tv The Five FOX News July 29, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am PDT
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>> greta: that is one of the things we'll ask rush limbaugh about tomorrow night he will be here tomorrow night to go on the record. a full hour of rush limbaugh. hello, i'm andrea tantaros with kimberly guilfoyle, juan williams, dana perino, and greg gutfeld. it is 5:00 in new york city. this is "the five." the clintons are being drawn into the anthony weiner sexting scandal. new york post says they're, quote, livid about it. evidently hillary doesn't like being compared to anthony's wife huma. you remember, hillary stayed with bill after his sex ka paids, and she's standing by herman after he sent messages to a bunch of young women on the web. it is not just the clintons that
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have had enough. listen to david axelrod and former press secretary dee dee myers. >> at this point it is absurd, he is not going to be the next mayor of new york, he is wasting time and space. americans believe in second chances but not third chances. >> this isn't a story anybody, particularly the clintons, is happy to see splashed on the front pages and on the news relentlessly, they as much as anyone would like to see this go away. >> bill maher made an interesting point. why is anthony weiner any worse than bill clinton or -- >> i see him endlessly talking about how awful, he went on and on for a whole year about his book about john f. kennedy. he loves bill clinton, never stops kissing his -- those two guys did things way worse. i mean, kennedy, so much more reckless. bill clinton, paula jones, true
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sexual harassment. there seems to be no sort of consistency in the media. >> wow, okay. is it a fair comparison between anthony weiner and say bill clinton? greg, what do you think? >> hillary apparently is upset about this because of the comparison. bill was way better at fill and dering than anthony weiner. like comparing a ball boy to an olympic athlete. bill had sex with live human beings, not cold smart phones. i mean, weiner never got close to an actual female, which makes it even kind of stranger. i have to say this. if you look at it, look at the infidelity on both sides of the political spectrum. filner, clinton, spitzer, a couple of kennedys, a weiner, mcgreevey, on the left, sanford. when it comes to infidelity, the left are harlem globetrotters,
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the right -- >> an interesting point in the "the new york times" over the weekend. she said bill never said he wouldn't do it again. anthony weiner stood in front of the world and said he would never do it again. dana, the clintons are trying to walk this story back, trying to back away from it and dispute it. what do you think? >> you can see the democratic establishment trying very hard to figure out a way to not complicate further the relationship between a close friendship and working relationship between hillary clinton and huma. they would love for weiner to get out of the race, every day you're reminded of something bill maher said. i feel now that people that watch our show, find themselves every once in a while agreeing with bob beckel, i am like wow, bill maher and i agree. i can understand how the clintons aren't trying to have on background, saying we're not mad about this, the problem for them, it reminds everybody about
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1998. >> and kimberly, didn't bill clinton open the door for this thing? wasn't it the clinton machine that told us that sex scandals are private, that it is no one's business, all these people are all of a sudden in the democratic party, coming out, saying weiner is worse than bill. it is a private matter, private matter. didn't bill clinton open the door for things like this, for anthony weiner to be able to say yeah, i can get away with it and run? >> because bill clinton was teflon, the ultimate nasa tested version of teflon. plus some women i hear find him sexy. now, weiner, me don't think so. then i find myself wanting to take a lot of pepsid ac for the ac acid reflux like bill maher. all of a sudden it is okay if you're clinton. i agree with you, dana, the sooner it is put away, the better for hillary. >> at this point, why should
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weiner get out of the race? at this point he's already said i'm staying in and you know what, in some ways, i don't win the primaries in a few weeks, let it run its course, if he loses, then he'll be done. >> his campaign manager quit, so technically his staff is shrinking. >> holy cow. >> what are you talking about? >> why am i laughing? >> you would be surprised by this, but as a republican in new york, i kind of love watching this a little bit, watching your opponent set themself on fire, you get out of the way when they're dousing themselves. do you think weiner than bill clinton? >> no. >> you think bill clinton is worse than anthony weiner? >> hey, look, i come home, say you know what i did today, i sent a picture. she would say you're a sick puppy. if i come home and say hey, meet
