tv Red Eye FOX News July 11, 2013 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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we'll see you then. special report dock up next. welcome to ""red eye." well boy meets world. well designed, inescapable fun house of horror. let's go to tv's andy levy. what's coming up on tonight's show? >> thanks, greg. those get more and more involved every day? >> i try. >> coming up on the big show, who are the most racist people in america? the answer is racists. plus, you'll never guess the latest justin bieber news unless he guess that he pea peed in a mop bucket. and finally, should you be spying on co workers?
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welcome to obama's america. >> nice one, andy. >> you betcha. >> wow, mailing it in. let's welcome our guests. she's so sharp she moon lights with a ginzu knife. sunny johnson. you know him as the guy who spits in your slushy because he doesn't like your face. jesse, congratulations on becoming the spokesman for goodwill. >> nice. >> and then he's a coupon. bill schultz. and she knows bulls and bears like i know horrified stares. that's true. that's what happens when you don't wear pants on the subway. fox business network's stock editor, liz mcdonald. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story, and now america's dumb ass, greg. >> their team had a glitch. tried to organize a native american heritage day but ended
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up not. according to the "new york times," a paper. in march they approached an american indian group about doing the event. they set it on a date and started planning the thing and included traditional dancing and singing outside the ballpark but then the mets realized they were hosting the atlanta braves. so not wanting the braves to think the day was a protest over their name, they nixed the sipping. they've decided not to participate at all. said their deputy director, quote, this whole thing wasn't even our idea but it just feels like we're being marginalized again within our own community. you know who else is being marginalized? this cat.
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that's actually better than a real child, i think, but what would i know, i have neither. jesse, the mets had a hot topic night where you were there and actually gave out to key chains to people with real jobs. how do you feel about these special nights? do you think we're becoming more sensitive every day? >> i don't know, maybe. i'd like to say congratulations. i appreciate that you came dressed as the kindergarten teacher from m.a.s.h. the way i see it is what better way to celebrate native american heritage than by breaking a promise to them. >> nice. >> very good. >> all of you take the 7 train of tears home. >> sunny, welcome to the program. good to have you here. is this the culmination of a society where everyone is afraid to hurt everyone else's feelings and it ends up even when they're trying to mean well, it just gets screwed up?
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>> i don't want to hurt your feelings, greg, but i come all the way to "red eye" to talk about baseball? >> yes. >> no. really, what i think is they should have a politically incorrect day. that's the day i can come. a husband and wife brings their child. a mother can give formula to their baby and it will be okay. men, you can carry your firearms fully loaded, you don't have to measure your bullets. a totally politically incorrect day. i think you would have people coming out and participating. you won't have to worry about who you offend in that process. >> i like that idea. >> that is every single other day in citi field, especially the firearms part. >> i like the gun -- >> that's an nfl game. >> yeah. >> firearms. >> bring a gun to the game is an amazing slowing kb amazing slogan. why didn't i think of that? >> give out a weapon. they give out mini bats. i'm kidding but -- >> let me explain to greg.
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i'm sorry, i didn't mean to cut you off. >> the bats to regular sized people or ministers. >> the moment you said mini baseball bats i knew what you were doing. i saw -- >> knew he was coming. >> yes, but i let him do it. >> you're a generous host. >> i am. >> elizabeth. >> the mets were concerned that that would be concerned as a political event. is that the problem now, it's always about perception and not fact. >> if they care, why do they say, oh, it's happening this day. they clearly didn't care because they didn't know it was coming. listen, i think we already have the olympics. why do we have to have everything be a multi-cultural event, right? >> right. >> when i want to see multi-cultural, i look at old "star trek" episodes. >> wow, that could be interesting. i thought you were going to say, i go to the museum. >> no. i watch old "star trek." >> which is like a museum for bill. >> exactly. >> you know, bill, they added special beat bill schultz to
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death night and 200,000 people showed up. you must be so proud that so many people don't think you deserve to live. >> i'm happy they know me. part of dieing i don't like. is it. >> stands to reason. >> this is an organization, and this is true, that earlier this year paired up with a cougar site trying to convince them to market david wright as someone to be voted for for the all-star game because they were desperate to get a met in the all-star game and being the handsome man that he is, they thought why not go to a cougars night and then they looked at the idea and they said, oh, my god, what have we done, and stopped right away. this is strike two for them about canceling at the last minute. >> right. >> secondly, every night is multi-cultural night at citi field. this is the most genderfied place not in america, on planet earth. there are no more cultures forced to be together than in queens, new york. >> you can just have all the politically correct together and
