tv Huckabee FOX News July 22, 2013 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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here's huckabee. >> tonight on huckabee. trayvon martin could have been me 35 years ago. >> why is the president inserting himself in the george zimmerman case again? >> and too often you hear how you get up and talk about a sign and deal. i actually have one. >> he sued the obama administration over two dozen times and now running for governor of texas and how he will plan to fight against obama care. >> he is an '80s tone idol. >> you are out of time. you better love somebody.
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>> rick spring fold still has the girls screaming. >> ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee. ♪ (applause) >> thank you. great audience here, and welcome to huckabee, from the fox news studios in new york city. detroit is broke. belly-up. busted, bankrupt. largest city in the history of the united states to foil for chapter nine. but a city the size of detroit doesn't go straight to chapter nine. over a hundred years detroit has been the leading of trends in america. chapter one was the birth of the automobile and the creative genius who created the combustible engine and harnessed it to get people faster than
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horses. and henry ford concieved of a now method of revolutionizing the car and economy. chapter three. mass manufacturing that made the cost of a car affordable for the masses and cars in american life and the symbol of upward possibility. and chapter four, was detroit saving america? it was the motor city's prowess in turning chrome and aluminum and making planes and tanks and ships and gave us the tools to win world war ii. without detroit, we might all speak german and japanese and america must never forget chapter four. chapter five, after the war detroit unleashed its magic in a nation of industrial workers who made good money and machines
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and heavy lifting creating the happy days in which baby boomers like me were born and middle-class that gave steps to climb beyond the poverty and pain of war. nchapter 6 was detroit's contribution of the culture and the grown house and immortal moves of bare goredy's motown sound and nudgent and mcfoif and america's pop culture and influenced and if not shaped as much as our taste for tires and chrome seats. and america was rocked by the race riots of the '60s and the pollerization and the beginning of the population decloin. chapter eight, detroit utterly
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ruined by corruption of the local government and union demands for a bigger piece of a shrinking poi. the city's government didn't have the will to reign in the corruption or the guts to say no to the unions and that took them to chapter nine bankruptcy. the saddest part of the detroit story, not that it is a failed city who couldn't. it is the story of one of the world's great and most successful city and was willing to sell its soul for lesser things and tolerate unthinkable things. >> the unemployment rate tripled and street lights don't work regularly than the people. 40 percent of the street lights stay dark. and for 20 years tis considered one of america's most dangerous cities and takes police in
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detroit an average of 58 minutes to respond to the call. just under 80,000 city structures have been abandoned. detroit was once the leading edge of america and now the bad news, it still is. take a good look at detroit in all of its former glory and current gore, and it was on the front of america's trends, it still is. detroit is today what the rest of america is on track to being in another 20 years. reckless spending and corrupt government and demands from those who are dependent and never say no. if we don't learn from detroit's collapse, the rest of america will be the next chapter.
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fox reporter and writer charlie laduke came up with a now way to chronicle the city's problems. he set out to golf cross detroit. he didn't shot just 18 holes. he galloped over 18 miles of the city. and the obstacles that he found long the way are challenging for the world's toughest courses. right from the get go, i am realizing this year may be the stupidest idea i have had. it is hundred degrees and i am wearing black and i can't golf. they are talking about reinventing the city. what does that mean for the budget cuts and city look like block by block and who lives here and what do they want and need? anybody & ask them? you can take a full on swing.
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>> it is a hole man. (inaudible) they won't tear them down or cut the grass. we cut. it and let's all play golf. we are going to go in the streets. >> i am golfing the city. i am on four. it is the city that is on fire, too, map. ndetroit reminds me of the dust bowl. grass and shacks. and almost like everywhere in america today people are desperate for help from the government they don't trust. >> we make the neighborhood. >> you got to make the
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neighborhood. downtown, but what about the people living outside of downtown. >> no one to come cut the grass. >> i sick and tired of the administration and time for a whole clean slate. >> you can't take the homeless situation. we put them out in the streets. >> it is not in the country but in the world. >> joining me now, congressman danna robocker. and good to have you guys back. this breaks my heart about detroit. i love detroit and people of mesh mish are wonderful. and now it is in tatters. you know, president obama, i want to play a clip because i think it is significant. this is what president obama said about detroit a year ago.
