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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  July 13, 2013 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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at 34 rounds of golf. he might hit the big 50. and remember our show motto. we work hard and pay our taxes and they are cashin' in. think about it. >> this case is not about standing your ground. it is about staying in your car. >> that is cement. that is the side walk. that is not an unarmed teenager with nothing but skittles trying to get home. >> at this hour, the country anxiously waiting to hear the fate of george zimmerman. the six- person jury is deciding whether to convict or charge him with helps in the death of
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trayvon martin. they could also acquit. the jurors began weighing the testimony on zimmerman and right now, they are getting set for a lunch break after three hours of deliberations this morning, 29-year-old george zimmerman said he shot 17-year-old trayvon martin in self defense. we'll so if the jury believes him or if he's on the way to spending times behind bars. hello, i am uma. the america's headquarters starts right now. at this hour as we await the jury's verdict on whether the fatal shooting of zimmerman is second-degree murder or manslaughter. many are watching and waiting for the jury's decision. we'll have the latest from sanford, johnathon? >> good afternoon, uma, jurors
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are going to break for lunch between 12 and 1 o'clock east other than time this afternoon. they are going to eat lunch inside of the courthouse and outside of the hour house behind me, you may notice the group of protestors, the group is slowly growing and expected to continue to grow as we go into this afternoon. most of the protest is calling for the jury to convict george zimmerman. they have a hand full of supporters and they are engaging one another in debate. so far the debates and protest are peaceful and law enforcement authorities are warning to not use the jury verdict to break the law. it is a polarizing issue for activist the courthouse, inside they are weighing the merits of the february 2012 shooting of
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trayvon martin. prosecutors describe martin as a child gunned down by a over zealous neighborhood watch captain who incorrectly profiled him as a criminal. and defense portrayed zimmerman as a victim reluctantly firing his weapon as the teen attacked him. zimmerman is charged with second-degree murder, the jury has been instructed to consider the lesser offense of manslaughter. if convicted, zimmerman could face a prison sentence lasting for the rest of his life, uma? >> thank you, i know you are watching all of the developments happening there. we'll check back with you. after three weeks of testimony inside of the courthouse, attorneys on both sides of the case offered up emotional arguments. prosecutors want to see zimmerman as a want to be cop that profiled trayvon marten.
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and the defense said he was trying to protect his life when he fatally shot martin. welcome, great to have you here? >> good afternoon. closing arguments were dramatic. mark omaraschooling the prosecutors as filling the jury's head with guesswork and not evidence. what impact is this happening in the terms of the juror's reaction. mark was effective yesterday. i would like to have seen more drama and emotion. george zimmerman is on trial for his life essentially and i thought mark could have come out with more fire and been shorter, but i can tell you what the jury is not doing. stand your ground law. they are not assess and come back with two not guilties. this would have been quick verdict. they have requested for various
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forms of evidence submitted in the trial and they are being responsible and taking their time and going through it. >> there was a moment when omarabrought out a slab of cob kret to get the jurors to understand that trayvon martin used and he was the aggressor and not zimmerman. here's part of the argument. that is not an unarmed teenager with nothing but skittles trying to go home. that was somebody who used the availability of dangerous items from hiss if, to the concrete to cause great bodily injure. against george zimmerman and the suggestion by the state that that is not a weapon? that that can't hurt somebody? that that can't cause great
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bodily injure is disgusting. >> how affective was that argument? >> that was a dramatic point for mark. he made reference that he resembled joel olsteen is flat formed like joel olstein. he did something with the video that was effective and the prosecution make a tactical error in my opinion in not allowing the video to be played in the trial. they put it in as evidence, they could have impeached it. instead mark was allowed to play without comment or attacks or impeachment from the prosecution. that was a fatal flaw, because the jury visually walked away with the version of the defense that the defense wants you to see. listening to the summation and rebuttal twice, i am unsure to what their theory is.
