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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  July 6, 2013 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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where we at fox news remain fearless. welcome to "red eye." it is like the bold and the meanhe b if by bold you greg and by beautiful you mean people not as important as greg. let's go to tv's andy levy for a pre game report. andy, what's coming up on tonight's show? >> our top story, the egyptianeg military pulls off quite a coup, he said, making a joke toid cover up for his complete lack of knowledge on thesi situation.d and the majority of americanser think theic founding fathers would be unhappy with the way washington works these days.ou our allstar panel will look at how president obama has ruinedpr everything. ay humans may eventually evolve beaks to replace our teeth. or in evening land, to replace the places their teeth used to be. that's right. i am getting the cheap shot
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out early. >> i didn't think you have to go to the english, but so be it. >> they were british researchers and like i said i wanted to get the cheap shot out of the way early. >> it is a holiday. it is july 4th, so cheap shot away against the brits. >> absolutely. >> goodbye. let's welcome our guests. she is so hot her sneeze can set off a smoke alarm. i am here with brooke goldstein. she is the founder of something called the children's rights institute. doesn't exist. and the director of the law fair project. never heard of it. he is so sharp he belches barbed wires. and he breaks apart when flushed. my repulsive sidekick, bill schulz. 1k3* if jokes were -- and if jokes were stray dogs he would be the pound. sad, unwanted jokes. next to me, tom shillue. his latest comedy cd enjoyed by hundreds is called dancing alone. >> a block. 9lede. -- the lede.
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that's the first story. hey, greg, did you get hit with the outrage or what? >> it is much a do about the coup. morsi they want no more, see. president mohamed morsi has been replaced. in a speech on wednesday night he says the world's constitution had been suspended and morsi has failed to meet the de -- the demands of the public. he said on his presidential facebook page that he rejects the general statement and then he liked a couple of pictures of his niece and made a sandwich. and now a dramatic re-enactment of the last 12 hours in egypt.
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>> probably the fastest he has moved in his entire life and no where special, brooke. you are the expert in all of this. you follow the middle east closely. what does this mean for that region in general? is this a promising development? >> remember when president obama went to cairo and he made that speech and he invited members of the muslim brotherhood and the audience who at that time were the banned political party and said the future does not belong to those who slander the prophet of islam pair the roughing the line? the future does not belong to the muslim brotherhood. it was naive of us to assume that we could just depose mubarak who is an ally of the west and put in a terrorist organization. the huh poke craw see of those who say this is an i will legitimate coup and they should wait for the next democratic process, when morsi was going around and putting opponents in jail and
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harassing them and intimidating them, there were more people convicted of blasphemy and criticism of morsi under his regime than under mubarak, i mean this is a good thing for the egyptian people. >> this is an interesting thing, anthony. a military coup is actually the least of the bad choices you have. it is like when you look at the middle east you always want the least scary people there. there were some scary people or scary things taking shape there. we don't know how this is going to turn out. it could be total bloodshed for a few hours or while it is going on. we don't know what is going to happen. what are your thoughts? >> mubarak is bad and morsi was different kind of bad, and i am not hopeful for what comes next. but at the very least as you said, props they got this whole muslim brotherhood thing out of their system. they elected the muslim brotherhood and apparently legitimately or what passes as legitimate in egypt and it didn't work out so well. pretty angry. three million people in the
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streets. hopefully the military will not hold on to power indefinitely and transfer it. it is a different kind of bad. >> you do see the people and the military together and it is the military acting up against the people. what do i know? i was an english major. tom, you are a comedian. >> i am smart too. >> that's right. >> should we wait before skell skell -- before celebrate ?g. >> obviously. i am afraid to say anything stupid right now because this is happening as we speak. >> that's wise of you to say that. i say a lot of stupid things and then things happen and i look really dumb. >> but i would dash -- i am optimistic not based on what int happening right now, but the past few days. as have i been watching this, it is amazing. morsi came in, and he was elected, but we don't know how shady. we thought, oh no here comes the muslim brotherhood. and then he really -- he went for it. i thought they were just going knuckle under. but they didn't. i think it is inspiring.
