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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  August 3, 2013 3:00am-7:01am PDT

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>> alisyn: good morning, everyone. today is august 3rd. i'm alisyn camerota. thanks for joining us bright and early. we begin with a fox news alert for you because the state department issues a worldwide travel alert and shuts down embassies across the middle east after a terror threat. we have all of the latest for you from washington. >> and so much for civility and colored blindness. charlie rangel goes on a racist rant calling the tea party a white cracker. should the liberals condemn these comments? >> a scary wakeup call, why not sleeping through the night signal something more serious about your health. this is "fox & friends" and it begins right
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>> alisyn: good morning, everybody. thanks to much for joining us. peter johnson jr. in for clayton this morning. >> peter: good morning. >> alisyn: great to have you back, tucker. we is missed you. >> tucker: thank you. >> alisyn: a fox news alert we start with because there are some new details emerging on the al qaeda terror threat. shutting down 21 u.s. embassies tomorrow. and it has led at the a worldwide travel alert for americans. elizabeth prann is live in washington with the very latest for us. hi, elizabeth. >> good morning. senior intelligence officials say they have gathered enough evidence to suggest that terrorists affiliateds continue to plan terrorist attacks in the middle east and north africa and across the country. not only closing embassies but issuing a worldwide travel alert that warns measures to take every precaution to be aware of their surroundings.
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the scope is something we have never seen before. 21 embassies and consulates in more than a dozen different countries will be shut down. >> this is a world that is a very complex world, and we are going to make sure that we protect our embassies. that's critical at this moment, whether and to send a message that the united states is not going to be under attack. we are protecting our folks. >> house intelligence chairman mike rogers releasing ago statement and in part it reads, the seriousness of the threat stream is a sober reminder of all of al qaeda's determination and ongoing intention to commit acts of violence on western and u.s. targets. media reports state the u.s. did gather electronic communication this week among senior operatives of al qaeda. as the violence continues, in fact, overnight there was explosion from suspected suicide bomber near the indian consulate in afghan city. britain and germany will follow suit this weekend. those countries set to close their diplomatic
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missions in yemen. spokesman said it was also for precautionary measures. peter, ally, tucker, back to you. >> alisyn: elizabeth, thank you for that we don't know much about this threat. we do know a few things. more specific than previous threats. the chatter and details that elizabeth just laid out were picked up from the nsa surveillance program, and that the intent as she said is to attack all western, not just u.s. interest. >> tucker: we know the message that it sounds is that al qaeda is very powerful. powerful enough to force the most serious country in the world to close 21 embassies all qualify as u.s. soil. so, basically, we are taking our crews from al qaeda, still sending a powerful message about strength and weakness. >> look at the map of all of the embassies and con salutes being shut down as a result of this threat allegedly coming out of yemen from a cap, al qaeda, the rainian peninsula. i think, tucker, you make the right point, rarely,
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it's not unprecedented but rarely in american history have governmental operations in so many countries been shut down and we don't know how long he they are going to be shut down. what kind of signal does that send to the world and what kind of activity will take in the future to trigger even greater shutdowns and even more embassies and con salutes around the world. >> sends a message we often send is that you can control our behavior by threatening us. >> alisyn: ing having said that remember all the heat that obviously the state department has taken in light of benghazi and that they did not shut down the consulate. they didn't listen to embassy chris stevens' cries saying that the situation was getting worse. maybe they have learned the lesson from benghazi. >> tucker: i think it's a dangerous world and there are risks out there. there are. and people will continue to die. the question is -- will al what everybody has said why did it they not pay attention to the unraveling security system in benghazi, so now they have a credible tip that something is going to happen on sunday. shouldn't they pay
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attention to that? not you. not you. >> i always thought that was unfair criticism. the problem in benghazi is the cover up of the lying. the fact is people die in the middle east because it's a dangerous region. >> peter: i think you are both making credible point. the valid point with regard to all of these closings are is why don't we have the backing of those countries that are providing security for our embassies? why isn't our relationship good enough with thighs countries some of them allegedly allies of the united states to stand and protect our embassy. the issue in benghazi was that we didn't have the forces there. that we had pulled them out. we had pulled the marines out. what are the marines doing here? what are the embassy protection teams doing here? what are these local countries doing to protect american interests? because in the end we need to he rely on them. >> alisyn: lt. colonel tony shaffer agrees with tucker that it sends the wrong message. >> we are sending the very wrong signal. we have spent billions of dollars on security in all of these embassies.
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you are telling me that a couple of guys with a very crude device may get close enough to do something and they are worried about that? i think we have got to be going at them, getting into their ooddle and how they think so we can prevent. this this tells me we are not out there like we should penetrating these groups and getting ahead of them. >> peter: how do you get ahead of them and what are we doing? it seems be out of nowhere, aly, tucker, because we have been told time and time again as well as in the 2012 election that the terrorists were on the run. so now we wake up on a day in august and we say we are closing 21 embassies in middle east, what happened? >> alisyn: which one is it? meanwhile, you of course remember in 2008 when the president, president obama made his outreach speech to the muslim world. basically said that he understood the muslim world because of his background, better than any previous president. things were going to change, he hoped. he, will open hand if it
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isn't met with a clinched fist. he extended a olive branch to the muslim world. and it turns out now that that was not -- they didn't care. i mean, it sounded good at the moment and it sounded like it was the dawn of a new day, and it sounded hopeful. but it was apparently naive because, as we have learned now, in retrospect, they don't really care hot president of the united states is. >> exactly it was predicated on a falsehood. the falsehood was they hate us because we have been mean to them or wronged them in some way. if we are only nice and show a little empathy and have conversations with them they will like us and stop attacking us. it turned out to be ludicrous. totally. >> wrong. charles krauthammer has thoughts on what went wrong. >> we have this unprecedented shutting of embassies. remember, there is no need to shut down u.s. embassies in christian lands already closed. this is only in the muslim world. obama had assumed that because of his history
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growing up in indonesia because of the sentiment he had towards islam, because of his silver tongue and because he was denouncing abroad all things having to do with bush, that america would, as he obama has been saying, it's standing in the world as a new high. it's at a rather low when we have to our embassies, unprecedented closings around the muslim world. i'm not second-guessing the call. we obviously have a lot of chatter, as he they say. it tells you the wreckage that the foreign policy. >> peter: wreckage. >> alisyn: wreckage, you could say it's the wreckage of the obama foreign policy or as tucker was saying us they hate us, they always have. it's not because of george bush. it's not because of our policy. it's because they are homicidal maniacs. they want to kill children. >> tucker: personal style. they thought bush was dumb. that's why they attacked us. it was so false from day one.
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>> alisyn: meanwhile, we do have other news to get to. here are your headlines. we have brand new information on that multi-state. >> salad was served in olive garden and red lobster restaurant. health officials are still trying to determine if the salad mix is responsible for the outbreak in the other 14 states. and it could be his last home run for a very long time. alex rodriguez smacking a homer during a rehab game last night in new jersey. reports until he has enemy tomorrow to announce a deal with major league suspension on doping and connections to doping clinic. mlb is considering a lifetime ban if a rod doesn't cop a deal. he sure sounds like someone expecting to place next week. >> are you confident that you are going to be in chicago? >> yeah. yep. unless i get hit by lightning and these days you never know.
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>> alisyn: god, are you listening? [ laughter ] major league baseball expected to announce what players are being suspended monday. this morning, the power ball jackpot has grown to it $300 million, if you will both excuse me, i need to go some place right now. the drawing is tonight so you are running out of time to have your strike at striking it rich. tickets are two bucks apiece. buy them in 43 states, washington, d.c., and the virgin islands. the odds of hitting all numbers, 1 in 75.2 million. >> that's all? >> there you go. peter. >> peter: rehab game. are all those people in rehab in that game? >> alisyn: i don't know what that term means. >> peter: that's an interesting term. >> alisyn: i wasn't sure about that a sports thing i didn't get. >> peter: okay. >> alisyn: rick reichmuth is here to tell us how the weather is looking around the country, hi, rick. >> not that bad for people really. nice day and temps not that bad either. trouble spots this morning. one is across areas of
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southern missouri. we have pretty significant rain three inches or so. flooding and severe weather as well. mostly very strong winds of some of these storms. springfield just to the north of branson, joplin, missouri area. be very careful this morning. this is also right here this is was once tropical storm dorian. still a tropical depression. dorian. notice all the rain is off short. i don't think we are looking at big impacts from this unless you are going to the coastal areas from the carolinas and down towards florida today. probably some rough seas and maybe a few rip current as well. might see a few inches of rain in florida but overall that's really not looking that bad. we will have much more on that coming up threat the morning. guys, send it back to you. >> tucker: thank you very much rick. sounds like good news. >> alisyn: unemployment rate is dropping. is the economy getting any better? breaking down the numbers next. >> tucker: who says money can't buy you love, of course it can.
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one woman putting it to a test. 10 grand to the one who can find her a husband. details on that coming up. ed i'm gonna have to ask you to power down your little word game. i think your friends will understand., it's actually my geico app...see? ...i just uh paid my bill. did you really? from the plane?
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>> alisyn: is the u.s. economy on the road to recovery. dipped to 7.4%, but what do these figures truly fell us? and where do we need to be to bounce back economically. let's ask judy, an employment expert. not unemployment, an employment expert. senior vice president at good to see you. >> always good to see you too. >> alisyn: only good -- always confusing when the numbers come out. the unemployment number dropped to 7.4. what are we to make of
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this? >> there is a lot in this report, certainly that came out yesterday. a little bit of good news. a little bit of concerning news. the good news is the unemployment rate did drop by .2%. so we're down to 7.4. showing that less people are looking for work. but those are are legally two separate surveys. it also could be that some people are actually dropping out of the workforce and giving up on looking for work. >> alisyn: it sure seems like it it because in terms of full-time employment, that is at a low and not an impressive number. in fact, more part time jobs have been added this past year than full-time jobs. >> yes, and also seeing more temporary jobs created as well. so there there was job creation of 162,000, the jobs that are coming back, are in radio -- retail, sales positions, customer service. they are across the board. some professional jobs as well. but, concerning that, there is not stronger numbers and not more professional jobs actually being created.
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glnkts the labor participation rate fell to 63.5%. so that's -- there are a lot of people in this country who are not a part of the labor force. >> he yes. so less people working. it's actually at the lowest rate, i believe, since the carter administration. so it is concerning that there is not as many jobs that are out there today. there is less people working. though we are seeing job creation. there was also a few other concerns on the report. wages dropped. the average hours that people work on a weekly basis also declined. so, you know, it's kind of a -- the report was okay. but just not a fantastic report like we could have seen maybe 200,000 or more than 200,000 jobs created. that's what we really need to go back to to get things moving in the right direction. >> alisyn: you say there are some bright spots in the labor market. there are some cities that seem to be real hot spots
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for hiring. let's talk about those. number one, dallas-fort worth and houston number two. so texas is doing well. >> yeah. texas is doing well. texas even did well through the recession. there is a lot of opportunities in many different sectors. healthcare is doing very well. insurance, retail, again is hot area in texas well as information technology and engineering. >> alisyn: that might explain why atlanta and seattle and phoenix are also doing well. for people out there looking for jobs, you suggest that they look in nursing -- >> -- yes. >> and retail. >> retail, customer service, sales, it, again, is one of the hottest areas. you do need to have the experience and the skills. but there are a lot of opportunities in information technology. even, i think we had on the list truck drivers is coming back, which is a good economic indicator, you know, certainly that there is opportunity. so the positions are across the board in many sectors,
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but you really need to look at what states and what cities are performing well, you know, people that are open to relocation should certainly consider options because there are jobs out there but they are not in every state. >> alisyn: for more information on what jobs you can find go to joan great to he so you this morning. >> great to see you, thank you. >> alisyn: the explosive car crash caught on camera. car across the interstate and car bursts into flames. what caused that car to lose control. first war on cigarettes. now some are waging a war on ecigarettes. where smokers just can't catch a break. i gotta go deposit a check, transfer some money. so it's your uncle's turn.
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cyanide because he owed him money. investigators say the suspect has no link to the testimony in the bulger case. businesses like starbucks are starting to snuff out ecigarettes. starbucks confirmed banned on smoking within 25 feet feet of the shops also pertain to esecrets. electronic smokers say that's taking things one step too far. tucker? tuck particular thank you, peter. the u.s. issuing a global
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traveling alert two dozen embassies and con salutes in the middle east due to what they call al qaeda terror threat. this while rusher grants temporary asylum to edward snowden. all this begs the question is america losing respect in its standing around the world. with us fox news military analyst bob generals. thank you for joining us this morning. >> hi, tucker. first to the news, do you think that closing 22 embassies and con salutes in response to al qaeda threat is a wise decision? >> oh, absolutely. it's a decision based on the presumption that al qaeda -- that the al qaeda franchise, at least in the middle east, has grown from the west coast of africa to indonesia and as far south as sudan. so what that suggests is that the bits and pieces of al qaeda have started to string together such that they can threaten wide areas of the world. american interests in wide areas of the world and do it with impunity.
