tv The Five FOX News July 24, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am PDT
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that the royal baby could pump $380 million into the british economy. the question is how do we get this kid to move to detroit? >> this is "the five." race relations in america -- strained? derailing? bill o'reilly is fired up. but first, when eric holder and president obama went there last week, like it or not, they added fuel to the fire. what is the state of race in america? not good if you believe demfrom new york and black caucus spokesperson, listen. >> it may seem as if african-americans and other
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minorities have achieved full equality in our civil society, we are still victims of racial profiling, in violation of our laws and our morals. the lives of black men and women are not accorded the same value as the lives of white americans. this is a reality for far too many black americans. >> wait a minute. america treats people equally. we have a black president. europe has never had a black president -- nowhere. no other country on the planet offers the opportunity this is great nation affords all of its citizens, regardless of race. who are the real race baiters? sometimes the ones crying the foul the loudest are the biggest offenders. now, bob, have you to admit, things were getting better. things felt good. president obama was going to be the first post racial president. now this cbc spokesperson. >> you felt good because you had
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a black president. oh, good, we handled our black problem. one thing i agree with. when she talks about black people being profiled in their car, walking through stores, when they are followed around when they want to shop-- the idea that somebody could believe that there is no racism in america is silly. now, when she said blacks are not of equal value as whites, i don't agree with that. i think they are accorded that. but the idea that racism is not around in america is crazy. >> if you honestly believe president obottomma was racially profiled and followed in stores -- >> yeah, sure. i don't know. he said t. i believe it. did they racially profile you -- >> in columbia. >> i don't know. did you ever get profiled in a store? >> what's the state of race in america? and why? >> there is one country where they have absolutely no racial problems at all. they have no racial strive. no dependency.
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it's called the military in america, where discipline is married to results without a free pass. and it works. i am not suggesting that we should militarize america -- yes, i am! i think that we need a draft and we need to draft everybody because it seems to be the only way to make this disappear. we keep talking about black versus white. there is a much bigger world of discrimination going on. it's the attractive versus the ugly. there are beautiful black people. there are beautiful white people. it's the ugly people that are left behind. frankly, member has to speak up for them. and it might be me. >> what about short people? >> i have given up on that, nobody cares about short people. >> that's true. >> we are the lowest on the wrung. >> you are not attractive people people person. >> i am within of the few attractive people that will stand up for ugly people. >> you are in both camps-- the shortest and the ugliest. >> wow. >> yes, exactly. >> you know what -- you are
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ugly-ist. >> back to president obama and eric holder and the black caucus. i think it's getting better. >> there is no question -- president obama said this in his speech on friday. things are a lot better than they used to be. bob, when your dad was fighting the civil rights movement over the ability for people to sit in the same restaurant together. okay, we have moved on. so it's relative. i disagree on the value of life. remember the gosnell trial where he got life in prison for committing those murders. the outrage was coming for the children, the baby, the life. i think that perhaps getting past that and feeling like life is not valued, then she could channel some of that energy and passion there to get other things done. i am going to add one other
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thing. i don't think it is just the military where you have the equality and people working extra hard. acdameia. that's a place where there has been an increased number of equality. however, when you look at how many african-americans graduate from high school, compared to hispanics and whites, that number is not good enough. i think that is where, if we focus on that, for all of our sakes, that would be beneficial. >> let's get -- >> i hate children. >> oh, i'm sorry. i was too busy listening to greg talk about how much he hates children. >> what is the question? >> is there racism in america? >> the state of race in america. >> i think her statement would have been accurate a couple of decades ago. at one point in time, she's absolutely right. but that has changed. i think as a nation, we have gone out of our way to over compensate for those grievances. there was a supreme court case
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on that where they looked at saving special seats for minorities over white kids. how much is that fair? i think any time have you one race or even a gender -- say women -- pushing to be better or get special treatment, you are going to have real problems in society. is this really about equality? or is it about special treatment? >> i am not sure it's about making sure of a continued racial divide. in politics that seems to work, especially for democrats. >> are you suggesting that we think it's a good idea -- >> when blacks vote for president obama at 90-plus percent, i think it's in their best interest, democrats, especially black democrats to make sure that continues that there isn't a perception of equality. >> you think we sit around and want to have racial division? >> yes. for people who did that -- for my dad and myself who went to register blacks in the south who want people to have an equal
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chance, we want an opportunity -- >> they got. >> it we are talking about contemporary modern liberals. the media academic complex is largely responsible for the racial division because they teach race warfare in classrooms. they have studies that are telling you that the west sucks. and also, when you look at the college dropout rates, it is not helping moornt when is they go to these colleges and take these crappy classes. racial warfare is the crack cocaine of cnn, ms-nbc and college campuses. >> if you don't have a high school diploma -- >> i'm for the high school thing. >> i also feel there is a number of the black community that do feel likes they are lumped in with others i community and it's completely unfair. some blacks say, i work hard. this is not fair to generalize all african-americans. it's the same with democrats. you are not like that at all.
