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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  August 1, 2013 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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beef. so far there have been no reports of illness. >> we still have that problem with lettuce out there. "fox & friends" -- have a great day everybody -- starts right now. ♪ ♪ >>alisyn: good morning. it is thursday, august 1. i'm alisyn camerota. a terrorist attack that left four americans dead -- benghazi -- now a phony scandal. >> whether it's about the attacks in benghazi and the talking points, the attempts to turn this into a scandal have failed. >>alisyn: why isn't the f.b.i. looking for the terrorists who are apparently hiding in plain sight? >>steve: then did the country's top lawyer purposely mislead congress? shocking new report that says eric holder was deceptive when he was asked about spying on
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journalists. a-ha kofplgt stk-rbs -- coming up. >>brian: alex rodriguez banned from the big league this morning. a-rod trying to avoid the pete rose treatment. will he be successful? how much longer will he have to wait? "fox & friends" comes back after this long song written animation. ♪ ♪ >>steve: i thought it was a jingle. >>brian: song-ridden animation. i don't want a live band. i want a live chorus. they got nothing. >>alisyn: i want a chorus to make sure we're morally on the right track this
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morning. what do you want? >>steve: we know what some of you want. >>alisyn: what some of you want in a g-rated fashion. let me bring you your headlines. if you're just waking up we'll tell you what's happening. in three hours the man accused of holding three women captive for more than a decade will learn his fate. a sentencing hearing for ariel castro begins at 9 a.m. eastern. although a plea bargain has taken the death penalty off the table, it is likely he will spend the rest of his life behind bars. castro is set to speak at the hearing. sources say one of the victims, michelle knight, will testify. this after it has been revealed the girls kept diaries detailing the physical, mental and sexual abuse they suffered. one soldier is in critical condition and 11 others are recovering after being struck by lightning. this happened at fort
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carson in colorado. the soldiers were training when they got word of a storm rolling in. the lightning hit them as they were trying to take shelter. o.j. simpson has been granted parole but he is not leaving prison any time soon. the former nfl star still faces four years behind bars for using a weapon during that botched las vegas hotel heist in 2007. he will have another parole hearing on those sentences in a year. >> i don't think that he gets it but he's smart enough to say the right things in order to curry favor with the parole commission. o.j. simpson may think this is a victory but at the end of the day he's going back to his cell. >>alisyn: simpson was sentenced to up to 33 years behind bars for in a botched robbery. >> randy travis's health is improving. the country music star is out of the hospital and at a physical therapy facility in texas. the 54-year-old was hospitalized for a heart
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infection last month. he later had a stroke and had brain surgery. he was in bad, bad shape. it is amazing he's out of the hospital now. >>steve: meanwhile, a new report slams attorney general eric holder for giving deceptive and misleading testimony about the targeting of members of the media including fox news's own james rosen. elizabeth pran is joining us with the latest on the slapdown from capitol hill. >> yesterday was a very stunning day on capitol hill. house judiciary committee republicans confirmed eric holder misled congress by giving deceptive testimony of the james rosen case. this 70 page report was accompanied by a letter by lawmakers written to president obama calling for a, quote, change in leadership at the justice department. those lawmakers say holder assured the public and the media the potential prosecution of the reporter was something he never contemplated or even heard
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of. just days later the original rosen was revealed and holder did approve rosen as a suspect in order to seize his e-mails. if rosen was a suspect, lawmakers conclude holder gave deceptive testimony to congress. >> that they would tell the court, as they did in the rosen case, that it was -- they had probable cause that he was at least an aider action abettor or coconspirator in an espionage case and then to tell us we never had any intention of prosecuting him seems as though it is a contrived way to get access to the e-mails of reporters which is exactly what they did in the rosen case. >> we are hearing from the justice department. a spokesperson wrote in part the report was produced on a purely partisan basis. its findings are contrary to the record and strongly disputed by many of the committee's own members. he went on to say they have revised guidelines for
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investigating media leaks to strengthen protection for reporters. back to you. >>steve: thank you very much. live report from d.c. >>brian: we've got scandals to talk about. the n.s.a. at the very least looking at it. then you have the i.r.s., at the very least should we find out why the person heading up that program wants to take the fifth rather than talk. you have the benghazi attacks which ended up with four americans dead and an attack that lasted for hours in which they never got any help. you would think that is a scandal or something that should be examined and we should get some answers. the fact that some people want the answers, others say it is pursuing a partisan scandal. at least if you listened to jay carney yesterday. >>alisyn: we've been listening to the president the past week who has been inserting the phrase phony scandals into many of his speeches and we've been wondering which ones is he referring to. so yesterday jay carney, his press secretary, was asked that directly. amazingly, he included benghazi, which so many pundits said clearly they
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can't be calling benghazi a phony scandal. four americans are dead. but in fact he did include benghazi. listen to jay carney yesterday. >> we've seen time has passed and more facts have become known, whether it's about the attacks in benghazi and the talking points or revelations about conduct at the i.r.s. that attempts to turn this into a scandal have failed. >>steve: there he is calling benghazi, where four americans died, phony. you know what? he is right, because when you look at the way the story played out, september 11 of last year four americans dead, right? killed, murdered in that attack in the consolate over in benghazi. the first thing we hear from the administration -- and we heard from the administration for a couple of months -- was that it was because of a video.
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and that was a phony excuse. and it has turned into a scandal. so phony? scandal? yes. but a phony scandal? not the way he's saying it. >>alisyn: he says benghazi talking points. so maybe he is slicing -- >>steve: those are the facts. >>alisyn: maybe he's talking about people have been so focused on the talking points maybe that's the part he's objecting to. >>brian: talking points is one thing. you have to wonder why they are out there. another point is why weren't we ready and why didn't we help? the other aspect is the people that did this crime, killed our guys, organized the attack, that showed up with bazookas rather than protest signs on oak tag and magic marker, why didn't they show up? why did the president, who blows up a terrorist every six weeks, why is he seemingly not interested in finding out who did this? whether an al
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qaeda-affiliated group is actually involved. and we knew these guys, were listening to their conversations reportedly before the attacks took place. senator lindsey graham joins us. he can't make sense of it either. >> we still don't know if hillary clinton approved the consolate to be open after it failed security inspection. we still have no idea who changed the talking points that it was a riot caused by video. the basics of what happened in benghazi are unknown, and the congress has never been able to interview one survivor. they're writing books, appearing on tv. this has to stop. this is not a scandal. this is a national security failure where four brave americans died and we're doing nothing to bring the people to justice to understand how it failed. >>steve: it's nice that we're reminded where we were yesterday. >>alisyn: meanwhile, we do hope -- i mean, now that another cable outlet has found somebody who many
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witnesses say was the ringleader of benghazi, we are hoping that the f.b.i. will come out and explain why they haven't captured and arrested anyone. and if they're investigating this and if they're close to finding anybody. it seems as though a time for explanation about who the perpetrators of benghazi were. >>steve: we don't buy the phony scandal thing and apparently cnn doesn't either because would they send assets over to libya to investigate a phony scandal? absolutely not. maybe it's the fact that this administration -- remember, it's the administration that does control the f.b.i. -- they don't want the answer. they know the answers. they don't want it out there officially. >>brian: they do best, no one can argue the president does best: politics. >>steve: keep in mind all the story and the back story after what happened last september 11. frame it by the fact that there was an election coming up. the president of the united states was in a tough fight with mitt romney at that
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point. and what did he do the day after our ambassador and the three other brave americans were murdered? he went to a fund-raiser. if you look with a skeptical eye and a critical eye, you think how could they possibly do that? that's because they were more interested in -- brian, you're right -- in politics than policy. paul ryan was on with greta last night talking about how the administration has failed in this regard. >> this is just arrogance of power. they're in campaign mode, and they're ignoring this. look, you need to have trust in the government for the government to work effectively. and when our government knowingly targets people based upon their political beliefs, when our government misleads the government about a terrorist attack in benghazi, that erodes trust. and then when our commander in chief says this is phony, there is no reason to be concerned about this, there is nothing to see here, that is just arrogance. and so i think the president is basically trying to change the subject. it's not going well for
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him. obamacare is a train wreck. this is the worst economy since world war ii. stagnant jobs, stagnant wages. and the real scandals that are eroding trust in the government, i think he's basically trying to change the subject. >>brian: you just brought up mitt romney, when they were in a tough fight, he wanted to go to a fund-raiser right after. you know what else, the first attack on mitt romney i can remember are his taxes and the i.r.s. now they're looking into an investigation between the f. efpl c. and the i.r.s. were they looking at mitt romney's taxes? was pa part of the attack plan? >>steve: there is a phu f.b.i. director -- a new f.b.i. director and people are saying make this a priority. there are so many people they should have interviewed by now and they haven't and people are getting frustrated. >>brian: who wants to read the tease?
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>>alisyn: i wouldn't mind. coming up, there is a brand-new report just out about the number of americans who are now on disability and they admit that they could actually work. stuart varney is on deck with those stunning numbers. >>steve: here's one way to beat the heat. meet the newest zoo member making a big splash. hope there wasn't anybody in that pool. >>brian: no life guard. ♪ ♪ for pain and swelling? apply cold therapy in the first 24 hours. but not just any cold. i only use new thermacare® cold wraps. targettemp technology delivers a consistent, therapeutic cold
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to stop pain and start healing. new thermacare® cold wraps. a better way to treat pain. and you know what i walked out with? [ slurps ] [ dad ] a new passat. [ dad ] 0% apr. 60 months. done and done. [ dad ] in that driveway, is a german-engineered piece of awesome. that i got for 0% apr. good one, dad. thank you, dalton. [ male announcer ] it's the car you won't stop talking about. ever. hurry in to the volkswagen best. thing. ever.vent.
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and get 0% apr for 60 months, now until september 3rd. that's the power of german engineering. but at least i can help keep their underwear clean. that's why there's charmin ultra strong. i'll take that. go get 'em, buddy! it cleans so well and you can use up to four times less than the leading bargain brand. [ female announcer ] charmin ultra strong has a duraclean texture that's soft and more durable to help your kids get clean while still using less. and its four times stronger than the leading bargain brand. wow, you cleaned up a lot! you did too, pal! [ laughs ] we all go. why not enjoy the go with charmin ultra strong? like carpools... polly wants to know if we can pick her up. yeah, we can make room. yeah. [ male announcer ] space. yes, we're loving this communal seating. it's great. [ male announcer ] the best thing to share? a data plan. at&t mobile share for business. one bucket of data for everyone on the plan, unlimited talk and text on smart phones. now, everyone's in the spirit of sharing. hey, can i borrow your boat this weekend? no.
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[ male announcer ] share more. save more. at&t mobile share for business. ♪ >>steve: is america becoming the walking wounded or a nation on welfare? a record 8.9 million americans are now receiving disability benefits. >>brian: get this. most admit they could actually work but finding a job is not a priority. so is disability becoming the new welfare?
