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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  August 2, 2013 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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me. >> that is it for . welcome to "red eye." it's like growing pains. if by pains you mean a highly potent strain of top grade stuff that could be yours for a low price if you meet me at the designated location tonight at 3:00. mr. dobbs. let's go to andy levy. what's going on on tonight's show. >> top story tonight, after russia granted temporary asylum, edward snowden leaves the moscow airport where he was hold up. nice, obama. plus, sales of rolling stone doubles after putting in places of tsarnaev on the cover. stay with me, everyone.
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thanks, obama. greg? >> about that jab about what i'm wearing. you know that i just got off work at day care center where i do improve for kids. >> no, i did not know that, greg. >> this is what i wear when i teach them how to climb out of a box and things like that. >> which is part of the settlement? >> yes. yeah. >> why didn't you wear pants? >> they said i didn't have to wear pants. let's welcome our guest she's so hot she sets off fire sprinklers. criminal defense attorney randi spence ser. he's so funny, they keep naming laughing gas joe davito gas. he lives every day like it's his last, bill schultz. and insightful commentary with the hokey-pokey.
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jimmy mcginnis. his son's book, "the death of cool" is now available in paper back. i would buy it. a block. the lede, that's the first story. hey, look, it's the king of the [ bleep ]. it looks like edward won't be snowed in. >> i don't get it. >> please shoot me. on thursday russia finally granted temporary asylum to edward snowden after he spent 17 years in a moscow airport. the leaky freak was given refugee status which puts him outside the rake of u.s. law enforcement and allows him to live in russia where he tries to get it a country that wants him permanently. in washington some guy named jay carney made it clear that this isn't okay.
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>> obviously not a positive development and we have a wide range of interests with the russians and we are evaluating utility of the summit. >> and some republican senators agree with john mccain calling russia's actions a slap in the face of all-americans. lindsey graham saying washington should consider this a game changer in our relationship with russia. also a game changer, this guy. this is great because andy levy no longer has to lock the door or anything. the cats can come and go as they please. i think that's pretty good. jimmy, good to see you on the show. you look great. thanks for the kit. >> thank you. thanks for dressing like a peeper's jam jams. >> jam jams?
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>> what people call p.j.s. i thought it was a perverted thing. >> you know all things about kids and sex jokes. >> speaking of which, what do you make of this, of him getting temporary asylum? >> i don't know what people are saying about the secrets leaking out. i'm rather finely mad about obama about something. fast and furious was dull. benghazi was incontinent. but this finally someone sees that e-mail about them going to bloody competitive erotic fan fiction thing at bumble chute and they're up in arms. that's what it's about, isn't it? >> oh, yes. >> oh, no, it's me. now i care. get mad. >> by the way, they're offended over that over the risk of basically sacrificing our national security. >> exactly. like this hasn't been going on
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for centuries. >> centuries. >> it's like watergate. listening in on the democrats. i'm scared. doesn't it bother me? >> no, it doesn't. >> does your conscience bother you? >> nice. very good. thank you very much. >> a big fu. >> it was. davito, is this really not about snowden, it's more about putin having a good laugh at our expense? >> absolutely. i think it's hilarious that one of the conditions of the asylum that he could not reveal any secrets. they kept a straight face during that one. i hope he enjoys his time in russia. it worked out great for lee harvey oswald. >> that's true. he was there before the big whatever that i don't remember because i wasn't born.
