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tv   America Live  FOX News  August 13, 2013 10:00am-12:01pm PDT

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ring. there is no guarantee he would get it back. he had a connection to the player and likes hockey, i guess. >> i don't think they let you have rings in priceon. >> thank you for joining us. america live starts right now. >> starting with the fox news alert. a big opening blast on what is described as the potential coming war over who gets to vote. welcome everybody to america live and so there are debates breaking out over how our elections should be held and what rules will be in place when it comes to voting. the issue erupted after the supreme court went down and that gave a bit more power to set their own rules on these things and that ruling sparked protest
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and drew sharp criticism from the justice department and former secretary of state addressed the issue at an event that many will be a 2016 presidential run for her. >> we have seen a sweeping effort in our country to obstruct new obstacles to voting. under cover and addressing election fraud. in 2013, so far, more than 80 bills restricting voting rights are introduced in 31 states. not every obstacle is to race. but those who say racial is not a problem in the election must not be paying attention. >> that is from hillary clinton. >> our host of power play. chris. chris, is this the makings of a battle that break out big time over the course of the election.
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>> oh, my goodness yes, for hillary clinton it is the making of cozying up to a democratic base that rejected her. black voters continue to be a huge part of the democratic coalition and not the clout when her husband run for president. but a huge and important opponent and she can't go out and say to democratic voters and can't talk about the plight of african-americans in recent years because that is a settling indictment of the current democratic president. the trayvon martin case, she talked about before, but that is a tough one. the obama department justice hasn't delivered and the proxy fight that she can talk to black democrats and talk about racial injustice that is a safe space for her. this is where she is headed.
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>> it is a sweet spot when it come tots brass tasks of electorial politics. it is a two- fer, chris. listen to what she had to say recently. >> in the weeks since the ruling, we have seen an unso manically rush to enact and enforce laws to make it harder for millions of fellow americans to vote. texas moved forward with a voter id that the federal court invalidated and it would allowed a consoled weapon's permit as a valid id but not a student id. florida is purging the voter rolls and disporportionately affect minority voters and memories of a 2,000 election and scores of disinfranchised voters. legislation in north carolina it
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is the greatest tips of voter restriction. no more same day registration and extending voting hours to accommodate long lines and stricter voter id requirements and those by college and public assistance agencies. >> a lot of folks will listen to that and say gee, she has a point. what does the other side say? >> the other side will say that hillary clinton is right that student id's are not allowed from private schools. when you hear her language, the language of a candidate decrying these in swing states, she made a mention of north carolina which is a state that democrats contested. one lost in 2012 and florida a key to any republican chance. because they have a smaller map.
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and focusing on the state where democrats want votes and the goal is among democrat system chlor. to say if you are racist if you seek voter id laws. if you want voter id laws, that isitant amount to racial disinfran choizment. it is enough for the republicans to be skittish about enacting the laws and that is enough for democrats. >> throw- fifths of the states have enacted voter id law with the right to come in and vote. and every day, there are more places to show your id, certainly in the airport or federal buildings and you have to show the id. looking at the north carolina law, it doesn't go into affect 2016 and why not put an effort to making sure people can get
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id's. they have a lot of time to be able to accomplish that goal? >> but the goal is not just to change the law, it is to brand republicans as racist, number one. and number two, the goal is to say to other states that are thinking about this. don't you dare they will be after you. and hillary clinton, will have the longest presidential campaign. hillary clinton who entered an active phase of her campaign and out making policy speeches and stumping and playing to the democratic base. it is a good way to say. obama and i had differences. but i will care about your issues and use the buzzwords and the activities say i will take up their fight, to. >> thank you very much. and we'll more in the next couple of hours.
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as we just mepgdzed. north carolina stepped in the line of fire on this whole thing and the governor ciped a wide ranging voter id laws. >> you need a photoid to board an airplane or cash a check and apply for most government benefits and in fact, recently. democrats and republicans joined together to require a valid government iowa d to buy sudafed in the corner grocery store. >> the next issue. if you need an id to buy baby formula and why is the justice department so worked up to need an id to walk in a polling place to cast a ballot. we'll debate that question, coming up in a little while. >> and in the meantime today, also from washington.
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now signs that one of the american unions may be in trouble. a lciowa o issing to get support from aclu. and other clubs. this is union density. and the private sector is a historic low of 6.5 percent. doug is live from washington. >> no one called to the decline in union membership and they a self inflicted and not just the globalization of manufacturing and the shift of domestic manufacturing and write to work states and infraparty fouzed. they are often union jobs as well. and that is prompted the president to say in an interview with usa today, we are in cries and is have to do it
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differently. >> partnering with the left leaning groups like the na cp. and even if they are nonunion. >> this is the way i look at. it what we are doing in the last 30 years is not working well. >> americans have rejected unions, particularly young people. if you look at overall unionization rate. it is remarkable. and the fact is, i think most people work in the private sector and they want their companies to be successful and see the labor unions more and efficient. >> they may be banking on a long- term strategy. they are generally weaker and if it improves so does labor leverage. >> they are focusing on public union membership. and facing the bankruptcy of detroit generates public pension
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do have the limits. and many are facing the same financial sectors for detroit. >> give up benefits or risk lay offs. >> thank you, doug in dc. >> we have new details on the horrific story of a child who was beaten up on his school bus. >> the video captured national attention a couple of weeks back. get them out of here. they are still doing it. >> leave that by alone. live him alone. you know, you are going to jail. you all are going to jail. >> the driver had nightmares for weeks on what he witnessed and tried to stop verbally. those boys aed of boating the
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13-year-old. the victim was viciously hit and you can see they are kicking him and over and over again. it is a horrible scene for the 13-year-old boy. phil keating is watching it play out in court today. hello again, phil. >> all three of the 15-year-olds are charged with aggravated battery as juveniles and the judge told them they are luky they are only 15 and otherwise they would be facing felony charges and serious prison time. all three suspects each appeared with one of their parents and a public defender. they stood respectively answering with yes, sir and no sir. they are a cowed of attacking the 13 year old and punching him. and fracturing his arm. it was retaliation for the
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victim telling the suspects tried to sell him pot. they want nine months probation. and the suspects will return to court for sentencing and after the prosecutors first play for the judge the school bus boating voochlt they would not walk or say they are 0. only julianne mccomboit's father spoke to us. >> no. it is the life. and we thought about the items. but it is just the way it is. my son ain't never been no bad person. he just got mixed with that. he's sorry. >> you sure you don't want to say anything. >> prosecutors are notting the 13-year-old to poenl testify on the stand about the beating for
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the suspects. that is tough for the young boy. >> we'll have a stunning update on a down fall of paula deen. next on america live. [ male announcer ] julia child became a famous chef at age 51. picasso painted one of his master works at 56. doris taerbaum finished her first marathon at 50. not everyone peaks in their twenties.