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they ran around the courtroom in the summation like rabid dogs and yelling and screaming and high octane and it is not connecting. bang the evidence and yell about the evidence. if you have the facts yell about the evidence. if you have nothing you just yell. that's what we saw from the prosecution and it was an abbysmal job. >> the state's rebuttal guy asked jurors to use common sense and in his heart he thought zimmerman showed hatred. he repeatedly referred to him as a child who had every right to defend himself from a stranger. listen to john guy from the courtroom. >> trayvon martin may not have the defendant's blood on his hands, but george zimmerman will forever have trayvon martin's blood on his forever.
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that was dramatic there and referring to martin as a child, that was a departure as a way martin was started in the trial? >> that was part of the theme. sitles and sugar iced tea drinks and young kid and can't explain where he was in the four silence which mark omaradescribed. and i am not faulting him by any means for not having done. that he was where he was lawfully entitled to be. it didn't connect the facts and the law. and the jury god willing will judge becaused on the law and come back with two not guilty to manslaughter and murder in the second-degree. >> we'll see what lies a head. thank you for joining us with the insight. >> we'll have more on the deliberations in sanford and first the other stories making
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nows right now. republicans in the texas state senate is pushed through a bill with stiffer abortion. >> and we'll have more on this story from elizabeth. >> you are right. it is capturing national attention. republicans passing the abortion bill in a special session of the state legislature. it would ban abortions after 20 weeks and limiting it to surgical centers and requiring abortion doctors to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals. >> it accomplishes two main goals. moving the date from six months to five months and protecting children unborn children because of fetal pain and number two, i believe from everything i have read, the bill raises the standard of care in texas. >> state democrats have
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a different view point and while introducing amendments to add for cases of rape and incest protestors chanted outside of the texas rotunda chamber. wendy davis said democrats will fight it in the courts and voices of their constituents. >> no one in texas, no matter what color t- shirt they are wearing wants more women to be forced to confront a discussion of ending a pregnancy and that's what this bill will result in. it will not only do that, it will limit contraceptives, and lead to more unwanted pregnancy and force more texas women to make dangerous, sometimes deadly decisions. >> now here in washington, the house judiciary committee banned abortion 20 weeks after
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fertilizerlization. the pill has little hope in the senate where the democrats said they would not consider. it back to you. >> and we have new developments from last weekend's crash of asiana flight 214. a young girl died from her injuries in the hospital. we are learning more about the first victim in the crash. authorities are confirming that one of the two teenage girls killed was lying on the runway and covered with four extinguished foam when a four truck hit her. they are reexamining what caused her death and the runway in the san francisco airport where the disaster happen has been reopened. ngeorge bush is voicing his support for immigration reform and the latest crossing party loins to weigh in on the current debate on capitol hill on the controversial immigration bill. he is urging law makers to find a positive resolution and republicans remain divided on
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the issue. after passing in the senate, that bill is facing opposition in the gop controlled house of representatives. septemberor david venter voted against the plan. >> great to be with you, uma. >> what is your reaction for former president bush's support for immigration reform when the republicans are at odds over the type of reform are needed? >> i am not surprised. he supported a similar plan in 2007 which i helped to defeat on the senate floor. it is not surprise nothing any way. >> the house is drafting up its own bill to contain a pathway for citizenship for undocumented immigrants. this aspect of the bill you were concerned about because you saw this as amnesty. do you predict an uphill battle in the house? >> the house is looking at several bills and that is a big, big difference, a step by step
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approach. and not just promise it but do it and verify and seal it and validate and that is a very, very different approach. i am looking to so the details of the house bills and a broadbrush. >> boarder enforcement didn't matter much. what needs to be in place to satisfy law makers like yourself who are calling for border security. >> you hit the nail on the head. we have been through the promise. amnesty and enforcement, maybe later. that never worked. we shouldn't try it again. we don't just need promises of enforcement for the 10th, 15th or 20th time. we need to enact that enforcement and validate it and verify it before we move on to
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anything else. that is the general position of >> specifically, what would you like to so when it comes to border enforcement? >> there are three big, big areas. first of all, is the border, personnel and fencing on other things and surveillance, and night vision, on the border, and it is not just the border, we talk about the border work place enforcement is just as important. we need to expand and make mandatory the e- verify system. and a system of checking entry and exits with regard to visas. that item amendment on that on the senate floor. the 9/11 terrorist overstayed visas. we don't have a system to do anything about that. that is important, to.
