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tv   Hannity  FOX News  July 30, 2013 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT

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do not be a skellum, writing to the factor. i am bill o'reilly, please remember, the spin stops here, we are definitely looking out for you. welcome to "hannity" new evidence to suggest the so-called obama care death panels are alive and well. the former head of the democratic party who also happens to be a medical doctor, he is sounding the alarm. in a wall street journal op ed, 2004 presidential contender, howard dean is screaming about what he calls a major problem with the law known as the independent payment advisory board. dmou, according to dr. dean, the ipab is essentially a health care rationing body, by sending reimbursement rates for medicare, by determining which procedures and drugs will be covered at what price the ipab
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will be able to stop certain treatments its members do not favor by simply setting rates to levels where no doctor or hospital will perform them. there's a couple reasons why the story is important to you and your family. a high profile democrat is finally admitting this board is a health care rationing body. number two, he's also acknowledging that this body has the authority to stop certain treatments, that's scary. number three, and perhaps the most important reason of all, this developing story serves as yet another frightening reminder that we were all misled by obama care. we were promised we could keep our own doctors, we were promised our premiums would go down, and under no uncertain terms we were promised that death panels would never exist. you may remember this. >> every credible person who has looked into it has said there are no so called death panels.
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an offensive notion to me and the american people. these are phony claims meant to divide us. and we've all heard the charge that reform will somehow bring about a government takeover of health care. i know that sounds scary to many folks. it sounds scary to me too. here's the thing, it's not true. >> i think it's despicable. i think it's awful that the lies that have come out on this bill that are designed to frighten the daylights out of people. >> given the fact that even howard dean is admitting that health care rationing bodies exist because of obama care, tonight we're going to talk to, in a couple minutes, we're going to be joined by sarah palin. let me point out a couple things. if you go back and look at obama care, what did the president say. every american was going to be insured. we know that 30 million americans are not going to be insured, even paying ten years for six years of so-called services. the average rate would go down $2500 for a family. we know in states like ohio,
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those rates are going up 88%. that's not coming true. even when you have the three largest labor unions, led by jimmy hoffa jr. and he's out there saying this is a bad deal, this will literally ruin what we know as the 40 hour workweek in america, you know that's not working either. joining me now, governor sarah palin. welcome back. >> i'm doing great, sean, appreciate it. >> you took a lot of heat and a lot of fire for death panel, the comment you made. maybe the case of sarah murnagh murnaghan, the 10-year-old little girl wasn't allowed, because kathleen sebelius wouldn't sign off on the lung transplant. did that sound like a death panel to you? >> it wasn't just me saying there were death panels in obama care back in 2010.
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anyone who could read, it's a bureaucratic channel that will decide based on a human being's level of productivity, some subjective and political decision being made as to whether they deserve merchandise care or not. and yes, the little girl is a prime example of a bureaucrat being able to make that decision, which is a scary thing. >> and now even howard dean is acknowledging this. howard dean zm what do you take of the op ed that he had out there? >> haven't read his op ed. i think i and others waste too much time listening to the liberal pundits a few years ago, when they said that was the biggest lie of the year was that my claim that death panels were a part of obama care and the rationing of health care services. now, that's proven to be true. now i guess i could say i appreciate howard dean