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so, we learned in benghazi what happens when you don't send out threat alerts. and surely this is a prudent thing to do it also shows how america's influence is waning in these parties of the world, tucker. old saying in the military power equals capability times will. capability is of course military capability and will is your willingness to use it and probably at no time in our history have i seen american power be any greater but american resolve and american strategy and america's willingness to use that power be so diffused and difficult to figure out. >> tucker: is this what we are seeing to some extent in the snowden case fugitive in russia and russian people vladimir putin taking great pleasure in granting him asylum and thereby number ising the united states. >> let's just run down the list. pulling u.s. forces out of iraq two years ago based on
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current history, how does that look now. supplying the rebels in syria. here we are two or three months into this thing the sur i can'ts haven't gotten small arms from us yet, much less the missiles to kill tanks. look at egypt both sides the muslim brotherhood and the government are blaming us for it. finally to your point, you have this country, russia, that militarily is a shadow of what it was, say, towering the cold war continually and gleefully poke ago stick in the eye of the americans simply because we don't have the resolve or the will to do anything about it. >> tucker: wait, this is the opposite of what we were promised five years ago. wasn't it the idea because president obama experience indo-sneesh shah et would be beloved by the rest of the world and that would enhance american authority, no? >> oh, yes, let's go to another principle of war and that is that the enemy has a vote. the enemy's vote counts. it's one thing to declare yourself on one side of a global conflict. something else for the
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enemy to accept your declarations. it's one thing to give a great speeches about what we intend to do without paying enough attention to what the enemy is try to do. in all of the cases that you mentioned and that i have mentioned, the enemy steps back and listens and doesn't look for comedy with the united states. they look for chinks in our armor and weaknesses they can exploit. it's only been that way for 5,000 years, tucker. nothing is going to change. >> tucker: that's true. very smart point. general, thanks for joining us this morning. we appreciate it it? >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: the president continues to call the benghazi attack a phony scandal. if it's so phony why is this administration working so hard to keep a lid on what actually happened? who says money can't buy you love? of course it can. one woman putting that line to the test. she is offering 10 grand to the next person who can find her a husband. we got details on that coming up. ♪ i'm tony siragusa and i'm training guys who leak a little,
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having less pain is -- it's a wonderful feeling. [ female announcer ] ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. married to morty kauan. [ lee ] now that i'm getting older some things are harder to do. this is not a safe thing to do. be careful babe. there should be some way to make it easier [ doorbell rings ] let's open it up and see what's cookin'. oh i like that. look at this it's got a handle on it. i don't have to climb up. this yellow part up here really catches a lot of the dust. did you notice how ean it looks? morty are you listening? morty? [ morty ] i'm listening! i want you to know >> the fact is we had four dead americans. was it because of a protest or because of guys out for a walk one night who decided they would go kill some americans? what difference, at this point, does it make? >> what we have seen as
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time as passed and more facts have become known whether it's about the attacks on benghazi and the talking points or revelations about conduct at the irs, that attempts to turn this into a scandal have failed. tuck troubling these people are such liars because it turns out it is a scandal. five employees who were present at benghazi a in september have been forced to sign more additional nondisclosure agreements. moreover more employees have been subjected to policy graph examination to see if they are leaking to media or congress. >> peter: dozens of cia employees on the ground that have never been disclosed in the past people did k. have
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histrionics about why does it matter and this is an old problem. but obviously this is one of the greatest scandals of this five year obama administration. >> alisyn: these are two dink things, why the saying it wasn't a big issue is something to explore. do we want our cia operatives' identities and motives being disclosed. isn't it a point they are supposed to be secretive? >> tucker: here is the problem. this administration has spent much more time and money and effort shutting down its own employees cia officers than it has ever people committing the murders. cnn organization this went went down and sat with one of the chief suspects this week in these killings. he said on camera "i have never been contacted by the fbi or libyan authorities. >> alisyn: that's an excellent point it is perplexing why there hasn't been more energy to try to find the culprits that
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killed four americans there has been no explanation for that. the fbi put them up on their most wanted list. there are pictures, not them, obviously those are our four american heros the victims. the fbi put up who they believe the perpetrators are on their web site and and why isn't anybody interviewing the suspect? why aren't they going after them? it's obviously not that hard party peter i asked my brother and sister in the morning and i ask the american people does congress have a right to know what happened in benghazi. and apparently the white house doesn't think they have a right. watch this. >> nearly six months ago, our own secretary kerry asking for the names and contact information of the state department employees who were in benghazi last september. did the department refuse to provide this information or even confirm the number of those wounded and the nature of their injuries? >> alisyn: yeah, i just don't know what the protocol is.
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are cia identities revealed to congress? is that how it normally works? when you ask to know more about the cia and secret operation. >> congress has the oversight over the executive that's exactly right and that includes the cia. >> peter: there doesn't seem to be any excuse put forth why this information is not forthcoming. you look back at what the president said as the bodies return. and the outrage that he expressed and the condemnation and the heart felt feelings of loss, but what's been the follow-up? no investigation. no capture or kill. and certainly coverup. >> tucker: total coverup. a complete coverup. someone not covering up his own views is is charlie rangel. the chief tax writer in congress. chairman of the ways and means committee. congressman in harlem. >> he has given outrageous interview to the daily beast yesterday in which he has shared his unvarnished
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view of tea party members. and it is rife with offensive terms and comparisons. here it is: it is the same group we faced in the south with those white crackers and the dogs and the police. i don't want to sea it, and i am not a part of it. well, that's helpful rhetoric, congressman. >> tucker: those white crackers. now a lot of people are shocked by. this charlie rangel comes out with antiwhite statements. he has been a race baiter for 40 years. how he has won his seat if the first place and governed. he was s. also corrupt' caught not paying his taxes. how can this guy have this elevated position in the democratic party. >> peter: i find continue credible. i have known charlie rangel for a long time. he served in korea and did some honorable things in congress. these kind of statements. when you say that someone is a white cracker, that's
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a horribly bad, bad thing for anyone to say. especially a person who prides himself on enforcing civil rights in this country. so, when you call someone a white cracker, a member of the tea party. and he went on to say other things he likened the republicans to terrorists in this country. does that lead to a civil discourse? does that lead to rest of the world sunday strict orders not to be big gotted at all. crush people and fire them for saying unapproved things. charlie rangel former chairman of the house ways and means community says i'm a racist i hate white people. you know him too. kind of like him because is he charming. spend 5 minutes minutes with charlie rangel and you know this guy a race baiter with a hang up about white people. it's obvious.
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>> peter: to see people in the tea party are like bull conner, putting dog on people who are protesting for their legitimate civil rights in this country, that is incredible. it is incredible. >> tucker: i hope someone will point this out after these endless dinners and contributes to charlie rangel a civil rights hero. the guy is a racist. i think the democratic party should have to account for lie nice ago guy. >> i can't believe is he a racist. he is 83 years old. i would think that he would have to apologize for this. >> tucker: there is no chance he will apologize for that because no one is going to make him. >> i think his conscience would dictate it. [ laughter ] >> tucker: you are a good man, peter, no, you are. >> peter: who-to-look at this in black and white it's incredible. >> alisyn: let us know what you think charlie rangel should do next. meanwhile, we have more headlines for you including a fox news alert. there has been a terrifying crash caught on camera. watch this.
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[bleep] >> what the -- [bleep] >> yikes. police say the semi-truck driver served to avoid another car that drifted into his lane then lost control. which is why he went flying across the highway. truck's fuel tanks exploded when they hit the guardrail. the man's 7-year-old son was in the truck. when i amazingly we are happy to report both walked away with only bumps and bruises. brand new details emerging this morning about the new york ad executive who fail to the death after the railing on her balcony collapsed. determined jennifer's balcony was not up to code. investigators say the railing was not strong enough to support her who essentially walked into a death trap. the building management company is now coming under fire after reports surfaced that it put off having the building inspected for six months. well, under scrutiny over edward snowden, the "wall street journal" reports a federal grand jury is now investigating the firm that last cleared him for the nsa. there is concerns that the
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firm, u.s. investigations services, cut corners to speed up the process. and run more background checks. it's known as flushing. which would violate the false claims act. and, they were side by side until snowden received asylum in russia. ethics wikileaks staff sarah harrison. she is snowden's advisor and there to ensure his safety. well, it could be the catch of the season. >> takes off. pitch is hammered out to left field toward the corner. jamie schott at the warning shot at the wall -- did he get it? he went over the wall. did he come up with it? he did. >> oh, my word. >> how about that? >> fantastic the angels with the amazing over the wall catch. he robs the blue jays of the home run. los angeles beat toronto 7 to 56789 those are your headlines. now are we sure he caught it or did he just pick it up over there. >> peter: i think he caught
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it. >> alisyn: i will give it to him. that was so great i will just give it to him. okay. rick reichmuth is could do that. >> rick: i was thinking same thing somebody caught it and put it in his glove real quick. >> alisyn: you and i are skeptic iting i can are rick i'm sure he broke a shoulder. >> tucker: fans never give up a foul ball. >> rick: heat wave so miserable for so long is gone. no signs of any heat coming around the great lakes or atlantic over the next couple of weeks. continue to enjoy what has been some spectacular weather aside from some pretty heavy rain at times. here is your temps as you are waking up. the heat is now down across areas of the southern plains. areas of dallas and oklahoma. that's where it is hot. it generally is very hot this time of year. year averages are into the 90's. we have some rain down across the coastal areas of florida. east coast of florida. that is now what is tropical depression dorian. it is going to move away from shore. don't expect to see any big rain there big rain this
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morning across southern areas of missouri. some of it bringing about 2 to 3 inches of rain at times. and that is causing some pretty big flooding right there. out across the west you are looking great. even monsoonal moisture is going it dry out a little bit today. get ready this afternoon we will see a new round of severe weather across areas of montana and western south dakota and north dakota and front range of colorado, wyoming and into parts of nebraska and kansas. so get ready for that. mostly just large hail and damaging winds. all right, guys, send it back to you inside. >> alisyn: thanks so much. rick. >> alisyn: millions in taxpayer cash going to help farmers, one problem, they are dead. >> tucker: come on. >> alisyn: is that a problem? >> tucker: not in washington. >> alisyn: we'll explain. >> peter: the show will come go on. how this real housewives star plans to keep her life a reality despite hard times. that's very bad. my insurance rates are probably gonna double.
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but, dad, you've got... [ voice of dennis ] allstate. with accident forgiveness, they guarantee your rates won't go up
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just because of an accident. smart kid. [ voice of dennis ] indeed. are you in good hands?
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>> peter: shelled out is that much from 2008 to 2012 to people who were no longer alive. they aren't the only ones who have made this mistake. how and why is this happening? joining us now hadley heath with the independent women's forum. quorng good morning hadley, how are you doing? >> good morning, peter, i'm doing well. >> let's take a look at some of these incredible numbers that we're seeing these payouts to dead people in america. the nrcs made $10.6 million in payments on behalf of 1103 deceased policy holder one year or more after their death. the rma paid $22 million to
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more than 3400 policy holders deceased for two years. this is for crop insurance. then we look at the department of agriculture, 33 million in 2008 to $2,012 to the dead. then we look at social security administration, 31 million back in may of 2012. office of personnel management $86.1 million. and then, finally, the stimulus program $18 million. what is this about, hadley? what can we do about it? >> it is a sad story. but it's not a surprising story to me. i don't think there is any story about government mismanagement that could surprise me at this point. here in washington we see it every day. these millions of wasted dollars are dollars in many cases that we can't get back. dollars we need to sustain these programs like social
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security, which is headed for bankruptcy anyway. so this, to me, is a pile of evidence for why the federal government has gotten too big to successfully manage these millions and millions, even billions of dollars in subsidies. >> peter: let's talk about these farm subsidies. farm crop insurance. how can dead people possibly be getting checks? i mean, long after they passed away. >> right. in many cases these different departments have a death list, a death master list that they try to keep up with, reports of dead people. but, in many cases, months and even years afterwards. sometimes misused in family members. some cases the family men's doing due diligence to get in touch with uncle sam here in d.c. to let them know there has been a death in the family. despite a death report on file. the checks continue to go out in the mail. >> peter: when they go out in the mail, i would presume that sometimes they are actually cashed by someone, right? >> well, sometimes they
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are. what's interesting, there was actually a case in california, recently the attorney general's office found out about a man who buried his own mother in his backyard and now they are prosecuting him for that kind of fraud. so if you are in a family where you have lost someone and receiving checks from the federal government. don't try to take advantage. just do your due diligence to try to contact uncle sam. peter, i have got to say from a policy progressive, all of this cries out for more devolvement in these programs. for more local control. give states and local authorities the ability to help people be accountable, to help uncle sam be accountable with these dollars. this is not something the federal government has to be doing. >> peter: hadley heath, independent women's forum. thank you for making us smart about this really strange and really disturbing subject. >> thank you. >> peter: we will see you soon. >> see you. >> peter: coming up, tell you about the victims of the fort hood shooting massacre who have been denied proper benefits because the government won't call that despicable act terrorism. well, this morning some
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news that may change it all for them. plus, a scary wakeup call for those who have trouble sleeping through the night. do you have trouble sometimes? it could be the sign of a serious health problem. it may not but it could be. what your body is trying to tell you. we're going to tell you all about that coming up next. ♪ all i have to do is dream dad. how did you get here? i don't know. [ speaking in russian ] look, look, look... you probably want to get away as much as we do. with priceline express deals, you can get a fabulous hotel without bidding. think of the rubles you'll save. with one touch, fun in the sun. i like fun. well, that went exactly i as planned.. really?
