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tv   The Five  FOX News  July 18, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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hello. i'm dana perino along with eric bolling, bob beckel, 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five". the parents of trayvon martin have just broken their silence five days after the acquittal of the man who shot their son. >> my first thought was shock. disgust. i really did didn't believe he was not guilty. >> understanding how they reached their verdict.
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>> i think that if trayvon had been white this wouldn't have ever happened. >> trayvon's parents are asking the obama administration to keep the case alive. >> what would you like president obama to do? >> at least investigate what happened. at least go through it with a fine toothed comb and making sure the ts were crossed and is are dotted. >> we are asking the justice department can a private citizen with a gun profile and follow our children home because the supreme court doesn't allow the police to profile people based on race. this is an issue. we got to know what to tell our children. >> the parents have been through hell. they will never not wake up in the morning and think about their son. that is something they deal with forever. in some ways i felt like the
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request to the obama administration is quite reasonable. what they are talking about is something that was not dealt with in the case which is the stand your ground law. >> your heart goes out to the family. we get that. the problem is the stand your ground law and self defense law. originally everyone thought it was the stand your ground law which is in florida and maybe 22 other states. early on, almost immediately, the prosecution agreed -- the defense said we are using the defense of self defense to prove george zimmerman innocent. the prosecution understood it was a self defense case. stand your ground went away at that point. now that there is a verdict of not guilty people want to go back to stand your ground. if you have a problem withstand your ground law don't put it with the george zimmerman trial. it had nothing to do with it. >> that message of the two
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things could work for people that are supportive of the idea of repealing the stand your ground laws. actually they might be able to mount some sort of offense in order to get those repealed. >> and they are certainly going to try. when it comes to the issue of trayvon's parents speaking out i have a hard time watching these interviews. i have never given birth to a child let alone lost a child. it could be on some level cathartic. i have a hard time going after them for doing a bunch of interviews on this topic. why would you go around and do a media tour on this? look, i think they are upset. they lost a son and they have every right to make the case. i just don't think that they have one. >> it was helpful to hear from them, bob. >> it was helpful. i agree the jury has made a
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decision. and i accept it. secondly, they did say it was about race, the defense. although, i do think that the prosecution made a mistake of not making it about race. i do believe like this guy's father said that had that kid have been white george zimmerman would not have pursued it. >> that is a good point. i think maybe it is missing. that wasn't the point that the jury was trying to decide. in some ways do we get to a debate in the country that is actually more healthy than the one to argue the case based on facts that aren't there? >> we keep hearing about this dialogue. but the dialogue is never real because there are certain people that aren't allowed to be part of that dialogue, people addressing other concerns like black on black violence. a lot of people like trayvon martin's parents said he would have lived if he was white.
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perhaps, i don't know. you could say that about a lot of black victims of homicide by black suspects. if they were not black they might have lived, too. so that comment is i don't know. it could be true but it could be true in a lot of other instan instances. i was watching another network while at the gym. according to cnn black families are concerned about the safety of their children since the verdict. all families before or after the verdict should be concerned about the safety of their children when you have thousands of black men and women every year you should not wait for the trayvon martin trial to become concerned about your children's safety when your black children are being murderer ered through violence. the media like a scared child, they can't let go of this case. they are afraid to leave and find another story. you see other networks actively
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looking for the next inflammatory case to build on while ignoring thousands of really boring homicides. they are looking for a ratings explosion. my idea is they have to start a race channel called the division division. just have race inspired stories 24/7 although i think it is already msnbc but maybe go further. one of the fox affiliates had a chance to talk to one of the alternate jurors. this was his thoughts when asked about it yesterday. >> i support the verdict. i agree with it. the one thing that stands out the most. >> what is your reaction to protests demonstrations and talks about a civil rights complaint right? >> i don't understand the civil rights complaint.
