tv Red Eye FOX News July 12, 2013 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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us for two amazing years. many more to come. we'll be right back here tomorrow. the special report is next. welcome to day one of kill me gate, also, "red eye." it's like perfect strangers. it's like strangers trying to reveal that not only was the surgery a success, but the medication has already raised my voice two octaves. let's go to tv's andy levy for a pregame report. what's coming up on day two of kill me gate? >> i thought it was day one. i'm really confused. >> it's 3:00 a.m. >> our top story tonight, justin bieber apologizes to bill clinton. let me say that again, justin bieber apologizes to bill clinton. it's our lead. plus, why does fox news host
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brian kill me hate children? the shocking news you won't believe. our all-star panel debates straight ahead, greg? >> thanks, andy. >> you betcha. >> sharknadoes. >> we're not? >> no. >> it's really the god father of shark tornado films. >> this is just more of your sharknadoes denialism, isn't it? >> i don't want to elevate the fear of the public against sharknadoes. >> people's gots to know. >> no, they don't gots to know. >> tara reed has more. they decided for me. >> yes. >> even the producers were tired of that bit. well, she's so steamy she can float a hot air balloon with her thoughts. that's how she arrived here tonight. i'm here tonight, that's repetitive, with harris
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faulkner. look at that wave at 7:00 p.m. eastern on fox news. where else would it be? a bowling ball, i put three fingers inside of them every wednesday night, it's comedian sherrod wal. >> bill schultz. >> and it's fierce commentary. sitting right next to me, imus, bernie mcguerk. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. >> and america's handyman, greg gutfeld. >> should he pay for his spray. bieber has apologized to bubba. he peed in a hotel mop bucket and yelled, f you, bill clinton.
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i remember it just like it was yesterday. >> [ beep ]. [ beep ]. >> now for you blind people, wild kids is spelled with a z. on wednesday night the canadian cutie tweeted, thanks for taking the time to talk, mr. president. your words meant a lot. #greatguy. cockey lad. on thursday bill clinton confirmed the mia culpa. >> the president said, if that's all you have done, that's not bad. keep an eye on your friends, i.e.,, those who leaked the video. am i right, america, who remembers anything from the '90s other than "friends"? anyway, jb celebrated by blow
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drying his hair. that's it. i am no longer eating ducks. harris, if that's your real name, bieber offered to work for clinton's charity, which i don't know what it is, but that's nice. is that a good thing or is some shallow way to somehow save his career? >> i think it's interesting. his friend little twist a little while ago was picked up which i affectionately call my mortgage if i was maria carry. he's had a trying day. poor biebs. he's such a boob, by the way. >> sherrod, what the hell is some former president doing taking the call? >> he's the hottest thing on the
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planet. you have to take the call. it's an act of war. >> it's an act of war? >> we've got to get him out of the country. >> disrespecting our girls? >> yes. >> and he's peeing in the bucket? a mop bucket in the kitchen? >> exactly. >> you know how much that mop bucket is worth right now though? thousands. couple thousand. >> if he was peeing on a human being, it can fight back. pee on people instead. bernie, i was surprised in the greenroom you said you love justin more for this, can you expand? >> what justin bieber did, at least he put his bodily fluid in a bucket. what bill clinton did was put them on a girl's breasts. he said, give it up for taylor swift, she deserves it. >> smacking on her.
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>> i forgot that. he was making on her. >> no, it doesn't. >> he's a 19-year-old kid. god bless him. >> he's from canada. he punctuates every sentence. you know what i'm saying? >> that's what it'll do for ya. >> i just want to know, did he ever wash his hands? >> no, he didn't. he walked out with his urine. >> i am so offended. >> whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. not to defend bieber here, but there are a myriad of ways to do your business without touching your business, guys. >> you can see in the video he's touching his -- >> no, you take it down, shake a little bit, pull it back up. >> i say it again. >> bill, i have a question tofo you. is the real villain you for still breathing? >> wait, i'm trying to make you feel better by holding my breath. the real villain is the guy that leaked the tape.