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but members of the democratic party, the sharptons and the jesse jackson who perpetuate the racial divisions that is so destructive. >> can i make a really obvious point? i give a lot of grief to the congressional black caucus for one point of view at the table -- it's liberal. it is not black, it's liberal. but at the same time, we are talking here with five white people. i think fox should be hiring more black conservatives because they need to be here. they need to be everywhere. >> listen, i think they do and they come across. >> that's fair and balanced. >> there are -- there are very successful blacks in america. i remember having a fight almost a fight with jesse jackson about when jackson was complaining about in the minority communities, the store at the end of each block was owned by jews, 40, 50 years ago. he said, that's where we get ripped off. then it was the koreans and then it was somebody else.
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i said, jesse, why doesn't somebody who is black buy that store? why not? >> access to capital. >> well, he couldn't make that argument because he could get access to capitol. >> -- capital. >> bill o'reilly is fired up on the race debate. he talked to a leader in the african-american movement and community. listen. >> we both want the same thing. you and i want the same thing. we want civility. we want safety. and we want prosperity for all americans. particularly those -- who are disadvantaged. >> absolutely. but i'm telling you, there is a hust net civil rights industry. there is a grievance industry that makes a lot of money off division. it is not being challenged by anybody but me. i am taking it a lot of heat for doing it. last word. >> bill, let me say this. americans do have an opportunity to express themselves, to express their grievances against
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the government, against the nation. but we also have a responsibility to work to find common ground. you and i need to talk more because i'm sure we can find common ground because i think when people talk they can find common ground, if we agree -- >> a lot of people dying while the chatting's going on. you are welcome any time you want to come on this broadcast. >> all right, bob. >> well, me... i... he's the only one talking about tbob. the only one. i just can't -- be more excited about the fact that he is taking this on all by himself. bill o'reilly doesn't know anything more about the black community than anyone who has never been there. >> that's not what he was saying. >> he said it was a hustle of the race community and that is -- >> let's go back to the night before when he did his talking points which was one of the most watched talking points ever. most talked about. what he did, from his platform,
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which is considerable, he said, all right, i'll the one that says the things that are uncomfortable to say in polite society that you don't want to bring up. i think what he did on that night was successful. mark moriel, good point. let's talk about it some more. i think what o'reilly did was -- he ripped the band-aid off the sore underneath. >> he said, we'll talk and people die. -- >> no, no, no. he said, while we're talking all of these young black americans are dying in the urban centers because of policies we have had in place are not working and that needs to be changed. >> bill o'reilly pointed out, you talk about what's going on. we have been talking about this for a long time. president obama injected race into the argument. he injected it where it wasn't there, according to trayvon martin's family and the state prosecutor, according to the defense that. trial wasn't about race.
