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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  July 30, 2013 8:00am-10:01am PDT

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it all again. jamie: thank goodness. bill: to me, that looks like a black bear in fetal position. jamie: i think it's the best picture of the day. bill: you're back on friday? jamie: you ask, i'm here. bill: "happening now" starts right now. jenna: brand new stories and breaking news. jon: well, the next presidential election more than three years away, but a group is already paving the way for hillary clinton's campaign. plus, a group of scientists looking to redefine cancer. why they say a simple name change could prevent thousands of people from being treated unnecessarily. and a judge ordering sealed court documents be made public in the case of chandra levy. we'll tell you why and what is inside those documents. it's all "happening now." ♪ ♪ jon: but we begin with a developing story out of florida where a series of explosions
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rocked a propane plant blowing the roof off the building and injuring eight people. be a good tuesday to you, i'm jon scott. jenna: lucky i want wasn't worse, right? hi, everybody, i'm jenna lee, and 15 workers were found safe after initially being unaccounted for last night while two others managed to escape unhurt. fire officials now say they believe the blast was an accident possibly caused by human error. steve heir began is live in maim with more on this. steve? >> reporter: jenna, the explosion started during the night shift with 24 people on duty just after 11 p.m.. initially reports said the explosions were small, it sounded like fireworks, but they began to build quickly. there were as ms. a 53,000 metal propane tanks that were ignited and exploded. it was described as a war scene by some of the locals, firefighters had to pull back on two separate occasions because of the intensity of the blaze. for one mile around the plant,
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homes were evacuated. many people came out to wonder what exactly was going on. >> oh! it was these giant amber, like, fireworks coming up from the ground. it was almost like the fourth of july, the ones that come up from the ground. and it was just boom after boom after boom. and some of them got really big, and some of them got really small. >> reporter: it took several hours to account for all the 24 workers, eight of them were hospitalized, some with serious burns and smoke inhalation. as far as the cause of the fire goes, it's not clear yet, but investigators are already saying they do not believe this was a deliberate act. >> are we don't think that there was any act of sabotage or anything like that. we honestly think it was probably an equipment failure with a combination of maybe human error from one of the staff. >> reporter: this morning some smoke is still rising as that
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fire is still smoldering. there are pieces of met alcansters all over the roads around the plant, but that evacuation has been lifted. people have begun to return to their houses around that orlando plant this morning. jenna: what a story. steve, thank you. jon: amazing it wasn't worse. the white house revealing a new plan to reach a budget deal offering a grand bargain to break the political gridlock on capitol hill. later today president obama will propose a reduction of corporate tax rates in exchange for some sort of jobs program. david drucker is senior correspondent for the washington examiner. we in the media throw around terms like grand bar gain all the -- bargain all the time. the politicians on capitol hill know what it means, david, but what is the definition of the grand bargain? >> i think these days, jon, it's any deal you can reach on fiscal issues. look, september 30th the fiscal year ends and government funding is going to have to be renewed or there's going to be a shutdown. and also this fall into and into
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the winter you're going to have to raise the debt ceiling, and i think you need to rook at this from the perspective of the two chambers of congress. in the senate you have republicans that appear more interested than republicans are in the house this attempting to reach a deal with the administration. there have been low-level but very consistent talks between senate republicans and the white house for the past couple of months, and it's going to be about whether they can resolve the issue that always trips these things up, and that's taxes. do you raise them, do you lower them and for who? in the house you're dealing with a much more defined position that republicans want to see taxes cut across the board if you're going to deal with taxes at all. they want to see more spending cuts, they want to see entitlement reform. and be so it's really a matter of whether these opening positions from the white house and senate republicans and house republicans are opening positions that are going to get us into negotiations or whether both sides are going to be stuck in their camps as they attempt
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to exert public pressure on the opposition to come around. jon: well, in about three hours the president's going to be appearing at an facility, a huge one in tennessee. he's going to be proposing, we are told, a reduction in corporate tax rates to take them down from 35 be % to 28%. republicans generally like tax reductions. are they going to go along? >> they're not going to go along just as this proposal is on its face because republicans also want to see tax rates reduced on individuals, higher earners because those higher earners sweep up hundreds of thousands if not more of small businesses that file their taxes as individuals. and this is something that i know democrats don't like and they think is really immaterial, but to republicans it's a really heart-felt issue, and it's important. they feel that the small businesses who by and large are the types of businesses that file as individuals and get caught up in this higher earner wealthy tax bracket, they feel
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this is important to job creation, so they're going to probably be pleased that the president is proposing some form of a tax reduction. they do support a reduction of corporate tax rates because they feel the country is less competitive around the world because of these high rates. but they're going to want to get more out of this. and we've already seen that in their responses today. jon: i read where the president is going to propose reducing or taking away corporate benefits for things like the purchase of private debt, private jets. now, he's a ceo. he's got air force one to fly him anywhere he goes. why does he want -- why does he not want, you know, other corporate leaders to be able to buy a private jet to be able to go where they want to go? >> well, i look, i don't know if you can make a one to one comparison, but it's a great political talking point to run around saying that republicans are trying to protect corporate jet owners. reducing, getting rid of this tax loophole is probably good policy from the perspective of the government not playing
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favorites, but it's not going to do much to dent the deficit or fix the problem. of course, you're going to have the jet manufacturers claiming it's going to cost jobs, but if you can deal with tax reform as a whole -- which is probably too much to ask -- then things like the corporate jet tax benefit is probably going to go away in any event, at least it would. >> are well, he's got the finest corporate jet in the world, and we just saw it taxiing there live in tennessee. he's getting -- actually, he's probably in washington, just taking off from washington from andrews air force base. david drucker, thank you. >> thanks a lot, jon. jenna: well, the president, we're awaiting remarks from secretary of state john kerry on a new round of middle east peace talks. mr. kerry is expecting -- expected to take the podium after he and the president met with israeli and palestinian negotiators earlier today. this is the obama administration's third attempt to relaunch long-stalled peace talks and follows months of
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shell diplomacy by be secretary kerry. walid phares is a fox news middle east analyst, this the meantime, how do you see this? this has really been top news over the last 24 hours. why? why now in. >> because it has been, as you just said, a long time that the israelis and palestinians have not been talking to each other under the auspices of the united states. but let me make a distinction. in their's process you have the road to sit here, and then what they're talking about. the road to sit here is difficult because you have radical forces not allowing the palestinians to sit down and namely hamas on the one hand and less what on the other hand -- hezbollah on the other hand. hamas is very busy with what's happening in egypt, and hezbollah's busy with syria. so there is an opportunity for israelis and palestinians now to sit down and attack the substance. jenna: what is the significance of the peace talks to us here at home this. >> well, first of all, the issue
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of the arab-israeli conflict has always been raised by many people around the world as, oh, you're not giving enough attention as long as that issue is not resolved, you're going to have a lot of terrorism and what have you. so when we start gaining some success, we can consider that a success in foreign policy, but we are far away from that at this point in time. jenna: what would success look like in this case? >> look, if israelis say we are safe and if palestinians would say we are satisfied, then the arab-israeli conflict cannot be used nimby al-qaeda, by the taliban. but for that to happen, israelis and palestinians would have to define we don't need outside players to help us, we can do it by ourselves. jenna: we're going to cover a myriad of different regions in the world, egypt, syria, iran is always on our mind, of course, we're still at war in afghanistan. so in the list of priorities, is this really where we should be
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investing? >> i think where we should be informing in -- investing is to pay attention how we're going to get out of afghanistan. the conflict is going to continue to be there. we're going to be very, you know, worrisome about what's happening in northern sinai just next to gaza. the egyptian army is now backing a al-qaeda. so i think the priorities are around the arab-israeli conflict, but it seems washington can't do much in the other arenas. jenna: a quick thought on what's going on in the sigh tie peninsula, there's a lot of smuggling going on into gaza, rockets being fired on our ally, israel, this all of this. and i wonder for israel at this time, again, looking at it as our one ally in the region, what's in it for israel here? specific create when it comes to iran about why they would come back to the table now. >> well, look, for the israelis the main threat -- and you just mentioned it -- is iran, the
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iranian missiles, the iranian nukes, and their ally, hezbollah. and you noticed over the last couple months israelis have been conducting raids inside syria against hezbollah smuggling weapons into lebanon. now, if we offer the israelis and the palestinians an opportunity to discuss peace, this may relieve a little bit on the political level. be but the real threat, again, iran, hezbollah and now al-qaeda and the sinai we anyones that. jenna: we were expecting secretary kerry, we were wondering what he's going to have to say. they just started talking, so one wonders what is the announcement, but we'll bring that to our viewers live, and we'll have walid kind of digest the news of the day. thank you very much, we'll be back to the state department as news develops. jon: turning to the political crisis in egypt, the country's military bracing for more scenes like this today with more major protests planned. this as the european union's top
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diplomat sits down with ousted president mohamed morsi. conor powell live in our mideast news bureau. what's going on? >> reporter: well, good morning, jon. after a month of violence and protests, egypt is really a divided country. neither side seems willing to compromise much. but in a surprising move today, egypt's military rulers allowed the e.u. estop diplomat, katherine ashton, to meet with mohamed hover si for two hours today. she was helicoptered to an undisclosed location. this is the first information we've really received about morsi since he was deposed on july 3rd. now, ashton avoided specifics about her meeting, simply describing mayor is si as, quote, well. >> we talked in depth. he has access to information in terms of tv, newspapers. so we were able to talk about the situation. and we were able to talk about the need to move forward.