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stuart varney, these numbers blow me away. >> it is the new alternative to going on unemployment, which lasts for two years. you go on disability which lasts usually forever. >>steve: it's last resort? >> it's last resort, and that is the way it is being used by some at the moment. in the last four years you've got more, way more than 3 million more people going on disability. you've now only got 13 people working for every 1 person on disability. it used to be a much higher ratio than that. it's way up there. >>brian: are we not icing our injuries? what's going on? >> those people on disability rarely seek medical treatment for their disability ailment. they're not seeking treatment for this. there was a survey done, 2009 federal survey, they looked at those people receiving disability. not many planned to return to work. very few were looking for a job.
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and very few had sought medical treatment in the previous year. >>steve: you know what, stuart, when you look at the number one and number two reasons people go on disability, number one, back problems. number two, they've got a mood problem. for whatever reason, whether it's psychological or i just don't feel like working, they don't. >> you and i, steve, and maybe even you, brian, have been heavily criticized for saying america has fundamentally changed. more and more people look to the government for some kind of help. that is an objective truth. we've been criticized for saying it, but i think america really has changed. 71% disability recipients say returning to work is not their goal. >>steve: you know what, stuart? there are a lot of people out there who are disabled and deserve these benefits. >> absolutely. >>steve: but there are other people gaming the
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system. they have been on unemployment for two years and have run out of options. >> we can't afford it. the fund for the disability system is bankrupt. >>brian: when republicans got together to solve welfare and no one looked. it is important for both sides to get together on this. in terms of mood, depression is real. you have to say why does 71% not see themselves returning to work in five years. >> who would have thought that in 2013 we would have nearly 9 million people on social security disability. who would have thought? >>brian: he wants his promo now. >>steve: stuart varney three hours from now going to be over on the fox business channel and he's going to be talking about business, politics and news. >> all of the above. >>steve: we've all seen this before. the person who takes up two parking spaces because
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they've got a fancy car, to avoid anybody hitting their car. well, this guy just got a taste of his own medicine. we're going to show you the video. >>brian: many of you are doing back to school shopping. up next, specific days you should hit the mall to save a ton of money and hit people. ♪ ♪ hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush?
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be happy. be healthy. ♪ [ [ barks ]rush? [ announcer ] all work and no play... will make allie miss her favorite part of the day. [ laughing ] that's why there's beneful baked delights. from crispy crackers to shortbread cookie dog snacks, they're oven-baked to surprise and delight. beneful baked delights: a unique collection of four snacks... to help spark play in your day. ♪ the middle of this special moment and i need to run off to the bathroom. ♪ i'm fed up with always having to put my bladder's needs ahead of my daughter. ♪ so today, i'm finally talking to my doctor about overactive bladder symptoms. [ female announcer ] know that gotta go feeling? ask your doctor about prescription toviaz.
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one toviaz pill a day significantly reduces sudden urges and accidents, for 24 hours. if you have certain stomach problems or glaoma, or can not empty your bladd, you should not take toviaz. get emergency medical help right away if your face, lips, throat or tongue swells. toviaz can cause blurred vision, dizziness, drowsiness and decreased sweating. do not drive,perate machinery or do unsafe tasks until you ow how toviaz affects you. the most common side effects are dry mouth and constipation. talk to your doctor about toviaz.
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>>steve: quick headlines for you on this thursday morning. be careful before you eat that burger. an e. coli scare is forcing the national beef packing company in kansas to recall about 50,000 pounds of ground beef.
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no illnesses linked to the tainted beef have been reported. a bill to keep student loan interest rates low now heading to president obama's desk for his signature. this after it passed the u.s. house. the bill will lower interest rates for undergraduates to 3.9%, but those rates will also be tied to the market. president obama is expected to sign the bill promptly. aly, over to you. >>alisyn: it seems like summer just started, but it's already time for back-to-school shopping. parents are expected to shell out more than $600 this year. here to help us cut down that bill is consumer savings expert andrea warlock. i don't like talking back to school already, but it is time. >> especially if you want to get good deals, start shopping now to save money. >>alisyn: one of the
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great things i didn't know about that i can't wait to take advantage of, tax-free shopping days. >> to provide financial relief for parents of families, some states offer tax-free shopping days where you might get tax-free breaks on clothing, school supplies and even electronics. a lot of these states like north carolina, virginia, florida are hosting those this week. from august 2-4, go to to find out when your states may be participating and what those breaks are. >>alisyn: you suggest to save money -- i love this idea -- consider secondhand shopping. >> i think a lot of people forget there is an opportunity to save money by going to consignment stores for your kids clothing. they grow out of them quickly. why buy everything brand-new. i love a website that
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specializes., where you can buy a box of boys', five-year olds' clothing. you shop by gender, size, by anal. you can even sell your children gently use clothing to make some money. >>alisyn: some of these clothes last a month or two. you say a neighborhood walk? >> get together with your children's friends' parents or other people in the neighborhood or kabt your school's -- or contact your school's p.t.a. and set up a swap. maybe another family has crayons or ruling or an opportunity to swap kids' clothing. >>alisyn: comparison shop. >> do your homework on-line. price graber helps you find the best deal. even ink jet is a great place to compare
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prices on ink cartridges. >>alisyn: what is back to school saturday? sphoeup hosted by -- >> hosted by teen vogue. it is august 10. find great deals. participating retailers will be offering special sales like macy's, pac sun. if you're waiting to buy clothing, that is a good deal. i even recommend waiting until october when the fall clothing is going to be dramatically discounted as retailers make room for holiday merchandise. if you cut ultimately wait. >>alisyn: maybe it won't be cold until then. these are great suggestions. i will tweet them out. thanks so much. coming up, george zimmerman is back in the headlines this morning. why he was pulled over by police in texas. it is one of the most outrageous shows on television. [screaming]
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>>alisyn: practical jokers are here next. i hope they don't do anything to us. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] come to the golden opportunity sales event and experience the connectivity of the available lexus enform, including the es and rx. ♪ this is the pursuit of perfection. ♪ (announcer) at scottrade, our cexactly how they want.t with scottrade's online banking, i get one view of my bank and brokerage accounts with one login... to easily move my money when i need to. plus, when i call my local scottrade office, i can talk to someone who knows how i trade.
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because i don't trade like everi'm with scottrade. me. (announcer) scottrade. awarded five-stars from smartmoney magazine.
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a quarter million tweeters musicare tweeting.eamed. and 900 million dollars are changing hands online. that's why the internet needs a new kind of server. one that's 80% smaller. uses 89% less energy. and costs 77% less. it's called hp moonshot. and it's giving the internet the room it needs to grow. this going to be big. it's time to build a better enterprise. together.
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>>brian: i don't know if i believe this or not but there is a new study that says a wedding is actually the best place to meet someone. and then anthony weiner said it's true. at my wedding i got five or six phone numbers. fantastic for me. >>steve: such a lie.
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he doesn't get phone numbers. he gets e-mail addresses. >>alisyn: that's a phone number. he texts with an added "s." >>brian: he gets a lot and shows a lot. a brand-new report says alex rodriguez, the highest paid player in sports, trying to negotiate a deal with major league be baseball. the deal could come down as early as today, maybe during our show, would result in a lengthy suspension but praoefpb -- prevent a lifetime a la pete rose ban. rodriguez decided to settle >>alisyn: george zimmerman pulled over for speeding in texas. >> nowhere in particular? why do you say that?
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[inaudible] >>alisyn: dash cam video shows a policeman questioning video near dallas. he quickly alerted the officer he had a gun in the glove compartment which he is allowed to have. zimmerman was let go with a warning there. >>steve: we just found out the woman charged with tossing green paint on the washington national cathedral is in the united states on an expired visa. police say the 58-year-old who has a chinese passport has no fixed address. now we know. brian? >>brian: here's one way to beat the heat. meet fort worth zoo's newest member, bell. the elephant making a big splash as she keeps cool in that baby pool. >>alisyn: i know want a
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baby elephant. >>brian: i would always have trouble getting you something for christmas when i get your name in a grab bag, so it's easy now. >>alisyn: if you don't have -- >>steve: if you don't have somebody to hose you down, you may need to go outside where it's raining. >> we are expecting rain across the east coast including here in new york city, especially as we head into this afternoon. is it could actually be pretty heavy at times. do keep that in mind. let's look at current temperatures. over the last several mornings you've been waking up a little on the cool side in cities like chicago, cleveland, some spots in the 50's. today more summer like weather. 73 in new york city. as we head into this afternoon in new york city, you're not going to be warming up very much. 75 for the high in new york because where going to have a lot of cloud cover.
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triple digits in texas. in albuquerque, new mexico, a high at 90 degrees. here's a look at how much rain we're expecting today and tomorrow. areas in yellow, two to three inches, that is expected across sections in virginia. we don't need more along the east coast. we've received so much rain already this year, above average in many cities out there. >>brian: i don't think it is your final decision. >> what's that? >>brian: when she says i don't want any more rain, it is not up to her. >> thanks, brian. >>alisyn: yesterday this very funny video was posted on-line. it's gotten hundreds of thousands of hits because it's something you've always wanted to do. when the jerk in the sports car parks in two different
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places, this guy pulled in right next to the jerk, so the jerk can't get into his car. then he videotapes the whole thing. >>steve: the thing is the guy has a brand-new shiny luxury sports car. he parks diagonally. he had been doing it for awhile. somebody parked that s.u.v. real close. it took the guy six minutes to try to get in on the driver's side. eventually he gave up and within the this on the passenger's side. the next day the guy parked perfectly. so lesson learned. >>brian: scared straight. speaking of pranksters. >>alisyn: joining us now are brian and james. they are the stars of the show "impractical jokers." >>steve: as prabt -- prabt -- as practical jokes
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go, did that qualify as a good one? >> revenge pure and simple. a great one. >>alisyn: describe your show. >> an upside down prank show where the joke is on us instead of the public. the public is there to witness our stupidity. we're best friends since high school. >>brian: i think it's time to expand your circle. it started in 19 # 9 when you -- it started in 1999 when you guys formed your comedy troupe. >> it goes back even further. >>brian: is anyone paying attention in school? >>alisyn: let's watch this clip. you can explain what's happening. >> we're in the park wearing blacked out sunglasses so we won't be able to see a single thing.
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>> nobody warned me about the skateboarders. >> walk forward. stop. turn right. can i get some of that action? go! can i get some of that action? take your glasses off. [laughing] >> they were just making out. >>steve: there is a prank going on over there and other members of the prank troupe are talking on a mike tpopb. >> i'd like to point out that that hat was a joke. i don't walk around in that hat. >>alisyn: thank goodness. you play jokes on each other and then hilarity ensues when people spy -- >> something ensues. >>brian: it's flat-out phenomenal. if you want to get people to gather around the set, put your show on. people laugh out loud and you're laughing at each other at the same time?
