tv Huckabee FOX News August 11, 2013 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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tonight on "huckabee" -- as democrats anoint hillary as the next queen, republicans battle in their version of the game of thrones. >> the gop of old has grown stale. >> this strain of libertarianism i think is a very dangerous thought. >> can the gop reunite to ever win the white house again? and remember the president's re-election message in 2012? >> al qaeda's on the path to defeat and bin laden's dead. >> but here's what he said earlier this week. >> al qaeda affiliates and like-minded extremists still threaten our homeland. >> which is it, mr. president? >> former cia officer gary burns
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breaks down the latest terror threat. plus, hypocrisy in hollywood? public school advocate matt damon sends his kids to private school. ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee. [ cheers and applause ] thank you. thank you very much. welcome to "huckabee" from the fox news studios in new york city. well, this week the trial of self-proclaimed jihadist and once army major nidal hasan finally got under way. that's after four years and $5 million of taxpayer funds to prepare for the trial. hasan murdered 13 people, an unborn child, and wounded 32 others in a cold-blooded massacre at fort hood, texas. he's continued to receive his military pay, which over the four years since the shooting amounts to just south of
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$300,000. as taxpayers we paid his medical bills. we provide him with legal assistance. and extraordinary security measures. equally disturbing is that despite military rules that prohibit the growing of a beard he's allowed to do so in order to accommodate his muslim faith. he's allowed to pray, read the koran, and eat halal food. now, later in our show tonight we're going to tell you about honorable soldiers, sailors, marines, and airmen who are christian who are told to put away their bibles, get them out of sight, remove any christian references on their personal facebook pages, about chaplains who are ordered not to pray in the name of jesus, and to take down signs that quote president eisenhower, who said there are no atheists in foxholes, because that might be offensive to atheists. well, it would appear that if some in the military have their way there wouldn't be any christians or even jews in the foxholes because they'd all be systematically drummed out of
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military service. look, i think we should accommodate people who adhere to islam or hinduism or judaism and who serve in the military. the first amendment is all about the freedom to believe, to worship, express, even disagree. but why are christians in the armed services singled out for discrimination? when i visited gitmo a few years ago, i was taken aback by the level of accommodation that we made for the muslim detainees. they were given opportunity to pray five times per day on their rigid schedule. they were begin a prayer rug. they were provided with a koran. and they were fed only hot and freshly cooked strict halal meals, which cost over $14 a day to prepare. the brave american servicemen who guarded them were fed sandwiches twice a day and only one hot meal. their total food cost were about four bucks a day. i was outraged that the detainees were given better food
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than the soldiers who guarded them. nidal hasan sits in a courtroom wearing the same uniform of the soldiers he murdered. his uniform is marked by a flag that he no longer respects. he's also renounced the military in favor of what he calls his jihadist brothers in the taliban. now, we go to great lengths to make sure we don't offend his sensitivities. but i'd like to know, when are we going to respect the sensitivities of servicemen and women who were murdered or wounded by that monster? when are we going to have some respect and accommodation for those who are christian or jewish? look, i'm glad we find racism repulsive. we ought to stop diskrings when it's because of someone's religion, ethnicity, race, or beliefs. but it ought to apply to everyone, including christians, not everyone but christians. [ applause ] well, you can argue about the president's ability to lead or
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the democrats' performance or lack thereof in washington. but democrats know how to stick together, and they back the president's policies and unite behind their candidates. i mean, they've all but anoingted hillary clinton to be their presidential candidate in 2016. and they're pretty good at blaming republicans. but you know who else is good at beating up republicans? other republicans. and as chris christie and rand paul recently showed, the gop can't seem to get out of its own way. >> senator paul wants to start looking at where he's going to cut spending to afford defense? maybe he should start looking at cutting the pork barrel spending that he brings home to kentucky. >> this is the king of bacon talking about bacon. he wants to be this great champion of national defense. what does he want to do, shut down military bases in kentucky? >> we're going to have to patch things up. he wants to break bread and see if we can find some common ground. i think it will help the party ton have us feuding.
