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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  August 16, 2013 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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luckily it was other. which was your favorite? according to the fox poll the winner was the lightning strike. >> granny mixing up the confetti with the drink was second. the stunt driver none. "fox & friends" starts now. have a great weekend. >> good morning. it is friday, august 16. the n.s.a. reveals it broke the law and your privacy is apparently not safe. new details this morning and they are not pretty. >> insult or awareness? abbeys lambic -- an islamic group planning a march on 9/11 saying muslims are the real victims here. the imam who defends this thing coming up. >>brian: just when you thought you were up on all the latest fashion trends,
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a new one is all the rage. look at this. it is a pooch purse. now it's gone. "fox & friends" starts now. ♪ ♪ >>brian: the all american summer concert series about to start. any moment the tower of power will be jamming into that stage with a shoehorn. all of them are here. we have free food out on the veranda. they do not have to grill. they get to eat and they get to play. and they entertain new york
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city as shannon comes in from washington early for the madness. >>shannon: we're excited. and the song what is hip must be about you? with a pooch purse? >>brian: yeah. we'll finally get to the bottom of that. the tower of power is the most powerful name in news has a lot of power. we also have richard skaggs coming up and also huge news happened overnight as we were e-mailing back and forth and i was watching you last night on special report. seems like a lifetime ago. good thing we got you that jet deal and the jet back. >>shannon: he only goes private, you know that. no commercial. >>brian: if you've ever flown next to tucker carlson, write us because aoebl shannon is -- because i believe shannon is
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correct. >>tucker: i take the train. >>brian: shannon, tell us what's happening. >>shannon: chaos in egypt as they brace for more protest today. this as the muslim brotherhood calls for a nationwide day of rage. president obama joining ex-military comments. >> our traditional cooperation cannot continue as violence continues in the streets. >>shannon: the u.s. supplies $1.3 billion in aid to egypt but the president says that could be on the chopping block if the violence continues. >> he's accomplished the remarkable feat in the last two and a half years of alienating every single faction in egypt. he just needs to back off now and accept the fact the egyptians have come to this path themselves, and they
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will have to resolve it. >>shannon: this as the death toll continues to rise from this week's bloody crackdown on muhammad morsi supporters. nearly 650 people have been confirmed killed, thousands more injured. troubled actress lisa robin kelly who stars on that 70's show died after going into cardiac arrest. she just checked herself into the treatment facility on monday for alcohol abuse. over the past three years the actress made headlines for a string of d.u.i. and assault arrests. lisa robin kelly was 43 years old. >> a seven-month-old florida boy died after eating a detergent pod. if confirmed it will be the first death in the country tied to those laundry packets. according to poison control centers, more than 5,000 children have been sickened by the pods this year.
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they have warned of the dangers thinking children might think those pods are candy. they are barking with style. check out the pooch pouch. pouch pooch. this purse is the latest fashion trend to hit the streets. the bags come in a variety of sizes for mostly small breeds. i carry a lot of stuff. they sell for $100. the pooch purse is always sold out. i saw you with the maltease model. once you go there, everybody wants one. >>brian: i'll go for my mountain dog sack to the chiropractor. what about that story that broke in the washington about the n.s.a.?
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>>tucker: remember how we had been reassured by this administration and various members of congress that don't worry, we're not spying on you. this information we're gathering is to defeat terrorists. it has nothing to do with spying on americans. it turns out last year according to an internal audit, 2,776 times the n.s.a. violated that standard. keep in mind this is not a fact they reported to congress or even to the administration. this is basically no oversight here. this is reported to us in leaked documents given to "the washington post." congress didn't know this. >>shannon: there are checks and balances built into the system is what we've been told so the average american shouldn't be worried because there is somebody checking on somebody else with each decision made. but the fisa court, judges appointed by the chief justice john roberts, now they are saying we have no way to follow what the government tells us to do. there is no check on our decision. >>brian: it turns out in their defense most of these violations were unintended
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they say. here's the quote we're a human run agency with a number of regulatory regimes so at times we find ourselves on the wrong side of the line. one time, for example, they thought they were tracking egypt which is a 2-0 country code. they were tracking washington at 202 so they looked at a whole bunch of 202 numbers, american numbers. their intention could still have been in the right way but their execution could have ended up violating. >>tucker: even if these were honest mistakes and presumably most of them were, there is still deception around them. in june we were told by this administration we're going to be as transparent as time. this is what the deputy attorney general said every now and then there may be a mistake. about 3,000 of them. if you make mistakes, own up to them. >>brian: we saw michael hayden come forward, former vice president dick cheney come forward and defend the premise of the program.
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now we find out the people executing the program as it got bigger weren't doing it and in a way i guess wasn't disciplined. john sununu, used to be the chief of staff for president bush 41 helped mitt romney try to get elected, and former governor. listen. >> the biggest problem in all of this is this culture and attitude that the lines of the law don't have to be followed strictly, and that culture and attitude comes from a president who tries to impose taxes on his own, who decides when obamacare can meet the letter of the law and when it doesn't have to meet the letter of the law. it comes from a president that instructs his e.p.a. to invent ways to get around congress, where he stands up and said, and says to the public that the executive branch is going to find ways to avoid the limitations imposed constitutionally, where congress has a responsibility. that's a terrible attitude, and it's what promotes and
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nurtures the kinds of things you're seeing coming out of the n.s.a. >>brian: he's pointing to the president. i have a question for you. do you really point to the president on this? is this the clandestine community doing what they were tasked to do, keep us safe, stop the next terror attack before it happens by listening it, find out where the terrorists are and stop them before they execute their crime? or is the president totally in the dark on this? >>tucker: that's the scarceiest possibility of all, the idea that the executive not actually overseeing the executive branch. nay, c.i.a., all the alphabet soup agencies report directly to the president. constitutionally that is the way it is set up. if he has no idea what they are doing, that is a problem. >>shannon: this leads to the idea that the president is responsible for overseeing these things but he picks and chooses. by my count the constitution, article 2 i believe it is, says he has the duty to uphold the laws of the land.
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but we've seen this administration, not the president but others in the administration decide when they're going to do that and when they aren't. >>brian: there are examples of him using executive orders to do stuff he says congress is unwilling to do. is he breaching the constitution? >>shannon: i wrote the constitution. i was there when they signed it. >>brian: here's an example of our presidential proclamation, some of the things he's done. he's made changes on his own to the health care law. he's delayed certain elements of the implementation of the health care law. he told people we'll give you subsidies to help you pay for the health care law. is that okay? he's also ordered cell phone taxes to provide wi-fi for schools across the country. that's something coming to a country near you which happens to be this country. >>shannon: the president said twice he directed the f.c.c. to do that but that's an independent agency. >>tucker: the process is bad and it probably is an abuse of his authority. but it is such a bad policy.
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there was a study out today that shows giving laptops to schoolkids distracts them from their homework. technology is not the answer in schools. give them ipads and they'll become brilliant. it is not actually a fix. anybody who has teenagers -- i've got a bunch of them -- will tell you it can be you feel technology but it's not the answer. >>brian: they get the congress bent out of shape. but some of the things the president has done in the past, for example, when it comes to mandatory sentences for drug offenders, he said that's go got to change and through eric holder, his attorney general, he moved on that this week. and could also, with mandatory sentences, could immigration be next? >>shannon: think about the directive that came, and there is a lawsuit with ice agents that are suing because they have been told to violate their oath under
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the law because basically they have been told to let people go. >>brian: because of the execution of the president's order on the dream act. >>shannon: the president said congress won't work with him so he's got to go around them on some things. the idea of checks and balances gets blurred. >>brian: now you have senator rubio saying listen you know the president loves executive orders, he does things to bypass congress. if we don't pass the immigration law he's going to start passing it piece by piece and you republicans aren't going to like any of it. at least you like some of it now. >>tucker: quite an argument. >>brian: that's tuckers way of saying i'd rather move on. last night as this story came down, if you don't mind breaching our e-mail security, you said let's talk about this today. and the million muslim march that's coming to us on 9/11/2013. >>shannon: folks say the muslim community has been
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targeted. there is discrimination against people who are completely peaceful and innocent. i understand that point. but the date is going to be hard for some people. 9/11 is the date they're going to march. that is not going to, i don't think, help their cause. >>tucker: it depends. if there's real contrition, denunciation of terror, it may be helpful. we'll see. hannity is not convinced. this is the exchange last night on his show. >> this is a very salem day and we're -- a very solemn day and we're supposed to remember the victims, their families, children that lost parents that never saw them again and you want to turn this into a day about anti-islamic bigotry? >> not really. we muslims, we denounce terrorism and we understand with the solidarity denouncing that -- >> that is not what your statement says at all. >>brian: should that da be about the muslim community or should that day be about all those americans who lost their lives, whether you were in the planes that hit the
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buildings, the pentagon or night 93, or should it be about the million muslim march? either way it's going to be a story. straight ahead, he's the worst boss ever. this guy caught drugging his kphraoe's drink? -- employees drink. >>tucker: a billionaire betting on our economy to fail. what does that mean? charles payne on deck to explain. ♪ ♪ ♪ our most fabulous jacket collection. only at chico's and because all these whole grains aren't healthy unless you actually eat them ♪ multigrain cheerios. also available in delicious peanut butter. healthy never tasted so sweet. it's a reality check. i had my reality check when i'd be sitting there with my friends
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>> billionaire investor george soros has given millions of dollars away. but now since the country is struggling with a deep recession he's betting the market will crash. what does this mean with the economy? >>brian: here to explain charles payne to my immediate left. what can we learn from
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soros's actions? >> other than he thinks the market will go down. here's the thing, it doesn't have to be connected to the u.s. economy because the market in my mind is not up because of the u.s. economy. we're up 9,000 points from the low. we've only had a 5% correction this year, the most we pulled back. you can almost say we're due. everyone senses we're due for some sort of normal correction/pull back in the economy. there is speculation that the federal reserve is going to stop or taper some of their actions. in other words, every month they buy $85 billion worth of assets, they pump money into the federal government and to banks. that money in my mind has not been getting to main street except for maybe zero percent interest on car loans. if the fed does paper now, if the fed does start to pull back on its so-called accommodation, it's not because the u.s. economy is great in my mind. it's because we've done all we can, our policies are not working and the risks
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outweigh the rewards. >>tucker: tell us about those risks. $85 billion a month basically pumping fresh money into the system. what are the consequences of that? >> their balance sheet used to be $1 trillion. now it's $3 trillion. the consequences are a significant imbalance in our economy and ultimately probably a major bout of inflation because the more money that goes out there, supply and demand, the more watered down it becomes. ideally it should be reflected in wages. what the fed would love to do, the traditional definition in inflation is when there's too much money taken, too few goods. unfortunately for the fed the only thing that has happened is prices have gone up, people's wages haven't gone you will. when you hear ben bernanke speaking, you can hear the frustration. >>shannon: how important do you think the next fed chair appointment is going to be? >> they're going to be cut more or less from the same
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cloth. it would be great if we had a fed chair independent of washington and not beholden to washington. the president gets to make the selection. in that regard if we have someone who occasionally says not afraid to speak out against the white house, remember when president obama threw ben bernanke under the bus, he called him a partner, said he's been a great partner of ours in this recovery. the fed is not supposed to be your partner. >>brian: when we watch varney and company, what should we expect? >> people are afraid the market is going to collapse. i'm going to have a bear who's been calling it. i don't think it's going to collapse. i see a pull-back. it's important. i don't want people to be shaken out after finally being able to break even or make money. >>brian: coming up straight ahead, she won a gold medal and set a world record as a swimmer at last
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year's paralympics. but now she's been banned because there is a chance she might walk again. she joins us live. >>tucker: this fellow stepped on an eight-foot gator. now he's a hero. mine was earned in djibouti, africa. 2004. vietnam in 1972.