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acknowledging it finally. >> let's talk a little bit, we're going to have senator cruz on the program tonight, he and mike lee, rand paul, marco rubio and a number of house republicans, there's a big battle coming up here. conservatives while they appreciate the symbolic votes to repeal obama care in the house. none of them had any teeth. mike lee is saying fund the rest of the government, but defund obama care, they're meeting a lot of resistance, what's your reaction. >> that's common sense. remember with our separation of powers. he will hold the purse strings, he who is in the legislature. so congress holds the purse strings, they can unfund anything they want to. that's how you stop something that is not right. it's not good. it's not economic for we the people. it's a wise decision for mr. lee and others to decide not to budget for something that's going to be so burdensome to the
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american people. >> i think, to me, it's a no brainer. why do you think -- and what's your reaction to those that say this is bad plitly. is this the establishment versus the tea party once again, governor? >> yeah. you know, those within that machine, the hierarchy of the gop trying to go along to get along with obama, because they want to ingrace yat themselves with the liberal media. it's unfortunate that they can't see. what the end result of obama care is going to be. and that is such a burden on all of our small businesses. it's going to be resulting in that single payer system that barack obama admitted he wanted before he was a candidate even, and that's going to be the end result, and that's absolutely what we do not need. not only does it strip away our freedoms as americans, but obama
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care will bankrupt so many businesses and continue to add to the bankruptcy of our nation, already $17 trillion in debt. so if they could just acknowledge that obama care is the end result, is so bad for those people. they would go along with the unfunding, the defunding of the bureaucratic program that isn't going to work, i think even they admit it's not going to work. >> those -- there's a lot of people saying that republicans either in the house or the senate, that do not go along with defunding obama care. walk it through, their fear is, that politically there's going to be damage. and there's no way the president will sign on to it, even if they fund the rest of the government. should that be a consideration, would that be a line drawn in the sand? you're a prominent tea party conservative? is that a line in the sand for you?
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>> well, it is, but so many other things are, that line in the sand that should be drawn. when it am coulds to following the constitution, and following sound economic principle and not living beyond our means as a government. the common sense measures to make sure that we're abiding by those three things that i just mentioned. that means we don't do things like obama care, and when we have the tool to undo obama care, in this case, the tool is not funding obama care, then it's very important for conservati conservatives to stand up. if you're going to go down, at least go down swinging. don't capitulate, give in to obama and the media, thinking they're going to come around and like you after all for being on their side on this issue. they're not, they go home at the end of the day, and their home is more big government that will burden us. >> we appreciate it.
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>> the governor was supposed to join us on satellite, but it then went down. so much for great technology. but it happens once in a while. senator ted cruz and karl rove. we need your help, you get to select a video of the day. you get an incredible sneak peek of option number one. if you want to see more of the cell phone footage from inside the tornado, you can cast your vote now. on twitter, it's @seanhannity. any last requests mr. baldwin? do you mind grabbing my phone and opening the capital one purchase eraser? i need to redeem some venture miles before my demise. okay. it's easy to erase any recent travel expense i want. just pick that flight right there. mmm hmmm. give it a few taps,'s taken care of. this is pretty easy, and i see it works on hotels too. you bet. now if you like that, press the red button on top. ♪ how did he not see that coming?
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now, that's progressive. it seems to be the summer of scandals for the democratic party. there's the crumbling campaign of anthony weiner, who's falling to fourth place now. client number nine, elliott spitzer resigned as governor because of a prostitution scandal. he had this to say yesterday about his colleague. carlos danger. >> you're not going do vote for anthony weiner, can you just say that now? you don't think he should be mayor of new york? >> fair point. that is correct. >> he should not be mayor? >> that is correct. >> you shouldn't be comptroller. >> we also can't forget bob filler in. he's asking for taxpayers to foot the bill for his legal fees stemming from a sexual harassment lawsuit. you just can't make this stuff up.