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>> reporter: now, this move to allow diplomatic access to morsi could be a signal by the egyptian military that it's open to some type of political solution to this ongoing crisis. but with more than 150 pro-morsi supporters killed in the last month, the muslim brotherhood continues to call for protests and to resist the military until morsi is returned to power. both the european union and the white house have condemned the violence and called for negotiations and talks, but a spokesman for the transitional president said last night there would be no deviation from this current plan. jon, leaving egypt in sort of this precarious position going forward, it's not really clear if it will get into worse violence or maybe pull back from the brink. it's still really unclear what's going to happen there. jon: yeah. some pretty ominous times there in egypt, keep an eye on it for us, conor powell. jenna: the victim of a brutal murder laid to rest. coming up, who police may be
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eyeing as a possible suspect in this case. plus, the baseball commissioner may take some extraordinary steps, we hear, to keep yankees' slugger alex rodriguez off the field. thest just a report at this time, but we're going to take a look at baseball's looming punishment against players for their alleged use of performance-enhancing drugs and what it means for other sports as well. that's when we come back on "happening now." a quarter million tweeters musicare tweeting.eamed. and 900 million dollars are changing hands online. that's why the internet needs a new kind of server. one that's 80% smaller. uses 89% less energy. and costs 77% less. it's called hp moonshot. and it's giving the internet the room it needs to grow. this going to be big. it's time to build a better enterprise. together.
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delivering mail, medicine and packages, yet they're closing thousands of offices, slashing service and want to layoff over 100,000 workers. the postal service is recording financial losses, but not for reasons you might think. the problem? a burden no other agency or company bears. a 2006 law that drains $5 billion a year from post office revenue while the postal service is forced to overpay billions more into federal accounts. congress created this problem, and congress can fix it.
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you're too perfect. even the inside of your dishwasher sparkles. ok, so i'm the bad guy for being clean? you said it! you know, you... bababababa ladies! let's not fight dirty. hi, cascade kitchen counselor. see, over time... new cascade platinum's triple cleaning formula delivers brilliant shine that finish gel can't beat. it even helps keep your dishwasher sparkling. new cascade platinum is cascade's best. jenna: well, one of baseball's biggest stars is ready to fight any punishment for his alleged involvement in a performance-enhancing drug scandal. the punishment for new york yankees' slugger alex rodriguez is expected to come down from major league baseball anytime now. his lawyer says he will appeal any ruling that keeps him off the field, and there's a couple options for that, so we'll get into that in a moment. but what we're now hearing are further reports that baseball commissioner bud selig may take
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rodriguez's punishment one step further by invoking a powerful rule that would ban him from baseball even while his appeal is being considered. that's one report from the daily news. we're going to talk with jeff foster, sports editor for "the wall street journal". jeff, what about that? i was looking at this special clause, preserve the integrity of the game. it's rarely used -- >> right. jenna: one report, but what do you make of it? >> i think to get that passed, to get like a lifetime ban, to ban him from baseball, to keep him off the field, selig and wail are going -- baseball are going to have to build a really big case. right now the standing drug policy is first offense 50 games, second offense 100 games, third offense lifetime ban. he's never, you know, had a drug -- he's never failed a test, so this would be, technically, his first offense. jenna: but he has been ointed to -- >> he admitted to it in 2009. jenna: so what is he trying to protect here really? >> his motivations are very unclear. i think he sort of feels
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everyone is out to get him, his team, baseball, the fans don't like him, and i think he just wants to win. he wants to fight it and stand up for himself. jenna: how big does the case look against him? >> it looks pretty big. it really sort of hinges on whether they have these other charges like he obstructed with the investigation, there's talk it might be witness tampering, something like that. that gets very serious, and if they can present all that evidence that they've been digging up for six months, they're going to have a big case. jenna: do you think major league is looking to make an example out of him this have oh, certainly. i think he's the perfect candidate. you look at ryan braun who's a way better baseball player, he took a plea and got 65 games. now, this guy is in the prime of his career. a-rod's sort of in the end -- jenna: there's a big question about whether he's going to come back from this recent surgery he had. >> exactly. and all these incidents have made him sort of unlikable and, you know, he's the perfect candidate the make the
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scapegoat. jenna: there's so many games -- i mean, in one season of baseball there's so many games. i was just at a mets game recently, and this little boy just hoping, please, foul ball be, come my direction. and you wonder what the impact is of a case like this on major league baseball, and how are they going to protect their league, and what do you think it means for the league overall? >> i think what happened at the end of the century, they turned a blind eye on drugs in their sport, and balls started flying out of the park, home run records were falling, and history was tarnished. and now they've literally spent more than a decade cleaning up the mess, and this goes on and on. and sad thing is there are really good baseball stories, and yet the center of the conversation always goes back to steroids. jenna: i'm also waiting for football season, still a ways off -- >> it's coming. jenna: the debate about what the nfl does about drug testing. what do you think the impact is for major league baseball and other sports? >> i think the other ports are going to have to take it more
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ceasely and get -- seriously and get ahead of the problem nfl's looking into testing, nba's doing the same thing. tennis has a very thin drug policy, that needs to be totally revamped, and i think every sport needs to look at what they're doing can. jenna: you're clean though, jeff, right? >> i am. [laughter] jenna: just want to make sure. jon as well. totally drug-free on set. although, jon, you're looking busty these days. -- buff these days. drug-free. jeff, thank you very much. nice to have this conversation, we'll continue to watch the story. jon: i actually might start a workout problem one of these days, jenna, thank you. a chinese factory worker accused of poisoning frozen dumplings exported to japan. why prosecutors say did it. and another deadly train crash in europe on one of the world's safest rail systems. we'll tell you more about what happened there coming up.