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>> that's why i feel like, and i know i am jumping the gun, but it seems more like the arab spring than the arab spring does. they are rebelling against an islamic state. it is refreshing. it seems the rejoicing going on is a reaction to your debt. >> what? >> yes. >> i believe you promoted that misinformation. it is the tweet directed to egypt. >> what do you make of this? who can we trust in egypt right now? anybody? >> the muslim brotherhood is still the most organized of the political groups in egypt. what is to stop them from being democratically elected again? hopefully they won't be as bad as ruling over egypt as they were. i don't think we should celebrate right now, although i am going to because i like to party. >> that is true. >> i don't care if things change. i like a good party. yay, egypt.
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>> to that point, everyone keeps saying the democratic elections happen and put morsi in place. it is a culture. it is not the rule of majority. just because people got together and elected the muslim brotherhood, they got together and destroyed any secular democracy. it doesn't mean they were constitutionally democratically elected. sorry, one more point. the double irony here is that this is obama's out reach. this is his out reach to the muslim population to go and spend billions of dollars propping up these islamist governments who are going to mosques that are preaching hatred, and egypt is more anti-american than it ever was in the past and you can see that. >> if it is a double irony, does it make it unironic? >> there were two ironies in there somewhere. >> you make fantastic points. anthony you looked like you were going to finish up. >> in the short-term trying to accentuate the positive, anyone with interests in
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israel and i have israelis in my family, the one apparatus in egypt that might not be interested in a war is the military and they are running things right now. >> that's a very good point. let's leave on that point. >> have i a better point. -- i have a better point. the guy in charge is general sis sigh. >> is that really? >> i thought i miss pronounced it. >> what can you say? from coups to booze. they put the blue in red, white and blue. yes, the founding fathers would be frowning this july 4th according to a new fox news poll, how upbeat, 82% of americans surveyed think adams, jefferson, franklin and the lesser known gar -- garbonzo brothers would be unhappy with how things are going in washington. i will have somebody check on that. meanwhile, that includes 96% of the tea partiers and 95% of republicans and 68% of democrats and a whooping 100%
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of men named sean hannity. what do these three corgis think? >> wow. i thought they were going to go somewhere interesting. apparently because it is july 3rd -- or maybe it is not july 3rd. we don't know when this show was airing. it could be anywhere between july 3rd and july 7th. this is an interesting video. shillue, are you surprised that only 96% think the founding fathers would be unhappy? >> stop lumping these founding fathers together as one. adams would be unhappy. jefferson would love it. he loved cafes. >> hamilton he would have liked a strong fed, but he
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wouldn't have been a fan of bernanke. these men were individuals. >> i like that. i am tired of the founding fathers being stereo typed. >> they were always fighting. jefferson and adams -- >> they were always butting heads when they didn't have tremendous conversations about inventing things. that's what they did. they invented a lot of things. i have invented nothing but great humor for america. anthony, what would they like about this country? let's focus on the positive. >> back on the positives. ben franklin wa alibertine who liked to hang hot in france and play -- hang out in france and play with electricity. the advancements and the mingering of people -- mingling of people he would be into. >> he would say come to my pad and check out the ipad. >> he was a pimp. >> and he had two beds, didn't he? he would move from bed to bed jie. like lucy and ricky?