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>> tucker: well, if you are having trouble getting a good night sleep, listen up. because not sleeping through the night could signal something very alarming about your health. >> alisyn: here is the reason behind knows wake-up calls. attending doctor in new
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york good to see you. >> thanks for having me. >> alisyn: if you are waking up through the night it could be something very serious. let's go through the symptoms and what it could mean. number one reason people get up through the night go to the bathroom. >> the case particularly for men. as men get older their prostate gland can squash into the bladder. being a urologist i see men all the time coming in explaining getting up going to the bathroom. if you are up at night going to the bathroom. your wife is often disturbed as well. it effects both people. and women can get up at night with bladder issues as well. it's a very, very common problem. even if they don't have pain when they pass urine, just the fact that you are going to the bathroom during the night sobbously very annoying. >> alisyn: what are you supposed to do about that if you are a man. >> first thing to do is speak to your urologist if you have a problem. it may be innocent enlarge many of the prostate. occasionally it can be associated with prostate cancer. it may be something just simple like a urinary tract infection.
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you need to discuss this with the urologist so they can. >> tucker: breathlessness. having enough trouble getting enough air when they lie in bed at night. what does that mean? >> lots of causes for breathlessness, tucker. one of the things we get concerned about is particularly in he elderly people can be a sign of heart failure. particularly at night exacerbated when you lie flat. the fluid can collect from the lungs. we do ask patients how many pillows if you sleep with if you go flat does the pillow down that can worsen your shortness of breath. if you up. younger people related to asthma, particularly if you a cough during the night as well. >> alisyn: some people do when he they lay down cough more. there is another possible underlying cause for that. >> not just asthma but a lot of patients have acid reflex and when you lie down, the stomach acid can leak and the valve between the stomach and the stomach
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can allow acid to go backwards through the throat. irritate the airways in the throat give you a cough at night. prop up the bed. don't eat late at night and avoid alcohol before going to bed. tuck number one discord is snoring can be a sign of something bad. >> that's right. many patients who snore. particularly patients who are overweight puts a lot of pressure on the airways. there is a condition called obstructive sleep apnea where you can actually stop breathing for 20 to 40 seconds. so these episodes where you stop breathing, that can strain the heart. it's a serious medical problem. so, snoring is obviously very annoying for many people. if you are snoring. >> tucker: women don't like it? >> of course people are tired during the day. if they are constantly waking up during the night. talk to your doctor. particularly if you have cardiac problems and you are a snorer. >> alisyn: scary when your spouse stops snoring for 40 seconds. go check that out. dr. philip cheatham thank you very much.
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always good to he see you. >> thank you. >> tucker: thanks, doctor. another agency targeting conservative groups. administration scandal hits a road block. we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] once in a while, everything falls into perfect harmony. [ engine revs ] and you find yourself in exactly the right place at the right time. just be sure you're in the right car when it happens. the 2013 c-class sports sedan. power, performance, and style in total alignment. [ laughs ] up high! up high! [ sighs ]
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♪ steamboost, sir! [ female announcer ] new swiffer steamboost powered by bissell. not just clean, steamboost clean. >> alisyn: good morning, today is saturday, august 3rd. i'm alisyn camerota. we begin with a fox news alert for you. more than 20 embassies across the middle east closed. a worldwide travel alert for americans. and is it all to do with al qaeda. is this a knee jerk reaction or a necessary move to protect americans? we'll debate. >> tucker: another agency going irs and targeting conservative groups. we will tell you which one fight original irs scandal hits a road block. more ahead. >> peter: tucker now you better not call anyone a citizen if you live in the city. that word is about to be banned by the government because it is too offensive we're going to tell you where they are doing this
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and tell you here on "fox & friends" which begins right now. ♪ ♪ >> alisyn: good morning, again, everyone. thanks for joining us on this important news day. peter johnson in for clayton. >> peter: good morning. >> alisyn: tucker, great to be with you. unprecedented this state department warning that has closed more than 20 embassies across the middle east. tomorrow, sunday, is normally a working day in these embassies, but because of what they say is a specific threat, they have closed. look at the scale and scope of the western interests that have been h. to be closed this weekend. >> it is basically the entire metal east. looks like a general threat
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but very specific message that the u.s. is sending which is we are on the run. we will adjust our behavior dramatically. you threaten us and we will jump that may not be a useful message. >> peter: on top of the closing of the embassies a worldwide alert until the end of august for all americans traveling around the world to be cautious at transportation facilities and other public facilities. so not only embassy closing but a state department alert to all americans traveling overseas. we had major general bob scales, one of the smartest guys really in the world on military issues. and he talked about how unprecedented this was today. >> probably at no time in our history have i seen american power be any greater but american resolve and american strategy and america's willingness to use that power be so diffused and difficult to figure out.
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>> there have been other embassy shutdowns. not to this level in june of 1999. six embassies were closed because security warnings in africa. in april of '01. three embassies, one consulate were closed. you get the point there have been other closings, but this again is considered the biggest scale. the fact that it was issued by the state department as opposed to ambassadors at individual embassies. normally they are the ones who alert the u.s. if they feel as though there is some sort of hot spot and it needs to be closed. but the state department did this blanket closing this week. >> 22 embassies and con salutes. each one of those by the way is american soil. whatever happened to the rudy giuliani posture post 9/11 where he said look, this is a dangerous world. you can't eliminate all danger. we have to be realistic about that our job is to live with courage and to basically give the finger to terrorism by living our lives as we would otherwise. >> alisyn: that is a great message. the flip side of that message is did we leisure
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the tragic lesson from benghazi is that you must take precautions i am hearing chatter, you must shut down or else four americans lose their lives as happened in benghazi. >> tucker: that's like half the world. that is basically -- if there is specific intelligence saying this or that embassy is going to be attacked of course take prudent action. this is shutting down every american outpost in the entire middle east. >> peter: let's go back to what general case was talking about. general scales said never has we had as much power in the world in terms of our military might. but never have we ever had a time in our military history when we were really less interested in using that power. and so it sends a mighty, mighty signal to terrorists, al qaeda, arabian peninsula, whoever is involved with this that, yes, if you chatter it up enough, can you shut down american embassies around the world. >> of course we will take our shoots off, take our belt off. take our laptop out of the
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bag. we are afraid. that is a message that we are sending and have been sending in my view for a number of years. we are on the run. we are america. we should never be on the run. >> alisyn: you make a great point. either choose to see terrorists as vandals in the giuliani model sidelined or see on global war on terror we are engaged in and weed need to take every measure and precaution to try to stop. two different models. >> look, the truth is, it is a dangerous world there are tons of people who hate us preeminent country in world history. of course we are going to have a lot of enemies some of them blood thirsty, some are going to die in that conflict. be realistic about it and not live cowering in a cave. let's be brave. we are americans that's what we do. >> peter: question becomes global war on terror. you raise an interesting point, aly, is pulling the shades down and making believe you are not home is, that a robust attack on the global war on terror? to say okay, we're just
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going to shut it down. we're going to turn the lights off and we're not really here if we're not really here you can't attack us. >> tucker: they are going to go away. >> peter: is it okay? is it light? what's going on. >> alisyn: beef up security. >> peter: pull the cover over your heads foreign policy of america oh it's going to go away. >> tucker: close the embassies. that will teach them. >> alisyn: also interested in the fact that the alert expires on august 31st. i guess the terrorists are taking labor day off? i have never seen expiration date. >> tucker: we are announcing what the expiration date is. [ laughter ] >> tucker: i'm sorry to laugh. it's a woeful laugh. >> peter: calls for vigilance and concerns. in terms it of where we are in america. one hand there is no terrorism, we have them on the run and wake up on
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august 2nd or third or fourth. oh no closing 21 embassies. >> that was always silly, there is no terrorism. new reality we have to deal with terrorism and the question is how do we do it? hear from you, find it on twitter and let us know what you think our strategy should be for these sorts of threats. >> pull the covers up, we are sending the marines over. >> tucker: amen. >> alisyn: i kind of like cover. just personally speaking. in the meantime, let's get to your evidence lines and tell us what else is happening in the news. brand new information on that multi-state stomach virus sickened hundreds of people. the fda traced nebraska salad mix. served and sold at olive garden and red lobster restaurants. still trying to determine if the salad mix is responsible for the outbreaks in the other 14 states. the victims of the fort hood shooting massacre may finally receive proper benefits. and this is because lawmakers have introduced a new bill just before they left for recess that would
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ensure those victims received the same benefits as purple heart recipients. this is called the justice for fort hood heros act. many victims say they have been denied proper benefits because the military categorized the massacre as, quote: work place violence instead of terrorism. this news comes as the military court rules internet searches by major nadal nidal hasan jihad and taliban as evidence in the court martial. testimony is expected to begin on tuesday. well, reality tv star theresa will reportedly keep the cameras rolling despite her real life drama. filming for season 6 real housewives of new jersey is expected to continue thank goodness. they were indicted earlier on dozen of fraud charges. can't buy me love don't tell it to one.
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10,000 to the person who will introduce her to her future husband. here is part of the email she sent to friends, quote: >> i'm writing you today because i have decided to make an aggressive action plan on finding that one fellow that i get to hang out with forever. then she goes on to say i will personally give $10,000 to the friend who introduces me to my husband. i love the idea. i now have incentive to introduce her to her soul mate though i don't know her. [ laughter ] >> tucker: cell mate? [ laughter ] >> tucker: cameras kept rolling despite legal troubles in the reality show? because of their legal troubles. that show will get such better ratings. >> peter: rick is, that one of our favorite shows? >> rick: i'm a sucker for the new jersey housewives. you guys? >> peter: i have watched it many times. >> tucker: never seen it. >> alisyn: i don't want to alarm you, rick but there is a large bear behind you.
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>> rick: oh yeah, we should probably mention that this is the newest housewife of jerusalemy, get along with theresa very well. probably the only thing that could take on theresa guidice. bass pro shops is here we always love it because they bring guys like this guy here. look at the nails on this guy. look at this. take a look at this. >> alisyn: they rival mine like like like the size of fingers. talk about the weather. a couple problems out there but overall not that bad of a weekend for almost everybody. this right here is tropical depression dorian. named, again, back up to tropical depression status. winds of 35 miles per hour. you will notice all the moisture is on the eastern side of the shore. not going to be talking about big impacts in florida and the storm is going to pull away from shore. that's the great news with this. it will bring a little bit of rain. a few areas might see another 2 or 3 inches of rain by the time we get toward sunday evening and monday morning. i will tell you what, out
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when any significant tropical depression june and july take a look at rainfall totals. up to 2 pete of rain falling. they don't need anymore. you recall fortunately for dorian going to be gob. ohio valley and northeast. careful across southwestern areas of missouri. some areas seeing some very significant flooding going down towards the ozarks, heading in toward northern arkansas this morning. all right, guys, we will send it back to you inside. >> alisyn: thanks so much, rick. we will look forward to coming out there and meeting your fury friends. coming up, they dreamed in following in their father's footsteps some sons of 9/11 heros are denied that chance because their deaths were not, quote: in the line of duty. we will will hear from them next. >> peter: the moment the 12-year-old got the answer right in the final round of jeopardy but found out he didn't spell it correctly, so, it was wrong. ♪ let's give them something to talk about.
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don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. >> alisyn: their fathers new york city firefighters deaths believed to be linked to the terror attack on 9/11. 13 men whose only dream to follow in their hero father's footsteps are being denied quote legacy points that would put them higher on the list of candidates to join the fdny family. what are legacy points and is it fair that they are being denied them? with us now are two of those men. scott whose father sheldon was an fdny captive. john murray a lt. with the fdny thanks for being here. >> thanks for having us. >> alisyn: you guys want to become firemen. >> that's right. >> alisyn: there is impediment in your way your
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father scott died of a 9/11 injury. normally you would have legacy points as a result of that? >> that's correct. so, the way the current law stands, children of emts and siblings of firefighters and police are awarded those points. because of the oversight in the new york state civil service code, the points were taken away from us. >> alisyn: so, in other words, children of firefighters cannot get those points. >> exactly. >> alisyn: siblings of firefighters can get those points children of ents can get those point. >> that's correct. >> alisyn: sounds like there mistake or loophole. they forgot about you? what does that mean for your future. >> we actually both just missed the july that just went in this past month. we could be in the academy right now. >> fog in our father's footsteps. sort of plan.
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we are asking bill corrected this legislation passed through the assembly and the senate in new york city state. waiting for governor cuomo to sign it. >> and you are asking him to sign it. >> we're asking him to sign it nicely. >> alisyn: why is this important to you? >> my whole life just looking up to my dad and seeing him go to work every day with a smile on his face and i know he loved being a firefighter. he loved his fame he always wanted what was best for his children. i know he would want me to become part of this fdny. >> alisyn: what about your family story? >> the same. my dad had a tremendous amount of respect for the fire department and loved being a fireman and i always, you know, looked up to him and wanted to follow in his footsteps. >> alisyn: have you had a chance to talk to officials about what clearly seems like a missing line in this law? >> i mean it seems like
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everybody just -- that's their answer that it is an oversight and we have to wait until it is corrected. but nobody has given us an answer beyond that really. >> alisyn: when do you think the governor might sign this? >> well, we're hoping as soon as possible. >> alisyn: you don't even know if he will sign it? >> we haven't heard anything really. >> we are optimistic though. this is a guy who followed in his father's footsteps becoming governor. so, if anyone is going to have -- who is going to sympathize with us should be him. >> alisyn: he should be able to relate, yes. so, when you -- in the meantime, what are you doing with your lives? >> i work at a public relations firm here in manhattan. >> alisyn: but you will change that when you have the opportunity. >> yeah. i have been trying to become a firemen since i was 17 since you were allowed to take the test. it's been a long wait. be really excited to go into the fire department, yeah. >> alisyn: it sounds like it. good luck, guys it seems like this is something that
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with the click of a pen could easily be fixed. please keep us posted and let us know if you can in fact fulfill your dreams this wait a minute thank you. >> thank you very much having for having us. >> alisyn: better not call anyone a citizen if you live in this city about it to be banned by the government because it's too offensive. we will tell you where. the government spent half a billion dollars to train workers for so-called green jobs except there weren't any positions you make a great team. it's been that way since e day you met. but your erectile dysfunction - itld be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you cabe more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet
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who? meghan, my coworker. who? seriously? you've met her like three times. who? (sighs) geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know.