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i didn't see the evidence in the courtroom that would make anybody believe there is a civil rights case for this. the protests people were going to be angry no matter what the verdict was. there is nothing we can do about that. >> he has to be disguised because there is so much passion around this that even as a jurorer -- he wasn't a decision maker. to be talking about it he is blacked out. >> i have to take issue with that. he wasn't part of the decision. why is he in silhouette? he did mimic what the jurors have said that unfortunately for the prosecution they didn't make the case enough of a case to convict george zimmerman. by the way, great television, great interview, very interesting to hear the insight of what was going on during the jury's listening to the trial and deliberations. >> maybe one of the reasons is because -- i was interested in this. the court has not released the
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names of the jury included five white and one woman who appeared to be hispanic. they haven't released the name. i guess the alternate is perhaps worried about his own personal safety. >> and that is his choice. look at what this case has become. over 100 protests in the street. i don't blame him for disguising his identity. you go back to the first juror who said we were split initially. there were jurors that wanted to convict him of something. when you look at the strict interpretation of the law. i know people don't like the law and don't like to look at narrowly tailored laws and the scope. if you don't like florida's laws move. if you are in a situation where you feel threatened, rachael lds trayvon, i think he threw the first punch.
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we got that from his friend. if those facts are true and the jury looked at it within the letter of the law they came up short. these hypothetics we talk about, maybe this would have happened if this would have happened. it doesn't hold up in a court of law. one thing we should be thankful for is jury trial. >> we have sound from jesse jackson who has very strong words and a description of florida that some people might disagree with and charles barkley weighed in. >> you think the department of justice has an action that you can pursue. i think a civil suit will be filed. no doubt the request for information to boycott florida. i think the prosecution tries to avoid the issue of race. three white male prosecutors. all white jurors without a black man on the jury.
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i think those cards were stacked as they were. >> gives every white person and black person who is racist a platform to vent their ignorance. that is the thing that bothered me the most. i watched this trial closely and i watched the people on television talking about it. a lot of these people have the hidden agenda. >> did that record that off of a laptop in a men's room at a bus station? >> you were lucky to have that sound. no human being ought to have to do that. i understand jesse quite well. >> he was saying florida is -- >> can i take issue with this black on black crime? the overwhelming of those things are gang violence related to drugs. the kids like trayvon martin who are getting killed are kids
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being profiled and are not involved in gang violence. >> it is an anomaly. >> what does anomaly mean? >> i love you. >> i think that alternate juror in silhouette was racist. if you don't have the guts to put your face on tv -- what are you afraid of? >> what if he is not allowed by the court? >> have more confidence in the black community. they are not going to come after you. >> the court won't release the names maybe he is not allowed. >> don't go on tv. >> he says initially when asked about the reaction he says he was surprised so many people from the jury decided to talk so quickly. don't we need time to think this through. >> jesse jackson's comments besides the ridiculous comment, did he essentially call the
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jurors stupid. you don't hear women's groups saying we needed a man there to get the truth to come out? i don't think he has a lot of credibility because he called for the u.n. human rights council to investigate this. >> he has credibility in the black community. this trial is over. we accept that. it did raise a lot of fear and anger in the black community and they want to vent it and they should vent it. >> there was a "time" magazine cover. what i find interesting is they are saying what happens to america after this? it is really about the media. after trayvon what happens to the media after polluting this conflict. they talk about repercussions of the verdict. what about repercussions of you?
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>> i really think this next topic is -- >> they look white. >> can you help me with something? i think this is a guy thing because i don't know about whitey bulger. >> talking about your pants being white. >> he is a criminal on trial. one of the main witnesses was found mysteriously dead. it happens all the time when you are going to testify in a murder trial you become accident prone and you end up falling and dying. on msnbc they are injecting race into it because the name is whitey. this is a huge crime. people won't testify if they know they can be killed. >> you read about this.
