weeks after killing martin. many of them on video or audiotape where he claimed self-defense. he expects multiple inconsistencies in his verption of events. the prosecutor is expected to wrap up the case later this week. and that will give the defense another 2 week. it is expected this will be a 3-4-week trial. martha: we are going to speak to judge farraro about this. you can catch the trial streaming online while you are watching bill and i this morning. this an interesting trial. not just talking all across the country.
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bill: we'll see what the state says. they will have to make up ground from last week. a helicopter flying tourists over new york city crashes into the hudson river. how the across of one man saved the lives of everyone onboard that helicopter. martha: hundreds of protesters bolstered democrats efforts to defeat an abortion bill. bill: new calls for president obama to get tough on vladimir putin in russia as our former cold war enemy continues to quote harbor the fugitive edward snowden. >> vladimir you continue is an
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old kgb who dreams of the restoration of the russian empire. with tums freshers. concentrated relief that goes to work in seconds and freshens breath. tums freshers. ♪ tum...tum...tum...tum... tums! ♪ fast heartburn relief and minty fresh breath.
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you'll forget you h heartburn. ♪ tum tum tum tum tums martha: a sightseeing helicopter suddenly dropped into the hudson river over the weekend. four swedes were having a tour. a and ton boat kept it afloat. >> an emergency in flight, and i did what i had to do. thank you all again, have a good day. what a job he did. others saying he has the right stuff. >> whoever that pilot is has to be a remarkable pilot with her in ofs of steel. clearly that helicopter was in
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complete distress and it's just fortunate that the hudson river is there otherwise i can't even imagine what would have happened. martha: there it goes. being lift out of the water. investigators are looking into what caused the failure. bill: new calls for president obama to get tough on russia after putin refuses to hand over snowden. two top law makers saying russia needs to pay a price. senator john mccain says we may need to go back in time to manage this. >> we should realize what vladimir putin is' an old colonel kgb and he dreams of the reemergence of the russian empire. they thumb their nose at us no
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matter what the issue is. we should turn realistically to the cold war with missile defense expansion and recognizing that vladimir putin -- if we keep -- i think we pushed the reset down to 1955. bill: he said an awful lot in that clip. congressman peter king. he said many time go back to doing what's realistic. what is realistic? >> i don't see anything we dock in the short term. having said that. we have to start reversing our policy towards russia. the reset policy of president obama has not work. john mccain mentioned going to a missile defense system. but i think it will be a long term change of relationship. whether it involved trade or diplomacy or speaking out more
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against russian's human rights violations. making slier the world has changed. i don't expect to see a dramatic event taking place. this has to be slow, sustained and steady. it's a round world. when opportunities come along think about our own advantage and forget about the reset button. bill: it appears obama has been willing to do very little in terms of action. >> you are hoping something is going on hund the scenes. but i believe the president has been missing in action. not just with directory addressing russia. if he had addressed the american people on why he believes the nsa program is so important, that's also sending a message to russia and other country that this is in our vital interest.
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by not turning snowden over to us russia is going against our vital interests. the president seems to be missing in action. when he made the statement last week about the 29-year-old hacker, all the interests of the united states are going to get him back. it's the schizophrenic policies he has had throughout his administration. bill: do you think he's being outplayed by putin? russia seems to be running the middle east. >> you hate to be cite california your own president during a time like this. stars syria and iran and this incident with snowden. and just at the eu, the way putin was conduct himself. he seems to be coming towel as the strong man and the president is nailing out. it's time to be strong here. i expect more of the president
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of the youth. i expect the president to be strong and out there and commanding and not allowing a kgb thug like you tine to be outmaneuvering us. playing games. being cute. that is not what should be allowed between two countries unless we are going to as john mccain said, a 1955 attitude. martha: the white house is stepping up its campaign to sell obama-care with new recruits beyond the nfl. you are not going to leave who they are getting help seal the deal. bill: tragedy at cirque du soleil. death in the ring. let's play: [ all ] who's new in the fridge! i help support bones... [ ding! ] ...the immune system... [ ding! ] ...heart health... [ ding! ] ...and muscles. [ ding! ] that can only be ensure complete!
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[ female announcer ] the four-in-one nutrition of ensure complete. a simple choice to help u eat right. [ major nutrition ] nutrition in charge. vo: i've always thought the best part about this country is that we get to create our future.
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you get to take ownership of the choices you make. the person you become. i've been around long enough to recognize the people who are out there owning it. the ones getting involved and staying engaged. they're not sitting by as their life unfolds. and they're not afraid to question the path they're on. because the one question they never want to ask is "how did i end up here?" i started schwab for those people. people who want to take ownership of their investments, like they do in every other aspect of their lives.
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bill: a man shot and killed on a busy florida interstate by another driver while he was calling 911. he called moment before he died saying he was being followed. workers in san francisco -- public transit workers go on strike there. >> i'm officially a college student. >> monsters university taking the competitors to school over the weekend. that animated film raked in $46 million. martha: a tragedy over the weekend at cirque du soleil when
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an acrobat fell to her death in front of a horrified audience. it shows the performer who lost her life. she is on the left-hand side in that photo. what more do we know about what happened? >> it is the first reported death from an accident on stage from cirque du soleil in their 30-year history. many thought the spectacular fall was part of the act. 31-year-old-year-old acrobatic actress was performing we'll repelling high in the air. she suddenly fell off and was nailing her arms and didn't seem to be in control of her body.