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you need a girls' weekend and you need it now. ladies, let's goo vegas. cute! waiter! girls' weekend here! priceline savings without the bidding.
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jon: to some stories we're watching around the world. two chinese workers and a third severely injured when a section of bridge collapsed in seoul. a large steel structure fell from the bridge crushing the construction workers. we are awaiting a decision by italy's supreme court about whether it will uphold silvio berlusconi's fraud conviction. the former italian prime minister was sentenced to four years in prison last october for tax fraud. and the trial is underway now for a chinese factory worker accused of poisoning frozen dumplings that made ten people sick. he's accused of injecting pesticides into the food because he was unhappy with his pay and did not get along with his coworkers. jenna: dangerous. another train crash in europe to
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tell you about, the latest in a string of deadly accidents just this month. this time two trains collided head on while one driver, apparently, ignored a track signal. rickrick folbaum is live in our newsroom with more. unbelievable, rick, just the latest in a string of events. >> reporter: it has been a very dangerous month for train travel in europe. this latest crash in western switzerland, as you said, it was head on. two regional trains, one going south, one going north and one of the conductors was killed, at least 35 people injured. five of them seriously. and switzerland is known for having a very safe rail system. and investigators are on the scene right now trying to sort out cause. and this, of course, comes on the heels of two far more deadly recent crashes on the continent, one with last week in spain where 79 people died after their conductor took a turn at too high a speed causing the train to derail and smashing into a wall. the conductor, who survived, faces manslaughter charges. and a seventh person has now
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died after an accident earlier this month at a train station outside of paris where a train station came off the tracks as it was pulling into the station where people were standing on the platform getting ready to board that train. that accident being blamed on a metal bar that apparently came loose. so a lot of accidents in a very short amount of time, jenna. if we learn anything more about the latest in switzerland, we'll that pass it along. jenna: rick, thank you. jon: so many people take the trains because they don't like flying, but all of a sudden there's an epidemic going on. jenna: sometimes we make those comments, and i know, you know, family and friends you think things always happen in threes, but what is happening there? jon: let's hope they're dope. well, fans of hillary clinton are getting a big head start in case she runs for president. what they are doing now to try to give her the edge. also, a radical new design for nuclear energy. what the future may hold and why
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taxpayers are on the hook. hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios
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has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. to experience the precision handling of the lexus performance vehicles, including the gs and all-new is. ♪ this is the pursuit of perfection. jenna: a fox news alert a headline on a story that really garnered national attention out of new york city. it is probably not the story you're thinking of. the story about the big drinks. remember this? mayor bloomberg said we don't like big drinks. we will not allow them. we have one report that a new york appeals court is upholding a ruling that is getting rid of that ban. that is all we know right now. we'll keep you posted as we hear more. if big gulps are back in new
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york and they will be allowed again, we'll make sure everybody knows, jon. jon: 32-ounce drinks all around i say, jenna. let's get some. new information on crime stories we're following. we're awaiting word of a big development in the case of 23-year-old college student who was accidentally left for four days without food or water in a wind lowless jail cell by agents from the drug enforcement administration. he later sued the government for $20 million. a 24-year-old woman who was kidnapped and later found dead in a boston park will be laid to rest today. police say a man arrested for assaulting other women in the same park is considered a person of interest in the case but has not been charged in her death. police ruling the death of a university of michigan medical student a homicide. an autopsy reveals he died of a single gunshot wound inside his fraternity house last week. police are interviewing witnesses but say there are no reports of any suspects or any impending arrests.
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jenna: plus a new idea for energy in america and once again the government is spending your tax money. this time sinking hundreds of millions of dollars into a plan to build small sized nuclear power plants in a factory and ship them off to other location. we need to hear more about this. senior national correspondent john roberts is live in atlanta. nuclear energy, that is nothing new. what is the deal with the new reactors? are they really a game changer? >> reporter: that remains to be scene seen, jenna. this could be, depending who you talk to a boon or a boondoggle. they're talking about small modular reactors. the company building them, babcocks and wilcox is in the testing phase. i guess you call them mini nukes. they're 1/6 of the power after other nuclear power plants. they hope they will replace aging coal units shut down in years to come. they combine several systems
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into one unit, all of it manufactured in a factory which makes it more economical to produce and increases quality control. the first of these m-power reactors may go near the clinch river in tennessee. they're testing geology there this will be built almost entirely underground, one of the safety enhancements to eliminate the possibility after fukushima type disaster. >> we analyzed events of fukushima as they occurred and laid it against the m-power design shortly after it happened and m-power would have ridden out fukushima even an incident severe as fukushima. no detrimental effects at all. >> reporter: this is much smaller than a traditional plant. the entire footprint in terms of area and elevation is about the size of your average wal-mart store, jenna. the company taste it will be easier to secure than a 300-acre site in a traditional nuclear
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plant. jenna: you mentioned at top. there is the boon part or the boondoggle part. what about the later? >> reporter: the boondoggle part is research and development. the government set aside half a billion dollars to develop modular nukes from the ground up b and w received $79 million. taxpayers for common sense gave the whole idea a golden fleece award. that the nuclear industry is famous for expensive failures, one taxpayers should not be on the hook for. >> seems one of those things where we're throwing good money after bad. the nuclear industry is incredibly heavily subsidized. this is another way they're putting their hand out, we have a new way to survive, give us more money and we'll do it. >> reporter: the industry says this so-called bite-sized chunk of nuclear power could be as you mentioned at the top, jenna, a game-changer and could create a lot of jobs in the united states if the technology proves popular overseas for export in developing countries.
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jenna. jenna: bite-sized nuclear power. >> reporter: bite-sized. jenna: thank you, john. >> reporter: thanks. jon: former secretary of state and former first lady hillary clinton was back in her old home yesterday, the white house, sharing lunch with president obama, her former rival on the campaign trail and former boss as well. this as she considers another possible run for the white house. meanwhile supporters are working behind the scenes to build a network of donors and political operatives to help in case she does go for it. ready for hillary is the name of the organization. joe trippi, managed howard dean's presidential campaign. he is a fox news contributor. i'm fascinated by this lunch, first of all. what was that all about? do you know or what do you think? >> look, i think it is about just keeping her relevant in this thing. it's good for both the president and hillary clinton. hillary clinton is still the most popular leader right now or former leader in the country in either party.
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so i think for the two of them to get together, and at the same time while peace talks are starting in the middle east and other things that were rerelated to some. work she did i think is positive for both obama and hillary clinton. jon: so this ready for hillary organization, she was thought to be the shoo-in for the, for the 2012 elections and then all of a sudden out of nowhere comes a senator from chicago who bested her. when, you know, this organization that is being built includes i guess some of the big fund-raisers of the democratic party, people like harold ickes, long-time friend of the clintons, already on board. >> that's true and also on board, jeremy byrd one of the big field organizers for the obama campaign just joined. they're really putting together, that group, ready for hillary, is getting ready for hillary i think. it is a pretty dynamic group of people across the spectrum in the democratic party right now
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that are lining up in that organization for her. jon: does it mean she's running? >> i think it means she has the best of both worlds. she can pull back and do what she wants to do for the next year or two while she has a full-fledged political operation. bar nontech logically or otherwise, head over heels rest of the democratic field and ahead of republicans. jon: some of the ideas in situations like this, some of the idea is sort of scare off other potential democratic candidates, right? >> well right now i don't who would, that's right, jon. i don't know who is -- andrew cuomo, martin o'malley. jon: who thought barack obama would come out of nowhere eight years or six years ago? >> that's true. she learned lesson. i don't think anybody with clint clint last time around will be caught not being very conscious of everything that was going on out there and being, and in a lot of ways barack obama was the warning signal for this time.