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>> we refuse to let detroit go bankrupt. i bet on american work sxers three years that bet is paying off in a big way. >> elle, he said i will not let it go bankrupt and these bets are paying off in a big way. >> there may be a big difference tone betting on american corporations and american people. corporations are not people and maybe we should bail out people and not the corporation. >> go a head. >> we are blaming capitalism for the down fall of detroit. no, how about the corruption and generational democratic rule in that city and the unions that held the public sector hostage as things were changing in the car industry there. they didn't adopt and the level of corruption and democratic rule. throw money and do what the
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unions say. that led to the down faul of detroit. >> this is a clip from jo- wattson put in perspefktive what people are looking for. >> after the election of jimmy carter. alexander young and he went to dc and came back home with the bacon. that's what you do. >> is that what you do, elle? >> they waited for uncle sugar to come and rescue him. >> there is a tax base that left. >> why did they leave? >> they are gone now is the point, right. we talk about yups, we are not only talking about private but public unions. police and fire and a lot of people don't want to cut services, to.
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nwhether or not we will invest in public services. >> i hear the word spin. the city is in a police and its population is afl what it was in the 50s. >> the crime went up after the riots and they never recovered and people saying we not live here, it is not save. they are not the unions that bank lupted. i grew up in the familiar fam of the officers. and these union us are not yank rupting the city. >> we can maybe we should set it. >> i will make a call to the
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on friday president obama made the first comments after the not guilty verdict in the george zimmerman trial. >> if a white male teen was involved in the same kind of scenario, from top to bottom, both the outcome and the aftermath might have been different. >> the president said that this would be different if the teenager would be white.
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but the bigger issue race was not part of the trial. it was not a part of the fbi. the trial judge department bring it up and prosecutions didn't bring it up. why did the president bring it up and attach it? why didn't he stand above it. that was not the question of trayvon martin. >> he clearly didn't believe that. and a lot of people believe that race was part. >> does he more than the fbi, and prosecutor and the judge? >> i think that as a black man, i think he has a right to say as a black president he does know more and special insight in the case than other people. george bush can go say don't mess with texas. obama can say don't mess with black children. >> tarra, i am going to turn you loose. >> i looked at this with great
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sadness as i watched it unfold from my officer in washington. how dare the president of the united states lower himself to the same level of the race merchants who are out here trying to gin up race relations that is inaccurate. and this is beneath the office of the president so. he is the president of the united states. he ran as a man who transcended race. no one talked about him as a black man. this was a missed opportunity for him to say, you know what, this case was not about race. it was about the rule of law. actually he is not have commented. >> he's not the president of just black people. >> no, he was not. >> he is the black president. >> he was a president of black people yesterday afternoon. >> he is a black president.
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and he had something to say about this and i don't think to say it is not right to peek about it. >> i think it was beneath the office of the president to speak about it this way. >> would it be more important to talk about the issues of the race plays. a young black kid who does fewer drugs than he admitted to doing when he was a teen will spend more time in prison than he does in the white house. >> as a parent to a black son, i don't know how many bigger issues to talk about than black children followed and shot. this is a big issue. >> but by their own. are you going to say to your son he is be more fearful of his black fellow males than a white person. >> i have to explain to my son he will be looked at differently
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than his white friends. that's what obama tried to talk about? . >> there needs to be reflection in the black community why rrnt we fixing that and why rrnt the majority of the black children born without fathers and where is the responsibility in the black community. not that trayvon martin deserveed to do i. it was a tragedy, however, this case right here, where was barak obama and jazzy jackson and all of the other race merchants. where were they with what is going on in chicago, and new york and urban black on black crime happens every day. >> there is a sound clip i want to play, robert f. kennedy and a night that martin luther king was assassinated in memphis. i remember that night well.