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>> he doesn't know where he is. he goes you've got a fric kin' problem? you got a problem, man? he takes the glasses off, he was one inch from a telephone pole. >>brian: you bring in people who are normal people looking for a travel deal? >> looking for a time share opportunity. we're teamed up. we design each other's presentation. we have no idea what we're supposed to present. >> we work on it days beforehand so we're ready to go. >> in real life sal has a rather cute sister. we photo shoot and photo shop the three of us on vacation with her in bikini [laughter] >>brian: one episode was good news about the
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alligator. >> they caught the alligator at a time share. then there is a picture of a little kid and an alligator next to each other. >> come down to the resort. part of the lure of that particular time share is it's a great place -- >> but we caught him. >>alisyn: you guys have a good job. >>brian: you never stop laughing when you watch. brand-new season, thursday nights 10:00 on true tv. guys, congratulations. everybody is trying to copy your format. that's why you know it's working. who's more important? >> our moms are more important than us. >>alisyn: thanks, guys. >>steve: to people watching now this is no
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deluca kid. fellows, thank you. >>alisyn: coming up, the government has a new plan to get you to do what they want. they're going to give you a little nudge. do we need more government? the judge is here next. >>brian: the fed giving millions of your dollars to build electric car charging stations. there's one problem. those green cars, no one's buying them. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ don't tell mom. don't tell mom. don't tell mom! don't tell mom. okay. don't tell mom. don't tell mom. don't tell mom? yeah. the best stories you'll ever tell start with, don't tell." don't tell dad. start yours in the new santa fe. from hyundai. a you might think. the problem? a burden no other agency or company bears. a 2006 law that drains $5 billion a year from post office revenue while the postal service is forced to overpay billions more
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into federal accounts. congress created this problem, and congress can fix it.
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folks have suffered from frequent heartburn. butetting heartburn and then treating day after day is a thing of the past. block the acid with prilosec otc, and don't get heartburn in the first place. [ male announcer ] one pill each morning 24 hours. zero heartburn. >>brian: quick headlines. a water tower falls from the roof of an apartment building in chicago. >> it was like a bomb went off. it was a huge, huge noise. >>brian: the wooden water tank fell nine stories. police say debris from the crash fell on a man and woman who were getting into a parked car behind the building.
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three people injured, one critically. investigators say they don't know why the tank fell. building inspectors are investigating. the federal government giving one company $100 million in taxpayer money to build charging stations to motivate americans to bialek trick cars. -- to buy electric cars. this as the company has been plagued with problems from the beginning. judge, steve, talking about something else. >>steve: we're going to talk about people. the white house has created a so-called nudge squad to modify people's behavior, maybe to get them to buy those green cars. a team of government experts will encourage you to do thing like this. pay back taxes, save more money, become more energy efficient -- green cars. exercise more, stay in school and eat better. is this more overreach from the administration or do we really need the government to tell us how to act? joining us is senior judicial analyst judge andrew napolitano. >> what will they think of next? the government can't deliver the mail and they
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want to tell us to fix the broken screens in our house and change the oil in our cars? these are not functions of government. >>steve: cass sunstein who used to be the regulatory czar wrote this book called "nudge." >> the associate professor of law from the university of chicago. >>steve: apparently there have been instances, for instance, in the united kingdom where the government haos tried to nudge -- has tried to nudge people to do things. >> the united kingdom, they don't have a constitution. the parliament can write any law it wants and it would be acceptable. here we have a constitution, says what the federal government should do and limits it to doing that. this type of nudging telling us how to live is not there. when does a nudge become a push? >>steve: exactly right. where do you draw the line? who says these bureaucrats who decide to nudge us a certain way are going to be
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right? >> if the constitution protects anything, i know a little bit about this constitution thing, it protects the right to be different. we don't need the government in our faces tellings how to live. >>steve: you know this particular administration is very interested in controlling people. >> i also know this particular administration is interested in controlling people even if the congress is not. and this is one of the ways it will do it. nudge, nudge, push, push, elbow, elbow. >>steve: at this point we don't think this is a subtle form of mind control. it's just a suggestion, shouldn't you do this. >> they have three and a half years to do something with the suggestion. we'll see how much of a suggestion it is when we examine it next time. >>steve: now that the news is out that they've got this nudge squad -- >> i don't think they're happy the news is out. >>steve: do you think there will be some sort of challenge to it? >> yes. a very bright young producer at fox on john stossel's team discovered this and wrote a piece
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about it on and because this very bright young man found out about this, now we all know what the government is up to. >>steve: here's the problem, judge. we're talking about it at fox news, but you know how the mainstream media operates. do you think they're going to spill the beans? >> no. they probably can't wait for the nudge squad to come and nud >> my pleasure. >>steve: judge andrew napolitano. coming up, is thecan education system to blame for leakers and bradley manning? we explore political correctness in our schools. day four with wake up with us series. this morning patti ann browne is hitting the seas. so what is the catch of the day? she joins us next. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] it balances you...
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>> alisyn: it's time for our wake up with us series paying tribute to people in professions that work those early morning hours, like us. >> brian: right. today we get to see patty ann brown's adventure on the sea. >> they were pretty high, actually. we were in the atlantic and it was quite an adventure. professional fishermen kenny and brian took me out scalloping and they do their entire job out there on the water instead of on land. much of it before many people's alarms even go off. it's a little after 4:00 a.m.
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and we're setting out off the dock on long island. >> come on. >> you come out how many mornings a week? >> probably six, seven sometimes. >> wow. we are rocking! it is gorgeous. >> the sun is finally starting to appear. >> it's all in the net. >> there will be a bunch of wire. >> now we've been on the boat almost two hours. we're 17 miles offshore. it's time to send the net out into the water. what's going on right now? >> the net is at the bottom.
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they're spreading open the net and the chains that we untangled are ticklers across the bottom. we put the top on the scallops. >> when do you sleep? you wake up early in the morning because you were on the dock at 3. >> whenever we can. >> coming up. >> after 45 minutes, they reel in the net to see what they've caught. i don't want to hurt them. >> hurt them? people eat them. >> the real big ones go in this one. the small ones in that one. these are small. >> we ice the scallops to keep them cool for the trip back and then i get a lesson in shallot shucking. >> cut the meat, come back, grab this, press it against the
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shell. >> oh, my. you make it look so easy. press it against -- like that? >> there you go. >> oh, yeah! i got it now! >> she driving the boat now? >> they even let me take the captain's wheel back to shore. what is the appeal of this lifestyle? >> you're your own boss. i tried working on land, but it only lasted a year n my family is all fishermen. it's a way of life, you know. >> steve: wow. that's awesome! >> amazing to see all those guts and everything that you take out of the shell for that tiny, tiny little -- >> alisyn: scallop. >> brian: so they drag along the bottom going into how deep in the earth are they going into? >> that's a good question. we were an hour and a half out into the middle of the ocean and it took forever just to unroll the net and get them down to the
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bottom. >> alisyn: how many did you catch? do you know? >> bush ams and bushels of them. i don't remember how many bushels. but lined up. the boat was empty and they unracked all the bushels and we filled them all. >> steve: you ate one right off the ocean? >> yeah. >> steve: how was it? >> sweet. >> steve: i bet. >> brian: how much money did you get? [ laughter ] you should have gotten something. you were driving the boat and helping them with the lines. >> yes, i did. i was a good trooper is what i like to think. >> yeah. >> alisyn: it's a hard job to get up at thathe morning and go out even in inclement weather. >> it was a beautiful day, i have a whole new appreciation for them and scallops and our wake up with us series will continue tomorrow. maria molina visiting one of our nation's finest and getting a firsthand look at what it's like for these officers working one of the most dangerous and unpredictable shifts. you don't want to miss that. >> alisyn: i wonder what she had to collar. >> we'll find out. great to see you. >> brian: straight ahead, killer whales in captivity.
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>> alisyn: good morning, everyone. it's thursday, august 1. i'm alisyn camerota in for gretchen. the deaths of four americans in benghazi a phony scandal? >> whether it's about the attacks in benghazi and the talking points, the attempts to turn this into a scandal have failed. >> alisyn: why is one of the suspects in the attack giving tv interviews and not behind bars? >> brian: two hours. then did the country's top lawyers purposely lead congress? saying eric holder was deceptive when asked about spying on journalists. >> steve: and never leave anybody behind. this picture of a marine and a
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young boy going viral this morning. the story behind it is going to make your day. "fox & friends" hour two for thursday starts right now. >> hear ye slam hear ye! this is the town cryer! you are watching "fox & friends" >> alisyn: didn't he say -- >> brian: should he play the other one? >> hearye, hearye, that's the news, brian styles! >> steve: because william and kate had a town cryer, even though he kind of crashed their party, we said we should get one. so we found a guy who was -- >> brian: he's a town cryer. >> steve: for one day our town cryer and he was very good at reading what was in the teleprompterprompter and when hw brian, brian style -- >> brian: he thought style was my last name.
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>> alisyn: did he also see ay, insert name here? >> brian: he might have. he reads everything. >> steve: he's a town cryer. he's got lots to cry about. >> alisyn: i'm going to just try to read the headlines now for you. in two hours from now, the man accused of holding three women captive for more than a decade will learn his fate. a hearing begins at 9:00 a.m. for ariel castro. although a plea deal has taken the death penalty off the table, it's likely he will spend the rest of his life behind bars. he's set to speak at the hearing and sources also say one victim, michelle knight, will also testify. this as it's been revealed that the girls kept diaries detailing the physical, mental and sexual abuse that they suffered. this morning one soldier is in critical condition and 11 others are recovering after being struck by lightning. this happened at fort carson in colorado. the soldiers were training when they got word of a storm roll not guilty and the lightning hit them as they were trying to take
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shelter. a woman falls from nearly ten feet high right off of a ride. this happened at the montana state fair. other people were getting off the zipper, the ride, when she fell. she suffered a head injury. the owner of the ride says he's confident it was not a safety issue. this comes nearly two weeks after that woman plunged to her death from that roller coaster at six flags in texas. and look at this. never leave anyone behind. this marine keeping to that adage. marine miles kerr was run not guilty a 5 k marathon in michigan and near the end, he came across a nine-year-old boy struggling to finish. he immediately slowed down and encouraged the boy all the way to the finish line. those are your headlines. >> steve: meanwhile, deceptive and misleading. a new report slams attorney general eric holder for his deceptive testimony, they say, about the targeting of members of the media, including fox news correspondent james rosen.