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>> when i saw the person falling, i thought there was a net down there. but i realized the there wasn't. >> screams and groans could be heard coming from the stage. the show was stopped. the clark county coroner's office will rule on the cause of death. martha: what does cirque du soleil say about this accident? >> reporter: the "loves review journal" published his statement. i'm heartbroken. i wish to extend my sympathies to the family. we are all completely defend stated with this news. sas $soon was an artist with the original cirque du soleil family.
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martha: what a sad story. thank you very much. bill: how much they do when they are in that ring defies the mind that they can make that happen. that deadly fire in arizona fuels in part by a massive heat wave gripping the u.s. and when is the heat going to break? martha: an 11-hour filibuster. an intense moment in the legislature defeated a bill for new abortion restrictions in texas. but that battle is back on in a special session. republican are expecting a different outcome this time. we'll talk about it coming up. >> their voices have been silenced by a governor who made blind partisanship and personal political ambition the official
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business of our great state.
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martha: the battle over a strict new abortion bill after hundreds of protesters cheered on a filibuster played on last week it was led by windy davis. >> what we don't have order we'll us spend the roll call vote until we can get ordinarier in the chamber. martha: democrats defeating a bill that bans abortions after the 20th week of pregnancy and places new restrictions on clinics. republicans promised that the vote is going to go through quick and easy this time once they get it to the floor which is what she prevented with her filibuster. but democrats say the gop is using this bill for their own
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political gain. >> people who have grown weary of politicians trying to boost their own political careers on the backs of women to promote agendas that help them personally. there these are matters of personal liberty. in texas we hold dear against intrusions to our personal liberty. we'll fight as we begin the session againen monday. martha: kirsten powers and tucker carlson. welcome to both of you. she is saying governor perry is doing this for political gain. i think most people have never heard of beeny davis before this came about. i suppose the same thing could be said of her. >> the same thing could be said
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of all politicians. to be shocked to find politics in your political system is a little disup general use. we don't begrudge businesses the desire to make man joy. that wham they do. the truth is that you are watching the one non-gore panel here, which is abortion. almost anything else can be negotiated. tax rates. we'll debate that. wireless wire lap. we'll go back on that. but on abortion there is no movement at all. that's what you are watching there. martha: when you take a look at the polls in texas, some 62 per of the people polled are in favor of this ban. there are the numbers. so what the 47% -- some stronglr
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number bringing to it 52 per in support of this. 20-25 state already have a ban like this in place. why is this that tucker is proposing such a non-negotiable on the democratic side? >> i have no idea other than to say they are doing it to please planned parenthood. i'm going to have to say they sincerely believe it's okay to aboard babies after 20 weeks in this case. i think that there are so many things that are wrong with it it's hard to know where to start it many hard to listen to her talk about the bullying as if "a" she speaks for women, first all, she doesn't. you just cited the polls they near our nothingal polls that show 60% of americans oppose second trimester
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abortions, and 80% oppose third trimester. so the idea that this person is heralded as a hero for supporting -- remember also there is an exception for fetal abnormalities. but we are talking about healthy babies. and to me this is very, very dark. martha: kirsten raises a great point in terms of the movement on this issue. 20 weeks is 5 months pregnant. very far along in this process. you wonder at some point do democrats look at this as an issue they should be snore negotiable on? it doesn't seem to have hurt them i guess. it's one of the issues that comes up when you look at how they have done with this support of it. >> i think it's important to make a distinction between the
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democratic party and rank and file democrats. a know a lot of them. kirsten may be one of them who are troubled about it. but the democratic party as a matter of its platform and operational behavior is four square, unmoving behind unlimited right to abortion up to birth. that is the official position. and they are not moving on it. it's bullish. 50 years from now i think they will feel bad about it. i think we'll all feel bad about this. but right now the republicans are intimidated. they don't want to seem like they are attacking women. outside of texas i don't see a momentum for bills like this. martha: she says it will be denying women healthcare because they will lose some of these clinics. you wonder how many of these children risk surviving by providing abortions.
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>> it's questionable whether that's even true. they passed a similar bill in pennsylvania after gosnell and their quote from the pro abortion rights people saying most if not all the clinics would close and 5 out of 34 closed. they do exaggerate the claims. martha: kirsten, thank you very much. tucker. bill: on the george zimmerman trial an audio expert testifying about the quality of a 911 call made in that case. as we wait for past statement like this one that zimmerman made with pour own sean hannity. ice there anything you regret in do you regret getting out of the car to follow trayvon that night? >> no, sir. >> do you regret that you had a gun, that night? >> no, sir. >> do you feel you wouldn't be here for this interest knew if
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you haven't have that gun?