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[ all ] fort benning, georgia in 1999. [ male announcer ] usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaa's commitment to serve military members, veterans, and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. the beach on your tv is much closer than it appears.
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dive into labor day with up to 50% off hotels at travelocity. still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories.
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>>shannon: quick headlines. a cafe at walter reed medical center suspending meal tickets and cutting back hours because of sequester cuts. thanks to our reporting and complaints from our nation's heroes and their families, the military has reversed their decision. n.s.a. leaker edward snowden says journalists have been misled by his situation by people associated with his father. he says neither his father
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nor lawyer represent him in any way. >>brian: she won a gold medal and set a world record as a swimmer in last year's paralympics. but the 18-year-old's dreams were dashed this week when the paraolympic committee deemed her ineligible. even though victoria is paralyzed from the waist down, it was ruled her condition is not perfect and she could walk again. so judges ruled this morning at this hour not eligible to compete in something she was probably going to set a new world record in. victoria, thanks for joining us. what was it like getting the news that you were probably not going to be able to compete? >> thank you for having me. it was devastating. i trained so hard and was not expecting this at all. it's pretty shocking. >>brian: describe to everybody what you've been through in your life. first at the age of 11. >> i became paralyzed when i was 11. shortly after that i
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slipped into a coma for about three years and had to basically relearn how to do everything from talking to moving, and then also learning how to use a wheelchair and get through life in a wheelchair. it's been quite the journey of coming back from, you know, being at that store about three times and being in a coma to getting back into school and getting back into sports. it's been a long road. >>brian: you worked like crazy, paralyzed from the waist down and you're able to have all this success in the water. but the best is yet to come. this hopkins doctor looks at you and says with hard work there is a chance you'll walk again, but he never meant you to be banned from the paralympics coming up with that analysis. >> no. i mean with all the technology breakings with spinal cord injury, there is hope for pretty much everyone. i'm a hopeful person. if i didn't have hope, i
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wouldn't be here today. there's a chance for everyone with a lot of rehab and different technologies that are coming out for spinal cord injury that there is hope. i'm always looking for hope. and basically what happened is i was penalized for having hope. >>brian: incredible. that is what these games are about. meanwhile the i.p.c. says in the banning of victoria arlen, which is you, he failed to provide conclusive evidence of a permanent eligible impairment. therefore, despite your success and despite your experience, you can't go. where are we at now? >> you know, i honestly don't know. we had provided about 75 pages of medical documents last year before london and they had those. and we had new updated information because my condition, it hasn't changed. i've been paralyzed for seven years. if anything, my condition has worsened a little bit. so we had some additional
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information because i had gone to johns hopkins to make sure that i wasn't getting worse and that things weren't going downhill like they have in the past. and it ended up, you know, i don't know what's now because it's out of my control. if there's nothing -- there's nothing i can do at the moment. >>brian: considering everything you've already accomplished, my sense is you're going to prevail here and they'll come to their senses. that is our hope. victoria arlen, thanks for sharing your story. weigh in here at "fox & friends" and tell us what you think about it. and victoria will continue to track it. have a great weekend. cnn and nbc airing specials on hillary clinton before the 2016 election. what do the republicans do about the bias? their brand-new plan next. >> this guy caught drugging his employees drinks. "fox & friends" back in two minutes. ♪ ♪ ♪ what makes your family smile?
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sexual harassment claims. the number is 1-800-how is this guy still mayor? >>brian: i was out in san diego when he decided to go into rehab with his laptop and continue to be mayor. i got problems but i'm not quitting. >>tucker: rehab for sex addiction. look at the latest accuser. this is peggy shannon, she is i believe 68 years old. she is a great-grandmother. she says the mayor wrote her and made extremely graphic statements which we cannot state here on the air. this one of his apparent victims. >>shannon: i used to be a sexual harassment attorney. >>brian: have you seen a case like this? >>shannon: not this number of victims. i've seen pretty bad cases but this is like your worst-nightmare clients. >>brian: is the sentence usually rehab? >>shannon: if you can convince the judge. if you're talking about
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financial liability, that kind of thing, the more great grandmas that come out of the closet. >>tucker: this guy is casting a wide net. >>shannon: he has equal opportunity -- allegedly. >>brian: i like his original story. i'm a guy that likes to hug a lot. you're going to have to expand. the r.n.c. meeting in full swing in boston. delegates giving serious thought to boycotting the debate if cnn and nbc go ahead with plans to air special programs about hillary clinton, the likely nominee, it seems. we're in boston with the latest. >> good morning, brian, shannon and tucker. thanks for having me. this meeting could have a big impact on debates especially in the near future. the r.n.c. expected to have a vote today weighing in on whether to ban cnn and nbc because they're planning to
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air documentaries featuring hillary clinton. the vote would mean the r.n.c. would not partner with those networks in the debates in 2016. according to the r.n.c. director, they don't want a news organization tipping the scales in this election >> it's about time that the republican party started taking control of the debate process. we need to create a system that puts the party, the best interest of our candidates at stake. >> also new jersey governor chris christie headlined a closed to press lunch yesterday according to audience members inside. he had tough love basically arguing the r.n.c. should be confident in the republican principles and focus on winning. christie is running for reelection in new jersey and says he aims to win and he is often talked about being one of the likely contenders in 2016 for the
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republican nomination for president. >>brian: i heard governor christie wowed the audience yesterday essentially saying we've got to win. they're fighting with each other in what he calls naval gazing, something for only people with innies. >>tucker: he's done a little fighting himself, gone after rand paul. >>brian: and a little with governor jindal. >>tucker: attacking other people for fighting. >>brian: this is to me i kind of like because hillary clinton is making it almost abundantly clear she's running and governor christie is making it clear. >>shannon: i would be insulted because everyone is acting like hillary is going to be anointed. how do you think joe biden feels. you know he's thinking what about me? >>brian: howard dean is heading to iowa.
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you never know about governor cuomo running. xian know, your name is in the prompt -- shannon, your name is in the prompter. >>shannon: investigators say there is no evidence to blame engine failure for that u. p-fpl s. cargo crash. they are hoping to get more information from the black boxes they did recover yesterday. >> these boxes are made not to be opened up. they're made to be, withstand crash forces and heat. therefore, it's a little difficult to get into them. we have to saw into them and cut into them, and that takes some time. and there's software they have to use to download the data. >> the twin engine was bound from pweurplg -- birmingham to louisville when it went down. pilot and copilot died. this man caught on camera drugging one of his
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employees. police in florida arrested him after they say he spiked a female bartender's drink at the bar. the 27 went to the hospital after she started feeling funny. tobgs cole gists found out she had amphetamine in her sistem. >> a boy wrestled an alligator. he tracked the gator hanging out in a lagoon in hilton head. joey finally wrangled it in with help from his grandmother. a woman is recovering from a gator bite on her foot. those are your headlines. i grew up in florida where gator wrestling is sort of a sport. >>brian: it's also scary for people born outside the nation of florida. maria molina also used to be in florida. >>shannon: maria and i have a lot of in common.