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elizabeth prann is live in washington, d.c. with the very latest. elizabeth, good morning. >> good morning. house judiciary committee republicans used the word, deceptive testimony, when they described this hearing from attorney general eric holder on his handling of the james rosen case. >> with regard to the potential prosecution of the press for the disclosure of material that, is not something that i've ever been involved in, heard of, or would think would be a wise policy. >> as you remember just days after the american public read the original warrant, holder approved rosen to be a suspect in order to allow access to his e-mails. so this week lawmakers releasing a 70-page report accompanied by a letter to president obama calling for, quote, change in leadership at the justice department if rosen was a suspect, lawmakers say holder is not only failing at his role with the department, but he gave deceptive testimony to congress. >> the court as they did in the
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rosen case, that it was -- they had probable cause that he was at least an aid or abettor or co-conspirator in an espionage case and then to turn around and tell us, we never had any intention of prosecuting him seems as though it's a contrived way to get access to the e-mails of reporters, which is exactly what they did in the rosen case. >> one justice department spokesman responding to the news, saying, quote in part, the report was produced on a purely partisan basis. it is strongly disputed by many of the committee's own members. he said the department has already revised its guidelines for investigating media leaks to strengthen protections for reporters. back to you. >> steve: all right. elizabeth prann reporting live from dc, thank you very much. the doj scandal, one of the scandals that has bogged down the administration over the last couple of months and has weighed heavily on the president's poll numbers and hence, that's why
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the white house has rolled out now they're not scandals, they're phony scandals drummed up by the republicans simply to distract us from what the people of the united states elected us to do and that's to lead. >> alisyn: but we did not know until yesterday what specifically they were referring to. the president inserted the term, phony scandals, into at least three of his speeches last week, but he never clarified which ones he considered phony. was it the irs? was it the nsa? was it benghazi? >> brian: all of them. >> alisyn: well, it seems as though at least now we know that they were referring to the irs and to amazingly benghazi. that was the one that people said they can't possibly be referring to benghazi because four americans were killed. so that's not a phony scandal of the well, when jay carney, the press secretary for the president was asked about this yesterday, in fact, it turns out benghazi was included. listen. >> what we've seen as time has passed and more facts have become known, whether it's about the attacks in benghazi and the
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talking points or revelations about conduct at the irs, that attempts to turn this into a scandal have failed. >> brian: as you look at benghazi, there are so many moving parts that are just unknown still. who came up with the talking points, number one. you think you want to side line that? go ahead. then why didn't we know about the attack ahead of time? i think it matters and i think most americans do. why wasn't help sent after nine hours of fighting? i think that matters, especially to the men and women in the military who we talk to on a regular basis and they should make the effort to talk to even on a more regular basis. finally, why weren't the people that perpetrated the crime ever brought to justice? how can you possibly circle the word, phony scandals, and put benghazi in there? it makes no sense. charles krauthammer says benghazi, different in many ways. >> look, what makes this scandal different from all the others is
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that there are dead americans. it's not a matter of corruption. it's a matter of respect for americans who served america and were killed in the line of duty. the cynicism of this administration, the way if you look at the photo, obama and clinton receiving the body of ambassador stevens and the solemnity with which they said we will go after this, we will bring justice, the one word to describe the response of this administration is a watergate word, it's the word stonewalling. >> steve: why would they stonewall? because when you look at the facts, and let's repeat what we know to be facts. the four americans were murdered on september 11 of last year at the height of the presidential election. the next day the president of the united states had to go to a fundraising event in las vegas. of course, that is the time when the administration, somebody -- and we don't know who came up with it, although we've got a pretty good idea, came up with the talking point that it was a
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video. and it wasn't a video. what's interesting is shortly thereafter, i think it was the "new york times" went over to libya and talked to one of the suspects who was just lounging in a hotel lobby enjoy ago slurpee or something like that. another network sent obviously -- felt it wasn't a phony scandal. they sent assets to libya and talked with a prime suspect for two hours on television. so where is the f.b.i.? this guy has not been investigated by our own government yet. lindsey graham was on our program yesterday, just like you, he's frustrated. >> no one has been brought to jail. we still don't know if hillary clinton approveed the conflict to be open after it failed security inspection. we have no idea who came up with the talking points. the basics of what happened in benghazi are unknown and the congress has never been able to interview one survivor. they're writing books, they're appearing on tv. this has to stop.
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this is not a scandal. this is a national security failure where four brave americans died and we're doing nothing to bring the people to justice to understand how it failed. >> brian: you think the president's got a habit of using drone strikes to take these guys out. he gets special forces to kill bin laden. why isn't it important enough to capture or kill the guys who killed our guys? why wouldn't that make the president look good? give us a blurry photo. >> steve: then put a bounty on these guys. >> alisyn: the f.b.i. did put their photos on their web site. they claim this is the wanted photo, that they're look for these guys. they're at least persons of interest. but don't talk about it. interestingly yesterday, ed henry, when he asked jay carney and said, so what's happening with the investigation? how come another media outlet can go over and find these guys but we haven't found these guys? and ed henry said, i would refer tout f.b.i either, i don't know, or we
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don't care enough to have asked the f.b.i. >> steve: jay carney said that. the president promised justice would be -- there would be justice for these four americans who were murdered over there. but fast forward and now suddenly we're in the run up to another election and you look at the president's poll numbers, they're tanking. democrats' numbers are tanking as well. people are upset ask worried about obamacare. so they had a meeting on capitol hill yesterday where they decided that going forward, as lawmakers head home what, are they going to talk about? the democrats, that we are working for the middle class. we're look for jobs for the middle class. that's the talking point going forward because they don't want to be distracted by the unfortunate actual scandals facing this administration. >> brian: i would add this, that the president's numbers are low, 45% not terrible. i think for a second term. >> steve: they're going in the wrong direction. >> brian: if they were worse, he'd be forced to deal with this straight up. but it's so far -- their internal polling showing the american people are losing interest in these real i think
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very important issues, which is unbelievable. it shows spin and pr in those speeches are working to the detriment of the security of the united states. irs, nsa and now benghazi and now we're losing interest? >> steve: those are real scandals and they are being forced to deal with them by calling them fake. saying those republicans, they're just ginning this up. move along. nothing to see. >> alisyn: let us know what you think. you can find us on twitter. meanwhile, shares of herbalife after george soros. this a big fraud? >> brian: kristen chenowith offering her advice to anthony wiener in a way only a broadway singer can. ♪ we'll make sure you get your chance to be popular ♪ ♪ the right kind of popular
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>> brian: shares of the controversial nutrition company, herbalife, are soaring amid news that billionaire george sorries invested a big stake in the business. but this isn't good news for the rival investor, bill ackman who bid a large amount of money against the company saying it's nothing short of a pyramid scheme. he's calling the sec in to investigate. our next guest is the author of that book. >> another circle of friends here. >> brian: so what is wrong? george soros saying i believe in this company. ackman saying i'm upset because he got so much money, he's going to hurt my bet that i bet. >> from his standpoint, it's the way soros invested in this, a leak to cnbc, basically saying he's in it big. going around, according to acman, going around getting
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other investors to buy it as well, to improperly manipulate the shares. >> brian: how is that improper? i have buddies, i want to recommend they do something i believe in. >> you do something in concert, okay, like that and you don't disclose it to the sec, you don't file with the sec, that's against the securities law. the regulators wants some of this stuff disclosed so investors know whose skin is in the game. that hasn't happened yet. you get the leak on a station that basically blurts out whatever they're told. you got this concerted effort to pump up the stock and ackman is saying this is manipulation. i'm not saying this. he's saying this. but i will tell you this, when i saw the news the way it broke yesterday, it was very odd. it did look to me that something was kind of fishy, the way it leaked in a sort of way that it was really no sort of follow through. there was no explanation on what could be going on here. and then you just knew when you saw soros involved and the way that all came out that it did smell bad. this is not me saying it. this is ackman saying it.
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>> brian: let's look at herbalife stock. it's january. the stock is $30 a share. yesterday it trades at $60 a share. why is soros get not getting in? he has a good track record. >> what's going on here is really interesting. you either believe this company is a pyramid scheme and a fraud, that they can never sell that much -- that many protein shakes, ou you think it's the greatest thing in the world. i look at the evidence, i can't figure it out. >> brian: you can't see the magic? >> no. how many protein shakes can the world drink? that's what we're talking. protein shakes and supplements. those types of companies, they just generally don't generate this type of interest. now we got big investors in it betting positively. maybe they're right. but i will say some of what ackman says about the way the company makes money, look at the numbers, it's pretty right on. >> brian: you want to get me to become a distributor so i sell
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to my friends. >> that's called a pyramid scheme. he says they don't make enough money selling the actual product. at some point, that distributor money is going to dry up. >> brian: when you got me into water filters, at first i was skeptical. now it changed my life. charlie, good luck with the book. i know it's doing well. this is very much part of the theme of your book. thank you for joining us. seaworld's killer whale is supposed to be having fun. they're supposed to be fun to watch them for the entire family. then this happened. >> she whips around and grabs the gate. you see her ripped from the gate. >> brian: coming up, a documentary giving us a hyped the scenes look about seaworld, doesn't want you to know. you will be shocked. one of america's biggest restaurant chains busted serving something americans did not order. now their punishment is in [ female announcer ] when you asked us to remove
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high fructose corn syrup from yoplait original and light, we were like, "sure. no problem!" and you were like, "thanks, but what about thick & creamy and whips!" and we were like, "done and done! now it's out of everything yoplait makes." and you were all, "yum!" and we're like, "is it just us, or has this been a really good conversation?" and you were like, "i would talk, but my mouth is full of yogurt." yoplait. it is so good!
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>> steve: time for news by the numbers. first, 50,000. that's how many pounds of ground beef are being recalled this morning over e.coli scare. the meat company is in kansas and it affects 15 states. next, $500,000, that's how much money an operator of tgi fridays will have to pay up in fines. this after its new jersey location apparently their locations in jersey passing off cheap booze as top shelf. finally, 120 hours and 15 minutes. that's at least how long one man must stay submerged under
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15 feet of water. he's trying to break the underwater endurance record which currently is 120 hours, 14 minutes. ali will dry to outdo him by 60 seconds. and over to you. >> alisyn: thanks so much, steve. there is a brand-new documentary revealing what happens hyped the scenes at seaworld and it is shocking. >> watching the video, knowing it, your stomach drops because you know what's probably going to happen of the she draps her foot. she whips around and grabs the gate. you see her ripped from the gate. >> alisyn: scary stuff. black fish tells the story of tilley, the 12,000 found performing orca that has killed three people, including his trainer during that show at the orlando resort in 2010. dawn bradshaw's death inspired this film. joining me now with more are the
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director and a former seaworld trainer. thanks for being here. >> thank you for having us. >> alisyn: why did you want to make this film? >> i am a mother who took her kids to seaworld and i couldn't understand why a killer whale would have attacked a top level trainer at seaworld. i didn't think killer whales did that to human beings. i was very confounded and confused by it. so i went in with that question. why did a killer whale make this decision? >> alisyn: in making this film, what did you learn? >> i learned that the whales are not happy in and the trainers are not safe, to put it bluntly. i learned that the whales are deprived of any natural environmental stimulation. they live very shortened lives. it's a depraved environment for them and they get incredibly frustrated and they can aggress toward their trainers.
