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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  August 15, 2013 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT

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at a rnc gathering will he be sitting in the oval office? thank you for being with us tonight we've got new polls up, lots to talk b good night from washington, d.c.. so have a great time. >> bill: the o'reilly factor is on. tonight: ♪ ♪ >> are machines taking over the country? the statistics are frightening. millions are becoming addicted to high tech and now technology is actually killing thousands of americans. we will have a special report. >> bill o'reilly has gone back to one of his favorite talking points, attacking the poor. >> bill: once again al sharpton not telling the truth on national television. once and for awesome we will define this guy for what he is.
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[shouting] also tonight it, looks like civil war in egypt between the military and fanatical muslims. what should the u.s.a. do and does president obama have a clue? caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. >> bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. are you addicted to the net? that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. things are getting serious. 2011, 3300 people were involved were involved in vehicle crashes. actually died while using a cell phone in the car. astounding 65% of all drivers in america ages 18 to 64, report they have talked on the cell phone while driving. and there is more. 70% of sex addicts report having a problem online.
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the national council on sexual addiction say there could be as many as 20 million people. also a study led by the university of michigan says the more americans use facebook the worse they feel about themselves. and a study by oxford university found that too much social media damages interpersonal relationships. so, there is no question that this machine, this machine is causing an immense amount of damage all over the world. so how are you dealing with that? here are questions. do you text while eating? do you text while talking with another person? do you spend more than two hours a day on the net? do you use computers for purposes that you don't want anyone else to know about? that is would you be ashamed if other people knew what you were doing in cyberspace? are you thinking about the internet when you are not using it? do you talk to strangers on the net? if you have answered yes to any of those questions, there might be a problem. and that problem is most
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severe among children. right now millions of kids simply want to play games on the net. that's all they want to do. they don't want to play sports, they don't want to go outside and run around. they don't want to do activities that separate them from cyberspace. most american parents and grand patients know what i'm talking about of the cyberspace addiction rated among american children is off the charts. the implications for the country are staggering. if an american citizen is not interested in the outside world. that person will not be able to make intelligent decisions in life. those are the called low information voters. the main problem here is that the net allows people to create their own worlds. they can lose themselves in a vast array of distractions. therefore, they don't learn coping skills. they don't compete, and their national curiosity is stifled. simply put, millions of us are wasting a huge amount of time pursuing trivial things. talking points believes
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cyberspace is as addictive as any narcotic it. human beings are becoming dependent on these machines and this is going to change the world forever. and that's the memo. now for the top story tonight, reaction, joining us from boston, catherine snyder psychologist and author of the book "the big disconnect protecting childhood and in the digital age." here in the studio dr. robin silberman who specializes in child development. you are seeing net damage, doctor. >> i am. when i speak to educators and parents i'm seeing things kids are involved in sexting or being on the computers too much. whether they're not knowing the type of -- the type of texts they should be sending. what's appropriate, what's inappropriate. and they may be addicted to gaming. so, we know that that's going on. however, the area that we really need to concentrate on is parent education. it wasn't part of our lives growing up. so, we knew how to balance it when it came in to our
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lives. cell phone use, facebook, being online. >> bill: we? what do you mean by we? there are a lot of adults that are just loans on the netted, come on. >> that's true. i think we have learned in some way that it's not our whole world. we know we can go to work. we know that we can do those things. >> i agree the problem is more acute among children. i still think this thing is consuming adults as well. what do you say miss adair? >> one of the most moving findings for me in interviewing the children that i got to speak with around the country in 30 schools is their observations of parents who in fact they perceive to be just as addicted as they are. more unaccessible and they experience a new kind of almost sibling rivalry if you will for screams for their parents' attention. >> bill: that's interesting. let me stop you. that's fascinating. i didn't even touch on that. many children tell you that they can't get their parents' attention. he they are not being raised well in their opinion, the kids, because
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the parents are obsessed with the internet? >> i don't know that i heard any child say i'm not being raised well but what they talk about. >> bill: they wouldn't say that but they would complain about it. >> they did. they would say it mom, get off the phone and then mom would get mad because he they all get cranky when we disengage especially with a part of our brain wants to do the to do list on the computers tell me about a part of the brain. what happens when you get so involved in the internet that it becomes a part of your life? >> the internet appeals to the to do list of our brain. gaming, when we were gaming. people playing aggressive game very stimulated your empathy gets shut down. unlike when you are in the kitchen and your child bugs you when you are scrambling eggs kindly say wait a minute, sure honey what's up. when you are online and somebody interrupts you. most of us have the experience of being crabby
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and kids feel hurt. >> bill: when you interrupt the kids they want to set themselves on fire. get out and play it's a beautiful day. >> that's right. >> bill: the three of us agree. but this has not been present to the american public, the internet basic slay problem. this is everybody -- oh, facebook and tweeting and oh, this is the greatest thing. now, i admit that the technology provides information and can be used for good. but i'm seeing way more bad stuff than good stuff and you? >> i think that when it's used properly, it can be a wonderful tool. we need to make sure that kids understand how to use it. and that means we need to learn how to use it even better. >> bill: you really have an optimistic viewpoint on this. because once it gets ahold of you. it's on their mind all the time. >> it is because it's their life. >> bill: that's right. it becomes their life. >> it's not the cyber life. it's their life. >> bill: right. but it's a phony life. it's not a real life. >> they don't view it that way though.