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finally 110 miles that's the distance musician fred traveled on a power board. it took him 28 hours to complete the trip from cuba to the u.s. first american ever to do so. over to peter. >> peter: thanks, alli. [siren] do you think words like citizen or brown bag are
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offensive? government in seattle were told they should avoid using the word and here is why. >> a lot of people who live in seattle are not citizens but they are residents. legal residents of the united states and residents of seattle. they pay taxes and if we use a term like citizens in common use, then it doesn't include a lot of folks. for a lot of particularly friend community members, the phrase brown bag does bring up associations with the past when brown bag was actually used, i understand, to determine if people's skin color was light enough to it allow admission to an event. >> peter: here to weigh in caleb bonham, the host of the talk show caleb bonham show. good morning, caleb. >> good morning. >> peter: what is this about, caleb. >> i'm glad someone is
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taking the war on cold lunches seriously. it's about time. realistically, it's a group of people who are searching, actively for ways to find to it be be offended. i can't tell if this is a slap in the face of all of the americans who fought so hard for the issue of civil rights for civil justice or if this is a victory for the movement. the fact that the seattle office of civil rights is focusing on decreasing the usage of some innocuous term to describe how i carry my lunch to work. >> peter: has anyone ever said to you don't say brown bag. now citizen has become some kind of slur if it's use genericrily or used to respond to a whole group of people. i have never heard anybody offended by the use of
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brown bag. the term is referencing the color of the bag that you use to transport your lunch. the term citizen, i mean, how many times is that phrase used in our constitution? >> peter: these folks instead of citizens we should say residents. and instead of and instead of brown bag, we should say a sack lunch. >> or a lunch and learn. like, no, i can't go out to lunch with you guys today, i brought my lunch and learn. it's silliness. it falls directly in line with what the state did earlier. they outlawed or they went through and removed any gender-specific references from public records. so now penmanship is handwriting. a war on man.
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ridiculousness of the speech police. >> peter: don't use dinosaurs, birthdays, halloween, citizen, or brown bag. caleb bonham, can you watch him on the web. is he funny and he is smart and we are so happy that you are with us today. and we will see you soon, caleb. thanks for being on today. >> thank you very much. >> peter: good to see you. next, a close call caught on camera. >> back up from your positions out of the collapse zone structure. back up. >> peter: firefighters move just in the nick of time and be aavoid being trapped in a house collapse. that is incredible. plus, it's hard to believe but fall is right around the corner. and bass pro shops is here on the plaza today to get all of us hunters ready look at that dear. look -- deer.
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look at that bear. we will see who can animate that bear coming back on "fox & friends." my asthma's under control.
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i get out a lot... except when it's too cold. like the last three weekends. asthma doesn't affect my job... you missed the meeting again last week! it doesn't affect mfamily. your coughing woke me up again. i wish you'd take me to the park. i don't use my rescue inhaler a lot... depends on what you mean by a lot. coping with asthma isn't controlling it. test your level of control at, then talk to your doctor. there may be more you could do for your asthma.
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54 stores, 17 days. bass pro shops fall hunting classic. >> hunting season is fast approaching believe it nascar driver lover of the great outdoors is here to fill us in. >> times like this start getting itchy for hunting season. bass pro hunting classics. they already have great prices because i like you guys i'm going to throw in another 10,000 islands on sale. >> have goat all kinds of things going on over the next three weekends. this weekend is called the hunters university where the pros come into the store they have seminars and they talk about hunting and shooting give you tips and be more successful in the field. >> a few things that you brought here that you are highlighting. what's the first one. >> first of all the trade-in has been real popular with bass pro shops. old pair of binoculars or
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scope or bow. you get $100 trade in on a new bow. we started that three or four years ago. it's very very successful a pare of those. >> my advice would be buy your boots now to wear them in. >> foot wear, bass pro shops got you covered. hiking shoes or boots, waterproof, boots to break them. in i threw these on this morning out of the box. i'm telling you feels like i'm walking on sunshine, rick. these things are really of the whichable. not like the old days where you had to break them. in these things are comfortable out of the box. >> camouflage jacket. >> you are not in it unless you are wearing your camo. we have got the subsequent lock camouflage right here our mannequin is wearing
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top or bottom 60 bucks your choice. any kind of camo you want they have it everything is great priced and a lot of it on sale right now. >> the bows, let's talk about the bows. >> these are some redhead bows. i will hand one of you guys. we have got a great opportunity. this is a blackout. >> yeah. >> great sale going on at bass pro shops. this is the chronic. basically starting. >> that's called the chronic. >> called the chronic. $370 starting. you walk away with a package. the nice thing about it is that these bows, you know, they come with the arrow quiver, the sight, the arrow holder a lot of that stuff when you buy a bow it's extra. accessory. these bows come ready to go. you walk out the door and ready to shoot. >> lot more of a bow than it was back in the day when i was a boy scout. >> they have come a long way. check our bass pro shops, schedules change. a lot of things going on. if you go to bass pro
4:35 am keep you up to date what guess the trade-s in are and keep you up to date who is going to be in the stores. >> i go to find out in person. >> that's even better. >> i can't control myself. >> aly? i havei have i am a fan of the camo. bring some in guys, you look great. >> thank you. >> alisyn: meanwhile, we want to bring your headlines right now, brand new details this morning about the new york ad executive who fell to her death after the railing on her balcony collapsed. police say an inspection has determined that jennifer's balcony was not up to code. investigators say the railing was not strong enough to support her who essentially walked into a death trap. the building management company now coming under fire after reports surfaced that it put off having the building inspected for six months. and michelle knight returns to the house of horrors where she was held captive for a decade. she wanted to thank neighbors for their support. amanda berry and gina dejesus were there earlier this week.
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neighbors say knight is doing well. >> she is little but she is strong. she is really strong. i'm proud of how strong she is and how happy she looks. like she -- it doesn't seem like she is making that effect her as much. >> all this while ariel castro is moved from a cleveland jail to the lorain correctional institution. he was sentenced to life in prison without parole. prison officials say castro will start his term in isolation for his own protection. quick thinking by a boise firefighter saved his crew during a massive fire fight. >> >> back up from your positions out of the collapse zone of the structure. back up. >> just seven secketsdz after that -- seconds after that call the house collapsed. the house was undergoing a remodel and was empty when the fire broke out. no word on what caused this fire. fire officials are investigating. >> you saw the walls
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starting to bow out. he yelled to the crews get back get back. all the crews did. when the walls came down they were worried that one of the firefighters was missing it was pretty intense for a little bit as they did a "roll call." >> alisyn: as a result of his good call no one was hurt. the fire also spread to nearby homes. firefighters were able to put those fires out quickly. and a 12-year-old jeopardy contestant misses the final question in heart breaking fashion. >> well, because he misspelled it badly, emancipation, you put a pay in there proclamation. that's unfortunate. the jubletion are ruling against you. >> mom says the final round was hard to watch. alex tray beck and the judges are catching a lot of heat on social media but say those are the rules. the little boy lost $3,000 but it would not have changed the outcome of the
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game. the kid next to him wagered $30,000 and got the question right spelled correctly. those are your headlines. i know. >> alex tri -- trebek, get a life. >> alisyn: free legal advice right here start with something everywhere lighter. caught up with jennifer aniston and both were dressed to impress. let's watch this. >> thank you. >> i got the purple memo. we all match. [ laughter ] >> peter: red carpet detail. let's step into the fox light with michael who brings us hollywood and the entertainment world. brings it into your home. michael, good morning. >> alisyn: matches jennifer aniston. >> how do i live up that. >> wow to the new movie coming out we're the millers it opens up wednesday, august 7th. second time she teamed one jason since the big comedy
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smash hit horrible bosses. >> peter: i love that movie. >> she plays how do i say this exotic dancer people still having cheerios out there. a dealer in illegal commodities shall we say? >> peter: drugs. >> there you go. >> alisyn: pretend to be married and carry out a road trip to do this crime wheat caught up to ask her. here is what she had to say. >> you road trip. >> i did not. i grew up in manhattan. buses. that was the majority. may be expecting. there is a little bump. >> peter: expecting movie? [ laughter ] >> alisyn: in her gown? you know what? everybody for years has been wanting and
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speculating about whether jennifer aniston is going to a v. a baby. let's talk about. >> the white queen for all the talk of hollywood bombing at the box office, when it comes to television. some of the best story telling is happening right now. kind of in the golden age. white queen from stars that rebekah ferguson she sat down with us for her first american tv interview. >> what was it like preparing for that role? >> the funny thing is i had, i think, about four days to prepare myself for that role. they have been doing quite a bit casting. and then i was sort of shoved in at the end and chemistry test was the beginning and four cursings later and two days later i
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moved to -- have just in b.en in rome. i new york. and been to sweden. delightful.are. >> she is lovely. >> she is going to be big. she has a lot of big movies coming out. >> michael that member are a in the fox light. i follow you on twitter. how do people follow you? how do we get in the hollywood glow. >> fox light for all the interviews go in the fox and have a good time. >> peter: will you take us to a premier sometime. >> big weekend. absolutely. monday night the premier of oprah winfrey's new movie. >> peter: we need 10 tickets. thank you so much. >> alisyn: next time you interview hugh jackman. >> deal. >> peter: absolutely. michael great to see you. >> thanks for having me. >> alisyn: state department makes the unprecedented decision to close 21 embassies in the middle east because of a threat from al qaeda. should america be taking a stand instead of shutting
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down? talk to a former state official. >> aly and michael next the viral video everyone is talking about. a bear stealing a dumpster, not once but twice from the same restaurant. the owner who witnessed this, it's a dancing bear apparently too. coming up next. that bear cannot dance. >> alisyn: how do you know. >> that's a dead bear. >> alisyn: how do you know? ♪
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[ male announcer ] how do you get your bounce?
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with the bounce dryer bar, my clothes will be fresh out of the drawer for weeks. and it's great when things last a long time. well...most things. [ male announcer ] how do you get your bounce? [ woman ] can't regret fresh. my feet and exactly where i needed more support. i had tired, achy feet. until i got my number. my dr. scholl's custom fit orthotics number. now i'm a believer. you'll be a believer, too. learn where to find your number at >> peter: welcome back the state department announced worldwide travel alert and shut down 21 embassies. what information do they have to cause these actions and should the u.s. be taking a stand instead of standing down? >> tucker: counter terrorism expert and
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instructor sean wolf. thank you for joining us this morning. 22 embassies and consulates. i notice they do span from the sahara to bangladesh. how specific county threat be if the response is this broad? >> that's a good question. >> because it is so broad, i believe the intelligence is credible and the threat is credible but maybe not so specific because it's so wide, it's all centered around the arabian peninsula which is where they believe the biggest problem is going to be right now. >> john, once these embassies are closed down there there be troops in front of the embassies guarding them? will there be afghani troops? will there be local military officials in those countries trying to protect embassy or just be there? it will just be there. the outside guard force will still be as normal.
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they are just closing for business. they are not removing the american diplomat. they close for business and that protects the visitors that would come there for visas and things like that. but the problem is closing for business doesn't make the american diplomats disappear. many are compounds where they live close for business that's fine. 500 yards away is the residents. recreation hall and swimming pool. they are safe there but not safe at their desk? i don't understand that. >> what message does this send that the united states hears of credible threats and immediately shutters 22 embassies and con salutes? doesn't it suggest that the united states is afraid? >> i believe embolds -- every time it happens and there is not a reaction when we act like this or after benghazi. they killed four americans
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and everyone that was responsible for that is still walking around. it emboldens them. it makes them chip away more and see what else they can do. it's like a little kid who does something wrong and they don't get yelled at or get in trouble. and they do something a little bit more. they are going to push that envelope to see how far they can go. >> final question, "yes" or "no," do you surmise that even though we don't know about it at this point that the american government is sending american assets, troops, soldiers, to fortify these embassies? >> i can't confirm or deny that i know we have marines at all those embassies already. i don't know if they are fortifying that inside or the house with troops. >> john wolf, we appreciate your thoughts this morning. >> thanks. >> peter: the president continues to call the benghazi attack quote a phony scandal. if it's so phoney, why is the administration working so hard to hide what happened from the public?
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>> plus, it's barely believable, but the wild beast is caught on camera stealing a dumpster. not only once but twice from the same restaurant. the owner who was there coming up next with a whole story. ♪ ♪ it was the best day whoo! yes! ♪ it was the best day ♪
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>> alisyn: that's a bear searching for food. he hit the jacket behind a restaurant. instead of diving in he took it to go.