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president obama and eric holder brought it in. bill o'reilly said, instead of doing that, don't inject more out of it, lead out of it. >> he triggered a debate on race that we have not been willing to have in this country. >> you are right. why? because every time somebody said we need to have a conversation about race, the translation is we must agree with you about it. if you were to talk about families and self reliance, that's racist, expecting normal behavior is considered bigoted by huckster who is make a living off this kind of behavior. >> people are scared. it is not the people who are not black. there are people in the black community who are scared because they don't want to get bill cosby'd. juan williams gave great advice not just for blacks but for everybody. stay in school. wait to get married. don't have kids out of wedlock. it's the fastest path to
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poverty. eric holder and barack obama have had every opportunity. president obama's black father left him when he was two years old. his white mother raised him. he had every opportunity to go to school. yet he identifies with his father. he has an opportunity to step up as a role model and he should. >> he understood his life as a black man in america -- >> that time has passed. >> not it has not. >> we have to leave it there. when anthony weiner promises to stay in the new york mayoral race. his cringe-worthy press conference, next. ( bell rings ) they remind me so much of my grandkids.
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wish i saw mine more often, but they live so far away. i've been thinking about moving in with my daughter and her family. it's been pretty tough since jack passed away. it's a good thing you had life insurance through the colonial penn program. you're right. it was affordable, and we were guaranteed acceptance. guaranteed acceptance? it means you can't be turned down because of your health. you don't have to take a physical or answer any health questions. they don't care about your aches and pains. well, how do you know? did you speak to alex trebek?
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because i have a policy myself. it costs just $9.95 a month per unit. it's perfect for my budget. my rate will never go up. and my coverage will never go down because of my age. affordable coverage and guaranteed acceptance? we should give them a call. do you want to help protect your loved ones from the burden of final expenses? if you're between 50 and 85, you can get quality insurance that does not require any health questions or a medical exam. your rate of $9.95 a month per unit will never increase, and your coverage will never decrease -- that's guaranteed. so join the six million people who have already called about this insurance. whether you're getting new insurance or supplementing what you already have, call now and ask one of their representatives about a plan that meets your needs. so, what are you waiting for? go call now! we'll finish up here.
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[ male announcer ] when the a.c. goes out in a heat wave, it's nuccio heating and air conditioning that comes to the rescue. at&t helped nuccio put a complete mobile solution to work. mobile routing to send the closest technician and mobile payments to invoice on the spot. where do you want to take your business? call us. we can show you how at&t solutions can help you do what you do... even better. ♪ >> as weiner scandals rise from the dead like detergent zombies from a horror movie, we are just
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tired. seriously, can the average american go about his business without seeing a politician's business? do we have to witness the therapy played out for all to see. if i wanted a romantic soap opera, i will watch fox & friends. but it's about men and how little we expect from them. if anthony weiner can avoid real work, intent on campaigning for jobs that we pay for, all the while trolling for pathetic self-gratification, why should we bother? wef we no lopinger have high standards for our males before they are elected, why have starns for ourselves? are we just like him isn't average dude, married with two kids, working his butt off. for him, it's never about power. it's about principle. compare that to the high-living low-life, weiner, cultivating a status that allows his fetishes
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to flourish this. escapade is about accumulating power because he has no other talents. this is not just weiner's treatment of women or women expecting more from men, it's about men who need to grow up in general. if men started to act like men, then boys like weiner wouldn't stand a chance. >> those pictures don't surface. the german art films. >> i have been very proud of the german art films. >> i will be extremely happy. and so will -- >> will you have a press conference? >> yes, i will. we have to find out what happened to the llama. captain fur ball. are we not going to tuck about this story? >> we should talk. >> we have to stop. >> this behavior that i did was problematic, to say the least, destructive say the most. caused many stresses and strains
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in my marriage. but i am pleased and blessed that she has given me a second chance. >> anthony's made in horrible mistakes. both before he resigned from congress and after. we discussed all of this before anthony decided to run for mayor. so really what i want to say is, i love him. i have forgiven him. i believe in him. and as we have said from the beginning, we are moving forward. >> the guy in the back there was my cousin carl. we call him too tall carl because wherever he goes, his head's towering over -- >> that's never happened to me. >> no, no. you are too short. andrea. >> yes. >> he has a problem. do woe have a worse problem in that we don't care? >> i think people care. i think people who don't care should care. i will tell you why. he's running for public service, okay? to be a public servant.