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don't let that happen again. jon: you were heavily, i mean you were a pioneer in internet fund-raising when you ran the dean campaign but i guess she has leaped, you know, leaps and bounds over what you were doing? >> well, we were very primitive time. the internet wasn't quite where it is today and with youtube and everything and i phones. they didn't exist in 2003. but she's got, i think they have really wised up from the 2008 campaign. i think hillary clinton if she runs will raise a billion dollars on internet from a lot of woman who want to see the first woman president. if not again for her policies and other things. i think they have an operation there. think can do, they can make just like the obama campaign made the dean campaign look ridiculous, the clinton campaign of 2016 could make the obama campaign look small potatoes compared to what they can pull off in 2016. jon: ready for hillary is out there. we'll see what happens. keep our viewers apprised.
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joe trippi. jon joe, give you yourself a little more credit, primitive times? come on, joe. it wasn't the that long ago. jon: the days of the tell graph and the ironhorse, jenna. jenna: nice to have joe on to talk a little bit. jon: nice to have him in the studio. >> good to be with you guys. jenna: we'll look at this next big story. it really got our attention, a group of experts, medical doctors are looking to rein in the definition what we call cancer. why they say some simple name changes can save you from being overdiagnosed and overtreated in some cases. we'll talk so to some of the doctors coming up. a swiss adventurer making a special trip to the united states to show off his experimental flying machine. we'll tell you how it works coming up.
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jon: oh, i am so envious, the swiss adventurer who became the
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first man to fly with a jet-propelled wing made his first u.s. person. eve eve rossy flu at the air adventure event at oshkosh, wisconsin. it has four engines attached to his body. it allows him to fly through the air at more than 150 miles an hour. his body become the fuselage. rossy made successful flights over the english channel, swiss alps and rio de janeiro since perfecting it in 2008. jenna: we have to arrange a trial. jon: i don't think i could do it but it looks really, really cool. i love this hinge. jenna: this is exciting story for some families. we're discussing a new recommendation, a new recommendation to change the definition of cancer and a group of medical experts is advising the national cancer institute to
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drop the word cancer from some common diagnoses. it is part of an effort to reduce the number of people undergoing needless and sometimes harmful treatments. critics of this though say doctors can't tell with certainty which canners will or won't progress and they want to keep the way we're talking about it now because they believe patients should be given all the treatment options and maybe you should know some day what you have develops into cancer. we have the director of canser therapy and research center at the university of texas health science center in san antonio. he is one of the authors in this report so we're excited to talk with him. doc, tell us why you believe it's a good idea to change some of these definitions? >> actually i think the report that we're saying, that was published today which was a consensus of a large group of experts that were assembled by the national cancer institute are really saying exactly what you said is the second part which is part of this is important in informing patients
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with regards to their treatment options and what to do afterwards and the reason for this is we know there are many types of cancer that are very common, that are far more common than the risk of the cancers causing problems and if we take for example, the case of prostate cancer. but it's also true in breast cancer and other types of cancer. the case of prostate cancer a man may have as much as 60 or 70% of chance having it in his prostate in his lifetime yet the risk the cancer will cause problems is in the two to three to 4% range. which means many of those cancers pose a pretty low risk. and the challenge that we have is that for the very, very low-risk cancers in which the risk long-term of problems is very low, it is called cancer and the very high-risk canners are also called cancer. and so when you sit down to
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speak with a patient, you're forced to use that term cancer with both of those and that cancer has a connotation we all think is, oh, my goodness, the moment that you have the conversation with folks the blood drains out of their face. jenna: sure. >> the husband is hanging on to the spouse and the spouse is looking at them and you almost have to do some damage control and talk to the spouse first and say, more than likely he is growing to be just fine. jenna: let me just stop there because you're touching on something that is so true for all of us. if you hear anything that is cancer or precancerous, get it out of me, i don't want it around me because i don't want to get sick later on. >> right. jenna: in some cases one can live with quote, unquote cancer, for a lifetime and without having specific symptoms that are possibly damaging their life. do we want to change semantics the words we're using or change
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in the diagnosing of the disease? >> it is all of the above. for example, some groups of individuals that may be participating in early detection efforts may preferentially detect the low-risk canners that may benefit them very little. so, for example the recent recommendations with regards to lung cancer screening, what you focus on is doing the cat scans in the high-risk individuals who are at high-risk of lung cancer. the same thing can be said about breast cancer and other tumors as well. part is screening the right group of people and once you make the diagnosis, we are, i have to say as a disclaimer we're imperfect. we can not predict the future with 100% certainty but we're pretty doggone good and so if you can tell a person you're, say your five-year or 10-year risk of problems from an individual tumor, if you decide to observe it carefully and only intervene if it changes, if you
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can say the risk is one or two or 3%, then and if the risk of side-effects is 20, 30, 40% you can then pass that information to the patient and say, you decide. make an informed decision about what you are most comfortable with and in the process one of the problems that gets in the way is that cancer is included in both of those diagnoses. jenna: i see. we could really talk about this for a whole hour and we would love to have you back, doctor, to talk a little bit more bit because it comes into the the invasive nature of health care in our country. >> right. jenna: but costs associated with it as well and health care law coming into effect and which love to have you come back to talk with us. thank you for the conversation. thanks very much. >> thanks for having me. have a good day. jon: a judge orders confidential court documents released in the murder of former washington intern chandra levy. we're live with what is
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prompting that move. and two reality tv stars, no strangers to drama, joe and teresa giudice, wrapping up their first appearance in federal court. they're break facing multiple charges. we'll break it down in the fox 411. all ju $14.99. me into red lobster, and sea od differently. right now, go to for $10 off 2 select entrees. good monday through thsday. for $10 off 2 select entrees. ...and a great deal. grrrr! ahhh! let's leave the deals to perfect! yep, and no angry bears. up to 40% off. only at high fructose corn syrup from yoplait original and light, we were like, "sure. no problem!" and you were like, "thanks, but what about thick & creamy and whips!"