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give them all 32 ounce soft drinks and let them walk down -- >> i like it. >> chanting andy bloomberg, andy bloomberg. >> that's the beauty of queens. you can have it both ways. it's multi-cultural and all the cultures fing hate each other. >> what's wrong with hating each other? you hate each other equally. >> give out those little mini baseball bats at citi field in queens. >> a lot of 'em smoke 'em. >> yeah, we know what you do with yours, bill. and so at the local emergency room. broke a record, there's four of them in there. >> and broken bats. from baseball to race brawl. what race is most racist. >> i ran the kkk 500. according to a new rasmussen poll, when asked which race is most racist, 37% said blacks,
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18% hispanics. so blacks think blacks are more racist than whites. meanwhile, 98% races think bill sucks and should be thrown into a wood chipper and chopped into a thousand bloody pieces and should be thrown into a crowd of crows. >> most news agencies won't use rasmussen. >> true. for more on race in america let's go live to this dog. it's weird. while we're watching this. thank god it was a white dog. >> that is not what i said. >> yes, that's what you said. you said, thank god it's a white dog. >> listen. really. why would you -- if you looked that much like a leprechaun, why
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would you go out of your way to wear shamrock green. it's a little on the nose, don't you think? >> i do it for my people. sunny, i go to you first for no particular reason. are you surprised that 37% of blacks think most blacks are racist? >> no, i'm a racist. i hate blacks and whites and hispanics and jews all in equal measure. no, i like to think of race like a rapper thinks of girls. does the color really matter? really does it? i think that we can get to that same level of tolerance that rappers have with their females, you solve racism in america. there you go. >> there you go. another solution. >> another profound statement. >> i will get women race like i look at laundry. it's not the color. >> at least they're not very fast. >> no makeup. >> yeah. >> the funniest part of this is that you do laundry. >> or that i'm talking about women. >> yeah, exactly.
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liz, a recent article in "white power and garden". >> what? >> yeah, white clan hats. kind of upset a few people at fox news. i admired your gut to say that. why do you claim that whites are superior. >> i was going to quote in here. greg douchefeld. i never wrote any such thing. anyway, carry on. i'll pass it. >> you don't want to touch this topic? >> no, i never -- no. >> no? >> i think every culture group thinks the other group is more racist. >> it doesn't happen here. i'm going to keep asking you questions because it's making you uncomfortable. >> totally uncomfortable. >> she's a racist. >> i'm uncomfortable with it. >> i'm going to let her use my black card. get off of her. >> thank you. >> the lovely one at the end of the table. >> jesse, as a sales associate at game stop in the mall, you must have thoughts on race
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relations in america because you're right there on the front lines. >> yeah, i just added that. that's my 15th job. >> yes. >> i like to call this the lethal weapons paradox where it's somehow a world where murtaugh is more racist than mel gibson. >> who's murtaugh. >> that happened to be mel gibson who's the famously racist dude in america. >> what i love about this is we can do a section called jesse joyce explains his jokes to panelists because this is like the third time in about a month that you've had to, and it's not because your jokes are sophisticated, it's because we've lost interest. >> is that what it is, really? >> no, i'm not kidding. >> nobody remembers murtaugh, the name. >> i know. >> i don't want you to feel bad. >> the character's name is funnier than saying danny
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glover. >> so you were still being funny? >> she's still mad because we pointed out -- >> i'm not mad. >> she has a race card. you must leave her alone. >> bill, you're half right, half idiot and all impotent. do you ever face discrimination? >> it was a question. a lot of times they are. this is not a face. o'reilly said this last night. you forgot to add this part about the pole. 49%, 49% of republicans think black americans are racist. 49% of democrats are still alive. do you know how many people they polled out of 300 million americans? >> how many? >> a grand. and do you think geography might play a role. >> i think they were all at queens in city field. >> if they were all in queens this might make sense. do you think geography might play a role. >> are you going to smear the country? >> i'm not saying where the
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people would go to poll the people? >> where was it? >> they refused to tell me. this is why a lot of people don't use rasmussen. >> it's because -- bill -- >> i think they were just talking to each other and polled each other in their office. >> they didn't tell you, bill, because you showed up there naked. >> i do that every day here and security lets me through. they can't tell what race i am when i'm naked. >> you're so leather ri. >> what race are you? >> crocodile. >> albanian. >> quarter cling on, thank you very much. all right. i want to move on. i had a good question but i want to save it for halftime. from bigots to buckets, it's the only leak that matters. justin bieber peed somewhere that's not a bathroom. tmz posted a picture of him urinating into a mop bucket and then he sprayed win decks on our 43rd president, f bill clinton.