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is this conversation doing a service to the voters of new york? every time when these politicians get into a sex scandal. his wife standing by his side. now he says they were going through marital trouble. they posed for a glossy pictorial in "people" magazine and -- >> and "new york times." >> if she knew, he is in on it, she wants to live in gracie mansion. power lust, personal gain, they don't care about anything else. >> bob, what do you think? you are a seasoned vet in both sides of this kind of story? [chuckles] >> that is absolutely correct. let me just say a couple of things. one, what her motivation is, why she stands up there, as many wives have after their husbands have embarrassed them. why they don't pull a lorenna bobbitt, i don't understand -- if you don't understand that, look it up.
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about half the mechanic candidates i have had had real problems of either money or sex -- >> or drugs or alcohol. >> or all three. >> which they lost. >> no! they won. most of them won, that's the worst part of it. they started out to be fine. we would have an interview. and then halfway through, i would say, can we really put this idiot in the congress and then we did! >> and look at the policies that resulted. >> i had a guy that announced to me that he was gay halfway through the campaign. i said, you decided to tell me that now. he said, yeah, but i don't want to tell anybody. i got his old high school girlfriend to say that they were going to get married. >> okay. >> it worked. >> bob! >> new jersey governor -- >> jim mcgreevey. i think the wife stood by him. >> yeah, she did. >> and elliot spitszer and the wife stayed for a while. it's an arrogance thing. you get away with t. you get
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re-elected and it makes you more arrogant and desire the power more. i can't imagine this guy -- he's probably going to win. >> oh, i don't think so. >> he's going to blow up the scandals and still become mayor? i would hate to deal with that guy. >> it could be hilarious. >> "the five," we valid a story every day. danny, you were saying in the break that you think that anthony weiner is a hero. i thought that was strange. >> i am looking forward to getting my first interview with him. it will be exclusive here on "the five." a magazine and tv profiles about you are not because they like you. it is because it's a carnival. you have the freak show and everybody's waiting to see what sort of a train wreck this is going to be. also, i liked what pete wane her to say. he wrote that weiner is chronically unfaithful and irresponsible, reckless, impulsive and a serial liar. even if he has forgiveness, i
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don't think the important job of mayor of new york should be put at risk. you know six months after he moves into the mansion, we will be doing stories like this. >> let me say, i want to -- sorry -- i want us to recognize that there are an awful lot of elected officials who are good people, do their job, who don't have these kind of problems that are public servants. and a lot of public servants do a very good job. we get people like this idiot weiner who cast this pall over public service. >> but the difference here is when you elect a mayor, you write out a check and you send that man your hard-earned dollars to spend. and you trust he's going to do things -- >> i couldn't lose sleep over this. >> but my point is, how much trust can have you in a guy like this in. >> none! >> why hand -- >> nobody's going to hand it over to him. >> does anybody know anything he has done as a politician, can anyone name --
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>> he has no record. >> when the story first broke and he lied and said no, it's not true. but he convinced some of his colleagues to lie for him. that -- that was unseamly. getting them to lie. >> he raised $4 million and put it in the bank, running for mayor. >> that's what his career is, running. running for something and he's running from something. >> from himself. >> and from himself. >> what a nice way to end it. >> we need more public servant, not pubic servants. >> the baby formerly known as prince has been named. i'm excited. it will be worth the wait, people.