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enforcement in general are three big, big, areas. >> i know you are keeping close tabs on the development in the house. thank you for joining us today. >> thank you very much. >> coming up next, whatever the verdict in the zimmerman trial, everyone is onering how the community of sanford will react. >> and here is a highlight from the trial, defense and prosecution arguing over just who was actually the aggressor, the prosecution said it was zimmerman who was arm. but the defense said martin used the cement side walk as a weapon. >> this is cement on to the mannequin and carrying a fire arm on this waist. where would the gun be. >> at your left inner they. -- thigh. [ mortazavi ] i'm definitely a perfectionist.
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♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ >> welcome back everybody. the fate of george zimmerman is now in the hands of the jury. the six- person jury made up of all women. they received the case last night and they are currently taking a lunch break after three hours of deliberations this morning. once that verdict comes in.
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many people are wondering how the community of sanford plans to react to the decision. a small crowd is gathering outside of the seminole courthouse and sheriff deputies are on hand and everyone is hoping to cope the peace following the verdict. the mayor is on the phone with his thoughts. >> thank you for having me. >> let's talk for a moment about the mood in the community at this time. i know the sheriff publicly talked about the verdict once it comes in and saying that the community will not tolerate violence after the verdict is in. it is absolutely true. that is our top law enforcement officers and there is plans in place. last year we saw demonstrations and every one of them was peaceful and there was no arrest or violence. we expect people to be around waiting for the verdict and you know, we expect that it is going to be peaceful, that's our plan.
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network in the outset when all of this began, the case was highly charged and publicized and many people were concerned about violence in the weeks of the trial and now you are feeling that the community is calmer? >> woef had a lot of conversations with our community leaders over the last 16 months and put a lot of plans in action. the original call was for mr. zimmerman to be sitting in front of his peers and judged. and now in the hands of the jury has happen and we have to respect that system. >> there are those who believe no matter what happens, this is not going to satisfy everyone. and the case has become to politicized. >> any time you are sitting in
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a jury and making decisions along these lines, you are never going to please everybody and we see that in politics every day. it is a part of the system. and you have the right as an american to demonstrate and to make your voice heard, you have to do it peacefully and that is the message that we are talking about and our pastors and groups, and they are roaching out to the congregations, you are welcome to say what you need to say and your thoughts and opinions on it, but i can't stress enough, but he's in front of the jury of his peers and a lot of people will not like. it >> why were the pastors out there preementing. a lot of people believed it was not necessary and one was planting the seeds of potential
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violence by having the pastors and public service a d in the community about not resorting to violence once the verdict comes in. >> as leaders in the community you are in, it is important to get the message out, and our pastors, we have a great group from diverse religions that came together with city hall and with the police department to make that connection and say, you know, it is a highly charged case as you know. we have all been following it. and just to say that there is no reason for the violence and this is what is going on in the courtroom and what is happening, make sure that information is getting out. as you know with a lack of communication there are conspiracy theorys and rumors and we need to dispel and keep everyone calm. >> thank you for joining us today. >> thanks for having me. >> civil rights and attorney
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richard saint paul is joining us from new york with reaction to the mayor's comments and concerns about this being a racially charged issue. welcome, great to have you here. >> great to be here. >> what was your reaction with the way the pastors went in the community to try to express concern over violence and public service adput out there trying to let people know that violence is not the answer and that people need to be heard, but they need to do it peacefully? >> it is an excellent way to go. in actuality we saw protest in sanford, florida and around the country and the question is why wasn't zimmerman arrested? it was a racial issue? or unarmed african-american teenager and as far as zimmerman was thought to be white, why was he not arrestedine before the police had a chance to investigate. bringing that in to what
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happened in the beginning and now being preementive and now it is gone through the jury process and judged by the jury and justice will be served and remain calm and that's the way to go. >> over all, how do you think the case has been handled and the way it went in closing arguments. do you feel that the defense made a case for self defense? >> i think the defense did a good job, but more importantly i don't think the prosecutions did a good job with the second-degree murder charge where they had to prove zimmerman had ill will and depraved heart and wanted to kill trayvon in cold blood. the prosecutions didn't do a good job. it was a uphill battle from the beginning to do something like that. but i think that there is