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republicans, aren't they the ones involved in being -- accused of being involved in a war on women? >> season the it interesting, we have a man who hires prostitutes, who engages in sexual trafficking. we have a man who's the mayor of san diego who says he's a hugger. and the women on his staff are asked to work without underwear. we have a former member of congress who takes -- sends pictures of his private parts across the internet. i mean -- and then we've got old bill hanging back there in the back. and bill's -- >> and hillary, according to reports, they're mad at weiner. >> yeah, you know what's interesting, i love how that drama's playing out. there was an interesting piece today by james toronto of "the
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wall street journal" in which he pointed out, the members of the liberal media who are condemning anthony weiner's wife, but are praising bill clinton's wife. and james' point is, isn't there a little bit of hypocrisy going on here that you're holding mrs. weiner to a higher standard than mrs. clinton? i thought it was a pretty good piece. >> the president's laying down his marker as we head into the fiscal crisis, and the budget year ends september 30th, talk today about a grand bargain. i want to get your reaction to it. >> look. this is a no starter. think about it, here's mr. president, mr. populous. i will give corporation. we will reform the tax code for corporations only and reduce the rates. let's look just behind the curtain. think about this, the president and the senate democrats favorde
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coming fiscal year on discretionary spending than the president's own budget agreement from july 2011 says. there's a hard cap in that budget agreement that he signed that is $967 billion. democrats want to spend 1 trillion $58 billion. the president says we need to have more of these investments. the next day, harry reid goes out and says, tax reform is off the table, we need tax increases of $1 trillion. over the course of the next decade, what is $1 trillion divided by 10? about $100 billion a year. conveniently enough to pay for the president's $91 billion in additional new spending that will be baked into the baseline of the new budget and will cost us over the next decade, $1 trillion. this is not about the budget, this is not about living up to the agreement he made in 2011. this isn't even about tax reform. it's about, how can i get more
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money to spend. and remember, this president has had six of the -- four of the six years since world war ii in which the percentage of our economy devoted to the federal government has been the highest. one year at the immediate aftermath of world war 2. one year briefly during the period of the reagan rebuilding. four of the six years in which the federal government has taken the biggest chunk of our economy has been during this president, and guess what, he wants more? >> and the president also wants to fight the sequester. apparently he's big into now fighting republicans on the cuts. >> yeah, yeah. remember, this was his brilliant idea. he said if you -- he said he would veto any legislation that attempted to weaken the sequester. and now he says, he's fallen into calling it a meet cleever. if it's a meet cleever, it's got your initials on it, you're the guy that came up with it. you want to make cuts thoughtfully. it's the only tool he was willing to sign into law.
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it's the only tool the republicans have. they frankly got the high ground. all we're doing is living up to the agreement. we're sticking by the agreement that you made us sign that you agreed to that all of us agreed to, $967 billion in discretionary spending this year, you want to increase it, we want to live up to the agreement that you and we arrived at. i mean, they have the high ground in this, and it's going to be hard for the president to go to the country and say ah, i'm going to shut down the government, i'm going to shut down our federal government, washington, d.c., because they won't give me more money to spend. american people are fed up with the spending and they know the government wastes a lot of money, and he lost his credibility by talking about the squequestration earlier this ye, and making it sound like the sky would fall if it wasn't undone. >> the last time you were on the program we talked about mike lee's proposal, defunding obama care. we're going to talk to ted cruz at the bottom of the hour, he
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supports the idea. and you disagree, i support the idea. my -- let me explain why i do -- >> i feel like david and goliath. >> i want to give you a chance to explain your position, there are congressmen and senators, republicans that agree with you. if the republicans don't fight here on this big massive entitlement, once it becomes law, i don't think you repeal it. once it's implemented. and if we -- if they don't stand as a bold colored -- >> i hope you're wrong because if you're right, that if it becomes law, we can't repeal it, it became law in 2010. if you're saying, once it's implemented it can't be undone, i hope you're wrong, it's already been implemented. >> not fully in place. >> they put in place these exchanges and the agreements on medicaid. i think this bill -- i think this law is bad, let me be clear about this, this is one of the worst things that can happen to our country. all the things we were told are
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turning out not to be true. from the cost of the premiums, the cost of the program, that you could keep your insurance, you name it, everything. now, the question is tactics and how is the best way to do it? i want to have oversite, house republicans to be calling up every member of the department of health and human services about all of these failures, i want the republicans in the senate raising holy heck in every hearing they can. i want us to look for every opportunity to embarrass the president. however, my concern about this is first of all, senator cruise has written the bill, july 16th, he introduced it, i'm not certain what senator lee's bro posal is, because it seems to be changing, but i have a couple practical questions. first of all, how are we going to get 51 votes in the senate to agree to this proposal. i could see 118 in the house if you get everyone behind it. how do you get 51 in the senate if we only have 45 republicans.
