tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News July 25, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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fertilization. now you know the news for this thursday, july 25th, 2013. now bill oh rayly. >> o'reilly factor is on. today -- >> this growing inequality, it's not just morally wrong, it's bad economics. >> but why is there inequality, mr. president? could it be that you're looking the other way? the factor will continue our reporting this evening. >>. [ bleep ] [ bleep ] ♪ >> part of the problem with young black males is many of them listen to garbage put out by the likes of lil wayne and become desensitized to positive behavior. what does al sharpton have to deal with?
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>> we'll dearing with the whole question of violence. >> that's interesting because sharpton is in business with lil wayne's parent company. we'll have a factor investigation. also tonight on traitors to america and laura ingram will weigh in on our race reporting this week. caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. "the factor" begins right now. hi. i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching. money, jobs, and race. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. yesterday president obama echoed a familiar theme about the american economy. >> the average ceo has gotten a rage of nearly 40% since 2009. the average american earns less than he or she did in 1999. this growing inequality, not just of results, inequality of
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opportunity. this growing inequality, it's not just morally wrong. it's bad economics. >> since mr. obama has been present, more than $6 trillion have been added to the national debt. welfare payments have exploded. obama care costs a fortune and things like food stampings and disability are at record levels. it's clear president obama wants the government to run the economy and that has been a disaster. economic growth in this country is about 2%. that's why wages aren't rising. workers make more money when there is a demand for their services. for example, my salary has gone up because other people would like to hire me, but with high unemployment and companies afraid to expand because of high taxation, there's little incentive for businesses to pay workers more. president obama does not seem to understand that. and then there is cultural problem. even if there were plenty of jobs, most employers are not
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going to hire people who can't read well and speak proper english. right now the unemployment rate among black males age 16 to 19, 57%. 57%. it's 25% for white males that age. overall, black unemployment, 14%. white unemployment, 6.6%. the reason, in many poor neighborhoods there's chaos, violence, and little discipline in the public schools. kids aren't learning. also with the african-american-out-of-wedlock birth rate, they're prone to imitate bad behavior like what lil wayne puts out.
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>> now, if you're hearing that piece of gar barjs mountain dew pulled an ad it had with ill sharpton. presto. does the name al sharpton ring a bell. they were outraged by that stupid rap. and by the way, if you want to know what emmett. rekilling kennedy, we physically examined why he was murdered. in a statement sharpton said, quote, national action network doesn't want the end result to be the penalization of artists, although they clearly need to be corrected, unquote. well, that's kind of wholistic, isn't it? here's a shocker. the parent company of lil wayne,
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cash money content, the vile stuff that hurts children is a partner with al sharpton's upcoming book. that's right. al sharpton is in business with people who put out entertainment harmful to children. his spokesperson says that's not al who made the deal. his publish ler did. but that's bogus because authors have the final say. the truth is al sharpton is allowing a kparp who harms black children to distribute his book. talking points will make this point again. the civil rights industry not addressing the core reason why many african-americans are not succeeding in the marketplace. because of that, young blacks continue to be at risk and have enormous obstacles to overcome. and that's a memo. it can be downloaded on and bill
5:06 pm joining us from orlando, florida, paul porter. mr. porter, am i making any mistakes here? >> no, you're spot on. bingo. you got it right. >> let's start with the civil rights industry. and it is an industry. there's a big money at stake there. they don't seem to object to lil wayne and to the other people who are marketed their stuff to young -- let's say it's not just black because whites buy this stuff. but young people. they're marketing this stuff to young people. there's no outcry i see to this overall. have you heard anything about it? >> look, there's a lot of outcry. the voices, it's like a sigh legislate majority. you keep hearing and seeing the same people and really not getting current of what's going on. you know, the situation with reverend sharpton signing with,
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you know, cash money, well, which is part -- cash content is the publicing arm, i had to deal with it directly when lil wayne lost the deal. the guy, frank cooper, senior vice president and chairman of pepsi weeks and days before then, reverend sharpton got involved after the wayne thing was in, the statement was out, the video was pulled. you know, it happens, but -- >> why did sharpton get involved with it? >> because it's great press and maybe he thought he could do something. but there's also money exchanged. a lot of these organizations they contribute to nonprofits. nonprofit's a business and, you know, pepsi had a relationship with them. i learn thad from the senior vice president. i thought we were going to
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negotiate some real outreach and literacy but it didn't happen that way. after i learned about reverend sharpton signing with cash money, i couldn't make that up. i mean lil wayne, if grow to there's an open letter from carl redding who was with al sharpton for nine years, the chief of staff, and he talks about receiving blood money. you know, there's a lot of conflict in the black community. reverend sharpton has done a lot of great things, but things like this, it's troubling. it's sort of scarey. because cash money records are one of the worst, but this affects the children and it also has. we did a study in 2008. the rap on rap. the images, the content is just killing these kids. and as a young black man, music had more balance for me. i learned a lot of things. >> absolutely.
