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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  July 26, 2013 8:00am-10:01am PDT

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final words on bradley manning. plus, former mobster and colombo crime family captain joining us talking about what made him walk away from his life in the mafia. and the impact of iodized salt on our mind. it's all "happening now." ♪ ♪ rick: and "happening now" we're getting a new look at newly-released photos showing former nfl star aaron hernandez holding a gun. thanks for joining us, i'm rick folbaum. jenna: i'm jenna lee, and those pictures are taken from a surveillance camera that was apparently inside the home of aaron hernandez. police say they were recorded hours before and minutes after his friend, odin lloyd, was shot to death. the pictures are part of more than a hundred documents
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released to the public. he's currently changerred with murder -- charged with murder and behind bars. jamie colby has more on this. what do we know about these photos? >> reporter: well, jenna, good morning. we learned a lot after they were released. they were evidence, these photos, and also some warrants, and it was all released because of a media request for access. authorities confirming that the photos are grainy at best, but they show aaron hernandez caught on his own surveillance system carrying that gun in both the hours before and the minutes after the shooting death of his friend, odin lloyd, whose body was found about a mile from hernandez's home. now, hernandez remains held without bond on charges in connection with odin lloyd's death. authorities are also looking back at these photos to identify what appears to be a ghok in hernandez's hand, and that is one of the firearms they believe hernandez owned, although they can't identify it the stage of what's become now an intense investigation that it's the same
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weapon used to kill odin lloyd. they haven't recovered that weapon. and also of note in the new documents as we have had a chance to look through these hundred pages, there are details of hernandez's questioning by cops for the first time in which he admits he'd last seen odi, in the the day he was murdered. jenna: all right, we don't have the murder weapon in this case, jamie. you have a legal background, how do things look for hernandez today in. >> reporter: not good for he or the two that were with him that night, two other friends also held. a lot of evidence stacked against him, but he's entered a plea of not guilty to the murder charges in lloyd's death, and the evidence gathered in that case has led investigators to give him even more worry because they believe he may be connected to a double homicide case that remained unsolved going so far as to name a possible motive, information that lloyd may have had in this case regarding that shooting. so hernandez goes back to the court on august 22nd, and the two men who were with him that
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night of the murder, they're also facing charges. ernest wallace, as accessory after the fact. generally, that legal term means helping to cover up a crime. he entered a not guilty plea as well, and he'll be back in court today. we'll keep you posted on that. and then there's carlos ortiz, also in the car the night of the murder, charged with unlawful possession of a firearm. he's behind bars until at least his next court appearance which is on august 14th. and you can imagine this is really hitting patriots' fans, including former teammate tom brady who had this to say about doing their best to just carry on with the game. >> there's a very human compassion element that we all have, and when it's someone that, you know, has been on our team, it's, you know, you just -- it's a very sad thing. >> reporter: and we're watching that court date today to see what happens, and also we're keeping track of that other investigation, the double homicide, hernandez may also be investigated for. they're definitely taking a look at this stage, jenna. jenna: we have arthur aidala
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joining us to talk more about this case and others today. thank you so much. >> reporter: sure. rick: just in, accused leaker bradley manning's court-martial is almost over, the defense summing up today. manning, a u.s. army private, is accused of aiding the enemy by sending hundreds of thousands of top secret government documents to wikileaks. meanwhile, the prosecution blasting manning as a traitor, an anarchist. molly henneberg live in d.c. with the latest. what do we expect from the defense today, molly? >> reporter: the defense attorney said it would take about two hours to give his closing argument and that aiding the enemy charge you were just talking about, rick, it's key. it's the most serious one of the 21 charges against 25-year-old private bradley manning. and could land him in prison for life if he's convicted. the attorney said yesterday about his closing argument, quote: you're going to hear what the truth sounds like. the government has its job, but there's nobody who could believe what they said.
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and on the prosecution's five-plus-hourlong closing argument, he said, quote: if it takes you that long to get your point across, you know it is not true. the court-martial's happening at fort meade outside of baltimore, maryland. there is no jury per manning's request. his case is being heard by an army judge, colonel delaware -- denise lind and is expected to announce her decision in the next several days. rick: molly, the prosecution obviously painting a very different picture of bradley manning yesterday in court. tell us about that. >> reporter: that manning is a traitor, an anarchist, that he acted voluntarily and deliberately with, quote, general evil intelligent. the prosecutor also said during closing arguments, quote: manning had actual knowledge that the enemy, including al-qaeda and al-qaeda in the arabian peninsula, used wikileaks to gather intelligence on the u.s. by giving intelligence to wikileaks, he was giving intelligence to the enemy. now, that's important because in order to get a conviction on the most serious charge, the
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prosecution has to prove that manning knew the material he leaked to wikileaks -- and that includes hundreds of thousands of battlefield reports from iraq, diplomatic cables and videos -- all of that would be seen by the enemy. rick? rick: molly henneberg with the latest details on the manning case. thanks so much. >> they set it next to a railroad track. i didn't see it until i walked and i saw her just a couple of steps away. i recognized her. she, unfortunately, got really, really -- she got hurt very bad. i mean, her scalp was like that, flipped over, and she was bleeding out of her mouth and out of her ears, and she was conscious though. she knew that, what happened. jenna: an emotional description there. that's new reaction from a survivor of the deadly train crash in spain. that man is describing how he found his wife, and you can tell
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from the description she had some pretty serious wounds including a massive head wound. she's now in the hospital with many other victims at this time. we're learning this morning police have lowered the death toll to 78 from 80 in this accident. we're also learning police have officially detained the driver of the train in the hospital where he himself is recovering. he's unable to speak about what happened, but experts who have seen the video of the moment the train flew off the track, video we have shown you as well, say it may have been going twice the speed limit. why that happened is one of the big questions today. greg talcott is live in london with more. >> reporter: hi, jenna, and the investigation continues into that horrific train wreck in spain. numbers that came out yesterday, among the casualties one american killed, five americans injured. the latest we're getting from authorities is that number should hold, and the latest we're also hearing overall in the hospital right now 81 people, 31 people in critical condition. it happened just outside the
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spanish city of santiago, that's in the northwestern corner of that country. investigators now say they are in possession of a black box from the train similar to what is retrieved from planes in postaccident situations. the telemetry from that and other video should play into an investigation and, yes, as you noted, authorities are looking very closely at excessive speed as a cause. the driver is reportedly, had reportedly radioed in that he should have been going at around 50 miles an hour. in fact, he was going at 120 miles an hour just before the accident. authorities are now looking at the possibility of charging him with reckless homicide. again, they haven't even started to talk to him yet. in this as we do hear more accounts from survivors including americans. one american saying it felt like being inside of an 18 wheeler truck spinning around at high speeds, slamming up against the wall. they talked about screaming folks, a lot of blood, a lot of
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smoke. let's hear one more quote from the gentleman you just heard from, houston native robert. >> people were crying, screaming, and kids were screaming, and people were screaming for help. there was a couple of ladies who were just thrown on the floor. there were no seats. >> reporter: yes, a lot of people mourning today but, luckily, for mr. farzia, his wife is in the hospital in serious but stable condition. we can also confirm to you that the dead american's name is anna maria cordoba. she was a worker, an employee of the arch diocese in that area. coworkers said to be very upset about her loss. her husband and her daughter who was also onboard, they were injured badly, they are in the hospital. a lot of trouble there in that portion of spain in the middle of summer. a lot of horror. back to you. jenna: we wish all those injured a speedy recovery.