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lollipop here, my new girlfriend, i think we have serious trouble. >> i think her name is lollipop. >> lollipop the stripper. exactly. but i got to tell you, i think first of all you're wrong about who's the new york knicks and harlem globetrotters. senator vitter is still in the senate. >> governor sanford is a congressman. i am helping you make your point. >> i appreciate it. i think men -- it occurred to me, why do men in terms of sexuality behave so badly. it is like we have this thing in our brains, we are hard wired to go after women, but you got to, you know, control it at some point, right? >> running for public office, almost said -- it is another thing to say you're never going
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to do it again. >> men lie all the time. what are you talking about. >> do you think this is a conspiracy theory, do you think the clintons put this out there as one of the dumps in history to get it out there so it wouldn't hurt her in the presidential run? >> i think their team is too rusty to have pulled that off successfully. i think this is just a coincidence, i think they would like to get it behind them. i also, here is what i understand he said he would never do it again. when anthony weiner enters the mayor's race, did the press, "new york" magazine and "the new york times," he said there is more to come out. there's going to be more stories about this. okay. so then when they did come out, i don't understand why everybody was so surprised. >> should have emptied the trash can, got it out at one time. when it dribbles out, the fire starts again. i think the guy is sick. i think he has some psychosis like compulsion about this. otherwise, given the fact his
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wife has been really supportive, he should have been able to stop. >> i think the bigger issue, we are a distracted country run by buffoons. when you think of the names from clintons to spitzer to weiner to filners, we are run by idiots, but we are distracted and they're benefitting from our distraction. our only savior in a weird way are the scandals because the more scandals that are out there, the more they're attempting to save their lives rather than ruin ours. i would rather have this moron weiner running around trying to save his skin than making more programs that make me broke. >> don't you think politicians are ego maniacal sorts, that's why they take so many risks, they go out there, say please vote for me, please love me, i'm the best ever. i mean, in washington when i meet them, sometimes i think these guys are so dependent on their aides, their family to
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prop them up, then they want to tell you it is all about me. >> kimberly, can i get back to clinton, weiner comparison? hillary clinton didn't do what huma is doing when bill was caught cheating. remember she gave that comment, i'm not standing by my man like tammy wine et, stay home, bake cookies, she went out, had her own career. do you think there's a similarity between hillary and huma or is huma being more docile? >> i think she's being more supportive in many ways, right away she's by his side. that's a personal decision, and their marriage, and maybe she really loves him and is willing to forgive and forget, but i think his behavior is very narcissistic and shameful. what he has done to his family and to his wife, he should be the bigger man, i have done enough damage, want to work on my personal demons, my wife has been amazing to stand by me and the voters deserve more, but he
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would rather go down -- >> some people might say about hillary clinton's example and now huma's example of staying in their marriage. we should want as society for people to stay married. i don't mean you should stay for a jerk, i'm all for having the option to end a bad marriage if that's what it comes down to, but to work on a marriage, it is really difficult. it is the hardest thing in the world, i'm kidding. i think in some ways, looking at this, you know what, it is amazing to think somebody could care for you that much that they're willing to be humiliated, be on the front page of the newspaper every day, on your 37th birthday, her birthday this past weekend, you could be ridiculed on national media, around the world probably, global media, but that you're willing to try to work it out and stay with him to try to get it done. i hope maybe the opposite would be true if it were the other way
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around. >> at what point, of course i am pro-marriage, but at what point is she setting a negative example for women by sticking by him. greg, hillary clinton was at the white house to have lunch with president obama and it was announced as well, but looks like the media is rallying around her, there will be a cnn movie on hillary clinton, also an nbc miniseries. do you think these miniseries will include the line what difference does it make and focus on benghazi? >> it is interesting. like american politicians are like jamaican bobsledders. they're not good but still we make movies about them. >> it was a good movie. >> it was a good movie. >> if that scene in the movie, what difference does it make scene, it will be told through the lens of look, the republicans were being horrible to her, the lighting will be soft on her, when she says what difference does it make, it will be out of a sense of frustration because the republicans are so mean. that's how it will be perceived. >> and diane lane playing her.