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>> more on anthony weiner. another day, another so-called address from president obottom a. this was at knox college in gainsville, illinois. he brought up his scandals but said they were a figment of republicans' imagination. >> with this endless parade of distractions and political posturing and phony scandals, washington's taken its eye off the ball. i am here to say, this needs to stop. our focus has to be on the basic economic issues that matter most to you, the people we represent. >> now the president about to deliver the same message to a crowd at the university of central missouri, in lawrenceburg. he gave a number of statistics,
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but let's be real. 9.5 million americans have dropped out of the workforce, 15 million more americans on food stamps. 1.6 million more are collecting disability insurance. will you admit this is a political speech. >> no. the economy is far stronger than when we took over the presidency than it was then. since they passed the stimulus package, there have been millions and millions of jobs created. inflation has stayed very low. and i wish the republicans -- he put an infrastructure bill in front of the house and the republicans didn't do a damn thing about it, as usual. >> why do you think his numbers are in decline? we have a poll that shows that now, 41% americans disapprove of the president's performance -- >> you mean approve. >> yeah. >> i think it's a combination of an awful lot of bad news. these are about the scandals. i agree with him. if this guy, issa, doesn't come up with something, he should hut
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his mouth and shut his door. the irs thing has been important. >> you say that's important. >> i think it is important. >> eric, nothing new. if you played a drinking game every time he said investment, you would have been on the floor, passed out drunk. i was taking notes. they regurgitated the same campaign speech. he said he wanted to transform america. two problems, though. two things he said i am going to read quickly. he said, deficits are falling at the fastest rate in history. that's a lie. and he said, we have cut the disef sit by nearly half a share of the economy since i took office. okay. here's the real numbers. i am not sure which numbers you are looking at. here are president bush's deficits. president obama gets elected and sworn in february of '09 -- >> that's an '08 budget.
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>> $..9 trillion. deficits are not falling. deficits are not getting cut. he's exploded the deficit side of the ledger. -- [overlapping dialogue] >> if you had anything idea -- >> i don't get the $1.41 trillion is bush. that is october of 2008. >> what about the $1.29. >> that's -- that's the fastest rate in history -- [overlapping dialogue] >> didn't obama say the scandals were important and he would look into them and now they are figments of our imagination. >> president obama did an unprecedented live appearance in the east room to say that the irs scandal was one of the most disturbing things he has seen, ever heard about. he's going to get to the bottom of t. we are not at the bottom of it.
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and greg talked about yesterday, with the chief counsel of the irs, one of the political appointees, there need to be answers there. my quick summation, it was aimless, directionless and an hour and 7 minutes long. he would have been better off going to small businesses and talking about it. he had a good message. but nothing to back it up. he is talking about growing the middle class. one of the things that is hurting the middle class is the unwillingness of people in washington -- and he needs to lead -- is to do something about entitlement spending because that is squeezing everything. and the keystone pipeline, for the life of me, i can't understand why he wouldn't get it done. the obamacare, disapprove, 54% of americans. there are so many things to enlist the help of celebrities to sell this thing -- >> cal pen -- they look like, i don't know, they look like rotten celery from a brooklyn vegan restaurant.
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celebrities love to embrace destructive programs because they don't need them. you don't think that bon -- jon von jovi is going to use public assistance. oprah will not be doing the hip replacement. we are losing doctors in droves. >> there are 6 million young people who are on their parents' insurance policy because they have been allowed to on this bill. >> they don't need. >> it 2 million people with pre-existing conditions. i got insurance finally -- >> you could have paid out of pocket. >> that's right. there is a lot of plus. i want you to name me one thing so far in real term it's. >> part-time workers i. where? >> across the country where. >> the 49ers. >> that's -- >> the last jobs number was somewhere around 150 or 160,000 jobs created. 100% of new jobs were part-time
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work. >> i have another one -- it sucks. obamacare. >> how do you know? >> i read. >> the premiums have gone up $2500 for family. >> you keep saying this -- >> premiums have been going up every year since 1950. >> the first step of recovery is admitting you have a problem. >> believe me, i know something about that. you ought to get rid of insurance companies. >> give them what they really want -- a national health care system. >> i am all for that. >> we will go -- >> let's leave it up to aetna. >> what did kate and william decide isn't royal announcement, coming up.