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reasonable doubt created by the defense. it is in the jury's hands they are taking it seriously. i have been before multiple juries and they take time and go through information and evident and in the end of the day, we have to accept what the jury decides. >> and many are surprised that the defense raised the point, you don't have to have serious bodily harm? >> that's right. you have to have a realm fear of injure and of source bodily injure and death. you don't have to be verdict or touched at all. you have to have a reasonable fear of it. and in other words, if somebody is standing 20 foot away from you and never move and you shot him that is unreasonable. but if they pull out a gun and say i am going to shoot you, that is a reasonable fear of your life. >> we are watching the events and the jurorors are taking
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lunch at this time and we'll monitor those deliberations and monitor the verdict. we'll talk live with judge pirro about her reaction, stay with us. goodnight. thanks, olivia. thank you. so you can make a payment from your cell to almost anyone's phone or email. (speaking french)
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>> asking your client questions, please mr. west. >> i object to the court inquiring mr. zimmerman as to his decision on whether or not to testify. >> your objection is overruled. >> well, there is an example of one of testy exchanges between the defense council and judge deborah nelson who is presiding
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over the case. those exchanges are receiving a lot of attention. judge pirro, what are your thoughts on the way judge nelson handled her courtroom so far? >> i can tell you as a judge myself, ther testy exchanges between the lawyers and the judges, i moan, you have to understand this is an adversarial process and the defense was convinced that the judge didn't have the right to ask if zimmerman, the defendant about whether or not he was going to testify. she had every right to ask the question. the defense attorney was testy as it relates to this exchange and what she was trying to do as a person running the courtroom and assess how much time she will need. the jury has been sequestered throw weeks. i don't so it much of an issue. it is the judge's courtroom and
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she is in charge and she calls the shots and has a right to ask that on the record. in the event he a polls and said i didn't know i had the right to testify or not testify. she has to get that herself, not from the lawyer. >> she made a point of mentioning if the jury is sequestered and she wanted to move the case along and clear and direct about that point. the defense was upset about the pace of the trial and she was so frustrated that she walked out at 10 o'clock and turned the lights off out of frustration. >> let me explain something to you. if i am a judge and it is step clock at night and i rowelled on a issue that the defense attorney has made a record of and it is time to leave, when the judge stands to leave, everybody does. the judge doesn't stand and wait until the defense goes over and over. he made his record. she made the decision and that's
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the end of. it by the way, there are shouts behind me. i am in front of the sanford courthouse and there are about 75 people outside right now, far nower than a lot of people anticipated as we wait for the verdict in this case. it is very warm day here. people have been here since 8 o'clock, but it is not the crowd we thought we would have. >> quickly overall. how do you assess the closing arguments? >> i thought the closing arguments were done very well. of course, you know the defense took longer than the prosecutions. but this is the bottom line. it is a tough case. in the end of the day, it is not unlike so many homicide cases, and every homicide case, one person is dead and one person's version you will get. in the end of the day, we'll see
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what justice is. >> judge ja nine pirro. thank you for joining us on our program today. >> thank you. >> and now, we want to talk about the defense and prosecution performed over the course of the trial. joining us now. former prosecutor jim shawlet and defense attorney joining us on the show. talk about the strengths and the weaknesses for the prosecution and defense. i know you were concerned about the way the defense handled some of the response to proving about bodily harm? >> sure. i thought the defense did an incredible job and fantastic job. only thing i would have liked to see is a bit more emotion, the prosecution dealt with the emotion because they had no facts. i would have loved to seen him throw the emotion, if you
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believe that zimmerman, bam, got punched in the nose and sucking down blood and bam, got his head smashed on the side walk insed of showing the side walk. oh, my god, my head and oh, no, what if i would be knocked out unconscious. >> does that type of emotion makes a difference in the jurors? >> they have to put themselves in his place and in his head and feet and sucking down the blood and feeling all of the panic and fear he was feeling and then say, we proved that he was on his back because we have all of the broken nose and they didn't show you any way else he could have had a broken nose. and we proved he was at 0.5 in physical strength and maybe his head was not split open but we brought in the medical examiners and he got hurt.