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>> you went to florida state? >>shannon: i did. >> sorry tucker and brian to leave you out. i have something to say about the weather because we're talking about another beautiful day in store for sections of the northeast. absolutely beautiful out. high temperatures will be a little below average. right now we are on the cool side in some areas like buffalo, parts of pittsburgh, current temperatures only in the 50's. a little unusual for this time of year. otherwise as we get into this afternoon we're going to rise into the low 80's across new york city. expecting widespread 90's across the state of texas. if you live in the florida panhandle or carolinas, you're looking at the possibility of more rain and more thunderstorms today and over the next several days flooding will be a concern. we'll keep an eye on that. back to the studio. >>brian: thank you very much, maria. that is what is going on for your weekend. did you miss "fox & friends" earlier this week?
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>>shannon: how could this happen? >>tucker: i did not but some did. don't worry we've compiled everything you missed. ♪ ♪ >> i need a floor plan to get here. we moved. i feel like this is children's furniture. >>gretchen: i like this. my legs finally reach the bottom after seven years. >>brian: months worth of clothing. if your carry-on small bag could change your life. get a heavy guy to sit on this. chris chulo. >>gretchen: chris is no longer speaking to you as of yesterday. remember you asked somebody to sit on the suitcase. >>brian: because he's stocky. >>gretchen: oh no. >>brian: no problem. >>gretchen: hello to tucker carlson and eric who are flanking the -- >> pleasure to flank you. >>gretchen: thank you very much. >>brian: talk about raising the bar, that's sam hor witnesses, making a --
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horowitz, making a big entrance at his own bar mitzvah. gretchen carlson takes us behind the scenes of her big screen movie debut. >>gretchen: i arrive on the set of the movie and i find out i have my own trailer. >>brian: what was gretchen doing when she want on camera. that is her. she's just concentrating on her lines. >>gretchen: the new miss teen u.s.a. is here. >> joining us is chris carter hall of famer. >> jerry rice, stop. >> that's what we're worried about. >>gretchen: the latest trend. average joes stripping down and posing for steamy pictorials. >> does it come with a hard cover book. >>gretchen: you sound like you know a lot about this. >> i do. >>gretchen: brian missed
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one important elements in his packing. >>brian: i went to europe with three pairs of underwear and i didn't think it was a big deal. they don't have underwear to fit adults. >>gretchen: is that because they wear tidy whities. >> bring your swimsuit or wear your jeans. you don't want to be wearing that into the water. >>gretchen: is there a picture of this european vacation? >>brian: i always forget something when i travel and in europe i forgot underwear. i said no big deal i can buy it. you can't really buy it. a lot of chafing. a lot of ointment after if you know what i'm saying, to reduce the friction. meanwhile -- >>shannon: a new proposal causing a lot of controversy, as brian often does.
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why the law might prevent any christian from working for a specific city in texas. >>tucker: he was put on desk duty after releasing pictures of the accused boston bomber. this morning an update on that police officer. >>brian: i hope it's a good one. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] come to the golden opportunity sales event to experience the precision handling of the lexus performance vehicles, including the gs and all-new is. ♪ this is the pursuit of perfection. coffee should come in one size. mug. stay grounded with the rich, bold taste of maxwell house coffee. always good to the last drop. the most free research reports, customizable charts,
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only from s♪rint direct connect. trble hearing on the phone? (announcer) answer the call of the grill with n friskies grillers, full of meaty tenders and crunchy bites. for our so slimming jeans. meet our instantly slimming, secretly shaping dresses, skirts and pants. slim, smooth, flatter. the so slimming collection. only at chico's and >>shannon: a person in the saddle heating up in san antonio, texas, as lawmakers consider a controversial measure that could block business owners from holding contracts with the city if they speak out against homosexuality based on their religious beliefs. that could include christians who believe that marriages between a man and a woman. does this wind up being a case of reverse discrimination potentially? joining us a pastor and member of the human rights coalition, steven branson.
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thanks for joining us this morning. >> good to be with you. >>shannon: i know this ordinance which basically says you can't hold certain positions or get work with this city, and it's in draft form now, if you speak out in word or deed against homosexuality, i know the ordinance has been through a lot of iterations. are you satisfied with where it stands now? have your concerns been met? >> they have not been met at all. there have been a few things changed. but there has been in reality absolutely no change to the ordinance. alan parker, head of the justice foundation, talking with him, this bill will penalize businesses and it does not provide hardly any protection, religious exemption for churches. even though there's been cosmetic change, we feel there still has been absolutely no change of any kind made to it. >>shannon: i want to read a quote from the mayor castro who is making a lot of headlines on the national stage with democrats saying i believe we cannot have second-class citizens in this city. if you are for this ordinance you are against discrimination. if you are against this
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ordinance, you are for discrimination. the way that i read this ordinance, it also says people can't be discriminated against on the basis of religion. but if a christian has posted on facebook support for traditional marriage or tweeted something about it in the past, is it your concern that that's actually going to be held against them at some point if this ordinance passes? >> it will be held against them. we have a story that's breaking in san antonio nationally even right now of an airman, sergeant monk, who because of something he thought was fired in the air force the other day. he's a member of my church. the very concerns we have about what the city is doing we're seeing happen around us. we have a story at macy's a year and a half ago where a young lady was fired at macy's for violating macy's code which is similar to what the city of san antonio is trying to do. this is discriminating against people who have moral values and moral traditions and it's going to affect their families, going to affect their pocketbooks and it will affect our churches. we have been warned by
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lawyers it will have a great impact on our churches. they say it will not. but i have a school, i have a mother's day out program, a pregnancy center, those are open to potential problems once this ordinance is passed. >>shannon: we will continue to follow it. we'll have more on the story with the sergeant coming up in a little bit. first amendment, very important. we've got to keep fighting for it here in this country. thank you, sir. >> thank you very much. >>shannon: here is what not to do on live tv. >> look at that! >> bad idea. >>shannon: a reporter releases a swarm of mosquitoes into the studio. so what happened next? the results are hilarious. plus he's won 14 grammys for his bluegrass and country hits but he says his biggest success is his relationship with god. music legend ricky skaggs is here live. next. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] it balances you...
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it fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. this is nature valley. nature at its most delicious. this is nature valley. i'm bethand i'm michelle. and we own the paper cottage. it's a stationery and gifts store. anything we purchase for the paper cottage goes on our ink card. so you can manage your business expenses and access them online instantly with the game changing app from ink. we didn't get into business to spend time managing receipts, that's why we have ink. we like being in business because we like being creative, we like interacting with people. so you have time to focus on the things you love. infrom chase. so you can.
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>> what brought religion into your life? spoel well, you know, i feel god is a giver of gifts. especially of music. when i realized that god had given me a talent and a gift to sing and play, i just wanted to give it back to him. i think, you know spiritual music and relationship with god goes hand in hand. especially when you're giving it back to the creator. >>tucker: it seems like there are a lot of christians in bluegrass and country. is that right? >> there are. i think a lot of people are christians and are a little afraid to talk about it, you know, because of the whole political correctness thing and the church gets a bad rap on everything because we're kind of labeled we're against everything and not for anything. you know, but, we press on, you know. we're never going to be
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popular. we weren't made to be popular. jesus, we want to make him famous in this world. >>shannon: do you ever think twice about that for someone like you who has name recognition and grammys to get out there and speak your truth? >> we've got one shot at life. we've got one go-around. jesus completely changed the world in three years. what's our excuse? >>brian: you learned a lot of from a horrific incident in your life when your son was shot in the face at a very young age at a driver in road wage, and he foregave the assailant right away. >> he did. when i went to the hospital and saw him, it was in roanoke, virginia, and he said, dad -- i mean, i was so enraged. he said dad we need to forgive him because he don't know jesus. it's like everything i tried to teach him, he was teaching me now. forgiveness is the whole premise of the christian faith. if we can't forgive, we can't be forgiven.
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that's the way it goes. >>brian: that microphone -- i've only seen this when shannon goes on the road. that is the reason i see the mandolin. do you have anything for us? >>shannon: you're going to have to chance. >> sure. [music] >>shannon: beautiful. thank you for sharing your talent. >>brian: get his memoir, kentucky traveler, my life in music. musicians write their stories and people buy
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them. i thank you so much. >> coming up straight ahead. >>shannon: proof of a coverup. hillary clinton screaming at a congressman for calling the benghazi coverup a terrorist attack. [ dad ] so i walked into that dealer's office and you know what i walked out with? [ slurps ] [ dad ] a new passat. [ dad ] 0% apr. 60 months. done and done. [ dad ] in that driveway, is a german-engineered piece of awesome. that i got for 0% apr. good one, dad.
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thank you, dalton. [ male announcer ] it's the car you won't stop talking about. ever. hurry in to the volkswagen best. thing. ever.vent. and get 0% apr for 60 months, now until september 3rd. that's the power of german engineering. i don't know. how did you get here? and get 0% apr for 60 months, now until september 3rd. [ speaking in russian ] look, look, look... you probably want to get away as much as we do. with priceline express deals, you can get a fabulous hotel without bidding.
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common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about e only underarm low t treatment, axiron. good morning. it is friday, august 16th. a stunning admission while you were sleeping. the nsa revealed it broke the law and your privacy is not safe. brand new details coming up this morning. >> and a little boy dies after a swallowing a laundry detergent pod. the warning for all parents this morning. >> and here's what's not to do on live television. watch closely. >> don't do that. >> a really bad idea. >> reporter release as swarm of
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mosquitos into the studio. what happens next? the results are hilarious. brian just did something similar in the studio here -- >> with a bear. >> with a bear! >> fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> that will be where the tower of power will hold court. they will be playing for us and america directly at 48th and 6th in our summer concert series.