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>> okay. [laughter] >> no, that was funny. did you notice the song matches the segment? >> very, very favorite thing. are you a morning person or a night owl? [laughter] >> it is not morning tv. this is a very important segment. vistudied all day. listen. [laughter] night owls tend to be -- night owls tend to be smarter and more successful and wealthier than early birds. famous ones include president obama, greg gutfeld. but george w. bush -- he used to be asleep bay 10:00 p.m., thomas
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edison and kanye west and ernet hemingway -- >> he shot himself with a shotgun. >> what i couldn't figure out, are you a margaret thatcher type? >> sleep is overrated. i am good with at most five. i can go less than 5. >> now -- >> bob, i was trying to show at the republican national convention, we have a picture of you. this is how you get through the day. that was bob. he was actually asleep -- does anybody remember that? you take cat naps. >> i take cat naps. i sleep about 3 hours a night on average. a couple of nights a week, i go all night long. but when i was using drugs, i would go all night long for weeks. so i think my brain got rewired. but those of us who stay up late at night are much smarter, much richer and much more happy than the rest of you bums.
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who goes to bed at 10:00? >> you fall asleep on breaks on the show. >> i am too afraid to nap. >> what time to you go to bed? >> i would like to be asleep at 10:30. it used to be 9:30. andrea, have you to get up early. >> i am a night owl. i would sleep and sleep and sleep. but i can't. i am up at 5:00 a.m., and i am in the gym. i force myself to go to sleep -- before 11:00. or i can't function. >> what about you? >> my god -- >> "red eye" is not an easy shift. >> no. it is hard for me to sleep through the night with sven and his restraints. but we are not supposed to sleep through the night. before electricity, you went to bed when you got tired, you woke up when you were awake. then we got electricity, no, you
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sleep for 3 hour, you work for four hours. now people are sitting in their bed with their laptops and they walk around like zombies during the day. we should get rid of all sleeping schedules fall when you fall. >> what about the places way north, when it stays dark 24 hours and then it's all light. when it's all dark, babies are bred. >> i was going to ask dana if she is a morning persons on the weekends. >> yeah. >> you don't go to bed at 10:00 on the weekends? >> no. but i am definitely awake by 6:30, every day. >> saturday morning? >> definitely. i like to get up early. i can read the paper and get a tea. >> you know where you find a lot of morning people in. >> where? >> funerals. >> how could you laugh at a joke like that? >> how can i laugh at anything you say. >> i come out of bars at 7:00 in the morning and you i would see
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the earthlings just getting up. >> i like to make excuses not to go out late on the weekend. >> what?! i love saturday morning. i love no alarm. >> capture the day. >> do do you fox & friends? you have to be up at 2:30. you are driving through times square, 4:00 in the morning -- you see bob. there are bobs everywhere. >> i was honored to do that segment today. i hope everyone learned -- >> we did. number 2 golfer won a bunch of money, winning the british open, but the tax man comeeth for phil mickelson -- okay. i don't know who it is. hear how much he to fork over for a couple of weeks' work. >> stay up a couple more hours and learn some things.
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professional golfer phil mickelson. but even i felt bad for the guy when he won twice and has to pay 61% in taxes between europe and california. i am all for tacking the rich, like ericful but this is ridiculous. eric, what do you think? >> i think... i think that's exactly the problem with what's going on in the european society. that's what they do. we talked how many times about the 75% tax they floated. i think it went away. peter, is it here? is it gone? >> you don't want to talk -- >> you are driving people away. you tax them at 61%. i am sure phil mickelson would still like to win, but it's high taxes drive businesses away. >> but really, bob, is that work? [laughter] >> no, it's not. >> i would pay 61% on that. but it's -- i tell you, the one thing, the damn democrats keep raising taxes. i had to go to tax lawyer, $450
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an hour i. you are coming around, beckel. you are going to need a conservative voice on this show. geeing greg, you pay 78% in taxes. >> just about. for people around the world when you get 61% of the money, that trophy, they should just cut 61% of the trovey and hand him that, even though he won the trophy, this is all you are going on get. >> you hear from the country that started this downfall -- greece -- >> it's all my fault. >> everybody was fine until greece went into the tank and now we all have problems. >> greece didn't sink the world. i will not take responsibility for my ancestors. however, i will say this, what about the person that's want the golfer that has to pay that much in taxes? what about the people in european countries or new york city -- even you, bob, have come around. phil mickelson has how many endorsement deals?