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wow, what a story, and we'll continue to wait for more information, greg. thank you very much. rick: switching gears and turning our attention to the rising tensions in egypt and massive protests expected today in cities all across that country as egypt's military files charges against the ousted president mohamed morsi. they're accusing him of cooperating with the terror group during his escape from prison back in 2011. leland vittert live in our mideast bureau with more on that. >> reporter: rick, hard to call these charges trumped up, but they are certainly very convenient for the military which is trying to keep mr. morsi behind bars in an undies closed location and away from his supporters. there are tens if not hundreds of thousands of people out on the streets of egypt right now. we have a split screen to show you on the left-hand side the muslim brotherhood protests, that is pro-morsi, they want morsi back and replaced as president on the right-hand side a pro-military rally, the
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leading general there in egypt called for a rally today for people to come out and support the military hundred that -- junta, and boy, can they turn out a crowd there in tahrir square. it's been a couple of weeks since the military kicked out morsi. he was democratically elected about a year ago and put in a lot of swift reforms to turn egypt into much more of an islamic state. that didn't go over well with especially the military that had been in charge for so long. they came in and now kicked morsi out. they have given a deadline of tomorrow for the muslim brotherhood to get behind their plans of new elections. the brotherhood, on the other hand, says we don't need new elections, we had elections, and morsi won, put him back as president. something so far the military is not willing to do. since the coup there have been about a hundred dead, already today we are hearing reports of some clashes between these groups in cairo. they are separated by a big distance, but it will be sundown
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there soon, the end of ramadan prayers for the evening, people will break the fast, that's when crowds are expected to swell and people are expecting another round of violence to kick off sometime this evening. rick, back to you. rick: leland vittert live in the middle east, thank you very much. during leland's hit, we inadvertently showed you pictures of brazil where the pope is traveling, we'll have more on the pope's trip later on. also, what's next for egypt coming up later on this hour. we'll speak with a former cia operative about the protests and the new charges against mohamed morsi. jenna: well, disturbing news out of colorado today, a convicted child predator who was supposed to keep authorities informed on where he's living is now suddenly missing without a trace. a search for this man who police say is very likely to attack again. plus, breaking developments in the effort to get rush to hand over -- russia to hand over edward snowden. what the doj says it's now willing to do to bring him to
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justice. that's ahead. what makes your family smile? backflips and cartwheels. love, warmth. here, try this. backflips and camm, ok!s. ching! i like the fact that there's lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i'm very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching.
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jenna: welcome back, everyone. right now some new information on a few crime stories we're watching today including this one about a sexually violent predator who was supposed to be living in lakeland, colorado. well, he's missing without a trace. his name is nick medina, he was released from prison in mid june. he's a convicted sex offender, sexual assault on a child. if anyone has information about his whereabouts, you're asked to call the lakeland police department. also, a tense standoff this morning at an apartment complex in los angeles, police responding to calls of a burglary. police say a woman barricaded herself inside the building and fired shots. s.w.a.t. teams descended on the building, took her into custody, the situation is now over. and a university of pittsburgh neuroscientist charged with the murder of his
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wife, also a doctor. police say she collapsed at her home in florida and died three days later of cyanide poisoning. the husband is a leading researcher of lou gehrig's disease, now also suspected of a crime. rick? rick: thank you, jenna, and a brand new poll on what americans think of the nsa and its controversial surveillance programs. a fox news poll showing more voters think the government's electronic surveillance does more to hurt americans by using their private information improperly than it does to help track down terrorists and protect the country. voters are also concerned the agency accountability keep its own -- can't keep its own secret. monica crowley is a fox news contributor, and we saw those numbers, but this is a country that's pretty divided on the nsa program, right? >> yeah. i think that poll number is actually very revealing, because i think most americans would say that this program was generally okay, that they would approve of it if they had the assurance that it was only being used to
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track and catch terrorists to prevent a terrorist attack here and that there was no opening or potential for abuse. and now that i think that we, we're hearing about this nsa program in a new context, the context being the abuses of power at the irs, targeting entire sections of society -- rick: right. >> -- conservatives, tea party, religious groups and also in the context of the abuses of power at the department of justice, targeting our own james rosen, listening in to the associated press, i think given that broader context, rick, the american people are taking a step back and saying, well, wait a minute, what exactly is this program being used for? the remember, the tsarnaev brothers, those who carried out the boston bombings, they were tailor made for this kind of program to catch them -- rick: and they weren't caught. >> and they were not snared by this program at all. they were talking to folks oversea, they were talking to terrorists, known terrorists overseas. they had a background here. people had sent up red flags about them including the russian government. they were tailor made for this
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program and were not caught. so i think the american people are saying we need a little bit more information about how broad this program is, how extensive the spying is and how effective it's actually being on what it's supposed to be doing. rick: these are people's concerns with the nsa program, these are concerns that the u.s. is unable to keep its secrets and 30% of voters say that it's concerned that the program gives the government power to spy on americans, legitimate concerns? >> absolutely. in fact, today we're getting a headline that the federal government now is going to a lot of these internet server companies and so on asking for our encrypted, stored passwords. that's a headline just today. so i think every day the american people are hearing more and more information about how extensive this program is, how deep it goes. we still have limited information about this, and by the very definition of the nsa and what it does, it's secret. so i think there's a very fine line which the american people are treading very carefully here which is we do want our state
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secrets protected. nobody wants them splashed all over the front pages of the new york times and the washington post. but there is a deep concern about the potential for abuse with these programs. in the right hands, it might be totally fine. but in the wrong hands when you have a president, an attorney general whether it's these two right now or in the future, the potential for abuse, i think, scares a lot of people and rightfully so. rick: okay, so people aren't, the voters aren't the only ones divided by this, politicians are divided by this. we saw the vote in the house on that amendment that was offered. it didn't pass. but now we're hearing from some fop republicans -- some top republicans who are in disagreement, and you might even say that they're feuding with each other over whether or not the nsa program is necessary. chris christie talking about sort of a stripe of libertarians within the republican party, and rand paul being one of them saying that they're dangerous for opposing this kind of surveillance.
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>> yeah. this program once it was totally exposed or to the extent that we know it's exposed has created some very interesting and strange political bed fellows. so you had in this vote conservative republicans joining with liberal democrats to try to torpedo this program or at least pull the funding from the nsa to do it. you've got some in-fighting as you mentioned going on in the republicans, but also the democrats as well. the headline was that the nsa program continues because nancy pelosi was spearheading the effort on behalf of democrats to keep this going. so of a very interesting web and cross-currents here, and i think that's why you're seeing the american people really trying to figure it out, trying to figure it out in terms of what it means -- rick: sure. but is is this the the new sort of big tent where you've got some republicans who are for, some are against, immigration some are for, some are against, it's got to be okay, right? >> well, i think there's a lot of conversation going back and forth in terms of how -- and i think this is in both parties -- the distinct between security
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and liberty. the founding fathers struggled with it, and here we are still struggling. rick: monica coly, thanks very much for joining us. we'll be right black, more "happening now" right after this. the great outdoors... ...and a great deal. thanks to dad. nope eeeeh... oh, guys let's leave the deals to ooh that one! nice. got it! oh my gosh this is so cool... awesome!