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>> alisyn: carol, you worked at seaworld for a little more than three years. what was your concern with these killer whales? >> i was there for about three years and while i was there, we did not have very many aggressive incidents with trainers in the water. some of the footage in the film i think is some of the most startling footage that you'll see. while i was there i was lucky enough to be working with female whales that did not have a history of aggression. that said, i think it's important to note that any one of the whales in the seaworld collection and in captivity have the potential to cause serious harm to trainers. i think the film does a great job of wrapping up the issues that cause them to aggress toward trainers because of the environment they're in. >> alisyn: one of the most heart wrenching scenes in the movie is watching as the baby orcas are
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taken away from their parents and you can actually see the response of the whales to being separated. what happened? >> yeah. calves are stripped from their mothers for entertainment purposes and they actually grieve. they are put on oftentimes medication to get them over their grief. it is something that happens quite frequently and i think for me, it was very heart wrenching to know that. i think for a lot of the trainers who were there at seaworld still working there, it's one of the hardest things that they have to deal with. >> alisyn: now saving seen the film and being involved, what do you want to see happen at seaworld and other places where the killer whales are in captivity. >> that's a great question. first of all, one of the most important things that i think i hope to have happen after this
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film is that people will be compelled to say no to going to these parks. i hope they leave with a much better understanding and compassion for what these animals go through in captivity. as far as seaworlds in particular and the marine parks holding these orcas, i think it's very important for the public to put pressure on them to stop the captive breeding. i think it's time to end the use of these animals for entertainment and i think that each individual animal needs to be looked at specifically to see if they might be candidates for another environment to be in. >> i don't think any one of us has the idea that seaworld is going to disappear. so what we'd like to see is that their business model evolves and changes to one that is truly education. >> alisyn: sure. obviously seeing this film would help educate the public as to
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what goes on behind the scenes. ladies, the film is "black fish." thanks so much for sharing part of it with us. >> thank you for having us. >> alisyn: kristen chenowith offering her advice to anthony wiener in a way only a toni award broadway singer could do. ♪ popular ♪ the right kind of popular ♪ i'll teach you to zip your fly. ♪ snot you won't be that guy with a thank tan line down his pants ♪ ♪ i'll teach you what tweets to tweet. >> alisyn: more from her next. and we know it's annoying when your flight is delayed. imagine how you would feel if you were told you weren't taking off 'til 2099. that's next ♪ wonder if i gave an oreo
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>> according to a new government report, misconduct from tsa workers jumped more than 26% in the last three years. here is the story. >> tsa agents were found sleeping on the job. others were caught stealing from passengers, and letting family and friends bypass security. one blatant incident of misconduct was even caught on camera. the government is authorrily investigating ought concerns. [ laughter ] >> brian: let's talk about something else that will be in
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the news. as many as eight, but as manyas 20 could be facing suspension or banned. alex rodriguez has been linked to it. not only did he take it, they say he pushed it on other players and tried to get other players to take it, hence, two of the yankee catch railroads also caught up in this, one former catcher and one current catcher. and then on the other hand, he also went out of his way to hinder the investigation. on top of the fact that even though he didn't test positive, this being his second violation of performance enhancing drugs. >> alisyn: i don't get it, what's in it for major league baseball to want to make a deal with him? why not just get rid of him? >> brian: they have a union and they are offering a suspension and they -- >> steve: a big one. >> brian: he has not tested
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positive yet. however, he apologized for taking performance enhancing drugs because of implied circumstances and evidence. so here they have text messages and they have the guy who runs the lab who has decided to cut a deal with major league baseball and saying not only did arod take it, i went to his house and injected him and he helped get the word out. >> steve: some of the other players involved under scrutiny right now, in addition to mr. rodriguez. last week the news was big that several others involved. >> brian: look at cabrera and colon, they say they won't likely face additional suspension. the rangers about to lose an outfielder. this will affect the playoffs. >> steve: remember back in 1992,
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steve howe got a lifetime ban, but then a mediator reduced it to 112 games. >> brian: or it could be pete rose and you're still out. another thing is back then it was the good old days. you did things like cocaine and all things that violated and hurt your body. now these are improving your performance and eventually will hurt your body. >> alisyn: let's get to your other headlines. recently acquitted george zimmerman pulled over for speeding in texas. watch this. >> nowhere in particular? why do you say that? what a coincidence. >> alisyn: dash cam video showing the policeman questioning zimmerman near dallas. he quickly alerted the officer he had a gun in the glove compartment, which he is allowed to have since his concealed weapon permit was reinstated.
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he was let go with a warning. >> brian: he's already had two incidents already. we now know the woman charged with defacing the washington national cathedral with green paint was in the u.s. on an expired visa. police say the 58-year-old who has a chinese passport, arrived in our nation's capitol a few days ago. she has no fixed address, but told officers she lived in los angeles. >> steve: she just came here to vandalize? >> brian: i guess so. >> steve: airport delays are a pain, but this may be the longest one ever. 86 years! it happened when ez jet canceled a late night flight. passengers were sent an e-mail saying they would be grounded until the year 2099. the airline apologized, blaming a technical error. ticket holders were promised a refund in 20 days rather than decades. >> alisyn: by then we'll all just have space packs. >> brian: not so easy jets.
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>> alisyn: kristen chenowith offering advice to anthony wiener in a way only a broadway singer can. ♪ i'll teach to you zip your fly ♪ ♪ you won't be that guy with a tan line down his pants ♪ ♪ i'll teach you to tweet ♪ something clean and sweet ♪ we'll make sure you get your chance to be popular ♪ >> alisyn: she parodied the song from "wicked." >> steve: our headliner with weather is maria molina, a block from broadway. >> good morning. today we're talking about the possibility of seeing rainfall across portion of the east coast, including right here in new york city, especially as we head into this afternoon. we could be picking up several inches of rain up and down the east coast. you'll need the umbrella and rain boots. temperature wise, right now across the country, not too cool across sections of the great lakes. across the last couple days you were waking up to temperatures in the 50s. now 60s. 73 the current temperature in new york city. later this afternoon, you won't
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be warming up very much in new york city because there will be a lot of cloud cover. 75 is the expected high in new york. otherwise that rain already pushing through parts of the northeast and also across parts of georgia and the southeast. let's head back inside. >> steve: thank you. >> alisyn: it is the story of one of the most turbulent eras in england's history. but unlike other versions of the war of the roses, the new stars series calmed "the white queen" focuses on the three women who were battling for the throne. watch this. >> we will crush elizabeth. >> she will not win! >> i know that you talk against my king. >> alisyn: that looks great. for more, let's step into the fox light with michael tamero. tell bus this movie. >> time to brush up on the
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eighth grade history. the tudor of the tudor wars. for all the talk of hollywood flops, when it comes to television, we are truly in a golden age of the scripted series. the latest, some of the best story telling taking place. the latest starts august 10, called "the white queen," based on the hugely popular books that chronicles the war of the rose from a woman's points of view. rebecca ferguson, an unknown here. she told us a little bit about the series. i love the theme, men do battle. >> but women wage war. >> it's true because as we know, we've told history from the male point of view a lot of times. now we finally get to sort of tell the story about the female perspective. >> that was her first american television interview. >> steve: way to go. >> hey! so allison, what is the woman perspective on "the war of the
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roses"? >> alisyn: how much time do we have. >> steve: we saw the other "war of the rose with michael douglas >> it starts august 10. for the latest celebrity buzz, find me on twitter. >> alisyn: thanks. >> steve: just when it seems airlines have fees for everything, they're starting a new fee and this one is going to affect almost everyone. yeah, you, too. >> brian: and what's the healthiest food for a family on a tight budget? economists say take them to mcdonald's. >> steve: it's true ♪
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for pain and swelling? apply cold therapy in the first 24 hours. but not just any cold. i only use new thermacare® cold wraps. targettemp technology delivers a consistent, therapeutic cold to stop pain and start healing. new thermacare® cold wraps. a better way to treat pain. bjorn earns unlimited rewas for his small business take theseags to room 12 please. [ garth ] bjors small busiss earns double miles on every purchase every day. produce delivery. [ bjorn ] just put it on my spark card. [ garth why settle for less? ahh, oh! [ garth ] great businesses deserve limited reward here's your wake up call. [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase every day. what's in your wallet? [ crows ] now where's the snooze button?
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with new all natural lean cuisine honestly good. it's frozen like you've never seen. they've stripped down to only natural ingredients. why? what were you thinking? new lean cuisine honestly good. in the natural frozen meals section.
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>> brian: airlines already charge an arm and a leg for a checked bag. now they're going after carry ons. the ceo of ryan air says more fees are inevitable and says airlines will keep bumping up the fees for checked bags until people stop bringing them. mark walberg, a navy seal? >> he can not do that. >> i don't care. i care about you. >> i care about you. i care about you. >> not killing kids. >> brian: the actor starring in the movie "lone survivor." he plays real life navy seal who has been a guest here who is the only navy seal to survive on a mission to capture a taliban leader in afghanistan. the film hits the theaters in december. steve? ♪ >> steve: we all heard how bad fast food is supposed to be for you. now one blogger has set off a firestorm after labeling mcdonald's mcdouble right
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here the cheapest, most nutrition and boundiful food that has ever existed in human history. really? could that be true? food in agricultural economists jason lusk is the author of the food police. he joins us right now from oklahoma city. good morning to you. >> good morning. thanks for having me on. >> steve: tell us why this is inexpensive and yet, it could be the most nutritious food in history. >> that's right. pretty provocative claim. shear my view on it. the mcdouble the most nutritious food? no. is it the cheapest? probably not. but when you put those two things together, you really get a lot for your dollar, especially in terms of calories and protein. when you throw in the taste, you really got a bargain on your hands. >> steve: there you go. you hear a lot of food elitists say you've got to eat fresh food. you got to eat organic food. the problem, though, is the fact that that stuff, the fresh food, costs, what, ten times more than
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fast food. >> that's exactly right. that's one of the big arguments i make in my book "the food police." you have a group of people imposing their wants in this country. a almost a billion people don't have enough to eat. the ability of our modern agricultural market to provide to those who with can least afford it -- >> steve: it's got 390 calories. 23-grams of protein. 33 grams of carbs. 42% of the daily amount of saturated fat, but also 20% of daily calcium and iron. it's got pretty much all the stuff you need right in that -- between those two buns. >> that's right. it's really quite amazing when you think about it. nobody is saying you should eat that much saturated fat all the time of the but we got to
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remember, the world in which we live in now, it's amazing how much abundance we have for food. we do have to exercise a little bit of personal responsibility. i'd rather live today than the one 50, 100 years ago when you really had to worry about your next meal. >> steve: the critics say that fast food makes us fat. but there is a study done a couple years ago where they realized that people who eat out a lot actually eat less at home and by the end of the day, they only consume, what, 24 calories more in a day than people who eat at home? >> that's right. this is the sort of situation where it's up to personal responsibility. you can eat out unhealthily or healthily. it's the same for home. all the meals at home are not necessarily healthy. you have to make wise choices no matter where you are. >> steve: jason, thank you very much for joining us today from oklahoma city. >> thanks, steve. appreciate it. >> steve: smells great.
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earlier in the program the stars of the show "impractical jokers" joined us live. >> stop. turn right. say, can i get some of that action. go. >> steve: now brian is getting in on a prank. it's happening live outside our studio, top of the hour. you got to see this. then we've all seen the movie jaws and heard the stories, when sharks attack. but do you really need to worry about the next time you head to the beach? john stossel on deck with a bigger boat [ female announcer ] it balances you... it fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. in a convennt two bar pack. this is nature valley. nature at its most delicious.
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riding the dog like it's a small horse is frowned upon in this establishment! luckily though, ya know, i conceal this bad boy underneath my blanket just so i can get on e-trade. check my investment portfolio, research stocks... wait, why are you taking... oh, i see...solitary. just a man and his thoughts. and a smartphone... with an e-trade app. ♪ nobody knows... [ male announcer ] e-trade. investing unleashed.
