tv Stossel FOX News July 14, 2013 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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men had irrevocable consequences. gives us all a reminder to be careful what we do. it has a total impact. goodnight and god bless. >> in an interview tonight you will only see right here on hannity george zimmerman the man charged with second degree murder of trayvon martin i went to zimmerman for the first time he and his attorney mark omira discussed what happened the night of the tragic the aftermath and what lies ahead for them in this exclusive interview they go through the events of that night they straighten out the record about interviews about me and the martin family and to you the american people. >> a lot of time has passed
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since this incident with trayvon. how do you feel about it now that you have had some time to reflect on what has happened? >> i haven't really had the time to reflect on it. when i was in jail i was in solitair solitary confinement i had a lot of time to think and reflect, and i just think it's a tragic situation. it is ti hope it is the most difficult thing i ever went through in my life. >> let's go back to the night of the shooting. take us back to the night were going to the store. let's start with the beginning. >> i was going to target to do my weekly grocery shopping.
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sometimes when we were with the kids we would go grocery shopping and do our cooking for the week. i wanted to go to target and i headed out and that's the last time i have been home. >> since then. >> you never went back since then, that day? no. >> on the 911 call you had mentioned there were a number of break ins in the neighborhood. why were you a community watch person? how long were you involved in that and why did you bach a commu -- become a community watch person? >> in august 2011 there was a home invasion a young lady was home with her 9 month old baby. they broke into her sliding glass door. she barricaded herself in the up stairs bedroom. my wife was home by herself. she saw the people that burglarized her run through our backyard with their belongings.
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even though my wife wasn't certain what happened that was enough to scare her and shake her up. i promised her i would do what i could to keep her safe. >> your gun was legal you had a legal weapon in the state of florida. >> why did you feel the need to carry your gun? >> not everybody had a legal weapon inside of their home. why did you think it was necessary to have a gun did you carry it at all times? >> i carried it at all times except when i went to work. >> a lot of distaste legally -- we will get to mark in a few minutes and ask about the legal aspects, has to do with stand your ground. you have heard a lot about it. during this night at the time of this incident had you heard of stand your ground?
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>> no, sir. >> never heard it before. it was interesting in the 911 call everybody has heard you said all of a sudden you found somebody who looks suspicious he may be on drugs that was one of the earlier comments you made in the 911 call. what made you think i was s-- h think he was on drugs? >> i felt he was suspicious. he was raini-- it was raining, s in between houses cutting in between houses. he was walking very leisurely for the weather. it didn't look like he was a resident who got caught in the rain and was hurrying back home. he didn't look like a fitness fanatic that would train in the rain. >> weren't there over hangs, though? he was walking closer to the house which is back from the
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sidewalk? >> yes, sir. >> the over hangs are in front of the front doors. >> you said he started from almost the beginning of the 911 call you said he came toward you and he seemed to reach for something in his waist band. did you think that was a gun? >> i thought he was just trying to intimidate me. >> to make you think there was a gun. >> a weapon? >> of some kind. >> possibly. >> something is wrong with him. he's checking me out. i don't know what his deal was. almost from the very beginning you felt, are you saying on the 911 tape you felt threatened at that moment when you said that to dispatch? >> not particularly. >> what did you mean i don't know what his deal is. he is checking me out. >> the way he was coming back -- i was on the phone but i was certain i could see him saying
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something to me in his demeanor, his body language. it seemed confrontational. >> it was a controversy from early on george where there was some in the media that quote hired expert voice analyst in certain networks and they ended up having to recant and rescind their analysis where they said these expletives get away with this all of the time. do you remember what it was that you said specifically on the tape? >> punks. >> not a racial epitaph of any type? >> no. >> i can tell you when the police played it for me in the station, it was clear as day. >> you said then we get to the issue of where you said on the 911 call that he is running. you said that to the dispatch. is there any chance in retrospect when you look back on that night, the nation is obviously paying a lot of
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attention to this. maybe getting into the mind set, trayvon was speaking to his girlfriend supposedly at the time maybe he was afraid of did you not know who you were? >> no. >> why do you thifz running then? >> maybe i said running but it was more -- >> he was like skipping, going away quickly. but he wasn't running out of fear. >> you can tell the difference? >> he wasn't running. >> he wasn't actually running? >> that's what you said to the dispatcher. you thought he was running. at that point you can hear the unbuckling of his seat belt you opening the car door. dispatch came at this point this was a key moment everyone in the media focused on. the dispatcher said are you following him? you said yes. explain that? >> i meant that i was going in
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the same direction as him to keep an eye on him so i could tell the police where he was going. i didn't mean that i was actually pursuing him. >> the moment suggested you were out of breath on that tape. you yourself was not running? >> no, sir. >> you made a statement to the police that it was the wind as you were getting out of the car and moving that was the sound we here? >> yes. >> what happened during the faithful missing minutes just before the shooting. he has a message to the martin family and to the american people that and much more straight ahead. straight ahead.