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the motown stuff. i just saw the play "motown." it was uplifting positive stuff. i want to be clear though. is al sharpton friends with lil wayne, does he like lil wayne, is he trying to do something good for lil wayne? >> youtube the video, lil wayne, this is reverend sharpton, in 2008 for six minutes makes a record. that's not the person i would have signed with, but i don't know the business deal. i don't know the business deal. >> i don't know why sharpton would inject himself. if mountain dew wants to get rid of lil wayne because of this terrible rap, all right, why would sharpton insert himself into that? what was the reason? >> maybe he thought he could handle it. >> all right. you don't know what the reason is though? there wasn't a defined reason why sharpton shows up for this? >> well, normally when organizations deal with big companies, with pepsi, there's contributions that happen to organizations. >> no, i understand that. by bu do you think sharpton was
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in there trying to get money? >> no. but look. a month and a half after it happened, he announced signing with cash money. so i can't tell -- i can't tell what goes on behind the scenes. >> did sharpton do any good for lil wayne? did he do any good for the man? >> i haven't heard a word from pepsi since that time, and i did everything to try to put these partyings together. >> you wanted at that time for pepsi and montana due as a subsidiary to pepsi keep lil wayne on the payroll, that's what you were trying to do. >> no, no, no, no, no. that was their decision. i advised frank cooper pull the mountain dew spot, have lil wayne make an apology and they decided not to go with him. >> you wanted him to apologize and all of a sudden sharpton comes in. he does what? what did he do? >> i was told by the executive frank cooper at pepsi that
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reverend sharpton had hooked up with emmett till, the mogul foundation, and he was going to take charge of the situation. but since that time erica taylor who's in charge of the organization is upset with reverend sharpton. >> let me say it's unclear -- i think this is fair. you tell me if it's not. it's unclear why al sharpton would inject himself in there, but after he did, a month and a half or so later, you say, he got this distribution deal from lil wayne's parent company. these on the record. i want to say i haven't read his book but his spokesperson tells me that his book is critical of lil wayne. we will see. >> yeah, it might be. >> mr. porter, thanks very much. >> thank you. next up, a reaction to my race reporting this week. and later, more on the traitor, putin, and the royal baby. "the voice." upcoming.
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to the grievance industry. not dealing with the core problems in the can american community. with us now are larue lewis mccoy, a professor of sociology and black cities, city college of new york. all right, what was your reaction to the interview with mr. porter? >> i believe the interview with mr. porter was good on a number of levels. he talked about the ways to work together but i think the importance is he pointed out there has been a historic tension between al sharpton and lil wayne. if you look back to 2007, al sharpton leads a campaign about decency and hip-hop. in fact, his first goal is to say we're going to protest companies that don't clean up their act. immediately he gets a response that says, look, if you don't understand the culture, you don't talk to people, you can't wipe the slate clean. >> okay. that was 2007 and now he's in business with a company that
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debases the culture. >> affect, now he has a book deal with cash money books. that's something i'm not familiar with. >> so sharpton, now he's in business with the company. >> he is. i think what's important about that -- >> does that bother you? >> it does not bother me. >> it does not. >> the first thing is al sharpton is an iconic rights figure and lil wayne is an iconic rap figure. they've had conflict. this may mark a point in which people find a common ground in which culture, attitudes and discussions about rap music and culture movements come to a head. there's greater chance for that. >> all right. you think from within al sharpton may be able to change it, from within. >> i think that they both have to change. >> all right. >> i think there's a nexus happening here that's unprecede unprecedented. >> why over the past 50 years has the out-of-wedlock birth raid gone from 57% to 75% approaching the african-american community. >> it's on a decline though, do
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you know that? >> no, it isn't. they say it's going back up. let's not quibble over a couple of decimal points. why the big rise? >> it's not compulsory for women to marry. they're opting out of marriage. with an increase in unmarried women you're seeing a shift of wedlock births. >> do you feel that's a poverty driver? >> no. i think poverty relates to it but poverty is at the root. i think when you have people are locatewad where there are low access to jobs -- >> you don't think women having babies out of wed look, no black men in the home that -- >> you have it wrong. >> okay. i don't really understand that. if you're poor, there are a lot of poor people in other countries that don't do this. all right. when was the last time you saw a
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major civil rights organization trying to discourage african-american women from getting pregnant out of wedlock? when was the last time you saw that? >> i don't know if i've seen that. i know i have seen the encouragement of marriage. i have seen an emphasis on jobs, and i think -- >> that's a problem, wouldn't you say? >> yeah. but the problem is actually fixed by the solution of jobs, the creation of the economic safety net. it's not just telling people to get married. if two people are poor and don't have access to a proper economy you're bringing too poor people together who can't cover the cost of a child. >> you might have a structure that encourages improvement and that's my people and your people. >> if you have a young child, black, white, didn't matter what color and they can't read or write well and they have tattoos all over them? >> bill, there's actually laws against that. >> they're broken quite often. it's going to be hard to get jobs. all right.
