tv Cavuto on Business FOX News August 17, 2013 7:30am-8:01am PDT
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>> no wonder you're not married. >> any dead beat man who doesn't open a door for a woman and make her pay -- >> i pay so much alimony to my husband, i'm never having dinner again. "cavuto on business" up next. >> did harry reid let his party's real health care plan out of the bag? good morning. it looks like democrats go along with with the bad private health care in america. that's not me saying it, although i have often said it. more on me later, my favorite subject. now back to the senate majority leader and what he was saying when asked about whether he was actually working to scrap our present health care basis. >> we are far from having something that will work. >> eventually, you think we'll
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work beyond -- >> yes. >> did you hear that? good buy health insurance, hello government-run health care. don't say i didn't warn you. >> when i was covering the debate on the hill, this was ultimately the goal anyway. even though some democrats expressed disappointment that we didn't end getting a single payer system it was a trojan horse deal ultimately leading to that. >> enough about me. back to my panelists who want to congratulate me. by the way, they were also in on this themselves and their smarty pants in their own right, they saw a lot of this coming. take a look. >> ultimately, that's the game plan. to say single payer system. that's going to be a disaster. >> with the public plan, what it's going to do is increase costs for people who still have private insurance. >> all right. charles payne and daeguan mcdowell and charles. charles, you were saying the
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signals were there and now we're getting confirmation. >> now we're getting confirmation. it's going to be a painful confirmation process because ultimately when this happens we were talking about pushing out the private sector, talking about our worst nightmares with respect to this stuff. the prices are going to go up, the quality will go down, innovation will be thrown out the window. i don't -- when people dis the private sector, they need to understand where we are as a nation, where we've come from. it's because of the profit motivation, in my mind we're healthy than we ever are. people say, people live in longer. we're fat and happy. >> by the way, the word is calorically challenged. >> if you were a conspiracy theorist, you would believe obama care was written that way to be so unwieldy, to make it so you can't implement it, people will haith it so much that you end up going to a single payer system where a democrat like harry reid can point to medicare and say, hey, that's what we need.
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we need medicare for all. that's what you've heard from other democrats in congress. maybe that happens. but there's so many people fighting the idea of a single payer system. it flies in the face of everything we believe in. >> if you get fed up with your insurance premiums, who knows it better than back in your home state of florida, going up, in some cases doubling, you might run away from that private insurance happily, right? >> in the long run, single payer will kill. remember, the definition of single payer is they run the purse strings. they in and out the money. that's what people care about. these are the people that created $17 trillion in debt. medicare, medicaid, social security, and you said it most, there is no profit motive when government runs it. it's going to blow up. we know the health care bill. they've had to cancel things, postpone things. the price is double what it originally was. taxpayer, you're dead. >> you know, adam, i don't think anyone is ever that cleaver and
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devious but you could argue that you know having 30 million who are not insured, suddenly insured, those with preexisting conditions get insured. kids stay on your policy until they're 80 or whatever it is. i'm joking. it's 26. you know the math and know premiums go way up and know people would get annoyed by that and you would know that would push them into the very thing you wanted all along, wouldn't you? >> well, it's an interesting conspiracy theory, neil. i'll tweak it a little bit. i'll say, there was no secret that a large segment of the democratic party or some segment -- i shouldn't say large. i don't know how large, was in favor of a single payer plan. for good reason. charles made a very good point. it gets down to values and what you believe in. i'll offer you an example. we have a single payer military in this country. we decided really the government should pay for all of it because we want our country defended well. not sort of. not most people defended, but everybody defended.
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that's what people who favor a single payer health plan favor. everybody getting medical care in this country. but i don't think that the -- that harry reid tipped his hand. he tipped his hand a long time ago. >> number one, everybody already gets medical care in this country, you can go to a hospital and get that very thing. the thing people disagree with is the government making all of their health care decisions in assets where you wind up with a financially unstable, untenable health care system and then the government will end up having to ration care. there's no two ways about it. >> you make a good point, is that people can go to the hospital and get care. we're all agreed that that has worked terribly. that doesn't give people the sort of, you know, preventive care they need. it's extremely expensive. and i just want to say, as i've said many times, insurance equals rationing. all insurance companies, mine, yours, they all ration to an extent. they say, no, you can't get that procedure. yes, you can get this procedure.
