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tv   Hannity  FOX News  July 3, 2013 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT

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would know the difference. again, thank you for watching us tonight. i'm bill o'reilly. please remember, the spin stops here. we are definitely looking out for you. for you! and tonight in an interview and tonight in an interview, they will only see right here on "hannity." george zimmerman, charged with second degree murder of trayvon martin breaks his silence. i traveled to seminole county, florida, where zimmerman is free on bail and awaiting trial. and he his attorney mark o'mara discuss what happened the night of that tragic shooting, the aftermath. in this exclusive interview, the events of that night, straighten out the record about internet rumors involving me, and george delivers a message to the martin family and to you, the american people. a lot of time has passed, since
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this incident with trayvon. how do you feel about it that you've had time to reflect on what has happened? >> i haven't really had the time to reflect on it. when i was in jail, obviously, i was in solitary confinement, and i had a lot of time to think and reflect. and i just think it's a tragic situation. i hope it's the most difficult thing that i'll ever go through in my life. >> let's go back to the night of the shooting. take us back to that night. you were going to the store. let's start at the beginning. >> i was going to target to do my weekly grocery shopping. sunday night was the only night -- well, sunday after we mentored the kids, we would always go grocery shopping and
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do our cooking for the week, so i wanted to go to target, i headed out. that's the last time i've been home. >> you have never been back since that day. >> no. >> we all heard the 911 call. on that 911 call, you had mentioned that there had been a number of break-ins in the neighborhood. why were you a community watch person? how long were you involved in that? why did you become a community watch person? >> august 2011, there was a home invasion, a young lady home with her 9-month-old baby, and they broke in her sliding glass door. she barricaded herself in the upstairs bedroom, and my wife was home by herself, and she saw the people that had burglarized her run through our backyard with their belongings, and even
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though my wife wasn't certain what happened, that was enough to scare her, shake her up, and i promised her i would do what i could to keep her safe. >> now, you -- your gun was legal, you had a legal weapon in the state of florida. >> yes, sir. >> why did you feel the need to carry a gun? a lot of people maybe have a weapon inside their home. you decided to carry yours. why did you think it was necessary to have a weapon with you? did you carry it at all times? >> i carried it at all times, except for when i went to work. >> yeah. a lot of this case legally, we'll get to mark in a few minutes and ask him about the legal aspects of this case. this has to do withsta stand yo ground. i am curious, prior to in night, this incident, had you even heard of stand your ground?
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>> no. >> never heard of it? >> no. >> wow. very interesting, in the 911 call that everyone heard, you said all of a sudden you found somebody that looked suspicious, may be on drugs, that was one of the earliest comments you made in the 911 call. what made you think he was suspicious? what made you think he might be on drugs? >> i felt it was suspicious because it was raining. he was in between houses, cutting in between houses and he was walking very leisurely for the weather. i didn't -- it didn't look like he was a resident that went to check their mail and got caught in the rain and hurrying back home. he didn't look like a fitness fanatic that would train in the rain. he just seemed like -- >> weren't there overhangs, though? he was walking, he wasn't standing still, and he was walking closer to the house, which is back from the sidewalk?
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>> yes, sir. >> and am i understanding that, sir? >> the overhangs are just in front of the front doors. >> you said he started, almost in the beginning of the 911 call, he came toward you and seemed to reach for something in his waistband. did you think that was a gun? >> i thought he was just trying to intimidate me. >> to make you think there was a gun? >> a weapon. >> of some kind? >> possibly. >> you said in the tape, something is wrong with him, he's checking me out. i don't know what his deal was. so it's almost from the very beginning, you felt -- are you saying on the 911 tape you felt threatened at that moment when you said that to the dispatch? >> no, not particularly. >> what did you mean? i don't know what his deal is, he's checking me out? >> the way he was coming back x and i was on the phone and i was
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certain i could see him saying something. his body language confrontational. >> a controversy from early on, george, where there was something in the media that, quote, hired expert voice analysts and they had to rescind their voice analyst. they said these expletives get away with this all the time. do you remember what you said specifically on the tape? >> punks. >> not a racial epet hnc of an kind. >> you said on the 911 call that he was running. is there any chance in retrospect as you look back on that night, what happened, and the nation is paying a lot of attention to this. >> yes, sir. >> trying to maybe get into the
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mind-set, we were speaking with the girlfriend supposedly at the time. and he was afraid of you? >> no. >> why do you think he was running then? >> maybe i said running, but he was more. >> it was like skipping, going away quickly. but he wasn't running out of fear. >> he wasn't running, he wasn't actually running? >> no, sir. >> at that point we can hear the unbuckling of the seat belt, and dispatch asks you, and this became a key moment everyone focused on him. he said yes, explain that. >> i meant i was going in the
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same directions as him. to tell the police where he was going. i didn't mean i was actually pursuing him. >> the moment some suggested you were out of breath on that type, you yourself were not running? >> no, sir. >> you made a statement to the police that it was the wind as you were getting out of the car and moving, and that was the sound we hear, not you out of breathe. >> coming up, just what happened during the fateful missing minute, vus just before the shooting, george zimmerman will tell us coming up next, plus, a message to the martin family and the american people. that much and more, straight ahead.