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martha: a hot air balloon land feet away from oncoming traffic on a highway. it comes down between two overpasses in california. the witnesses were stunned. >> as i got there i saw the balloon hovering over the highway. all of a sudden you see this hot air balloon ... >> it dropped between these two overpasses where they just had just enough room -- it was like threading the needle. we had just enough people. we made it. martha: it could have been pane absolute disaster. no injuries reported. not sure what caused it to veer off course. but another pilot story well done. bill: on the stand is an fbi
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voice analysis expert testifying at george zimmerman's murder trial. the state witness now discussing the recorded screaming of that 911 call that was placed the night trayvon martin was killed. the judge resumed that two weeks ago in fact voice experts could not testify about who was screaming. but this witness still giving sphean overview of the quality of the actual tape right here. >> in this case the screaming ratio was very poor due to the distance between the telephone set in the accept is that was being used. and resumed in a location where the altercation was taking place. of course we didn't have any visual information. but by listening we could tell
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that was a faulty recording. bill: judge, you have then rinsing to this trial. the witness has he offered much? what's the state driving at with him on the stand? >> reporter: remember, this is the fbi agent that i said weeks ago when we were talking about the admissibility of expert evidence specifically said there is no way to identify in an expert context the voice screaming on that tape and he would be disgusted with any expert that tried to pretend they could. the prosecution hire two experts who were going to come in and basically pretend they could. they lost that battle. the expert testimony money is not coming in. now the prosecution is calling in the guy who was going to undercut them. because of the panic nature of the screams. they are calling him in and presumably they will get from
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limb that perhaps somebody who knows the voice and the individuals involved will be able to identify the voice. bill: based on that it doesn't sounds like he add a whole lot. >> reporter: we know it would be unreliable for experts to try to testify whose voice was on it. but we know trayvon's mother will take the stand and say that's vai von's voice. someone from zimmerman's camp will say that's george's voice. the prosecution probably won't call trayvon's father because initially he said that was not trayvon's voice. bill: what happens over the weekend. lawyers get together and assess the previous five days ... what determines how we begin the week on this monday. >> reporter: the prosecution has a rough week. every witness scored points for the defense.
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they are not done. they have the inconsistent statement coming up which can hurt zimmerman. they are trying to get in evidence of his prior bad acts basically he had a domestic violence incident from the past. he had an continue junction or retraining order. he had that arrest for battering a law enforcement officer who was arresting a friend of his. they are going to try to get that in because they believe the defense opened the door by asking a witness if he was a hothead. the case is far from over. and they are degree very poorly on a second degree murder charge and a lesser of manslaughter is almost as bad as a second degree murder. bill: you mentioned the previous statements. one of them was with sean hannity in allof 2012 just about a year ago on july 18. >> reporter: one of the things
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i'm sure they will focus on in that interview was sean asked him whether he felt he was in fear for his life an was going to get killed if he didn't draw the gun and shoot him. bill: i want our audience to listen to it. he gives away a lot what he was doing that night, how he acted, how he behaved. listen specifically to this. >> do you have a problem? what many your pron problem. you said to him, i don't have a problem. up reached for your phone. >> i reached for it as i said i don't have a problem. at that's point he got hit. he was an arm's length from me. >> was that punch in the nose that broke your nose? >> yes. >> you went immediately down to the ground. >> i don't remember if i went immediately to the ground or he pushed me to the ground but i ended up on the ground. >> what do you remember happened from there. there were police reports and descriptions that you gave. and you were a little bit dazed
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obviously. and at one point you said you wanted him -- you wanted to stop him from hitting your head on the cement. >> yes, sir. >> is that what you told the police? >> yes, sir. >> after that first hit what happened next? >> he started bashing my head into the concrete sidewalk. i was -- as soon as he broke my nose i started yelling for help. i was -- and he started slamming my head into the concrete. bill: they talked for an hour. is there anything in that statement that would concern you if you were defending him? >> reporter: there is a part where he said words to the effect did you think you didn't shoot him that you would be killed and you had to shoot him right away? and he didn't say yes, he said i wish i could tell you. it happened so quick.
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the prosecution is going to jump all over that. it's exactly that fear, the fear you are facing imminent fear that allows you to use deadly force. bill: he admits getting out of the car and following trayvon martin. i know you will stand by with us down in orlando. we'll bring you back here in 30 minutes. watch the entire george zimmerman trial at you can check it out on the air here. he made a great point friday night when he was going through this trial. there is a florida law that if you are bringing a case and you are part of the state and you don't bring a certain witness that's relevant to the trial the defense can call them and it pretty much those everything out of whack. that's why you saw all these people on the stand that may pers perhaps have hurt trayvon martin's case. martha: it became one of president obama's most famous
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promises. >> if you like your healthcare plan, you will be able to keep your healthcare plan. period. if you like your dock wore, you will be able to keep our doctor. period. [applause] martha: less than one year before healthcare becomes law that is fully implemented, wait until you hear who the white house is enlisting to try to convince people of those facts. i'll be right back.