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>> huge. >> she's adorable. >> she is. yeah. diane lane or hillary clinton? >> the similarity is striking. both gorgeous women. can i bring up one point about weiner, spent $45,000 to look into, hired investigator to look into the sexting, as though he hadn't done it himself, spent 43 grand to falsely investigate a coverup that he was covering up, which has to be illegal. that's like -- >> with his own money? >> i don't know, who knows. bill clinton telling the secret service to investigate a strange man having sex in the oval office. oh, it might be me. >> narrow the pool down. >> the other lesson in that is that if you're going to college in a month, study cyber security, become a private investigator, get 45 grand to help these guys out. >> thriving business in new york, by the way, private investigators.
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>> girlfriend hiring investigators to attract the boyfriend? >> because of divorce laws, it is incredible. >> one quick point. bill clinton is so popular, i think it has faded. your point about well, he may have set us all up, the question for me is do new york city voters think that anthony weiner is not a good politician because he has this obsession? i am not convinced. >> oh, yeah. >> there are almost zero legislative accomplishments that anthony weiner has. >> look at the new polls. they're willing to forgive easily because again, the way the clintons changed our perspective of sex scandals in this country. however, he dropped to fourth in the polls, people don't like to be lied to. now you have news networks like cnn, nbc rallying around hillary with these films. do you think she's inevitable. >> she's the chosen one. >> obama was the chosen one. they elbowed her like get to the
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back of the line. >> do you think this is reward for edging her out? >> she has been a loyal trooper, served her country, took the position, didn't have sour grapes about it. so there's something to be said. some of that is party loyalty. >> if you're a democrat, why would you vote against her? i actually think -- i don't know what her policies are going to be, but if you're a democrat, i don't understand why they would. >> so unfair to joe biden. >> you say you don't know what her policies are, does anybody? she never made a statement -- >> everything is being set up. she will -- this is what i want to know. will she tax to the left or try to bring the party more to the center. >> initially she has to go left, you have to watch for elizabeth warren and those on the left. >> she will do the hokey pokey. >> republicans and democrats
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have to worry about the primary. >> shocking numbers about how many americans are living in poverty and out of work in america. life is not bad for president obama. he is getting ready to take off on a long vacation at a multi million dollar estate at martha's vineyard. we will tell you the whopping price tag when we come back. we're cracking down on medicare fraud. the healthcare law gives us powerful tools to fight it... to investigate it... ...prosecute it... and stop criminals. our senior medicare patrol volunteers... are teaching seniors across the country... stop, spot, and report fraud.
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>> can't solve the problems because their problems are cultural. you have 3% of fourth graders reading at the national math standards, 47% of detroit residents are functionally illiterate. 79% of detroit children are born to unmarried mothers. they don't have a fiscal problem, steve, they have a cultural collapse. >> if we really want to solve the poverty problem, do we have to start emphasizing traditional values again, things like two parent households and a good education? let's see what the panel thinks. andrea? >> yes, and what i was surprised to see in this study was that white single mothers have actually surpassed african-american single mothers. we spent a lot of time on "the five" talking about breakdown of the african-american family last week. this is a problem that knows no color bounds here. we have whites facing emerging underclass. this is a significant problem according to this report, and it has nothing to do with race.