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that's what clinton was alluding to. keep your friends close, your enemies closer, if you don't know who they are, take away their iphone. this guy should not have been tamg it. he shunts have leaked it. we've all done stupid things. we've all said f bill clinton. i did right before i came in here and i like the guy. i don't want people taping it. >> you think his friends are using him. >> i didn't say that. we're talking crazy. don't put words in my mouth. >> you're cynic zbll are you telling me that the wild kids are using him so they can get into the the club because i happen to think the wild kids are talented independent of him. >> isn't wild betraying him? >> betraying bieber like he's the fender of the car. >> treat him like what he is, against the lesbians. >> two points before we move on. he should apologize to american workers who have to clean up the mess. he should have to work in a
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kitchen one night, symbolically so it doesn't mean anything, but it's only clinton that says get -- he didn't say, dude, you shouldn't pee in public. >> don't get busted. >> you know, i thought about this. didn't we all do stupid stuff. >> no. >> can you imagine if there had been cameras? i say, if i had been captured on camera, with all the antics that i pulled, nothing like this, i'd be more famous. >> let's get to brass takes here. don't worry, we'll bleep it. >> you know what, let's stop the tape and you can tell us. >> yeah. we're not on camera. >> why did i even say it? >> seriously, if mine had been captured like that i'd be more famous. >> mine what? >> antics. >> what's antics code for? >> however, if you hear his friends say, where's my beer. he is 19. >> but is it in canada.
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>> when you're drinking, you have to go, you have to go. at least he did it in the bucket unlike bernard who did it in the greenroom wall. >> i'd wait until i get to the car. >> i think we've wrestled this topic to the ground and punched it in the face. >> to pop singers to parliament. an eye rich lawmaker has apologized after he grabbed a female colleague and put her in his lap. the high jinx happened around 3:00 a.m., what i like to call primetime. during an extended break in parliament. take a look, lookers. >> i'd like to see that in slow motion. >> what was -- >> e o no. >> okay.
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look at it. she sat down. she sat down. >> not happy though. >> yeah, but he's -- now he's holding her. >> yeah, she sat down. >> you know, the reason they -- >> sat down anyway. listen, we can analyze this tape, this mcgruder type tape of harassment. >> mcgruder was a comedy three years ago. >> all right. according to a report -- mcgruder tape. i am uneducated. >> we'll fix it. >> bleep over that. at the time the heating was off in the parliament building and the female member of parliament complained to tom berry that she was, quote, freezing. he joked that he would warm her up. the rest is sexist history. speaking of boundary issues. >> me.
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>> what did i say? first gay marriage. anyway, let's go to the women first. bill, rich, older men -- rich, older men pay to sit in their lap. was this incident any less demeaning? >> i don't like to think of myself in the demeaning situation when that happens and i make a lot of money for doing it. how i bought the coat. secondly, the woman said it was an issue, the guy said it wasn't an issue. the only reason it is is because a general secretary, whatever that is, she had a problem with it. not to get mcgruder on this, but if we look at the tape, can we get that back on there, if you'll notice the person on his knoll is going back and to the left. back and to the left that right there is a phantom lap dance.
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>> you're terrible and sexist. all right. >> back and to the left. >> while we're watching it, harris, i was shocked that you yelled, you go, girl, and -- >> that did not happen. >> and then you said to sherrod, i can't believe they allow women in parliament. >> i disagree. >> again, that did not happen. let me just straighten that up. >> we're cleaning it up a little. >> i realize i can't drop too many facts on you guys because i don't want to scare you. >> tell me what you think here? >> honestly, the real deal for me in all of this is that she said it was cold. it was 13 degrees in there rorlt tedly because the temperatures had fallen. >> that's sexy. >> he thought the only way he could warm up was to whichever direction he said they were going. >> back and to the left. >> and then the pr experts issued the statement. it was a piece of silliness between two people who happen to be friends. >> yeah. >> a party spokesman said this this morning. well, it was definitely a piece of something.