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>> i know his brother who is the speaker of the massachusetts state house. whitey bulger was the biggest mafia crime figure in boston and all of new england. he alluded the police and the fbi for 15 or 18 years. one of the reasons was his chief in this was an fbi agent. whitey was known -- one fast example, one of his lieutenants was going to marry this woman. he said bring her to the house. whitey knew he told her about stuff whitey had done. whitey said come with me. brought her to the basement and shot her in the head and said don't talk to anybody again. that puts fear in you. >> you worked for the prosecutor. >> used to be a u.s. attorney and head of the criminal division. he prosecuted whitey bulger. whitey infiltrated the fbi that it was tough to get him. here is why i doubt he killed
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this guy or i'm skeptical -- >> put you in silhouette. >> can you disguise me with greg's voice. >> he is on trial for 19 murders. this guy was a liquor store owner who had violent threats launched against him by whitey bulger to sell his liquor store. they weren't going to call this guy to the stand, the prosecution. as far as whitey bulgerer victims he is a very minor victim. maybe he wanted to respond and wanted to nail whitey bulger. i don't think this is adding up as far as this is the guy he is going to take out with 19 murders. >> i don't think this is the last witness. >> well done. your safe. >> wait for the autopsy. >> one of the theories is that it was a suicide. if you are going to get called to a trial like that --
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>> any of you watch "the sopranos"? >> this guy is a serious man. if you need help let me know. whitey is probably watching this right now. you're not a bad guy. >> i said i don't think whitey did kill him. i am skeptical because this guy wasn't a major threat. he is on trial for 19 murders. >> this guy's girlfriend didn't have anything except for one line. >> why don't we let the record show that everyone at this table has more information about the mafia than dana perino. i know nothing, whitey. >> it is not the mafia. >> he was part of the mafia. >> well done, greg. >> thank you very much. more retailers are pulling "rolling stone" from their racks after the magazine put a glam shot of the boston marathon bomber on the cover. the great outdoors...
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...and a great deal. thanks to dad. nope eeeeh... oh, guys let's leave the deals to ooh that one! nice. got it!
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oh my gosh this is so cool... awesome! perfect! yep, and no angry bears. the perfect place is on sale now. up to 40% off. only at
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from bomber to boy toy in just one cover. defenders of the "rolling stone" issue think critics missed the point. it is about how terrorists can be hot too. maybe for the clueless edit staff that is an epiphany. here is the real truth. "rolling stone" inserted evil into the bad boy formula. the bad boy is the template for all rock stars. he is so dark yet i can't keep my hands off him. his sadness speaks to me beneath the delicate curls. here are descriptions of the lad. beautiful boy, gendal demeanor, soulful brown eyes. that dude you could can always just vhe had morales. he never picked on anybody. a golden person really just a genuine good by, nice, calm, compliant.
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pillow soft kid. a diligent student nominated to the national honor society. one of the realist dudes i've ever met. he was super chill. girls went a little crazy over him. he was too sweet. this isn't an article. it is a dream journal. someone get the writer on before she proposes. what does this say to inspiring musici musicians. the cover was something to shoot for and now it is something to bomb for. those who praise the mag fail to see how modern pop culture softens evil in the name of cool. i wonder if the mag would have run that same cover if he had bombed their offices. lucky for them terrorists never target their admirer. >> that was a description of me. >> there goes my thing.
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i used to be a magazine eddier. i like to add criticism. i'm not advocating that you go into a barns and noble with a pen and do this yourself because that would be wrong. i'm just saying i would never advocate going in with a magic marker into a store where this is and maybe drawing some -- let's add a mustache. a little hitler mustache. i gave it some devil horns. a nice scar on the face or maybe a tear drop because he is so sad. how is that? is that good? >> are you done yet? >> i'm not. >> now i'm done. >> what do you think about the people doing the verbal gymnastics to try to defend "rolling stone"? >> to defend something like that is to make yourself seem smarter
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than everybody else is. that is all it is. it is an exercise. >> i can think of the very person that did that. i won't name them. >> i'm glad you didn't deface my copy because i was going to use it to line my bird cage later. i just think the headline says it all. trying to explain away and make excuses by saying he was failed. that is what the headline says. he was failed. it is his family's fault. it is the school's fault, the school that he got a scholarship from boston yns to go far. the fog is starting to lift a little bit in boston because boston gives birth to the appallgists for terrorists in institutions. this propaganda comes out of cities like boston. it is refreshing to see people now upset with liberals like "rolling stone" who have apologized. >> if you don't like it, don't
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buy it. they have every right in the world to put it out. if you don't like it don't buy it. that's your right. they have every right in the world to run the cover. >> they defended themselves saying they are adhering to the journalistic integrity of the magazine. a bad decision any way you slice it. i know everyone is talking about it. i think people stop buying it. i am against boycotts. i am glad to see people like tommy lee who says it is a bad idea. brad paisley. k-mart pulled it, cvs pulled it. where do they go from here? they are too left winged to issue an apology. >> you are a big tree market guy. i would imagine -- >> i'm not for boycotts.
