tv The Five FOX News August 3, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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what you click on this week. on "the five." hello, i'm dana perino, along with andrea and others. it's 5:00 o'clock in new york city. this is "the five". >> there is a world wide alert for americans traveling overseas in the wake much a new terror threat from al-qaeda. the state department announced they are shutting down 17 embassies and four consulates on sunday, most in the muslim world. the state department says current information suggests al-qaeda and its affiliates may be planning to launch attacksrmt between now and the end of august, possibly in the middle east or north africa.n eric, this administration is not afraid of a tv camera and giveno this news and how unprecedented
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it is, we were at the white house waiting for any sort of comment and look, empty. crickets. there is nothing on dod. there was absolutely no comments. these are honestly,de they announced that the president ate breakfast. that's the kind of announcement we get a and today after this, a have absolutely nothing. sounds very serious. but are you skeptical? >> well, of course it wasn't the george zimmerman verdict that they could comments on and president obama couldn't say he could have been trayvon martin 35 years ago. about the threats, i'm not sure where i am. i'll be honest. a lot of people are saying it's america's weakness. we're showing that we're afraid of al-qaeda, we're closing ems basies. on the other hand, god forbid and something happened and we weren't prepared and didn't vacate some people and heard peo these threats, there would a lot of us saying we should have closed these embassies.
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however, we have fast responsess teams in spain, bahrain, italy, and have the marine expeditionary unit in the middle east ready to go. this is clearly -- the size and scope of it, 21 embassies and four consulates, 21 total. the scope of the cell tells you there is a credible threat. there is going to be something they believe in nature is credible. maybe it wasn't such a bad idea to close some of these. >> it does, andrea, seem overbroad. however, maybe they have reason to because they have enough chatter to know there is something going and perhaps it's a way to drawog out terrorists and figure out a way to track down and pinpoint who it might be that's trying to perpetrate this. >> i hope that's it. i think it's either probably one of two things. one, the threat is credible. it is, and the reason for the silence could be that this r administration just aea coupleet weeks ago during memorial day
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told us we were not at war withd radical islam and there was noot war on terror. they also used the talking tonight's duringer the 2012 campaign a that al-qaeda was decimated and they were on thea run. so i can understand why they probably don't want to answer questions. or -- this may be a little bit more conspiracy torial, or they're sensitive on this issue. they're weak on this issue. there are new wrinkles init benghazi comingiv out, big, big issues they'll get into later ii this bloc that this is maybe bigger and blowing up than weo think. >> bob, what about that? during the campaign it was repeated over and over that al-qaeda is decimated, even though all said it's morphed, it's changed. is it resurgent? >> the original al-qaeda has been decimated, but the reformed in thehe arabian peninsula, for example, and a lot of people usd the term al-qaeda.e one of the reason i i think they're doing this, a, i think theyrd have credible chatter. but secondly, benghazi. the last thing they want is havl
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another one of these thingsant happened. is remember after benghazi they said if we had to do it over again, we would have sent people in? my own guess is they picked up chatter and said north texas -- no more >> this past week the president and others within the administration have been saying that the benghazi is one of the phony scandals. if all of these phony scandals like the doj investigation into james rosen, the irs scandal and now benghazi, all three of thoso had actually changed policy in the administration, are they really so phony? >> no. although i first thought we didn't have a chance to talk between then. i thought it was a mistake. i thought it was the president d was ad libbing saying, by the way, these phony scandal, let'ss get back to building the middle class and it turns out it wasn't. what i find serious about this is 9-11 is coming up.
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9-11 in 2012 was devastating. but i also think it's the most devastating thing that's happened over the last year ishi nothing's happened to them of the there is cover of inspire n magazine has an american flag on the ground, al-qaeda flag ma hanging over the egyptian embassy. zawari's brother was -- in november of 12, he put out a misssive saying this a victory for us. we never punched back after they punched last time. that matters. >> and the message has been -- >> did we punch back? >> we killed about three quarters of them with drones. >> 2012, those guys are out. >> we are in retreat and islam is on the march. so of course they've recalibrated. you mentioned it,s al-qaeda is now a brand. you don't have to be part of a terrorist cell. you can be radicalized whether you're in boston or bahrain.he >> how can you say we're inou retreat? -- >> we have a president of the
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united states that refuses to acknowledge on memorial day that we are at war with radical islam. he refuses to say the he actually is in denial. we are pulling our forces out of the middle east. we didn't scramble jets when we should have. he's calling benghazi and the death of four americans fake. i can go on. >> he didn't say fake. >> can we talk about the specifics of this one? approaching the end of ramadan, there is a specific day called the night of power. that's coming up. we also have a 20-year anniversary, august 7, of an attack that killed many -- couple embassies around the world. maybe an abundance of caution. >> and it's not just embassy staff that is being warned. people who are -- americansaff traveling overseas, make sure you take a look at the state department warning because it does say that especially if transportation type things, making sure you take care off tr yourself and be on the lookout.