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. welcome back to "hannity." we continue with more of my exclusive interview with george zimmerman and attorney mark o'mara. what did you do from that point forward? this is where we get into in minute gap in this case. what did you do from that minute forward from when the dispatch said we don't need to you follow him. what did you do next? >> i walked across the sidewalk onto my street, where i thought i would meet a police officer. >> so you did not continue to follow him at that point? >> no, sir. no, sir. >> so you continue from there. you sounded at that moment on the tape a little bit
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distracted. what was the distraction? were you looking for him, or -- >> i wanted to make sure that -- i believe they asked me for my address, and i wanted to be sure that nobody was lingering and could hear my address and then come back. i was making sure that there wasn't anybody that was going to surprise me, and just trying to give them an accurate location. >> because they said, you know, could we meet you here at a certain location, and you said have them call me. >> yes. >> why did you want them to call you? >> i hadn't given them a correct address. i gave them a -- the clubhouse vicinity. however, i was walking through to my street and i was going to give them the actual street number and name. >> how long was it, george, after that, that you saw trayvon again? because you said you stopped,
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that you did not continue pursuing him. when did you next see trayvon martin. >> less than 30 seconds. >> okay. where -- where exactly were you at this point? how far away were you from your car at that moment? >> i guess about 100 feet or more. >> so you never went further than how far approximately from your car? >> i would estimate it to be approximately 100 feet. >> you never went further from that from the car? >> no, sir. >> okay. at that point, trayvon is -- all of a sudden you turned around, there he was? >> yes, sir. >> what happened next? >> he asked me what my problem was. >> expletive problem. >> yes, sir. i was wearing a rain jacket, and i had put my cell phone in my jacket pocket. as opposed to my jeans pocket, where i normally keep it, and i immediately went to grab my
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phone to this time call 911 instead of a nonemergency and when i reached into my pants pocket, that's where i keep it out of habit, it wasn't there, and i was shocked. i looked up, and he punched me, broke my nose. >> one shot. >> yes, sir. >> so he said to you, you have expletive, you have a problem. those were the exact words? >> do you have a problem, what's your problem. >> what's your problem. and you said to him, i don't have a problem. >> yes, sir. >> you reach for your phone. >> reached for it as i was saying, no, i don't have a problem. >> at that point, you just got hit? >> he was already within arm's length from me. >> and that is the punch in the nose that broke your nose? >> yes, sir. >> right there, and immediately down to the ground? >> i don't remember if i went immediately to the ground or if he pushed me to the ground, but i ended up on the ground. >> what do you remember happened from there? there were police report and
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descriptions that you gave and that you were a little bit dazed, obviously, and at one point you said you wanted to get -- stop him from hitting your head on the cement. >> yes, sir. >> is that what you told police? >> yes, sir. >> okay. after that first hit, what happened next? >> he started bashing my head into the concrete sidewalk. i was -- as soon as he broke my nose, i started yelling for help. so i was disoriented, and he started slamming my head into the concrete. >> which is where the lacerations came from? >> yes, sir. >> you said it was like your head was going to explode was a comment that you had given to the police. >> yes, sir. he continued to punch me in the head. >> how many times would you estimate he punched you? >> several. more than a dozen. >> and hitting you hard.