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we'll only -- >> by the way, just one guy doing it. >> that's the way it works. >> one entity doing it. when it's just the government doing it, there goes choice. i'll leave aside the military health care analogy, branches of the military. they have a track record that seems to be fairly successful. the government on other matters, i don't know so much. gary, where are we going, polls showing most people don't like the direction we're going in, we up-ended the system where 90% of americans were happy to cover the 10% who now, even now, aren't eager to sign up for this. for what? >> i'll give you one number. where are we going? depends on 2014. the elections will be very important if the democrats get the house, they're going to be able to push this forward much quicker? >> you'll never the get this president to sign off on signing off -- >> right. but they can at least fight it in a way.
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i don't know what way but at least fight it. my problem is the dollars with this. i would not trust harry reid to run my kid's lemonade stand but yet we're entrusting these people -- >> actually, lemons, i might see the guy -- >> he would do a good job taxing it. >> this is a big part of the economy and all of a sudden they're going to run it, run it well, profitably and carefully? >> that's not a fair statement. he's a legislator. he's not an administrator. >> but he's overseeing the guys who will and implementing the programs -- >> and his buddies -- >> no more so than before. >> fair enough. i guess what i'm getting at, we have a monstrous system that's left the train system. democrats argue you can't bring that train back. we know the train is significantly delayed if not close to getting derailed. where is this going? >> to your point, the president's not going to probably do anything despite the fact there will be a big push to delay it, defund it. but i think -- >> so you think that effort is a waste of time? >> i don't think it's a waste of
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time but i don't think it will be successful initially. i think you have to keep the drums going. >> would you shut down the government -- would you attach that to -- >> continued resolution? >> yes. >> i would but i'm not running for re-election anywhere. >> would you? >> neither is the president. >> that's a tall order, isn't it, though? >> my thought, it would be very, very bad. >> one thing i wanted to point out, you want to see what our national health care system would look like if it was single payer? look at new york city. michael bloomberg is concerned about what we eat in this city, how large the sodas are, the calorie content, the like. it's because the city has a city-run hospital system. they are the -- they bear the burden of higher health care costs so they're trying to force and change behavior on the people of new york city for that very reason. so that -- it's just beginning of rationing. it's the kind of thing you will see in a much bigger scenario. >> i hope things change because they need to change.
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i hope smart people figure out businesses are not going to hire that next person because of the mandates on how many people are hired. >> all i know is things that have been delayed are the things that are going to pay for this. the things that have been front-loaded and are going on as usual are all the goodies. >> the things that have been delayed have all been for big businesses. insurance companies benefit, big businesses benefit, people that watch the show, they don't. they'll pay the penalty right out of the gate. that's just another red flag. >> that is digging a deeper financial dip. hope springs eternal. i love adam dearly. when we come back, why are we still throwing good money after bad? to make their money do more. (ann) to help me plan my next move, i take scottrade's free, in-branch seminars... plus, their live webinars. i use daily market commentary to improve my strategy.
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egypt is escalating. new video coming into our news room and it shows security forces storming a mosque in cairo. hundreds of muslim brotherhood supporters barricaded themselves inside. they stayed overnight. authorities having to fire tear gas and gunfire. backers of ousted president mohamed morsi have been battling in the streets of the country for days. the death toll approaching 1 sthou dead. there's also a massive search under way for survivors of a boat crash overseas. more than 200 people are missing after a ferry collided with a boat in the philippines. dozens reported deed. survivors say passengers were jumping from the ferry as it was sinking. i'm jamie colby. keep it right here on fox. back to "cavuto on business". you know the score, right, hundreds dead, thousands injured and we're still giving egypt money, a lot of money.