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>> he is also for decency and dignity. >> we're talking about it. why are we talking about it? >> because "rolling stone" wanted to have a desperate attempt to get attention. they got it. i don't think it went the way it was going to. it wasn't just one person's decision to put it on the cover. >> how many people in the magazine have to approve the cover? >> about four or five people. >> and they call this real journalism. it is a step up from celina gomez's lip gloss. >> we can't open it? >> no. >> coming up the new spying scandal. why millions of drivers should be aware next. she knows you like no one else.
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welcome back. just when you thought it was safe to make a call or send an e-mail in the after math of the nsa scandal two new personal privacy issues sprung up. did you know cops are data mining you. video cameras are taping license plates and storing the data seeing where you go, who you are visiting. be aware cheating wives or sobriity promisers. when you park your car at the airport, you know the tsa agents? they can break into your car and search it without your consent. this is america and this isn't supposed to happen. alloy me to read from my constitution. fourth amendment which assures us no unreasonable searches and
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seizures and never without probable cause. >> unbelievable. this is outrageous. just stop this. what right do cops have for my number. if you got it shove it. the idea they can break in my car in a parking lot, some tsa dumb high school graduate. have you seen these guys? >> i love them. >> do you know they can break in your car without your consent. >> this is another violation of our civil rights and our fourth amendment rights. if you want to do this go to russia. >> yes, sir, amigo. >> thank you. >> like edward snowden. >> they all should go to jail. the cops, tsa guys. >> great idea. >> what is the license plate for? it is on the outside of your car so no one can see it.
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if you want to handicap law enforcement so you can bash obama there will be a republican in there. you are assigning the snowden affair. >> it has nothing to do with obama. >> you said government. >> you go along with this? >> license plates are outside of your car for a reason. >> they are data mining. >> they will take it. they will use it and decide what to use it for later. >> it is no different than the phone numbers. except this is more applicable because you are driving around and it is visible wherever you go. that is what license plates are for. >> so it is okay for a tsa agent to open your trunk and look into it without telling you. >> the agents are asked to do difficult jobs for us.
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i would say 99.99% of them are really good people working to make a living. they are doing the jobs that american government has asked them to do. if you all want to run for office and you will become responsible then you can decide that this kind of surveillance isn't needed. but i am for it. >> maybe i shouldn't have jumped so fast. >> are you planning to travel anywhere anytime soon? >> i am going to cuba. >> he is going to cuba to be free. >> you don't care about them breaking into your trunk? >> follow me if you want. i'm not going anywhere interesting. monitor my phone calls. i wouldn't care. here is my issue. if they could use it effectively and not corruptly use it to exploit people, some corrupt politician, if they could let me know my e-mails could not be leaked fine. >> you haven't done anything.
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you don't mind these guys breaking into your trunk? >> no. >> this started happening because every time you close the door for terrorism there is a new threat. the reason why they are looking at cars is because they are worried about car bombs. it is at the airport. >> therefore there is never probable cause necessary to do anything. in that theory a search warrant shouldn't be required for anything. >> when you are in the airport and dropping off your car and they have a reasonable suspicion that somebody is doing that, that is a threat. they can look at your car the same way they are looking into your -- it is reasonable suspicion with your suitcase at the tsa. >> should they be able to knock your door down? >> because you are traveling. >> it is only about travel? >> exactly. >> why can't you see? it is at the airport.