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>> bill: killing zombies isn't real unless you are brad pitt and nobody is. >> that's the gaming component of it. >> bill: it's not funny because ms. adair, if you are an american, and you just refuse to learn what you have to learn in order to compete in the marketplace, unless you get a techy job, all right, you are going to be hard to make a living and you are going to be a terrible citizen. you are not going to know what the hell is going on. >> i think that we have to distinguish between different kinds of internet use. there is very creative, very educational all sorts of wonderful ways to be online. >> bill: they want the fun stuff. >> some of the fun stuff and the value of the fun stuff and the social networking sites have values on it. there are the opposite of values. >> bill: you know what this mind craft is? do you know what it is? it's a very good site for children. but it's addictive they love it so much. it's good well mind craft,
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craft,-will give you last word. i think it's going to lead to a much less informed populace. and a much more troubled society. you go. >> my feeling is that parents need to learn how to look and listen. engage and explain to their children and be a powerful example. if you want your children to learn how to use the internet properly, make sure you know what they are doing. don't say i trust my child because you couldn't give them electric saw and say go for it you would talk to them about it you need to engage and explain what it is your expectations are and then you need to make sure that you are setting the powerful example by not texting while driving. by not. >> bill: that's a good point. if you are doing it -- >> -- you're going to be diswrnchts not to do it because you are doing it? >> you have to set the example. >> bill: all right. i'm going to set a powerful example by blowing them all up. no, i can't do that because they would run away from home if i did that ladies, thank you. next on the rundown, as we reported last night the
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vast majority of americans not happy with the direction of america. laura ingraham has some thoughts. then al sharpton once again not telling the truth on national television. [ male announcer ] at hebrew national,
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wanna play dodge rock? oh, you guys! and with double miles you can actuay use, you never miss the fun. beard growing contest and go! ♪ win! what's in your wallet? >> bill: in the impact segment tonight. according to a new gallup poll just 22% of americans are satisfied with the way things are going in this country. a whopping 7 a% are dissatisfied. obviously the shaky economy the reason the dow down big today. joining us from washington fox news analyst laura ingraham. let's assume the economy is a big part of this. what else is in play in your opinion? why are people not feeling good about the country? >> bill, i think it's -- it's not directed really at one party. it's directed at the whole process. i think more americans feel like the concerns that they have, their families' worries and anxieties aren't really the main
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priorities of the elites in either party. the leadership in either party. so, like a new poll just came out the hill did an article about it today, that 60% of 1,000 most likely voters, said they don't believe that we should have, you know, be flooded with new foreign labor in the united states. they are against that it's pretty strong majority. well, it doesn't really matter, what the people think on that. pretty much a bipartisan consensus in washington that we need all this new labor even though we have stagnating wages. very high unemployment. and an economy that is just faltering and limping along. people see things like that and then they see the culture spinning out of control when you talked about. >> bill: from what i'm getting then, they feel, they being the american dissatd with the direction of the country. they feel almost hopeless. >> and helpless that nothing matters. >> bill: they have concerns be it illegal immigration or culture or obama care or whatever. >> right. >> bill: nobody is going to
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try to solve their problems for them. so you think that's the root of it. >> i do. bill, i think it's on the left and right. people on the left, and they had all this hope in barack obama. right? and he is on the verge of perhaps putting larry summers in as fed chairman. if you are a committed leftist, right? and you you are a community organizer, you really had a lot of hope in this guy obama and you look at the drone program or the nsa or the summers' appointment or a lot of these other things that we have done on the war on terrorism and you think well, what are we getting out of it? we got. >> bill: we are not getting. >> this is our guy so they are not happy. >> bill: 75% has to encompass some liberal democrats that are dissatisfied as well. i think it's an excellent point. it's just not cutting both ways. now, the disenchantment i do believe though comes in the sense that people feel they work hard. all right? but they don't really makes a much much money as they would like to make. >> or they used to make.