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that warning will last through the end of ramadan. >> ramadan in the error cannes, it has a special day f there is a full moon, which happens next thursday, that's apparently a very big deal. >> important day for them. >> for the powerp rangers. >> have you kept yours together? >> they're put away. >> eric, there are developments in benefiting. cnn was reporting there are -- there may have been -- they are reporting this, that there were dozens of c.i.a. operatives on the ground during the benghazi attacks and that this is ack secret arms dealing situation and we were gun running and we wanted to be quiet about it. >> there were several c.i.a. on the ground, several dozen of what they say and behave beenn some gun running, whatever you wantsa to call it, to some syrians, i guess. however, there is something mori insidious about this. aftermath of that,meth
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they've been sworn to secrecy. they've been told to take lie detector tests. they're not allowed to speak to anyone. they're fearful l of not only their own safety, but their families' safety. i mean, it's almost like they'ra living in a regime n aregi dictatorship. they should be free to talk about some of the things tha happened. >> i want to read some of the things we got from the c.i.a. dean boyd, kind of a blast fromi my past, he used to work with me in the bush administration, said c.i.a. employees are always free to speak to congress if they want to and there is no established process to facilitate such a communication on a confidential basis. the c.i.a. enabled all officerst involved in benghazi the opportunity to meet with congress. bob, you know a how that works,f you want to talk to members ofr, congress, there is a specialo procedure that you can gos a through. where do you think the truth lies? >> i think mosted of them who we there in the international space
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shuttle, the reason why these people -- a lot of them were libyans who we paid to put on l ourot payroll.s they're not about to get themselves exposed. >> and they're not in america.ex >> and the vast number of them are foreign nationals. >> i don't know. i'm getting -- at least with cnn, they've been saying -- their source say these are c.i.a. people, americans who are -- >> they say americans? >> i'm pretty sure they said p americans. >> they're afraid for their families. >> they're asking some of them to change their name, which i find to be outrageous. if there were 35 people on the ground that night, wouldn't5 c.i.a., central intelligence officers, be able to tell us that it wasn't a spontaneous t demonstration, created by a mob? this is consistent with what the c.i.a. has been telling us for a long time. a also cnn has reported that the head of this group, ansar
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al-shariah, that could be responsible for this, a man said nobody interrogated me. i'd beal happy to answer questions. why is cnn and the american media and the "new york times"ha able to locate him, but our president, who promise to do bring him to justice, has not sent one person to interrogate him? >> we know where he's been from the beginning.ated you build a case against the guy -- we're using cnn as a source?y >> where is the case we build when we blow them up in pakistan? >> maybe there is -- the thing is that they're so secretive on some things, which i can appreciate, but then they're noi on other things that make the president look good. the leaks are just bizarre. >> there is a theory, and i will -- be careful of this, that people in the libyan government who were -- just as happy to seo the benghazi thing blown up. >> this guy is the self-proclaimed leader of ansar
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al-shariah. so why don't we pick him up or take him to gitmo? >> he gets prosecuted. >> why? >> he was on the ground -- don't you think we should ask him what he knows? >> here is the thing, what was the c.i.a. there for? he the rumor is they were gettingre those weapons away from the rebels there to bring them to the rebels in syria, via turkeye so are they trying to do ane th iran-contra thing, the methods are going to be something the americans don't want. >> what about the theory that is the ambassador screwed everything up by showing up there. he wasn't supposed to be there h and they were doing this operation? >> bob, here is what i would like, i would like to have to not operate on theory. we are coming up on the anniversary of this attack. >> i agree. >> they give facts about everything else, including israel. that makes the president look better. >> and sure radio he you're t not -- surely you're not blaming chris stevens --
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>> absolutely not. >> why did they strip him of hie security when he was asking for more security? something is off about this, bob. something is very, very odd now that we know there were 35ver c.i.a. agents on the ground. >> you don't think it's a phony scandal? >> you're absolutely correct. never have. >> why was he in benghazi, is the question. >> bob, bob. ahead on "the five," back by popular demand, facebook friday. ask us anything you want. we'll be answering your questions later in the hour. le but first, the president and congress cut a deal on obamacare because of a problem with the health care law. is it a fair deal or another example of different rules for the people in power? that debate when we come back rules for people in power. back on that when we come back. ♪ ♪
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>> the cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own a home. i don't know what's in rushoere limbaugh's heart. the reason i called this isn because i thought about malia and sasha and one of the things i want them to do as they get older is to engage in issues they care about when trayvon martin was first shot, i saidonm that this could have been my son. another way of saying that isee trayvon martin could have been me 35 years ago. >> for some reason, the president hasn't said a word one sex scandals that are rockingha the democratic party right now. serial sex at the anthony wiener wants to represent the democratic party as mayor of new york, the prostitute loving