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it is the breakdown of the american family, growing sense of entitlement which you see in detroit. you even see middle class families wanting to be dependent on the government and take advantage of the government safety net. this is something i don't think you can blame president obama for. he is a symptom of it, but these are liberal policies pushed and taught and emphasized for decades, now we're seeing essentially the real downfalls of it. >> it happened over time. you are both looking with attention -- >> the numbers of white i will legitimacy has surpassed black but not by percentage, which means it is still -- >> talking about poverty. >> it is all tied in together. >> i thought it was unwed -- it was single. >> who are in poverty. >> single moms who are poor. i don't think it is by percentage though. i want to make a point. we were all poor once, important part of the survey, four out of
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five people. the problem isn't about being poor, it is about becoming unpoor. we've diminished the avenues for people to get out of the mire. my feeling is it is not about the difference between the rich and the poor, the real income gap in our country is the difference between the dollar that you make and the dollar that you spend. for every dollar you spend, that's 100 cents. when you buy a koch coke coke -- a coke, that's a buck. people are spending more than they are taking in because we're being eaten alive by the government. that widening slice taken by the government is what's keeping us poor. that's the real income gap. what we are getting and what we are spending. >> and something in the business called income mobility, being able to move, hopefully rarely people go from being middle class or rich down to middle
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class or to poor, but income mobility in america has been the thing we could do best. one of the things strangling it, taxes and regulation. if you want to start a business, the amount of days to start a business in some states is the reason there's a flight to southeastern united states and texas. i would also add that i think we are also facing something we don't quite understand yet, that global competition and concept of work and productivity and the way the dollar is functioning in the world markets, there are things happening now that we don't quite understand. i thought doug badger had an excellent point on the badger files. this might not even be president obama's fault. we actually might not understand how any of this is working. >> this is a terrible situation, and charles murray has written brilliantly about it. what charles murray, let's get the race thing out of here, not focus on blacks and hispanics, . he sees growth and poverty
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demonstrated by the numbers, and secondly, tremendous gap in terms of education, opportunity, who goes to school, who gets married. the kind of relationships that are absolutely essential to have a child, climb the ladder of upward mobility that dana is talking about. >> and charles murray came on my radio show today, i asked him about this study and what we should do about it, he said andrea policies won't get us out of this. there are policies penalizing, the marriage tax, not helping couples want to get married. he said there needs to be a total cultural reformation. you could have a guy that's better than an educated guy waiting for a phone to ring to get a job -- >> don't have those jobs for blue collar people the way we used to have. we have to stop focusing on race. >> i agree with you. it is not about race. >> why president obama shouldn't have dismissed the keystone
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pipeline, it will only be 2,000 jobs. that figure has been disputed. all the other jobs that come with the construction of that pipeline. >> there is somebody that is upwardly mobile, the government bureaucrat who feeds off our dependence. more dependents, the more job security. >> wall street is feeding off us for how long? >> ready to roll. coming up, pastor rick warren returned to his pulpit the first time since his son's suicide in april. wants to erase sigma of mental illness in america. his emotional sermon next on "the five." ♪
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resort. it is a home, going on vacation when many americans are tightening their belts. andrea, what do you think? >> i don't begrudge the president a vacation. isn't this his sixth vacation this year? does it have to be at such a ritzy locale, especially with the study we talked about, that four out of five are going to suffer from poverty at one point in their lifetime? i don't think it looks good. i know they're paying for the resort themselves. i would just advise the economic news is so bad, switch it up. >> switch it up to what? want them to go to coney island? >> why not a national park. why not somewhere a little more americana. where the rich and the elite go. >> i think he is rich. >> believe it or not, i want to know what staffer is responsible for this. last year he stayed at a place that was a $21 million home, and
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this year it was not available. who makes that not available to the president? i think there might be a story there. >> someone is paying more, you know the president stayed here, they're like really, so cool. >> the republicans should fan out across the country, pick several locales, do so many economic speeches between now and the end of august. strange thing, the white house seems to throw out these class warfare stink bombs before the president goes on a fancy vacation. >> if that's the case, he is vulnerable. >> it is not going to help him, probably won't hurt him. >> didn't hurt him in the last election. he figures who cares. >> some level everybody says as you did the president is going on vacation, can't begrudge the guy vacation. >> he is going to go where he wants to go. >> the thing is, they said it is his annual vacation, which in his definition, annual means monthly. i have to say, when you complain about a president going on