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at what moment did you -- because you said you feared for your life. at what moment do you remember when you literally -- do you remember when you thought i may die? >> is that -- you said you felt -- you feared for your life. do you remember the exact moment when you felt that? >> in behind sighhind sight, wh slamming my head into the concrete and i thought i would lose consciousness, i didn't know what would happen at this point. >> how close is the concrete to the grass? you had grass stains on your clothes. you wanted to get on the grass, that to protect your head from getting banged on the cement again? >> yes, sir. >> how close? >> it butts up to the concrete. >> were you able to get to the grass? >> yes, sir. >> how did you do that? >> i guess you could say i
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shimmied. he was straddled on me with his full weight, and i would try and sit up and push myself down and whenever i would sit up, that's when he would take the opportunity to slam my head back down, and punch me in the head and continue to hit my nose? >> he was talking to you a locality during this fight, when he was beating you? you say he's beating you, pounding your head into the cement. was he talking to you during that time? >> yes. >> what was he saying? >> cursing, telling me to shut up and telling me he was going to kill me. >> he said those words. when did he first see your gun? >> after we were on the ground, i shimmied with him on top of me and it made my jacket rise up, and he being on top of me, saw it on my right side. >> what happened after that? >> i saw him take -- he had --
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after he couldn't hit my head on the concrete anymore, he started to try to suffocate me, and i continued to take -- push his hands off my mouth and my nose, particularly because it was excruciating, having a broken nose and him putting his weight on it, and that's the point in time when he started telling me to shut up, shut up, shut up. >> why did he tell you to shut up? >> i don't know. >> we heard the screams on the one recording from a neighbor calling the police. and there's been some dispute whose voice that is. was that your voice screaming or trayvon martin's screaming? >> it was my voice, absolutely. >> that was your voice? >> yes, sir. >> and the police said at one time they heard 14 screams, you were screaming that loud? >> yes, sir. >> and you said to the police at one point he put his hand over your mouth. do you think that was to silence you from screaming?
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>> yes, sir. i believe he -- from what the investigators told me, he knew that i was talking to the police, and i was yelling so that i believe the police officer was there, and they just couldn't find me. so i was yelling in the hopes that they were in the vicinity, and so i was yelling. >> do you remember when you yourself reached for your weapon? do you remember that moment? >> yes, sir. >> tell us about that. >> i got to the point that i realized it wasn't my gun, it wasn't his gun, it was the gun. >> did he say anything? he was talking a lot about the gun. did he say he noticed the gun? >> he said you're going to die tonight, [ bleep ] [ bleep ].
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took one hand off my mouth, and i felt it going down my chest going down toward my belt and holster, and that's when i -- i didn't have any more time. >> do you think you acted more out of conscious thought? i know these events happened very quickly. do you remember consciously thinking i have to grab my gun? or did you just do it? was there a conscious thought that went through your head. you thought you would die and you had to get your weapon and fire? >> i would love to give you an answer. >> you don't know. >> it just happened so quickly. >> um-hum. there was an eyewitness out from the very beginning that, in fact, did tell the police the night of the shooting he saw trayvon on top of you and did see the beating. there is no witness to the actual shooting itself. right? correct? >> besides myself. >> besided yourself? >> yes. >> and coming up, does george
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sfwlimerman regret getting out of the car to follow trayvon martin, does he regret getting out of the car? that and his mes [ male announcer ] at hebrew national, we're so choosy about the cuts of beef that meet our higher kosher standards that only a slow-motion bite can capture all that kosher delight. and when your hot dog's kosher, that's a hot dog you can trust. hebrew national. chalky... not chalky. temporary... 24 hour. lots of tablets... one pill. you decide. prevent acid with prevacid 24hr. you decide. and we help them find a policy that works for them. huh? also... we've been working on something very special. [ minions gasp, chuckle ] ohhh! ohhh! one day the world... no, the universe will have the pricing power they deserve. mouhahaha!
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with george zimmerman. what do you want to say to people that did rush to judgment? suggested there was racial profiling in this case and that there was some other motivation in this case? >> that i'm not a racist, and i'm not a murderer. >> when you think back and there was one report where the police report actually said you didn't know after you fired, you thought you missed? >> i didn't think i hit him, yes. >> so what -- so what happened immediately after the shooting of george? i understand one guy came out, he a flash flighlight, you spok you. you told him to call your wife, that you shot someone. >> the conversation i had with the gentleman? >> yes. >> yes, sir. >> so you do remember it. he talked about it, and his suggestion was you were very matter of fact about it.