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>> i'm running for re-election in new jersey. i don't really have time for that at the moment. you know, if i find myself down in washington, i'll certainly look him up. but i don't suspect i'll be there anytime soon. >> okay. well, if republicans don't get their act together pretty soon, can they capture a majority in the senate and win back the white house? joining me now is shawn spicer, communications director for the republican national committee. dana loesch, who is a talk radio host and tea party activist. and matt welsh, who's editor in chief of "reason," and he's also author of the book "the declaration of independence: how libertarianism politics can fix what's wrong with america." great to have all you guys here today. [ applause ] and shawn, i know you're shawn spicer. i know that anyway. but let me start with you. republicans are fighting right now, particularly in the house and senate, over whether or not to defund obama care, even if it means shutting down significant portions of the government. good idea, bad idea?
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>> i think in general it's a good idea. our party is united as far as getting rid of obama care. we recognize the fact that more americans are losing their health care, costs are going up. the problems continue with the imation of obama. what i think we have a robust difference on is the tactic on how to make that happen. some people believe that we can defund it through the continuing resolution process. some people believe that you're not able to do that because of the way the funding is structured in terms of mandatory spending. i think if we can get resolution that it can be done i think most republicans agree that we should defund it. but there's a healthy debate as to what is the most effective way to do it. and that's where the breakdown occurs. everyone wants to get to the same place. it's just how to get there. >> dana, a lot of the tea party people have sort of drawn a line in the sand and said if they don't vote to defund and even tie it to whether it's debt ceiling or the budget itself then they're rhinos. is that fair? >> well, you're going to find a lot of varied opinion within the grassroots movement.
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but generally, people want to see the republicans take some sort of stand on it. the general view is that, well, if they're not going to stand to defund it when the time comes to repeal it if that time ever comes they definitely won't stand to repeal it, then. i think there's this lingering general mistrust that the grassroots movement has, no offense, sean -- >> none taken. >> -- that the grassroots movement has with the republican party on this because there's a lot of things they feel they've kind of compromised on before. and whenever it comes to the discussion of compromise in washington, d.c., it's always it seems republicans who have to give up the most. democrats have to give up the least. >> is that, though, because the republicans only have one half of the house? i mean, they've got the house. but they don't have the senate. they don't have the white house. i mean, the fact is you've got to own all the moving parts if you want to call the shots. >> elections have consequences. that's why when i hear some individuals -- we had 3 million republicans that just didn't go out and vote this election. we lost swing states by a couple
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of hundred thousand votes. those were votes we could have gotten. we could have won those states. so yeah, elections do have consequences. we don't control the senate. so we can't sit here and demand we're going to have a repeal because there's no way we're ever going to get harry reid to go along with anything like that. >> so matt, do you feel like the republicans ought to have a showdown here and, you know, short of their own version of the o.k. corral? >> well, as the non-republican at the table, the problem is you can't defund obama care. you can't. you can make a fight over it, but you can't. and if you get to a position where it looks like that republicans or a group of republicans are going to shut down or threaten to shut down the government, they're going to lose the public relations battle. that's just the math. the media will hammer them to death. the polling isn't good on this right now. i think what you'll see is a move toward delaying. that's what grover norquist is talking about right now. hey, let's -- since obama is already saying let's delay that part and that part and that part of obama care, let's delay everything for about one year to allow to you build the politics
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toward it and to kind of get to a position where if you win the next election you'll have something to talk about without going to this precipice of shutting down government. >> and i don't know that a lot of people would be opposed entirely to that sort -- because it seems like an overton window kind of approach to me. let's propose just burning it down, so to speak, not literally, and then if we can't get that what best tactic helps us to at least move the ball a little further down the field to our advantage? >> you've seen the house under speaker boehner vote 40 times to defund or delay obama care. the commitment is there. but as dan pointed out and matt and you, we have one house of one branch. we're doing everything that we can. i think if we want to do this we need more pieces, as you put it, let's get out in this next election, get us a republican senate, and start to take another piece off the board. the commitment and the will is there. we just need the ability to make it happen. >> but if the republicans implode over this, i mean, if theyrail get into a place where they start calling each other names like you're not a real republican, you don't have any
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guts, you don't have any courage -- >> that's always going to happen. >> yeah, i know. but doesn't that affect our ability to win, get the senate back next year? ? not necessarily. i think that not being perceived as aggressive is what's going to hurt us in not getting back the senate. we are statistically -- that could happen. you even have nate silver saying it could happen, which i don't generally want to -- but he's right on this. i mean, he is. the bottom line is if you look at -- there's been three polls released in just the past four, five weeks. the majority of americans -- it's a fox news poll. what is it like 57-some-odd percent of americans. super unpopular. it's unworkable. they want to see it defeated in any way possible. >> other than that it's perfectly fine. we've got to take a break. when we come back, we're going to talk about chairman reince priebus who this week said if you're going to do this biopics of hillary clinton and do these puff pieces we may not do debates on your network. a lot of people are proud of him. we'll talk about that. and is there a clash with the libertarian wing of the party?