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rick: right now police in washington on the hunt for whoever vandalized the lincoln memorial. harris faulkner following this, this was the first story i saw in the morning when i took a look at the news headlines, harris. >> reporter: well, when you hear from one of the veterans coming up, i wonder if you had the same emotion this person did. the lincoln memorial, one of the most popular sites on the national mall, do temporarily closed. somebody took green paint and splashed it on the presidential statue, the pedestal and the floor around it. they didn't write any words or symbols, but u.s. park officials say it appears intentional and happened around 1:30 in the
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morning local time. now they're reviewing security camera footage to see if they can identify a suspect or suspects. >> it's sad because me being a veteran, you know, things like this, i bring my kids to see so they would take pride in their history, and in order for them to know where they're going, they've got to know about their past, and when we have people that just don't care about our history, it saddens me because this is what i fought for. >> reporter: i think i heard rick folbaum say amen. the memorial will remain closed while they try to get the paint be off the marble, but park officials say it could be open by later today. and if you haven't seen it, go. take your children. such a beautiful sight and beacon of our democracy. it shows lincoln seated in a column to mash -- marble building. a question as well, why green paint. they're working on that. rick, back to you.
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rick: definitely one of my favorite spots on the mall. i hope that get that cleaned up soon. thank you so much. jenna: going to turn back to news overseas. a lot of rising tensions in egypt, massive protests happening right now in cities nationwide for both pro-military and muslim brotherhood supporters. and this comes as we learn from egyptian state television that the military is charging the ousted president, president morsi, wees by imagine the and cooperating with terror groups including hamas during his escape from prison back in 2011. so a lot of breaking news from egypt. we're going to bring in a former cia operative and a fellow with the foundation for defense of democracy. he just wrote an editorial for "the wall street journal," one of the things that you point out in your editorial is that it might be popular belief that seeing these uprisings on the street against the muslim brotherhood means that their moment has passed in egypt, that
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this islamist movement will be no longer. but you say we should look at it as more of an interlude. why do you believe that? >> well, i think the primary reason is that egypt is a devoutly religious country. the secular forces that particularly came together in this youth rebellion movement are surely a minority in the population. we now know for sure that the massive demonstrations on the 30th of june were engineered by the military. you know, they brought out on the streets, according to david kirkpatrick of "the new york times," around two million people. but i think it's good to remember that the population of cairo is north of 20 million. and anyone who's been to cairo has walked through the areas where the devout live. i think it's fair to say that the muslim brotherhood and be other islamist groups have a
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pretty good future. jenna: so what you're saying is even after we see this uprising in the streets, and we can leave the live pictures up because it's still dramatic to see all of these people take to the streets, that you would be surprised if in another democratic process, in another election we might see another islamist elected to be leader of egypt? >> yeah, i think it's entirely possible that if you have another free election, that you could see the islamists win both in parliament and even the presidency. i mean, after all, the islamists took combined about 70% of the parliamentary seats
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experiment showing how vulnerable our nation's ships are to hacker, even terrorists. a very disturbing report. plus, the fed's expected to wrap up their case against gangster whitey bulger while newly-released photos show former nfl star aaron hernandez holding a gun. a lot is happening in the legal world for you. we'll have all of that with our fox news legal analyst, arthur
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aidala, who's looking dapper as always. good to see you, buddy. >> according to you, i look dapper. laugh. [laughter] hey, the new guy is loaded with protein! really? 25 grams of protein. what do we have? all four of us, together? 24. he's low fat, too, and has 5 grams of sugars. i'll believe it when i--- [ both ] oooooh... what's shakin'? [ female announcer ] as you get older, protein is an important part of staying active and strong. ensure high protein... fifty percent of your daily value of protein. low fat and five grams of sugars. see? he's a good egg. [ major nutrition ] ensure high protein... ensure! nutrition in charge!
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rick: welcome back. new info sparking concerns about our nation's security. a recent experiment showing how vulnerable gps tracking is to hackers. one professor proving that it is actually possible for a terror group to take control of a ship without anybody noticing until
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without anybody noticing until john roberts in the atlanta with the exclusive. >> reporter: we're not tipping out terrorists and how they can do. we're telling you what happened recently of we rely on gps every day to get us efficiently from safe to place. what if the gp is manipulated if what it is telling us is not actually happening? that is what university of texas professor todd humphries did aboard a super yacht in the mediterranean. they shoally took over the ups navigation system with counterfeit signals. once they controlled it ship, they with take it to the left, to the right, steer it off course or potentially put it on a collision course with another ship and all the while the ship's gps navigation said nothing was wrong and it was moving in astraight line along the course. professor humphries said the
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implications for hackers and terrorism are huge. >> for maritime traffic there are big implications here. you've got large ships, expensive ships. you've bottom 90% of the world's car go going across the seas. imagine shutting down a port? imagine running a shape aground. these are the kind of implications we're worried about. >> reporter: he points out commercial airliners use a similar gps system to that of the ship and those systems could easily be taken over as well, rick. rick: what is being done about this, john? >> reporter: after we reported last year on fox news about a similar but far more primitive experiment professor humphries conducted with a an unmanned drone, the faa, cia, dod, and pentagon took notice but department of homeland security has done nothing to address what could be a potentially huge national security problem here. andrew schofield, is the captain of the ship that humphries and his team took over. >> it is both simultaneously
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fascinating and frightening and people need to know that this kind of thing is possible with a relatively small budget and they can in a very, very simple system, steer the ship off course without the captain knowing. >> reporter: the chairman of the house homeland security committee, representative mike mccall of texas, he says he wants the department of homeland security to declare the gps system quote, critical infrastructure and take steps to protect it against cyberattacks. rick? rick: alarming story. john roberts live in atlanta. thanks so much. >> reporter: thanks, rick. jenna: this just in. a guilty plea from the man who is accused of kidnapping three women and holding them hostage in his cleveland home for a decade. ariel castro appearing court and agreeing to plea deal of life without parole and 1,000 years for 937 counts against him all of this to avoided the death penalty. this is one of the cases we're looking at with arthur aidala,
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former prosecutor and now criminal defense attorney and fox news legal analyst. >> a lot going on today. a big friday in july. jenna: so far. is this justice really in this case? >> well i think so because for this case had gone to trial those young women would have had to testify in a very public way about atrocities, actual atrocities and i don't think anybody in the medical field would say that's good for them. my hope is that they were consulted to some degree. they do have their own attorneys now, that this is something that they wanted. i have never heard, discussing with you, of a plea life plus a thousand years. jenna: that is first for you? >> i've heard like 250 years but a thousand is a big number and look, i guess to some degree you could say he did the right thing. he is a relatively young guy. spending life in prison is not a good time. jenna: that's where, listening to this again, looking at the question, is this justice what
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will prison look like for him? well i just be put out with the general population in prison? will there be something in the plea deal that says he is not? he is in a different place? what does that mean? >> that is interesting people ask me, especially clients, can the plea deal dictate where i go? jenna: right. >> usually it can not. in federal court a judge can make a suggestion but usually in state occur where they are here the department of corrections, whoever it is who is in charge of all those people, that warden he is in charge. whoever is in charge they are in the charge of safety of their officers the other inmates and people there cooking and cleaning, so, no, usually prosecutors, even though with their big law degrees they can't say we want him here or want her there. jenna: we're relying on your big law degree. >> okay. jenna: to someone currently behind bars awaiting a trial we presume, that is former new england patriots player aaron hernandez. he is being held for the murder of one of his friend and now we
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have the news of these brand new photos, before and after his friend died of him supposedly holding a gun but there is no murder weapon in this case. police actually don't have the murder weapon. what do these photographs die pick? >> when you're a defense attorney and supposedly your client is holding a gun that is not exactly the greatest piece of evidence for you because the problem is you can't cross-examine it. you can't challenge it. when there is a human being on the stand there are areas where you can probe and pick apart, but a picture is a picture is a picture. the biggest thing whether or not the people you're with that night decide to cooperate and testify against him and give all details what happened. that will be really -- the tip of the iceberg. jenna: depending how damaging that would be versus the photographs? >> correct. the photographs are really bad. when you have a human being or two who says, yeah, i was there, this is what happened. we pulled over. took him out on the car. put him on his knees.