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who's going to get blamed for this? there's an iron clad rule in politics, if the government shuts down we get blamed for it, we got blamed for it in '95 when we controlled the congress and in '91 when we controlled the white house. we always get blamed for it. the president won't get blamed. what are we going to do about -- in '95 when the government was shut down, we had funded the military for the entire year, and we funded the government, most of the government. it wasn't a total shutdown, you had to cut things back. this time around, there will be no money for anything. the first week of october the military won't get funded. the fbi won't get funded. there will be no paychecks for border patrol agents. no paychecks for anybody in the federal government. it's a practical point, people are against obama care. they are there's an interesting poll by a center left group, the kaiser foundation, 53% of the
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american people want it gone or seriously changed. they wrote a question that gave it the best spin for obama care. only 30% wanted to keep it the way it is. when you said, should you defund it, take away the money in order to stop all or part of it, the support for that dropped to 31%. i want to keep us in the majority. >> let me stop there, let me give you your full say. worst thing that's happened to the country. and you said, it was sold on a bill of lies. i want to give you the other side of the argument and we'll go back and forth a little bit. i think at there point, if it's the worst thing that's happened to us, if they don't stand for this -- >> we'll be back. still tonight, ted cruz, who does support defunding obama care will join us. and a special hannity investigation into the great double standard. >> they are professional hitmen. they are professional in the case of o'reilly.
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they're professional assassins of african-americans. >> assassins of african-americans? professionals? really? a guest on al sharpton's radio show spewing baseless rhetoric about me last night. i asked for an apology from the reverend himself, but reverend al, here's my phone, call. waiting. hasn't happened yet. we always have dana and juan williams. coming up with reaction, you get to choose the video of the day. the heartwarming story of a puppy doctors predicted would never walk. thankfully they were never thankfully they were never wrong. you make a great team. it's been that way since e day you met. but your erectile dysfunction - itld be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you cabe more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about
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welcome back to hannity. you pretty much laid out your plan, you say you agree with me, obama care is one of the worst things that happened in our history. it's predicated on a bunch of lies we know is false. and there have been 35 symbolic votes to repeal obama care. which i'm appreciative of, but this effort to defund and senator cruise will join us and mike lee and marco, i want to argue my point to you and tell me where i'm wrong. ronald reagan once said that the
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republicans need to be -- have bold colored differences. if they're not willing to stand against what you're saying is the worst thing to happen to the country with obama care. >> in recent years, then what do they stand for? in other words, symbolic votes are fine. repeal votes are fine. but if they're meaningless and have no teeth. they're willing to fund the rest of the government. why -- you know, why not do that? >> well, first of all, you're right about symbolism, you want to have things that get done. i don't view the votes in the house for repeal of obama care as symbolic, i just don't. >> it's not repealed. >> i agree. but guess what, you know, that means the senate didn't take it up. and again, what guarantee do we have that the united states senate with 55 democrats is going to take up and pass a bill
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to defund the -- obama care. the second thing is, i don't see the game plan, and it hasn't been explained how we get to 51 votes in the senate to accept this. there's been no game plan described. there's been no game plan described what happens when the pressure begins to mount when our troops are not getting their paychecks. and when no one else in the government -- >> mike lee has addressed that in my interview with him, as has head cruz. i'll ask him specifically. i think it was mike lee who said they only need 41 votes. >> the 41 votes is to keep the government from being funded. >> what he did say is, they will fund everything else. they will fund our debt and obligations. they will fund social security. they will fund the government in every capacity. >> first of all, the debt is funded. we're talking about discretionary spending only. all the mandatory is funded.