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welcome back. we are back with sean spicer, dana loesch, and matt welch. matt, you saw in the very opening of the show chris christie sort of saying, you know, we've got to work about these libertarians. are libertarians a threat to the republican party? >> there is a very interesting and legitimate philosophical fight going on within the republican party, within conservatism right now. it's not new. rand paul didn't invent it. chris christie didn't invent it. it's been happening systematically since 2009 beginning really with the tea party election of 2010, when we saw so many insurgents supported by the tea party go against the republican establishment and
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create the sort of new breed of political character like your rand paul, justin ammash, thomas massey, ted cruz, all these people kind of emanateroad from this tradition. there's a fight over are you actually serious about cutting government or do you just say like mitt romney does i'm going to cut your taxes and i'm not going to tell you a single thing i'm going to cut at all in the government while we boost defense spending, protect social security and medicare? right? that has been conservatism under unified republican leadership in washington. it's not popular anymore, that thing. so there's this fight, and there's a fight over how much you want to limit government, and there's also a fight over how you want to conduct and talk about foreign policy. those are legitimate huge differences of opinion. republicans have got to fight it out. >> but sean, let me ask you. is that an issue republicans are fighting about? the libertarians do have a party. they have presidential candidates. should there be a point where you say if you want to be a libertarian there's a libertarian party and that's where that discussion belongs? >> of course. there is a separate party for it. but i think there is a strong home for these people in the
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republican party. we are a party that generally comes together on lower government, less regulations, lower taxes. so a lot of the issues that libertarians fight for, those principles, there's a huge home for them in the republican party. they make us a better party. they have helped us win elections. and i think that we would welcome more and more of them. and i think that debate is a healthy one to have within the party. >> it gets a little rough, though, when the primaries end up becoming mirror mirror on the wall, who's the most conservative of them all? and you know, the fact is there may be a slight bit of difference between a republican and another republican. but the damage done among republicans sometimes makes it hard to win the general election. so how do we overcome a healthy robust debate without destroying each other in a circular firing squad? >> that's a great question. and as neither a labor tarian nor a republican and definitely not a democrat -- >> so what are you? >> my tactic, my strategy is to vote, and i think this goes for
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a lot of grassroots, is to vote for the most conservative candidate, the most limited government, most fiscally responsible candidate who can win in a race because in order to storm the castle you have to get your foot in the door. so that's sort of the strategy that i look at. in terms of the fighting between the libertarian faction and the republican faction, i love the libertarian uprising because i think it's helping prevent the word conservative from being co-opted. but at the same time we're never all going to agree 100% on everything. that's never going to happen. i would rather try to accomplish the 80% on which we agree, and then we can fight like crazy over the 20% after we've won on that 80%. that's what we need to be telling individuals. because the 20%, that can wait. but this 80%, that's what the country's going to live and die on. that's what's going to be decided in the future for our children. >> sean, would you do me a favor? please tell reince priebus that i agree and appreciate the stand he's taken, that if networks are not going to have a fair moderator to moderate the debates and if they're not going to run these puff pieces on
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democratic candidates then the rnc is not going to send the republican candidates out there. having been a part of that in 2008 with people like chris matthews, who is about as non-partial as me, it is absurd to think -- if they ask me to moderate a democrat debate, then fine, let matthews moderate a republican debate. that ain't going to happen. listen, thanks all of you. wish we had a whole lot more time. i do want to say this is an issue that's going to keep going. i do hope that what people understand, republicans can afford to disagree. what they can't afford to do is get to the place where they separate. disagreement is one thing. husbands and wives disagree every day. but they don't divorce over it. what republicans can do is have the debate, get upset, get animated. that's fine. but when it gets down to it, if one side of the republican party wins, then unite around the side that won and realize that you've got a lot more in common with each other than you do with letting harry reid continue to run the united states senate. that's what has to be stopped.