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so the cultural debasement we see is influencing how people get jobs. >> i don't think it's a cultural debasement. >> you don't think lil wayne is debasing your culture? >> i don't think so, by any means. >> do you think he's debasing african-american culture? >> i don't know what you define -- >> is he emblematic of african-american culture? >> no. >> he and his ilk. >> he's not the primary factor. he's one of many factors. >> you're not answering the question. >> i don't think you like my answer, b answer, but i'm answering it. >> you're not. i asked you if you think he's debasing -- >> i don't think -- >> that's not at a direct answer, doctor. and if i were a student in your classroom, you'd give me a "d." >> i'd love for you to come. >> one more question. you say that all of the chaos that's caused by crime, the birth rate, all of this stuff is because of poverty. i say it's poverty that's coming
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from these things. >> no. and, again, you have that backward. >> yeah. you say. >> yeah. >> but communities have risen up because there has been intact family. >> it's not the family. it's access to labor. >> it's not family. >> anybody who studies jobs and employment mobility will say the central factor is having access to quality work to provide for a family. i think you of all people should say we need more jobs. >> they're not going to hire these people because they can't do the job. the key to it is education. and education has to be encouraged in a home sniet is. >> if the home is drug-adled, there's no education. that's it, doctor. >> i've studied. >> not in these neighborhoods. >> come with me. we'll go to harlem. >> i taught in a poor school. i know what's going on. all right, doctor. we appreciate your point of view. >> thanks for having me. >> because of all the information we have to promote our stoifrmt we'll have that for
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you on monday. directly ahead, forgiveness and wayward politicians. how should people handle contrition in the wake weiner story. then national security versus spying on americans, where do you stand on that? we're coming right back. [ jackie ] its just so frustrating... ♪ the middle of this special moment and i need to run off to the bathroom. ♪ i'm fed up with always having to put my bladder's needs ahead of my daughter. ♪ so today, i'm finally talking to my doctor about overactive bladder symptoms. [ female announcer ] know that gotta go feeling? ask your doctor about prescription toviaz. one toviaz pill a day significantly reduces sudden urges and accidents, for 24 hours. if you have certain stomach problems or glaoma, or can not empty your bladd, you should not take toviaz. get emergency medical help right away if your face, lips, throat or tongue swells.
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in the segment tonight forgiving politicians. where is the line on that. with us, pastor robert jeffress, author of the book "when forgiveness doesn't make sense." let's take the weiner situation first. repeat offender. should people forgive him? >> they ought to forgive, but that doesn't mean they put him back into office. bill, there's a difference between forgiving somebody and reconciling with somebody. if you and i were in business
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together, cheat me out of $50,000, i eat forgive you but before i go back into business with you i want to see some rehabilitation, rebuilding of the trust and most of all i want to see my 50,000 bucks back again. forgiveness has no strings attached. restoration has a number of strings attached. >> when you see politicians, though, the divide is this and we've seen politicians ask for forgiveness and get re-elected. we've seen that in a number of places. in the judeo-christian tradition says if someone asks for forgiveness that you're required to give it to them. >> that's right. >> in both the jewish and christian theologies. we're required do it. but then there comes a point what is the less over two evils. people take politics. i put more emphasis on character than politicians. how about you? >> absolutely. the myth is a person's private more reality has no effect on his ability to run for office or serve in office.