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do you remember what you said to him? do you think you were in of shock? when did you know trayvon had died? >> probably about an hour after i got to the police station. >> after the shooting, did you -- you saw he was laying there, and obviously injured, there was a moment where you realized he was shot. >> like said, he sat up and he said something to the effect of you got it or you got me. and i assumed he meant okay, you got the gun, i didn't get it. i'm not going to fight anymore. at which point i got out from under him. >> is there anything you regret? do you regret getting out of the car to follow trayvon that night? >> no, sir. >> do you regret that you had a gun that night? >> no, sir. >> do you feel you wouldn't be here for this interview if you didn't have that gun? >> no, sir. -- >> you feel you would not be here? >> i feel it was all god's plan and for me to second guess it or
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judge it -- >> is there anything you might do differently in retrospect, now that time has passed a little bit? >> no, sir. >> you know, detectives said that you had -- detective singleton quoted you saying that the bad guys always get away. did you -- you also said that in the 911 tape. did you have a feeling that there were a lot of people who do get away with crimes? were you predispossessed in your mind in some way to think criminals get away too often? >> not in general. i think in our neighborhood, there's geographic advantages for burglaries. >> do you have any idea -- why do you think trayvon would have confronted you the way he did? i made a comment on the air one day, and i got beaten up pretty
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bad. this could have all been a terrible misunderstanding or mistake. you think there was any way he thought you were after him and you thought he was after you and there was a misunderstanding? >> i have wrestled with that for a long time. i can't -- one of my biggest issues through the or deal has been the media, conjecture and i can't assume or make believe. >> the parents of trayvon martin, they lost their son. this is your first interview. what would you like to tell them? >> i would tell them that, again, i'm sorry. i don't have -- my wife and i don't have any children, i have nephews that i love more than life. i love them more than myself, and i know when they were born, it was a different, unique bond and love that i have with them. and i love my children, even
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though they aren't born yet, and i am sorry that they buried their child. i can't imagine what it must feel like, and i pray for them daily. >> would you like to talk to them at some point? >> i'm certainly open to it. >> and coming up next, george zimmerman set the record straight about internet rumors about offers to pay for his defenses, and the latest bombshell allegation that a relative accused him of molestation and delivers a direct message to the martin family and the american people. straight ahead tonight on "hannity." she's always been able to brighten your day. it's just her way. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity.
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days of protests demanding morsi's removeal. president obama react together coup calling on egypt's military to quote, move quickly to restore authority to the civilian government. former president morsi is now being neld house arrest. a military official says they're planning to install a temporary civilian government. in washington, d.c., for more news go to fox and now we're going to head back to "hannity". to make sure celebrations don't turn into violence. welcome back to "hannity." continue now with exclusive interview with george zimmerman. you say second-degree murder charges, a possible life sentence. do you think about that? >> yes, sir. >> every day. >> what do you think about regarding that? do you feel in the end, justice, that people will believe you?
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and that people will understand? >> or do you -- are you that confident that you had a right to do this? >> it's a finite situation i've been placed in, where i'm confident in the system. i really have no choice but to believe, still, in the system. >> the one witness you first met, the guy with the cell phone that i mentioned, asked about your demeanor, right after the shooting. the first person i guess on the scene? >> yes, sir. >> first person you saw. and you said you looked like you had been butt whooped, like had you had a fight. and that you are asking calling my wife, just tell my wife. but he was acting like it was nothing. is that how you were feeling at the time? you didn't find out until later that trayvon had passed away. >> no, i knew that i had discharged my firearm, and i was
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scared, nervous, i also thought the police were going to come and sigh me with a firearm, and shoot me. i was terrified. >> did you look over at trayvon? he obviously although some point recognized he had been shot? didn't know it in the beginning. did you look over at him at any time and realize he was in really bad shape? >> no, sir. >> never. how long from the time you shot him until the police got to the scene? >> it felt like forever. i would say 15 to 30 seconds. >> that quick? >> yes, sir. >> so in other words, they were already on their way, there within 15, 30 seconds. what do you make of the national media attention in this case? crimes that happen every day. the nation is focused on your case. why do you think that is? what do you make of it? what does it mean to you? >> it's surreal.