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former governor elliott spits service running for office and san diego's democratic mayorcity just had a ninth woman come out to accuse him on sexual misconduct. >> hugged me a little too closely and then put his arm around me like this and then he proceeded to slide his arm down and then gave a little grab to my derriere. when it's coming from the mayor, make a scene to really. >> she actual israeli -- actual israeli a marilyn monroe impersonator. but this isn't a laughing matter. the mayor tried to get the city of san diego to pay for his legal fees. people have known he's been harassing women for a long time. we've heard crickets from nancy pelosi and other members of the female california caucus. and now women who want to meetc, with him for business reasons have to have a chaperone. but there is a republican war on
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women? yes,d the thing is that the democrats and a lot of the women in the democratic party are hypocrites. the problem with the hypocrite is that when you point it out tt doesn't matter because they're the very definition of a hypocrite. there was also his spokes -- chief of staff, quoted on another network the other day saying the mayor is surrounded by very sophisticated advisors who are committed to his progressive vision. look, if you're a democrat, that's all that really matters. if you have a progressivestic vision, if you vote pro-choice, it doesn't matter what boorishvi behavior, how you conduct yourself in public office. as long asma you have that visi, as long as you're not a republican, you're >> eric, the war on women playbook works in 2012. i think they were probably hoping to use it again in the 2014 mid terms, but this abc news poll on-line showed a shocking surprise. the democratic war on women against republicans isn't really working. so you think they'll continue to
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spout those talking points? >> i think they're goingu to hh to back off the war on women talking points 'cause there is democratic war on women. look at the full screen of the three -- i don't know what you call these guys, bozos.he he's actually claiming it's the city's fault for not giving him sexual harassment training. >> it's unbelievable. >> and so he's saying the city has to pay his legal fees. it'sng bizarre. the guy needs to step aside. it wouldn't work very well, 'cause i know for a fact most of us are wearing underwear.ow f >> what? >> he asked am women not to wean underwear to work.he >> and he commented on women ono the floor not wearing underwear. >> thanks for bringing that up.r >> can i can you, bob, the associatedfo press hit the c president pretty hard on noted commenting on this mayor fillner issue. i can see why he wouldn't onsee wiener. but what w about that? do you think the president should condemn it or weigh in at least because of this war on women message he used? >> i don't remember a singlebe republican who weighed on a
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certain congressman from louisiana who was going to prostitutes. >> there were several of them that did. you're talk being senatorenat bitter. we don't have to be shy aboutt that. but there was condemnation of that. just like as -- >> let's not change it. >> i don't think obama should be -- first of all, you could go through and find any president who is going to comments ona things that have nothing to dopr with his office. i could have done that with anyo president the last 50 years. but secondly, obama, why would he want to get in the middle of. something like that?ma you don't advise presidents to get in the middle of a local o issue like that. why? >> he gets into all these other local issues and pop culture. >> yeah -- >> he's supposed to be the protecter of women, of the party that protects women. >> i was out in san diego and that's all they could talk about and i think this guy will lose his seat to a republican very
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soon. and a very t conservative newspaper has taken him to taskr what's amazing is he talks about going into rehab.ia but he getsbl good news, they're going to be sending my work into rehab so i can keep up with the day-to-day work with the peoplet of san diego. by they way, the serial sexting, i didn't even know that was ay term. sexting. correct? so he's doing that. a and he's going now to deal with hist hugging problem. the only thing he's ever admitted to is he's a serial hug ger. >> they want us to move on. this is not a joke, this story actually has me furious and should everybody at home furious. there was a glitch, a drafting error in the obamacare law that is now going to makero congressional hill staffers rolled into the exchanges. the president stepped in thisis morning 'cause they were whining we don't want it and he saved the day. his last item of business before he jetsss off. what do you think? >> i'm going to try to pour some cold water on everybody's
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outreach. so there was a drafting problem, but remember they drafted it all in secret? nobody read the bill beforeraft hand? they didn't specify that legislative aides were also. federal employees, which is true. they are. so what happened was they were carved out.ey so you have, for example, somebody who makes -- let's say they make $75,000 a year. single mom of three kids. looking at a $21,000 out ofg pocket expense in order to keep the health care that she has. it doesn't mean that these -- what they decided to do is me unclear exactly the specifics, but the employer, the federal government, is going to be able to continue to contribute tobe their health care just like if you are an employee, which i am not. but if you are an employee, many employers are offering a it. the problem comes in the appearance -- i agree with that, but it's not that they are being exempted from obamacare. it's unfair to the staffers to say >> i guess their reaction then, we don't want anything to do with obamacare says it all.