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>> bill: they are not going to make more if the economy continues to contract in the sense that they don't hire. and small businesses isn't hiring because of obama care. so it's a cycle. >> it's a cycle of anxiety. and bill. >> bill: they don't think there is ever going to be an improvement. >> bill, it's the strangest thing. i think have a consensus on things like obama care. >> bill: most people don't want it. >> left and right. they don't want it, bill. yet, again, i'm directing this at the president. but we do have a president who says well, you know, i know that nobody, you know, most people don't want wild and i know it's unpopular and i know i have all these exceptions and delays and i have broken all these promises on cost caps and everything else. this is just what we have to have. people hear that and they are like what? >> americans elected a true believer, a true -- >> laura: not on everything. >> bill: the first time around the president tried to masquerade himself as a middle moderate guy.
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second time around it was no -- there was no question that he was a true believer income redistribution. >> you are touching on it, bill. >> people still went for him and now they are dissatisfied. >> remember, 3 million didn't do anything. they didn't turn out to vote at all. that's how bad it is. >> bill: that's their fault. >> of course can you make that argument. i think you touched on it, bill. the bottom line is for most americans, imagine you are a 50-year-old former factory worker in let's say ohio and you are being told, you know something? you have got to retrain yourself and find a new way of life because that way of life is over. we really don't see much hope for your old way of life. that's easy to say to someone. but that's hard to take in if you are an american worker and you don't see either party really offering solutions and sticking to promises that are delivering for you. >> bill: you have to be realistic that the manufacturing sector of america is gone. and nobody is going to bring it back. that's when just what capitalism dictates. >> that's one type of
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capitalism. certainly not a poppist economic approach if you put up for a national referendum would be really popular today. they don't have anyone making that case. >> maybe we will get into this next week because we don't have time now. another aspect is a feeling of hopelessness like we just said with the internet. that things are spiraling out of control. >> laura: isolated. the culture is trashy. computers are doing damage. and people don't know how to handle it when people get uneasy and they get insecure they get dissatisfied. >> a loss of innocence for our children. parents are very concerned about that. >> bill: they absolutely shoulden exactly. >> bill: colonel ralph peters on civil war in egypt and how it will effect all of us. al sharpton saying more false stuff. a truly disturbing situation. we want you to see this. and we're coming right and we're coming right a-a-a.
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f-f-f-f-f-f-f. lac-lac-lac. he's an actor who's known for his voice.