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>> tucker: two others just this week. what's the bear so anxious to get his paws on. let's ask the owner and manager of the restaurant in little rock. >> thank you. >> tucker: are you sure that's really a bear? looks like a man in a bear costume. can you convince us it's for real? >> i have heard that a few times. we have two of our kitchen crew that it takes to move one of those dumpsters. can i promise you that's a bear the to take it the way he does and wander off with it, it's a bear. >> alisyn: what are you serving at your restaurant that the bear's to get his paws on so desperately. >> at the idol vice we edelweiss; we make it all from scratch. he is probably finding a bunch of really yummy leftovers in there. >> alisyn: he must be. >> peter: the sausage that's drawing him? >> yeah. a little bit of everything
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all the plates get scraped and that's that dumpster is he going after. >> who doesn't love brought wurs? >> animal kingdom. >> are you supposed to lock down your dumpsters or lock the tops? wouldn't that solve the problem? >> yeah. actually today we are going to look at getting the bear food -- he has gotten every other dumpster in the neighborhoods. we are not the only ones. we are probably the biggest jackpot he can find just an question. that bear is enormous. do you have enormous wild animals wandering through downtown colorado springs? >> never this size before. >> i have seen bears at the restaurant before. i mean, it's colorado, so a bear isn't that surprising. but to see one that size come we are only two miles south of town. it's impressive to see him and the way he hawaiian handles that dumpster i
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wouldn't want to guess to him had. male from what the department of wildlife tells me he. >> where do you find the aftermath of his meals? after he takes the dumpster, then what does he do? >> the next morning, which, of course, look for the video. we found it in the middle of the parking lot tipped over and dug through a little bit i'm sure he found on top everything he was looking for. >> tucker: how much are you looking forward to colder weather and this guy hibernating? >> yeah, it will be nice when he takes off and we kind of deterred him a little bit already. we want him to move on and be safe and hopefully not looking look for food in our dumpster anymore. >> said tried a couple of things have you used tack strips? what's that? >> department of wildlife gave us tack strips and they promised me up and down that these are not going to hurt the bear. all he does is feel them and decides that it's probably not worth it to go for the food there and move on. that's exactly what he did.
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we have got a video of him going home hungry actually two nights ago. >> alisyn: oh. >> no more food for the bear. >> alisyn: i'm on the bear's side. >> tucker: maybe leave it in front of a competing restaurant. >> somebody else with bear problems. i don't know if he will push around somebody else's dumpster. >> he likes the edelweiss. thank you. >> thank you. >> alisyn: state department makes the unprecedented decision to close 21 embassies in the middle east this weekend because of a threat from al qaeda. what kind of message did that send to our enemies? >> tucker: "time" magazine sparks debate new cover declaring a child free life is the best life. what kind of message is this sending to millennials? what is wrong with glirm why are journalists so grotesque? governor huckabee joins us
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to discuss those topics. >> alisyn: he does not say that. >> tucker: i he feel that strongly. [ tires screech ] [ beeping ] ♪ [ male announcer ] we don't just certify our pre-owned vehicles. we inspect, analyze and recondition each one, until it's nothing short of a genuine certified pre-owned... mercedes-benz for the next new owner. ♪ hurry in to your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for 1.99% financing during our certified pre-owned sales event through september 3rd.
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it's been a happy union. he does laundry, and i do the cleaning. there's only two of us... how much dirt can we manufacture? more than you think. very little. [ doorbell rings ] [ lee ] let's have a look, morty. it's a sweeper. what's this? what's that? well we'll find out. we'll find out. [ lee ] it goes under all the way to the back wall. i came in under the assumption that it was clean. i've been living in a fool's paradise! oh boy... there you go... morty just summed it up. the next 44 years we'll be fine.
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middle east instead of shutting down, should the u.s. be standing up and fighting back. governor mike huckabee is here to talk about our foreign policy. >> tucker: he may be a day away from being banned from baseball but a rod remains defiant. >> people are finding creative ways to, you know, cancel your contract and things like that. i think it's concerning for me and coworker for the president and should be for future players as well. >> he underpaid. while the slugger says the whole steroid thing just a conspiracy. >> and the explosive car crash caught on camera. 18-wheeler goes flying across interstate and bursts into flames. what caused the driver to lose control? "fox & friends" starts right now.
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♪ ♪ >> alisyn: good morning, everybody. we have so much to talk, about including that worldwide news that he wool update you on in a moment. peter johnson jr. >> peter: good morning, thank you for having me. happy to be here. >> alisyn: in for clayton. he gets enthusiastic around this hour. >> peter: enthusiastic around you. >> tucker: this is a full follow crumb. center of the show. 8:00 on the east coast. good morning. >> i love your enthusiasm. >> peter: it's true. get to your evidence lines and tell you what else is happening around the' world. stomach virus can be traced back to popular train restaurants. the fda traced are in salad was sold and served at olive garden and red lobster restaurants.
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still trying to determine if the salad mix is responsible for the outbreaks in 14 states. more than 400 people have come down with this stomach bug. and, alex rodriguez baseball career may soon be over. and gone just like that home run. he hit it during a minor league game in new jersey last night. the new york most reports he had until tomorrow to reach a deal with major league baseball and suspension for doping and connections to. >> anna: at this aging clinic. so-called. the mlb reportedly considering a lifetime ban if a rod doesn't cop a deal. a rod is staying defiant. >> when all the stuff is going on in the background and people are finding creative ways to, you know, cancel your contract and stuff like that, i think that's concerning for me, it's concerning for the president. and it should be concerning for future players as well there is a process, i'm excited about the way i feel tonight and i'm going to keep fighting. >> alisyn: major league baseball is expected to announce plans, suspensions on monday.
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>> alisyn: release of nearly 10,000 violent inmates from overcrowded prison system. the state had asked for reprieve based on the progress dealing with the problem. in 2011 the high court ruled the state's prison violated the 8th amendment ban on cruel and unusual punishment at the time justice anthony scalia too come. as or the derderian release. and watch this terrifying crash that's been caught on camera. [bleep] what the [bleep] police say semi-truck driver swerved to avoid hitting another car that drifted into his lane and lost control which is why he went flying across that highway. the truck's fuel tank exploded when hit the guardrail. the man's 7-year-old son was in the truck with him. amazingly they both walked
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away only bumps and bruises. those are your evidence lines. >> tucker: amazingly is right. >> peter: thank god that is great. i bet they are planning to go to church tomorrow morning. >> alisyn: good point. let's go outside to rick reichmuth to see what is happening in your weather. >> my favorite day of the year outside. because i get to go up in the hunting stand. >> alisyn: i remember that i love these tricks. >> rick: rick this is the best time of all. this is why the fall hunting classic is good with bass pro shops. it's august how many of are you thinking about fall? i just put that on facebook. we have the fall hunting classic, are you ready to be thinking about fall? i'm not ready ety. feels like fall. take a look at the weather maps. actually a beautiful picture come in down across areas of new mexico loslunas. look at that rain draft. monsoon storms. big sky. rain coming down in one spot and dry on either side. absolutely spectacular.
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63 degrees right in that area this morning. get into about 92 degrees today with another chance of a few more thunderstorms. so we will keep that chance there likely for at least another month or so. rick reichmuth on twitter or put punishing on my facebook page. we love getting those. across the east coast. rain adown across the eastern parts of florida. tropical depression dorian. tropical storm dorian earlier. it will be pulling away from the coast. no impacts to land other than a few showers across areas of eastern florida throughout the day today. nothing big. big rain showers moving down through spinning field and branson. northern arkansas. careful some of those storms causing rain. out across the west looking spectacular this morning. all right, guys, we will send it back to you inside. >> alisyn: thank you so much, rick. bring in governor mike huckabee right now to talk about all of the big news of the day. >> there is a lot of it. >> alisyn: there sure is. >> as you know the 21
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embassies and con salutes throughout the middle east have been shut down because of what they say is a credible threat. what do you make of how we have gotten to this point? >> well, i think it's probably a wise decision to make. any time you think that there is going to be a problem, it's better to error on the side of caution. i know shouldn't we do a better job of protecting? if something goes wrong you don't wanted everybody second-guessing and having another benghazi situation which, by the way, still hasn't been answered. i think the administration would rather prevent a probably rather than try to explain one that they can't explain or won't explain. >> tucker: what does it say about the united states and its stature in the world five years into this administration that we would be shut shuttering embassies and con salutes across the world. the swath is enormous. not a narrow problem a regional problem. weren't these problems supposed to be fixed with obama. >> they everywhere. let's go back and remember what he said.
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the reason america's standing in the world was because of bush administration incursions into afghanistan and iraq and if he we hadn't done that the way we did it we were imperialistic and all those things. would he say going to fix it we remember the cairo speech how it's a new day. we turned a new leaf. we haven't. and what this administration has never understood in their naivete with sit k. sit down and make mice with radical islam. you won't, you can't, you never will. this is a movement absolutely focused on the annihilation, not the documentation, the annihilation of every single human being, including secular muslims. >> peter: is this a creeping advocation of american sovereignty. is this a creeping advocation of american exceptionism? do we say to the world by closing down these embassies that we would rather pull the covers over
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our head and wait until the fear subsides and the risk goes away and, also, is a timing issue. it's interesting. we have the president's birthday coming up tomorrow. we have the iranian president being sworn in. these kind of terrorist attacks, there is always a timing that goes with them. but it's a strange kind of unsettling set of circumstances i mean, what do you say to the american people in a situation like, this governor? >> radical jihadists are very big on symbolism and states.things to various it's why that the attack on benghazi happened september 11th. that was not accidental. >> right. >> when you make the point about what does this this say in a bigger sense? i will they will tell you what it says. countries around the world. it's not that they don't fear us, they don't even respect us. look at what russia has done this week with snowden. take your nose and put it right up in our face and what are you going to do
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about it what has really happened to the american prestige, you would love to be loved but i would rather be feared than loved. i would rather be respected than loved. because when you are in the situation where you are in a very dangerous place, you want to be able to walk down the street and everybody say whoa, you don't poke that guy. now the attitude let's poke him. he is not going to do it. come on, poke him, poke him, poke him. what's what every country in the world is poking at him. >> appears not one of those countries is saying to us keep your embassy open. bewill protect it we don't want your weams closed. >> they can't. that's the real frightening thing is that they too have capitulated to the fear of islam. here is the reality. the world fears radical islam. they don't fear the forces and the voices of freedom. that's what makes our world a very dangerous place to be in right now. >> peter: well said. >> alisyn: let's talk about, you were just talking about benghazi. let's talk about the news
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that came out this week. some of the witnesses that were there. we know there were a couple of dozen. some say that they are being silenced. now, something said that, on the flip side, they are cia members, many of them, some operatives, aren't they supposed to be silent? >> well, they are not supposed to silent to the oversight role of congress. sure they are not supposed to go on the record of the "new york times" or be on the view or on oprah pouring out their psychological feelings about what happened. i get that but should they be talking to members of the house intelligence committee and the senate intelligence committee? absolutely they should, because congress can't oversea something it doesn't know about. it's that simple. and when congress is told you can't touch these people, they have had nondisclosure agreements and now that some of them reportedly are even being given aliases they might as well be put in the federal witness protection program, for heaven's sake. this is, i think, unprecedented kind of shielding not from the american public which may not need to know the names,
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addresses and personal occupations and duties of a cia operative. but do members of congress have a not only a need-to-know but an absolute necessity of knowing? yes, they do. >> they have a constitutional requirement to oversee. >> that's the key point, tucker. it's a constitutional mandated that they oversee. otherwise, the checks and balances of our government are out othe window. >> in order to violate that constitutional mandate. the constitution has spent a ton of time, a lot of money and effort to getting these guys to be quiet. policy graphing them regularly. they seem to have spent more time covering up the details of this operation than in going after the people responsible for murdering four americans. some of whom have said we have never even been contacted by the fbi. >> this week one of the networks had a two hour video with one of the supposed major suspects that we can't find him. you are telling me that a journalist can fly over to libya and find him, have a two hour interview in public with him but we can't find him with all the resources of the fbi? but then, remember, when the fbi director, robert
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mural was asked tell us about the investigation, it was like what investigation? well, i can't tell you anything because we don't have one. that's just the reality. >> alisyn: i have worked with the fbi on probably 100 cases, they don't normally wait for white house authorities to go and capture somebody. >> exactly. >> alisyn: why aren't they doing what they -- why they all work there? what they normally do. >> they all ultimately work for the department of justice headed by eric holder he was appointed by barack obama. i'm not saying barack obama is sitting there manipulating any decision. i'm saying within this administration there has been a very clear atmosphere created that you don't want to go there. and, you know, these are very highly professional people but on or about, they have families, they have careers to worry about. and who wants to mess up their career chain. >> alisyn: by captures a terrorist? why don't we want to capture the benghazi terrorist? >> exactly. >> we do. you and me and peter and tucker and i think most of the american public, but
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here is the problem. when you capture the terrorist, wone, terrorism is y alive. rule one. number two, is that not only is it alive. but it's doing a lot of things to us and it is, you know, not easy to capture and we are a long way from putting an end to it. >> governor is going to stay with us for the next segment. here -- hear in this is modern. >> "time" magazine latest couple says couples that go child-free are much happier. don't have kids, enjoy your life. is this the right message? >> alisyn: why your criminal past should have no impact on landing that job. whew
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>> alisyn: take a look at the latest "time" magazine. child-free life when having it all means not having children. the article inside suggest that more and more couples are choosing not to have kids because it can allow them to live a more fulfilling life. is this the wrong message to be sending? we are joined again by governor mike huckabee. i can't wait to fight with you about this one. it basically is trying to defy the fact that there is this motherhood mandate right now in the country. and hollywood is glamorizing pregnancy and baby bumps and maybe you can still have a good life without having children. >> of course you can i recognize that for some people that's maybe the best decision. especially for people maybe who write articles like this it's a good thing they didn't have kids. seriously. on the other side, i don't ever want to get to the point where we diminish the idea of not only creating
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the next generation but training them to be our replacements, which is the highest particular calling i think that we have as human beings is to create an ongoing process of humanity and then to train it to be better than we are. the real question is are we training the next generation to be better than we are? and, if we are not, maybe, and if that's not our goal, probably we would be better off being childless, because, i worry about what we say when we see hollywood with this idea that you don't need mothers and fathers for children, you know, it's not necessary to have marriage. it's not necessary to raise that child in the context of a family and home. you know, surrogate mom, get a nanny to raise it. but i'm a mom. you know, i think it's necessary to focus on the real sense of having the child raising the child, teaching the child right and wrong. >> having children means less time for vacations and spin class. have you ever seen anything
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more selfish, decadent and stupid? why is it that "time" magazine doesn't surprise you that "time," which is really a natural home for articles like this would be publishing it. >> look, we are talking about it "time" will sell more issues because we are actually discussing it. but, you know, again, i'm not offended that people to say we just don't want to have children. i think it's better for people. live that way for people that have kids that don't really want. that scares me is the people -- are the people who say oh well, we are going to have a kid, boy what a mess. >> alisyn: because of societal pressure to do. so people go along with it they don't really think about whether they are right for maternity, paging kim kardashian. >> one thing i can't imagine life without the incredible joy i have had from raising my children. all of whom are grown visiting grandchildren. the incredible thrill. take every dime i have ever earned and take everything i have ever owned and i would give it away freely for the joy of holding my children and grandchildren
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in my arms and look into their faces and flesh of my flesh and blood blood of my blood there is something incredible about that. >> peter: governor, ruk reverend huckabee, go forth and multiply. >> i have already done it i have done my part. >> tucker: completely alien concept. >> peter: should not be alien concept. thank you so much for being with us today. we will watch your show tonight. >> we have a special on where on the jobs. talk about employment, what's happened and where the numbers are not giving us the real story. >> peter: if you don't catch it tonight watch it tomorrow night too. >> watch it both times. >> tucker: so much for civility. governor charlie rangel goes on tea party rant calling tea party white crackers. will the liberals condemn this? don't hold your breath coming up. >> peter: the foods that can harm the ones that can heal, common ailments coming up next. all the answers. [ male announcer ] here's a word you should keep in mind. unbiased.