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danny werfel wants to keep his e health care. dan the unions pushed this bill on everyone else, only to exempt themselves. the hypocrisy is unbelievable. >> agreed. we talked about it last night.nb the irs, who is going enforce obamacare doesn't want it. the staffers who half of themoen probably voted for obama and wanted obamacare pushed throughr realized later that they didn'ta want actual obamacare, it's ultimate hypocrisy. >> they haven't said to the unions what they're going to do yet. i think that remains a big goi mystery here. when are they going to tellry. the -- what are they going tooig tell their democrats to tell thd unions? >> what do you think? >> senator grassley deserves a lot of credit. he knew they were going to have to be part of obamacare and it is a difference, the main one difference is, evidently the government was contributing 75% -- that's unbelievable. >> they do get 75% -- >> it is uncredible. somebody who is not an employees and i pay as an individual, an
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yeah. wrong way.the but to say they don't have to be part of obamacare at all, that's not accurate. >> two americas. >> i could not get health all insurance in the state of maryland because i had open get heart surgery. they were the first ones to implement obamacare.ere i now pay $400 a month and i get it. >> doesn't it look bad? >> you only pay $400 a month? >> i don'tsn buy that. >> you can look at my health insurance bills. >> you gotd a $20,000 deductibli >> yeah. >> i have a $3,600 deductible. >> that's a good deal. >> poor bob. >> but the thing is that they had carved them out and said>> legislative aides were not the federal employees. now that part is what office of professional management is of doing. >> it still looks really, really bad. >> get used to >> charlie rangel gets racial and compares tea partiers to white crackers. so should those kind of insults be acceptable in 2013?ial. later, facebook friday on the five. go to our facebook page.
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send us your questions. any question you maybe not any question. we'll be answering them ahead on "the five" ad on "the five." ♪ the boys used double miles from their capital one venture card to fly home for the big family reunion. you must be garth's father? hello. mother. mother! traveling is easy with the venture card because you can fly any airline anytime. two words. double miles! this guy can act. wanna play dodge rock? oh, you guys! and with double miles you can actuay use, you never miss the fun. beard growing contest and go! ♪ win! what's in your wallet? win! a quarter million tweeters musicare tweeting.eamed. and 900 million dollars are changing hands online.
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♪ this camera shot is huge, like a giant gym. >> she looks freezing. >> a little later we'll focus on the temperature. charlie rangel got racial when he was talking about conservatives today. listen to this. the new york democrat compared members to the tea party to white crackers and said they caf be defeated the same way a segregation was years ago. sa rangel said, quote, it is the same group we faced in the south
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with those white crackers andd the dogs and the police. right on the money, andrea? >> it's outrageous. unfortunately, i think charlie rangel would like to deflect attention away from him as well and his ethical troubles. so what do you do when you're desperate in go into the deck, pull out the race card. it's pretty shameful, especially if he really knew the meaning of the. word. but i think heit does and he kns he'll never get called on thehew carpet for it. >> and he says republicans haveh done more for american competitiveness than al-qaeda would ever do. >> he noticed all these other grown men were getting attention for fighting amongst one anothen and saying outrageous things and he wanted to up the ante and say something that's preposterous. >> he's a marginalized, sullied, congressional figure, isn't it outrageous he's getting a pass?