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[ male announcer ] wouldn't it be great if all devices had backup power? the chevrolet volt does. it's ingeniously designed to seamlessly switch from electricity to gas to extend your driving range. no wonder volt is america's best-selling plug-in. that's american ingenuity to find new roads. ♪ the 2013 volt. charge ahead of the rest in the hov lane. ♪
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>> bill: unresolved problem segment tonight, egypt. the most important country is devolving into civil war. fanatical muslims approaching 1,000. the military ousted the elected egyptian president mohammed morsi, the leader of the muslim brotherhood. it was a coup, no question. but the obama administration will not call it a coup because, if it did that, then the $1.3 billion the u.s.a. sends to egypt would automatically be suspended. therefore the president is being cautious. >> while we want to sustain our relationship with egypt, our traditional cooperation cannot continue as usual when civilians are being killed in the streets. and rights are being rolled back. america cannot determine the future of egypt. >> joining us now from washington, fox news strategic analyst colonel ralph peters. what would you do if you were president obama, colonel? >> be quiet. he is absolutely right that
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we cannot determine the future of egypt. the egyptian people have to. he needs to stop lecturing the egyptians about what's good for them or what's right, what's wrong, what they should or shouldn't do. the fact is he has accomplished the remarkable feat in the last two and a half years of alienating every single faction in egypt. he just needs to backoff now and accept the fact the egyptians have come to this pass themselves and they will have to resolve it and all our do gooding lectures and mortification won't change anything. >> we cannot, we, the united states, allow egypt to become a fundamentalist muslim state. therefore, there is a tilt, i believe, by the obama administration to the military because the military doesn't want that. they are fighting the islamists right now. i think that's what's going on here. >> well, bill, you are absolutely right. if the choice facing us and
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the world is which egypt do we want in the future? do we want an imperfect hybrid democracy. hybrid democracy in which the military plays a role or do we want a sunni muslim iran, a that that the particular. >> shepard: we can't have that military and try to reign them in and you say sit on your hands and don't say anything, i think behind the scenes we have got to be telling the military, look, we are with you in the sense that we want you to participate in the democratic government we don't want the islamists taking over. on the other hand you can't be gunning down the civilians in tahrir square. >> i agree with that the key word you uttered behind the scenes, he needs to stop lecturing, he also needs to stop talking about peaceful protests and so does secretary kerry. these peaceful protests don't bring to demonstrations. they don't burn christian churches. >> bill: i don't think there has ever been a time in history where islamists
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fanatical people peacefully did anything. they do it by the sword. why should i care. why should anybody watching the factor care about what's happening in egypt? >> it's not about egypt. it's about he egypt, syria, iraq, libya, tunisia and obviously there is oil. it's much more than that what we are seeing is islamists don't see the borders on the map that we see. they see the region and all these struggles are related. it's a struggle on the most basic level between those arabs and other peoples in the middle east who desperately want change, want a better future. not a perfect one. freedom to modernize their societies and economies and their enemies. and ours as well. the extreme religious fanatics who want to turn black the clock who want a religious dictatorship that absolutely inhumane. >> care because the bad guys the that knack particular call islamists getting control that they are going to turn on the united states fight them
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and they will be stronger then so we should try to cut it off now. is that about it? >> but, we need to recognize our limitations. we can play on the margins if we are smart. >> bill: i think obama recognized limitations didn't do anything. didn't do anything in libya. not doing anything in syria. iraq is falling apart. not doing anything there iran does what it wants. limitations? i think we are prettied limited here, colonel, i haven't seen them do anything. that brings to syria. biggest villain in the world right now. you know, in syria, gunning down his own people. and the "u.s.a. today" doesn't do anything. doesn't establish a no-fly zone. set up refugee camps for poor people. getting enraged where is the big america. they are supposed to be helping human rights. they don't do jack. we're not doing anything. >> that is exactly what we should be doing. i disagree with you on this one, bill. in syria, i'm sorry for human suffering. but, number one, on the assad regime side, have you hezbollah and iran.
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on the other side you increasingly dominated by al qaeda and franchise. >> bill: we don't get rid of guns assad. we have to get rid of this guy. >> would you rather have al qaeda? >> no. i would rather have a decent government in there assad is not a decent man and you know it and he does help terrorists all day long. we are trading one devil for the next. >> well, bill, i don't like assad but right now my point is right now our enemies are killing each other. that is not a bad deal for us. >> bill: we are engendering hatred to our country from people who might support us. >> they are too busy killing each other. >> bill: no, no, no. they are waiting for some kind of humanitarian help from the u.s.a. and not getting anything. >> tough luck, look. the arabs are rich. the turks have the second biggest military named after the united states. well, why do we have to somebody in tell me why one american should die to stop al qaeda from killing each
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other. >> bill: we are supposed to be the country that mow moats human rights, human rights violater is supposed to be our enemy. >> it's not our fight. let the local people bear some of the burden for once. >> there is a lot of burden there. >> novel hell or richmond, great reid, written by ralph peters. please check it out. gutfeld mcguirk on the recent stop and frisk controversy in new york city. al sharpton once again, once again not telling the truth on national television. you will see it and we hope you stay tuned to those reports. good job! still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. what are you guys doing? having some fiber! with new phillips' fiber good gummies. they're fruity delicious!