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you put r pulled out the gun. you sit there and that the end of it. in that exists and prosecutor presents that to the defense attorney don't surprised to see if there is plea bargain in that case. jenna: talk about friends of aaron hernandez and another massachusetts case, "whitey" bulger, former mob boss, most wanted guy. another day someone is talking about bad things allegedly whitety bulger did. but folks testifying against him also have slightly sketchy background. >> right. so the biggest, biggest case that ever changed the industry that i'm in was the john gotti trial where sammy "the bull" gravano, who was his right-hand man, i believe off the top of my head he was charged with 19 murders, comes in for the first time a major, major guy, spills the beans in detail and gotti is convicted and gets life and he was challenged, well, you're only saying this because you're in trouble and you will get yourself out of trouble that is
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the only defense really that there is. you're making these lies up if you're in trouble and if he convicted the prosecutor will go lightly on you, but that usually doesn't work. jenna: quick question for you as a criminal defense attorney in this sort of scenario case we don't know what the defense is going to do when it comes to their turn. what would they do? >> they want to discredit any way they can those witnesses who spoke in detail about how these homicides took place which is very difficult to do. sometimes, jenna, these times you're going through the motions. you're hoping for a hung jury. you're hoping to give your guy a couple extra days of hope but it seems in this case the his former partner in crime was a real good witness and gave the details that a jury would need to convict him. jenna: you're italian. you're a new yorker. you haven't done a lot of mob cases right? >> no. jenna: i will not implicate. >> when i became a defense attorney i specifically made sure i wouldn't go in that direction. jenna: you felt you had to do
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that. >> absolutely. the neighborhood i originally practiced in in brooklyn was loaded with this whole element. that was 20 years ago. i got great advice from my father and others. if you can make a good living as a criminal defense attorney without deal with that element it will be a lot better. they have high expectations an you're expected to meet them at all costs and my ethics and morals and standards mean more to me than anything else. i will do the job my way. no client will tell me how to do my job. jenna: morals, ethics and integrity mean to us too. look at you now. you have to you didn't have to do that arthur. >> i get to sit with you and rick. jenna: we have interesting story coming up next. thanks for the per speck negative in all those cases. rick, that is interesting transition to where we're ned head next in the show. rick: i want to say at arthur were one of the best in the business. you talk about the boston underworld guys. we'll go from boston to the mean streets of new york city. maybe some neighborhoods arthur
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were in. few have been on inside ad lived the to tell the tale. a former captain of the colomb bo crime family, gives us rare inside look at the mafia. >> he said is this what you want a part of. i didn't know what i'm a part of. you never sat down and explain anything to me. and it's time. he said if you had to kill somebody, could you do it? when we made our commitment to the gulf, bp had two big goals:
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help the gulf recover and learn from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, whe experts watch over all drilling activity twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger.
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rick: very few have walked away from the mob and lived to tell the tale. our next guest grew up in one of new york's most notorious and violent crime families. so what made him give up a life of crime? let's bring in michael franzese, former colombo family capo. what does that mean? >> it means captain. rick: what is the worst thing you ever did? >> listen, it's a violent life, if you're called on to do something if you're part of the
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life you're part of the violence. rick: your dad was in this? >> dad was the underboss of the colombos back in the '60s, really up to the present time. rick: was there i ever any question that this was the path you would follow? >> oh, yeah. originally my dad didn't want this for me. i was actually a premed student, hofstra university, when my dad drew a 50-year prison sentence with the feds. i got close with joe colombo an life started to change at that point. rick: you go from being a med student to working your way up the rungs of the ladder in the colombo mob family? >> quite a transition, huh? rick: i'll say. what is that like as you're moving? how do you move up in that world? >> look if you're an earner r you have shot moving to the top. basically i was fortunate. i had a head for business and i knew how to use that life to benefit me in business. with the money comes the power and i started to move up. rick: were you ever worried you yourself would be a target? >> well, i was always a target. i mean i had, you know, two
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federal racketeering indictments. i had an indictment in florida. i was indicted six or seven times. rick: i don't mean a target of law enforcement. i mean a target of other folks in your world? >> you're always worrying about that. with success it is kind after double-edged sword. you have to always worry on the streets. you got it from both side. it is part of the life. you deal with it and it is normal actually. rick: the law finally caught up with you? >> yeah. rickwhat happened? >> after beating null birof indictments i beat giuliani in '84 on big indictment. eastern district gave me on a tax scam case and i decided to take a plea on that one. i pled to 10 years. i had a 15 million-dollar restitution. five million in forfeitures. i met a young woman at that point is my wife of 28 years and decided to try to throw in the towel and walk away. rick: you found god, you found religion. you talk about that now. do you miss it though, do you
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miss the life? >> there are things bit i miss. mostly the comradery i had with the guys. some of us were pretty tight-knit. there is something very attractive about this brotherhood concept. when i came into the life and took the oath, hey, mike, wherever you go in the world, don't worry there will be a brother to protect your wife. don't worry about your wife, mother, your sister, we'll always have you covered. that is powerful stuff. to me that was the most attractive thing about the life. that is what i most. rick: most of those folks are now either dead or in prison for rest of their lives. >> 197, "fortune" magazine had a article of 350 most biggest most powerful bosses. i was on there. number 18 on the list. behind bottomty. not most important. of the i don't know how they make a list. they didn't ask for my tax returns. the important thing, rick, out of that list of 50, 44 are dead. three are doing life in prison without parole and i'm here to
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talk to you. rick: i want to ask you, we'll take a quick break, why you think we're so fascinated to this day with the mafia. i want to talk about your series as well. we'll have more with michael franzese after this.
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rick: we're joined once again by michael franzese, a former colombo crime family captain here in new york city. what is the biggest misconception people have? we are fascinated about stories with the mafia whether "the godfather" movies or sopranos series or "whitey" bulger trial. what should we know that we don't about this life? >> well, you know people don't understand that the life is very destructive. i don't know one family of any member of that life that hasn't been totally destroyed including my own. my wife and kids i spared them of that. mother, father, brothers,
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sisters, totally devastated. it is true of every family i met in that life. people see the money, power, prestige and way guys carry themselves they think wow, it's a charmed life. it is not. rick: how powerful is the mob today? >> you know not nearly as powerful as it was in my day, '70s, '80s when we had control of unions. rick, the thing is, we survived an prospered in this country over 100 years under some very difficult conditions and the reason we did that because we infiltrated every fabric of society from politics, right down to the street level. and these other criminal groups out there, if you take away the drug business from them, they all collapse but we were into everything. controlled the unions. credit the docks. we had many politicians that did our bidding. and, i know we just had a way. we had to get around people. it was very powerful. rick: i'm glad you got out of it. >> me too. rick: i'm glad you're here to talk to us about this. we should let people know,
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"inside the american mob," premiers this sunday july 28th, it is on at 9:00 and 10:00 p.m. eastern time on the "national geographic" channel. a fascinating look inside of a world that most of us will never ever know. of michael, thank you so much. all the best to you. >> appreciate it. rick: jenna. jenna: we'll turn to another story here. ariel castro pleading guilty to kidnapping three women and holding them hostage for a decade in his cleveland home. the latest on that. plus the man that wants to be the next mayor of new york city. he is known by what is that, carlos danger is his name, right? admitting he had more online affairs and sent more x-rated photos. one of anthony weiner's online partners is going public. and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy.