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>> i'm under the impression it's supposed to be cracka. >> i'm not sure.w >> i remember watching someone said on tv -- if it ends in a, it's not a racial term. point, charlie rangel is talking like this whe. he really should be focusing ons black unemployment. unemployment numbers came outhol today. black unemployment, young people, the young blacks unemployed at a rate of 41.2%. a record. if they were less focused on playing the race card and more focused on getting jobs and getting jobs specifically to the black community, they'd all bes better off, we'd all be betteray off. >> bob, you know what this translates to. i've been thinking about this a lot. is he talking less about tea party? is he saying the tea partiers are standing standing up by what they're doing and making theat president's term bad? is that racial, by standing up to the president and his agenda >> i've known carly a long time but it's hard for me to keep up
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with who he's talking about. but there was a story, one isolated story about a tea party gathering where there was some racial things said. it was bestut to keep that ones alone because there was no evidence that there has beenbeen rampant racism in the tea party movement. if i were charlie, i would be very careful about saying those things. >> exactly. >> the president told him toou quit. >> can we talk -- that's great. that is great. can you tell the other bob beckel that used to sit thereha what you just said. >> i never called them >> you called them other names. >> they are. >> they're not racist. they have an agenda and it's responsibility. >> rangel should not have a jobi >> let's go to something else. the editor of the new haven register has weighed in. t he's come outh and apologized, why? because of the comments he madea about fox news indicating that we are equating us to being in the kkk. white supremists. b let's look at the apology. it says, i never meant to do
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that. as i borrowed dana's manualic marker before, i never meant toa equate that to fox news to the kkk. we did not intend to compare them. we should have done a better job in clarifying it. there is noe comparing fox news and the republican party to the kkk. we are among those -- we are wrong in make the connection. however, look at the cartoon they put next to the apology! this takes everything away.ogy? it's like i apologize for hitting my sister. by the way, i'd like to hit her again. but it's number one with racists. is that okay with you, mr. boling? >> it's not okay. it's got me scratching my head. that's actually from the simpson, that cartoon. >> right. >> hello? >> why was it necessary to put that in? >> because they think they're so darn clever. can you imagine the cocktail parties in new haven, like didim you see that? they love to hate. they perpetuate this idea of lov
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open mindedness and they're for everybody. they probably never watched the show. when i saw laspt night that this newspaper is apologizing for saying fox news isaw like the k and then you have the editorial writer, the headline writer in e tennessee who got fired for having a mild anti-obama headline, he got fired!an >> the biggest racist onired television right now is at msnbc, al sharpton. >> biggest race player bar none on tv. >> the one thing is they sayth they have some subset in a poll that tells us these people aree racist. i have done polls -- >> i'm not believing his apology that said we shouldn't have done it. then why did you do it in't the first place? they tried to say fox news is elevating racists and that we are believing the same things as these people that we're
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elevating. i don't see how this apology even makes sense. >> you know why they were apologizing? to the blow back they were never anticipating. >> bill o'reilly. >> let's not make that a broad statement. >> up next, "the five"'soad facebook friday is up next. i'm not sureat what to expect. but we are>> answering your questions and no one has seen wa them. thousands of you have written in. we'll respond when weue come ba i'm out of stuff to say e come back. i am out of stuff to say. ♪ hey linda!
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facebook friday here on "the five." thanks to all who sent infa questions at fnc. we told you nothing was off limits. i haven't seen the questions. here wfie go. let's start with number one, this is for mr. beckel. bob, what does your ex-wife think of the things you say about her on "the five"? >> you're going to find this amazing, but i just got a fax from her, text from her today saying that if you raise my name one more time, i'm going to sue you or take a five iron after you. i swear to god. i've got the text right here. i can show it toiv you.yo i said something about ouru, wedding and i paid for it. she said don't ever raise it again. so i promised her i wouldn't. that's it. >> didn't your ex-mother-in-law text you too? >> she just hates >> doesn't she liketh me? >> she does. >> next one is for mr. brian.