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>> are you saying that that was just silliness. that wasn't ho hum. >> the woman who sat on his lap looked like she wanted to sit on his lap. >> no, she's not happy. >> i've seen grabbing situations. i was in a strip club last night. that wasn't a grab. >> you are so wrong. >> she sat in his lap and they did a little lap and they got up. >> she's not enjoying herself. >> bernie, could it be that she was like in front and she kind of fell and then she needed to get up and he held her? the point is that he held her, right? >> it could have been but it wasn't. we just saw it. sherrod is right. >> let's watch it again. >> the fact that this politically incorrect thing is becoming an international incident. >> show's trying to get up. >> for 20 seconds. >> you guys are playing it in slow mo. >> what is that mysterious man in the corner with an umbrella. it is not raining. it is not raining. that's a code. i'm telling you, the cia is
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involved in this. >> yes. >> the mafia is involved in this. >> shut up. can somebody cut his mic or his throat. >> you don't want the truth, that's why. i'll be dead within a week. >> if i was watching this video and that was my girlfriend, i would be mad at my girlfriend and not the dude. >> why? the protocol is she's not going to jump up out of the seat and back hand him. >> if somebody harass you, that's what you do. >> the only allegiance he has to give is to his wife. >> this long time, no. >> wow. >> years and years. that's the only explanation. the fact that it's, again, an international incident speaks volumes. >> what he gave her on her lap was just a patsy. >> shut up. >> blanch. >> from osborne grip to relationships. >> j.f.k.
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>> are guys more aloof about sharing a roof? according to a new study young men and women have very different expectations when they move in together. basically the men are more likely to view the situation as a permanent one. new research shows 52% of dudes who are living with their girlfriends are not certain their relationship will last forever where 39% of women are. 41% of men say they were not completely smitten with their girl. you know who else is sticking around? >> whoa. >> i didn't even know what happened there. >> where did -- >> see that in slow motion. >> i would like to see that film over and over again. bernie, do a lot of guys secretly always think something better will come along even when they commit? >> of course. this comes under the category of
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duh. the guys see this arrangement as i've got a steady piece of heiney right here, half the rent will be paid and that's it. >> you're lucky. >> that's right. exactly. guys are dogs. they're dogs. everybody should know that. i mean, it's like, duh, that's all i'm saying. >> i can say that when i move in with my girl. i'm like, well, we're married so that's it. that was the wedding, me bringing that box up. >> you could do a dating advice show. >> she's in the greenroom watching this. >> no, right now she is. >> >> yeah. yeah. i don't think she'll be here next time. >> yeah, i think she left with less gold. >> i've got a strong hold on these women. >> all right, harris. you are the woman. you have wisdom. do you think that men move in, live together for convenience or to save money but it's not about forever? >> you know what, i believe in true love. i don't think you can argue with the statistics. a wiser woman said because you
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had your turn and you're going to feel what it's like to miss me. >> beyonce. >> does anybody know the words to the song other than -- >> no. i had to read that. that was poor. >> listen, though, not to be andy here, that was beyonce stating that but that was her alternative person saying that which is sasha pierce. >> i thought it was illiterate. >> your live-in companion hobo carl, does he think that your relationship is permanent? i want to point out that he has been dead for a week. >> i'm not saying he was dead by nefarious means, but as soon as they legalized it in new york, i was dead. brad pitt has nothing to stand up for. thankfully he's dead. guys will keep a girl up until
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about five years, like they said. >> five years? >> yeah, living with them. then -- by the way, if you want to hold my hand while i talk about this. after five years they'll give them a lot of pressure and the guy will let them go. >> not in my case. >> not in your case. not in your case. the reason for this is why do we put so much onus on marriage? >> see, i never wanted to get married. that was never -- no, i really didn't. but when i met the guy who i thought i might want to marry, we didn't co-habitat. if i discovered certain things, we wouldn't be married. something has to be a mystery or it wouldn't last forever. >> cow things. >> thank you, bernie, for equating me to a cow. >> i support your right to marry a cow. >> the reason maxims are maxims. >> i have to know if the person
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that lives with me in my house has night farts. that can break up a relationship. >> dating in america with sherrod. >> i think they did do a study on that. >> beyonce just called. >> you've got to do that. >> coming up, how can we fix snerk bernie mcguard discusses it. what's going on with george zimmerman. the trial the rest of the media refuses to cover.