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martha: the obama administration is recruiting our nation's lie prayerans in promoting the healthcare law. they tried to enlist the nba and
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nfl and telling teenagers to translate this in some case foashs their parent and help them understand it. steven moore joins me now. senior economic writer at the wall street journal. it's a public army being used to push this through. what do you think of librarians? they have time on their hand it seems. >> there was quite a hullabaloo last week when they announced they were going to deputize the nba and nfl. lie prayerans will be deputized to translate this law and educate americans about the law. there is a big problem here which is could comes next? are we going to use the postal service and police and fire
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service? the other problem is it's not so much people aren't aware of it. a lot of people don't want to sign up or they can't afford to sign up. no matter how much information you give to people about the law, if they can't afford the extra cost they can't sign up. remember january 1 is when this law kicks into effect, martha. >> you touched on a central point. if people don't sign up it will be a disaster. it takes everybody being tonight in order to the most optimistic folks who look at this plan. that's an absolute baseline that they have to pleat. do you blame them? libraries have been used to disseminate information. people don't have a p.c. or internet access it's perfect place to go to figure it out. people want to have a way to navigate it. >> the federal government is spending hundreds of millions of dollars a year trying to recruit people to sign up for public
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benefits. if you guys at fox covered the scandal with food stamps where we are telling people sign up, it's good for the economy. people should be able to make their own decision. and i question whether libraries are a good source of information for young people. it's mostly young people under the age of 30 who are sceptical about signing up for this program. i don't think people under 30 use libraries very much. they have their i pads and computers and have it online in front of them. martha: thank you, to steve moore. bill: this is a live image from cairo, egypt. now violence erupting a year after the muslim brotherhood took power. many egyptians want mohammad
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morsi out of power. ding! ] that can only be ensure complete! [ female announcer ] the four-in-one nutrition of ensure complete. a simple choice to help u eat right. [ major nutrition ] nutrition in charge.
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martha: summer has begun and it, a triple digit heat wave hat made for a tragic weekend in arizona as a dozen elite firefighters are killed in the deadliest incident we have seen in decades. i'm martha maccallum. bill: i'm bill hemmer. the yarnell wildfire has been burning since friday. a triple digit heat wave. but as the winds change late last night. 19 firefighters game trapped and tragically died. president obama issuing a statement saying they were heros, highly skilled professionals who like so many developlessly put themselves in
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harm's way. they would never meet. officials say their deaths have shaken an entire community. >> bear in mind the families are in terrible shock. fire departments are like families and so the entire fire department, the entire area, the entire state is being devastated by the magnitude of this incident. martha: a family is struck with all of this. things are not expected to get any better out there. adam housley joins us live from los angeles. where are we seeing the most brutal temperatures in all of this today, adam? >> across the desert regions. talking about death valley in southern california, the valleys in southern california. it's weird. for being another part of the country you notice the cloud cover that comes in when it's so hot and humid. you don't see that here in
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california but in los angeles we are seeing it in los angeles. it's because of the extreme heat all up and down the state. california and the southwest. it's extremely dry. in death valley 128 degree. today the high expected to be 125. the overall high was in 1913. there are stories of tourists in vegas where it was 117 who rented cars to drive out there to experience this extreme heat. the heat has become deadly. we know of a couple of elderly people in the las vegas area who died due to having no air-conditioning. it's a hot, dry time in the southwest, that's for sure. march, back to that tragic wildfire story. how did the heat contribute to what happened out there? >> reporter: we have what are extreme fire conditions across the southwest, in california.
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even parts of the state wouldn't normally see fires this early in the season. in arizona it's extremely dry. you are adding high temperatures within winds and dry conditions. in arizona also some tough you are rain and those are every single thing you need to have the dangerous situation. when you add that together there are no breaks. in yarnell already a lot of variables that will found out how these firefighters got trapped. it's so hot here in southern california. it goes along with the extremely try conditions. it will be a very long time. take a listen. >> as the temperature goes up the relative humidity will lower, and any time that you do get that extremely hot temperature with dry air -- relatively dry air throughout the mountains and what you might get when they are called plumes
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in which the fire build that the hot air -- >> reporter: that's the national weather service talking about these difficult conditions. it's a difficult day in northern parts of arizona. martha: our hearts go out to those families of the firefighters and everybody battling that heat. bill: this heat wave is one for the record books. the temperature in phoenix is 119 saturday. breaking the record for that day in 1994. palm springs set a record of 122 degree. death nal valley national park in california, forecast high of 130 degree, 4 shy of the record set 100 years ago. martha: one child critically injured and two others hospitalized in stable condition after a lightning strike at a summer camp just outside of
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indianapolis over the weekend. police say camp counselors played a major role in their survival. >> i feel so sorry. there is nothing you could prepare. the sky didn't even get dark really. just some clouds. about it wasn't like black you go to the basement. martha: a message posted on the camp's facebook pang says it has resumed it normal schedule. bill: a fox news alert. new violence erupting in cairo, egypt today. protesters storming the cairo headquarters of president morsi's muslim brotherhood group as thousands rally to force
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mohamed morsi out. connor power live in jerusalem. what are the protesters demanding? >> these are some of the largest protests we have seen in egypt in months. both anti-government and pro-government groups turned out to take part in these demonstrations. it's primarily he cue lawyer christians and egyptians. they are angry with morsi and the muslim brotherhood party. opposition leaders say morsi has failed to fix egypt's struggling economy and he and the muslim brotherhood have curbed religious freedom forcing an islamic agenda on egypt. things are peaceful until early this morning where hundreds of people were injured across
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egypt. there are reports of deaths so they have not been confirmed. there are also reports of sexual assaults in tahrir square. bill: does it appear president morsi has any indication he's thinking of stepping down? >> reporter: he was elected just a year ago. he's refusing to step down. he says he's democratically allowed to stay in power. he has take and softer tone during these demonstrations than he has in past demonstrations. morsi is staying out of the public but his supporters have taken to the streets. many of the protesters you saw last night were pro-morsi support percent and they tried to defend the muslim brotherhood headquarter that was attacked and torched. four mum his brotherhood ministers resigned in support of the protesters.