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>> cops film down the highway. we are talking about a car given at the airport that they were searching. >> the cops can look at your license plates on highways. >> they have always been doing that. >> they don't store is somewhere. >> yes they do. >> listen to this. maybe you are all right with this. >> this is like germany. >> when you start drinking in my trunk. >> this country is about privacy. >> they have shown the government has shown we can't trust them to use it effectively. if you can't use my data effectively then i want it back. >> it ain't got no right. >> you are worried because the cops will find something on you,
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bob. >> i thought this segment was going to be so boring. >> unbelievable. >> look at you. you and i are on the same team with this. he is coming around. >> makes people walk up and down stairs. mr. bob beckel will have to spend more time at the gym. bob is not happy about it. members of the american postal worker's union handle more than 165 billion letters and packages a year. that's about 34 million pounds of mail every day. ever wonder what this costs you as a taxpayer? millions? tens of millions? hundreds of millions? not a single cent. the united states postal service doesn't run on your tax dollars. it's funded solely by stamps and postage.
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more and more couples are moving in together before they get married. is it a good idea to test the waters before you take the plunge? a new study found more than half of young men aren't sure of
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their relationship will go the distance. 39% of young women living with their boyfriend say the same. folks who move in together after marriage are more certain their love will last. should couples wait until the wedding? i hit the streets of new york city to get some thoughts. living together before marriage good idea or bad idea? >> good idea. you get to know their living habits. >> it is a great idea. >> probably a better idea to know what you are getting into. >> i think it is a bad idea. >> i lived with my boyfriend and we broke up. i ended up having to move out. >> the majority of the guys are probably like i am living with her already. >> did you live together before marriage? >> we sure did. if it didn't work out i would have walked out of it. >> it gives them a chance to get
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to know each other. they are not locked down for marriage. >> everything i found out is pretty much what i like. and what i like about her. >> when are you proposing? >> tomorrow. >> next time you're going to wait for the ring before you move in? >> yes. i'm going to wait for the ring. >> so, greg, isn't living together because you used to edit a men's magazine, isn't it an excuse for the man to drag his heels? >> i happen to agree with that. i think living together benefits women who can see what the man will be like and get the hell out of there. if my wife saw what i was like she would have run screaming. but then men are stealing the most important of their life. they are most valuable as a perspective partner.
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if you are with a woman from 20 to 30 and then you split she is 30 years old. >> what do you think? >> i'm helping you out here. >> biological reproductive status. >> women are taking theirselves off the market with the anticipation of marriage. >> a lot of people in this city will say they move in together to save money because it is so expensi expensive. if you are at your boyfriend or girlfriend's house every night you have to save. i was in england. there is a very special moment after we got married that i did not anticipate. all of a sudden it was like this is my family. this is who i am going to fight for and this is who is going to protect me. the benefits to a long term marriage i am very grateful for it and i would recommend people think long and hard before they move in.
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sd sdwl. >> my ex wife moved in with me after i got engaged. i came in one night and she was cleaning the bathroom floor. i said are we moving. i had the best bachelor bathroom. >> you don't want to win with any woman ever. >> that is why you test drive a car. >> okay. that was a really bad -- >> for both. >> i think you need to test drive a lot. >> i don't care what anybody else does for me personally. i would prefer to wait. i like my personal space and i am going to wait. i think it is the best thing to do. call me old fashioned but i am. >> when we come back tried to take away big gulps and cigarettes. now michael bloomberg has crossed the line and he has had it with the nanny mayor's new plan to encourage people to take the stairs.
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bob wants him to take his hands off the escalators and elevators. he has a message for bloomy next. 7k
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you make me smoke outside.
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it is 90 degrees. now you want to take away escalators and elevators. you do stairs. walk up to your penthouse apartment 65 flights up and i will watch you. get off myyou. have a good day. >> all right. this is my response to mayor bloomberg who now thinks it's a good idea to do away with elevators and escalators. i went to this gym -- i don't go to a gym. i went today. i said mayor, i don't do stairs. people in that gym are going to die before i do. what do you guys think about this? >> without doing completely away with elevators and escalators, there has to be an option for you to be able to take the stairs. >> what do you think of this? >> i think it's stupid. i have a disabled brother. i think it's really dumb. i think he should mind his own business. taking the stairs some times is not going to make you skinny. i take the escalator but i walk
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up them because i'm always in a hurry. >> can i defend the mayor on this? >> why? >> it's a body of work and sodas are bad and all of that other things but the stupid bikes, forget it, can't stand it. however, there's a sign that says, what about the stairs instead of the elevator? >> you realize how many people walk up those stairs? >> no. i am so tired of stairs. when i'm walking down the street people are being looking at me going, hey, there's a hot guy. i go, nice. >> you know something, i came back from long island and the escalator was busted at penn station. i had to walk up 40 stares. >> 40? >> what i like about this is one of the things it would do is make sure there would be automatic door openers so that way you won't get trapped in the stairwell. that's what i'm scared of.