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and for heaven's sakes i hope you can understand that. anyway. [ applause ] okay. coming up, president obama and putin aren't getting along real well, but it's not the president's only relationship that's on the rocks. actor matt damon says obama has got some 'splaining to do. my reaction and the quotes of the week coming up after this.
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relations between the united states and russia have grown so tense the white house announced that the president isn't going to be meeting with his russian counterpart next month in russia as previously planned. during friday's news conference the president was asked if the bad blood would get in the way of getting some things done. >> i don't have a bad personal
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relationship with putin. when we have conversations, they're candid, they're blunt. oftentimes, they're constructive. i know the press likes to focus on body language. and he's got that kind of slouch, looking like the bored kid in the back of the classroom. but the truth is that when we're in conversations together, oftentimes it's very productive. >> that whole thing about the posture, the bored kid in the back of the classroom slouching, do you know why the kid slouches in the back of the classroom? because he's bored. you know why putin might be slouching in those press meetings between the two of them? because he's bored. mr. president, liven it up a little bit. maybe that's what's missing. i hope you can have a better meeting when you finally get together. and thank you for not canceling the olympics. for heaven's sakes, why punish athletes for something you that can't do? getting along with the president
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of russia. [ applause ] all right. the president recently accused republicans of creating phony scandals. even one of his biggest hollywood supporters is turned off by his lack of transparency. here's what matt damon told b.e.t. about their relationship. >> he broke up with me. there are a lot of things that i really question. you know, the legality of the drone strikes and these nsa revelations. you know, it's like -- jimmy carter came out and said we don't live in a democracy. that's a little -- >> intense. >> that's a little intense when an ex-president says that. so he's got some explaining to do, particularly for a constitutional law professor. >> i think matt's right. but matt had to do some of his own explaining. the academy award winner is a big advocate for sending kids to public schools. but then he recently moved from new york to the west coast and decided to send his kids to
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private school. here's his explanation. he said, and i quote, "sending our kids in my family to private school was a big, big, big deal. and it was a giant family discussion. but it was a circular conversation, really, because ultimately we don't have a choice. i mean, i pay for a private education, and i'm trying to get the one that most matches the public education that i had, but that kind of progressive education no longer exists in the public system. it's unfair." matt's a great actor, but my advice to him would be matt, if it's unfair that your kids aren't going to get the kind of education you thought was best for them in the public system, you had the option and you, as you said, exercised your choice to put your kids in private school. but what about the parents across america who don't have a choice? shouldn't they be allowed to have the choice of home schooling or maybe put their kids in a parochial school, private school, wherever they want, whatever's best for their kids? you say it's not fair?
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what's not fair is that the only people who really have choice in america today in regards to education are people who have the kind of money that you've g got, or the people who sacrifice every last dime in order to make it happen for their kids. even though i'm a public school advocates i want to make it very clear, my kids went to public school first through 12th grade. i was the first governor in 50 years in my state whose kids actually went to public school in my home state. but i still believe that ultimately mothers and fathers make education decisions, not governments. let's empower every parent to make that kind of decision. [ applause ] well, in the opening of tonight's show i talk about the luxuries afforded to fort hood shooter nidal hasan. but his ongoing trial makes me wish we had more judges like william young, who sentenced the shoe bomber to life in prison. now, here's what judge young said to reid during the sentencing. i quote. "you are a terrorist. you're not a soldier in any war.