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>> no maybe this is urban legend, but when one bed got warm he would move to the other bed. i might have dreamt this. brooke, i think our view you ares -- our viewers at home are itching to hear your opinion on the founding fathers even though you were not born in america. >> no, born in canada, but came to the united states because i have a deep respect for the constitution. i think that what this poll shows is that the majority of americans republican or democrat , doesn't matter. we all believe in the values underling the constitution. and we are particularly troubled by the fact that the checks and balances have failed. one of the failers is with the first amendment. we talked about it on the show. you are nodding as though i am really boring right now. >> no, america can't see my disinterest. i just enjoy looking at you, brooke. >> look at sars. we accept these as though it is legal. in my opinion it is a violation of article 2. since when does the executive
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have the power to appoint people with legislative authority. we don't. nobody is challenging it. hate crime laws may be a violation of the first amendment. those are being lost in the supreme court. people are seeing these checks and balances and they are not working. each branch is not upholding their end of the bargain. >> i thought you meant sars as the disease. i thought what does that have to do with it? >> according to the poll, 98% of americans hoped that you would fall down an elevator shaft and never be heard from again. i am surprised the question was included in a fox news poll where you work. apparently even the people here want you dead. >> it was specific too. they couldn't just give me death. they had to give me an air few us with one. dash one of the many things the founding fathers would have found really weird, an elevator shaft. i think the majority of them would hate america today.
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apart from alexzander hamilton. he would have loved it because he was gay. the rest wouldn't have liked it. they would have looked at the oval office and said what is that slave doing there? they would have liked the fact that you can now vote along with us men, but they would have liked me because my seventh grade grand father was a lesser known founding father. although i am related to him, i will show what you he looks like. unfortunately he looks exactly like bob beckle. >> what is the seventh grade grandfather? >> seventh great. it saves time instead of going great, great, great, great, great, great. . >> you know, i do think the founding fathers would be enamored with many things. cool whip, otter pops, toilet paper. come on. and the whole medicated wipe trend which is making toilet
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paper obsolete and changing the way we do our business. by the way, what was bad back then, think about it, hygiene, lots of disease, horses everywhere and horses stunk. the people were just awful back then. >> didn't they have -- i saw that bio. >> didn't mrs. adams in ject the children with like a disease? >> they are vaccinating themselves by getting diseases. >> when you watch any movie that takes place back then or prior to the 1880s you can't smell anything. if you were there you would never be interested in westerns because everybody is like pooping all over the place. >> speak for yourself. >> wasn't it the letter napolean wrote to josephine. don't shower. isn't that what they liked? >> then again 200, 300 years
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from now people will look at us and think we are filthy. and with bill, they would be correct. you stink. from distaste to waste. they spent $600,000 to get some fans. according to a state inspector's report they blew through $630,000 of campaign money to get more facebook likes. the campaign increased the likes belonging to something called the bureau of international information programs that went from 100,000 likes to two million. so money well spent. not so fast because as the inspector general points out, many in the bureau criticize the advertising campaigns as buying fans who may have once click owed an add or liked a photo, but have no real interest in the topic. i call that the opposite of money well spent and good luck getting it back.
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>> there is nothing funny about that, sir. >> anthony, i guess $600,000 is a drop in the bucket. >> it is a drop in the bucket. as somebody who is -- i do have a couple of buckets. this is a drop in the bucket. it is not worth getting crazy about. what i am curious about, what do these people who have jumped on the state department facebook ban wagon when the administration comes to take over. are they going to be no longer interested in diplomacy? >> i think this is a big deal. but brooke i want you to relate this to radical islam. >> i will do it for you. our administration wants to be liked. >> but we are being liked by robots. >> it is a drop in the bucket, but we have a sequester.
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we don't have enough money to protect our embassies in libya. we don't have enough money to give to our soldiers. and it is one thing if a private company does this. it is in their mandate to buy publicity. if the government is doing this, everyone knows who the state department is. if they don't like it already, basically what we are doing is contravening the values and buying popularity. >> you are a genius because i understood everything you said. >> i don't understand the part about contravening. >> doesn't this solve the policy? >> i think it contravenes the problem. >> it sounds better coming from him. >> because he is a man. >> it is a drop in the bucket. we should be wondering what they did with the other $50 million they spent. i am rounding up up. it was billions of dollars.