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look. character is what counts and a person's judgment in his private life spills over into his other life. >> let me challenge you on this. i wrote a book on john f. kennedy. what his indiscretions were were at the highest level yet in his two years of office he brought the nations together and he was good for america even though at the time he was doing things let's say in the judeo-christian era was not acceptable. his presidency was very acceptable although he did all of those things. >> i think about h. ross perrault. he said i would never hire a man who committed adultery because i figure if a man lied to his wife, he won't have a problem lying me. take the kennedy situation. his was an unfinished preside y presidency. we don't know if he lived
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another term those would have gotten out of hand. >> we don't nobu he was able to gronch while he was doing the other stuff. >> let's go back to mark sanford. he's another one who's been put into office. they were saying why can't they overlook ween fehr they overlook that? you know, there's one thing to be searching for your soul partner in argentina. that's one thing. to be snapping pictures of your private parts in the bathroom, that's another thing. the problem with weiner, i think he's crossed the yuck factor. >> if a person does not ask for forgiveness -- this is interesting because i just finished writing "killing jesus." jesus for gave the people who executed him. they didn't ask for forgiveness but he for gave them anyway. in our theology, you have to ask for forgiveness to be forgiven, do you not? >> god only forgives and
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forgives those with open hands. to receive forgiveness, you have to ask for it. to keep this weiner thing in perspective, look, what he did was wrong, he may have forfeited the right to serve in office but to be clear he may not be beyond voter's redemption but -- >> he asked for forgiveness. some don't. i have a hard time with those people. i think if i forgive somebody and they don't ask for forgiveness, they're going to continue to do bad things. >> right. we all need god's forgiveness. >> we can also fall a number of times too. so don't write anybody off. very good book. we appreciate you coming in. plenty more ahead. laura ingram has thoughts about reporting on the state of race in america. she will be here. also we'll take on snowden, putin, and the new prince george. we hope you stay tuned for those reports. [ male announcer ] come to the golden opportunity sales event
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national security versus spying on america. yesterday the house voted 217-205 to defeat, defeat a proposal. it would have reined in the national security agency. close issue but it's still red hot. should them be spying on american citizens. brad author of the best-selling novel "hidden order." >> i have a problem with people
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like bradley giving information to wikileaks and snowden giving information to americans. >> we had somebody on here, an attorney who actually takes those things on. i agree they went out of the loop and deserve what they get. >> absolutely. >> but when you have a national security agency shrouded in it, part of your job is knowing. do you know if these guys are reading e-mails? >> the stuff that snowden uncovered is only the tip of the iceberg. the technology they want to bring online is terrifying. in 1975 we had frank church warn us on "meet the press" if nsa ever takes giant listening ears and turns on the united states there will be no turning back. what happened after 9/11, the nsa turned those big ears in on all of us. >> do you think they're reading private ooemts? >> no. thing they're storing them.
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we saw pete king say they only keep them for five years. my thing is -- >> five years -- >> the irs can't keep tax -- >> that's enough time for snowden to go in and read everybody's e-mails. >> i would rather see verizon, google, build bigger farms to hold onto it and if the feds want it they ask the judge to sign off of a warrant and go through the proper channels. >> that sounds more logical. the nsa collect data on where calls are made and where they go but they don't listen to dahl, right un, unless they get a warrant. >> if there are certain things. >> they can get it after the fact. >> there's even an emergency letter -- >> but they're not listening to your call. >> no. but they're recording that. >> when you say recording, they're not recording your actual voice, they're recording
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when you made the call and where it went. >> that's the meta data. i believe the calls are being recorded as well. people i've talked to have told me, everything, all of your digital exhaust is being recorded which is why they outgrew the -- >> i'm computer-illiterate. if i pick up my cell phone and talk to somebody, you're saying that that call is being recorded installed? >> that's what i believe. >> that would be impossible. it's billions and billions of calls. >> that's why they outgrew ft. meade, maryland and built that place in uts. >> how sure are you that regular phone calls are being stored? >> i can't tell you for sure. >> that would be the biggest scandal. i can't imagine. e-mails, that's cyber space. so if you're going to put something in writing, you can
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grab it. but just a casual phone call. you really think they're being record and stored? >> the people i talked to believe they have the capability and may be doing it but i can't say for 100% certainty. >> i have to say i can't believe they're doing it because that would be such a violation of this country. that would lead to totalitarianism. that could be blackmail. >> look at tax returns. >> information about what you do is one thing but calls -- all right. mr. thor. i appreciate your book. thank you for coming in. >> thank you. he'll run wild even though i will try to contain him and laura ingram wants to weigh in on a report this week. she will do that up ahead. the great outdoors...