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here we are mid august. when they start playing, they're going to have to tell everyone at the lincoln and midtown tunnel to turn around. there's going to be no room in the city. >> they are the power of power. they dominate the city. >> those horns, can't way. and there as barbecue, too. >> come on down and play us with on the astroturf. can they play in the city? yes. can they play on turf? we'll find out. the tower of power never stops playing, never stops touring. 20 guys on that stage. i didn't it was possible. we'll find out. >> just now? >> i've been with you for an hour and two minutes and now you're excited. >> a fox news alert this morning. chaos in egypt. this as the muslim brotherhood calls for a day of rage.
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>> while we want to sustain our relationship with egypt, our traditional cooperation cannot continue as usual when civilians are being killed in the streets and rights are being rolled back. >> right now the u.s. supplies $1.3 billion in aid to egypt every year, but the president says that could be on the chopping block in all this violence continues. >> he's accomplished the remarkable feat in the last two and a half years of alienating every single faction in egypt. he just needs to back off now and accept the fact the egyptians have come to this path themselves and they will have to resolve it. >> the death toll continues to rise from this week's crackdown on muslim brotherhood sporter, nearly 650 people killed, thousands injured. >> and a 7-year-old boy has died after eating one of those
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laundry pods. if confirmed, it would be the first reported death in the countryside to the single-load pacts. according to the poison control center, more than 5,000 children have been sickened by those pods this year. officials have been warning of the dangers, saying people might think those pods look a whole lot like candy. >> and lisa robin kelly passed away in her sleep at rehab after going into cardiac arrest. she had just checked herself into the facility on monday for alcohol abuse. the actress made headlines for a string of dui and assault arrests. the most recent was in june. she was just 43 years old. >> all right. you never know what's going to happen during live tv, but this really bites. >> what do you do? what's your advice? >> don't do that. >> a really bad idea.
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>> the best thing to do -- let's just pop that out of there, shall we? >> the bbc breakfast show host was doing segment on mosquito bites and she put her arm right through the netting, releasing the mosquitoes all through the studio. i'm guessing they're not happy about this. >> did they bring off, the spray? >> we usually get in our studio three mosquitoes that live about two years. they end up the size of german shepherds. >> they hang from the lighting rigging. >> that's one of the reasons that bill o'reilly kicked us out of studio a. because of the flies we brought. now we're out and he's in. >> where are the mosquitoes now? >> basically we've fended them off because we just got there. >> it's a little early for the
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mosquitoes. >> according to a brand new report, the nsa broke privacy rules, a lot of them, and overstepped its legal authority thousands of times each year, more than 2,700. most of those violations involve spying on americans. joining us from washington is elizabeth. >> "the washington post" is publishing that internal audit, which they did receive from edward snowden back in june. to give you an example of some of the findings fishs and foremost there for -- first and foremost, there's been a large number of calls from washington, d.c., which was intercepted back in 2008 and in 2012, more than 2,700 incidents of unauthorized collection of what is supposed to be protected communications. the article's reporter saying there were a multitude of mistakes made which the court couldn't necessarily regulate. >> as i reported in the story
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that involved the chief judge of the fisa court, there was also a significant violation in 2009. it was so significant that the nsa described it as a major event that caused it to create a whole new wing of compliance officers. >> but the fact is is that's just a reflection of a sloppy attitude that i think flows from a culture that starts in the president's office. >> in a statement we are hearing from the nsa and in part it reads, "we take each report seriously, investigate the matter, address the issue, constantly look for trends and address them as well, alls a part of nsa's internal oversight and complains efforts." just last week we did hear from the president reminding the american people of the legality of the program. >> now, keep in mind that as a senator i expressed a healthy skepticism about these programs. as president, i've taken steps
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to make sure they have strong oversight by all three branches of government. >> the chief judge of the fisa, a court that does oversee part of nsa says that they do not have the ability to necessarily make sure the government is in constant compliance of the court's law. shannon, tucker, back to you. >> in this case there's a question of whether the president even knew this was nsa kept these violations from the congress, which is a violation of the intent of the constitution. >> any time people have raised concerns, they've said, hey, the intel committee on the house and senate side, they've been briefed, people know what's going on. those information releases are built into the whole program. a lot of people are saying it's not working like that if that's
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the intention. >> with the president coming off that sound bite, he's saying i've been able to implement controls to make him feel better. is he going to come forward and say i'm shocked to find this out? is he going to say "the washington post" made this up? is he going to say i knew it all along? is he going to say the story is inaccura inaccurate? >> the deputy attorney general james cole said recently -- we've seen a lot of stories about the nsa spying in america. he said, quote, every now and then there may be a mistake. every now and then. 2,700 times in a single year is not every now and then. they knew this was going on and the nsa was routinely violating their charter. they still did it. >> the results are the same if your privacy's been breached.
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>> and you talk about what's happened with the health care law and what marco rubio coming owl out saying look out with the executive orders on immigration and you're stating to see the way the president governs and it's getting many people uneasy. he's governing through executive order saying, congress, i don't really need you right now. for example, changes to the health care law saying wait until 2015 to implement the mandatory insurer of employees, wait to tell insurance companies you don't have to have this low payout for all insurance companies. now, look at some of the things the president has already have proclamations and come forward and said this is the way things are going to be. >> you talk about a number of things because this week we also heard from eric holder, the attorney general, talking about drug sentence being built into the law, telling federal prosecutors don't charge certain drug crimes, we don't want people to spend this much time
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in jail. you're telling federal prosecutors to not submit evidence or tell the court the truth about what happened in the first place. it makes people nervous that you're going to skip the law and do what's right for you. >> the dream act. ice told everybody if you've been brought here by your parents and go to school here, you're automatic citizens. these are executive orders the president put forward. what kind of power, do you have that you would like to change in. >> if i had absolute powers as an american, i would choose my on shower head, something i'm no longer atlollowed to do. >> is that true? >> the federal government decide what is kind of shower head, what kind of toilet is in your house. call me selfish but as an adult i would make that call alone. >> i am not going to be bound by any speeding or traffic or
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parking -- >> you're not now bound by any -- >> there's a camera on every corner so i am bound -- >> i would like to protect the praying mantis and i would lilike to steal. >> a brand new benghazi bombshell. a congressman calling out hillary clinton. >> why two days after this attack did hillary clinton scream at the congressman? >> why would she do that? she knew it was a terror attack. that congressman will be joining us here with brand new information next. >> now you've soon brian jet
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the problem? a burden no other agency or company bears. a 2006 law that drains $5 billion a year from post office revenue while the postal service is forced to overpay billions more into federal accounts. congress created this problem, and congress can fix it. . the fact is we have four dead americans. it was because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk some night who decided they'd go kill some americans? what difference at this point does it make? >> well, that was then, hillary clinton with her swan song on the attack. and for a certain major in the air national guard, it did make a difference. >> one of the first things i was told as a pilot in the military is that your country will never leave you behind. if you find yourself down on
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enemy line, rest assured your country will move heaven and earth to come get you. if you find yourself in armed conflict, your country will do everything in its power to come find you in that armed conflict. >> kinzinger said he screamed when it was said a youtube video started the attack. >> right after benghazi, behind closed doors, the secretary of state meeting with congress, someone suggested it's a terror attack and she's says -- >> basically in a very loud, angry voice it's irresponsible to even suggest this is a terror attack, this is a youtube video, we know there are protests all over and we need to be very careful on how we're saying this
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and basically chided this member of congress. to me, i sat there and could not believe the secretary actually believes this is a youtube video because of how passionately she argued it. we find out that they knew the whole time this was a terror attack including when it was happening. to me as a military member, i'd like to think that my country would never leave me in a bad situation. they tell us that when i went to survival training. secondly, if i do happen to die in service to my country, i'd think that my country would not deny me the honor of having died in service in the war on terror versus in service of a youtube video. they knew from the beginning this was an organized terror attack. >> now after the investigation and the hearings, congressman, are you under the belief that when she told you to not believe it was a youtube video that she knew all along it was a terror attack and that she did not tell
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you the truth? >> absolutely. if you even look at the e-mails exchanged during this, they called it basically a terrorist attack. they knew what was going on and as was famously said by senator mccain, you don't bring mortars to a youtube video demonstration. this was planned for a very long time. they knew it. for whatever reason they wanted to say this was not an actor terror, it was a spontaneous demonstration. it's irresponsible. >> you do you believe the president wanted people to think he had everything under control? >> yeah. the theory is we're getting out of iraq and out of afghanistan. when america retreats from the world and its leadership retreats from the world, chaos fills that vacuum. the president didn't want to admit it, he didn't want to say it. he was more interested in
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getting through november. that's my belief. >> were there other lawmakers in that room? and if so, why are you the only one to come forward with this? >> i actually think a while ago i heard people say that happened. it just the mainstream media picked up at it and it's not until i mentioned this at a town hall meeting that people really opened their eyes and said now we know they knew it was a terror attack and it was a case. i don't care about the yelling so much, she yelled, but i care more about the fact this was a terror attack and a member of congress who has a right to know this and ask these questions was chided for even saying what we eventually found out was the truth. >> who was this member of congress she barked at? >> i don't want to say it because it was behind closed doors, i'll let the member come forward themselves. i will say there were plenty of witnesses to this and it's a shame it happened. >> still serving in the house and served in the military.
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congressman kinzinger, thanks for being here this morning. >> thank you for having me. >> he got back from deployment on to be relieved of his duties because of his religious beliefs. is this reverse don't ask don't tell? what makes your family smile? backflips and cartwheels. love, warmth. here, try this. backflips and camm, ok!s. ching! i like the fact that there's lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i'm very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching.