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remy, somebody is breaking the law. she laughs. >> i'm not sure i'm following your logic. i don't understand how anyone can consider snowden a hero. if he were a hero, if he were truly bold and brave in his actions he wouldn't be hiding out in an airport and begging for asylum. he would come back to this country and face the criminal charges that are filed against him and that should be filed against him. this is about justice. what's going to happen in a year from now when his temporary asylum expires? where is he going next? is he going to continue to run? >> look at you. somebody guarantees a conviction and he gives himself to the wolves and, boom, he's in jail. i don't trust the criminal justice system. it's probably illegal to drink on fox news. >> and you're testing that theory. >> you don't have the right criminal defense attorney
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working for you. >> bill, i've been trying to get other shows to grant up asylum. any other thoughts on how i can get rid of it? >> i don't think that's how it tworks on tv. >> i like the fact that when you talk you cover your face with a glass so people cannot see your ugly, ugly face. >> you're legit. i'm here to tell you that russia is not a threat, russia is not a democracy and as a result of not being a democracy we should bring that point home by having s.e.a.l. team 6 come m and have pussy riots. we call them fuji. >> i have a question for you devito. as we know in russia, they are incredibly homophobic. politicians say if there are any gay olynpians, why doesn't
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snowden call out the world's leading homophobe, putin and where is greenwald, why doesn't he come out and do the same thing? >> that is not only a ridiculous conspiracy theory and one of the most convoluted sentences and frankly that sounds -- >> wait a minute. okay. we have a guy that is basically ripping our country apart in terms of national security going to a country that abuses gays. if he has any -- go and say something to them. >> his thing is just spewing out information. >> yes. that's easy when you're in another country. now you're in russia. do that. have some real guts. >> he's also in russia with the way they treat the press, the surveillance programs, he couldn't have picked a more ironic place to go.
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i will say some of the outrage is silly. if we had the situation reversed. if we had someone here spilling russian secrets, we would be milking them for everything we could. it wouldn't be in the news because the russians would kill them. >> there was anna chapman but she wasn't spilling anything but hotness. >> cleavage. >> the reaction concern, the only thing i hate more than the word game changer is slap in the face. some people like being slapped in the face. it doesn't work. from leakes to freaks. does a reality bore make us want more. president obama, if that's his real name, took a shot at our very own royalty, kim car dash shan and kanye west. in an interview the president said when he was young in his birth place of kenya kids didn't feel cheated if they didn't have much. what mattered was basic stuff like home, a job, an education, of course copious amounts of
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marijuana. the pop culture has changed that. he explained that back then, quote, we weren't exposed to the things we don't have in the way that kids are today. kids weren't monitoring what kim car dash shan was wearing and what kanye west was doing. they tweeted a picture of kim kardashian's new baby learning to crawl. it is adorable. when i mean it, i mean he or she. i'm not sure because i haven't been following the whole thing. remy, should stars like kim car dash yash and kanye west be more low key about their fortune? >> isn't that all that a star like kim kardashian has?
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i agree with the president. what i don't understand is this is the second or third time since he's been a president has been talking about the kardashians. who cares what he thinks about the kardashians. by the president acknowledging their existence elevates their status in society in my opinion. they've done nothing worth while of their fame or fortune. >> how dare you. you haven't seen the sex tapes? what's wrong with wanting a 10,000 square foot house? is obama sending the message, don't buy large homes? kill our construction business? >> when i got home from work and sheeds' do the groceries and we were considered rich and had nothing, that's not what he's all about. he is a woman. >> not again. not again. >> president obama has his marks. these are his priorities. he likes talk shows, he likes fame, he likes celebrity mags.