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thanking for being with us. the "what the heck happened" topic. even though his fellow leaker bradley manning will still learn his fate in an american courtroom. they're both facing felony charges for leaking national secrets. you say what now? >> i have one solution. if he's grant aid sigh lum, the first thing the united states has do is get a jumbo jet, fill it up with all the gitmo
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inmates, fly them over to that country, drop them in that country because if they are accepting somebody that has increased our risk for terrorism, then we should do the same to them. can't just pick and choose their asylum seekers. >> so they have to take all those people and let them run wild. and you say? >> let's establish the fact that vladimir putin sa beady-eyed stali stalin looking goon. he's a flat out terrorist. >> you're talking about snowden. >> yes. he's probably living in the errant th bathroom that smells like a bus
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station and i'm fine with that. >> he's going to go to venezuela and have a little condo and have a beach down there. we'll have to punish venezuela. >> and then sean penn. >> deport sean penn? >> snowden has -- >> he praised that. >> i guess he forgot the sudan. >> we should boycott vodka and seize all the assets of the russian hookers in this country and pay off the chinese debt and stick it to old putin that way. >> that's a terrible thing to say. >> bradley manning, former army private and we know why and he took stuff in iraq and he gave it to wikileaks. now, trial's over. it's going to the jury. there's no way on earth that this guy is not guilty. i mean everybody knows he's guilty. the evidence was overwhelming against him. here's the question. what would you sentence him to now? don't be a wise guy.
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what does he deserve to get. >> all of a sudden. >> yeah. what does he deserve? >> he deserves at the very least life imprisonment and potentially the firing squad because he was in the that it our war and he was in uniform and he's talking about what was in the war zone. >> you'd shoot him. >> if that was my duty to do so, i would. i don't see why he doesn't deserve that. >> would you shoot him? >> i don't know. sometimes i come to the show without an opinion. can you imagine being in a cell with russell brandt for the rest of your life? >> and michael moore. >> and you'd need a big cell for
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that. >> you'd shoot him and you'd stick him with michael moore. >> and the royal prince. >> i'm suffered from royal birth depression. it's almost like after the baby was born i feel empty inside as though maybe i gave birth, not that british lady. and by the way, naming it after boy george from the culture club when andrew really deserved it. >> they're nice people and this was a comic relief from some of the heavier tory ieier tommic topics in the news. >> that's what miller said last night. >> maybe the kid can redeem him. first of all, th they name him george. bunker hill and valley forge,
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how soon we forget. >> if he becomes a dentist and stays in the country -- >> he could remake karma chameleon. >> sung by boy george. >> they should name him lucky. >> i said spike but i got a lot of heat. miss laura is next. what makes the sleep number store different? what makes the sleep you walk into a conventional mattress
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let's bring in laura ingram who's joining us from washington. you've been following the controversy about african-american communities being treated by the civil rights industry. i think i laid it out there pretty starkly and then tonight we see the association between lil wayne's parent company and al sharpton, and you say --
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>> well, bill, first of all, i have to say about your talking points memo that got this whole conversation started earlier this week, i played a whole bunch of it on my radio show and the phones lit up. people were cheering and clapping because someone had the guts to say what you said the way you said it with the passion that you said it earlier this week. hats off to you for that and it started a much needed conversation. but on the issue that's facing the black community and really the country, you hit -- you hit and i think brilliantly the fact that we've had a breakup of the traditional black family in our country, and, of course, we're all suffering from that across racial lines but especially the black family. just the simple fact that your previous guest, the professor from city college, he's completely wrong, bill. he kind of blew off this concern
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about how marriage was so important for women today. let me give you one statistic. robert recter of the college foundation came up with a study but it still stands. there's single mothers in the ud states. 37%. 6.8% for married women. when you count education, bill, even if both husband and wife only have a high school education, that figure is only 8.9%. okay. so marriage is a critical weapon against poverty for all people, but especially in the hardest and most vulnerable places in the inner city today. so that is such an important part of this conversation. and sadly, people like al sharpton and jesse jackson, who are nothing more than shake-down artists. the mob used to make you pay protection money, i think