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top news by the numbers. $ $7 million, that's how much congress have wasting on vehicles it's not being used and we paid for them. and next, $ 1 million that's about how much is going to waste if no one calls a $1 million
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winning ticket in rye, new york. >> and 1 opinion 8 million, that's how many viewers watched "duck dynasty." shannon? >> when a senior master sergeant refused to believe with his openly gay commander about gay marriage, he was relieved of his duties and reassigned. do christians now have to be closeted in order to serve? joining us senior master sergeant monk. welcome to you both. you returned from deployment and there was an issue over chaplain, someone speaking out about homosexuality and who was worried about what he was saying and the fact he was not embracing homosexuality, now
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that it is permissible in the u.s. service to talk openly about those things. what happened next? >> well, listen, you know, it's important for people to understand that i'm speaking for myself and not for the air force. this is kind of my story. but simply a young man was trying to basically give a united we stand, divided wefall type of speech to some young trainees and trying to essentially say despite our differences, it's the air force core values that unite us. in that process he made some sort of statement like i don't believe in same-sex marriage but it doesn't matter, i'm going to train up the same anyway. so as a result -- go ahead, sorry. >> from what i understand is that you were called in to consult on potential punishment for him and that's when it became apparent that you and your commanding officer did not
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see eye to eye on whether he should able to express those views. how worried are you that cristians are caught in a tough spot on being able to voice their religious believes? >> what happened to sergeant monk is a violation of doc policies and it's a violence of the constitution. if you were to look at sergeant monk's facts, you'd see a link to numerous other recent attacks on our soldiers and airmen. that violates the law and our soldiers deserve a lot better. i think the least we can do now is stand with them when they come under attack. >> and how important was it for you after your service to this country and for your family, for your sons, for you to be able to speak out at this point?
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>> it's very important. up kn you know, everything that i do is filtered through my experience. i fought -- i was a medic and we had -- we supported about 650 traumas out there and each time somebody came in, i was praying in my head that god would spare each one of those guys. but, listen, you know, bottom line is i wouldn't -- i wouldn't agree with certain mindset or a certain way of thinking because i have a deep religious conviction and belief and as a result i was -- i was let go. >> well, sergeant, we thank you very, very much for your service to this country. kelly, we know you're involved
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in a lot of these cases. lackland air force base say the sergeant wasn't punished, he was simply at the end of his assignment. we will report and let people decide. thank you both. >> coming up, the symptoms are just like the flu but this morning health officials are warning it could be something else entirely and it could be deadly. >> and they've been on the road since 1968. their next stop, right here with us. next up, tower of power. ♪ ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good around ♪ ♪ turn around barry ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪
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♪ i finally found i'm bethand i'm michelle. and we own the paper cottage. it's a stationery and gifts store. anything we purchase for the paper cottage goes on our ink card. so you can manage your business expenses and access them online instantly with the game changing app from ink. we didn't get into business to spend time managing receipts, that's why we have ink. we like being in business because we like being creative, we like interacting with people. so you have time to focus on the things you love. infrom chase. so you can.
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especially today, as people are looking for more low, and no calorie options. that's why on vending machines, we're making it easy for people to know how many calories are in their favorite beverages, before they choose. and we're offering more low calorie options, including over 70 in our innovative coca-cola free-style dispensers. working with our beverage industry and restaurant partners, we're helping provide choices that make sense for everyone. because when people come together, good things happen.
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♪ ♪ ♪ in the jungle, the mighty jungle ♪ >> the shot of the morning. it's a zoo in china. they attempted and failed to pull one over on visitors. they tried to pass off this tibetan mastiff dog as a lion. they might have gotten away with it but a little boy told his mom he heard the lion barking. >> how do you get to this point? >> they get so much credit for creativity, though. >> got plenty of pages and a
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nice path and refreshment stand. bad news, no animals. >> so if you're in china and you went to the zoo and paid your money and want your money er c you. >> absolutely. just hit me on twitter. >> a 12-year-old fights for his life against a brain eating parasite. the health department in florida with a warning for swimmers. turns out high water temperatures and low water levels provide the perfect breeding ground for this rare amoeba. the symptoms can be misleading because they seem like the flu flue. >> kidnapped teen-ager hannah anderson making her first public appearance since her rescue.
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she arrived unexpectedly at a fund-raiser in california. she didn't speak to the media but her dad did. >> hannah sends her love. she's doing good day by day. right now we're just looking for her future and get her settled. >> the money from the fund-raiser will help pay for funerals for her mother and brother. >> the massachusetts state police officer who released photos of the bombing suspect dzhokhar tsarnaev is back at work this morning. he said he didn't like "rolling stone" making tsarnaev look like some kind of rock star so he released the photos. >> and good news for a little girl injured who lost her brother in the bombing. she has learned to walk again and even dance.
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good for her. >> and after a few failed attempt, he got the hang of it. now he has something else to dream about. new zealand giving a company permission for manned test flights of its enough jet pack. they can travel over land or sea, though i'd rather wipe out in the ocean like he did than on land. pilots can fly 20 feet off the ground and 25 feet above the water. the company hope for the military to use them for search and rescue missions. >> i want one of those for d.c. commutes. flying over those cars? >> you'd be shot down immediately. >> we're going to go outside to brian, who is standing by with a special guest to do the sports. >> tucker, it's been our tradition since 1941 to give all our interns who work for us so hard for school credit a chance to do weather or sports.
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this is anthony from nyu. describe your internship for us. >> i've learned a ton. it's been a great experience. i want to do it again definitely in the future. >> you chose to do the sports. you want to be a sportscaster? >> maybe, possibly. >> it all depends how this goes. relax, see the prompter, be the prompter. >> it's sports! >> the ravens won. in philadelphia, eagles run it in for a score and won this one 14-9. >> now to baseball. >> an historic moment in baseball, mlb expanding its video process next season giving managers a tool they never had . calls will be reviewed by a crew in mlb headquarters in new york city. the proposal is to be voted on by team owners in november.
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>> welcome to the 21st century. finally -- >> this bad boy is taking it to a whole new level. we're talking about a flying bat. the bat boy scoops up the creature in his glove and has fun scaring players in the dugout. then he sets it free. >> what year left? >> i'm going to be a junior. >> plenty of time to get another internship in. the ultimate thrill, toss to maria. >> now maria, what's the weather? >> by the way, you do sports. we're in new york city city and we have two boston fans from boston. big red sox fans? >> yes, huge. >> another person over there wearing a boston hat and also a
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huge fan. >> how are you? i got to run. >> another day you're looking at, temperatures below average, waking up to temperatures only in the 40s. 45 in international false, and green bay, 52. a beautiful day. as we head to the afternoon, we'll be in the low 80s in new york city and a hot one in san santonio. and another chance of rain as we head into this weekend and early next week. let's head to brian. >> it my thrill to be here with the creative engine behind the tower of power. emilio castillo, thanks so much for coming down here. >> my pleasure, brian. >> are you ready to play today? >> i'm totally ready.
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>> we're getting a bit of feedback. we'll step away from the speaker. how did it all get started? 45 years ago before the band took off, your dad told you to go in your room and figure something out. >> i got caught stealing a t-shirt. i had a short crime career. my dad gave me a notebook and said fill it with why you're never going to steal again and fill it with something you're going to do. i said i want to play music, dad. and he said "get in the car" and he drove me to the music shop and said anything you want. i picked the sax. >> you ended up being the power of tower. what are you going to play here today. >> a bunch of classic tunes, "you're still a young man," "this time it's real." >> and it already packed down
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here. can you perform in the morning? musicians peak at night. can you do it in the morning? >> i can do it any time. >> thank you so much, emilio castillo. we're thrill to have you here. back inside, the tower power ready to go. >> it's called the trigger law and it allows parents to fire teachers. >> and a frightening close call for a state trooper. how that traffic stop ended. we'll show it to you, all of it, next. pooches and puppies... we are tired of being fed on! we want k9 advantix ii! it not only kills fleas and ticks, k9 advantix ii also repels most
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ticks before they can attach. the leading brand kills, but doesn't repel. a tick that isn't repelled or killed may attach and make a meal of us. infected ticks can even spread lyme disease. so let's put our paws down in ptest! till we all get veterinarian recommended k9 advantix ii! join us at! you tell us what you want to pay, and we give you a range of coverages to choose from. who is she? that's flobot. she's this new robot we're trying out, mostly for, like, small stuff. wow! look at her go! she's pretty good. she's pretty good. hey, flobot, great job. oops. [ powers down ] uh-oh, flobot is broken. the "name your price" tool, only from progressive. call or click today. with new all natural lean cuisine honestly good. it's frozen like you've never seen. with juicy whole chicken filets,
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farm selected veggies and whole grain medleys. ♪ and it's undressed. just add the pomegranate sauce yourself. with taste this good, why hide? ♪ why? what were you thinking? new lean cuisine honestly good. au natural, oh so tasty. in the natural frozen meals section. nestle. good food. good life. at chico's we're famous for our so slimming jeans. ♪ now, meet our instantly slimming, secretly shaping dresses, skirts and pants. ♪ they slim, smooth, and shamelessly flatter, exactly where it matters. the so slimming collection. so fabulous. only at chico's and the great outdoors... ...and a great deal. thanks to dad.