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but i think it is interesting. if you like barack obama's page you will always like barack obama. if you like the state department and then the republicans are elected you better up like it. >> that is true. >> here is a game. pretend i poisoned you and the only anecdote is something interesting. >> i feel like there is a theme to tonight's show. i am unliking the theme for tonight's show. i withdraw my previous answer for the last story. if the founding fathers came back right now and i spent five hours explaining what facebook was i would think at the end of me explaining it they would not like this. i will tell you exactly why. back then $600,000 was about $600 trillion. do the math. by the way, a drop in the bucket. it is a drop in the bucket because the bucket is so huge. and our government is run by teenage girls. coming up, what is it like to be scared of these? brooke goldstein discusses her new book, why i avoid words
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like ook, akery and anjo. strange. what's up with legos for girls? who cares? i play with dirt. tastes good too.
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in the old days legos used to be toys for boys. but as mpr reports, two years ago the company introduced a line for young ladies called lego friends featuring dolls and sets that allow girls to build karate studios and beauty salons. leak my recent peck implant surgery it has been a huge success. but some of the questions of
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the toy gender implications. david pickens blogs about the legos. yes, there salesman who blogs about legos. he noticed that girl legos can move their legs independently and can't turn their wrists like the classic boy legos. he said, quote, it sends a message of what women are able to do physically. meanwhile, dominoes are being marketed to turtles. >> they killed him for that, by the way. look, are you as outraged as i am? what kind of message is lego sending to girls by creating
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and marketing toys for them? >> it is so funny. who the hell is david picket? what kind of message is being sent because they can't move their wrists? >> it is a sad one about the blogger. >> i don't get it. what this shows -- what they were saying is that in order to market to the female children they had to make the legos -- >> girls. >> more complicated. >> i don't like that term, greg. >> boys were just happy to play with blocks, but the girls needed something more complicated. they needed purpose. they had to create spaces with purpose and give characters, names and stories. it just shows that little girls are a lot smarter than boys. >> sexist. off the show, tom. why can't they make legos gender neutral leak bill.
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general del neutral like bill. >> he has the wrong idea. he said that the girl lay goes can't -- girl legos can't move their hands and it sends the wrong message to beam. to women. that's not true. have you trieding cooking my breakfast without using your wrists ? >> i think it was the phak they can't -- the fact they can't throw a football. >> you can't make me breakfast. >> they can't throw footballs because of the girls. >> anthony, you are a well known lego pure wrist. i read your bio. >> you keep up with my lego blog. >> my three-year-old daughter loves her gender neutral legos. they say the girls are more inclined to make houses and play in the houses and she does that too. i think the whole idea they couldn't sell legos to girls unless they are pink and floury floury -- flowery was
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uh rental bias. >> one of the biggest sellers that beat out legos people's temple. bill, the classic lego has a stocky torso and a snap off head. i wish you had a snap off head so i could snap it off and feed it to a hungry dog who would probably throw it up because you taste so awful. >> qel, all you need to know -- well, all you need to know about the story is the headlines. girls legos are a hit, but why do girls need special legos? ah, because they are a hit. that's why girls clearly needed them and lego fulfilled that need. when you think about. it i understand why this guy was so upset. when you are a lego blocker you really value it. that's about all you will do besides blog about legos is the wrist movement. >> the real issue is that there is a grown man blogging about legos.
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>> what would the founding fathers say about that? >> the founding fathers would be like, oh, legos. maybe we can build a cabin. and then it would take days because they are really small. and then they would go off and kill somebody. >> and drink rum. >> that's true. they would have been plastic. what is this strange -- strange thing. it must be something -- what do we call it? let's call it plastic. >> it resonates when you do it more with ben franklin's glasses. i feel like i am actually there. coming up, the portuguese bonds and stocks lead the heavy declines in the market. and it triggered the worst political crisis since the bailout. instead will the next mayor give a craple about the big apple. bill schulz reports, or pretends to report. we stopped caring.
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is anyone on the scene besides the wean? anthony wiener is not the only candidate running for mayor of new york city, but do new yorkers know that? are the non-wiener politicians any better than current nanny and chief michael bloomburg? well i believe it was captain kangaroo who once said better the devil you know than the devil you don't.