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jenna: brand new stories breaking this hour. more on the bizarre social media habits of a man who who wants te new york city's mayor. anthony weiner admitting more
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inappropriate online exchanges with moran dom women. plus the man accused of holding three women captive in his house of horrors for a decade accept ad plea deal to avoided the death penalty. we'll tell you more details on that. we're learning more of a previously unknown hero of benghazi. a severely injured man who risked his own life to try to save others is speaking out. what he did as our consulate burned. that is coming up. rick: more bombshells rocking new york city's mayor's race. disgraced democrat anthony weiner promising to stay in the race amid new graphic information about his lewd behavior. i'm rick. jenna: i don't have any either. that's it, guys. i'm jenna lee. great to have you on this friday. the married candidate known as carlos danger, now confronting
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some new tales of online affairs and x-rated photos. and raunchy phone sex. the drumbeat demanding he drop out of the race getting stronger following these latest admissions. one of his online partners? a 23-year-old high school dropout from indiana. she is now going public about their relationship. julie banderas has more. julie? >> reporter: yes, i sure do, too much more. the hits keep on coming. anthony weiner's sexting pal speaks. if you're running for mayor this is not kind of interview you want out there. sidney leathers sat down with "inside edition" to talk about carlos danger or like anthony weiner likes to refer himself as a dirty old manner. >> actually said that himself to my. he is arguably potentially horny, middle-aged man of the at the time i said, no, you're not. but yes he is. >> reporter: but weiner was not laughing as he held one news
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conference after another this week. it is hard to keep up with his fuzzy math speaking about how many women he sex the. >> there are more than, there are a few. i don't have a specific number for you. i said at the time of my resignation there were six. i don't think in total there are anymore. it is not dozens and dozens. it is six to 10 i suppose but i can't tell you absolutely what someone else is going to consider inappropriate or not. >> reporter: citizens have to decide for themselves whether this personal behavior happened, whether one thing happened or it didn't happen. i understand we're all about bit confused about the numbers but nonetheless we're waiting to hear now from sidney leathers as to whether he was telling the truth or not. remember he did resign one year later. he was still sending these sexts if you will. apparently according to sidney leathers he was lying about the whole thing. not only did the disgraced congressman and mayoral
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candidate engage in texts with more than one woman which led to the resignation in 2011 he did so a year later after making promise to the american public he had changed. leathers said he was lieing. >> i don't believe i had any more than three. but the point is they're behind me. a year ago at least. i worked through these things, personal failings now caused me great embarassment because they have become public. >> reporter: so that is that. apparently not true. while weiner isn't being specific how many women he was involved with, the timeline when the messages were exchanged has everyone talking. certainly has a lot of those trying to decide who to elect the next mayor a bit confused considering now the polls are changing. he was leading in the polls. now he is actually trailing christine quinn who is now taking the lead. we'll have to wait and see. it is interesting, his campaign is changing gears now. he is on damage control. that is essentially what he is doing until the primary. jenna: so, all right, it is a confusing situation.
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but i guess as nicely as we can put it. julie, we'll leave it there and we'll keep our viewers posted on any new developments. rick? rick: confuse something one word for it. right now the man accused of kidnapping three women and keeping them captive in his home in cleveland for about a decade pleading guilty today in a deal to avoided the death penalty. garrett tenney live in our midwest bureau with more on that. garrett. >> reporter: rick, ariel castro just left the courtroom a few minutes ago after being there almost an hour 1/2 as the judge read through many lists of charges he is facing. castro had a very different demeanor today than we've seen in the other court appearances over the last couple of months. he walked into the courtroom with his head held high. he was looking around the courtroom. as he sat down he was talking with his attorneys and much more vocal than we've seen in the past. now, in this of course is after those several months that these plea deal negotiations have been on going.
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>> it was my understanding from meeting with your counsel and counsel from the state is that a plea agreement has been reached in this matter. are you fully aware of the terms and do you consent to that plea agreement? >> fully aware and i do consent. >> reporter: aerial castro is fully aware of the terms of that agreement which include 937 total charges he pled guilty to and the recommended sentence from the state that he also agreed to was life without parole for the charge of aggravated murder that he was facing and an additional 1,000 years without parole after that life sentence is served. of course that won't be the case. more of a technicality but the state has also agreed that they will not be seeking the death penalty. that is what castro's defense team has been pushing for all along. the sentencing will be next thursday and we also learned from the judge, that castro as well as members of his family will be able to take the stand
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and speak on his behalf at that hearing. the three victims will also be invited to speak there. that will be their decision whether they choose to do so or not. but that is where the actual sentencing hearing will take place and we'll find out if the state, or if the judge will sentence castro according to those charges that have been agreed to in that plea deal. rick. rick: garrett, we were all captivated by the videotaped messages that those three victims recorded and released to the public a couple of weeks back and remarkable to see them as well as they look and to sound as well as they do. i am wondering in light of today's guilt think plea, if there's any reaction from these three women, whether there's any sense of relief on their parts as to for not having to go through a trial and get on the stand and talk about this? >> no, absolutely. we reached out to their attorney's office a few minutes ago to see if there will be any type of a statement released. we haven't heard back from them yet. we know a few weeks ago they did release a statement.
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of course that video. along with that they have said they wanted this whole ordeal to get over with so they can move on with their lives. they were not hoping to be able to take the stand in the trial and have to relive this nearly 10 years of captivity, abuse, rapes and beatings that they faced. so them being able to not have to go through that is something they are able to get out of this as well but we're looking forward to seeing those comments from them as well today. rick: garrett tenney, keep us posted in chicago. thanks so much. >> reporter: certainly. jenna: fox news learning some brand new details about the benghazi terror attack and how the survivors went hours before any sort of adequate medical help. diplomatic security agent david ubben risked his life to run into the burning compound to try to help his colleagues. he spent hours fighting alongside former navy seals tyrone woods and glen doherty who died as they tried to fend off the attack. we're piecing more of this story together. chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge has more from
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washington. catherine? >> reporter: thank you, jenna. confidential sources tell fox news during the second wave of the attack diplomatic security agent david ubben was on the roof of the cia annex along with former navy seals tyrone woods and glen doherty. in another sign the attacks were premeditated three mortar round rained down on cia compound. first one fell short of annex 50-yards away but subsequent mortar rounds were direct hits with the mortar sledding ubben's right leg. making contact with you ubben fox news is respecting his privacy and remains focused on his recovery and along with america's war wounded from af iraq. he was so severely wounded 10 months later is being treated at walter reed medical center in suburban washington. three state department employees and one contractor were injured ad benghazi. they said the response was inadequate on many levels. >> that's a good question.
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now it wasn't a medical plane. >> is that what he told you? >> i'm just saying it wasn't a medical plane. a medical plane has a door big enough to get somebody on a goon any through it without -- gurney through it without turning them sideways. we owed our people better than they got. >> reporter: there is no reference to medical plane in the state department independent review of benghazi and no reference from secretary of state clinton and former secretary lee on panetta and joint chiefs chairman martin dempsey. asked whether a medical plane was sent to evacuate ubben and others from benghazi a state department spokeswoman said benghazi is thoroughly investigated and they had nothing new to add to that point, jenna. jenna: catherine herridge live from washington. thank you. >> reporter: you're welcome. rick: new information on what caused the landing gear to collapse at a southwest airlines flight that arrived atag
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. >> flight 345 from nashville, rick, made a hard landing at laguardia airport and skidded 2000 feet down the runway on monday shaking up 150 people on board. the pictures at the time showed a tilted plane you remember, very frightening sight. we were first told there was no landing gear deployed likely. now federal investigators say their investigation shows that the boeing 737 touched down on its front nose wheel, before the sturdier main landing gear in the back touched down. that is not just a problem. it's a violation. southwest airlines saying landing with the knows pointed down is against company procedure. in fact planes are supposed to land knows up with the main gear landing first. meanwhile the national transportation safety board says the next step is to determine whether this was pilot error or if the front landing gear should have been able to withstand the initial impact although experts have told me that really it is huge bw to the italian mafia.