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>> tucker: quick headlines for you. this photograph drew outrage throughout the country. receiving a pat down. response the helping heros fly act. means the tsa must provide expedited screening for wounded warriors and veterans. the bill now awaits president obama's signature tu the country awaits a bill that applies to everyone. ellen degeneres will host next year's oscars. hosted at ward show in 2007. received rave reviews. replaces seth who came
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under fire for as you vulgar display last year. >> alisyn: do you suffer from sleep deprivation do you know certain foods will help heal those issues and lead you on a path to a healthier life. joining us now with the new cookbook foods that harm, foods that heal. executive editor of readers digest courtney smith. nice having you. >> thanks fog having me. >> some. >> readers digest make healthy eating healthy. 150 foods. 250 healing recipes, 100 sample meal plans for everything from acne to high pressure to chronic fatigue. so it's really easy to get these -- the foods you need in your diet. will a al let's start with the foods that harm. the foods that don't do good things for your body. what are they. >> that's these guys right here. sugar, white flour and salt. the hot news about them addictive. why you can't stop after one cookie.
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sugar and white flour also may cause insulin resistance over time that can lead to diabetes, metabolism problems and heart disease and salt is well known to cause high pressure but you may not know that it also causes kidney stones. and so you want to keep those to a minimum in your diet. alcohol important to drink in moderation because it's linked to cancer and mood swings as well as addiction. and milk is a surprising one. it is a healthy food but it's harmful in some cases. and that's the type of, you know, individual advice that this book gives you. if you have acne, milk makes it worse it promotes acne. if you are lactose intolerant it will put you in pain. some people need to look for calcium fortified milk substitutes, soy milk, rice milk, coconut and almond milk exploding on grocery shelves. >> alisyn: avoid the white stuff. >> do your diet a huge favor if you avoid the white stuff. >> i also want people to get healing food in their diet. that's what the tools in
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this book do. berries, for instance, are healing for acne. the vitamin c helps clear your skin. so we're calling this an acne busting breakfast. whole grain cereal, not the white stuff, soy milk on it to avoid the dairy, berries loaded with berries. >> alisyn: fresh fruit has all sorts of helpful benefits even beyond acne, you know. >> absolutely. it's peak season for berries right now. >> alisyn: delicious, i love them. i eat them constantly. >> if you are suffering from not getting enough sleep or have from having a hard time sleeping, what do you think will heal you? >> we recommend a turkey sandwich in the book. that's because turkey is high in tryptophan, that can help increase production of serotonin in your brain. serotonin is a natural sedative. here is the trick that you learn is that you need the carbs and the healthy whole grain bread to get the trip fan in its brain to diets job. >> alisyn: good to he. no high blood pressure what
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can help heal it it? >> sweet potatoes loaded with potassium known to lower high pressure. fen nil. magnesium, potassium, fiber and beta carotin. all helpful niewts nutrients. get more information reder's >> alisyn: thank you i feel better already. we will be having breakfast now. no stranger to controversy. democrat charlie rangel again in hot water for calling the tea party white crackers. will he be taken to task by his own party for racist remarks? we are gearing up for the hunting season. bass pro shop live on the plaza with the new gadget you need before heading into the woods this fall. ♪ changing my mood. i'm phyllis and i have diabetic nerve pain.
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[ female announcer ] get two safe driving bonus checks a year for driving safely. switch to allstate today! call an allstate agent now and see how much you could save. now that the kids are out of the house, so are frank and sandy. hitting every flea market they can find. but the best deal so far... is the one from allstate. [ female announcer ] drivers who switched to allstate saved an average of $498 a year! how much could you save? call 866-735-9100 and find out. [ dennis ] let an allstate agent help you save. are you in good hands? [ female announcer ] call an allstate agent and get a quote now. >> reported to me that the white house just approved an exemption in obama care coverage for congress and members of their staff. well, members complained that the affordable care act would cost them thousands extra a year in premiums. wait a minute, it's their bill. if it's too expensive why did they name it the affordable care act? [ laughter ] why didn't they call it what it really is do as we
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say not as we do act. that's the name of the bill. exactly. >> alisyn: he is being too logical. >> tucker: deeply, deeply true. well. >> peter: special treatment for some people. there really is. >> alisyn: thank you, peter. >> tucker: excellent point. charlie rangel you may recognize him a long time 40 year congressman from harlem in new york city long time chairman of the house ways and means committee one of the most powerful in congress friend to many. also it turns out something of a big got in an interview with the daily beast. charlie rangel comes out of the closet as someone who has a real problem with white people. >> alisyn: here is what he said. is he talking about the tea party and he is comparing them to people to opposed civil rights. it is the same group we faced in the south with those white crackers and the dogs and the police. i don't want to see it and i am not a part of it. he said. so, i mean, you know, can you just imagine you can
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imagine a congressman using a racial slur and saying it without any fear of repercussions? >> tucker: yes, well i remember robert byrd the longest serving history. a recruiter for the kkk literally used the "n" word live on fox, actually, and was feted by other democratic party luminaires when he he died no one mentioning it. >> the tea party is equivalent to bull conner and other people in the south who tried to subject subrogate violence and other means. it's totally untrue. there is no basis in fact for it. so, is the problem is he 83 years old a bigot as tucker says? will he apologize? for this? i said earlier i would think he would have to apologize for. this i would think he would have to come on shows across the country like this show and say this is
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what i meant. and either validate it in some fashion, if he has some evidence. >> right. >> about the tea party. >> that they are white crackers. and also say republicans were akin to terrorists in this country. >> he would have to awill to guise if someone applied pressure to him to do so. and so you would love to see, say, harry reid or nancy pelosi or president obama, the leaders of his party apply some kind of pressure by expressing their disapproval for what he said. i bet you lunch that that won't happen. by the way, he went on to say anyone against immigration reform is a racist. every son of a gun from europe has. the problem is a lot of whites feel awkward around people of color. that's why we are having this debate. >> that's ridiculous. >> alisyn: what is he talking about? this sort of rhetoric is so unhelpful and the fact that it is still happening in this day and age and that he says it with impunity. this is -- this was an interview. this wasn't like he was caught on a hot mike and he
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didn't know anybody was listening. this is an interview that he gave and says these things with impunity because, as tucker points out, nobody is calling him on it. >> peter: the president likes to inject himself into issues he believes of national concern even when they are truly local in nature. in a racial discussion will we hear from the president with regard to this particular issue. >> tucker: no, we won't. >> peter: hear the president calling out my friend charlie rangel. i have known him a long time. i can't believe he would say this. >> tucker: i can it's consistent and i have always thought rangel i have known him always thought he was charming. it's consistent. he is a race baiter. it's not helpful. it makes people hate each other and makes people paranoid and suspicious. by the way, the reason that our politics have been so placid compared to the rest of the world is we have less ethnic politics than the rest of the world. to the extent we have more,
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the country becomes less stable. it's a scary thing, playing with fire. >> peter: need to bring folks together in this city and this country and that does not wring us together. >> no. >> alisyn: in the meantime, we want to bring you headlines and tell you what else is happening around the world. brand new details emerging this morning about that new york ad executive who fell to her death after the railing on her balcony collapsed. inspection has determined that jennifer's balcony was not up to code. investigators say the railing was not strong enough to support death trap. expect for six months judy any edward federal grand jury is now investigating that firm. last cleared him for the nsa. there are concerns with the firm called u.s. investigations services cut corners to speed up their process. ran more and fewer background checks
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reportedly. known as flushing which would violate the false claims act. and they were side by side until snowden received asylum in russia. that's wikileaks staff sarah harris in there on the left side of the screen. she is snowden's advisor and there she is said tone sure his safety: criminal record off the record. california passing an ordinance that bans job applicants criminal histories. why would those be relevant. the ordinance threatens to terminate these contractors employment with the city if they complete a background check. officials say the ordinance is designed to increase employment opportunities in the struggling city. critics say the move puts employers and the public in danger. and it's one of the hottest and most controversial songs of the summer with more than 120 million views on youtube. ♪ sexy
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>> that's robin thicket's blurred lines the video may not be friendly. jimmy fallon had an idea to make things a bit more g-rated ♪ good girl i know you want it ♪ you are a good girl >> alisyn: fallon joining one of a kind rendition. this time everyone is fully clothed using classroom music instruments. they tweaked some of the lyrics too. sound just as good. >> peter: it does sound great. have to tweak the lyrics and video one version that i saw that is, you know, kind of al fresco. >> alisyn: that's right? and you watched it over and over and again. >> peter: i shut it down. >> tucker: first time i have heard of this. >> peter: it's a catchy song. >> alisyn: where have you been? >> blurred lines. >> tucker: i was in israel. this is not big in israel.
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>> peter: little marvin gay. >> tucker: kind of like it. i dig it. >> alisyn: let us know what you think about it. go out to rick. >> rick: israel. it is the biggest hunting sale of the year. a 4 stoors. -- stores: bass pro shops fall hunting classic. and wally is here to fill us in on what's going on. i will tell you what, as a weather man every august i hear this fall hunting classic and i'm thinking no, i'm not ready for fall yet but it's coming. this is a big deal for you guys every year. >> we are. it's getting close to that hunting season and everybody is looking at trying to gear up and getting ready for it and bass pro puts on a great sale. great prices across the board. for this sale it's another 10,000 items they put on sale. there is all these different kinds of seminars and things going on at bass pro shop that's fun for everybody too. >> teach people hunting. >> absolutely. this week -- next week, i believe, is the hunter appreciation seminar. then we have the next
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jerks. and people come in and they will answer your questions so they will give you tips about how to be more successful in the field and it's all free. >> rick: awesome. one of the things you mentioned hunter safety. i walked out here and i thought what is bass pro shops having a big safety -- >> -- hey, this is the king of buds safe. concerned about theft and fire. this is one of those safes that will take care of everything. this particular safe is set up where you can have 25 guns, but it also has shelves. you can change the configuration. rated for 1200 degrees for 45 minutes for a buyer. this is -- a lot of people are putting their valuables this these things. this is great investment. >> 1150 bucks for this thing. you have a small safe also right here. >> right. this is called the winchester evolt. it's a pistol safe, again, you can keep your passport and things in it the nice thing about this is it's electric. also runs on a battery. but you use your fingerprint. you can put 15 fingerprints
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on here. whoever you want to access it. that's really a great product. >> rick: we talked about binoculars now there is noculus. >> this is a bass pro exclusive. very new company. quality product. they put this stuff through the test. we have spotting scopes, binoculars and rifle scopes. this is a really good product starts at $169. don't forget, you could bring in your old pair of binoculars or a scope and you can get $100 off of a new product bass pro shops. it's a great time to buy. >> rick: awesome. more with bass pro shops coming up in just a little bit. right now guys, send it back to you inside. >> alisyn: looks great out there. season tickets to see the national slay are cold fronted by many washington native. one man gave his away for free in memory of his late father. is he here to share his inspirational story. >> tucker: great story.
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now the democrats are the ones under fire. the steamy, steamy appalling details coming up. my asthma's under control. i don't miss out...