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vacation, and then we complain about how people avoid talking about scandals, remember this segment on vacations. focusing on vacations makes all the legitimate criticism of irs and doj and benghazi seem less meaningful, constantly throwing stones. the fact is let him have the vacation. >> have a good time. you need some extra help, i can play valerie jarrett. in a movie. i'm running the white house, you know that's the truth. >> that's the deal, baby, yeah yeah yeah. what's interesting, there's all this talk about why is he going on vacation now, and why is he coming back to washington so early. turns out the inside story is his daughter who plays sports is going back to school the middle of august, that's when the sports teams at the school start to get together. >> responsible parent. >> i think it is an american family story. i don't understand why does school start in august. >> takes unreasonably long
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vacations before to hawaii. >> in the winter. >> remember when we had the issue with the terrorist attack at home, he didn't leave hawaii and caught heat for that. maybe it is better he doesn't go on a couple weeks -- >> he doesn't care what we think. >> let me say i don't think any of the presidents care -- >> that's not true. remember bill and hillary. >> went to a national park. they polled to see where they should go on vacation. didn't want to go somewhere ritzy because it would look bad. >> they wanted to go somewhere ritzy but decided poll numbers -- >> they should go to club med. >> one more thing is up next. stay with us! ♪ ñá@@"d @
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♪ it is time for one more thing. kimberly? >> all right, thanks andrea. i want to do a special colonel to a true american hero, one of the most decorated war heroes in our time. received a total of 70 awards, including the medal of honor, served with john mccain, held prisoner for five years, never divulging any valuable military information. at one point he had been turned upside down by his captors, admired and respected by so many. fan and friend of this show.
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we are honored he was part of the show. listen to senator mccain on the floor. >> every day for the rest of my life, but i will see him again, i know i will. i'll hunt the field with him and i look forward to it. >> senator mccain called him his inspiration. he inspired many americans. a pleasure to talk about him on this show. god bless. wish his family the best. a truly wonderful american hero we can look up to and be inspired by. >> juan. >> that was terrific. great guy. alex rodriguez is going to be suspended by major league baseball later today if not tomorrow, and he is resisting a deal that would suspend him the rest of this season and next season. you know what, alex rodriguez,
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you should take this deal, take it right now, and do more than that. you should get out of baseball. i grew up in new york as a baseball kid, playing baseball, rooting for the mets more than the yankees. now i am an orioles, nationals fan. you disgraced the game and ruined it in so many ways. it is time for us to get over the steroid performance enhancing drugs period. get out, alex. >> wow. >> you heard that, a-rod. juan says beat it. all right. >> okay. tough act to follow. i wanted to mention pope francis who this past weekend was in his home continent in latin america. these are photographs and video from rio de janiro, where he did a mass yesterday for 3 million people who were there attending, 3 million people. you can see. all of that is all people on the beach. watch some of the videos, it is amazing how they crumple. interesting from a demographer
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standpoint, it is world youth day, the youth turning out for the pope, it was amazing. >> dana has told me before the segment she was taking a -- going for a w-a-l-k. don't have to spell when the dog isn't around. bad phrase. how you say i don't want to do something. i have mixed feelings about this presentation. try that at home when you tell your wife, i have mixed feelings about seeing your mother. doesn't work. >> i have 20 seconds. here goes. the sequester, remember how bad they said it would be? if you were flying back to the united states from another country earlier this week and experienced just ridiculously long lines, i can tell you why. they only put one person in the booths to make you feel pain. yes, the government is now funding a clearance center in
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abu dab ee. our fax dollars going there, not here at home. that's it for us at "the five." see you back here tomorrow. "special report" is up next. welcome to "red eye." it's like naked and if by naked you mean afraid and by afraid you mean naked. let's go to andy levy. what's on tonight's show? >> our top stories, a private eye says bye to bill or hillary. oh, my. all of this as year two of we weiner watch. they're guilty of having a free 911. we'll have a debate straight ahead. a british want to be model sues someone for making her breasts
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