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>> do you walk up the stairs? >> yes, to bass skikins & robbi >> in high heels it's hard and people can always look up your skirt. >> will you just get away from this? stop this. mom always got good nutrition to taste great. she was a picky eater. we now i'm her dietitian... ...anlast year, she wasn'tating so well. so i recommended boost complete nutritional drink to help her get the nutrition she was missing. and now she drinks it every day. well, it tastes great! [ male announcer ] boost drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones, and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. and now boost comes in two delicious, new bars.
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look for them next to boost drinks. [ dietitian ] now, nothing keeps mom from doing what she loves... ...being my mom.
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time now for one more thing. what is that you're holding? >> i'm holding a really big sharpie. >> is that your one more thing? >> yes. this was president obama earlier today. >> i want to give a special shout out. >> can't he just say hello? a shout out? i banned shout out like two years ago. just say, i want to say hello. shout out is something from a talk show. >> the first time i ever heard it, it was sarah palin, a big shout out to a crowd. >> andrea? >> so last night the espy awards were on and cnn was kind enough to let us roll this footage of
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robin roberts. here's a clip of her very inspirational speech last night. >> i realize there are many worthy of holding this honor. others who have exhibited far more courage, strength, and resilience. and it's humbling for me to represent you tonight. i draw strength from you. you give me the courage to face any challenge. fear not and let faith answer the door. [ applause ] >> it was very inspirational. what a line, when fear knocks, let faith answer the door. >> the espys. >> okay. sorry. >> oscar, emmy, they all look the same to me. >> let's go to eric. >> speaking of emmys, one of my favorite shows, homeland, i think it's my favorite show.
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i like "walking dead" but "homeland," phenomenal. congratulations. >> shout out. >> shout out. >> love that show. good job. >> i'm down on it. i'm down. okay. bob? >> today i woke up, amazing gratitude attack today and i just felt -- a dream last night that i was grateful to be alive and i probably shouldn't be but on the street today i met a woman who walked up to me who said, i love you. and she actually was near my age, which is twice the normal age of the people i go out with. she was wonderful. she was in the seattle -- an anchor at a news station in seattle. i want to say, if she's listening, i really appreciated the long talk and my ice cream -- >> this is time to settle down. this is god giving you a message. that woman is for you. you need a woman in your life.
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find her and marry her. settle down. >> she's married. >> it was a message. >> bob has been talking about this woman all day long. i think you're in love, bob. >> no, i'm not in love. i don't know what that means. >> you think you're ready? you're ready, bob. >> he's been talking about it all day. >> i'm too private. >> it could be a big day. mark it on your calendar. bob may have fallen in love. i hope you did fall in love. i think that would be great. i want to talk about this great woman, 96-year-old -- i lost her name. she's from wolf grocery store in wisconsin and someone came in and tried to rob her store. she's 96 years old and tried to rob her store. here's how she got rid of them. >> no. you can have all of the tootsie rolls you want but i am not opening that cash register. >> and then the guy picked up his knife, saw the security camera, and ran out the door. you know what, do you think
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there was probable cause? >> she would have scared the hell out of me, i tell that you. >> i admire that. don't you think that was great? that was great. thanks for watching "the five." "special report" is next. this is a fox news alert. i'm bret baier in washington. detroit is the largest u.s. city to file for bankruptcy. officials want to liquidate city assets to settle almost $20 billion in debt. our correspondent is live with details. hello, mike. >> hello, bret. detroit is looking at $18.5 billion in debt. according to a spokesman for the emergency manager, the city is only looking at about $1 billion in revenue every year and no way to pay back the debt. a key element for all of this is pensions for employee city


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