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>> new developments in the bepg bengterror attack. we hear a new theory floated today. former u.s. attorney who represents one of the benghazi whistle-blowers that we saw testify before congress in testimony a month ago told a washington radio station that the cia was running missiles through libya, that a bunch of the weapons were stolen, listen to this. >> this is pretty clear that the biggest concern for 400 missiles that were diverted in libya and gotten into the hands of ugly
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people and they are worried about an attempt to shot down an airliner. >> scary stuff. chris white author of smart power between diplomacy. and christian, great to have you back. you heard what they said. dow think he's on to something here? >> unfortunately, i don't. i think there is a lot to blame the obama administration for in regard to benghazi and a lot of things we don't know. we don't know what the president was doing that night and we don't know who gave the order not to respond and the phony story that the attack was in response to a movie trailer. there are many problems with the theory. where did the man portable surface to air missiles, where did they come from? >> gaddafi had some in his arsenal and not one of them used
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in the war. so there is a lot about this that doesn't add up. >> when you hear this story, your mind, and i don't know where it came from. it could have come from the whistle-blower that he represents as we watched him in congress, the idea they were moving missiles to aid the rebels in syria was an idea float by paul given to hillary clinton and she had a similar response and skeptical and unaware of anything along those lines. >> there is a number of reasons that that doesn't add up. if you sploi the syrians with arms, it is unlikely you would say you are not when you are. and you would be quiet. you would procure the russian
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weapons and send them to turkey and syria and transfer them. there would be no reason to acquired used material. that would blow the mission. the night before ambassador stephens was killed. he was looking forward to getting back to bepg bengthe next day. it is highly unlikely if he would be moting with militia and arms dealer. >> what was happening in the outpost in benghazi? and the days right after that, people i spoke to and others raised questions on what is going on there? it was a cia activity and trying to clean up the weapons from the libyan uprising, something along those lines. you think it was a logical
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explanation. >> i think so. they were not terribliousful and none used against our aircraft. nato and our aircraft were over libya in the entire civil war. and a desire to clean those up is what the cia was up to. the lawyer said the missiles are responsible for the embassy closures and why you would close them in pakistan and again, it is strange that this is a valid theory. this is distracting for more malfesans by the obama administration. >> we'll see if he comes out with more details. christian, good to so you as always. thank you very much. >> rescuers said it looked like a guardian angel in the flesh.
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a bit more light was shed on the mystery of the nameless priest whoef who seemed to come out of no where to this accident to pray with the victim in the car and then disappeared. >> and a dramatic test about a new york member. a controversy and her rock star program and what happened in a state police helicopter. stick around. we'll be right back.
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>> interesting follow-up on this
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story. a new york newspaper cleaned house months after publishing inaccurate information in the area. 26 people were let go of their jobs including the editor and 17 journalist and a dozen support staff. they were let go as part of the down sizing and these staffers were part of the problem that ran into all of the trouble and the source of this information was inaccurate. and the map was released after 26 children and adults were murdered in the shot nothing newtown, connecticut in the shooting there. >> they say what happens in las vegas stays in las vegas? this photofrom gun and roses and his girlfriend may get several las vegas police officers if a bit of hot water. this is more on this.
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he's never been to vegas, right, trace? >> i hear. it goes without saying dj ash is a romantic guy. you can picture it. take your girlfriend in a private helicopter and pop the champagne and question and it is yes. this would normally cost you a pretty penny unless the police department picked up the tab. this went public when the dj posted the pictures and thanked the metto police department for the amazing private helicopter tour. >> police admitted the ride a long and didn't mejz names and now internal affairs is investigating because it a pores that the ride along guidelines is violated. >> the sheriff is not happy.
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>> we spoke about the particular subject and livid is the description of how he feels. >> and here's why he's livid. gas runs $438 and the sheriff is pushing for a sales tax increase because the department is 30 million in the hole and they may have to lay off officers. giving rich celebrities a ride along might give their open fuel investigation. somebody is going to be in trouble soon. sounds like somebody is in trouble and a fiance who needs to help pay for the ride in the helicopter perhaps along with the ring. interesting, trace, thank you. see you later. >> the queen of talk tv claims
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that a store clerk in switzerland had a gal to refuse her service. why oprah and the clerk issued several apologies and what the media handling the claims of racism. >> and black berry may under go a major change and how thousands of customers are wondering what it means for them? and a new set back for obama care, they have delayed another part of the overhaul, one more headline in this, folks. what is the latest i cup in obama care and what is it about when we come back. >> we can't have a system that works better for the insurance companies than it does for the american people.
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>> we can't have a system that works better for the insurance system than the american people. we need to get families and businesses more control over their own health insurance and that's why we need to pass health care reform. not next year or 5 or 10 years from now. but now. >> now, right, those 2010 president obama and called for passage and attacking the big
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insurance companies and all of the profits that they make as part of the insurance debacle that needed to be fix and president obama is getting closer to the target day. it has hit another bump and will delay in another law that is a limit to the out of pocket expenses. you will pay more than what we are learning today before the insurance kicks in. and the deductible and outof pocket expenses. that should boost the profits that president obama attacked in the sound byte. >> and we will bring in the editor of the national review anduthaor of the lincoln rebound. you are both fox news contra
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contributors. >> you are not concerned with this? >> i don't want people to have to pay more. but a lot of analysis done in 2009 and 10. these companies are thought this lgsz would not be passed and in the 11th hour, they would say it is unconstitutional and neither of those happen. in the end of the day, 2015 to have that cap is better than nothing at all. rich and others on the right helped to make the point for affordable care act. and without it all in place, increases and no ceiling for insurance companies would be there. do i like them having to pay more in one year, no. but you have to have systems in place and not every insurance and pharmaceutical wing are in
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sync. >> one of the big issues here in terms of the big picture is that the health insurance companies were forced to be the bad guy in this equation. they were running up the cost. this is truth to that. they were the bad guys and then a big corporation and horrible companies and congress is not to popular, right. you have exceptions for companies and health insurance companies as well. and congress who doesn't take a part. is one of the big issues. it is good enough for us but not them apparently. it locks -- looks up side down. >> you are a big, you can get a wafer but an individual
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cannot. it builds the case for delaying the law entirely. it is not ready for prime time. it is mentioned technical systems. they can't make the thing work. and it is fodder for the case that the individual man date should be delayed. why don't you give employers and insurance a break and then individuals a break? >> it is like the empowered are able to work out deals that the little guy is not getting and we are told that the president was looking out for them in all of this? >> i swear, i didn't know we would be talking about this today. and my husband's company and my own family and we are getting reimbursement checks and because of the affordable care act.