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we think ronald reg began was the celebrity star, he was on less than this guy. he's within on "the view," oprah, the colbert report. he was on betty white's program. >> was he? >> yes. >> i had no idea. >> he's his mum. that's why he cares about all of this stuff. of course, the truth about consumption and how much we spend, that was totally lost on the fact that he's a tabby hound which is what we call people obsessed with tabloids. >> wait a second. obama may be his momma, but it is a fact that ronald reagan used to call nancy reagan his mother. what's creepier. >> you can say he's a celebrity. he was elected because he's cool. he doesn't care about politics. all of that stuff, way worse for obama. at least reagan didn't spend our
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bloody money. >> joe, does obama have a point? pop culture does skew the american dreemp am in a way. when i grew up i didn't know what people had. my dad was an accountant. i didn't know my friends were rich when i went over to their house. just thought i would tell you that. >> that's a sad story. >> i didn't have anything growing up. >> i kind of agree with that. it's interesting that the president is going off his constituency. yeah, it's true. those are not people you want to emulate or talk about. i don't agree with them sneaking in these messages, vacations and houses. i don't think i like that. >> it's almost like preparing you for the transformation which is to take our country down the communist path where we have nothing. they didn't even close in on me
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when i did that either, bill. >> didn't the king of england say potatoes are delicious when they're trying to promote them. >> it's a pr thing. >> hold on. >> no, they were a little late on that, bill. people monitor your life, schultz, to feel better about theirs. do you take solace in knowing your wretched state is a comfort. >> does solace mean drugs? because i'll take it. >> solace is a prescription. >> it leads to medication. >> if you experience dryness of the mouth take solace. if you have -- four more hours, take solace and call me. >> yeah. >> here's my problem. he has a point. more access to other people's wealth can do something but what it does is not a problem. if it creates envy, that's your problem. >> who stirred up more than that, class warfare? >> that's ludicrous.
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if he's concerned about people, concerned, he's taking it to the top. >> that's true, mr. devito. bill, he's never offered a solution. you shouldn't be following these people. why doesn't he say it's okay to be rich but possess values instead of flaunting. >> i don't think he was saying any of that to begin with. the point is young people shouldn't strive for success. no, that wasn't the message at all. that's the problem with the right wing blogosphere. you make fun of every stupid thing the president does and has no basis on anything. when he has valid criticism, it falls on deaf ears. it's all white news. believe me, it's mostly white. >> of course his point has validity but he blew it by bringing in the kardashians and kanye west.
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>> he is making a very conservative point. people should not strive to get a lot by doing very little. that is the kardashians. >> by bringing in a colored straw person. >> your point. >> she's armenian, not iranian. >> a model. >> how dare you, sir. don't use that language. >> the president has access to media and they're young. their daughters may talk about kardashians. this might be his reaction to it. he may be fed up with hearing about it. >> stalking boys come from children. >> the point has been convoluted. e is doing what a lot of people on the left do which is worry about envy. if envy does not exist you shouldn't care whether somebody is much wealthier than you. a lot of envy are between people that are slightly wealthier than you. when donald trump walks down the
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street, everybody likes him. they were' not jem louse. class warfare, that's the problem. >> that's not me, but kanye west. does kim kardashian deserve her success? i can't think of any criteria other than being a prostitute on video. >> four words, the duck of duck. >> there's nothing new with people wanting to keep up with the joness. today we have the joness as the kardashians. they are so unattainable. that wealth is un -- nobody realistically thinks they're going to have $50 million in their bank accounts tomorrow. that the way that they're going to try to do that is emulate the crazy and in some people's minds the disgusting things that kim kardashian did to attain that level of success. i don't know that it's about envy rather than substance.
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earn it. don't do what kim kardashian has done. >> i have to agree with what the president has done. you know what's a perfect example of this, "cribs." on mtv, if you've ever watched "cribs" it's athletes without any taste who hired the same person. if you walk into their house, white carpet, pool table, weird march bell sculptures. the athletes say, yeah, that's a thing that i've got -- >> they've barely been there. 25% of these guys are flat broke in four years. >> ambition is better than envy. >> if somebody kills themselves because their neighbor has a ferrari. >> that ambition is not the same as envy. ambition is like oh, that person is over there, i want to get there. envy is that person is over there, i want to bring him down. >> exactly. the old line that when my neighbor has a broken leg, i
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walk faster. >> what language was that translated for? >> that's a classic. >> on that note. >> that was really bad. all right. coming up, should you miss work and pleasure? defense attorney remy spends serp has a new book "my new client murdered his way into my heart." do you have what it takes to work for lindsay lohan? sure. right.