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the military is set to step in and intervene. there are calls for them to step in and do something. even if the military intervenes and forces morsi to step dunn that won't end the divide in egypt. morsi could be replaced. but the protests will likely continue for a long period of time. bill: something the whole world is watching. conor powell on ought ground. -- on the ground. martha: 18 days of massive protests of february of 2011 ended president hosni mubarak's nearly 3 decades of power. in in june 2012, mors, mohamed i became the new president. then june of this year, hundreds of thousands of people back in the streets. not happy with the leadership of
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morsi on the two-year anniversary of the beginning of the revolt that brought us to where we are now. bill: i want to take you inside this george zimmerman trial that's well underway. we might get testimony from trayvon many parents. if that happens we'll bring it to you live. judge alex ferrar on a few minutes ago suggesting the father would not take the stand because he has made some statement that have been conflict. marcconflict. martha: we'll. bill: what is the forecast for an immigration bill pass montgomer --immigration bill pae
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house. we'll look at whether those folks could pay a political price if it does not. >> the senate bill is not going to pass in the house for myriad reasons. i support immigration reform. i think the current system is broken. but our framers gave us two legislative bodies and i assume they did it for a reason. your d♪ ♪ and i'll never desert you ♪ ♪ i'll stand by you yeaaaah! yeah. so that's our loyalty program. you're automatically enrolled, and the longer you stay, the more rewards you get. great! oh! ♪ i'll stand by you ♪ won't let nobody hurt you ♪ isn't there a simpler way to explain the loyalty program? yes. standing by you from day one. now, that's progressive. can youlyric can.aid do this? lyric can. lyric can. lyric by phonak is the world's only 24/7, 100% invisible hearing device. it's tiny.
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bill: president obama having a news conference. if there are headlines we'll bring them to you. martha: back to this fox news alert to the george zimmerman murder trial where week two of testimony began with an audio expert who previously testified on the 911 calls made that night. at issue the screams that could
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be heard in some of those calls and whether those screams were coming from trayvon martin or george zimmerman. judge alex is back with you this morning. this scientist is saying there was no way to tell it was impossible for him to scientifically determine whose voice that was, right? >> that's correct. he was the witness the defense was relying on. the prosecution wanted to introduce witnesses to said it was trayvon's voice. but just because when can't do scientific tests identified doesn't mean somebody who knows the individual can't identify it.
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someone can say that's trayvon's voice or george's voice. we store in our database in our head voice recognition and the defense is getting out or will get out that they probably won't have in that data bank probably don't have him screaming for your life when your voice is completely different and it could just as well be george zimmerman's voice. martha: we may hear from vai von's parents. it may be his mother and that could happen fairly soon. then it will be up to the jury if she gets up there and says that's my son. that's pretty powerful if a mother says that's my son screaming on that tape. i know his voice. and if the jury find her credible and believable in that. >> i didn't say the father wouldn't testify, i said the
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prosecution may not call him because he previously said that was not trayvon's voice and later changed his mind. but they have a pattern of calling witnesses they know the defense is going to call in order to try to pull the rug out from under the defense. the mother may be called last. the prosecution likes to put on emotional testimony last. she'll testify it's trayvon many voice and it will be up to the jury to decide whether they believe she is correctly identifying her son's voice. we already heard some of that from john good who said he believed it was george zimmerman boris yeltsining for help. martha: the morning is not there to testify to his own credibility is trayvon martin.
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his mother would be testifying on whether this young man is capable of saying something like he said to george zimmerman, "you are going to die tonight," and she could answer to that. >> that's a dangerous avenue. character evidence is a mine field. if they open the door by saying my son would not do that. all that evidence the judge excluded about his fighting and saying he wanted to buy a gun would come in. martha: what do you expect them to want to get from her? >> they will want to get the emotion from her. this is the mother after dead child. my mother lost two sons, i note level of pain this brings and it's unbelievable. they will want her to transfer that to the jury. along with that comes ager to the guy who did it regardless of whether he's claiming develop-receives or not and the
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prosecution needs that anger in their case. they will want to establish identity. they want to establish the voice yelling or help is trayvon. if the jury believes that. george zimmerman is done. you can't have a self-defense claim if the person is wailing for their life. will the jury believe she wants it to be her son or she has heard her son's voice in circumstances like this. people's voices are here within women's voices are here. but during a panic mode when you are screaming for your life, everybody's voice goes up to the 600htz. march already we are learning she could take the stand as early as today.
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bill: he knows his stuff. he's good to listen to and take it all in. florida law in orlando. european leaders blasting the u.s. new nsa leaks show the u.s. is spying on our ally overseas. martha: jennifer lopez in some hot water after wishing happy birthday and singing happy birthday, mr. president, to a notorious dictator. what she is now saying. we'll tell you, breaking news on that when we come back. the great outdoors, and a great deal. grrrr ahhh let's leave the deals to perfect! yep, and no angry bears. up to 30% off. only at
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martha: there is pefp an intense
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search and rescue operation underway after a small plane crashes in ocean city, maryland. the single engine plane went down yesterday. no word on what caused the crash or how many people were on board at the time of the accident. bill: this is tough, tough work and these are tough, tough men. they have experience, this is what they are trained for. how is it that you find yourself in a situation where the fire line change is in an instant and you have no chance of getting out. >> a wind shift can do it for you very quickly. i've been trapped on two fires in the time that i was active as
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a firefighter, and both of them were a result of a wind shift, and one time we south refuge in a rock slide area. another time we were packed up against a pond. bill: you have experience with the smoke jumpers, and you attack fires from the air, and this group, the hot shot crew is land-based. it's important to make that distinction, because it goes to the level of mobility you may or may not have once you're in the danger zone. they are trained to carry these almost like foil wraps, and even dig a hole for their own body to go beneath the ground, wrap themselves in this foil, and perhaps cover themselves in dirt, and at that point they say you have a 50-50 chance of survival. does it ever work where you find that men make it out alive from thoeg those situations?