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insurance companies are the problem and i am married to a doctor and i get grief when i mention that. but the reason i mention that, individuals are the main problem in america with our history of how we have operated as patients. in not having prevention and waiting until your bone is sticking out of your leg instead of seeing the doctor when you are having pain. it is the insurance comes that set the rates and for reimbursement and you are in the hospital and charged 20 bucks for tylenol. that is the insurance companies. they are the big bad guys and unfortunately in this case, you have to work with them when you are overhauling a system. historically. social security had a dozen changes since the implementation. >> and that is all just the kinks that have to be worked out
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in any new business or car or piece of equipment. >> an employer mandate is a big deal and liberals complain about republicans sabstaging the law. what did they do to sabstage the exchange that is set up in oregon and can't get it. and refund checks. and paying more for insurance premiums despite the law. and when he was arguing before this and even now in the press conference saying that insurance is significantly cheaper by implementation for everyone. and it is a train wreck and implementation and repealed and go to a sensible system. good to see you both. >> thank you.
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and a disturbing store tore out of egypt today as we learn about the 10-year-old girl who was apparently shot to death in the streets for the crime of attending bible study class. that's coming up. and's full- blown twitter war between jeb bush and public union workers and deciding to send his children to proved school. we are talking about the whole picture on the debate coming up and also the picture of queen of talk tv and a store clerk in switzerland refused her service on the grounds of her race. why are oprah and the clerk issuing separate ark poll and how the media handles that. coming up next. . >> i think the incident in switzerland was an incident in
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switzerland. i am 0 it blew up. rrn good job! still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories.
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>> going into the store and shall remain unname and i had said to the woman excuse me may i see that bag above your head and she said to me, no, it is too expensive. and i said no, no, no. the black one that is folded over. >> she said, no, no, no. you don't want to see that one. that one will cost and you may not be able to afford. it >> no, i really did not want to so it. she refused to get. it >> and the swiss accent as well. oprah win free generated a huge amount of attention when she shared the story when she asked to look at a $38000 hand bag.
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and so now, both she and the clerk in question issued separate apologies on a big misunderstanding after a huge media outcry for so many reasons. let's bat this around with mr. lou grown and judy a republican strategist for red girls sal lon. >> and welcome, and good to have you here. ja mu, what is your reaction to this whole thing? who anyhow that oprah had a good sisz accent. i understand why she is apologizing over the frenzy over where it happen and why the swiss government should be apologizing is unnecessary. i think oprah relaying that story and telling america about her experience, oprah wen free
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who has more money than anyone on the planet that even she faces every day racism. i think that is helpful. >> how is it racism? >> it is not racism. >> i know people are sensitive about the r word. it is every day bis. our own colleague allen west went on television and said he never experienced a situation like this in his life and a lot of people of color are like i don't buy that and now someone like oprah with gobs of money and said even i have had this experience. when she teles the story. her story telling in and of itself. i hope there are store owners and employees out there and say you know what, next time it is in the store i would not let my unconscious bis affect how i
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treat that person. it is something that happens on the daily basis. >> i wanted to show it in another material because that was $38,000. and oprah said i didn't realize it was 38,000. it is redickulous. and she doesn't want to alleneate people who can't afford those hand bags. dee, doe, what about this >> it is a tough love when you can buy a $38,000 bag. she may be rude as a clerk but racist? >> if i walked in nine west bag she wouldn't have shown me the bag either. most of the time she could be right folks wouldn't afford. it maybe oprah win free was miffed because she didn't know who she was. when you call someone a racist and when someone acts like one.
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it goes both ways and here is the other things. oprah has a movie out about the butler. it would be terrible if she used the movie to promote the movie. but it is not fair to call anyone a racist when there is no proof. rude yes, racist no. >> ja mu i could have walked in there with flip flops and ripped joens and would got the same treatment from the swiss snotty. >> don't call her snooty without proof. >> yes, i told you. >> snotty is not as bad as racist. >> go a head. >> there is a bigger issue. there is a situation that happens a lot in this country. let's move away from switzerland and oprah's rich people's. >> the problem with it is, when
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we call it racist, it perpetuates the discussion and people are still racist and happens all of the time and continues that montra and that is damaging. >> very much so. >> the r word yes, is quite damaging and so i do think and i may have started out by saying every day racism. let me step back with. that we have to come to grips in this country that we have unconscious bis and we want to be equal as possible and the way the brains process it through the visual culture, this is something that our bodies work and our brains categorize it. >> and the question is, it doesn't have going to do with it. >> this might be a class discussion based on whether or not the person could afford the bag but it is not a skin care
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discussion and legitimizes discussion when you start crying oh, i was mistreated and perhaps by the color of my skin. we got to go. >> it is not fair to say that when there is no prove of it. and it is damaging and detrimental and i don't think people are wired that way and they are wired to be nice and good. >> and it is rude and snooty. >> sorry. >> she might not have showed us the bag. >> dee, doe, the science and mri's and medical doctors know that our bodies physically react in certain ways and let's just acknowledge and when i feel that and i am not going to act on. it maybe the clerk was not racist, but there is a bigger issue when i walk in a store to
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buy hair for a we've, i am treated differently by the store owners there and it makes me feel uncan have theable and it is not a good thing that people experience it every day. let's address that and say it is not incontinuational. >> i think that is -- >> thank you very much for being here. and she didn't end up with a $38,000 bag so everybody is a winner. >> we have a update on paula deen's public fall of grace and the accusations may have just vanished. >> and rescue crews on the scene of a horrific crash was like what they weaponed seeing a guardian angel at work. a priest comforts a woman and then he is gone. now he is found.