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jenna: two reality tv stars facing real-life drama of their own. their names are teresa and joe giudice. their last name is change of pronounciation over last few years as their fame changed as well. they're from the hit bravo show, "real housewives of new jersey." now they're charged with mult counts much fraud. they wrapped up their first
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appearance in federal court. julie banderas is here with that. julie? >> if you're facing 30 years, 50 years, 39 criminal counts anyone did about to crack. realy stars cracking in front of the cameras is nothing new not even when you're headed into real life court, two of the real life, housewives of new jersey stars headed into newark to face charges. they were in no mood for the cameras. when one photographer got too close, joe swung at him. it went down in the midst of commotion during the court arrival. the husband and wife tv couple were charged in a 39-count indictment yesterday with conspiracy to commit fraud and wire fraud. bank fraud, making false statements on loan applications and bankruptcy fraud. u.s. attorney paul fishman spoke moments after their first court appearance. >> this went on for a pretty long time and we're confident that we have enough evidence to convict the defendants beyond a reasonable doubt. >> reporter: both will each hand
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over 500,000 in bond and expect they will enter not guilty pleas on august 14th. both are under travel restrictions to only new york and new jersey. and in true celebrity style yesterday, teresa addressed her real-life drama on twitter writing, today is a most difficult day for our family. i support joe and as a wonderful husband and father i know he wants only the best for our lovely daughters and me. i'm committed to our family and intend to maintain our lives best way possible which includes continuing my career. as a result i am hopeful we will resolve the matter with the government as quickly as possible. thank you all for your kind wishes prayers and support. her attorney spoke on her behalf as well. listen. >> the family is handling themselves with great dignity. but it is very traumatic. they have four small girls. it is tough for everybody including the girls husband. >> reporter: husband joe is accused for failing to file tax returns from 2004 to 2008 when he earned a here one million dollars. he faces deportation because he
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is an italian citizen. no word from bravo the network that pays their salaries that shows their real lives unfold on tv. jenna: wow, what a case. julie, thank you. >> sure. jon: throw the book at them. never watch the show so i don't know. a string of explosions rocking a propane factory in florida. what fire officials now say may have caused that terrible blast. and we're awaiting a verdict in the bradley manning wikileaks case. will the army private be convicted of the most serious charge, aiding the enemy?
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in central florida, boom after boom after boom. that's how neighbors described the explosion at a local propane gas plant. we'll have the latest on that and a brand new political pledge
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that could be spreading all over the country. conservatives challenging the fellow republicans promise to go repeal obama care. we'll tell you what g.o.p. leader is being challenged to sign the bottom line. b.m.w. unveiling a brand new baby. we'll tell you about the new beamer in the works that the company hopes is the car of the future. all of that and breaking news as the second hour of "happening now" is happening right now. jenna: grand bargain on the table. president offering a new budget proposal to republicans and now there is a big question. will anyone actually go for it? the deal can be there but who agrees is the other part of the story. great to have you today, everybody. and welcome to "happening now." jon: always a lot of suspicion on both sides of the aisle. jenna: tough, right? jon: and welcome to the second hour. after months of gridlock a capitol hill, the president is set to unveil his plan later this afternoon. it cuts corporate tax rates but in exchange, the president wants
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a, quote, significant investment in some sort of jobs program. chief white house correspondent joins us live with more on that. tell us about this proposal, ed. >> sorry to inform you, sounds like the suspicion continues. not a lot of republican support in the early moments in reaction to the proposal so far. what they're saying is it's being billed by the white house as a new plan, instead of the grand bargain deal that had been proposed before that would involve cutting corporate taxes but also maybe changing individual taxes as well. the president trying to split this out and saying, let's just focus on lowering corporate tax rates down to 28% and try to spur economic activity but number one, president proposed something similar back in february of 2012 so not exactly very new. secondly, as you noted, he wants to take some of the savings from all of this in terms of broader kaks reform, closing loop holes and the like to spend more government money. republicans say no way.
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while white house spokesman says we need more spending though he calls it investment. take a listen. >> it's just a further left version of a widely panned plan he already proposed two years ago. this time with extra goodies for tax. >> if we can make the kinds of investments that will expand the economic opportunity for the middle class, then we can get a growing and thriving economic rekovy and that's -- that should be everybody's priority. >> white house aide says that this is just knee jerk opposition from the right and he also claims that the white house dpaif speaker john boehner's office a heads up about this new plan but the bottom line is speaker boehner's office is insisting they heard about it from the media, that they've gotten no heads up. if the president actually wants to get something done here, he's going to need to meet republicans halfway and reach out to them. republicans saying they're not getting that.
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jon: ed, thank you. jenna: it's a busy day in d.c., busy day for the president and the secretary of state john kerry who is talking about the peace talks between israelis and palestinians. one of the things that he just mentioned is that the early meeting with the president this morning, with representatives from both sides apparently was very positive according to the secretary. we're going to continue to monitor what he has to say. you can check out headlines at fox jon: there are brand new developments in the battle over obama care. with election season right around the corner and mitch mc connell, top republican in the u.s. senate locked now in a primary fight. his position on obama care is taking center stage in that race with mcconnell under fire for voting for a bill that promised massive health area overhaul. bevin is calling on him to sign
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a pledge just like he did which reads in part, i pledge to the taxpayers of the state of kentucky and to the american people that i will, one, support the full repeal of obama care, also known as the patient protection and affordable care act, and two, oppose any bill or budget resolution that provides funding to implement or enforce any part of it. the obama care issue could turn into a real litmus test with one prominent conservative group looking to tie endorsements to support for defunding the health care overhaul. nearly 50 other groups hold their feet to the fire in the push to try to defund the president's signature piece of domestic legislation. all of this ahead of friday's vote in the house to prevent the i.r.s. from implementing the health care law. it's going to mark the 40th time republicans have tried to repeal parts of obama care. a fox news poll shows support for that effort with more than half of those surveyed, about
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53% saying they are in favor of repeal. joining us now, nina easton, washington columnist for fortune magazine and also a fox news contributor. so mitch mcconnell, most powerful republican in the u.s. senate, is in some potential trouble from this challenger who wants him to sign this obama care pledge. will he do it? >> you know, jon, we're seeing the party potentially going down a suicidal route when it comes to 2014. what you've got are conservatives that are seizing on the fact that the exchanges, health care exchanges have to get up and get running and be funded right at the same time that budgeting for the government runs out. so what they're saying is, let's threaten to shut down the government. let's defund obama care. two problems with that. one, it's a losing battle. the president is going to veto anything that -- he's not going
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to let something like that get through on his signature piece of legislation. so you're fighting a losing battle from the get-go. second of all, when you talk about government shutdowns, who does that hurt? the republican party. we know from the past. so you've got a number -- i would point out, you've got a number of really thoughtful republicans on the house and senate side saying, this is a really bad idea. >> well, it is the law of the land. i mean, democrats were able to sort of get it passed with some smoking mirrors, especially in the senate, but it is the law of the land. >> it's the law of the land and again, as i said, politically you don't want to go in fighting a battle you can't win, first of all, and second of all, you don't want to have this come to the brink -- people hate, americans hate this kind of brink -- you know, run to the brink actions that congress is constantly like going to the brink, talking about not being able to fund the government. when you defund the government, when you stop -- if you really did shut down the government,
