tv Red Eye FOX News July 27, 2013 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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fects. is your cholesterol at goal? ask your doctor about crestor. [ female announcer ] if you can't afford your medication astrazeneca may be able to help. welcome to red eye. it says men on the outside, so i thought it was a club. anyway, we're skipping the pre-game report this evening because andy levy was killed. so let's welcome our guest. i'm here with lorie rothman. oh, that's a nice smile. le's so sharp, he could dice tomatoes with his eyes.
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>> jou know they're getting married in june of next year? >> yep. and he's so tough he can kill two stones with one bird. >> before i move onto this first story, is it skiend of refreshing not having an odor next to you? >> what would you call that odor? >> three day. >> nay went to hear bam but the
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it is so sad when robin williams falls off the wagon. why are you kicking him. just put him back in rehab where he belongs. >> you spept you're entire life in war zones all over the world. could the campus mentality ever survive there? in this world where no liberalism exists. >> you better not go into that president obama speech. all the stuff the government
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does, they were happy about that. they cry like babies now. so can you imagine that was a left wing group that couldn't go in and see a conservative president. they would freak out. >> hopefully, you won't make a total fool of yourself. >> i just think this is outrageous. they gave us all the fake scandal this week. they're trying to control this this much. >> are you really out rage? you staid that so nicely. >> oh, i thought nor you, personally. >> forget you.
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put the two together right now. squl. >> all right. so you think that they're just a bunch of whining babies? i. >> i think obama did them a favor. he's a very elegant and interesting thinker, speaker. he's not. also, let me be clear. also, it's the right thing to do. >> an day, good to see you here for a chak. change.
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i don't know how this is going to work out. the president already personalitily requested that they be denied entry and then executed. was he overstepping his bounds? >> i don't think so. we need to find out if this was campus security, secret service, was it the president's men? we koent know: you know what's funny? normally i would say we'll find out at halftime. so we need toe find that out. if it was someone involved with the scam pus, they should probably be, at the very least, spanked.
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another candidate isn't happy. >> take it away. >> many people do et's always leaving behind the name. it was really not a carlito. it was anthony winter. you have to apologize. anthony's wife is facing tough videos ovs hr own now. she wantings to know how at the samt time, working for a consulting firm. so what's to keep weaner from sectioning more women? he says he has a plan. let's take a look.
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>> do you think weaner owes your community an apoll? >> yeah, that's a stereotype. it's not like he took an irish name because nobody associates irish names with being, like, sensual and compelling. i think we have to treat this as a white person. >> oh, interesting. way to bring a somber moment into what was a fun story.
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>> andy i've got to ask you, though, what do you make of huma and the con sulting firm. >> i did a search frlg prada. 154 million hits. i'm not joking. liberalings like to think of themselves as the smart set. will it's the kennedys, the clintons, the obamas. everybody is culpable. >> i wonder if her
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extracurricular ak tiflties might be king kier than his? >> if she's sitting on a board making double that much while he's working the system and being coached and mentored by the clintons, that helps me understand a little more. she said she was into kingy stuff and then into milking. it's swresing. they say always insist is that, like, she is this wonderful person. they never demonstrate.
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she's always consistent. she built this affectional relationship. now this foundation or this consulting firm that she's only was set up by a former bill clinton associate. her entire professional career is that she's clinton ajay sernt. think of the jokes you guys have for four years on redeye. you'd probably get tired of it.
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names rhyme with rand paul. >> this is going through both parties right now and making big headlines is a very dangerous thought. president obama has done nothing to change the policyies of the bush administration. and i mean prakt clil nothing. you can name any number of people, but he's one of them. >> and he makes so much sense when he's talking to an imaginary person. anyway, on friday paul fired back saying that christy worries about the dangers of freedom. i worry about the dangerings of losing that freedom.
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i don't want to hear that anymore. just like hugging president obama. by the way, thanks, governor christie, for helping him get elected. that was awesome. no, he shouldn't have said that. if you want to get spied on, shut up, dude. >> yeah, interesting. >> anyway. >> lorie, team christie or team paul. >> team i don't know. i'm leaning toward paul and here's why. you hear the report today i can't remember the organization that broke the story now that not only are they doing phone surveillance, they're demanding internet companies turnover passwords.