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>> that is the only explanation i have. i didn't hide. and i just stood there and waiting and . . hey linda! what are you guys doing? having some fiber! with new phillips' fiber good gummies. they're fruity delicious! just two gummies have 4 grams of fiber! to help support gularity! i want some... [ woman ] hop on over! [ marge ] fiber the fun way, from phillips'. [ woman ] hop on over! you need a girls' weekend and you need it now. ladies, let's goo vegas. cute! . .
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we have an update on celebrity cook paula deen after her very public fall from grace. now she's got a small victory in court today. a georgia judge has thrown out the race discrimination charges that all but destroyed her media empire. trace gallagher has the details from los angeles on this. >> reporter: you know when you think back it wasn't the lawsuit that destroyed paula deen, it was the deposition leading up to the lawsuit where she admitted that 25 years ago she used a
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racial slur. the lawsuit was brought by a woman who worked in her restaurant that was owned by paula deen and her brother. she worked there for about five years and claimed that they racially discriminated against her as well as sexually harassed her. she told the judge that she was biracial but now, the judge has ruled that she's white and she has no standing to sue for racial discrimination, writing, i'm quoting, plaintiff's claims under the civil rights act of 1866 and title 7 of the civil rights act of 1964 for hostile work environment and disparate treatment based on racial discrimination are dismissed, even though the sexual harassment part of the lawsuit can go forward, paula deen and her lawyers are now claiming victory, issuing a statement that reads in part, quote, we are pleased with the court's ruling today as miss deen has stated before, she's confident that those who truly know how she lives her life know she believes in equal opportunity, kindness and fairness for
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everybody. but take a look, if you will, at what paula deen as lost in just the past few months. her three tv shows on food network, canceled. four restaurants shut down. the book deal, canceled and her book in presales was number one. also dropped by smithfield foods, qvc, walmart, home depot and sears. she wins a small battle in court but she has paid dearly for the deposition that led up to this lawsuit. martha? >> trace, thank you. what a story. so we've got a disturbing update on the continued assault on coptic christians in egypt. a 10-year-old little girl shot and killed in the street as she left bible study class. we'll tell you what is happening in that story. plus, yet another sports fan dies in a fatal fall from the upper deck at a sports stadium. the circumstances surrounding this young man's death are
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anything but clear at this point. and north carolina is now the battleground in the fight over voting rights. we'll break down all the details, look at how the supreme court has opened a door to what may be the central battle for 26 teams. [ bottle ] okay, listen up! i'm here to get the lady of the house back on her feet. [ all gasp ] oj, veggies you're cool. mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here! aah! 'cause i'm re-workin' the menu, keeping her healthy and you on your toes.
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starts with freshly-made pasta, and 100% real cheddar cheese. but what makes stouffer's mac n' cheese best of all. that moment you enjoy it at home. stouffer's. made with care for you or your family.
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a fox news alert. less than 24 hours after enacting one of the toughest voter i.d. laws in the country, north carolina has become the new battle ground in an effort by the justice department to roll back the new voting rules. it's a big issue and a brand new hour starts now. a north carolina law requires that all voters have photo identification and cuts short from 17 days to 10 days the early voting period. the ground work for this was laid back in june when the supreme court decision came down that struck down sections of the
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voting rights act that mandated that certain states, mostly in the south, would have federal oversight whenever they want to change anything about the voting rules. the justice department fouled suit against the state of texas after a similar law was enacted there that they call discriminatory. attorney general eric holder has made clear he's closely watching the developments in north carolina. governor pat mccrory saying it is not discrimination in his opinion. he says it's common sense. watch this. >> protecting the integrity of every vote cast is among the most important duties i have as governor. and it's why i sign these common sense, common place protections into law. >> live now from washington, shannon bream, she covered the original supreme court ruling and she is the host of "sport report tonight." shannon, good to have you here. this is shaping up to be a central battleground in the fight as we move towards the 2014elections.
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is it likely that the justice department will take action towards north carolina now. >> i think it's highly likely based on what you heard from the attorney general. as soon as they got the ruling from the supreme court saying they didn't have to be under these preclearance restrictions anymore they were going to pass the voter i.d. law. they did, governor perry signed it and the justice department filed suit. i wouldn't be surprised to see the same thing here in north carolina. it's interesting and important for folk those know where there have been private lawsuits that have been filed, not the government, we expect them to weigh in as well. two that we know of within hours of this, a third one was expected to be filed today, if it hasn't already. they're upset in a number of the providings in the law. you get to the voter i.d. situation. it's important to remember, in north carolina, there are all kinds of i.d.s they will accept, driver's license, military, veterans, passports, tribal documents. all kinds of things. in addition to that, they will provide free i.d. cards to anyone who needs them and just five years ago when there was a
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similar indiana law challenged at the supreme court, the justice john paul stevens, not a conservative by any stretch offered the opinion, saying states can have voter i.d.s. getting yourself to the dmv, pulling together the relevant doctors and posing for a picture is not too much to ask from people who want to vote. martha. >> it's not preventing anybody from voting. if you give people all of these avenues to receive that i.d. and from what i understand, about the north carolina law, it doesn't kick in until 2016. so you have several years to find the time to go get the i.d. you would need in many states to buy sudafed or nail polish remover, things like that these days. right? >> that's true. north carolina tried to be careful in prescribing all these different documents you can use. the fact they would make it free, last year alone the state reportedly spent over $800,000 making sure that people could get those i.d.s. so the state is willing to spend the money. they say it's common sense.
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critics of course say there will be those who are left out, that there are hundreds of thousands of people in north carolina who don't have some kind of i.d. the state, those who supported this particular bill saying they have put in enough safeguards that those folks if they want to make the effort can get those documents that they'll need. by the way, the law also provides that county registrars have to provide those free of charge. if somebody said i need a birth certificate, a marriage license. north carolina will provide those for free as well. >> trying to make it as easy as they can. before i let you go, the issue of same-day registration would not be allowed. that's in north carolina. this would prevent, i guess, trying to rush a lot of people and get them registered and voting as part of a get out the vote effort. right? >> yes. this is where the two sides face a partisan issue. democrats are excellent at get out the vote efforts on the day of election. states of course are allowed to
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set their own individual laws when it comes to elections and so, in a state where there's been a lot of same-day registration by democrats who are very good at this and organized, it could impact them but republicans say we want to make it fair for everyone. if you can't make the effort to register before the day of, you can't show up that day. >> thank you so much. >> sure. >> great to have you here. we look forward to seeing you tonight on special report. >> see you at 6:00. >> see you then. these days you can't do a whole lot if you don't have a foti i.d. think about the places you have to pull it out, you need one to cash a check, to buy alcohol, to get on a plane you need a form of i.d. here's a new one i just mentioned, the nail polish remover issue. why the justice department is now so opposed to requiring this i.d. to vote is one of the big questions given all these other areas of your life that you have to have an i.d. for. we'll investigate that more later this hour as well. big issue we're focusing on heavily here today on "america live." and this question today.