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you are a terrorist. to give you that reference, to call you a soldier, gives you far too much stature. whether the officers of government do it or your attorney does it or if you think you are a soldier, you are not. you are a terrorist. and we don't negotiate with terrorists. we don't meet with terrorists. we don't sign documents with terrorists. we hunt them down one by one and we bring them to justice." [ applause ] judge young, here's my thought. if president obama has another vacancy on the supreme court, i can't think of anybody better to pick than you to be on that court. thank you for speaking up for virtually every american i know and speaking it like it ought to be. judge young, you're a hero today. all right. coming up, the latest in the fort hood trial and my visit with major scott smiley, the army's first active duty blind
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live from america's news headquarters i'm marianne rafferty. the missing girl who sparked a massive manhunt is found safe and her suspected abductor is dead. 16-year-old hannah anderson had been missing since last sunday. that's when authorities believe 40-year-old james dimaggio killed the girl's mother and brother before leading them on a chase from california to idaho. fbi agents shot and killed dimaggio in idaho saturday after his -- after spotting his campsite. hannah anderson had no obvious injuries, and few other details are known. and a plane crash in connecticut that killed four people wasn't the first crash for the pilot who survived a crash in 2009. but on friday his small plane went down into two houses in east haven, killing him and his son. two children on the ground also died. investigators are saying they
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haven't found any evidence indicating the plane was having mechanical problems. i'm marianne rafferty. now back to "huckabee." for all your latest headlines log on to i am the shooter. that's what fort hood killer nidal hasan said during the opening statements of his military court-martial this week. the former u.s. army psychiatrist is accused of murdering 13 fellow soldiers and wounding dozens more on november 5th of 2009. >> they were bloody. there was blood everywhere. >> it was very distraught. panic everywhere. >> that tragedy the worst shooting at a u.s. military base in american history, came just case before hasan was to be deployed to afghanistan. military prosecutors say the 42-year-old did not want to be sent to fight against other muslims and that he had a jihad duty to kill as many soldiers as possible. investigations following the fort hood rampage uncovered an
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e-mail exchange between hans with anwar al awlaki, the radical u.s.-born islamic cleric and leader in al qaeda's yemen branch killed by a u.s. drone attack in 2011. army officials have charged hasan with 13 counts of premeditated murder and 32 counts of attempted premeditated murder. but some say that's not enough. >> where's the terrorist charge? >> hasan is representing hufl during the proceedings. the military judge for the court-martial has rejected hasan's offer to plead guilty. hasan admits he's behind the attack, but military law prevents him from pleading guilty since he faces a death sentence. while protecting hasan the military is actively punishing soldiers for having bibles, having christian material in their possession, even having chaplains pray in jesus's name. joining me now is the author of a wonderful book called "hope unseen." major scottee smiley, who was blinded by a suicide bomber in
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iraq in 2005, is the first active duty army officer to serve who is blind. scotty, it's a real honor and pleasure to have you here. [ applause ] thank you for your heroic service to this country. >> of course, no. it's my pleasure. >> recently, soldiers who were homosexual were given the right to wear their uniforms and march in gay pride parades. >> mm-hmm. >> you often go to churches and give your christian testimony. you're told you cannot wear your uniform in a church. does that seem like a double standard? >> it's hard. we were -- everyone in the military was given a piece of paper to read and then sign saying that they've read it, that you cannot wear your military uniform in church when you're speaking in church or at political events. and i totally understand it as a law-abiding citizen, obey all rules and regulations. and it's hard to see incidences in which you just described occur right after an order like
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that is given. and it is. it makes it difficult for christians to stand up for their faith and practice the beliefs in which they live in though there's restrictions that begin to shut those down. >> do you think it's more difficult now to openly be a christian in the military than it was when you first went into the military? >> i do. i definitely agree with that. the rules and regulations, policies and procedures which we in the military abide by, which fall under the law of the land, have been becoming more restrictive. in the beginning it's perfectly fine for pastors or chaplains in the military to say "in jesus christ's name." as a christian i personally believe that jesus christ gave his only begotten son and if we believe in him we will live forever. but to say that they no longer can. and as a result -- >> even the chaplains? >> even chaplains in prayers. in churches they can. but every time we have an event,