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health holds up. also, the part of the republican base that is most likely at any moment, to break away and go third party. in a false election, do you really want to send a million votes to gary johnson in 2016? afghanistan is more unpopular than the war in iraq ever was. >> no appetite for bush. >> andy you're a pretty lonely guy with nothing but cash to keep you happy.
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>> oe want i want you to convince me that i'm wrong. >> you're not wrong. >> i actually think that it's good for the republican party to have this kind of argument. i think it's interesting that whether it's pirked up they're coming internally within the gop. they're in lock step with their dear leader for the most part. i think it's good for the republican party to have an international debate. that said i agree with terry in invoking with the equivalent of wrapping yourself with if american flag and then calling yourself un-american.
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>> right that's nuts and bolts stuff. a lot of the debates aren't intellectual. i wish they were. we've got to take a break. >> finger pointing is fun, too. >> yeah, i like that. rngs coming up, the ins calls for further reaction to solve the euro zone crisis. nah, we've not doing that story. >> 72 years old and goes to rehab.
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one of us want to see. women need to be nurtured different. they just need different steps as they gho. meanwhile, men already know what to do. isn't that right? a drunk guy on the street. we got live footage of bill. >> boy, i've never seen him work out so hard. >> are they going sto be adjusting standards? >> on the green beret?
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we're just jack of all trades. okay, first of all, nurture. we're talking about nurturing and combat. that's enough of that. i've been on your show a few times and we talked about women in combat a lot. if it doesn yield directly or indirectly all of this stuch is a distraction. >> we slightly disagree on this. >> i'm okay if the mill stair wants to take this opportunity to loox at training ways overall. that's fine.
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>> you know you work at hooters. >> why do you think i'd kwch for a guy job. i would be nervous that i wasn't being challenged enough or being, you know, given a tough love, if that's the best way to put it. i don't have the terminology down. >> rosie o sdonl is one of them. you said the word, serve. it's like a priest saying i want to be a priest but i want to have sex with girls. no. the cause is combat.
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and combat means no digs tractions. gay people are a distraction for guys. general dempty, i know, sir, that this is a typo. i i've read that you said well maybe we should look at why are the standards so high. i just know, sir, it wasn't a typo. can i believe general dempsey did say that? i know terry kpleeltly disagrees with me.
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it would seem like a bad idea. >> and you would be right, i think. >> see if i've got anything on the other page. >> i think in israel, thef an all female combat brigade. maybe that's the solution here. and that keeps you awake. >> what do you mean by combat? think about it this way. women who won't drop their pens at the first side of success. >> imagine the pittsburgh steelers say we're going to break ground. we're going to have a female offensive line.
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none of the other professional teams have to do that. so they go up against the oakland raiders. this is what you're saying. it's not like the inmy is going to do the same thing. we'll do the same thing because it's only fair. >> you wouldn't have a whole lot of gals to fill those units. but you might only get one or two. >> we fight a alongside the insdij nous folkings. >> you i've already made my job harder.
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firm bed you can lie on one of those. if you want a soft bed you can lie on one of those." we provide the exact individualization that your body needs. this is your body there. you can see a little more pressure in the shoulders and in the hip the magic of this bed is that you're sleeping on something that conforms to your individual shape. oh wow, that feels really good. it's hugging my body. you get that moment where you go, "oh yeah" ... oh, yeah! : ... and it's perfect. they had no idea that when they came to a sleep number store, we were going to diagnose their problems and help them sleep better. once you experience it there's no going back. don't invest in a mattress until you find your sleep number setting. and don't miss the final days of our summer closeout, for the biggest savings on all sleep number memory foam and iseries bed sets. only at one of our over 400 sleep number stores nationwide, where queen mattresses start at just $699. sleep number. comft individualized.