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>> alisyn: are you worried about sharks when you head to the
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beach? >> steve: who isn't? >> alisyn: do you think you're going to be the next attack victim? >> steve: do you turn off the air conditioning on your way to that vacation 'cause you think that's going to save energy? well, think again. john stossel says when it comes to summer time, there is a lot we think we know that isn't so. >> alisyn: he's the host of "stossel" and joins us to debunk some of the most common myths of summer. we don't have to worry about sharks? 'cause i do worry about them. >> it's natural. worry about the tv hype over sharks, 3,000 people drown every year. worry about drowning. worry about driving to the beach. the year of the shark, there were no more shark attacks than other years. it was just a slow news year. it's our fault. >> steve: you know what? but there are channels that capitalize on it. there is a channel that has shark week. there is another channel that has shark nato. >> and it's popular, but bigger stuff to worry about. >> steve: how about hurricanes? a lot of people, you watch some channels and they talk about how we got to do something about
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climate change because global warming is causing more hurricanes. is that true? >> climate control, like you could do that. but no, there are no more hurricanes than there used to be. there used to be in the 1880s more than recently. with the warmer water, you would think they would be bigger or hit the country more. just not true. >> alisyn: is that right, because i think we've even heard they're starting earlier. has the season shifted? >> when the water is warmer, it's possible they start earlier, but no more hurricanes. there is more hurricane damage 'cause more people build houses on the edges of oceans. >> steve: you did that once and lost a house. >> stupidly. >> steve: okay. >> there are so many myths. turn off the air conditioning in the car. newer cars are aero dynamically built now. >> alisyn: so we can keep the windows open. it's the same as running the air
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conditioning? >> in newer cars. >> steve: 'cause i remember back in the 1930s -- okay, they hadn't invented the air conditioner yet. but i remember in the '60s when we had a car that had an air conditioner in it, you turned it on and the whole car would go (sound). >> alisyn: was it gerbil on a wheel running it? >> steve: we had a v 8. so that's not true, these days? >> if you're stung bay jelly fish, don't pee on it. >> alisyn: oh, oh, 'cause you're not supposed to? >> that was a myth spread by "friends" show. use white vinegar. >> steve: i have been at resorts in the caribbean where they tell people that. >> then they laugh behind your back. >> steve: i've seen people do it. >> alisyn: you're really not supposed to? you're blowing my mind. >> i wondered what it would take. >> alisyn: finally. >> steve: watch john stossel's program tonight. you'll explode more myth, i
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would imagine. >> that's true. myths with summer. >> alisyn: 9:00 p.m. eastern. thanks. he's one of the main suspects in the benghazi terrorist attack that left four americans dead. why is he getting tv interviews? why is he not arrested in michelle malkin on that at the top of the hour. >> steve: we showed it to you right here, the cronut. this morning there is a copy cat. details coming up. >> alisyn: i'll be the judge. you can say i'm an expert. >> steve: as always, filling that pie hole ♪ [ male announcer ] if you had a dollar, for every dollar
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esu♪ance. now backed by allstate. ♪ i've got something for you too. (announcer) fancy feast delights with cheddar. a meal that is sure to delight your cheese lover. now available in the classic form she loves. fancy feast. the best ingredient is love. icaused by acid reflux disease, relieving heartburn, relief is at hand. for many, nexium provides 24-hour heartburn relief and may be available for just $18 a month. there is risk of bone fracture and low magnesium levels.
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side effects may include headache, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. if you have persistent diarrhea, contact your doctor right away. other serious stomach conditions may exist. don't take nexium if you take clopidogrel. relief is at hand for just $18 a month. talk to your doctor about nexium. >> alisyn: good morning, everybody everyone. today is thursday, august 1. i'm alisyn camerota in for gretchen carlson. edward snowden has just received his papers allowing him to leave
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that moscow airport. what is next for the world's most infamous leaker? >> steve: and the deaths of three americans in benghazi now a phony scandal, according to the white house? >> whether it's about the attacks in benghazi and the talking points, the attempts to turn this into a scandal have failed. >> steve: that was to say four americans. now the suspects are doing television interviews while the f.b.i. ignores them. >> brian: it's one of the funniest shows on tv. >> stop. turn right. say, can i get some of that action? go! say it right now! >> can i get some of that action? [ laughter ] >> brian: the stars of the "impractical jokers" are still here and they're going to put me in the middle of a prank. >> alisyn: oh, no. >> brian: "fox & friends" final hour starts now.
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♪ >> alisyn: good morning again, everybody. yes, we have dogs on our plaza because we'll show you thousand do a road trip with a dog. you think road trips are fun? a dog trip is even more fun. >> steve: can you -- >> alisyn: they have a toy. >> brian: i think we got every dog adopted yesterday. >> steve: the folks you're about to meet, they have dog tripping 25 rescues. can you imagine taking a couple dozen dogs across the country in an rv? imagine the bathroom break. they were chaotic. it also took three rv's. you'll find out that amazing story live from new york city. and today as well, something special. you're going to be a practical
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joker? >> brian: two tv practical jokers starts tonight at 10:00 and the guys are hysterical. they don't usually did it live. but we're going to 48th and 6th and try to -- >> alisyn: you're going to be the victim of the practical joke. >> brian: because the impractical jokers are actually going to be doing this. they've never done this live either. >> steve: what they're going to do on their show, they instruct another member of their troop to do different things. that's glasses you're going to be wearing, they've got black tape. you won't be able to see anything. you will rely on them to tell what you to do and they'll tell to you do some crazy stuff. >> brian: i don't think so. >> steve: oh, yes. >> brian: i think they're going to just have me do traditional things. i just saw this, i cannot see a thing out of these. >> alisyn: wow. as we like to say what, could go wrong? [ laughter ] >> steve: everything. >> alisyn: stay tuned for that in our coming hour. meanwhile, we have a fox news alert for you right now because
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employees at the moscow airport say edward snowden left the airport and is on russian soil. >> steve: wow. >> alisyn: according to wikileaks, snowden has just received refugee status. he had been stranded, as you know, in that transit zone of the moscow airport for more than a month now. russian president putin has said he would grant asylum to snowden if he stopped leaking secrets. we don't know what deal was made. meanwhile, alex rodriguez negotiate ago deal with major league baseball. the deal is expected to result in a lengthy suspension, but prevent a lifetime ban. sources say a rod decided to negotiate after realizing how much evidence the league has tying him to an anti-aging clinic in miami. officials reportedly also say they have proof that he tampered with the league's ped investigation by coercing a witness. a rod's attorney had previously said he would fight any
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suspension or ban resulting from this probe. and this morning one soldier is in critical condition and 11 others recovering after being struck by lightning. it happened at fort carson in colorado. they were training when they got word of a storm rolling in. the lightning hit them as they were trying to take shelt are. o. j. simpson is granted parole, but he still faces four years behind bars for using a weapon during that botched las vegas hotel heist in 2007. he will have another parole hearing on those sentences in about a year. >> i don't think that he gets -- he's smart enough to say the right things in order to create favor with the parole commission. >> o. j. simpson may think this is a victory, but at the end of the day, he's going back to his cell. >> alisyn: simpson was sentenced up to 33 years behind bars for that botched robbery. and she fell asleep behind the wheel and woke up in her
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car, which was then overturned in water. now we are hearing the desperate calls for help. >> what street were you traveling on? was it high school road? (crying). >> i'm sorry. i think it was high school road. >> i need your location. where are you so i can send you help? >> i don't know. my car is flipped over and filling with water. >> alisyn: she made that frantic phone call. police praising her quick thinking. they say she probably would not have been found for days. otherwise authorities used the gps in her phone to find her. she suffered minor injuries. she says she dozed off while driving home electric work. so dangerous. those are your headlines. >> steve: so the big news this hour is the fact that edward snowden has now left the airport and entered russia, according to his lawyer. we're gathering more. that's all we know right now. also brian kilmeade has left the
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studio. he's gone out to the intersection of 48th at 6th avenue. brian, you are about to take part in the first ever live impractical jokers "fox & friends" edition. >> broadcasting history being made. can i see them on the screen? >> steve: they're down in the control room. they're going to whisper in your ear. they're going to tell you -- they're going to give you instructions on what you should do as total strangers walk up to you and near you there at 48th and 6th avenue. >> brian: keep in mind, guys, i cannot see anything out of them. >> that's the whole idea, my friend. >> steve: okay. take over. >> all right, brian. here we go. you're in our hands now, buddy. >> brian: yeah, i feel great about that. >> impractical joker for the day. brian, why don't you take -- turn around. walk forward. now to your right.
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make a hard right. >> straight, straight. >> stop. now say this, hey, buddy. >> brian: hey buddy. >> you. >> brian: you. were. >> turn to your left. >> you, me, a hot tub, patrick swayze movie tonight. >> brian: what do you say? >> take the glasses off. [ laughter ] >> brian: he's in. looks like he's in. he we know to my high school, guys. you happy? >> he know what is you're up to these days. that was just a warm up. that was an easy one. >> brian: that wasn't easy. >> all right. turn around. walk straight. turn right. turn left. stop. turn right and say excuse me.
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>> brian: excuse me. >> excuse me. >> brian: excuse me. >> sir. >> brian: sir. oh, i'm sorry, i thought you were my sister. >> brian: now take the glasses off. [ laughter ] >> brian: that went well. >> brian: what's wrong with you people? >> here we go, brian. >> brian: i have to work tomorrow. you get to go home. >> we're not done with you yet, man. turn around. walk straight. keep going, keep going, keep going. okay. now stop. now, turn to your right, say, excuse me, excuse me. >> brian: excuse me, excuse me. >> excuse me. >> brian: excuse me, excuse me. >> turn around. now stop. turn to your left a little bit. >> brian: excuse me, excuse me. >> i love. >> brian: i love your dress. it shows off the curves of your body. >> take off the glasses.
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[ laughter ] >> brian: am i done with this? >> welcome to our life, brian. >> brian: what world do you live in? wow. i feel tortured. it's great. thank much. >> are we invited to seat patrick swayze movie tonight? >> i'm bringing my swim trunks. >> brian: 'cause at least i know who you are. great job. >> thank you. >> brian: thank you very much. >> alisyn: part of this shows what new york city is like. most people didn't bat an eye lash. brian saying i liked your dress to a businessman. >> steve: we would like to remind you that they are stars of "impractical jokers."
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they debut tonight on tru tv. thank you very much. >> alisyn: he is one of the main suspects in the benghazi terrorist attack that left four americans dead, so why is he giving tv interviews? why is he not arrested? michelle malkin is here on that next. >> steve: then we showed it right off here in our studio. the cronut. this morning there is a cronut copy cat and that means now everybody can can get them. she says it's abc delicious. >> alisyn: it was the most delicious thing i ever tasted. >> steve: hope your mom is not watching hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so...