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in his head and feet that his head was split open. if he felt scared that is beyond a reasonable doubt. >> and yet, you can't let emotions cloud your judgment as you are deciding zimmerman's fate. that counters some of the things that you are talking about. >> be real. there is only one reason trayvon martin is dead. the judge said they couldn't use racial profiling. be real, the only reason he was dead is he was black. and the prosecutions. >> how dow back that up though. >> previous calls to 911 he was concern body the african-american youths in the community. if he looked like me we wouldn't be on the show. the cop on the phone said you
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don't need to follow him. he followed him anyway. that's his mined set. he's guilty of manslaughter. he set the whole thing in motion. his conduct is why trayvon martin is dead. i think the prosecution made that. >> you don't think that the prosecutions argued effectively with second-degree? >> i don't think they did. i think it is manslaughter. manslaughter is you do something and reckless and you don't mean to kill them but they die. i think it is manslaughter. i think the jury has to have common sense which the prosecutions is saying. if not for zimmerman, martin wont be dead. the by had a bag of skittles and a can of iced tea. he is a child many times and skittles and iced tea and none
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of that matters, only thing matters is what is in george zimmerman's head at the time he used the deadly force and if they couldn't prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he was not in fear and he was going to get hurt seriously, that's it, it is over. they didn't prove second-degree and they wont have charged if all of the sievele rights people didn't come out and manipulate the entire system. it should not have been charged and one question no one mentions. if everyone is disagreeing everywhere you look, what is that? reasonable doubt. every panel, arguing, every single panel, that is reasonable doubt and the biggest you have seen. >> no doubt zimmerman got out of the car. >> following someone is not gaeps the law. >> he put martin in the position to get in the fray.
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>> but he broke his nose and. >> martin said i am followed. why are you following me and turned to react. >> no, he has four minutes. reasonable doubt. >> it is constentous still and people are not agreeing in the studio. >> and we work together. >> and jury has a tough time. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> we are continuing to follow all of the developments as george zimmerman awaits his fate. and next ann coulter will joins with her perspective on the case. the boys used double miles from their capital one venture card to fly home for the big family reunion. you must be garth's father? hello. mother. mother! traveling is easy with the venture card because you can fly any airline anytime.
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>> welcome back, everybody. well, take a look. this is another live look at the
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courthouse in sanford, florida where jurors are currently at lunch. they are deliberating the fate for the second day of george zimmerman. they must decide second subbed murder or whether he acted in self defense. they are also allowed to consider the lesser charge of manslaughter. >> this is not about race. it is about right and wrong. it is that simple. >> both sides echoed that the case is not about race but justice. our next guest does not agree and say race is very much a part of the case and the liberal left made it that way. joining us is ann coulter, ann, great to see you and thank you for joining us. >> any time uma. >> why do you believe that the case is all about race? >> it is straight out of the book of racialing on gravy.
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there is case after case like this. look up the edmond pericase in which a hollywood movie was made. the left is saying irrespect of the facts that peri, was a young black kid. and one night they decided to mug a cop. they mugged a cop in the parking lot of st. luke's hospital and all of the new's conference was about the nazi on the new york city police force. it takes six months and the witnesses come out and it was a well- lit parking lot in a hospital in new york city. there were 23 witnesses, including witnesses from the neighborhood saying they overheard the boys talk about mugging the cop. the cop fearing for his life shot peri.