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you're actually hurting people. you're hurting veterans' hospitals and things like that. that is going to read down to the benefit of republicans. they get blamed every time talk of a shutdown comes up. and already republicans' brand has been hurt badly. you're going into 2014, you're hoping to hold on to the house or as one congressional analyst said, republicans could -- democrats don't necessarily win the house but republicans could lose it. and this is the kind of thing when you're looking forward to, you know, holding on to the house and perhaps even winning the senate, you don't want to be going down this route right now. >> so does this mean that republicans, especially in the senate, have to go along with obama care and sort of rubber stamp it as it rolls through the system? >> there's other things that you can do. you look at the tax on medical devices. we've already had the obama administration push back the mandate for businesses so
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there's a lot of talk around that. maybe changing that. there's talk about changing the individual mandate. there's stuff you can do. but to tie this up with a potential of shutting down the government is just not smart politics. >> but this guy who is challenging mitch mcconnell, he wants to make this a big part of his campaign. do kentucky voters really think that mitch mcconnell and president obama are on the same page? >> and again, this is what -- again, where the party is going down a suicidal route. you have tea party activists threatening as one of them told me a couple of days ago, they're going to take on any member of senate or congressional republican who doesn't go along with the strategy. even the most conservative members. even a mitch mcconnell, they want to take on over this. i don't see how that helps the party in the long run. what it does is create a civil war inside the party and what it does is it threatens long standing members, incumbents and
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we saw last year, tea party candidates didn't do very well. >> the g.o.p. had the chance last time around or so it seemed. good to talk to you. jenna: secretary of state john kerry is speaking live after a second day of mideast peace talks in washington between israelis and palestinians diplomatic teams and today we learned that the president met privately at the white house with the secretary and some of the lead negotiators as well. foreign affairs correspondent is listening in. he's live from the state department with the headlines. >> kerry says he's convinced they can reach a peace agreement but they tend to keep the discussions confidential. don't believe anything unless you hear it from me, he said, and i can guarantee you, you won't. earlier this morning, president obama met with israeli justice minister who leads her country's delegation. also lead palestinian negotiator at the oval office. the talks apparently arranged at
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the last moment because they weren't on mr. obama's official schedule. he expressed his appreciation for the two sides coming together. the israeli-palestinian delegations are just now beginning to talk to each other and the goal of today's meeting $ set up a framework for resolving the so-called final status issues, the 22 years of mideast peace negotiations have failed to find agreement on. we're talking about borders, status of jerusalem, israeli security and the rights of palestinian refugees. secretary kerry says the two sides will meet within the next two weeks, either in israel or in the palestinian territory. last night secretary kerry hosted the delegations at a dinner after meeting with each of them separately. there was no real negotiating at that dinner. the dinner was more about establishing that each side had come to washington serious about reaching an agreement and negotiating in good faith. this is the second push for a mideast peace agreement of the obama administration, first in 2010 fell apart after a few
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weeks. there were two summits in the gorge w. bush administration, four during the clinton years, two during -- four in president clinton's two terms and this after george h.w. bush launched the peace efforts in madrid. jenna: the yes is whether this time is different. thank you very much. jon: the anthony weiner sexting scandal. he was sending lewd pictures of himself. he wants to be new york city mayor. brand new polls on how it is affecting his race for that job plus another big apple politician with a sex scandal of his own weighs in with his thoughts. also tagging great white sharks in the biggest expedition in history off cape cod.
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what scientists hope to learn. we're live with that story. eyfr@r did you know, your eyes can lose vital nutrients as you age?
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jenna: florida investigators are on the scene at the blue rhino propane plant where a series of explosions rocked that plant in the neighboring community just last night injuring at least eight people and leaving at least three vehicles in critical condition as we're now learning. authorities at this point don't suspect foul play. >> we don't think that there was any act of sabotage or anything like that. we honestly think it was probably an equipment failure with a combination of maybe human error from one of the staff. the second shift was on. they run two shifts over there
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at blue rhino. they run a very safe operation. >> workers at the plant fill propane tanks for barbecues and other uses. you may have one of them at your home considering it's summertime, of course. the plant says there were about 53,000 tanks on hand at the time of the blast. one of the reasons potentially why it was so big. >> anthony weiner is plummeting in the polls after his latest sexting scandal broke last week. new york city mayoral candidate causing many democrats to call on him to drop out of the race. the newest poll, which weiner actually led just five days ago, it shows him falling to fourth place among democrats. support dropping from 26% last week to 16% this week. his response? polls don't change anything, he said. and check out this "new york post" cover, even client number nine, eliot spitzer, says he will not support weiner.
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the former new york governor also resigned from office due to a sex scandal. he is also trying to make a political comeback after he was found paying hookers. he's running for new york city controller. jenna: can i say from pigs to sharks, is that not -- i know it's a little editorial but a fact is a fact, people. really. come on. let's talk about sharks. great white sharks, may be some of the deadliest creatures in the deep blue sea but scientists in massachusetts are launching the largest expedition in u.s. history to tag the fearsome fish. it may also make for safer trips to the beach. this sounds good. molly is live in massachusetts with more. >> good morning. cape cod is a great place for this. there have been so many great white sharks spotted very, very close to the shore. one even taking a bite out of a swimmer last year.
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but what the scientists want to do is relieve some of the mystery around the great white, really find out about them and their biology and the non profit team from o-search is heading out into with a very ambitious goal, to capture, tag and release 10 to 20 great white sharks right here off the cape cod. while the researchers are out there, they're also hoping to have 15 minutes with each shark to study them and that's an incredible process getting that done. take a listen to what it takes to bring the sharks up out of the sea. >> well, actually capture the white shark, swing it over the lift and then pick it up out of the water and we'll keep it out of the water for about 15 minutes while we execute 12 different research projects, while we have water flowing over the gills and a towel over its eyes and allow it to recover and swim away and then track it. >> and they've got a 75,000
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pound custom shark lift to help make that possible. you can track the sharks as well. they have a global shark tracker on their website, last summer or over the course of many year expeditions, they've tagged over 30 sharks. you can see where the sharks are and as they're tagging these great white sharks here in cape cod, it will be real time. you'll be able to see the latest shark tag, where it's going, what it's doing and what they're hoping will be one of the biggest research projects regarding great white sharks ever in u.s. history. >> i'll take the view from the shore, do the on line thing. i like that. very cool story. thank you. jon: i went on a great white shark dive one time. we didn't find one. they're actually very rare. jenna: that's a jip. you have to go back. jon: scientists know almost nothing about them. i wish them well.
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they're very cool animal. they really are. the whitey bulger mob trial, the reputed crime boss is possibly going to take the stand in his own defense. will he? our legal panel takes up that case. plus is the other shoe about to drop in major league baseball's doping scandal? some big names who might soon see very lengthy suspensions.
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jenna: media reports swirling that suspensions for the yankees, a-rod, alex rodriguez and 14 other players caught up in a far reaching doping scandal could be handed down by major league baseball any minute now. apparently it seems that things are changing a little bit as we go further into this week. rick has the latest from the news rom -- room.