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all right. they called him trouble and their sales doubled. yeah, rolling stones controversial cover featured the boston bomber. it sold like something that apparently might have sold well. who knows. the terrorist turn teen heart
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thrown helped increase sales by 102%, double the average in which 7 people bought it. this despite the fact that some retailers chose to pull the rag. the rag said the fact that [ bleep ] is young and in the same age group as many of our readers makes it all the more important to examine the issues and gain complete understanding of how this could happen. he made punc look computer than a giggling beer cat. oh, that hand is so adorable. did you see how that animal was tickling the hand. the hand loved it. jimmy -- i did. i flipped it. >> i like that. >> jimmy, bottom line. it's easy to double figures when the figure you're doubling is so
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low. >> i get it confused with lease sales. it said 13,000 copies were sold. >> yes. >> last year at the same time it was six. >> six? >> right. who needs that many? you could be -- you could be a burn victim on twitter, more people would hear what you have to say. >> why a burn victim? >> anything unique. three ears and you've got 15,000 followers. >> i know what you're saying, in this day and age where i have 250,000 followers, i have about 20 -- well, 250 -- 25. >> six times 40, by the way. geez. >> so stupid. >> my point is this, how can they get advertising? >> how much is an ad? >> i can buy an ad. >> would you like to reach 6,000 people a month?
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don't go to the internet, it does that like that. don't go to any social media. >> that's so true. >> again, 80 bucks. >> you know what gets you 6,000 easily is that free local paper that's in front of your post office. that gets more than that. >> tweet to people that have 100,000 followers for 100 bucks. >> what was the sales issue for this. you think 6,000 is good, wait till you hear -- do you want your products associated? >> a coke video, almost close to that. >> remy, with this massive success, should "rolling stone" do angelic shots of other people and would you be their agent? >> no and yes. the cover did exactly what it was intended to do. this is my second time on your show talking about this coverage. >> almost there, right? >> and it got people to buy it,
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more than they've had obviously in a long time. it was disgusting in my opinion. if this is what you're resorting to in order to sell your magazine, it's probably time to close up shop. i think the reality is this magazine won't be around much longer. >> i kind of agree. bill, 16,000 copies, you could sleep under that. >> right now, my old national geo graphics, i can't throw them away. >> they're stuck all over you. >> there are a couple of issues that show me. he looks like that on the cover because that's the way he looks. he looks sexy getting out of the boat with blood all over him. they had a best seller with charles manson in 1970. they put a killer on the coverage as well. crazy sells. it's outrage. >> there's phony outrage. >> charles bronson never killed a soul. >> he was a vigilante.
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>> what do you know? >> what's with all of these eastern europeans like the serbian charles bronson. listen, young lad, get vilified. >> it's not outrage, it's anger. this is what happens when straight men get angry at the fact that they're not attracted to a young boy. >> >> great theory. >> that is the greatest theory of the show. >> bill, i will never get tired of saying you could not be more wrong. charles manson was put on that cover because he was supposed to be like look at this crazy lunatic. he wasn't on there making bedroom eyes. it was gross the way they put him on there as though he was another stupid celebrity that they put on the magazine that no one reads. i think the funny thing was they said our read areship, like young people care about 150 bob dylan song.
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the quote was stupid where they cover their asses. this tragedy didn't happen. they set out to kill a bins bunch of people. don't make it like someone left the door open and things got wet. you're celebrating it. >> and charles manson had more talent in his little finger than anybody -- >> remember, all of the families of the people that had friends injured or killed. >> yeah. >> they're just mad because they're gay, secretly attracted to them like bill. >> i never heard them say anything. the article is completelyvillely fieg him. >> we've got to go. john travolta is really gay gets my respect. with all of the false accusations he keeps his head held high and i admire that. is 1,000 years a long enough sentence for ariel castro? will he live to serve out that?
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we'll finish up here.