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would you ratherring on "fox & friends" or el cinco? >> right. who pays more?he that's the key. i would like to take whatever show -- i would like to say -- u guess not. whatever show would take me. i would be fine. >> i'm not getting you get away with that. >> first, i'd like to thank yout for the question. >> same would have you, which would it be? >> i would have to say that as long as i'm on the fox news channel, i'm happy because i feel that america is the number one country. >> he said "the five." number three, for dana. when is your trip? will you blog about it? >> the trip she's talking about the one to congo. ta we're going to be on the mercy ship for about a week. yes, i'm going to blog about it, you can see it here on the
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facebook page. it's august 28. i'm leaving august 27 and i'll be back on september 3. the whole hope is to raise awareness about the great work that mercy ship does andaise actually "60 minutes" did an amazing piece on mercy ship. it will reair on sunday night. >> this is a subtext here. itit says, is it true gutfeld w be joining you to carry your t bags? is >> no. gutfeld wouldn't carry my anything. but jasper is not going. >> i'm going on vocation to ahi gambling casino and blog about it. >> fantastic. >> andrea is up. from kent. as a kid what, your favorite dish that you ate at your parents' restaurant. >> greek salad. >> no. i would have to say -- it wasn't a greek restaurant. >> cheesecake? >> maybe spaghetti and meat balls and patty melts. >> i love a patty melt.
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>> yum. >> the question should have said which restaurant, 'cause they had about 30 of them and a couple banks. her father showed up and built a chain of restaurants and a bank. >> did they have root beer floats? >> we would make them. >> how many hours a day did you have to work?o >> a lot. every day after the school and weekends and double shifts and sometimes midnight shift. >> isn't it weird to read your own question? >> you always cheat anyway. what's your running game plan?sh >> the running game plan for the weekend? i run five every saturday five miles everyn saturday andie sunday morning. an but monday, tuesday i'm taking off going to my son's camp. >> how do you do that? >> i love>> to run. >> he gets out all his frustration so he doesn't pounde you. >> if you become a conservative and you come out of the closet -- >> first of all, i'm not in the closet. but running is going to kill
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you. >> we have one for everybody. every once in a while, you eve should declare a be nice to bob week. >> thank you. >> i was nice to you today. >> that's very nice. that book.t youce >> eric has been particularly tough on me the last three or four weeks, but i. love him, so i'm going to forgive him. it's a tough >> i'm always nice to you. >> no, you're not. most of the time you are. >> we got to go. one quickly. which news story upset you most this week and why? mos >> obamacare. >> bob? >> -- >> benghazi. i'm sorry, i forgot about that. >> i know. that the republicans were nice people. >> i'm going to stay withthe benghazi. too many facts starting toli coe out. >> i'm going to say a-rod. that bothers me they couldn't come up to a decision. >> being called aio racist. >> all right. still to come, how old is too old to still be living with mom and dad?
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♪ when is it time to kick your grownup kids out of the house? in my case. >> it 14. to a new survey, the number of young adults living with mom and dad is the highestw it's been in the last four decades. 21.6 million millenials, ages 18 to 31, still live with their parents, up with out of three, which is a remarkably high number. the last time i think it was -- that i remember seeing something high was during the depression. i looked at the old census. part is because of the economya, and part is what? >> too much comfort. >> okay. >> that's what i think. i really -- i can understand if you're 23 and you finish college and you can't find a job right away and live with mom and dadlg 'cause i did that. wait tables, whatever you have to do. but this is ages 18 to 31. there is many more people who a are even older, but i think it's because some are still on their parents' health care plan 'til their 26. on their parents' wireless plann they get free cable at home and their dorm room probably had better amenities than most of the apartments that they could
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afford. >> one word, iriquois. it brought together a nucleuskis and a family and tribelike feeling that couldn't be replicated. >> how do you know that? >> we had a loft emphasis on that in 7th grade and i never really lost it. >> you are indian? >> no, they haven't occupied new york. >> i would ask you another>> question, but they made me stopn and blow my nose. >> if it's good enough for the indians, then test -- >> that's my point. it brought together a sense of community and family, so maybet the kid can build a wing on the house and move into the shed. and you don't --ense of unity >> don't you think as dana saidd if you're making a choice between what's comfortable and uncomfortable, it's probably more comfortsable to go >> i don't know. i think a lot of kids wouldu prefer to be on their own and not have to move back home. i think a lot of them graduatee from college and think they'rem. going to have these fantasticf jobs and take the corner officer
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and those dreams have been completely squandored. but there is a silver lining. could i be positive? >> sure. >> i do think that sometimes kids at home, if your parents are driving you crazy, make some memories with them because one day they won't be there and you will look back and you will say, you know what? i'm glad i did that years ago. >> eric, you stayed home 'tiloo you were 39. what was that like fornk you? >> no, i didn't. >> that was just last year.y >> yeah. in your intro, you said you were out of the house when you were 14. mine was 15 yesterday and i hop he lives with meam for a while after he's done -- >> you raise an independent person, go and get married. >> he is too darn independent. he's like ready to go now. >> it's funny you say that. i had a chance for my son to come live with me, he's 19 thisd spring. it was the best time i ever hadh 'cause i would never have had that time with him because when they turn 19, all you are is an
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atm machine. >> dana, did you see more men are living at home, which don't stay too long. >> i would not date a guy who was living at home after the age of 24. >> i wouldn't either.g one more thing is up next. hi, i'm terry and i have diabetic nerve pain. i worked a patrol unit for 17 years in the city of baltimore. when i first started experiencing the pain, it's, it's hard to describe because you have a numbness... but yet you have the pain like thousands of needles sticking in your foot. it was progressively getting worse, and at that point i knew i had to do something. when i went back to my healthcare professional...