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>> i don't have experience with those. i was jumping prior to the time that those were even available, and there have been tremendous developments in safety equipment since the time that i was an active smoke jumper back in the 1950s. bill: you say it's critically important you have to get an aggressive initial attack. what does that mean? how does it apply to these guys? >> an aggressive initial attack is to try to hit the fire while it's small, and - even an that is dependent on a good dispatch system. if they are hesitant to get on the fire right away, and particularly a fire that has the potential for being in an urban wild land interface, then those
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urban wild land interface fires are particularly dangerous, because you have civilian populations that are trying to move around, to evacuate. you've got the firefighters trying to focusnd protecting homes and property, and it just becomes a very dangerous situation. what's important is coordination between agencies, between the forest service, the blm, bureau of land management, the regional district federal and local agencies to make sure that they get the right kind of resources quickly to that fire to be able to bring it under control. bill: indeed. all great points, sir. thank you so much for your expertise. james cherry goes back decades
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fighting these fires like we are watching in arizona. 41:00p 1 look eastern time there is a news conference, maybe we'll get answers. martha: a gloomy forecast for the senate's immigration bill. some say it will never pass the house in its current home. others say there may be a political price to pay if it does not. brit hume weighs in next. bill: heights considered a turning point in the civil war and we look back at the battle of get he'sburg 150 years on the epic fight that will khaeup ou change our nation. out there owning it. the ones getting involved and staying engaged. they're not afraid to question the path they're on.
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because the one question they never want to ask is "how did i end up here?" i started schwab for those people. people who want to take ownership of their investments, like they do in every other aspect of their lives.
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bill: will congress move forward on immigration this year? after clearing the senate the focus is on the house, some lawmakers saying that border security must come first to get
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a deal. some democrats argue republicans ultimately will come around because of the politics. list ep. >> i can't sell a border security plan where janet napolitano gets to tell us the border is secure. i can't sell a border security plan where the executive can turn off and off triggers for politically expeed yacht reasons nor would i try to sell any of these plans. you can agree in theory on border security but disagree very strongly on how it's achieved. >> they fear republican primaries from the right if they vote yes. i believe over the next several months that dynamic will change and they will start saying -- they can't vote for it, they are still worried about their primaries. bill: it's a much-watched bill of the summer. brit hume is with us, fox senior political analyst. how are you doing? >> i'm fine, how are you. bill: good. what is your view of it as you look at it in washington?
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>> reporter: we keep hearing about the path to citizenship being a big sticking point and border security has to come ahead of that. the border security provisions in the senate bill actually do have to be in place before a path to citizenship can be undertaken. that is not the problem, though. the problem is not the path to citizenship, which is quite popular in the country, as is border security. the problem is the immediate legalization on a provisional basis of all these immigrants who are now here having broken the law to get here. they wouldn't have a green card, they won't be able to vote, there are only certain benefits that would be available to them but they would be legal, and that comes first ahead of the enactment or putting into place of any border security measures. and that is what a lot of house republicans can't stomach. april i don't -- anand i think
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it's been overlooked, and i think it's a huge problems in terms of moving a bill and measures through the house. bill: they talk about there is nothing special about a path to citizenship if you're letting people cult the line. bob goodlatt was talking about that over the weekend. he says others have been waiting years to do it outside the country. >> reporter: but bill, that is not the main problem, the main problem is when this bill passes it will be available without anything done about border security, there will be an illegal status to immigrants now here illegally. they are a long way from citizenship, a long and arduous process. this is almost inch tan taeupb jusalmost instantaneous. and that is called amnesty. that is the only thing in the bill legitimately that can be caused amnesty. it's a poisonous word in this debate.