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. they had a theory about a query. a new york woman claims her family's interest in a pressure cooker and backpack prompted a visit from the police. michelle catalano, if that's her real name, said she was looking into buying a pressure cooker on line to cook lentils at a time when her son was shopping online and her son was reading about
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the boston bombing. it led investigators to search the home and question her husband for about 45 minutes. i'm told after that they all went hang gliding. on thursday the police released a statement saying they released a tip from a person who said they received a tip from investigators. this seems like we should discuss this in something we should discuss in something i like to call lightening round. lightening round. >> all right, remy. is this story weird? it's weird because -- >> yes. >> okay. there are three elements. bombing, backpack, pressure cooker. it could happen like the perfect storm and then you have the other element that the cops were acting on a tip from somebody. what's going on? >> number one, why are the local
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police investigating an act of potential terrorism. this is something that the fbi are uniquely and distinctly trained to investigate and to handle. so as local law enforcement made have received a tip, i think it's not unusual for them to be skeptical. the next thing is, i don't understand why people do not use and lie on their fundamental constitutional rights. the cons rang the doorbell, can we come in? oh, yeah, come on in. then they say, i don't think it's fair. why is this happening? you let them in your house. you don't have to let them in your house. you don't have to speak to them. you don't have any obligation to turn over everything. our constitution and fourth amendment has been interpreted by the courts, state and federal, to give you the utmost privacy in your home. ask for a warrant or your invitation. >> that's what i hate about the
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fourth amendment. when i dress up as a cop, half the time they won't let me in. it bugs me, jimmy. what do you make of this? is this the price we pay for stopping the bad guys. >> the detective goes aren't you just pissed that you got caught doing something that you're ashamed of? all right. i threw the poodle. she was acting for it. dude, what were you doing, pal? >> they always do that on "law and order." >> they always snap. all right. here's all the details. >> have you ever tried to talk into a very bright light. close your eyes. turn that off! >> and the predicament, i hope it's not the nippy sweetie. earlier i was making fun of people for worrying about their hair. here we are seeing how incompetent government is when they gets their hands on something. i remember back in 1970 when i just moved to canada there was the flqs.
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they put out a statement on budgeting. quebec's budget, the canadian terrorists were blowing up a building. the police started to come and investigate people. they see a book on cubism. they harassed these professors for loving cuba. so mainly these people have a point. >> you know what it is -- >> the nsa stuff. >> it used to happen in london when they had the pedophile hysteria. they would see somebody who would be a -- what's it -- >> pediatrician. >> pediatrician. they would -- a real dumb person would go, that's a pedophile. >> that happened with pee wee herman. >> wait a second. >> here's what happened there. first of all, from ferris bueller's day off. he got caught. >> really? >> the gummy bear guy? >> he is forced to rat out people. know anyone else into weird
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stuff? he goes, i know paul rubins and john wallace. they swoop in on him. >> really? >> it's like mccarthyism. there's always these trends. maybe i'm changing my mind on the nsa. >> he mentioned my name. i wasn't as big a celebrity at the time. i was working on a book, doing research for a book is what it was. >> bill -- >> go ahead. that's not mccarthyism. that's what happens. help yourself out. they're always going to sell everybody else they know out. they won't cooperate. >> there are trends. >> the ones that will get the cops, prosecutors and politicians the headlines, those are the trends. >> i want to bring joe into this. i thought for a moment you were nodding off. >> a little bit. >> yes. is this -- >> a sign of good heroin. >> do you think this is real?th
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>> very strange story. it's changed even since we started, you know, talking about this. at first, i agree, as soon as i learned there was no warrant served, you tell them to go away. they're leak a vampire. once you let them in your house, you can say no. you can't say you can look in this room but you want look in that one. i was reading the story. the son is sleeping. okay. don't want to make him. that doesn't make any sense. i thought this was based on keystrokes and stuff like that. to me, if that's the best we can do, if that's what makes the police show up, not the feds but the locals? then we have an employer. then i'm thinking the locals showed up because it's a workplace violence thing. >> no, that's me making things up for the most part. >> that has nothing do do with the nsa.