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he was referring to mr. green jeans. we sent bill schulz out to test locals on their november knowledge while quietly hoping he gets run over by an out of control dump truck. >> how much do new yorkers know about the candidates for mayor? probably not a lot. and to prove i am right i said this after i interviewed them. a lot of these guys are not that well known. i thought i would show you pictures of them. you tell me if you recognize them. some of the future possible candidates and whether or not you would vote for them. let's do this again when i ask you say are you from brooklyn. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. hey, new yorker, where are you from? >> brooklyn. >> i love that burrow. all right which candidate is this? >> i have no idea. >> i have no idea. >> never seen him before. >> nope. >> i don't recognize him. >> anthony wiener. >> what do we know about him? >> he likes to tweet naked peck tours of himself. >> anthony wiener, former
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representative. >> he hasn't gotten a lot of press lately so i'm impressed. what do you know? >> he should keep his clothe o.z . >> what do we think of him? >> he has a nice package. >> are you talking about an on air pass kenneling he did about the issues of the day? >> ya. >> so did you find the package he was doing on air, did it sound a little crook cede? crooked? >> a lot of people think it is eric bowden, but it is john boehner. it is the speaker of the house. he looks like that in january. >> he is wearing red and blonde hair and black eyes. she is in it. she is a snake. >> here is the thing. her name is dana perino. i agree with everything except being cut throat. the fact of the matter is she is four foot 2.
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>> good for him. running on corruption and interest that he is planning. >> that's a truck. he does not run. >> i know this broad. i have seen her before. >> first of all, she is every inch of broad. second she 1* kimberly gilfoyle. the one thing she is going for in her campaign is she wants puerto rican day to be every day. >> i know this guy. absolutely. >> juan williams. >> do you mind for a second? >> guys, i am trying to do something over here. >> his campaign is bill o'reilly yells at me. can he win at that? >> that's something everyone can relate to, so sure. >> how about this guy? >> he is the host of "red eye." i forgot his name. >> the host of "red eye" is brett bier. >> that looks like a mug shot. >> this is andy levy shortly after his arrest. i did not think it was illegal to creep people out on the subway. indeed it is.
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that's jeremy piven. he will be running for mayor. >> no it is not. >> okay before make up. just kidding. that is ellen degeneres. next up, who is that? >> that is -- oh he is an actor. >> close, leonardo dicaprio. what did we learn about new yorkers and the politician hopefuls ? this is the first thing i taped and i have yet to speak to anyone. >> medocr tie y. >> i was going say meed yolker job. bill, did anybody recognize both my picture and want me to run for mayor? >> yes. i am not going answer which one. there are a lot of people i knew about the mayoral candidates. therefore i made sure we edited them out. >> you wanted to do what other people do and now it will make
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everybody look stupid. >> ding, ding, ding. >> when people do these packages they find all of the dumb answers and put them together. >> i don't know if you have ever seen the segment i call jaywalking from jay leno. there is a reason he finds these dumb people. he has to go through a lot of smart people before he gets to them and edits them out. >> what would make you vote for wiener? >> absolutely nothing. i usually don't talk about my perm -- my personal political agenda on television, but i think we should take a closer look. >> you never leave that perch, do you, brooke? >> i am going out on a limb and saying it is her wheel house. >> we need her on that wall. >> was bill's quiz unfair? >> yes. i love how it evolved into the fox news personality. these people are boring.
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let's talk about mayor. >> i am running at some point. maybe not for new york, but maybe for candy land. anthony, 1 wiener surviving because of his name recognition and then will get rid of him when they vote? >> he is pretty popular. if he had the courage to run against bloom burke in 2009 -- bloomburg in twieb he would have 1. he probably would have one. >> will, that was before the [bleep] peck tours. >> it was, and he was polling well. when bloomburg overturned it he said i don't have a chance. >> when he says the bleep, it was when we sent out a picture of richard. >> you know what is funny? the picture controversy would have come out when he was mayor. we whoa have lost a mayor. >> he was board in dc doing the congressman thing. >> he wants to be president,
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let's face it. >> if new york elects him, they deserve everything they get. i don't think new york will elect him, but if they do i will laugh. i will laugh. >> you are already laughing. we have to take a break. there is more stuff on the way. speaking of "the jay of rate" the greatest book ever written by me, a great gift for the fourth of july.