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about the future of a smartphone that's been used by tens of millions of people. this after blackberry admitted that it needs some help to survive as a company. so right now they're exploring their options or alternatives. we're told these include possible joint ventures or perhaps an outright sale. but what could it mean for those who still count on their blackberry device, who don't want to give it up and light that screen with the little buttons instead of the touch pad who can spell things funny and create awkward situations. it used to be that blackberry was synonymous with having a phone in your hand, a smartphone, using your blackberry. boy, iphone blew them out of the water, created a huge business problem for them. and now what's next for the company. >> exactly right. this company owned the market. this thing right here with the little buttons on it -- >> i thought it was the greatest thing ever invented when i first
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got it. >> they missed the boat and didn't keep up with changing market demands. but the reality is they didn't try to stay on boat. other companies like apple came out with touch screen things, join the, fun, easy to use devices and blackberry said, we're going to stick with this business customer. what we've seen is that people have just abandoned them in droves. now they finally have said we're looking for help to keep the business afloat. what's going to happen? in a couple of months we won't have the same company we have today, whether they're bought out or fold. something has to give. >> a couple of months ago they came out with a new rollout, they were trying to capture who liked their samsung, iphone. it didn't go all that well based on what we're seeing now. so what does it mean for people who are die hard blackberry fans who don't want to give it up? what's their service be like? what will it be like for them. >> you're talking to one. i'm one of the guys that has one. this is a z-10. >> that's the new blackberry. >> it looks almost exactly like
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every smartphone you see. they're all exactly the same these days. it didn't really wow people. what's going to happen for people? if you're one the people like me, your company will probably keep on supporting it, your system will be fine but the next time you get an upgrade you're not going to get a blackberry, you're get an android, a samsung thing, an iphone. you'll probably be offered a choice. the reality is the old things we used to know are going away. >> what about for those who really like the buttons, they can't type on an iphone. there's plenty of people out there who hate doing it. it misspells words for you. >> it misspells everything. >> you send messages that you didn't intend to send. will there be an option around for people who like to push the button. >> that's a good question. the one i've got here, z-10 doesn't have the buttons. it's the first thing they put out that's pushed for the touch
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screen interface. i hate typing like that. >> you have to go back and fix the word. >> it's one of the things that blackberry did really well. they had patents in the space. they owned that. we're just going to get used to not spelling things. the english language will suffer a little. >> don't get me started on that. that's a whole other ball of wax. i think the blackberrys, the push button phone they'll put them next to the gordon gekko thing, the first cell phone in the movie "wall street." we'll see what happens with that. thank you. take a look at blackberry slide, the company's share of the global smartphone market tumbled to just under 3% in the second quarter of this year, down from a peak of 21% back in 2009. blackberry sold nearly 7 million smartphones when you compare that to the more than 31 million iphones, 31 million iphones, that were sold by apple you can
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see why they're having a hard time. for a bit more perspective, blackberry sales peaked in 20710 when they sold 14.6 million smartphones. what a cautionary tale that one is in the technology sector. thanks so much for being here. there's brand new information about a life-long braves fan. atlanta braves fan went to the baseball game last night and sadly fell to his death from an upper deck at turner field. to learn more about this, jonathan serrie is live in atlanta. >> an up agoing on as authorities continue to investigate the circumstances leading up to this fall. so far, police say there is no indication that any foul play was involved. it just appears to be a terrible accident. the victim, falling from an upper level platform to a secured parking lot 65 feet below. this morning, authorities released the victim's identity
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as 30-year-old ronald homer jr. of conyers. conyers is a suburb just east of atlanta. he was a life-long braves fan according to his mother who tells the associated press she spoke with him on his cell phone the night of the game. he told his mother on that call that the rain that was delaying the game seemed to be letting up. he planned to go back in and watch the rest of the game. he signed off, saying what he usually told his mother at the end of a phone call, i love you. martha, back to you. >> boy, what a sad story. and it's a tale that we have heard in several different stadium incidents over the past several years. no doubt will ignite questions about the safety. thank you so much, jonathan. we'll see you later. >> certainly. there's a full-blown twitter war that's erupting now over celebrities apparent hypocrisy. former florida governor jeb bush and the actor matt damon is going head to head over where kids go to school and why. fascinating debate between these
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two men, that's coming up. up next, growing outcry of outrage when a 10-year-old girl in egypt is shot dead in the street on her way home. her crime, being christian. we'll be right back. ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good around ♪ ♪ turn around barry ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪
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fox news alert on a developing story out of boston where two friends of the suspected boston marathon bomber have entered not guilty pleas today on charges of conspiracy and obstructing justice. the 19-year-olds, both from kazakhstan, you may remember these two photos, they were pictured with dzhokhar tsarnaev in times square, they were friends of his. they're accused of trying to get rid of evidence from his dorm room and warning him they'd seen his face on tv in connection with the massive manhunt.