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it features bieber and his idiot friends leaving some nightclub exiting through a nightclub restaurant. here's the thing and his thing doing that thing. >> great, look. getting to. >> we swagger, man? you know, this is just [ bleep ]. >> you. >> [ bleep ]. if i ever remember that. >> what? >> you're not going to -- >> you go [ bleep ]. >> everybody does that. >> yeah. >> what are we. >> [ bleep ]. >> whack is. >> whack is. whew. [ bleep ]. it was a wild kids. i totally -- i never mind. as long as it's the wild kids. anyway, i was watching it and
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bill just blurted, i wish i was that bucket. >> that's disgusting, bill. that is disgusting. what is wrong with you. >> my head. >> jesse, your second job is mopping the benches at 45th. somebody has to clean up that mess. some rock star goes in there and cleans up that mess. it's always some poor schlub like you. >> exactly. where's sirhan sirhan when you need him? >> do you know robert kennedy -- >> now we have to bleep it. our viewers didn't know that and now that you've explained it, we've got to get rid of it. >> that was a comedian's joke, america. i just toned. >> he's so out of control, peeing in the mop bucket story is bad, but i don't know if you heard, he took an ann french crawl space -- >> now i'm going to have to -- now i'm going to have to bleep that one. >> two historical tragedies. >> he kind of did. >> yeah. yeah. i mean, you are condemning him.
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my theory is that this is girl's faults because -- what are you doing? this is a girl's fault generally because they allowed -- they don't expect much from guys anymore. guys can do whatever they want, girls don't care. they think that's cute. >> that's why i have a daughter and she's 8 years old and she despises everything justin bieber so i'm in a good spot with that right now, you know, because we both can sit and throw pencils at him on the tv when he comes on so we're really good. what i would like to say is everybody who has an insult for hip-hop, you cannot insult hip-hop while justin bieber is allowed to have a microphone in his hand. until you take the microphone out of justin bieber's hands, never allow him to go into another studio for the entirety of his life, but as long as this happens in music, then i don't want to hear it. >> your daughter hates justin bieber but you need a lesson on pencil safety.
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i think we need to enroll. >> they come back. >> kindergarten class. >> sometimes there's nothing better than a well-placed pencil. >> that is true, especially on a long trip. don't know what that means, but on a long trip i've used pencils for many things. >> so profound. >> a psa on the wonderful scratching feeling you get from a pencil. shut me up at any point, liz. he was doing his business. that's his business. but his career is over no? >> i think this is a really big problem because you know what, some poor janitor who probably makes $5 an hour has to come in and mop after he -- >> that's about right, right, jesse? >> i don't know where that -- >> this poor person who commented on the internet and thought it was funny. this is little rich kid justin bieber going to the bathroom on some low income bucket this the classic trickle down economics. it's kind of funny. >> well done, liz. >> have you ever taken a road trip with schultz over here? i did. it's impossible.