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i don't like that they've rushed to judgment the way they have. i feel that any time they have a story that's remotely positive, they interpret it negatively. >> by the way, we did have conversations, you and i, asking about the case, asking you for an interview. >> yes, sir. >> there was a report suggesting that i offered to pay your legal fees? >> never happened. >> never happened. >> no, sir. >> and just for the record, have you been offered nothing to do this interview. >> not a thing. >> and what we talked about specifically was about your case and only about your case and that's it. and i was asking you for an interview. and you told me that you were alone in a hotel room, hadn't talked to your family in weeks,
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you were armed, didn't have an attorney at this point and that was leading up to your arrest? >> yes. >> do you remember that moment? >> yes, sir. >> where were you at that moment? because when i was talking to you, i was concerned? >> so was i. i was at a position where i was talking to -- daily to one state police officer that had legitimate concerns for my safety. my wife, i asked her to stay in florida. >> and your dad had recently been sick. >> yes, he a heart attack about two weeks prior to the incident. i asked my wife to stay in florida and continue her nursing
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education. she was about a week away from finishing when i drove to jacksonville and turned myself in. >> i asked about witness number nine, a witness who claimed zimmerman molested her when they were ready? happy birthday! it's a painting easel! the tide's coming in! this is my favorite one. it's upside down. oh, sorry. (woman vo) it takes him places he's always wanted to go. that's why we bought a subaru. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. to fly home for the big family reunion. you must be garth's father? hello. mother. mother! traveling is easy with the venture card because you can fly any airline anytime.
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are teaching seniors across the country... stop, spot, and report fraud. you can help. guard your medicare card. don't give out your card number over the phone. call to report any suspected fraud. we're cracking down on medicare fraud. let's make medicare stronger for all of us. >> we continue with our exclusive sit-down interview with george zimmerman and his we continue now with our exclusive interview with george zimmerman and his attorney, mark o'mara. witness number nine came out, and suggested that you and your family from a young age had racist views. that was one statement originally made and that then became from the time this woman was 6 until she was 19, that you had molested her. >> i think that i'm actually
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fortunate that the fbi does get involved to investigate a crime the federal bureau of investigation. they cleared me of racial profiling, racial wrongdoing, and i think frankly it's ironic say anything about me being remotely racist and, again, she didn't state that i said anything racist. she didn't even think i was in the same room when anything racist was said, but it's ironic that the one and only person they could find, that says anything remotely to me being a racist, also happens to be the person that claims i'm a deviant. >> any comments about witness number nine? >> you know, i don't know that we're going to take the time, effort, resources to focus on that. i don't think it will be an issue in the trial.
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and we don't want to focus on attacking a cousin that made the accusations she made. >> what about detective serinos' report that george be charged about manslaughter instead of second degree murder. do you think second degree murder is an overcharge? >> i said wait until we see the evidence, evidence has come forth to date, and not allowed. but all of the evidence that's come forth to date, i have yet to see elements of second degree. >> the stand your ground law, do you believe it's applicable in this case? >> yes. and i haven't said that affirmatively in the beginning, again, without the evidence. but now that we have a lot of evidence concerning what is self-defense, i think it's a proper presentation to go to a jury, and, again, remember, whether stand your ground or simple self-defense, it stays if you are acting in reasonable belief of fear of great bodily
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injury or death, so the focus, are you in fear of great bodily injury, you are allowed to respond with deadly force. >> original bond, $1 50,000. revoked and they accused you of hiding some financial matters related to donations given to you. that involved your wife in this particular case and a pretty stinging rebuke from your judge. you went back to jail as a result of this. tell us, you know, in your words, what happened? it seems that you had an opportunity to speak up and say, yes, there are other finances here and didn't do it. did you think consciously about it? explain what happened? >> unfortunately, sean, i have to interrupt you at this point. i am trying not to. right now, his wife shelly has been charged with a crime
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regarding that and suggested -- at least the court in its order suggested that george may well have committed a crime, realizing potential charges exist against george and schehe, we can't talk about those precise elements. >> including conversations on the tapes, the jailhouse tapes had you, conversations with your wife, et cetera? >> i think so, unfortunately, with the state's position to try and charge his wife with a crime as well. if that wasn't on the table, i don't know that we would have the same restrictions? >> let's talk a little bit about how you were treated in jail. you were in jail, went back to jail. how did -- what was that like for you? >> i had taken -- i know it's been publicized that i took a community volunteer kind of law enforcement academy, to just get to see what it was like for law
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enforcement. i had taken a tour of johnny polk jail where i was at, and i remember on my tour, they said that they believed in the motto that respect begets respect. and i remember thinking at the time if that's something they just tell us, or do they really believe in that? and i got to see first hand that they really do believe in that. >> um-hum. and obviously, the prison population was very aware of your case, being so high profile. did they treat you differently. >> the inmates? >> the inmates. >> yes. >> in what way? >> i believe a lot of them personally know that the media doesn't portray things correctly. there was one instance when i was in the rec yard by myself, and in the window, a few inmates
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>> now the conclusion of my interview with george zimmerman. >> you had called police on at least four prior interview with george zimmerman.