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>> personal story segment. we did a story about the food stamp fraud in the u.s.a. as part of that story we featured jason the surfer there, he is young man healthy, guess thousands of dollars worth of food stamps every year. even while he surfs all day long. he doesn't care about working. and here is what i said about it. >> this guy is a parasite. and my contention is that the obama administration is encouraging parasites to come out and, you know, take as much as they can with no remorse and this is how a country declines. this is how we become a weak nation. >> so that was a pretty clear statement about jason the surfer. and the failure of the federal government to regulate who gets entitlem
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taxpayer. right? pretty straightforward. here is how al sharpton spun it? >> bill o'reilly has gone back to one of his favorite talking points. attacking the poor. here is his latest rant about people on food stamps. parasites. the poor are parasites. we have heard these kind of attacks before. >> bill: sharpton obviously taking my comments totally out of context. not even mention jason the surfer and basically not telling the truth once again. the guy does this all the time. and here's the crusher on sharpton. he has been portraying me as a racist and a brutalizer of the poor. a few years ago sharpton told me that his charity in harlem, new york, was out of money. and that it could not provide christmas presents and christmas dinners to hundreds of poor people in harlem.
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so i gave sharpton a $25,000 donation to provide the gifts and the food. i never mentioned it. because it wasn't necessary to mention it. but now it is. to prove exactly what kind of personal sharpton is. on to the larger issue. last night we reported that oprah winfrey was annoyed shock. ms. winfrey believes her skin color was the reason a clerk refused to show hear purse. i said oprah has the right to speak conduct but that her words might well be used by the grievance spread hopelessness and give minority folk an excuse to fail. if you don't make it in america, it's because of skin color. of course oprah is one of the most successful people in this country. we got a ton of mail on that segment. i want to read some of it
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to you now. ron bell also a. sentinel, california. security motives of other people including clerks. clerks in switzerland. your analysis is somewhat out of context, ron, based on historical experience it's logical that people of color would be sensitive to slight. but as i said the wise thing to do is ignore them unless they directly harm you. garrett huntington beach, california. played the race card and you fell for it the swiss story was not racist. how could you possibly know that, garrett? you weren't there. the clerk denies any racist intent but nobody knows what's in her heart. monthly lean cohen tell receive, israel. remember the scene in pretty woman where julia roberts was refused service by a snobby clerk. all of us are subject to this kind of thing. i'm a white man from from the mountains of tennessee. you should see the faces when my accent is on
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display. from palmdale, california, you are so right, o'reilly, we should all ignore troglodytes like you. thanks for advancing the dialogue, bill. the point is that minorities in america do have it tougher than whites. but everybody gets hit by stupidity. if you want to succeed, you go around the morons. unless you can right the wrong. which is rare because misguided people rarely admit their circumstance. oprah winfrey is a major role model for black americans. especially women. and she does a nice job with that i'm sure she knows that summer selling victim hood. which doesn't help anyone. i'm not saying oprah did that but i'm glad i got the opportunity to make that point. coming next as the factor continues, president obama criticizes kim kardashian and her mother replies. gutfeld and mcguirk moments away. hero: if you had a chance to go anywhere in the world,
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>> bill: thanks for staying with us, i'm bill o'reilly in the what the heck just happened segment tonight. we have been reporting on the stop and frisk controversy in new york city. shear are a has put restrictions on the police program which has driven crime down in the poor sections of the city. and now to comment on judge shine alan's ruling long
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time new yorkers. mayor. he didn't aggressively police the poor neighborhoods. unbelievable violence. that was blow a thousand because the police flood the zones where high crime is all right? >> 400. >> 400 murders. and you say about scheindlin. >> the city one way. entertainment. you have movies like death wish and movies like the warriors. you can't make those movies anymore in new york because they're a fiction. they don't represent the coon temporary reality of new york. >> bill: charles bronson was killing people like bernard gets who actually did it in real life. because it wasn't much crime and thought crime here. >> it's gone. >> not gone but under control to some extent. >> the idea that we are
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forfeiting this progress out of political correctness. it's about political correctness infecting areas of our culture that make it less safe. can't argue with the statistics. if you are a young blackmail you are going to be ignored statistics say 96% of the victims are black and hispanic and the suspect 97% of the shooters are black and hispanic. so he they -- the cops go after those type of people. and most of the cops by the way are minorities hispanic, minorities, they are not overwhelmingly white. president obama only say one life, we have an obligation to do it. he was talking about gun control. >> barack obama consistent he would. >> how can you be gun control and not. this new york city.