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every half hour you have to stop so he can pee on a trucker. >> wondering, did he ever get his monkey back? debris his monkey back? >> no, that's his jersey. the monkey is in germany. that's a good question. >> yeah. >> naturalized monkey. >> jumping on justin bieber for the monkey. >> he bought the monkey, left it there. so true. but you know, here's -- >> tell me more about the monkey story quickly. >> andy will be getting research on the monkey because i want to pose this question on bill because he'sen expert in this. arguably a toilet has to be cleaned when it's used so did he actually save somebody the trouble this time by using something else? you know, i don't think you understand how this works. >> they're just used once. >> oh, okay. gotcha. no one explained to him flushing. >> but i agree -- i disagree with you. i think that this is justin with a little rebellion to get the little girls all hot and bothered. if he liked car jacked someone,
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if he like threatened murder or something like that, then they would fly away because that's too much. this is just enough rebellion for the 13th to 18th. >> but spraying win decks on a picture of bill clinton. >> they don't know who bill clinton is. they think bill clinton is part of the wild kids. little billy clinton, he's the rebel that actually zblsh by the way, he said f bill clinton, not for political reasons, just because the picture was there. it could have been buddy ep son. >> oh, i have to go. how can you stay cool this summer? jesse joyce explains his new book. are sex crazed government workers leaking secrets. i don't know, but call me, sex crazed government workers. announcer: you're on the right track
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but yaep way. should you keep an eye on fellow office guys? not really a rhyme, people. initiative launched by our president for federal workers to report suspicious behavior. the profiling techniques will not work says experts. details of the insider threat program or inspt revealed by mcclach chen news shows that efforts to stop leaking and spying, the administration wants employees to look for co-workers who engage in high risk behavior, frequent travel, working odd hours and a lust for money or sex. sounds like steve juicy. defenders of the program says there are cases where co-workers saw things but didn't say anything. using behavioral monitoring could lead to illegal profiling or privacy violations, blah, blah, blah. meanwhile, what about threats from the outside?
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>> she's taking our carpet. what the hell. >> well, it's good to see david spade is getting some work these days. but stealing mats is no way. >> liz, you work in business. is this a good program, having workers spy on workers, or does it make any sense? >> no. you have some fidgety guy looking at whatever he's looking at. if he's looking at classified information, he could be hiding a "playboy" magazine and he could be fidgety. >> sunny, what do you think? i think this is perfectly fine but i don't care about anything. >> i believe that they want to have these government workers,
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they want to be on the government dope for the rest of their life. they can never get fired. benefits always go up even when the private sector is struggling. so i just say throw them all into one building, let them all live there in one place. if you want lifetime benefits of working for the government, never being able to be fired, then they should be able to monitor you and see every single thing you do and that's the price you pay for going to the government and working and not participating in the private sector. >> like a giant version of "big brother" the reality show. >> in the greenroom sunny said throw them all in the building, chain the building and set it on fire. i do believe you said that. >> you don't supposed to tell until after the fact. when you tell ahead of time it messes it up. >> jesse, you shop lift condiments where you work at orange julius. this kind of surveillance must scare you because you would never be able to hold down a job being a low level shop lifter. >> we have secret shoppers.
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i tried to get away with it. i thought during the break you mentioned your sweater isn't green, it's moss that accumulated under the toad stool that you live with in the forest. green sweater. >> that -- okay. that might be the best one. >> throw your knife at him. throw your fight at him. >> i didn't bring my fight. >> with your hoops. >> my fight is at the fight laundry. >> fight laundry? >> this is my nervous laugh when i have no idea what you talking about. >> that's what i'm saying. >> yeah. yeah. >> i think there's this -- >> are you a jewish lep prey can. >> no, i'm a catholic lep he mr. kaun. >> a bit redundant. >> i'm an irish leprechaun. >> jesse. >> the government is worried that spies are going to exchange information for sex.
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have you seen the spies. like who -- they draw it up from watching "octopussy." >> who's going to have sex with these guys. >> snowden and man being, they look like they're at a bill gates party. >> if they bring back the russian spy. >> anna chapman. >> she was hot. >> i don't foresee government workers snooping on her. >> you know what else is annoying at this, the government paid money to deloit consulting. you have to watch out for the 20-year-old gen wires. >> that's an interesting point. do you think that's true? >> no. >> you know what i'm thinking and i will leave the last word to bill on this one. the reason why the high risk behavior is because you can get blackmailed by high risk behavior if you're engaging in all sorts of sex and affairs and you can get black mail and have secrets. we have to make partying a laudable thing and you can't get
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blackmailed. >> or let it happen. >> having sex is a great thing. >> have it done underhill ri clinton's watch from what i heard they had everything at d.o.j. anyways. >> she answered your question. >> just don't black mail my crack mail. >> all right. coming up, half of the officials in the federal reserve's policy making meeting in june wanted to end the fed's asset purchases this year rather than in 2014. we're not doing that story, jesse, so relax. is lego land not a fan of a groan man? to that i say, damn.