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police rounded up dozens mobsters in a massive crime ring. how cops managed to nab them. parking tickets are a booming business for cash-strapped business for some cities across the country. we're sure some noticed. how much dough are they raking in and where do you draw the line? ♪ [ male announcer ] this is betsy. her long day of pick ups and drop offs begins with arthritis pain... and a choice. take up to 6 tylenol in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. all aboard.
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jenna: a few international stories we're watching right now including a huge crackdown on the italian mafia. cops rounded up 65 suspected mobsters. if they're to be believed to be involved in a massive insurance scheme staging fake car accidents and using million of euros in payouts to buy drugs and guns and pay salaries. police say a mobster turned
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inforth helped them launch the sting. rick: another deadly day in iraq. a series of attacks killing dozens of people there. militants in baghdad bombing a crowded cafe killing 16 people, injuring 20 more at least. police say at least two dozen other people are dead after smaller strikes around the capitol city. this is an ugly wave of violence that is rippling across the country as the muslim holy month of ramadan continues. the associated press estimates the death toll this month at more than 550 lives. jenna: turning back stateside, a bit of a loaded question, one we probably know the answer to. are you getting fed up with all the extra parking tickets in your city? your certainly not alone. cities handing out more citations in a way to generate income. activists say cities go so far and changing rules so often and posting more signs, drivers end up confused and with a ticket. adam housley, in los angeles.
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you got some tickets, is that what brought you to story? >> reporter: i won my last one. it gets frustrating. a lot of drivers relent and pay the darn thing. give you an idea, look at this song. you're from the bay area, jenna, like i am. it is difficult to park there. l.a., new york, not much different. tough get out of car, go over read it and figure it out just to avoided a ticket. >> i just got a ticket. she gave me another ticket. >> reporter: expensive fines, confusing signs and armies of meter maids. cities are rolling in the dough with parking violations. >> they think of them as a new atm machines. >> reporter: in los angeles parking tickets bring in three times more revenue than parking meeters. >> they want them high enough to make money on and low enough so you don't give up a day to go to court. >> reporter: since 2005 ticket prices nearly doubled in l.a., starting at $63. >> that is almost entire wages for minimum wage employee.
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people can't afford that kind of thing. >> reporter: same story in washington, d.c. which handed out nearly 2 million tickets and $100 million in fines last year. >> they substituted parking tickets for the welcome mat. >> reporter: some cities charge for sunday parking like san francisco which sits atop the list for parking prices. why not just obey the sign? which one? what do they all mean. >> i have a graduate degree, i can't read the signs. >> reporter: the signs are clear according to l.a. department of transportation, we frequently have multiple park regulations that require more than juan sign the public is required to read multiple signs and complying with regulations. critics say there has to abettor way for cities to raise money. >> better for our democracy if the cities realistically said, this is what is going to cost us to provide these services and these are the ways we think we ought to raise that money.
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>> reporter: jenna, making matters more money, cities are farming out or contracting out payment of these little tickets. when you fight it, you don't even get a response. that makes it more frustrated for those who get stuck with one of these on their windshield. jenna. jenna: avoided that at all costs of course. adam, thank you -- >> reporter: take a taxi. jenna: very interesting look what is going on across the country. thank you. rick: coming up, troubled actress amanda bynes will spending two more weeks under psychiatric observation as her parents are trying to take control of her affairs. we'll have the latest on that. speaking of with impoverished north korea going all out to celebrate a big anniversary. we'll talk to someone who visited the hermit kingdom as it is called last year. stick around.
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♪ >> correia hopes spread with the armies stance. he signed for the aggressors which u.s. general harrison acted for the united nations but the hush in the hills became uneasy with the exchange of prisoners. the reds showing defiance instead of repentance. and generals clark and taylor welcoming u.n. prisoners heard tales of atrocities which shocked the free world. cruelties confirmed by general dean, the highest ranking officer to be captured and released by the reds. jenna: that was in the past some americans call it the forgotten war, conflict in far-off country, so painful even some survivors try to forget about it. north koreans in the meantime certainly not forgotten bit. 60 years after the end of the korean war the country is marking tomorrow's anniversary with a massive celebration. they call it victory day even though the two sides only sign
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ad truce and yet to negotiate a real peace treaty of the as part of this weekend's events the north is mounting a huge colorful extravaganza filled with all sorts of propraganda. for example they put a u.s. navy ship captured in the cold war in the 1960s on display. celebrations leading up to a massive military parade ending with fireworks. our next guest has interesting story with interesting insights in north korea. michael recently visited the country on a guide tour. he is working on a book about north korea's former dictator entitled, dear reader, unauthorized biography of kim jong-il. michael joins us now. there are a lot of places in the world you can go. >> that's right. jenna: why did you choose north korea? >> i was born in the former soviet union and this is chance to see what my family went through. you never been to the new north korea. it is the new milan. jenna: i didn't we were allowed
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to go. >> north korea is desperate for money. pay your bills. all journalists who snuck in are not being honest. it is as simple as that and legal the government knows you're there from the u.s. and north korean side. jenna: interesting tonight your background from the soviet union. there is old soviet plane, you're getting ready to go to north korea. >> right. jenna: the aircraft taking you there is soviet? >> no, they upgraded to '80s aircraft now. jenna: they did. >> one of my colleagues complained on instagram they liked her posts. they're on the internet and they're watching. it is pretty creepy. jenna: but when you're there are they watching you? >> in hotel there is north surveillance. everybody in north korea is watched by somebody else. they have once a week aa meetings criticism sessions where you talk about your neighbors that you didn't do correct and denounce you as well. jenna: look at photographs. >> of kids in the country. jenna: were you able to take any photograph you wanted to take? >> as absolutely. they didn't want anything off limits. north korea is segregated by
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caste system. if you're not trusted you live in different villages. those you don't get to see. you get to see places where people are trusted and put on a nice face. jenna: in most cases this was one of the most relaxing trips you're ever been on why? >> there is only place on another contact with the outside world. no internet. no phone. no one contacting you. no e-mail checking. you're really on another planet back in time. jenna: that is because you have to leave any sort of computer or cell phone at the airport? >> that's right. at airport they confiscate your cell phone. you will not have internet access sure in the whole country despite eric schmidt's visit. it is really kind of isolating. the news about kim jong-il. even the news isn't about the rest of the world. jenna: you had interesting interactions you talk about with some. north koreans that were part of your guided tour while you were there. is there one moment in particular that stands out to you and your multiday travels there in the country? what can you share with your view officers what stands out most to you about north korea? >> the most poignant moment in
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the article i was telling my guide she reminded me a lot of my mom and what my mom went through growing up in russia. my guide paused and said, your mother must have hated russia. more information is coming in north korea, south korea and awareness how bad things are there north korean government changed propraganda. used to be everything is great, whole world envies us. die today, live for tomorrow. jenna: that is very interesting. did they treat you any differently because you're american? did you see any reference to the united states when you were there? >> all the signs about americans getting smashed in the face and this awful stuff. everyone was extremely friendly when you're in pyongyang you're part of the elite. they try to think of cosmopolitan like new yorkers or london people too. they very much distance themselves from rural people in the other parts of the country. jenna: there are some questions what is happening in rural parts of the country and whether or not these are concentration camps we heard a lot of about with hundred of thousands of people kept in them. >> that's right. jenna: i will go back to your family story.