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three people were killed on april 15th and nearly 300 people were hurt. a disturbing story that we are learning more about today. coming out of egypt. a young coptic christian girl was shot dead on her way home from a bible study class were her killers parentally targeting her because of her religion. we're seeing more and more of this kind of attack against christians in egypt. she was 10 years old and was the latest victim of the chaos after the army removed former president mohamed morsi and his muslim backers from power. some have targeted the coptic christian community blaming them for morsi's fall. lisa, welcome. good to have you here. such a sad story about this 10-year-old girl. she really is becoming symbolic
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in some ways of a deeper attack that's beginning on, a physical, violent attack of killing against christians in egypt. >> absolutely. since, i mean, christian persecution has been commonplace in egypt being a predominantly muslim country. just since morsi's one year in power and more so since the june 30th uprising in egypt, we've seen a surge of attacks against christians living in that country. it's not a safe place for them anymore. seven out of coptic christians have killed since this young girl, being one of them, a priest was killed, another merchant was kidnapped from his shop and unfortunately killed. we've seen churches being burnt down. the muslim brotherhood have been clear they're not going to back down and in the meantime they'll take action against local civilians and the christians being a target of that. this whole thing about blaming the christians, you know, for the ousting of morsi, this
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hardly, 10% of the egyptian population is hardly christian. even if every single christian in that country is out into the streets -- >> they wouldn't have been able to pull it off. >> right. >> i was reading quotes from her mother, this little girl's mother. she, of course, is heartbroken. she said her daughter was the center of their lives, their future. she and her husband talked about their concerns about safety in egypt. but they had decided this is their home, this is where we're going to stay. and she was on her way home from a bible study class, according to these reports. >> this is a common thing you hear from a lot of christians that i speak to in egypt. they know they're not safe, they know they're targeted but at the same time they're egyptian. that's their culture. another thing that's telling about the people coming out into the streets, they were protesting side by side christians and muslims, there was a unity there against morsi, against the muslim brotherhood. >> that's a great point. that's one of the things i'm wondering, in this violence and devastation for this family,
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there might be a kernel of something that brings them together, perhaps this girl's death in some way down the road inspires them to get together. >> extremely symbolic in that way. let's look at the broader picture here. where as you see an increase in the radicalism, extremism and in those influences you see an increase in christian's persecution. you're seeing that across middle eastern countries and north africa as well. the silver lining, if you will, the people of the country, 85 million strong are becoming united in that they want the future of egypt to have a more secular, a more united approach, living side by side. >> you think back to the beginning of the arab spring and the support that the president and so many others had for the freedom fighters who wanted to have democracy. we've gone through a very difficult period.
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how helpful would it be, how much would the egyptian people want the president and america to stand up and say, do not kill christians in the street. do not, you know, persecute these people. we support them and their plea and desire for real democracy. >> as witnesses of this arab spring and its aftermath we failed in that way. we failed the people of egypt who are now mad at us for everything. because when they came out into the streets we asked mubarak to step down. morsi kale, came, we wanted to p to the muslim brotherhood. this is the time, this is such an organic grass roots, very pure movement where we're seeing christians are saying a stake in their country. we're seeing the muslims protesting side by side with the christians and wanting to live in peace. >> democratically elected but obviously they done the care
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about the concerns of the christian people as part of that democracy because they're killing them in the streets. >> this will only grow unless we step up and put a stop to the growing influences. >> lisa, thank you very much. such a stad story. your heart goes out to this little girl and her family and what is happening there. many thanks. we'll see you soon. rescuers say that it was like looking at a guardian angel in the flesh. they were working to save a teenager whose life was at stake in this twisted wreckage in this car. suddenly a priest appeared out of nowhere. and they say that it was nothing short of a miracle that saved her life as he prayed over her. today we have solved the mystery of this nameless priest in this fascinating story. also new questions today about the florida sink hole that swallowed a resort villa and whether it's safe to enter the nearby buildings. >> you may hear reports in a
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day, two days, three days, that some of those buildings that are -- pieces of it that are leaning and towering over may fall in, especially if it rains. that does not indicate or mean that the sink hole itself has grown or changed. (announcer) at scottrade, our clients trade and invest exactly how they want. with scottrade's online banking, i get one view of my bank and brokerage accounts with one login... to easily move my money when i need to. plus, when i call my local scottrade office, i can talk to someone who knows how i trade. because i don't trade like everi'm with scottrade. me. (announcer) scottrade. awarded five-stars from smartmoney magazine.
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brand new developments now in the giant sink hole investigation in florida. as we get a new look at an entire resort villa, starting to collapse. watch this video. there it goes, disappears, right down that sink hole. witnesses recounted the horror of watching part of that building at the summer bay resort in disney world sink into the earth. this as engineers say the scene doesn't look like the 100-foot
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sink hole is actually expanding right now. at this point, they say, there's no reason to believe that it will get any bigger. does that make you feel better if you live next door? i don't know. the resort remains open. folks are being let in to the two buildings nearby to collect their belongings. and a heavenly mystery that captured the imagination of many people has finally been soxed with a down to earth explanation. a priest who suddenly appeared at the scene of a devastating car crash like a guardian angel and then people say that he just vanished. now he has stepped forward and trace gallagher is live on the west coast with this story. a good one. hi, trace. >> reporter: it's a good one, martha, it will boost your faith. 19-year-old katie lance was driving on highway 19 in missouri and a car cross the center line and hit her head on, trapping her in her car. a priest came by about five
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minutes later, he parked 150 yards behind the first responders, he walked up to the car, he told a deputy who he was and then he started katie inside the car. she asked him to pray with her. he prayed for her leg not to hurt. he anointed her with oil and then he left. for days and days, nobody knew who he was. they called him the mystery priest, the traveling angel. and then the mystery deepened when the fire department released 80 pictures of the crash scene and the priest was not visible in a single picture. the priest finally turned out to be father patrick dowling and he says he stopped, because that's what you do. listen. >> you do it. you offer your services. as a priest. because you have the power to forgive sins and you have the power to anoint. >> it gets better here. the firefighters were having trouble cutting through the metal to get katie out and then
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they heard something from someone. listen. >> i can't be for certain who said or how it was said or where it come from. but myself and one of the other firefighters that was beside me, we very plainly heard that we should remain calm, that our tools would now work and that we would get her out of that vehicle. >> oh, they got her out all right. they remained calm, cut through the metal and removed her. she was thrown to a nearby hospital, she remains hospitalized but she will survive and her family and friends are grateful. listen to them. >> whether it was a priest serving as an angel or an actual angel that came in, wearing the priestly attire, he was an ainge toll all those and to katie. >> remember the name, martha,
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father patrick dowling. remember this guy? remember the father dowling mystery back on television 20 years ago? tom bosley who played in "happy days." father dowling mystery this would have been a good one for that. >> maybe there's -- >> he is a terrific guy, from ireland. >> maybe there's another tv series in the works, a reality show. he's so humble. he said i didn't do anything. i just let god work through me and i was put there for a reason, to help at that scene and that moment. and very, very inspiring. good man. trace, thank you so much. great story. >> sure. coming up, we'll talk about the debate over private versus public education in america. it has prompted an all-out battle between two very interesting sides. former florida govern he, jeb bush, big advocate for public schools and school reform in this country against matt damon who said he's just a wonderful product of the public school system in this country, except
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that you know what, he really has to send his kids to private school. we're going to talk about that, hypocrisy? send me a tweet @mart tweet @marthamaccallum. why is the justice department so outraged by the requirement on north carolina's part that you show i.d. before you vote? we'll investigate, next. is the better choice for him, he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills. ♪ yup. another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve. ♪ [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap.