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>> listen, they are not living bad eye mean, eric is one of the richest people i know -- >> will you stop saying that? that's ridiculous. >> he offered to pay the kids in the white house for a year -- >> no, a week. >> so he's a pauper. and he's cheap. what are we -- >> i think he's gone. >> anyone else you want to insult? you haven't gotten dana or greg. >> how about -- >> the scottsman. >> how about you wh you said that i would be a married to. >> well, you would. i love you friend. i couldn't imagine the stares. >> you would be a dream -- >> no! that's i didn't gotsten, you doo move y around. it drives me crazy. why peter is you could get a camera on him. he looks like he just came out of an insane asylum. he's shell shocked. all right.
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all i can say, one more thing is up next. >> oh, my god. we're cracking down on medicare fraud. the healthcare law gives us powerful tools to fight it... to investigate it... ...prosecute it... and stop criminals. our senior medicare patrol volunteers... are teaching seniors across the country... stop, spot, and report fraud. you can help. guard your medicare card. don't give out your card number over the phone. call to report any suspected fraud. we're cracking down on medicare fraud. let's make medicare stronger for all of us.
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of a member of his detail. his name is patrick and his father john, is a member of the bush protective division. they have launched a web site, called patrick's pals to assist with patrick's medical bills. check it out if you can. >> you don't have any kids. >> dana said it's not a big deal if an 89-year-old shaves his head. >> mr. president, i did not say that. >> he was a great public servant. >> you have been waiting for this eye know you have. calm down. don't go to the bathroom yet. the royal baby's been named. i have been waiting for it all night long. >> the royal baby will be named -- his royal highness, prince george alexander louis of cambridge. now, i wanted him to be named robert debriewjs. tough life. you will probably get a lot of
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women. >> oh, my god. >> on that note? >> all right. remember this guy from the birth announcement. we played him on fox news a bunch of times. >> he's funny. >> welcome to the humble duty. the royal highness, the duke and dutchess of cambridge. the third in line to the throne. >> so apparently, he just crashed the party and had nothing to do with the royal family. >> he was not part of the deal. >> we were watching him. i thought, wow, that's very formal. tony appleton, 72 years old, decided to show up and read -- the birth announcement. >> that's cool. >> he's world famous. isn't that cool. >> that wasn't official? >> i bought it. >> i thought that was i. okay. i am going to something serious. sequestration, the parade of horribles that was supposed to happen and they didn't.
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however, there is very serious consequences and that includes civilian employees of the defense department, starting soon eye think next week -- they have to take one day off a week, to get a 20% cut in pay. these are d.o.d. civilians. a lot of them married to one another. so if you have two people working and get a 20% cut in pay, something needs to be done. congressman forbes and congressman rob wittman, take a look at those two and try to support them to get the back pay for the furloughed workers. >> i have to go very quickly. last night, went to d.c. and hung out with very important people last night and this morning. here's senator cruz, senator wilson from kansas. >> what are they doing? >> they're really -- that's paul ryan. that's i pat leahy -- >> and you get around. >> look who they left out.
12:00 am
>> there is something consistent. you were in it. [laughter] >> go to our tais book page. to our facebook page. >> special report, coming up next. bye-bye. welcome to "red eye." it is like charlie's angels if by charlie you mean greg and angels you mean terrified house boys who may not live to see tomorrow. let's go to andy levy for our pre game report. where are your new glasses? i i don't have them. i can bring tham out -- them out for post game. is anthony wiener -- you can pencil that in for the rest of the week. and they will investigate whether they are following the fennel two phraphanyl in their cooking straight ahead. and a look at the launch of a new social network for happy people.
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