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and i remember what real leadership was in a race crime. i want to so that. it will put in perspective what we look for when a leader stands up in the moment of crisis. >> what we need in the united states is not division. what we need in the united states is not hatred. what we need in the united states is not violence and lawlessness. but love, and wisdom and compassion to one another. and a feeling of justice toward those who still suffer within our country, whether they will be white or black. (applause) >> that was from a speech in indianapolis april 4th, known 68. elle, tara.
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and what if you didn't know that teen drivers are four times more likely to get into an accident? 'sup the more you know, the better you can plan for what's ahead. talk to farmers and get smarter about your insurance. ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum -bum ♪ >> on thursday, texas governor rick perry signed into law new abortion limits to and require abortion doctors to meet stricter standards. earlier in the week, greg abbot announced candidacy to succeed perrywho will run for a fourth term. great to have you here. >> thank you, governor. >> talk about the legislation that was signed.
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i know you are a strong advocate for it and it was signed and passed and you are getting sowed. it is your job as attorney general to defend it before the supreme court. >> i have been involved as the attorney general of texas defending life in court and that's what i will do with regard to the new texas law. i tock the lead among state attorney generals in defending the partial birth abortion ban and we won. and i tock the lead in defending the. and that is in texas. and we defended that and we won. we have's now law passed in the state of texas and the governor, both better protect the health care of women who go through an abortion process and also do a better job of protecting innocent life.
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and i believe that when the case, we can win also. >> and one of the cases that we are involved with is that texas was one of the first states to sue over obama care and saying it was uninstitutional in terms of insurance. and the president backed away from a major component of obama care. this does it vindicate the lawsuit thaw foiled with others? >> the very day that obama care signed in law, i joined with 13 other attorney generals to fight against obama care. we anyhow and believed that obama care trampled our constitutional rights. we anyhow at that time, the train wreck that obama care would be with regard to our health care system and how
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completely unworkable it would be to implement it to law. it locks like president obama is realizing what we have known all along. obama care is unworkable and they will not be able to implement it and harmful to employees and workers in this country. look at what the national labor unions said this week. it will be a disaster, a nightmare for the average every day worker harming the health care system and harming their ability to have a 40 hour work week. >> we just have been talking about detroit earlier. texas had the opposite experience of detroit. you have business beaming and unemployment rate beats that of the national ang. you have sewn the plight of detroit, largest city to go bankrupt. maybe you ought to offer them advice. what would it be with governor
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greg abbot say to the people of detroit. >> the texas model works. one to keep government small. don't increase the size of government like they did in detroit or california. cope your tax policies low. and it allows the maul business owners to keep more. >> and texas is a right to work state. we are free from the union abuses that led to the down fall of detroit. if you believe in free enterprise and seeking economic opportunity, the texas model is right model for you. nmr. attorney general, it is a pleasure to talk to you. greg abbot, attorney general of texas. thank you for joining us. >> and a boston cop reacted by
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fast. >> you are watching fox. back to huckabee. ♪ (applause) >> well, there is a lot of out rage over the current rolling stone mag zone cover. many claim it glamorizes the bombing suspect. dzhokhar tsarnaev and giving him rock star treatment. he is not a rock star. we'll not she the cover. this is when jim morrison was on the cover. by the way jim morrison was a rock star. dzhokhar tsarnaev is not a rock star. he is a murderer and monster. sergeant shawn murphy was so enraged by the rolling stone cover. he released the photos of tsarnaev's capture. what rolling stones did was
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wrong. this guy is evil. this is the real boaston bomber. not someone fluffed in rolling stone magzon. sergeant murphy got in a little trouble. faces some you know disciplinary hearing and been suspended with pay. but to most people in boston, sergeant murphy is a hero because he stood up to what he believed was horrible. he probably should have a hearing to cope rowels clear. but after he pays the penalty of being suspended a day with pay, i have a feeling he will experience something else in boston, a ticker tape parade. because most people in boston, don't appreciate the cover of rolling stones because they glamorized and glorified this guy who did nothing but bring