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we are now meeting a group of 16 local maintenance workers who are claiming their prize after splitting last week's massive powerball jackpot. the group known as ocean 16 is claiming their piece of the $448 million prize. while they weren't the only ones to win, my guess is they'll be just fine. they split up millions and millions of dollars. let's just listen in for a moment here. >> after 34 years and almost retiring last year, this happens. we just don't have another choice. [ applause ] >> one of the women who won is the daughter of a state senator who started the whole new jersey lottery. thanks to dad, she's saying today, a bunch of happy folks in new jersey. congratulations. watch that streaming on dotcom
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if you want to watch the rest of that. good stuff. let's get you back to our top story of this hour. a new level of debate emerging over voting regulations after north carolina has enacted some of the toughest voter i.d. laws in the country now. at least three civil rights groups and the justice department are threatening lawsuits over what they claim is discrimination. but you need a photo i.d. to do so many things these days. governor pat mccrory says what's the big deal. here he is. >> photo i.d. has become a part of our every day life. you need a photo i.d. to board an airplane, cash a check or even apply for most government benefits. in fact, just recently, both democrats and republicans joined together to require a valid government issued photo i.d. to buy sudafed at your local corner drugstore. our right to vote deserves similar protection. in fact, for voters who may not even have a photo i.d. they can get one at no charge.
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at a nearby dmv office throughout the state. >> this bill is not about voter i.d. it is 57 pages of regressive, unconstitutional acts to rig and manipulate elections through voter suppression. our complaint and lawsuit will show how this voter suppression bill in its many erie elements revisit the tactics of jim crow in the 21st century. >> powerful stuff, right? the chief counsel to the american center for law and justice and jim flannery, special counsel to both the house and senate judiciary committees, thank you. >> thank you. >> hi, martha. >> let me start with you on this. you heard the second gentleman who claims that, you know, that
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people who say it's just about the i.d. and easy to get, he says there's a lot more buried in this bill that says suppression. >> that's an incorrect view of what the law is. north carolina decided to have a voter u.d. law. i've been voting for a long time and i've always had to show a driver's license or some form of i.d. the state is making it available at all the dmv offices throughout the state of north carolina. they are for free. everyone can get an i.d. that's eligible to vote. the changes in the law is to comply with what other states have done to make sure there's voter integrity in the voting process. the governor mentioned, which is correct, you can't get sudafed without i.d. i understand the reasons and concerns that suggest. you can't get into the department of justice building in washington, d.c. without an i.d., a photo i.d. certainly the right to vote and the importance of the right to
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vote and integrity of the electoral process, it is not a significant requirement to have someone show valid i.d. with a photo that they're the person they claim to be. >> what's the big deal. >> it is voter suppression and it's not as simple as presenting an i.d. card with your picture on it. many people don't have it. in fact when they passed a law they knew that 318,000 citizens didn't have a photo i.d. that was a government issued i.d. with an expiration date on it and it's not ott only thing they've done. most people voted absentee, voted -- were white who voted absentee. the only identification they needed was the last four digits of their social security. if you go to a voting place, then you have to present certain i.d. and you have to have the preliminary information in order to get one issued. >> hold on. let's just go back to the fact of the getting an i.d. issue. >> right. >> because in north carolina, as i understand it, it wouldn't even kick in until 2016. you have several years to go get
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yourself to the dmv and get your free i.d. why is that onerous to anyone who is in a situation without an i.d. >> it's not a free i.d. if you're homeless you have to prove you're at a shelter. you need a birth certificate which costs you money. >> no. shannon bream reported a little while ago that the people who can give you a cop pitch your birth certificate under this law, must give it to you for free. is that not right? >> correct. that is correct. and john, look, i mean, we're talking about -- can i ask you, john, do you not show a form of i.d. >> no, i don't. >> john? >> this is about limiting the amount of time you get to vote. >> voter identification, when you vote 0 do you show a i.d. >> it's about a whole bunch of things. >> let's get into some of other things. >> a lot of states require a precheck. >> it does -- >> when you vote do you show an i.d., a photo i.d.?
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>> he said no. >> in north carolina until a few weeks ago, the only thing you had to do to show identification was either your driver's license -- our driver's license i.d. number or the last four digits of your social security. that's all you had to do. now, if you vote -- >> now they're requiring a voter i.d. >> you only have -- >> okay. let's move on -- guys, gentlemen. >> you have to present an i.d. >> understood. we've established that it is free and it's easy and you have close to three years. >> it's not easy. >> you have three years before this kicks in. >> if you don't have an i.d. card -- >> let's go to some of the other issues. >> if you don't have a driver's license, you have to get to the place. if you get to the place, you need a social security -- you need to show your birth certificate which you have to get some place else, which you have to get to. >> which is free also. >> you have three years to pull this off, john. three years to pull it off. >> three years. actually it goes into effect 2014. >> no, 2016 according to the
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north carolina law. >> i want to give you a chance to talk about the other elements of this that you say are so bad which are the question of same-day registration. let's move on to some of the other issues here. they're important as well. same-day registration -- >> is gone. >> would be eliminated in this law. >> right. >> jay, why is that okay? >> because -- >> it's not okay. >> some states, first of all, states have the right to put in reasonable restrictions and regulations and verification processes. with same-day voter registration in voting is it doesn't give a chance to verify. that's a decision the north carolina legislature makes. i don't think that raises to the level of unconstitutionality or some kind of illicit motive. what north carolina is trying to do is make sure the people that are voting actually on the vo voting rolls. >> that's not it at all. >> you don't have same-day registration when you can't
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coordinate it. some states allow same day. other states don't. >> all right. >> those that want to encourage people to exercise the franchise and let them do it, do. one of the reasons they want to change it is because there was a disproportionate number of african-americans who voted same-day registration. and so this is an effort to discriminate -- >> i didn't interrupt you. >> hold on, jay. jay, jay. all right. john, finish your thought. john, finish your thought. >> the rest of my thought is that there are a whole number of reforms, each and every one of which is targeted sat the proportion of blacks that voted in the presidential election. >> that's not correct. >> and limiting, for example, advanced voting by a whole week by eliminating young people voting, by compromising how the elderly can vote. >> you know, john -- >> this is proof positive that the supreme court was wrong. >> he's saying it is specifically aimed at the areas that helped to re-elect president obama in the last election. jay, last word and then we have to go. >> one fact real quick.