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>> alisyn: benghazi terrorist attack that left four americans dead is now actually being identified as one of the phony scandals. >> whether it's about the attacks in benghazi and the talking points, the attempts to turn this into a scandal have failed. >> steve: really? >> alisyn: what does that mean for the investigation and the families still seeking justice? michelle malkin joins us now. hi, michelle. >> hi there. >> alisyn: it sounds like what carney was trying to say there was the talking points component of benghazi is the phony scandal. what do you say? >> well, talking points, of course, means facts. it's the facts that are a problem for this administration and so the answers that he gave to that question of which scandals he thought was phony are really the answers to the unwritten question, which scandals are causing the most
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damage to this administration? it's very telling that the two he chose, of course, were the bloody imcompetence of benghazi and the partisan abuse of power of the irs. phony bologna is the main dish that is served up there on the podium at jay carney's press briefings. i think it's very transparent, one of the few things that's transparent, that this administration is desperate to change the subject from the very real scandals that are plaguing them. >> brian: what is your take -- this administration took out al al-awlaki without telling u he took out bin laden he tells us all the time. he's very good with the drones. they're very good at killing al-qaeda guys. here these guys killed on the president's watch, four americans, and there seems to be no interest in pursuing the killers! how do you figure this? the f.b.i. doesn't even go over there for weeks and you got news
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reporters interviewing suspects. >> yeah. great questions, brian. we need to hear them more at the press briefings. it's been more than ten months since obama stood before the american people and vowed, rather disingenuously, made bringing the perpetrators of benghazi to justice. then he reiterated in october that this was going to be a main priority and focus of this administration. of course, this administration has a focus of a chronic inebriate with cataracts. there has been nothing in terms of progress with regard to the f.b.i. probe. every once in a while they decide to toss up a couple of photos of most wanted to try and plead with the people in libya. i think the subtext of this is, what's going on behind the scenes diplomatically with libya? we already know that there was a lot of funny business that went on with the lockerbie bomber and his so-called compassionate release that enraged all of the
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families of the lockerbie bombing victims. i think the american people need to start asking these questions. >> steve: you know what? and because main stream media are compliant to whatever the white house wants, you'll hear about the real scandals here, but you'll hardly hear about them anywhere else. meanwhile, there is something else. this was not supposed to leak out, but apparently the white house, michelle, and the administration have greeted the so-called nudge squads hoping to influence our behavior. for instance, some nudge squad things they could try to convince you to do, pay your back tax, maybe become more energy efficient, stay in school, exercise more, eat better. they're trying very lightly to suggest go do these things for us. you don't like this one bit! >> you know, i'm the mom in my family. i do the nudging. right? this is a nag program. this is a nanny state program.
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i read about this this initiative and of course it's the brainchild of some control freak rhodes scholar who has been given a lot of room to play with behavioral sciences in the white house. apparently inspired by that regulatory-control freak who coined this term of government nudging. this is all about coercion. >> alisyn: but michelle, speaking of regulation, isn't this better than regulations? wouldn't you rather that make strong suggestions rather than new legislation, new regulations being passed? >> well, to quote a former official of the obama administration, what difference does it make! what is the distinction between polite nudging with the force of government behind it and our tax dollars to finance it.
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>> brian: where do you stand on the republican infighting? a lot of people say this is great, this is healthy because it's about issues. where do you stand on that? governor kristy and rand paul have verbal exchanges all week. >> come on. i'm a brawler, brian. >> brian: you love it. >> i do. i think it strengthens the party to bring these out in the open. and it's much better than trying to clam up and hide and white wash the fact that these conflicts do exist. >> steve: that's right. and the very latest update is senator paul has invited governor christie for a beer summit down in washington. chris christie says he's too busy running for governor. >> brian: that was the speed bag, right? >> how did i do? >> brian: great. >> steve: see you back here next week. >> alisyn: up next, some of your most common legal questions answered for free. bob massi returns with our new
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segment legalese. >> steve: then george zimmerman busted for speeding and apparently had a gun at the time. we'll tell you what we know. we have dash cam video straight ahead ♪ for pain and swelling? apply cold therapy in the first 24 hours. but not just any cold. i only use new thermacare® cold wraps.
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targettemp technology delivers a consistent, therapeutic cold to stop pain and start healing. new thermacare® cold wraps. a better way to treat pain.
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>> alisyn: fox news alert. in 40 minute, the man accused of holding three women captive for more than a decade in that cleveland house of horrors will learn his fate. stacy fry is live outside the courthouse in ohio. stacy? >> good morning. we'll never fully know the
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details of what went on inside that home here in the city of cleave lands. but in advance of today's sentencing, the county prosecutor has released the sentencing memorandum, a summation of the case against ariel castro and the nearly 1,000 charges to which he pleaded guilty to last week. in this latest document we learn castro lured michelle knight by offering to take her to an appointment for her son. he coaxed her into his house by promising her a puppy for the boy. he then raped her, chained her, beat her. the scenario repeated itself twice more in the following years. the three women were locked up in separate rooms. their movements completely controlled by this man. all of these details we expect more of them to be revealed in court when that sentencing hearing begins at 9:00 o'clock. we've been told by the court to prepare that it could potentially last until 1:00 o'clock this afternoon. ariel castro will be given an opportunities to speak, as will the victims in this case.
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then the sentence that has been agreed to is life in prison with 1,000 years on top of that. a clear statement of what everyone thinks of what ariel castro did to these women. >> alisyn: stacy fry, thanks for that update from outside the courthouse. let's go over to steve. >> steve: thank you. grandparents, do you have the legal right to visit your grandkids? and if something happens to mom or dad, do you have the legal right to custody? as it turns out, the law not quite as simple as we wish it was. here to explain the legalese is bob massi, joining us from vegas. good morning to you, bob. >> good morning. >> steve: here is the first question. we'd love to have you answer it. if grandparents have visitation or custody rights of their grandchild or grandkids issues where do those rights legally come from? >> first of all, grandparents have no constitutional rights, like parents have the fundamental rights to their
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children. grandparents don't. so where the laws really come from, steve, from each individual state in our country. they're basically formed to sort of carve out what rights grandparents have. what they need to know, which we'll talk about, is just because you're a grandparent, doesn't mean you have the right just to grab those kids and take custody and visitation of them. >> steve: that's right. bob, because the rights are doled out on the state level, they vary state to state, right? >> they do. and here is the thing, steve, you know, with all the foreclosure things that we've talked about, getting a little off subject, but on subject, a lot of grandparents and parents took their children, and believe it or not, how many times you've heard, well, they don't help their children enough. the kids move out with the grandkids, all of a sudden they don't let their parents see the kids anymore. so i want our grandparents out there to understand that you must find out what the laws are in the state where you live as
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you just said, for purposes of seeing what rights you do have if you're denied to seeing your grandchildren. more often than not, they deny their parents because they didn't give them money or and help them and things like that, which is horrible for the grandchildren. >> steve: if somebody is watching right now, how do they figure out, according to their state, what their rights are? >> very much so, get a family law lawyer, steve. find out where the state where you live, what do i have to do to see my grandchildren? do i have to go to court? do i have any rights? been cases over the years that have basically set forth what rights they have and don't have. i think we believe -- i have four grandchildren. they're the center of my life. if i couldn't see them, god only knows i'd go out of my mind because of how much i love them. and so many times we see this where kids retaliate against their parents for stupid things. get your advice. see what your rights are, but understand that you don't have
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an absolute right unless it's cut out in the state where you live and every state has different sort of guidelines for that. >> steve: there is so much legalese out there and bob, you just made it clear what grandparents' rights are. we thank you very much for joining us on this thursday. >> tell brian to take it easy back there, buddy. >> steve: we tried to. but you know brian. [ laughter ] >> yes, we do. >> steve: he's brian. >> hard thought of him being a grandparent. >> steve: that day is coming. >> brian: no, it isn't. >> steve: some day. how did he get in on this party line? thanks, bob. straight ahead, breaking news on the economy. new jobless claims due out in just about 90 seconds. we'll bring them to you live after the break. plus you saw it here on "fox & friends," the delicious cronut. now there is a cronut copy cat. that means everyone can get their hands on them. but are they as tasty as alisyn would lead you to believe? she's in heaven
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♪ could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. mmmhmmm...everybody knows that. well, did you know that old macdonald was a really bad speller? your word is...cow.
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cow. cow. c...o...w... ...e...i...e...i...o. [buzzer] dangnabbit. geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know. the healthcare law gives us powerful tools to fight it... to investigate it... ...prosecute it... and stop criminals. our senior medicare patrol volunteers... are teaching seniors across the country... stop, spot, and report fraud. you can help. guard your medicare card. don't give out your card number over the phone. call to report any suspected fraud. we're cracking down on medicare fraud. let's make medicare stronger for all of us. >> alisyn: fox business alert now. the labor department just releasing brand-new weekly jobless numbers. 326,000 first-time unemployment claims were filed last week. that's less than the week before and less than expected.
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there you go. >> steve: all right. meanwhile, let's talk a little bit about this, we talked a great deal about political correctness and there is some people out there who say we need to be more and some people say we need to be less politically correct. ralph peters was here on the channel last night and he said that when you look at bradley manning and then edward snowden, by the way, the headline about snowden is he left the airport in moscow and apparently he now has asylum for one year there. when you look at him and them and major nidal malik hasan, fort hood shooter as well, you can connect some dots, say that the army has been in some measure too pc. plus it's been a problem with our education in this country. here is ralph. >> our culture, our education system, hollywood, even talk shows have created this idea that our government is bad.
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look at what kids learn or don't learn in school. they learn about hiroshima, not about the baatan death march. they learn about the evils of slavery, but not that millions of americans died to end slavery. the picture they get from k through 12 through grad school is that america is bad. clearly snowden had that idea. clearly bradley manning figured america is somehow evil. and we keep bombarding our children with the idea that our country is not the greatest in the world, but among the worst. >> brian: because of that, you have people acting in a way like edward snowden. you have this private in iraq going, i don't like the spirit of this war, i'm going to release all these secrets and let the chips fall where they may. that's what you have in his mind of the next generation. the same generation gave us one of the finest fighting forces in our history, the most selfless people, many of which signed up
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right after 9-11. >> alisyn: ralph makes a great point of the having kids in second grade, as i do, i think that they don't emphasize the hero stories and the people who sacrificed and all of the good that america has done in the world. i think those things in textbooks are not as featured as the problem. >> steve: as they used to be. wait until your kids go to high school and college. you'll hear fewer of those hero stories and more about a lot of fringe characters. >> brian: this might be awkward, but i don't see alisyn's kids moving up. >> alisyn: there is no college for them. >> brian: there is work to be done. >> steve: there is home schooling. >> alisyn: mommy spa day. thank you for that. let's get to your headlines and tell you what else is happening at this hour because reinly acquitted george zimmerman has been pulled over for speeding in texas. watch this. >> nowhere in particular? why you say that?