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butetting heartburn and then treating day after day is a thing of the past. block the acid with prilosec otc, and don't get heartburn in the first place. [ male announcer ] one pill each morning 24 hours. zero heartburn. >> tucker: well,welcome back. we have heard an awful lot about the war on women. it's a constant democratic talking point. remember when democrats spent months talking about it? >> the other republicans as i understand it who are running represent that right wing that's declared war on women's health. >> launched a series of attacks on women. access to healthcare. even contraception.
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>> their desperate fear about what is happening with this war on women that they started. there is a war on women. >> all right. well, some are now saying the democrats are actually waging a war on women. democrats like elliott weiner, eliot spitzer and bob filner now that it's one of their own next guest says democratic party leaders are strangely silent. joining us now "washington times" senior editor our own pal emily miller. emily, welcome. >> thanks, tuck iter. >> bob filner is a member of congress and now a mayor of san diego. eight of his reputed victims was literally like grabbing women. so that's not a war on women, what is? >> that is sexual assault actually what he was doing. now we have got these poor women who worked for him all these years or at least this year he has been mayor at least we know of have come out suddenly because they are no longer scared.
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is he grabbing me on the rear end. is he putting his hand down my shirt. is he slobbering on me. this is sexual assault. i mean, this is not, you know, the democrats launched this war on women it was because rush limbaugh rated talk show host great rush limbaugh said sandra fluke is a shut because she wants the taxpayer to pay for birth control. they used that to blame the party, which is not the elected officials waging a war on women. but it has nothing to do with that bob filner is -- this man is disgusting. and what he is doing is illegal and you don't hear anyone talking about it you don't hear president obama -- you don't hear any of the party leaders saying this man has got to go. >> alisyn: of course, democrats can chalk it up to bob filner is having some sort of issue or he is losing his marbles that case one oddball guy who should probably not be in office anymore. they don't lump it into a war on women category. what do you think that
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party leaders like harry reid or debbie wasserman shoults or nancy pelosi should be saying? >> they should say bob -- bob filner we disavow we tonight want him in our party. president of the united states when asked, the president doesn't even have to talk about this. when the spokesman of the white house are asked about these cases they should say the president of the united states does not want people like that who sexually assault women in office. it's the same thing with anthony weiner, same thing with elliott eliot spitzer. these people should not be in public life. i think bob filner should probably be in jail for what he is doing. weiner, i don't know what you do with that he is just a pervert and can't change. but definitely shouldn't be mayor of new york. why can't he they talk about it. >> tucker: used the word pervert applies to this case it works though. that's why this talking point exists because it scares female voters into voting democrat, no? it. it worked last year because people were confused and
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confused it with policy versus with what republicans said. this year is different. the biggest issue for women's health that they like to talk about this year is abortion. and abortion when a baby can feel the pain of the abortion which is 20 weeks. that bill passed the house already and is facing the senate. and 70 -- between 60 and 70% of women favor. this they think they have got a war on women but, in fact, the women are on a different side when it comes to actually policy and the important things. >> alisyn: emily miller, you are with the "washington times." thanks so much for sharing your perspective on. this thanks for having me. >> tucker: coming up, we have been talking to you about the victims of the fort hood shooting massacre who have been denied proper benefits because the government won't call it terrorism. well, this morning some news that may change all of that. >> alisyn: this man just gave away morning, some news ty change all of that. >> this man gave away tickets to baseball games. hear his story next. chances are,
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you're not made of money, so don't overpay for at insurance. geico, you're not made of money, see how much you could save.
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welcome back. like many father and son relationships kent wilson and his dad bonded over baseball and their love for nationals. that is when he appreciated the sport. kent gave away dozens free tickets so that others than enjoy baseball just like he and his dad did. >> i was so knocked out by the story. your father was diagnosed with terminal cancer. he decided he was going to
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continue on with his life and you continue to go to washington national baseball games even when he was dying, right? >> we only made it to the first game which was opening day in april. he wasn't feeling too great in the first inning. he actually left as he hit a home run. >> in reading his live was so filled with service and happiness and doing good with people. you read the obituary and that becomes clear. you went on kras craigslist an did you say? >> i had been giving away tickets for weeks since my dad passed because it was difficult to sit in the seats where we would have sat and so i put an add on craigslist and i didn't
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intend for it to obviously get this big. i was just kind of somewhat therapeutic and i wrote an add and i said here are the tickets that i had left and i asked people to make sure that if they take the tickets that they enjoy the game and have a good time. >> you did it because you thought he would have liked you to pass on this legacy and love of baseball? >> yeah, absolutely. since i was very young, my dad and i one thing that we shared was baseball. he grew up playing baseball in maryland and he played with ray miller the former manager of the orioles and it was something that really brought us together. growing up i played baseball for a long time and made it to every single game. >> you are a great and loyal son
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and thank you for shiaring this with us. >> another government agency going irs and targeting conservative groups. come on back. [ shapiro ] at legalzoom, you can take care of virtually all your imptant legal matters in just minutes. protect youramily... and launch your dreams. at we put the law on your side. [ male announcer ] once in a while, everything falls into perfect harmony. [ engine revs ] and you find yourself in exactly the right place at the right time. just be sure you're in the right car
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good morning everyone today is saturday, august third we begin with a fox news alert. because more than 20 embassies across the middle east have been closed this week. worldwide travel alert. all of this is because of al qaeda. >> and yet another government agency going all irs and targeting conservative groups. we'll tell you which one. >> and he may be a day away from being banned from baseball, but a-rod is staying refinal.
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>> people are finding creative ways to cancel your contract. i think it is concerning for me and future players as well. >> why he says the whole steroid thing is just a conspiracy. "fox and friends" hour four starts right now with you. >> good morning everyone. thank you so much for joining us. hi tucker, great to see you. >> alison cammarato great to see you. >> my gosh. >> i am startling at this hour. >> you are wonderful at every hour. let's talk about the big news of the morning. we are continuing to learn more details about the newest al qaeda alert and it is shutting
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down 20 embassies around the world. >> media reports state that the us did gather electronic communication about senior operatives. they are close iing and a worlde strafl travel alert has been issued. the scope is something we have never seen before. 21 consulates are going to be dark on sunday. >> this is a world that is a very complex world. that is critical at this moment and to send a message that the united states is not going to be under attack. >> some house members have said there is little doubt if any that something serious is being planned.
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intelligence chairman releasing a statement and it reads in part, the seriousness of the stream is a sober reminder to commit acts of violence on us targets. this as an explosion overnight in afghanistan killing at least 9 civilians. britain and germany they are said to temporary close areas in yemen. back to you. >> all right, meanwhile, we know a little bit about these threats, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staffs and they say that it is, they have heard specific chatter and that chatter at least according to ambassador was picked up because of the nsa surveillance program.
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>> they say specific chatter but the response is general. all the way from the western sahara to bangladesh. the entire region shutting down. it sends a message that we are afraid and playing defense to al qaeda. >> obviously, it is a credible real threat. how do we respond? do we pull the covers over our head and close up for business or move forward in a robust way that protects american assets and american interests. it is interesting when all we have heard over the last year that al qaeda is on the run and terrorism has been defeated and all of a sudden and maybe timing is everything. it is in the muslim terrorist world. you have a president's birthday
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coming up and tomorrow you have the installation of the iranian president. maybe there is timing to this. but why haven't we had a consciousness of how bad it has been to cause 21 embassies to be closed. >> they say it is the last friday of the month of ramadan. you know, on the flip side of your theory tucker, is did we not learn anything from benghazi. when we get an actual threat don't we now take action? do we want a repeat of benghazi where four americans were killed? >> don't lie, don't make up stories about why it happened. >> and don't cover it up. look, who wants to admit the truth which is it is a dangerous world.
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we are the most powerful country in it. american people abroad will always be at risk in this life. let's be honest about that. what happened to the rudy giuliani response to terrorism. shoulders back, head high and live your life. and in so doing, give the finger to terrorists. >> we had governor huckabee on and we asked him what happened to the president's olive branch did that work? >> this administration has never understood that somehow we can sit down and make nice with radical islam. you don't, you can't, you never will. this is a movement that is absolutely focused on the annihilation not the domination the annihilation of every single
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human being including secular muslims. >> so, what doing do about that? that is the question today. do you take these precautions that some look like a retreat. do you just put up your dukes and beef up security, do we have the man power to do that? >> we would love to hear what your thoughts are this morning on the unprecedented scope of this terror threat. let's talk about the irs. it has been accused of targeting conservative groups. the federal election commission rand and in fact the nexus of these is loislerner. >> this is 2008 and 2009 this was during the presentational election season.
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officials called over to the irs and said we would like the confide confidential tax information for a couple of conservative groups. it is against the rules for them to provide it but they did anyway. >> nixonian, saying i want your tax returns so i can make a determination about someone. we have ms.lerner who seems to be at the nexus of all of this activity between politics and election policy in this country. >> loislerner came before congress and basically said here is my position i'm innocent and i'm not saying another word. and they let her get away with it. >> they say that violates the
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5th amendment. anyway she is the one who was asked for these records and handed them over to the fec. >> was that the basis for the 5th amendment. are there other things that she is aware of that she was afraid to testify earlier? >> how kroucorrupt is this? honestly, i never thought that they would be braisen enough to use the irs and fec to crush their open inepts. >> how many times did he go to the white house more than any other cabinet official and he went for the easter egg hunt. >> he did like 111 times. >> that is a lot of eggs. >> let's tell you what else is happening. new this morning the fda said they traced the source of that
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nasty stomach virus to mexico. it has been linked to red lobsters and of ill gualive gar iowa and nebraska. it has sickened more than 400 people. >> alex rod riguez scored last night. he has until tomorrow to reach a deal for doping. a mlb is considering a life time ban. he sounds like someone expecting to play next week. >> are you confident that you will be in chicago? >> yeah, unless i get hit by lightening and these days you never know. >> he insists he is going to keep fighting because people are trying to come up with creative
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ways to eliminate contracts. >> lawmakers introduce a bill to give victims of the ft. hood shooting massacre. the justice for mortgage hood heros act would ensure that victims receive the same bene t benefits as purple heart veterans. this comes as a military court ruled prosecutors can use internet searches from major nadal hassan in court. >> outside i believe with our friends from bass pro shops. >> yeah, but also a great audience. anybody who makes a sign, you are at least going to get some love. fox and friends, we come from virginia, home of mr.
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and larry sabato. very nice looking at the weather maps guys, beautiful picture sent in from benton harbor over lake michigan. looks like a spectacular shot. might see a little bit of fog. that is going to expire around 10:00. keep sending your pictures on twitter or on my face book page. that is tropical depression dorian. maybe a few light showers in the area today. but in the most part that named storm will be moving away from land. areas of montana the dakotas down to colorado looking for a threat. mostly hail and damaging winds.
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not looking for significant tornados. hot again across texas dallas 102. see that little green up around the great lakes, spectacular weekend. >> not to make light of a public health disaster. the story about people getting sick on salads, salads aren't safe. >> steak isn't making anyone ill. the bottomless pasta isn't making anyone ill. >> dropping health care plans entirely for one state we will tell you which one and where. >> and the royal baby birth certificate.
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[ jackie ] its just so frustrating... ♪ the middle of this special moment and i need to run off to the bathroom. ♪ i'm fed up with always having to put my bladder's needs ahead of my daughter. ♪ so today, i'm finally talking to my doctor about overactive bladder symptoms. [ female announcer ] know that gotta go feeling? ask your doctor about prescription toviaz. one toviaz pill a day significantly reduces sudden urges and accidents, for 24 hours. if you have certain stomach problems or glaoma, or can not empty your bladd, you should not take toviaz. get emergency medical help right away if your face, lips, throat or tongue swells.
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toviaz can cause blurred vision, dizziness, drowsiness and decreased sweating. do not drive,perate machinery or do unsafe tasks until you ow how toviaz affects you. the most common side effects are dry mouth and constipation. talk to your doctor about toviaz. the most common side effects are dry mouth and constipation. (ding, ding) how long have i had my car insurance? i don't know, eight, ten years. i couldn't tell ya' but things were a lot less expensive back then. if you're 50 or over you should take a new look at your auto insurance. you may be overpaying. actually that makes a lot of sense. old policy. old rates. and thanks to your experience behind the wheel, you might save $350 by switching to the aarp auto insurance program from the hartford.
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sources say extreme measures are now being taken by this administration to silence cia officers who may know too much about the benghazi terror attack. our next guest says she's tactics may have a chilling effect on our national security. thank you for coming on. >> give us a sense of the precedent for this, cia officers being polygraphed a eed every m >> if it is true, it is unprecedented. you don't polygraph people out
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of their turn, you get polygraphed every four or five years as a security measure. this has nothing to do with national security. this has to do with intimidation and in a sense persecution. the people who risk their lives on the ground in libya for a war that has been a disaster for the nation, are now being intimidated that their careers will be ruined or they will be fired if they happen to say what was going on, on the ground at the time. it is clearly, i have known john bre brennan for a long time. he is a bully of the first order. but for the people below him he is a bully of epic dimensions. >> it is hard to think of something worse you can say about a man than what you just said.