4:44 am
(gasp) nope. aw! guys! grrrr let's leave the deals to (nice bear!) ooo! that one! nice! got it! oh my gosh this is so cool! awesome! perfect! yep, and no angry bears. the perfect place is on sale now. up to 30% off. only at
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a very close call caught on police dash cam. wow. a north carolina state trooper was near live hit by that 18 wheeler while he was in middle of a traffic stop. luckily for the trooper the truck jackknifed toward the median and not toward him and that passenger in the van. >> a one-handed hoop star has taken his skill to the next level. he was born without the part of his left arm. coach billy donovan offered him a spot as a walk-on. good for him. >> a trio of california schools set to become the nation's first to be overhauled under the controversial parent trigger law passed in 2010. that law allows parents to reform underperforming schools
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if they collect enough signatures, turning them into charter schools and firing the school's staff. this film profiles a group of parents who fell short. thanks for joining us. james, tell us about what happened. just give us a quick overview. parents tried to take offer the school and failed? >> so the parents in compton gathered signatures to get over 51% in order to change the school. they turned their petitions into the district and the district did not accept them. it went to court and ultimately got thrown out. >> what was the idea, marlene? you wand to fire staff? how were you going to reform mckinley elementary? >> what we wanted was a better school, different teachers,
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everything. for our children. >> and who is against that? >> the district? >> the district. so the people who are running this badly performing school don't want change. >> of course. >> of course. so how hard is it, james, having watched this process for parents to use this law, the trigger law to take over a failing elementary school? >> well, i think it's difficult, you know, it takes a lot of parents to get together, it takes a lot of organization. it's not something that i think anybody can sort of take lightly and just do on a whim. in that first instance, it was very difficult. i think these three schools opening in l.a. this week, they had a little bit easier time and i think because of the effort of parents like marlene who blazed at that trail. >> so the union, they're not for
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this, correct? >> i think that there is some pushback from unions, i think that a lot of the status quo is uncomfortable with the idea of parents being able to fire principal and staff and even being able to close the school. >> give us a sense of what the school is like. how bad is mckinley? >> well, it was very bad when we found out it was one of the worst schools in compton district. so that's why we decided to get, you know, signatures and change everything. >> james, tell me really quickly, you got the signatures but somehow it got vetoed? how does that work? i thought the law was supposed to empower parents to take over schools. >> the law it was was sort of written a little bit vague so when the parents tried to use it for the first time, the district fought them in court.
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so that ultimately it was thrown out on a technicality. >> what a shame. probably will not be the last attempt, i assume. "we the parents" out soon. is the film out? >> it opens in l.a. this friday august 16th, it going to run for a week and then it will come to new york september 5th through the 12th. >> that's terrific. i will watch it. >> thanks for joining us. >> a white house butter, a computer genius and crime fighters bat it will out for the box office this weekend. which of these movies is worth seeing? kevin mccarthy will let us know. but first, in 1988 olivia newton john's "magic" was the number one song. do you remember it? ♪ and your heart survive, testing me with her eyes ♪ [ male announcer ] running out of steam?
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♪ now you can give yourself a kick in the rear! v8 v-fusion plus energy. natural energy from green tea plus fruits and veggies. need a little kick? ooh! could've had a v8. in the juice aisle. because all these whole grains aren't healthy unless you actually eat them ♪ multigrain cheerios. also available in delicious peanut butter. healthy never tasted so sweet. it's a reality check. i had my reality check when i'd be sitting there with my friends who had their verizon phones and i'd be sitting there like "mine's still loading!" i couldn't get email. i couldn't stream movies. i couldn't upload any of our music. that's when i decided to switch. now that i'm on verizon, everything moves fast. with verizon, i have that reliability. i'm completely happy with verizon. verizon's 4g lte is the most reliable and in more places than any other 4g network. period. that's powerful. verizon. get the nokia lumia 928 for free.
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a white house butler, a computer genius and a group of teen age crime fighters take over the box office this weekend. so what should you go see? >> and because we only have so much money, joining us right now to help us spend it correctly, movie review expert and founder of -- >> how are you doing, tucker? >> i like to save my money so weed out the ones we don't want to see. >> i'm a milk duds guy. i like those. comes with clearasil. >> the butler.
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it was called "the butler" and now it's "lee daniels, butler." they changed his name because of artistic license of the character. he was a butler for 44 years, under president eisenhower to reagan. you can see the wheels turning in his brain when he's not saying much on screen. most hollywood films are not shot in order. this takes place in 34 years. you have to shoot the older version of his character, younger version of his character, mid version of his character. oprah plays his wife and she deserves an award.
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>> tucker hasn't been to the movies since 1984. >> "godfather 2" is the last movie i've seen. >> that's a great movie. >> should i see "jobs"? >> ashton kutcher is a very underrated dramatic actor. in a sense if you watch him on "punked" and "that 70s show," he's comedic. but everything but him was steve jobs. the problem is the filmmaking it lacking, the pace making is off but he's worth seeing in the movie. i gave it a three out of five. don't pay full price. go to the matinee to see ashton
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kutcher. >> "kick ass 2." >> the first was phenomenal but this one the violence seems very senseless. you have a different director this time around so you've lost the emotional core of the movie. if you're a kick as fan of the first movie, wait for the rental. >> a tepid, tepid interview. >> you can go to my web site -- >> and you're putting a benjamin in the jar? >> if it's in the prompter, you can read it. >> a million muslim march in
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washington. who is this group? >> and tower of power is going to rock our stage. don't miss it. ♪ ♪ (announcer) at scottrade, our clients trade and invest
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exactly how they want. with scottrade's online banking, i get one view of my bank and brokerage accounts with one login... to easily move my money when i need to. plus, when i call my local scottrade office, i can talk to someone who knows how i trade. because i don't trade like everi'm with scottrade. me. (announcer) scottrade. awarded five-stars from smartmoney magazine. but at least i can help keep their underwear clean. that's why there's charmin ultra strong. i'll take that. go get 'em, buddy! it cleans so well and you can use up to four times less than the leading bargain brand. [ female announcer ] charmin ultra strong has a duraclean texture that's soft and more durable
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to help your kids get clean while still using less. and its four times stronger than the leading bargain brand. wow, you cleaned up a lot! you did too, pal! [ laughs ] we all go. why not enjoy the go with charmin ultra strong? the healthcare law gives us powerful tools to fight it... to investigate it... ...prosecute it... and stop criminals. our senior medicare patrol volunteers... are teaching seniors across the country... stop, spot, and report fraud.
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you can help. guard your medicare card. don't give out your card number over the phone. call to report any suspected fraud. we're cracking down on medicare fraud. let's make medicare stronger for all of us. good morning, it is friday, august 16th. a huge development overnight in the nsa scandal. a report says they broke privacy rights almost 3,000 times. >> and an islamic group planning a million muslim march. is this an insult or awareness. we'll report, you can decide. >> move over, man bag and feast your eyes on the pooch purse. is this doggy bag a great
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invention, something benjamin franklin would be envious of or just plain ridiculous? >> it's akin to electricity. >> "fox & friends" start whenever i stop talking. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i remember the first time we pass passed, i still feel same ♪ ♪ all this time, i'm on your
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side ♪ >> tower of power. >> they are here, 40 years going strong, 40-plus years going strong. they've performed in japan, europe and more importantly on our custom-built stage. >> they sound great. >> this is a touring band, 45 years on the road. >> that is a lot of mints on your pillow. >> we paying them in barbecue. >> you got to come out, 48th and 6th and be part of the madness because sadly the summer concert series coming to a close and don't insult the other bands but this might be the most successful band we've ever had. >> well, there. >> legendary. >> is this the last installment
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of the series? >> no, not until the summer ends. then we tack the bull frog off our nose, and it's back to the grind. >> justin bieber, call us, we got you booked in october. meanwhile, shannon, talk to us. >> a 7-month-old florida boy died after eating a laundry detergent pod. it's not still confirmed if that's what killed the baby. if it is confirmed that, would be the first death tied to those little pacts. more than 5,000 kids have been injured by those packets. >> and lisa robin kelly has died. she checked into rehab on monday for alcohol abuse.
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lisa robin kelly was 43 years old. >> and you might want to put down that cup of coffee right now. that's because a brand new study finds drinking four cups a day could raise your risk of dying young. pore men under 55, this was a 56% increase of early death, for women it was 113%. but for people over 55, no matter how much coffee you drink, it has no impact how long you're going to live. >> it gives doggy bag a whole new meaningcheck out the pooch purse. it's the latest fas trend to hit the streets. it sells for up to $100. they're so popular right now, one store says completely sold out. and unless they make lab size, i'm not gill getting one. >> a lab? >> i have a chocolate lab and i have a lot to carry. >> i'd love to see you hoist your lab.