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what a coincidence. >> alisyn: that is dash cam video showing a policeham questioning george zimmerman in forney, texas. this is near dallas. he quickly alerted the officer that he had a gun in the glove compartment which he is allowed to have since his concealed weapon permit was reinstated. zimmerman was let go with a warning. and we now know the woman charged with defacing the washington national cathedral with green paint was in the u.s. on an expired visa. police say the 58-year-old who has a chinese passport, arrived in our nation's capitol a few days ago. she has no fixed address. we're told officers -- she told officers she lives in los angeles. never leave anyone behind. this marine keeping to that motto. marine miles kerr was run not guilty a 5k marathon in michigan and near the end of the race, he came across a nine-year-old boy struggling to finish. kerr immediately slowed down and
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encouraged the boy all the way to the finish line. that's a great foe. earlier this year we introduced you to one of baking's greatest creations. you know what? actually it's just the universe's greatest creation. it was right here on our set called the cronut. my life will never be the same, as you can see. new york city bakery created this half doughnut, half croissant hybrid. it doesn't sound as manualcal as it is -- magical as it is, but i can tell you it is the most delicious thing you've ever tasted. now dunkin' doughnuts is running for cronuts. the chain released them in south korea. they're being called the new york pie doughnut. >> steve: what's a new york pie? >> brian: that's the secret, doughnuts are pie. >> alisyn: no plans for them to release them here in the united states yet. what? i need to start a campaign. i know what i'm running for political office on. this. >> brian: vote for me. a cronut in every basket. >> steve: that's what people
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want to shove in their pie hole. the new york pie. >> brian: right. >> alisyn: how many times are you going to say that word? >> steve: a million. i think it's hilarious. >> brian: or blow hole. >> steve: let's do the weather on porpoise. >> good morning. we have more dogs on the plaza. more are up for adoption and right now we actually have kitty. a pit bull and actually she was actually hit by a car, unfortunately. so they've done a good job rescuing her. she's pretty much, much better now. she's very strong and i've been playing around with her on the plaza. beautiful dog. very strong. let's take a look at the weather conditions because as we've been standing out here playing together, i've noticed a little bit of drizzle in new york city. so we've been seeing the rainfall picking up. and there goes kitty. she wants to go over to matt and play with him, from animal
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haven. thank you so much. here you go. and we have drizzle expected across the northeast and more areas of rain as well. so keep an eye out for that. you'll need the umbrellas not just the northeast, but up and down the east coast. temperatures in the 70s in new york city. as we head into this afternoon, we'll stay in the 70s. not a lot of sunshine expected. 75 in new york city. parts of texas in the triple digits. and 86 will be the high in rapid city. now let's head over to brian. >> brian: all right. good luck with that dog. i think he's really taken to you. don't be surprise fundamental she takes it home. the developing story overnight, brand-new report says alex rodriguez is desperately now trying to negotiate a deal with major league baseball from i'm not talking, i have a lawyer, to let's cut a deal. the deal would actually come down to, as early as today, and would result in a lengthy suspension, perhaps the rest of this year and next year, but not a lifetime ban that keeps you out of hall of fame.
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he decided to settle after realizing how much evidence the league has tying him to ped's and also the lengths they have proof he went to to cover it up. big changes to the pro bowl. the nfl scrapped the nfc-afc matchup. they're implementing a fantasy draft. they will pick from two pro bowlers. peyton manning will decide who is the best runningback. and let's say drew brees will decide who is the best wide receiver. that means teammates could play against each other. league officials say they made the change because it's what the fans want. the new system starting up this coming pro bowl 'cause it's an all-star game where people don't want to tackle. so they're trying to keep the pro bowl alive. that's all you talk about. >> alisyn: pro bowl, pro bowl. >> brian: right. is this good for you? >> alisyn: the pro bowl? >> brian: yes.
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>> alisyn: yeah. >> steve: ask her if it was good for her? >> brian: yes. you love the pro bowl. >> steve: it's important stuff. coming up, just like nancy pelosi promised -- >> we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it away from the fog of the controversy. >> steve: yeah. obamacare's latest surprise, a hit to cancer patients. peter johnson, jr. is going to explain that coming up. it's something you need to hear. >> brian: plus. >> alisyn: it's not your ordinary road trip. we're going cross-country with canines. ♪
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[ male announcer ] this is betsy. her long day of pick ups and drop offs begins with arthritis pain... and a choice. take up to 6 tylenol in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. all aboard. ♪
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high fructose corn syrup from yoplait original and light, we were like, "sure. no problem!" and you were like, "thanks, but what about thick & creamy and whips!" and we were like, "done and done! now it's out of everything yoplait makes." and you were all, "yum!" and we're like, "is it just us, or has this been a really good conversation?" and you were like, "i would talk, but my mouth is full of yogurt." yoplait. it is so good!
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>> alisyn: breaking news for you now. the sentencing hearing for ariel castro begins in just a few minutes. you're looking at a live shot there inside the cleveland courthouse. castro is expected to spend the rest of his life behind bars. the sentencing hearing resumes also today for private first class bradley manning. he faces up to 136 years behind bars for leaking classified information to wikileaks. and the president is to sign a bill to keep the student loan interest rate below after it passed in the how. it lowers rates for undergrads to 3.9%. those rates will be tied to the market. let's go over to brian. >> brian: just like nancy pelosi promised -- >> we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it away from the fog of the
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controversies. >> brian: is it still foggy in the latest surprise and one-two punch for cancer patients thanks to obamacare and the sequester combined. many will have to pay even more for their treatment while trying to hold on to their life. peter johnson, jr. is here to explain. >> yeah. and i understand that. i went through chemotherapy, so i understand the pain of chemotherapy 30 years ago. so it's difficult physically, but now economically, we see that people in the united states are getting slammed between the sequester reductions that are affecting medicare and driving people away from their local doctors getting chemo in their offices to hospitals. so when they're driven to the hospitals, brian, they're something called a 340 plan that's been expanded under the affordable care act. the point was to help subsidize poor people and hospitals pay 25 to 50% less for the drugs from the drug companies, but at the same time, they're charging back the federal government and
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insurers 100%. so it's become a tremendous cash cow for the hospitals making tens of millions of dollars like duke university back in 2011, big piece of their profit. but at the same time, it costs more in co-pays for the cancer patients, costs $6,500 more to medicare, and the inconvenience of going 100, 200 miles to a location and being sick in the car coming and going, when instead you could go five or ten miles to your local doctor. so it's been a real problem for people that have cancer in this country. >> brian: it's unbelievable because i agree with the statement that just because you have cancer, it shouldn't wipe you out financially. but also you shouldn't be profiting from it either. >> absolutely. and i think part of the obamacare rationale was we need to get people on board. so they said, we're cutting the reimbursement rates to hospitals, but let's find a way that we can make -- let you make a profit on expensive cancer drugs and that's what's
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happening in this country. hospitals are making tens of millions of dollars on these expensive cancer drugs and are taking the patients away from local physicians who were treating those patients at their office and also buying up cancer practices and picking up a million and $2 million from the bottom line by bringing those doctors and their practices into their hospital. this is a matter of investigation right now. but at the same time, it's costing people more. it's more inconvenient. and it casts questions about do we really want to deliver services to the people that need it in a way that they need it and when and where they need it. >> brian: we're focusing on this today. this is another area -- >> it's a really bad area and these people need our prayers and concern and there is a bill in congress to help change all this. apart from all the defunning issues on -- defunding issues on obamacare. very tough for a lot of people today. >> brian: peter johnson, jr., thanks so much. >> good to see you.
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>> brian: 12 minutes before the top of the hour. imagine crossing the country in an rv with 25 of your closest friends, canine friends. meet the man who finished the trek and hear why did he it of the first, let's check in with bill hemmer who would only go cross-country if his limo driver allowed him. >> you're right. epic scene with you on the sidewalk this morning. >> brian: right. with my colored glasses. >> i talked to alisyn camerota, she says tomorrow you're bringing the pictures of the hot tub in. we have that to look forward to. >> brian: right. you are colluding. >> yes, we are. good morning. big morning of news. ed snowden is on the move. ariel castro is in court and his victims may dress him directly. we are watching that in the courtroom in cleveland. there are new allegations about the irs. will obamacare be different for congress than it is for you at home? george zimmerman back in the news. we'll tell you why coming up in ten minutes on a busy morning on
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"america's newsroom"
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>> steve: it was not your ordinary road trip. two animal rescuers packed up their bags to move across the country, but they did so with their pack of 25 dogs! david rosen filled took that trip and wrote about it in "dog tripping" and brought along some adoptable friends. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> steve: your love of dogs and the collection of dogs all started with the loss of your golden retriever, right? >> correct. we couldn't get another dog for about a year. then we started volunteering at a she wanter and it became too passive. we started rescuing from our own foundation and rescued 4,000. >> steve: 4,000 dogs. >> yeah.
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>> alisyn: and you ended up with 40 of them living in your house? >> we think anything over 40 is accepted. >> alisyn: what is that like when you have 25 to 40 dogs in your house? >> it's completely psychotic. you should not try this at home. but they're old dogs. >> brian: some of them just lay around, right? >> yeah. during the day when it's quiet, it looks like a civil war battlefield. there is bodies laying everywhere. but if fed-ex pulls up, it sounds like a fox hunt in our house. >> steve: you wrote this book about how you went from one coast to the other. you decided to retire in maine, but you wanted to take the dogs with you. >> yes. and it's not easy. these were large dogs. they're adorable and up for adoption at animal haven. but we had all large dogs and old dogs. >> alisyn: how did you move them? >> we did it on three rv's with 11 crazy humans. most of them were greeters who volunteered to do this. it like taught me lesson, like
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never volunteer to help a friend. but everything is a hassle. if you stop, you can't let 25 dogs out on the highway. we had to get 200 feet of plastic fencing and create our own dog parks every time we stopped. >> brian: wow. what you do it again? >> i would do it again to get them there. i still can't think of a better way to have done it. but it was pretty difficult. >> steve: what is it with you and dogs? you spend $1,000 a month on dog food out of your own pocket. you spent $30,000 a year on vet visits. what do you get out of it other than a kiss before bed? >> we're psychotic. we really are. it's very rewarding to take a dog out of a shelter and that otherwise wouldn't get out and give it a great life. >> alisyn: let's talk about how other people can do that. >> these dogs in new york, animal haven has these dogs for adoption. there is great rescue groups all
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over the country. i've done a two-week tour. >> brian: should we give him a dog? how would you like a dog? there you go. you want him? oh! >> the little boy's name is oliver. >> alisyn: adorable. >> steve: check out david's book "dog tripping" and it's great. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> alisyn: thanks for bringing them of the they're beautiful. we'll try to get them adopted. >> steve: can't go wrong with kids and animals, can you? >> alisyn: one found a home ♪ [ female announcer ] it balances you... it fills you with energy...
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was taking care of everything, and now i know that adt is absolutely worth it. [ male announcer ] get adt for as little as $99 and save a lot more than money. call or click today. >> steve: our summer concert series. >> brian: uncle crack will be here. this the framework for thousands
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of people. >> barbecue. >> alisyn: come back tomorrow. >> steve: in the after the show show, we'll talk more about david about his book "dog tripping." thank you for joining us. we'll see you back here manana. >> brian: say good-bye. >> alisyn: good-bye. let's get after it. fox news alert now. after a month landing at moscow's airport ed snowden on the move for the first time. the nsa leaker is said to leaving the airport officially entering russia after granting temporary asylum. vladmir putin has made a move. i'm bill hemmer. welcome here to "america's newsroom." you have come back for more. >> i decided to try another day. i'm heather childers in for martha maccallum. snowden has been in limbo at the moscow airport since june 20 third. the u.s. wanted russia to send him back home to face prosecution for spilling secrets about the u.s.


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