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. welcome back to "hannity." we >> welcome back to "hannity"." more of mient view with george zimmerman and his attorney. >> there's a 4 minute gap in this case. what did you do from that minute forward when dispatch says we don't need you to follow him. what did you do next? >> i walked across the sidewalk on to my street where i thought i would meet a police officer that i called. >> you did not continue to follow him at that point? >> no, sir. >> you continue from there.
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you sounded at that moment on the tape a little distracted. what were you distractions? were you looking for him? >> i believe they asked me for my address and i wanted to be sure that nobody was lingering and could hear my address and come back. i was making sure that there wasn't anybody that was going to surprise me and just trying to get an accurate location. >> they said can we reach you here at a certain location. you said have them call me. why did you want them at that point to call you? >> i hadn't given them a correct address. i gave them the clubhouse vicinity. i was walking to my street and i was going to give them the street number and name. >> how long after that was it that you saw trayvon again?
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you said you stopped you did not continue pursuing him. when did you next see trayvon martin? >> less than 30 seconds. >> where were you at that point? and how far away were you from your car at that moment? >> i guess about 100 feet or more. >> you were how far from your car? >> i would say approximately 100 feet. >> so fient trayvon is all of a sudden you turn around and there he was. >> yes, sir. >> what happened next? >> he asked me what my problem was. >> expletive problem? >> yes, sir. i was wearing a rain jacket and i put my cell phone in my jacket pocket as opposed to do my jeans pocket where i normally keep it. i immediately went to grab my
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phone to call 911 instead of nonemergency and when i reached into my pants pocket that's where i keep it out of habit it wasn't there and i was shocked. i looked up and he punched me and broke my nose. >> one shot. >> he said to you, you have expletive, do you have a problem. >> do you have a problem. what's your problem? >> you said to him actioks i do have a problem. >> you reach for your phone? >> i reach for it as i was saying no, i don't have a problem. >> at that point you just got hit? >> he was already within arm's length from me. >> was that the punch in the nose that broke your nose? >> yes. >> ep right there. you went immediately down on the ground? >> i don't remember when i went immediately to the ground but i ended up on the ground. >> what do you remember happened from there, because there were
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police reports and descriptions that you gave and that you were a little bit dazed obviously and at one point you said that you wanted him -- you wanted to stop him from hitting your head on the cement. isn't that what you told the police? >> what happened next? >> i started bashi-- he started bashing my head into the concrete sidewalk. as soon as he broke my nose i started yelling for help. i was disoriented and he started clamming my head into the concrete. >> which is where the lacerations came from. >> yes, sir. >> you said it was like your head was going to explode. >> he continued to punch me in the head? >> how many times would you estimate he punched you? >> several. within a dozen. >> and hitting you hard.