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bill: do you think the republicans will go for that, votes in the senate and enough to push it through h-frpblts i don'through. >> reporter: i don't think they can. there are things in the about i will that are plainly resaoeur rabl. we need more immigrants here by merit not just being reunited from family. we need science, technology, engineering and mathematics. these people are coming here, getting educated and leaving. we want to keep them. that would make that much more likely to happen. more visas for such people. we need a guest worker program to support agriculture, that is in the bill. there is a lot in this bill that is good and particularly helpful to the u.s. economy, but this business of legalization of all these immigrants here illegally, immediately, before border security takes effect i think is nonstarter in the house and would kill the bill if it were voted on. bill: did you hear from nancy
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pelosi had to say in recent days? she basically said if you want to win the white house again you'll pass it. >> reporter: i've heard that. i've read all kinds of analysis of this. i've been fascinated by what happened on election day 2012. i almost absolutely convinced, that if thing of if the republicans don't go for immigration reform much as the senate has done, they'll never win another presidential election. baloney. if you look at the statistics there was one significant block of voters who turned out in smaller numbers this time and in a major way, way below expectations, below even their 08 turn out and that was white voters. it doesn't mean if they turned out that romney would have gotten then all. it shows you that this hispanic which is 8.5 of the election threat or something like that is not nearly as important -- still as the white vote, which is above 70%. so if you look at it from an
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ethnic point of view that kind of addresses the question of whether you need to get right with the hispanics. bill: fascinating analysis. something to watch. brit, well done. good to have you on. >> reporter: thank you. martha: very interesting. all right. let's go overseas now because president obama is in the east african nation half tanzania this morning. in an unexpected twist the president is scheduled to meet with the former president bush while both leaders are in the country of tanzania at the same time. the bushes have done a lot of work there since president bush left office. we are now joined by chief white house correspondent ed henry who is live in tanzania with more on that. how is the trip going so far for the president? >> reporter: good to see you, martha. this is kind of a big development that tomorrow you'll have two u.s. presidents. current president obama, former president bush getting together here. they are getting together
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specifically because they'll be laying a wreath today at the u.s. embassy here. that was the site of the terrible terrorist bombings back in 1998. they are coming together for that. let's not forget when you ask about the broader trip what president obama has been trying to do and he's been received very well here in tanzania, in part because let's not shy away from the fact that the u.s. last year gave over $400 million in aid to tanzania. they are very thankful here. and what the president is trying to suggest is that u.s. aid is making an impact, helping lift up lives here and what former president bush is doing is something similar. he started during his administration, pepfar which fights hiv aids, leading the efforts to fight malaria. the former president and the first dade lee laura bush put together a health center here, putting the finishing touches on it that will help women dealing with cervical cancer. the current white house is touting this. is shows while some americans
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would be skeptical of all this u.s. aid going to africa here that it does make a difference and it's bi-partisan, not just something president obama is pushing. martha: that is really interesting. i think the bushes have been there every summer pretty much since they left office or near that often. thank you very much. a beautiful shot there from tanzania this morning. bill: is it me or does anybody think it's bizarre that two presidents are in the same country at the same time. martha: they do it every summer, the bushes do. bill: unbelievable that your trip overlaps by 24 hours. singer jennifer lopez has issued an apology. the former "american idol" judge came under serious fire over the weekend for singing happy birthday to a president whose regime is the most repressive in the world. j-lo's public louisiana 'tis said, had there been knowledge
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of human right issues of any kind jennifer would not have attended. martha: these kind of things have happened before. bill: what do you get for that gig, a million bucks? martha: probably, at least, at least. maybe that causes you not to look so closely to where you are going. beyonce performed for gadhafi, they had to donate all of that to charity. bill: maybe she should stick to the block. martha: she is far gone to the block, she is all over the place. this morning we are going to talk about the outrage from european leaders who are now very upset with the united states as they learn that the nsa has been spying on some of our u.s. visits. we'll look at why the agency's chief suggests that this alleged wiretapping is really no big deal. is he right? >> country in the world that is engaged in international affairs of national security undertakes lots of activities to protect
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its national security and all kind of information contributes to that.
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martha: this time it's european leaders who are expressing outrage now after a german magazine cited top secret documents that were supplied by none other than edward snowden, apparently showing that the nsa, the nation nat security agency had bugged european union offices and computer networks. the former nsa and cia director michael hayden says, that is what spy agencies do. >> number of one the united states does conduct espionage. number two our fourth amendment which protects americans' privacy is not an international treaty. and number three, any european who wants to go out and wren their garments with regard to international espionage should look first and find out what
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their own governments are doing. martha: very interesting, and strong words from general michael hayden there. farooqukt mcfarland is our fox news analyst. everybody is doing it. >> i think part of what this is that an outrage that a government has to have on behalf of its people. martha: in all of our diplomatic officers overseas do we assume that the europeans are bugging us? >> totally. every american president who goes every seas the only place thought to be safe is in the plane, in air force one. that's where they go to have their most secret meetings. martha: which is why, if i'm correct we carry physically the limousines from here to there. >> absolutely. martha: it was determined back in the 70s they were being bugged back in the liam seen. >> that is a dirty little secret that there are no secrets. we have to all understand that. it brings us a a second question.
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what has edward snowden done. when the said said some 28-year-old hacker i can't be bothered, he's done a lot of damage, not only has he revealed information to the chinese and russians about how we go about intelligence gathering but he's destroyed credibility. the american people now, who drugses government? who trusts government after you see the i.r.s. is harassing conservatives. the fbi is bugging journalists phones and now you see the nsa seems to be spying on everybody. secondly, our adversaries and our allies now have to react to that. and i think it's done enormous damage with the credibility issue. martha: it's one thing, if we know they are spying on us and they know we are spying on them. if it's out there for the public fodder you lose the illusion of trust that you have outwardly between allies, you know, certainly in that case. i want to talk to you about edward snowden, though. he's in this holding tank apparently. >> limbo land.
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martha: who knows what he's living on in this holding tank in russia. russia says he's not technically in our country,so we can't do anything. he can't technically leave either. what does that mean? >> this means he is a man without a country. he will be milked, i'm sure he was actually milked for everything he had when he was in china. when he went to russia they are doing the same thing. when they are done with him and they are no longer a use to them aoebg he's expendable. nick he had on his property and in his head is the property of china and russia. martha: he asked the chinese government to send him back, asked moscow to accepted him back, they said no. if you same exact thing happened do you think with regard to george bush would it have played out differently? >> in some ways yes, in some ways no.