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a lawndz cannot pack heat. illegal handguns off the streets. bad guys away. >> i think it's pretty overwhelming. it's not just the high crime neighborhoods. it's it the whole city. you remember. it was everywhere. >> once crime starts to spill out and there is no policing as there wasn't back then it then it goes everywhere. mayor bloomberg but beingville inside as racist. >> president obama kanye west. all right? i want to put up on the screen what he said. the american dream involves some pretty basic stuff. i don't think people went around saying to themselves a 10,000 square foot house that these people have. kids weren't monitoring every day what kim kardashian success, it was a pretty pointed criticism of those two people. and here is what ms. karr dation's mother said in
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reply. >> i wasn't aware that you could only set the bar so high. and that we could only dream so big. i was taught dream big. work hard and you can have whatever you wanted. [cheers and applause] right? and another thing, i thought: was, wow: i bet the president has some friends with 10,000 square foot houses and you probably wouldn't mind going over there, mr. president, while you were asking to have a party for you when you were campaigning for, you know, dollars to run for president. >> bill: all right, mcguirk. >> listen, first of all, i would rather watch a talk show hosted by the san diego mayor than watch it by this revolting woman. why don't you like her? seems like a nice woman. >> they're the con sue mat ugly americans. if you google the words why they hate us, their pictures show up. her and that freaky
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frankenstein husband of hers. >> what are they doing to make people hate us. >> she was talking about the american dream. they haven't lived the american dream. she first came into the public eye because of her association with o.j. simpson in that circus through her husband. >> late husband. >> yes, awful situation. and then the daughter because of a sex tape that's why they are famous. not because of some american dreams. you are saying they didn't earn their $10,000. >> they haven't earned day in their lives. >> i was married to kim in the 90's. and i taught kanye to who rap. we know pop culture is vac use, vain and stupid. at least they made their own money. they didn't make it off the government. >> off the sex tape though, i would rather have them make it off a sex tape than take it out of my taxes. >> i agree with president obama the values that these two espouse are foolish and children should not look up to them in any way shape or form. that's it. lacy the last word.
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bang! >> i have so much to say. >> bill: in a moment, jesse watters are going where few have ever gone. into the belly of watters is next. ♪ the joint is jumpin' [ male anuncer ] osteo bi-flex helps revitalize your joints to keep 'em jumpin'.° like calcium supplements can help your bones, osteo bi-flex can help your joints. osteo bi-flex... now available in all major retailers and warehouse clubs. in all major retailers wit's hard to find contractors with the passion and the skill, and that's why we use angie's list. online or on the phone, we help you hire right the first time with honest reviews on over 720 local services. i want it done right. i don't want to have to worry about it
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>> bill: back of the book segment tonight. watters world. last week in vegas, 12,000 people showed up to celebrate the star trek industry: very nasty things to say about me your humble correspondent. in general the trekies are not all that interested in real world. >> space, the final frontier. to boldly go where no man has gone before. ♪ ♪ >> is this a costume or just roll out of bed?
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>> i had a long night. it's vegas. >> what are you dressed at? >> i'm darsh luga. >> i'm a show girl. >> i'm the kardashian kim kard? >> kardashians the life, baby. >> people like to cling on. >> who are you and what is this? >> you hit on women that way? >> you're not hitting on me yet. you should. >> if it gets cold enough. >> you guys are awe couple. you must be proud. >> i'm so proud. >> is it hot in there? >> yes, very hot. >> i can't breathe in this thing. >> you're a fanatic, basically? >> i'm not just requesting an explanation, i'm demanding one. >> what attracts you guys to star trek? >> i like spaceships and aliens, but the overall message of accessing diversity. >> it's a hopeful future, where
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there's no poverty, there's equality. >> science fiction is humanity's hope. >> star trek did come out as the peace era. >> i think it's healthy to have an escape, someplace you can go and just focus on the goodness in life. >> you're now most known for the james bond series. >> yeah. >> the villain. >> should i smash your head? >> you can let go now. >> are you proud that you're trekkies? >> i am very proud. >> do you think your energies might be better spent helping improve things here on planet earth? >> we try to do that. but we're not going to miss the star trek convention. i recycle. >> goodie for you. >> it's for me to relax after a stressful day. >> i prefer to reserve judgment on that part of your story, sir. >> what do you do for a living? >> belly dancer. >> a physiological reading on that. whatever it is. >> what about shatner, is he an idol of yours? >> he's a solid actor. >> do you have a crush on
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shatner? >> big crush. >> the only thing i can extrapolate is superman or moses, except captain kirk is real. >> people identify with star trek: how do you feel about that? >> i feel great. >> we both feel good about my career. >> if you don't want to do it, i understand. >> you said he was an a-hole. i don't know if that was the kindest thing to say. >> [ bleep ]. >> don't you think everybody is jumping the gun here? >> i'm 56 years old. i recognize patronizing when i encounter it. the eye patch. what kind of powers does that give you? >> i'm honestly blind in that eye. >> okay. >> do you ever watch bill o'reilly on fox newschannel? >> he shoots it straight. >> bill anything you want to say? >> bill, live long and prosper.