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a breakfast, prayer breakfast, meals, balls, you'll have a chaplain that starts the event with a prayer and then ends it and it can never be in jesus's name. i think more importantly there's been generals over the time i've been in the military who have been reprimanded and negatively counseled because of their speaking out with their christian faith. and when i as a soldier hear about that i feel it's not just demeaning but it goes down the line of persecuting because now as a christian, a man who believes in god, who trusts in god and fights for my country, believes that my religious faith is beginning to be torn away from me. and that's what really makes it hard. >> and scotty, in the trial this week we've seen nidal hasan, who has open declared himself, renouncing his citizenship, renouncing the military. we paid his salary. we accommodate him. we let him grow his beard. that is a religious expression. how does that make you feel, that a murderer is allowed to
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express his religious viewpoint and you are not? >> it's hard. the whole case is very difficult. and the military i believe has done a wonderful job. they have a whole board that is overseeing that entire case. but when the truth comes to it, they have to follow army policy. and when someone is able to grow a beard or jewish individuals can wear a head dressing for their religious belief, the military allows it. but when individuals that want to have a bible on their desk because that is their religious belief are told to take it off, that's where the double standard becomes in play. for me i believe that, you know, to serve an army who doesn't necessarily support a christian, it makes it difficult to serve. while at the same time i personally know that christians fight for this country as i believe this country was started by christians for christians and it's kind of -- it's a very difficult problem which we're facing nowadays. >> scotty, i appreciate your
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service to this country and the wounds you've borne for it. [ applause ] and thank you also for candidly sharing. the government's response to a terror threat by shutting down embassies in the mideast. does it make us look weak? and how can we detect the new weapons being used by terrorists? former cia counterterrorism expert gary burstein joins us next.
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defeat, and bin laden is dead. >> al qaeda has been decimated. >> osama bin laden is dead. >> well, throughout the president's campaign for re-election last year we heard him talk about the decimation of al qaeda. but here's what the president said in his press conference on friday. >> core al qaeda is on its heels, has been decimated. but what i also said was that al qaeda and other extremists have metastasized into regional groups that can pose significant dangers. >> last week the state department closed 19 american outposts in the mideast and africa, and they evacuated the u.s. embassy in yemen. this week they warned americans not to travel to pakistan and they evacuated non-emergency personnel from the u.s. consulate in pakistan. all because of terrorist threats. gary burnson say decorated former cia officer who served as
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station chief on three separate occasions and led several of the agency's most important counterterrorism deployments. he spent his career hunting down al qaeda. he's also the author of a book, awbreaker: the attack on bin laden and al qaeda." gary joins me now. i appreciate you being with me. we closed all these embassies and consulates all over the middle east and africa. good idea? bad idea? >> well, when the initial statement came out that they were closing the embassies, it was purportedly based on intelligence that indicated there were threats against a wide variety. "the new york times" then released a report that it looked very, very specific. so the administration may have gone overboard in terms of just trying to protect themselves from criticism because of their mishandling of benghazi. but part of the problem is that it's a communications problem too for this administration. they demonstrated that they're not really adept in handling this. first off, you're going to have continued threats from al qaeda
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as we go forward. it's not decimated. that's the first issue. second issue is those embassies aren't closed. they're closed to the public. we don't people on line in case a car bomb goes off and we lose a couple hundred foreign service ngsz out there trying to get visas. principal officers are still working in those embassies. many times almost all the americans are working there. so if they continue to close embassies because there's a threat and they announce a closure it looks very, very bad and it looks like al qaeda has sort of got us on the run or defeating us. so they're going to need to come out with a new sort of language for the status of embassies. like number one, status -- status number 1, functioning fully. status number 2, principal officers only. status number 3, extreme-a you're evacuating people. but we don't want to say we're closing the embassies because they really aren't closing them. but they've made themselves look very bad, governor huckabee. >> gary, we hear this word "chatt "chatter," they heard a lot of chatter going on and that's why they closed them. a lot of people in the general