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service announcement, to plead them not to riot. >> no cops, no guns. >> unless the violence arrest because we can easily end up arrested. >> i know your patience will be tested but law enforcement doesn't. >> choose not to act up. deputies are with us so don't act up. >> let it roll off your shoulders, don't roll back. in one instance it can be over. make a choice to raise your voice but not dance. >> i'm sheriff scott israel and law enforcement does have your back. >> that was definitely a thing we just watched. they leased a statement that says, freedom of expression is a constitutional right while raising your voice is encoura d encouraged, using your hands is not. all right, harris, is this tape expecting the worse in people? >> absolutely. absolutely. and you know, the thing that -- i guess it's an interesting attempt to diffuse a situation that hasn't even happened yet. >> all right. >> when you look at the lack of
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evidence in this case, just empirically, lack of evidence in this case, no matter how grandiose the closing arguments were from either side. now there's a rebuttal. we'll see this until 3:30 tomorrow eastern. no matter how that goes, there is a lack of evidence in this case. they are expecting some sort of reanythin renig on second degree murder. but when you're raising children, you don't assume the worst. they're talking to kids. you don't go out and say, you know what, if i hand you this knife, don't stab your neighbor. how about, we'll set up things for you guys to do. if you want to put your money and energy into digital technology, set up something to do that's positive. >> sherrod, do you think this psa will help at all? >> it won't happen in my case.
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no matter the verdict, i'm rioting. >> i don't care about the verdict, got to do things. >> you don't like the way they cast it. >> they cast it and the psa looked just like trayvon martin. >> they had everybody there. it was like a benneton ad. >> they casted it like a trayvon look alike. >> yeah. >> i mean, come on. people want to riot, they going to riot. if they don't riot because of the verdict, i'm going to have a problem. some people do by the courtyard, by the courthouse. at p.c. richard and son, ain't nothing there about the trial. that's where tvs are. that's where you'll catch me. >> bernie, we've been covering the trial on "red eye" exhaustively. what do you think is going to happen? >> i think he's going to be acquitted. i think the former police chief from sanford, florida where this occurred, he said he was fired because he arrest
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zimmerman, which says that they were expecting trouble back then. >> yeah. so now they delayed whatever they were expecting. >> and let it build and build. >> well, you know, i'm curious though. what is the sheriff trying to say, sheriff israel? it almost says if you bring it on, we'll bring it, too. like i have your back, but it doesn't sound like he's -- i've got your back, you know what i mean? it's not like a friend. >> we've got your back but we'll shoot you in it. >> i'm curious, what is that real message there? >> you know what, it's interesting. the sheriff's department urged the public not to resort in violence except bill schultz's stupid face. in that case beat it senseless happens to be the motto of that psa. >> do we start now? >> beating up bill. >> justify whether it was the head of publicity for amtrak. >> they all know it's you. >> you can't blame it on the guy with a same name as you. >> it's been a rough week in
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terms of violence in the form of a question as far as i'm concerned. the issue is not whether or not it's offensive. maybe it is, maybe it isn't. frankly, i don't care. what the issue is is do psas ever work? >> never. >> when i was a kid we had the more you know. any time you saw an nbc cartoon, it would end with that. you know what we did? we would laugh. or it gave us a good idea. we would see matthew perry say, don't smoke marijuana. >> i don't smoke marijuana. >> that seems like something fun to smoke. thanks, matthew perry. >> i find it hard to believe you didn't know what marijuana was. >> if it wasn't for matthew perry, no one would smoke pot. >> thank you. >> he started the whole marijuana craze. >> the irony was he was popping pills. >> all right. we've got to take a break. thank you for smearing matthew perry. >> allegedly. >> allegedly. >> no, no, he went to rehab.
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>> no, the pills were called alleged bely. >> coming up, the federal reserve will keep its policies in place. investors across the globe. then u.s. stock indexes are soaring to all-time highs. we're not doing that story. >> is this the greatest on-air cable blooper in news history? my favorite was when john gibson shot stewart varney. he recovered.