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rick: braun, the brewers star who agreed to sit out the rest of the season because of his connection to a clinic in south florida, this clinic suspected of giving players' performance enhancing drugs. there are a bunch of players with ties to the clinic and major league baseball has been investigating all of this for awhile now. biggest name you mentioned in the intro, a-rod, alex rodriguez, the yankees' slugger who at a time was considered to be one of the best, if not the best player in the team. a-rod injured this season. he has yet to play a single game but if the baseball commissioner has his way, reportedly, he may never play again. there are media reports that the commissioner, bud selig, is willing to use his office and power as commission to her ban a-rod if he tries to repeal his suspension. he would have 100 million reasons to try to fight it since he's owed about $100 million on
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the rest of his 10-year, $275 million contract he signed with the yankees. those suspensions for a-rod and a slew of other players, more than a dozen, could be announced at think minute. we'll keep you posted. jenna: thank you. jon: well, witness in the trial of accused mobster james whitey bulger says even if he was a rat, he was not good at it. that's according to a former f.b.i. supervisor back on the stand for the defense today. he says whitey bulger played a tough guy and at the accused mob boss wasn't much of an informant at all. he said he tried to shut him down. bulger denies every giving up info to the fed. he's charged in a spring of 19 murders in the 1970's and 1980's. the trial expected to wrap up this week. bulger could take the stand in the next few days. that will make for some interesting testimony. joining us now, our legal
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analyst, the former prosecutor as well so robert fitzpatrick, the former f.b.i. agent, he gets up on the stand and here's one of the stories he tells. he says that he was worried about the f.b.i.'s relationship with the guy named edward brian hallaran, a man who was an informant. >> ends up dead two days later. jon: he was talk about giving him witness protection and he ends up dead and whitey bulger is one of the first guys. >> wake up and wait a second. is that a defense? it should be a prosecution witness. but it's completely relevant whether the fact that he was a good informant or not to the case of whether or not he committed murder of at least 19 people that we know of, jon. >> this trial starts with the defense lawyer gets up. ladies and gentlemen, my client is guilty of extortion. what is the agenda in this
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trial? the agenda was to establish that he wasn't an informant and he never killed women. it's a very strange trial. jon: all right. so bulger is 83 years old. his own defense attorney already admitted those things and those admissions are enough to put him in jail for the rest of his natural life so what does he have to lose at this point? >> to take the stand. i think he might for the show of it. he's loving it. you know he's never going to see the light of day. he's 83. he's not going to get out of prison so why not just have that great extravaganza? jon: just get up and say i'm not a rat. i'm not a lady killer >> there's also a third point which i wanted to mention. not an informant, was never a rat, never killed females and showed that the f.b.i. was corrupt on some level in the way they handled him. don't forget, they were saying that somebody tipped him off before the indictment which led him to flee for 16 years. >> that's what the defense is saying. but the f.b.i. witness comes in
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with no clean hands. he's written a book about bulger, made money off of this, lost his pension, lost his job because he was crooked. he's not coming to this as a credible witness and i think that's what the prosecution is going at. the prosecution yesterday was saying you tell tall tales. you made up all of this career that we've proven didn't happen. how can we believe you now? jon: everything we've been reading makes us believe the trial ends this week but if whitey bulger takes the stand, i don't think it will. >> i don't think he'll take the stand. to go through 19 murders across examination, that would take days. >> he would rather be in the courtroom than the jail cell. jon: thank you both. jenna: i prefer neither place just for the record if i had a choice. there's disturbing new develops out of egypt today as we learn that the military is now reverting to some of the same
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oppressive tactics used under former president hosni mubarak. we're also getting reports that they're not alone in this. so who to trust in egypt? that's the big question we're asking today and b.m.w. is going electric. how the electric car company is giving its competitors a run for their money. hey kevin...still eating chalk for heartburn?
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jenna: a fox news alert. new calls for massive demonstrations in egypt as crowds continue to swarm the area. this amid a stunning new report that egypt's military has reinstated the so-called secret police, powerful security force that served under the regime of former president hosni mubarak. michael is the managing director for the washington institute for policy and there's a lot of violence in the streets of egypt these days. we're hearing this about the military, those in power now but also hearing that the islamists on the street are using heavy weaponry so who do we trust as far as what is the reality on the ground in egypt right now? >> we certainly see the pendulum swinging back and forth here. you know, now the military being in charge and this chaos on the streets. in a way it's not surprising because most revolutions do play
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out like this. you have act one, act two and you hope that eventually it stabilizes. and that really, i think, needs to be what the united states is focused on is trying to get the situation stabilized, trying to sort of use whatever influence we have with all the parties, not just the military or just the islamists, to get off the street and work out differences across the negotiating table. jenna: one of the questions that comes up while that's all happening is what our policy should be toward the country at this time. on the bloomberg news rep site, the editorial board there says we cannot continue our foreign aid to egypt right now because we don't know anything about the government. what should we do? >> look. i think whenever you're talking about a sort of chaotic foreign policy like this, you have to think what are our interests and what's the outcome we want? our interests is making sure this stays contained, that this gets resolved and it doesn't cause problems in a broader middle east and so the outcome
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we want is for the violence to get off the streets and we want there to be a transition to civilian rule. and so i think that we need to use our influence with the military to the extent we can, not to ask them to do specific things like to free president morsi, for example, but to convince them that really the future of egypt requires them to hand power to a civilian government and to hold reconciliation talks with all the different factions who are involved in the violence. jenna: one of the things we're hearing about is there's a third group. we talk a lot about the military, the islamists but there's a third group that just wants a fair and free election. we'll continue to watch to see if that element can gain ground. in the meantime, michael, one of the bigger questions that comes up is as far as our foreign policy and our priority in our country to make sure we remain safe and secure, should our loyalty be to the process? meaning setting up a democratic, free election, or should it be to a specific person that's going to help us in that region and be friendly to the united states? is it the people or the process
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we need to be loyal to? >> i think to put it in kind of blunt terms, our loyalty needs to be to our interests first and foremost. we need to see greater democracy, greater tolerance in the region and that's also where our values lie. in the short-term, we don't know, for example, what the head of the egyptian military intends, if he intends to give up power and so we have to have relations with all the different parties and try to push them toward the outcome we're looking for. it's not a matter, i think, of taking sides. i think it's a matter of using our levers of influence. so as we look more broadly across the middle east, i would say that this needs to be near the top of the united states' list of priorities simply because what happens in egypt often has a very strong reverb ration or effect on the rest of the region. jenna: i had a conversation with the ambassador, the man who has been maimed the special envoy to the peace talks between the israelis and palestinians and i was looking back at the
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interviews and he said that about two years ago on our show, that we have to really watch egypt because the way egypt goes, the rest of the region will go. taking that into consideration, we just got a headline from secretary of state john kerry saying that the israelis and palestinians will try to reach a peace deal in the next nine months. your thoughts in general about that happening while we have a big priority happening in egypt? >> well, i think just two things, jenna. one is the region is in much more turmoil now than during the annapolis negotiations in 2007 and 2008 and you don't have people around like hosni mubarak, former president of egypt, who is very kind of supportive of the palestinian president, was very supportive of the peace process. you have the king of jordan who is very distracted, for example, with what's going on in syria so that kind of regional context really pulls a lot of the oxygen out of the peace process. but second, i think that the u.s. role. the united states is not nearly as kind of actively engaged in the middle east as we were in 2007 or 1991 after desert storm
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and so i think the parties will really question whether or not the united states can really be relied upon to give assurances to be committed to the region, to be committed to sort of playing an active role here and that's something we need to correct, that perception. jenna: that's a broader question and a great segment for another day. always a pleasure to have you on the program. thank you. jon: b.m.w. is out with a new electric car that it says might address the most common shortcomings found in the competitor. rick: the head of b.m.w. says he's taking the long view on the future of plug-in cars. the company is betting that emission standards that will kick in over the next 10 to 20 years will make electric and hybrid vehicles a must both here and all over the world. the i-3 as it will be called, will go from zero to 60 in seven seconds. it will have a range of about 100 miles before needing a recharge and those two things alone might help to silence some critics who say electric cars
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lack horse power and need better battery capacity. the b.m.w.i-3 is set to hit the u.s. market in the second quarter of next year with the price tag of about $41,000. for another four grand, you can get one with a range extender. that's basically a small gasoline motor that will allow you to drive longer distances and then down the road, b.m.w. plans a higher end model that will compete with others already being sold here. there's one with 265 mile of driving range and starts just under $70,000 so expanding electric car market on the horizon. back to you. jon: and the big boys are getting into it now as well. rick: they're going to have to. jon: rick, thank you. jenna: well, detroit is announcing a controversial new plan to deal with its financial troubles. the plan that's not set in stone but it's an idea. the idea of using obama care to off set some of the billions of dollars it owes in retiree health care costs.