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that's when she suggested the lyrica. once i started taking the lyrica, the pain started subsiding. [ male announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages rves. lyrica is fda approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new, or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. to hear more of terry's story, visit
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time for one more thing. i'm going to go first because i am excited about this. all across america, people are going to their county fairs, including my family in new castle, wyoming. i want to show my two i'm very proud. this is court, he's five. he's got a bunny there. and then i think we have quint., he won the reserved junior championship or showmanship. he's a tiny thing. very cute kids. she my cousin, wade and kathy'sh children. i wanted to show think picture. i have a cousin i have not met, bob, pay attention. this is rebecca. she's the new miss wyoming. >> good gosh! >> she's going to be competing for miss america and tomorrow night in wyoming, there is anfo ice cream social. there is a live auction to help raise money for the effort and i have not met her, but i wouldor, love to. >> you see the resemblance. >> she's gorgeous. >> so congratulations to her. >> andrea? >> take a cold shower, bob. >> i just said it's wonderful. >> she comes to newsh york, i'll
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see what i can do. everybody. >> everybody, get ready to take a picture of your wiener. a hot dog. >> did you just say that? >> it's a fun joke. it's fun. listen to this, richmond, virginia, get a dollar hot dog and they're asking you to celebrate taking pictures of your hot dog, all because of anthony wiener. [ laughter ] here is one of the fans talking about how excited he is about the evening. >> i may move to new york so ia can vote for anthony wiener. t >> this is not a dollar hot dog. >> a dollar hot dog. >> i'm no pushover. >> that was good one. >> let's see a picture of that.e >> eric? >> love "the five," also love this show. watch, o'clock here is a piece. >> these minimum wage laws simply hurt the workers that folks like juan actually want to help. the big picture here isn't aboua the age or even the skill level. it's about freedom and in a freu country, you have the right to offer any wage you want andfree accept any wage you want.
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and yeah, if a low skilledwa person, whether he's 18 or 58, wants to work nor $10 an hour -- >> we have to run. "cashin' in," the only place where you can get chalupas and victoria secret in the same segment.ctor >> did you let her get a word?i >> brian? >> dodger stadium, one of the top three players in the world, just shows you how great an athlete you are, you're going to see him struggle in a way that should make everyone feel humble. there he is with the outstandin, cuban deeffector. he was trying to throw it over the plate. he can't get it over. he later adjusts and makes the first pitch at dodger stadium.l showing soccer players have a ov place in america's pastime. >> i could definitely throw's balls to the >> brian, it's been a pleasure to have you here and i'm givingh up my one more thing because yo
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kept your mouth rolling. >> i ate it up?roll >> that's okay. >> we loved having you. >> thank you. >> that's it for us. thank you for watching. have a great weekend. "special report" next. >> gregg: i'm gregg jarrett. glad you're with us. welcome to a brand-new hour inside america's news headquarters. >> arthel: i'm arthel neville. heart break in faith where congregation reeling from the deaths of their pastor, his pregnant wife and a church chaperone, all killed in a horrific church camp bus crash today. actually it happened a week ago. but today moving testimony. this morning from their loved ones laying them to rest. >> gregg: a grand jury investigating the security company that performed the background checks on nsa leaker edward snowden and nearly half
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