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you came from the soviet union into brooklyn. >> that's right. jenna: you make this trip to north korea to see what was the soviet union really like. where did my family come from. >> right. jenna: how do you feel about your country now that you've taken your trip? does that change the way you feel being american. >> i bless this country. i felt so bad for my guide. she works 12 hours a day, seven days a week, will never go anywhere with her life. she will never have a car. never have computer. never go online. never be able to be author like i am. if i was in the soviet union my life would be much poorer. i'm grateful to be an american. jenna: fascinating perspective. would you suggest the trip to anyone else? >> absolutely. most fascinating, sound so drills and it is so safe. just you have the most cred and most interesting thing that is everything about it is interesting. and chosen and crazy and 60 years of isolation. jenna: so, rick, is coanchor on the other set. rick, michael says he felt safer in pyongyang than in new york
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sometimes? >> if i killed someone i would be deported. there is no repercussions because i'm there under the government's auspice. jenna: very interesting. thank you so much. we'll look for the book. >> it is not over yet. jenna: we'll look forward to have you back. >> thank you so much. jenna: rick what do you think. rick: fascinating story. they have cleaned up new york city quite a bit. we're pretty safe. jenna: we can't knock our own city. rick: head on over to times square, michael. it is like disneyland. with media outlets calling anthony weiner to drop out of new york city's mayoral race we'll examine a role which one major newspaper may have launched his political comeback. our news watch man he will nell is coming up. -- "news watch" panel is coming up. >> a big picture look at the use of coal in this country and controversy over energy regulations that is straight ahead.
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rick: anthony weiner says he is pressing forward with his attempt at a political comeback, refusing to drop out of the new york city mayor's race. he admitted this week to yet another scandal and more details are coming out about it. major newspapers in the area calling on wiener to quit the race. he made the front pages as "the new york post" invited readers to meet carlos danger, that was his pseudonym online, and the daily news suggested he's not fit to lead the city.
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and now growing questions about "the new york times" which has said wiener should drop out of the race and whether the paper helped to fuel his political comeback in the first place. you might remember it published a piece on the wieners back in april reading in part: rick: judith miller is a pulitzer prize-winning investigator report and author, kirsten powers is a columnist for the daily beast, both are fox news contributors, and, judy, what a difference yet more revelations make. i mean, "the new york times" goes from a puff piece like that to telling him to drop out of the race. >> i'm aware of that, and i realize that "the new york times," the paper i used to work for, has a very difficult time writing about sex. it always has and sex scandals. it did call for him to drop out
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of the race. i think that what's really astonished me about this is our obsession with this story at a time when the media would normally be focused on this little thing called a mayoral election that has real issues like the homeland security, how we defend new york which has been hit twice by the most catastrophic terrorist attacks on this country that we've seen, the new york city budget, keeping people in new york, creating jobs for new york, even stop and frisk and whether or not this is a good way to control new york. we're not talking about any of these. we are just talking about anthony weiner's sexting and the scandal. so i think really new yorkers are the people who are going to be the victims of the media obsession with this story. rick: kirsten, are you as surprised as judy that the newspapers here in town would want to have anthony weiner on the cover as opposed to stop and
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frisk type stories? >>. no because, look, he was one of the leading candidates in the primary, and i don't, you know, i think it's perfectly newsworthy for them to cover something this week. now, if it starts dragging on into be next week, then i think we have a problem. but if they didn't cover it, then that would be essentially saying that this doesn't matter. and while i do agree that his private sex life really doesn't matter, i think that repeated pathological lying, the self-destructive behavior, these kinds of things are things that do matter and will be considered by voters, you know, when they're choosing their mayor. rick: judy, the media short of jumped onboard when there was all that talk about a supposed war on women. is the media being hypocritical this time around, not leveling those charges against a democratic politician who clearly targeted women online? >> no, i think the media are obsessed with all sex scandals as we saw from mark sanford, the south carolina governor who's now back in the house of representatives as a
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congressman, as we saw with bill clinton, as we've with seen with eliot spitzer, on and on and on. i think there's a kind of paradox here. on one hand we say we're just outraged by these things, and this is terrible, and it reflects a declining moral value of the country. on the other hand, look at the polls. eliot spitzer is still ahead, mark sanford was elected to the congress, bill clinton's ratings are at all-time highs. i think there is a difference between how people say they feel about these scandals and how they vote when they go into the ballot box. so i really think that the media, yes, i understand the need to cover it, but do we really need wall-to-wall wiener? [laughter] rick: well, i'll just sort of let that stay right where it was and, kirsten, any hypocrisy on the media not talking about the way anthony weiner, one of the women felt that he was sort of -- she felt victimized by him online.
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and all the discussion about a war on women the last time around not being discussed now, answer that. and also talk to me a little bit about the coverage you think of anthony weiner's wife and whether that has been fair. >> well, look, i didn't buy into the war on women when it was something being peddled by the democrats, so i'm not really going to buy it into in this case either. and i have to say while i think in the original controversy around him there was a lot of concern that he was being very predatory, i think, and, you know, sending unsolicited pictures to a woman, i think that is very bad behavior in terms of, you know, how you treat women. in this situation i understand the woman feels victimized, but it seemed to be consensual. she mailed him. you know, i'll be honest, i haven't followed it that closely, but i haven't heard anything to suggest that, you know, he's done anything, you know, other than cheat on his wife in this case which i think is, frankly, between him and his wife. what is of concern to voters is
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this selling of this fake story and lying, you know? the story about how i'm recovered, and i'm so happy with my be wife and all the magazine articles, and, you know, i think it would be better, frankly, if he'd just been honest that he's in recovery. rick: so, judy, is the media complicit in pushing that narrative to voters? >> yes, because it's a story, you know, it's a great narrative. the recovery narrative when now we discover, in fact, the recovery is not quite complete and may not be for some time. but i've been fascinated by the hind of hillary story that the media has picked up on. you know, hillary pioneering the stand by your man line recovery narrative, political recovery, that is. and now we have wiener's wife more or less adopting the same posture. we all know that she worked for hillary, they are still very close, ergo we get a story that as far as i know is completely
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devoid of fact. i don't know that she's been talking to hillary, i'd like to see only reporting on that -- see some reporting on that. rick: judy and kirsten, thank you very much. always good to talk to you. >> thank you. jenna: we were talking about the war on women, in the meantime, a group of republican leaders are calling on president obama to abandon what they call his administration's war on coal. as epa regulations are forcing the shutdown of power plants and killing many coal mining jobs. doug mckelway is live in washington with more on this. >> reporter: that's right. a lot of congress people penned a letter to the president asking him to cease the war on coal. the great triumphs in the 20th century, automation, winning two world wars, i should say, creating the highest standard of living in history was all largely fueled by one thing: coal. but the era of king coal is coming to a close, and president obama has made that an unmistakeable priority. >> i'm directing the environmental protection agency to put an end to the limitless
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dumping of carbon pollution from our power plants and complete new pollution standards for both new and existing power plants. >> reporter: we went to west virginia this week to talk to the people who are directly affected by the obama administration's so-called war on coal to get a feel for how their lives are changing. john toth, for example, is a retired minder who spent over 25 years digging coal and working in related industries. >> my son makes his living by doing subcontracting work in the coal industry, and i have a couple grandchildren, one of which is going to west virginia university right now to get a degree, a mining engineering degree, and, you know, hopefully the coal industry will be around for them to make a living like i did. >> i think that he did exactly what he said he was going to do, he's going to ruin the coal industry. that's what he's been trying to do, and i don't think it really -- personal opinion --
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matters to him that we're losing lots of jobs. >> reporter: 130 be coal-fired power plants are about one-sixth of the nation's total have been retired since 2010, bun of the ironies is that exports of u.s. coal have doubled during the obama administration. foreign countries are clamoring for high quality u.s. coal simply because it is cheap, and it is efficient. be environmentalists are putting tremendous pressure on the obama administration to limit coal exports, and if they succeed, it will ultimately be the death knell for coal and what has traditionally been the most impoverished region of our country, appalachia, will be thrust deeper into poverty still. jenna? jenna: doug mckelway live from d.c., thank you. rick: coming up, huge demonstrations in egypt turning deadly, military leaders accusing the ousted president, mohamed morsi, of espionage. we've got it covered.