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who is going to pay for that? what does it mean for the law? we'll have a broader conversation on that coming up. plus we're expecting a verdict moments from now in the bradley manning wikileaks case. he's facing life in prison on charges of aiding the enemy for releasing thousands of secret government documents and that verdict is handed down, we'll bring you that news as it breaks. mine was earned in djibouti, africa. 2004. vietnam in 1972. [ all ] fort benning, georgia in 1999. [ male announcer ] usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaa's commitment to serve military members, veterans, and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve.
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the president of american action forum and the former director of the congressional budget office, and we have the law professor at washington and lee university who has been closely following the health care law. both have testified before congress. both know each other. it has a great start. let me just kind of get us off and running in the real life scenario. just an idea but let's say you worked 30 years for the police department in detroit. you're not old enough to collect medicare and you're at a place where you're retired. instead of us continuing to pay your health care, we're going to help subsidize you and you can move into the insurance exchanges until you reach medicare age. that's just sort of the premise they're working with. professor, you were quoted in the "new york times" and said that there's a potential big impact to that. in your opinion, what is the impact of this plan if it actually goes through? >> well, there would be a number of impacts. i think the most serious impact
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from my perspective would be the impact on the person who has spent his life working for a municipality, possibly took a lower income than he would have or she would have earned in the private sector because of retirement sectors. public employees' retirement benefits are more generous on the whole than private early retiree benefits, at least they're more common, and for that compensation that's been earned. they work for that compensation. the michigan constitution protects retiree benefits. they have every expectation they would get the benefits so now to be told we're not going to provide those benefits, i think, is a very serious problem. jenna: to the professor's point there, government did agree to the deal. it was the local government, but the government did agree to that. so at this point, is this a solution that should be entertained because it's a way to, as the professor says, provide health care for someone that needs it and who is
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technically owed it based on the contract? >> there's no question there was an agreement. the problem is they didn't bother to fund the agree many. they never put the resources aside necessary to pay for the employees' health and now enter the affordable care act which has a large amount of taxpayer subsidies sitting in an exchange and just as many private employers are going to be tempted to stop being in the business of health insurance and send their employees off to these exchanges. the city of detroit can do the same arithmetic. these workers will get more and remember, the promise is that the affordable care act insurance is high quality insurance, so they'll get insurance, the subsidies and the city will be off the hook for a big bill. it may not seem fair but the big loser is the taxpayer. jenna: what about that? we could see everyone flooding into the exchanges with the big question whether or not young americans are owning up to help with the costs and we'll be in a
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serious financial situation if that's the case? what about the impact of that? >> well, a couple of things. the first thing is that as far as the generosity of the benefits for low income americans, the premiums are going to be quite low in the exchanges and the cost sharing is going to be quite low. for middle income americans, though, those with americans 250% of poverty, they'll owe pretty high premiums and they're going to owe some pretty high cost sharing so i think for a lot of early retirees in that range, the benefit isn't going to be nearly as good as what they were expecting to get or were getting from the municipality. as far as the taxpayers are concerned, yes, there will be some additional costs but it's been known all along that some people would move from employer coverage into the exchange, probably most of them voluntarily. there's a lot of people who are locked into dead-end jobs that are only there because they have
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health insurance and would like to quit those jobs, maybe retire, maybe do something more productive. jenna: that is part of the question as well is that we don't actually know what the public will do with the law or what their motivations might be. your quick final thoughts on this. as far as the impact to taxpayers, what is go you're considering? >> what i'm worried about is it's not just detroit. there's municipal financial stress across the country. this president says the solution to the problem is let the federal taxpayer clean it up rather than working at the local level. that's a bad precedent. jenna: professor and doug, thank you. nice to have both of you today. we appreciate it very much. jon: a military judge has been considering the verdict in the wikileaks case. it's set to be handed down minutes from now. we're awaiting that. it is the charge that could put an army private away for life for turning over hundreds of thousands of this nation's
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classified documents. and the impact on other high profile cases involving leaks of america's secrets. we're live at fort mead. also much more than 99 bottles of beer, the story behind the beer can house, now a cherished landmark in one city. we'll take you on a tour coming up.
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jip some guys like to stack beer cans. jenna: don't you? are you a beer can stacker? jon: i usually just recycle them. jenna: that's probably wise. jon: but enough to cover an entire house? jenna: in beer cans? jon: in beer cans. that's what a houston bungalow
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looked like before 1968. the owner began covering his own home with, oh, more than 50 though empty cans of beer. he was a child of the great depression. he did not believe in throwing anything away, not even his empties. after using the cans to make backyard sculptures, he started using the aluminum to side his house and what is known as the beer can house has become a landmark in houston. head of restoration and preservation of the beer can house joins us now. so this guy crank apparently with the help of his wife and maybe some neighbors, he drank about a six pack of beer every day after he finished work at the railroad company, right? >> that's correct. he did. jon: stored all the cans? >> yes. in his garage and then in his mom's garage for 17 years. jon: what possessed him to do what he ultimately did? >> he knew he was going to use
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the beer cans. he just didn't know for what. and he just saved and saved and saved. jon: i guess aluminum siding was becoming popular at the time and he thought, well, i've got lots of aluminum. >> yes. and he said it was better than painting. jenna: can i ask you a question about that? did he have an art background, this gentleman, or is this something that he came up with? >> you know, he didn't have any art background. he started working at a very early age and it was more of the -- he was an upholsterer for the railroad and i think that's where that craft came from because it's a very tedious job, very entailing with the hands. i think he had that background with the skill trade. that's what led him to create this work of art. jenna: how long did it take to complete the house? >> well, it took him many years, actually. he started with the ground. before he moved on to the house. the house itself took about 17 months after he retired.
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he retired in the mid 70s and it took him about seven years to complete everything. like anything, when you just start, you know, he started off slow and once he honed his skills, it took off and he kept working and working. jon: it's become quite an attraction there in houston. if people want to tour it, it's open on the weekends, right? >> that's correct. we're there from 12:00 to 5:00 every weekend. jon: beer can is the website. check it out. thank you. >> thank you so much. jenna: now you have a new idea. everyone does, right? jon: yeah. what were the neighbors thinking? jenna: i'm curious what it's like when it rains? is it loud? jon: the wind chimes he made make a nice sound and saves a lot of energy, too. jenna: now we can all visit when we go to houston. two teams on top of the american league east doing battle but not just on the field. who gets the last laugh in a twitter smackdown?
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that's next. hey linda!
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9:59 am
>> in baseball, the battle is not only in the field, not at all. in the twitter verse as well. tampa beat boston to first place in the a l- west. thanks to a blown play according to our producer. your standings are wrong. yours truly. they didn't move fast enough and boston tweeted, don't worry rays baseball, we look forward to seeing in tampa for our home games in the troph. they feel at home. >> going to be bad blood. >> you should so what happens on twitter. it is crazy after the show and scary sometimes.
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>> we won't get into that. >> thank you for joining us today. >> america live starts right now. >> we begin with a fox news alert. judgment day for the army private who labelled a traitor by some and hero by others. i am shannon in for megyn kelliy. a judge is expected to announce her decision in the manning case. he is believed to have handed over documents to wiki locs including information about the u.s. strategy and theern workings of the u.s. state department and diplomacy. manning a ratify a short time ago. if he is found guilty of aiding the enemy he could get life in prison. reporting live from fort mede.


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