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how do you get the democrats to agree to give you a bill that funds the discretionary of the government. >> they won't. >> but we always get blamed in that instance. look. is it? >> i want to attack obama care every way i can. this is the difference between pickets charged and grant takes vehicles burg. he couldn't take it, so he went and went around to the west and the south, came back across the mississippi river, ranged all the way over to jackson and came at it from the east and took vehicles burg. picket said, i'm going straight for the strong hard point, we're going to go -- ien watt picket to lead that charge straight up the ridge. what happened? they got slaughtered. i want us to win each battle we have, if we get in this battle and we lose it, that is to say, we get into position where they say, fine, you're responsible for closing down the government, and we get blamed -- >> if they fund every other
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aspect of the government and appropriate all the money -- >> hey, we -- >> they appropriate all the other money, the question becomes, the president has the choice and the democrats have the choice. >> that's fine. we saw how that played in 1995. we funded the entire defense establishment. it's not worth it. >> as bad as it is, and it's one of the worst things to happen in our lifetime. it's not worth whether political calculations or fallout might result from that, is that what you're saying? >> no, i want us to have -- i want the calculations to be made, we have a chance of winning and moving the ball. >> where is it up to this point. >> the point is, all these past votes have been symbolic, because they haven't gone anywhere. >> if we take this vote and the democrats don't go along with it, that makes this symbolic. would you have said it was a bad thing to have tried it? >> we were the underdogs during the revolutionary war.
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if we're going to use war analogies. probably through the prism of history, those people that looked at those revolutionaries thought they were nuts. >> he had a winning strategy to win. washington was thoughtful about this right from the beginning, and he knew what he needed to do, and it worked. i huang the to say one final thing. i know we disagree about tactics, about you i don't think it's helpful as a movement for conservatives to say, unless you agree with me on a bill that i haven't fully explained, i haven't put in writing, and i haven't described the end game. if you're not for it, you're my enemy. >> go ahead, i don't want to frustrate you. >> i want to be clear about this, this is a tactical disagreement. i've seen some language from people lately who say, if you don't agree with us, you're trying to ingratiate yourself
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with the white house. some of them are in agony on what to do about this, they want to defeat 3w5uobama care. they don't want to walk into the teeth of sure defeat. he wants us. look at every one of the speeches. every speech he's given since he showed up at knox college in galesburg, illinois last week, he's talking about how the republicans want to shut down the government. we funded the rest of the government. here we won't have a single dime for anything in the government. >> that's not the way it was explained to me. i'm not going to get into a big argument with you, the only thing i fear, is that -- and i agree with you, the worst -- one of the worst things that's happened in our lifetime, we see it was based on a whole foundation of lies, obama care, and sold with misinformation to the american people. my fear, carl is like every
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entitlement, once it is in place, you will never get rid of it, this is almost the last stand. and i do think there are political calculations, but i think there's worse harm to the country if we don't get rid of it is this, it's so bad we're seeing it begin to collapse. this is going to be when dan ross ten cow ski went too far on social security. when it began to be implemented people were angry. and congress turned around and revoked it off the books. i think that's what's going to happen. and the administration thinks it too. that's why they delayed the employer mandate for a year. they're trying to find every which way they can to soften the blows of this law. because they realize how bad it is. >> karl rove, thanks, we continue this debate. up next is dana perino and juan williams to' pond is to al sharpton's allegations against me.