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also, using the latest technology on the football field, how one professional sports team is safely getting the most out of its players. ♪ ♪ the great outdoors...
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.... ... ... ... ... ... eeeeh... oh, guys let's leave the deals to ooh that one! nice. got it! oh my gosh this is so cool... awesome! perfect! yep, and no angry bears. the perfect place is on sale now. up to 40% off. only at
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hey, the new guy is loaded with protein! really? 25 grams of protein. what do we have? all four of us, together? 24. he's low fat, too, and has 5 grams of sugars. i'll believe it when i--- [ both ] oooooh... what's shakin'? [ female announcer ] as you get older, protein is an important part of staying active and strong. ensure high protein... fifty percent of your daily value of protein. low fat and five grams of sugars. see? he's a good egg. [ major nutrition ] ensure high protein... ensure! nutrition in charge! ♪ ♪ rick: science and sports meeting on the football field, and elsewhere too. the philadelphia eagles using some modern technology this year. they have a new head coach, chip kelly, and he's bringing in a sports science coordinator to help him get the most out of his players and to keep them safe. here to talk to us, mike valentino with team sports at polar electro, and dr. david shadty, professor of urology at
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the hofstra north shore lij school of medicine. good to see you both, thanks very much finish coming in. mike, my hometown team, new climates of your company's. just a few months that you have been working together, but what is it that you offer, the technology that you offer that has chip kelly and the team so convinced you can help get them a winning record again? >> as you know, chip kelly runs a very high-powered, fast-paced offense. so he's looking for technology to help him get his athletes trained at the highest level. so he reached out to us and, basically, our system is going to help them with making sure they're staying in the right heart rate zone, so they're training at their optimal levels, it's going to help reduce injuries, it's going to help with their recovery time and overall performance. rick: we have a couple of the items here that you guys offer. tell us what are these? this is a band. >> sure. what you're looking at there is that's, actually, the transmitter with the chest strap. so the athlete -- thanks,
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doctor -- will wear it like this. rick: we'll get it on camera in a second, moving around. okay, there you go. >> when they're done with their training session, simply snaps off, and then it goes into the charging station, and from there -- >> i'll demonstrate for you guys. rick: so it goes in there, and while -- then tell us, what does it do? what's the data? >> the data that comes out, you download there's a software, there's a light telemetry software so you can see 28 players live. it can have the training simultaneously, and then on the reporting side of the software you can see their time spent in their sports zones. you can see how much calories they expended, the duration of the session and their training load expended. rick: and the information that is gathered can actually be used during games, like actually in realtime situations? >> well, it's not really for games. it's for recording purposes. rick: training.
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>> live te hell try is for the training side of it, but there are teams that use it during games, and they are actually doing -- and it's for recording purposes after. rick: you're at the forefront of technology and medicine. you revolutionize robotic surgery. when you hear these kinds of stories and companies like polar electrothat are doing these kinds of things, what do you think? >> well, i think it's a no-brainer. these teams are spending millions of dollars on these players, and to be able to bring the technology, monitor every move that they make, the eye sensor, looking at exactly how they look, how much time they spend on the field, this monitor is actually brilliant. i think it's very smart. if you remember when the minors were -- miners were thousands of feet down in the hole and we were monitoring their heart rates and we were miles away we were able to see how they were doing. so i think knowing exactly what the cardiac reserve is, and it's almost like a telemetry where we have patients, we monitor their heart rates exactly, now coaches
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can really see how far they can push them. you see so many athletes they have like, you know, they just have sudden death. now they can really see exactly player by player what is their cardiac reserve, etc. they get urine tests to see if they're dehydrated, they'll look at the eye sensor, the weight lifting pressure to make sure they don't get any kind of fracture, stress fractures, etc. so no-brainer, the technology needs to come in, and they're monitoring them. and probably in the future it's going to take it to a whole new level. rick: mike and dr. samadi, this is a way to enhance performances without drugs, so good stuff. go eagles. jenna -- [laughter] jenna: you had to get that in there, didn't you? maybe you should wear this when you're anchoring, and see if it improves our performance. well, amanda bynes' behavior gets more and more bizarre as we
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told you about. what her parents are telling a judge that's going to affect their family. also new revelations about gps spoofing and terrorism, just how vulnerable are our nation's gps systems? the shocking experiment that's shedding new light on potential threats, that's coming up on "america live."
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jenna: well, right now the parents of amanda bynes seeking temporary legal control of their daughter's atears, just the latest in what appears to be a downward spiral for the once very talented young actress. harris faulkner has more. >> >> reporter: yeah, this appears to be more than a slide from grace in hollywood. a judge has ruled amanda bynes must remain in a psychiatric hospital for the next two weeks. and in that time bynes, a former
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child star with super hit tv shows and movies, could see some serious changes in her life. her parents are due in court today to press a judge to let them take over her life. they say she has a serious and not uncommon mental disorder, schizophrenia. she's 27 years old, and in recent months her off-screen behavior has become, well, to say the least, erratic. here's a taste from earlier this week. police hauled bynes away after she allegedly lit on fire a neighbor's driveway in her parents' neighborhood. she was then seen rushing into a liquor store to wash off her pet dog that she apparently had accidentally doused in gasoline while she was trying the make the flames. drugs have been suspected. however, now some reports show that amanda bynes has been drug tested for everything under the sun, and marijuana turned up in her system but nothing else. in court her parents will reportedly argue that she needs
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treatment but she won't get it because she doesn't believe she has an illness even though she acknowledges there is reportedly a good amanda and a bad amanda. they say the only way she will be safe and other people around her safe is if she gets around-the-clock care. if this judge grants this, her parents will immediately petition the court to make it permanent. back to you. jenna: we'll continue to watch that story, harris. thank you. >> reporter: sure. rick: you can dream about what you'd do if you won the lottery, but what if you feelly throw the -- accidentally throwing the winning ticket into the trash? you throw it away? then what do you do? jenna: not good. rick: stick around. ♪ for a strong bag that grips the can... get glad forceflex. small change, big difference.
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consider the odds of buying that ticket and throwing it out and take it out with the trash. they bought the scratch off ticket and forgot. oh, yeah we bought that scratch off ticket and they doug through all of their trash and scratched it off and that won. >> there is a broader plan in place. it was meant to be. >> they take the lump sum 650,$000 before taxes. >> i want to mention this quick. the reason why john is not here. john's son deployed to afghanistan and he wrote an amazing editorial on fox news opinion com. this is a must read. go to fox, john will be back on monday and i am sure he will share that with us. >> appreciate you joining us.
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>> america lives starts right now. >> this is a fox news alert. new questions for the white house after remarks that president obama made after meeting with the world's communist leaders. he sat down with the vietnam's president and spent times to advance our relationship. president obama appeared to commriment the late communist dictator. the vietnam war leader was inspoired by none other than our founding fathers and documents. listen. >> the president shared with me a copy


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