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brian kill maed enjoyed making kids cry. yes, now the rest of the world knows it, too. on thursday the fox news host and my news line dancing partner was no friend to a 2-year-old for a talent for sinking basketball shots. indeed, much like my last birthday, the segment ended in tears. >> let's hear it for the superstar. you can't teach that. actually, his dad joe did. hey, you're a machine. you're a machine. how do you stop this? >> that's how you stop it, brother. >> oh, my god. >> that's not in the rules right there. you're going to face that. >> i don't believe it. i don't believe it we'll be
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right bhaack. we'll see how titus is. >> he went from balling to ba bawling. >> how do you stop this? >> you know, i think -- we called mr. kill me to see if he would apologize on camera to trick shot, titus. he said, i can't hear you because i'm on my helicopter tottenham p tons. >> wow. >> that's mean. >> that is insane. you know what, he lives in an ivory tower. >> literally. >> elephant -- >> i've got to -- bernie, interesting fact. you were there. >> i was right there. it was dumb coincidence. i was leaving the fox building. titus was out there shooting. we all know kill me's a very competitive guy. >> yeah. >> so he saw titus on the street and he couldn't take it and he
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gave a line drive right into his mush and he laughed afterwards. when the cameras stopped he was very -- he went over to the father. he was very, very remorseful. he was mortified, let's put it that way. >> doesn't that little child look like -- who's the guy who played mohini. >> do you think he mistook him for vern troyer and we've all been duped? >> no wonder he was so good at basketball. he's adorable. >> mike myers is right next to him dress the exactly the same way. no one saw that. >> brian got angry because that kid was the same size as him, same height and shoot a ball in his face. roll the ball to the kid. he's an animal. >> he forgot he was a kid. i've done this so many times. >> that's your excuse. >> not that. when i go to the playground and i play catch with the kids. i often forget that they, you know -- i'm not their parents and i'm asked to leave. where am i at this point,
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harris? >> i reached out to brian, he's my friend. although from now on he'll be known as b.k. the toddler smacker. i sent him an e-mail and i said, look, brian, we're chatting you up. i just wanted to know if you'd honor me with a statement. here's my question. brian, why did you hit that kid like that? >> he's a bully. >> and i have not gotten a statement back. we traded voicemails and that's it. and i'm very sad because i know he has something to say. >> what was his tone in the voicemail? was it shame or was he bragging where he was telling people at the local bar where efrs doing shots of tequila shirtless. >> i know we're laughing about it. he was contrite. he felt bad. you see his body language. he's a dad. >> do you think like a dad he's incredibly competitive about other people's kids. >> no. >> trying to hurt that child? >> no.
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brian, i'm defending you. >> brian said he never liked that little kid, titus. >> he wrote about it. >> you didn't even see it. >> harris, after the show go to i hate which is a blog written by kill me under an assumed name g. gutfeld. it's shocking the amount of vitt tree ole he has for a child. bill, i wish you were that baby and i wish the ball was a balloon filled with fire. >> wow. >> that has nothing to do with this story. you know kill me very well. you see him when you're stealing coffee from the greenroom. >> all brian did was he forgot the truth of kids that age. they've only got so many tricks in them. you can only teach them so much. >> right. >> they're like dogs. a dog can learn to sit, maybe go get a beer, that's it.
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kid learned to shoot. kid did not learn to catch. it's a small list. >> he's right. kids always can't take a punch and they're bleeding. >> that's terrible. >> harris, shut him up. >> you do a morning show that does not have kids. i hosted fox and friends once about three years ago and i hated every single minute of it. >> it's miserable. >> why? you've got to be happy. they throw stuff at you, like a kid. >> this is my boss, mr. fox and feends because that's what kill me did to that kid. all of that happy talk on the morning shows, we're miserable waking up at 3:00 in the morning and trying to absorb everything and think of something whitey at that stinking hour. that's what -- >> you're good at it though. i could never do that. i sat on that fox and friends
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couch which is over there across our studio. >> behind us. >> i for one looked like i was a kid that was invited to your christmas and i was sitting in the corner. >> your feet don't touch the floor, that's why. >> what a joke, harris. >> can i say something, i remember that. i remember that. the real reason you were so miserable is because gretchen carlson wore the same dress you did. can i add something? can i adds something? >> yes. >> cross your legs. cross your legs. that was on a couch. it's a family show on in the morning. >> you are offensive, sir. >> do it live. >> we -- >> i do love brian but i've got to hashtag him the toddler smash er. >> this is only day two. rumor has it they're shutting
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the whole thing down. >> elizabeth hasselbeck just announced that she's staying with "the view." >> what? what? >> she doesn't want to get punched in the face. >> there is going to be a baby march tomorrow on the front. >> is the sheriff going to say he's got their back? >> i have no idea. they can't write their protests. it's going to be finger painted. babies are not intelligent. >> that's not true. >> if i insulted your baby, don't write to me. >> there are lots of babies up at 3:00 a.m. >> do it, baby. come at me. >> there are a lot of newborns up at this hour. >> we have a lot of breast feeders going on. some on the 12r50e9. >> some at the table. >> what are you talking about? >> i don't know. >> this is what happens when one of your own turns out to be the antichrist. >> we love you, brian. >> i could do a whole hour on this? why didn't we start the hour
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do men get different shoes when they've had too much booze. go fighting toe nalts finds that men are more often described in exaggerated terms than women when they're drunk. undergrads were likely to be intoxicated, hammered, trashed, wasted or plastered. drunk females are described as tipsy, buzzed or lightheaded. one of the guys who conducted the study, probably my uncle. >> victor:, says they underestimate how drunk women are. get lost. we have two minutes, harris.