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sharpton does much of the same thing with groups. make a partnership with sharpton and he will not talk about you. they do not talk about staying married, don't have kids if you are not married, if you do, it's difficult. i'm an adopted mother. i adopted three children and it's not easy. but i'm blessed and fortunate. >> you have reousources as well. >> the young black males that are causing most of the trouble and violence in the black community -- >> it's devastating. >> it is. but look, you are not going to get the civil rights industry to deal with the issue. let's up it a little bit. i think the white politicians, do not want a part of it. they are afraid, and president obama, he does not want any part of it either. he does not want any part of this. once in a while, he will go out and encourage people to be good
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fathers orring to stable. but he has not made a campaign out of it, he doesn't have a czar to improve things in the -- >> a marriage czar. >> an inner city czar, none of that. the politicians are powerful people, they have just washed their hands. hey, you do what you want. >> you showed in your talking points memo, what is it like to not be afraid. you have gotten slammed by mostly people on the left of course, for what you said, and they are going after all of talk radio, and by extension, you are not even on talk road, they are slamming everyone on this. but truth is powerful and it's dangerous, because truths when they you waultimately come out,e people that willfully told them and profited off of it. most white and black people get along pretty well, there's work to be done, but they get along pretty well, but for the race
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baiters out there, they could, end up, bill, reversing progress, that has been made between the races. and that would be on top of everything else facing this country, that is horrible. >> the polls say it's already happening. that people perceive race relations to be worse than they did two years ago. >> it's interesting because the zimmerman trial was covered and it was a huge reaction and i understand the reaction, absolutely understand it. and that is an important story, but it not nearly as important as the over arch, the disintegration of traditional families in the inner city and this unbelievable crime problem. >> we need protests about that issue. >> we need to get somebody involved in this as well. thank you, miss laura a, and miss laura will be standing in for me tomorrow. and killing kennedy, moments away. ready for you first day, little brother? i guess.
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5:56 pm
>> tip of the day, rob lowe and killing kennedy. first, go to bill o', all of our gear on sale. super low prices. and bill o'reilly members get an additional 20% off. now, the mail, politicians and president obama addressed the causes of black crime and the out of wedlock birth rate, then they would have to take responsibility. i disagree. no leadership is responsible for personal behavior, but they are not helping to solve the problem. another question, jessie waters was asking about black babies born out of wed with lock, he has no intention of dealing with that. o'reilly i respect for you tackling the race issue, but
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please tell me what about charles rangel you find likeable? served his country and came up the hard way. o'reilly, tip of the day, invite bill cosby on the factor. have, many times and he is not a fan of mine. pat, i'm a native american and don't hold a grudge toward the white man, the racial issue is a crutch for many people. what is with the gloom and doom over detroit, we will pick up the pieces and turn it around. i hope so, doug, butthink so. too far gone. gary, west bend, wisconsin, bill, my wife and i have tickets to see you on friday, november 15th, hope we are not a day early, my mistake last night, gary. friday night show, saturday night. see you then and miller and i are not boycotting florida, we will be in jacksonville, saturday october 12th. for everybody in alabama, i will
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be appearing solo in montgomery, september 26th, celebrating the school's 70th anniversary, we will see you there. and glennda, big kaels on that book. thank you for reading it. and factor tip of the day, you may remember actor rob lowe was one of the stars of the tv show, "the west wing." >> he wants me to write a birthday message for the president. needs it tonight. he asked for you. >> time? >> 10 after 7:00. >> someboanybody? somebody? write a memo of the assistant transportation of -- >> it was run by a liberal hollywood guy who heads up the
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show now "newsroom." to my knowledge, nobody asked lowe about sorkins's politics, lowe was asked about the quote, conservative o'reilly, and the actor simply answered that he liked the material. so here is the tip. we live in a country where the entertainment press not going to report on the culture in a fair way please keep it in mind when consuming information. that is it for us tonight. please check out the fox news factor website that is different than billo' and we would like you to spout off about the factor, from anywhere in the world, word of the day, we would like you to right to you with sagacity, oh, right? it's a positive word. want you to use it in writing to the factor.
6:00 pm
again, thanks for watching, always remember the spin stops here. we are looking out for you. >> welcome to "hannity" the latest woman to kaccuse anthony weiner of sending exrated phone messages and pictures sounds off. >> i read a quote that you said that he was a dirt old man? >> he said that about himself, his word was he is a horny dirty old man. he made campaign promises that he changed and he was a better man now and he learned from his mistakes and i'm proof that that is not true. >> what a charmer. coming up later, we will play you more of her
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