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is he too gray to play? a canadian lego fanatic, is there any other kind really, was denied entry into lego land because he wasn't accompanied by children. john saint onge started loving the plastic building blocks when he first bought them for his kids. the 63-year-old has collected over 50,000 leggos and says they're a great distraction. his daughter said he was, quote, devastated when he was stopped at the door after driving three hours to lego land. i wouldn't drive three hours anywhere. a rep stands by the policy, quote, it's a child attraction so we do have this in place to
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protect the families and children that visit. we're going to discuss the held out of this in. >> lightening round. >> business expertise, if you have 50,000 frequent flyer miles, american airlines, they reward your loyalty. this guy has 50,000 lego pieces and they treat him like a pedophile lepper. >> it would scare the bejesus out of me. >> he's a decent man. >> lego land has an adults only lego night. >> does it? is it like hedonism. is it like club med? everybody comes here with spedos drinking margaritas. you make me sick, liz mcdonald. i'm not sure what you said. >> me neither. >> sunny, they said they put a posting online saying it's a no child rule, but is it his responsibility to know that?
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this is just not fair. >> no, it isn't fair. i always look for a capitalist way to solve the problem. i figure he can rent you out, take you there, you can pass for a little kid. you can get access and go and play with leggos. >> first time on the show and she's already commenting on my height. >> that's right. >> i would have been on sooner if it wasn't for your heightism. >> why? >> he's short. >> that's the best line. >> first and last time, sunny. first and last. >> you're just short. >> you're just short. she didn't even fashion it into a joke. >> that's what i like. >> she just said, because you're short. >> the economy of words. incredible. >> yes. >> you're short. >> yes, exactly. you know, jesse, i enjoy a puzzle. >> yeah? >> the way you dress is often like a puzzle. but how is legos any different than a puzzle? it's like a 3d puzzle. why is this man being treated so poorly? >> you said that they're
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treating him like a pedophile with leprosy? >> yeah. >> a terrible pedophile. you open the van door with missing fingers. >> you're terrible. i get it. >> no, to liz's point. they do have an adults only night. the only thing creepier than an adult wandering around lego land is only adults wandering around lego land. >> i think it's a -- >> true. >> people build ships in a bottle. that's bizarre to me. bill, you once built a space ship out of leggos, then you sobered up and realized you had gutted a stray dog. but, anyway. should grownup men play with leggos? he's retooird. this is something he does. it's therapeutic. >> i feel bad for the guy, but i've got to say when you read the whole no adult thing you realize that they have had some issues before. >> right. >> it wasn't something that they just came up with. like i would say it takes a couple of bad apples to ruin a
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bunch, and not for nothing. but jesse's nickname in canada is apples. >> all i know is there's a lot of paranoia when a man is alone anywhere. it's like if you go -- you go to a playground, whatever. and maybe that's legitimate, but it's getting a little strange, i think. >> when you go to take your kid to chucky cheese's, i hate chucky cheeses. when you take your kid to chucky cheeses, parent and child have the corresponding marks. you can't leave without -- you can't leave the place unless your matches mark. >> if you love leggos so much, he would have known there's an adults only lego night. >> wait a second. i'm interested in this. what if you go to chucky cheese and you get a mark, what does that mean? >> as long as you not walking out with a kid, it doesn't matter. when you try to walk out with a kid, then it's going to be a problem. if you saw the women there, they'd attack you. >> i never knew that. >> if you walk out with a big squirmy backpack. >> yes. you will get hunted down by the rats. yes. they will sting you to death.
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>> jesse. >> the reason you didn't know that is because they mark the adults, not the children. if you had gone they would have assumed you were headed right up to the ball pit. by the way, i would like to point out and i always say one bad apple spoils the bunch. it's only bill and everyone from the 1930s. >> stay away from the kids' apples. >> all right. we've got to take a break. more stuff is on the way. you know that book, it's called "joy of hate." if you don't own it, you're probably a communist pinko. >> shocking with all the books i've written. >> yes. autographed copy. go to it will cost more, but it's worth it.