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someone who's drunk right now, why do drunk women get happy. >> oh, stop. primarily because you don't see them relieving themselves in mop buckets and getting duis and cussiner presidents. >> or going between two parked cars on the streets. might not be a bucket out there but i have seen that. >> can we get this out of the gutter literally. sherrod. >> it's something you'd get from wine, hard liquor has to do with hammered. >> i think girls get wasted. guys and girls, depends on the level of drunkenness. >> worse thing in a club, a drunk woman. >> yes. >> why? >> because they think they're right. >> i think i'm right and i'm sober. >> put that in stereo. >> that you are laugh gets higher. >> everything is obnoxious. >> yeah. >> really? >> cutting women some slack. cutting babes some slack. chivalry's not dead. it cuts both ways.
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sexually active girls are shuts and sexually active guys are studs. there's no actual nouns for a sexually active promiscuous woman that isn't pejorative. >> don't get me wrong, i love wasted women, that's how i lost my virginity. >> i haven't yet. >> oh, my bad. >> bill, drunken mess, blah, blah, blah. >> you came to me last. men sweat and women perspire. men at a bachelor party, obnoxious, not a lot of fun. don't want to sit at them. look at women at a bachelor party. they all end up in jail. wearing the giant condom hats, have little life safrs on their shirts saying eat 'em up. >> girls be like, we so shocked. >> that's so stereotypical. the no every party goes like
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that. >> screeching. terrible. >> i find this whole segment to be misogynistic, right, harris? >> sure. whatever. >> all right. coming up, the post game report from tv's andy levy. he's ma soj gee nis city. misogynistic. to redeem my venture miles for this trip. purchase eraser? it's the easy way to erase any recent travel expense. i just pick a charge, like my flight with a few taps, it's taken care of. impressive baldwin. does it work for hotels? absolutely thank goodness. mrs. villain and i are planning our... you scare me. and i like it. let's go what's in your wallet?
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time to go back to tv's andy levy. >> i have news about brian kill me. he has been fired and he's being replaced by gretchen carlson. >> wow. >> shake it up a little bit. >> dude of aggression. >> do you have a problem? justin bieber apologizes to bill clinton. greg, you mentioned that wild kids is spelled with a z. >> yes. >> or a zed as our lonesome canadian friends would say. here's the question. how does the person who subtitled the video know that? >> i don't know. >> they don't ever say, wild kids with a z. >> they don't but you knew what it was. by the way, do you know what a zed is? it's a shed for your zs. >> oh, god. i believe a zbvdniewski is a hick who lives in la and owns a
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gym p. >> sounds like a gruden film. >> sherrod, you said he has to take the call from bieber, he's the hottest thing on the planet. clinton should have said, son, i was president of the united states. i don't need your apology. how about you take your scrawny ass back to the restaurant and apologize to the president. >> i love you, bill, and the rest of the funkadelics. >> that little twerp. >> he placed the call to chocolate city. it was weird. >> bernie, you said bieber used to be a nice kid. one of the things clinton i guess supposedly said to him was that he should keep an eye on his friends. as bill brought up, people think he was saying that because one of his so called friends made the tape public. i thought he was telling them, hey, you don't want to be running with a crew like that. like you used to be a nice kid, get away from these people. >> it sounded more to us or me, our cynical minds that he was telling them, look, pick your
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friends more carefully and. >> yeah. >> because they'll rat on you. >> it's all about getting busted. it's not about the actual crime. >> exactly. >> if you get away with it, you're good to go. >> what if he's a bad influence. i have an innocent face. people don't assume i am the bad influence. >> you have an innocent face? >> you have the face of an innocent 84-year-old woman. >> i trust her. >> nonetheless, my friends. >> i was agreeing with you, bill. >> bob. >> stop and let me watch the story. >> that was an interesting point of view. really, what if the biebs -- can we get back to -- >> can we get that three shot back again? >> nice. >> there is a difference in scale going on here. >> yes, there is. this is how i look in real life. i tower over both of them. >> not that you tower, you have a giant [ bleep ] head. >> hey. he has the kind of -- >> wow, we're going to have to bleep that. >> he has the kind of face that
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hansel and gretle would trust. >> it's not cool when you laugh at your own jokes. >> i enjoyed it so much. >> that was a good one. >> it tickled coming out. >> that's true. go pan down. >> different than when he hit that bucket. >> irish lawmaker apologizes after grabbing female colleague. greg, do you realize you went to bill first on this. >> when? >> on the story. >> yes. >> i think that's the first time in the history of the show you've done that. >> i do that sometimes. i want to mix it up a little bit. >> all right. >> also, i got to insult him. >> i know that's why you did it. yeah. >> i wish i had one. >> by the way, bill, i think you meant magic lap dance in your little j.f.k. pair owe did i and not -- >> magic bullet. >> that was "star wars" one. >> the movie is mcgruber not mcgruder. >> what's worse, that i know about that or -- >> not really sure.