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last night on this program, i explained why i wanted a phone call and a public apology from left wing nbc news host al sharpton. here it is 24 hours later, i'm still waiting. in the aftermath of the george zimmerman acquittal, we started to have an honest conversation about race relations in the country. instead of joining me and having an open civilized discussion. al sharpton and his left wing friends decided to attack me and my character among others. here's the latest example of what a guest said about me on sharpton's radio program. >> they are professional hitmen. they are professional in the
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case of -- they're professional assassins of african-americans, the image of all the things that we fight for, that we struggle for, and all the challenges that we are facing. that's their job, they're paid assassins, paid quite well, so it is -- and i happen to agree, it is in some ways almost ridiculous to trade barbs with these guys. they have their agenda and we should have our agenda. >> that's the type of rhetoric that is irresponsible and despicable. dana perino, fox news juan williams. just for background we had sharpton's attorney on the network last night. debated al sharpton, i have invited al sharpton to partner with me, to help young kids in harlem and elsewhere, that he thinks need help. you never got back to me on those things zm so is that a fair -- to say a political assassin on the issue of race,
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juan? >> no, i think you're really tough and consistent on president obama. that has nothing to do about this. this is demonizing you, sean, and i think an effort to move away from the real conversation that you were speaking about. but i had lunch with al sharpton today, he called me up and asked me to come over and speak to him. i agreed to do it. his feeling is, you are attacking him. he doesn't understand. he thinks you have been friends, he thinks lots of people here at fox -- >> he's attacked me for days on his radio and tv program. this isn't just one attack, this has gone on now. >> i think that from his perspective, somehow there's something terrible going on, and people are jumping on him. in fact, i think there's a reason that people say he's not doing anything to actually help people. this is what i was saying today when i was on the phone with dana. if you're asking who is addressing problems that exist
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in the black community. talking about carnage on the streets on the weekends. high dropout rates. family breakdown issues. i just don't see it. but he thinks, you know, that he's in the vineyard, working hard, i just think there's a problem here. >> i think you're not a political assassin, you're a convenient target. he's not going to apologize to you. this is the best intention he's had in many, maybe 12 years. and it's money fuelled by more and more attention to the trayvon martin case, yes. but do you realize in the last three weeks nobody's even talked about trayvon martin. after the trial, they moved on, and it's become about all these grown men having a debate about who wants to help black kids. i think everyone wants to help the situation. there's a lot more productive ways to -- at what point are you going to -- where do you go from
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there, after political assassin? >> it's supposed to call someone racist as you can, knowing nobody that has a conscience and soul that's a good person would ever want to be called that name. >> i think they don't realize what it's like, they would say, you don't know what it's like to be black and walk-through a store and be followed and all the things they talked about. i also don't think they realize what it's like to be white and to be called a racist. it's a hurtful thing. and the term is bandied about as if it doesn't mean anything. >> i think dana's being too kind. you're saying they want to help. if that's it, why aren't you out there leading marches on drugs. i don't see sean as the impediment here, as the problem to people who say, you know what, how come there's that crack house and nobody stands up and says anything about it?
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how come nobody stands up and says, look at the status quo of the public schools available to these kids. if you really care about the kids -- >> we have agreed on that for years. >> i'm saying, if you really want to help. these guys really want to help. i think there's a charge where you could say -- >> i think their intention. >> they're hucksters and playing a game. >> i think in their heart, they probably believe that they are helping. >> let me ask this question, and i brought this up last night with sharpton's attorney when i was here. considering al started this fig fight. let's take a listen. >> you ain't nothing. now, come on, do something. >> we the black chicken fryers of the universe, and we gonna go buy some colonel sanders
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chicken. then the chinamen come in and throw out some hot grease in the tub and dip it down. we learned to admire them, but they knew to admire us. we built pyramids before donald trump knew what architecture was. we taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics, before socrates [ bleep ] -- ever got around to it. don't cover them. don't talk to them. cause you got the only [ bleep ] if a black man stood up next to you, he would see you for what you really are. >> not one instance, not one