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and at what moment -- you said you feared for your life. at that moment when you remember when you were literally you remember -- you remember the exact moment when you felt that? >> in hindsight at that point when he was banging my head into the concrete i thought i was going to lose consciousness. >> how close was the concrete to the grass. the big issue is the grass stains you had on your clothes and you had made a statement to the police you wanted to get to the crass. was that to protected your head from being hit on the cement again? >> yes, sir. >> how close was that? >> p butts up to the concrete. >> you were able to get to the grass? >> how did you do that? >> i guess you could say shimmy
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he was straddled on me with his full weight. i would try to sit up and push myself down. whenever i lifted up that's when he would take the opportunity to slam my head back down and punch me in the head and continue to hit my nose. >> was he talking to you a lot during this fight during this when he was beating you. you said he was beating you and pounding your head into the cement. what was he saying? >> cursing, telling me to shut up and finally telling me he was going to kill me. >> he said those words? he said it -- when did he first -- >> i shimmied with him on top of me. it made my jacket rise up. him being on top of me saw it on my right side. >> what happened after that? >> i felt him take -- he had --
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after he couldn't hit my head on the concrete any more he started to try to suffocate me. i continued to take -- push his hands off of my mouth and my nose particularly because he was excruciating having a broken nose and him putting his weight on it, that is a point in time when he started telling me to shut up, shut up, shut up. >> why did he tell you to shut up? >> i don't know. >> we heard the screams on the one recording from the neighbor that was calling the police and there has been some dispute whose voice that is. was that your voice screaming or trayvon martin. >> absolutely. >> that was your voice? >> yes. >> at one time they heard 14 screams you were screaming loud. >> you said to police he put his hand over your mouth. do you think that was to silence you from screaming? >> yes, sir.
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i believe he what the investigators told me he knew that i was talking to police and i was yelling in the hopes that they were in the vicinity and they would come when they heard me yelling. >> you remember when you yourself reached for your weapon? do you remember that moment? >> yes, sir. >> tell us about that. >> at that point i realize that it wasn't my gun it wasn't his gun, it was the gun. >> did he talk about the gun did he say he noticed the gun? >> he said you are going to die tonight (bleep). took one hand off of my mouth
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and had it going down toward my belt and my holster that's where i didn't have any more time. >> do you think you acted more out of conscious thought? i know these events happen quickly. do you remember consciously thinking i have to grab my gun or did you just do it. was there a conscious thought in your head you thought you were going to die you had to get your weapon and requirfire? >> i wish i could give you an answer. >> it happened so quickly. >> there was an eyewitness that was out from the very beginning that in fact did tell the police the night of the shooting that they saw trayvon on top of you and did see the beating. there is no witness to the actual shooting itself. >> no. >> besides yourself? >> besides myself.
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>> does he regret getting out and following trayvon martin and did he regret carrying the gun? for the small and the tall. for the strong and the elegant. for the authentic. for at home and on the go. for pessimists and optimists. for those who love you a little and those who love you a lot. for ultimate flavor and great refreshment with or without calories. for carefree enjoyment. for those who have a lot to say and those who have nothing to add. for those who want to choose and choose. for evefor us.ration. for everyone. forever.
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>> here's my int r>> interpretew with george z >> what did you do say to thoseo suggest racial profiling in this case? >> that i am not a racist and i am not a murderer. >> when you think back if there was one were report on police report that actually says that you don't know it fired? >> i didn't think i hit him, yes. >> so what happened immediately after the shooting of? one guy came out he had a flashlight he spoke to you. you said to call your wife tell her what happened. i shot somebody. do you remember that conversation? >> the conversation i had with the gentlemen? >> yup. >> yes, sir. >> do you remember the situation. >> yes. >> you did talk about it the suggestion was you were very matter of fact wiabout it.