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having a conversation with anthony who claims evolution doesn't exist. anyway, could the beak inherit the earth? according to the daily male some british sign -- scientists believe we have out grown our teeth. finally my dream will be realized and i can eat all of the pistachios. in particular, they are looking at the puffer fish seen here which over time has
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evolved special beaks to crack open crab shells. as our life speks -- expectancy increases we have no certain amount of teat. dash amount of teeth. stop bragging teeth or fish. it would be cool to have a beak, wouldn't it? >> no. >> i can see you with a beak. >> i don't know why they think we will grow a beak. why not more teeth and better teeth that stay in our head? >> we eat a lot of soft foods. you can watch everybody walking around with their starbucks and straws and why not have a straw face. >> yes? >> yes. could having an endless supply of teeth end radical islam.
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>> i don't understand the notion of this article. they say our teeth are -- stop laughing. >> we are laughing with you. >> this is the greatest fear growing a beak in two billion years. i am more afraid of islam. >> yay. >> that's what we want. that's what we want. >> anthony, we are never going to have beaks which is sad. scientists are lying to us. >> we are living probably much longer than our teeth would like us to. >> very good point. >> our teeth will rot and fall out of our head. we just need to be sharks and grow new tiewt several times over a lifetime. >> so many weird things happen to your teeth. you are not supposed to be alive and you grow hair and lose it and then grow it elsewhere and you get skin tags. what are they about? they taste funny.
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bill, much like your soul, your teeth are rotting from the inside. thoughts? >> they are not positive ones. >> i am not pro that. i am come that. >> i don't have thoughts. i do, i do. dinosaurs have been around a lot longer than we v. what did they have? teeth. and what did they have? birds, they are birds. the little chickens running around are not from the t rex. they are all birds. what happened to them will happen to us. the green lantern is right. he is always right. on his planet he has what we will become. his name is tamara ray and yes that is outs. that is us. >> that would be awesome just to go jogging.
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>> lycra anything. >> you could put a fake beak on and jog around new york and a lycra suit. >> that happened and i woke up in chelsea. do you have a comment on the show? e-mail us. it is fox do you have a video of your animal doing something interesting go to fox head eye. coming up, the post game report from tv's andy levy. >> the pieces of turnt consisting of a feet and back and often arms. thanks, chairs.
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program note. a new "red eye" airs this saturday at 11:00 p.m. eastern time, 8:00 p.m. pacific time. guests include terry safford, remi spencer, jesse joyce. >> and tv's andy levy, post game report. >> thanks, greg. >> you're welcome. >> i would hope so. >> brooke, you said it was incredibly naive to think we
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could depose mubarak and put in a muslim brotherhood -- >> support, support. >> i was going to say, the egyptian people did that. >> and then find the muslim brotherhood and that they would bring freedom to their people. >> right. you mentioned it is an odd situation where a military coup may be a good thing. it is rarely a good sign when a guy in a better ray gets -- beret gets up there and says this is how it is going to be from now on. >> who knows? there was an interesting comment by a fox news panelist who said maybe america can learn from this. >> what i what i had yet said that? >> i would just say it is an interesting comment. >> was it you? >> no. >> layoff cavuto. >> we willed dit out what i said. i just assumed it was you. not a good sign when the president of the country responds to a coup by posting on his facebook page. >> that's weird.