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slipup, a lot of them. and i have more, white interhopers, i can go through a series of other things. >> i said to him today. you got to grow -- i mean, people pay a lot of attention. he gets media attention when there's trouble. nobody else is paying attention to poor black people many the fact is, he has done a lot of things, the kind of language you see, he's trying to grow, he's writing about his experiences. the fact is, and i just keep coming back to this, if you are about actual change. if you're looking to repair some of the damage that's done on a daily basis in the black community. not just talking about the zimmerman case or any one example and going back, we leave in a grievance society and teaching kids how to be victims. if you're teaching kids how to grow, you have to talk about the schools, the crime, chicago. >> i was reading the names of the kids on my radio show. >> i wrote a book about this,
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and i have been beat up by the likes of sharpton. when they call you an assassin, imagine what they call me. >> it shuts down conversations. if everybody believes we're going to have more conversation, a national debate and try to solve problems. it's language like political assassin that makes people shut down and stop talking at all about. >> that racial language you assigned, all the n words, come on. >> thanks for being with us. appreciate it. coming up next, he's a tea party favorite who's making waves in the u.s. senate. ted cruz is joining me to explain why he's trying to defund obama care. even if that means shutting down the government. we always want to hear from you. hannitylive.foxnewsen the com. shocking surveillance footage of how one inmate literally locked behind bars in an arkansas jail was able to escape. he's still at large and the police need your help. you want to see this in total, go
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joining me now, texas senator ted cruz, we just had karl rove on, i want you to respond. explain. >> well, sean, it's great to be
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with you, i enjoyed you and carl's revisiting the battle of gettysburg, and i will say this, i'm nohistorian, but i'm certain you lose 100% of the battles you begin by surrendering. on this question of obama care, the real question i think any conservative, any republican who says he or she opposes obama care, has to be asked, what your alternative? because on january 1, obama care's kicking in in full force. the exchanges are taking in, the subsidies are kicking in, and the obama administration's plan is simple. they want to get as many americans hooked to the subsidies, hooked to the sugar, and addicted as you noted with carl, we have never undone a major entitlement that has been wound into effect. this is right now on the continuing resolution our best opportunity and it may be our last opportunity to defund it. >> what is your response to --
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you need 41 votes or 51 votes? >> let me tell you how this would play out. the first step should be the house of representatives should pass a continuing resolution that funds the entirety of the federal government except for obama care. and that explicitly prohibits money on obama care. the next step would go over to the senate. we know how this game plays out. harry reid and president obama would scream and yell those mean nasty republicans are threatening to shut down the government. and at that point we have to stand up and fight and win the argument. we have to make the case and say, no, we have voted to fund the federal government. we want to fund the federal government. and why is president obama threatening to shut down the entire federal government in order to force obama care down our throats. he's already grants a waiver to big corporations. why is president obama willing to shut down the federal government to deny hardworking american families that same
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waiver? that's the question, we have to win the argument. look, this becomes an epic battle, i don't think for a second it's an easy fight. if we don't fight it here, we never will, the alternative is surrendering. it's failing, it's hurting jobs, it's hurting the economy, it's hurting the 40 hour workweek about there is bipartisan agreement this season the working, if we can't fight it now, sean, i think we never can. >> maybe, if you'd be willing, i'd invite you and karl rove to debate it, would you be willing to do that? >> i would love to debate karl. i have known him a long time. what's the alternative. >> thank you, senator. appreciate it, maybe we'll make it happen tomorrow night. let's try. coming up next, we reveal your pick for tonight's video of your pick for tonight's video of the day righ
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have chosen. you selected the story of a puppy who was born not abl to walk due to a malfunction with his legs. you're going to love this, take a look. >> come on. >> i honestly didn't think there was any hope for him. >> over here. >> when mik came to us, he was completely flat like this. the ribcages get deformed. usually they end up getting pneumonia. within less than a week, he was sitting. he was walking. and in less than two weeks he was running. here was a little dog that had no hope. with a little time and a little work and a lot of love, he showed the world that, you know, good things happen. >> if that doesn't warm your heart, you have a cold heart,
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fix it. that is all the time we have this evening. let not your heart be troubled. the news continues. greta van susteren is standing by to go "on the record." greta, take it away. nine million jobs have been lost since obama took office. the country is hanging by a thread here. it's hanging by a thread we're about to lose it. the democrats are the people that need to be seated. obama is about to eliminate opposition, not work with it. i think our ideas will trump obama's ideas every day. >> tonight, rush limbaugh goes on the record in a rare interview, rush tells us, president obama likes scandals. now, our one hour interview with rush limbaugh. talking about the scandal. president obama says the scandals are phony. why do you think he says they're


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