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i don't know what that means. i am sure it's nice. >> so le var burton, he played what in star trek? >> i can't pronounce the name. star trek next generation. >> he was a humanoid. >> i'm not a big fan. >> we don't really know. he was in it a lot. >> we had him on a couple weeks ago. he's been on three, four times. always a respectful conversation. but he doesn't like me. >> no. he said you were derisive, insulting, patronizing and condescending. >> it's a long list. >> all in one interview. >> the second interview you were talking about race and zimmerman and i think at the end, he perceived that you were giving him a homework assignment. when in fact, you said do a little research, it looks like young black males disproportionately commit crimes. >> he was very, very insulted. he was physically ill when you asked him that question. >> physically ill. >> and you're cut from the same
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cloth as your boss. >> that seems like a semi racist statement. i don't take it that way. >> le var is not a big fan? >> not a fan anymore. >> i don't think he's coming back. but he's invited. >> he said he wants to come back and talk to you without cameras and wants to know why you feel you're more superior to him. >> i see. okay. i'm not. i mean, he's a klingon or whatever they are. i'd like to have lavar back if he has a beef about the other interview. waters, tip of the day. that's about behavior. that will make your life better. the tip, two minutes away. ♪
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shirts, pens, mugs. you name it. all make great gifts. save some big money because you know gift giving is coming up. remember, premium members get an additional 20% off. we're pretty much giving you the stuff, also. we still have three, count 'em three, best selling books. sold about 3 million counties. killing kennedy. killing lincoln. keep it pithy. if you have time off in the next couple of weeks, you might want to pick those up. finally, an anonymous donor purchased three high tech track chairs to help severely wounded vets. they cost $15,000 each. independence it's a charity putting the program together. so far we've raised almost $9 million to get these chairs. the anonymous donor is honoring frank and kathy lee gifford on their birthdays this month. in the memory of edie gourmet who died this week by the donation. that's a very nice gesture.
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now, the tip of the day. one of the things that amazed me in researching my upcoming book killing jesus is how the nazarene presented himself. trying to get him arrested for blasphemy. for every verbal trap they set, jesus had a factual answer, a logical reply. and that's what we all should be aiming for in life. because that gives us credibility in our lives. here's a good example. courtesy of stan pe rea who lives in melbourne, australia. bill, you've lost the plot, mate. instead of calling out the naked racism oprah was exposed to, you say it was a foolish insult. very disappointing. sore the i truth hurts, stan. how do you know what oprah experienced was naked racism? you couldn't possibly know that because you weren't there. right? could have been a misunderstanding. that's what the clerk says.
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could have been simple snobbery on the part of the woman. could have been stupidity. yet, there is no doubt that oprah experienced a foolish insult. that did happen, right? my description is precise and accurate, while yours is speculative and possibly unfair. tip of the day. do not, do not pass judgment unless you have the facts to back it up. as always, describe things in a clear and a fairway. if you do that, you will be respected in life. that is it for tonight. check out the fox news factor which is different from bill o'reilly. we would like you to spout off from anywhere in the world. if you'd like to talk about tonight, o'reilly@fox name and town, name and town. if you wish to ee pine. word of the day, do not be in a
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anyo nin i hammer. do not be a ninny hammer when writing to us. thanks for watching us. remember that the spin stops right here. we are definitely looking out for you. generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and jobs to the jobless. this was the moment when the ride to the ocean began to flow and we healed. this is the moment we ended the war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last best hope on earth. tonight the man who promised to heal the planet finds his popularity in a free fall. embarrassing new poll numbers were lee


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