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>> you should walk into this, peter falque. >> one thing that's bothering me. my wife is a huge fan. >> that's not peter falque. that was columbo. >> different language, all right? doing a different accent and then squinting my eyes. >> i thought it was pretty weak. >> ouch. >> all right. we've got to take a break. interesting story. i have an idea we'll have to do a follow-up and recant everything we said. it will turn out anything ever happened. >> interesting idea. let's forget it happened. >> the ferris bueller principal. he talked about it. jeffrey jones. >> bam, bam, bam. >> all right. we've got a lot more stuff to talk about. i think we have one story and then andy. "the joy of hate." it's amazing. you will love every single page twice, three times.
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lindsay lohan is out of rehab. how many times have we led a story with that sentence? and she's entered our hearts once again. tmz reports that american sweetheart will live with a, quote, sober coach for a few days as she feels she needs a transition period before reentering the free world. the actress -- free world? >> what happened to the hair? >> anyway, she's beautiful. the actress plans to do an interview with oprah later this month and also some cocaine. >> what? >> i don't know about that. >> call me. >> jimmy, are sober coaches the real thing or some guy telling you, don't drink. >> i'm an old man. in my day we didn't even have weed so i'm sort of just guessing here, but if i was to guess i would say that she's in a bit of a predicament because she has adderall.
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heroin addicts with adderall, it keeps them up. ten years ago they would nod off and go to sleep. crack or cocaine, that's only a 10-minute buzz. with adderall, especially the time release capsule, it says amphetamines on the bottle. she does a hit. i don't know if she snorts it, takes it. and then she does two time releases, 60 milligrams. she's like a viagra, awake for the next 40 hours. >> 60 milligrams is a lot. >> are you sure you grew up before weed. >> weekend at bernie's. >> >> then it's, hello, how are you today? take off things at a car dealership. just going, whew. that's how she gets into trouble. >> i don't know what any of that has to do with lindsay lohan. >> adderall.
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>> thanks for the primer on recreational adderall use. she can look like -- she looks like she's aged. >> drugs aren't kind to women. okay to do. >> she was a cute kid, good little actress. i think something people don't talk about enough when we talk about the justice system, people frame it in terms of racial disparities. it's not about that, it's about money and celebrities. she's completely out of control. because she's rich and famous and because she was good looking, she'll be in trouble sooner rather than later. >> i don't think she's getting away with it. she's going back to court on a regular basis. she has to give drug samples. i think because the media is paying so much attention to this the judge and prosecutors, they have to do everything by the book and she is a disaster. she seems to have unraveled.
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hopefully that's not the case. >> not by bill's standards. >> let her party. >> a million or so people in prison today, how many are celebrities who dodged the bullet? >> well, she's a drug addict so to be fair most drug addicts don't spend years and years behind bar. >> you couldn't be more wrong. it's called crimes committed. >> we've got to take a break here. coming up, the post game report from tv's andy levy.
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yeah, kim and all of those british guys too. >> yeah, they know how to treat a good friend and comrade, if you will. >> no. they have no respect for traitors. nobody does. >> nobody does. >> who does? >> nobody. >> well, bill does. >> yeah. >> i don't know what trait who are means.
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>> traitor. >> victor: -- traitor viblg. >> remy, you said if he was a hero, he wouldn't be hold up in an airport. he would come back, blah, blah, blah. i don't agree. it takes moral courage to give up your job, give up your girlfriend, give up your country to do something you think is right. >> well, you had trouble even saying those words. >> that's true. >> no, i think that if this were a well thought out, noble, courageous act it would have been done in a well thought out, far more professional way and he would have stayed here and said why he didn't commit crimes if that's what he was doing. >> he did commit crimes. he stole. >> yes. and that's supposed to be a good thing? i don't think that we can hold him up as a hero. >> no. >> look, i understand what people's opinions are. i just disagree with it. >> all right.