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mayhem to the peaceful people of boston. i am glad somebody is standing up and fighting back. to you, sergeant murphy, i join the people in boston in saying way to go. (applause) peis morgan interviewed a prosecution witness rachel. and he reacted by tweeting this. peis morgan described rachel as one smart cocky. it explains why the 19-year-old is still in high school. okay, morgan later invited elder on the show and it did not end well. >> you think she is stupid. >> i think you are stupid for saying that coined of thing. >> that was not my question. dow think that rach cell stupid. >> i think you -- number one
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problem facing black people are the number of people born out of wedlock. >> larry said it well there. but the interesting thing all in the name of bringing greater understanding there is more hostility in the past week as people are dividing over the race issue in the george zimmerman case. as we try to establish in the earlier segment, this issue is not about race. it was a local issue. it is a horrible thing that happen to trayvon martin, we all agree with that. what is more horrible, is that people of all colors are gunned down in this country every day and most of the time it is not self defense it is just cold- blooded savage murder. we need to talk about stopping that crime. let me give a birthday shout out. one of our viewers in wyoming.
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a wonderful community. i have been to lander and participated in the lander one shot anti-lope hunt. she is turning 105. she has celebrated as many birthdays as new york has temperature right now. i hope you have many, many more. >> coming up. college football coach lou the boys used double miles from their capital one venture card to fly home for the big family reunion. you must be garth's father? hello. mother. mother! traveling is easy with the venture card because you can fly any airline anytime. two words. double miles! this guy can act. wanna play dodge rock? oh, you guys! and with double miles you can actuay use, you never miss the fun.
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>> earlier this week after receiving compliants, the pro hero hall of fame removed hernandez from the museum. hernandez is one of 40 nfl players to be arrested since the beginning of this year alone. there are more than 650 arrests involving pro football players since the year 2000. one of the cases was dog fighting conviction of quarterback mike vic. it is not just football players that have long rap sheets. baseball and basketball play ares have been arrested over the decade including former nba forward jay son william who pled
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guilty to the death of a limousine driver. so why does so many of the athletes feel like they are above the law? lou holtz led dame dame not national championship. and he coached at several other schools including arkansas where in known 78 he suspended throw starting players right before the orange bowl because they broke teen rules. they were going against oklahoma. i had a chance to spoke to coach holtwhereearlier. those football and player and these players get to a level that think they don't have to play by the rules, what went wrong? >> i think if we are talking about politician and businessmen. they think they are invisible
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and think they are invincible and no one will hold them accountable. life is a matter of chooses, dpof goff. if you choose to do drugs and dropout of school you will have problems in your life. they were never held accountable. it is always somebody else's fault. >> how often can the coach influence the players? i go back to your experience. the night before the game, you suspended three players and everybody thought you were crazy. you suspended the top players and thought they kills the chances for the razorbacks to beat the sonars. arkansas won. >> i think discipline is not what you do to somebody but what you do for somebody. you overlook certain things and say this is all right to do that for the rest of the team. if you say we have rules and
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regulations, you have to adhere to them. the athletes decided not to play the game when they choice the violate the rowel. if you are a football coach. you say those are the core values. if you chose to do this you chose this. >> choices have ramiction. he didn't have a father or he was abused. but yet there are thousands of people who had same experiences and went on to lead successful lives. ncoach meyers is a good friend and colleague. some question did he so something in hernandez that could have been caught at that level. is it fair to bring up former coaches for behavior that exhibited itself in the nfl? >> that is totally unfair. i know him well. he has great morals and values and he would not under any
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circumstance compromise the integrity of the university or football time by overlooking things. once again it is not aaron hernandez's fault it is somebody else? i think as a football coach on a college level, you have to make sure to so they receive an education on how to make a living and education on how to live. when they leave your program, they should be better people and prepared to make good choices and be successful in life. i coached in the nfl it was about winning. i had a quarterback who was joena math and he partied and he showed up in football. and a great player and leader and time mate and all business. i have no problem with what you do outside of the campus and as long as you show up and be