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can a kang help him turn the page. a turkish man, is there any other kind, has fashioned a cage to help him quit smoking. he's been trying to quit his two pack addai habit for years but unsuccessful. perhaps as a last resort or maybe a first resort, he built a face cage which his wife locks around his head every morning. she's a lucky woman. the 43-year-old said it works. he eats crackers and drinks water through a straw which is like bill's diet. we don't give him a straw because he fills it with cocaine. liz, should he apply for a patent? because this could be a million dollar a idea. >> i think it could. also, it would go great toward all those women in the middle east who don't want to kiss men who smoke cigarettes. they wouldn't have to go near him. put a cage around your head and go away. >> a kissing cage. jesse. you used to be addicted to air guitar while driving your pinto. you can pretty much relate how
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hard it is to give up something stupid. >> used to be? i haven't quit that for sure. no, but when i quit drinking, i did something similar. i wore a birdcage on my head so no one would let me into a bar. >> you still smoke a lot? >> that's when i started smoking birds. yeah. yeah. yeah. i do. i smoke like a pack a day. >> smoke a pack a day? >> yeah. >> that's good. >> yeah. >> good for you. how many times -- >> that way my clothes smell the way they look. i have a better sense of humor. >> i know. why am i insulting you? sunny, if you have the will power to make a cage and wear it around your head, shouldn't you have the will power to quit smoking? >> this is what scares me. all of the progressives in america and all of the things they're trying to push us into, i'm scared what kind of ideas they going to get. if they don't want you to eat bacon. what are they going to do here?
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rough. and him putting that there over his face is stupid but that's as stupid as you can get in turkey. we have patches, we have pills that make you have freaky dreams. our technology is better because we're in the 21st century for sure, but what do we do here that's not any dumber than their cage? i'm sure back in medieval times we were using cages? marlboros. >> i'm wondering if he got something in his ears so he makes it so he can't hear his wife talk. yeah, i'm doing it to stop smoking but it's so he doesn't
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have to hear his wife say anything. >> he doesn't hear his wife say anything because she's in a birka. >> i wasn't going to go there. >> in turkey it's very secular. >> nonsmoking birka. >> cages were used but they were used for something else if you remember your history books, to prevent young men or teenage boys from engaging in certain kinds of behaviors when they went to bed. >> yes, reading golden books. >> exactly. anyway, what happens if you end up liking the cage more than smoking? then you've got to start smoking to take up the cage. >> then you have to take up bee keeping. >> all right. oh, yes, i knew i had to do something here. you've got to comment on the show. e-mail us at we're hiring. we've given up all of the established ways for hiring because, frankly, we don't like it. we're looking for a production assistant and a booker, somebody who can do my laundry.
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coming up tomorrow on the next "red eye" we have return appearances from sherrod small, harris and bernie mcgurr. time to go to tv's andy levy for the post game report. hey, andy. >> hey, greg. let's cancel native american day. that's all i had. >> thanks. >> sure. jesse, quick question, those key chains you gave out on hot topic night, did they have a bottle opener on snem. >> yeah, of course they did. why wouldn't they? >> just checking. >> they were -- you had to come to the trunk of my car to get them. i'll be honest. >> yeah, used to sell those in front of convenience stores. >> i did. >> yeah. >> they gave out bottle openers at our high school graduation
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and then they told us, don't drink and drive. i was like -- >> hey, you said the mets should have a politically incorrect day. have you ever been to a baseball game? >> no. i'm lying. i'm lying. my uncle played professional for the white sox and my father played. i have a baseball family. i just came to make jokes. >> wait a minute. who played for the white sox because bill's a white sox fan. >> that's his name. >> she's not going to tell me? >> my uncle was jesse jefferson. he played for a couple of teams. he died about two or three years ago, but i can post a picture. it's not like i'm lying or anything. >> wow, bill. >> i want all of his old stuff. i'll pay for it, of course. >> emac, you asked why everything has to be a multi-cultural event, but it isn't. they have a special day every once in a while. >> what's wrong with that? >> isn't it getting exhausting, all the time, multi-cultural.