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even "the new york times" demand president obama stop sending military aid to cairo. the president postponed military exercises scheduled next month. >> i think it's time. this money is to buy influence. i don't think we have any influence anymore. even the last couple of days chuck hagel has been trying to call the general there -- >> the defense secretary. >> and wouldn't even take his calls. it's about time. it's not just egypt. we give a billion and half to pakistan, libya. we can keep some here, do it good for this country than give it to people that don't even like it. >> i can't believe i'm saying it, "the new york times" editorial said every time you give egypt money they think you're encouraging this behave. why don't we just stand back? >> if you do stand back does it encourage, embolden the muslim brotherhood even more? >> you have to decide, who is your friend?
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you're taking your bets on the military guys? >> if you cut off contact, pull out money from egypt, do you lose the channel -- >> i would risk losing contact with them. >> i mean, does it heighten the chance of a civil war potentially? >> why do i care? >> because you get this -- >> why am i paying and contributing to whatever the outcome is? i don't even know -- >> if egypt -- >> it's blown up. >> it could get worse. it could -- >> i wonder if the money we put in it, with all respect indeference to dagen, compounds the problem. we don't even know who we're giving money to. >> we've embolden a static situation. the king maker out there, they keep getting money from us. i think we pull away the punch bowl and they have to take action. they have to earn this money. they have to do the steps, make the performance, create a real democracy or something akin to it before we can keep giving
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them money. we played this game too long. the time is right. >> adam, all i know is that we've given money to mubarak and the military support before. then essentially the muslim brotherhood, briefly in power. now to the military kicking the brotherhood out. i don't know. i mean, to the world and to egyptians in particular, it's clear america's trying to hedge its bets and find friends with everyone. we have our flags burned and spit on. no one likes us. >> well, lets be clear. this is not about us being loved or supporting democracy in egypt. we would like both of those things but that's not what it's about. it's about supporting security and stability -- >> there's no stability. nothing's working. >> well, there is, though, neil tos extent our ally, wants a partner in egypt to work with and, for better or worse, largely for worse, it happens to be the egyptian military. >> i understand that.
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but i'll get back to what i got with dagen, then, who are you giving the money to? >> so far we've been giving it to the military. i think the keyword in that "new york times" editorial that i agree with is suspend. we should say, guess what, you're in the penalty box, no more money until we feel we can give it to you again. >> don't you think that people use that, adam, think about that. it's a point i want to raise with you, gary, what is america saying withhold the money until they do what? like the old days countries would say, unless you are for israel's right to exist, we're not going to give you a penny. one after another they said, okay, we'll let israel exist. we hate their guts. we'll let them exist. we don't mean it but that's a guarantee to get america's money. they play us like a fiddle and we play the tune. >> you give them money, they act nice for a couple weeks and then back doing the same thing. this is a big problem. have you to at least use it -- have you to threaten them to try doing the right thing. stop the military killing people.
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>> that would be the first proviso. you would say, stop killing. good beginning. >> good beginning. bigger point, where is this money going anyhow? who gets it? over so many decades, dictators take the money, they don't flourish it on the money, they build palaces and castles. >> when we talk about pulling the money out, though, you assume that that vacuum would be filled with greater diplomacy and greater leadership in this country. well, we haven't had that with the money, so why is that going to improve if the money -- >> if we don't give them money, we're not compounding it. i know, dagen, we can't buy anyone's love but i don't want to put a deposit on their hate. >> we get a lot of hate. >> where does this all go? >> i don't know because i'm having a hard time understanding the administration's policies -- >> any administration. >> i know. but i'm saying more recently -- >> a long history -- >> more recently, though, who are we -- you brought it up with
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gary. who are we backing? phil's like, okay, we're trying to be nice to everyone. >> my point is you can pull the money and that's an easy solution and it's certainly a viable political one at this point. but then what, is the sghe. >> i think the point, these countries know us and we get used. >> to dagen's point, you stop the money and then we're rolling the dice that, what? >> i don't know if you -- i think you stop it, use it as a threat and then you are rolling the dice. always have it out there. if you perform the way we're looking, in a better way, it will come back. >> accountability. cobbling together a real government that's real representative, that -- >> with all respect, and this sounds crass, i think it's like a huge solinndrum with guns, stop, stop. >> there's no shooting war between israel and egypt and immediate neighbors.