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do you remember what you said to him? do you remember that you were in a state of shock? when did trayvon die? >> probably about an hour after i got to the police station. >> after the shooting and you saw that he was laying there and obviously injured, there is a moment when you realize that he was shot. >> like i said, he sat up and he said something to the effect of, you got it or you got me. i assumed he meant okay, you got the gun, i didn't get it. i am not going to fight any more. at which point i got out from under him. >> is there anything that you regret? do you regret getting out of the car to follow trayvon that night? >> no, sir. >> do you regret you had a gun that night? >> no, sir. >> do you feel you wouldn't be here for this interview if you didn't have that gun. >> no, sir. >> you feel you would not be here? >> i feel it was all god's plan
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for me to second-guess it or judge it. >> is there anything you might do differently in retrospect now that time has passed a little bit? >> no, sir. >> the detective said that you had -- detective singleton said he quoted you as saying the bad guys always get away. did you -- you also said that ton the 911 tape. did you have a feeling that there were a lot of people that do get away with crimes? in other words were you predisposed in your mind to think that criminals get away too often? >> not in general. i think in our neighborhood there is geographic advantages for burglaries. >> do you have any idea -- why do you think trayvon would have confronted you the way he did? a oo i made a comment on the air one day and i got beaten up pretty bad saying this could have all just been a terrible
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misunderstanding or mistake. is there any possibility he thought you were after him and you thought he was after you? there was some misunderstanding in any way? >> i have wrist elled with that for a long time. i didn't -- one of may biggest issues during this ordeal has been the mead yaw conjecture and i can't assume or make believe. >> the parents of trayvon martin they lost their son. this is your first interview. what would you like to tell them? >> i would tell them that again i am sorry. i don't have -- my wife and i don't have any children. i have nephews butthat i love m than life. i love them more than myself. i know when they were born it was different unique bond and love that i have with them.
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i love my children even though they aren't born yet. i am sorry that they buried their child. i can't image what it must feel like. i pray for them daily. >> would you like to talk to them at some point? >> i am certainly open to it. >> coming up next george zimmerman talks about internet rumors and offers to pay their expense. a relative accused him of molestation and delivers a direct message to the martin family and to the american people. straight ahead tonight on straight ahead tonight on "hannity." i have low testosterone. there, i said it. see, i knew testosterone could affect sex drive, but not energy or even my mood. that's when i talked with my doctor. he gave me some blood tests... showed it was low t. that's it. it was a number. [ male announcer ] today, men with low t have androgel 1.62% testosterone gel. the #1 prescribed topical testosterone replacement therapy increases testosterone when used daily.
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jury of six women zimmerman not guilty in the shooting death of unarmed teenager trayvon martin. in "new york times" square hundreds chanted justice for trayvon martin and became disorderly at times. across the nation protests were peaceful over all. many accused zimmerman of racially profiling the teenager. his troubles might not be over yet. general prosecutors may file civil rights charges. i'm robert grey. now, back to our hannity special, the george zimmerman interview. peaceful. now back with sean hannity's interview.
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>> the one witness you first met the guy with the cell phone that asked about your demeanor. he was the first person on the scene? >> yes, sir. >> first person you saw. he said you looked like you had been quote butt whooped like you had had a fight and that you were asking call my wife just tell my wife, but he was acting like it was nothing. is that how you were feeling at that time? you didn't find out you said later until trayvon passed away? >> no. i knew that i had discharged my firearm and i was scared,
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nervous, i also thought the police were going to come and see me with the firearm and shat me. i was tear fied. >> did you look over at trayvon? you obviously at some point recognize he had been shot. did you look over at him any time and realize he was in really bad shape? >> no, sir. >> how long was it between the time you shot him and the time the police got to the scene? >> it felt like forever. i would say 15 to 30 seconds. >> it was that quick? >> yes, sir. >> in other words they had already been on their way they were there within 15-30 seconds. what do you make of all of the national media attention in this case? there are crimes that happen every day, the nation is focused on your case. why do you think that is and what do you make of it and what does it mean to you? >> it is surreal.