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the republican gubernatorial candidate became the republican governor of the state without the photo i.d. laws. so he was elected by a majority of the citizens without what you're calling restrictions in place. to say this was politically motivated he won the election. he's now requiring voter verification. he won the election without it. to make this a republican democrat or a racial issue is really nonsense. >> well, no, it's not nonsense. >> really nonsense. >> i'm sorry. the brennan center identified 5 million votes that are going to be affected by not just what happens in north carolina but in 14 different states. >> i have to go, guys. i'm going to get cut off. >> that would change the outcome of presidential elections. >> john and jay, we'll talk about this a lot. >> thank you. there's a full-blown twitter war that's erupting over a celebrity's apparent hypocrisy. former florida governor jeb bush and actor matt damon going head to head over whether or not your children should have the choice to go to school where they want. big debate on that.
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three minutes away. hollywood versus the political world. we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] running out of steam?
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just a click away with the geico mobile app. jeb bush is calling out what he sees hollywood hypocrisy in the education choice debate. it follows word that actor and activist matt damon who has stood on the picket lines, he says his mom was a teacher and education advocate has decided he needs to send his children to private school. governor bush caught wind of that and tweeted this quote, matt damon refew fuuses to enro kids in los angeles public schools. choice okay for damon, why not everybody else? bob bowden, choice media and mark hannah is an adjunct
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professor of media studies. let's pull up this quote from matt damon where he explains his thinking, even though he's a long-time advocate of public school, he sent his kids to private school. he says, sending our kids in my family to private school was a big, big, big deal. ultimately we don't have a choice. i mean, i pay for a private education and i'm trying to get the one that most matches the public education that i had. the kind -- that kind of progressived aication no longer exists in the public school system, he says. let's start with you, mark. is that logical? >> sure it is. if you take a look at it from another side, we all love in the media to beat up on celebrities for alleged cases of hypocrisy here. if you look at the other side, chris christie, the governor of new jersey where bob lives, that are enrolling their kids rather
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in private catholic schools because they can't find a public school that aligns with their values and their family's values. even though chris christie is a big advocate for public schools, he has no problem enrolling his kids in catholic school. i don't think matt damen is hypocritical when he sends his kids to a progressive school. >> the issue is that jeb bush is arguing for choice. so jeb bush is saying if matt damon has a choice, why shouldn't -- hold on, let me finish my thought. why shouldn't middle class kids and lower income kids also get a choice. >> right. jeb bush is saying people deserve a choice within the public school system and sends his kids outside that public school system. >> he's saying he made a choice and he wants everyone to have a choice based on what they believe is right for their kids. bob, what do you you think? >> damon has broken up with obama, now he's having trouble with jeb bush. it's difficulties on all fronts
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for matt damon. in a sense keeping them off the elisium of school choice. if you have money, choice is okay. that's what all of us would agree, people with money have options for their kids. they can hire tutors, pay for private school or move to a better district. matt damon has the money, therefore, he has the choice. he's arguing that people without the money, he's the one that shouldn't have the choice. >> if you look at reading proficiency in places, one of the things matt damon is very much against is this whole idea of having standards in testing and figuring out where we stand, right? it just is a very tough argument to say if there's a charter school school, why not just give that individual the money and say, which of these options that you have on he public level do you want? >> this is where i disagree with matt damon.
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i'm very much for education reform. a good friend of mine is part of the education -- and they're very much for educational reform and rating standards standards d accountability -- >> hold that thought. we'll take a quick break and be back with more. with diabetes, it's tough to keep life balanced. i don't always have time to eat like i should. that's why i like glucerna shakes. they have slowly digestible carbs to help minimize blood sugar spikes. [ male announcer ] glucerna. helping people with diabetes find balance.
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we are back and bob bowden, the executive director in choice media, and mark hannah is a former aide to john kerry and president obama. gentlemen, welcome. when we were -- before we went to break, you were basically saying the president's education policies have been open to options and that is what matt damon found so reprehensible. the something thing is mattamon is on the side of teachers and i
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wonder how much on the side he is of students. when you look at the reform moves and arne duncan has been involved in these and other people making changes, chris christie, and terms of tenure, that's where the reform discussion is happening. do we care about the kids or the union? >> i think we care about both. and matt daman cares about most. the thing is the republican position here is that at some point we start defunding, dee investing in schools that are serving for community so, yes, matt damon wants to send his kids to private school, he laments the fact the underserved communities are getting even more underfunded. the republican utopia we have universal school choice and send your kids to catholic school or jewish school or muslim school and the government is going to pay for that, i don't think that
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anybody in their right minds things we should start segregating students -- >> the whole notion that being underfunded is connected to the quality of education has been debunked. in new jersey you have the highest level of per-student payment in any state in the nation, i believe, and the more we allocate -- >> they're also taking teachers out of the public school pipeline and giving them signing bonuses and taking highly qualified teachers -- >> the charter school movement is -- ithe charter school movement. >> how now become bad things. now pulling away from the teach are pool, and those kids are get a chance at a school paid for with public dollars that is better. >> to believe puck vouchers are draping money from the traditional district schools you have to believe the district cools are the real schools and these other ones with teachers
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and principals and kids and computer, they're the fake school. >> why are we afraid to give people choice. >> if money and kids leave the public school to the charter school, those are illegitimate schools and thats essentially fraud. diarrhea, gas, bloating? yes! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. live the regular life. phillips'.
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thanks for watching. "studio b" starts with shep right now. >> shepard: to the news begins anew on "studio b." two friends of the boston bombing suspect, in court charged with getting rid of evidence. the hollywood star jason patrick locked in a bitter custody excuse. and pushing for a brand flu -- brand new law that could change the fate of parental rights. >> the feds announcing they are trying to block one of the biggest mergers in the airline industry history. the department of justice says


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