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according to the new study, parents think that they should give their kids the heave-ho five years after graduating from college. charles, what do you think? >> we are talking almost 30 years old. some of these kids are going to have kids. you know what i mean? you got to be kidding me. my son is 16. he will go to college soon. you can come back. two stipulation, come back and start a business or you need to settle down and look for a job i'm not coming in, you are watching music videos and tell me i e-mailed out 100 rez mace today. we're not going to play that game for five years, my man. anybody out there who thinks five years is a good period of time, you are not doing anybody a favor. >> neil: if he's watching fox business, fox news, that's okay. >> he is helping out. paying the bills indirectly. >> i'm bias. my son aaron graduated college, just left. he's in new york city. that's why i'm here. i miss him. he can stay for the rest of my life for all i care. >> you're weak. >> that's okay. a lot of people are going back
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because of necessity. there is a lack of jobs out there. >> neil: even if they work, jobs aren't that great. >> money issues. >> if the jobs aren't that great, they can still get one and still work. you pull yourself up by the bootstraps. if you want to live at home with your parents after you have been in college, something is wrong with the kids. i wanted to get the hell out as soon as i could. i was dying to get out of my parents' house. i was willing to do anything. >> neil: they might be watching. >> they know. they're glad i'm not there. my dad looked at me and said, "honey, i don't know anybody who can get you a job. have at it. go forth." >> neil: anybody who travels the world, go to italy or where a lot of the whole generations live with one another. you could argue it's the way of the world. that we're different here. what do you make of that? >> i'm biased. i moved out two weeks after graduation. i was proud of that.
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i don't want to judge the kids. they have debt and what not. >> neil: don't want to judge these kids. >> oh, please. >> full of compassion. >> let's judge. >> neil: lovely. i want to thank daigen. in the meantime, did any of you see when the markets were tumbling on thursday. one stock in particular was jumping. the reason why they tell why the market ain't over yet. ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good around ♪ ♪ turn around barry ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪
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that's when i found dr. scholl's pain relief orthotics. yep, i went pro. they reduce the impact on my lower body. p-r-o. i get pain relief from the ground up. so i feel less pain and more energized. it's that simple! i'm a believer. we're all believers! dr. scholl's pain relief orthotics-- pain relief that starts with your feet. i'm a believer. >> neil: call it a billionaire bump. apple and jc penney seeing one-day pop after millionaire investors said they were buying the stock. who is next? charles? >> sager looks fantastic. i would not be surprised if a billionaire thinks he can do run it better. >> microsoft, they are coming out with tablets that aren't selling. somebody will look at it as undervalued. >> neil: rich dude who thinks i can out due rich dudes who run it. adam? >> similar is intel. nowhere. very solid company but not growing.
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a billionaire could come and say here are ways to grow. give me the money back. >> neil: quickly, adam, as apple author. have you seen the movie on steve jobs? >> i did. i thought it was terrible. >> neil: there you go. adam is going to movie review reviews. david asman, "forbes on fox" next. >> david: remember these scary headlines -- "mandatory budget cuts are risky for the u.s. economy." a threat to jobs. on and on. maybe not. all the warnings that we heard about widespread furloughs, not really materializing. get this, the federal deficit is actually slinking. so is this proof it's time for even more cuts? maybe more sequesters? hi, everybody. i'm david asman. welcome to "forbes on fox." let's go in focus with the man himself, steve forbes, john candy, elizabeth mcdonald. e-mac, mor
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