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i don't like they have rushed to judgment the way they have. i feel like when they have a story that is remotely positive they interpret it negatively. >> by the way we did have conversations, you and i and i was asking you about the case i was asking you for an interview. there was a report suggesting that i offered to pay your legal fees. >> never happened. >> never happened. >> just for the record you have been offered nothing to do this interview. >> not a thing. >> what we talked about specifically was your case. only about your case. that's it. >> and i was asking you for an interview. you had told me that you were alone in a hotel room, hadn't talked to your family in weeks.
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you didn't have an attorney at that point. that was leading up to your a rest. do you remember that moment? where were you, because when i was talking to you i was concerned. >> so was i. >> i was at a position where i was talking daily to one state police officer that had legitimate concerns for my safety. my wife i asked her to stay out -- >> your dad had recently been sick. >> he had had a heart attack about two weeks prior to the incident. i asked my wife to stay in florida and continue her nursing
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education. she was about a week away from finishing when i went to jackson and turn myself in. >> witness number 9 a relative who claims that zimmerman molested her when they were children. also what is his message to we're cracking down on medicare fraud. the healthcare law gives us powerful tools to fight it... to investigate it... ...prosecute it... and stop criminals. our senior medicare patrol volunteers...
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of all people to invest gate a time the federal bureau of investigation. they cleared me of any racial profiling, racial wrong doing, and i think that frankly it is ironic that the only person that they found they could say anything about me being remotely racist. sgen she didn't state that i said anything racist. she didn't even state that i was in the same room when anything racist was said. the one and only person they could find that said anything remotely being racist also happens to be the person who claims i am deviant. >> do you have any comments? >> i don't think we are going to take the time or resources to focus on that because i think it will be a nonissue at the trial. honestly i don't know if we want to be in a position of now focusing on attacking a does sin
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who has made whatever allegations she made. >> what about detective's report that he say george be charged with manslaughter instead of second degree murder. do you believe the second degree murder charge is an over charge? >> at the beginning i deferred her and said wait until we see the evidence. again it's not allowed. all of the others that have come forth today i have yet to see evidence to suggest the elements of second degree. >> the stand your ground law do you belief it is applicable in this case? >> yes. i haven't said that affirmatively in the beginning. now that we have a lot of evidence confirming what it felt a plop per journey. >> whether stand your ground or simple defense what the law says if you are acting in reasonable
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belief of fear of great bodily injury or death. you are not to respond to that with deadly force. >> that bond of 150,000 was revoked and they accused you have hiding financial matters as it related to donations that had been given to you. that also now involves your wife in this particular case. you went back to jail as a result of this. tell us in your words what happened and it seems you had an opportunity to speak up there are other finances here you didn't do it. can you speak consciously about that. >> i have to instruct him i am trying not to. the state has charged his wife shelly with a crime regarding
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that. they have also suggested at least a court in this order suggested that george may well have committed a crime realizing those potential charges exist against george and exist against shelly and i don't think we can talk about those elements because -- >> including the conversations on the tapes the jail house tapes that you had conversation with your wife. >> i think so. unfortunately with the state's position to try to charge his wife with a crime as well they don't have the same restrictions. >> you were in jail, you went back to jail. what was that moment like for you? >> it has been publicized but i duke a community volunteer law enforcement academy where civilians get to see what it is
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like for law enforcement. i have taken a tour of johnny pope jail where i was at. i remember on my tour that they believe a motto that respects and gets respect. i remember thinking at the time that it was something that tells us or did they really believe in that? i got to see first hand they really do believe in that. >> obviously the prison population are very acaware of e case being so high profile. did they treat you dufrptiffere? >> yes. >> in what way? >> i believe that a lot of them personally know that sometimes the media doesn't portray things correctly. there was one insurance starns when i was in the wreck yard by myself, angdz in a window a few
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inmates got together and made a sign of strengths to me. >> coming up next with george zimmerman what they want the fami hey, buddy? oh, hey, flo. you want to see something cool? snapshot, from progressive. my insurance company told me not to talk to people like you. you always do what they tell you? no... try it, and see what your good driving can save you. you don't even have to switch. unless you're scared. i'm not scared, it's...