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protective. in college, no. i will not let you get biwith. that that was the main difference. coach, you had a remarkable career. if you could counsel the guys to keep them in line? >> it is not very complicated. one thing emphasized at home and reenforced for the school respect for the authority and respect for the law and respect for teachers and elders. and you have to make people make good choices and if you make bad choices, you will have to live with the consequences. do the right thing, and you have any doubt. get out the boibl. two, if you want to fail you have a right no to but not other people because you rrnt being the best you can. you join a time or business or
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spouse or child in the world. vua obligation and responsibility. and third thing, show other people you care. don't say hey, here i am. it is about caring about other people and when we understand and follow those three rowels. we'll generate trust with the people and totally committed with the people and they know we care. and too many people don't care about young people. if you care about people, you will make sure they fulfill the obligation. last thing i learned from woody hayes. you are a leader your job is not to be popular but make people the best they can be. >> you once again demonstrated why you are a hero in my life and it is it's please ure to have you here. have you here. >> and rick springfield will be
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[ music ] >> whether they're up on stage, at the end of the show or accepting an award at a ceremony, celebrities often thank their fans, claiming they owe all to them. how many of them truly mean it? rick springfield truly does. three decades after topping the charts with hits like jesse's girl and love somebody, he continues to tour. over the years he's developed personal relationships with many of them. the story of his relationship with his fans is told in the documentary an affair of the heart. >> when i first started out in the '80s, it was all about me, i thought. eventually i turned around and became the joy of connection to people. >> i've seen him over 200 times.
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>> he's been a part of my life since i've been eight. >> regular people. just over the top fans. he really makes himself available to fans. i think it's phenomenal. >> it's a really special connection i have with him. i'll always have. >> mike: rick springfield joins me now. rick, it's great to have you back. >> thanks, huck. appreciate it. [ cheers and applause ] >> you know they're not going to quit that easily. >> mike: this is an amazing documentary because it's all about your fans and some of them are very personal stories of how their lives have evolved over the 30 years that they've been following your career. >> right. right. i know. we go back a long way, you know. we started early. i think there's a window at a certain age, you know, early teens where you let everything in and you find where you are based on that, and then you get on with your life and your family and your career, and the window closes. i think i was -- i came in
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through that window for a few people, and i think it's -- you know, all i can do is basically do the best that i can do and write the best music and perform, you know, the best of my ability and hopefully it still sticks. >> mike: well, you've brought millions of fans through the years, some of them, i mean, we've got some here on the front row in our audience today who have been following you for many years, some of whom have come from california and michigan and florida and all over the country, but they just came to be in the show. they didn't come to see you. >> right. did they know i was going to be on? >> mike: we told them after they got here, and they're thrilled. they did ask that you do a song. we'll ask that you do that now. rick springfield! ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] >> mike: wow. you know, the fans were out there, they were mouthing every word to the song. i know they've heard them. >> i rely on them for the lyrics, basically, most of the time. >> mike: it makes me think i should have been a rock star. you get followed by all these attractive women. >> i wanted to be a politician. >> mike: the difference is you attract beautiful women. i attract flies, roaches and mosquitoes. there you go. i think you made the right choice. rick, it's great to have you here. always a pleasure. that's it for us tonight. thank you for joining us.
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welcome to this brand new special audience edition. we'll focus on race relations and the george zimmerman murder trial. while race was essentially a nonissue inside the courtroom. now that the case is closed and the defendant found not guilty, the controversial topic has once again been thrust to the forefront of the debate surrounding this tragedy. >> you know, when trayvon martin was first shot, i said that this could have been my son. another way of saying that is, trayvon martin could have been me 35 y
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