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>> probably not returning to power. >> it should be called sphynx book. >> i don't know what that is. >> sphynx. >> the egyptian -- >> it was a bad joke. >> i had to repeat it three times now. >> perhaps the egyptians got the whole muslim brotherhood thing out of their system. i am worried they will go through governments like taylor swift goes through boyfriends. >> will they write songs about it though? >> that saved that joke. >> bill, you said what is to stop the muslim brotherhood from being elected again? fair point. possibly because they sucked for the amount of time they were in will prevent it. >> as we were taping egyptian officials said the head of the brotherhood political party and the deputy chief have been arrested. that's why we have to be careful.
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we don't know what is going to happen and we have to be respectful. >> the military is saying this is not a coup. arresting political party members is a way of not showing this is a coup. >> founding fathers wouldn't be happy this july 4th. >> you are correct about ben franklin's view of beds. those who love trouble will wake in a hotbed and then go to the cool one. >> we all know this because we turned our pillows over. let's not be embarrassed about that. >> i switch beds when the hotel has two beds. halfway through the night. >> i have done that and when i soiled them. >> they recommended thinner and more porous bed clothes that will suffer the perishable matter more easily to pass through them! i'm assuming he meant sweat. >> he took a snack to bed.
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>> it was not orgies, it was cor cor -- corgies. >> they are british. and john adams was inoculated with smallpox. >> and the whole family? >> yes, and then he spent three weeks in the hospital with head head -- headaches, backaches, fever and eruption of poke marks. >> but the whobl family didn't get it. >> no, they just tent time with a fever. >> state department spent $630,000 to get facebook liege likes. brooke, you said it is one thing if a private company does it and if the state does it they are contravening the democracy. the bureau of international information programs placed the ads. their job is to provide and support the infrastructure needed for sustained conversations with foreign audiences to build america's reputation.
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if they are trying to get people to understand more of what america is about, that's not the -- that's not about the mission. they are not building a good reputation. if they were, they wouldn't have to buy the likes. >> what they are trying to do is they are placing adds to drive people to their pages to read their stuff. >> but the people who are interested should go organically to the page. as i understand it because i have never bought like -- >> nobody cares about the state department. >> you are paid for the likes. it is not leak you are liking it because you like it. you are liking it because you get paid to do it. >> do you have twitter followers? >> today. we went and decided how much would it cost? if it does work and it does work. i did it to test the story out. >> of course you do. of course you did. >> it was an incredible
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coincidence i did it today. >> tom, you cited a money figure. i think it was $50 million. >> i said billion. >> the thing is i didn't look it up because i decided i didn't care jie. say 40. i will take 10 off. >> legos for girls. greg, you said in the old days they used to be toys for boys. and then you let out a sound i can only is describe as a mown. a moan. i don't know what possessed me to make that sound. >> i don't think america did either. >> probably it brought on you -- brought out some kind of memory involving an accident with a lego. >> one of the one in a million shots? >> exactly. i don't know how i was able to fall on a cul p tour made. >> accidents will happen. >> they will. >> every week.
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>> some people are just unlucky over and over again. >> brooke, you asked who the hell is david picket. hello, he is a lego blogger. >> i wasn't into legos. >> you should be called a lagger. >> i wasn't into the interests. >> and girls need more details while guys we are happy to see the legos. you said girls are smarter than little boys. i think it shows little boys have more imagination than little girls. >> it just show itself takes less to entertain a man. >> we use our imaginations. >> brooke, you would be surprised how we use our imaginations. >> you can wear all of the clothing you want. we have imagination. >> it is nature's x rays. >> say goodbye. >> bye, andy, by, merc.
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fisher, tom shillue and that does it for me. i'm greg gutfeld. i would wish you happy fourth of july, but it may not air
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i'll see you back 1:00 eastern. o'riley factor is on. tonight. >> some of the biggest names of the movie, music world, television, enter the no-spin zone. >> bill: five kids? >> five kids there might be more. i haven't talked to my wife in an hour. >> just all the babies at home to make you feel uncomfortable. >> academy award winner ben affleck. >> i am not worried about what my liberal friends are going to say. >> bill: getting real about gun control. >> i believe that there could be more comprehensive and effective controls on the sale of guns. >> and dynasty guy proves his program


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