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>> there is worse. tucker, but we probably shouldn't doe into it. >> kissing up and striking down. >> regularly since 1998 he has been involved in efforts to prevent the destruction of al qaeda whether trying to kill him in the 1990s or denying us intelligence from interrogations he is serving a master who has no concern for american security. >> this administration has spent more time and money trying to silence cia officers than going after the murderers. what are they trying to hide? >> was the ambassador up to something on the ground that they don't want to become known. >> the left is trying to blame this an the cia saying that the
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cia was supplying guns to syria through libya. what the american people never understand is that the cia does nothing without the president's approval. it is the instrument of the president of the united states. >> that is a point worth making. >> if they were sending guns to syria, it is because the president told them to. >> all things come out in the end including this secret. it will be revealed. thank you for joining us. >> thank you sir. >> how a 200 foot sinkhole swallowed up an entire town. plus it is almost time to head back to school but don't go shopping before you see our tips to save big bucks on supplies and clothing. [ voice on phone ] up high! up high! [ laughs ] up high! up high!
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[ sighs ] [ chuckles ] yo, give it up, dude! up high... ok. up high... ok. high! up high!!! ok ok that's getting pretty old. don't you have any useful apps on that thing? who do you think i am, quicken loans? [ chuckles ] at quicken loans, our amazingly useful mortgage calculator app allows you to quickly calculate your mortgage payment based on today's incredibly low interest rates... ne or android smartphone. allows you to quickly calculate your mortgage payment this great tool answers your home loan questions organizes your results, and lets you calculate with the confidence of a rocket scientist. you can even take notes and add photos of your favorite homes! it's the 21st century way to make your next home refinance or purchase easy. download it today from the app store or google play... the mortgage calculator by quicken loans... one more way quicken loans is engineered to amaze. ♪
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thank you for being with us. >> starting to snuff out e cigarettes. starbucks has confirmed it's ban on smoking within 25 feat of its shop. it pertains also to e cigarette a are. >> the birth certificate has been released. princess of the united kingdom. palace spokesman says she gets the title for marying prince
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william but calling her princess would be in core recorrect. >> how do i get that job. >> it seems like summer just started but it is time for back to school shopping. parents are expected to shell out more than $600 for school supplies. andrea, great to see you. >> we are in the middle of something that i didn't know existed. tax free days? >> tax free shopping days. not all states participate. but you can go to retailers offer tax-free shopping. clearly there is a big savings, a lot of states are doing it this weekend. >> that is huge. another thing that you recommend
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to save parents money. kids grow out of clothes so quickly. >> it does seem like a waste of money to buy all of these brand new clothes when it might not fit them next spring. you can go online to sites like, and sell your kids clothes or accessories that no longer fit them and offset the cost this year. >> for pre-schoolers, they grow out of them in two months. >> that is a great opportunity. mix and match what do you mean by that? >> perhaps you have a stock pile of notebooks, why not get together with other parents and see what types of school items or clothes that you can kwap. you can organize a community wise swap.
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that is good. that is really fun. >> the best way to save money is to kcomparison shop. do your homework at home first. use search engines like price and go to and there is a specialty site inkjetwilly.comto save on pri printer ink. >> there is also back to school saturday. >> it is hosted by teen vogue worry tahere retailer s post bi for school age children and high schoolers and i recommend
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waiting after back to school for the fall clothes. you are going to see huge mark downs come october on denim and sweaters. wait until the holidays for black friday. these are great suggestions. thank you so much. >> i'll tweet out some of these suggestions as well. coming up a crash caught on camera, this is an 18 wheeler that flew across an interstate and caught on fire. >> we'll debate it. just hunting... it's a way of life. celebrate it now at bass pro shops' fall hunting classic. our biggest show and sale of the year starts this weekend with big savings and free hunting seminars by top pros.
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it fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. in a convennt two bar pack. this is nature valley. nature at its most delicious.
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> . >> the best way i can describe it is it's awful, awful awful awful, and then something incredible happens. and then awful, awful, awful, awful. >> is that what parenting is really like? >> no, it is not like that at all. >> the ufawful boughtful balanc
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>> i think it is tough sometimes. >> we're talking about this because time magazine has a controversial cover talking about the childfree life. you have a lot of free time and people find it controversial that they are suggesting not having kids. >> i think they are suggesting that you are happier without kids that kids are the problem. not everyone is meant to raise kids. but it is hard to say kids do bring meaning to your life. maybe raising a child into a good citizen is more significant than going on a long vacation. but there is a cultural segment in our country that children are the enemy. pr pregnancy is the enemy, it is a
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distraction and we can read new york magazine every week and read about the best place to get fish tacos on the east side. we can have brick walls exposed -- >> hold on a second. >> the kids are no good. they are ruining your life. they are a problem. >> okay the angle of the article is that there is such a motherhood mandate. the real pressure is that you are meant to feel inadequate if you don't have children. every magazine features baby bumps of celebrities and if you are not angelina jolie you are meant to feel that you are somehow lacking. right now, there is a lot of pressure to have kids. let us know. >> well, you know, there is an
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evolutionary imperative. not just go to club med. >> let us know what you think about being child free versus childless. meanwhile we have news to tell you about. the obama health care exchanges are bad medicine for aetna. the insurance company announced it is checking out of the exchanges in maryland. the exchange is open october 1st. aetna said it was leaving california because of the new regulations. >> it was amazing that no one was seriously hurt here. watch this. >> what the [ bleep ]. >> police say the driver of that semi swerved to avoid another
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car and then lost control. the fuel tanks exploded when it hit the guardrail. the man's son was in the truck with him and they walked away with bumps and bruises. this is a massive sinkhole. it is 90 feet deep and 200 feet wide. i believe that is the biggest sinkhole they have never seen. residents say they have no idea what kacaused it to split open. >> how did this happen? >> i thought it was deep. you get out here and you see how big it s. >> that sinkhole is getting bigger by the day, but there are no homes or businesses will. >> walenda could walk across it. >> you could be swallowed by a sinkhole. what are you doing? >> we are about to do something
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really cool in a second. we have four wheelers out here. everybody is wearing their bass pro shops hat. except one hold out here. >> i said it was okay my mom would never put it on. looking at the weather maps, an amazing picture coming out of the mountains. they have had over four inches of rain for the monsoon season. i believe that is a sunrise picture. those are the mountains off to the east. hide out branch. keep sending me your pictures on twitter or on my facebook page. we have cool temperatures across areas of the northern rockies. but it is warm. dallas you are 82 degrees and today you are getting back up into the triple digits. significant rain moving across missouri and arkansas.
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be careful if you are out on those roads. >> we have bass pro shops with us. you are also a nascar drive. and your dad was an indy car driver. >> we didn't have anything better to do. we go from racing into this. tell us what this is. >> this is the bad boy bouggy. this is four-wheel-drive but it is electric. at peak torque it goes up to 40 miles on a charge. >> you think of electric cars, but if you are hunting this makes perfect sense. >> what is this guy called? >> the articat 550.
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i want to thank our crash-test dummy. i saw you trying it out earlier. these four wheelers have come such a long way. this has power steering. you could probably feel it when you were driving. these are great for hunting, off road, having fun. i have one of these things and i love it. >> and there is special financing. you can get up to $1500 rebate on atv's and 2.9% financing. if you are looking to get into a toy. to do it. >> thank you very much for this. we'll send it back to you. >> try not to drive through the building. >> see? impressive. >> did you like that? >> is there a clutch? now we are ready. yeah.
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oh, no. we have glass windows there. >> it's just -- wow. that was impressive. >> wow, where did it go. >> is there anything more macho -- >> what you didn't realize is that our stage guy had to run out of the way really quickly. sorry about that buddy. >> wow. rick four wheeling in his business suit. >> here is the question, will the show go on? how this "real housewives" star plans to possibly face prison. >> expert here on preparing your
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pet for a new addition to the family. get ready. look at those kids. ♪ my insurance rates are probably gonna double.
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but, dad, you've got... [ voice of dennis ] allstate. with accident forgiveness, they guarantee your rates won't go up just because of an accident. smart kid. [ voice of dennis ] indeed. are you in good hands? . . [ female announcer ] can it get any cleaner?
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[ steam hisses ] actually... guys! [ female announcer ] can. introducing swiffer steamboost powered by bissell. it gets the dirt that mops can leave behind with steam-activated cleaning pads that break down dirt and lock it away. how did you get this floor so clean? ♪ steamboost, sir! [ female announcer ] new swiffer steamboost powered by bissell. not just clean, steamboost clean.
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that fox news alert the state department in the middle east in the wake of a new terror threat from al kid. the question is, is the administration being too cautious and in jeopardy of looking too weak in the face of our enemies. >> good morning scott. >> how are you? >> i'm fine.
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are we doing the right thing or are we cutting and running. >> well let me first say that of course the main job of government is to protect it's people. if there is a credible threat we certainly should act on it. i don't doubt that those on the ground serving are in harm's way. but what we are seeing now, every muslim country the embassies are shut down here and we look weak and our foreign policy needs an injection of realism. >> you indicated that we can do affirmative things at these embassies in terms of military support to protect the men and women of the united states but we have chosen to pull the shutters down and say we will reopen when the risk abates. does it ever abate?
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>> i don't think so. this is a network group. you heard that it was decimated. that is sort of bs. quite frankly this warning of shutting down all of the emba y embassies let's them know we have this warning on august 4th so why don't we plan it for next week. if we are going to harden the embassies, we should just do that. all that stuff can be done without announcing it worldwide. >> scott, in terms of the message, does it send the message that we don't have the capacity to get these host countries to protect our embassies? they are not saying please keep it open we will do what we can. we don't seem to have that capacity or that kind of support
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from any of these countries. >> i'm not sure if we doen't hae the capacity or not. it is their duty and responsibility to make sure that american sovereignty is protected. we should be moving towards that. >> i have seen on videotape from around the world you have probably seen it up close and personal. crowds saying america get out. have we accomplished for them with one stroke of a president's executive order what they clammor for so often for america to step out of the region and to say we're out of it? >> quite frankly in the middle east and i have spent a lot of time over there, they expect power. i'm not sure if it is giving
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them what they want but it is certainly propaganda. it is important to note that despite these headlines, this should not distract us from getting to the bottom of the real scandals and having the conversation of where the limits are for nsa spying. >> good final point and we thank you for your service in the past. we will see you soon. >> my pleasure. >> be well. >> preparing for four legged baby for the new baby in your life. next the steps you need to take before bringing home that little bundle of joy. pets and kids on "fox and friends". ♪ when i first felt the diabetic nerve pain,
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she'll reportedly keep the cameras rolling despite her real life drama. it's expected to begin in december. g giudice and her husband were intighted. >> no one has hit five number. the odds of winning are 1 in 157.2 million.
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well, new baby is supposed to be a bundle of joy but it can make you a bundle of nerves if you have another four-legged baby already at home. >> here to offer tips and advice for your pet and make a smooth transition tr the new addition, our favorite veterinarian heather. >> thank for having me. how did your dogs react when baby comes home? >> it totally disrupts the routine. we have dogs here with their babies that are justing really well to nair new life together. >> how did jas ter react when the baby came home? >> he was great. he's a low key dog. i think he appreciates the attention of the kids and it's
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been a lot of fun. >> obviously they did something right. >> yes. they try to. the first thing i do is tell them to go to the vet and screen the dog for any diseases that could be transmitted to the child and make sure they're in optimal health, which jasper is. >> every parent's greatest fear is that the dog will snip or grab at the child. >> i like to teach a dog good manners. something that jasper caught on the really quickly is nice down. it's a nice one because it acts like sit and stay. caleb can do that with him at home when he's in the mood. >> this is laurie weiner, our producer. >> this is baby zachary, 6 weeks old and he's the littleborough and our dog mattingly is getting
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used to zachary. >> what happened when you first brought zachary home? >> he was just a little bit curious and he was a little bit tense, so we tried to introduce them in a way that the veterinarian told us how. >> and how is that? >> i thunk we actually talked about this. that you would do some things like altering his feeding schedule and walk schedule. really honestly your schedule is so different you might as well put that into effect before the baby comes instead of waiting till they arrive. if they sleep with you like so many dogs do and you don't want them in your bed, train them beforehand. again, don't wait till after they've been here. thichg you guys did this too. introduce your dogs to the new sights and smells of what's going on in the house. you can get a recording of a baby crying and get the dog used to it. >> but you don't have to play it when you're home. >> no. that would make you crazy. you're going to get enough of that. put the lotion on a baby doll
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and let the dog smell it. >> tell us your name. >> my name is jennifer goode. >> and this is vida. >> vida. >> vida. how did your animal, your dog react? >> zipper. zipper's 4 years old and zipper is a little dog. it was a tough transition because vida is a little older and she's walking around as dr. heather is going to tell you. >> it's important to teach a dog how to get along with a child and vice versa, and one of the things that vida's learning is she's learning how to pet a dog properly. most people think you can pet a dog on top of their head which is really uncomfortable. pet them down here. we'll be back with grace and her dog when we return. more "fox & friends" in just three minutes. are you flo? yes. is this the thing you gave my husband? well, yeah, yes. the "name your price" tool. you tell us the price you want to pay, and we give you a range of options to choose from. careful, though -- that kind of power can go to your head.
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to do? do you like to kiss? oh, that must make otis very happy. >> yes. >> great. you're adorable. you're 6 years old. we'll do more of this in the after the show show. >> thank you. >> thanks for being with us. time for you to get worked up because while the jobless rate may be falling the types of jobs employers are adding are, well, alarming. the number of part-time workers surging. now a record high of 28 million, making up more than 3/4 of the new jobs this year. it comes more companies say they're cutting more hours because of the health care law, so is the law turning mesh into a part-time nation? hi, everybody. this is "bulls & bears." here we are. welcome to everybody. larry, you say blame the h


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