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i'm sorry. my point is we already have the olympics. why don't we have multi-cultural bowling, tennis and hockey? >> because most cultures don't play tennis, hockey, bowling. >> exactly. >> andy, there is one culture, it's called america. if you don't like it, get the hell out of here. >> move to canada. why don't we celebrate canada day on july 1. >> because it's canada? >> no, there has to be -- you can't get ridiculous. >> see, you just answered your own question. >> canada is ridiculous. >> canada day, will they be celebrating justin bieber. seriously. >> i think justin bieber should go to a baseball game and get sensitivity training. >> whatever clubs still have bat day, they hand out the bats to people on the way out. >> interesting. >> that's a new development. >> something they could have thought of 50 years ago. 21st century device. >> but, bill, here's the thing, in 1994 m.i.t. did a study about
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bat day in yankees stadium. 25,000 bats to attendees at yankee stadium did not increase the bat-real estat related trau >> there were fewer after bat day than before bat day. >> that sounds like a rasmussen study. >> greg suffers bat related trauma when it was raining in the forest and he had to find a tiny cave to keep himself dry and it turns out the cave was home to 40,000 -- >> baby bats. >> real bats. >> wow. >> it was long and worth it. it was a little story. >> i like it when the insults become a little tale. >> i think andy thinks she's talking about baseball baths. >> bats. >> i want to live in a cave. >> i want to see a cartoon. >> rasmussen pole apparently
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shows blacks are more racist than hispanics. >> i wonder what president romney thinks of that? rasmussen predicted romney would win. see, jesse, sometimes i have to explain them. in my case, jesse, it's usually because they go over people's head. >> right. >> go ahead. >> yeah. >> no over greg's head jokes? >> i know. >> i totally missed that. >> jesse. >> that flew over my head. >> yeah. >> i'm starting to think greg likes it. >> emac, you said every cultural group thinks other groups are more racist. i think there's some truth to that. greg, you pointed out that that's not the case here, regarding blacks, it may be that blacks answered this poll more honestly than other races did. >> oh, that's interesting. >> yeah. >> bieber pees in a mop bucket. what kind of friend makes this
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tape public. is anyone talking about that? >> yeah, that's a good question. >> maybe it was somebody who works in the kitchen. >> maybe it was somebody like clinton. >> one of the guys with him was shooting that. >> yeah. >> kids game. >> now he's -- he narced out his friend. >> i worry sometimes he might be -- >> yeah, do you think maybe his entourage is using him? >> no, i don't think that at all. why are you so sensitive? >> wild kids, andy. they stick together. >> that's what i'm saying. whoever shot the tape, not so wild. >> yeah. i think basically bieber's going to have to make a different kind of donation to this restaurant, like a monetary one. >> yes. >> sunny, bieber's monkey is in a german zoo. it's in a serengeti park in hodenhagen. >> pedo, you need to get him and put them somewhere with all the other people that you hate for hating animals so i don't have to listen to them anymore.
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>> you know what bieber's monkey calls the crew. >> the wild mongs. >> that was my favorite three words in a row, sunny bieber's monkey. >> i put bieber over my knee. >> greg, you said bieber said f bill clinton for not any political reason. that's not true. he told entertainment nafta. >> really? >> no. >> liz. >> insider program. >> jesse, you said it was weird that the government was worried about having sex with government workers. snowden had that fairly hot girlfriend. >> you're right. >> but to a more serious point, which i know you were trying to make, wouldn't you think -- i would think geeky guys who don't have a lot of luck with the ladies would be more likely to fall into these honey traps. >> i know. i didn't get the logic of that one. >> all right. >> maybe you should say "octopussy." >> it's a punchy word.
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>> i want to get into this lego thing. the 63-year-old lego fan not allowed in. the website adults must be accompanied by a child at the lego land center. >> this guy went with his daughter. >> his 24-year-old daughter. >> that's his child. >> i think he should sue them. >> you read that like a lawyer. >> if you don't buy that one, here's what should have happened. his daughter should have adopted a kid, the three of them go to lego land and the next day say it doesn't work. >> my sisters do that, they buy clothing for a date and then they return it the next day. >> exactly. why do i have to think of everything? >> i don't know. because that's what you do, andy. you have a lot of time to think being alone with those cats. >> absolutely. sunny, don't tell greg the secrets of chucky cheese. nothing good can come from that. >> it's true. >> get lost in the balls. he can get beat up by a little kid. >> you say that as though i wouldn't like it. >> there you go. >> exactly. >> i've often slept in that pit
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quite unusual. >> bill: the o'reilly factor is on. tonight: >> we learned that it was a contact wound with the clothing that trayvon martin had on? >> yes, sir. >> so that would be consistent with trayvon martin leaning over when he got shot, right? >> yes, sir. >> as testimony in the zimmerman trial winds up, dummies are now in play, we're not talking about the media we'll have the latest from the trial even as florida prepares for possible rioting. >> you guys are awnch before scum bags. you shouldn't be here. >> we are just trying to get to the truth. and bigotry is not evidence. >> the boston marathon terrorist makes his first appearance in court. he is facing execution if found guilty. we will tell you what's happening up there.
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