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you had called police on four prior occasions and mentioned black male suspects. why did you call? what were those instances about? >> they also stated that, and i never volunteered that information. they ask that i describe them. i didn't volunteer the race until they asked me. and there was also hispanic kids, white kids in the neighborhood. >> and you made calls about that? >> yes, sir. >> is there an incident where you took on the local police department as it related to another case? where there was a homeless man where the man had been beaten up. and you came out in favor of the person beaten up? >> my wife and i, i saw that the
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story wasn't getting media coverage. one tv station aired it and not subject to interpretation. it was caught on video, and my wife and i, students and myself working full time, decided that we had to try and do something. we drove around to churches sunday, handed out fliers, put fliers on people's cars. >> is this person a minority? >> yes, sir. >> and you felt was mistreated by the local police? >> yes, sir. >> you took, what, two or three lie detector tests? >> computerized voice. >> and the result was "no deception indicated." >> yes, sir. >> you did that voluntarily? >> absolutely. >> why? >> i wanted to be as transparent
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with law enforcement as possible. i didn't have anything to hide. >> george, there's -- there's the media, there's special interests, and the narrative it seems they want to make about this case is that -- read the articles if you haven't already. a white guy that killed an unarmed black youth, holding skittles and an iced tea. what do you say to that? >> again, i appreciate you not rushing to judgment. i think people assumed i was white because my last name. my father is caucasian, my mother is hispanic. english is my second language, believe it or not. my mother and grandmother raised me while my dad was in the army. first of all, i consider myself
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an american, but a hispanic american, and i don't know -- i don't think it's fair that they rush to judgment to assume that. >> do you feel the overwhelming majority of media rushed to judgment? >> yes. >> with few exceptions. >> yes, sir. >> let me ask you this. i want to go back to one specific in the case, if i can. and it's the issue of you following him and i asked you earlier about the dispatch call, and you said you stopped. you didn't follow him. there is one moment you are apparently, as you look at the grounds of where this took place, and there is the overhangs, the apartments, and the other street on the other side. and you had gone to the other street, correct? >> yes, sir. >> at some point. how do you get to the other street if you're not following him? where were you going at that point? >> i was walking from where i had parked my car towards my
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street. he went right, in between the houses. >> in that sense, were you following him? >> no, sir. >> you weren't following him? >> no, sir. >> and this is after the 911 call? >> during. >> and they stated we don't need to do that. >> why were you walking to your street and not to the car at that point? trying to get the chronology? >> where i parked my car, the back of townhouses, no way to know what the street number was. and i knew if i walked straight through, u.s. a circle. and if i walk straight through to there, i could tell them exactly what one, two, three, four, retreat view circle and not just the general area of where my car was, as i had done previous. >> i asked you if you wanted to -- if you could speak to trayvon martin's family, i asked you, if you could speak even to the american public, so many people have so many opinions
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that vary so much, you know, if you wanted to look into that camera and tell the american public something about george zimmerman and about this case with trayvon martin, that has gotten such media attention, what would you want to tell them? >> first, i'd like to readdress your question when you asked if i would have done anything differently. when you asked that, i thought you were referring to if i would not have talked to the police? if i would have maybe gotten an attorney, if i would have not taken the cvsa? that i stand by. i would not have done differently. but i do wish there was something, anything, i could have done that wouldn't have put me in the position where i had to take his life. and i do want to tell everyone, my wife, my family, my parents, my grandmother, the martins, the city of sanford, and america, that i'm sorry that this
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happened. i hate to think that because of this incident, because of my actions, it's polarized and divided america. and i'mruly sorry. >> and greta is next. thank you for being with us. we'll see you tomorrow. tonight, self-defense or murder? did today's testimony get us any closer to the answer? >> the fact alone that there isn't an injury doesn't necessarily mean that the person did not have the reasonable apprehension of fear. >> um-hum. >> he tells officer serino, you have justifiable use of force or homicide, he indicates that, and he also in that police -- the written statement he made to the police, he uses such phrases as i unholstered my firearm, not i pulled my gun. >> mr. zimmerman had a problem with his credit? >> yes, sir. >> and that would be a reason why you wouldn't be accepted as a police officer? >> that'


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