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>> people will think you stole it. >> this video has been unbelievably horrific. as you know, morsi was overthrown when he forgot to apply the constitution. military took over, started installing military generals as governors. the muslim brotherhood wasn't going down early and they haven't been. this week the city government close to clean it out. they fought back. both sides are armed, over 600 dead, over 3,000 wounded and today after prayers, the violence has been kicking up a notch. >> much of that violence directed at christians, the egyptian christian community one of the oldest into the world, it predates islam by hundreds of years and they are zeroed out, targeted by extremists. many christians have been
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torched, houses demolished. the president in his remarks about this gave short shrift to christians. >> and this has been a difficult road to navigate. they're not calling it a coup. that would impact decisions about aid. they say it's not in our best interest to make a determination either way. so the president choosing his words very, very carefully. >> you have the military and the muslim brotherhood. i'm not sure but they say this was a fair election and the muslim brother road combined with other sects took control and they did a horrendous job. and the egyptians weren't happy. muslim brotherhood does not like the u.s., their objectives are terror. they give birth to hamas, they support hezbollah and without them there is no al qaeda. to us it's not a hard choice. you can say they were justly
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elected but so was hamas justly elected. we have no problem not accepting hamas and saying they don't exist. in many ways the president got right. you can't condone the behavior because they're not good at riot control, however, you don't cut off the aid because what are we saying? unless you put the muslim brotherhood back, we're not giving you a check? >> i think you're right. i agree. but he got in wrong in not condemning these attacks against christians. imagine mobs torching mosques. do you think the president would write that off? no. he would say we cannot allow this to happen but, christians,
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eh, some christians are getting killed. >> the folks who turned out to talk about pushing back, millions filled the streets. they weren't just young, unemployed guys. these were doctors, lawyers across all of state who said this is not what we want. >> my family insisted on getting cable at home. >> he needs to stop lecturing the egyptians about what's good for them, what's right and wrong and what they should and shouldn't do. he's accomplished the remarkable feat in the last two and a half years of alienating every single faction in egypt. he just needs to back off now and accept the fact the egyptians have come to this path themselves and they will have to resolve it and all our do gooding lectures and
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mortification won't change anything. >> obama did at the end of his remarks yesterday say egypt's future will be determined by the egyptians. it seems, though, the u.s. might want to stop using democracy or our definition of it as to whether a company p country is going into the right direction. >> and a government that will or won't keep its treaties with israel. our ally in that region needs our help and ou protection. >> you no noe who had a problem with the mus almost brotherhood? who is hosni mubarak. let talk about the big bombshell over the weekend. i was able to expose this part. tucker e-mailing back and forth, shannon e-mailing back and forth when this broke. "the washington post" broke the
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story that an internal audit at the nsa shows there were abuses there in terms of maybe go overboard. >> intentional or not, it seeps like a lot of privacy out there was violated. >> more than 2,700 cases in the last months by the nsa spying on americans. these were mostly inadvertent and the np sa kept this information from congress, which is mandated but they cloak this information from them and the rest of us. >> none of us have worked for the nsa -- >> that you know of. >> there are gaps in the years in your resumé that make no sense toe me. it could be the mob. let talk about how something got confused. for example, human error. instead of looking country code 20, which is egypt, they plugged in 202 so they were able to collect phone calls to people in the washington area, could be you guys. but that was human error.
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and it later was explained in this way, the nsa response was that they are constantly auditing. they also want to say in response to the story the nsa provided us with a statement and it essentially reads that we are a human organization that sometimes makes mistakes, most unintended. >> yeah, but they also lie. the director of national security lied to congress -- >> james conger. >> and the attorney general assured news june only occasionally does this happen. 2,700 times in one year is not occasional, it's frequent. trust us is not good enough. >> was president obama aware of this? was president bush aware of this? is this the one michael hayden depender that that --
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>> by the power vested in me, we're going to have to step april side for just a moment and talk more about what's happening with the muslim march straight ahead. outrage after an islamic group plans a million muslim march on september 11th. who is the group, what do they want and why did they pick that day? >> and a whole new meaning to hitchhiki hitchhiking. two teens cruising down the highway on the back of a big rig. that is real what you're watching right there. get a skate board. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] it balances you...
5:13 am
it fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. in a convennt two bar pack. this is nature valley. nature at its most delicious. at chico's we're famous for our so slimming jeans. ♪ now, meet our instantly slimming, secretly shaping dresses, skirts and pants. ♪ they slim, smooth, and shamelessly flatter, exactly where it matters. the so slimming collection. so fabulous. only at chico's and to take a centrum silver multivitamin every day. i told him, sure. can't hurt, right? and now today, i see this in the news. once again, centrum silver was chosen by researchers
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for another landmark study. this time looking at eye health. my doctor! he knows his stuff. [ male announcer ] centrum. the most studied. the most recommended. and the most preferred multivitamin brand. the choice is clear.
5:15 am
the beach on your tv is much closer than it appears. dive into labor day with up to 50% off hotels at travelocity.
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nearly 3,000 perished on 2011. now a muslim advocacy group has picked the 12th anniversary of the terror attacks to host the 1 million muslim march to demand social government from the united states government. is it appropriate action given the date? joining us is the president of the national islam being forum. doctor jasser, what is the possibility that they're moderate muslims -- >> they're basically a bunch of truthers who think that marketis responsible for everything. -- that america is responsible for everything. they thought that 9/11 was a conspiracy series.
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but among these whack jobs who will be a million mine 999,000, they have conspiracy group, the muslim american society, identified as the central nervous system of the brotherhood in america is posted as being a speaker. these guys are problematic and they're trying to exploit 9/11. if they were patriotic, they would be marching saying we want the death penalty for nidal hasan rather than this circus of exploiting the murders and horrific murders of 9/11. >> and you wouldn't need a million muslims, just ten would help. >> they're saying muslims are being made the villains of 911. you're a muslim. do you feel you've been made a
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victim in. >> absolutely not. they have moved to liberate muslims around the world and gave our families freedom in muslim countries. we need to counter the radical ideas, rather than blaming the countries that gave us freedom. and they need to speak up and say the truthers are -- >> let hear from the man who put this together. he was with sean last night. >> this is a day to remember them and their families. they will never see their parents again, they will never see their loved ones again and you want to make this day of all days radical islamists who are responsible for this attack, you want to make this a day about
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bigotry against muslims. >> not really. we are standing to show americans that we muslim, we denounce terrorism and we understand with the solidarity denouncing that -- >> that's not what your statement says at all. >> who is this guy, dr. jasser? >> he is a virulent anti-semite who talks about the 9/11 barberism being a false flag for a zionist operation. he's just a whack job. but at the end of the day, the silence of other americans muslim organizations and marginalizing him i this i speaks volumes. we need to lead the effort to see that the ideas of this guy are what radicalize our community into hating america rather than reforming our own community against political islam and groups like the brotherhood.
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>> if it wasn't for muslims who do love america telling us what's going on with the terrorists who are in america, we would not have made the progress we have today. if you talk to law enforcement, they will tell you that. >> absolutely. we are at the head of the spear. you can't fight radical islam without moderate muslims that believe in the american experiment. we have a coalition of groups that are against the brotherhood at the american islamic leadership coalition. that's the only way. we are one of the greatest assets for that fight. >> and it seems like a bunch of truthers who want to blame the jews for 9/11. >> talk about a bad boss, this guy accused of drugging one of his employee's drinks. plus the tables are turning more and more, dads staying home with their kid. but can they handle the job?
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♪ ♪ what makes your family smile? backflips and cartwheels. love, warmth. here, try this. backflips and camm, ok!s. ching! i like the fact that there's lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i'm very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching. it's a reality check. i had my reality check when i'd be sitting there with my friends who had their verizon phones and i'd be sitting there like "mine's still loading!" i couldn't get email. i couldn't stream movies. i couldn't upload any of our music. that's when i decided to switch. now that i'm on verizon, everything moves fast.
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with verizon, i have that reliability. i'm completely happy with verizon. verizon's 4g lte is the most reliable and in more places than any other 4g network. period. that's powerful. verizon. get the nokia lumia 928 for free.
5:23 am
female narrator: the mattress price wars are on the mattress price wars are on at sleep train. we challenged the manufacturers to offer even lower prices.
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now it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with big savings of up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing. plus, free same-day delivery, set-up, and removal of your old set. when brands compete, you save. mattress price wars are on now at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ this boss caught on camera drugging one of his employees. he was arrested after the florida bartender was hospitalized with amphetamines in her system. the manager has a prior conviction for stalking. >> and billionaire investor george soros is betting on the economy to fail here the u.s.? he bought a putt for more than a million units in the s&p 500. that means he expects those
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assets are going to lose value. but very valuable to us, tucker. >> rooting against george soros. >> a new reality show follows four fathers trying to survive the endless and i mean endless challenges of child rearing. >> you got to have swirly stuff on a princess cake, right? swirly stuff, right? swirly. >> one of my girl friends worked at a good cake shop and they do kids' cakes. i'll give you her number and you can say i sent threw. >> maybe you can give me your number, too, in case i have any questions. >> notice how he uses his baby as a prop in this encounter. >> is that a real name, that sounds like a made-up movie star name. >> it's a real name.
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i guess i was meant to be on tv at some point. >> tucker, you have four kids. >> i do have four kids. i swoop in from time to time to check on their progress. they're doing great thanks to her. how tough is it? >> it's tough. i'm a single dad so when i have me and my girl, it's just me and her and it all falls on me. >> why did you decide to put yourselves out there publicly? >> they offered us money. >> that's also why tuck are aer are here, too. >> it leads to an opportunity for more money and i was sold. >> the kid have to go to college, right? >> we wanted to show staying at home as a dad, i'm gone some of the month doing standup and i'm home the rest of the time. when i'm home, i'm momehome. we wanted to show that you could
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put your career second. to me dad is a verb. >> it's a full-time job. it's the hardest job i've ever had. i'm a photographer, i have a home studio but i'm the primary care giver. every day is different. i mean, every day is different. you want to make it through the end of the day. your kids have their limbs and they're okay. >> you do you do a limb check at the end of the day? >> limb check, hold 'em out. >> how have your male friends responded? >> that's why we're male friends so we don't have to listen to that -- >> i saw how you judged us when we came out. >> i don't judge at all. >> there's no judgment here. >> you have a new career. >> absolutely. >> what do the kids think about being filmed? >> ei'm like you guys are on a
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sign on broadway and they're look that's cool, daddy, can we watch little pony? >> and does your daughter get your actions from you? >> yes. >> how fun is it? it looks fun. >> it's a blast. >> the best part is we were all friends before. >> and now you're monetizing it. >> monetize the friendship, hey. >> i need to find three of my friends. >> these guys are the best support group i have. rick has twins, the two older boys. i call him all the time crying what do i do now, rick, what do i do? my son's 19 months old. so i'm still -- >> i am watching the show. >> he's a helicopter dad. >> i am the hoverer. >> nathan hall, rick lucas and stone slade. >> thank you for dropping by,
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guys. >> thank you. >> hillary clinton screaming at a congressman for daring to call the benghazi murders a terror attack when she knew that's exactly what it was. >> and she won a gold medal at last year's paralympics. now she's been banned because, get this, there's a slight chance me might walk again. but first here is tower of power with "maybe it will rub off." ♪ ♪ ? so then the little
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♪ maybe it will rub off ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] when your swapportunity comes, take it. ♪ what? what? what? [ female announcer ] yoplait. it is so good.