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public, to us chatter means talking among our friends. when we hear this term, a lot of chatter going on, what exactly does that mean? >> i sort of -- i really hate that term. it's a term that's been created by politicos that don't do counterterrorism for a living. it's representing that they're seeing things possibly in the intel world, whether in human reporting or in signals intelligence that indicates that there's communications going on and something's being planned. it's not alg an accurate term. it shouldn't be used. but it's they have some sort of sense some sort of planning is going on and they're responding to. but it's a terrible term to use. the president shouldn't use it. none of his policy makers should use it. it sounds foolish actually. >> well, that's why i'm not going to use it anymore, gary. i'm going to stay away from it completely. >> yeah. >> there's a new threat that we face. a different kind of undetectible
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bomb. i know you've talked about it, you've written about it extensively. explain to us what's the next thing that could make all the things we're doing currently at tsa worthless? >> well, of course, you've got bomb makers in yemen who actually constructed -- one particular bomb maker who constructed a device, put it inside the body cavity of an individual and sent him in to assassinate the chief of counterterrorism, bin nayev in saudi arabia. there's a lot of engineering going on on the other side, on the side of the terrorists, that are -- they understand that what we're doing in our screening procedures, they understand our technical abilities, and they're trying to defeat them. so we're going to have to continue to be smart about the way we do our business. we just can't rely on technical abilities. we've got to have really good humit to defeat these guys. we've got to take the risk of running human operations to penetrate groups to defeat them
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before the fact. but the whole issue of liquid explosivesize a very, very damning and dangerous thing. and if we're not careful, we can get beat, and if we get beat on this we lose a lot of people because al qaeda and the al qaeda franchises and offshoots continue to have a preoccupation with airlines and going after aircraft. >> wow. gary, i'm thinking we did with the shoes, we take our shoes off. the underwear bomber. they put their hands all over us. what are they going to do next, open us up at the tsa checkpoint and surgically look us over? i'm not sure. it's really scary stuff. >> it's hard, but look, governor huckabee, when i was in afghanistan in the early years, we had a guy who had a grenade that they inserted literally inside his body cavity, inside his rectum, and he was attempting to detonate it in a surgical ward, trying o'kill the doctors that were working on him. >> wow. >> shocking. they will go to any means to kill our people. >> that's a scary thought. gary, thank you for being here. it's a pleasure to have you on the show today. >> it's a great pleasure to be with you, sir.
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they were born in russia but they grew up in colorado after their family moved when they were young. that's so they could enjoy the religious freedom they didn't have in their native country. they've combined their strong christian beliefs and their love of music to become one of the hottest christian rock acts around. and they've just released their self-titled debut album. please welcome everfound. great to have you guys here today. [ cheers and applause ] >> thanks so much for having us. >> it's really a pleasure. you and your brothers created this band. but you were born in russia.
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you came here. >> yes, sir. >> tell me what kind of background. your great grandfather i understand was in prison in russia because he owned a bible. >> yeah. it was my great grandfather's brother. some of my family members spent time -- he spent more than 20 years in prison just for being bold about his faith, for owning a bible, for doing bible study. so that inspires us so much, to be bold about our faith, to be pursuing our dreams, to be pursuing music. yeah, that's our story. >> you've got a brand new album out and some exciting music on it. >> thank you. >> it's absolutely wonderful. >> thank you so much. >> and i'm thrilled you guys came to play today. we're going to do a cut from the album, aren't we? >> yes. it's called "god of the impossible." it's our next single. we're so excited about it. >> after people see it on the show they'll order the cd, they'll download the single and you guys will have a number one hit. audience, did you hear that? [ cheers and applause ] a number one hit. let's do it. >> let's do it.
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♪ i won't look back 'cause i was made ♪ ♪ to be a part of the impossible ♪ ♪ you're god of the impossible ♪ here i am ♪ lord send me ♪ i won't back down 'cause i believe ♪ ♪ you are the god of the impossible ♪ ♪ here i am ♪ send me ♪ empty bones and a thirsty soul ♪ ♪ dreaming for more than the life i have known ♪ ♪ till i tasted a burning coal ♪ and my guilt was erased and my sin was stoned ♪ ♪ oh, oh ♪ i dare to believe in incredible things ♪ ♪ oh, oh ♪ i'm ready to go ♪ i'm ready to go
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♪ here i am ♪ lord send me ♪ i won't look back 'cause i was made ♪ ♪ to be a part of the impossible ♪ ♪ you're god of the impossible ♪ here i am, lord send me ♪ i won't back down 'cause i believe ♪ ♪ you are the god of the impossible ♪ ♪ here i am ♪ send me ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> that is everfound. and their brand new cd is out now. i hope you'll get it. give these guys your support. i certainly want to give them mine. they let me play with them. so there you go.
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