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and even after the facts came out, you get the narratives from the left. but would the cop have shot the young man if he was white. no, the cop wont mind getting the crap beat out of him by a white kid? unfortunately for george zimmerman, there were not 23 witnesses and it was not a well lit parking lot in new york city, but there are witnesses and the two witnesses that saw anything when the fight was going on say that trayvon was on top of george zimmerman. evident not admitted in the trial and that doesn't stop the med why from telling us all sorts of things about george zimmerman, but from trayvon martin social media account. he is holding a gun and a pop plant. >> what do you think in terms of the impact that the trial is having on the country and the way people are having the conversation? >> it is a very, very bad
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impact. it is ripping the country apart. the problem here, irrespective of what happened precisely in the trayvon martin/george zimmerman account, we have a serious problem of young black teenage males committing crime. and instead of the response being hey, you should stop committing crime young black teenagers, the response is white people stop noticing that young black males are committing crime. that is the crime committed. and most of the time it is against other minorities. that's what we ought to be looking at here and not another liberal/racist fantasy. >> and yet attorneys for george zimmerman, no matter the verdict, his life will never be the same. he fores for his safety going forwardine if he is acquitted. >> that's right.
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look at bernie guess who is become a hermit a self defense shooting case. and one of my favorite parts of the case, i go through a lot of the racial demagogue cases, it was kids from the project who anyhow the four byes and bernie gets shot and they say i anyhow him. >> ann, i am up against a hard break. >> good to see you. >> appreciate it and thank you. >> thank you. >> the jury in the george zimmerman murder trial is in the second day of deliberations. coming up, we'll look at how long it took juries in high profile cases to come to a decision. stay with us. out for drinks, eats. i have very well fitting dentures. i like to eat a lot of fruits. love them all. the seal i get with the super poligrip free keeps the seeds from getting up underneath. even well-fitting dentures let in food particles. super poligrip is zinc free.
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welcome back. while we continue on verdict watch in the george zimmerman trial, this is the second day of deliberations for this panel. the jury began deliberations at 9:00 this morning and broke for lunch at noon. how long will it take to reach a verdict? we have a breakdown of how long the juries were out in other high-profile cases and joins us
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now. >> that's right. the million dollar question right now, just how long will it take this jury to come back with a verdict? if you take a look at the other high-profile cases, back in 1995, you may remember that the world's eyes were on the o.j. simpson case. that's when the jury took less than four hours to come back with not guilty for the murders of nicole brown simpson and ron goldman. that jury came back so quickly, that faster than the white bronco chase which took about five hours. another interesting factor, simpson case, is that 13 years to the day after his acquittal, another jury in las vegas convicted simpson of armed robbery and kidnapping. another high-profile case, casey anthony, who was accused of murdering her 2-year-old daughter, caylee a jury took just under
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>> we are waiting and watching for that verdict to come in. hopefully at any time now. jurors are minutes away from resuming their deliberations in this trial. our coverage is going to continue throughout this day. we invite you to stay with us for our continuing coverage of the zimmerman trial in florida. hmm...fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. yep, everybody knows that.
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well, did you know some owls aren't that wise? don't forget i'm having brunch with meghan tomorrow. who? meghan, my coworker. who? seriously? you've met her like three times. who? (sighs) geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know. [ tap ] ♪ 'cause tonight [ tap ] ♪ we'll share the same dream ♪ ♪ at the dark end of the street ♪ ♪ ♪ you and me ♪ you and me
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♪ you and me ♪
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with simple, real ingredients, like roasted peanuts, creamy peanut butter, and a rich dark-chocolate flavor, plus 10 grams of protein, so it's energy straight from nature to you. nature valley protein bars. take a look. live picture outside the courthouse where jurors are expected to return from their lunch break in the george zimmerman trial and resume working on a verdict. small crowds are gathering outside that courthouse in anticipation of that moment. we are going to continue, of course, to follow all of the developments very closely as these jurors consider george zimmerman's fate on whether to charge him with second-degree murder or manslaughter or acquit
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him. here's going to do it for me in washington. as we said stay with us for our continuing coverage of the zimmerman trial. tune in tonight for special prime time coverage of the zimmerman trial. it kicks off at 8:00 p.m. eastern with a live edition of "huckabee." fox news alert out of florida. in moments the jury will be resuming deliberations in the george zimmerman murder trial after a short recess. a live look now at the courthouse in sanford where the six women of the jury are hunkered down, weighing the evidence and considering the fate of george zimmerman. we could hear their decision at any time. earlier this morning the jury, along with zimmerman, his defense team, and the prosecution, briefly appeared before the judge before she gave their marching orders. hello, everyone. welcome to "america's news headquarters." >> the pane


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