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little fashionist, aren't you? >> no neem for name-calling, andy, you jerk. >> now he's gaining more power than he certainly deserves because it's putting further strain on the relationship with russia. >> nobody has more power than gosh. he is the big one. >> i don't think this is working out exactly how he planned. i don't think he's happy about this. >> no, i agree with that. now that russia's given him temporary asylum for a year. >> right. >> it's put being further strain on the relationship between the u.s. and russia. as a consequence, that's giving this manpower that he certainly doesn't deserve. >> this is all i want. i want somebody to take a picture of snowden out of the airport so they'll stop using that same damn picture. at this point that's all i care about. >> why is she in that picture? what's she all about? >> in which picture? >> she looks like crap. >> greg, i don't really get your
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point about snowden regarding russia and gay rights. it's not like snowden went to russia because he's a huge fan of russia and thinks they're big on freedom. he went to russia because he had nowhere else to go. >> he accepted that -- >> of course he did. his choice was do that or basically come back here and go to jail. >> yes. and he should. >> any country he wanted to go to we pretty much didn't let him. >> yes. >> it's not like he chose russia. >> yes. but he is going to a place that is way, way more intolerant and less free than the you states, a plates whi place which he has put in jeopardy. he is going to a place which is more harmful to its people by far and he is taking comfort from them. that bothers me don't think tha arguable, that's true. >> i'm just saying. okay. if you now are beholden to a guy who basically implicitly said
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it's okay to beat the crap out of gay people on the street. >> right. >> then that kind of sucks. >> where did snowden think he was going to -- what did he think he was going to release the secrets and go on a mediterranean cruise. >> he thought he was going to iceland. >> yeah, and hang out with bjorg. >> i remember back in benghazi days, greg, you said he should flee and, andy, you said, good, he should stand trial and go to jail. it seems like you're both flipping for this guy. >> back in benghazi days? >> when we were talking about benghazi, andy, you seemed to think, yes, good, gone, throw him in jail. the guy that did the youtube video. >> snowden. i was trying to figure out what was going on there. >> you lost me. the filmmaker. >> criminal justice system, sometimes we say don't rely on the criminal justice system. please, they're mad. >> the filmmaker didn't commit a crime. >> he did commit a crime. probation. >> violated probation. >> making secrets.
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that's all i ever said about him was that he did commit a crime. i said the same exact thing about snowden. obama takes a little jab at kim kardashian and kanye. the president mentioned the kardashians elevates them to a level they don't deserve and they've done knock to earn their fame and fortune. oddly i would agree. you wouldn't say the same thing about kanye. >> i don't know much about kanye. he didn't marry or have a baby with a kardashian. i don't know if they're married. he did have a baby. he's guilty by association. >> he looks like a chip monk smuggling nuts. >> kanye wasn't born into money. b, he has worked. >> i like him. >> i'm not digging kanye. i don't know why the president of our country is talking about kim kardashian and kanye west. >> greg, you said obama is doing
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a lot of people on the left are doing is stirring up envy. i think what he's doing is talking about values. as remy pointed out, they haven't earned what they've gotten. >> i said that. >> but i also said that as well. but i said it's a little of both. >> he weyou were eating your cad having it. >> i did a google search for when my neighbor has a broken leg. >> that goes to the gutfeld book of quotes. >> yeah. >> also ungoogleable. >> quickly, i have to go. rolling stone circulation, the 13,000 copies, newstand sales, only 5% of their total circulation. they sell more copies than that. >> 60,000. >> i don't think i have time for anything else. >> all right, andy. thanks a lot. remy, spencer, bill schultz, joe devito, jimmie, say hi to gavin for me.
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>> no. >> all right. i'm hosting o'reilly tomorrow so watch that. i'll see ya.
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factor. >> bill: the o'reilly factor is on. tonight. >> i will just tell you what i have been hearing. they suspect maybe the police are killing some of these kids. >> bill: that was money unique davis a representative in illinois making incredible statement about the police. she will be here tonight. >> i'm inviting him for beemplet any time he would like to come down and sit down for the pub for a beer. >> i'm running for re-election in new jersey i don't have time for that at the moment. >> the verbal brawl heats up and the governor seems to want no detente. gutfeld and mcguirk on thanks the white house will have to scramble the state department, the pentagon and figure out where they go from here in their relationship with moscow.


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