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the russians would never have the nerve to treat president nixon or reagan the way they treated president obama. they are reclaiming their empire. martha: do you think reagan would to picked up the phone and said -- >> i think they never would have dared in the first place. martha: they would have sent him right back. >> you never would have heard about that issue. in 1972 when nixon had gone to china we at that point right after that we mined hifong harbor in north vietnam. that is where r*ug ships were. who was going to get blown up if they went into a u.s. mine? a russian ship. nixon had a trip planned to russia. we thought they would cancel it. they didn't cancel it, they didn't dare to cancel it. i think there are times when presidents get away withthings. it's a a slap in the diplomatic face when they say, there is a
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neck ka cattle on tees papers that isn't right. >> that's like the dog eight my homework. bill: marooned is what he is. martha: marooned in russia. bill: jenna lee standing by. she is going to roll your way in 12 short minutes. jenna: we'll have some of the breaking news on this big story today, that horrific fire burning in arizona that killed 19 firefighters. we'll find out what went wrong and get an order of what is going on today on the ground now. the fire is still burning. plus the new analysis of what the new healthcare law may end up costing average americans. and the latest revelations on the nsa, and egypt erupting again. what it all means for us and our allies next. bill: got it. see you then. busy morning. see you in a couple of minutes. 150 years since the battle that changed the civil war, we'll take you live to gettysburg in a live report from the hallowed
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american ground.
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martha: former south african president nelson mandela remains in critical condition this morning. the 94-year-old has been in the hospital for more than a week now battling a recurring lung infection. over the weekend president obama met privately with mandela's daughter and several of his grandchildren. he and the first lady smoke with mandela's wife by phone. the watch continues in south africa. bill: this was the fight that shaped our country's future and helped lay the foundation for our nation as we know it today. as we mark exactly 150 years since the firing of the first shot at gettysburg, pennsylvania
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during the civil war. james rosen is there live today. and james, good morning, how are they marking this milestone anniversary? >> reporter: bill and martha good morning from gettysburg where some ten thousand people participated in a re-enactment last night. there were speeches and a concert by trace atkins, but in a sense as tourism has already remained the chief industry here in gettysburg it is as if those epic battles have never fully receded from view. 150 years ago today confederate general robert e. lee was riding high fresh from a string of victories over apri april practice haabraham lincoln. john few ford was first to arrive at the lieutenant ral ceremony and scout the scene. lee's army of northern virginia opened up a witness erring assault on the forces from the north to northwest and it seems
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as though the confederacy was poised for a decisive victory. the author of the new book gettysburg, 1863 took fox news on a tour of the battlefield. >> it's commonly asserted that the confederacy one day one gettysburg because they do push back union forces south of town. one could argue in fact that what the confederates had done was push union forces back into extremely defensible terrain, terrain that would haunt the confederacy on days, two and three. >> reporter: generally had ordered his lieutenant general to chase down and destroy the northern army if practicallable. but he decided it wasn't. day one ended with the union forces just hanging on, bill. bill: it's satisfactory none news that battle with valor and bravery on sacrifice and also satisfactor synonymous with extraordinary carnage. >> reporter: that's true. the numbers are often staggering to contemplate.
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we prepared slides for you to show you gettysburg by the numbers. over three days of fighting some 165,000 soldiers from both sides clashed on the 6,000 acres of battlefield. 7million bullets were fired in those three days, and 51,000 were killed, wounded, went missing or were captured. keep it tuned here throughout the day and i'll bring you through the action of 150 years ago including the struggles at little round top and the final doomed charge by general george picket on day three. bill: looking forward to that. james rosen good to have you out in gettysburg. martha: all right, the president was just commenting on the nsa case and also the tragic deaths of 19 elite firefighters in arizona. we'll have the details on what he said right after the break.
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bill: a couple of quick headlines for this news conference the president is having now in tanzania. he says the u.s. has had high
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level discussions with russia on the extradition of edward snowden. also with regard to the nsa story that broke overnight he said he is willing to provide all information that european allies want regarding the spying allegations. the president of germany was not happy about this and she was just with the president last week. now with regard to the story in arizona, 19 dead firefighters, the president expressed his remorse on that a moment ago. >> obviously the news is heartbreaking, and our thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the brave firefighters who were out there. this is one more moreno reminder of the fact that our first responders put their lives on the line every single day. bill: they certainly do and they paid a big, big price this time in arizona. expect a press conference about two hours from now. we are hoping to get more information on this. martha: tragic when you see the pictures of those young guys and the work that they've done, and you can imagine what today is like for their families, so, so
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rough. and we are going to see what happens with this edward snowden, it sounds like there may be a little bit of movement on that. we'll be watching there. bill: the food gets pretty old at the airport after a week. see you tomorrow. martha: see you tomorrow, everybody. jon: right now brand-new stories and breaking news. jenna: a deadly wildfire in heirs is still out of control before claiming the lives of 19 elite firefighters. new hot shot crews as they are called are on the way to battle these flames that are still burning as we mentioned. a live update is ahead. and western states sizzling under a record heatwave, this is not helping the fire conditions, scorching temperatures hitting triple-digits over the weekend back in full force today. and brand-new surveillance secrets revealed by nsa leaker edward snowden causing tensions overseas. america's closes allies accusing the united states of spying and using cold war tactics. it's all happening now.


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