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what? what?
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the great outdoors... ...and a great deal. thanks to dad. (gasp) nope. aw! guys! grrrr let's leave the deals to (nice bear!) ooo! that one! nice! got it! oh my gosh this is so cool! awesome! perfect! yep, and no angry bears. the perfect place is on sale now. up to 30% off. only at the rnc summer meeting in full swing. delegates giving full thought to boycotting the debates if they air the plans of hillary clinton. just one of the many issues they
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were discussing all week long, molly. >> brian good morning. one of the big things to watch today is this vote, which could have an impact in the very near future on the debates. the rnc says the expectation today is that this committee will approve a ban on the cnn and nbc as far as the debates are concerned because they're planning to air these documentaries featuring hillary clinton. the vote would mean the rnc will not partner with those networks in the presidential primary debates in 2016 and they wouldn't sanction any of the primary debates either. they simply don't want news organizations tipping the scales in the election. >> any documentary is going to allow that candidate to get a better understanding with the voters, something that all candidates would probably want. i think it's important to make sure we don't then benefit a network that's allowing that to occur. >> this has certainly been a busy meeting.
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yesterday new jersey governor chris christie hosted a tough luncheon. he gave a little tough love to the party, arguing they should focus on winning. christie says he's aims to win and he's running for reelection in new jersey. >> governor christie evidently gave a big speech yesterday, a little controversial, very direct, taking on some possible opponents. talking about governor jindaly took on a little bit and took on rand paul. >> so his point is republicans should stop arguing with another one and he conveys that by arguing with other republicans. >> it kind of interesting. >> irony wrapped in a little -- >> but he took on a little charlie seen when he said it's about winning. >> as long as he doesn't start
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drinking tiger blood. >> christie is about the most art particular lat speaker i've seen in 20 years of politics. >> really? >> yes. regardless of what you think about what he says, he is a truly good speaker. >> he's passionate. >> it's quite clear he's going to run. i don't believe it until tucker confirms it. meanwhile, we had a guest on earlier while shannon was out showering -- >> i was doing my lip gloss, that's different. >> fine. >> we talked to a very distinguished congressman. >> he says he was in a meeting shortly after benghazi, i think two days after benghazi with the then secretary of state hillary clinton and a member present at the time, unnamed, described that attack as a terror attack and according to congressman kinzinger, hillary clinton just flipped out. listen. >> basically in a very loud, angry voice said it's
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irresponsible to even suggest in is a terror attack, this is a youb video and we need to be very careful of how we're saying this and basically chided this member of congress. i actually sat there in that meeting and believes the secretary of state believes this is a yub video because of how -- >> that's a congressman who is still active in the military. he took it personally. if could have been him in there. hillary clinton, now we know what she knew at the time but he's stunned she would act that way. >> it's interesting in hearing what's around the hill and she seemed to lose her temper a little bit there saying what difference does it make? she is a smart person. she's very politically savvy yet this is the one thing that seems to set her off. she loses a little bit of her
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emotion when this particular top being comes up. >> you can debate why benghazi happened, whether we ought to have troops able to rescue the troops who were in the end murdered. you can't debate they lied about the cause. this wasn't a youtube video, it was an orchestrated attack. >> 9/11 is coming up again. are we going to make any other adjustments? are we going to abandon all our bases? other stories making headlines? a little bit of sports. >> a new report says a-rod's inner circle ratted out other players in the doping scandal. it reportedly happened just days after a newspaper in miami published an article detailing a-rod's use of performance-enhancing drugs. >> both took their punishment and suspension. a-rod is fighting it out and
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playing it out and he might sue baseball if they decides he deserves the 211 games. >> go nats. the ntsb is hoping to get more information from the two black boxes recovered yesterday in the cargo plan crash. >> as you can imagine, these boxes are made not to be opened up, they're made to be -- withstand crash forces and heat. therefore it's a little difficult to get into them. we have to saw into them and cut into them and that takes some time. and there's software they have to use to download the data. >> the plane was going louisville, kentucky to birmingham. it went down trying to land on a shorter runway. the pilot and co-pilot both killed in the crash. >> and he won a gold medal in last year's paralympics. but this year the committee
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deemed her ineligible. she has been paralyzed for seven years but the committee ruled her condition is not permanent because there is a slim chance she could one day walk again. victoria joined us this morning. >> there's a chance anyone with a lot of rehab and different technologies coming out for spinal cord injuries. there is hope and i'm always looking for hope. basically what happened is i was penalized for having hope. >> victoria has provided pages and pages of medical records in an attempt to get this decision reversed. she said for now she has to accept it's up to the committee. >> and brand new video of two teen-agers hanging on the back of a tractor trailer while it's cruises down the highway. witnesses say the truck was going 45 miles per hour.
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the kid took off before they got busted. >> i know we're going to get a lot of e-mail about how bad it is and people shouldn't do it at home. on the other hand, those kid are really brave. it's obviously wrong to do that but we should give credit where it's due. these kids are not cowards. >> in the 20s, people use to hop on the back of the train. you call them hobos, i don't think it's appropriate. >> is hobos politically incorrect? >> they're upset. most have directv because they're watching. >> these kids i predict a bright future. >> if they survive. >> what is going on? you guys are talking about hobos and people in boston. we have people in boston over ear. do you guys do that in boston a
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lot? >> sure. >> get on the back of trucks? >> yeah. >> how are you guys doing? >> great. >> good to see pup enjoy the baseball games coming up this weekend. let's look at the weather conditions across the country. i want to take you to the gulf of mexico because we do have an area that we're watching. this is according to the national hurricane center, giving it a 54% chance of this system becoming a tropical cyclone or maybe even a depression. we have to keep an eye on this. regardless of whether it develops, we're expecting heavy rain in parts of florida, georgia and the carolinas. so a stretch of wet weather in store for you guys out there. 68 degrees in atlanta. very, very cool, a little unusual, especially for the month of august. 75 over in raleigh, north carolina and in san antonio, a hot one. it will feel very much like summer, 98 degrees for your high
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temperature. let head back in inside. >> you talk about bravery, tucker. how about that couple wearing red sox regalia in new york. that's the toughness tucker wants back in america. >> that's as dangerous as the kids on the back of the truck. >> >> coming up straight ahead, we've all seen the commercials global warming is killing off the polar bears. despite reports, they are actually thriving. just talk to one. pooches and puppies... we are tired of being fed on! we want k9 advantix ii! it not only kills fleas and ticks, k9 advantix ii also repels most
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rising temperatures are killing off polar bears. though they are on the endangered species list, the bears are actually thriving and having them on the list is costing jobs at a time when we need them. rob, welcome. tell us how the polar bears are doing. >> thank you for having me. the polar bears are thriving. 50 years ago there were only 5 tuesday -- 5,000 to 10,000 of this species. today there are 25,000. so there's no question that the bear is thriving. the real concern for us at the pacific legal foundation is these bears were listed based upon simply speculation. let me tell you how this happened. in essence through computer
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modelling, the federal government determined that this species would be losing its sea ice habitat and because of the loss of sea ice habitat, they felt it was necessary to put them on the threatened list. but even their own computer modelling, which is very questionable, indicated that within 40 to 50 years there would still be at least 20,000 of these species. there's no question the species is not endangered, it is thriving right now. >> you are taking this all the way to the supreme court. what's the amount of power the federal government has? >> under the efa, if a species is listed, all the -- the argument is co 2 emissions from industry is causing global warming. well, industry is basically energy, food producers, transportation, all those things and if you're going to to make
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that more expense of through regulation, all the rest of us are going to be impacted by that and jobs are going to lost because of that. by listing this species, it's a real problem. >> we will follow this case all the way to the supreme court. thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> up next, tower of power's big performance. first let's check in with martha with what's coming up at the top of the hour. >> coming up this morning, we have breaking news on the nsa story and the thousands of mistakes they made. they claim it's not what many are assuming it is but what is next in this story? and the muslim brotherhood calls for a friday of anger in egypt. the president says he do not condone this crackdown. so what is going to happen next there? bill and i will see you at the top of the hour. [ female announcer ] made just a little sweeter...
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5:53 am
welcome back to "fox & friends." we have a special treat for you. >> the all american concert series rages on with tower of power. and what are they going to be singing, tucker? >> "the eternal question, what is hip." >> let me ask you the question, what is hip? everybody put your hands together, come on. new york city! ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ what is hip, what is hip, i'd like to know ♪ ♪ what is hip, what is hip, i'd like to know ♪
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how special is the tower of power. did you enjoy yourself up there? >> i had a blast. even though it's early, i just had a blast. >> more on the after the show show. >> despite repeated claims the agency does not spy on americans, the report shows it does precisely that. not once, and not twice, but thousands of times a year. we're working to this story on a friday morning. welcome to "america's newsroom." martha: big one. bill: shocker. are you surprised? i'm thoroughly stunned. martha: you wonder what the next shoe to drop is. i'm martha maccallum. the nsa reportedly intercepted calls from americans on american soil. many times they say it was by accident. sometimes an area code was a


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