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>> i'm sure. >> you guys spent a lot of time trying to decide whether the woman was happy to be on his lap or not, but isn't it unprofessional either way? >> yes. >> on both their parts if she sat down on him. >> i don't know. it's more his fault than hers. >> yeah, definitely. >> she might have been, oh, i'll get up and leave but he held on to her. >> between him and i, we know they were drunk. >> it was refreshing that we got through this whole thing and my people were slurred with a comment. >> i was going to say that. >> we celebrate your love of sweet potatoes. >> you sat there and said she wanted it the whole time. skipping that one. >> i've got something with a potato. you want that one? >> no, we're good. part of the psa and rioting. harris, you agree with greg. you said that the tape is expecting the worst in people. >> absolutely. and i think in some ways it may even be inciting it. >> but it is florida. >> well, what does that have to do with it?
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>> they're crazy down there. >> that's a beautiful state in our union. stop it. >> the people there. >> did you say kra as in kra kra like 1979? >> one cray is not 1979. >> i love florida, andy. you are despicable. >> harris wants these kids to be sent to camps. >> i didn't say that. >> i thought -- >> you cannot take what i say out of context. >> i reject that completely. >> they're going to put all of this energy into gathering these kids up for the purpose of digital technology, the purpose of making video, why don't they make a viewing area like in times square. >> sounds like -- >> hey, sherrod -- >> that is terrible. >> cher rot, which street are you going to be on after the verdict? >> 82nd street. >> on the east side. >> you want to watch it with me? >> we'll have brunch. >> police officers have tvs.
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>> it stimulates the economy. >> remember that rachel lee cook one, this is your brain on drugs. >> yes. >> oh, yeah. >> that worked. i fell in love with rachel lee cooking. >> and eggs. >> i fell in love with matthew perry. >> let's get back to kill meade here. bernie harris, you both said brian was incredibly contrite about this. he felt bad, he was caught. >> you don't mean that. >> let's be honest. >> you're probably right. >> terrible. >> honestly though, i think this is on the kid. that was a good throw. >> he's 2. >> pay attention, titus, all right? >> you know. >> still crying. >> you know who's laughing all the way to the bank? juicy. >> absolutely. >> yeah. yeah. >> he likes to laugh. he always goes to the bank. >> i think you have brothers that work there. >> he does. he likes to laugh and walk. >> titus can't play basketball in a tuxedo. >> i'm just concerned that titus isn't ever going to want to perform again. >> it's going to end now. >> what if he never wants to go
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a park is a gift that is worth protecting. help support the trust for public land and the gift of parks today. >> bill: the o'reilly factor is on. tonight: >> judge, this was a trick. doesn't the court realize this was a trick. >> my -- >> bill: surprising turn in the zimmerman martin trial the judge says the jury can return a verdict on a lesser charge that has prompted outrage from the defense and bolsters the perception the fix is in against zimmerman. herald will analyze. >> he has the right to live his life. let him live his life. he is only 19 years old. >> bill: incredibly there are some american loans sympathizing with the boston marathon killer. >> are you guys concerned about the nsa? >> um, not really. >> do you know what the nsa is? >> nope. >> and is the american public getting dumber? t
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