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prior occasions and mentioned black male suspects. i want to give you a chance to respond why you called what were the instances about? >> the -- i never volunteered that information. it was always at their request that i describe them. even when i described them i didn't volunteer the race until they asked me. there was also hispanic kids and white kids that were calls about. >> yes, sir. >> is this true where you took on the local police department as it related to another case where there was i understand i think it was a homeless man that had been beaten up and the police were at a tirefire and y came out favorably for the person who was beaten up? >> my wife and i i saw the story
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wasn't getting media coverage. there was one tv station that aired it and it was not subject to interpretation. it was caught on video and my wife and i working full-time we decided we had to try to do something. we drove around to churches on sunday put fliers on people's cars most of the time approached people. handing out fliers. and we -- >> this person a mine joerity? >> yes, sir. >> you felt was mistreated by the local police? >> yes, sir. >> you took as many as two, three lights and the result was quote no deception indicated. you did that voluntarily?
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>> absolutely. >> why? >> i wanted to be as transparent with law enforcement as possible. i didn't have anything to hide. >> george, there's the media, the special interests, and the narrative it seems they want to make about this case is that -- you can read the articles if you haven't already. it's a white guy that killed an unarmed black youth holding skittles and an iced tea. what do you say to that? >> again, i appreciate you not rush to go judge. me ment. i think people assumed i was white my father is caucasian my mother is hispanic. english was my second language believe it or not. my grandmother and mother raised me when my dad was in the army. he wasn't home for a lot of infancy. i consider myself first of all
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an american but a hispanic american. i don't know -- i don't think it's fair that they rush to judgment to assume that. >> do you feel the overwhelming majority in maesh require trushd to judgment? >> let me go back to one specific in the case if i can. the issue of you following him i asked you earlier about the dispatch call. you said i stopped i didn't follow him. there was one moment as you look at the grounds of where this took place, there was the apartment and the over hangs and there was the street on the other side. you hyou had gone to the other street, correct at some point. how do you get to the other street if you are not following him. where were you going at that point? >> i was walking from where i had parked my car toward my street. he went right down in between the houses.
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i walked straight across. >> in that sense were you following him? >> no, sir. >> this was after the 911 call? >> during the 911 call. when they stated you don't need to -- >> why were walking back to your street and not back to your car? >> at that point i was trying to get the chronology. where i parked my car was back in the townhouses. there wasn't a way to know where the street number was and i knew if i walked straight through it is a circle retreat. you circle and if i walk straight through through there i could tell them exactly what 1, 2, 3, 4 circle and not just the general area where my car was like i had done previous. >> i asked you if you wanted to -- if you could speak to trayvon martin's family i asked you if you could speak to the american public there are so many people that have so many opinions thaty so much, if
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you wanted to look into that camera and tell the american public something about george zimmerman and about this case with trayvon martin that has gotten such media attention what would you want to tell them? >> first i would like to readdress your question when you asked if i would have done anything differently. when you asked that i thought you were referring to if i would not have talked to the police, if i would have maybe gotten an attorney i wouldn't have taken the cbsa and that i stand by. i would not have done anything differently. but i do wish that there was something, anything i could have done that wouldn't have put me in the position where i had to take his life. i do want to tell everyone my wife and my family, my parents, my grandmother, the martins in
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america i am sorry that this happened. i hate to think that because of this incident because of my actions, it is polarized and divia. i am truly sorry. >> this is a fox news alert. thousands are gathering in new york city's times square and other cities across will country tonight in support of trayvon martin. protesting the acquittal last night of george zimmerman. you can see that right there on the screen. hello and welcome to a special edition of "justice." i am judge jeanine pirro. thank you for being with us tonight. in a few minutes we will hear from robert zimmerman the brother of george zimmerman with his reaction to his brother's not guilty varied. tonight in the wake of this verdict many are having should charges even have been brought in this case in the
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