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known for his grope, he holds out grope. bob filner has announced a therapy clinic for two weeks. at a press conference on friday the 70-year-old apologized to voters, staff members but never admitted to sexually harassing women. my behavior over many years is wrong. my conduct is inexcuseableinexcusable. it has undermined what i spent my whole life doing. that is fighting for equality and justice for all people. seven women filed allegations but only one ent to a lawsuit.
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you made it. >> he looks like a cross between phillip baker hall. he has some kind of mental illness. there's some kind of repulsive, destructive behavior. it's like works that he can't stay oon television. and e he's an idiot, too. i'm just going to tell everyone i'm going to go to rehab for two weeks. >> that's like 70 years old, lorie.
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>> way to throw geraldo under the bus. by the way, it's the week anniversary. >> we forgive everything that politicians do. it's the most perfect city in the whole world. i have envy. >> yeah, they seem like great people. >> just the mayor. he's one bad apple. i have been there. it's a pretty awesome city.
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but here's the thing. how do you rehab being away for two weeks. >> i've got one minute hard, now, andy. >> he didn't just say he was going away for rehab for therapy for two weeks. he said it was going to be intensive therapy. this is a good time, actually. friday morning, he gets served with an subpoena on august 9th. so you know what's going on. >> all right. we've got to take a break quickly. and that does the breaking up officer you. if the story is so important we had it on the rundown week and never got to it. but, now, it's coming up next.
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go i thought it was you. can an iphone app get her off your back. a new phone application will send a notice an it's over notice to the person you are dating. it t. works like this. enter the gender of the dumpy and whether it was casual and one of the three reasons why it is ending and send a is emmy formal kiss off to the insignificant other. another new app turns your frog into a fire truck. [ laughter ] >> he is a frog responder.
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all right terry. got to move quickly. >> we got a hard break here. would you have used this thing ever? >> cowards. just go with i don't want to be around you any more. there was an a about pp in iceland because it is a small place. they have an app there and you go up to someone and touch the iphone and go we can have sex because we are not too closely related. >> like we are letting technology into even the most personal stuff. just call somebody. just come on. >> greg: what is the worst way you have dumped somebody? >> i guess through a friend. i just i'm very nonconfrontational. none or un. >> none. >> i miss the whole social media boom and i have been married for so long i never got to internet date or anything of that stuff. >> greg: you can still do that. >> there are other sites for that stuff. >> you are still young.
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>> greg: it is not all over for you. >> close. >> will, something pithy might sound like a guy who grew up in connecticut. >> i grew up here. new york city. >> it doesn't mean it wouldn't sound like it came from a guy from new york city. >> you know what. >> shut up. >> you shut up. >> i'm not bill. i don't have to take this crap. >> so the breakup app. back on topic. i don't get why people would use this. i don't see what is so hard about waiting inle she falls asleep and getting on a train. >> greg: that's true. >> just stop calling her. >> greg: terrible people. andy this will never happen in your life because you don't date. >> i did get one of these actually. i will try to read this quickly. orange the last part. i kind of got myself in a bad situation i'm in the belly of the beat the bear to be exact. i got eaten by a bear. dark quiet and my cell phone battery is going to die soon. good luck with life. bill.
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bill actually went on the app website and sent this to me and put in the name and gender and a of course, he put in girl for me and one other thing and a reason and his was getten eaten by a bear and generated super long four or five text messages. this thing is a joke. >> greg: thank you for pointing that out after we have done the segment. we could have talked about it before and done a better story. we got to go. how much time do we have? 15 all right. >> happy birthday to my mom that just turned 70 years old. >> greg: my mom's birthday was yesterday. excellent. that does it for are all of us, i'm greg gutfeld.
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we're all set to bundle your home and auto insurance together. i'll just press this and you'll save on both. ding! ladies and gentlemen boys and girls llllet's get ready to bundlllllle... [ holding final syllable ] oh, yeah, sorry! let's get ready to bundle and save. now, that's progressive. oh, i think i broke my spleen! home insurance provided and serviced by third party insurers. >> judge jeanine: would y would you give the criminals an advantage?
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